Janet Belsky - Experiencing The Lifespan-Worth Publishers (2015)
Janet Belsky - Experiencing The Lifespan-Worth Publishers (2015)
Janet Belsky - Experiencing The Lifespan-Worth Publishers (2015)
the Lifespan
ππππππππππ π π
πππ π π π π π π π π π
π Experiencing ππ
the Lifespan ππ
Middle Tennessee State University
π π π
π π π π π π π π π π A Macmillan Education Imprint
π π
New York
A world-class intellectual and the world’s best possible husband
ISBN-13: 978-1-4641-7594-7
ISBN-10: 1-4641-7594-2
First printing
Worth Publishers
One New York Plaza
Suite 4500
New York, NY
πππππππππππ About the Author
orn in New York City, Janet Belsky
always wanted to be a writer but
was also very interested in people. After
receiving her undergraduate degree from
the University of Pennsylvania, she deferred
to her more practical and people-loving
side and got her Ph.D. in clinical
psychology at the University of Chicago.
Steven James
Preface xvii
PART VI Later Life ......................................................................... 387
Glossary G-1
References R-1
Preface xvii
Prenatal Development 39
First Two Weeks: The Germinal Stage 39
Week 3 to Week 8: The Embryonic Stage 40
Principles of Prenatal Development 40
Week 9 to Birth: The Fetal Stage 41
Pregnancy 42
Scanning the Trimesters 42
Pregnancy Is Not a Solo Act 44
What About Dads? 45
Threats to the Developing Baby 46
Threats from Outside: Teratogens 46
HOT IN DEVELOPMENTAL SCIENCE: What Is the Impact of Prenatal Stress? 50
Threats from Within: Chromosomal and Genetic Disorders 51
HOW DO WE KNOW . . . about the gene for Huntington’s disease? 54
Interventions 55
Infertility and New Reproductive Technologies 56
Birth 60
Stage 1: Dilation and Effacement 60
Stage 2: Birth 60
Stage 3: The Expulsion of the Placenta 60
Threats at Birth 61
Birth Options, Past and Present 61
The Newborn 63
Tools of Discovery: Testing Newborns 63
Threats to Development Just After Birth 64
A Few Final Thoughts on Biological Determinism and Biological Parents 66
x Contents
Cognition 93
Piaget’s Sensorimotor Stage 93
Critiquing Piaget 97
Tackling the Core of What Makes Us Human: Infant Social Cognition 98
Language: The Endpoint of Infancy 99
Nature, Nurture, and the Passion to Learn Language 99
Tracking Emerging Language 100
Sexuality 248
Exploring Sexual Desire 249
Who Is Having Intercourse? 250
Who Are Teens Having Intercourse With? 251
Double Standard? 252
Wrapping Up Sexuality: Contemporary Trends 253
INTERVENTIONS: Toward Teenager-Friendly Sex Education 253
The More Realistic View: Many Different Emotions; Wanting Life to Go On 454
In Search of a Good Death 455
HOT IN DEVELOPMENTAL SCIENCE: Evolving Ideas About Grieving 457
xvi Contents
I spent my thirties and forties writing textbooks on adult development and aging. I spent more
than 15 years writing and revising this book. I’ve spent almost 40 years (virtually all of my
adult life!) joyously teaching this course. My mission in this book is simple: to excite students
in our field.
Because I want to showcase the most cutting-edge research, in this edition of Experiencing
the Lifespan, you will find hundreds of citations dating just from 2013. I’ve added new sections
to every chapter, covering topics as varied as our scientific strides in epigenetics, to the personal
experience of providing hospice care. I’ve constructed dozens of new figures and tables, rewrit-
ten almost every sentence, and given this text a new social media–oriented thrust. But, readers
who have used Experiencing the Lifespan in the past will be comforted to know that this edition
has the same familiar structure and plan. It reflects my commitment to convey the beauty of our
science in the same compelling way. What exactly makes this book compelling? What makes
each chapter special? What makes this edition stand out?
xviii Preface
late-life frailty become crucial concerns mainly in the eighties and beyond.
Yes, this textbook does—for the most part—move through the lifespan stage
by stage. However, it’s targeted to highlight the aspects of development—
such as constructing an adult life in the twenties or physical disabilities in
the eighties—that become salient at particular times of life. I believe that
my textbook captures the best features of the chronological and topical
• Traces the evolution of the lifespan over the centuries and explores the classic developmen-
tal science theories that have shaped our understanding of life.
• Spells out the concepts, the perspectives, and the research strategies I will be exploring in
each chapter of the book.
What’s New?
• Introduces epigenetics and emerging research on environment-sensitive genes (to be dis-
cussed in subsequent chapters), and sets readers up for this edition’s focus on social media.
• Revises items in the Tying It All Together quizzes and updates figures to offer data on recent
demographic trends. (I’ve made similar changes to the quiz items and relevant figures
throughout the book.)
• Provides a new example to teach students about correlational and experimental research.
What’s New
• Focuses in depth on basic infant states such as eating, crying, and sleep.
What’s New?
• Discusses physical hurdles to breast-feeding and explores variations in developed-world
pressures for new mothers to nurse.
• Explores how visual pruning during the first year of life may smooth the path to racial
• Includes a new figure illustrating the early neural correlates of emerging language.
• Offers an honest, comprehensive look at day care in the United States and discusses early
childhood poverty.
• Highlights exuberant and shy toddler temperaments, explores research on the genetics of
temperament, and stresses the need to promote the right temperament–environment fit for
each child.
What’s New?
• Explores research suggesting plasticity genes may affect how vulnerable infants are to less-
than-optimal attachment environments, influence how much attachment can change, and
predict how young children adapt to day care. Bottom line: Our “genetics” may set us up
to either be more or less reactive to environmental events.
• Introduces the hormones oxytocin and cortisol and discusses the impact of urban and rural
poverty on later academic development.
What’s New?
• Explores new findings suggesting that complex fine-motor skills during early childhood
foreshadow later academic performance.
• Offers the latest statistics on child overweight, expands on obesity’s epigenetics, and focuses
directly on strategies to limit later obesity by changing the environment in utero and during
the first months of life.
• Highlights the challenge of emotion regulation, and focuses on internalizing and externali-
zing disorders.
What’s New?
• Includes a study showing that praising toddlers for effort enhances later academic self-
• Showcases findings that toddlers are naturally prosocial, and emphasizes how important it
is to allow young children to spontaneously share.
• Explores (in the discussion on play) whether pretend play is crucial to development.
• Revises the popularity discussion (accompanied by a new figure and table) by exploring
the impact of relational aggression in promoting high status during elementary school and
discussing how children’s social goals in fifth grade relate to preteen popularity.
• This final childhood chapter shifts from the process of development to the major settings for
development—home and school—and tackles important controversies in the field, such as
the influence of parents versus peers versus genetics in shaping development and the pros
and cons of intelligence testing.
Imagine how you would feel if
this terrifying, anonymous threat
appeared on your screen, and
• Offers extensive discussions of ethnic variations in parenting styles and describes the latest
you will immediately understand research on how to stimulate intrinsic motivation.
why cyberbullying is more
distressing than bullying of the • Showcases schools that beat the odds and targets the core qualities involved in effective
face-to-face kind. teaching.
Preface xxiii
What’s New?
• Expands on the discussion of cultural differences in parenting styles.
• Revises sections on child maltreatment and, especially, divorce; the latter includes an intro-
duction to the concept of parental alienation and more material on custody issues and their
impact on the child (this discussion features a new summary table and figure).
• Describes a newer edition of the WISC and updates the standard IQ diagnostic labels to
reflect the new DSM-5 terminology.
• Presents the Common Core State Standards for education in a new concluding section.
• Provides up-to-date coverage of teenage body image issues, eating disorders, and
emerging sexuality.
• Spells out the forces that enable adolescents to thrive and explains what society can do
(and also may not be doing!) to promote optimal development in teens.
What’s New?
• Showcases new fMRI research exploring preteens’ social sensitivities and impulsiveness.
• Offers a more thorough treatment of nonsuicidal self-injury, explores recent studies tracking
adolescent child–parent separation, and pinpoints the issues that are most problematic for
teens and parents in different world regions.
xxiv Preface
• Offers extensive coverage of diversity issues during this life stage, such as forming an ethnic
and biracial identity, interracial dating, and issues related to coming out gay.
• Gives students tips for succeeding in college and spells out career issues for non-college
emerging adults.
• Introduces career-relevant topics, such as the concept of “flow,” and provides extensive cove-
rage of the research relating to selecting a mate and adult attachment styles.
• Focuses on current social policy issues such as the impact socioeconomic status makes on
attending and completing college, and discusses “nest residing,” given that so many twenty-
somethings now live at home.
What’s New?
• Includes an expanded leaving-the-nest discussion, focused more specifically on variations
in different European nations.
• Updates the section on identity styles, and introduces a new term, ruminative moratorium.
• Presents a completely rewritten “Finding Love” section that features a variety of new topics such
as on-line dating, the tendency for young people to put off having romantic relationships until
later in their twenties, and how Facebook is changing contemporary love relationships. This
section also features a new table entitled “Everything (or Some Interesting Things) You Wanted
to Know About Cyberspace Love Relationships,” in addition to updating the research on same-
sex relationships and offering a more nuanced look at the qualities we look for in a mate.
• Provides an extensive discussion of the research relating to how to have happy, enduring
relationships, the challenges of parenting, and women’s and men’s work and family roles.
• Looks at marriage, parenthood, and work in their cultural and historical contexts.
What’s New?
• Includes a rewritten demographics of marriage discussion that explores marriage in India and
Iran, current cohabitation trends in the United States, varying attitudes toward cohabitation,
and having babies outside of marriage, in different nations (accompanied by two new figures).
• Offers a new section (“Marriage the Second or Third or ‘X’ Time Around”) that discusses
Having the flexibility to work remarriage, as well as generally updating the research on what makes for happy marriages.
at home is definitely a double-
edged sword. Not only are you • Includes a revised parenthood section and features a new summary table entitled
tempted to work on assignments
when you should be paying
“Research Forces that Erode the Quality of the Day-to-Day Motherhood Experience.”
attention to your child, but you
are probably working far longer • Includes a new section in the Work discussion, entitled “A Final Status Report on Men,
hours than if you had gone to the Women, and Work” (accompanied by a figure tracking parental leave in Sweden for
office. women and men). This section also introduces the concept of career as a calling.
Preface xxv
• Anchors the research on adult intellectual change (the fluid and crystallized distinctions)
to lifespan changes in creativity and careers.
What’s New?
• Tracks the lifespan impact of conscientiousness in a new Hot in Developmental Science
• Provides (in the section on Personality) additional data suggesting we get happier into later
life and that adult stress can sometimes promote emotional growth. (To make these points,
I’ve included several new figures as well as a new research summary table.)
• Introduces the concept of allostatic load (in the discussion on intelligence), and explores
how this global index of physical functioning predicts midlife intellectual change.
• Includes a study of on-line relationships between grandparents and grandchildren, and elabo-
rates on the forces that make for closeness or more distance in this core family relationship.
• Features a new section that specifically discusses research demonstrating that sex continues
to be highly fulfilling in old age.
• Helps decode our contradictory stereotypes about later-life emotional states, the core qualities
that make for a happy or unsatisfying old age, and offers a section on “aging optimally.”
• Discusses salient social issues such as age discrimination in hiring and intergenerational equity.
• Looks at later life developmentally by tracing changes from the young-old to the old-old years.
What’s New?
Ronnie Kaufman/Getty Images
• Provides an enhanced discussion of old-age perceptions and includes a new key term, ageism.
• Explores new neuroscience research on late-life memory and offers evidence that evoking
age stereotypes impairs older people’s laboratory performance on memory tests.
• Includes a new term, age paradox (in the section on Personality), and showcases research
revealing that happiness is high well into later life. Although his main goal is to
greet this woman in a warm,
• Includes a new Hot in Developmental Science feature exploring current retirement personal way, in order to
remember his new friend’s name,
realities in the United States (and other developed nations).
this elderly man might want to
step back and use the mnemonic
• Offers a rewritten widowhood section showcasing the latest research on spousal mourning, strategy of forming a mental im-
and highlights the importance, specifically, of friends in determining how well older age, thinking, “I’ll remember it’s
women cope with this life event. Mrs. Silver because of her hair.”
xxvi Preface
• Explores alternatives to institutionalization and provides a full description of nursing home care.
• Strives to provide a realistic, honest, and yet action-oriented and uplifting portrait of the
physical frailties of advanced old age.
What’s New?
• Includes a new head (Can we live to 1,000?) that summarizes the biological life-extension
research and offers reasons why extending our human maximum lifespan, in the near
future, is an unrealistic dream.
• Updates sections on vision and hearing, and also provides new data on
late-life falling and driving (the latter in a new Hot in Developmental
Science feature).
The huge domed ceilings are awe-inspiring, but • Revises the diagnostic labels for serious aging pathologies such as
combined with bare floors and the clatter of Alzheimer’s disease and neurocognitive disorder (dementia) to conform with
commuters they make New York City’s Grand Central DSM-5, as well as exploring the latest findings relating to these conditions.
Station an acoustic nightmare. However, thanks
to the miracle of the hearing loop, people can now • Discussion in the section on options for the frail elderly section includes
bypass that background noise via loudspeaker train
research on “social issues” related to moving to continuing care.
announcements beamed directly to their hearing aids.
• Includes updates in the nursing home discussion.
• Discusses the pros and cons of the hospice movement, with its focus on dying at home.
• Offers a look at the pros and cons of different types of advance directives and explores con-
troversial topics such as physician-assisted suicide.
What’s New?
• Includes a new Hot in Developmental Science feature devoted to mourning, accompanied
by a table summarizing the research on children’s bereavement, and introduces new key
terms, complex bereavement-related disorder and prolonged grief.
• Includes a new section devoted to the concerns caregivers face in providing home hospice
care. (In this edition, I also discuss my experience caring for my husband in hospice—in a
new Experiencing the Lifespan interview.)
Preface xxvii
• Offers data on how euthanasia attitudes vary in different European nations, how older people
feel about physician-assisted suicide, and generally updates the findings on advance directives.
Final Thoughts
This wrap-up section summarizes my new four top-pick research trends since the previous
edition of Experiencing the Lifespan.
A comprehensive Web resource for teaching and learning, Worth Publishers’ online course
space offers:
• Prebuilt units for each chapter, curated by experienced educators, with relevant media
organized and ready to be assigned or customized to suit your course
• One location for all online resources, including an interactive e-Book, LearningCurve’s
adaptive quizzing (see below), videos, activities, and more
The LearningCurve quizzing system reflects the latest find-
ings from learning and memory research. LearningCurve’s
adaptive and formative quizzing provides an effective way to
get students involved in the coursework. It combines:
Lecture Slides
There are two slide sets for each chapter of Experiencing the Lifespan (one featuring a full
chapter lecture, the other featuring all chapter art and illustrations).
• LearningCurve: Formative Quizzing Engine. Developed by a team of psychology instruc-
tors with extensive backgrounds in course design and online education, LearningCurve
combines adaptive question selection, personalized study plans, and state-of-the-art ques-
tion analysis reports. LearningCurve is based on the simple yet powerful concept of testing-
to-learn, with gamelike quizzing activities that keep students engaged in the material while
helping them learn key concepts. A team of dedicated instructors have worked closely
to develop more than 3,000 quizzing questions developed specifically for this edition of
Experiencing the Lifespan.
• Downloadable Diploma Computerized Test Bank (for Windows and Macintosh). This
Test Bank offers an easy-to-use test-generation system that guides you through the process
of creating tests. The Diploma software allows you to add an unlimited number of ques-
tions, edit questions, format a test, scramble questions, and include pictures, equations, or
Preface xxix
multimedia links. The Diploma software will also allow you to export into a variety of for-
mats that are compatible with many Internet-based testing products. For more information
on Diploma, visit: www.brownstone.net/publishers/products/dip6.asp.
Course Management
Worth Publishers supports multiple Course Management Systems with enhanced cartridges
for upload into Blackboard, Desire2Learn, Sakai, Canvas, and Moodle. Cartridges are pro-
vided free upon adoption of Experiencing the Lifespan and can be downloaded from Worth’s
online catalog at www.macmillanhighered.com. Deep integration is also available between
LaunchPad products and Blackboard, Brightspace by D2L, and Canvas. These deep integra-
tions offer educators single sign-on and gradebook sync now with autorefresh.
Heather Adams, Ball State University Sabrina Brinson, Missouri State University Antonio Cutolo-Ring, Kansas City (KS)
Community College
Daisuke Akiba, Queens College Adam Brown, St. Bonaventure University
Ken Damstrom, Valley Forge Christian
Cecilia Alvarez, San Antonio College Kimberly D. Brown, Ball State University
Andrea S. Anastasiou, Mary Baldwin Donna Browning, Mississippi State
Leslie Daniels, Florida State College at
College University
Emilie Aubert, Marquette University Janine Buckner, Seton Hall University
Nancy Darling, Bard College
Pamela Auburn, University of Houston Ted Bulling, Nebraska Wesleyan University
Paul Dawson, Weber State University
Holly Bunje, University of Minnesota, Twin
Janet B. Dean, Asbury University
Tracy Babcock, Montana State University Cities
Lynda DeDee, University of Wisconsin,
Harriet Bachner, Northeastern State Melinda Burgess, Southwestern Oklahoma
University State University
David C. Devonis, Graceland University
Carol Bailey, Rochester Community and Barbara Burns, University of Louisville
Technical College Charles Dickel, Creighton University
Marilyn Burns, Modesto Junior College
Thomas Bailey, University of Baltimore Darryl Dietrich, College of St. Scholastica
Joni Caldwell, Spalding University
Shelly Ball, Western Kentucky University Stephanie Ding, Del Mar College
Norma Caltagirone, Hillsborough Commu-
Mary Ballard, Appalachian State University nity College, Ybor City Lugenia Dixon, Bainbridge College
Lacy Barnes-Mileham, Reedley College Lanthan Camblin, University of Cincinnati Benjamin Dobrin, Virginia Wesleyan College
Kay Bartosz, Eastern Kentucky University Debb Campbell, College of Sequoias Delores Doench, Southwestern Community
Laura Barwegen, Wheaton College Lee H. Campbell, Edison Community
College Melanie Domenech Rodriguez, Utah
Jonathan Bates, Hunter College, CUNY
State University
Robin Campbell, Brevard Community
Don Beach, Tarleton State University
College Sundi Donovan, Liberty University
Lori Beasley, University of Central
Kathryn A. Canter, Penn State Fayette Lana Dryden, Sir Sanford Fleming College
Peter Carson, South Florida Community Gwenden Dueker, Grand Valley State
Martha-Ann Bell, Virginia Tech
College University
Daniel Bellack, Trident Technical College
Michael Casey, College of Wooster Bryan Duke, University of Central Oklahoma
Jennifer Bellingtier, University of Northern
Kimberly Chapman, Blue River Community Trisha M. Dunkel, Loyola University,
College Chicago
Karen Bendersky, Georgia College and
Tom Chiaromonte, Fullerton College Robin Eliason, Piedmont Virginia Commu-
State University
nity College
Yiling Chow, North Island College, Port
Keisha Bentley, University of La Verne
Albernia Traci Elliot, Alvin Community College
Robert Billingham, Indiana University
Toni Christopherson, California State Frank Ellis, University of Maine, Augusta
Kathi J. Bivens, Asheville-Buncombe University, Dominguez Hills
Kelley Eltzroth, Mid Michigan Community
Technical Community College
Wanda Clark, South Plains College College
Jim Blonsky, University of Tulsa
Judy Collmer, Cedar Valley College Marya Endriga, California State University,
Cheryl Bluestone, Queensborough Commu- Stanislaus
David Conner, Truman State University
nity College, CUNY
Lena Ericksen, Western Washington
Deborah Conway, University of Virginia
Greg Bonanno, Teachers College, Columbia University
University Diana Cooper, Purdue University
Kathryn Fagan, California Baptist University
Aviva Bower, College of St. Rose Ellen Cotter, Georgia Southwestern State
Daniel Fasko, Bowling Green State University
Marlys Bratteli, North Dakota State
Nancy Feehan, University of San Francisco
University Deborah M. Cox, Madisonville Community
College Meredyth C. Fellows, West Chester
Bonnie Breitmayer, University of Illinois,
University of Pennsylvania
Chicago Kim B. Cragin, Snow College
Gary Felt, City University of New York
Jennifer Brennom, Kirkwood Community Charles P. Cummings, Asheville-Buncombe
College Technical Community College Martha Fewell, Barat College
Tom Brian, University of Tulsa Karen Curran, Mt. San Antonio College Mark A. Fine, University of Missouri
Preface xxxi
Roseanne L. Flores, Hunter College, CUNY Margaret Hellie Huyck, Illinois Institute Jeff Kellogg, Marian College
of Technology
John Foley, Hagerstown Community College Colleen Kennedy, Roosevelt University
Janice L. Hendrix, Missouri State University
James Foster, George Fox University Sarah Kern, The College of New Jersey
Gertrude Henry, Hampton University
Geri Fox, University of Illinois, Chicago Marcia Killien, University of Washington
Rod Hetzel, Baylor University
Thomas Francigetto, Northampton Kenyon Knapp, Troy State University
Community College Heather Hill, University of Texas, San
Cynthia Koenig, Mt. St. Mary’s College of
James Francis, San Jacinto College Maryland
Elaine Hogan, University of North
Doug Friedrich, University of West Florida Steve Kohn, Valdosta State University
Carolina, Wilmington
Lynn Garrioch, Colby-Sawyer College Holly Krogh, Mississippi University for Women
Judith Holland, Hawaii Pacific University
Bill Garris, Cumberland College Debra Hollister, Valencia Community College Martha Kuehn, Central Lakes College
Caroline Gee, Palomar College Heather Holmes-Lonergan, Metropolitan Alvin Kuest, Great Lakes Christian College
C. Ray Gentry, Lenoir-Rhyne College State College of Denver Rich Lanthier, George Washington University
Carol George, Mills College Rosemary Hornak, Meredith College Peggy Lauria, Central Connecticut State
Suzy Horton, Mesa Community College University
Elizabeth Gersten, Victor Valley College
Rebecca Hoss, College of Saint Mary Melisa Layne, Danville Community College
Linde Getahun, Bethel University
Cynthia Hudley, University of California, John LeChapitaine, University of
Afshin Gharib, California State University,
Santa Barbara Wisconsin, River Falls
East Bay
Alycia Hund, Illinois State University Barbara Lehmann, Augsburg College
Nada Glick, Yeshiva University
David P. Hurford, Pittsburgh State University Rhinehart Lintonen, Gateway Technical
Andrea Goldstein, Kaplan University
Arthur Gonchar, University of La Verne Elaine Ironsmith, East Carolina University
Nancy Lobb, Alvin Community College
Helen Gore-Laird, University of Houston, Jessica Jablonski, Richard Stockton College
Martha V. Low, Winston-Salem State
University Park Sabra Jacobs, Big Sandy Community and University
Tyhesha N. Goss, University of Pennsylvania Technical College
Carol Ludders, University of St. Francis
Dan Grangaard, Austin Community David Johnson, John Brown University
Dunja Lund Trunk, Bloomfield College
College, Rio Grande Emilie Johnson, Lindenwood University
Vickie Luttrell, Drury University
Julie Graul, St. Louis Community College, Mary Johnson, Loras College
Florissant Valley Nina Lyon Jenkins, University of Maryland,
Mike Johnson, Hawaii Pacific University Eastern Shore
Elizabeth Gray, North Park University
Peggy Jordan, Oklahoma City Community Christine Malecki, Northern Illinois
Stefanie Gray Greiner, Mississippi Univer- College University
sity for Women
Lisa Judd, Western Wisconsin Technical Marlowe Manger, Stanly Community College
Erinn L. Green, Wilmington College College
Pamela Manners, Troy State University
Dale D. Grubb, Baldwin-Wallace College Tracy R. Juliao, University of Michigan Flint
Kathy Manuel, Bossier Parish Community
Laura Gruntmeir, Redlands Community Elaine Justice, Old Dominion University College
Steve Kaatz, Bethel University Howard Markowitz, Hawaii Pacific
Lisa Hager, Spring Hill College
Jyotsna M. Kalavar, Penn State New University
Michael Hall, Iowa Western Community Kensington Jayne D. B. Marsh, University of Southern
Chi-Ming Kam, City College of New York, Maine, Lewiston-Auburn College
Andre Halliburton, Prairie State College CUNY Esther Martin, California State University,
Laura Hanish, Arizona State University Richard Kandus, Mt. San Jacinto College Dominguez Hills
Robert Hansson, University of Tulsa Skip Keith, Delaware Technical and Jan Mast, Miami Dade College, North
Community College Campus
Richard Harland, West Texas A&M
University Michelle L. Kelley, Old Dominion University Pan Maxson, Duke University
Gregory Harris, Polk Community College Richie Kelley, Baptist Bible College and Nancy Mazurek, Long Beach City College
Virginia Harvey, University of Massa- Christine McCormick, Eastern Illinois
chusetts, Boston Robert Kelley, Mira Costa College University
xxxii Preface
Jim McDonald, California State University, Heidi Pasek, Montana State University Dawn Ella Rust, Stephen F. Austin State
Fresno University
Margaret Patton, University of North
Clark McKinney, Southwest Tennessee Carolina, Charlotte Tara Saathoff-Wells, Central Michigan
Community College University
Julie Hicks Patrick, West Virginia
George Meyer, Suffolk County Community University Traci Sachteleben, Southwestern Illinois
College College
Evelyn Payne, Albany State University
Barbara J. Miller, Pasadena City College Douglas Sauber, Arcadia University
Ian E. Payton, Bethune-Cookman University
Christy Miller, Coker College Chris Saxild, Wisconsin Indianhead
Carole Penner-Faje, Molloy College
Technical College
Mary Beth Miller, Fresno City College
Michelle L. Pilati, Rio Hondo College
Barbara Schaudt, California State
Al Montgomery, Our Lady of Holy Cross
Meril Posy, Touro College, Brooklyn University, Bakersfield
Shannon M. Pruden, Temple University Daniela E. Schreier, Chicago School of
Robin Montvilo, Rhode Island College
Ellery Pullman, Briarcrest Bible College Professional Psychology
Peggy Moody, St. Louis Community
College Samuel Putnam, Bowdoin College Pamela Schuetze, SUNY College at Buffalo
Michelle Moriarty, Johnson County Jeanne Quarles, Oregon Coast Community Donna Seagle, Chattanooga State
Community College College Technical Community College
Wendy Bianchini Morrison, Montana Mark Rafter, College of the Canyons Bonnie Seegmiller, Hunter College, CUNY
State University-Bozeman Chris Seifert, Montana State University
Cynthia Rand-Johnson, Albany State
Ken Mumm, University of Nebraska, Kearney University Marianne Shablousky, Community College
Joyce Munsch, Texas Tech University Janet Rangel, Palo Alto College of Allegheny County
Jeannette Murphey, Meridian Community Jean Raniseski, Alvin Community College Susan Shapiro, Indiana University, East
College Elliot Sharpe, Maryville University
Frances Raphael-Howell, Montgomery
Lori Myers, Louisiana Tech University College Lawrence Shelton, University of Vermont
Lana Nenide, University of Wisconsin, Celinda Reese, Oklahoma State University Shamani Shikwambi, University of Northern
Madison Iowa
Ethan Remmel, Western Washington
Margaret Nettles, Alliant University University Denise Simonsen, Fort Lewis College
Gregory Newton, Diablo Valley College Paul Rhoads, Williams Baptist College Penny Skemp, Mira Costa College
Barbara Nicoll, University of La Verne Kerri A. Riggs, Lourdes College Peggy Skinner, South Plains College
Nancy Nolan, Nashville State Community Mark Rittman, Cuyahoga Community Barbara Smith, Westminster College
College College
Valerie Smith, Collin County Community
Harriett Nordstrom, University of Jeanne Rivers, Finger Lakes Community College
Michigan, Flint College
Edward Sofranko, University of Rio Grande
Wendy North-Ollendorf, Northwestern Wendy Robertson, Western Michigan
Connecticut Community College University Joan Spiegel, West Los Angeles College
Elizabeth O’Connor, St. Mary’s College Richard Robins, University of California, Jason S. Spiegelman, Community College
Davis of Baltimore County
Susan O’Donnell, George Fox University
Millie Roqueta, Miami Dade College Carolyn I. Spies, Bloomfield College
Jane Ogden, East Texas Baptist University
June Rosenberg, Lyndon State College Scott Stein, Southern Vermont College
Shirley Ogletree, Texas State University
Christopher Rosnick, University of South Stephanie Stein, Central Washington
Claudius Oni, South Piedmont Community
Florida University
Trisha Rossi, Adelphi University Sheila Steiner, Jamestown College
Randall E. Osborne, Texas State University,
San Marcos Rodger Rossman, College of the Albemarle Jacqueline Stewart, Seminole State College
John Otey, Southern Arkansas University Lisa Routh, Pikes Peak Community College Robert Stewart, Jr., Oakland University
Carol Ott, University of Wisconsin, Stephanie Rowley, University of Michigan, Cynthia Suarez, Wofford College
Milwaukee Ann Arbor
Joshua Susskind, University of Northern
Patti Owen-Smith, Oxford College Randall Russac, University of North Florida Iowa
Preface xxxiii
Josephine Swalloway, Curry College Mary Vandendorpe, Lewis University Nancy A. Wilson, Haywood Community
Emily Sweitzer, California University of Janice Vidic, University of Rio Grande
Pennsylvania Steffen Wilson, Eastern Kentucky
Steven Voss, Moberly Area Community
Chuck Talor, Valdosta State University College
Bernadette Wise, Iowa Lakes Community
Jamie Tanner, South Georgia College William Walkup, Southwest Baptist
Norma Tedder, Edison Community College University
Steve Wisecarver, Lord Fairfax Community
George Thatcher, Texas Tech University Anne Weiher, Metropolitan State College
of Denver
Shannon Thomas, Wallace Community Alex Wiseman, University of Tulsa
College Robert Weis, University of Wisconsin, Stevens
Point Rebecca Witt Stoffel, West Liberty State
Donna Thompson, Midland College College
Lori Werdenschlag, Lyndon State College
Vicki Tinsley, Brescia University Nanci Woods, Austin Peay State University
Noel Wescombe, Whitworth College
Eugene Tootle, Barry University Chrysalis L. Wright, University of Central
Andrea White, Ithaca College
David Tracer, University of Colorado, Florida
Denver Meade Whorton, Louisiana Delta Commu-
Stephanie Wright, Georgetown University
nity College
Stephen Truhon, Austin Peay Centre, Fort
David Yarbrough, Texas State University
Campbell Wanda A. Willard, Monroe Community
College Nikki Yonts, Lyon College
Dana Van Abbema, St. Mary’s College of
Maryland Joylynne Wills, Howard University Ling-Yi Zhou, University of St. Francis
Chapter 1–The People and the Field introduces all the major concepts and
themes in this course. In this chapter, I’ll describe our discipline’s basic termi-
nology, provide a bird’s-eye view of the evolving lifespan, offer a framework for
how to think about world cultures, and highlight some new twenty-first-century
life stages. Most important, in this chapter you will learn about the themes,
theories, and research strategies that have shaped our field. Bottom line:
Chapter 1 gives you the tools you will need for understanding this book.
tiny clump of cells, and get insights into the experience of pregnancy from the
point of view of mothers and fathers. This chapter describes pregnancy rituals
in different cultures, discusses the impact of prenatal issues such as stress and
infertility, and offers an in-depth look at the miracle of birth.
Dear Students,
Who We Are and What
Petrol/Westen61/Getty Images; PhotoAlto/Anne-Sophie Bost/Getty Images; © Corbis RF/Age Fotostock; Ryan McVay/Photodisc/Getty Images; PNC/Digital Vision/Getty Images; Rick Gomez/Radius Images/Getty Images;
n development! Th
and grandparents, is course is about
friends and colleag your parents
Setting the Context or expect to have. ues, the children
If you plan to work yo u have
The Impact of Cohort elderly, this course with children, adul
will give you a good ts, or the
The Impact of Socioeconomic Most important, th foundation for your
is course is all abou career.
Status semester, starting t your own evolving
with the first minut life. This
The Impact of Culture and motion picture of es in the womb, I’l
development in th l provide a
Ethnicity e flesh.
As we travel throug
The Impact of Gender h the lifespan, I ur
wider world. While ge you to look outw
reading the infanc ard to the
baby. In the chapte y sections, visit a re
Theories: Lenses for Looking at rs on childhood an lative with a
boys and girls at sc d adolescence, pa
the Lifespan hool, spend an afte y attention to
preteens at the mal rn oon with a 4-year-o
Behaviorism l. Then, interview ld, watch
a middle-aged rela a twenty-something
Psychoanalytic Theory tive. Talk to a 65-y friend or
80-year-old coping ear-old about to re
with the physical tire or an
Attachment Theory pose of this class is challenges of old
to widen your horiz ag e. The pur-
Evolutionary Psychology each stage of life in ons, to enable you
a more empathic to look at
Behavioral Genetics way.
How can you fully
enjoy the scenery
HOW DO WE KNOW . . . still get a great grad on this semester-lon
e in this course? Fo g trip and
That Our Nature Affects Our ing happens when llow the principle
Upbringing? we are emotionally th at learn-
make it personal; engaged: Make it
see the concepts co re le vant;
Nature and Nurture Combine: help you, I’ve begu me alive in the wo
Where We Are Today n each chapter wi rld. To
the vignette. I’ve co th a fictional life sto
nstructed it to aler ry. Enjoy
HOT IN DEVELOPMENTAL themes. Look at ea t you to some maj
ch photo and char or chapter
SCIENCE: Environment-Sensitive end summary tabl t. Concentrate on
Genes and Epigenetically es. Complete the the section-
other checklists. I’v Ty ing It All Together
Programmed Pathways e planned these ha quizzes and
self-underst anding nds-on activities to
Emphasis on Age-Linked , plus help you effo enrich your
goal in writing this rtlessly learn the m
Theories book is simple: I wa aterial. My
the marvelous hum nt you to share my
The Developmental Systems an lifespan and to passion for
want to prove that think more deeply
Perspective textbooks can be sc ab out life. I
holarly and a joy to
Now that you know read!
Research Methods: The Tools my main agendas
scholarly ones late (st ay tuned for mor
r), let’s get started. e about the
of the Trade basic themes in th In this chapter I’ll
e course. Let’s begi introduce the
Two Standard Research will be meeting in n by introducing th
the introductory vi e people you
Strategies gnettes.
Designs for Studying
Critiquing the Research
Emerging Research Trends
Some Concluding Introductory
The People and the Field
Susan is having a party to celebrate Carl’s wonderful life. Losing her husband was
tough, but Susan takes comfort in the fact that during their 50-plus-year-long mar-
riage, she and her husband amassed so many friends—people of every age, ethnicity,
and social group. After Carl’s death, everyone flooded Susan’s Facebook page with
expressions of love. But, being from a different era, Susan craves having her friends
physically close, to hug and reminisce about Carl.
First to arrive on Saturday were Maria and baby Josiah, whom Susan and Carl met on a
cross-country trip to Las Vegas five years ago. Then, Mathew and Jamila, the lovely couple
who were on last year’s Alaskan cruise, knocked on the door. For Susan, bonding with her
new 40-something friends on that 10-day trip through the Glaciers offered a lesson in how
the world has changed. Susan and Carl married at age 21—at a time when middle-class
women often stopped working after getting married, and gender roles were clearly defined.
Jamila waited until she got her career in order at age 35 to get married, met Matt on-line, and
even selected a husband of a different race. How, despite juggling step-kids and full-time
jobs, have Matt and Jamila mastered the secret of staying in love for more than 10 years?
Finally, Kim, her husband Jeff, and baby Elissa drove up. Although Susan was
devastated when this close neighborhood couple moved across the country 9 months
ago, she has been thrilled to witness Elissa’s transformations through the miracles
of Skype. Now, it’s time to (finally) envelope that precious 1-year-old in her arms and
hear, in person, about everyone else’s lives!
As they sit down to dinner, Kim reports that since Elissa began walking, she
doesn’t slow down for a minute. Actually, it’s kind of depressing. Elissa used to go to
Susan with a smile. Now, all she wants is Mom. The transformation in Josiah is even
more astonishing. Now that he is 8, that precious child can talk to you like an adult!
Over the next hour, the talk turns to deeper issues: Kim shares her anxieties about
putting Elissa in day care. Matt talks about the trials and joys of step-fatherhood. Maria
opens up about the challenges of being a single parent, an immigrant, and ethnic
minority in the United States. Jamila informs the group that she wants to make a differ-
ence. She is returning to school for a Ph.D. But can she make it academically at age 53?
Susan tells the group not to worry. The sixties and early seventies (until Carl’s massive
stroke) were the happiest time of their lives. Now, with her slowness, her progressing vision
problems, and especially that frightening fall she took at Kroger’s last week, the future
looks bleaker. Susan knows that life is precious. She treasures every moment she has left.
But the eighties won’t be like the seventies. What will happen when she really gets old?
s Susan right that the sixties and early seventies are make children at age 8, such as Josiah, seem so grown
life’s happiest stage? If you met Susan at age 30 or up? How has the social media revolution affected how
50, would she be the same upbeat person as today? we relate?
Are Jamila’s worries about her mental abilities realistic, Developmentalists, also called developmental
and what are some secrets for staying passionately in love scientists—researchers who study the lifespan—are
with your spouse? Why do 1-year-olds such as Elissa get about to answer these questions and hundreds of others
clingy just as they begin walking, and what mental leaps about our unfolding life.
4 PART I The Foundation
Researchers and
practitioners whose
Who We Are and What We Study
professional interest lies Lifespan development, the scientific study of human growth throughout life, is
in the study of the human a latecomer to psychology. Its roots lie in child development, the study of child-
lifespan. hood and the teenage years. Child development traces its origins back more than a
lifespan development century. In 1877, Charles Darwin published an article based on notes he had made
The scientific study of about his baby during the first years of life. In the 1890s, a pioneering psychologist
development through life. named G. Stanley Hall established the first institute in the United States devoted to
child development The research on the child. Child development began to take off between World Wars I
scientific study of and II (Lerner, 1998). It remains the passion of thousands of developmental scientists
development from birth
through adolescence. working in every corner of the globe.
Gerontology, the scientific study of aging—the other core discipline in lifespan
gerontology The scientific
study of the aging process development—had a slower start. Researchers began to really study the aging process
and older adults. only after World War II (Birren & Birren, 1990). Gerontology and its related field,
adult development The adult development, underwent their phenomenal growth spurt during the final third
scientific study of the adult of the twentieth century.
part of life. Lifespan development puts it all together. It synthesizes what researchers know
normative transitions about our unfolding life. Who works in this huge mega-discipline, and what passions
Predictable life changes that drive developmentalists?
occur during development.
• Lifespan development is multidisciplinary. It draws on fields as different as neu-
non-normative transitions
Unpredictable or atypical life roscience, nursing, psychology, and social policy to understand human develop-
changes that occur during ment. A biologically oriented developmentalist might examine toddlers’ output of
development. salivary cortisol (a stress hormone) when they arrive at day care. An anthropologist
might look at cultural values shaping the day-care choice. A social policy expert
might explore the impact of offering universal government-funded day care in
Finland and France. A biochemist who studies Alzheimer’s disease might decode
what produces the plaques and tangles that ravage the brain. A nurse might head
an innovative Alzheimer’s unit. A research-oriented psychologist might construct a
scale to measure the impairments produced by this devastating disease.
• Lifespan development explores the predictable milestones on
our human journey, from walking to working, to Elissa’s sudden
shyness and attachment to her mother. Are people right to worry
about their learning abilities in their fifties? What is physical
aging, or puberty, or menopause all about? Are there specific
emotions we feel as we approach that final universal milestone,
Colin Cuthbert/Science Source
• Lifespan development focuses on the individual differences that
give spice to human life. Can we really see the person we will be at
age 73, by age 50, or 30? How much does personality or intelligence
change as we travel through life? Developmentalists want to under-
This researcher is among the stand what causes the striking differences between people in temper-
thousands of developmental ament, talents, and traits. They are interested in exploring individual differences in the
scientists whose mission is timing of developmental milestones, too; examining, for instance, why people reach
to decode the causes of that
later life scourge, Alzheimer’s
puberty earlier or later or age more quickly or slowly than their peers.
disease. • Lifespan development explores the impact of life transitions and practices. It
deals with normative, or predictable, transitions, such as retirement, becoming
parents, or beginning middle school. It focuses on non-normative, or atypical,
transitions, such as divorce, the death of a child, or how declines in the economy
affect how we approach the world. It explores life practices, such as smoking,
spanking, or sleeping in the same bed with your child.
Developmentalists realize that life transitions that we consider normative, such
as retiring or starting middle school, are products of living in a particular time in
CHAPTER 1 The People and the Field 5
© Leonid Plotkin/Alamy
Cohort refers to our birth group, the age group with whom we travel
through life. In the vignette, you can immediately see the heavy role our
cohort plays in influencing adult life. Susan reached adult life in 1960,
when women married in their early twenties and typically stayed married
for life. Jamila came of age during the final decade of the twentieth century,
when women began to feel they needed to get their careers together before Our cultural background affects
every aspect of development.
finding a mate. As an interracial couple, Matt and Jamila are taking a life path unusual So, culturally oriented develop-
even for today! Because they are in their late forties, this couple is at an interesting mentalists might study how this
cutting point. They are traveling through life after that huge bulge in the population coming-of-age ritual expresses
called the baby boom. this society’s messages about
adult life.
The baby boom cohort, defined as people born from 1946 to 1964, has made
a huge impact on the Western world as it moves through society. The reason lies in
size. When soldiers returned from World War II and got married, the average family
size ballooned to almost four children. When this huge group was growing up during
the 1950s, families were traditional, with the two-parent, stay-at-home-mother family
being our national ideal. Then, as rebellious adolescents during the 1960s and 1970s,
the baby boomers helped usher in a radical transformation in these attitudes and roles
(more about this lifestyle revolution soon). Society, as we know, is now experiencing
an old-age explosion as the baby boom cohort floods into later life.
The cohorts living in the early twenty-first century are part of an endless march
of cohorts stretching back thousands of years. Let’s now take a brief historical tour to
get a sense of the dramatic changes in childhood, old age, and adulthood during just
the past few centuries, and pinpoint what our lifespan looks like today.
The incredible childhood mortality rates, plus poverty, may have partly explained
why child-rearing practices that we would label as abusive used to be routine. Chil-
dren were often beaten and, at their parents’ whim, might be abandoned at birth
(Konner, 2010; Pinker, 2011). In the early 1800s in Paris, about one in five newborns
was “exposed”—placed in the doorways of churches, or simply left outside to die. In
cities such as St. Petersburg, Russia, the statistic might have been as high as one in
two (Ariès, 1962; Hrdy, 1999).
In addition, for most of history, people did not have our feeling that childhood
is a special life stage (Ariès, 1962; Mintz, 2004). Children, as you saw above, began
to work at a young age. During the early industrial revolution, poor
boys and girls made up more than a third of the labor force in British
mills (Mintz, 2004).
In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, enlightenment phi-
losophers such as John Locke and Jean Jacques Rousseau spelled out a
sion, National Child Labor Committee Collection
Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Divi-
The twentieth-century life expectancy revolution may be the most important twentieth-century life
milestone in human history. The most dramatic increases in longevity occurred expectancy revolution The
dramatic increase in average
about 100 years ago, when public health improvements and medical advances, such life expectancy that occurred
as antibiotics, wiped out deaths from many infectious diseases. Since these illnesses, during the first half of the
such as diphtheria, killed both the young and old, their conquest allowed us to live twentieth century in the
past midlife. In the last 50 years, our progress has been slower because the illnesses we developed world.
now die from, called chronic diseases—such as heart disease, cancer, and stroke—are maximum lifespan The
tied to the aging process itself. biological limit of human life
(about 105 years).
As you can see in Figure 1.1, the outcome is that today, life expectancies have
zoomed into the upper seventies in North America, Western Europe, New Zealand, young-old People in their
sixties and seventies.
Israel, and Japan. A baby born in affluent parts of the world, especially if that child
is female, now has a good chance of making it close to our maximum lifespan, the old-old People in their late
seventies and older.
biological limit of human life (about age 105).
This extension of the lifespan has changed how we think about every life stage.
It has moved grandparenthood, once a sign of being “old,” down into middle age. If
you become a grandparent in your forties, expect to be called grandma or grandpa
for half of your life! Women can start new careers in their early fifties, given that U.S.
females at that age can expect to live on average for roughly 32 more years (U.S.
Census Bureau, 2012). Most important, we have moved the beginning of old age
beyond age 65.
Today, people in their sixties and even early seventies are often active and relatively
healthy. But in our eighties, our chance of being disabled by disease increases dramati-
cally. Because of this, developmentalists make a distinction between two groups of older
adults. The young-old, defined as people in their sixties and early seventies, often look
and feel middle-aged. They reject the idea that they are old
(Lachman, 2004). The old-old, people in their late seven-
ties and beyond, seem in a different class. Since they are Japan
more likely to have physical and mental disabilities, they Israel
are more prone to fit the stereotype of the frail, dependent Spain
older adult. In sum, Susan in the vignette was right: Today New Zealand
the eighties are a different stage of life!
United States
Changing Conceptions of Adult Life
If health-care strides during the early twentieth century
Afghanistan Female
allowed us to survive to old age, during the last third of Male
the twentieth century, a revolution in lifestyles changed South Africa
the way we live our adult lives. This transformation, in the 0 20 40 60 80 100
West, which has now spread around the globe, began when
the baby boomers entered their teenage years. figure 1.1: Average life
The 1960s “Decade of Protest” included the civil rights and women’s move- expectancy of men and
women in some selected
ments, the sexual revolution, and the “counterculture” movement that emphasized nations, 2013: Notice the gap
liberation in every area of life (Bengtson, 1989). People could have sex without being in life expectancy between
married. Women could fulfill themselves in a career. We encouraged husbands to the developed and developing
share the housework and child care equally with their wives. Divorce became an worlds. Notice also the astonish-
ingly high life expectancy for
acceptable alternative to living in an unfulfilling marriage. To have a baby, women women in Spain, New Zealand,
no longer needed to be married at all. Israel, and Japan. Women today
Today, with women making up more than half the U.S. labor force, only a can expect to live close to the
minority of couples fit the traditional 1950s roles of breadwinner husband and maximum lifespan in these
developed countries. (As of
homemaker wife (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2014). With roughly one out 2007, the United States ranked
of two U.S. marriages ending in divorce, we can no longer be confident of staying forty-ninth globally in average
together for life. While divorce rates are now declining, the Western trend toward life expectancy.)
having children without being married continues to rise. As of 2013, almost 48 per- Data from: http://www.worldlifeex-
pectancy.com/ retrieved September 3,
cent of U.S. babies were born to single moms (Hymowitz and others, 2013). 2014.
8 PART I The Foundation
Julia, . . . a Sophomore at a . . . public high school turns texting into a kind of polling.
After Julia sends out a text, she is uncomfortable until she gets one back: “I’m always
looking for a text that says, “Oh I’m sorry” or “Oh that’s great.” Without this feedback,
she says, “It’s hard to calm down.” Julia describes how painful it is to text about her feel-
ings and get no response: “If . . . they don’t answer me . . . I’ll text them again “are you
mad? . . . Is everything Ok?”
(adapted from Turkle, 2011, p. 175)
How many of you feel the urge to check Facebook or your cell phone as you are
reading these lines? Perhaps, like Sandra, you have followers on Twitter or keep a
T I M E LI N E Selected Twentieth-Century Milestones and the Progress of the Huge Baby Boom
1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030
major societal Life Expectancy Takes Off Lifestyle Revolution
change Deaths shift from infectious Women’s movement/rise in divorce and single
to chronic diseases parenthood/more lifestyle freedom
baby boom Born Teenagers Young-
Young- Old-
cohort oldold old
CHAPTER 1 The People and the Field 9
personal blog, or can relate to Julia’s anxiety when you text and don’t get an
immediate response.
Cell phones and texting instituted what one expert (Van Dijck, 2013) has
labeled our twenty-first century “culture of connectivity,” by tethering us to our
significant others every moment of the day. Then that early-twentieth-century
advance in technology, called Web 2.0, accelerated this revolution, by allowing
us to interact 24/7 with strangers around the globe (Van Dijck, 2013). In particu-
lar, Web 2.0 fostered the development of social networking sites, such as Face-
book, that permit us to broadcast every feeling to an expanding array of “friends.”
How has Facebook transformed romantic relationships? Does bullying on-
line differ from real-life bullying, and can texting (or sexting) reveal our inner
lives? Stay tuned for subsequent chapters when I showcase studies delving into
the impact of the on-line revolution on how we relate.
Are boys more aggressive than girls? When we see male/female differences in
caregiving, career interests, and childhood play styles, are these differences mainly
due to the environment (societal pressures or the way we are brought up) or to inborn,
biological forces? Throughout this book, I’ll examine these questions as we explore
the scientific truth of our gender stereotypes and spell out other fascinating facts about
sex differences. To introduce this conversation, you might want to take the “Is It Males
or Females?” quiz in Table 1.1. Keep a copy. As we travel through the lifespan, you
can check the accuracy of your ideas.
Now that you understand that our lifespan is a continuing work in progress that
varies across cultures and historical times, let’s get to the science. After you complete
this section’s Tying It All Together review quiz below, I will introduce the main theo-
ries, research methods, concepts, and scientific terms in this book.
1. Imagine you were born in the eighteenth century. Which statement would be least
true of your life?
a. You would have a good chance of dying during childhood.
b. You might be severely beaten by your parents.
c. You would start working right after high school.
d. You would not have an adolescence.
2. Rosa is 80. Ramona is 65. In a sentence, describe the major statistical difference
between these two women, and then label each person’s life stage.
3. Carlos was in his twenties during the 1980s; his grandfather reached adulthood in 1945. In
comparing their lives, plug in the statistically correct items: Carlos was more/less likely to
have divorced; Carlos entered the workforce at an older/younger age and got married later/
earlier than his grandfather. Carlos had more/fewer years of education than his grandfather.
4. Pablo says, “I would never think of leaving my parents or living far from my brothers
and sisters. A person must take care of his extended family before satisfying his own
needs.” Peter says, “My primary commitment is to my wife and children. A person
needs, above all, to make an independent life.” Pablo has a(n) ________ worldview,
while Peter’s worldview is more ________.
5. List and (possibly discuss with the class) the merits and downsides of Facebook.
Answers to the Tying It All Together questions can be found at the end of this chapter.
12 PART I The Foundation
© UpperCut Images/Alamy
variable schedule emerge. At Walmart, even though you vow, “I
won’t give in to bad behavior!” as your toddler’s tantrums escalate,
you cave in, simply to avoid other shoppers’ disapproving stares
(“What an out-of-control mother and bratty kid!”). Unfortunately,
your child has learned, “If I keep whining, eventually I’ll get what
I want.” Imagine wheeling this whining
Reinforcement (and its opposite process, extinction) is a powerful force for both toddler through your Walmart
good and bad. It explains why, if a child starts out succeeding early in elementary grocery aisle. Wouldn’t you
be tempted to reinforce this
school (being reinforced by receiving A’s), he is apt to study more. If a kindergartner unpleasant behavior by silencing
begins failing socially (does not get positive reinforcement from her peers), she is at the child with an enticing object
risk for becoming incredibly shy or highly aggressive in third or fourth grade (see on the shelf?
Chapter 6). If you were not being reinforced by people, wouldn’t you withdraw or act
in socially inappropriate ways?
Behaviorism makes sense of why, after starting out loving, marriages can end in
divorce. As newlyweds, couples are continually reinforcing each other with expres-
sions of love. Then, over time, husbands and wives tend to ignore the good parts of
their partner and pay attention when there is something wrong.
The theory even offers an optimistic environmental explanation for the physical
and mental impairments of old age. If you were in a nursing home and weren’t being
reinforced for remembering or walking, wouldn’t your memory or physical abilities
decline? The key to producing well-behaved children, enduring, loving marriages,
and fewer old-age disabilities is simple. According to traditional behaviorists, we need
to reinforce the right things.
However, things are not that simple. Human beings do think and reason. People
do not need to be personally reinforced to learn.
self-efficacy According to Self-efficacy refers to our belief in our competence, our sense that we can be
cognitive behaviorism, successful at a given task. According to Bandura (1989, 1992, 1997), efficacy feelings
an internal belief in our
competence that predicts
determine the goals we set. They predict which activities we engage in as we travel
whether we initiate activities through life. When self-efficacy is low, we decide not to tackle that difficult math
or persist in the face of problem. We choose not to ask a beautiful stranger for a date. When self-efficacy
failures, and predicts the is high, we not only take action, but also continue to act long after the traditional
goals we set.
behavioral approach suggests that extinction should occur.
Let’s imagine that your goal is to be a nurse, but you get an F on your first
test in this course. If your academic self-efficacy is low, you might conclude:
“I’m basically not smart.” You might not put forth any effort on the next exam.
You might even drop out of school. But if you have high self-efficacy, you will
think: “I just need to work harder. I can do it. I’m going to get a good grade
in this class!”
How do children develop low or high self-efficacy? Can efficacy feelings predict
success decades later in life? What role does self-efficacy play in happiness at any
age? These are the kinds of questions we will explore in examining efficacy feelings
throughout life.
By now, you may be impressed with behaviorism’s simple, action-oriented
concepts. Be consistent. Don’t reinforce negative behavior. Reinforce positive
things (from traditional behaviorism). Draw on the principles of modeling and
stimulate efficacy feelings to help children and adults succeed (from cognitive
Still, many developmentalists, even people who believe that nurture
(or the environment) is important, find behaviorism unsatisfying. Aren’t we
This man is clearly upbeat and more than just efficacy feelings or reinforced responses? Isn’t there a basic core
ebullient. In Chapter 13, you to personality, and aren’t the lessons we learn in childhood vital in shaping
will learn what health benefits adult life? Notice that behaviorism doesn’t address that core question: What
result from having his efficacious really motivates us as people? To address these gaps, developmental scientists,
sense of purpose in life.
particularly in the past, turned to the insights of that world-class genius, Sig-
mund Freud.
id desires in realistic ways. Finally, a structure called the superego—the moral arm of attachment theory Theory
our personality—exists in opposition to the id’s desires. formulated by John Bowlby
centering on the crucial
According to Freud and his followers, if our parents are excellent caregivers, we importance to our species’
will develop a strong ego, which sets us up to master the challenges of life. If they survival of being closely
are insensitive or their caregiving is impaired, our behavior will be id driven, and our connected with a caregiver
lives will be out of control. The purpose of his therapy, called psychoanalysis, was during early childhood
and being attached to a
to enable his patients to become aware of the repressed early childhood experiences significant other during all
causing their symptoms and liberate them from the tyranny of the unconscious to of life.
live rational, productive lives. (As Freud famously put it, where id there was, ego
there will be.)
In sum, according to Freud: (1) Human beings are basically irrational; (2) life-
long mental health depends on our parents’ caregiving during early life; and (3) self-
understanding is the key to living a fulfilling adult life.
By now many of you might be on a similar page as Freud. Where you are
apt to part serious company with the theory relates to Freud’s stages of sexual-
ity. Freud argued that sexual feelings (which he called libido) are the motiva-
tion driving human life, and he put forth the shocking idea—especially in that
time—that babies are sexual human beings. As the infant develops, he argued,
sexual feelings are centered on specific areas of the body called erogenous zones.
During the first year of life, the erogenous zone is the mouth (the famous oral
stage). Around age 2, with toilet training, sexual feelings center on elimination
(the anal stage). Finally, around ages 3 and 4, sexual feelings shift to the genitals
(the phallic stage). During this time, the child develops sexual fantasies relating
to the parent of the opposite sex (the Oedipus complex), and the same-sex parent
becomes a rival. Then, sexuality is repressed, the child identifies with that parent,
the superego is formed, and we enter latency—an asexual stage that lasts through
elementary school.
Partly because his sexual stages seem so foreign to our thinking, we tend
to reject psychoanalytic theory as outdated—an artifact of a distant era. A
deeper look suggests we might be wrong. Like Freud, contemporary devel-
opmentalists believe that self-understanding—being able to reflect on and
regulate our emotions—is the defining quality of being mature. Like Freud,
developmental scientists are passionate to trace the roots of lifelong develop-
ment to what happens in our earliest months and years of life. As you read
through this book, perhaps you will agree with me, that—despite its different
terminology and approaches—our field owes a great philosophical debt to
Freud. Moreover, psychoanalytic theory gave birth to that important modern
perspective called attachment theory.
evolutionary psychology theory to understand everything from adult love relationships to our concerns as we
Theory or worldview approach death? Stay tuned for answers as we explore this influential theory through-
highlighting the role that
inborn, species-specific out this book.
behaviors play in human Why did Bowlby’s ideas eclipse psychoanalytic theory? A main reason was
development and life. that Bowlby agreed with a late-twentieth-century shift in the way developmen-
behavioral genetics Field talists understood human motivations. Yes, Bowlby did believe in the power of
devoted to scientifically caregiving (nurture), but he firmly anchored his theory in nature (genetics).
determining the role that Bowlby (1969, 1973, 1980) argued that the attachment response is genetically
hereditary forces play in
determining individual programmed into our species to promote survival. Bowlby was an early evolution-
differences in behavior. ary psychologist.
twin study Behavioral genetic
research strategy, designed Evolutionary Psychology: Theorizing About the
to determine the genetic
contribution of a given trait, “Nature” of Human Similarities
that involves comparing Evolutionary psychologists are the mirror image of behaviorists. They look to nature,
identical twins with fraternal
twins (or with other people). or inborn biological forces that have evolved to promote survival, to explain how we
behave. Why do pregnant women develop morning sickness just as the fetal organs
are being formed, and why do newborns prefer to look at attractive faces rather than
ugly ones? (That’s actually true!) According to evolutionary psychologists, these reac-
tions cannot be changed by modifying the reinforcers. They are based in the human
genetic code that we all share.
Evolutionary psychology lacks the practical, action-oriented approach of behav-
iorism, although it does alert us to the fact that we need to pay close attention to basic
human needs. Still, as we look at how far flung topics—from the timing of puberty
(Chapter 8), to the purpose of grandparents (Chapter 12)—are being viewed through
an evolutionary psychology lens, you will realize just how influential this “look to the
human genome” perspective has become in our field. What first convinced develop-
mentalists that genetics is important in determining the person we become? A simple
set of research techniques.
In twin studies, researchers typically compare identical (monozygotic) twins and adoption study Behavioral
fraternal (dizygotic) twins on the trait they are interested in (playing the oboe, obesity, genetic research strategy,
designed to determine the
and so on). Identical twins develop from the same fertilized egg (it splits soon after genetic contribution to a
the one-cell stage) and are genetic clones. Fraternal twins, like any brother or sister, given trait, that involves
develop from separate conceptions and so, on average, share 50 percent of their genes. comparing adopted children
The idea is that if a given trait is highly influenced by genetics, identical twins should with their biological and
adoptive parents.
be much more alike in that quality than fraternal twins. Specifically, behavioral
geneticists use a statistic called heritability (which ranges from 1 = totally genetic, to twin/adoption study
Behavioral genetic research
0 = no genetic contribution) to summarize the extent to which a given behavior is strategy that involves
shaped by genetic forces. comparing the similarities of
For instance, to conduct a twin study to determine the heritability of friendliness, identical twin pairs adopted
you would select a large group of identical and fraternal twins. You would give both into different families,
to determine the genetic
sets of twins tests measuring outgoing attitudes, and then compare the strength of contribution to a given trait.
the relationships you found for each twin group. Let’s say the identical twins’ scores
were incredibly similar—almost like the same person taking the tests twice—and
the fraternal twins’ test scores varied a great deal from one another. Your heritability
statistic would be high, and you could conclude: “Friendliness is a mainly genetically
determined trait.”
In adoption studies, researchers compare adopted children with their biologi-
cal and adoptive parents. Here, too, they evaluate the impact of heredity on a trait
by looking at how closely these children resemble their birth parents (with whom
they share only genes) and their adoptive parents (with whom they share only
Twin studies of children growing up in the same family and adoption stud-
ies are fairly easy to carry out. The most powerful evidence for genetics comes
from the rare twin/adoption studies, in which identical twins are separated in
childhood and reunited in adult life. If Joe and James, who have exactly the same
DNA, have similar abilities, traits, and personalities, even though they grow up in
different families, this would be strong evidence that genetics plays a crucial role
in who we are.
Consider, for instance, the Swedish Twin/Adoption Study of Aging. Researchers
combed national registries to find identical and fraternal twins adopted into different
families in that country—where birth records of every adoptee are kept. Then they
reunited these children in late middle age and gave the twins a battery of tests (Finkel
& Pedersen, 2004; Kato & Pedersen, 2005).
While specific qualities varied in their heritabilities, you might be surprised to
know that the most genetically determined quality was IQ (Pedersen, 1996). In fact,
if one twin took the standard intelligence test, statistically speaking we could predict
that the other twin would have an almost identical IQ despite living apart for almost
an entire lifetime!
Behavioral genetic studies such as these have opened our eyes to the role of
nature in shaping who we are (Turkheimer, 2004). Our tendencies to be religious,
vote for conservative Republicans (Bouchard and others, 2004), drink to excess
(Agrawal & Lynskey, 2008), or get divorced—qualities we thought must be due to
how our parents raised us—are all somewhat shaped by genetic forces (Plomin and
others, 2003).
These studies have given us tantalizing insights into nurture too. It’s tempting to
assume that children growing up in the same family share the same nurture, or envi-
ronment. But as you can see in the How Do We Know research box on page 18, that
assumption is wrong. We inhabit different life spaces than our brothers and sisters,
even when we eat at the same dinner table and share the same room—environments
that are influenced by our genes (Rowe, 2003).
18 PART I The Foundation
The bottom line is that there is no such thing as nature or nurture. To understand
human development, scientists need to explore how nature and nurture combine.
Developmentalists understand that nature and nurture are not independent entities.
Our genetic tendencies shape our wider-world experiences in two ways.
Evocative forces refer to the fact that our inborn talents and temperamental
tendencies evoke, or produce, certain responses from the world. A joyous child
elicits smiles from everyone. A child who is temperamentally irritable, hard to
handle, or has trouble sitting still is unfortunately set up to get the kind of harsh
Because this musically talented
parenting she least needs to succeed. Human relationships are bidirectional. Just as
girl is choosing to spend hours you get grumpy when with a grumpy person, fight with your difficult neighbor, or
playing the piano, she is likely shy away from your colleague who is paralyzingly shy, who we are as people causes
to become even more talented other people to react to us in specific ways, driving our development for the good
as she gets older, illustrating the
fact that we actively shape our
and the bad.
environment to fit our genetic Active forces refer to the fact that we actively select our environments based
tendencies and talents. on our genetic tendencies. A child who is talented at reading gravitates toward
CHAPTER 1 The People and the Field 19
devouring books and so becomes a better reader over time. His brother, who is well person–environment fit
coordinated, may play baseball three hours a day and become a star athlete in his The extent to which
the environment is
teenage years. Because we choose activities to fit our biologically based interests tailored to our biological
and skills, what start out as minor differences between people in early childhood tendencies and talents. In
snowball—ultimately producing huge gaps in talents and traits. The high herita- developmental science,
bilities for IQ in the Swedish Twin/Adoption Study are lower in similar behavioral fostering this fit between our
talents and the wider world
genetic studies conducted during childhood (Plomin & Spinath, 2004). The reason is an important goal.
is that, like heat-seeking missiles, our nature causes us to gravitate toward specific
life experiences, so we literally become more like ourselves genetically as we travel
into adult life (Scarr, 1997).
epigenetics Research field Epigenetics refers to the study of how our environment—often, but not exclusively,
exploring how early life intrauterine and early childhood experiences—alters the outer cover of our DNA,
events alter the outer cover
of our DNA, producing
causing effects that last throughout life. Can obesity, our tendency to develop
lifelong changes in health gender atypical behavior, or even our predisposition to die at a younger age be partly
and behavior. programmed by events in the womb? Stay tuned for fascinating epigenetic hints in
Erikson’s psychosocial tasks the chapters to come.
In Erik Erikson’s theory, each
challenge that we face as
we travel through the eight Emphasis on Age-Linked Theories
stages of the lifespan.
Now that I’ve highlighted this book’s basic nature combines with nurture message,
it’s time to explore the ideas of two psychologists who view human development as
occurring in defined stages. Let’s start with Erik Erikson.
(1963) saw becoming an independent self and relating to others as our basic motiva-
tions (which explains why Erikson’s theory is called psychosocial to distinguish it from
Freud’s psychosexual stages). Erikson, however, is often labeled the father of lifespan
development because, unlike Freud, he believed development occurs throughout
life. He spelled out unique challenges we face at each life stage.
You can see these psychosocial tasks, or challenges, listed in Table 1.2. Each task,
Erikson argued, builds on another because we cannot master the issue of a later stage
unless we have accomplished the developmental milestones of the previous ones.
Notice how parents take incredible joy in satisfying their baby’s needs and you
will understand why Erikson believed that basic trust (the belief that the human
As you will learn in Chapter 8, world is caring) is our fundamental life task in the first year of life. Erikson’s second
due to an epigenetic process, psychosocial task, autonomy, makes sense of the infamous “no stage” and “terrible
this female fraternal twin fetus twos.” It tells us that we need to celebrate this not-so-pleasant toddler behavior as the
may be more insulated from
developing an eating disorder by
blossoming of a separate self! Think back to elementary school, and you may real-
being exposed to the circulating ize why Erikson used the term industry, or learning to work—at friendships, sports,
testosterone her brother’s body academics—as our challenge from age 6 to 12. Erikson’s adolescent task, the search
is giving off. for identity, has now become a household word.
How have developmentalists expanded on Erikson’s ideas about identity? Is Erik-
son right that nurturing the next generation, or generativity, is the key to a fulfilling
adult life? These are just two questions I’ll be addressing as we draw on Erikson’s
theory to help us think more deeply about the challenges we face at each life stage.
Erikson offered a general emotional roadmap for our developing lives. But—in
brilliance and transformational thinking—there is only one human development
rival to Freud: Jean Piaget.
Ted Streshinsky/The LIFE Images Collection/Getty Images
(intelligent) way of perceiving the world! Like a newborn who assimilates every
new object to her small sucking schema, or a neuroscientist who incorporates each
new finding into her huge knowledge-base, while assimilating each object or fact to
what we already know, we must accommodate, and so—inch by inch—cognitively
Piaget was a great advocate of hands-on experiences. He felt that we learn by act-
ing in the world. Rather than using an adult-centered framework, he had the revolu-
tionary idea that we need to understand how children experience life from their point
of view. As we explore the science of lifespan development, I hope you will adopt this
hands-on, person-centered perspective to understand the human experience from the
perspective of 1-year-olds to people aged 101.
By now, you may be overwhelmed by theories and terms. But take heart. You have
the basic concepts you need for understanding this semester well in hand! Now, let’s
conclude by exploring a worldview that says, “Let’s embrace all of these influences
on development and explore how they interact.” (For a summary of the theories, see
Table 1.4.)
School System
Family Classroom
Religious Peer
Class Group
al i
i ti
figure 1.3: Bronfenbrenner’s ecological model: This set of imbedded circles spells out the
multiple forces that Bronfenbrenner believed shape development. First and foremost, there are the
places that form the core of the child’s daily life: family, church, peers, classroom (orange). What is
the child’s family, school, and religious life like? Who are his friends? How does the child interact
with his siblings, his parents, his teacher, and his peers? Although its influence is more indirect,
development also depends on the broader milieu—the media, the school system, the community
where the boy or girl lives (see blue circle). At the most macro—or broadest—level, we also need
to consider that child’s culture, the prevailing economic and social conditions of his society (green
circle), and, his cohort or the time in history in which he lives. Bottom line: Human behavior
depends on multiple complex forces!
In the same way that our body systems and processes are in constant communi-
cation, continual back-and-forth influences are what human development is all
about (see Diamond, 2009).
For example, let’s consider that basic marker: poverty. Growing up in poverty
might affect your attachment relationships. You are less likely to get attention from
your parents because they are under stress. You might not get adequate nutrition.
Your neighborhood could be a frightening place. Each stress might overload your
body, activating negative genetic tendencies and setting you up physiologically for
emotional problems down the road.
But some children, because of their genetics, their cultural background, or their
cohort, might be insulated from the negative effects of growing up poor. Others might
thrive. In a classic study tracing the lives of children growing up during the Great
Depression, researchers discovered that if this event occurred at the right time in the
life cycle (adolescence, when the young person could take action to help support the
family), it produced an enduring sense of self-efficacy (Elder & Caspi, 1988). During
adulthood, as you will learn, we even need life traumas to become fully mature! In
sum, development occurs in surprising directions for good and for bad. Diversity of
change processes and individual differences are the spice of human life.
1. Ricardo, a third grader, is having trouble sitting still and paying attention in class, so
Ricardo’s parents consult developmentalists about their son’s problem. Pick which
comments might be made by: (1) a traditional behaviorist; (2) a cognitive behaviorist;
(3) a Freudian theorist; (4) an evolutionary psychologist; (5) a behavioral geneticist;
(6) an Eriksonian; (7) an advocate of developmental systems theory.
a. Ricardo has low academic self-efficacy. Let’s improve his sense of competence at
b. Ricardo, like other boys, is biologically programmed to run around. If the class had
regular gym time, Ricardo’s ability to focus in class would improve.
c. Ricardo is being reinforced for this behavior by getting attention from the teacher
and his classmates. Let’s reward appropriate classroom behavior.
d. Did you or your husband have trouble focusing in school? Perhaps your son’s dif-
ficulties are hereditary.
e. Ricardo’s behavior may have many causes, from genetics, to the reinforcers at
school, to growing up in our twenty-first-century Internet age. Let’s use a variety of
different approaches to help him.
f. Ricardo is having trouble mastering the developmental task of industry. How can
we promote the ability to work that is so important at this age?
g. By refusing to pay attention in class, Ricardo may be unconsciously acting out his
anger at the birth of his baby sister Heloise.
2. In the above question, which suggestion involves providing the right person–environment
3. Dr. Kaplan, a scientist, wants to determine how being born premature might alter our
genetic propensity to develop chronic disease.The field Dr. Kaplan is working in is
called (pick one): outergenetics/epigenetics.
4. Billy, a 1-year-old, mouths everything—pencils, his favorite toy, DVDs—changing his
mouthing to fit the object that he is “sampling.” According to Piaget, the act of mouth-
ing everything refers to ________, while changing the mouthing behavior to fit the
different objects refers to ________.
5. Samantha, a behaviorist, is arguing for her worldview, while Sally is pointing up
behaviorism’s flaws. First, take Samantha’s position, arguing for the virtues of behavior-
ism, and then discuss some limitations of the theory.
Answers to the Tying It All Together questions can be found at the end of this chapter.
CHAPTER 1 The People and the Field 25
Table 1.5 spells out the uses, and the pluses and minuses, of these frequently
used ways of measuring concepts: naturalistic observation, self-reports, and observer
evaluations. Now, returning to our study, suppose you found a relationship, that is,
a correlation, between having nurturing parents and children’s interpersonal skills.
Could you infer that a loving home environment causes children to socially flower?
The answer is no!
• With correlations, we may be mixing up the result with the cause. Given that
parent–child relationships are bidirectional, does loving parenting really cause
superior social skills, or do socially skilled children provoke parents to act in loving
ways? (“My son is such an endearing person. You want to just love him up.”) This
evocative chicken-or-egg argument applies to far more than child–parent interac-
tions. Does exercising promote health in later life, or are some older adults likely
to become physically active because they are already in good health?
• With correlations, there may be another variable that explains the results. In
view of our discussion of heritability, with regard to the social skills study, the
immediate third force that comes to mind is genetics. Wouldn’t parents who are
genetically blessed with superior social skills provide a more caring home envi-
ronment and genetically pass down these same positive personality traits to their
sons and daughters? Wouldn’t older adults who go to the gym or ski regularly
also be likely to watch their diet and generally take better care of their health?
Given that these other activities should naturally be associated with keeping
physically fit, can we conclude that exercise alone accounts for the association
we find?
To rule out these confounding forces, the solution is to conduct a true
experiment (see Figure 1.4). Researchers isolate their variable of interest by manipu-
lating that condition (called the independent variable), and then randomly assign
people to either receive that treatment or another, control intervention. If we ran-
true experiment The only
domly assign people to different groups (say, like tossing a coin), there can’t be any
research strategy that can preexisting differences between our participants that would bias our results. If the
determine that something group does differ in the way we predict, we have to say that our intervention caused
causes something else; the particular result.
involves randomly assigning
people to different
The problem is that we could never assign children to different kinds of par-
treatments and then looking ents! If, as Figure 1.4 suggests, developmentalists trained one group of mothers to
at the outcome. relate in more caring ways and withheld this “intervention” from another group, the
CHAPTER 1 The People and the Field 27
Group of first graders
SolStock/Getty Images
Compare groups on outcome measure
Teacher evaluation of each child’s social skills;
Peer ratings of each child’s likeability
figure 1.4: How an experiment looks: By randomly assigning children to different groups and
then giving an intervention (this is called the independent variable), we know that our treatment
(nurturing parents) caused better social skills (this outcome is called the dependent variable).
researchers would run into ethical problems. Would it be fair to deprive the con-
trol group of that treatment? In the name of science, can we take the risk of doing
people harm? Experiments are ideal for determining what
causes behavior. But to tackle the most compelling questions
about human development, we have to conduct correlational
research—and control as best we can for competing explana-
tions that might bias our results.
Benevolence beliefs
Not necessarily. Perhaps your cohort has special reasons to feel sus-
picious about human motivations. After all, today the media delights in
exposing the cheating and lying of authority figures, from senators to school
principals. Previous cohorts of young people were never exposed to this
drumbeat of messages highlighting human nature at its worst. In fact, if we
conducted this same poll during the 1950s (in the Eisenhower era of Leave
It to Beaver and Father Knows Best) we might find the opposite pattern:
Positive feelings about human nature were highest among the young and
declined with age!
Walter Sanders/Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images
problems become more serious the longer a study continues. For this reason, we have quantitative research
hundreds of studies covering infancy, childhood, or defined segments of adult life, Standard developmental
science data-collection
such as the old-old years. Only a precious handful trace development from childhood strategy that involves
to later life. testing groups of people and
The difficulty with getting people to return for testing leads to an important bias using numerical scales and
in itself. People who stay in longitudinal studies, particularly during adulthood, tend statistics.
to be highly motivated. Think of which classmates are going to attend your high qualitative research
school reunion. Aren’t they apt to be the people who are successful, versus those who Occasional developmental
science data-collection
have made a mess of their lives? Participants in longitudinal research are typically strategy that involves
elite, better than average groups. While they offer us unparalleled information, these interviewing people to
gold-standard studies have their biases, too. obtain information that
cannot be quantified on a
numerical scale.
Critiquing the Research
So to summarize, when you are scanning the findings in our field, keep these con-
cerns in mind:
• Consider the study’s participants. How were they selected? Ask yourself, “Can I
generalize from this particular group to the wider world?”
• Examine the study’s measures. Are they accurate? What biases might they have?
• In looking at the many correlational studies in this book, be attuned to the fact that
their findings might be due to other forces. What competing interpretations can
you come up with to explain this researcher’s results?
• With cross-sectional findings, beware of making assumptions that this is the way
people really change with age.
• Look for longitudinal studies and welcome their insights. However, understand
that—especially during adult life—these investigations are probably tracing the
lives of the best and brightest people rather than the average adult.
1. Four developmentalists are studying whether eating excessive sugar has detrimental
effects on the body and mind: Alicia relates the amount of sugar elementary schoolers
eat at breakfast to aggression, by going to a playground and counting the frequency
of hitting on selected days. Betty randomly assigns students in a high school class
into two groups, tells one group to eat a healthy diet and another to eat candy bars,
and compares their grades on tests. Calista measures the sugar consumption of teens
and then retests them periodically into their fifties. David constructs a questionnaire
exploring sugar consumption and gives it to adults of different ages. For each question
below, link the appropriate person’s name to the correct study.
a. Who is conducting a cross-sectional study?
b. Who is using naturalistic observation?
c. Who is conducting a correlational study?
d. Who can prove that eating a lot of sugar causes problems—but is doing an unethi-
cal study?
e. Who is going to have a huge problem with dropouts?
f. Who can tell you that if you are a sugar junkie in your twenties, you might still be
eating an incredible amount of sugar (compared to everyone else) as you age?
2. Plan a longitudinal study to test a developmental science question. Describe how you
would select your participants, how your study would proceed, what measures you
would use, and what problems and biases your study would have.
Answers to the Tying It All Together questions can be found at the end of this chapter.
CHAPTER 1 The People and the Field 31
Who We Are and What We Study all-important. Traditional behaviorists, in particular B. F. Skinner,
believe operant conditioning and reinforcement determine all
Lifespan development is a mega-discipline encompassing child voluntary behaviors. According to cognitive behaviorism/social
development, gerontology, and adult development. Develop- learning theory, modeling and self-efficacy—our internal sense
mental scientists, or developmentalists, chart universal changes that we can competently perform given tasks—predict how we act.
from birth to old age, explore individual differences in devel-
opment, study the impact of normative and non-normative life Sigmund Freud, in his psychoanalytic theory, believed our adult
transitions, and explore every other topic relevant to our unfold- personality is shaped by the way our parents treated us during
ing lives. the first five years of life. Freud also felt human beings are domi-
nated by unconscious drives, mental health depends on self-
Several major contexts of development shape our lives. The first awareness, and sexuality (different erogenous zones) motivates
is our cohort, or the time in history in which we live. The huge behavior during the early childhood years. John Bowlby’s attach-
baby boom cohort, born in the years following World War II, has ment theory draws on the psychoanalytic principle that parenting
changed society as it passes through the lifespan. Cohorts of during early life (or our attachment relationships) determines
babies born before the twentieth century faced a shorter, harsher later mental health, but he believes that the attachment response
childhood, and many did not survive. As life got easier and edu- is genetically built in to our species to promote survival. Evo-
cation got longer, we first extended the growing-up phase of life lutionary psychologists adopt this nature perspective, seeing
to include adolescence and, in recent years, with a new life stage actions and traits as programmed into our DNA. Behavioral
called emerging adulthood, have put off the starting date of full genetic research—in particular, twin studies, adoption studies,
adulthood to our late twenties. and occasionally twin/adoption studies—convinced develop-
The early-twentieth-century life expectancy revolution, with its mental scientists of the power of nature, revealing genetic con-
dramatic advances in curing infectious disease and shift to deaths tributions to almost any way we differ from each other as human
from chronic illnesses, allowed us to survive to later life. Average beings.
life expectancy is now within striking distance of the maximum Developmental scientists today, are exploring how nature and
lifespan in affluent nations, and we distinguish between the nurture combine. Due to evocative and active forces, we shape
healthy young-old (people in their sixties and seventies) and our environments to go along with our genetic tendencies, and
the frail old-old (people in and over their eighties). The second human relationships are bidirectional—our temperamental
major twentieth-century change occurred in the 1960s with the qualities and actions influence the others, just as their actions
lifestyle revolution, which has given us freedom to engineer our influence us. A basic developmental science challenge is to fos-
own adult path. Today, the Internet and social networking sites ter an appropriate person–environment fit. We need to match
have transformed relationships, while the lingering effects of the our genetically based talents and abilities to the right environ-
Great Recession of 2008 and widening income inequalities are ment. New research suggests that people differ genetically in
still clouding the economic landscape of twenty-first century life. how responsive they are to environmental events, and that early
Socioeconomic status (SES) greatly affects our lifespan—with life environments may alter our genome, producing long-lasting
poor people in each nation facing a harsher, more stressful, and epigenetic effects.
shorter life. The gaps between developed world countries and Erik Erikson spelled out eight psychosocial tasks that we
developing world countries are even more dramatic, with the must master as we travel from birth to old age. According to
least-developed countries lagging well behind in terms of health, Jean Piaget’s cognitive developmental theory, children prog-
wealth, and technology. ress through four qualitatively different stages of intellectual
Our cultural and ethnic background also determines how we development, and all learning occurs through assimilation and
develop. Scientists distinguish between collectivist cultures (typ- accommodation.
ically non-Western), which stress social harmony and extended- Most developmental scientists today adopt the developmental
family relationships, and individualistic cultures (often Western), systems perspective. They welcome input from every theory and
which value independence and personal achievement. We need realize that many interacting influences shape who we are. They
to be aware, however, that residents living in all nations have a understand that diversity among people and change processes is
mix of individualistic and collectivist worldviews; the practice of the essence of development.
lumping people into broad ethnic labels masks diversity within
each group. Finally, our gender influences our travels through
life. Women outlive men by at least two years in the developed
Research Methods: The Tools
world. of the Trade
The two main research strategies scientists use are correlational
Theories: Lenses for Looking studies, which relate naturally occurring variations among peo-
ple, and true experiments, in which researchers manipulate a
at the Lifespan variable (or give a specific treatment) and randomly assign peo-
Theories offer explanations about what causes people to act the ple to receive that intervention or not. With correlational studies,
way they do. The main theories in developmental science offer- there are always competing possibilities for the relationships we
ing general explanations of behavior vary in their position on the find. While experiments do allow us to prove causes, they are
nature versus nurture question. Behaviorists believe nurture is often unethical and impractical. In conducting research, it’s best
32 PART I The Foundation
to strive for a representative sample, and it’s essential to have Longitudinal studies can answer vital questions about how peo-
accurate measures. Naturalistic observation, self-reports, and ple develop. However, they involve following people over years
observer evaluations are three common measurement strategies and may sample atypical, elite groups.
developmental scientists use.
Quantitative research—studies involving groups of partici-
The two major designs for studying development are longitudi- pants, and using statistical tests—is still the standard way we
nal and cross-sectional research. Cross-sectional studies, which learn the scientific truth. But developmentalists are now occa-
involve testing people of different age groups at the same time, sionally conducting qualitative research—interviewing people
are very easy to carry out. However, they may confuse differences in depth. Our research is generally getting more global and
between age groups with true changes that occur as people age, sophisticated, too.
and they can’t tell us about individual differences in development.
Prenatal Development
First Two Weeks
Week 3 to Week 8
Principles of Prenatal
Week 9 to Birth
Scanning the Trimesters
Pregnancy Is Not a Solo Act
What About Dads?
Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
Threats at Birth
Birth Options, Past and Present
Petrol/Westend61/Getty Images
The Newborn
Tools of Discovery
Threats to Development Just
After Birth
Marcia’s Story
A Few Final Thoughts on
Biological Determinism and
Biological Parents
Prenatal Development,
Pregnancy, and Birth
It’s hard to explain, Kim told me. You are two people now. When you wake up, shop, or
plan meals, this other person is always with you. You are always thinking, “What will
be good for the baby? What will be best for the two of us?”
Feeling the first kick—like little feathers brushing inside me—was amazing. At
first I felt like I could never explain this to my husband. But Jeff is wonderful. I think he
gets it. So I feel lucky. I can’t imagine what this experience would be like if I was going
through nine months completely alone.
Now that it’s the thirtieth week and my little girl can survive, there is another shift.
I’m focused on the moment she will arrive: What will it be like to hold my baby? Will
she be born healthy?
The downside is the fear that she will be born with some problem. Being an older
mom, it took me two years to get pregnant. Now that I’ve gone through those exhaust-
ing procedures and they worked (hooray!), I’d never risk having an invasive genetic
test. So, you eat right and never take a drink; but there are concerns. I worry about
the stress I’ve been undergoing, since my mom died right before I conceived. And, of
course, I worry about labor and delivery. Suppose I have some problem during birth,
or my baby has a serious genetic disease?
Another downside is that, until recently, I still felt tired. Some days, I could barely
make it to work. (Everything they told you about morning sickness only lasting through
the first trimester is wrong—at least for me!)
But nothing equals the thrill of having my little girl inside—fantasizing about her
future, watching her grow into a marvelous adult. I also adore what happens when I’m
at the mall. People light up and grin, wish me good luck, or give me advice. It’s like
the world is watching out for me, rooting for me, cherishing me.
36 PART I The Foundation
Fallopian tube
Ovary Uterus
Now the male’s contribution to forming a new life arrives. In contrast to females,
whose ova are all mainly formed at birth, the testes—male structures comparable testes Male organs that
to the ovaries—are continually manufacturing sperm. An adult male typically pro- manufacture sperm.
duces several hundred million sperm a day. During sexual intercourse these cells are
expelled into the vagina, where a small proportion enter the uterus and wend their
way up the fallopian tubes.
To promote pregnancy, it’s best to have intercourse around ovulation. The ovum
is receptive for about 24 hours while in the tube’s outer part. Sperm take a few hours
to journey from the cervix to the tube. However, sperm can live almost a week in the
uterus, which means that intercourse several days prior to ovulation may also result
in fertilization (Marieb, 2004).
Although the ovum emits chemical signals as to its location, the tiny tadpole-
shaped travelers cannot easily make the perilous journey upward into the tubes. So,
of the estimated several hundred million sperm expelled at ejaculation, only 200 to
300 reach their destination, find their target, and burrow in.
What happens now is a team assault. The sperm drill into the ovum, pen-
etrating toward the center. Suddenly, one reaches the innermost part. Then the
chemical composition of the ovum wall changes, shutting out the other sperm.
David M. Phillips/Science Source
The sperm surround the ovum. One sperm burrows in (notice the The nuclei of the two cells fuse. The watershed
large head). event called fertilization has occurred.
38 PART I The Foundation
chromosome A threadlike The nuclei of the male and female cells move slowly together. When they meld into
strand of DNA located in one cell, the landmark event called fertilization has occurred. What is happening
the nucleus of every cell
that carries the genes,
genetically when the sperm and egg combine?
which transmit hereditary
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) The Genetics of Fertilization
The material that makes
up genes, which bear our
The answer lies in looking at chromosomes, ropy structures composed of ladder-like
hereditary characteristics. strands of the genetic material DNA. Arrayed along each chromosome are segments
gene A segment of DNA
of DNA called genes, which serve as templates for creating the proteins responsible
that contains a chemical for carrying out the physical processes of life (see Figure 2.2). Every cell in our body
blueprint for manufacturing contains 46 chromosomes—except the sperm and ova, which have half this number,
a particular protein. or 23. When the nuclei of these two cells, called gametes, combine at fertilization,
their chromosomes align in pairs to again comprise 46. So nature has a marvelous
mechanism to ensure that each human life has an identical number of chromosomes
and every human being gets half of its genetic heritage from the
parent of each sex.
You can see the 46 paired male chromosomes in Figure 2.3.
Chromosome Notice that each chromosome pair (one from our mother and
one from our father) is a match, except for the sex chromosomes.
Cell The X is longer and heavier than the Y. Because each ovum car-
ries an X chromosome, our father’s contribution determines our
sex. If a lighter, faster-swimming, Y-carrying sperm fertilizes the
Gene ovum, we get a boy (XY). If the victor is a more resilient, slower-
moving X, we get a girl (XX).
In the race to fertilization, the Y’s are statistically more suc-
cessful; scientists estimate that 20 percent more male than female
babies are conceived. But the prenatal period is particularly hard
on males. If a family member learns that she is pregnant, the
odds still favor her having a boy; but because more males die in
the uterus, only 5 percent more boys than girls make it to birth
Nucleus (Werth & Tsiaras, 2002). And throughout life, males continue to
be the less hardy sex, dying off at higher rates at every age. Recall
from Chapter 1 that, throughout the developed world, women
figure 2.2: The human building blocks: The outlive men by at least two years.
nucleus of every human cell contains chromosomes,
each of which is made up of two strands of DNA
connected in a double helix.
Biophoto Associates/Science Source
figure 2.3: A map of human chromosomes: This magnified grid, called a karyotype, shows
the 46 chromosomes in their matched pairs. The final pair, with its X and Y, shows that this person
is a male. Also, notice the huge size of the X chromosome compared to the Y.
CHAPTER 2 Prenatal Development, Pregnancy, and Birth 39
1. In order, list the structures involved in “getting pregnant.” Choose from the following:
uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries. Then, name the structure in which fertilization occurs.
2. The __________ house the female’s genetic material, while the _________ contain
the sperm. (Identify the correct names)
3. Tiffany feels certain that if she has intercourse at the right time, she will get pregnant—but
asks you, “What is the right time?” Give Tiffany your answer, referring to the text discussion.
4. If a fetus has the XX chromosomal configuration he/she is more/less apt to survive
the prenatal journey (and live longer) and is more/less apt to be conceived.
Answers to the Tying It All Together questions can be found at the end of this chapter.
Prenatal Development
germinal stage The first
Cell division
14 days of prenatal
development, from
fertilization to full
Blastocyst implantation.
zygote A fertilized ovum.
blastocyst The hollow sphere
of cells formed during
the germinal stage in
preparation for implantation.
implantation The process in
Uterine wall Implantation which a blastocyst becomes
embedded in the uterine
Inner cell mass figure 2.4: The events of the
(becomes the germinal stage: The fertilized ovum
embryo) divides on its trip to the uterus,
Maternal blood vessels then becomes a hollow ball called a
blastocyst, and finally fully implants
in the wall of the uterus at about 14
days after fertilization.
40 PART I The Foundation
The blastocyst seeks a landing site on the upper uterus. Its outer layer develops
Neural tube
projections and burrows in. From this landing zone, blood vessels proliferate to form the
placenta, the lifeline that passes nutrients from the mother to the developing baby. Then,
the next stage of prenatal development begins: the all-important embryonic phase.
At about week 3, the embryo At week 4, you can see the inden- At week 9, the baby-to-be has fingers, toes, and ears.
(the upside-down U across the tations for eyes and the arms and All the major organs have developed, and the fetal
top) looks like a curved stalk. legs beginning to sprout. stage has begun!
CHAPTER 2 Prenatal Development, Pregnancy, and Birth 41
• Notice that from a huge swelling that makes the embryo look like a mammoth
head, the arms emerge and the legs sprout. So, development takes place according
to the cephalocaudal sequence, meaning from top (cephalo = head) to bottom
(caudal = tail).
• Finally, just as in constructing a sculpture, nature starts with the basic building blocks
and then fills in details. A head forms before eyes and ears; legs are constructed before
feet and toes. So the mass-to-specific sequence, or gross (large, simple) structures
before smaller (complex) refinements, is the third principle of body growth.
Keep these principles in mind. As you will see in the next chapters, the same
patterns apply to growth and motor skills after the baby leaves the womb.
brain (Stiles & Jernigan, 2010). From this zone, the neurons migrate to a region just
under the top of the differentiating tube (see Figure 2.6). When the cells assemble cephalocaudal sequence The
in their “staging area,” by the middle of the fetal period, they lengthen, develop developmental principle that
branches, and interlink. This interconnecting process—responsible for every human growth occurs in a sequence
thought and action—continues until almost our final day of life. from head to toe.
Figure 2.7 shows the mushrooming brain. Notice that the brain almost doubles mass-to-specific sequence
in size from month 4 to month 7. By now, the brain has the wrinkled structure of The developmental principle
that large structures (and
an adult. movements) precede
This massive growth has a profound effect. At around month 6, the fetus can hear increasingly detailed
(Crade & Lovett, 1988). By month 7, the fetus is probably able to see (Del Giudice, refinements.
2011). And by this time, with high-quality medical care, a few babies can survive. fetal stage The final period of
prenatal development, lasting
seven months, characterized
by physical refinements,
massive growth, and the
development of the brain.
4 months
7 months
9 months
figure 2.7: The expanding brain: The brain grows dramatically month by month during the
fetal period. During the final months, it develops its characteristic folds.
42 PART I The Foundation
workers advise taking time off to rest and relying on caring loved ones to
help cook and clean during the final months. Actually, having caring loved
ones is vital during all nine months!
As you saw in the quotation above, in coping with this trauma, men have a double
burden. They may feel compelled to put aside their feelings to focus on their wives
(Jaffe & Diamond, 2011; Rinehart & Kiselica, 2010). Plus, because the loss of a baby
is typically seen as a “woman’s issue,” the wider world tends to marginalize their pain.
These examples remind us that husbands are “pregnant” in spirit along with their
wives. We should never thrust their feelings aside.
So, by returning to the beginning of the chapter, we now know that the cultural
practice of pampering pregnant women makes excellent psychological sense—for
both the mother and her child. But we also need to realize that expectant fathers
need cherishing, too!
Table 2.1 summarizes these points in a brief “stress during pregnancy” questionnaire.
Now, let’s return to the baby and tackle that common fear: “Will my child be healthy?”
1. Does this woman have serious financial troubles, or is she living in poverty?
2. Is this woman having marital problems, and does her husband want this baby?
3. Is the woman a single mother? If so, does she have a supportive network of friends and family?
4. If the woman is living in poverty, does she feel connected to others in loving, positive ways?
1. Samantha just entered her second trimester. Explain how she is likely to feel for
the next few months. What symptoms was Samantha apt to describe during the first
trimester, after learning she was pregnant?
2. You just learned your cousin is pregnant. What two forces might best predict her
emotional state?
3. As a clinic director, you are concerned that men are often left out of the pregnancy
experience. Design a few innovative interventions to make your clinic responsive to
the needs of fathers-to-be.
Answers to the Tying It All Together questions can be found at the end of this chapter.
46 PART I The Foundation
Table 2.2: Examples of Known Teratogens and the Damage They Can Do
Teratogen Consequences of Exposure
Infectious Diseases
Rubella (German measles) If a pregnant woman contracts rubella during the embryonic stage, the consequence is, not infrequently,
intellectual disability, blindness, or eye, ear, and heart abnormalities in the baby—depending on the
week the virus enters the bloodstream. Luckily, women of childbearing age are now routinely immunized
for this otherwise minor adult disease.
Cytomegalovirus About 25% of babies infected with this virus develop vision or hearing loss; 10% develop neurological
AIDS HIV-infected women can transmit the virus to their babies prenatally through the placenta, during
delivery (when blood is exchanged between the mother and child), or after birth (through breast milk).
Rates of transmission are much lower if infected mothers take the anti-AIDS drug AZT or if newborns are
given a new drug that blocks the transmission of HIV at birth. If a mother takes these precautions, does
not breastfeed, and delivers her baby by c-section, the infection rate falls to less than 1%. While mother-
to-child transmission of HIV has declined dramatically in the developed world, it remains a devastating
problem in sub-Saharan Africa and other impoverished regions of the globe (AVERT, 2005).
Herpes This familiar sexually transmitted disease can cause miscarriage, growth retardation, and eye
abnormalities in affected fetuses. Doctors recommend that pregnant women with active genital herpes
undergo c-sections to avoid infecting their babies during delivery.
Toxoplasmosis This disease, caused by a parasite found in raw meat and cat feces, can lead to blindness, deafness, and
intellectual disability in infants. Pregnant women should avoid handling raw meat and cat litter.
Antibiotics Streptomycin has been linked to hearing loss; tetracycline to stained infant tooth enamel.
Thalidomide This drug, prescribed in the late 1950s in Europe to prevent nausea during the first trimester, prevented
the baby’s arms and legs from developing if taken during the embryonic period.
Anti-seizure drugs These medications have been linked to developmental delays during infancy.
Anti-psychotic drugs These drugs may slightly raise the risk of giving birth to a baby with heart problems.
Antidepressants Although typically safe, third-trimester exposure to selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and tricyclic
antidepressants has been linked to temporary jitteriness and excessive crying and to eating and sleeping
difficulties in newborns. Rarely, these drugs can produce a serious syndrome involving seizures and
dehydration, as well as higher rates of miscarriage.
Recreational Drugs
Cocaine This drug is linked to miscarriage, growth retardation, and learning and behavior problems.
Methamphetamine This drug may cause miscarriage and growth retardation.
Environmental Toxins
Radiation Japanese children exposed to radiation from the atomic bomb during the second trimester had extremely
high rates of severe intellectual disability. Miscarriages were virtually universal among pregnant women
living within 5 miles of the blast. Pregnant women are also advised to avoid clinical doses of radiation
such as those used in X-rays (and especially cancer treatment radiation).
Lead Babies with high levels of lead in the umbilical cord may show impairments in cognitive functioning
(Bellinger and others, 1987). Maternal exposure to lead is associated with miscarriage.
Mercury and PCBs These pollutants are linked to learning and behavior problems.
VItamin Deficiencies In addition to eating a balanced diet, every woman of childbearing age should take folic acid
supplements. This vitamin, part of the B complex, protects against the incomplete closure of the neural
tube during the first month of development—an event that may produce spina bifida (paralysis in the
body below the region of the spine that has not completely closed) or anencephaly (failure of the brain to
develop—and certain death) if the gap occurs toward the top of the developing tube.
the second and third trimesters, exposure to teratogens increases the risk of
developmental disorders developmental disorders. This term refers to any condition that compromises
Learning impairments and normal development—from delays in reaching basic milestones, such as walk-
behavioral problems during
infancy and childhood.
ing or talking, to learning problems and hyperactivity.
3. Teratogens have a threshold level above which damage occurs. For instance,
women who drink more than four cups of coffee a day throughout pregnancy
have a slightly higher risk of miscarriage; but having an occasional Diet Coke
is fine (Gilbert-Barness, 2000).
4. Teratogens exert their damage unpredictably, depending on fetal and mater-
nal vulnerabilities. Still, mothers-to-be metabolize toxins differently, and babies
differ genetically in susceptibility. So the damaging effects of a particular terato-
gen can vary. On the plus side, you may know a child in your local school’s
gifted program whose mother drank heavily during pregnancy. On the negative
side, we do not know where the teratogenic threshold lies in any particular case.
Therefore, during pregnancy, it’s best to err on the side of caution.
Although the damaging impact of a teratogen may show up during infancy, it
can also manifest itself years later. An unfortunate example of this teratogenic time
bomb took place in my own life. My mother was given a drug called diethylstilbestrol
(DES) while she was pregnant with me. (DES was prescribed routinely in the 1950s
and 1960s to prevent miscarriage.) During my early twenties, I developed cancerous
cells in my cervix—and, after surgery, had three miscarriages before being blessed by
adopting my son.
risk of developmental problems like hyperactivity (Keyes, Smith, & Susser, 2014),
and makes newborns less able to regulate their sleep (Hernandez-Martinez and
others, 2012).
The good news is that the many U.S. pregnant smokers who take the difficult step
of quitting for the health of their babies (see Chisolm, Cheng, & Terplan, 2014) feel
more efficacious and less depressed (De Wilde and others, 2013). The bad news is
that women still get ammunition—even from health-care professionals—for continu-
ing to smoke: “My doctor told me stopping would put stress on the baby” . . . “I’ve
seen . . . many people do it and had healthy babies” (quoted in Naughton, Eborall,
& Sutton, 2013, pp. 27 and 28). Plus, unfortunately, many former smokers resume
using tobacco after giving birth (Xu and others, 2013; De Wilde and others, 2013).
ALCOHOL As you saw earlier, it used to be standard to encourage pregnant women
to have a nightcap to relieve stress. In Italy, drinking red wine during pregnancy
was supposed to produce a healthy, rosy-cheeked child! (See Von Raffler-Engel,
1994.) During the 1970s, as evidence mounted for a disorder called fetal alcohol fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS)
syndrome (FAS), these prescriptions were quickly revised. Whenever you hear the A cluster of birth defects
caused by the mother’s
word syndrome, it is a signal that the condition has a constellation of features that alcohol consumption during
are present to varying degrees. The defining qualities of fetal alcohol syndrome pregnancy.
include a smaller-than-normal birth weight and brain; facial abnormalities (such
as a flattened face); and developmental disorders ranging from serious intellectual
disability to seizures and hyperactivity (Dean & Davis, 2007; Roussotte, Soderberg,
& Sowell, 2010).
Women who binge-drink (have more than four drinks at
a sitting), or pregnant women who regularly consume several
drinks nightly, are at highest risk of giving birth to a baby
with fetal alcohol syndrome. Their children, at a minimum,
may be born with a less severe syndrome called fetal alco-
hol spectrum disorders, characterized by deficits in learning
and impaired mental health (Wedding and others, 2007). As
alcohol crosses the placenta, it causes genetic changes that
impair neural growth (Hashimoto-Torii and others, 2011).
Faced with these warnings, New Zealand researchers
found about half of women in a national poll reported stop-
© mark follon/Alamy
ping drinking after learning they were pregnant (Parackal
Parackal, & Harraway, 2013). Ironically, however, trying to
conceive has no influence on alcohol use (Terplan, Cheng,
& Chisolm, 2014). Pregnant women who drink regularly
tend to be anxious or depressed (Beijers and others, 2014). Surprisingly, however, one As this woman downed her many
study in the Netherlands showed well-educated, expectant moms were more likely to drinks, she put her baby at risk
of fetal alcohol syndrome—
report still using alcohol or restarting at some point (Pfinder and others, 2014)!
explaining why patrons at a bar
This unexpected finding may reflect cultural norms. Every U.S. public health who saw this scenario would get
organization recommends no alcohol during pregnancy. In Europe, having a cocktail very upset!
or glass of wine is an expected practice during meals. This may explain why European
physicians disagree with their U.S. counterparts: “One drink per day can’t possibly
do the fetus harm” (Paul, 2010; Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
[RCOG], 1999).
Measurement Issues
Why is there any debate about a safe amount of alcohol to drink? For answers, imag-
ine the challenges you would face as a researcher exploring the impact of tobacco or
alcohol on the developing child: The need to ask thousands of pregnant women to
estimate how often they indulged in these “unacceptable” behaviors and then track
the children for decades, looking for problems that might appear as late as adult
life. Plus, because your study is correlational, the difficulties you find might be due
50 PART I The Foundation
to other confounding causes. Pregnant women who drink are more likely to smoke
(Mallard, Connor, & Houghton, 2013). As I’ve implied, these people may be gener-
ally stressed out. Could you isolate the child’s symptoms to just tobacco or alcohol?
Wouldn’t simply feeling overly anxious damage the developing child?
This is not to say that every
Down syndrome baby is depen-
dent on a caregiver’s help.
These children can sometimes
learn to read and write. They
Knowing a Down syndrome
child has a powerful effect on
can live independently, hold down jobs, marry and have children, construct fulfilling
every person. Will this older girl lives. Do you know a child with Down syndrome like the toddler in this photo who
become a more caring, sensitive is the light of her loving family and friends’ lives?
adult through having played Although women of any age can give birth to Down syndrome babies, the risk
with this much loved younger
rises exponentially among older mothers. Over age 40, the chance of having a Down
syndrome birth is 1 in 100; over age 45, it is 1 in 30 (NDSS, n.d.). The reason is that,
with more time “in storage,” older ova are more apt to develop chromosomal faults.
Down syndrome is typically caused by a spontaneous genetic mistake. Now let’s
look at a different category of genetic disorders—those passed down in the parents’
DNA to potentially affect every child.
Genetic Disorders
Most illnesses—from cancer to heart disease to schizophrenia—are caused by com-
plex nature-plus-nurture interactions. Several, often unknown, genes act in con-
junction with murky environmental forces. A single, known gene causes these next
disorders that often appear at birth.
Single-gene disorders are passed down according to three modes of inheritance:
They may be dominant, recessive, or sex-linked. To understand these patterns, you
might want to look back again at the paired arrangement of the chromosomes in
Figure 2.3 (page 38) and remember that we get one copy of each gene from our
mother and one from our father. Also, in understanding these illnesses, it is impor-
single-gene disorder An tant to know that one member of each gene pair can be dominant. This means that
illness caused by a single
the quality will always show up in real life. If both members of the gene pair are not
dominant (that is, if they are recessive), the illness will manifest itself only if the child
dominant disorder An illness
that a child gets by inheriting
inherits two of the faulty genes.
one copy of the abnormal Dominant disorders are in the first category. In this case, if one parent harbors
gene that causes the the problem gene (and so has the illness), each child the couple gives birth to has a
disorder. fifty-fifty chance of also getting ill.
recessive disorder An illness Recessive disorders are in the second category. Unless a person gets two copies
that a child gets by inheriting of the gene, one from the father and one from the mother, that child is disease free.
two copies of the abnormal
gene that causes the
In this case, the odds of a baby born to two carriers—that is, parents who each have
disorder. one copy of that gene—having the illness are 1 in 4.
sex-linked single-gene
The mode of transmission for sex-linked single-gene disorders is more compli-
disorder An illness, cated. Most often, the woman is carrying a recessive (non-expressed in real life) gene
carried on the mother’s X for the illness on one of her two X chromosomes. Since her daughters have another
chromosome, that typically X from their father (who doesn’t carry the illness), the female side of the family is
leaves the female offspring
unaffected but has a fifty-
typically disease free. Her sons, however—with just one X chromosome that might
fifty chance of striking each code for the disorder—have a fifty-fifty chance of getting ill, depending on whether
male child. they get the normal or abnormal version of their mother’s X.
CHAPTER 2 Prenatal Development, Pregnancy, and Birth 53
Because their single X leaves them vulnerable, sex-linked disorders typically affect
males. But as an intellectual exercise, you might want to figure out when females can
get this condition. If you guessed that it’s when the mother is a carrier (having one
faulty X) and the dad has the disorder (having the gene on his single X), you are right!
Table 2.3 visually decodes these modes of inheritance and describes a few of the
best-known single-gene diseases. In scanning the first illness on the chart, Huntington’s
Table 2.3: Some Examples of Dominant, Recessive, and Sex-Linked Single-Gene Disorders
Dominant Disorders
• Huntington’s disease (HD) This fatal nervous system Father Mother
(has illness) (unaffected)
disorder is characterized by uncontrollable jerky
movements and irreversible intellectual impairment
(dementia). Symptoms usually appear around age 35,
although the illness can occasionally erupt in childhood
and in old age. There is no treatment for this disease.
Recessive Disorders
• Cystic fibrosis (CF) This most common single-gene disorder
in the United States is typically identified at birth by the
salty character of the sweat. The child’s body produces Child 1 Child 2 Child 3 Child 4
mucus that clogs the lungs and pancreas, interfering with (has illness) (has illness) (unaffected) (unaffected)
breathing and digestion and causing repeated medical Here, the gene is dominant, and there is a 1-in-2
crises. As the hairlike cells in the lungs are destroyed, these chance that each child of an affected parent will
vital organs degenerate and eventually cause premature have the disease.
death. Advances in treatment have extended the average
life expectancy for people with CF to the late twenties. One
in 28 U.S. Caucasians is a carrier for this disease.* Father Mother
(carrier) (carrier)
• Sickle cell anemia This blood disorder takes its name from
the characteristic sickle shape of the red blood cells. The
blood cells collapse and clump together, causing oxygen
deprivation and organ damage. The symptoms of sickle
cell anemia are fatigue, pain, growth retardation, ulcers,
stroke, and, ultimately, a shortened life. Treatments include
transfusions and medications for infection and pain. One in
10 African Americans is a carrier of this disease.*
• Tay-Sachs disease In this universally fatal infant nervous Child 1 Child 2 Child 3 Child 4
system disorder, the child appears healthy at birth, but (carrier) (unaffected) (has illness) (carrier)
then fatty material accumulates in the neurons and, at
6 months, symptoms such as blindness, intellectual Here, both parents are carriers, and each child has a
disability, and paralysis occur and the baby dies. 1-in-4 chance of having the disease.
Tay-Sachs is found most often among Jewish people of
Eastern European ancestry. An estimated 1 in 25 U.S. Jews Father Mother
is a carrier.† (unaffected) (carrier)
Sex-Linked Disorders
• Hemophilia These blood-clotting disorders typically affect XY XX
males. The most serious forms of hemophilia (A and B)
produce severe episodes of uncontrolled joint bleeding and
pain. In the past, these episodes often resulted in death
during childhood. Today, with transfusions of the missing
clotting factors, affected children can have a fairly normal
life expectancy.
Sickle cell anemia may have remained in the population because having
Son Son Daughter Daughter
the trait (one copy of the gene) conferred an evolutionary advantage:
It protected against malaria in Africa. Scientists also speculate that the (unaffected) (has illness) (unaffected) (carrier)
cystic fibrosis trait may have conferred immunity to typhoid fever.
Here, the mother has the faulty gene on her X chro-
Due to a vigorous public awareness program in the Jewish community,
potential carriers are routinely screened and the rate of Tay-Sachs
mosome, so the daughters are typically disease-
disease has declined dramatically. free, but each son has a 1-in-2 chance of getting ill.
54 PART I The Foundation
disease, imagine your emotional burden as a genetically at-risk child. People with
Huntington’s develop an incurable dementia in the prime of life. As a child you
would probably have watched a beloved parent lose his memory and bodily functions,
and then die. You would know that your odds of suffering the same fate are 1 in 2.
(Although babies born with lethal dominant genetic disorders typically die before they
can have children, Huntington’s disease remained in the population because it, too,
operates as an internal time bomb, showing up during the prime reproductive years.)
With the other illnesses in the table—programmed by recessive genes—the fears
relate to bearing a child. If both you and your partner have the Tay-Sachs carrier gene,
you may have seen a beloved baby die in infancy. With cystic fibrosis, your affected
child would be subject to recurrent medical crises as his lungs filled up with fluid,
and he would face a dramatically shortened life. Would you want to take the 1-in-4
chance of having this experience again?
The good news, as the table shows, is that the prognoses for some routinely fatal
childhood single-gene disorders are no longer as dire. With hemophilia, the life-
threatening episodes of bleeding can be avoided by supplying the missing blood factor
through transfusions. While surviving to the teens with cystic fibrosis used to be rare,
today these children can expect on average to live to their twenties and sometimes
beyond (CysticFibrosis.com, n.d.). Still, with Tay-Sachs or Huntington’s disease,
there is nothing medically that can be done.
about the gene for Huntington’s disease?
Nancy Wexler and her sister got the devastating news from their physician father,
Milton: “Your mother has Huntington’s disease. She will die of dementia in a horrible
way. As a dominant single gene disorder, your chance of getting ill is fifty-fifty. There
is nothing we can do. (See Table 2.3.) But that doesn’t mean we are going to give up.”
In 1969, Milton Wexler established the Hereditary Disease Foundation, surrounded
himself with scientists, and put his young daughter, Nancy, a clinical psychologist, in
charge. The hunt was on for the Huntington’s gene.
A breakthrough came in 1979, when Nancy learned that the world’s largest group of
people with Huntington’s lived in a small, inbred community in Venezuela—descendants
of a woman who harbored the gene mutation that caused the disease. After build-
ing a pedigree of 18,000 family members, collecting blood samples from thousands
more, and carefully analyzing
the DNA for differences, the
researchers hit pay dirt. They
isolated the Huntington’s
Acey Harper/The LIFE Images Collection/Getty Images
Having this diagnostic marker
is the first step to eventually
finding a cure. So far the cure
is elusive, but the hunt contin-
ues. Nancy still serves as the
head of the foundation, vigor-
ously agitating for research
on the illness that killed her
mother. She works as a pro-
fessor in Columbia University’s Neurology and Psychiatry Department. But every year,
she comes back to the village in Venezuela to counsel and just visit with her families—
her relatives in blood.
CHAPTER 2 Prenatal Development, Pregnancy, and Birth 55
In sum, the answer to the question “Can single-gene disorders be treated and cured?” genetic testing A blood test to
is “It depends.” Although people still have the faulty gene—and so are not “cured” in the determine whether a person
carries the gene for a given
traditional sense—through advances in nurture (or changing the environment), we have genetic disorder.
made remarkable progress in treating what used to be uniformly fatal diseases.
genetic counselor A
Our most dramatic progress, however, lies in genetic testing. Through a simple professional who counsels
blood test, people can find out whether they carry the gene for these (and other) illnesses. parents-to-be about their
These diagnostic breakthroughs bring up difficult issues. Would you really want own or their children’s
to know whether you have the gene for Huntington’s disease? The inspiring story risk of developing genetic
disorders, as well as about
of Nancy Wexler, the psychologist who helped discover the Huntington’s gene and available treatments.
whose mother died of the disease, is instructive here (see the How Do We Know box).
ultrasound In pregnancy, an
While Nancy will not say whether she has been tested, her sister Alice refused to be image of the fetus in the
screened because she felt not knowing was better emotionally than the anguish of womb that helps to date
living with a positive result. the pregnancy, assess the
fetus’s growth, and identify
Interventions chorionic villus sampling
The advantages of genetic testing are clearer when the issue relates to having a child. (CVS) A relatively risky first-
trimester pregnancy test for
Let’s imagine for instance that you and your spouse know you are carriers of the cystic fetal genetic disorders.
fibrosis gene. If you are contemplating having children, what should you do?
amniocentesis A second- During the second trimester, a safer test, called amniocentesis, can determine
trimester procedure that the fetus’s fate. The doctor inserts a syringe into the woman’s uterus and extracts a
involves inserting a syringe
into a woman’s uterus to
sample of amniotic fluid. The cells can reveal a host of genetic and chromosomal
extract a sample of amniotic conditions, as well as the fetus’s sex.
fluid, which is tested for Amniocentesis is planned for a gestational age (typically week 14) when there
a variety of genetic and is enough fluid to safely siphon out and time to decide whether or not to carry the
chromosomal conditions.
baby to term. However, it, too, carries a small chance of infection and miscarriage,
depending on the skill of the doctor performing the test (Karni, Lescho & Rapaport,
2014). Moreover by the time the results of the “amnio” arrive, quickening may have
occurred. The woman must endure the trauma of labor should she decide to termi-
nate the pregnancy at this late stage.
Because their risk of having a child with chromosomal disorders is higher, many
doctors suggest that patients over age 35 have these procedures. But, not unexpect-
edly, more women in their forties agree to tested; and, because it is safer, more people
undergo amniocentesis than CVS (Godino and others, 2013).
When these couples receive a diagnosis of serious chromosomal problems, most do
terminate the pregnancy—roughly 8 in 10 in one study at a U.S. hospital (Hawkins and
others, 2013). Still, some people who would never consider abortion undergo testing to
ease their anxieties or to prepare in advance if their baby does have a genetic disease. While
a diagnosis of serious fetal problems is devastating to both moms and dads, for women spe-
cifically—perhaps because they are carrying the child inside—it may be more traumatic
to get this news during pregnancy than at birth (Fonseca, Nazare, & Canavarro, 2014).
The summary timeline spanning these pages shows these procedures and charts
the landmark events of prenatal development and pregnancy. I cannot emphasize
strongly enough that giving birth to a baby with serious birth defects is rare. That is
not true of the topic I turn to now—problems in conceiving a child.
According to Psalm 127:3, “Children are a heritage unto the Lord and the fruit of his
womb is His Reward.” So why didn’t I get this gift? I asked myself over and over if I was
being punished.
(quoted in Ferland and Caron, 2013, p. 183)
These quotations have an ageless quality. Since biblical times, humanity has equated
womanhood with bearing a child. The message that “being barren” is a terrible,
CHAPTER 2 Prenatal Development, Pregnancy, and Birth 57
female fate is an underlying message beginning in Genesis. When his beloved wife
Sarah couldn’t get pregnant, the Biblical patriarch Abraham felt compelled to “pro-
create” with a substitute wife.
Infertility—the inability to conceive a child after a year of unprotected inter- infertility The inability to
course—is far from rare. In affluent nations, it affects an estimated 1 in 6 couples. conceive after a year of
unprotected sex. (Includes
In poor countries, the statistics may be as high as 1 in 4. Moreover, infertility rates the inability to carry a child
have been rising over the past half-century, due to sexually transmitted diseases in the to term.)
developing world and the fact that so many developed world women today are delay-
ing childbearing to their thirties and beyond (Petraglia, Serour, & Chapron, 2013).
While infertility can affect women (and men) of every age, just as with miscar-
riage and Down syndrome—as we know from the standard phrase, “the ticking of the
biological clock”—getting pregnant is far more difficult at older ages. Within the first
six months of trying, roughly 3 out of 4 women in their twenties conceives. At age 40,
only 1 out of 5 achieves that goal (Turkington & Alper, 2001). Because of their more
complicated anatomy, many of us assume infertility is usually a “female” problem.
Not so! Male issues—which can vary from low sperm motility to varicose veins in the
testicles—are equally likely to be involved (Turkington & Alper, 2001).
Infertility puts stress on both partners. Still, as the quotes at the beginning of
this section suggest, this life trauma is apt to hit women hardest (Teskereci & Oncel,
2013). Although they are more immune from feelings of having personally failed
(Herrera, 2013), males have pressures to prove their manhood by fathering a child.
In one Danish questionnaire study, almost 1 in 3 patients at a male fertility clinic
confessed that their condition affected their sense of masculinity and self-esteem
(Mikkelsen, Madsen, & Humaidan, 2013).
The impact varies in intensity, depending on one’s culture. In places like Iran,
where not being able to bear a child is sometimes an accepted reason for divorce
(more about this in Chapter 11), infertility can leave a woman shunned by family and
friends (Behboodi-Moghamdam and others, 2013). There may be a feeling of being
socially isolated, even in the liberal West. Imagine going to dinner parties and needing
to listen quietly as everyone at the table bonds around the joys and trials of having kids.
And, when you are in these situations, do you discuss your situation, or clam
up? Revealing your problem to parents—especially those who are anxious for a
grandchild—demands planning: As one woman reported: “They (my husband’s par-
ents) live over 3 hours away and we didn’t want to start the conversation over the
phone. And so we went to visit” (quoted in Bute, 2013 p. 172).
Does telling people help? If, and only if, you have a caring, social-support system,
you may feel relieved by being upfront: “Yes, I’m trying to get pregnant but it’s not
working, Mom” (Martins and others, 2013). But, the bottom-line message is that,
in coping with infertility, having a supportive partner matters most (Darwiche and
58 PART I The Foundation
others, 2013). Read this lovely comment taken from another interview study con-
ducted with long-time infertile women:
When I told him (my second husband) when we were dating that I could not have
children, he said, “If god wanted me to have kids, he would have made me fall in love
with a woman who could have them.”
(quoted in Ferland & Caron, 2013, p. 186)
Just as with the Biblical patriarch Abraham, whose decision to stay with Sarah is an
ageless model for marital love, infertility can offer a chance to demonstrate a person’s
loving commitment to a mate.
Today, communicating collaboratively around fertility issues is essential, as sci-
ence offers couples so many options to help fulfill the quest to have a (partly) biologi-
cal child.
consider the expense of these added “pregnancy players.” As the cost of soliciting
a donor egg can be as high as $30,000, and fees to the donor vary from $5,000
to $15,000, an ART investment can top $40,000—and that’s before each roughly
$12,000 round of treatments even begins (See Jaffe & Diamond, 2011.)!
Now, imagine enduring the invasive techniques used to harvest and insert the
eggs, and managing your monthly anguish if a pregnancy doesn’t occur. According to
2012 U.S. data, the odds of a woman under age 35 getting pregnant after a round of in
vitro treatments was less than fifty/fifty. Over age 42, success rates per cycle slid down
to less than 1 in 10 (Society for Assisted Reproductive Technologies, retrieved 2014).
Critics emphasize the headaches (and heartaches) involved in ART; the pain,
expense, and the chance of miscarrying if many eggs take (often to counter this risk, doc-
tors engage in a procedure gently named “fetal reduction”); the virtual certainty of hav-
ing fragile, small babies when several conceptions come to term (Gentile, 2014; Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), retrieved 2014); or the issues attached to
third-party arrangements: (“Should I meet my egg or sperm donor?” “Do I tell my child
this person exists?”) (Johnson, 2013). In nations such as Israel—which has the highest
ART rates in the world—people argue about whether the government should fund this
procedure for women “simply” for wanting a second or third child (Gooldin, 2013).
These complaints ignore the gift ART provides. This landmark technology has
given thousands of infertile couples their only chance to have a biological child:
“I could never have accomplished all of this myself,” gushed one grateful Taiwanese
woman. Another said: “I no longer felt pitiful. . . . My child represents the continua-
tion of my life” (quoted in Lin, Tsai, and Lai, 2013, p. 194).
During the last weeks of pregnancy, the fetus’s head drops
lower into the uterus. On their weekly visits to the health-
care provider, women, such as Kim in the opening chapter
vignette, may be told, “It should be any minute now.” The
uterus begins to contract as it prepares for birth. The cervix
thins out and softens under the weight of the child. Anticipa-
Crowning tion builds . . . and then—she waits!
I am 39 weeks and desperate for some sign that labor is
near, but so far NOTHING—no softening of the cervix, no
contractions, and the baby has not dropped—the idea of
two more weeks makes me want to SCREAM!!!
What sets off labor? One hypothesis is that the trigger is
a hormonal signal that the fetus sends to the mother’s brain.
Once it’s officially under way, labor proceeds through three
Threats at Birth
Just as with pregnancy, a variety of missteps may happen during this landmark passage
into life: problems with the contraction mechanism; the inability of the cervix to fully
dilate; deviations from the normal head-down position as the fetus descends and posi-
tions itself for birth (this atypical positioning, with feet, buttocks, or knees first, is called
a breech birth); difficulties stemming from the position of the placenta or the umbili-
cal cord as the baby makes its way into the world. Today, these in-transit troubles are
easily surmounted through obstetrical techniques. This was not true in the past.
Natural Childbirth
Natural childbirth, a vague label for returning the birth experience to its “true” natural
state, is now embedded in the labor and birth choices available to women today. To avoid
the hospital experience, some women choose to deliver in homelike birthing centers.
They may use certified midwives rather than doctors, and draw on the help of a doula, a
nonmedical pregnancy and labor coach. Women who are committed to the most natural
experience may give birth in their own homes. (Table 2.4 on page 62 describes some
natural birth options, as well as some commonly used medical procedures.)
natural childbirth A
At the medical end of the spectrum, as Table 2.4 shows, lies the arsenal of phy- general term for labor
sician interventions designed to promote a less painful and safer birth. Let’s now and birth without medical
pause for a minute to look at the last procedure in the table: the cesarean section. interventions.
62 PART I The Foundation
Table 2.4: The Major Players and Interventions in Labor and Birth
The Newborn
Now that we have examined how the baby arrives in the world, let’s focus on that tiny
arrival. What happens after the baby is born? What dangers do babies face after birth?
womb early and being more frail (Chang and others, 2013).
Many early arrivals are fine. The vulnerable newborns are the 1.4
percent classified as very low birth weight, babies weighing less than 3
1/4 pounds. When these infants are delivered, often very prematurely,
they are immediately rushed to a major medical center to enter a spe-
cial hospital unit for frail newborns—the neonatal intensive care unit.
At 24 weeks my water broke, and I was put in the hospital
and given drugs. I hung on, and then, at week 26, gave birth.
Peter was sent by ambulance to Children’s Hospital. When
I first saw my son, he had needles in every point of his body
This baby has an excellent Apgar score. Notice his and was wrapped in plastic to keep his skin from drying out.
healthy, robust appearance.
Peter’s intestines had a hole in them, and the doctor had
to perform an emergency operation. But Peter made it! . . .
Now it’s four months later, and my husband and I are about to
bring our miracle baby home.
Peter was lucky. He escaped the fate of the more than 1 million
babies who die each year as a consequence of being very premature
(Chang and others, 2013). Is this survival story purchased at the price
of a life of pain? Enduring health problems are a serious risk with
newborns such as Peter, born too soon and excessively small. Study
after study suggests low birth weight can compromise brain develop-
ment (Rose and others, 2014; Yang and others, 2014). It may impair
© epa/Corbis
cerebral palsy. But rarely have I met someone so 0 10 25 40 55 70 85 100 115 130 145 160
Infant mortality rate
upbeat, joyous, and fully engaged in the world. (deaths per 1,000 live births)
The service elevator at Peck Hall takes forever to get there, I’m not sure exactly what week I was born, but it wasn’t
then moves in extra-slow motion up to the third floor. If, as really all that early; maybe two months at the most. My
sometimes happens, it’s out of service, you are out of luck. problem was being incredibly small. They think my mom
It’s about a 30-minute drive from my dorm in the motorized might have gotten an infection that made me born less
than one pound. The doctors were sure I’d never make it.
wheelchair, including the ramps. When it rains, there’s the
But I proved everyone wrong. Once I got out of the ICU
muck—slowing you up—keeping you wet. So I try to leave and, at about eight months, went into convulsions, and
at least an hour to get to class. then had a stroke, everyone thought that would be the
My goal is to be at least five minutes early so I don’t end again. They were wrong. I want to keep proving them
disrupt everything as I move the chair, back and forth, wrong as long as I live.
back and forth, to be positioned right in front. Because
I’ve had tons of physical therapy, and a few surgeries; so
my bad eye wanders to the side, you may not think I can I can get up from a chair and walk around a room. But it
read the board. That’s no problem, although it takes me took me until about age five to begin to speak or take
weeks to get through a chapter in your book! The CP my first step. The worst time of my life was elementary
[cerebral palsy], as you know, affects my vocal cords, school—the kids who make fun of you; call you a freak.
making it hard to get a sentence out. But I won’t be In high school, and especially here at MTSU, things are
ashamed. I am determined to participate in class. I have much better. I’ve made close friends, both in the disabil-
my note-taker. I have my hearing amplifier turned up to ity community and outside. Actually, I’m a well-known
figure, especially since I’ve been here so long! Everyone
catch every sound. My mind is on full alert. I’m set to go.
on campus greets me with a smile as I scoot around.
I usually can take about two courses each semester—
sometimes one. I’m careful to screen my teachers to In my future? I’d love to get married and adopt a kid. OK,
make sure they will work with me. I’m almost 30 and still I know that’s going to be hard. Because of my speech
only a junior, but I’m determined to get my degree. I’d problem, I know you’re thinking it’s going to be hard to
like to be a counselor and work with CP kids. I know all be a counselor, too. But I’m determined to keep trying,
about it—the troubles, the physical pain, what people and take every day as a blessing. Life is very special. I’ve
are like. always been living on borrowed time.
66 PART I The Foundation
(Central Intelligence Agency [CIA], 2014.) The main cause lies in income inequal-
ities, stress, poor health practices, and limited access to high-quality prenatal care.
The socioeconomic link to pregnancy and birth problems is particularly troubling.
In every affluent nation—but especially the United States—poverty puts women at
higher risk of delivering prematurely or having their baby die before age 1. So, sadly,
I must end this chapter on a downbeat note. At this moment in history, our wealthiest
nations are falling short of “cherishing” each woman during this landmark journey
of life.
The First Step: Fertilization In general, the embryonic stage is the time of greatest
vulnerability, although toxins can affect the developing brain
Every culture cherishes pregnant women. Some build in rituals during the second and third trimesters also, producing devel-
to announce the baby after a certain point during pregnancy, opmental disorders. While there is typically a threshold level
and many use charms to ward off fetal harm. Pregnancy is a time beyond which damage can occur, teratogens have unpredictable
of intense mixed emotions—joyous expectations coupled with effects. Damage may not show up until decades later.
uneasy fears.
Any recreational drug is potentially teratogenic. Smoking dur-
The female reproductive system includes the uterus and its neck, ing pregnancy is a risk factor for having a smaller-than-optimal-
the cervix; the fallopian tubes; and the ovaries, housing the size baby. Drinking excessively during pregnancy can produce
ova. To promote fertilization, the optimum time for intercourse fetal alcohol syndrome, or fetal alcohol spectrum disorder. If
is when the egg is released. Hormones program ovulation and the woman has poor coping abilities, stress during pregnancy
all of the events of pregnancy. At intercourse, hundreds of mil- can produce premature labor. Fetal programming research sug-
lions of sperm, produced in the testes, are ejaculated, but only a gests that societal upheavals experienced during pregnancy can
small fraction make their way to the fallopian tubes to reach the have enduring effects, by producing small babies and promoting
ovum. When the single victorious sperm penetrates the ovum, weight gain and premature, age-related chronic diseases.
the two 23 chromosome pairs (composed of DNA, segmented
into genes) unite to regain the normal complement of 46 that The second major cause of prenatal problems is genuinely
form our body’s cells. “genetic”—chromosomal problems and single-gene diseases.
Down syndrome is one of the few disorders in which babies born
Prenatal Development with an abnormal number of chromosomes survive. Although
Down syndrome, caused by having an extra chromosome on pair
During the first stage of pregnancy, the two-week-long germinal
21, produces intellectual disability and other health problems,
phase, the rapidly dividing zygote travels to the uterus, becomes
people with this condition do live fulfilling lives.
a blastocyst, and faces the next challenge—implantation. The
second stage of pregnancy, the embryonic stage, begins after With single-gene disorders, a specific gene passed down from
implantation and ends around week 8. During this intense six- one’s parents, causes the disease. In dominant disorders, a per-
week period, the neural tube forms and all the major body son who harbors a single copy of the gene gets ill, and each child
structures are constructed—according to the proximodistal, born to this couple (one of whom has the disease) has a fifty-fifty
cephalocaudal, and mass-to-specific principles of development. chance of developing the condition. If the disorder is recessive,
both parents carry a single copy of the “problem gene” that is
During the third stage of pregnancy, the fetal stage, development
not expressed in real life, but they have a 1-in-4 chance of giving
is slower paced. The hallmarks of this stage are enormous body
birth to a child with that disease (that is, a son or daughter with
growth and construction of the brain as the neurons migrate to
two copies of the gene). With sex-linked disorders, the problem
the top of the tube and differentiate. Another defining landmark
gene is recessive and lies on the X chromosome. If a mother car-
of this seven-month phase occurs around week 22, when the
ries a single copy of the gene, her daughters are spared (because
fetus can possibly be viable, that is, survive outside the womb
they have two Xs), but each male baby has a fifty-fifty risk of get-
if born.
ting the disease. Through advances in genetic testing, couples
(and individuals) can find out if they harbor the genes for many
Pregnancy diseases. Genetic testing poses difficult issues with regard to
The nine months of gestation, or pregnancy, are divided into whether people want to find out if they have incurable adult-
trimesters. The first trimester is often characterized by unpleas- onset diseases.
ant symptoms, such as morning sickness, and a relatively high
Couples at high risk for having a baby with a single-gene disor-
risk of miscarriage. The landmarks of the second trimester are
der (or any couple) may undergo genetic counseling to decide
looking clearly pregnant, experiencing quickening, and often
whether they should try to have a child. During pregnancy, tests,
feeling intensely emotionally connected to the child. During the
including the ultrasound, and more invasive procedures such
third trimester, the woman’s uterus gets very large, and she anx-
as chorionic villus sampling (during the first trimester) and
iously awaits the birth.
amniocentesis (during the second trimester) allow us to deter-
The emotional experience of being pregnant varies, depending mine the baby’s genetic fate.
on socioeconomic status and, most importantly, social support.
Infertility can be emotionally traumatic and socially isolating,
To really enjoy her pregnancy, a woman needs to feel cared about
especially for women because of their historic imperative to bear
and loved. Fathers, the neglected pregnancy partners, also feel
children. Problems getting pregnant are far from rare today, espe-
bonded to their babies too.
cially at older ages. The most radical intervention, assisted repro-
ductive technologies (ART), such as in vitro fertilization (IVF), in
Threats to the Developing Baby which the egg is fertilized outside of the womb, is emotionally and
Rarely babies are born with a birth defect. One cause is terato- physically demanding, costly, and offers no guarantee of having
gens, toxins from the outside that exert their damage during the a baby. However, this landmark procedure has given couples who
sensitive period for the development of a particular body part. could never have conceived the chance to have a biological child.
68 PART I The Foundation
The First Step: Fertilization 3. Tell Tiffany that the best time to have intercourse is around
1. ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus; fertilization occurs in the the time of ovulation, as fertilization typically occurs when
fallopian tubes the ovum is in the upper part of the fallopian tube.
2. ovaries for female; testes for male 4. she is more apt to survive and less apt to be conceived.
Amos Morgan/Photodisc/Getty Images
CHAPTER 2 Prenatal Development, Pregnancy, and Birth 69
Prenatal Development Amniocentesis is much safer and can show a fuller comple-
1. germinal; embryonic; fetal. Organs are formed during the ment of genetic disorders but must be performed in the sec-
embryonic stage. ond trimester—meaning she will have to undergo the trauma
of a full labor should she decide to end the pregnancy.
2. From the neural tube, a mass of cells differentiates during the
late embryonic phase. During the next few months, the cells 7. Cons: ART can be expensive, demands effort and time, has
ascend to the top of the neural tube, completing their migra- unpleasant physical symptoms, and the chance of actually
tion by week 25. In the final months of pregnancy, the neurons getting pregnant per cycle is small—especially for older
elongate and begin to assume their mature structure. women. Pros: ART gives women (and men) who could never
otherwise have a biological child a chance to have a baby
3. (a) mass to specific (b) cephalocaudal (c) proximodistal who is genetically theirs! The best predictor of Jennifer’s
4. Around 22–23 weeks coping well is having a supportive spouse.
Pregnancy Birth
1. In this second trimester, she will feel better physically and 1. Melissa is in stage 1, effacement and dilation of the cervix.
perhaps experience an intense sense of emotional con- Sonia is in stage 2, birth.
nectedness when she feels the baby move. During the first
2. “You might want to forgo any labor medications, and/or give
trimester she may have been very tired, perhaps felt faint,
birth in a birthing center under a midwife’s (and doula’s) care.
and had morning sickness.
Look into new options such as water births, and, if you are
2. Does she feel as though she is supported and loved? Does especially daring, consider giving birth at home.”
she have economic problems?
3. C-sections may sometimes be overused in the developed
3. You may come up with a host of interesting possibilities. world. But they are seriously underutilized in poor areas of
Here are a few of mine: Include fathers in all pregnancy and the globe.
birth educational materials the clinic provides; strongly
encourage men to be present during prenatal exams; alert The Newborn
female patients about the need to be sensitive to their 1. Baby David is in excellent health.
partners; set up a clinic-sponsored support group for
fathers-to-be. 2. Rates of premature births have risen due to ART; and low
birth weight can produce problems in later development.
Threats to the Developing Baby 3. c. While birth is very safe in the developed world, maternal
1. Teratogen A most likely caused damage during the embry- and infant mortality remain serious problems in the least-
onic stage of development and was taken during the first developed countries.
trimester of pregnancy. Teratogen B probably did its damage 4. Sally: The United States—like other developed countries—
during the fetal stage and was taken during the second or has made tremendous strides in conquering infant mortality.
third trimesters. Samantha: The fact that the United States has higher infant
2. Teratogens exert damage during the sensitive period for the mortality rates than many other developed countries is
development of a particular organ. incredibly distressing.
3. A doctor in the United States would advocate no alcohol, 5. You can come up with your own suggestions. Here are a few
while a physician in France might say a glass of wine is fine. of mine: Increase the number of nurse-practitioners and
obstetrician-gynecologists in poor urban and rural areas.
4. a & b. They might be at higher risk of being born small and of
Provide special monetary incentives to health-care providers
developing premature heart disease.
to treat low-income women. Offer special “healthy baby” ed-
5. Jennifer. Down syndrome is typically caused by an unlikely, ucational programs at schools, community centers, and local
random event. With cystic fibrosis, that single-gene recessive churches in low-income neighborhoods targeted for female
disorder, the mom (in this case, Jennifer) has a 1-in-4 chance teens. Make it easier for low-wage workers to actually see a
of giving birth to another child with that disease. health-care provider by providing incentives to employers.
6. Tell your friend that the plus of chorionic villus sampling Set up volunteer programs to visit isolated pregnant single
is finding out a child’s genetic fate in the first trimester. moms and provide social support. Target nutrition programs
However, this procedure is more dangerous, carrying a slight to low-income mothers-to-be (actually, this is the goal of the
risk of limb malformations and, possibly, miscarriage. WIC program, described in the next chapter).
© Nicole Hill/RubberBall/Age Fotostock
This two-chapter part is devoted to infancy and toddlerhood (the period from
birth through age 2). How does a helpless newborn become a walking, talking,
loving child?
steps toward language, the capacity that allows us to really enter the human
Setting the Context
The Expanding Brain
Neural Pruning and Brain
Piaget’s Sensorimotor Stage
Critiquing Piaget
Tackling the Core of What
Makes Us Human: Infant
Social Cognition
t five months of age, Elissa has program development. Then, returning
reached a milestone. She is to infancy, I’ll chart those basic new-
poised to physically encounter born states—eating, crying, and sleep-
life. This chapter charts the transforma- ing—and track babies’ emerging vision
tion from lying helplessly to moving into and motor skills. The final sections of
the world and the other amazing physical this chapter tour cognition and emerg-
and cognitive changes that occur during ing language, the capacity that makes
infancy—that magic first two years of life. our species unique.
To set the context, I’ll first spell out
some brain changes (and principles) that
74 PART II Infancy
2010; Stiles & Jernigan, 2010). Actually, our cortex is malleable or plastic (able to be cerebral cortex The outer,
changed), particularly during infancy and the childhood years. folded mantle of the brain,
responsible for thinking,
Using the fMRI, which measures the brain’s energy consumption, researchers reasoning, perceiving, and
find that among people blind from birth, activity in the visual cortex is intense while all conscious responses.
reading Braille and localizing sounds in space. This suggests that, without environ- axon A long nerve fiber that
mental stimulation from the eye, the neurons programmed for vision are captured, or usually conducts impulses
taken over, to strengthen hearing and touch (Collignon and others, 2011; Fox, Levitt, away from the cell body of a
& Nelson, 2010). neuron.
A similar process occurs with language, normally represented in the left hemi- dendrite A branching fiber that
sphere of the brain. If an infant has a left-hemisphere stroke, with intense verbal receives information and
conducts impulses toward
stimulation, the right hemisphere takes over, and language develops normally (Rowe the cell body of a neuron.
and others, 2009). Compare this to what happens when an older person has a left-
synapse The gap between the
hemisphere stroke after language is located firmly in its appropriate places. The result dendrites of one neuron and
can be devastating—a permanent loss in understanding speech or forming words. the axon of another, over
So, brain plasticity highlights the basic nature-combines-with-nurture principle which impulses flow.
that governs human life. Yes, the blueprint for our cortex is laid out at conception. synaptogenesis Forming of
But, environmental stimulation is vital in strengthening specific neural networks connections between neu-
and determining which connections will be pruned (Fox, Levitt, & Nelson, 2010). rons at the synapses. This
process, responsible for all
Before the pruning phase, our brain is particularly malleable—permitting us to grow perceptions, actions, and
a somewhat different garden should disaster strike. Still, as synaptogenesis is a lifelong thoughts, is most intense
process, we continue to grow, to learn, to develop intellectually, from age 1 to age 101. during infancy and childhood
Table 3.1 on page 76 offers additional fascinating facts about neurons, synapto- but continues throughout
genesis, and the pruning phase. Notice from the last item that, in the same way as
the houses in your subdivision look different—although they may have had the same myelination Formation of
a fatty layer encasing the
original plan (as each owner took charge of decorating his personal space)—scientists axons of neurons. This
find remarkable variability in the brains of normally developing girls and boys (Giedd process, which speeds
and others, 2010). Actually, why should these variations be a surprise, given the diver- the transmission of neural
sity of interests and talents we develop in life! impulses, continues from
birth to early adulthood.
plastic Malleable, or capable
of being changed (used to
refer to neural or cognitive
Susan Watts/NY Daily News Archive via Getty Images
This resilient baby has survived major surgeries in which large sections of his brain had to be
removed. Remarkably—because the cortex is so plastic at this age—he is expected to be left with
few, if any, impairments.
76 PART II Infancy
• Our adult brain is composed of more than 1 billion neurons and, via synaptogenesis, makes
roughly 60 trillion neural connections.
• As preschoolers, we have roughly double the number of synapses we have as adults—
because, as our brain develops, roughly 40 percent of our synapses are ultimately pruned
(see the text). So, ironically, the overall cortical thinning during elementary school and
adolescence is a symptom of brain maturation.
• Specific abilities such as language, that scientists had believed were localized in one part of
the cortex, are dependent on many brain regions. Moreover, the cortical indicators of “being
advanced” in an ability shift in puzzling ways as a child gets older. For instance, while
rapid myelination in the left frontal lobe predicts language abilities at age 1, by age 4 this
relationship reverses, with linguistically advanced preschoolers showing more myelin in the
right frontal lobe. Although when a given child shows rapid IQ declines there is a steeper-
than-normal loss in cortical thickness, boys and girls whose intelligence scores rise show no
special cortical changes.
• Boys’ brains, on average, are 10 percent larger than girls’ brains, even during childhood,
when both sexes are roughly the same size, body-wise.
• The most amazing finding relates to the surprising, dramatic variability in brain size from
child to child. Two normal 10-year-old boys might have a twofold difference in brain volume,
without showing any difference in intellectual abilities!
Information from: Giedd and others, 2010; Stiles & Jernigan, 2010; Muircheartaigh and others, 2013; Burgaleta
and others, 2014.
Now keeping in mind the basic brain principles—(1) development unfolds “in its
own neurological time” (you can’t teach a baby to do something before the relevant
part of the brain comes on-line); (2) stimulation sculpts neurons (our wider-world
experiences physically change our brain); and (3) the brain is still “under construc-
tion” (and shaped by those same experiences) for as long as we live—let’s explore how
the expanding cortex works magic during the first two years of life.
Rooting: Whenever something touches Sucking: Newborns are programmed Grasping: Newborns automatically
their cheek, newborns turn their head in that to suck, especially when something vigorously grasp anything that touches
direction and make sucking movements. enters their mouth. the palm of their hand.
figure 3.2: Some newborn reflexes: If the baby’s brain is developing normally, each of these
reflexes is present at birth and gradually disappears after the first few months of life. In addition
to the reflexes illustrated here, other newborn reflexes include the Babinski reflex (stroke a baby’s
foot and her toes turn outward), the stepping reflex (place a baby’s feet on a hard surface and she
takes small steps), and the swimming reflex (if placed under water, newborns can hold their breath
and make swimming motions).
78 PART II Infancy
What is the best diet during a baby’s first months? When is not having enough
food a widespread problem? These questions bring up breast-feeding and global
and Ball, 2013). As Chloe, a U.S mother forced to give up the breast, rationalized:
“I remember reading that . . . even just getting the first two weeks . . . is apparently
really worthwhile . . . .” (quoted in Williams, Donaghue, & Kurz, 2013, p. 37). One
British woman even took the step of viewing breast-feeding as narcissistic, when she
argued, “I like . . . bottles because it gives her a chance to bond with my partner . . .
and her grandma . . . .” (Leeming and others, 2013).
These quotes suggest we need to rethink the health-care message that automati-
cally equates nursing with ideal motherhood. Many women (such as your author)
cannot breast-feed. Millions of children (including your author) born during the
mid-twentieth century, when bottle-feeding was standard, grew up to live successful
© Christina Kennedy/Alamy
lives. Rather than your milk delivery method, what’s really important is the way you
love and bond with your child!
12% Total in
44% developing
Sub-Saharan Africa 209 million
Middle East and North Africa
Central Asia
East/South Asia and Pacific
figure 3.3: Percentage of stunted children under age 5 in the developing world: This
upsetting chart shows that stunting is common in much of the developed world—affecting
many millions of young children, especially in East and South Asia and the Pacific regions and
Sub-Saharan Africa.
Adapted from: UNICEF, 2000.
80 PART II Infancy
What is it like to battle malnutrition in the developing mom with two or three kids is going to drop out of the
world? Listen to Richard Douglass describe his career: program as soon as the child starts to look healthy.
I grew up on the South Side of Chicago—my radius was Because of male urban migration, the African family is in
maybe 4 or 5 blocks in either direction. Then, I spent my peril. If a family has a grandmother or great-auntie, the
junior year in college in Ethiopia, and it changed my life. child can make it because this woman can take care of the
I lived across the street from the hospital, and every morn- children. So the presence of a grandma saves kids’ lives.
ing I saw a flood of people standing in line. They would Most malnutrition shows up after wars. In Ghana there is
wait all day . . . , and eventually a cart would come and take tons of food. So it’s a problem of ignorance, not poverty.
away the dead. When I saw the lack of doctors, I realized The issue is partly cultural. First, among some groups,
I needed to get my Master’s and Ph.D. in public health. the men eat, then women, then older children, then the
In public health we focus on primary prevention, how to babies get what is left. So the meat is gone, the fish is
prevent diseases and save thousands of people from get- gone, and then you just have that porridge. We have
ting ill. My interest was in helping to eradicate Kwashi- been trying to impose a cultural norm that everyone sits
orkor in Ghana. What the name literally means is “the around the dining table for meals, thereby ensuring that
disease that happens when the second child is born.” all the children get to eat. The other issue is just pure
The first child is taken off the breast too soon and given public health education—teaching families “just because
a porridge that doesn’t have amino acids, and so the your child looks fat doesn’t mean that he is healthy.”
musculature and the diaphragm break down. You get a I feel better on African soil than anywhere else. With poor
bloated look (swollen stomach), and then you die. If a people in the developing world who are used to being
child does survive, he ends up stunted, and so looks exploited, they are willing to write you off in a heartbeat if
maybe 5 years younger. you give them a reason; but if you make a promise and fol-
Once someone gets the disease, you can save their life. low through, then you are part of their lives. I keep going
But it’s a 36-month rehabilitation that requires taking back to my college experience in Ethiopia . . . watching
that child to the clinic for treatment every week. In Ghana those people standing at the hospital, waiting to die.
it can mean traveling a dozen miles by foot. So a single Making a difference for them is the reason why I was born.
How many young children are stunted or chronically hungry in the United
States? According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, in 2012 roughly one in
six U.S. households with children was designated as food insecure. This means that
people reported sometimes not affording to provide a balanced diet, or being worried
that their money for food might run out. About one in 20 families reported severe food
insecurity. They sometimes went hungry due to lack of funds (Coleman-Jensen and
others, 2013). However, because the United States provides nutrition-related entitle-
ment programs described in Table 3.2, in our nation and other developed countries,
poor children are spared the ongoing hunger that limits the life chances of so many
boys and girls around the globe.
Table 3.2: Major U.S. Federal Nutrition Programs Serving Young Children
Food Stamp Program (Now called SNAP, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program): This
mainstay federal nutrition program provides electronic cards that participants can use like
a debit card to buy food. To qualify, a family must have no more than $2,000 in resources,
such as a bank account, or $3,250 in resources if one person is disabled or age 60 and over.
Families with young children make up the majority of food stamp recipients.*
Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC): This federally
funded grant program is specifically for low-income pregnant women and mothers with
children under age 5. To be eligible, a family must be judged nutritionally at risk by a health-
care professional and earn below 185 percent of the poverty line. WIC offers a monthly
package of supplements tailored to the family’s unique nutritional needs (such as infant
formula and baby cereals) plus nutrition education and breast-feeding support.*
Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP): This program reimburses child-care facilities, day-
care providers, after-school programs, and providers of various adult services for the cost of
serving high-quality meals. Surveys show that children in participating programs have higher
intakes of key nutrients and eat fewer servings of fats and sweets than do children who
attend child-care facilities that do not participate.
Information from: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service, accessed September 10, 2014,
*As of 2012, about 42 million households received Food Stamps (over 50 million were eligible). Participation rates
in WIC are lower, with slightly more than half eligible U.S. families getting this aid.
problem (Zeskind & Lester, 2001). When babies cry, we pick them up, rock them,
and give them loving care. So, up to a certain point, crying helps cement the
infant–parent bond.
Still, there is a limit. When a baby cries continually, she may have that bane of
early infancy—colic. Despite what some “friends” (unhelpfully) tell new mothers,
it’s a myth that inept parents produce colicky babies. Colic is caused by an immature
nervous system. After they exit the cozy womb, some babies get unusually distressed
when bombarded by stimuli, such as being handled or fed (St. James-Roberts, 2007).
So, we need to back off from blaming stressed-out moms and dads for this biological
problem of early infant life.
The good news is that colic is short-lived. Most parents find that around month 4,
their baby suddenly becomes a new, pleasant person overnight. For this reason, there
is only cause for concern when a baby cries excessively after this age (Schmid and
others, 2010).
Imagine having a baby with colic. You feel helpless. You cannot do anything to
quiet the baby down. There are few things more damaging to parental self-efficacy
than an infant’s out-of-control crying (Keefe and others, 2006).
had mothers with babies in an intensive care unit carry their infants in baby slings for
one hour each day. Then, they compared these children’s development with that of a
comparable group given standard care. At 6 months of age, the kangaroo-care babies
scored higher on developmental tests. Their parents were rated as providing a more
nurturing home environment, too (Feldman & Eidelman, 2003).
Imagine having your baby whisked away at birth to spend weeks with strangers.
Now, think of being able to caress his tiny body, the sense of self-efficacy that would
flow from helping him thrive. So it makes sense that any cuddling intervention can
have an impact on the baby and the parent–child bond.
Another baby-calming strategy is infant massage. From helping premature infants
gain weight, to treating toddler (and adult) sleep problems, to reducing old-age pain,
Burger/Phanie/Science Source
massage enhances well-being from the beginning to the end of life (Field, Diego, &
Hernandez-Reif, 2007, 2011).
We all know the power of a cuddle or a relaxing massage to soothe our troubles.
Can holding and stroking in early infancy generally insulate us against stress? Con-
sider this study with rats.
Kangaroo care, because Because rodent mothers (like humans) differ in the “hands-on” contact they
it promotes this intense give their babies, researchers classified rats who had just given birth into high licking
skin-to-skin bonding, is and grooming, average licking and grooming, and low licking and grooming groups.
superior to swaddling—the
As adults, the lavishly licked and groomed rats reacted in a more placid way when
standard Western baby-calming
technique. exposed to stress (Menard & Hakvoort, 2007). We need to be cautious about general-
izing this finding to humans. Advocating for the !Kung San approach to caregiving
might be asking too much of modern moms. Still, the implication is clear: During
the first months of life (or, for as long as you can), keep touching and loving ’em up!
Cuddles calm us from day 1 to age 101. However, crying also undergoes fascinat-
ing developmental changes. The long car ride that magically quieted a 2-month-old
evokes agony in a toddler who cannot stand to be confined. First, it’s swaddling, then
watching a mobile, then seeing Mom enter the room that has the power to soothe. In
preschool, it’s monsters that cause wailing; during elementary school and teenager-
hood, it’s failing or being rejected by our social group. As emerging adults, we weep
for lost love. Finally, among mature adults and old folks (as we reach Erikson’s stage
of generativity), we stop crying for ourselves and cry when our loved ones are in pain.
Our crying shows where we are developmentally
throughout our lives!
Alert awake Nonalert awake Drowsiness,
7% 3% sleep–wake
transition Sleeping: The Main Newborn State
Fussing, crying 7%
If crying is a crucial baby (and adult) communica-
tion signal, sleep is the quintessential newborn state.
Visit a relative who has recently given birth. Will
her baby be crying or eating? No, she is almost cer-
Active sleep Quiet sleep
tain to be asleep. Full-term newborns typically sleep
(REM sleep, (slow, regular for 18 hours out of a 24-hour day. As Figure 3.4
uneven breathing, breathing) shows, although they cycle through different stages,
smiling, grimacing) 30% newborns are in the sleeping/drowsy phase about
90 percent of the time (Thoman & Whitney, 1990).
And there is a reason for the saying, “She sleeps like
a baby.” Perhaps because it mirrors the whooshing
figure 3.4: Newborns sound in the womb, noise helps newborns zone out. The problem for parents is that
sleep most of the time: During
each 24-hour period, newborns babies wake up and start wailing, like clockwork, every 3 to 4 hours.
cycle through various states of
arousal. Notice, however, that Developmental Changes: From Signaling, to Self-Soothing,
babies spend the vast majority to Shifts in REM Sleep
of their time either sleeping or in
the getting-to-sleep phase. During the first year of life, infant sleep patterns adapt to the human world. Night-
Adapted from: Thoman & Whitney, 1990. time awakenings become less frequent. Then, by about 6 months of age, there is a
CHAPTER 3 Infancy: Physical and Cognitive Development 83
(A) Brain-wave patterns during sleep (B) Time spent sleeping, by age
Hours 24
Stage 1
Stage 2
1 10 30 60 90
Age (years)
figure 3.5: Sleep brain waves and lifespan changes in sleep and wakefulness: In
chart A, you can see the EEG patterns associated with the four stages of sleep that first appear
during adolescence. After we fall asleep, our brain waves get progressively slower (these are the
four stages of non-REM sleep) and then we enter the REM phase during which dreaming is intense.
Now, notice in chart B the time young babies spend in REM. As REM sleep helps consolidate
memory, is the incredible time babies spend in this phase crucial to absorbing the overwhelming
amount of information that must be mastered during the first years of life?
Adapted from: Roffwarg, Muzio, & Dement, 1966.
milestone. The typical baby sleeps for 6 hours a night. At age 1, the typical pattern
is roughly 12 hours of sleep a night, with an additional morning and afternoon
nap. During year 2, the caretaker’s morning respite to do housework or rest is
regretfully lost, as children give up the morning nap. Finally, by late preschool,
sleep often (although not always) occurs only at night (Anders, Goodlin-Jones, &
Zelenko, 1998).
In addition to its length and on-again-off-again pattern, infant sleep differs
physiologically from our adult pattern. When we fall asleep, we descend through
four stages, involving progressively slower brain-wave frequencies, and then cycle
back to REM sleep—a phase of rapid eye movement, when dreaming is intense
and our brain-wave frequencies look virtually identical to when we are in the light-
est sleep stage (see Figure 3.5). When infants fall asleep, they immediately enter
REM and spend most of their time in this state. It is not until adolescence that
we have the adult sleep cycle, with four distinct stages (Anders, Goodlin-Jones, &
Zelenko, 1998).
Although parents are thrilled to say, “My child is sleeping though the night,” this
statement is false. Babies never sleep continuously through the night. However, by
about 6 months of age, many have the skill to become self-soothing. They put them-
selves back to sleep when they wake up (Goodlin-Jones and others, 2001).
Imagine being a new parent. Your first challenge is to get your baby to develop
the skill of nighttime self-soothing. Around age 1, because your child is now put into REM sleep The phase of
the crib while still awake, there may be issues getting your baby to go to sleep. During sleep involving rapid eye
movements, when the EEG
preschool and elementary school, the sleep problem shifts again. Now, it’s concerns looks almost like it does
about getting the child into bed: “Mommy, can’t I stay up later? Do I have to turn during waking. REM sleep
off the lights?” decreases as infants mature.
Although it may make them cranky, parents expect to be sleep-deprived with a self-soothing Children’s
young baby; but once a child has passed the 5- or 6-month milestone, they get agi- ability, usually beginning at
tated if the infant has never permitted them a full night’s sleep. Parents expect sleep about 6 months of age, to
put themselves back to sleep
problems when their child is ill or under stress, but not the zombielike irritability when they wake up during
that comes from being chronically sleep-deprived for years. There is a poisonous the night.
84 PART II Infancy
bidirectional effect here: Children with chronic sleep problems produce irritable,
stressed-out parents. Irritable, stressed-out parents produce childhood problems with
sleep (Goldberg and others, 2013).
Infant sleep can be affected by everything from the mother’s mental state, to her
relationship with her mate (Kim and Teti, 2014), to the stress of living in poverty
(Sheridan and others, 2013). Moreover, a mother’s mental state may skew her per-
ceptions about her infant’s sleep. In one survey, depressed moms were apt to label
their babies as having serious sleep problems even when they did not (Goldberg and
others, 2013).
So again, in understanding sleep during infancy, we need to look at the wider
context—adopting the developmental systems approach. Moreover, we sometimes
might take complaints about “a baby’s serious sleep issues” with a grain of salt. Child
problems can be seen through the eye of the beholder—and that’s another theme I’ll
be returning to in later chapters.
sleeping culture among non-Western groups. To circumvent this barrier, New Zealand
scientists devised a strategy to permit Maori mothers to follow their traditional sleeping
style and minimize the SIDS risk. They encouraged these women to return to another
old-style practice—weaving a baby sleeping-basket. By placing this basket on parents’
beds, co-sleeping has now become scientifically “correct” (Ball & Volpe, 2013)!
This portable sleeping basket is
user friendly around the world,
Table 3.5 offers a section summary in the form of practical tips for caregivers
but in the Maori culture, it dealing with infants’ eating, crying, and sleeping. Now it’s time to move on to sensory
qualifies as culture friendly, too. development and moving into the world.
CHAPTER 3 Infancy: Physical and Cognitive Development 87
Table 3.5: Infants’ Basic States: Summary Tips for Caregivers (and Others)
• Don’t worry about continual newborn sucking and rooting. These are normal reflexes, and they
disappear after the first months of life.
• As the baby becomes mobile, be alert to the child’s tendency to put everything into the mouth
and baby-proof the home (see the next section’s discussion).
• Try to breast-feed, but if nursing becomes too difficult, don’t berate yourself. The benefits
breast-fed babies show may mainly result from having more loving “bonding time.”
• Employers should make efforts to support breast-feeding in the workplace. Society should
celebrate women who nurse in public. However, people should not criticize women for “failing”
at this task.
• After the child is weaned, provide a balanced diet. But don’t get frantic if a toddler limits
her intake to a few “favorite foods” at around age 1 1/2—this pickiness is normal and
• Appreciate that crying is crucial—it’s the way babies communicate their needs—and realize
that this behavior is at its peak during the first months of life. The frequency of crying declines
and the reasons why the child is crying become far clearer after early infancy.
• If a baby has colic, hang in there. This condition typically ends at month 4. Moreover,
understand that colic has nothing to do with insensitive mothering.
• During the day, carry a young infant around in a “baby sling” as much as possible. In addition,
employ infant massage to soothe the baby.
• Expect to be sleep-deprived for the first few months, until the typical infant learns to self-
soothe; meanwhile, try to take regular naps. After that, expect periodic sleep problems and
understand that children will give up their daytime nap at around age 2.
• After about 6 to 8 months of age, to promote self-soothing, don’t go to the infant at the first
whimper. But the choice is really up to you—as the best way to promote sleep is to put your
baby to bed with love.
• Co-sleeping—having a child sleep in your bed—is a personal decision. Although most of the
stereotypes about co-sleeping are wrong, this practice may not be completely safe with young
infants, as bed-sharing may slightly increase the risk of SIDS.
Hearing: Fetuses can discriminate different tones in the womb (Lecanuet and others, 2000).
Newborns prefer women’s voices, as they are selectively sensitive to higher-pitched
tones. At less than 1 week of age, babies recognize their mother’s voice (DeCasper & Fifer,
1980). By 1 month of age, they tune in to infant-directed speech (described on page 101)
communications tailored to them.
Smell: Newborns prefer the odor of breast milk to that of amniotic fluid (Marlier, Schaal, &
Soussignan, 1998). The smell of breast milk, unlike formula, increases blood flow in newborn’s
frontal lobes—which may be another benefit of nursing for 6 months (Aoyama and others, 2010).
Plus, smelling breast milk has a soothing effect; newborns cry more vigorously when facing a
scentless breast (one covered with a transparent film) (Doucet and others, 2007).
Taste: Newborns are sensitive to basic tastes. When they taste a bitter, sour, or salty
substance, they stop sucking and wrinkle their faces. They will suck more avidly on a
sweet solution, although they will stop if the substance grows too sweet. Having babies
suck a sweet solution before a painful experience, such as a heel stick, reduces agitation
and so can be used as a pain-management technique (Fernandez and others, 2003; Gibbins &
Stevens, 2001).
CHAPTER 3 Infancy: Physical and Cognitive Development 89
Focusing on Faces
Actually, when we emerge from the womb, we are primed to selectively attend to
the social world. When presented with the paired stimuli in Figure 3.6, newborns
spend more time looking at the face pattern than at the scrambled pattern. They
follow that facelike stimulus longer when it is moved from side to side (Farroni,
Massaccesi, & Simion, 2002; Slater and others, 2010).
The story gets more interesting. Newborns can make amazing distinctions. Face Scrambled
During their first week of life, they prefer to look at a photo of their mother com-
pared to one of a stranger (Bushnell, 1998). Newborns prefer attractive-looking figure 3.6: Babies prefer
people too! faces: When shown these
Researchers selected photos of attractive and unattractive women, then took illustrations, newborns looked
infants from the maternity ward and measured preferential looking. The attrac- most at the facelike drawing.
Might the fact that infants are
tive faces got looked at significantly longer—61 percent of the time (Slater and biologically programmed to
others, 2010). By 3 to 6 months of age, babies preferentially look at good-looking selectively look at faces be built
infants and children. They even prefer handsome men and pretty women of different into evolution to help ensure
racial groups (Slater, 2001). Unhappily, our tendency to gravitate toward people for that adults give babies loving
their looks seems somewhat biologically built in. (In case you are interested, more
symmetrical faces tend to be rated as better-looking.)
We also seem prewired to gravitate to relationships. Newborns look longer at
faces when the “eyes” are gazing directly at them (Frischen, Bayliss, & Tipper,
2007). They can mimic facial expressions that an adult makes, such as sticking
out the tongue (Meltzoff & Moore, 1977). So if you have wondered why you get
uncomfortable when someone stares at you, or have agonized at your humiliat-
ing tendency to mimic everyone else’s gestures and facial tics, this research offers
answers. It’s not a personal problem. It’s built into our human biology, beginning
from day one!
With experience, our sensitivity to faces—and the emotions they reveal—
markedly improves. But fascinating research suggests that early experience also shapes
what we learn not to see (Slater and others, 2010).
Developmentalists tested European American babies at different points during
their first year of life for their ability to discriminate between different faces within
their own racial group and those belonging to other ethnicities (African American,
Middle Eastern, and Chinese). While the 3-month-olds preferentially looked at “new
faces” of every ethnicity, showing they could see the differences between individuals
in each group, by 9 months of age, the babies could only discriminate between faces
of their own ethnicity.
Why did this skill disappear? The cause, as you may have guessed, is cortical
pruning—the fact that unneeded synapses in our visual system atrophy or are lost
(Slater and others, 2010). So if you have wondered why other races look more alike
(compared to your own ethnic group, of course!), it’s a misperception. You learned
not to see these differences during your first year of life!
ant because that experience prewires us visually to be more sensitive to the feelings
of other races (Telzer and others, 2013)!
The main conclusion, however, is that William James was wrong. Newborns
don’t experience the world as a “blooming, buzzing confusion.” We arrive in life with
a built-in antenna to tune into the human world. But also, visual skills change as we
mature, in sometimes surprising ways.
Now let’s trace another visual capacity as it comes on-line—the ability to see and
become frightened of heights.
But suppose a child is behind schedule. Let’s say your son is almost 15 months
old and has yet to take his first solo step? And what about the fantasies that set in
when an infant is ahead? “Only 8 months old, and he’s walking. Perhaps my baby is
special, a genius!”
What typically happens is that, within weeks, the worries become a memory
and the fantasies about the future are shown to be completely wrong. Except in the
case of children who have developmental disorders, the rate at which babies master
motor milestones has no relation to their later intelligence. Since different regions of
the cortex develop at different times, why should our walking or grasping-an-object
timetable predict development in a complex function such as grasping the point of
this book?
But even if a baby’s early locomotion (physically getting around) does not mean
he will end up an Einstein, each motor achievement provokes other advances.
Why do infants have an incredible hunger to explore, to reach, to touch, to get into
every cleanser-laden cabinet and remove outlet plugs? For the same reason that, if
you landed on a different planet, you would need to get the basics of reality down.
Imagine stepping out onto Mars. You would roam the new environment, explor-
ing the rocks and the sand. While exercising your walking schema, or habitual way
of physically navigating, you would need to make drastic changes. On Mars, with its
minimal gravity, when you took your normal earthling stride, you would probably
bounce up 20 feet. Just like a newly crawling infant, you would have to accommo-
date, and in the process reach a higher mental equilibrium, or a better understanding
of life. Moreover, as a scientist, you would not be satisfied to perform each move-
ment only once. The way to pin down the physics of this planet would be to repeat
each action over and over again. Now you have the basic principles of Jean Piaget’s
sensorimotor stage (see Table 3.7).
primary circular reactions From the newborn reflexes, during months 1 to 4, primary circular reactions
In Piaget’s framework, the develop. These are repetitive actions centered on the child’s body. A thumb randomly
first infant habits during the
sensorimotor stage, centered makes contact with his mouth, and a 2-month-old removes that interesting object,
on the body. observes it, and moves it in and out. Waving her legs captivates a 3-month-old for hours.
secondary circular reactions At around 4 months of age, secondary circular reactions appear. As the cortex
In Piaget’s framework, habits blossoms and the child begins to reach, action-oriented schemas become centered on
of the sensorimotor stage the outside world. Here is how Piaget described his daughter Lucienne’s first second-
lasting from about 4 months ary circular reactions:
of age to the baby’s first
birthday, centered on Lucienne at 0:4 [4 months] is lying in her bassinet. I hang a doll over her feet which . . .
exploring the external world. sets in motion the schema of shakes. Her feet reach the doll . . . and give it a violent
tertiary circular reactions movement which Lucienne surveys with delight . . . . After the first shakes, Lucienne
In Piaget’s framework, makes slow foot movements as though to grasp and explore . . . . When she tries to kick
“little-scientist” activities the doll, and misses . . . she begins again very slowly until she succeeds [without looking
of the sensorimotor stage, at her feet].
beginning around age 1, (Piaget, 1950, p. 159 [as cited in Flavell, 1963, p. 103])
involving flexibly exploring
the properties of objects. During the next few months, secondary circular reactions become better coor-
little-scientist phase The dinated. By about 8 months of age, babies can simultaneously employ two circular
time around age 1 when reactions, using both grasping and kicking together to explore the world.
babies use tertiary circular Then, around a baby’s first birthday, tertiary circular reactions appear. Now,
reactions to actively explore
the child is no longer constrained by stereotyped schemas. He can operate just like
the properties of objects,
experimenting with them like a real scientist, flexibly changing his behavior to make sense of the world. A toddler
“scientists.” becomes captivated by the toilet, throwing toys and different types of paper into the
means–end behavior In bowl. At dinner, he gleefully spits his food out at varying velocities and hurls his bottle
Piaget’s framework, off the high chair in different directions to see where it lands.
performing a different How important are circular reactions in infancy? Spend time with a young baby,
action to get to a goal—an
as she bats at her mobile or joyously pinwheels her legs. Try to prevent a 1-year-old
ability that emerges in
the sensorimotor stage as from hurling plates from a high chair, flushing money down the toilet, or inserting
babies approach age 1. bits of cookie into a USB slot. Then you will understand: Infancy is all about the
insatiable drive to repeat interesting acts. (See Table 3.8 for a recap of the circular
reactions, as well as a look at the sensorimotor substages.)
Piaget’s concept of circular reactions offers a new perspective on those obsessions
that drive adults crazy during what researchers call the little-scientist phase (and
parents call the “getting into everything” phase). This is the time, around age 1, when
the child begins experimenting with objects in a way that mimics how a scientist
behaves: “Let me try this, then that, and see what happens.” The reason you can’t
derail a 1-year-old from putting oatmeal into the computer, or clogging the toilet with
your hard-earned wages (making a plumber a parent’s new best friend) is that circular
reactions allow infants to pin down the basic properties of the world.
Why do specific circular reactions, such as flushing dollar bills down the toilet,
become irresistible during the little-scientist phase? This question brings me to
Piaget’s ideas about how babies progress from reflexes to the ability to think.
Table 3.8: The Circular Reactions: A Summary Table (with a Look at Piaget’s
Sensorimotor Substages)
Primary Circular Reactions: 1–4 months
Description: Repetitive habits center around the child’s own body.
Examples: Sucking toes; sucking thumb.
Secondary Circular Reactions: 4 months–1 year
Description: Child “wakes up to wider world.” Habits center on
environmental objects.
Examples: Grabbing for toys; batting mobiles; pushing one’s body to
© Christina Kennedy/PhotoEdit
activate the lights and sounds on a swing.
Substages: From 4 to 8 months, children use single secondary
circular reactions such as those above; from 8 to 12 months, they
employ two circular reactions in concert to attain a goal (i.e.,
they may grab a toy in each hand, bat a mobile back and forth,
coordinate the motions of toys).
on the light, screwing open a bottle to extract the juice—all are examples of “doing
something different” to reach a particular end.
If you have access to a 1-year-old, you might try to construct your own means–end
task. First, show the child something she wants, such as a cookie or a toy. Then, put
the object in a place where the baby must perform a different type of action to get
the treat. For instance, you might put the cookie in a clear container and cover the
top with Saran Wrap. Will the baby ineffectively bang the side of the container, or
will she figure out the different step (removing the cover) essential to retrieving what
she wants? If you conduct your test by putting the cookie in an opaque container, the
baby must have another basic understanding: She must realize that—although she object permanence In
doesn’t see it—the cookie still exists. Piaget’s framework, the
understanding that objects
Object Permanence: Believing in a Stable World continue to exist even when
we can no longer see them,
Object permanence refers to knowing that objects exist even when we no longer see which gradually emerges
them—a perception that is, obviously, fundamental to our sense of living in a stable during the sensorimotor
world. Suppose you felt that this book disappeared when you averted your eyes or stage.
96 PART II Infancy
Critiquing Piaget
Piaget’s insights have transformed the way we think about childhood.
Research confirms the fact that children are, at heart, little scientists.
The passion to decode the world is built into being human from our
first months of life (Gopnik, 2010). However, Piaget’s timing was seri-
ously off. Piaget’s trouble was that he had to rely on babies’ actions
(for instance, taking covers off hidden objects) to figure out what
they knew. He did not have creative strategies, like preferential look-
ing and habituation, to decode what babies’ understand before they
can physically respond. Using these techniques, researchers realized
that young infants know far more about life than this master theorist
ever believed. Specifically, scientists now know that:
iStockphoto/Thinkstock/Getty Images
• Infants grasp the basics of physical reality well before age 1.
To demonstrate this point, developmentalist Renée Baillargeon
(1993) presented young babies with physically impossible events
such as showing a traveling rabbit that never appeared in a gap it
had to pass through to reach its place on the other side (illustrated
in Figure 3.8A). Even 5-month-olds looked astonished when they
saw these impossible events. You could almost hear them think-
ing, “I know that’s not the way objects should behave.” For this 1-year-old, pushing the
buttons on the TV remote is
• Infants’ understanding of physical reality develops gradually. For instance, while utterly captivating. Information
Baillargeon discovered that the impossible event of the traveling rabbit in the fig- processing researchers want
ure provoked astonishment around month 5, other research shows it takes until to understand what specific
skills made this boy capable
age 1 for babies to master other basics about the world, such as the fact that you of achieving this miraculous
cannot take a large rabbit out of a little container (shown in Figure 3.8B). (As an means–end feat.
aside, that explains why “magic” suddenly becomes interesting only around age 2
or 3.) Therefore, rather than viewing development in huge qualitative stages, many
contemporary researchers adopt a more specific approach: focusing on particular
mental processes such as memory; decoding step by step how cognition gradually
Information-processing researchers use the metaphor of a computer with information-processing
separate processing steps to decode children’s (and adults’) intellectual skills. For approach A perspective on
understanding cognition
instance, instead of seeing means–end behavior as a capacity that suddenly emerges that divides thinking into
at age 1, a psychologist using this approach would isolate the talents involved in this specific steps and compo-
milestone—memory, attention, the ability to inhibit your immediate perception— nent processes, much like a
and chart how each skill develops over time. computer.
(A) (B)
figure 3.8: Two impossible events: At about 5 months of age babies were surprised by the
physically impossible sequence in A—but they did not look surprised by the event in B till about
age one. The bottom line: Infants understand the physical world far earlier than Piaget believed,
but this knowledge occurs gradually.
Adapted from: Baillargeon, 1993; Baillargeon & DeVos, 1991; Baillargeon & Graber, 1987.
98 PART II Infancy
Table 3.9: Infant Memory and Conceptual Abilities: Some Interesting Findings
Memory: By using deferred imitation (see the text discussion), researchers find that babies as young
as 9 months of age can “remember” events from the previous day. Infants will push a button if
they saw an adult performing that act 24 hours earlier. In another study, most 10-month-olds
imitated an action they saw one month earlier. There even have been cases where babies this
age saw an action and then remembered it a year later.*
Forming categories: By 7 to 9 months of age, babies are able to distinguish between animals and
vehicles. They will feed an animal or put it to bed, but even if they watch an adult put a car to
bed, they will not model her action. So the first classification babies make is between something
that moves by itself or cannot move on its own. (Is it alive, like an animal, or inanimate?) Then,
categorization abilities get more refined depending on familiarity. Eleven-month-old infants, for
example, can often distinguish between dogs and cats but not among dogs, rabbits, and fish.
Understanding numbers: By about 5 months of age, infants can make differentiations between
different numbers—for instance, after seeing three dots on a screen, they will look preferentially
at a subsequent screen showing four dots. They also have an implicit understanding of addition
and subtraction. If they see someone add one doll to another, or take away a doll from a set, they
look surprised when they see an image on a screen showing the incorrect number of dolls.
Table 3.9 showcases insights about babies’ memories and mathematical capacities,
derived from using this gradual, specific approach. Stay tuned for Chapters 5 and 13,
social cognition Any skill
to see how information processing sheds light on memory and thinking during elemen-
related to understanding
feelings and negotiating tary school and old age. Now, it’s time to tackle another question: What do babies
interpersonal interactions. understand about human minds?
offers the baby both puppets and sees if she preferentially grabs for either one.
And guess what? By the time they can reach (at about month 5), most infants
grasp the nice puppet rather than the puppet that acted “mean” (Hamlin &
Wynn, 2011; Hamlin, 2013).
This remarkable finding suggests we clue into motivations such as “She’s not
After seeing this video sequence
of events, even infants under
nice!” months before we begin to speak (Hamlin, 2013). More astonishing, 8-month-
6 months of age preferentially old babies can make adultlike judgments about intentions. They preferentially reach
reached for the “nice” tiger rather for a stuffed animal that tried to help a puppet, but failed. Here the reasoning may
than the “mean dog”—showing be: “He is a good guy. Even though he didn’t succeed, he tried” (Hamlin, 2013a).
that the fundamental human
social-cognitive awareness, “he’s
Notice that these infants have intuitively mastered modern legal concepts we use in
acting mean or nice” emerges at assessing criminal intent. Our system must determine: Was this an accident or did he
a remarkably young age. mean it? He should only be punished if he meant to do harm.
CHAPTER 3 Infancy: Physical and Cognitive Development 99
But I cannot leave you with the sense that our species is primed to be mini-
biblical King Solomons, behaving in a wise, ethical way. Some not-so-appealing
human tendencies also erupt before age 1.
Using a similar procedure, the same research group found that 8-month-olds
reach for a puppet they previously viewed hindering (acting mean) to another pup-
pet if they view that puppet as different from themselves (Hamlin, 2013b; Hamlin
and others, 2013). The principle here seems to be: “The enemy of my enemy is my
friend.” Or put more graphically: “I like people who are mean to people who are dif-
ferent than me.” (In the next chapter, you will learn that a fear of anyone different—
meaning, not a baby’s primary caregiver—kicks in at exactly 8 months of age!)
In sum, during our second six months on this planet, we can decode intentions—
inferring underlying motivations from the way people behave. This mind-reading
talent (probably unique to our species) paves the way for that other human milestone:
language, communicating our thoughts through words.
social-interactionist argued that we learn to say “I want cookie” by being rewarded for producing those
perspective An approach sounds by getting that treat). This pronouncement was another example of the tradi-
to language development
that emphasizes its social
tional behaviorist principle that “all actions are driven by reinforcement” run amok
function, specifically (see Chapter 1). It defies common sense to suggest that we can generate billions of
that babies and adults new sentences by having people reinforce us for every word!
have a mutual passion to Still, Skinner is correct in one respect. I speak English instead of Mandarin Chi-
nese because I grew up in New York City, not Beijing. So the way our genetic program
babbling The alternating for making language gets expressed depends on our environment. Once again, nature
vowel and consonant sounds
that babies repeat with
plus nurture work together to explain every activity of life!
variations of intonation and Currently, developmentalists adopt a social-interactionist perspective on this
pitch and that precede the core skill. They focus on the motivations that propel language (Hoff-Ginsberg, 1997).
first words. Babies are passionate to communicate. Adults are passionate to help babies learn to
holophrase First clear talk. How does the infant passion to communicate evolve?
evidence of language, when
babies use a single word to
communicate a sentence or Tracking Emerging Language
complete thought. The pathway to producing language occurs in stages. Out of the reflexive crying of the
telegraphic speech First newborn period comes cooing (oooh sounds) at about month 4. At around month 6,
stage of combining words delightful vocal circular reactions called babbling emerge. Babbles are alternating
in infancy, in which a baby consonant and vowel sounds, such as “da da da,” that infants playfully repeat with
pares down a sentence to its
essential words. variations of intonation and pitch.
The first word emerges out of the babble at around 11 months, although that
exact landmark is difficult to define. There is little more reinforcing to paternal pride
than when your 8-month-old genius repeats your name. But when does “da da da”
really refer to Dad? In the first, holophrase stage of true speech, one word, accom-
panied by gestures says it all. When your son says “ja” and points to the kitchen, you
know he wants juice . . . or was it a jelly sandwich, or was he referring to his sister Jane?
Children accumulate their first 50 or so words, centering on the important items
in their world (people, toys, and food), slowly (Nelson, 1974). Then, typically between
ages 1 1/2 and 2, there is a vocabulary explosion as the child begins to combine
words. Because children pare communication down to its essentials, just like an old-
style telegram (“Me juice”; “Mommy, no”), this first word-combining stage is called
telegraphic speech. Table 3.10 summarizes these language landmarks, along with
offering examples and the approximate time each milestone occurs.
Just as with the other infant achievements described in this chapter, developmen-
talists are passionate to trace language to its roots. It turns out, for instance, that newborns
are prewired to gravitate to the sounds of living things—as they suck longer when rein-
forced by hearing monkey and/or human vocalizations (versus pure tones). By 3 months
of age, preferences get more selective. Now babies perk up only when they hear human
speech (Vouloumanos and others, 2010). By 8 months of age (notice the similarity to the
visual-system atrophy research described early in this chapter), infants—like adults—lose
their ability to hear sound tones in languages not their own, such as Hindi (Gervain &
Mehler, 2010). Simultaneously, a remarkable sharpening occurs. When language starts
to explode, toddlers can hear the difference between similar sounds like “bih” and “dih”
and link them to objects after just hearing this connection once!
Caregivers promote these achievements by continually talking to babies. Around
the world, they train infants in language by using infant-directed speech.
Infant-directed speech (IDS) (what you and I call baby talk) uses simple words, infant-directed speech (IDS)
exaggerated tones, elongated vowels, and has a higher pitch than we use in speaking to The simplified, exaggerated,
high-pitched tones that
adults (Hoff-Ginsberg, 1997). Although IDS sounds ridiculous (“Mooommy taaaaking
adults and children use
baaaaby ooooout!” “Moommy looooves baaaaby!”), infants perk up when they hear to speak to infants that
this conversational style (Santesso, Schmidt, & Trainor, 2007). So we naturally use function to help teach
infant-directed speech with babies, just as we are compelled to pick up and rock a child language.
when she cries. Does IDS really help promote emerging language? The answer is yes.
Babies identify individual words better when they are uttered in exaggerated IDS
tones (Thiessen, Hill, & Saffran, 2005). When adults are learning a new language,
they also benefit from the slow, repetitive IDS style. Therefore, rather than being just
for babies, IDS is a strategy that teaches language across the board (Ratner, 2013). In
fact, notice that when you are teaching a person any new skill (or, as you will see in
Chapter 14, when talking to an older person you perceive as impaired,) you, too, are
apt to automatically use IDS!
The close link between brain development at 7 months of age and children’s
speech understanding at age 1, shown in Figure 3.9, suggests that we can physically
“see” the roots of language before that talent appears (Deniz Can, Richards, and
Kuhl, 2013; see also Dean and others, 2014). But even if this growth rate is mainly
genetically programmed (meaning due to biological differences), parents who use
more IDS communications have babies who speak at a younger age (Ratner, 2013).
IDS is different than other talk. You don’t hear this speech style on TV, at the din-
ner table, or on videos designed to produce Einstein’s at 8 months of age. IDS kicks
in only when we communicate with babies one on one. So, if parents are passionate
to accelerate language, investing millions in learning tools seems a distant second best
to spending time talking to a child (Ratner, 2013)!
cbm Gray-Matter Concentration at 7 m
40 45 50 55 60 65
Receptive Language T-score at 12 m
Setting the Context: Brain Blossoming Crying is at its height during early infancy and declines around
month 4 as the cortex develops. Colic, excessive crying that
and Sculpting disappears after early infancy, is basically a biological problem.
Because our large cerebral cortex develops mainly after birth, Strategies for quieting crying babies include rocking, holding,
during the first two years of life, the brain mushrooms. Axons and providing an outlet for the urge to suck. The skin-to-skin con-
elongate and develop a fatty cover called myelin. Dendrites sprout tact involved in infant massage, and kangaroo care, is preferable
branches and at synapses link up with other cells. Synaptogenesis to swaddling, another classic technique. These practices may
and myelination program every ability and human skill. Although help infants—especially at-risk premature babies—grow.
the brain matures for decades, we do not simply “develop more
synapses.” Each region undergoes rapid synaptogenesis, fol- Sleep is the basic newborn state, and from the 18-hour, waking-
lowed by pruning (or cutting back). Before pruning, the brain is every-few hours newborn pattern, babies gradually adjust to
particularly plastic, allowing us to compensate for early brain falling asleep at night. REM sleep lessens and shifts to the end
insults—but synaptogenesis and learning occur throughout life. of the cycle. Babies, however, really do not ever sleep through
the night. At about 6 months, many learn self-soothing, putting
themselves back to sleep when they wake up. The decision about
Basic Newborn States whether to “let a baby cry it out” or respond immediately at night
Eating undergoes dramatic changes during infancy. We emerge is personal, because the best way to foster sleep is to provide a
from the womb with sucking and rooting reflexes, which jump- caring bedtime routine. Co-sleeping (or bed-sharing)—the norm
start eating, as well as other reflexes, which disappear after the in collectivist cultures—although still controversial in the West,
early months of life. Although the “everything into the mouth” is also a personal choice.
phase of infancy can make life scary for caregivers, a 2-year-old’s
food caution can protect toddlers from poisoning themselves. Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)—when a young baby stops
breathing, often at night, and dies—is a main cause of devel-
Even though its specific health benefits are not always clear- oped-world infant mortality. Although SIDS may be caused by
cut, every public health organization advocates exclusive breast- impairments in the developing fetal brain—it tends to occur most
feeding for the first 6 months of life. However, only a minority of often when babies sleep face down. Therefore, a late-twentieth-
women follows this recommendation. Mothers may find breast- century SIDS campaign urging parents to put babies to sleep on
feeding difficult and rebel against the social pressure to nurse their backs (not stomachs) has been effective, although deliver-
for 6 months. We need to realize that breast-feeding is not for ing this message is difficult in cultures that prize co-sleeping.
everyone and avoid equating nursing with being a good mom.
Undernutrition, both stunting (very short stature) and micro- Sensory and Motor Development
nutrient deficiencies, are common in young children living in The preferential-looking paradigm (exploring what objects
the developing world. Although families with children in the babies look at) and habituation (the fact that we get less inter-
United States may suffer from food insecurity, due to govern- ested in looking at objects that are no longer “new”) are used
ment entitlement programs, severe, chronic hunger is very rare. to determine what very young babies can see. Although at birth
CHAPTER 3 Infancy: Physical and Cognitive Development 103
visual acuity is poor, it improves very rapidly. Face-perception Piaget’s most compelling concept is object permanence—
studies show that newborns look at facelike stimuli, recognize knowing that objects exist when you no longer see them. Accord-
their mothers, and even prefer good-looking people from the ing to Piaget, this understanding develops gradually during the
first weeks of life. At the same time that our visual capacities first years of life. When this knowledge is developing, infants
improve, due to neural pruning, we lose the ability to “see” facial make the A-not-B error, looking for an object in the place where
differences we really don’t need. Sadly, this neural atrophy may they first found it, even if it has been hidden in another location
bias us against other races. Depth perception studies using the before their eyes.
visual cliff show that babies get frightened of heights around the
time they begin to crawl. Using preferential looking, and watching babies’ expressions of
surprise at impossible events, researchers now know that babies
Infants’ bodies lengthen and thin out as they grow. The cepha- understand physical reality far earlier than Piaget believed.
locaudal, proximodistal, and mass-to-specific principles apply to Because Piaget’s stage model also does not fit the gradual way
how the body changes and emerging infant motor milestones. cognition unfolds, contemporary developmentalists may adopt
Although they do progress through stages when getting to walk- an information-processing approach, breaking thinking into sep-
ing, babies show incredible creativity and variability when they first arate components and steps. Scientists studying social cogni-
attain skills. Reaching, in particular, literally opens babies up to tion find that babies understand people’s motivations (and prefer
encountering life. Earlier-than-normal motor development does not people, based on judging their inner intentions) remarkably early
predict advanced cognition; but as babies get more mobile, parents in life.
need to discipline their children and baby-proof their home.
Language: The Endpoint of Infancy
Cognition Language, specifically our use of grammar and our ability to
During Piaget’s sensorimotor stage, babies master the basics form infinitely different sentences, sets us apart from any other
of physical reality through their senses and begin to symbol- animal. Although B. F. Skinner believed that we learn to speak
ize and think. Circular reactions (habits the baby repeats) help through being reinforced, the more logical explanation is Chom-
babies pin down the basics of the physical world. Primary circular sky’s idea that we have a biologically built-in language acqui-
reactions—body-centered habits, such as sucking one’s toes— sition device (LAD). Social-interactionists focus on the mutual
emerge first. Secondary circular reactions, habits centered on passion of babies and adults to communicate.
making interesting external stimuli last (for example, batting
mobiles), begin around month 4. Tertiary circular reactions, also First, babies coo, then babble, then use one-word holophrases,
called “little-scientist” activities—like spitting food at different and finally, at 1 1/2 or 2, progress to two-word combinations
velocities just to see where the oatmeal lands—are the hallmark called telegraphic speech. Caregivers naturally use infant-
of the toddler years. A major advance in reasoning that occurs directed speech (exaggerated intonations and simpler phrases)
around age 1 is means–end behavior—understanding you need when they talk to babies. Talking to babies in IDS is better than
to do something different to get to a goal. any baby-genius tape in promoting this vital human skill.
cerebral cortex, p. 74 micronutrient deficiency, face-perception studies, p. 88 object permanence, p. 95
axon, p. 74 p. 79 depth perception, p. 90 A-not-B error, p. 96
dendrite, p. 74 food insecurity, p. 80 visual cliff, p. 90 information processing
colic, p. 81 baby-proofing, p. 92 approach, p. 97
synapse, p. 74
swaddling, p. 81 sensorimotor stage, p. 93 social cognition, p. 98
synaptogenesis, p. 74
kangaroo care, p. 81 circular reactions, p. 93 grammar, p. 99
myelination, p. 74
REM sleep, p. 83 primary circular reactions, language acquisition device
plastic, p. 75 (LAD), p. 99
self-soothing, p. 83 p. 94
sucking reflex, p. 77 social-interactionist view, p. 100
co-sleeping, p. 85 secondary circular reactions,
rooting reflex, p. 77 p. 94 babbling, p. 100
sudden infant death syndrome
reflex, p. 77 (SIDS), p. 86 tertiary circular reactions, holophrase, p. 100
undernutrition, preferential-looking paradigm, p. 94 telegraphic speech, p. 100
p. 79 p. 88 little-scientist phase, p. 94 infant-directed speech (IDS),
stunting, p. 79 habituation, p. 88 means–end behavior, p. 94 p. 101
104 PART II Infancy
Setting the Context: Brain Blossoming and Sculpting 4. Jorge’s child is right on schedule, but he’s wrong to say his
1. Both Cortez and Ashley are right. We are unique in our child is sleeping through the night. The baby has simply
massive cerebral cortex, in growing most of our brain outside learned to self-soothe.
of the womb, and in the fact that the human cortex does not 5. The answers here will depend on the class.
reach its adult form for more than two decades.
2. Latisha is only partly right. Synaptic loss and neural pruning Sensory and Motor Development
are essential to fostering our emerging abilities. 1. You are using a kind of preferential-looking paradigm;
3. When babies have a stroke, they may end up less impaired the scientific term for when your baby loses interest is
than during adulthood, due to brain plasticity. habituation.
4. Synaptogenesis is occurring in your mom and grandma. 2. Both Tania and Thomas are right. In support of Tania’s
Myelination (or formation of the myelin sheath) ends by our “dramatic improvement” position, while newborns are legally
mid-twenties. blind, vision improves to 20/20 by age 1. (Another example is
the visual cliff research.) Thomas is also correct that in some
Basic Newborn States ways vision gets worse during infancy. He should mention
1. You need to pick the first two statements: The rooting reflex the fact that by 9 months of age we have “unlearned” the
is programmed by the low brain centers to appear at birth ability to become as sensitive to facial distinctions in people
and then go away as the cortex matures. Its appearance is of other ethnic groups.
definitely not a sign of early intelligence. 3. The roots of adult prejudice may begin during the second
2. Elaine should say breast-feeding is inconvenient for new 6 months of life.
moms who need to work full-time at working-class jobs. It 4. At 8 months of age, the child should be frightened of
can be embarrassing to nurse in public. Plus, breast-feeding the cliff.
can be painful. 5. Your answers might include installing electrical outlet
3. Tell your relatives to carry the child around in a baby sling covers; putting sharp, poisonous, and breakable objects
(kangaroo care). Also, perhaps make heavy use of a pacifier out of a baby’s reach; carpeting hard floor surfaces;
and employ baby massage. Don’t recommend swaddling, padding furniture corners; installing latches on cabinet
though—as it limits skin-to-skin contact. doors; and so on.
Amos Morgan/Photodisc/Getty Images
CHAPTER 3 Infancy: Physical and Cognitive Development 105
magine being Kim, with your child relationship, I’ll turn to the wider world,
the center of your life. Imagine being first examining how that basic marker,
Elissa, wanting to be independent but socioeconomic status (SES), affects
needing your mother close. In this chap- young children’s development, then
ter, I’ll focus on attachment, the powerful spotlighting day care, the setting where
bond of love between caregiver and child. so many developed-world babies spend
My discussion of attachment—which their days. The last section of this chapter
takes up much of this chapter—starts focuses on toddlerhood, the famous time
a conversation that continues through- lasting roughly from age 1 to 2 1/2 years.
out this book. Attachment is not only (Your tip-off that a child is a toddler is
at the core of infancy, but human life. that classic endearing “toddling” gait that
After exploring this vital one-to-one characterizes the second year of life.)
108 PART II Infancy
substitute a kindly word . . . for . . . the coddling? . . . Can’t she learn to keep
away from the child a large part of the day? [And then he made this memo-
rable statement:] . . . I sometimes wish that we could live in a community of
homes [where] . . . we could have the babies fed and bathed each week by
a different nurse. (!)
The adoring expressions on the (Watson, 1928/1972, pp. 82–83)
faces of parents and babies as
they gaze at each other make European psychoanalysts felt differently. They discovered that attachment was far
it obvious why the attachment from dangerous. It was crucial to infant life.
relationship in infancy is our Consider a heart-rending mid-twentieth-century film that showed the fate of
basic model for romantic love in
babies living in orphanages (Blum, 2002; Karen, 1998). In these sterile, impeccably
maintained institutions, behaviorists would have predicted that
infants should thrive. So why did babies lie listless on cots—
unable to eat, withering away?
Now consider that ethologists—the forerunners of today’s evo-
Nina Leen/The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images
Attachment Milestones
According to Bowlby, during their first three months of life, babies are in the
preattachment phase. Remember that during this reflex-dominated time
Kevin Fitzgerald/Stone/Getty Images
infants have yet to wake up to the world. However, at around 2 months there
is a milestone called the social smile. Bowlby believed that this first real
smile does not show attachment to a person. Because it pops up in response
to any human face, it is just one example of an automatic reflex such as
sucking or grasping that evokes care from adults.
Still, a baby’s eagerly awaited first smile can be an incredible experience
if you are a parent. Suddenly, your relationship with your child shifts to a
different plane. Now, I have a confession to make: During my first 2 months A baby’s first social smile, which appears at
the sight of any face at about 2 to 3 months
as a new mother, I was worried, as I did not feel anything for this beautiful
of age, is biologically programmed to
child I had waited so long to adopt. I date Thomas’s first endearing smile as delight adults and charm them into
the defining event in my lifelong attachment romance. providing love and care.
110 PART II Infancy
attachment in the making At roughly 4 months of age, infants enter a transitional period, called attachment
Second phase of Bowlby’s in the making. At this time, Piaget’s environment-focused secondary circular reac-
attachment sequence, when,
from 4 to 7 months of age, tions are unfolding (recall Chapter 3). The cortex is coming on-line. Babies may
babies slightly prefer the show a slight preference for their primary caregiver. But still, a 4- or 5-month-old can
primary caregiver. be the ultimate party person, thrilled to be cuddled by anyone—from Grandma, to a
clear-cut attachment Critical neighbor, to a stranger at the mall.
human attachment phase, By around 7 or 8 months of age, this changes. At this age, as you saw in Chapter 3,
from 7 months through babies are hunting for hidden objects—showing that they have the cognitive skills to
toddlerhood, defined by
separation anxiety, stranger miss their caregivers. Now that they can crawl, or walk holding onto furniture, chil-
anxiety, and needing a pri- dren can really get hurt. The stage is set for clear-cut (or focused) attachment—the
mary caregiver close. beginning of the full-blown attachment response. This phase of intense attachment
separation anxiety Signal of will last throughout the toddler years.
clear-cut attachment when a Separation anxiety signals this milestone. When your baby is about 7 or 8
baby gets upset as a primary months old, she suddenly gets uncomfortable when you leave the room. Then,
caregiver departs.
stranger anxiety appears. Your child gets agitated when any unfamiliar person
stranger anxiety Beginning at picks her up. So, as children travel toward their first birthday, the universal friend-
about 7 months of age, when
a baby grows wary of people liness of early infancy is gone. While they may still joyously gurgle at the world
other than a primary caregiver. from their caregiver’s arms, it’s normal for babies to forbid any “stranger”—a nice
social referencing A baby’s day-care worker or even a loving Grandma who flies in for a visit—to invade their
checking back and monitoring space.
a caregiver for cues as to how Between ages 1 and 2, the distress reaches a peak. A toddler clings and cries
to behave while exploring; when mom or dad makes a motion to leave. It’s as if an invisible string connects the
linked to clear-cut attachment.
caregiver and the child. In one classic study at a park, 1-year-olds
played within a certain distance from their mothers. Interestingly,
this zone of optimum comfort (about 200 feet) was identical for
both the parent and the child (Anderson, 1972).
To see these changes, pick up a young baby (such as a
© Christina Kennedy/PhotoEdit
timed to unfold during our most vulnerable time of life—when we first become
mobile and are most in danger of getting hurt. Moreover, what compensates parents
for the frustrations of having a Piagetian “little scientist” is enormous gratification. Just
when a toddler is continually messing up the house and saying “No!” parents know
that their child’s world revolves totally around them.
As she socially references her
mom this baby wants to know:
Do children differ in the way they express this priceless sense of connection?
Is that giant with the strange And if so, what might these differences mean about the quality of the infant–parent
object really safe? bond?
CHAPTER 4 Infancy: Socioemotional Development 111
Attachment Styles
Mary Ainsworth answered these questions by devising a clas-
sic test of attachment—the Strange Situation (Ainsworth,
1967; Ainsworth and others, 1978).
The Strange Situation procedure begins when a mother
and a 1-year-old enter a room full of toys. After the child has
figure 4.1: The Strange Situation: The classic Strange Situation, involving separations and reunions from a caregiver, can tell us
whether this one year old girl is securely or insecurely attached.
112 PART II Infancy
Albert Normandin/Masterfile
Secure Attachment: The child is thrilled to see Avoidant Attachment: The child is
the caregiver. unresponsive to the caregiver.
ents have open, loving children or that distant moms and dads have avoidant
babies, couldn’t these people be passing these styles of responding down in
their genes? Furthermore, by blaming children’s attachment issues on par-
ents, aren’t we neglecting the fact that there are two partners in the dance?
The blissful rapture, the sense
of being totally engrossed and The Child
in tune with each other, is the Listen to any mother comparing her babies (“Sara was fussy; Matthew is easier to
reason why developmentalists
use the word synchrony
soothe”) and you will realize that not all infants are born with the same dancing
to describe parent–infant talent. Babies differ in temperament—characteristic, inborn behavioral styles of
attachment. approaching the world.
CHAPTER 4 Infancy: Socioemotional Development 113
Luc/STOCK4B/Getty Images
sturti/Getty Images
figure 4.3: Three pathways to insecure attachment: Above left: The mother is too depressed to connect. Above center: The child
has temperamental vulnerabilities. Above right: The caregiver’s other attachment relationships make it difficult to “dance” with her baby.
Secure attachment
Avoidant attachment
The most amazing validation of attachment’s
Anxious-ambivalent attachment
universal quality comes from the Efé, a communal
hunter-gatherer people living in Africa. Efé new-
borns nurse from any lactating woman, even when
Africa their own parent is around. They are dressed and
cared for by the whole community. But Efé babies
still develop a primary attachment to their mothers at
China the typical age! (See van IJzendoorn & Sagi, 1999.)
So far you might be thinking that during the
phase of clear-cut attachment, babies are con-
nected to only one person. Wrong! A toddler may
Japan (Tokyo)
be attached to her father and day-care provider, as
well as her mom. And, just as you and I connect
differently with each “significant other,” a baby can
Western Europe be securely attached to his father and insecurely
attached to his mom.
Interestingly, when babies are upset, they run to
United States their primary caregiver—the parent who spends the
most time with them—even if they are insecurely
attached to this adult. So, the amount of hands-on
1 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 caregiving (not necessarily its quality) evokes the
biologically programmed, security-seeking response
(Umemura and others, 2013). The good news is that
figure 4.4: Snapshots of if a child is securely attached to one parent that may
attachment security (and be all that matters for his future life.
insecurity) around the world: In a heartening longitudinal study, 15-month-olds labeled “double insecure”
Around the world, roughly 60 (insecurely attached to both caregivers) were prone to have behavior problems in
to 70 percent of 1-year-olds are
classified as securely attached—
third grade. But children with a secure attachment to either parent were as insu-
although there are interesting lated from poor mental health as those who were securely attached to both mom
differences in the percentages of and dad (Kochanska & Kim, 2013). This suggests that having one nurturing figure
babies falling into the different during infancy—a father, a grandma, or aunt—may be all we need to protect us
insecure categories.
Data from: van IJzendoorn & Sagi, 1999,
from problems down the road. How does infant attachment relate to problems down
p. 729. the road?
CHAPTER 4 Infancy: Socioemotional Development 115
The bottom-line theme, however, of all these studies is that Bowlby was wrong.
We are not destined for lifelong problems if we suffered from inadequate caregiv-
ing early in life. But what if a baby has experienced not just poor caregiving, but no
caregiving at all?
This scene was not from some horror movie. It was real. This woman had entered
a Romanian orphanage, the bitter legacy of the dictator Ceausescu’s decision to for-
bid contraception, which caused a flood of unwanted babies that destitute parents
dumped on the state.
When the “Iron Curtain” fell and revealed these grisly Eastern European scenes,
British and American families rushed in to adopt these children. But then parents
began to report distressing symptoms—sons and daughters who displayed a strange,
indiscriminate friendliness and never showed interest in any specific adult (see
Kreppner and others, 2011). These responses did not qualify as insecure attachment.
They showed a lack of any attachment response.
Which institution-reared babies are apt to show these deficits? Can children
recover from this deprivation, and is there an age at which help might come too late?
Studies tracking the Romanian babies, as well as children adopted from orphanages
in China and Russia, offer these tantalizing conclusions (Julian, 2013):
First, babies adopted from the most intensely depriving institutions—such as
in Romania—are most at risk for problems. In these places, damage can appear if
adoption occurs after 6 months of age. In orphanages, like those in Russia that are
classified as “socially depriving” but satisfy infants’ basic health needs, the cut-off
point for beginning to show deficits is close to 18 months. Therefore, just as Bowlby
would predict, the zone of attachment (7–18 months) is a sensitive period for receiv-
dose–response effect Term ing caregiving. But, there also is a dose–response effect—meaning that the intensity
referring to the fact that (dose) of deprivation predicts the impact (response) on a given child. The probability
the amount (dose) of a
of having enduring problems depends on when a child is adopted and the kind of
substance, in this case
the depth and length of place from where the adoption occurs.
deprivation, determines its What are these children’s symptoms? A classic sign of this “institutionalization
probable effect or impact syndrome” is the indiscriminate friendliness I just described (this is called reactive
on the person. (In the
attachment disorder). Another is deficits in attention (McLaughlin and others, 2010;
orphanage studies, the
“response” is subsequent Wiik and others, 2011). EEG studies suggest the reason for this impaired focusing
emotional and/or cognitive ability is that lack of stimulation delays the maturation of the brain (McLaughlin and
problems.) others, 2010).
As they tracked babies subjected to these unfortunate “natural experiments,”
scientists discovered that institutionalized boys are more vulnerable than girls to hav-
ing enduring attachment problems (McLaughlin and others, 2012). While a massive
catch-up growth often occurs after moving to a new, loving home (Sheridan and others,
2010), symptoms can persist, or erupt again, in the adolescent years (Julian, 2013).
By exploring these grossly abnormal, worst-case early-life scenarios, developmentalists
are learning vital information about human resilience, brain plasticity, and its limits
in human beings.
CHAPTER 4 Infancy: Socioemotional Development 117
Wrapping Up Attachment
To summarize, infancy is a special zone of sensitivity for forming relationships.
The attachment response that unfolds during our first years of life lays down the
foundation for healthy development in a variety of life realms. Still, attachment
capacities (and human brains) are malleable, and negative paths can be altered
provided the deprivation is not too profound and the wider world provides special
help. How does the wider world affect development during infancy and beyond? To
explore this question, let’s look at two crucial infant wider-world contexts: poverty
and day care.
Under 6 25.8%
Under 22.0%
18 to 64
figure 4.5: Poverty rates by age, 1959–2010: Notice that since the 1970s, children under
6 years of age have been more likely to live under the poverty line than other age groups in the
United States. (FYI—Although the “poverty line” designation theoretically describes the minimum
income needed to survive, experts feel that families need twice that amount of money to really
make ends meet.)
Data from: Economic Policy Institute (2012). The State of Working America: Poor children. Retrieved January 12, 2014,
Later Development?
Unfortunately, spending one’s first years of life in pov-
erty can have long-term effects. As Figure 4.6 shows,
poor children show chronically elevated levels of the
stress hormone cortisol (Evans & Kim, 2013), which
may wear down the body and promote premature
illnesses and death (Miller, Chen, & Parker, 2011;
7 months 15 months 24 months 48 months recall also my discussion of deprivation in the womb,
in Chapter 2).
CHAPTER 4 Infancy: Socioemotional Development 119
Growing up in a bucolic rural setting offers a lovely tranquil childhood, but it can’t top the
intellectual stimulation this city provides—explaining why, beyond “a threshold income level,”
urban preschoolers do better on early-childhood cognitive tests.
120 PART II Infancy
“a bit more money” allows city parents to expose their preschoolers to museums, parks,
and the many enriching experiences this kind of world-class environment provides.
Luckily, low-income parents have access to one enriching experience no matter
where they live—Head Start.
first year of life. With child-care costs currently ranging from $5,000 to 15,000 per
year, the expense of putting even one baby in day care is daunting, even to couples
who are middle class (Palley & Shdaimah, 2011). When we combine these economic
concerns (“This is taking up a huge chunk of my paycheck!”) with anxieties about
“leaving my baby with strangers,” it makes sense that many new parents struggle to
keep child care in the family. They may rely on grandma or juggle work schedules so
that one spouse is always home (Phillips & Lowenstein, 2011).
People who use paid caregivers have several options. Well-off families often hire
a nanny or babysitter. Less-affluent parents, or those who want a more inexpensive
option, often turn to family day care, where a neighbor or local parent cares for a family day care A day-care
small group of children in her home. arrangement in which a
neighbor or relative cares for
The big change on the child-care landscape has been the dramatic increase in a small number of children in
licensed day-care centers—larger settings catering to children of different ages. By her home for a fee.
the late twentieth century, roughly 1 in 2 U.S. preschoolers attended these facilities. day-care center A day-care
The comparable figure for infants and toddlers was more than 1 in 5 (see Figure 4.7). arrangement in which a large
number of children are cared
Child Care and Development for at a licensed facility by
paid providers.
Imagine you are the mother of an infant and must return to work. You probably have
heard the media messages that link full-time day care with less-than-adequate mother-
ing. So you are feeling guilty, and perhaps feel compelled to explain your decision to
disapproving family and friends (Fothergill, 2013). You may wonder, “Will my child
be securely attached if I see her only a few hours a day?” You certainly worry about
the quality of care your child would receive: “Will my baby get enough attention at
the local day-care center?” “Am I really harming my child?”
To answer these kinds of questions, in 1989, developmentalists began the National
Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) Study of Early Child
Care. They selected more than 1,000 newborns in 10 regions of the United States and
tracked the progress of these children, measuring everything from attachment to aca-
demic abilities, from mental health, to mothers’ caregiving skills. They looked at the
hours each child spent in day care, and assessed the quality of each setting. The NICHD
newborns are being followed as they travel into adult life (Vandell and others, 2010).
The good news is that putting a baby in day care does not weaken the attachment
bond. Most infants attending day care are securely attached to their parents. The
important force that promotes attachment is the quality of the dance—whether a
parent is a sensitive caregiver—not whether she works (Phillips & Lowenstein, 2011;
Nomaguchi and DeMaris, 2013). Moreover, as I emphasized earlier, what happens
at home is the crucial influence affecting how young children develop, outweighing
long hours spent in day care during the first years of life (Belsky and others, 2007b;
Stein and others, 2013).
However, when we look just at the impact of spending those long hours, the
findings are less upbeat. As you saw in the previous section, attending an excellent
preschool has intellectual benefits (Vandell and others, 2010). But when we look
122 PART II Infancy
at the impact of attending day care throughout the first five years of life, there is
troubling news.
Earlier NICHD research raised alarm bells by reporting that children who spent
long hours in “nonrelative care” were slightly more likely to be rated as “difficult
to control” by caregivers and kindergarten teachers (NICHD, Early Child Care
Research Network, 2003, 2004, 2006; see also Coley and others, 2013). Now we know
that long hours spent in day care, beginning early in life, still predict an elevated risk
of “acting-out issues” as teens (Vandell and others, 2010).
These results do not offer comfort to the millions of parents with babies who
rely heavily on day care. Luckily, the correlations are weak (Vandell and others,
2010). Because these settings can be a refuge from the chaotic home environments
described earlier, for infants living in poverty, attending full-time day care may pro-
mote well-being (Berry and others, 2014). Moreover, day care’s negative effects apply
mainly to children attending large centers, not smaller, family day care (Groeneveld
and others, 2010; Coley and others, 2013).
What is the trouble with day-care centers? For hints, let’s scan the state of child
care in the United States.
eight states follow this guideline (Stebbins & Knitzner, NCCP, 2007). Some allow as
many as one teacher per 12 children, even during the first year of life.
In sum, now we know why day-care centers are at risk of providing inadequate
care. Their culprit is size. In family day care, there is a smaller number of children
and often more stability (since the person is watching the children in her home) than
in a large facility, where caregivers keep leaving and babies can be warehoused in
larger groups (Gerber, Whitebrook, & Weinstein, 2007; Ahnert, Pinquart, & Lamb,
2006; Groeneveld and others, 2010).
Additional Suggestions
• For infants and toddlers in full-time care, limit exposure by having a child take occasional
vacations or building in special time with the child every day.
• Consider the home environment. If your home life is chaotic or you live in a dangerous
neighborhood, your child may be better off spending the day at a structured, stable place.
• Consider a child’s temperament. While biologically reactive (highly environment-sensitive)
babies have special trouble coping with less-than-optimal care, these same toddlers may
flourish in a high-quality setting.
• And finally, for society, pay day-care workers decently and make the qualities you are looking
for in this checklist the norm!
Erikson used the words shame and doubt to refer to the situation when a
toddler’s drive for autonomy is not fulfilled. But feeling shameful and doubtful
is also vital to shedding babyhood and entering the human world. During their
first year of life, infants show joy, fear, and anger. At age 2, more complicated,
uniquely human emotions emerge—pride and shame. The appearance of these
self-conscious emotions is a milestone—showing that a child is becoming aware
of having a self. The gift (and sometimes curse) of being human is that we are
capable of self-reflection, able to get outside of our heads and observe our actions
from an outsider’s point of view. Children show signs of this uniquely human quality
between age 2 and 3, when they feel ashamed and clearly are proud of their actions
for the first time (Kagan, 1984).
SW Productions/Getty Images
Socialization: The Challenge for 2-Year-Olds
Shame and pride are vital in another respect. They are essential to socialization—
being taught to live in the human community.
Parents begin socializing their children by making requests such as “eat that
This toddler has reached a
cookie,” as early as 6 months of age. There are cultural differences, with Indian moth- human milestone: She can feel
ers giving their babies more instructions and getting higher rates of compliance than shame, which means that she is
do U.S. moms (Reddy and others, 2013). beginning to be aware that she
When does the U.S. socialization pressure heat up? For answers, developmental- has a separate self.
ists surveyed middle-class parents about their rules for their 14-month-olds and when self-conscious emotions
the children just turned 2 (Smetana, Kochanska, & Chuang, 2000). While rules for Feelings of pride, shame,
younger toddlers centered on safety issues (“Stay away from the stove!”), by age 2, or guilt, which first emerge
parents were telling their children to “share,” “sit at the table,” and “don’t disobey, around age 2 and show the
capacity to reflect on the self.
bite, or hit.” Therefore, we expect children to begin to act “like adults” around their
second birthdays. No wonder 2-year-olds are infamous for those tantrums called “the socialization The process by
which children are taught to
terrible twos”! obey the norms of society
Figure 4.8 shows just how difficult it is for 1-year-olds to follow socialization and to behave in socially
rules when their parents are around. When do children have the capacity to follow appropriate ways.
unwanted directions when a parent isn’t in
the room? To answer this question related to
early conscience—the ability to adopt internal Quickly shifts from
standards for our behavior, or have that little one thing to another
Angry moods
voice inside us that says, “even though I want
Can’t stand waiting/wants
to do this, it’s wrong”—researchers devised everything now
an interesting procedure. Accompanied by Easily upset
their mothers, children enter a laboratory
Doesn’t sit still during story
full of toys. Next, the parent gives an unwel-
come instruction—telling the child either to Won’t share toys or other things
clean up the toys or not to touch another Fails to follow with eyes
easily reachable set of enticing toys. Then, Doesn’t show interest
in new objects
the mother leaves the room, and researchers
Doesn’t make happy noises
watch the child through a one-way mirror.
Not unexpectedly, children’s ability to Doesn’t react when calling name
“listen to a parent in their head” and stop Seems unhappy without
good reason
doing what they want improves dramatically
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
from age 2 to 4 (Kochanska, Coy, & Mur- Percent reporting that this is sometimes or usually an issue
ray, 2001). Still, the really interesting ques-
tion is: Who is better or worse at this feat of
self-control? figure 4.8: Typical and unusual difficult toddler behaviors, based on a
Again, the marked differences in self- survey of Dutch parents of 6,491 infants aged 14 to 19 months: Notice that
control that emerge during toddlerhood (or it’s normal for toddlers not to listen, have temper tantrums, and refuse to sit still
or share—but the other difficult behaviors in red should be warning signs of a
even earlier) have genetic roots (Wang & real problem.
Saudino, 2013; Gartstein and others, 2013). Data from: Beernick and others, 2007.
126 PART II Infancy
Some of us are biologically better able to resist temptation at any age! Parenting matters,
too. While having a responsive mother seems most important at promoting compli-
ance during toddlerhood, a father’s warmth weighs heavily at older ages (Lickenbrock
and others, 2013; Schueler & Prinz, 2013). So dad’s socializing influence—at least
in traditional two-parent families—is important, but mainly when children move
beyond the clear-cut attachment zone.
What temperamental traits provoke early compliance? Here the answer comes as
no surprise. Fearful toddlers are more obedient (Aksan & Kochanska, 2004; see also
the How Do We Know box). Exuberant, joyful, fearless, intrepid toddler-explorers are
especially hard to socialize! (See Kochanska & Knaack, 2003.)
that shy and exuberant children differ dramatically in
How do researchers measure the toddler temperaments discussed below? How do they
test later self-control? Their first step is to design situations tailored to elicit fear, anger,
and joy and then observe how toddlers act.
In the fear eliciting “treatment,” a child enters a room filled with frightening toy objects,
such as a dinosaur with huge teeth or a black box covered with spider webs. The
experimenter asks that boy or girl to perform a mildly risky act, such as putting a hand
into the box. To measure anger, the researchers restrain a child in a car seat and then
rate how frustrated the toddler gets. To tap into exuberance, the researchers entertain
a child with a set of funny puppets. Will the toddler respond with gales of laughter or
be more reserved?
Several years later, the researchers set up a situation provoking noncompliance by ask-
ing the child, now age 4, to perform an impossible task (throw Velcro balls at a target
from a long distance without looking) to get a prize. Then, they leave the room and
watch through a one-way mirror to see if the boy or girl will cheat.
Toddlers at the high end of the fearless, joyous, and angry continuum, show less
“morality” at age 4. Without the strong inhibition of fear, their exuberant “get closer”
impulses are difficult to dampen down. So they succumb to temptation, sneak closer,
and look directly at the target as they hurl the balls (Kochanska & Knaack, 2003).
(18 months) Erin’s mother takes her to a toddlers’ gym. Erin watches the children . . .
with a “tight little face.” . . . Her mother berates herself for raising such a timid child.
(Lieberman, 1993, pp. 83–87, 104–105)
Sakdawut Tangtongsap/Shutterstock
• Minus: Shy, fearful temperament can persist
into adulthood, making social encounters
• Child-rearing advice: Don’t overprotect the
child. Expose the baby to unfamiliar people and
supportive new situations.
Exuberant Toddler
• Developmental precursor: Emotionally intense but
unafraid of new stimuli.
• Plus: Joyous; fearless; outgoing; adventurous.
• Minus: Less easily socialized; potential problems
with conscience development; at higher risk for
© Picture Partners/Alamy
In following the difficult babies into elementary school, the researchers found
that intense infants were more likely to have problems with their teachers and peers
(Thomas & Chess, 1977; Thomas, Chess, & Birch, 1968). However, some children
learned to compensate for their biology and to shine. The key, the researchers dis-
covered, lay in a parenting strategy labeled goodness of fit. Parents who carefully goodness of fit An ideal
arranged their children’s lives to minimize their vulnerabilities and accentuate their parenting strategy that
involves arranging children’s
strengths had infants who later did well. environments to suit their
Understanding that their child was overwhelmed by stimuli, these parents kept temperaments, minimizing
the environment calm. They did not get hysterical when faced with their child’s dis- their vulnerabilities and
tress. They may have offered a quiet environment for studying and encouraged their accentuating their strengths.
child to do activities that took advantage of his or her talents. They went overboard
to provide their child with a placid, nurturing, low-stress milieu.
Here, too, emerging genetic studies suggest these parents were right. Again,
researchers find that children may be genetically predisposed to be reactive or rela-
tively immune to environmental events (Ellis and others, 2011a). In typical settings,
sensitive babies can be labeled “difficult” because they are wired to react negatively
to changes. These same infants however, may flourish when the environment is
exceptionally calm (for review, see Belsky & Pleuss, 2009). In fact, in one study, when
“environment reactive” children were put in a nurturing, placid environment, they
performed better than their laid-back peers (Obradović, Burt & Masten, 2010)!
I must emphasize that this genetically oriented research is in its infancy. Each study
I’ve highlighted in this chapter has targeted a different environment-reactive marker
gene! But the lesson here is that making assumptions about the enduring importance
of infant attachment, categorizing poverty and full-time day care as universal stressors,
or, in this case, labeling a baby (or person) as “difficult” or “easy” may not be appropri-
ate. With the right person–environment fit, what looks like a liability might be a gift!
How can we promote goodness of fit, or person–environment fit, at every stage of
life? What happens to babies who are shy or exuberant, difficult or easy, as they journey
into elementary school and adolescence? How do Ainsworth’s attachment styles play
out in adult romance? Stay tuned for answers to these questions in the rest of this book.
Attachment: The Basic Life Bond of the importance of attachment, and Bowlby transformed devel-
For much of the twentieth century, many psychologists in the opmental science by arguing that having a loving primary attach-
United States—because they were behaviorists—minimized the ment figure is biologically built in, and crucial to our development.
mother–child bond. European psychoanalysts such as John Bowlby Although threats to survival at any age evoke proximity-seeking
were finding, however, that attachment was a basic human need. behavior—especially during toddlerhood—being physically apart
Harlow’s studies with monkeys convinced U.S. developmentalists from an attachment figure elicits distress.
130 PART II Infancy
According to Bowlby, life begins with a three-month-long preat- particularly, school success. Again, this impact varies depend-
tachment phase, which is characterized by the first social smile. ing on the duration of the deprivation, the child’s genetics, and,
After an intermediate phase called attachment in the making, at interestingly, whether a poor preschooler lives in a rural or urban
about 7 months of age, the landmark phase of clear-cut attach- area. Although Head Start and Early Head Start, as well as other
ment begins, signaled by separation anxiety and stranger anxi- high-quality preschool experiences, make a difference for disad-
ety. During this period spanning toddlerhood, children need their vantaged children, they can’t totally erase the impact of attend-
caregiver to be physically close, and they rely on social referenc- ing inadequate schools. Poverty-level parents can be excellent
ing to monitor their behavior. After age 3, children can tolerate parents, and the quality of children’s home life matters most.
separations, as they develop an internal working model of their Going back to work in a baby’s first year of life is common, but due
caregiver—which they carry into life. to day care’s expense and anxieties about leaving their baby with
To explore individual differences in attachment, Mary Ainsworth strangers, parents in the United States ideally prefer to keep infant
devised the Strange Situation. Using this test, involving planned care in the family. Paid child-care options include nannies (for
separations, and especially reunions, developmentalists label affluent parents), family day care (where a person takes a small
1-year-olds as securely or insecurely attached. Securely attached number of children in her home), and larger day-care centers.
1-year-olds use their primary attachment figure as a secure base The NICHD Study of Early Child Care showed that the best pre-
for exploration and are delighted when she returns. Avoidant dictor of being securely attached at age 1 is having a sensitive
infants seem indifferent. Anxious-ambivalent children are incon- parent, not the number of hours a child spends in day care.
solable and sometimes angry when their caregiver arrives. Chil- While high quality day care can compensate for a chaotic family
dren with a disorganized attachment react in an erratic way and life, unfortunately, children who spend many hours in day-care
often show fear when their parent reenters the room. centers (versus family care) are at a slightly higher risk of having
Caregiver–child interactions are characterized by a beautiful syn- acting-out behaviors.
chrony, or attachment dance. Although the caregiver’s respon- In choosing day care, search out loving teachers and a setting
siveness to the baby is a major determinant of attachment where caregivers can relate in a one-to-one way. Because day-
security at age 1, infant attachment is also affected by the tem- care workers are so poorly paid in the United States and may not
perament of the child and depends on the quality of a caregiver’s get respect, staff turnover is a serious problem. This issue, plus
other relationships, too. their large size, may explain why day-care centers can be prob-
Cross-cultural studies support the idea that attachment to a pri- lematic. Babies who are genetically environment-reactive may
mary caregiver is universal, with similar percentages of babies in also be more vulnerable to low-quality day care.
various countries classified as securely attached. When they are
distressed, babies run to the caregiver who spends the most time
with them, but infants can be attached to several people, and Toddlerhood: Age of Autonomy and
having a secure attachment to only one caregiver may be all that
children need for optimal mental health.
Shame and Doubt
Erikson’s autonomy captures the essence of toddlerhood, the
As Bowlby predicted in his working-model concept, securely landmark age when we shed babyhood, become able to observe
attached babies have superior mental health. Infants with inse- the self, and enter the human world. Self-conscious emotions such
cure attachments (especially disorganized attachments) are at as pride and shame emerge and are crucial to socialization, which
risk for later problems. However, the good-news/bad-news find- begins in earnest at around age 2. Difficulties with focusing and
ing is that, when the caregiving environment changes, attach- obeying are normal during toddlerhood, but at this age, dramatic
ment security can change for the better or worse. A gene related individual differences appear in children’s ability to control them-
to oxytocin production may make us more or less responsive selves. Temperamentally fearful children show earlier signs of “con-
to the attachment environment. Babies exposed to the worst- science,” following adult prohibitions when not being watched.
case attachment situation, living in an orphanage with virtually Exuberant, active toddlers are especially hard to socialize.
no caregiving, experience a dose–response effect. Although the
risk of having enduring problems sets in during the “attachment As young babies, shy toddlers react with intense motor activity to
zone,” damage depends on the depth of the deprivation and the stimuli. They are more inhibited in elementary school and adoles-
age when a child leaves that institution. cence and show neurological signs of social wariness as young
adults. Still (with sensitive parenting), many shy toddlers and fear-
less explorers lose these extreme tendencies as they grow older.
Settings for Development To help an inhibited baby don’t overprotect the child. Socialize
Early-childhood poverty—widespread in the United States—can a fearless explorer by avoiding power assertion, offering con-
have long-lasting effects on health, emotional development, and, sistent rules, and providing lots of love. While fostering secure
Amos Morgan/Photodisc/Getty Images
CHAPTER 4 Infancy: Socioemotional Development 131
attachments is essential in raising all children, another key is to dren, although prone to break down in stressful situations, may
promote goodness of fit—tailoring one’s parenting to a child’s blossom when the wider world is caring and calm.
temperamental needs. Genetically environment-sensitive chil-
Attachment: The Basic Life Bond 2. The good news is that the quality of Nancy’s parenting is
1. Your responses will differ, but any example you give, such as the main force in determining her child’s attachment (and
“I called Mom when that terrible thing happened at work,” emotional health). The bad news is that many day-care
should show that in a stressful situation your immediate centers leave a good deal to be desired, and long hours
impulse was to contact your attachment figure. spent in these centers are associated with a higher risk of
having “acting-out issues” in school.
2. Muriel = preattachment; Janine = attachment in the making;
Ted = clear-cut attachment: Tania = working model. 3. Tell the Senate committee that 1) high-quality preschools
can have a lasting effect on cognitive development. But
3. (1) b; (2) c; (3) d; (4) a 2) we have an imperative need to raise day-care conditions
4. The child has an avoidant attachment. in the United States. Pass laws mandating (not simply
5. Manuel should say: Infants around the world get attached to recommending) small child-to-caregiver ratios; pay day-care
a primary caregiver at roughly the same age. workers decently; give this job the status it deserves! Also,
consider providing government-funded toddler and infant
6. Caution Jasmine that her child may show problems with
child care and mandating paid family leave, so working
attention and indiscriminant friendliness and, if Jasmine is
parents can afford to stay home after a child’s birth.
adopting a boy, have special difficulties developing a secure
attachment. However, you can also say these problems
should improve with loving care. Toddlerhood: Age of Autonomy and Shame and Doubt
1. c. Parents typically start serious discipline around age 2.
Settings for Development 2. You might tell him that most children grow out of their shyness,
1. These children live in rural areas. Children are at highest risk even if they do not completely shed this temperamental
of having deficits when their families are chronically poor tendency. But be sure to stress the advantages of being shy:
and they are temperamentally reactive to stress. (Urban His baby will be easier to socialize, not likely to be a behavior
poverty, at least under a certain economic threshold, seems problem, and may have a stronger conscience, too.
more detrimental to young children’s development.) 3. These answers will be totally your own.
In this three-chapter book part covering childhood, the first two chapters trace
children’s unfolding abilities. In the final chapter, I’ll explore the two settings
within which children develop: home and school.
reasoning develop, this section is for you. This chapter also charts developing
language and two types of social knowledge that evolve during childhood.
The first half of Chapter 7–Settings for Development: Home and School
tackles children’s family lives. Is there an ideal way of parenting? Why do
some children thrive in spite of devastatingly dysfunctional early lives? What
is the impact of spanking, child abuse, and divorce on the child? In the second
section on school, you will learn all about intelligence tests, what makes
schools successful, and how teachers can make every child eager to learn. This
chapter concludes with a section outlining the Common Core Standards, that
educational transformation in U.S. public schools.
Setting the Context
Special Mindreading Skills
Slow-Growing Frontal Lobes
Physical Development
Two Types of Motor Talents
Threats to Growth and Motor
Childhood Obesity
Cognitive Development
Piaget’s Preoperational and
Concrete Operational Stages
Childhood Fears, Animism, and
the Power of Stephen King
Ideas at Home and at Work
Vygotsky’s Zone of Proximal
Effective Scaffolder
The Information-Processing
Information-Processing Theory
at Home and at Work
SCIENCE: Attention-Deficit/
Hyperactivity Disorder
Children with ADHD
Wrapping Up Cognition
Inner Speech
Developing Speech
hese 3-year-olds have amazing skills. They can why did everyone have so much trouble remembering the
cut, climb, follow directions, tell me about their center’s rules? In this chapter you’ll find answers as we
lives, and (occasionally) remember the teacher’s track physical and cognitive development during early
rules. But it will take another decade before they can childhood (age 3 through kindergarten) and middle
reason like adults. What were the children thinking dur- childhood (elementary school).
ing the pretend feedings, and why was Kanesha sure I Before tackling these topics, let’s explore why our spe-
had to know her name? Why did Moriah assume Josiah cies needs so much time to mentally grow up.
had more paper when he cut his sheet into pieces, and
136 PART III Childhood
Parietal lobe
Motor cortex
Frontal lobe
Olfactory Olfactory
bulb bulb Visual
Temporal lobe
figure 5.1: The human cortex and that of some other species: Notice the size of our cortex in comparison to other species. Also
notice the dramatic increase in the size of our frontal lobes. It is our mammoth cortex and especially our huge frontal lobes that are
responsible for everything that makes our species unique.
CHAPTER 5 Physical and Cognitive Development 137
walking, at a relatively young age. However, the frontal lobes are only beginning their
synaptic blossoming when we start toddling around. Pruning in this part of the brain
will not start until about age 9.
Their slow frontal-lobe timetable explains why preschoolers have so much trou-
ble controlling their behavior, and why our ability to plan, think through, and inhibit
our actions improves over years. It even accounts for the high expectations we have
of elementary schoolers when the frontal lobes enter their pruning phase. We expect
fourth and fifth graders to understand long division and take responsibility for com-
pleting their homework. After all, they can sometimes beat us at baseball and outscore
us at the bowling alley, too.
In addition to allowing us to have the inner control to study (rather than watch-
ing TV) and the cognitive abilities to grasp long division, the frontal lobes are vital to
mastering physical abilities, from tennis, to tightrope walking, to getting to the toilet
at about age 3.
So, understanding that many regions of the brain work together to program every
action and thought, let’s use our slow frontal-lobe timetable as a model to track how
children’s physical and cognitive abilities unfold.
Physical Development
Look at children of different ages and you will immediately see the cephalocaudal
principle of physical growth discussed in Chapters 2 and 3. Three-year-olds have large
heads and squat, rounded bodies. As children get older, their limbs lengthen and their
bodies thin out. Although from age 2 to 12 children double their height and weight,
after infancy growth slows down considerably (National Health and Nutrition Exami-
nation Survey, 2004). Because they grow at similar rates, boys and girls are roughly
the same size until they reach the preadolescent years.
© Syracuse Newspapers/Michelle Gabel/The Image Works
© Lucianne Pashley/age fotostock
What tips us off about the ages of the children in these two photographs relates to the cephalocaudal principle
of development. We know that the children in the left photo are preschoolers because they have squat shapes
and relatively large heads, while the longer bodies in the right photo are typical of the middle childhood years.
138 PART III Childhood
Table 5.1: Selected Motor Skill Milestones: Progression from Age 2 to Age 6
At age 2 At age 4
Picks up small objects with thumb and Cuts paper, approximates circle
forefinger, feeds self with spoon
Walks unassisted, usually by 12 months Walks down stairs, alternating feet
Rolls a ball or flings it awkwardly Catches and controls a large bounced ball across the
At age 5 At age 6
Prints name Copies two short words
Walks without holding on to railing Hops on each foot for 1 meter but still holds railing
Tosses ball overhand with bent elbows Catches and controls a 10-inch ball in both hands with
arms in front of body
The stereotype that boys are better at gross motor abilities and girls
at fine motor tasks is true—although often the differences are small. The
largest sex difference in sports-related abilities occurs in throwing speed.
During preschool and middle childhood, boys can typically hurl a ball
much faster and farther than can girls (Geary, 1998; Thomas & French,
1985). Does this mean that girls can’t compete with boys on a Little
League team? Not necessarily. The boys probably will be faster pitchers
and more powerful hitters. But the female talent at connecting with the
ball, which involves fine motor coordination, may even things out.
If a preschooler has precocious physical abilities, will that child be
advanced at school? The answer is yes, if we look at complex fine motor
skills. Researchers asked 5-year-olds to copy images and then reproduce
designs displayed on another page. Performance on this more difficult
© Sean Sprague/The Image Works
test (involving fine motor coordination and the ability to judge spatial
dimensions) strongly predicted elementary school math and writing skills
(Carlson, Rowe, & Curby 2013).
This study suggests that to improve academic abilities we might
train young children to reproduce images, in addition to teaching them
numbers or how to sound out words. The problem is that pressuring
(forcing) preschoolers to unwillingly perform physical tasks can be
These boys—being generally
advanced in the gross motor counterproductive. During early childhood, we should provide activities—such as
skills—may be the victors when cutting paper or scaling the monkey bars—that kids’ naturally enjoy (Zaichkowsky &
they compete with girls in this Larson, 1995). Allow young children to exercise their unfolding talents, but don’t
potato sack race. But this girl’s push, and provide the right person–environment fit.
exceptional fine motor talents
have set her up to do well at Now that we’ve scanned what normally happens physically, let’s look at what can
school. go wrong.
CHAPTER 5 Physical and Cognitive Development 139
Threats to Growth and Motor Skills body mass index (BMI) The
ratio of weight to height; the
I discussed the main threat to growth and motor skills in Chapter 3: lack of food. main indicator of overweight
In addition to causing stunting, undernutrition impairs gross and fine motor skills or underweight.
because it compromises the development of the bones, muscles, and brain. Most childhood obesity A body
important, when children are hungry, they are too tired to move and so don’t get the mass index at or above the
experience crucial to developing their physical skills. 95th percentile compared to
the U.S. norms established
During the 1980s, researchers observed how undernourished children in rural Nepal for children in the 1970s.
maximized their growth by cutting down on play (Anderson & Mitchell, 1984). Play does
more than exercise our bodies. It can help prime neural development and is crucial in
promoting social cognition, helping children learn how to get along with their peers. So,
the lethargy that malnutrition produces is as detrimental to children’s relationships as it is
to their bodies and brains. Notice how, after skipping just one meal, you become listless,
unwilling to talk, less interested in reaching out to people in a loving way.
Keeping in mind that undernutrition remains the top-ranking twenty-first-century
global physical threat, let’s now explore the condition that is ringing alarm bells in the
developed world: childhood obesity.
Childhood Obesity
Have you ever wondered about the source of the num-
bers in the charts showing the ideal weights for people
of different heights? These statistics come from a regular U.S. 6- to 11-year-olds classified as obese
U.S. national poll called the National Health and Nutri- 20
tion Examination Study (NHANES). Since the 1960s,
the federal government has literally been measuring the 15
size of Americans by charting caloric intakes, heights,
The great news is that in recent years, the prevalence of preschool obesity
declined significantly, from roughly 14 percent in 2003–2004 to 8.4 percent in
2011–2012. The bad news is that this condition is still so common throughout the
childhood years (CDC, Childhood obesity facts, 2012). Why, despite vigorous atten-
tion, is obesity resistant to change?
These barriers begin soon after babyhood (Puhl & Latner, 2007). In a classic study,
elementary schoolers were shown pictures of an overweight child, a child in a wheel-
chair, another with facial disfigurements, and several others with disabilities. When
asked, “Whom would you choose as a friend?” the children ranked the obese boy or
girl last. By age 3, children describe chubby boys and girls as “mean” and “sloppy.”
So it’s no wonder that, in the West, overweight children are at risk of suffering from
depression in their teens (Pitrou and others, 2010; Sánchez-Villegas and others, 2010).
Attitudes are less harsh in other cultures. In Bangladesh, obesity actually promotes
high self-worth (Asghar and others, 2010). There are differences by ethnicity, with Afri-
can Americans more weight tolerant than their Caucasian counterparts (more about
this in Chapter 8). And of course, there are variations from family to family. Parents
who care vitally about physical beauty hold especially negative stereotypes about over-
weight people, and are prone to monitor a child’s every bite (Puhl & Latner, 2007).
This pressure can backfire (no surprise), producing binge eating (Matton and
others, 2013), compounding an elementary schooler’s already fragile self-esteem.
Therefore, many parents go in the opposite direction. They minimize weight issues in
their child (Luttikhuis, Stolk, & Sauer, 2010). “My daughter may be chubby, but she’s
perfectly fine.” Ironically, then, in one study, the very people who could most benefit
from an obesity prevention program—mothers with overweight preschoolers—were
least likely to enroll (Taveras and others, 2011).
Let’s understand where these adults are coming from. Faced with the prejudices
their children are already enduring, parents want to protect their sons and daughters
from further pain. As one woman reported, “He’s a highly sensitive child, and he’s got
very low self-esteem generally . . . I think, (if he participated in the program) . . . he
would . . . think, ‘what’s wrong with me?’” (quoted in Barratt and others, 2013, p. 61).
Moreover—perhaps because by age 4 or 5, obesity is more resistant to change—
family-focused weight-control programs, even when they show initial success (Sung-
Chan and others, 2013) often don’t work in the long term. Plus, once a boy or girl
moves out of the family orbit, friends’ eating practices make a huge difference in that
child’s food choices (Hemar-Nicolas and others, 2013).
1. Jessica has terrific gross motor skills but trouble with fine motor skills. Select the two
sports from this list that Jessica would be most likely to excel at: long-distance running,
tennis, water ballet, the high jump, bowling.
2. The prevalence of obesity is _____ during preschool. (rising/leveling off/declining)
3. Melanie is a toddler. In predicting her chance of later weight struggles, you might
look to (pick right alternative): Melanie’s mom’s weight; whether Melanie was born
premature; Melanie’s weight again during the past year; all of these forces.
4. The best age to intervene to prevent obesity is: (a) birth–age 1; (b) age 3–4; (c) the
teenage years (choose a, b, or c).
5. Your friend wants to develop a child obesity intervention at your local church. Explain
in a sentence why some people might be unwilling to participate, and what your
friend might do to ensure more families enroll.
Answers to the Tying It All Together questions can be found at the end of this chapter.
Cognitive Development
In this section, we turn to the heart of this chapter: cognition. How do children
develop intellectually as they travel from age 3 into elementary school? In our search
for answers, we explore three perspectives on mental growth, starting with that master
theorist Jean Piaget.
Number Two equal rows of pennies. Increase spacing of pennies in one line.
“Are these two rows the same?” (Yes.) “Now is the amount of money the same?” “No, the longer row has more.”
Mass Two equal balls of clay. Squeeze one ball into a long pancake shape.
“Do these two balls have the same “Now is the amount of clay the same?” “No, the long, thin one has more clay.”
amount of clay?” (Yes.)
Volume Two glasses of the same size with liquid. Pour one into a taller, narrower glass.
or liquid
“Do these glasses have the same “Now do these glasses have the same amount “No, the taller glass has more juice.”
amount of juice?” (Yes.) of juice?”
Matter* Two identical cubes of sugar. Dissolve one cube in a glass of water.
“Do these cubes have the same amount “Now is there the same amount of sugar?” “No, because you made one piece
of sugar?” (Yes.) of sugar disappear.”
*That is, the idea that a substance such as sugar is “still there” even though it seems to have disappeared (by dissolving).
figure 5.3: Four Piagetian conservation tasks: Can you perform these tasks with a child you
“Would you rather have the Skittles or the candy?” and she is almost certain to say,
“The Skittles,” even when you have determined beforehand that both types of candy
have equal appeal. She gets mesmerized by the number of Skittles and does not notice
that “candy” is the label for both.
This tendency to focus on immediate appearances explains why, in the opening
chapter vignette, Moriah believed that Josiah had more paper when he cut his sheet
into sections. Her attention was captured by the spread-out pieces, and she believed
that now there must be more paper than before.
The idea that “bigger” automatically equals “more” extends to every aspect of
preoperational thought. Ask a 3-year-old if he wants a nickel or a dime, and he will
choose the first option. (This is a great source of pleasure to older siblings asked to
equally share their funds.) Perhaps because greater height means “older” in their own
lives, children even believe that a taller person has been on earth for a longer time:
I was substitute teaching with a group of kindergarten children—at the time I was about
22—and when I met a student’s mother, she was shocked. “When I asked Ben about
you,” she said, “he told me you were much older than his regular teacher.” This teacher
was in her mid- to late fifties and looked it. However, then we figured out the difference.
This woman was barely 5 feet tall, and I am 6 feet two!
CHAPTER 5 Physical and Cognitive Development 145
Experiencing the Lifespan: Childhood Fears, Animism, and the Power of Stephen King
There was one shadow that would constantly cast itself that someone is under my bed and that they are going to
on my bedroom wall. It looked just like a giant creeping grab me by my ankles. I don’t think I will ever grow out
towards me with a big knife in his hand. of this, as I am 26.
I used to believe that Satan lived in my basement. The Can you relate to any of these childhood memories col-
light switch was at the bottom of the steps, and when- lected from my students? Perhaps your enemy was that evil
ever I switched off the light it was a mad dash to the top. creature lurking in your basement; the frightening stuffed
I was so scared that Satan was going to stab my feet animal on your wall; a huge object (with teeth) such as that
with knives. piano; or your local garbage truck.
Boy, do I remember the doll that sat on the top of my
Now you know where that master storyteller Stephen King
dresser. I called it “Chatty Kathy.” This doll came to life
gets his ideas. King’s genius is that he taps into the preop-
every night. She would stare at me, no matter where
erational thoughts that we have papered over, though not
I went.
very well, as adults. When we read King’s story about a toy
My mother used to take me when she went to clean house animal that clapped cymbals to signal someone’s imminent
for Mrs. Handler, a rich lady. Mrs. Handler had this huge, death, or about Christine, the car with a mind of its own,
shiny black grand piano, and I thought it came alive when or about the laundry-pressing machine that loved human
I was not looking at it. It was so enormous, dark, and blood—these stories fall on familiar childhood ground.
quiet. I remember pressing one of the bass keys, which Don’t you still get a bit anxious when you enter a dark
sounded really deep and loud and it terrified me. basement? Even today, on a dark night, do you have an
I remember being scared that there was something alive uneasy feeling that some strange monster might be lurking
under my bed. I must tell you I sometimes still get scared beneath your bed?
ages 5 and 7, their thinking gets less static, or “thaws out” (Flavell, 1963). A 6-year-
old, when given the conservation of liquid task, might first say the taller glass had
more liquid, but then, after it is poured back into a wide glass, becomes unsure: “Is
it bigger or not?” She has reached the tipping point where she is poised to reason on
a higher cognitive plane.
By age 8, the child has reached this higher-level, concrete operational state:
“Even though the second glass is taller, the first is wider” (showing decentering);
“You can pour the liquid right back into the short glass and it would look the same”
(illustrating reversibility). Now, she doesn’t realize that she ever thought differently:
“Are you silly? Of course it’s the same!”
Piaget also found that specific conservations come in at different ages. First,
children master conservation of number and then mass and liquid. They may not
figure out the most difficult conservations until age 11 or 12. Imagine the challenge
of understanding the last task in Figure 5.3 (see p. 144)—realizing that when sugar is
dissolved in water, it exists, but in a molecular form.
Still, according to Piaget, age 8 is a landmark for looking beyond immediate
appearances, for understanding seriation and categories, for decentering in the physi-
cal and social worlds, for abandoning the tooth fairy and the idea that our stuffed
animals are alive, and for entering the planet of adults.
Table 5.3 shows examples of different kinds of preoperational ideas. Now, test
yourself by seeing if you can classify each statement in Piagetian terms.
Table 5.3: Can You Identify the Type of Preoperational Thought from These
Real-World Examples?
Here are your possible choices: (a) no identity constancy, (b) animism, (c) artificialism,
(d ) egocentrism, (e) no conservation, and ( f ) inability to use classification.
_____1. Heidi was watching her father fix lunch. After he cut her sandwich into quarters, Heidi
said, “Oh, Daddy, I only wanted you to cut it in two pieces. I’m not hungry enough to eat
four!” (Bjorklund & Bjorklund, 1992, p. 168).
_____2. My 2-year-old son and I were taking our yearly trip to visit Grandma in Florida. As the
plane took off and gained altitude, Thomas looked out the window and said with a
delighted grin, “Mommy, TOYS!”
_____3. Melanie watched as her father, a professional clown, put on his clown outfit and then
began applying his makeup. Before he could finish, Melanie suddenly ran screaming
from the room, terrified of the strange clown.
_____4. Your child can’t understand that he could live in his town and in his state at the same
time. He tells you angrily, “I live in Newark, not New Jersey.”
_____5. As you cross the George Washington Bridge over the Hudson River to New Jersey, your
child asks, “Did the same people who built the bridge also make the river?”
Answers: 1 (e), 2 (d ), 3 (a), 4 ( f ), 5 (c)
why young children are terrified of the dark and scary clowns at
the amusement park. So for parents who feel uneasy about playing
Suzanne Kreiter/The Boston Globe via Getty Images
Evaluating Piaget
Piaget has clearly transformed the way we think about young children. Still, as you
saw with infancy, in important areas, Piaget was incorrect.
I described a major problem with Piaget’s ideas in Chapter 3: just as he
minimized what babies know, Piaget underestimated preoperational children’s
capacities. In particular, Piaget overstated young children’s egocentrism. If babies
can decode intentions, the first awareness that we live in “differ-
ent heads” must dawn on children at a far younger age than 8!
(At the end of this chapter, you’ll learn when this mindreading
ability fully comes on.)
We might also take issue with Piaget’s idea that we grow out
of animism by age 8 or 9. Maybe he was giving us too much credit
here. Do you have a good luck charm that keeps the plane from
crashing, or a place you go for comfort where you can hear the
© Lauren Greenfield/INSTITUTE
As you might expect, older children were better at recalling the animal names.
But now comes the interesting part: when the children were asked how many irrel-
evant items they could recall, the performance differences evaporated—suggesting
that the young children wasted effort looking at the objects they did not need to know
(Bjorklund, 2005). This suggests that, in addition to having smaller memory bins, young
children clog their bin space with irrelevant information. They can’t focus
their attention on what is relevant and filter out extraneous stimuli as well.
Older Children Are Superior at Inhibition
Turn back to the vignette at the beginning of this chapter to see the problems
young children have inhibiting their impulses. Notice how the 3-year-olds
© Stefanie Felix/The Image Works
ran into the different activity centers without thinking, “That’s not what I’m
supposed to do.” The most fascinating example occurred during the weather
report. Because the temptation to say yes was so strong, the children could
not restrain themselves from agreeing when the teacher asked any question
about the weather that day.
To measure differences in inhibition directly, researchers may ask
The childhood game of Simon children to perform some action that contradicts their immediate tenden-
Says is far from all fun and cies, such as instructing them to say the word black when they see the word white
games—it’s tailored to train (Diamond, Kirkham, & Amso, 2002). Or the child may be instructed, “Press a button
executive functions by giving
children practice in the skill
as fast as you can each time you see an animal on the screen, but don’t respond when
of inhibiting their immediate you see a dog” (Pnevmatikos & Trikkaliotis, 2013). This “go, don’t go” challenge is
responses. exemplified by the classic childhood game Simon Says.
CHAPTER 5 Physical and Cognitive Development 153
Middle childhood
1. Actively teach the child studying skills (such as rehearsing information) and selective
attention strategies (such as underlining important points).
2. Scaffold organizational strategies for school and life. For example, get the child to use a
notebook for each class assignment and keep important objects, such as eyeglasses, in a
specific place.
3. Expect situations that involve multiple tasks, such as getting ready for school, to present
problems. Also expect trouble with activities that involve ongoing inhibition, such as
refraining from watching TV before finishing homework. Build in a clear structure for
mastering these difficult executive-functioning tasks: “At 8 or 9 p.m., it’s time to get
everything ready for school.” “Homework must be completed by dinnertime, or the first
thing after you get home from school.”
4. To promote selective attention (and inhibition), have a child do homework, or any task that
involves concentration, in a room away from tempting distractions such as the TV or Internet.
154 PART III Childhood
scream at, hit, and punish a daughter who can’t “just sit still.” Therefore, due to an
evocative process, boys and girls with ADHD are least likely to get the sensitive parent-
ing that they need. Their difficult behavior can provoke marital conflict (Wymbs &
Pelham, 2010) and routinely cause these children to fail with their peers (Normand
and others, 2013; Staikova and others, 2013).
Frequent social failures seem to be most upsetting for girls (Becker and others,
2013). Anxiety—for females especially—is an unfortunate side consequence of hav-
ing ADHD (Skogli and others, 2013). Given these dangers, what should a caring
adult do?
(see Halperin & Healey, 2011). Medicines, scientists point out, even when they work,
can have upsetting side effects. Once a person stops the treatment, symptoms return
(Graham and others, 2011; Sonuga-Barke & Halperin, 2010). Exercise, as you will
see later in this book, helps stimulate neurogenesis and may reduce the risk of getting
later-life Alzheimer’s disease. Might intense exercise or even providing time for playing
games help mend a child’s brain?
But perhaps some brains don’t need mending. ADHD symptoms appear on a
continuum (Bell, 2011; Larsson and others, 2012). Where should we really put the
cutting point between normal childhood inattentiveness and a diagnosed “disease”?
The dramatic early-twenty-first-century U.S. rise in the prevalence of ADHD (CDC,
2010b) is troubling. So is the male tilt to this diagnosis, as boys are more physically
active than girls. Without denying that ADHD can cause considerable heartache,
what role might a poor elementary school child–environment fit play in this “disor-
der” at this moment in history?
Wrapping Up Cognition
Now that I have reached the end of our survey of cognition, it should be clear why our
species needs a decade (or two) beyond infancy to master the intellectual challenges
of the adult world. Now, imagine the insights we would be missing if we left out any
theory. What if you wanted to make sense of the strange ideas preschoolers have, or
needed a general strategy for stimulating intellectual growth, or were looking for guid-
ance about what to expect from children in terms of listening, following directions,
and sitting still? You would have to turn to Piaget, Vygotsky, and the information-
processing perspective. Has a particular theory been especially valuable in helping
you understand the children you know?
Inner Speech
According to Vygotsky, learning takes place when the words a child hears from parents
and other scaffolders migrate inward to become talk directed at the self. For instance,
semantics The meaning drink, Daddy?” Children typically produce grammatically correct sentences by the
system of a language—that time they enter school.
is, what the words stand for.
The most amazing changes occur in semantics—understanding word meanings.
overregularization An error in Here, children go from three- or four-word vocabularies at age 1 to knowing about
early language development,
in which young children
10,000 words by age 6! (See Slobin, 1972; Smith, 1926.) While we have the other
apply the rules for plurals core abilities under our belts by the end of early childhood, our vocabularies continue
and past tenses even to to grow from age 2 to 102.
exceptions, so irregular One mistake young children make while learning language is called overregu-
forms sound like regular
larization. Around age 3 or 4, they often misapply general rules for plurals or past
tense forms even when exceptions occur. A preschooler will say runned, goed, teached,
overextension An error in
early language development
sawed, mouses, feets, and cup of sugars rather than using the correct irregular form
in which young children (Berko, 1958).
apply verbal labels too Another error lies in children’s semantic mistakes. Also around age 3, children
broadly. often use overextensions—meaning they extend a verbal label too broadly. In Piaget’s
underextension An error in terminology, they assimilate the word horsey to all four-legged creatures, such as dogs,
early language development cats, and lions in the zoo. Or they use underextensions—making name categories
in which young children
apply verbal labels too
too narrow. A 3-year-old may tell you that only her own pet is a dog and insist that all
narrowly. the other neighborhood dogs must be called something else. As children get older,
through continual assimilation and accommodation, they sort these glitches out.
Table 5.6 summarizes these challenges. Now you might want to have a conversa-
tion with a 3- or 4-year-old child. Can you pick out examples of overregularization,
overextensions or underextensions, problems with syntax (grammar), or difficulties
pronouncing phonemes (word sounds)? Can you figure out the child’s MLU?
As this girl reaches adolescence, she will link these kinds of memories to each
other, and construct a timeline of her life (Habermas, Negele, & Mayer, 2010; Chen,
McAnally, & Reese, 2013). By about age 16, she will use these events to reflect on her
enduring personality (“This is the kind of person I am, as shown by how I felt at age
4 or 5 or 9”). Then she will have achieved that Eriksonian milestone—an identity to
carry through life (more about this in Chapter 10).
Caregivers can help stimulate autobiographical memory by sensitively asking
questions about exciting experiences they shared with their child (Valentino and
others, 2014). (“Wasn’t the Circus amazing! What did you like best?”) Moreover, the
quality of our teenage autobiographical memories vary depending on the loving past
talk experiences we receive. In one study, young teens who produced rich personal
autobiographies were apt to report close, trusting relationships with their mothers
(Bosmans and others, 2013). Conversely, overly general autobiographical memories
(“I used to go shopping”) rather than recalling specific events (“I remember how I
went to Green Hills Mall on that Tuesday with my friends”) can be a symptom of an
unhappy life (Valentino and others, 2014). In another study, having been abused, plus
an inability to recall details about one’s past, was linked to a young teen’s experiencing
depression down the road (Stange and others, 2013).
The most chilling example of this autobiographical memory failure (Freud might
label it repression) occurred when researchers tested children who were removed from
an abusive home. If a parent was insecurely attached, a child either was apt to make
false statements about what took place that day or to deny remembering anything
about the traumatic event (Melinder and others, 2013).
160 PART III Childhood
The take-home message is that having a personal autobiography (or full sense of
self) is taught through responsive parent–child encounters. As the sociologist George
Herbert Mead suggested a century ago by using different terminology, or as Vygotsky
implied in a different context in this chapter, relationships are the medium that teach
us to be a self.
Moreover, when researchers train parents in the rich reminiscence styles described
above, they find that past-talk conversations enhance the child’s ability to relate to
other minds (Taumoepeau & Reese, 2013). When does this vital mindreading ability
really lock in?
(1) Another adult and a young child watch while you hide a toy in a place like a desk drawer.
(3) You hide the toy under the bed and then ask the child, “Where will Ms. X look for the toy?”
than do Western 4-year-olds (Shahaeian and others, 2011; see also Table 5.7 on
page 162 for some fascinating neural findings related to theory of mind and the
collectivist/individualistic distinction).
Conversely, because they have so much hands-on experience in colliding (mean-
ing arguing) with other minds—“Hey, I want that toy!” “No, I do!”—Western pre-
schoolers with brothers and sisters tend to pass theory-of-mind tasks at somewhat
younger ages than only children do (McAlister & Peterson, 2013).
162 PART III Childhood
Reflecting on the self and others’ mental states is a frontal-lobe activity involving slightly
different brain regions: When Westerners are asked to recall autobiographical memories, a
brain region called the medial frontal cortex lights up. When given theory-of-mind–type tasks,
a slightly different area of the medial frontal cortex is activated. So thinking about ourselves
and motivations of other people involves distinctive (but closely aligned) brain areas.
Interesting cultural variation: This classic neural separation does not exist when Chinese
adults think about themselves and their mothers. More astonishing, thinking about yourself
and family members activates either the same or more separate brain regions, depending on
whether you have a collectivist (interdependent) or individualistic (self-oriented) worldview.
Interesting variation from person to person: When you judge the mental state of someone
you view as similar, such as a good friend, a closely aligned brain region lights up as when you
are asked to reflect on yourself (as if you are drawing on your feelings about how you would
respond in interpreting this person). But, inferring the mental states of dissimilar others—
people you view as very different—activates truly separate brain areas. Imagining the feelings
of disliked out-group members (e.g., as a Palestinian being asked to empathize with the
perspective of a Jewish-Israeli West Bank settler) may elicit reduced activity in the “social” brain!
Conclusion: Our attitudes about the self in relationship to other human beings are mirrored in
the physical architecture of our brain.
Data from: Abu-Akel & Shamay-Tsoory, 2011; Heatherton, 2011; Oddo and others, 2010; Rabin and others, 2010.
Incidence per 100,000
1995 2000 2005 2010
figure 5.7: Time trends of autism spectrum diagnoses among children aged 4-6 in
Denmark, 1995–2010: This chart vividly shows the rise in autism spectrum diagnoses among young
children over the past decades in one representative Western nation (Denmark). Is this alarming
increase partly due to the massive media attention focused on this condition? We do not know.
Interestingly, however, as the new criteria for labeling autism spectrum disorders are more stringent,
the number of children diagnosed with this condition may decline a bit in subsequent years.
Data from: Jensen, C, Steinhausen, H., & Lauritson, M. B. (1914).
Autism spectrum disorders are poster-child diseases for the devastation that occurs
when our human capacity to relate to other minds is impaired. In the next chapter,
I’ll focus directly on charting children’s relationships (and self-awareness), as I explore
socioemotional development during the childhood years.
1. Andrew said to Madison, his 3-year-old son: “Remember when we went to Grandma
and Grandpa’s last year? . . . . It was your birthday, and what did Grandma make for
you?” This ___________conversation will help scaffold Madison’s _____________.
2. Pick the statement that would not signify that a child has developed a full-fledged
theory of mind:
a. He’s having a real give-and-take conversation with you.
b. He realizes that if you weren’t there, you can’t know what’s gone on—and tries to
explain to you what happened while you were absent.
c. When he has done something he shouldn’t do, he is likely to lie.
d. He’s learning to read.
3. Autism spectrum disorders are becoming more/less prevalent, and we are making great
progress/not making much progress in determining their causes.
Answers to the Tying It All Together questions can be found at the end of this chapter.
Setting the Context cause for this modern scourge lies in toxic environmental forces
(too little exercise, an abundance of tasty, calorie-dense foods,
Childhood comprises two phases—early and middle childhood— and so on), children differ genetically in their tendencies to be
and this period of life lasts longer in our species than in any other overweight, and the best predictor of later obesity is rapid weight
animal. We need this time to absorb the lessons passed down by gain early in life. Because prejudices against overweight chil-
previous generations, and to take advantage of our finely tuned dren are intense, parents tend to minimize their children’s weight
ability to decode intentions—the talent that has allowed us to issues and can be reluctant to participate in family interventions.
advance. The frontal lobes, in particular, take two decades to Rather than just changing society, it’s important to discourage
become “adult.” As this region of the brain—involved in reason- overfeeding babies and decode the biochemical conditions caus-
ing and planning— develops, every childhood ability improves. ing vulnerable infants to gain excessive weight.
also affects class inclusion (understanding overarching catego- array of pathways and possible brain causes. Treatments involve
ries). Preoperational children believe that if something looks big- medication, training for parents and children, dietary interven-
ger visually, it always equals “more.” tions, providing white noise, exercise, and high-intensity games.
The dramatic rise in contemporary Western ADHD diagnoses
Preoperational children lack identity constancy—they don’t could be partly a product of a poor child-environment fit.
understand that people are “the same” in spite of changes in
external appearance. Their thinking is characterized by animism
(the idea that inanimate objects are alive) and by artificialism Language
(the belief that everything in nature was made by humans). They Language makes every other childhood skill possible. Vygotsky
are egocentric, unable to understand that other people have dif- believed that we learn everything through using inner speech.
ferent perspectives from their own. Although Piaget’s ideas offer During early childhood, language abilities expand dramatically.
a wealth of insights into children’s thinking, he underestimated Phonemic (sound articulation) abilities improve. As the number of
what young children know. Children in every culture do progress morphemes in children’s sentences increases, their mean length
from preoperational to concrete operational thinking—but the of utterance (MLU) expands. Syntax, or knowledge of grammati-
learning demands of the particular society make a difference in cal rules, improves. Semantic understanding (vocabulary) shoots
the age at which specific conservations are attained. up. Common language mistakes young children make include
Lev Vygotsky, with his concept of the zone of proximal develop- overregularization (using regular forms for irregular verbs and
ment, suggested that learning occurs when adults tailor instruc- nouns), overextension (applying word categories too broadly),
tion to a child’s capacities and then use scaffolding to gradually and underextension (applying word categories too narrowly).
promote independent performance. Education, according to
Vygotsky, is a collaborative, bidirectional learning experience. Specific Social Cognitive Skills
Information-processing theory provides another perspective on Autobiographical memories, the child’s understanding of having
cognitive growth. In this framework on memory, material must a personal past, is socialized by caregivers through past-talk con-
be processed through a limited-capacity system, called working versations, questioning young children about shared life events.
memory, in order to be recalled at a subsequent time. As chil- Specific autobiographical memories consolidate into a coherent
dren get older, their working memory-bin capacity dramatically identity during the teens. Overly general autobiographical memo-
expands, which may explain why children reach concrete opera- ries (or not recalling salient events from the past) may indicate a
tions at age 7 or 8. child’s having an abusive early life.
Executive functions—the ability to think through our actions and Theory of mind, our knowledge that other people have different
manage our cognitions—dramatically improve over time. Chil- perspectives from our own, is measured by the false-belief task.
dren adopt learning strategies such as rehearsal. They get better Children around the world typically pass this milestone at about
at selective attention and inhibiting their immediate responses. age 4 or 5, although the roots of this uniquely human ability
The research on rehearsal, selective attention, and inhibition pro- appear before age 1. Cultural forces, being bilingual, having older
vides a wealth of insights that can be applied in real life. siblings, and having parents’ continually talk about people’s
mental states predict the emergence of this vital skill.
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), the most com-
mon childhood disorder in the United States, involves impair- Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs), characterized by severely
ments in executive functions such as working memory, inhibition, impaired social skills and abnormal repetitive behaviors, are
and selective attention, and presents widespread problems at emblematic of impaired theory of mind. These devastating disor-
home and school. This condition, usually diagnosed in elemen- ders, which typically are diagnosed in early childhood, are rising
tary school (more often among boys), can have a bewildering in prevalence, and have unknown causes.
early childhood, p. 135 reversibility, p. 143 working memory, p. 151 syntax, p. 157
middle childhood, p. 135 centering, p. 143 executive functions, p. 151 semantics, p. 158
frontal lobes, p. 136 decentering, p. 143 rehearsal, p. 152 overregularization,
gross motor skills, p. 138 class inclusion, p. 143 selective attention, p. 152 p. 158
fine motor skills, p. 138 identity constancy, p. 145 attention-deficit/hyperactivity overextension, p. 158
body mass index (BMI), p. 139 animism, p. 145 disorder (ADHD), p. 154 underextension, p. 158
childhood obesity, p. 139 artificialism, p. 145 inner speech, p. 157 autobiographical memories,
phoneme, p. 157 p. 159
preoperational thinking, p. 142 egocentrism, p. 146
morpheme, p. 157 theory of mind, p. 160
concrete operational zone of proximal
thinking, p. 142 development, p. 149 mean length of utterance autism spectrum disorders
(MLU), p. 157 (ASDs), p. 162
conservation tasks, p. 143 scaffolding, p. 149
166 PART III Childhood
Physical Development
1. Long-distance running and the high jump would be ideal for
Jessica, as these sports heavily tap into gross motor skills.
Amos Morgan/Photodisc/Getty Images
CHAPTER 5 Physical and Cognitive Development 167
Girls’ and Boys’ Play Worlds
Middle-Aged Reflections on My
Middle-Childhood Victimization
SCIENCE: Cyberbullying
Bullying and Helping Rejected
ave you ever wondered why chil- a deeper way. If so, this chapter, covering
dren, such as Josiah and Matt, children’s emotional and social develop-
are competent and caring, while ment, is for you.
others, like Mark, seem insensitive, In the following pages, you’ll be
aggressive, and rude? Perhaps you are getting insights into the challenges
curious about what makes children bond in social cognition that children face
together as best friends, or why people, as they travel from preschool through
like Jimmy and Moriah, seem isolated elementary school. But this chapter has
from their peers. Have you puzzled over another purpose: to help children such
why boys love to run around or won- as Moriah, Mark, and Jimmy, who are
dered why elementary schoolchildren having troubles relating in the world.
(say) they love to hate the other sex? With this goal in mind, let’s begin by
Maybe you simply want to understand highlighting that fundamental human
your own and other people’s behavior in challenge—managing our emotions.
170 PART III Childhood
1. Krista, a school psychologist, is concerned about two students: Paul, who bursts out
in rage and is continually misbehaving; and Jeremy, who is timid, anxious, and sad.
Krista describes Paul as having internalizing/externalizing tendencies and Jeremy as
having internalizing/externalizing tendencies, and she says that issues with emotion
regulation are a problem for Paul/Jeremy/both boys.
Answers to the Tying It All Together questions can be found at the end of this chapter.
your tricycle in the street to scaling the school monkey bars, our chal-
lenge in early childhood is taking the initiative to confront life.
In middle childhood (from age 6 to 12) our task shifts to industry
versus inferiority—the need to manage our emotions and work for what
we want to achieve (industry). Now we know that we are not just won-
derful, and are vulnerable to low self-esteem—or inferiority—having
the painful sense that we don’t measure up. In other words, the price of
leaving the preoperational bubble, or early-childhood Garden of Eden,
is becoming realistically aware of our abilities and the demands of living
in the “real world.”
© Robert Dant/Alamy
Still, all is not lost because this new, realistic understanding produces
another change. Notice how the fourth grader on page 171 compares
her abilities in different areas such as personality and school. As they get
older, this means children’s self-esteem doesn’t hinge on one quality.
Even if they are not doing well in one area, they can take comfort in the
places where they really shine.
According to Harter, children draw on five areas to determine their
self-esteem: scholastic competence (academic talents); behavioral conduct
(obedience or being “good”); athletic skills (performance at sports); peer
likeability (popularity); and physical appearance (looks). To diagnose
how a child feels in each domain, Harter devised the kinds of questions
in Figure 6.l.
As you might expect, children who view themselves as “not so good” in
several domains often report low self-esteem. However, to really understand
Maria Sweeney/Getty Images
An examiner points to a girl to a preschooler’s right and says, “This girl isn’t good at doing
puzzles.” She then points to a girl to the child’s left and says, “This girl is good at doing
puzzles.” Then she asks the child to point to the appropriate circle under each girl. If “this
really fits me,” the child points to the large circle. If “this fits me a little bit,” the child points
to the small circle.
Here the elementary schoolchild reads the items and checks the box that applies to her.
difficulties or assume they are incompetent, they cut off the chance of working to
change their behavior and so ensure that they will fail.
Table 6.2 summarizes these self-esteem problems and their real-world conse-
quences. Then, Table 6.3 offers a checklist, based on Harter’s five dimensions, for
You have internalizing issues if you regularly have thoughts like these:
1. Academics: “I’m basically stupid.” “I can’t do well on tests.” “My memory is poor.” “I’m bound to
fail at science.” “I’m too dumb to get through college.” “I’ll never be smart enough to get ahead in
my career.”
2. Physical skills: “I can’t play basketball (or some other sport) because I’m uncoordinated or too
slow.” “I’ll never have the willpower to exercise regularly (or stick to a diet, stop smoking, stop
drinking, or stop taking drugs).”
3. Relationships: “I don’t have any people skills.” “I’m doomed to fail in my love life.” “I can’t be a
good mother (or spouse or friend).”
4. Physical appearance: “I’m basically unattractive.” “People are born either good-looking or not,
and I fall into the not category.” “There is nothing I can do to improve my looks.”
5. Conduct: “I’m incapable of being on time (or getting jobs done or stopping talking in class).”
“I can’t change my tendency to rub people the wrong way.”
Diagnosis: Your excessively low self-esteem is inhibiting your ability to succeed. Work on reducing
your helpless and hopeless attitudes and try for change.
evaluating yourself. Are there areas where you gloss over your deficiencies? Do you
have pockets of learned helplessness that prevent you from living a full life?
auremar/Shutterstock, Inc.
when children have reached concrete operations and developed fixed
ideas about the self (“I am basically dumb”). But when researchers
videotaped mothers’ interactions with their 2-year-olds, and tracked
these toddlers into elementary school, guess what? Parents who years
earlier made more statements that praised effort (“You worked so hard
on that drawing,” versus, “You are a great artist!”) had 8-year-olds who By praising her 3-year-old for
(1) preferred tackling challenging tasks, (2) attributed academic success to hard work, being such a hard worker, this
mom is socializing her child to
and (3) believed that a person’s intelligence and personality can be changed (Gunder-
tackle challenging tasks in third
son and others, 2013). Therefore, instilling the efficacious message, “working is what grade.
matters,” should be a parental socialization goal starting from age one!
ENCOURAGING ACCURATE PERCEPTIONS. Still, if a child—for instance, Jimmy in the
beginning chapter vignette—has internalizing tendencies, efficacy-enhancing inter-
ventions may not be enough. These children often see themselves as failing when
they are not. Therefore, adults must continually provide accurate feedback: “The
class doesn’t hate you. Notice that Matt and Josiah wanted you in the game last week.”
And, if an elementary schooler with externalizing tendencies discounts his failures at
the price of preserving an inflated sense of self-esteem, gently point out reality, too:
Using the example of Mark, you might say, “The kids don’t like you when you barge
in and take over those games” (Thomaes, Stegge, & Olthof, 2007).
There is a way of softening this painful “You are not doing so well”
message that is the price of realistically seeing the self. Harter (1999,
2006) finds that feeling loved by their attachment figures provides a
cushion when children understand they are having trouble in an impor-
tant area of life. So, returning to the beginning of this section, school
programs (and adults) that stress the message “I care about you,” plus
foster self-efficacy (“You can succeed if you work hard”), are the key to
promoting true self-esteem (Miller & Daniel, 2007).
© Neville Elder/Sygma/Corbis
Doing Good: Prosocial Behavior
On the morning of September 11, 2001, the nation was riveted by the
heroism of the firefighters who ran into the World Trade Center build-
ings, risking almost certain death. We marveled at the “ordinary people”
working in the Twin Towers, whose response to this emergency was to
What qualities made hundreds
help others get out first. of New York City firefighters run
Prosocial behavior is the term developmentalists use to describe such amazing into the burning Twin Towers on
acts of self-sacrifice, as well as the minor acts of helping, comforting, and sharing September 11, knowing that they
might be facing death? This is
that we perform during daily life. Do we need to be taught to open a door when we
the kind of question that devel-
see someone struggling with a package, to hug a distressed friend, or to reach out to opmentalists who study proso-
include a shy kid who wants to play in our elementary school group? cial behavior want to answer.
The answer is no. Each prosocial activity naturally appears early in life (Hepach,
Vaish, & Tomasello, 2013; Thompson & Newton, 2013). Toddlers will help a
researcher retrieve an out-of-reach object; or comfort that person when she bangs her
finger and says “Ouch!” (Dunfield & Kuhlmeir, 2013.) Eighteen-month-olds even
perform sharing acts that go beyond the adult norm, giving some of their own stickers
to an experimenter when that person has acted selfishly in a previous trial (Sebastián-
Enesco, Hernández-Lloreda, & Colmenares, 2013).
This impetus to help, comfort, and share, which blossoms during toddlerhood, prosocial behavior Sharing,
appears in cultures around the world (House and others, 2013). Moreover, doing helping, and caring actions.
176 PART III Childhood
report for not acting prosocial are that they don’t have the skills to help
(Denham, 1998; Eisenberg & Fabes, 1998).
Returning to gender differences, this suggests we take a more
nuanced approach to the idea that females are more (or less) proso-
cial than males. Yes, women qualify as more prosocial if we measure
comforting someone in emotional pain. Men, however, may be more
prosocial in their own competence realm—changing a motorist’s tire;
helping a stranger lift a heavy object; opening doors for people; paying
for dinner; or taking prosocial charge of a group during the fast-paced
“guilt” for the feeling that arises during preschool, when our drive to master the
world causes other people distress (see Table 6.1 on page 171). While shame and
guilt are both “self-conscious” relationship-oriented emotions, they have oppos-
ing effects. Shame causes us to withdraw from people, to slink away, and crawl
into a hole (Thomaes and others, 2007). We feel furious at being humiliated and
want to strike back. Guilt connects us to people. We feel terrible about what we
have done and try to make amends. So, shame diminishes us. Guilt—in modera-
tion (see Soenens & Vansteenkiste, 2010)—can cause us to act prosocially and
emotionally enlarge (Olthof, 2012).
This suggests that socialization techniques involving shame are especially
poisonous. If, when you arrived at the principal’s office, he shamed you (“In the
next school assembly, I’ll announce what a terrible person you are!”), you might
change your behavior, but at an emotional price. You would feel humiliated. You
might decide you hated school. But if the principal induced guilt (“I feel disap-
pointed because you’re such a good kid”), you could act to enhance self-efficacy
© Take 2 Productions/Brand X/Corbis
(“Dr. Jones, what can I do to make it up?”). You might end up feeling better
about yourself and more connected to school. Has feeling guilty and apologizing
ever made you feel closer to someone you love?
Table 6.4 summarizes these section messages and offers an additional tip.
And, for readers who are thinking, “I’m prosocial, even though I didn’t grow
up in that kind of home,” there is the reality that people can draw on shaming
childhood experiences to construct prosocial lives. Perhaps you have a friend
When parents use shame to
discipline, a child’s impulse is
who grew up in an abusive family whose mission it is to work with abused children or
to get furious. But by pointing (like me) have been privileged to meet childhood survivors of Hitler’s holocaust who
out how disappointed a parent have devoted their lives to teaching people “never again!” Then you will realize that,
is in a “good girl,” a parent can while love is the best prosocial socializer, life’s adversities can promote exceptional
produce guilt—and so ultimately
have a more prosocial child.
altruism, too (more about this compelling topic in Chapter 12).
Now that we have analyzed what makes us do good (the angel side of personality),
let’s enter the darker side of human nature: aggression.
Types of Aggression
One way developmentalists classify aggression is by its motive.
Proactive aggression refers to hurtful behavior that is initiated to
achieve a goal. Johnny kicks Manuel to gain possession of the block
pile. Sally spreads a rumor about Moriah to replace her as Sara’s best
friend. Reactive aggression occurs in response to being hurt, threat-
ened, or deprived. Manuel, infuriated at Johnny, kicks him back.
© Picture Partners/Alamy
Its self-determined nature gives proactive aggression a calculated,
“cooler” emotional tone. When we behave aggressively to get some-
thing, we plan our behavior. We may feel a sense of self-efficacy as we
carry out the act. Reactive aggression involves white-hot, disorganized
rage. When you hear that your best friend has betrayed you, or even
As he lunges for his friend’s book, the boy on the
have a minor frustrating experience such as being caught in traffic, you right may feel powerful (proactive aggression). But
get furious and blindly lash out (Deater-Deckard and others, 2010). his furious buddy is apt to react by bopping him on
This feeling is normal. According to a classic theory called the the head (reactive aggression).
frustration-aggression hypothesis, when human beings are thwarted,
we are biologically primed to retaliate or strike back.
In addition to its motive—proactive or reactive—developmentalists
distinguish between different forms of aggression. Hitting and yelling are
direct forms of aggression. A more devious type of aggression is relational
aggression, acts designed to hurt our relationships. Not inviting Sara to
a birthday party, spreading rumors, or tattling on a disliked classmate all
qualify as relationally aggressive acts.
Because it targets self-esteem and involves more sophisticated social
skills, relational aggression follows a different developmental path than
openly aggressive acts. Just as rates of open aggression are declining, during
Masterfile Royalty Free
Table 6.5 summarizes the different types of aggression and gives examples from
childhood and adult life. While scanning the table, notice that we all behave in every
aggressive way. Also, being aggressive is not “bad.” As I just implied, it is vital to mak-
ing our way in the world. Children who are popular don’t abandon being aggressive
(Guerra, Williams, & Sadek, 2011; Roseth and others, 2011). Proactive aggression,
as you will see later, particularly the relational kind, helps children climb the social
ranks (White, Jarrett, & Ollendick, 2013; Rodkin and others, 2013; Waasdorp and
others, 2013). Without reactive aggression (fighting back when attacked), our species
would never survive. Still, this disorganized, rage-filled aggression definitely doesn’t
work. Excessive reactive aggression ensures having troubles in the social world (White
and others, 2013).
discipline—they shame, scream, and hit: “Shut up! You are impossible. You’ll get
a beating from mom.” Physically punishing a “difficult” toddler is apt to back-
fire (Boden, Fergusson, & Horwood, 2010; Edwards and others, 2010). Notice, for
instance, from scanning the study findings in Figure 6.2, that regularly spanking a dif-
ficult 15-month-old magnified that child’s risk of developing externalizing problems
at age 4. Therefore, unfortunately, the very toddlers who most need sensitive, loving hostile attributional bias The
tendency of highly aggres-
parenting are primed to get the harshest, most punitive care. sive children to see motives
STEP 2: The child is rejected by teachers and peers in school. Typically, the transi- and actions as threaten-
ing when they are actually
tion to being defined as an “antisocial child” occurs during early elementary school. benign.
As impulsive, by now clearly aggressive, children travel outside the family, they
get rejected by their classmates. Being socially excluded is a powerful stress that
provokes paranoia and reactive aggression at any age (DeWall and others, 2009;
Lansford and others, 2010). Moreover, because aggressive children generally have
trouble inhibiting their behavior (Runions & Keating, 2010), during elementary
school they may start failing in their academic work (Romano and others, 2010).
This amplifies the frustration (“I’m not making it in any area of
life!”) and compounds the tendency to lash out (“It’s their fault,
not mine!”).
A HOSTILE WORLDVIEW. As I just implied, reactive-aggressive
children also think differently in social situations. They may
have a hostile attributional bias (Crick & Dodge, 1996). They
see threat in benign social cues. A boy gets accidentally bumped
at the lunch table, and he sees a deliberate provocation. A girl
decides that you are her enemy when you look at her the wrong
Nicholas Prior/Stone/Getty Images
Finally, as you saw in the Chapter 5 discussion of ADHD, there is a gender dif-
ference in the risk of being defined as “an acting-out, antisocial child.” Because they
are more “exuberant” and physical when they play, boys are more likely than girls to
show the physically aggressive behavior that gets them labeled with an externalizing
problem in elementary school (Vazsonyi & Chen, 2010).
How do boys and girls relate when they play? Now, I’ll turn to this question and
others as we move to part two of this chapter: relationships.
1. You interviewed a 4-year-old and a fourth grader for your class project in lifespan
development, but mixed up your interview notes. Which statement was made by the
a. “My friend Megan is better at math than me.”
b. “Sometimes I get mad at my friends, but maybe it’s because I’m too stubborn.”
c. “I have a cat named Kit, and I’m the smartest girl in the world.”
2. Identify which of the following boys has internalizing or externalizing tendencies and
then, for one of these children, design an intervention using principles spelled out in
this section: Ramon sees himself as wonderful, but he is having serious trouble getting
along with his teachers and the other kids; Jared is a great student, but when he gets a
B instead of an A, he decides that he’s “dumb” and gets too depressed to work.
3. Cotonia tells you that children need to be taught to be caring and helpful. Calista
disagrees, saying that the impulse to be prosocial is built into human nature. In a sen-
tence or two explain why both statements are correct.
4. A teacher wants to intervene with a student who has been teasing a classmate. Identify
which statement is guilt-producing, which is shame-producing, and which involves the
use of induction. Then, name which response(s) would promote prosocial behavior.
a. “Think of how bad Johnny must feel.”
b. “If that’s how you act, you can sit by yourself. You’re not nice enough to be with the
other kids.”
c. “I’m disappointed in you. You are usually such a good kid.”
5. Alyssa wants to replace Brianna as Chloe’s best friend, so she spreads horrible rumors
about Brianna. Brianna overhears Alyssa dissing her and starts slapping Alyssa. Of
the four types of aggression discussed in this section—direct, proactive, reactive,
relational—which two describe Alyssa’s behavior, and which two fit Brianna’s actions?
6. Mario, a fourth grader, feels that everyone is out to get him. Give the name for
Mario’s negative worldview.
Answers to the Tying It All Together questions can be found at the end of this chapter.
Think back to your days pretending to be a superhero or supermodel, getting together
with the girls or boys to play, your best friends, and whether you were popular at
school. Now, beginning with play, moving on to the play worlds of girls and boys, then
friendships and popularity, and finally tackling bullying—that important contempo-
rary concern—let’s explore each relationship-related topic one by one.
rough-and-tumble play Developmentalists classify children’s “free play” (the non-sports-oriented kind) into
Play that involves shoving, different categories. Rough-and-tumble play refers to the excited shoving, wrestling,
wrestling, and hitting, but
in which no actual harm is
and running around that is most apparent with boys. Actually, rough-and-tumble play
intended; especially charac- is classically boy behavior. It seems biologically built into being male (Bjorklund &
teristic of boys. Pellegrini, 2002; Pellegrini, 2006).
CHAPTER 6 Socioemotional Development 183
Photodisc/Getty Images
needed a parent to expand on the scene (Dunn, Wooding, & Her-
mann, 1977). So a child would pretend to make a phone call, and his
mother would pick up the real phone and say, “Hello, this is Mommy.
Should I come home now?”
At about age 3, children transfer the skill of pretending with mothers to peers.
Collaborative pretend play, or fantasizing together with another child, really gets Rough-and-tumble play is not
only tremendously exciting, but it
going at about age 4 (Smolucha & Smolucha, 1998). Because they must work together seems to be genetically built into
to develop the scene, collaboratively pretending shows that preschoolers have a theory being “male.”
of mind—the knowledge that the other person has a different perspective. (You need
to understand that your fellow playwright has a different script in his head.) Collab-
oratively pretending, in turn, helps teach young children the skill of making sense of
different minds (Nicolopoulou and others, 2010).
Anyone involved with a young child can see these
changes firsthand. When a 2-year-old has his “best friend”
over, they play in parallel orbits—if things go well. More
likely, a titanic battle erupts, full of proactive and reactive
aggression, as each child attempts to gain possession of the
toys. By age 4, children can play together. At age 5 or 6, they
can pretend together for hours—with only a few major fights
Play allows children to practice adult roles. Vygotsky (1978) believed that pretending
allows children to rehearse being adults. The reason girls pretend to be mommy and
baby is that women are the main child-care providers around the world. Boys play
soldiers because this activity offers built-in training for the wars they face as adults
(Pellegrini & Smith, 2005).
Play allows children a sense of control. As the following preschool conversation sug-
gests, pretending has a deeper psychological function, too:
Girl 1: Yeah, and let’s pretend when Mommy’s out until later.
Girl 2: Ooooh. Well, I’m not the boss around here, though. ’Cause mommies are
the bosses.
Girl 1: (Doubtfully) But maybe we won’t know how to punish.
Girl 2: I will. I’ll put my hand up and spank. That’s what my mom does.
Girl 1: My mom does too.
(adapted from Corsaro, 1985, p. 96)
While reading the previous two chapters, you may have
been thinking that the so-called carefree early childhood years
are hardly free of stress. We expect children to regulate their
emotions when their frontal lobes aren’t fully functional. We
discipline toddlers and preschoolers when they cannot make
sense of the mysteries of adult rules. Vygotsky (1978) believed
that, in response to this sense of powerlessness, young children
Courtesy of Dr. William Corsaro
Notice that these themes are basic to Disney movies and fairy tales. From Finding
Nemo, Bambi, and The Lion King to—my personal favorite—Dumbo, there is nothing
more heart-wrenching than being separated from your parent. From the greedy old
witch in Hansel and Gretel to the jealous queen in Sleeping Beauty, no scenario is as
sweet as triumphing over evil and possible death.
Play furthers our understanding of social norms. Corsaro (1985) found that death
was a touchy play topic. When children proposed these plots, their partners might try to
change the script. This relates to Vygotsky’s third insight about play: Although children’s
play looks unstructured, it has boundaries and rules. Plots involving dead animals waking
up make children uncomfortable because they violate the conditions of life. Children
get especially uneasy when a play partner proposes scenarios with gory themes, such as
cutting off people’s heads (Dunn & Hughes, 2001). Therefore, play teaches children
how to act and how not to behave. Wouldn’t you want to retreat if someone showed an
intense interest in decapitation while having a conversation with you?
CHAPTER 6 Socioemotional Development 185
Does this conversation bring back childhood memories of being 5 or 6? How does
gender-segregated play develop? What are the differences in boy versus girl play, and
what causes the sexes to separate into these different camps?
© Bill Aron/PhotoEdit
boys and girls relate. Do you notice that boy and girl play
differs in the following ways?
play is more rambunctious. Even during physical games A visit to this elementary school
such as tag, girls play together in calmer, more subdued ways (Maccoby, 1998; vividly brings home the fact that
Pellegrini, 2006). The difference in activity levels is striking if you have the middle childhood is traditionally
pleasure of witnessing one gender playing with the opposite sex’s toys. In one defined by gender-segregated
memorable episode, after my son and a friend invaded a girl’s stash of dolls, they
gleefully ran around the house bashing Barbie into Barbie and using their booty
as swords.
exuberant, rough-and-tumble play explains why boys burst on the scene, running and
yelling, dominating every room. Another difference lies in playgroup size. Boys get
together in packs. Girls play in smaller, more intimate groups (Maccoby, 1990, 1998;
Ruble, Martin, & Berenbaum, 2006).
186 PART III Childhood
Boys and girls also differ in the way they relate. Boys try to establish dominance
and compete to be the best. This competitive versus cooperative style spills over into
children’s talk. Girl-to-girl collaborative play really sounds collaborative (“I’ll be the
doctor, OK?”). Boys give each other bossy commands (“I’m doing the operation. Lie
down, now!”) (Maccoby, 1998). Girl-to-girl fantasy play involves nurturing themes.
Boys prefer the warrior, superhero mode.
The stereotypic quality of girls’ fantasy play came as a shock when I spent three
days playing with my visiting 7-year-old niece. We devoted day one to setting up a
beauty shop, complete with nail polishes and shampoos. We had a table for massages
and a makeover section featuring all the cosmetics I owned. Then, we opened for
business for the visiting relatives and, (of course!)—by charging for our services—
made money for toys. We spent the last day playing with a “pool party” Barbie combo
my niece had selected at Walmart that afternoon.
Boys’ and girls’ different play interests show why the kindergartners in the vignette
at the beginning of this section came to hate those “yucky” boys. Another reason why
girls turn off to the opposite sex is the unpleasant reception they get from the other
camp. In observing at a preschool, researchers found that while active girls played
with the boys’ groups early in the year, they eventually were rejected and forced to
play with their own sex (Pellegrini and others, 2007). Therefore, boys are the first to
erect the barriers: “No girls allowed!” Moreover, the gender barriers are generally
more rigid for males.
buy Barbies, but she also plays with trucks. She loves soccer and baseball, not just
doing her nails. So, even though they may dislike the opposite sex, girls do cross the
divide. Boys are more likely to avoid that chasm—refusing to venture down the Barbie
aisle or consider buying a toy labeled “girl.” So boys live in a more roped-off gender
world (Boyle and others, 2003).
Now, you might be interested in what happened during my final day pretend-
ing with the pool party toys. After my niece said, “Aunt Janet, let’s pretend we are
the popular girls,” our Barbies tried on fancy dresses (“What shall I wear, Jane?”) in
preparation for a “popular girls” pool party, where the dolls met up to discuss—guess
what—where they shopped and who did their hair!
Females with high levels of prenatal testosterone, he discovered, were more gender schema theory
interested in traditionally male occupations, such as engineering, than their lower- Explanation for gender-
stereotyped behavior that
hormone-level counterparts. They were less likely to wear makeup. In their twenties, emphasizes the role of cog-
they showed more stereotypically male interests (such as race-car driving). So, in nitions; specifically, the idea
utero testosterone epigenetically affects our DNA—programming a more “feminized” that once children know their
or “masculinized” brain. own gender label (girl or
boy), they selectively watch
THE AMPLIFYING EFFECT OF SOCIALIZATION. The wider world helps biology and model their own sex.
along. From the images displayed in preschool coloring books (Fitzpatrick & McPher-
son, 2010) to parents’ different toy selections for daughters and sons; from the mes-
sages beamed out in television sitcoms (Collins, 2011; Paek,
Nelson, & Vilela, 2011) to teachers’ differential treatment of
boys and girls in school (Chen & Rao, 2011)—everything
brings home the message: Males and females act in different
nephew ask my husband, “Was that jewelry from when you were a girl?”
In sum, my niece’s beauty-shop activities had a biological basis,
although a steady stream of nurture influences from adults and play-
mates helped this process along. Identifying herself as “a girl,” and then
spending hours modeling the women in her life, promoted classically
“feminine” sex role behavior, too.
But are the gender norms loosening? U.S. children now feel it’s
“unfair” to exclude boys from ballet class (Martin & Ruble, 2010). My Children spend hours modeling
students today often describe having had good friends of the other sex in elementary their own sex, demonstrating
why gender schema theory (the
school, something that would never have occurred when I was a child. Do you think
idea “I am a boy” or “I am a
our less gender-defined adult world is reducing the childhood pressures to “act like girl”) also encourages behaving
a girl or boy”? Who were your best friends when you were age 7 or 9? in gender-stereotyped ways.
188 PART III Childhood
This last question brings me friends. Why do children choose specific friends, and
what benefits do childhood friendships provide?
These quotations would resonate with the ideas of personality theorist Harry
Stack Sullivan. Sullivan (1953) believed that a chum (or best friend) fulfills the devel-
opmental need for self-validation and intimacy that emerges at around age 9. Sullivan
also believed that this special relationship serves as a stepping-stone to adult romance.
Friendship involves relating with a single person in a close one-to-one way. Popularity
is a group concern. It requires rising to the top of the social totem pole.
Although children differ in social status in preschool, you may remember from
childhood that “Who is popular?” becomes an absorbing question during later ele-
mentary school. Entering concrete operations makes children sensitive to making
social comparisons. The urge to rank classmates according to social status is height-
ened by the confining conditions of childhood itself. In adulthood, popularity fades
more into the background because we select our own social circles. Children must
make it on a daily basis in a classroom full of random peers.
Decoding Popularity
Especially in elementary school, popular children are often friendly and outgoing,
prosocial, and kind (Mayberry & Espelage, 2007). However, starting as early as third
grade, popularity can be linked to being relationally aggressive (Rodkin & Roisman,
2010; Ostrov and others, 2013).
Figure 6.3, on the next page, based on a study conducted in an inner city school,
illustrates this unfortunate truth. Notice that relationally aggressive third to fifth
graders were more apt to be rated as popular class leaders. But notice that the asso-
ciation between this poisonous interpersonal form of aggression and popularity was
much stronger for girls—which offers insights into why we see relational aggression
as mainly a girl activity. Yes, relational aggression gains status for both girls and boys.
But this behavior earns females more social mileage than males.
190 PART III Childhood
females—more popular; but
this type of aggression was
far, far more often effective at
promoting popularity among Boys
Data from: Waasdorp and others, 2013,
p. 269.
Table 6.6: Social Goals in Fifth Grade and How They Relate to Peer
Preferences a Year Later
1) I like it when I learn new ways to make a friend.
2) I try to figure out what makes for a good friend.
3) I try to get to know other kids better.
4) It’s important to me that the other kids think I’m popular.
5) I want to be friendly with the popular kids.
6) It’s important to me to have cool friends.
7) It’s important to me that I don’t embarrass myself around my friends.
8) When I am around other kids, I mostly just try not to goof up.
9) I try to avoid doing things that make me look foolish around other kids.
Researchers had 980 fifth graders fill out these questionnaire items and then charted children’s
social rankings in the fall and spring of the following year. Boys and girls who checked the yellow
items were more likely to ascend the classroom social hierarchy (that was their goal); but children
checking the blue items were increasingly preferred as friends. Unfortunately, however, agreeing
with the red items predicted being increasingly disliked during the next year.
Data from: Rodkin and others, 2013, p. 1142.
When researchers asked fifth graders questions such as those in the table, and
then tracked their social status over time, boys and girls whose agenda was being
popular (those agreeing with the yellow items) did rise in the social ranks. But as they
reached sixth grade, the class increasingly preferred people with the blue agendas—
children with caring, prosocial goals. So, behaving in a caring way is important at
every age if we look at what really matters: being liked as a human being.
CHAPTER 6 Socioemotional Development 191
Now let’s focus on the third group of kids, fifth graders who checked the red
items—children terrified about being embarrassed or socially goofing up. This socially
anxious group became more unpopular over time (Rodkin and others, 2013). Who,
exactly, do peers reject?
out as different are also at risk of being rejected: boys and girls (like Moriah in the
opening vignette) who don’t fit the gender stereotypes (Lee & Troop-Gordon, 2011);
low-income children in middle-class schools (Zettergren, 2007); immigrant children
in ethnically homogenous societies (Strohmeier, Kärnä, &
Salmivalli, 2010)—any child whom classmates label as “dif-
ferent,” “weird,” or “not like us.”
© Daniel Atkin/Alamy
years (Alatupa and others, 2013; more about this pathway in
Chapter 9). Unfortunately, one longitudinal study suggested
that women who were unpopular as preteens had high rates
of anxiety disorders and depression during midlife (Modin,
Östberg, & Almquist, 2011). Because he prefers to hang
But there is variability, especially if a child has been rejected due to being “differ- back and observe the group
scene from afar, this cerebral
ent” from the group. Consider an awkward little girl named Eleanor Roosevelt, who
boy is not winning popularity
was socially rejected at age 8, or a boy named Thomas Edison, whose preference for contests in fourth grade. But,
playing alone got him defined as a “problem” child. Because they were so different, the same introspective qualities
these famous adults were dismal failures during elementary school. To get insights that are giving him problems
in elementary school might
into the fleeting quality of childhood peer status, you might organize a reunion of
produce a world-class author
your fifth- or sixth-grade class. You might be surprised at how many unpopular class- or brilliant psychologist during
mates flowered during their high school or college years. adult life.
192 PART III Childhood
Children who are different can excel in the proving ground of life. This is not the
case on the proving ground of the playground. As you just read, being different, weak,
bullying A situation in which socially awkward, or even “too good” is a recipe for bullying—being teased, made fun
one or more children (or of, and verbally or physically abused by one’s peers.
adults) harass or target a
specific child for systematic
As I implied earlier, bullying is “normal” as children jockey for power and sta-
abuse. tus in the group. But the roughly 10 to 20 percent of children subject to chronic
bully-victims Exceptionally
harassment fall into two categories. The first—the less common type—are bully-
aggressive children (with victims. These children are highly aggressive boys and girls who bully, get harassed,
externalizing disorders) who then bully again in an escalating cycle of pain (Deater-Deckard and others, 2010;
repeatedly bully and get Waasdorp and others, 2011). The classic victim, however, has internalizing issues
(Crawford & Manassis, 2011). These children are anxious, shy, low on the social
hierarchy, and unlikely to fight back (Cook and others, 2010; Degnan and others,
2010; Scholte and others, 2010; also, see my personal confession in the Experiencing
the Lifespan box).
Home used to be a refuge for children harassed at school. No more! Facebook,
cell phones, and the Internet have made bullying a 24/7 concern.
It was a hot August afternoon when the birthday pres- chapter has offered me insights into the reasons for this
ent arrived. As usual, I was playing alone that day, maybe 60-year-old wound.
reading or engaging in a favorite pastime, fantasizing that
I was a princess while sitting in a backyard tree. The gift, Although I did have friends, I was fairly low in the class-
addressed to Janet Kaplan, was beautifully wrapped—huge room hierarchy. Not only was I shy, but I was that unusual
but surprisingly light. This is amazing! I must be special! girl—a child who genuinely preferred to play alone. But
Someone had gone to such trouble for me! When I opened most important, I was the perfect victim. I dislike com-
the first box, I saw another carefully wrapped box, and petitive status situations. When taunted or teased, I don’t
then another, smaller box, and yet another, smaller one fight back.
inside. Finally, surrounded by ribbons and wrapping paper, As an older woman, I still dislike status hierarchies and
I eagerly got to the last box and saw a tiny matchbox— social snobberies. I’m not a group (or party) person. I far
which contained a small burnt match. prefer talking one-to-one. I am happy to spend hours alone.
Around that time, the doorbell rang, and Cathy, then Ruth, Today, I consider these attributes a plus (after all, hav-
then Carol, bounded up. “Your mother called to tell us she ing no problem sitting by myself for many thousands of
was giving you a surprise birthday party. We had to come hours was a prime skill that allowed me to write this text!),
over right away and be sure to wear our best dresses!” But but they caused me anguish in middle childhood. In fact,
their excitement turned to disgust when they learned that when I’m in status-oriented peer situations even today—as
no party had been arranged. My ninth birthday was really a widowed older woman—I still find myself occasionally
in mid-September—more than a month away. It turned getting teased by the group!
out that Nancy and Marion—the two most popular girls in
(P.S. I can honestly tell you that what happened to me in
class—had masterminded this relational aggression plot
third grade is irrelevant to my life. I can’t help wondering,
directed at me.
though. Suppose, as would be likely today, my classmates
Why was I selected as the victim among the other third- had been invited to my so-called birthday via Facebook:
grade girls? I had never hurt Nancy or Marion. In fact, in “Janet is having a party, and she is inviting X, Y, and Z.”
confessing their role, they admitted to some puzzlement: Could being targeted through this humiliating, public
“We really don’t dislike Janet at all.” Researching this venue have caused more enduring emotional scars?)
CHAPTER 6 Socioemotional Development 193
© Rawdon Wyatt/Alamy
Actually, bullying—of any kind—often demands an appreciative audi-
ence. One person (or a few people) does the harassing, while everyone else
eggs the perpetrator on by laughing, posting similar comments on-line, or
passively standing by. Therefore, children are less apt to bully when their
classmates don’t condone this behavior (Christian Elledge and others, 2013; Imagine how you would feel if
Elsaesser, Gorman-Smith, & Henry, 2013; Hinduja & Patchin, 2013). Conversely, this terrifying, anonymous threat
appeared on your screen, and
when bullying is frequent in a given classroom, or the class norm supports relational you will immediately understand
aggression, everyone is prone to bullying regardless of whether or not people personally why cyberbullying is more
believe this behavior is wrong (Scholte and others, 2010; Werner & Hill, 2010). distressing than bullying of the
The fact that the nicest children bully if the atmospheric conditions are right face-to-face kind.
explains why school programs to attack bullying focus on changing the peer-group
turn into a caring soldier or a true prosocial hero, like the firefighters on 9/11!
How important are peer groups versus parents in shaping our behavior? What
can schools do to generally help children thrive? Stay tuned as I delve into these
questions—and related topics—in the next chapter, which is devoted to home and
What was this incredibly brave
prosocial soldier really like at
age 1 or 2? Probably a fearless
Tying It All Together
1. When Melanie and Miranda play, they love to make up pretend scenes together. Are
these two girls likely to be about age 2, age 5, or age 9?
2. In watching boys and girls at recess in an elementary school, which two observations
are you likely to make?
a. The boys are playing in larger groups.
b. Both girls and boys love rough-and-tumble play.
c. The girls are quieter and they are doing more negotiating.
3. Erik and Maria are arguing about the cause of gender-stereotyped behavior. Erik says
the reason why boys like to run around and play with trucks is biological. Sophia
argues that gender-stereotyped play is socialized by adults and other children. First,
argue Erik’s position and then, make Sophia’s case by referring to specific data in this
4. Best friends in elementary school (pick false statement): support each other/have simi-
lar moral values/encourage good behavior.
5. Describe in a sentence or two the core difference between being popular and well
6. Which of the following children is NOT at risk of being rejected in later elementary
a. Miguel, a shy, socially anxious child
b. Lauren, a tomboy who hates “girls’ stuff”
c. Nicholas, who lashes out in anger randomly at other kids
d. Elaine, who is relationally aggressive
7. (a) If a child (or adult) is being regularly bullied, name the core qualities that may be
making this person an easy target. (b) Then, based on what you just read, describe in
a sentence what you personally might do to change this situation.
Answers to the Tying It All Together questions can be found at the end of this chapter.
CHAPTER 6 Socioemotional Development 195
Setting the Challenge: A two-step pathway may produce a highly aggressive child. When
toddlers are very active (exuberant) or difficult, caregivers may
Emotion Regulation respond harshly and punitively—causing anger and aggression.
Emotion regulation, the ability to manage and control our feel- Then, during school, the child’s “bad” behavior causes social
ings, is crucial to having a successful life. Children with exter- rejection which leads to more reactive aggression. Highly aggres-
nalizing tendencies often “act out their emotions” and behave sive children may have a hostile attributional bias. This “the
aggressively. Children with internalizing tendencies have prob- world is out to get me” outlook is understandable since aggres-
lems managing intense fear. Both temperamental tendencies, at sive children may have been living in a rejecting environment
their extreme, cause problems during childhood. since their earliest years. Because boys tend to act out their feel-
ings, they are more likely to be diagnosed as having “problematic
aggression” than are girls.
Personality (and the Emerging Self )
Self-awareness changes dramatically as children move into mid- Relationships
dle childhood. Concrete operational children think about them- Play is at the heart of childhood. Rough-and-tumble play (play
selves in psychological terms, realistically scan their abilities, fighting and wrestling), is typical of boys. Fantasy play or
and evaluate themselves in comparison with peers. These real- pretending—typical of all children—begins in later infancy and
istic self-perceptions explain why self-esteem normally declines becomes mutual at about age 4, with the beginning of collabora-
during elementary school. Comparing Erikson’s early childhood tive pretend play. Fantasy play declines during concrete opera-
task (initiative versus guilt) with industry versus inferiority high- tions, as children become interested in organized activities.
lights the message that, in middle childhood, we fully wake up Fantasy play may help children practice adult roles; offer a sense
to the realities of life. Relationships, academics, behavior, sports, of control; and teach the need to adhere to norms and rules.
and looks are the five areas from which elementary schoolchil- Although educators view fantasy play as vitally important, the
dren derive their self-esteem. idea that pretending is critical to children’s development has yet
Children with externalizing tendencies minimize their difficul- to be proved.
ties with other people and may have unrealistically high self- Gender-segregated play unfolds during preschool, and in ele-
esteem. Children with internalizing tendencies may develop mentary school girls and boys typically play mainly with their own
learned helplessness, the feeling that they are incapable of sex. Boy-to-boy play is rambunctious, while girls play together in
doing well. Because both attitudes keep children from improv- quiet, collaborative ways. Boys tend to compete in groups; girls
ing their behavior, the key to helping every child is to focus on play one-to-one. Boys’ play is more excluding of girls. Gender-
enhancing self-efficacy, promote realistic views of the self, and stereotyped play seems to have a biological basis, as shown by
offer love. the fact that high testosterone levels during our early months
Prosocial behaviors—helping, comforting, and sharing acts— and in utero promote stereotypically male behaviors. It is also
seem built into our biology and appear spontaneously during socialized by adults and by peers as children play together in
toddlerhood. There also is consistency, with prosocial preschool- same-sex groups. According to gender schema theory, once chil-
ers tending to be prosocial later on. While girls may be more dren understand that they are a boy or a girl, they attend to and
attuned than boys to upsetting feelings, females are not neces- model behaviors of their own sex.
sarily more prosocial than males. In childhood (and adulthood) we select friends who are similar
Acting prosocially—at older ages—involves transforming one’s to ourselves, and when children get older, deeper qualities, such
empathy (directly experiencing another’s feelings) into sympathy as sharing feelings, having similar moral worldviews, and loyalty,
(feeling for another person), having the information processing become important. Friends provide children with emotional sup-
skills to decide when to be prosocial, feeling you can effectively port and teach us to modulate our emotions.
offer help, and being happy. Promote prosocial behavior by allow- While popular children are often prosocial, relational aggres-
ing the child to naturally experience the joy of performing proso- sion helps children gain status. Still, being kind—not relation-
cial acts, model caring in your relationships, define the child as ally aggressive—gets children well liked by their peers. Rejected
“a good person,” and use induction (get a child who has behaved children are disliked—either because of serious externalizing or
hurtfully to understand the other person’s feelings). Induction internalizing problems, or because they are different from the
helps because it induces guilt. Child-rearing techniques involv- group. Although unpopular children are at risk for later problems,
ing shame (personal humiliation) backfire, making children angry children who are rejected for being different may flower as adults.
and less likely to act in prosocial ways. Children who are unpopular—either aggressive bully-victims or,
Aggression, or hurtful behavior, is also basic to being human. more typically, shy, anxious kids—are vulnerable to chronic bul-
Rates of open aggression (hitting, yelling) dramatically decline lying. Its anonymous, 24/7 public nature makes cyberbullying
as children get older. Proactive aggression is hurtful behavior more toxic than face-to-face harassment. Because bullying of
we initiate. Reactive aggression occurs in response to being frus- any kind depends on peer reinforcement, school bully prevention
trated or hurt. Relational aggression refers to acts of aggression programs work to change the class norms favoring relational
designed to damage social relationships. Relational aggression aggression. To help socially anxious children, connect timid pre-
increases during late elementary school and middle school, and schoolers with a friend. Give at-risk exuberant toddlers lots of
is present in girls and boys. High levels of reactive aggression love, and understand that these “difficult” girls and boys can
present problems getting along in the world. flourish in the right environment.
196 PART III Childhood
emotion regulation, p. 170 learned helplessness, p. 172 reactive aggression, p. 179 gender-segregated play,
externalizing tendencies, prosocial behavior, p. 175 relational aggression, p. 185
p. 170 empathy, p. 176 p. 179 gender schema theory,
internalizing tendencies, hostile attributional bias, p. 187
sympathy, p. 176
p. 170 p. 181 bullying, p. 192
induction, p. 177
self-awareness, p. 171 rough-and-tumble play, bully-victims, p. 192
shame, p. 178
self-esteem, p. 171 p. 182 cyberbullying, p. 193
guilt, p. 178
initiative versus guilt, p. 171 fantasy play, p. 183
aggression, p. 179
industry versus inferiority, collaborative pretend play,
proactive aggression, p. 179 p. 183
p. 172
Setting the Challenge: Emotion Regulation Jared to identify his “hopeless and helpless” ways of think-
1. Paul has externalizing tendencies; Jeremy has internalizing ing, and train him to substitute more accurate perceptions.
tendencies; and issues with emotion regulation are problems 3. Calista is right that the impulse to be prosocial seems
for both boys. biologically built in, as toddlers get joy from spontaneously
performing helpful acts. Cotonia is correct, however, that
Personality (and the Emerging Self ) adults need to nurture this behavior by modeling caring acts,
being sensitive to a child’s emotions, defining the child as
1. c
good, and using induction.
2. Ramon = externalizing tendencies. Jared = internalizing
4. a = induction; good for promoting prosocial behavior;
tendencies. Suggested intervention for Ramon: Point out his
b = shame; bad strategy; and c = guilt; good for promoting
realistic problems (“You are having trouble in X, Y, Z areas.”),
prosocial behavior
but cushion criticisms with plenty of love. Suggested
intervention for Jared: Continually point out reality (“No one 5. Alyssa = proactive, relational. Brianna = direct, reactive
can always get A’s. In fact, you are a fabulous student.”). Get 6. Mario has a hostile attributional bias.
Amos Morgan/Photodisc/Getty Images
CHAPTER 6 Socioemotional Development 197
Setting the Context: Unequal at
the Starting Gate
Intelligence and IQ Tests
From Dyslexic Child to College
Professor Adult
Classroom Learning
SCIENCE: The Common Core
State Standards
ow do children such as Josiah react after their the settings within which children develop: home and
parents get divorced? Given that we must succeed school.
in the world, how important are the lessons we While my discussion applies to all children, in every home
learn from our parents as opposed to our peers? What and school, in this chapter, I’ll pay special attention to chil-
was that test Josiah took, and what strategies can teach- dren such as Josiah, whose families differ from the traditional
ers use to make every child eager to learn. What are the two-parent, middle-class, European American norm. So let’s
U.S. Common Core State Standards all about? Now, begin our exploration of home and school by scanning the
we tackle these questions, and others, as I focus on tapestry of families in the twenty-first-century United States.
200 PART III Childhood
children live under the poverty line (see Vespa, Lewis, & Kreider, 2013).
On a brighter note, due to a global influx of immigrants, the
developed world is blessed with a beautiful mosaic of ethnicities.
What is your country of origin? What generation American, or
Australian, or Scandinavian are you?
20 20
10 10
figure 7.1: Living arrangements of children in U.S. families: Chart (a) shows that the
two-parent married couple family is still the most common one—a family form that includes the
traditional nuclear family and nontraditional forms. Chart (b) shows that children who live in
single-mother families have roughly four times the odds of living under the poverty line as boys
and girls whose parents are married.
Source: Vespa and others, 2013.
Can children thrive in every family? The answer is yes. The key lies in what parents do.
We know that parents need to promote a secure attachment and be sensitive to a child’s
temperamental needs. Is there an overall discipline style that works best? In landmark
studies conducted 40 years ago, developmentalist Diana Baumrind (l971) decided yes.
Parenting Styles
Think of a parent you admire. What is that mother or father doing right? Now think
of parents who you feel are not fulfilling this job. Where are they falling short? Most
CHAPTER 7 Settings for Development: Home and School 201
likely, your list will center on two functions. Are these people nurturing? Do they pro- parenting style In Diana
vide discipline or rules? By classifying parents on these two dimensions—being child- Baumrind’s framework,
how parents align on
centered, and giving “structure”—Baumrind (1971) and other researchers spelled out two dimensions of child-
the following parenting styles: rearing: nurturance (or child-
centeredness) and discipline
• Authoritative parents rank high on nurturing and setting limits. They set clear (or structure and rules).
standards for their children but also provide some freedom and lots of love. In authoritative parents In the
this house, there are specific bed and homework times. However, if a daughter parenting-styles framework,
wants to watch a favorite TV program, these parents might relax the rule that the best possible child-
homework must be finished before dinner. They could let a son extend his rearing style, in which
parents rank high on both
regular 9:00 p.m. bedtime for a special event. Although authoritative parents nurturance and discipline,
believe in structure, they understand that rules don’t take precedence over providing both love and clear
human needs. family rules.
authoritarian parents In the
• Authoritarian parents are more inflexible. Their child-rearing motto is, “Do just parenting-styles framework,
what I say.” In these families, rules are not negotiable. While authoritarian parents a type of child-rearing in
may love their children deeply, their child-rearing style can seem inflexible, rigid, which parents provide plenty
and cold. of rules but rank low on
child-centeredness, stressing
• Permissive parents are at the opposite end of the spectrum from authoritarian par- unquestioning obedience.
ents. Their parenting mantra is, “Provide total freedom and unconditional love.” permissive parents In the
In these households, there may be no set bedtimes and no homework demands. parenting-styles framework,
a type of child-rearing in
The child-rearing principle here is that children’s wishes rule.
which parents provide
• Rejecting-neglecting parents are the worst of both worlds—low on structure and few rules but rank high
on child-centeredness,
on love. In these families, children are neglected, ignored, and emotionally aban- being extremely loving but
doned. They are left to raise themselves (see Figure 7.2 for a recap). providing little discipline.
In relating the first three discipline studies to children’s behavior (the fourth was rejecting-neglecting parents
In the parenting-styles frame-
added later), Baumrind found that children with authoritative parents were more work, the worst child-rearing
successful and socially skilled. Hundreds of twentieth-century studies confirmed this approach, in which parents
finding: Authoritative parenting works best (Maccoby & Martin, 1983). provide little discipline and
little nurturing or love.
Decoding Parenting in a Deeper Way
At first glance, Baumrind’s authoritative category offers a
beautiful blueprint for the right way to raise children: Pro-
Discipline (Rules and Structure)
vide structure and lots of love. However, if you classify your
High Low
parents along these dimensions, you may find problems.
Perhaps one parent was permissive and another authori- Authoritative Permissive
tarian. Or, your families’ rules might randomly vary from High
Style Style
authoritative to permissive over time. Nurturance
According to one global study, the worst situation—in (child-centered
terms of a teenager’s mental health—occurs when families focus)
have inconsistent rules (Dwairy, 2010). If one parent is more Low
Style neglecting
authoritarian and the other permissive, you do have predict- Style
ability (“I can get away with things with Mom, but not with
Dad”), although you might feel a bit upset. But imagine how
disoriented you would be if your parents sometimes came down very hard on you and, figure 7.2: Parenting
in similar situations, seemed not to care. Rather than adhering to a single parenting styles: A summary diagram.
style, parents should provide a consistent roadmap for their child. Source: Adapted from Baumrind, 1971.
But aren’t there times when parenting styles should vary, or situations when every
child needs a more authoritarian or permissive approach? These questions bring me
to two other classic parenting styles critiques:
DIFFERENT LIFE STAGES. Perhaps your parents came down harder on a brother or
sister because that sibling needed more discipline, while your personality flourished
with a permissive style. As you learned earlier in this book, good parents should vary
their child-rearing, depending on the unique personality of a specific child.
202 PART III Childhood
mental health.
In the past, parents needed to act authoritarian to social-
ize their children for life in harsh, dictatorial societies or
protect their offspring from the horrors of war or disease. In
dangerous places today, such as El Salvador, people still report
The stereotype is that this reluctantly using these rigid child-rearing techniques. As one
mother should be raising her mother in this violence-wracked nation bemoaned: “. . . I do not let my son go
child using an authoritarian outside . . . . I think we have become overprotective against our will” (Rojas-Flores
style. The reality is that this
Indian mom’s childrearing
and others, 2013, p. 278). But in the contemporary West, having “authoritarian
approach is apt to be more values” is a symptom of feeling unhappier and more stressed out in the parenting
permissive than ours! role (Nomaguchi & House, 2013).
CHAPTER 7 Settings for Development: Home and School 203
Rank the following goals in order of their importance to you, from 1 (for highest priority) to 8 (for
lowest priority). It’s OK to use the same number twice if two goals are equally important to you.
Producing an obedient, well-behaved child
Producing a caring, prosocial child
Producing an independent, self-sufficient child
Producing a child who is extremely close to you
Producing an intelligent, creative thinker
Producing a well-rounded child
Producing a happy, emotionally secure child
Producing a spiritual (religious) child
What do your rankings reveal about the qualities you most admire in human beings?
Any parent can relate to Harris’s peer-power principle when she is horrified to acculturation Among
witness her 3-year-old picking up every bad habit from her classmates after enter- immigrants, the tendency
to become similar in
ing preschool. You saw a chilling example of a similar group infection in the last attitudes and practices to
chapter when I described how aggressive middle-school norms evoke bullying in the mainstream culture after
the “nicest kids.” time spent living in a new
The most compelling evidence for Harris’s theory, however, comes from looking society.
at immigrants. As I implied in the introductory chapter vignette, acculturation—
children’s rapid shift to embrace new cultures—offers a vivid testament that Harris
has an important point.
These arguments that genetics and our culture shape development alert us
to the fact that, when you see children “acting out,” you cannot leap to the
assumption that “it’s the parents’ fault.” As developmental systems theory pre-
dicts, a variety of influences—from genetics, to peer groups, to everything
else—affect how children behave. But you may be thinking that the idea
that parents are not important goes too far.
Many experts agree. For children to realize their genetic potential,
parents should provide the best possible environment (Ceci and others,
1997; Kagan, 1998; Maccoby, 2002). In fact, when children are vul-
nerable or fragile as I’ve been pointing out, superior parenting is
corporal punishment The use Poll friends and family about corporal punishment—any discipline technique using
of physical force to discipline physical measures such as spanking—and you are likely to get strong reactions. Some
a child.
people adhere to the biblical principle, “Spare the rod and spoil the child.” They
may blame the decline in spanking for every social problem. Others blame corporal
punishment for creating those social problems. They believe that parents who rely
on “hitting” are implicitly teaching children the message that it is OK to respond in
a violent way. To put these positions into perspective, let’s take a brief tour of a total
turnaround in corporal punishment attitudes in recent times.
Until the twentieth century, corporal punishment used to be standard practice.
Flogging was routine in prisons (Gould & Pate, 2010), the military, and other places
(Pinker, 2011). In the United States, it was legal for men to “physically chastise” their
wives (Knox, 2010). Today, while these practices still occur in less developed nations,
in Western democracies they are widely condemned (Knox, 2010).
Moreover in recent years—from Spain to Sweden or Croatia to Costa Rica—a
remarkable 24 nations have passed laws banning child corporal punishment. Organiza-
tions from the American Academy of Pediatrics, to the United Nations, to the Methodist
Church have also passed resolutions calling spanking children “inhumane” (Knox, 2010).
In the United States, we’ve been listening—a bit. Spanking is illegal at schools
and day-care centers in most states. But any person proposing a bill to ban this
behavior would be laughed off the congressional floor. Not only is our individualistic
society wary about government intrusions in family life, but most U.S. parents spank
their daughters and sons.
Still, with surveys showing only one in ten parents saying they “often spank,”
corporal punishment is not the preferred U.S. discipline mode. Today, the most
frequent punishments parents report are “time-outs” and removal of privileges and,
to a lesser extent, getting sent to one’s room (Barkin and others, 2007).
Who in Western nations is most likely to spank? Corporal punishment is widely
accepted in the African American community (Burchinal, Skinner, & Reznick, 2010;
Lorber, O’Leary, & Smith Slep, 2011). As one Black woman reported: “I would rather
me discipline them than (the police)” (Taylor, Hamvas, & Paris, 2011, p. 65). As
you might imagine from the “spare the rod, spoil the child” injunction, people who
believe the Bible is literally true are most apt to strongly advocate this disciplinary
technique (Rodriguez & Henderson, 2010).
Adults who were spanked as children see more value in this child-rearing
approach (Simons & Wurtele, 2010). (In my classes, I often hear students report:
“I was spanked and it helped; so I plan to do the same with my kids.”) But if you feel
that physical punishment got out of hand during your childhood, you are probably
passionate about never hitting your own daughter or son (Gagne and others, 2007).
What do experts advise? Here, there is debate. Many psychologists argue that
physical punishment is never appropriate (Gershoff, 2002; Knox, 2010). They believe
that hitting a child conveys the message that it is acceptable for big people to give
small people pain. Yes, spanking, these psychologists point out, does produce com-
pliance. But, it impairs prosocial behavior because it gets children to only focus on
themselves (Andero & Stewart, 2002; Benjet & Kazdin, 2003; Knox, 2010).
Other experts believe that mild spanking is not detrimental (Baumrind, Larzelere, &
Cowan, 2002; Larzelere & Kuhn, 2005; Oas, 2010). They suggest that, if we rule out
corporal punishment, caregivers may resort to more damaging, shaming responses
such as saying, “I hate you. You will never amount to anything.” But these psycholo-
gists have clear limits as to how and when this type of discipline might be used:
• Never hit an infant. Babies can’t control their behavior. They don’t know what they are
doing wrong. For a preschooler, a few light swats on the bottom can be a last resort
disciplinary technique if a child is engaging in dangerous activities—such as running
into the street—that need to be immediately stopped (Larzelere & Kuhn, 2005).
CHAPTER 7 Settings for Development: Home and School 207
Child Abuse
Child maltreatment—the term for acts that endanger children’s physical or emotional child maltreatment Any act
well-being—comprises four categories. Physical abuse refers to bodily injury that that seriously endangers a
child’s physical or emotional
leaves bruises. It encompasses everything from overzealous spanking to battering that well-being.
may lead to a child’s death. Neglect refers to caregivers’ failure to provide adequate
supervision and care. It might mean abandoning the child, not providing sufficient
food, or failing to enroll a son or daughter in school. Emotional abuse refers to con-
tinual shaming or terrorizing or exploiting a child. Sexual abuse covers the spectrum
from rape and incest to fondling and exhibitionistic acts.
Everyone can identify serious forms of maltreatment; but there is a gray zone
as to what activities cross the line (Greenfield, 2010). Does every spanking that
leaves bruises qualify as physical abuse? If a single mother leaves her toddler in an
8-year-old sibling’s care, is she neglectful? Are parents who walk around naked in
the house guilty of sexual abuse? Emotional abuse is inherently murky to define,
although this form of maltreatment may be the most common of all (Foster and
others, 2010).
This labeling issue partly explains why maltreatment statistics vary, depending
on who we ask. In one global summary (involving an amazing 150 studies and 10
million participants), scientists estimated that roughly 3 of 1,000 children worldwide
were physically maltreated, using informant’s (meaning, other people’s) reports. In
polling adults themselves, the rates were 10 times higher than that (Stoltenborgh and
others, 2013). Considering all forms of abuse, the figures are alarming: 15 percent of
teenage boys were labeled as abused in a city in Iran (Mikaeili, Barahmand, & Abdi,
2013). In Canada, 1 in 4 adults reported being maltreated as a child (MacMillan
and others, 2013).
Obviously, far more individuals will report (“I was abused”), than the “objective”
abuse-rate statistics in any particular community indicate. But another force that
accounts for these variations are cultural norms. Do you live in a patriarchal society
where corporal punishment is traditionally routine (as in Iran)? Do your society’s
values stress family loyalty (as in China or Japan)? (See Foynes and others, 2014.) In
both cases, we would expect fewer maltreatment reports than in the West.
What we can say is that, while a few adults are prone to err in the over-reporting
direction (saying “I was abused” when they are chronically angry with a mom or
dad), outsider-reported rates qualify as the iceberg’s tiny tip (Greenfield, 2010).
Why is maltreatment swept under the rug in our day and age? Before answering this
question, let’s look at what provokes this parenting pathology and probe its effects.
208 PART III Childhood
People who break the cycle of abuse tend to have good intellectual
and coping skills (Hengartner and others, 2013). They are blessed to have
the news. One Israeli woman described a fairly common scenario when she reported
that for months her daughter’s conversations started with the phrase, “Soon, when
Dad will come back home” (quoted in Cohen, Leichtentritt, & Volpin, 2014).
In this interview study exploring the feelings of newly divorced Israeli mothers,
women said their main agenda was to minimize their children’s pain. So, they strug-
gled to put aside their vengeful feelings and not bad-mouth their former spouses. One
mother helped her child cope with his father’s hurtful absence by making it into a
shared game: “I laugh. I tell him, ‘OK you miss daddy. But where is he?’ And he says
‘far, far away’”. Others vowed to avoid mentioning the gritty details: “I don’t want to
hurt him,” said a woman named Trina. “I won’t tell them that his father pointed a
gun at his mother.”
parental alienation The This is not to say that parental alienation—poisoning children against ex-partners—
practice among divorced is rare. Even many years after separating, some people can’t resist denigrating the other
parents of badmouthing a
former spouse, with the goal
parent, especially after an acrimonious divorce (see Lowenstein, 2013).
of turning a child against The compelling lure to succumb to relational aggression (that is, enlisting
that person. children against a former spouse) brings up the subject of custody and visitation.
When the divorce is bitter (or high conflict) should a child be allowed to frequently
see both the dad and mom?
For almost the entire twentieth century, the mother was given custody unless
there was a serious problem with her parenting (based on the psychoanalytic principle
that women are inherently superior nurturers)—a practice that unfairly limited dads
from being involved in their children’s lives. Today, Western nations—from Canada,
to Italy, to Sweden—have rectified this wrong by passing laws encouraging joint
custody (see Lavadera, Caravelli, & Togliatti, 2013). Spouses don’t have to split living
arrangements 50/50. But when the parents share custody, even when the child lives
with the mother, the father can see his sons and daughters any time.
Does this permeable visiting schedule help children cope? Actually, “it depends.”
Researchers found that after a divorce, moving an infant child from house to house
predicted greater attachment insecurity. In contrast, adolescent research suggested
that teens who split their living arrangements between ex-spouses had better mental
health than their single-parent counterparts (Carlsund and others, 2013).
The most informative finding comes from scanning Figure 7.3. While more over-
nights with a dad who provides positive parenting promotes adjustment, if a father had
Mental health problems for child
A child should spend the most time
with the parent who parents the best!
Should children be able to decide
which custody and visitation arrange-
ment they prefer? One experiment,
comparing standard divorce mediation with approaches centered more on child Do you think this girl should be
testifying in court about whether
wishes, suggested yes (Ballard and others, 2013). to live with mom or dad? Clearly
Still, in a poll of divorced families, everyone recoiled at the idea of putting total there are some serious minuses
decision-making burden on a child (Cashmore & Parkinson, 2008). Imagine forcing here.
a son or daughter to publically admit, “I prefer to live with Mom or (Dad).” And
imagine the coercion that might ensue from the parent side. During this semester’s
divorce discussion, a student poignantly described this scenario, when she told the
class: “My daughter told the judge she wanted to live with her father, and then, years
later said, ‘Mom, I wanted you, but I was afraid to say so because I was frightened
of Dad.’”
At this point some of you might be thinking unhappy couples should try to
bite the bullet and stay together for the sake of their children. If the marriage is
labeled “high conflict,” think again. For children subjected to continual marital
fighting, ending the marriage improves well-being (Amato, 2010). As another student
explained during the class divorce discussion, “Because the atmosphere at home was
terrible, I felt much happier after my parents divorced.”
Table 7.2 summarizes these points in a parenting-related divorce questionnaire.
In Chapter 11, I’ll fully explore divorce from the adult point of view. Now it’s time to
turn to that other setting within which children develop—school.
Table 7.2: Parenting Questions to Ask to Predict How Well a Given Child Is
Apt to Cope with Divorce
1. Do the parents continually fight and badmouth each other? (Engaging in parental alienation is
poisonous for the child.)
2. Can the child see the dad frequently? (Frequent overnights are a positive thing if the father is a
good parent, but can be detrimental when the man’s parenting skills are poor.)
3. Does the child have input into custody decisions? (This can be a net positive, provided the
child does not have full decision-making capacity and a parent doesn’t force the child to make
unwanted choices.)
4. What is the quality of the custodial parenting? (This is the main force determining how well the
child copes!)
212 PART III Childhood
reality is the reverse. From class size, to the quality of teacher training, to the attrac-
tiveness of the physical building—U.S. kindergartens serving poor children rank at
the bottom of the educational heap. As one group of researchers put it:
The consistency of these findings . . . is . . . troubling. The least advantaged of America’s
children, who also begin their formal schooling at a substantial cognitive disadvantage,
are systematically mapped into our nation’s worst schools.
(Lee & Burkam, 2002, p. 77)
Now, let’s keep these inequalities in mind as we explore the controversial topic
of intelligence tests.
Perceptual Reasoning
Picture completion Pick out what is missing in this picture.
Block design Arrange these blocks to look like the photograph on the card.
Processing Speed
Coding Using the key above, put each symbol in the correct space below.
intellectual disability The age group, his IQ is defined as 100. If that child’s IQ is 130, he ranks at roughly the
label for significantly 98th percentile, or in the top 2 percent of children his age. If a child’s score is 70, he is
impaired cognitive
functioning, measured
at the opposite end of the distribution, performing in the lowest 2 percent of children
by deficits in behavior that age. Put on a graph, this score distribution, as you can see in Figure 7.5, looks like
accompanied by having an a bell-shaped curve.
IQ of 70 or below.
specific learning disorder
The label for any impairment Number
in language or any deficit of scores
related to listening, thinking,
speaking, reading, writing,
spelling, or understanding
dyslexia A learning disorder 2.14% 95.44% 2.14%
that is characterized by
reading difficulties, lack
55 70 85 100 115 130 140
of fluency, and poor word
recognition that is often Wechsler IQ score
genetic in origin.
gifted The label for superior
intellectual functioning
figure 7.5: The bell-shaped curve: The WISC scores are arranged to align in a normal
distribution. Notice from the chart that about 68 percent of the population has scores between
characterized by an IQ score
85 and 115 and about 95 percent of the scores are between 70 and 130.
of 130 or above, showing
that a child ranks in the top
2 percent of his age group. When do children take this test? The answer, most often, is during elementary
school when there is a question about a given child’s classroom performance. School
personnel then use the IQ score as one component of a multifaceted assessment, which
includes achievement test scores, teachers’ ratings, and parents’ input, to determine
whether a boy or girl needs special help (Sattler, 2001). If a child’s low score (under 70)
and other behaviors warrant this designation, she may be classified as intellectually
disabled. If a child’s IQ is far higher than would be expected, compared to her
performance on achievement tests, she is classified as having a specific learning
disorder, an umbrella term for any impairment in language or difficulties related
to listening (such as ADHD), thinking, speaking, reading, spelling, or math.
Although children with learning disabilities often score in the average range
on IQ tests, they have trouble with schoolwork. Many times, they have a debili-
tating impairment called dyslexia that undercuts every academic skill. Dyslexia,
a catchall term referring to any reading disorder, may have multiple causes
(Nicolson & Fawcett, 2011; Zoccolotti and Friedmann, 2010). What’s important
is that, despite having good instruction and doing well on tests of intelligence,
a dyslexic child is still struggling to read (Shaywitz, Morris, & Shaywitz, 2008).
My son, for instance, has dyslexia, and our experience shows just how impor-
tant having a measure of general intelligence can be. Because Thomas was falling
behind in the third grade, my husband and I arranged to have our son tested.
Thomas was defined as having a learning disability because his IQ score was
© Ray Stott/The Image Works
above average but his achievement scores were well below the norm for his grade.
Although we were aware of our son’s reading problems, the testing was vital in eas-
ing our anxieties. Thomas—just as we thought—was capable intellectually. Now
we just had to get our son through school with his sense of self-efficacy intact!
Often, teachers and parents urge testing for a happier reason: They want
This second grader, taking a to confirm that a child is intellectually advanced. If the child’s IQ exceeds a certain
subtest of the WISC, will be number, typically 130, or in the top 2 percent (see Figure 7.4), she is labeled gifted
tested for at least an hour and
a half. Then, the examiner will
and is eligible for special programs. In U.S. public schools, the law mandates intel-
write a report and compare her ligence testing before children can be assigned to a gifted program or remedial class
scores with those of other chil- (Canter, 1997; Sattler, 2001).
dren that age. If this girl’s IQ Table 7.4 offers a fact sheet about dyslexia. The Experiencing the Lifespan box
is at least 130—ranking her at
roughly the top 2 percent of his
provides a firsthand view of what it is like to triumph over this debilitating condition.
age group—she will be eligible Now that we have explored the measure and when it is used, let’s turn to what the
for the school’s gifted program. scores mean.
CHAPTER 7 Settings for Development: Home and School 215
Sources: Beneventi and others, 2010; Gooch, Snowling, & Hulme, 2011; Henry, Messer, & Nash, 2012; Hensler and others, 2010; Landerl & Moll, 2010; Leppänen and
others, 2010; Shaywitz and others, 2008.
Aimee Holt, a colleague of mine who teaches our school My mom is the reason I’ve done well. She always believed
psychology students, is beautiful and intelligent, the kind in me, always felt I could make it; she never gave up. Plus,
of golden girl you might imagine would have been a great as I mentioned, I had an exceptional reading teacher. My
childhood success. When I sat down to chat with Aimee goal was always to be an elementary school teacher, but,
about her struggles with dyslexia and other learning dis- after teaching for years and realizing that a lot of the
abilities, I found first impressions can be very misleading: kids in my classes were not being accurately diagnosed,
In first grade, the teachers at school said I was mentally I decided to go to graduate school to get my Ph.D.
retarded. I didn’t notice the sounds that went along with Today, in addition to teaching, I do private tutoring with
letters. I walked into walls and fell down a lot. My parents children like me. First, I get kids to identify word sounds
refused to put me in a special school and finally got me (phonemes) because children with dyslexia have a prob-
accepted at a private school, contingent on getting a lem decoding the specific sounds of words. I’ll have the
good deal of help. I spent my elementary school years children identify how many sounds they hear in a word.
being tutored for an hour before school, an hour after- . . .“Which sounds rhyme, which don’t?” . . . “If I change
wards, and all summer. the word from cat to hat, what sound changes?” Most
Socially, elementary school was a nightmare . . . I remem- children naturally pick up on these reading cues. Kids
ber kids laughing at me, calling me stupid. There was a with dyslexia need to have these skills directly taught.
small group of people that I was friendly with, but we Many children I tutor are in fourth or even sixth grade
were all misfits. One of my closest friends had an inoper- and have had years of feeling like a failure. They develop
able brain tumor. Because of my problems coordinating an attitude of “Why try? I’m going to fail anyway.” I can
my vision with my motor skills, I couldn’t participate in tell them that I’ve been there and that they can succeed.
normal activities, such as sports or dance. By seventh So I work on academic self-efficacy—teaching them to
grade, after years of working every day with my wonder- put forth effort. Most of these kids are intelligent, but
ful reading teacher, I was reading at almost grade level. as they progress through school, their IQ drops because
Then when we moved to Tennessee in my freshman year they are not being exposed to written material at their
of high school, I felt like a new person. Nobody knew grade level. I try to get them to stay in the regular class-
that I had learning difficulties. We moved to a rural com- room, with modifications such as books on tape and oral
munity, so I got to be a top student, because I’d had the testing, to prevent that false drop in their knowledge
same classes in my Dallas private school the year before. base. I was so fortunate—with a wonderful mother, an
In the tenth and eleventh grades, I was making A’s and exceptional reading teacher, getting the help I needed at
B’s. I got a scholarship to college, where I was a straight- exactly the right time—that I feel my mission is to give
A student (with a GPA of 3.9). something back.
216 PART III Childhood
Psychologists debate the existence of “g.” Many strongly believe that the IQ test
generally predicts intellectual capacities. They argue that we can use the IQ as a sum-
mary measure of a person’s cognitive potential for all life tasks (Herrnstein & Murray,
1994; Rushton & Jensen, 2005). Others believe that people have unique intellectual
talents. There is no one-dimensional quality called “g” (Eisner, 2004; Schlinger,
2003; Sternberg, 2007). These critics believe it inappropriate to rank people on
a continuum from highly intelligent to not very smart (Gould, 1981; Sternberg,
Grigorenko & Kidd, 2005).
Tantalizing evidence for “g” lies in the fact that people differ in the speed with
which they process information (Brody, 2006; Rushton & Jensen, 2005). Intelligence
test scores also correlate with various indicators of life success, such as occupational
status. However, the problem is that the gateway to high-status professions, such as
law and medicine, is school performance, which is what the tests predict (Sternberg,
1997; Sternberg, Grigorenko, & Bundy, 2001).
One problem with believing that IQ tests offer a total X-ray into intellectual
capacities is that people may carry around their test-score ranking as an inner wound.
A psychologist supervisor once confessed to me that he was really not that intelligent
because his IQ was only 105. He devalued the criterion the scores were supposed
to predict—his years of real-life success—by accepting what, in his case, was an
invalid score!
A high test score can produce its own problems. Suppose the student who told
me his IQ was 140 decided he was so intelligent he didn’t have to open a book in my
class. He might be in for a nasty surprise when he found out that what really matters
is your ability to work. Or that person might worry: “I’d better not try in Dr. Belsky’s
class because, if I do put forth effort and don’t get an A, I will discover that my astro-
nomical IQ score was wrong.” (Recall the research in Chapter 6 that showed how
telling elementary schoolers “you are smart” made them afraid to tackle challenging
academic tasks.)
Even the firmest advocate of “g” would admit that some of us are marvelous
mechanically and miserable at math, wonderful at writing but hopeless at reading maps.
to lower-track, less demanding classes on the basis of their low test scores, their IQs
gradually decline year by year.
Most importantly, Sternberg (1984) believes that conventional intelligence tests
are too limited. Although they do measure one type of intelligence, they do not cover
the total terrain.
IQ tests, according to Sternberg, measure analytic intelligence. They test
how well people can solve academic-type problems. They do not measure creative
intelligence, the ability to “think outside the box,” or to formulate problems in new
ways. Nor do they measure a third type of intelligence called practical intelligence,
common sense, or “street smarts.”
Matt Jeppson/Shutterstock
mainly measure school type
analytic skills, do not tap into
many of the abilities that make
people successful in the real
analytic intelligence In Robert Brazilian street children who make their living selling flowers show impressive
Sternberg’s framework on levels of practical intelligence. They understand how to handle money in the real
successful intelligence,
the facet of intelligence
world. However, they do poorly on measures of traditional IQ (Sternberg, 1984,
involving performing well on 1997). Others, such as Winston Churchill, can be terrible scholars but flower after
academic-type problems. they leave their academic careers. Then, there are people who excel at IQ test taking
creative intelligence In Robert and traditional schooling but fail abysmally once in the real world. Sternberg argues
Sternberg’s framework on that to be successfully intelligent in life requires a balance of all three “intelligences.”
successful intelligence, the (As a postscript, Sternberg recently added a fourth type of intellectual gift—that rare
facet of intelligence involved attribute called wisdom. See Sternberg, 2010.)
in producing novel ideas or
innovative work. GARDNER’S MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES. Howard Gardner (1998) did not have
practical intelligence Sternberg’s problem with intelligence tests:
In Robert Sternberg’s As a child I was a good student and a good test taker . . . but . . . music . . . and the arts
framework on successful
intelligence, the facet
were important parts of my life. Therefore when I asked myself what optimal human
of intelligence involved development is, I became more convinced that [we] had to . . . broaden the definition
in knowing how to act of intelligence to include these activities, too.
competently in real-world (Gardner, 1998, p. 3)
Gardner is not passionately opposed to standard intelligence tests. Still, he
successful intelligence In believes that using the single IQ score is less informative than measuring chil-
Robert Sternberg’s framework,
the optimal form of cognition, dren’s unique talents and gifts. (Gardner’s motto is: “Ask not how intelligent you
involving having a good are, but how are you intelligent?”) According to Gardner’s (2004, 2006) multiple
balance of analytic, creative, intelligences theory, human abilities come in eight, and possibly nine, distinctive
and practical intelligence. forms.
multiple intelligences theory In In addition to the verbal and mathematical skills measured by traditional IQ tests,
Howard Gardner’s perspective people may be gifted in interpersonal intelligence, or understanding other people.
on intelligence, the principle
that there are eight separate
Their talents may lie in intrapersonal intelligence, the skill of understanding oneself.
kinds of intelligence—verbal, They may be gifted in spatial intelligence, grasping where objects are arranged in
mathematical, interpersonal, space. (You might rely on a friend who is gifted in spatial intelligence to beautifully
intrapersonal, spatial, arrange the furniture in your house.) Some people have high levels of musical
musical, kinesthetic,
naturalist—plus a possible
intelligence, or kinesthetic intelligence (the ability to use the body well), or naturalist
ninth form, called spiritual intelligence (the gift for dealing with animals or plants and trees). There may even be
intelligence. an existential (spiritual) intelligence, too.
CHAPTER 7 Settings for Development: Home and School 219
Classroom Learning
The diversity of intelligences, cultures, and educational experiences at home is
matched by the diversity of American schools. There are small rural schools and
large urban schools, public schools and private schools, highly traditional schools
where students wear uniforms and schools that teach to Gardner’s intelligences.
There are single-sex schools, charter schools, religious schools, magnet schools that
cater to gifted students, and alternative schools for children with behavior problems
or learning disabilities.
220 PART III Childhood
Can students thrive in every school? The answer is yes, provided schools have an
intense commitment to student learning and teachers can excite students to learn.
The rest of this chapter focuses on these challenges.
Jean Piaget believed that the hunger to learn is more important than food or drink.
Why then do children over the centuries lament, “I hate school”? The reason is that
learning loses its joy when it becomes a requirement instead of an activity we choose
to engage in for ourselves.
motivation into two categories. Intrinsic motivation refers to self-generated actions, intrinsic motivation The drive
those we take from our inner desires. When Piaget described our hunger to learn, he to act based on the pleasure
of taking that action in itself,
was referring to intrinsic motivations. Extrinsic motivation refers to activities that we not for an external reinforcer
undertake in order to get external reinforcers, such as praise or pay, or a good grade. or reward.
Unfortunately, the learning activity you are currently engaged in falls into the extrinsic motivation The drive
extrinsic category. You know you will be tested on what you are reading. Worse yet, if to take an action because
you decided to pick up this book for an intrinsic reason—because you wanted to learn that activity offers external
about human development—the very fact that you might be graded would make your reinforcers such as praise,
money, or a good grade.
basic interest fall off.
Numerous studies show that when adults give external reinforcers for activities that
are intrinsically motivating, children are less likely to want to perform those activities for
themselves (Patall, Cooper, & Robinson, 2008; Stipek, 1996). In one classic example,
researchers selected preschoolers who were intrinsically interested in art. When they
gave a “good player” award (an outside reinforcer) for the art projects, the children later
showed a dramatic decline in their interest in doing art for fun (Lepper, Greene, &
Nisbett, 1973). This research makes sense of the question you may have wondered
about: “Why, after taking that literature class, am I less interested in reading on my own?”
Young children enter kindergarten brimming with intrinsic motivation. When
does this love affair with school turn sour? Think back to your childhood, and you will
realize that enchantment wanes during early elementary school, when teachers pro-
vide those external reinforcers—grades (Stipek, 1997). Moreover, during
first or second grade, classroom learning often becomes abstract and
removed from life. Rote activities, like filling in worksheets and memoriz-
ing multiplication tables, have replaced the creative hands-on projects of
kindergarten. So ironically school may be the very setting where Piaget’s
little-scientist activities are least likely to occur.
Then, as children enter concrete operations—at around age 8—
Randi Sidman-Moore/Masterfile
between two statements: “Some kids work really hard to get good grades” (referring to
extrinsic motivation) or “Some kids work really hard because they like to learn new things”
(measuring intrinsic motives). When she gave her measure to hundreds of California
public school children, intrinsic motivation scores fell off from third to ninth grade.
Still, external reinforcers can be vital hooks that get us intrinsically involved.
Have you ever reluctantly read a book for a class and found yourself captivated by
the subject? Perhaps you enrolled in this course because it was required for gradua-
tion but are now so interested in the material that you want to make some aspect of
developmental science your career. Given that extrinsically motivating activities are
basic to school and life, how can we make them work best?
Edward Deci and Richard Ryan (1985, 2000) make the point that we engage in some
types of extrinsic learning unwillingly: “I have to take that terrible anatomy course
because it is a requirement for graduation.” We enthusiastically embrace other extrin-
sic tasks, which may not be inherently interesting, because we identify with their
larger goal: “I want to memorize every bone of the body because that information is
vital to my nursing career.” In the first situation, the learning activity is irrelevant. In
the second, the task has become intrinsic because it is connected to our inner self.
Therefore, the key to transforming school learning from a chore into a pleasure is to
make extrinsic learning relate to children’s goals and desires.
The most boring tasks take on an intrinsic aura when they speak to children’s
passions. Imagine, for instance, how a first grader’s motivation to sound out words
might change if a teacher, knowing that student was captivated by dinosaurs, gave
that boy the job of sounding out dinosaur names. Deci and Ryan believe that learning
becomes intrinsic when it satisfies our basic need for relatedness (attachment). Think
back to the discussion of schools that beat the odds. Imagine how motivated those
children might be to learn to read when they understood that their success would
make their beloved school proud. Finally, extrinsic tasks take on an intrinsic feeling
when they foster autonomy, or offer choices of how to do our work (Patall, Cooper, &
Robinson, 2008; Ryan and others, 2006).
Studies around the globe suggest that when teachers and parents take away chil-
dren’s autonomy—by controlling, criticizing, or micromanaging learning tasks—they
erode intrinsic motivation (see Jang, Reeve, & Deci, 2010; Soenens & Vansteenkiste,
2010). We can see this principle in our own lives. By continually denigrating our
work, or hovering over every move, a controlling supervisor has the uncanny ability
to turn us off to the most intrinsically interesting job.
Our need for autonomy explains why, as I suggested in the section on successful
schools, assigning high-level conceptual learning tasks can be effective with every child.
Conversely, the poisonous effects of taking away autonomy suggests why the U.S. practice
of grading teachers (an extrinsic motivator) based on students’ performance on standard-
ized exams erodes satisfaction in this field (“I can’t teach the way I want. I have to teach
to the test or I’ll get fired”). Plus, because curriculum changes are typically dictated from
on “high” (and so take away autonomy), it makes sense that teachers can be unmotivated
to implement new reading and math directives even when those changes might work.
But, in a national experiment, when certain school districts gave staff the chance
to choose between several new programs and provided clear data about their effec-
tiveness, teachers modified their behavior—and, after 4 years, students made impres-
sive gains on standard reading tests (Slavin and others, 2013). Therefore, providing
autonomy (giving choices) and fostering relevance (pointing out the importance of
an activity to that person’s goals) benefits both students and teachers!
Table 7.5 summarizes these messages for teachers: Focus on relevance, enhance
relatedness, and provide autonomy. The table also pulls together other teaching tips
based on Gardner’s and Sternberg’s perspectives on intelligence and our look at what
makes schools successful. Now, let’s conclude by touching briefly on that sea change
in the U.S. public school landscape—the Common Core State Standards.
CHAPTER 7 Settings for Development: Home and School 223
1. Foster relevance. For instance, in teaching reading, tailor the books you are assigning so that
they fit children’s passions. And entice students to learn to read in other ways, such as getting
first and second graders energized by telling them that they will now be able to break a code
that the world uses, just like a detective!
2. Foster relatedness. Develop a secure, loving attachment with every student. Continually tell
each child how proud you are when that person tries hard or succeeds.
3. Foster autonomy. As much as possible, allow your students to select among several equivalent
assignments (such as choosing which specific books to read). Don’t give time limits, such
as “It’s 9:30 and this has to be done by 10:00,” or hover, take over tasks, or make negative
comments. Stand by to provide informational comments and careful scaffolding (see Chapter 5)
when students ask. Build in assignments that allow high-level thinking, such as using essays in
preference to rote work such as copying sentences or filling out worksheets.
for every U.S. public school child? Stay tuned for data, as most states imple-
ment these changes after this book goes to press.
This teacher is using the
Common Core principles of The Common Core State Standards embody the equity and inclusiveness that
scaffolding, and stressing we hope for when children arrive on the planet in this enlightened day and age. I
creative thinking in teaching hope this chapter has alerted you to generally think about development in a more
this computer class–getting enlightened, inclusive way. Child-rearing priorities are shaped by our particular
these boys to think through their
answers on their own. society. Poverty-level children need a more level academic playing field. We need to
provide an environment that allows parents to effectively parent and schools to teach
in a way that permits every child to succeed.
Home Children of divorce are at risk for negative life outcomes, but
most boys and girls adapt well to this common childhood event.
Families vary, from never-divorced two-parent couples to blended Parents find it difficult to tell their children they are divorcing,
families, from gay-parent families to unmarried couples or grand- and struggle not to badmouth an ex-spouse. The key to mak-
parents raising a child. The main distinction is that mother-headed ing divorce less traumatic lies in minimizing parental alienation,
families are far more likely to live in poverty than their two-parent giving children some say in custody arrangements, and promot-
counterparts. Today, in the West, families vary dramatically by ing high-quality custodial parenting. Joint custody is a common
ethnicity and immigrant status. Children, however, can thrive in arrangement today, but it only works if the dad is a reasonably
any kind of family, depending on the care parents provide. good parent.
According to Diana Baumrind’s parenting styles approach,
based on providing rules and nurturing, parents are classified
as authoritative, authoritarian, permissive, and rejecting-
neglecting. Although, generally speaking, parents who pro- Many children from low-income families enter kindergarten well
vide clear rules and are highly child-centered tend to raise the behind their affluent counterparts in basic academic skills. These
most well-adjusted children, above all, parents should provide inequalities at the starting gate are magnified by the fact that poor
consistent discipline. Child-rearing approaches actually vary children are likely to attend the poorest-quality kindergartens.
from child to child, with at-risk children evoking poorer parent- Achievement tests measure a child’s body of knowledge. IQ
ing. Even though Asian-heritage families have been portrayed tests measure a child’s basic potential for classroom work. The
as authoritarian, they, too, adopt a child-centered authoritative Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC), is the main
style. Having rigid rules, while appropriate in the past, are symp- childhood IQ test. This time-intensive test, involving a variety of
toms of contemporary parenting distress. subtests, is given individually to a child. If the child’s IQ score is
Resilient children, boys and girls who do well in the face of trau- below 70—and if other indicators warrant this designation—that
matic experiences, tend to have good executive functions; other boy or girl may be labeled intellectually disabled. If the child’s
talents; one close, secure attachment and not be faced with an score is much higher than his performance on achievement tests,
overload of life blows. A specific genetic profile may offer some he is classified as having a specific learning disorder such as
children biological resilience in the face of stress. dyslexia. If a child’s IQ score is at or above 130, she is considered
gifted and is eligible to be placed in an accelerated class.
Behavioral-genetic researchers argue that children grow up to
fulfill their genetic destiny, and adequate parenting is all that is IQ scores satisfy the measurement criterion called reliability,
necessary. Judith Harris believes that peer groups (and the wider meaning that people tend to get roughly the same score if the
society)—not parents—are the main socializers in children’s lives. test is taken more than once. However, stressful life experiences
While the findings relating to acculturation (immigrant children can artificially lower a child’s score. The test is also valid, mean-
taking on the norms of the new society) support Harris’s theory, ing that it predicts performance in school. Some psychologists
high-quality parenting matters greatly when children are biologi- claim that the test score reflects a single quality called “g” that
cally and socially “at risk.” Parents need to be flexible, tailoring relates to cognitive performance in every area of life; others feel
their child-rearing to their environment and to their children’s that intelligence involves multiple abilities and argue that it is
needs. They should also relax and enjoy these fleeting years. inappropriate to rank people as intelligent or not based on a
single IQ score. The remarkable Flynn effect (century-long test
Attitudes about corporal punishment have changed dramatically,
performance increase due to improved environments), suggests
with many developed nations now outlawing spanking. Passing
that, for disadvantaged children, the IQ score cannot be viewed
similar bans however is unlikely in the United States. Although
as an index of genetic gifts.
physical punishment is not the preferred discipline, it is still used
by many U.S. parents and strongly endorsed by certain groups. Robert Sternberg and Howard Gardner argue that we need to
Experts disagree as to whether corporal punishment can ever be expand our measures of intelligence beyond traditional tests.
used, but we do know that spanking is particularly detrimental Sternberg believes that there are three types of intelligence: ana-
with “at-risk” children, people should never hit a baby, and posi- lytic intelligence (academic abilities), creative intelligence, and
tive reinforcement is far preferable to any punishment. practical intelligence (real-world abilities, or “street smarts”).
Successful intelligence requires having a balance among
Child maltreatment—physical abuse, neglect, emotional abuse,
these three skills. Gardner, in his multiple intelligences theory,
and sexual abuse—can sometimes be hard to classify. The prev-
describes eight (or possibly nine) types of intelligences. Although
alence of this parenting disaster varies from nation to nation,
neither of these psychologists has developed alternatives to con-
and maltreatment statistics differ, depending on whether we ask
ventional IQ tests, their ideas have been used to rethink the way
adults to reflect on their childhoods or consider observers’ reports.
we teach.
However, in general, parents’ personality problems, environmen-
tal stress, plus low social support and having an at-risk child are Schools serving disadvantaged students who flower academi-
the main factors that can provoke abuse. Abused children often cally share a mission to have every child succeed. They provide
have problems that can persist into adult life, in part because this a challenging academic environment and assume that each stu-
trauma can produce epigenetic changes in our DNA. Although dent can do well at high-level work. Teachers support and mentor
teachers and health-care professionals are required to report sus- one another at these authoritative schools.
pected abuse, it is difficult to speak up, and authorities often do Why do many children dislike school? The reason is that class-
not follow through on reports. So, unfortunately, child-abuse sta- room learning is based on extrinsic motivation (external rein-
tistics underestimate the magnitude of this problem today. forcers such as grades), which impairs intrinsic motivation
226 PART III Childhood
(the desire to learn for the sake of learning). School learning is students choices about how to do their work. Stimulating intrin-
inherently less interesting because it often involves rote memo- sic motivation by offering more autonomy (providing choices)
rization. Being evaluated in comparison to the class also erodes helps motivate teachers to adopt new effective teaching strate-
a child’s interest in learning for its own sake. Studies show a gies. The Common Core State Standards, by providing univer-
disturbing decline in intrinsic motivation as children progress sal learning benchmarks and teaching with an emphasis on
through elementary school. scaffolding, creativity, and problem solving, provide a potential
Teachers (and parents) can make extrinsic learning tasks sea change in U.S. education. Schools need to provide a better
more intrinsic by offering material relevant to children’s inter- planned, more interesting, consistent learning experience for
ests, fostering relatedness (or a close attachment), and giving every child.
parenting style, p. 201 child maltreatment, p. 207 gifted, p. 214 Sternberg’s successful
authoritative parents, p. 201 parental alienation, p. 210 reliability, p. 216 intelligence, p. 218
authoritarian parents, p. 201 achievement tests, p. 213 validity, p. 216 Gardner’s multiple
intelligences theory,
permissive parents, p. 201 WISC (Wechsler Intelligence Flynn effect, p. 216
p. 218
rejecting-neglecting Scale for Children), p. 213 “g,” p. 216
intrinsic motivation, p. 221
parents, p. 201 intellectual disability, p. 214 analytic intelligence, p. 218
extrinsic motivation, p. 221
resilient children, p. 203 specific learning disorder, creative intelligence, p. 218
p. 214 Common Core State
acculturation, p. 205 practical intelligence, p. 218 Standards, p. 223
corporal punishment, p. 206 dyslexia, p. 214
Amos Morgan/Photodisc/Getty Images
CHAPTER 7 Settings for Development: Home and School 227
Home 3. c and d
1. Montana’s parents = authoritative. Pablo’s parents = 4. Analytic intelligence . . . creative intelligence and practical
authoritarian. Sara’s parents = permissive. intelligence . . . multiple intelligences . . . Josh’s strengths are
2. Amber in musical, kinesthetic, and interpersonal intelligence.
3. Judith Harris’s advice = Get your son in the best possible 5. You should advise giving these children high-level creative
peer group. This chapter’s recommendation = Provide work and embed them in the life of the school.
exceptionally sensitive parenting. 6. (a) Intrinsic motivation is self-generated—we work
4. a and c at something simply because it gives us joy. Extrinsic
motivation refers to activities propelled by external
5. Ms. Johnson might feel torn about reporting her reinforcers like grades. (b) Ask yourself: Am I doing this
observations, because she is afraid of parents retaliating or because I love it or only because this activity results in an
worried about making false accusations. Even if she does external reward? (c) 1. Make disliked, extrinsic tasks relevant
make a report, there is a good chance authorities will not to a larger personal goal. (“Cleaning the house will help me
investigate the situation. become a more organized person. Plus, it’s great exercise, so
6. The main criterion for awarding joint custody—or unlimited I’ll become healthier.”) 2. Increase your sense of autonomy
visits—should be whether the father is a good parent. or feeling of having choices around this activity. (“I’ll do my
housecleaning at the time of day that feels least burdensome
while I listen to my favorite CD.”) 3. Enhance attachments
1. b (“If my significant other comes home to a clean house, she’ll
2. Malik has a learning disability. feel wonderful!”)
© Image Source/Age Fotostock
This two-chapter part dealing with the teenage years actually progresses a bit
chronologically. That’s because my first topic, puberty, can begin to take place
as early as age 9 or 10.
and adolescent sexuality.
Setting the Context: Culture,
History, and Puberty
The Hormonal Programmers
The Physical Changes
Individual Differences in
Puberty Timetables
An Insider’s View of Puberty
Wrapping Up Puberty
Puberty Distress
Exploring Sexual Desire
Who Is Having Intercourse?
Who Are Teens Having
Intercourse With?
SCIENCE: Is There Still a Sexual
Double Standard?
Wrapping Up Sexuality:
Contemporary Trends
Teenager-Friendly Sex Education
hy did Samantha have trou- puberty, tracking the unfolding changes,
ble as an early-maturing girl, focusing on how teens react to their
while Sam and Sara sailed bodies. Next, I’ll discuss body image
through these landmark years? This issues and, finally, explore sexuality dur-
chapter focuses on that question and ing this watershed time of life. As you
others as I explore puberty, the name read this chapter, think back to when
for the internal and external changes you were 10 or 12 or 14. How did you
related to physically becoming adult. feel about your body during puberty?
I’ll begin by exploring this landmark When did you begin dating and fanta-
life transition—examining what sets off sizing about having sex?
232 PART IV Adolescence
spermarche A boy’s first
ejaculation of live sperm.
These photographs of fourth graders and high school juniors at the prom offer a vivid visual
reminder of the total body transformation that takes place as children travel through puberty
during early adolescence.
This lack of person–environment fit, when our body is passionately saying “have
sex” and society is telling us to “just say no” to intercourse, explains why issues relating
to teenage sexuality provoke such anxiety among Western adults. Our concerns are
recent. They are a product of living in the contemporary developed world.
Celebrating Puberty
Puberty rites were emotional events, carefully
scripted to highlight a young person’s entrance into
adulthood. Often, children were removed from their
families and asked to perform challenging tasks.
Pituitary hormones
stimulate gonads to
increase production Hormones produce
of their hormones bodily changes:
• growth spurt
GONADS • primary sexual
• secondary sexual
(estrogen) Testes
Six months earlier, I had towered over her. Now, she insisted on standing back-to-back
to demonstrate: “Look, Aunt Janet, I’m taller than you!”
About six months after the growth spurt begins, girls start to develop breasts and
pubic hair. On average, girls’ breasts take about four years to grow to their adult form
(Tanner, 1955, 1978).
Menarche typically occurs in the middle to final stages of breast and pubic hair
development when growth is winding down (Christensen and others, 2010; Peper &
Dahl, 2013; Lee & Styne, 2013). So you can tell your 12-year-old niece, who has
just begun to menstruate, that, while her breasts are still “works in progress,” she is
probably about as tall today as she will be as an adult.
When they reach menarche, can girls get pregnant? Yes, but there is often a win-
dow of infertility until the system fully gears up. Does puberty unfold in the same way
for every girl? The answer is no. Because the hormonal signals are complex, in some
girls, pubic hair development (programmed by the adrenal androgens) is underway
before the breasts begin to enlarge. Occasionally, a girl does grow much taller after
she begins to menstruate.
The most fascinating variability relates to the rate of change. Some chil-
dren are developmental “tortoises.” Their progression through puberty is slow-
paced. Others are “hares.” They speed through the body changes. For instance,
while breast development on average takes four years, the process—from start to
finish—can range from less than two to an incredible nine years! (See Mendle
and others, 2010.)
New research suggests the pace at which children progress through puberty is
affected by when the process starts. Girls who begin to develop earlier often proceed
at a slower rate. Late starters pass through puberty for a shorter time. So if your
13-year-old niece is worried because she has just begun developing breasts, you can
tell her that she may catch up a bit with the rest of the class now that her puberty
system has locked into gear.
In tracking puberty in females, researchers focus on charting pubic hair and breast
development because they can measure these external secondary sexual changes in
stages. But the internal changes are equally dramatic. During puberty the uterus
grows, the vagina lengthens, and the hips develop a cushion of fat. The vocal cords
get longer, the heart gets bigger, and the red blood cells carry more oxygen. So, in
addition to looking very different, after puberty, girls
become much stronger (Archibald, Graber, & Brooks-
Gunn, 2003). The increases in strength, stamina,
height, and weight are astonishing in boys.
For Boys
Photography by Alan Antiporda/Moment/Getty Images
© Picture Partners/Alamy
Now let’s turn to a more astonishing environmental influ-
ence predicting puberty, specifically in girls—the quality of
family life.
The Breasts
In a classic study, researchers used this indirect strategy to explore how girls feel
in relation to their parents while undergoing that most visible sign of becoming a
woman—breast development (Brooks-Gunn and others, 1994). They asked a group
of girls to tell a story about the characters in a drawing that showed an adult female
(the mother) taking a bra out of a shopping bag while an adolescent girl and an
adult male (the father) watched. While girls often talked about the mother in the
picture as being excited and happy, they typically described the teenager as humili-
ated by her father’s presence in the room. Moreover,
girls in the middle of puberty told the most negative
stories about the fathers, suggesting that body embarrass-
ment is at its height when children are undergoing the
physical changes.
Because society strongly values this symbol of being
a woman (and our contemporary culture sees bigger as
better!), other research suggests that U.S. girls feel proud
David Sacks/The Image Bank/Getty Images
First Ejaculation
Daughters must confide in their mothers about menarche because this change
demands specific coping techniques. Spermarche, as I mentioned earlier, is hidden,
because this event doesn’t require instructions from the outside world. Who talks to
male adolescents about first ejaculation, and how do teenagers feel about their signal of
becoming a man? Read these memories from some 18-year-olds (Stein & Reiser, 1994):
I woke up the next morning and my sheets were pasty. . . . After you wake up your mind
is kind of happy and then you realize: “Oh my God, this is my wet dream!”
(quoted in Stein & Reiser, 1994, p. 380)
My mom, she knew I had them. It was all over my sheets and bedspread and stuff, but
she didn’t say anything, didn’t tease me and stuff. She never asked if I wanted to talk
about it—I’m glad. I never could have said anything to my mom.
(quoted in Stein & Reiser, 1994, p. 377)
Most of these boys reported that they needed to be secretive. They didn’t want
to let anyone know. And notice from the second quotation—as you saw earlier with
fathers and pre-teen girls—that boys also view their changing bodies as especially
embarrassing around the parent of the opposite sex.
Is this tendency for children to hide the symptoms of puberty around the par-
ent of the other gender programmed into evolution to help teenagers emotionally
separate from their families? We do not know. Where we do have massive scientific
information is on the emotional impact of being early or late.
intercourse at a younger age (Graber, Nichols, & Brooks-Gunn, 2010). They are less
apt to use contraception, making them more vulnerable to becoming pregnant as teens
(Allison & Hyde, 2013). Imagine being a sixth- or seventh-grade girl thrilled to be pur-
sued by the high school boys. Would you have the presence of mind to “just say no”?
if this were not enough, early-maturing girls are also more prone to feel bad about
themselves (Carter, Silverman, & Jaccard, 2013; Joinson & others, 2013). As I implied
in the introductory chapter vignette, in fourth or fifth grade, these girls can be bul-
lied by their peers, because they look so different from the other children in class
(Allison & Hyde, 2013). Then, there is the shame (and peer harassment) attached
to generally having a larger body size. Not only are early-maturing girls apt to be
heavier during elementary school, but they also end up shorter and stockier because
their height spurt occurs at an earlier point in their development (Adair, 2008; Must
and others, 2005). Late-maturing girls are more prone to fit the tall ultra-slim model
shape. Reaching puberty early sets girls up for a poor body image and low self-esteem.
So far, I’ve been painting a dismal portrait of early-maturing girls. But, as with
any aspect of development, it’s important to look at the whole context of a person’s
life. Early maturation may not pose body image problems in ethnic groups that have a
healthier, more inclusive idea about the ideal female body size (more about this later).
Most important, these negative effects happen mainly when there are other risk
factors in a child’s life. If a girl is exposed to harsh parenting (Deardorff and others,
2013) or if she is living in poverty, then,
yes, early maturation can be the straw that
breaks the camel’s back (Lynne-Landsman,
Graber, & Andrews, 2010). But, when a
child has close relationships with her par-
ents, strong religious values, and doesn’t
get involved with older “at-risk” friends,
her puberty timetable will not matter at all
Problem behavior (2 score)
the sixth graders who moved to middle schools. Moreover, the middle schoolers
reported having more supportive class environments than children who remained in
K–8 or K–12 schools (Farmer and others, 2011).
This study highlights the fact that with pre-teens (and every child), we need to
go beyond a school’s structure to consider more basic questions: Is this a nurturing,
authoritative environment (see Chapter 7)? Does this school have caring peer norms (see
Chapter 6)? Moreover, imagine being locked into the calcified status-hierarchies that
can solidify, based on spending your whole childhood with the same group of peers. The
advantage of middle school is that it offers you (and everyone else) a liberating new start!
Wrapping Up Puberty
Now, let’s summarize these messages:
• Children’s reactions to puberty depend on the environment in which they
physically mature. Negative feelings are more likely to occur when society looks
down on a given sign of development (as with menstruation) or when the physical
changes are not valued in a person’s particular group (as with breast development
in ballerinas). Living in a sexually permissive society or changing to a non-nurturing
school during puberty magnifies the stress of body changes.
• With early-maturing girls, we should take special steps to arrange the right
body–environment fit. Having an adult body at a young age is dangerous for girls,
but only when the changes happen in a high-risk milieu. Therefore, when a girl
reaches puberty early, it’s important to arrange her life with special care.
• Communication about puberty should be improved—especially for boys. While
some contemporary mothers may be doing a fine job discussing menstruation with
their daughters, boys, in particular, seem to enter puberty without any guidance
about what to expect (Omar, McElderry, & Zakharia, 2003).
1. In contrast to earlier times, give the main reason why our culture can’t celebrate
puberty today?
2. You notice that your 11-year-old cousin is going from looking like a child to looking like
a young woman. (a) Outline the three-phase hormonal sequence that is setting off the
physical changes; and then (b) name the three classes of hormones involved in puberty.
3. Kendra has recently begun to menstruate. Calista has just shot up in height. Carl is
developing facial hair. Statistically speaking, which child is at the beginning of puberty?
4. Brianna, an overweight second grader, has a harsh, rejecting family life. Based on this
chapter, you might predict that Briana should enter puberty earlier/later than her peers.
5. Based simply on knowing a child’s puberty timetable, spell out who is most at risk of
getting into trouble (e.g., with drugs or having unprotected sex) as a teen.
6. You are on an international advisory committee charged with developing programs to
help children cope emotionally with puberty. What recommendations might you make?
Answers to the Tying It All Together questions can be found at the end of this chapter.
© Norman Parkinson/Sygma/Corbis
When did our culture develop the idea that women should be unrealistically thin? Historians
trace this change to the 1970s, when extremely slim actresses like Audrey Hepburn became
our cultural ideal. More recently, as you can see in the second photo, similar body pressures
have infected the other sex, causing this vulnerable eighth-grade boy to struggle to attain the
muscled male shape that is our contemporary cultural ideal.
underweight girls also wanted to shed pounds (Lawler & Nixon, 2011). While some
boys (those who were genuinely heavy in this study, for instance) also worried about
their weight, especially in our twenty-first century culture, males have another con-
cern: They want to build up their muscles—spending hours at the gym, sometimes
using dangerous anabolic steroids to increase their body mass (Parent & Moradi,
2011; Smolak & Stein, 2010).
These preoccupations may be set in motion by biological forces. As you will see
in the next chapter, the hormonal changes of puberty prime pre-teens to be unusually
sensitive to social cues. New research suggests that the female obsession to be thin may
have roots even before we emerge from the womb. In one incredible study, scientists
found female twin pairs were more apt to develop unhealthy dieting practices at puberty
than females in fraternal twin pairs where the other twin was male—suggesting that
testosterone (given off by the male twin’s body) may dampen down the female tendency
to become weight obsessed during the pubertal years (Culbert and others, 2013).
Still, even if the signal “be supersensitive to your body” is
hormonal, outer-world pressures prime the pump: Pre-teens love to
tease one another about weight (“Ha, ha, you are getting fat!”) (Com-
pian, Gowen, & Hayward, 2004; Jackson & Chen, 2008; Lawler &
Nixon, 2011). When children are already unhappy, this teasing can
provoke an obsession with dieting—for either sex (Benas, Uhrlass,
& Gibb, 2010; Hutchinson, Rapee, & Taylor, 2010).
A primary culprit is the media, for its regular drumbeat advocat-
Anna Azimi/Shutterstock
ing the thin ideal. As early as preschool, one study showed, girls have
internalized the message, “You need to be thin” (Harriger and others,
2010). Digitally altered images beamed from TV, the Internet, and
magazines set body-size standards that are often impossible to attain
(López-Guimerà and others, 2010). So it’s no wonder that being
Interestingly, due to an
shown snapshots of ultra-thin women activates body dissatisfaction in temperamen- epigenetic process, this fraternal
tally vulnerable teens and adults (Anschutz and others, 2011; Roberts & Good, 2010). twin girl may be more insulated
Still, some children are less susceptible to the media messages. In Albert Bandura’s from developing an eating
disorder as a teen by simply
social learning framework, for instance, African American and Latino girls should be
being exposed to the circulating
more insulated from the thin ideal because their media role models, such as Queen testosterone her brother’s body
Latifah and Beyonce, demonstrate that beauty comes in ample sizes. As one young is giving off.
246 PART IV Adolescence
African American woman in an interview study explained: “I feel like . . . for the
woman of color . . . the look is like thick thighs, you know fat butt . . . (men) like, like
want you to have meat on your body” (quoted in Hesse-Biber and others, 2010, p. 704).
Does this mean that, unless they are obese, Latino and African American teens
don’t worry about their weight? No! If an ethnic minority girl identifies with the main-
stream, Western thin ideal, she is just as vulnerable to developing eating disorders as
any other teen (Sabik, Cole, & Ward, 2010). What exactly are eating disorders like?
Eating Disorders
In the morning I’ll have a black coffee. At noon I have a mix of shredded lettuce, carrots
and cabbage. At around dinnertime I have 9 mini whole-wheat crackers. On a bad day
I may have. . . . with my (morning) black coffee an egg white, . . .
(adapted from Juarascio, Shoaib, & Timko, 2010, p. 402)
Scales are evil! But I’m obsessed with them! I’m on the damn thing like 3 times a day!
(adapted from Gavin, Rodham, & Poyer, 2008, pp. 327–328)
© Sayre Berman/Corbis
As these quotations from “pro-anorexia” social network sites show, eating disorders
differ from “normal” dieting. Here, eating is the sole focus of life. Imagine waking up
and planning each day around eating (or not eating). You monitor every morsel. You
are obsessed with checking and rechecking your weight. Or you have the impulse
to gorge every time you approach the refrigerator or buy a box of candy at the store.
Queen Latifah embodies the Let’s now explore three major forms these total food fixations take: anorexia, bulimia,
fact that bodies are beautiful at
every size. Not only is she a role
and binge eating disorder.
model for women of color, but Anorexia nervosa, the most serious eating disorder, is defined by self-starvation—
for every woman in our culture. specifically to the point of being 85 percent of one’s ideal body weight or less. (This
means that if 110 pounds is the ideal weight for your height, you would now weigh less
than 95 pounds.) Another common feature of this primarily female disorder is that
leptin levels have become too low to support adult fertility and the girl has stopped
menstruating. A hallmark of eating disorders—among both girls and boys—is a dis-
torted body image (Espeset and others, 2011). Even when people look skeletal, they
feel fat. They often compulsively exercise, running miles for hours, abandoning their
other commitments to spend every day at the gym (Holland, Brown, & Keel, 2014).
eating disorder A pathological They may be disconnected from reality, denying that their symptoms apply to them
obsession with getting
and staying thin. The two
(“Oh no, I don’t binge and purge”) (Gratwick-Sarll, Mond, & Hay, 2013). Sometimes
best-known eating disorders they literally don’t see their true body size: As one girl named Sarah commented: “I
are anorexia nervosa and remember . . . passing an open door and saw myself in the mirror . . . and thought
bulimia nervosa. “Oh gosh, she is thin!” but then when I understood that it was actually me, I didn’t
anorexia nervosa A poten- see me as thin anymore” (quoted in Espeset and others, 2011, p. 183).
tially life-threatening eat- Anorexia is a life-threatening disease. When people reach two-thirds of their ideal
ing disorder characterized
by pathological dieting
weight or less, they need to be hospitalized and fed—intravenously, if necessary—to
(resulting in severe weight stave off death (Diamanti and others, 2008). A student of mine who runs a self-help
loss and, in females, loss group for people with eating disorders provided a vivid reminder of the enduring
of menstruation) and by a physical toll anorexia can cause. Alicia informed the class that she had permanently
distorted body image.
damaged her heart muscle during her bout with this devastating disease.
bulimia nervosa An eating Bulimia nervosa is typically not life threatening because the person’s weight
disorder characterized by at
least biweekly cycles of bing-
often stays within a normal range. However, because this disorder involves frequent
ing and purging (by inducing binging (at least once weekly eating sprees in which thousands of calories may be
vomiting or taking laxatives) consumed in a matter of hours) and either purging (getting rid of the food by vomit-
in an obsessive attempt to ing or misusing laxatives and diuretics) or fasting, bulimia can seriously compromise
lose weight.
health. In addition to producing deficiencies of basic nutrients, the purging episodes
binge eating disorder A newly can cause mouth sores, ulcers in the esophagus, and the loss of tooth enamel due to
labeled eating disorder
defined by recurrent, out-of-
being exposed to stomach acid.
control binging accompanied Binge eating disorder, which first appeared in the new Diagnostic and Statistical
by feelings of disgust. Manual (DSM-5) in 2013, involves recurrent out-of-control eating. The person wolfs
CHAPTER 8 Physical Development 247
down huge quantities of food and then is wracked by disgust, guilt, and shame. This
mental disorder was added to the DSM-5 because (no surprise) it is intimately tied
to obesity and so presents a serious threat to health (Myers & Wiman, 2014). Binge
eating disorder, like anorexia and bulimia, can wreak enduring havoc on the person’s
life (Goldschmidt and others, 2014).
How common are these mainly female disorders, which most frequently erupt
in the early twenties or late teens? In one eight-year-long community survey, binge
eating disorder was most prevalent, affecting roughly 3 in 100 young women over that
time; bulimia ranked second (at 2.6 in 100). Thankfully, the most serious
condition, anorexia, struck only 8 out of a thousand girls. The bad news is
that subclinical (less severe) forms of eating disorders may affect an astonish-
ing 18 million people in the United States at some point in life (Forbush &
Hunt, 2014).
What causes these conditions? Twin studies suggest anorexia and bulimia
have a hereditary component (Striegel-Moore & Bulik, 2007). One nonspe-
cific risk factor is prior internalizing symptoms—a tendency during middle
childhood to be anxious and depressed (Touchette and others, 2011). At
puberty, if these “I hate myself” attitudes translate into a commitment to the
thin ideal, an obsession with dieting or binge eating and purging can result
(Espinoza, Penelo, & Raich, 2010; Stice, Ng, & Shaw, 2010).
Researchers find teens and young adults with eating disorders have
other psychological symptoms: insecure attachments, an extreme need for
1. Kimberly, an eleventh grader, tells you, “I am ugly,” but knows she is terrific in sports
and academics. According to Harter’s studies, is Kimberly likely to have high or low
2. Amy is regularly on a diet, trying for that Barbie-doll figure. Jasmine, who is far below
her ideal body weight, is always exercising and has cut her food intake down to virtu-
ally nothing. Sophia, whose weight is normal, goes on eating sprees followed by purges
every few days. Clara also has regular, out-of-control eating sprees, after which she
says she feels like a bloated “blimp.” Identify which girls have an eating disorder, and
name each person’s specific problem.
3. Pick which three female teens seem protected from developing an eating disorder:
Cotonya whose role model is Beyonce; Caroline who has high self-efficacy; Cora who
has a twin brother; Connie who exercises for an hour every day.
4. Eating disorders are very hard to treat. True or False?
Answers to the Tying It All Together questions can be found at the end of this chapter.
548: Immculate ros: Sex sex sex that all you think about?
559: Snowbunny: people who have sex at 16 r sick:
560: Twonky: I agree
564: 00o0CaFfEinNe; no sex until ur happily married—Thtz muh rule
CHAPTER 8 Physical Development 249
Sex is the elephant in the room of teenage life. Everyone knows it’s a top-ranking
issue, but the adult world often shies away from mentioning it. Celebrated in the
media, minimized or ignored by anxious parents (“If I talk about it, I’ll encourage
my child to do it”) (see Elliot, 2012; Hyde and others, 2013), the issue of when and
whether to have sex is left for teenagers to decide on their own as they filter through
the conflicting messages and—as you can see above—vigorously stake out their posi-
tions in on-line chats.
It is a minefield issue that contemporary young people negotiate in different ways.
Take a poll of your classmates. Some people, as with the teenagers quoted above, may
advocate abstinence, believing that everyone should remain a virgin until marriage.
Others probably believe that having sex within a loving relationship is fine. Some
students, if they are being honest, will admit, “I want to try out the sexual possibilities,
but I promise to use contraception!”
This increasing acceptability (within limits) of carving out our own sexual path
was highlighted in sexual surveys polling U.S. high school seniors in 1950, 1972, and
2000 (Caron & Moskey, 2002). Over the years, the number of seniors who decided,
“It’s okay for teenagers to have sex,” shot up from a minority to more than 70 percent.
But in the final turn-of-the-century poll, more teens agreed that a person could decide
to not have sex and still be popular. Most felt confident they would use birth control
when they were sexually active, and could wait to have intercourse until they got
married. How are these efficacious attitudes translated into action? Let’s begin our
exploration at the sexual starting gate—with desire.
At what age does sexual desire begin? Although scientists had long assumed that
the answer was during puberty, when testosterone is pumping through the body,
research with homosexual adults caused them to rethink this idea. When gay
women and men were asked to recall a watershed event in their lives—the age
when they first realized that they were physically attracted to a person of the
same sex—their responses centered around age 10. At that age the output of the
adrenal androgens is rising but testosterone production has not yet fully geared up
(McClintock & Herdt, 1996). So, our first sexual feelings seem programmed by the
adrenal androgens and appear before we undergo the visible changes of puberty,
by about fourth grade!
How do sex hormone levels relate to teenagers’ sexual desires? According to
researchers, we need a threshold androgen level to prime our initial feelings of desire
(Udry, 1990; Udry & Campbell, 1994). Then, signals from the environment feedback
to heighten our interest in sex. As children see their bodies changing, they think of
themselves in a new, sexual way. Reaching puberty evokes a different set of signals
from the outside world. A ninth-grade boy finds love notes in his locker. A seventh-
grade girl notices men looking at her differently as she walks down the street. It is the
physical changes of puberty and how outsiders react to those changes that usher us
into our lives as sexual human beings. Which young people act on those desires by
having intercourse as teens?
250 PART IV Adolescence
90 Male
way” (Ali & Dwyer, 2011). So, just as with other aspects of
teenage behavior, to understand whether a teen you know
is sexually active, look at the values and behaviors of his
(or her) group.
You also might want to look at what a child watches
on TV. In one fascinating study, researchers were able to
predict which virgin boys and girls were likely to become
sexual double standard A These complaints from a 16-year-old girl named Erin refer to the well-known sexual
cultural code that gives men double standard. Boys are supposed to want sex; girls are supposed to resist. Teen-
greater sexual freedom than
age boys get reinforcement for “getting to home base.” Intercourse is fraught with
women. Specifically, society
expects males to want to ambivalence and danger for girls: “Should I do it? Will he love me if I do it? Will he
have intercourse and expects love me if I don’t? Will I get pregnant? What will my friends and my parents think?”
females to remain virgins Basic to the stereotype of the double standard is the idea that girls are looking for
until they marry and to be
committed relationships and that boys mainly want sex. The Ohio study, discussed
more interested in relation-
ships than in having sex. in the previous section, offered a different view (Manning, Giordano, & Longmore,
2006). These interviews confirmed the statistics showing that teenage sex often hap-
pens within a committed relationship. In fact, feeling emotionally intimate, most
teens reported, was the reason why both boys and girls decided to have sex. And, when
a couple did take that step, the decision was often as difficult for guys as girls.
Read what a boy named Tim had to say:
That was something that I had been saving. I really wanted to save it for marriage, but I was
curious and um she was special enough to me that I could give her this part of my life that I had
been saving and um . . . She felt the same way because she wanted to wait till marriage, but we
had decided and we was [were] both curious I guess and so it just happened”
(quoted in Giordano, Manning, & Longmore, 2010, p. 1007)
Moreover, when sex happened too quickly, as this next quotation shows, boys—as
much as girls—were turned off:
She was like . . . moving too fast . . . like she wanted to have sex with me in the car and I’m like
“No” and then she starts touching me and I’m like “I’m cool, I’m cool; I got to go”. . . . And I did
that and I left. . . . I was just, I don’t know; she wasn’t the girl I wanted to have sex with. . . . She
wasn’t the right girl.
(quoted in Giordano, Manning, & Longmore, 2010, p. 1002)
In this study, both male and female teens reported that the decision to have sex was
mutual; no one was pressuring anyone else. Or, as another boy named Tim delight-
fully put it:
So if a girl says yes and a boy says no; it’s a maybe. If a guy doesn’t know and a girl says yes, it’s
yes . . . . If a girl says yes and a guy says yes, it’s yes . . . . So I think the women have more control
because their opinion matters more in that situation.
(quoted in Giordano, Manning, & Longmore, 2010, p. 1007)
Is it really true, as Tim implies, that females are the main initiators (aggressors) when
it comes to sex? Consider this revealing evidence from the virtual world: When
researchers analyzed the profile photo comments on a popular Belgian social net-
work site, they found that girls’ sexually-oriented responses to boys’ posted photos far
outnumbered boys’ comments to the photos posted by girls.
Here are a few enthusiastic female posts that a boy named Kendeman’s photo
evoked: “You are ****.. ... beautiful!” “I just wanted to say this because I think you
are wonderfuuuuuul. Nobody can compete with you!” (Quoted from De Ridder &
Van Bauwell, 2013, p. 576.)
So, even though the double standard seems firmly in operation, when we hear
male teens brag about their exploits or listen to people make snide comments about
CHAPTER 8 Physical Development 253
“sluts and studs,” the reality is complex. Boys want sex in a loving relationship—just like
girls (Ott and others, 2006). In terms of making the first sexually oriented moves, either
on-line or, sometimes, in the flesh—if anything, an anti-double standard can apply!
(Goldman & Coleman, 2013), to South Africa (Francis & DePalma, 2014), parents
are deeply divided about what to say to teens about sex (Elliot, 2012).
One classic fear is that teaching contraception might encourage teens to have
intercourse. This we know is not true. When Irish researchers compared young people
in that nation who had high school sex education and a group with no instruction,
girls and boys exposed to sex education classes became sexually active at an older age
than their peers (Bourke and others, 2014).
Some of you reading the above information might say, “Ok, Dr. Belsky, perhaps
that’s true, but having my child’s school discuss contraception is ethically distasteful,
Ron Levine/Digital Vision/Getty Images
because I believe abstinence is the only way to go.” Perhaps everyone might agree
with the following alternate approach.
For decades, teens have complained that high school sex-education is irrelevant
to their lives. Adolescents say they are hungering for different information: “How can
I develop a relationship?” “What does it mean to fall in love?” (see Martin 1996).
Therefore, stale controversies about whether to teach contraception may be miss-
ing the boat. In contrast to the alarmist messages, we now understand that most teens
Because teens really want
to know how to have loving are not passionate to have random sex. Young people are lusting—if anything—to
relationships, this high school find love. We also know that parents have difficulty discussing these new, embar-
couple might love romance edu- rassing “adult” yearnings with their daughters and sons. Therefore, to really speak to
cation classes!
teenagers’ passions, sex education can’t focus mainly on sex. Schools need romance
education classes!
Designing an optimal romance (or relationship) class depends on knowing how ado-
lescents think and reason about life. The next chapter focuses on this topic in depth.
1. When a mother asks you when her son may experience his first sexual feelings, you
should answer: around age 10, before the physical signs of puberty occur/around age 13
or 14/in the middle of puberty/toward the end of puberty.
2. Your friend thinks her teenage daughter may be having sex. So she asks for your opin-
ion. All the following questions are relevant for you to ask except:
a. Are your daughter’s friends having sex?
b. Is your daughter’s school teaching abstinence?
c. Is your daughter watching sexually explicit cable channels with her male friends
and reading Cosmo?
d. Does your daughter have an older boyfriend?
3. Tom is discussing trends in teenage sex and pregnancy. Which two statements should
he make?
a. Today, sex often happens in a committed relationship.
b. Today, the United States has lower teenage pregnancy rates than other Western
c. In recent decades, rates of teenage births in the United States have declined.
d. Today, boys are still the sexual initiators.
4. Imagine you are designing a “model” sex-education program. According to this sec-
tion, you should focus on:
a. encouraging abstinence
b. providing information about birth control and STDs
c. discussing how to have loving relationships
Answers to the Tying It All Together questions can be found at the end of this chapter.
CHAPTER 8 Physical Development 255
puberty, p. 231 adrenal androgens, p. 234 secondary sexual bulimia nervosa, p. 246
puberty rite, p. 232 HPG axis, p. 234 characteristics, p. 235 binge eating disorder, p. 246
secular trend in puberty, gonads, p. 234 growth spurt, p. 235 sexual double standard,
p. 233 testosterone, p. 234 thin ideal, p. 244 p. 252
menarche, p. 233 primary sexual eating disorder, p. 246
spermarche, p. 233 characteristics, p. 235 anorexia nervosa, p. 246
Teenage Relationships
Separating from Parents
Connecting in Groups
A Note on Adolescence
hink of our contradictory stereo- These contradictory ideas are mir-
types about the teenage mind. rored in a confusing welter of laws relat-
Teenagers are supposed to be ing to when teens are considered “adult.”
idealistic, thoughtful, and introspective; In the United States, adolescents can
concerned with larger issues; pondering sometimes be tried in adult court at 14,
life in deeper ways; but also impulsive, at an age when they are barred from
moody, and out of control. We expect seeing R-rated movies. Deemed mature
them to be the ultimate radicals, reject- enough to vote at age 18, U.S. teens are
ing everything adults say, and the con- unable to buy liquor until age 21. How
summate conformists, dominated by the is science shedding light on the elusive
crowd, driven by the latest craze, totally teenage mind? That is the subject of the
influenced by their peers. chapter you are about to read.
260 PART IV Adolescence
I would that there were no age between ten and twenty-three . . ., for there’s nothing in
between but getting wenches with child, wronging the ancientry, stealing, fighting. . . .
William Shakespeare, The Winter’s Tale, Act III
As the quotations above illustrate, throughout history, wise observers of human nature
have described young people as being emotional, hot-headed, and out of control.
When, in 1904, G. Stanley Hall first identified a new life stage characterized by
“storm and stress” G. Stanley “storm and stress,” which he called “adolescence,” he was only echoing these time-
Hall’s phrase for the intense less ideas. Moreover, as the mission of the young is to look at society in fresh, new
moodiness, emotional
sensitivity, and risk-taking
ways, it makes sense that most cultures would view each new generation in ambiva-
tendencies that characterize lent terms—praising young people for their energy and passion; fearing them as a
the life stage he labeled menace and threat.
adolescence. However, until fairly recently, young people never had years to explore life or
rebel against society because they took on adult responsibilities at an early age. As
you may remember from Chapter 1, adolescence only became a distinct stage of life
in the United States during the twentieth century, when—for most children—going
to high school became routine (Mintz, 2004; Modell,
1989; Palladino, 1996).
Look into your family history and you may find
a great-grandparent who finished high school or col-
lege. But a century ago, these events were fairly rare, as
the typical U.S. child left school after sixth or seventh
grade to find work (Mintz, 2004). Unfortunately, how-
ever, during the Great Depression of the 1930s, there
was little work to find. Idle and at loose ends, young
people took to roaming the countryside, angry, demor-
alized, and depressed. Alarmed by the situation, the
federal government took action. At the same time that
it instituted the Social Security system to provide for the
© LOC/SSPL/The Image Works
lives of teens. Then, I’ll chart how teenagers separate from their parents and relate to
one another in groups. This chapter ends by touching on some issues that affect the
millions of young people living in impoverished regions of the world, who can’t count
on having a life stage called adolescence at all.
Before beginning your reading, you might want to take the “Stereotypes About
Adolescence: True or False?” quiz in Table 9.1. In the following pages, I’ll be discuss-
ing why each stereotype is right or wrong.
*Within each general moral level, the reasons and examples numbered (1) reflect a slightly lower substage of
moral reasoning than those numbered (2).
Source: Adapted from Reimer, Paolitto, & Hersh, 1983.
preconventional level of If you thought in terms of whether Heinz would be personally punished or
morality In Lawrence rewarded for his actions, you would be classified at the lowest level of morality, the
Kohlberg’s theory, the lowest preconventional level. Responses such as “Heinz should not take the drug because
level of moral reasoning,
in which people approach
he will go to jail,” or “Heinz should take the drug because then his wife will treat him
ethical issues by considering well,” suggest that—because your focus is solely on external consequences, whether
the personal punishments or Heinz will get in trouble or be praised—you are not demonstrating any moral sense.
rewards of taking a particular If you made comments such as “Heinz should [or shouldn’t] steal the drug
because it’s a person’s duty to obey the law [or to stick up for his wife]” or “Yes, human
conventional level of life is sacred, but the rules must be obeyed,” your response would be classified at
morality In Lawrence
the conventional level—right where adults typically are. This shows your morality
Kohlberg’s theory, the
intermediate level of moral revolves around the need to uphold society’s norms.
reasoning, in which people People who reason about this dilemma using their own moral guidelines apart
respond to ethical issues from society’s rules are operating at Kohlberg’s highest postconventional level. A
by considering the need to
response showing postconventional reasoning might be, “No matter what society
uphold social norms.
says, Heinz had to steal the drug because nothing outweighs the universal principle
postconventional level
of saving a life.”
of morality In Lawrence
Kohlberg’s theory, the When he conducted studies with different age groups, Kohlberg discovered that
highest level of moral at age 13, preconventional answers were universal. By 15 or 16, most children around
reasoning, in which people the world were reasoning at the conventional level. Still, many of us stop right there.
respond to ethical issues
Although some of Kohlberg’s adults did think postconventionally, using his incredibly
by applying their own
moral guidelines apart from demanding criteria, almost no person consistently made it to the highest moral stage
society’s rules. (Reimer, Paolitto, & Hersh, 1983; Snarey, 1985).
CHAPTER 9 Cognitive and Socioemotional Development 265
to think deeply about our values. Do you have a moral code that guides your actions?
Would you intervene, no matter what the costs, to save a person’s life? These catego-
ries give us insights into other people’s moral priorities, too. While reading about
Kohlberg’s preconventional level, you might have thought: “I know someone just like
this. This person has no ethics. He only cares about whether or not he gets caught!”
However, Kohlberg’s research has been severely criticized. For one thing,
Kohlberg was wrong when he said that children can’t go beyond a punishment and
reward mentality. Remember from Chapters 3 and 6, developmentalists now know
that our basic sense of morality naturally kicks in at an incredibly young age.
In a classic late-twentieth-century critique, feminist psychologist Carol Gilligan
argued that Kohlberg’s stages offer a specifically male-centered approach to moral
thought. Recall that being classified at the postconventional stage requires abstractly
weighing ideals of justice. People must verbalize the tension between societies’ rules
and universal ideals. Women’s morality, Gilligan believes, revolves around concrete,
caring-oriented criteria: “Hurting others is wrong”; “Moral people take responsibility
to reach out in a nurturing way” (Gilligan & Attanucci, 1988).
Gilligan’s criticisms bring up an interesting question: Is Kohberg’s scale valid?
Does the way people reason about his scenarios relate to the attitudes and behaviors,
which, as you learned in Chapter 6, predict acting prosocially in life? Unfortunately,
the answer is “not necessarily.” When outstandingly prosocial teenagers—community
leaders who set up programs for the homeless—took Kohlberg’s test, researchers
rated their answers at the same conventional level as non-prosocial teens! (See
Reimer, 2003.)
Concerns about whether responses to artificial vignettes predict real-world
morality are heightened when we look around. We all know people who can spout
the highest ethical principles but behave pretty despicably: the minister who lec-
tures his congregation about the sanctity of marriage while cheating on his wife;
the chairman of the ethics committee in the state legislature who has been taking
bribes for years.
Still, when he describes the changes in moral reasoning that take place during
adolescence, Kohlberg has an important point. Teenagers are famous for question-
ing society’s rules, for seeing the injustice of the world, and for getting involved in
idealistic causes. Unfortunately, this ability to step back and
see the world as it should be, but rarely is, may produce the
emotional storm and stress of teenage life.
dangerous things in arousing situations with their friends. About a decade ago, an
ingenious video study drove this point scientifically home. Researchers (Gardner &
Steinberg, 2005) asked younger teenagers (aged 13 to 16), emerging adults (aged 18 to
22), and adults (aged 24-plus) to play a computer game in which they could earn extra
points by taking risks, such as continuing to drive a car after a traffic light had turned
yellow. They assigned the members of each age group to two conditions: Either play
the game alone or in the presence of two friends.
The chart below shows the intriguingly different findings for young teenagers and
for people over age 24. Notice that, while being with other people had no impact on
risky decision making in
the adults, it had an enor-
mous effect on young
With friends
teens, who were much
More 0.6 more likely to risk crash-
0.5 ing the car by driving
farther after the yellow
light appeared when with
0.3 friends. The bottom line:
0.2 Watch for risky behavior
when groups of teenag-
ers are together—a fact
Risky driving 0
to consider the next time
–0.1 you see a car full of ado-
–0.2 lescents barreling down
the road with music play-
ing full blast!
Less –0.4
Adolescents Adults
(age 13–16) (age 24+)
268 PART IV Adolescence
This quotation from a teen in an interview study, plus the research in the previous
section, suggests that (no surprise) the second storm-and-stress stereotype is definitely
true. From the thrill of taking that first drink to the lure of driving fast, pushing the
envelope is a basic feature of teenage life (Dahl, 2004; Steinberg, 2010).
Consider, for instance, the findings of yearly nationwide University of Michigan–
sponsored polls tracking U.S. young people’s lives. In examining data spanning 1997
to 2008, researchers found that 1 in 6 teens had been arrested by age 18. By age 23,
the arrest rate slid up to an astonishing almost 1 in 3! (See Brame and others, 2012.)
In the 2010 survey, roughly 2 in 10 high school seniors admitted to binge drinking
(defined as having five or more drinks at a time for males and four or more drinks in
a row for females) (Johnston and others, 2011). (Table 9.4 showcases some interesting
research facts related specifically to alcohol and adolescents.)
The good news is that, as you can see in Figure 9.3, in contrast to our images of
rampant teenage substance abuse, most high school seniors do not report using any
drugs. The most recent 2013 University of Michigan poll found the lowest rates of
teenage alcohol use since the survey was instituted four decades ago! (See Johnston
and others, 2014.) The bad news is that—for an alarming fraction of young people
in the United States—encounters with the criminal justice system are a depressing
feature of modern life.
Younger children also rebel, disobey, and test the limits. But, if you have seen
a group of teenage boys hanging from the top of a speeding car, you know that the
Table 9.4: Stereotypes and Surprising Research Facts About Alcohol and Teens
Stereotype #1: Teenagers who drink are prone to abuse alcohol later in life.
Research answer: “It depends on when you begin.” Drinking during puberty is a risk factor for later
alcohol problems, with animal research suggesting that alcohol use specifically at this time of life
primes the brain physiologically to want alcohol later on (Blomeyer and others, 2013). However,
during the late teens and twenties, drinking—at least in Western societies—is normative. So we
can’t predict well from a person’s consumption at these peak-use ages to the rest of adulthood.
Stereotype #2: Involvement in academics and/or athletics protects a teen from abusing
Research answer: “It’s complicated.” While excelling at academics protects children at high genetic
risk from drinking to excess as a teen (Benner and others, 2014), heavy athletic involvement is
correlated with binge drinking (Barnes and others, 2007; Peck, Vida, & Eccles, 2008) for boys. In
both cases, this research points (again) to the pivotal role of the peer environment. Drinking (no
surprise) is apt to be a prominent feature of the high school jock culture, and more of a “no, no”
in the society of scholars, specifically during the high school years (see below).
Stereotype #3: Middle childhood problems are risk factors for later excessive drinking.
Research answer: “Both true and surprisingly false.” As you might expect, impulse control problems
predict teenage and adult problem-drinking (Englund and others, 2008; Pitkanen and others,
2008; Lopez-Caneda and others, 2014). However, two longitudinal investigations—conducted in
the United States and Great Britain—revealed that, for girls, high academic achievement was a
risk factor for heavy drinking in the early twenties! (Englund and others, 2008; Maggs, Patrick, &
Feinstein, 2008.) To explain this uncomfortable finding, researchers suggest that girls who do
well academically may be more likely to go to college, where, as many of you know, again the
peer culture encourages drinking to excess.
CHAPTER 9 Cognitive and Socioemotional Development 269
Percent 80
12th Grade
’76 ’78 ’80 ’82 ’84 ’86 ’88 ’90 ’92 ’94 ’96 ’98 ’00 ’02 ’04 ’06 ’08
figure 9.3: Trends in prevalence of illicit drug use, reported by U.S. high school seniors
from the mid-1970s to 2010: Contrary to our stereotypes, only 2 in 5 U.S. high school seniors
reports using any illicit drugs (including alcohol) over the past year. Notice also that drug use was
actually somewhat more common during the late 1970s and early 1980s—among the parents of
today’s teens, during their own adolescence.
Data from: Johnston and others, 2011.
risks adolescents take can be threatening to life. At the very age when they are most
physically robust, teenagers—especially males—are most likely to die of preventable
causes such as accidents (Dahl, 2004; Spear, 2008). So, yes, parents can worry about
their children—particularly their sons—when they haven’t made it home from a party
and it’s already 2 a.m.!
7:05 Getting off work; rushing to catch the el train; "I want to get home and eat"
figure 9.4: Two days in the life of Gregory Stone: An experience-sampling record: This chart is based on two days of
self-reports by a teenager named Greg Stone, as he was randomly beeped and asked to rate his moods and what he was doing at that
moment. By looking at the ups and downs of Greg’s mood, can you identify the kinds of activities that he really enjoys or dislikes?
Now, as an exercise, you might want to monitor your own moods for a few days and see how they change in response to your own life
experiences. What insights does your internal mental checklist reveal about which activities are most enjoyable for you?
Adapted from Csikszentmihalyi & Larson, 1984, p. 111.
Does this mean that adolescents’ moods are irrational? The researchers con-
cluded that the answer was no. As Greg’s experience-sampling chart shows, teenag-
ers don’t get excited or down in the dumps for no reason. It’s hanging out with their
friends that makes them feel elated. It’s a boring class that bores them very, very much.
Does this mean that most adolescents are emotionally disturbed? Now, the answer
is definitely no. Although the distinction can escape parents when their child wails,
“I got a D on my chemistry test; I’ll kill myself!” there is a difference between being
highly emotional and being emotionally disturbed.
Actually, when developmentalists ask teenagers to evaluate their lives, they get
an upbeat picture of how young people generally feel. Most adolescents around the
world are confident and hopeful about the future (Gilman and others, 2008; Lewin-
Bizan and others, 2010). In one U.S. poll, researchers classified 4 out of 10 adoles-
cents as “flourishing”—efficacious, zestful, connected to family and friends. Only 6
percent were “languishing,” totally demoralized about life (Keys, 2007).
So the stereotypic impression that most teenagers are unhappy or suffer from
serious psychological problems is false. Still, as you just read, the picture is far from
totally rosy. Their risk-taking propensities make the late teens the peak crime years
(Warr, 2007; see Figure 9.5). Teenagers’ emotional storms can produce other dis-
tressing symptoms, too. Again, contrary to our stereotypes, adolescent suicide is rare
nonsuicidal self-injury
(Males, 2009). As I’ll describe in Chapter 13, the peak life stage for suicide is old age!
Cutting, burning, or
purposely injuring one’s But, in several international polls, researchers found an alarming fraction of teens—
body to cope with stress. between 1 in 4, to 1 in 6 young people—have engaged in nonsuicidal self-injury
CHAPTER 9 Cognitive and Socioemotional Development 271
Frequency 4000
of Arrests
9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37
figure 9.5: Frequency of arrests by age in a California study of offenders: This chart
shows the standard age pattern around the world. The peak years for law breaking are the late
teens, after which criminal activity falls off.
Data from: Natsuaki, Ge, & Wenk, 2008.
(Muehlenkamp and others, 2012; Giletta and others, 2012). These ado-
lescents cut themselves, or perform other self-mutilation acts, to deal with
Scientists are passionate to make sense of this global epidemic. The
impulse to self-injure, they find, unlike addictions such as drinking or
taking drugs, is used specifically to cope with distress. Cutting episodes
erupt when emotionally fragile teens experience bouts of incredibly low
self-esteem (Victor, Glenn, & Klonsky, 2012; Anestis and others, 2013).
As one adolescent in an interview study explained: [It’s due to] “pure
black hatred of the self that has failed at everything else” (Breen, Lewis, &
adolescence-limited turmoil
Wrapping Things Up: The Blossoming Teenage Brain
Antisocial behavior that, for Now, let’s put it all together: the mental growth; the morality; the emotionality; and
most teens, is specific to the sensitivity to what others think. Give teenagers an intellectual problem and they
adolescence and does not
persist into adult life.
reason in mature ways. But younger teens tend to be captivated by popularity, and get
overwhelmed in arousing situations when with their friends.
life-course difficulties
Antisocial behavior that, for
According to adolescence specialists, these qualities make sense when we look
a fraction of adolescents, at the developing brain. During the teens, a dramatic pruning occurs in the frontal
persists into adult life. lobes (see Table 9.6). The insulating myelin sheath has years to go before reaching its
CHAPTER 9 Cognitive and Socioemotional Development 275
Sources: Blakemore, Burnett, & Dahl, 2010; Bramen and others, 2011; Burnett and others, 2011; Lenroot & Giedd, 2010;
Luciana, 2010; Negriff and others, 2011; Bava and others, 2010; Koolschijn & Crone, 2013; Moreno & Trainor, 2013.
Note: The final statement here is based on my own impressions from reviewing the research cited above.
mature form. At the same time, puberty heightens the output of certain neurotrans-
mitters, which provokes the passion to take risks (Guerri & Pascual, 2010; Steinberg,
2010). As Laurence Steinberg (2008; Smith, Chein, & Steinberg, 2013) explains,
it’s like starting the engine of adulthood with an unskilled driver. This heightened
activation of the “socioemotional brain,” with a cognitive control center still “under
construction,” makes adolescence a potentially dangerous time.
But from an evolutionary standpoint, it is logical to start with an emotional
engine in high gear. Teenagers’ risk-taking tendencies propel them to venture into
the world. Their passion to make it with their peers is vital to leaving their parents
and forming new, close attachments as adults. The unique qualities of the adolescent
mind are beautifully tailored to help young people make the leap from childhood to
the adult world (Dahl, 2004; Steinberg, 2008).
Don’t punish adolescents as if they were mentally just like adults. If the adolescent
brain is a work in progress, it doesn’t make sense to have the same legal sanctions
for teenagers who commit crimes that we have for adults. Rather than locking ado-
lescents up, it seems logical that at this young age we focus on rehabilitation. As
Laurence Steinberg (2008) and virtually every other adolescence expert suggest, with
regard to the legal system, “less guilty by reason of adolescence” is the way to go.
Is the U.S. legal system listening to the adolescence specialists? The answer is “a
bit, but only recently.” In 2005, the Supreme Court outlawed the death penalty for
adolescents and, in 2012, eliminated mandatory life sentences without the possibility
of parole for teens (Shulman & Cauffman, 2013). Still, today, as the Experiencing
the Lifespan Box suggests, officers and prosecutors can transfer selected adolescents
accused of violent crimes out of the juvenile justice system and have those teens tried
as adults. Yes, as my amazing interview with Jason suggests, with luck and a resilient
temperament, a shockingly punitive approach can help turn a person around. How-
ever, statistically speaking, there is no evidence that condemning adolescents to the
gulag of dysfunctional adult prisons deters later criminal acts (Fabian, 2011). Do you
believe that it’s ever acceptable to try teenagers as adults?
Pass laws user-friendly to the teenage mind. Putting adolescents in adult prisons is
counterproductive, simply because it exposes this socially-sensitive age group to the
kind of social milieu that encourages criminal acts. Therefore, we need to craft legisla-
tion taking teenagers mental processes into account. One good example is graduated
driving rules, which limit young people just getting their license from operating cars
If you think the U.S. legal system protects 16-year-olds from facilities, and he convinced the judge that was best for
adult jail and that citizens can’t be falsely incarcerated with- me. I quickly had to take what they offered—being sent
out a trial, think again. Then, after reading Jason’s story, to the Nashville Rescue Mission and then a halfway
you might link his horrific teenage years to the qualities house for 2 years—because my trial date was coming
involved in resilience I discussed in Chapter 7. up very soon.
I grew up with crazy stuff. My mom was a drug dealer and Jail was unbelievable. The ninth floor of the Jefferson
my dad passed away so I was adopted by my grandpar- County Jail is well known because that’s where they send
ents. I was kicked out of four schools before ninth grade. criminals from the penitentiary who have committed the
By age 15, I was involved with a street gang and heavy most violent crimes to await trial. My first cellmate had
gun trading in Birmingham, Alabama. I was in a car with cut a guy’s head off. Every time you get to know a group,
some older guys during a drive-by shooting, got pulled the next week another group arrives in jail and you have
over, and that was the last time I saw daylight for over to fight again. The guards were no better. If they didn’t
3 years. like a prisoner, they would persuade inmates to beat the
The original charge was carrying a concealed weapon, living daylights out of that person.
and I was sent to a juvenile boot camp. Then, two days What helped me cope were my dreams, because you are
after being discharged, detectives were knocking on my not in jail in your dreams. I wrote constantly, read all the
door with the full charges: three counts of attempted time. What ultimately helped was being sent out of state
murder. The arresting officers decided to transfer me to (so I couldn’t get involved with my old friends) and, espe-
county jail, where I ended up for 19 months. If you go cially, my counselors at the mission. I never met guys so
to trial and lose, you get the maximum sentence, 20 humble; such amazing people. Also, if I got into trouble
years to life, so—even though I was innocent—avoiding again, I knew where I could be heading. Scared the heck
trial is the thing you want to do. What happens is that out of me. Now, everything I do is dependent on being
your lawyers keep negotiating plea bargains. First, I was normal. I’m 22. I have good friends but I haven’t told
offered 20 to life, with the idea I’d be out in 10 years; anyone anything about my past. I have a 3.5 average. I’m
then 15 years, then 10. Not very appealing for a 16-year- working two jobs. I’ll be the first person in my family to
old kid! Finally, by incredible good luck, I got a lawyer graduate college. I want to go to grad school to get my
who takes kids from prisons and puts them into rehab psychology Ph.D.
CHAPTER 9 Cognitive and Socioemotional Development 277
while in groups of peers. Better yet, let’s draw on adolescents’ social sensitivities and
passion to connect with the wider world in a positive way.
Provide group activities that capitalize on adolescents’ strengths. How can we
help teenagers forge growth-enhancing peer relationships and promote their inner
Youth development programs fulfill this mission. They give adolescents safe youth development program
places to explore their passions during the late afternoon hours, when teens are most Any after-school program or
structured activity outside
prone to get into trouble while hanging out with their friends (Goldner and others, of the school day that
2011). From 4-H clubs, to church groups, to high school plays, youth development is devoted to promoting
programs ideally foster qualities that developmentalist Richard Lerner has named the flourishing in teenagers.
five C’s: competence, confidence, character, caring, and connections. They provide an
environment that allows young people to thrive (Bowers and others, 2010; Lerner,
Dowling, & Anderson, 2003).
I wish I could say that every youth program fostered flourishing. But as anyone
who has spent time at a girls’ club or the local Y knows, these settings can encour-
age group bullying and antisocial acts (Rorie and others, 2011). Therefore, youth
programs must be structured and well supervised. They have to promote the five
C’s. At the same time, they should be places where young people can exercise their
autonomy and relax, let loose, or joke around (Adachi & Willoughby, 2014). So,
rather than just saying, “Afterschool activities are great,” we need to consider what
each specific program actually provides.
It also helps to embed less academic offerings into the school day. In one
heartening study, having strong high school arts programs boosted children’s
academic performance, making students feel more engaged in all of their classes
(Martin and others, 2013). Intense involvement, specifically in high school clubs,
predicts work success years down the road (Gardner, Roth, & Brooks-Gunn,
2008; Linver, Roth, & Brooks-Gunn, 2009)—which brings me to that important
issue: For the sake of both their present and future, how can we get more teens
connected to school?
Change high schools to provide a better adolescent–environment fit. Adolescents who
feel imbedded in nurturing schools tend to feel good about themselves (Hirschfield &
Gasper, 2011; Lewis and others, 2011) and the world (Flanagan & Stout, 2010).
School can offer at-risk teens a haven when they are having problems at home
(Loukas, Roalson, & Herrera, 2010).
Unfortunately, however, many Western high schools
are not nurturing places. In one disheartening interna-
tional poll, although teenagers were generally upbeat
about other aspects of their lives, they rated their high
school experience as only “so-so” (Gilman and others,
2008). How can we turn this situation around?
In surveys, teenagers say that they are yearning for the Ariel Skelley/Blend Images/Getty Images
Finally, we might rethink the school day to take into account teen-
agers’ unique sleep requirements. During early adolescence, the sleep
cycle is biologically pushed back (Colrain & Baker, 2011; Feinberg &
Campbell, 2010). Although adolescents often need at least nine hours of
Jose Luis Pelaez Inc./Getty Images
sleep to function at their best, because they tend to go to bed after 11 and
must wake up for school at 6 or 7 a.m., the typical U.S. teen sleeps fewer
than 7 hours each day (Colrain & Baker, 2011). Worse yet, children who
strongly show this evening circadian shift are generally at risk for a stormy
teenage life. They tend to have poorer family relationships (Díaz-Morales
and others, 2014), are often lonely, and are less mentally tough (Brand
Could this have been you in
and others, 2014; Doane & Thurston, 2014). Because sleep deprivation throws the
high school, particularly toward cognitive and socioemotional control systems more out of whack, these adolescents
the end of the week? Did you are apt to be impulsive (Peach & Gaultney, 2013) and engage in deviant acts (Telzer
decide not to take early-morning and others, 2013), in addition to (no surprise) doing poorly in class.
classes this semester because
you realized the same thing
For this reason, researchers are exploring how strategies such as reducing
would happen to you today? Do ambient light at night might better promote teenage sleep (Shochat, Cohen-Zion, &
you think that we are making a Tzischinsky, 2014; Short and others, 2013). But perhaps these scientists should
mistake by resisting teenagers’ consider a simpler route: Start school at 10 or even 11 a.m.!
biological clocks and insisting
that their school day start at
Think back to your high school—what you found problematic; what helped you
8 a.m.? cope; what may have allowed you to thrive. Do you have other ideas about how we
might change schools, or any other aspect of the environment, to help teenagers make
the most of these special years?
Teenage Relationships
What exactly are teenager–parent interactions like? Now, it’s time to tackle this
question, as I focus on those two adolescent agendas—separating from parents and
connecting with peers.
mom or dad. Unfortunately, however, those moments were few. In fact, while peer
encounters were more apt to evoke passionate highs, when adolescents were with
their families, unhappy emotions outweighed positive ones 10 to 1.
This tendency to lock horns with our parents seems built into the adolescent
experience, as the global poll illustrated in Figure 9.6 shows. Notice that, while the
magnitude of the gap differs from nation to nation, teens worldwide typically rank
stress in the parent–child relationship as more upsetting than stress with peers (Persike
& Seiffge-Krenke, 2014).
Moreover, the most intense clashes occur just when peer group popularity pressures
reach their height—around the early to middle teens (De Goede, Branje, & Meeus,
2009; Daddis, 2011.)
Connecting in Groups
Go to your local mall and watch sixth and seventh graders hanging out to get a first-
hand glimpse of the group passion that takes over during the early teens. Now that we
understand peer group’s potentially destructive effects, let’s turn to the vital positive
functions pre-teen peer groups serve.
CHAPTER 9 Cognitive and Socioemotional Development 283
figure 9.7: The steps from unisex elementary cliques to adult romantic relationships: A
visual summary: Unisex cliques meld into large heterosexual crowds, then re-form as heterosexual
cliques, and then break up into one-to-one dating relationships. Does this sequence match your own
teen experience?
284 PART IV Adolescence
“Bad Crowds”
The classic defense that parents give for a teenager’s delinquent behavior is, “My child
got involved with a bad crowd.” Without ignoring the principle of selection (birds of
a feather flock together), there are powerful reasons why bad crowds do cause kids to
do bad things.
For one thing, as we know, teenagers are incredibly swayed by their peers. More-
over, each group has a leader, the person who most embodies the group’s goals. So,
if a child joins the brains group, his school performance is apt to improve because
everyone is jockeying for status by competing for grades (Cook, Deng, & Morgano,
2007; Molloy, Gest, & Rulison, 2011). However, in delinquent groups, the pressure is
to model the most antisocial member. Therefore, the activities of this most acting-out
leader set the standard for how the others want to behave.
CHAPTER 9 Cognitive and Socioemotional Development 285
Feelings of High
depression 9
Low 3
ho y
sc tar
figure 9.8: Feelings of depression in late elementary school and high school, for
children who ended up in three different high school crowds: In this “follow-back” study,
researchers tested children in grades four and six and then looked at their depression levels in
high school and explored their particular high school crowds. Notice that the boys and girls in
the high-status “popular” and “jocks” crowds became happier during high school. The children
destined to be in the “brains” crowd felt happiest during elementary school. The teens who became
“burnouts” were more depressed than any other group both in late elementary school and in high
school. If you remember being in one of these high school crowds, how do these findings relate to
your feelings in elementary school versus high school?
Data from: Prinstein & La Greca, 2002, p. 340.
monkeybusinessimages/iStockphoto/Getty Images
creates ever-wilder antisocial modeling and propels
the group toward taking increasingly risky actions.
Combine this principle with the impact of
just being in a group. When young people get
together, a group high occurs. Talk gets louder and
more outrageous. People act in ways that would be
unthinkable if they were alone. From rioting at rock
concerts to being in a car with your buddies during
a drive-by shooting (recall the earlier Experiencing
the Lifespan box), groups do cause people to act in As a group euphoria sets in and people start surging for the stage, these
dangerous ways (Cotterell, 1996). teenagers at a rock festival in England might trample one another—and
By videotaping groups of boys, developmen- then later be horrified that they could ever have acted this way.
talists have documented the deviancy training, or
socialization into delinquency, that occurs as a function of simply talking with friends
in a group (Dishion, McCord, & Poulin, 1999; Rorie and others, 2011). The research- deviancy training
ers find that at-risk pre-teens forge friendships through specific kinds of conversations: Socialization of a young
teenager into delinquency
They laugh, egg one another on, and reinforce one another as they discuss commit- through conversations
ting antisocial acts. So peer interactions in early adolescence are a medium by which centered on performing
problem behavior gets established, solidified, and entrenched. antisocial acts.
286 PART IV Adolescence
The lure of entering an antisocial peer group is especially strong for at-risk kids
because they are already feeling “it’s me against the world” (Veenstra and others,
2010). Put yourself in the place of a child whose impulsive behavior is causing him
to get rejected by the “regular” kids. You need to connect with other children like
yourself because you have failed at gaining entry anywhere else. Once in the group,
your buddies reinforce your hostile attributional bias. Your friends tell you that it’s
fine to go against the system. You are finally finding acceptance in an unfriendly
In middle-class settings, popular kids sometimes get into trouble. “Self-identifying”
as a jock is actually a risk factor for abusing alcohol or having unprotected sex (Cook,
Deng, & Morgano, 2007). (At this point, any reader who has lived through adoles-
cence is probably saying, “Duh!”) But in affluent communities, children with prior
problems tend to gravitate toward the druggy or delinquent groups. In economically
deprived neighborhoods, however, there may be few achievers to hang out with.
Flourishing is difficult because the community is a toxic place. The only major crowd
may be the antisocial group called a gang.
Adolescence has been eliminated for the hundreds of thousands of child soldiers.
Many combatants in the poorest regions of the globe are teenage boys. Some are
coerced into fighting as young as age 10 or 8 (Child Soldiers Global Report, 2008;
UNICEF, 2002a).
Yes, many teenagers in the world’s affluent areas are flourishing. But children in
the least-developed regions of the globe may not have the chance to be teenagers or
construct a decent adult life. Although critics, such as Robert Epstein, bemoan the
shackles of Western teens, having an extra decade liberated from grown-up responsi-
bilities can be critical to flourishing during the adult years.
How can you personally flourish during your adult years? Stay tuned for research
relating to this question in the next part of the book.
The Mysterious Teenage Mind who are succeeding experiment with forbidden activities, and even
serious adolescence-limited turmoil may not lead to life-course dif-
Wise observers have described the “hot-headed” qualities of ficulties. Many problem teens construct fulfilling adult lives.
youth for millennia. However, adolescence, first identified by
G. Stanley Hall in the early 1900s and characterized by “storm The unique characteristics of the developing teenage brain may
and stress,” became a life stage in the United States during make early adolescence a relatively dangerous life stage. The fron-
the twentieth century, when high school became universal and tal lobes are still maturing. Puberty heightens teenagers’ social
“isolated” teens together as a group. sensitivities and emotional states. The lessons for society are:
Don’t punish teenagers who break the law in the same ways that
Jean Piaget believes that when teenagers reach the formal opera- adult offenders are punished; pass legislation that takes teenage
tional stage, they can think abstractly about hypothetical possi- sensitivities into account; and, most of all, channel teenage pas-
bilities and reason scientifically. Although even most adults don’t sions in a positive way through high-quality youth development
typically reason like scientists, older teenagers use the skills programs. We also need to make high school more appealing
involved in formal operations to plan their adult futures. and adjust the school day to fit adolescent sleep needs. While
According to Lawrence Kohlberg, reaching formal operations the “immature brain” conception of adolescence is currently in
makes it possible for teenagers to develop moral values that vogue, critics suggest that it minimizes teenagers’ strengths.
guide their lives. By examining how they reason about ethical
dilemmas, Kohlberg has classified people at the preconventional
level (a level of moral judgment in which only punishment and Teenage Relationships
reward are important); the conventional level (moral judgment Teenagers’ struggles with parents are most intense during puberty,
that is based on obeying social norms); and the highest, post- and issues relating to independence loom large in these conflicts
conventional level (moral reasoning that is based on one’s own around the world (with interesting cultural variations). After young
moral ideals, apart from society’s rules). Despite the fact that teens initiate the push for autonomy by distancing themselves
Kohlberg’s criteria for measuring morality have serious problems, from their families, by mid- and later adolescence, parents respond
adolescence is when we become attuned to society’s flaws. by relaxing their rules. Eventually, the goal is to develop a more
According to David Elkind, this ability to evaluate the flaws of friendlike relationship with one’s parents as adults. Immigrant
the adult world produces adolescent egocentrism. The imagi- adolescents from families with collectivist values face unique fam-
nary audience (the feeling that everyone is watching everything ily separation stresses, although the immigrant paradox suggests
one does) and the personal fable (feeling invincible and utterly that caring for a non-English-speaking mother or father can make
unique) are two components of this intense early-teenage sensi- teens self-confident, empathic, and mature.
tivity to what others think. Teenage peer groups comprise cliques and crowds. These differ-
Studies suggest that many, but not all, storm-and-stress stereo- ent sized groups convey adolescents, in stages, toward romantic
types about teenagerhood are true. Adolescents are highly socially involvement. Crowds, such as the jocks or the brains, give teen-
sensitive. In arousing peer situations, they are apt to take dan- agers an easy way of finding people like themselves in large high
gerous risks. This risk-taking (and sometimes law-breaking) pro- schools. The popular kids and the jocks (in contrast to the lower-
pensity, especially with friends, makes adolescence a potentially status brains) feel better about themselves in high school than
dangerous time. Research, using the experience-sampling tech- during elementary school. Children who enter delinquent groups
nique, shows teens are more emotionally intense than adults. Con- tend to be unhappy before high school and remain distressed
trary to our stereotypes, however, most adolescents are upbeat during their teenage years.
and happy. Still, teenage nonsuicidal self-injury is prevalent Entering a “bad crowd” may smooth the way to antisocial behav-
around the world and depression rates rise during adolescence— ior because group members model the most antisocial leader and
especially among females. The push to be popular may explain compete for leadership by performing delinquent acts. Deviancy
many unfortunate behaviors during the pubertal years. training, in which pre-teens egg one another on by talking about
The minority of teenagers who get into serious trouble tend to have doing dangerous things, leads directly to delinquency as at-risk
prior emotional and school problems, feel distant from their families children travel into high school. Gangs, mainly male teenage peer
(and create more family distance), and live in a risk-taking social groups that engage in criminal acts, are most common in impov-
milieu. Being connected to academics and having personal and erished communities. In poor regions of the world, young people
wider-world resources helps teens thrive. However, even adolescents may not have any adolescence at all.
Amos Morgan/Photodisc/Getty Images
CHAPTER 9 Cognitive and Socioemotional Development 289
“storm and stress,” p. 260 postconventional level of nonsuicidal self-injury, immigrant paradox, p. 282
formal operational stage, morality, p. 264 p. 270 clique, p. 283
p. 261 adolescent egocentrism, p. 266 adolescence-limited turmoil, crowd, p. 283
preconventional level of imaginary audience, p. 266 p. 274
deviancy training, p. 285
morality, p. 264 personal fable, p. 266 life-course difficulties, p. 274
gang, p. 286
conventional level of morality, experience-sampling youth development program,
p. 264 technique, p. 269 p. 277
The Mysterious Teenage Mind Con arguments: The research in this chapter shows that
1. c and d teens are indeed biologically and behaviorally different, so it
is cruel to judge their behavior by adult standards. Moreover,
2. If your arguments centered on getting punished or rewarded if the U.S. bars young people from voting or serving in the
(the coach needs to put Terry in because that’s his best shot military until age 18, and won’t let people buy alcohol until
at winning; or, the coach can’t put Terry in because, if some- age 21, it’s unfair to put teens in adult prisons.
one finds out, he will be in trouble), you are reasoning at the
preconventional level. Comments such as “going against the Teenage Relationships
rules is wrong” might be classified as conventional. If you
1. At age 12, the arguments would be most intense; by age 16,
argued, “Putting Terry in goes against my values, no matter
Chris’s parents would be giving her much more freedom
what the team or the rules say,” your response might qualify
as postconventional. 2. b
3. the imaginary audience; the personal fable; adolescent 3. Mom #3 is correct.
egocentrism 4. Checklist: (1) Is this child unusually aggressive? (2) Is he
4. depression failing at school and being rejected by the mainstream kids?
(3) Does this child have poor relationships with his parents?
5. worried, because he is at risk for acting out behaviors such
(4) Does he live in a dangerous community, or a risk-taking
as aggression
environment? (Or, because he is poor, is he being defined
6. b and c as “dangerous” by the community?) Your possible program:
7. Trying teens as adults. Pro arguments: Kohlberg’s theory Provide positive extracurricular activities that nurture
clearly implies teens know right from wrong, so if teens each child’s interests. Offer service-learning opportunities.
knowingly do the crime, they should “do the time.” Actually, Possibly, institute group sessions with parents to solve
the critical dimension in deciding on adult punishment problems around certain issues. Definitely try to get these
should be a person’s culpability— premeditation, teens connected with caring mentors and a different set of
seriousness of the infraction, and so on, not age. (prosocial) friends.
© IMAGEMORE/Age Fotostock
Early and Middle
This three-chapter book part spans the time from high school graduation
(at roughly age 18) until society labels us as senior citizens (in our mid-sixties)—
a lifespan chunk that covers almost 50 years!
to full adulthood—a process that often takes a decade after we reach age 18.
In this chapter, among other topics, I’ll tackle the challenges of college,
choosing a career, and finding a mate—including paying special attention to
the on-line revolution in romance. If you are a traditional college student or a
twenty-something young adult, this chapter is about your life.
Chapter 11–Relationships and Roles continues this focus on work and love
by exploring marriage, parenthood, and careers. In the marriage section, you
will get insights into how different societies view this core relationship, how
marriages change over time and, especially, learn the latest research relating
to having enduring, satisfying love. In the parenthood section, you’ll find out
how becoming parents changes a marriage and learn what twenty-first-century
motherhood and fatherhood is really like. The last section of the chapter
addresses work: How have our career lives been changing? What makes
for happiness in this vital role? Do men’s and women’s career attitudes and
pathways differ today?
Emerging into Adulthood
Setting the Context: Culture and
Beginning and End Points
Constructing an Identity
Marcia’s Identity Statuses
The Identity Statuses in Action
Ethnic Identity, a Minority
Finding a Career
Entering with High (but Often
Unrealistic) Career Goals
Self-Esteem and Emotional
Growth During College and
Finding Flow
Emerging into Adulthood
Without a College Degree
(in the United States)
the School Path and School-
to-Work Transition
Being in College
College an Inner-Growth Flow
Finding Love
Setting the Context: Seismic
Shifts in Searching for Love
SCIENCE: Same-Sex Romance
Similarity and Structured
Relationship Stages: A Classic
Model of Love, and a Critique
SCIENCE: Facebook Romance
Love Through the Lens of
Attachment Theory
HOW DO WE KNOW . . . That a
Person Is Securely or Insecurely
Your Own Relationship
Stockbyte/Getty Images
Constructing an Adult Life
After graduating from high school in the top third of his class, Matt looked forward
to pursuing his dream of becoming a lawyer. But his freshman year at State U was a
nightmare. His courses felt irrelevant. He zoned out during lectures. Compared to high
school, the work seemed impossibly hard. Most important, with his full-time job at the
supermarket, and five classes a semester, he lost his scholarship after the first year.
The only rational solution seemed to be to drop out for a while and move back with his
parents, so he could work his way up to management and then consider going back.
Six years later, Matt is doing well. In June he was promoted to store supervisor and
(finally) moved out of the house. One reason is that he met a terrific girl on Facebook
named Clara—his first real relationship in five years. Clara and Matt share many values
even though, he must admit, she is more mature. He respects Clara’s strong woman
ethic and the fact that she has been caring for her disabled sister, while working
and going to nursing school full time. Clara—being the take-charge person in their
relationship—is pushing Matt to return to college. But it’s going to be such a stretch,
financially. And—frankly—Matt is worried that he won’t get into the work.
Should he give up his job or cut down his hours? And what will he major in if he
returns to State U? Adulthood can be thrilling—but the choices you face during the
twenties are much harder than you’d expect!
an you identify with Matt’s finan- Jeffrey Arnett labels (2004, 2007) emerg-
cial troubles or his decision- ing adulthood.
making problems centered on This chapter is devoted to this new
school? Perhaps, like Clara, you are life phase. It explores that time lasting
struggling to balance work and family roughly from age 18 through the late
responsibilities while getting your twenties, when we are constructing an
degree. No matter what your situation, adult life. First, I’ll explore the features
if you are in your twenties, you might feel of emerging adulthood and describe the
a bit “in between.” You are clearly not a challenges we face during this water-
child, but you still haven’t reached those shed, transitional life stage. The last
classic goals of adulthood—marriage, half of this chapter focuses on three cru-
parenthood, embarking on your “real” cial emerging-adult concerns: career,
career. You fit into that new life category college, finding love.
294 PART V Early and Middle Adulthood
The skeleton: Our height peaks at age 20 and then, due to the compression of the joint cartilage
and bones, declines, especially after midlife. So by age 70, we are roughly 2–5 percent
shorter. (Erosion in the joint cartilage and fragile bones also produces classic age-related
illnesses called osteoarthritis and osteoporosis, explained in Chapter 14.)
The muscles: The contracting skeletal muscle fibers allow us to perform physical tasks. As we
age, these fibers atrophy and are replaced by fat, causing an average 30–40 percent decline
in strength by the seventies.
The heart: During exercise, cardiac output, or our heart’s pumping capacity, dramatically
increases—delivering more oxygen to the muscles. With age the cardiac muscle weakens and
thickens, so this maximum pumping ability declines, and we easily get winded. Fatty deposits
and a loss of elasticity of the artery walls also compromise our strength and stamina over time.
The lungs: The lungs are the bellows that deliver oxygen to the blood. Our ability to breathe
in deeply and exhale forcefully peaks in the twenties, and declines year by year, even for
nonsmokers. This loss in vital capacity (and related measures) also explains why physical
performance declines with age.
So, at age 22, a man might be cohabiting with the idea of getting married. At
25, he might break up with his fiancée and begin dating again. A woman could be
financially independent at 21, then slide backward, depending on her parents’ help
after losing her job and returning to school.
If you are in your mid- or upper-twenties, think about your progress to adult-
hood in terms of relationships, career, and becoming financially independent. Does
your pathway also show these ups and downs? When do you expect to fully arrive at
Exploring the Fuzzy End Point: The Ticking of the Social Clock
Our feelings about when we should get our adult lives in order reflect our culture’s
social clock (Neugarten, 1972, 1979). This phrase refers to shared age norms that
act as guideposts to what behaviors are appropriate at particular ages. If our passage
matches up with the normal timetable in our culture, we are defined
as on time; if not, we are off time—either too early or too late in terms
of where we should be at a given age.
So in the twenty-first-century West, exploring different options is
considered “on time” during our twenties, but these activities become
off time if they extend well into the next decade of life. A parent whose
39-year-old son is “just dating” and shows no signs of deciding on a
Volt Collection/Shutterstock
career or moves back home for the third or fourth time may become
impatient: “Will my child ever grow up?” A woman traveling through
her thirties may get uneasy: “I’d better hurry up if I want a family,” or
“Do I still have time to go to medical school?”
Society sets the general social-clock guidelines. Today, with the
When this not-so-young man in his forties finally average age of marriage in most E.U. countries floating up to the
proposed to his long-time, 38-year-old girlfriend,
late twenties for women and the early thirties for men (Shulman &
she and her family were probably thrilled. Feeling
“off time” in the late direction in your social-clock Connolly, 2013), it’s fine to date for more than a decade if you live in
timetable can cause considerable distress. the West. But in China, everyone is expected to get married, and the
CHAPTER 10 Constructing an Adult Life 299
marriage age is lower now than in the past (Yeung & Hu, 2013). So, in Beijing,
it’s shameful, as a female, to be over age 30 without a mate: “The older gen-
eration cannot understand why I keep being single . . . ,” said one woman.
“Many people will think . . . I must have some mental or physical deficien-
cies” (quoted in Wang & Abbott, 2013, p. 226).
Personal preferences make a difference, too. In one survey,
developmentalists found that they could predict a given
student’s social-clock timetable by asking a sim-
ple question: “Is having a family your main
passion?” People who said that “marriage is
© Myrleen Pearson/PhotoEdit
my top-ranking agenda,” or “I can’t wait
to be a mom or dad,” often had an earlier
timetable for entering adult life (Carroll
and others, 2007). So, the limits of emerg-
ing adulthood are set both by the culture
and shaped by our own priorities and goals.
For a surprising number
The problem, however, is that our personal social-clock agendas are not totally of people, coping with the
under our control. You cannot simply “decide” to marry the love of your life at a demands of college can
defined age. This sense of being “out of control,” combined with the pressures to get seem like an insurmountable
our adult life in order, may explain why emerging adulthood is both an exhilarating challenge. You need to struggle
with the anxious feeling of “can
and emotionally challenging time. On the positive side, most emerging adults are I make it academically?” plus
optimistic about their futures (Frye & Liem, 2011; Pryor and others, 2011). On the take responsibility for handling
minus side, especially in the first year after entering college emotional distress can be all those fast-paced deadlines,
intense (Pryor and others, 2011). all on your own. This shock of
first bumping up against adult
For many young people, the issue lies in failing at the task of taking adult respon- realities helps explain why—as
sibility. As one emerging adult anguished: “My life looks like a . . . gutter and effort you will see later—many college
to fight that gutter . . . then back in the gutter . . . I just don’t have any control over freshmen report high levels of
myself” (quoted in Macek, Bejcek, & Vanickova, 2007, p. 466). For others, concerns emotional distress.
center around balancing multiple commitments, such as the need to work full time
and go to school. Or, some emerging adults may have the feeling of not knowing
where they are going in life: “We do have more possibilities . . . but that’s why it’s
harder” . . . “You study and you wonder what it is good for” (quoted in Macek,
Bejcek, & Vanickova, 2007, p. 468). The reason for this inner turmoil is that, during
emerging adulthood, we undergo a mental makeover. We decide who to be as adults.
Constructing an Identity
Erik Erikson was the theorist who highlighted the challenge of transforming our
childhood self into the person we will be as adults. Recall he called this process the
identity In Erikson’s theory, the search for identity (see Table 10.3).
life task of deciding who to
be as a person in making the
transition to adulthood. Table 10.3: Erikson’s Psychosocial Stages
Life Stage Primary Task
Infancy (birth to 1 year) Basic trust versus mistrust
Toddlerhood (1 to 2 years) Autonomy versus shame and doubt
Early childhood (3 to 6 years) Initiative versus guilt
Late childhood (6 years to puberty) Industry versus inferiority
Adolescence (teens into twenties) Identity versus role confusion
Young adulthood (twenties to early forties) Intimacy versus isolation
Middle adulthood (forties to sixties) Generativity versus stagnation
Late adulthood (late sixties and beyond) Integrity versus despair
Time spent wandering through Europe to find himself sensitized Erikson to the
difficulties young people face in constructing an adult self. Erikson’s fascination with
identity as a developmental task, however, crystallized when he worked as a psycho-
therapist in a psychiatric hospital for troubled teens. Erikson discovered that young
role confusion Erikson’s patients suffered from a problem he labeled role confusion. They had no sense of
term for a failure in identity any adult path:
formation, marked by the
lack of any sense of a future [The person feels as] if he were moving in molasses. It is hard for him to go to bed
adult path. and face the transition into . . . sleep; and it is equally hard for him to get up . . . Such
complaints as . . . “I don’t know” . . . “I give up” . . . “I quit” . . . are often expressions
of . . . despair.
(Erikson, 1968, p. 169)
Some young people felt a frightening sense of falseness about themselves: “If I tell
a girl I like her, if I make a gesture . . . this third voice is at me all the time—‘You’re
doing this for effect; you’re a phony’” (quoted in Erikson, 1968, p. 173). Others could
not cope with having any future and planned to end their lives on their eighteenth
birthday or some other symbolic date.
This derailment, which Erikson called confusion—an aimless drifting, or shut-
ting down—differs from the active search process he labeled moratorium (1980).
Taking time to explore various paths, Erikson argued, is crucial to forming a solid
adult identity. Having witnessed Hitler’s Holocaust, Erikson believed that young
people must discover their own identities. He had seen a destructive process of iden-
tity formation firsthand. To cope with that nation’s economic problems after World
War I, German teenagers leaped into pathological identities by entering totalitarian
organizations such as the Hitler Youth.
Can we categorize the different ways people tackle the challenge of constructing
identity statuses Marcia’s an adult identity? Decades ago, James Marcia answered yes.
four categories of identity
formation: identity diffusion,
identity foreclosure,
moratorium, and identity
Marcia’s Identity Statuses
achievement. Marcia (1966, 1987) devised four identity statuses to expand on Erikson’s powerful
identity diffusion An identity ideas:
status in which the person
is aimless or feels totally
• Identity diffusion best fits Erikson’s description of the most troubled teens—young
blocked, without any adult people drifting aimlessly toward adulthood without any goals: “I don’t know where
life path. I am going.” “Nothing has any appeal.”
CHAPTER 10 Constructing an Adult Life 301
This young woman may fit Marcia’s category This student, forced by his dad to get a
of identity diffusion. She seems listless and degree in computer science in order to get a
depressed. well-paying job, feels incredibly bored. People
who follow their parents’ career choices with-
out exploring other possibilities are in iden-
tity foreclosure. (While Erikson and Marcia
linked this status to poor mental health—as
you will see on page 302—young people “in
foreclosure” can also feel happy about this
Robert Daly/Caiaimage/Getty Images
This young woman who has accepted a This delighted man is in identity achievement, Tetra Images/Getty Images
company internship is in identity moratorium, because he has discovered his life passion lies
because she wants to figure out if she likes in computer design.
working in this career. We need to know, how-
ever, if she is happily exploring her options, or
unproductively obsessing about her choices.
• Identity foreclosure describes a person who adopts an identity without any self- identity foreclosure An
exploration or thought. At its violent extreme, foreclosure might apply to a Hitler identity status in which the
person decides on an adult
Youth member or a person who becomes a terrorist in his teens. In general, how- life path (often one spelled
ever, researchers define young people as being in foreclosure when they adopt a out by an authority figure)
life path handed down by some authority: “My parents want me to take over the without any thought or
family business, so that’s what I will do.” active search.
moratorium An identity
• The person in moratorium is engaged in the exciting, healthy search for an adult status in which the person
self. While this internal process may provoke anxiety, because it involves wrestling actively searches out various
with different philosophies and ideas, Marcia (and Erikson) felt it is critical to possibilities to find a truly
arriving at the final stage. solid adult life path. A
mature style of constructing
• Identity achievement is the end point: “I’ve thought through my life. I want to be an identity.
a computer artist, no matter what my family says.” identity achievement An
identity status in which
Marcia’s categories offer a marvelous framework for pinpointing what is going the person decides on
wrong (or right) in a young person’s life. Perhaps while reading these descriptions a definite adult life path
you were thinking, “I have a friend in diffusion. Now, I understand exactly what this after searching out various
person’s problem is!” How do these statuses really play out in life?
302 PART V Early and Middle Adulthood
People cope with this consciousness in various ways. They may develop
dual minority and mainstream identities (acting African American in
one setting and not another), or reject one identity in favor of another
(“I never think of myself as Black, just as American,” or “I never think
of myself as American, just as Black”) (Phinney, 2006).
Studies routinely show that identifying with one’s ethnicity is cor-
related with a host of positive attributes and traits (Acevedo-Polakovich
and others, 2014; Kiang, Witkow, & Champagne, 2013). Being proud of
one’s heritage as an African American or Asian American buffers young
people from becoming depressed or resorting to risk taking when faced
with discrimination in the wider world (Polanco-Roman & Miranda, 2013;
© Winter Media/Corbis
Toomey and others, 2013). But, it’s important to reach out to the wider cul-
ture, too. Actually, firmly connecting with the mainstream culture (“I’m
also proud of being American”) is one sign that an ethnic minority
young person has the skills to reach out fully in love.
The challenges for biracial or multiracial emerging adults, Coming to terms with a biracial background (“Should I
people from mixed racial or ethnic backgrounds (like President identify with my African or European heritage?” “Where
Obama), are particularly poignant. These young people may do I really fit in?”) can help develop a crucial life
feel adrift without any ethnic home (Literte, 2010). But, here, strength—the capacity to think more deeply and thought-
fully about the world.
too, reaching identity achievement can have widespread bene-
fits. Fascinating research suggests having a biracial or bicultural
background pushes people to think in more creative, complex ways about life (Tad- biracial or multiracial
mor, Tetlock, & Peng, 2009). It can promote resilience, too. As one biracial woman identity How people of
in her early thirties put it: “When I was younger I felt I didn’t belong anywhere. mixed racial backgrounds
come to terms with who they
But now I’ve just come to the conclusion that my home is inside myself” (Phinney, are as people in relation to
2006, p. 128). their heritage.
Making sense of one’s “place in the world” as an ethnic minority is literally
a minority identity theme. But every young person has to grapple with those two
universal identity issues: choosing a career and finding love. The rest of this chapter
tackles those agendas.
Finding a Career
In a famous statement, Sigmund Freud, when asked to sum up the definition of ideal
mental health, answered with the simple words, “the ability to love and work.” Let’s
now look at finding ourselves in the world of work.
When did you begin thinking about your career? What influences are drawing
you to psychology, nursing, or business—a compelling class, a caring mentor, or the
conviction that this field would fit your talents best? How do young people feel about
their careers, their futures, and working?
To answer these kinds of questions, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi and Barbara
Schneider (2000) conducted a pioneering study of teenagers’ career dreams. They
selected 33 U.S. schools and interviewed students from sixth to twelfth grade. To
chart how young people felt—when at home, with friends, when at school—they used
the experience-sampling method (discussed in Chapter 9). Now, let’s touch on their
insights and other studies as we track young people entering and moving through the
emerging adult years.
30 High stable 1%
Low stable 75%
25 Decreasing 17%
Increasing 7%
18 20 22
figure 10.2: The diverse ways depression changed in an economically diverse sample
of over 1,000 young people traveling from age 18 to age 22: Notice from this chart that the
vast majority of young people are happy both during their teens and as they emerge into their early
twenties (red). Those teens with major depressive disorders are still battling their condition three
years later (blue). But a reasonable percentage of moderately depressed teens become happier
as they make the transition to adult life (yellow line)—although, granted, some do become more
Data from: Frye & Liem, 2011.
(2000) called these efficacious teens “workers”—the 16-year-olds who amaze you with
their ability to balance band, a part-time job, and honors classes. It’s also a no-brainer
that succeeding at academics boosts self-esteem (Chung and others, 2014). But, the
most interesting discovery of the studies tracking people as they traveled through their
early twenties was the impact of having a stable love relationship on young people’s
You might think finding love would be especially important for females. You
would be wrong. Interestingly, men, in particular, felt especially good about them-
selves if they were in a caring relationship by age 23 (Wagner and others, 2013).
In what ways do people change for the better during this landmark decade?
Growth is most apt to occur in a temperamental dimension that researchers call
conscientiousness—becoming more reliable; developing self-control (see Cramer,
2008; Donnellan, Conger, & Burzette, 2007; Walton and others, 2013); being better
able to manage your emotions (Zimmermann & Iwanski, 2014); reasoning in more
thoughtful ways (Labouvie-Vief, 2006; more about these qualities in Chapter 12).
To explain this rise in executive functions—what you and I would call
“maturity”—adolescent specialists might look to the fully developed frontal lobes.
But an equally plausible cause lies in the wider world. Shedding an unproduc-
tive adolescent risk-taking identity in college (recall Jason’s story in the previous
chapter) or finding a satisfying job can transform troubled teens into “workers,”
in Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi’s terms (Dennissen, Asendorpf, & van Aken, 2008). A
powerful inner state—also spelled out by Csikszentmihalyi—can help transform us
into “workers” and lock people into the right career.
Finding Flow
Think back over the past week to the times you felt energized and alive. You might
be surprised to discover that events you looked forward to—such as relaxing at home
or watching a favorite TV program—do not come to mind. Many of life’s most uplift-
flow Csikszentmihalyi’s term
ing experiences occur when we connect deeply with people. Others take place when for feeling total absorption in
we are immersed in some compelling task. Csikszentmihalyi names this intense task a challenging, goal-oriented
absorption flow. activity.
306 PART V Early and Middle Adulthood
differ in the kinds of activities that cause flow. For some of us, it’s hik-
ing in the Himalayas that produces this feeling. For me, it has been
writing this book. When we are in flow, we enter an altered state of
consciousness in which we forget the outside world. Problems disap-
pear. We lose a sense of time. The activity feels infinitely worth doing
for its own sake. Flow makes us feel completely alive.
Csikszentmihalyi (1990), who has spent his career studying flow,
finds that some people rarely experience this feeling. Others feel flow
For this graduate student who several times a day. If you feel flow only during a rare mountain-
is puzzling over the meaning of climbing experience or, worse, when robbing a bank, Csikszentmihalyi argues that
a difficult paper in his field, the
hours may fly by. Challenging
it will be difficult to construct a satisfying life. The challenge is to find flow in ways
activities that fully draw on our related to your career.
talents and skills produce that Flow depends on being intrinsically motivated. We must be mesmerized by what
marvelous inner state called we are doing right now for its own sake, not for an extrinsic reward. But there also
is a future-oriented dimension to feeling flow. Flow, according to Csikszentmihalyi,
happens when we are working toward a goal.
For example, the idea that this book will be published two years from now is the
goal that is pushing me to write this very page. But what riveted me to my chair this
morning is the actual process of writing. Getting
into a flow state is often elusive. On the days when
(High) ∞
I can’t construct a paragraph, I get anxious. But if I
Anxiety could not regularly find flow in my writing, I would
Flow never be writing this book.
channel Figure 10.3 shows exactly why finding flow can
Challenges be difficult. That state depends on a delicate person–
environment fit. When a task seems beyond our
capacities, we become anxious. When an activity is
too simple, we grow bored. Ideally, the activities in
(Low) 0 which we feel flow can alert us to our ideal careers.
0 (Low) (High) ∞ Think about some situation in which you recently
Skills felt flow. If you are in ruminative moratorium or
Answer: Vygostky
worry you may be in career diffusion, can you use
this feeling to clue you in to a particular field?
figure 10.3: The zone Drawing on the concept of flow, my discussion of identity, as well as recent
of flow: Notice that the flow economic concerns, let’s now look at two career paths emerging adults in the United
zone (white area) depends on a
delicate matching of our abilities
States follow.
and the challenge involved in a
particular real-world task. If the
task is too difficult or beyond our
Emerging into Adulthood Without a College Degree
capacities, we land in the upper (in the United States)
red area of the chart and become
anxious. If the task is too easy,
“I never want this kind of job for my kids.” This comment, from a 35-year-old high
we land in the lower, gray area school graduate working at a construction job, sums up the contemporary feeling
of the chart and become bored. in the United States that college is vital for having a good life (Furstenberg, 2010).
Moreover, as our skills increase, Actually, more than 2 of every 3 U.S. high school graduates enroll in college right
the difficulty of the task must
also increase to provide us with
after high school. However, as time passes, the ranks thin. For students beginning
the sense of being in flow. Which at four-year institutions, the odds of graduating within the next six years are about 3
theorist’s ideas about teaching in 5 (National Center on Education Statistics, n.d.). The graduation rates for their
and what stimulates mental community-college counterparts are far lower than this.
growth does this model remind
you of? (Turn page upside down
People in the United States who don’t go to college or who never get their
for answer.) degree can have fulfilling careers. Some may excel at Robert Sternberg’s practical
Data from: Csikszentmihalyi, 1990. or creative intelligence (described in Chapter 7) but do not do well at academics.
CHAPTER 10 Constructing an Adult Life 307
When they find their flow in the work world, they blossom. Consider the career
of that college failure, the famous filmmaker named Woody Allen, or even that of
Bill Gates, who found his undergraduate courses too confining and left Harvard to
pioneer a new field.
Unfortunately, these famous college dropouts are a statistical blip. The bleak
reality is that non-college graduates have a far harder time constructing a middle-class
life. As you can see in Figure 10.4A, the well-known difference in earnings, based
on education, has stayed relatively stable in the past 15 years. In 2012, the median
income of people aged 25 to 35 with master’s degrees, who worked full time, was
roughly $70,000 per year. Their counterparts, with only high school diplomas, earned
less than one-half of that amount—$30,000 (National Center on Health Statistics,
Photodisc/Getty Images
n.d.). And, of course, college graduates are more likely to find jobs. In 2013, in the
age group of 25 to 34, roughly 1 out of 10 non-college graduates were unemployed.
The comparable statistic for young people with a B.A. degree or higher was 6 percent
(National Center for Health Statistics, n.d.).
Given these realities, why do many emerging adults drop out of school? Our first This twenty-something high
assumption is that most of these people are not “college material”—uninterested in school graduate probably felt
academics, poorly prepared in high school, and/or can’t do the work. lucky to find this low-wage job.
True, to succeed in college, prior academic aptitude is important. As a C stu- For emerging adults who do not
go to college, the current U.S.
dent in your public school class, your odds of getting a bachelor’s degree are less economic realities are bleak.
than 1 in 5 (Engle, n.d.). But, as Figure 10.4B shows, economic considerations
matter greatly. The unfortunate reality is that talented, low-SES young people are
far less likely to graduate from college than their affluent peers (Carnevale & Strohl,
When the Gates Foundation commissioned a survey of more than 600 young
adults ages 22 to 30 who had dropped out of college, they discovered the same
message—money matters. Only 1 in 10 students said they left school because the
courses were too difficult or they weren’t interested in the work. The main reason was
that they had to work full time to finance school, and the strain became too much
(Johnson & Rochkind, 2011).
(A) (B)
Median yearly earnings of full-time workers ages 25–34, by education: 2000–2012
Highest SES
0 0
2000 2005 2007 2009 2011 2012 SAT scores between
1200 – 1500
figure 10.4: Snapshots of economic inequality, with regard to higher education, earnings, and getting a college degree:
Chart (A) shows that the high school versus higher-education earnings gap has been pronounced for the past decade, underlining the
fact that people without a college degree are “left behind” economically. Chart (B) shows that for intellectually talented young people,
family income makes a huge difference in getting that degree. Bottom line: In the United States, finishing college is vital and low-income
high-ability students are at a severe disadvantage.
Data from: Chart (A) ICS National Center on Education Statistics, n.d. Chart (B) adapted from data in Carnevale & Strohl, 2010.
308 PART V Early and Middle Adulthood
The silver lining is that most of these people did plan to return. And, as many
nontraditional student readers are aware, there can be emotional advantages to leav-
ing and then coming back. In Sweden, the social clock for college is programmed to
start ticking a few years after high school (Arnett, 2007). The reasoning is that time
spent in the wider world helps people home in on what to study in school.
Moreover, as you saw in the beginning chapter vignette, emerging adults can
sometimes advance in their careers without a college degree. Employers look for reli-
ability and a good work ethic, virtues that can be demonstrated once someone gets
his foot in the door. When British researchers explored the qualities that distinguished
people who left school at l6 and had gone on to do well economically during midlife
(granted, during better economies), the main predictor that stood out was prior aca-
demic skills (Schoon & Duckworth, 2010). So, if a non-college graduate is a “worker”
and intellectually competent, that person can sometimes succeed against the odds.
INTERVENTIONS: Smoothing the School Path and School-to-Work
Still, we can’t let society off of the hook. The fact that financing college is difficult
for U.S. young people is a national shame. The standard practice of taking out
loans means that young people face frightening economic futures after getting their
degrees. In 2012, more than half of U.S. emerging adults left college owing the
government and private lenders $20,000 or more. Moreover, in the same poll, more
than 1 out of 2 graduating seniors searching for a full-time job were still looking for
work (HERI, 2013).
What can colleges do? Rather than having students languish, unproductively
shifting from major to major, offer centralized advising to get students on the right
track during the freshman year (Kot, 2014). As of this writing, states are experiment-
ing with low-cost alternatives—such as MOOCS and credit for work experience—to
streamline college costs and cut down on the time it takes to earn a degree.
Most important, we need to rethink our contemporary emphasis on college as the
only ticket to a decent life. As some people are skilled at working with their hands,
or excel in practical intelligence, why force non-academically oriented emerging
adults to suffer, enduring a poor talent–environment fit? Can’t we develop the kinds
of apprentice programs that have been successful in
Germany? (See Cook & Furstenberg, 2002; Seiffge-
Krenke, Persike, & Luyckx, 2013.) In that nation,
employers partner with schools that offer on-the-job
training. Graduates emerge with a definite position
in that specific firm.
Germany, like other Western countries, has
a youth unemployment problem. But because
Frances M. Roberts/Newscom
Table 10.4 summarizes the main messages of this section, by offering suggestions
for emerging adults and society at large. Now, it’s time to immerse ourselves in the
undergraduate experience.
For Society
1. Assign counselors for incoming freshmen to map out classroom and financial options, and
link students to community employers.
2. Reach out to low-income undergraduates, and offer special services for students who are
parents or working adults.
3. Set up apprenticeship programs linked to jobs—ones that offer a conduit to the work world
without college.
4. Make negotiating young people’s school-to-work transition a national priority!
Being in College
So far, I’ve been implying that the only purpose of going to college is to find a
career. Thankfully, in surveys, most U.S. college graduates disagree. They report the
main value of their undergraduate years was to help them “grow intellectually and
personally” (Hoover, 2011).
How does this inner growth progress during college? According to William Perry
(l999), freshmen come in blindly accepting the facts that authorities hand down, and
then they move to relativism (understanding that there are multiple truths); by senior
year, they make their own ethical commitments in the face of appreciating diverse
points of view.
Perry’s findings are based on studies conducted with Harvard undergradu-
ates 40 years ago. But another longitudinal study (granted, also at a selective
university) confirms that this inner development occurs—and most important—it
takes place specifically during the undergraduate years (Bauer & MacAdams,
If you are a traditional college student, here are tips to make your college
experience an inner-growth flow zone.
growth. So reach out and talk to your professors. Students from every end of the
academic spectrum agree that feeling listened to can be a peak experience in
one’s academic life:
From a Harvard senior:
He began by asking me which single book had the biggest impact on me. He was the
first professor who was interested in what matters to me. . . . You can’t imagine how
excited I was.
(quoted in Light, 2001, pp. 82–83)
Finding Love
How do emerging adults negotiate Erikson’s first task of adult life (see Table 10.5)—
intimacy, the search for love? Let’s first explore two major cultural shifts in the ways intimacy Erikson’s first adult
we choose mates before turning to our main topic: finding fulfilling love. task, involving connecting
with a partner in a mutual
loving relationship.
Table 10.5: Erikson’s Life Stages and Their Psychological Tasks
Life Stage Primary Task
Infancy (birth to 1 year) Basic trust versus mistrust
Toddlerhood (1 to 2 years) Autonomy versus shame and doubt
Early childhood (3 to 6 years) Initiative versus guilt
Late childhood (6 years to puberty) Industry versus inferiority
Adolescence (teens into twenties) Identity versus role confusion
Young adulthood (twenties to early forties) Intimacy versus isolation*
Middle adulthood (forties to sixties) Generativity versus stagnation
Late adulthood (late sixties and beyond) Integrity versus despair
*Although this next section is devoted to the early adult search for intimacy, I’ll spend more time on this topic in the
Chapter 11 discussion of marriage.
have been married for 62 years. . . . He says that they married first and dated later. It is
“cold at the start and hot in the end.” The relationship gets better and better over the
(Xia & Zhou, 2003, p. 231)
I got married a month ago to the woman . . . I met on Match a year ago. I met my wife
just a week after setting up my profile, and we have been together ever since . . . Thanks
to the profiles, local singles matching, and easy chats, I found the girl of my dreams.
(Adapted from, Top 10 Best Dating Sites, 2014)
as “mostly straight,” “sometimes gay,” “occasionally bisexual,” or “heterosexual but homophobia Intense fear and
attracted to the other gender,” even limiting one’s sexual identity to a defined category dislike of gays and lesbians.
is becoming passé (see Morgan, 2013).
This is not to say that homophobia, fear and dislike of gays and lesbians,
is rare. Despite our landmark U.S. strides in legalizing same sex marriage
in all 50 states—as we know from the use of derogatory terms for gays and
lesbian—many people—even in enlightened Western nations—have seri-
ous qualms about embracing this new form of love (see Jowett, 2014; Peltz,
Given this continuing (although more covert) social scorn, it makes
sense that sexual-minority young people can undergo considerable
emotional turmoil during their teens (see Table 10.6). Interestingly, how-
ever, while self-loathing may still be prevalent in traditional world regions,
such as in Asia (Li, Johnson, & Jenkins-Guarnieri, 2013), these feelings are
not the norm in the United States today. In a recent survey of 165 bisexual,
gay, and lesbian young people, the largest group (about 4 in 5 adolescents
and emerging adults) was classified as identity achieved. These people
© Anthony Bolante/Reuters/Corbis
said they felt comfortable about their sexual identity. They reported few
qualms about being rejected by their close attachment figures when they
came out. The concern was the 1 in 5 respondents the researchers labeled
as “struggling.” While these young people “knew” their sexual identity,
they worried about disclosing this fact to disapproving parents and friends
(Bregman and others, 2013).
Another at-risk group may be people who are “identity confused.” When This cake decoration, created in
researchers explored the mental health of women who defined themselves as the early twenty-first century for
the first gay marriage show in
Seattle, was a perfect harbinger
of the quickly evolving times, as
in just a brief decade, same-sex
Table 10.6: Homosexual Stereotypes and Scientific Facts marriage became far more
widely accepted throughout the
Stereotype: Overinvolved mothers and distant fathers “cause” boys to be homosexual. Western world.
Scientific fact: There is no evidence that this or any other parenting problem causes homosexuality.
The causes of homosexuality are unknown—however, recent research suggests that levels of
prenatal testosterone may help program a fetus’ later gender orientation (see Chapter 6).
Stereotype: Homosexual couples have lower-quality relationships—their interactions are
“psychologically immature.”
Scientific fact: Researchers have compared the relationships of committed gay couples with their
heterosexual counterparts via a variety of strategies. The typical finding: There are usually
NO differences in the quality of heterosexual and homosexual relationships. When same-sex
partners have personality issues, they fight a good deal, just like any couple does (Markey
and others, 2014). But, in a recent Swiss study, lesbian couples reported less conflict than a
comparable heterosexual group. These women also showed a trend to being more satisfied
with their mates (Meuwly and others, 2013).
Stereotype: Homosexual parents have pathological family interactions and disturbed children.
Scientific fact: When British researchers (Golombok and others, 2003) compared lesbian-mother,
two-parent-heterosexual, and single-mother families, they found that children raised in
lesbian families had no problems with their gender identity and had no signs of impaired
mental health. In fact, the lesbian mothers showed signs of superior parenting—hitting their
children less frequently and engaging in more fantasy play.
Scientific fact: Unfortunately, in the past, elevated rates of psychological problems, such as
suicidal thoughts, depression, and drug abuse, were common when gay young people
formulated their sexual identities and dealt with anxieties relating to coming out (Saewyc,
2011). However, as you can see above, intense distress is not the norm today in the West.
314 PART V Early and Middle Adulthood
heterosexual but reported having mainly same-sex attractions, this group was as
prone to be distressed as a comparison sample who openly labeled themselves as
gay (Johns, Zimmerman, & Bauermeister, 2013).
Again, I think this research underlines the importance of being identity achieved
in a positive way. Once you embrace your identity (or self), whether as a gay person
or ethnic minority, there is a feeling of self-efficacy and relief. Problems arise if your
other attachment figures cause you to dislike the person you “really” are, or when you
languish untethered in moratorium for an extended time.
other embodies their best self (“I fell in love with him because
he’s a wonderful actor, and that’s always been my goal”), they
tend to grow emotionally as people, becoming more like their
ideal. Idealizing a partner’s good qualities promotes more hap-
piness over time (Rusbult and others, 2009).
Actually rather than “objectively” matching up, happy
couples see their mates through rose-colored glasses (Murray &
Holmes, 1997). They inflate their partner’s virtues (Murray
and others, 2000). They overestimate the extent to which they
Admiring each other’s talents in
and that person are alike in values and goals (Murray and others, 2002). So, science
their shared life passion (“I love
how brilliant my significant confirms George Bernard Shaw’s classic observation: “Love is a gross exaggeration of
other is at acting”) predicts the difference between one person and everyone else.”
future happiness for this young
couple. It also may make these
emerging adults feel as if they The Limits to Charting Love in Stages
are becoming better performers
just from being together—and As soon as I met R, . . . he was just so kind and thoughtful and he was considerate. So
it certainly helps if they inflate we started talking on email and the phone and when I got back from the trip, and he
each other’s talents, too. (My came over a month after the cruise . . . I knew like right away . . . It was just like kind of
partner is going to be the next a confirmation that, I don’t know, we were meant to be together.
Denzel Washington!) (quoted in Mackinnon and others, 2011, p. 607)
This quotation implies that, by viewing mate selection in defined steps, Murstein is
also missing the magical essence of real-world love. Couples may suddenly fall in love
when they meet after months of emails. Or there may be an epiphany, at some point in
your relationship, when you decide, “This person is the one.” As I mentioned earlier,
couples often break up and then reconsider that decision and get back together again.
While turbulent relationships can spark passion, especially for men (that’s the
thrill of the chase), one study found that married couples who recalled their court-
ship as accelerating in a positive direction were more likely to report being happy
with their mates (Wilson & Huston, 2013). Happily married spouses, it turned out,
recalled having similar levels of love as their relationship developed. They were on the
same page about how their feelings progressed. Still, even though we should become
surer of our love over time, any romance has some doubts and ups and downs.
To get insights into this ebb and flow, researchers asked couples who were seri-
ously dating to graph their chances (from 0 to 100 percent) of marrying their partner
(Surra & Hughes, 1997; Surra, Hughes, & Jacquet, 1999). They then had the young
people return each month to chart changes in their commitment and asked them to
describe the reasons for any dramatic relationship turning points, for better or worse.
CHAPTER 10 Constructing an Adult Life 317
You can see examples of these turning points in Table 10.7. Notice that relation-
ships do often hinge on homogamy issues (“This person is really right for me”). Other
causes may be turning points, too—from the input of family and friends (“I really like
that person”) to social comparisons (“Our relationship seems better than theirs”) to
the insight, “I’m too young to get involved.” Today, one milestone in the commitment
journey is becoming “Facebook official” with your mate.
Table 10.7: Some Major Positive (+) and Negative (–) Turning Points
in a Relationship
Personal Compatibility/Homogamy*
We spent a lot of time together. +
We had a big fight. –
We had similar interests. +
Compatibility with Family and Friends
My friends kept saying that Sue was bad for me. –
I fit right in with his family. +
Her dad just hated me. –
Other Random Forces
I just turned 21, so I don’t want to be tied down to anyone. –
The guy I used to date started calling me. –
Information from: Surra, Hughes, & Jacquet, 1999.
*Notice that homogamy issues can be critically involved in relationship turning points; but also that other forces
provoke turning points, too—from the input of family and friends, to having other romantic possibilities, to simply
deciding, “I’m too young to get involved.”
Table 10.8: Everything (or Some Interesting Things) You Wanted to Know About Cyberspace
Love Relationships
Question 1: Should I worry if there is a huge assortment of potentially competing romantic possibilities on my partner’s Facebook
friends list?
Research answer: Actually no, but you should be concerned if your lover seems interested in adding new friends. In one study
exploring commitment in 145 college students, researchers found that people in a relationship who reported lower feelings of
love for their partners were apt to solicit new Facebook friends. But the sheer number of romantic possibilities on a friend list had
nothing to do with the odds that a person was less committed or would stray. Bottom line: Ignore your lover’s existing Facebook
friends, but beware of the ones she adds! (See Drouin, Miller, & Dibble, 2014.)
Question 2: My lover texts me constantly every day. Does that mean he is anxious about my love?
Research answer: Not really, but you might be alert to whether he prefers texting to contacting you in other ways. In measuring
relationship satisfaction among 364 daters, and controlling for background variables such as physical distance, one psychologist
(Luo, 2014) found that the absolute number of texts per day didn’t matter. However, overusing this communication mode, when
compared to calling or meeting face to face, predicted relationship distress. So, it may be OK to receive love texts every hour. But
when your lover’s cyberspace messages are replacing “real life” interactions, that person may be feeling uneasy about your love.
Question 3: I must admit that I’ve been guilty of sexting my partner. Does that mean I’m a loose woman or have personality issues?
Research answer: Contrary to the media alarm bells, sexting is not a symptom of having mental health problems (Gordon-Messer and
others, 2013). Actually, the main correlate of engaging in this activity is having a close romantic relationship (Delevi & Weisskirch, 2013;
Samimi & Alderson, 2014). Still, among females, unwanted sexting is fairly common—with more than one-half of girls in one study
reporting they engaged in this behavior to please their mates (Drouin & Tobin, 2014). There also is an interesting difference between
European nations. While living in a country with traditional values (such as Italy) does not affect sexting prevalence, it does predict
gender differences in this activity. In permissive societies such as Scandinavia, females are more apt to sext than males. In conservative
countries, by far the main sexters are men (Baumgartner and others, 2014).
was reconsidering getting a new one, ironically, “just to keep tabs on his girlfriend”
(p. 533). (Check out Table 10.8 for other interesting research facts related to romance
in the on-line age.)
Although it makes romance (in Facebook terms) “complicated,” the on-line
revolution is not apt to make or break a relationship. Studies tracking the real-world
couples that I’ve been describing offer that crystal ball. To summarize: It helps to be
similar in values to your partner and on the same page about your feelings of love; it’s
a good sign if your relationship progresses without too much turmoil. It’s important to
idealize your partner (“My mate is the greatest!”) and to find someone whose personal
attributes you respect. This brings me to the importance of that final, critical personal
attribute—Find someone who can reach out in love!
that a person is securely or insecurely attached?
How do developmentalists classify adults as either securely or insecurely attached?
In the current relationship interview, they ask people questions about their goals and
feelings about their romantic relationships; for example, “What happens when either of
you is in trouble? Can you rely on each other to be there emotionally?” Trained evalu-
ators then code the responses.
People are labeled securely attached if they coherently describe the pluses and minuses
of their own behavior and of the relationship, if they talk freely about their desire for
intimacy, and if they adopt an other-centered perspective, seeing nurturing the other
person’s development as a primary goal. Those who describe their relationship in
formal, stilted ways, emphasize “autonomy issues,” or talk about the advantages of
being together in non-intimate terms (“We are buying a house”; “We go places”), are
classified as avoidant/dismissive. Those who express total dependence (“I can’t func-
tion unless she is nearby”), anger about not being treated correctly, or fears of being
left are classified as preoccupied/ambivalent.
This in-depth interview technique is time intensive. But many attachment researchers
argue that it reveals a person’s attachment style better than questionnaires in which
people simply check “yes” or “no” to indicate whether items on a scale apply to them.
Secure attachment
• Definition: Capable of genuine intimacy in
• Signs: Empathic, sensitive, able to reach
out emotionally. Balances own needs
with those of partner. Has affectionate,
caring interactions. Probably in a loving,
long-term relationship.
Preoccupied/ambivalent insecure
• Definition: Needy and engulfing in
• Signs: Excessively jealous, suffocating.
Needs continual reassurance of being
totally loved. Unlikely to be in a loving,
Bill Aron/Photo Edit
long-term relationship.
Securely attached people are fully open to love. They give their partners space secure attachment The
to differentiate, yet are firmly committed. Like Ainsworth’s secure infants, their faces genuine intimacy that is
ideal in love relationships.
light up when they talk about their partner. Their joy in their love shines through.
Decades of studies exploring these different attachment styles show that insecurely
attached adults have trouble with relationships. Securely attached people are more
successful in the world of love.
320 PART V Early and Middle Adulthood
Securely attached adults have happier marriages. They report more satisfy-
ing romances (Feeney, 1999; Mikulincer and others, 2002; Morgan & Shaver,
1999). Avoidant husbands are disengaged when their wives get upset (Barry &
Lawrence, 2013). Perhaps because they are so frightened about being left, anxi-
ously attached spouses are more apt to have affairs (Russell, Baker, & McNulty,
2013). Insecurely attached people get far more dissatisfied with their lovers over
time (Hadden, Smith, & Webster, 2014). But, securely attached adults hang in
during difficulties. They freely support their partner in times of need. Using the
metaphor of mother–infant attachment, described in Chapter 4, people with
secure attachments are wonderful dancers. They excel at being emotionally
responsive and in tune.
Recall that Bowlby and Ainsworth believe that the dance of attachment
between the caregiver and baby is the basis for feeling securely attached in
infancy and for dancing well in other relationships in life. If you listen to friends
anguishing about their relationship problems, you will hear similar ideas: “The
reason I act clingy and jealous is that, during my childhood, I felt unloved.” “It’s
hard for me to warm up and respond to kisses because my mom was rejecting and
cold.” We already know that attachment styles can change throughout childhood
and adolescence (see Chapter 4). In fact, a better predictor of being securely
attached in your twenties is not your attachment status during infancy, but
maintaining close friendships as a teen (Fraley and others, 2013; Pascuzzo, Cyr, &
Moss, 2013). Once entering adulthood, how much can attachment styles change
from year to year?
To answer this question, researchers measured the attachment styles of several
hundred women at intervals over two years (Cozzarelli and others, 2003). They found
that almost one-half of the women had changed categories over that time. So the good
news is that we can change our attachment status from insecure to secure. And—as
will come as no surprise to many readers—we can also move in the opposite direction,
temporarily feeling insecurely attached after a terrible experience with love. The best
way to understand attachment styles, then, is as somewhat enduring and consistent,
arising, in part, from our recent experiences in love.
One reason attachment styles stay stable is that they may operate as a self-
fulfilling prophecy. A preoccupied, clingy person does tend to be rejected repeatedly.
An avoidant individual remains isolated because piercing that armored shell takes
such a heroic effort. A secure, loving person gets more secure over time because his
caring behavior evokes warm, loving responses (Davila & Kashy, 2009).
By now, you are probably impressed with the power of the attachment-styles
perspective to predict real-world love. But alert readers might notice that these
correlational findings have conceptual flaws: Let’s say, for instance, that a person
labels his childhood as unhappy, is classified as having an insecure attachment style,
and experiences relationship distress. It’s tempting to say that “poor parenting” caused
this insecure worldview, which then produced the current problems; but couldn’t
the causal chain go in the opposite way? “I’m not getting along with my partner, so
I believe love can’t work out, and it must be my parents fault.” Or, couldn’t these
self-reports be caused by a third force having nothing to do with attachment: being
depressed. If you have a gloomy worldview, wouldn’t you see both your childhood
and current relationship as dissatisfying, and also have an “avoidant” or “preoccupied”
attachment style?
Still, as a framework for understanding people (and ourselves), the attachment
styles perspective has great appeal. Who can’t relate to having had a lover (or friend or
parent) with a “dismissing” or “preoccupied” attachment? Don’t the defining qualities
of secure attachment give us a beautiful roadmap for how we personally should relate
to the significant others in our lives? Attachment theory allows us to look at every love
relationship through a fascinating new lens.
CHAPTER 10 Constructing an Adult Life 321
*Recall that it may be best if one of you has a stronger, or more dominant, personality.
So far, I have just begun my exploration into those adult agendas: love and
work. In the next chapter, we’ll focus directly on that core adult love relationship—
marriage—and talk in more depth about careers. Then stay tuned, in Chapter 12, for
exciting findings exploring how we change as people during adulthood, and tips for
constructing a fulfilling adult life.
322 PART V Early and Middle Adulthood
1. If Latoya is discussing with James how relationships have changed in recent decades,
which two statements should she make?
a. There is now more interracial and interethnic dating.
b. Same-sex relationships are now much more acceptable.
c. Homophobia is now rare.
2. Today, relatively few/many single people are open to Internet dating, and on-line
relationships are less/more apt to be successful than traditional relationships.
3. Natasha and Akbar met at a friend’s New Year’s Eve party and just started dating.
They are about to find out whether they share similar interests, backgrounds, and
worldviews. This couple is in Murstein’s (choose one) stimulus/value-comparison/role
phase of romantic relationships.
4. Catherine tells Kelly, “To have a happy relationship, find someone as similar to you as
possible.” Go back and review this section. Then list the ways in which Catherine is
somewhat wrong.
5. Kita is clingy and always feels rejected. Rena runs away from intimate relationships.
Sam is affectionate and loving. Match the attachment status of each person to one of
the following alternatives: secure, avoidant-dismissive, or preoccupied.
Answers to the Tying It All Together questions can be found at the end of this chapter.
Emerging into Adulthood twenties, but off time if it extends well into the thirties. Although
society sets the overall social-clock guidelines, people also have
Psychologists have identified a new life phase called emerg- their own personal timetables for when to get married and reach
ing adulthood. This in-between, not-quite-fully-adult time of other adult markers. Social-clock pressures, plus other forces,
life, beginning after high school and tapering off by the late make emerging adulthood both an exhilarating life stage and a
twenties, involves testing out adult roles. The main challenge time of special stress.
of this least-structured life stage is taking adult responsibility
for our lives. This new, developed-world life stage differs from
person to person and country to country. In southern Europe, Constructing an Identity
young people typically live at home until they marry, and they Deciding on one’s identity, Erikson’s first task in becoming an
often have great trouble becoming financially independent. In adult, is the major challenge facing emerging adults. Erikson
northern Europe, cohabitation and having babies before mar- believed that exploring various possibilities and taking time to
riage are widespread. In these nations, better economies, plus ponder this question is critical to developing a solid adult self.
an emphasis on independence, make early nest-leaving the At the opposite pole lies role confusion—drifting and seeing no
norm. In the United States, there is tremendous variability, with adult future.
people moving backward and forward on the way to constructing
James Marcia identified four identity statuses: identity diffusion
an adult life.
(drifting aimlessly), identity foreclosure (leaping into an identity
We often think of the entry point of emerging adulthood as leav- without any thought), moratorium (exploring different pathways),
ing the nest. But, although, in many nations, parent–child rela- and identity achievement (settling on an identity). In contrast to
tionships improve after emerging adults move out, this is not true Marcia’s idea that we progress through these stages and reach
in places such as Portugal where most young people stay in the achievement in the twenties, people shift from status to status
nest through their twenties. The idea that we must leave home to throughout life. Emerging adults may not need to sample differ-
“act adult” is also incorrect. Young people typically live with their ent fields to develop a secure career identity. Being paralyzed
parents because they cannot afford to live alone. Ethnic-minority by different possibilities, or locked in ruminative moratorium,
young people, in particular, may stay in the nest to help their produces special distress. In terms of identity—including one’s
families as “full adults.” ethnic (biracial or multiracial identity)—it’s important to make
Social-clock pressures, or age norms, set the boundaries of a choice, feel positive about your identity, and believe that your
emerging adulthood. Exploring is on time, or appropriate, in the decision expresses your inner self.
CHAPTER 10 Constructing an Adult Life 323
2. d. Silvia who lives in Stockholm 3. Do you feel nursing expresses your inner self?
3. False (there are many rational “adult reasons” people stay in 4. False
the nest)
Finding a Career
4. Martha, who is starting a new career at age 50; she will be
most worried about the ticking of the social clock. 1. Overly high
2. c. Juan might do best if he finds a close caring relationship
Constructing an Identity during these years
1. drifting; diffusion 3. flow
Amos Morgan/Photodisc/Getty Images
CHAPTER 10 Constructing an Adult Life 325
4. Josiah might argue that prior academic performance predicts 3. value-comparison phase
college completion, with low odds of finishing for high 4. Actually, people who have dominant personalities might
school graduates with a C-average or below. Jocasta should be better off with more submissive mates (and vice versa).
reply that money is crucial because academically talented Respecting a partner’s personality is more important than
low-income kids are far less likely to finish college than their being alike in every attribute and trait. Rather than search-
affluent peers, and drop-outs cite “financial issues” as the ing for a clone, it’s best to find a mate who is similar to one’s
main reason for leaving. ideal self. Overinflating that person’s virtues helps tremen-
5. b dously, too!
5. Kita’s status is preoccupied. Rena is avoidant/dismissing.
Finding Love
Sam is securely attached.
1. a and b
2. Today many people are open to internet dating and on-line
relationships are more apt to be successful than traditional
Setting the Context:
The Changing Landscape of
The Main Marital Pathway:
Downhill and Then Up
The Triangular Theory
Perspective on Happiness
Commitment, Sanctification,
and Compassion: The Core
Attitudes in Relationship
Couple Communications and
Together Happily for Life
SCIENCE: Marriage the Second
or Third or “X” Time Around
Setting the Context: More
Parenting Possibilities, Fewer
The Transition to Parenthood
Exploring Motherhood
Exploring Fatherhood
Setting the Context: The
Changing Landscape of Work
o you know someone like Matt Soon you will learn why each stereotype
who is trying to be a caring is right or wrong.
husband, a sensitive father, and Although I will discuss them sepa-
support his family? Perhaps like Jamila, rately, I must emphasize that we can-
you have a friend who feels overwhelmed not look at marriage, parenthood, and
by a high-pressure job and wants to spend career as separate. Our work situation
more time at home with her kids. If determines if we decide to get married
so, you know a twenty-first-century adult. (recall the last chapter). Having children
This chapter is devoted to the main changes a marriage and, as with Matt,
role challenges involved in being adult. affects our feelings about our career. As
Here, I’ll build on the Chapter 10 dis- developmental systems theory suggests,
cussion of love and career by focusing marriage, parenthood, and career are
directly on marriage, parenthood, and tri-directional, interlocking roles. More-
work. Before beginning your reading, over, how we approach these core adult
you might want to take the family and roles depends on the time in history and
work quiz in Table 11.1 on the next page. the society in which we live.
328 PART V Early and Middle Adulthood
Write “True” or “False” next to each of the following statements. To see how accurate your beliefs
about family and work are, look at the correct answers, printed upside down below the table. As
you read through the chapter, you’ll find out exactly why each statement is true or false.
______ 1. Americans today are not as interested in getting married as they were in the past.
______ 2. Poor people often don’t get married because they are basically less interested in
having a permanent commitment.
______ 3. People are happiest in the honeymoon phase of a marriage.
______ 4. Having children brings married couples closer.
______ 5. People who don’t have children are self-absorbed and narcissistic.
______ 6. Mothers used to spend more time with their children in the past than they
do today.
______ 7. Most dads today share the childcare 50/50 with their wives.
______ 8. Technology has reduced the hours we spend at work.
______ 9. People work fewer hours than they used to, at least in the United States.
______ 10. Traditional gender roles have mainly disappeared in the world of work.
Answers: 1. F, 2. F, 3. T, 4. F, 5. F, 6. F, 7. F, 8. F, 9. F, 10. F
Ask people to describe their ideal marriage (or relationship) and you may hear phrases
such as “soul mates,” “equal sharing,” and “someone who fulfills my innermost self”
(Amato, 2007; Dew & Wilcox, 2011). This vision of “lovers for life,” who work and
share the housework equally, is a product of living in the contemporary, developed
Figure 11.1 shows one symptom of this transformation in the United States: A
steady cohort-by-cohort rise in cohabitation rates during the emerging adult years.
When people born in the late 1950s and early 1960s (shown in the first bar of the
figure) were in their twenties, only 1 in 3 women dared move in with a romantic
partner without a wedding ring. (This was called “living in sin.”) With the cohabita-
tion odds now reversing to 2 in 3, living together before getting married is a normal
event (Vespa, 2014).
The most revealing change relates to serial cohabitation—living with different serial cohabitation Living
partners sequentially during adult life. When emerging adults cohabit with only sequentially with different
partners outside of marriage.
one person, they are more apt to see this arrangement as a step to a wedding ring
(“We want to see if we can make it as husband and wife”). Serial cohabiters are
unlikely to have any marriage goals (Vespa, 2014). They may join the millions of
contemporary women who give birth without a spouse.
This brings up the most controversial U.S. change: unmarried parenthood. During
the 1950s, if a U.S. woman dared to have a baby without being married, her family
2 3
100 5 5 9 Three or
10 more
13 14
16 Two
Percent of females cohabiting
60 42
46 One
figure 11.1: Percent of
women who cohabited during
emerging adulthood: Notice
59 how, over time, cohabitation has
52 become a normal event during
43 39 the twenties (red, green and
29 orange bars). Also notice the
increase in serial cohabitation—
living together with different
partners on the way to becoming
1958–1962 1963–1967 1968–1972 1973–1977 1978–1982 an adult (green and orange
Year of birth bars).
Data from: Vespa, 2014, p. 211.
330 PART V Early and Middle Adulthood
might ship her off to a home for unwed mothers or insist that she marry the dad
(the infamously named “shotgun marriage”). A half-century later, with only 11 per-
cent of U.S. women without a college degree being married before giving birth
(Gibson-Davis & Rackin, 2014), the disconnect between marriage and a baby carriage,
for less well-educated Americans, is a predictable path (see also Manning, Brown, &
Payne, 2014).
Acceptance of divorce, cohabitation, and unmarried motherhood clearly varies
around the globe. How are these lifestyles playing out in countries famous for rigid
marriage rules? For answers, let’s travel to Iran and India.
with the younger generation now having veto power over parental
choices, here, too, arranged marriage is in steep decline.
The most radical change relates to what people in India call
elopements: Young people run away and get engaged without their
parents’ consent. What typically happens here is that the girl leaves
home without telling her parents (or the boy and girl both leave
home). Then, the boy’s family goes to the girl’s family, informs them
If you visited this family, the mother would almost
certainly have had an arranged marriage. There
of her whereabouts and gets consent for the marriage. A few months
would be a good chance that the daughter would later, unless the girl’s parents forbid the union, the couple formally
choose a mate on her own. weds (Allendorf, 2013).
CHAPTER 11 Relationships and Roles 331
What do people think about this change? For answers researchers traveled to
a rural area of India to conduct interviews. While believing that each type of mar-
riage had its pluses and minuses, most residents were in favor of elopements. Well-
educated people in particular used the phrases, “modern,” “advanced,” and “forward”
to describe this trend.
India is miles from Western in its marriage views. However, in this nation, it
seems appropriate to cite the lyrics, “The times they are a changing.”
Western Variations
The deinstitutionalization of marriage is the melody
now being played throughout the developed world. Disapproval
Still, as Figure 11.2 shows, attitudes toward alter- 0.8 Feelings about alternative family types
nate family forms differ from nation to nation in 0.6 Importance marriage
the West. Because the United States is ambivalent 0.4
about unmarried motherhood, women who give birth 0.2
without a wedding ring, particularly those who move Neutral 0
from cohabiting relationship to relationship, are far –0.2
more likely to be poor (Farber & Miller-Cribbs, 2014; –0.4
Nepomnyaschy & Teitler, 2013). Scandinavia has no
stigma attached to these lifestyle choices. So in this
nation, unmarried couples with children cohabit at Approval
every educational and economic rung (Vanassche,
Swicegood, & Matthijs, 2013).
The reality is that the United States is still in love
with marriage. Roughly 8 out of 10 U.S. young people
want to eventually get married—the same fraction as figure 11.2: Importance of marriage and feelings about
in the past (Manning, Longmore, & Giordano, 2007). alternate family types in samples of adults aged 22–55 in
But before taking this step, we want to be sure we have Scandinavian nations and the United States (based on data
from the International Social Survey program): Notice that
the foundations in place. Scandinavians—especially residents of Denmark—are fine with non-
Think about your requirements for getting mar- marriage alternatives (red bars) and don’t place great emphasis on
ried if you are single—or, if you are married, think of getting married (blue bars), while in the United States, people still
your personal goals before you were wed. In addition strongly disapprove of family forms such as unmarried motherhood.
Data from: Vanassche, Swicegood, & Matthijs, 2013.
to finding the right person, if you are like most people,
you probably believe that making this commitment
demands reaching a certain place in your development. It’s important to have a
solid sense of identity and to be financially secure (Gibson-Davis, 2009; Umber-
son, Pudrovska, & Reczek, 2010; also, recall Chapter 10). Therefore, because we
select partners according to homogamy, the marriage market for less-well-educated
Maria Rutherford/Taxi/Getty Images
Jonathan Fernstrom/Getty Images
young people is poor (Gibson-Davis, 2009; Gibson-Davis & Rackin, 2014). Even
when couples are committed to each other, it can be difficult to move from living
together to getting engaged.
Read what Candace, a 25-year-old, had to say about her marriage plans:
Um, we have certain things that we want to do before we get married. We both want
very good jobs. . . . He’s been looking out for jobs everywhere and we— . . . we’re
trying. We just want to have—we gotta have everything before we say, “Let’s get
(quoted in Smock, Manning, & Porter, 2005, p. 690)
a best friend. Romantic love combines these two qualities. Walk around your campus
and you can see this relationship. Couples are passionate and clearly know each other
well but have probably not made a commitment to form a lifelong bond.
On the marriage side of the triangle, commitment alone results in “empty mar-
riages.” In these emotionally barren, loveless marriages (luckily, fairly infrequent
today), people stay together physically but live separate lives. Intimacy plus com-
mitment produces companionate marriages, the best-friend relationships that long-
married couples may have after passion is gone. Finally, recall from the bottom of the
diagram that a few married couples stay together because they share sexual passion
consummate love In Robert and nothing else. The ideal in our culture is consummate love—a relationship that
Sternberg’s triangular theory combines passion, intimacy, and commitment.
of love, the ideal form of
Why is consummate love fragile? One reason is that, with familiarity, passion
love, in which a couple’s
relationship involves all often falls off. It’s hard to keep lusting after your mate when you wake up together
three of the major facets of day after day for years (Klusmann, 2002). This sexual decline has an unfortunate
love: passion, intimacy, and hormonal basis. Married couples—both men and women—show lower testosterone
levels than their single or divorced counterparts (Barrett and others, 2013; Gettler
and others, 2013).
As couples enter into the working-model phase of their marriage, and move out
into the world, intimacy can also wane. You and your partner don’t talk the way you
used to. Work or the children are more absorbing. You may become “ships passing
in the night.”
Sternberg’s theory beautifully alerts us to why marriages normally get less happy.
But it does not offer clues as to how we can beat the odds and stay romantically con-
nected for life. Actually, a fraction of couples (roughly 1 in 10 people) do stay passion-
ate for decades (Acevedo & Aron, 2009). What are these marital role models doing
right? For answers, researchers decided to decode the experience of falling in love.
When we fall in love, they discovered, efficacy feelings are intense. We feel
powerful, competent, capable of doing wonderful things (Aron and others, 2002).
Given that romantic love causes a joyous feeling of self-expansion (and boosts testos-
terone!), couldn’t we teach people to preserve passion and intimacy by encouraging
couples to share exciting activities that expand the self?
To test this idea, the psychologists asked married volunteers to list their most
exciting activities—the passions that gave them a sense of flow (see Chapter 10).
Then, they instructed one group of husbands and wives to engage in the stimulating
activities both partners had picked out (for example, going to concerts or skiing) fre-
quently over 10 weeks. As they predicted, marital happiness rose among these couples
compared to control groups who were told to engage in pleasant but not especially
interesting activities (such as going out to dinner) or just to follow their normal rou-
tine (Reissman, Aron, & Bergen, 1993).
So, to stay passionate for decades, people may not need to
take trips to Tahiti, or even have candlelit dinners with a mate.
The secret is to continue to engage in the flow-inducing activities
that may have brought couples together in the first place. If you
connected through your commitment to church, take mission trips
Peathegee Inc/Blend Images/Getty Images
with your mate. If you met through your passion for skate boarding,
sharpen those skills with your spouse. The problem is that during
the working-model phase of a relationship, arousing activities that
expand ourselves tend to migrate outside of married life. When
work does become more compelling (or flow-inducing), people
may find their partner dull. Worse yet, they may fall in love with
someone who is on the scene to promote their most efficacious,
attractive self: “I feel so competent, powerful, and energized at
This couple is doing more than sharing a wonderful
experience. They are actually “working” on their
my job. Hey, wait a second! It’s my co-worker, not my wife, who is
relationship. Engaging in mutually exciting activities bringing out my best self!” Keeping “growth experiences” within a
helps preserve marital passion. marriage helps keep marital (and sexual) passion alive.
CHAPTER 11 Relationships and Roles 335
Researchers stress that we need to think of divorce
as having specific phases. When people consider this
major life change, they weigh the costs of leaving
against the benefits (Hopper, 1993; Kelly, 2000).
You and your spouse are not getting along, but
perhaps you should just hang on. One deterrent
is financial: “Can I afford the loss in income after
a divorce?” But if the couple has children, money
issues are trumped by a more critical concern: “How
will divorce affect my parenting?” “Will this dam-
sturti/Vetta/Getty Images
stepchildren are more apt to lovingly connect (Jensen, Shafer, &
Larson, 2014).
Yes, attachment-wise, this new family form presents hurdles
(van der Pas, van Tilburg, & Silverstein, 2013). But stepchil-
dren can enlarge our circle of attachments, too. One encourag-
ing Dutch study showed that the percentage of remarried adults who enveloped a Will this girl see this stepfather
stepchild in their attachment network rose from 69 percent in 1992 to 85 percent in as her real dad? A good deal
2009 (Suanet, van der Pas, & van Tilberg, 2013). depends on the quality of her
home life, and how long this
Most important, these new sons and daughters can provide incredible joy: As one man has been raising his child.
woman reported: “I don’t look at her as a stepdaughter because that implies they are
not . . . your child . . . she’s my only child and I just accept the fact that she has another
mother as well” (quoted in Whiting and others, 2007, p. 102). And a stepfather put it
more bluntly: “I don’t introduce her as my stepdaughter because I didn’t step on her.
I introduce her, ‘This is my daughter.’ . . . I’d go crazy if something happened to her”
(quoted in Marsiglio, 2004, p. 32).
Now, let’s explore the feelings these men and women are experiencing by turning
to parenthood, that second important adult role.
I have never felt the joy that my daughter brings me when I wake up and see
her . . . when you are laying there and . . . and feel this little hand tapping on
your hand . . . that has been the most joyful thing I ever have experienced. . . .
I’ve never been able to get that type of joy anywhere else.
(quoted in Palkovitz, 2002, p. 96)
This tendency to get less satisfied (and certainly less romantic) applies equally fertility rate The average
to heterosexual couples and gay couples who are adopting a child (Goldberg, number of children a woman
in a given country has during
Smith, & Kashy, 2014; Tornello & Patterson, 2012). Still, in one tantalizing U.S. her lifetime.
study, heterosexual men in cohabiting relationships felt especially hemmed in and
marital equity Fairness in
unhappy after a child’s arrived (Kamp Dush and others, 2014). We need to be cau- the “work” of a couple’s life
tious about interpreting these results, because recall that unmarried U.S. cohabit- together. If a relationship
ing couples are apt to be less economically secure. However, these findings clearly lacks equity, with one
imply that—in the United States—a wedding ring can heighten our commitment partner doing significantly
more than the other, the
to family life. outcome is typically marital
• If the couple is heterosexual, parenthood produces more traditional (and dissatisfaction.
potentially conflict-ridden) marital roles. Among heterosexual partners, having
children accentuates traditional gender roles (Katz-Wise, Priess, & Hyde, 2010).
Even when the man and woman have been sharing the household tasks fairly
equally, women often take over most of the housework and child care after the
baby arrives. Often this occurs because, as you will see later in this chapter, after
having children, a woman may leave her job or reduce her hours at work. How-
ever, even when both spouses work full time, mothers tend to do more of the
diaper changing and household chores than dads (Bryan, 2013). This change can
provoke conflicts centered on marital equity, or feelings of unfairness: Women get
angry with men for not doing their share around the house (Dew & Wilcox, 2011;
Feeney and others, 2001).
What compounds the sense of over-sacrificing are clashes centered on differing
parenting styles (recall Chapter 7). One unhappy wife described this kind of disagree-
ment when she informed her husband: “What’s really getting to me . . . is that we
hardly ever agree on how to handle [the baby]. I think you are too rough, and you
think I’m spoiling her, and none of us wants to change” (quoted in Cowan & Cowan,
1992, p. 112).
These examples show exactly why we can’t expect having a
child to draw people closer together, whether the partners are gay
or heterosexual, married or not. (Here the most relevant saying
may be, “Three is a crowd.”) However, after becoming parents,
one classic study revealed that about 1 in 3 spouses did report
more love for a husband or wife (Belsky & Rovine, 1990).
Exploring Motherhood
I’ve already talked about the love that mothers feel for their children, especially in the
infancy section of this book. Drawing on the previous section, children are our prime
vehicles for expressing compassion. They embody the joy we get from sacrificing for
a beloved person’s well-being.
342 PART V Early and Middle Adulthood
Still, the downside of this 24/7 sacrifice—lack of sleep, financial strains, spending
hours in less than fun (aka boring) activities, a messy house, dealing with tantrums,
time taken away from being with our partner, and so on—can tip the balance from
pleasure to pain. In surveys, mothers rank child care on an emotional par with house-
keeping, and it’s far less enjoyable than shopping and watching TV. Studies routinely
show mothers are no happier (and sometimes far less happy) on a daily basis than
their counterparts without children or people in the empty nest (Nelson, Kushlev, &
Lyubomirsky, 2014).
Table 11.3 offers a research-based checklist for parent readers, listing forces that
make the motherhood experience “better or worse.” Now, let’s turn to a decades-old
interview study, to get insights into that experience in the flesh.
Table 11.3: Research Forces that Erode the Quality of the Day-to-Day
Motherhood Experience: A Questionnaire for Moms
1. Do you have serious money worries, a rocky relationship with your partner, and/or are you a
single parent? (These stresses make daily life difficult and also can impair the quality of your
attachments to your children.)
2. Do you have several children and/or infants and toddlers? (Both forces make mothering a more
overwhelming job.)
3. Do you have a temperamentally difficult son or daughter, and/or a child with chronic medical
problems? (Again, these conditions increase the hands-on burden, plus may affect the
attachment response.)
4. Are you a young mom? (Yes, older parents—women over 25—seem to cope better with the
normal stresses of motherhood!)
These questions are based on Nelson, Kushlev, & Lyubomirsky, 2014.
These emotions destroy another motherhood ideal: Mothers love all their children
equally. Many women in this study did admit they had favorites. Typically, a favorite
child was “easy” and successful in the wider world. However, most important, again,
CHAPTER 11 Relationships and Roles 343
was the attachment relationship, the feeling of being totally loved by a particular
child. As one woman reported:
There will always be a special closeness with Darrell. He likes to test my word. . . . There
are times he makes me feel like pulling my hair out. . . . But when he comes to “talk”
to mom that’s an important feeling to me.
(quoted in Genevie & Margolies, 1987, p. 248)
Not only does the experience of motherhood vary dramatically from child to
child, it shifts from minute to minute and day to day:
Good days are getting hugs and kisses and hearing “I love you.” The bad days are hear-
ing “you are not my friend.” Good days are not knowing the color of the refrigerator
because of the paintings and drawings all over it. Bad days are seeing a new drawing on
a just painted wall.
(quoted in Genevie & Margolies, 1987, p. 412)
In sum, motherhood is wonderful and terrible. It evokes the most uplifting emo-
tions and offers painful insights into the self. Now that we understand the individual
situations that make motherhood more challenging, let’s explore how the wider world
can amplify mothers’ distress.
mothers 1965
and playing 1975
and playing
and playing
30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115
Average number of minutes per day
figure 11.5: Minutes per day devoted to hands-on child care by U.S. mothers from diary
studies during the last third of the 20th century: Notice in particular that, in contrast to our
myths, in more recent years, mothers are spending much more time teaching and playing with their
children than in previous decades.
Data from: Sayer, Bianchi, & Robinson, 2004.
*Refers to routine kinds of care, such as helping the child get dressed.
Where are fathers in his picture? Earlier, when I talked about equity issues dur-
ing the transition to parenthood, I might have given the impression that contempo-
rary dads are slacking off. Not so! Today’s fathers are often making valiant efforts to
be involved parents, too.
Exploring Fatherhood
When women first entered the workforce in large numbers in the 1970s, it
became a badge of honor for fathers, in addition to fulfilling the traditional
breadwinner role Traditional breadwinner role, to change the diapers and to be deeply involved in caring for
concept that a man’s job is to their children. From Slovakia (Švab & Humer, 2013) to Sweden (Björk, 2013)
support a wife and children.
and from Australia (Thompson, Lee, & Adams, 2013) to Japan and the United
nurturer father Husband States (Ito & Izumi-Taylor, 2013), the nurturer father has become one mascu-
who actively participates in
hands-on child care.
line ideal. Furthermore, according to psychologists, we expect fathers to be good
sex-role models, giving children a road map for how men should ideally behave.
Sometimes, we want them to be ultimate authority figures, people responsible
for laying down the family rules (as in the old saying: “Wait until your father gets
The lack of guidelines leaves fathers with contradictory demands. “Should I be
strict, or nurturing, sensitive, or strong? Should I work full time to feed my family
or reduce my hours at work and stay home to feed my child?” (Björk, 2013; McGill,
2014; Mooney and others, 2013). Given that there may be no “right” way to be a
father, how do men carry out their role?
How are things really changing with regard to work for women and men? First,
let’s sum up these section messages in Table 11.4, then explore this question as we
turn to the third vital adult role: work.
For Mothers
• Understand that you won’t and can’t be the perfect mother—in fact, sometimes you will be
utterly terrible—and accept yourself for being human!
• Don’t buy into the fantasy of producing a perfect child. Children cannot be micromanaged
into being perfect. Focus on enjoying and loving your child as he or she is (see also
Chapter 7).
• Don’t listen to people who say that working outside the home automatically means that
you can’t be an involved mother. Remember the findings discussed in this section.
For Fathers
• Understand that your role is full of contradictions—and that there is no “perfect” way to
be a dad.
• Be aware of your attitudes toward doing the diapers and other hands-on nurturing, and
clearly communicate these feelings to your partner.
• Know your work priorities, too. If—as may be typical—fulfilling the breadwinner role is vital
to you, don’t beat yourself up for those feelings, but also take care to communicate your
priorities to your partner.
• If you are not married to the mother of your child, take special care to bond together as
a family.
What is work like in the Western world, and how can you construct a fulfilling career life?
• The disappearing barrier between work and family. Work life used to be separate boundaryless career Today’s
most common career path for
from home life (Davies & Frink, 2014). You went to your job from 9 to 5 on Monday Western workers, in which
through Friday and spent weekends and evenings with your children and spouse. people change jobs or pro-
Today, with people working flexible hours, nonstandard work hours have become fessions periodically during
common (Cappelli & Keller, 2013). More important, technology has moved work their working lives.
out of the office to permeate family life (Perrone-McGovern and others, 2014).
The benefit of the on-line revolution is work flexibility. People can telecommute
from an office that is halfway around the world; or, even if their office is around the
corner, work on their own schedule at home. This melding of work and home time,
however, is a double-edged sword. Yes, not having to go into the office allows you to
take the kids to the dentist or pick them up from school, but you are potentially on
the job 24 hours a day. In fact, in several U.S. polls, people who reported working
50-plus hours per week had the most flexible schedules of all! (See Golden, 2008;
see also Bianchi & Milkie, 2010; DiRenzo, Greenhaus, & Weer, 2011.)
• Longer working hours (and more job insecurity). Actually it’s a myth that the U.S.
people get a three-letter code, showing the three main categories into which they fit,
in descending order of importance. If a person’s ranking is SAE (social, artistic, and
entrepreneurial), that individual might find fulfillment directing an art gallery or
managing a beautiful restaurant. If your code is SIE (social, investigative, and entre-
preneurial), you might be better off marketing a new medicine for heart disease, or
spending your work life as a practicing veterinarian.
Still, even when people have found work that fits their personality, there is no
guarantee that they will be happy at a job. What if your gallery director job involves
mountains of paperwork and little time exercising your creative or social skills? Sup-
pose your gallery is in financial trouble, and you have a micromanaging owner in
charge? To find work happiness, it’s vital to consider the actual workplace too.
Remember from Chapter 10 that flow states require that our skills match the
demands of a given task. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that one poisonous
job-related stress is “role ambiguity,” or a lack of clear work demands (Gilboa and oth-
ers, 2008). If you are unsure of what people expect at your job, or have no guidelines
as to how you can be effective, there is no chance of feeling “in flow.” If you are a
nurse (and by extension, any worker), one Dutch study showed, feeling powerless to
shape your work conditions is tailor-made to produce alienation (“I have to follow
these ridiculous regulations. Plus I’m overwhelmed by paperwork, not patient care”)
(Tummers & Den Dulk, 2013). A related problem is role overload—having way too
role overload A job situation
that places so many much to do, to do an effective job—or role conflict—being torn between competing
requirements or demands life demands.
on workers that it becomes This brings up the topic of family–work conflict. As hundreds of studies docu-
impossible to do a good job.
ment, being pulled between the demands of a job and family is a major stress for
role conflict A situation in women and men, especially during their parenting years (see, for example, Wattis,
which a person is torn
Standing, & Yerkes, 2013). But, without minimizing the fact that work-to-family con-
between two or more
major responsibilities— flict (“I feel guilty about not spending enough time with my son or daughter”) and
for instance, parent and family-to-work interference (“If I stay home with my sick child, I might get fired”)
worker—and cannot do can cause anguish, a fulfilling job also energizes people to relate better as a parent or
either job adequately.
spouse (van Steenbergen, Kluwer, & Karney, 2014; Dunn & O’Brien, 2013; Gatrell
family–work conflict A and others, 2013).
situation in which people—
How do women and men behave when faced with the competing pulls of
typically parents—are torn
between the demands of family and career? For answers, let’s end this chapter with a status report on gender
family and work. and work.
New parents
• Women earn less than men, and jobs are gender defined. This difference may
be partly due to economics. Men who work full time earn more than their female
counterparts. In the United States in 2011, for instance, women’s wages on average
stood at 82.4 percent of men’s salaries when both genders worked full time (U.S. occupational segregation
Department of Labor, 2011). The separation of men and
women into different kinds
We might think the cause is occupational segregation, meaning that work is divided of jobs.
into classically “male” (higher paying) and “female” (lower paying) jobs (Charles,
1992; Cohen, 2004; Reskin, 1993). Female-type jobs such as secretary or home
health aide typically pay at the lower ends of the wage scale. However, the same wide
salary gap occurs within comparable careers. So, as a U.S. female engineer, you can
expect to earn considerably more than someone who majored in the arts;
but you still will make, on average, a whopping $17,000 a year less than
the typical male in that same field!
• Society prioritizes salaries for fathers and expects married men to
out-earn their wives. Although this wage disparity is partly due to
women’s less continuous careers, societal attitudes also are involved. In
the United States, fatherhood is associated with a wage rise of 4 percent
(Killewald, 2013). The interesting fact that stepfathers and cohabiting
men don’t show this statistical income jump suggests that employers
implicitly believe that men deserve to bring home more bacon when
they are married and father a child.
Actually, the fact that (at least in the United States) people don’t feel
Chris Ryan/OJO Images/Getty Images
it’s quite kosher for married women to bring home most of the bacon is
supported by other evidence: Researchers gave undergraduates fictitious
scenarios in which they were asked to rate the qualifications of a person for
promotion. When they arranged to have everything be equal, but made the
main wage earner a wife (saying her salary was $100,000 in a household
reporting an income of $150,000), both males and females rated this person
as basically less qualified to advance (Triana, 2011).
If we learn that this female
There is even a sexual counterpart to this connection to traditional gender roles. executive is greatly out-earning
When researchers studied prescription-use patterns (in Denmark, no less), married her spouse, some not-so-nice
men in that nation whose wives out-earned them were more apt to take erectile images may pop into our minds.
352 PART V Early and Middle Adulthood
dysfunction medication than their peers (Pierce, Dahl, & Nielson, 2013). And, just as
depressing, U.S. researchers found that spouses who adopted the traditional housework
arrangement, with the wives doing the cooking and cleaning, reported having more
marital sex! (See Kornrich, Brines, & Leupp, 2013.)
The bottom line is that the women’s movement seems to have changed society
(and our inner sex-role feelings) less than we thought. But if you think I’m advocating
reverting back to the l950s Leave It to Beaver era, you are wrong. The great benefit of
the lifestyle revolution is that today both women and men can express their human
potential in work and love. The next chapter is all about expressing your human
potential during adult life.
Marriage once the only option in India, are being replaced by the Western
practice of marrying for love. Marriage attitudes differ in the
Marriages used to be practical unions often arranged by families. West, with Scandinavians seeing unmarried motherhood as
In the early twentieth century, as life expectancy increased dra- fully acceptable, but people in the U.S. caring far more about
matically, we developed the idea that couples should be best being married before having children. U.S. marriage has a
friends and lovers for life. During the late twentieth century, socioeconomic dimension, with parents often not getting married
with the women’s movement, divorce, rising serial cohabitation if they are at the lower ends of the income rungs.
rates, and the dramatic increase in unwed motherhood, mar-
riage became deinstitutionalized—less of a standard path in the Especially during the first four years after being married, couples
Western world. can expect a decline in happiness; but, for people who stay
together, there may be a U-shaped curve of marital satisfac-
While male-dominated marriage used to be standard in Iran, tion, with happiness rising at the empty-nest stage. Ironically,
today divorce is becoming more common, and married women expecting one’s relationship to be perfect may predict becoming
in this nation have more rights than before. Arranged marriages, especially disenchanted after the honeymoon phase.
CHAPTER 11 Relationships and Roles 353
According to Robert Sternberg’s triangular theory of love, Today, we expect men to be breadwinners and nurturer fathers
married couples start out with consummate love, but passion as well as good sex-role models and, sometimes, disciplinarians.
and intimacy can decline as partners construct separate lives. To In recent decades, dads do far more hands on caregiving,
preserve passion and intimacy, share exciting experiences with although, statistically speaking, women typically still do more.
your mate, be totally committed to the marriage, feel devoted to Fathers play with their children in traditionally male, active ways,
a partner’s well-being, and take joy in sacrificing for your mate. and vary in their involvement, depending on their fatherhood
When they communicate, happy couples make a high ratio of attitudes and work schedules. Despite our new nurturer
positive to negative comments and don’t get personally hurtful fatherhood ideals, men still vitally care about fulfilling the tradi-
or offer their partners excessive advice. tional breadwinner role.
Divorce, that common adult event, has negative causes and con-
sequences. Still this life event can result in greater well-being, Work
and even a sexual rebirth (for females), especially if couples were
very distressed (versus simply feeling “a bit” unfulfilled) with We used to have traditional stable careers. Today, we often have
their mates. Although many people do remarry after divorcing, boundaryless careers. Technology, while it offers more flexibility
the odds of finding a new mate don’t favor females, and second with regard to physically being at an office, has led to a blurring
marriages can be difficult, because it’s hard for stepchildren to of family and work time. We also work longer hours than in the
get attached to a “new” mom or dad. Attachments are more likely past, partly because Western adults have less job security than
when stepfamilies provide a loving atmosphere, and a stepdad in previous decades.
lives with the children for an extended time. Stepchildren give Among college graduates, high core self-evaluations, measured
both men and women tremendous joy. in high school, predict mid-life career happiness and career
success. People who have high self-efficacy and optimistic atti-
Parenthood tudes seek out challenging work, proactively shape their jobs,
Although many more people can become parents in our twenty- and manage to enjoy their jobs even when engaged in less mean-
first-century society, a major concern in Europe and Asia is declin- ingful work. The ideal is to see our career as a calling, fully
ing fertility rates. Despite our negative stereotypes, childless expressing our life mission.
adults are not more self-centered or unhappy than parents. Career happiness (and seeing our job as a calling) involves work-
The transition to parenthood tends to lessen romance and hap- ing hard at a job and, especially, finding an ideal personality–
piness, for both gay and heterosexual couples, and especially work fit. People want jobs that offer intrinsic career rewards
for men who have not married the mother. Gender roles become although extrinsic career rewards, such as pay, become salient
more traditional. Conflicts centered on marital equity can arise. when people need to support a family or need a paycheck to
Still, some couples grow closer after the baby is born. Coping economically survive. Role overload (too much work to do) and
constructively with conflicts before becoming parents predicts role conflict (being pulled between family and work) impair
how a relationship will fare after the child arrives. career satisfaction. While family–work conflict is endemic,
especially during the parenting years, work can also enrich
The emotional quality of motherhood is affected by a variety of
family life.
forces, and this experience, although meaningful, is tailor-made
to destroy women’s images of how they thought they would Traditional gender roles still operate in the world of work. Because
behave. Society conveys a sanitized view of motherhood. We they are more apt to periodically leave the workforce to provide
tend to blame mothers for their children’s “deficiencies,” and we family care, women have more erratic careers than men. Occu-
sometimes berate women who work for not spending enough pational segregation also explains (a bit) why females who work
time with their children. In contrast to our images of an epidemic full time continue to earn less than males. Society gives priority
of uninvolved mothers, twenty-first-century women spend much to married fathers in salaries and expects men to out-earn their
more time (especially teaching time) with their children than in the wives. Unfortunately, when a wife is the primary breadwinner
past. Contemporary mothers (and fathers) are giving their children and the husband engages in most of the housework, a couple’s
unparalleled attention and love—even while they hold down jobs. sexual life may be affected.
deinstitutionalization of consummate love, p. 334 traditional stable career, p. 347 role overload, p. 350
marriage, p. 328 fertility rate, p. 340 boundaryless career, p. 347 role conflict, p. 350
serial cohabitation, p. 329 marital equity, p. 341 intrinsic career rewards, family–work conflict, p. 350
U-shaped curve of marital breadwinner role, p. 344 p. 349 occupational segregation,
satisfaction, p. 332 extrinsic career rewards, p. 349 p. 351
nurturer father, p. 344
triangular theory of love, p. 333
354 PART V Early and Middle Adulthood
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At 20, I was so anxious about life. But there is nothing like 30-plus years of living to
teach you who you really are. I mainly credit the life-changing experience of having
twins for making me mature. Children lock you into the fact that you have a mission
larger than the self. The down-times strengthened me, too: raising my own babies as
a single mom, helping to take care of Dad during his final years. At age 53, I have zero
fears about physical aging. Getting through menopause was no problem; my sex life
is actually better than it was at 25! My anxiety relates to my mind. Now that the kids
are grown, I’m passionate to make a difference in the world. I want to return to school
to get a Ph.D. in public policy. But can I succeed in the classroom at my age? Am I too
old to get a job?
Then, there are anxieties about time. I’m watching my new grandbaby during the
week, while my daughter is at work. Not only is day care expensive, I can’t let Joshua
spend his first year of life with strangers. Child care is a grandma’s job!
Still, I’m up for these challenges, especially since I can rely on my life love, Matt,
to cheer me on. In most ways, I’m the same person I was at 20—just as outgoing,
caring—but much more responsible, of course. And, it’s now or never. I feel the clock
ticking when I look around. My friend Charron recently died of cancer. My baby brother
retired after having a stroke last year. I get my inspiration from Mom—at age 75, still
the youth group director at Church. Mom—well, she’s supposed to be old, but she’s
really middle-aged.
hen you think of middle imagine vigorous, happy grandparents,
age, what images come to or midlife daughters overburdened by
mind? As is true of Jamila in caring for their parents in old age. In this
the vignette, you might imagine adults chapter, devoted to the long life stage
at the peak of their powers: confident, that psychologist Carl Jung (1933) poeti-
mature, taking on empty nest chal- cally labeled “the afternoon of life,” we’ll
lenges, focused on making a difference explore these joys and heartaches, chal-
in the world. But you might also think lenges, and changes.
of people fearful about mental loss, and Let’s start by setting boundaries.
grappling with sexual decline. You could When are people middle-aged?
358 PART V Early and Middle Adulthood
have consequences for our lives. Because they are upbeat and
happy, extraverts have more fulfilling relationships (Butkovic,
Brkovic, & Bratko, 2011; Cox and others, 2010). People high
on neuroticism, being impulsive and depressed, are more apt to
suffer from chronic diseases (Sutin and others, 2013). Passionate
to expand their horizons, adults high on openness are set up to Look at these exuberant women enjoying themselves at a
grow emotionally (Lilgendahl, Helson, & John, 2013) and stay party and you will understand why extroverts are gener-
ally happy (and also why simply being around a “people
cognitively sharp (von Stumm, 2013) as the years pass. One person” makes us feel more upbeat). How would you rank
longitudinal study even suggested that openness to experience yourself on extraversion, and each of the other Big Five
and conscientiousness might help protect us against developing traits I just described?
Alzheimer’s disease (Duberstein and others, 2011).
Without neglecting the role of each Big Five trait in constructing a successful
life, researchers are particularly interested in the impact of conscientiousness as we
travel from childhood to old age. So let’s pause to look at the lifespan path of this
personality dimension in more depth. (Unless otherwise noted, these findings come
from Shanahan and others, 2014; Reiss, Eccles, & Nielson, 2014.)
These descriptions suggest that because our nature (or basic temperamental
traits) shape specific life experiences, we should become more like ourselves as we
age. Due to an evocative and active process, Sara’s conscientious personality paved
the way for her to outshine her contemporaries dramatically at each adult stage.
Joe and Calista (mentioned earlier in this chapter), are set up to fail socially and
work-wise, and become bitter over time. In addition to genetic and environmental
forces both converging to promote consistency, we expect similar behaviors from
people such as Sara, Joe, and Calista (“She’s a nasty you-know-what!”) because we
yearn for a stable world (Allemand, Steiger, & Hill, 2013). If you have ever been
shocked when a family member acted totally “out of character,” you know what
I mean.
Therefore, what’s astonishing is that twin studies show personality gets less
heritable as we age and encounter the random ups and downs of life (Bleidorn,
Kandler, & Caspi, 2014; Briley & Tucker-Drob, 2014; Specht and others, 2014).
Moreover, although the main theme is consistency (who you are as a person prob-
ably won’t basically change), the good news is that during adulthood many of us get
more mature.
Donate money
Men 70 Keep money
Probability resilient
up to 30 31–40 41–50 51–60 61–70 70 and up Young people Middle-aged Older people
Age group age 19 Age 59
figure 12.1a: In huge cross- figure 12.1b: The relationship figure 12.1c: Donation behavior at
sectional studies conducted in between age and self-criticism in different ages in several thousand Swiss
Germany and Australia, the per- over 300 Canadian adults ranging in and U.S. adults: When asked to either keep
centage of resilient personalities age from 19 to 59, recruited from the or donate the money from participating in
floated upwards in older groups: Internet: In this study, when people of dif- this study to charity, notice, in particular, the
This chart, showing the findings for ferent ages were asked to respond to items dramatic rise in altruism (donating) among
women, reveals that the probability of such as “There is a big difference between middle-aged people.
being classified as resilient increases how I am and how I want to be,” far fewer Data from: Freund & Blanchard-Fields, 2014.
dramatically particularly during people (especially men) gave self-critical
middle age. ratings at each of the older ages.
Data from: Specht, Luhmann, & Geiser, 2014. Data from: Kopala-Sibley, Mongrain, & Zuroff,
2013, p. 135.
362 PART V Early and Middle Adulthood
Obviously, these findings are averages. There are clearly many, selfish “out-of-
control” sixty-somethings. Perhaps you have a friend who peaked emotionally in
adolescence and went on to have an unhappy life: the teenage football hero who
descended into drug abuse, or your high-school prom queen who now lives homeless,
on the street.
Table 12.1 showcases interesting predictors at different life stages (apart from our
rankings on the Big Five) that predict either growing emotionally or having problems
down the road. The last item—processing traumatic events in a thoughtful, open
way—brings me to the core quality involved in adult fulfillment: generativity.
In the preteen years: Not being in the cool kids crowd. In following 184 adolescents, researchers
found that while early adolescent “mature behaviors,” such as drinking and smoking, promoted
popularity in sixth or seventh grade, these cool teens were prone to have long-term difficulties
with relationships and substance-abuse problems during their twenties (Allen and others, 2014;
see also my popularity feature in Chapter 9).
In college: Having prosocial values. In exploring life goals during college and then tracking people
for 20 years, researchers found that men with strong prosocial values—versus priorities revolving
around making a lot of money—were most likely to be living meaningful, happy lives at the brink
of middle age (Hill and others, 2011).
During adulthood: Experiencing a medium amount of stress and coping with difficult life events in
an open, productive way. When researchers explored major life stresses and then related these
reports to overall well-being, people who reported no life traumas were more unhappy than
those who reported having a medium number of major stresses (Seery, Holman, & Silver, 2010).
In following midlife women, psychologists found that if a person ranked high on openness to
experience and openly processed upsetting life events, she was apt to be ranked mature at
age 61 (Lilgendahl, Helson, & John, 2013).
In listening to these life stories, McAdams realized the power of random life
events in shaping personality. Although this woman might have always ranked high
in conscientiousness, the specific path her life took was altered by this pivotal experi-
ence. In McAdams’s opinion, in order to really understand development, we need to
get up close and personal and talk to people about their missions and goals.
CHAPTER 12 Midlife 363
“I’ll be happy when I get my career in order, become famous, and have the funds
to eat at that five-star restaurant every night.”
Answer: Sorry, not really. According to a phenomenon called the hedonic treadmill, when we win the
lottery, graduate from college, or (in my case) get a book published, we are thrilled at first, but
then revert to our normal happiness set point (“So I got an Oscar last year. What else is new?”).
Therefore, piling on Kudos or engaging in pleasurable activities such as indulging in gourmet
food no longer provide an emotional boost when these activities become routine. The good news
is that the hedonic treadmill also applies to negative events. We adjust and then, eventually, our
“natural” happiness returns.
“Because happiness is an inner state, the nation we live in makes a minor impact
on personal happiness.”
Answer: Wrong! Our nation and its government greatly affects personal well-being (Ott, 2011; Pinker,
2011). As a resident of Denmark, for instance, you are probably very happy, with well-being
scores topping the global charts at an average of 8 on a 10 point scale; in some African nations,
the average person ranks fairly miserable (at below 4) (Wilkinson & Pickett, 2009). Check out
page 367 for a surprising society-wide characteristic that predicts happiness among both affluent
and poor citizens.
Information from: Jorgensen, Jamieson, & Martin, 2010; Ladis, Daniels, & Kawachi, 2009; Angelini and others, 2012;
Bergsma & Ardelt, 2011; George, 2010; Helson & Soto, 2005; Windsor & Anstey, 2010.
As this case history suggests, having children does not automatically evoke
generativity. You can give birth and be totally nongenerative and uninvolved.
Conversely, midlife adults who never have children can be incredibly generative
in the wider world (see Newton & Baltys, 2014). Classic contemporary outlets for
generativity, such as environmental activism, involve caring for generations “not
yet born” (Morselli, 2013). Our world-class generative role models, such as Mother
Theresa or Martin Luther King, lived lives devoted (in the beautiful phrase) to
“repairing the world.”
366 PART V Early and Middle Adulthood
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tion, here is what you might tell an emerging-adult friend who wants
insights into who she will be at 40 or 59.
• Expect to grow in maturity and especially become much more
conscientious, although, in general, your core personality will
probably not change much over the years. This group project to restore
the oldest Black Baptist
• Expect to become more self-assured and altruistic as you travel through middle age. church in South Carolina is
typical in the African American
• Expect your priorities to shift toward more generative concerns and to grow in experience, where a mission to
generativity, especially during late midlife. be of service—especially in a
caring community that revolves
• I predict that if you rank high on conscientiousness and the other positive Big Five around the church—is standard.
traits; have prosocial, generative priorities; and deal productively with the traumas
in your life, you are on track for a fulfilling middle age—but don’t hold me to my
word, as scientists never know for sure what the future will bring!
As a final note, I must emphasize that it’s difficult to grow emotionally if you are
mired in poverty or live in a society rife with conflict and corruption, where life trau-
mas are routine. McAdams’s generative community-minded African Americans were
typically economically secure (Jones & McAdams, 2013). The reason why Denmark
clocks in with the world’s highest well-being (recall Table 12.4 on page 365) is not
just that this country is comparatively affluent. People are happiest in nations where
they trust their government to be fair and effective (Ott, 2011) and income inequali-
ties are relatively small (Wilkinson & Pickett, 2009). So our own happiness depends
on living in a generative society, where life isn’t a zero-sum game. We are most likely
to flourish as people when everyone around us is flourishing, too.
In the next section, devoted to cognition, I’ll be filling in more pieces of the
puzzle involved in constructing a fulfilling life.
scale, with its emphasis on putting together blocks or puzzles within a time limit,
tends to measure fluid skills.
Fluid intelligence—because it depends on our nervous system being at its biolog-
ical peak—is at its high point in our twenties and then declines. Because it measures
the knowledge that we have amassed over years, crystallized intelligence tends to
increase into late middle age. However, by later life, crystallized IQ declines, because
our forgetting rate outpaces the new knowledge that we can absorb.
The good news is that, with regard to the most vital crystallized skill—negotiating
relationships—age losses may not appear. While their slower information processing
skills can impair older people’s performance on standard theory of mind tasks (Henry
and others, 2013), sixty-somethings seem just as good (or better) at judging people as
younger adults (Hess & Smith, 2014). Plus, the losses on fluid intelligence tests are not
as great for my baby boom cohort as for my parents’ generation (Zelinski & Kennison,
2007), suggesting that the Flynn effect (mentioned in Chapters 1 and 7) also applies
to the older years. The bad news is that the inevitable age-related losses on fluid IQ
tests reflect a slowing of information processing that extends to many areas of life.
So, in any situation requiring multitasking, people may notice their abilities
declining at a relatively young age. In your late thirties it seems harder to dribble a
basketball while keeping your attention on the opposing team. You are having more
trouble juggling cooking and having conversations with guests at your dinner parties
than at age 25. In old age, these steady fluid losses, as you will see in Chapter 14,
progress to the point where they truly interfere with daily life.
The distinction between fluid and crystallized intelligence accounts for why peo-
ple in fast-paced jobs, such as air-traffic controllers, worry about being over the hill in
their forties. It makes sense of why airline CEOs or professors reach their professional
peak in their early sixties (but not much beyond!). Anytime an activity depends heav-
ily on quickness, being older presents problems. Whenever an intellectual challenge
involves stored knowledge, people improve into their fifties and beyond.
Suppose you are an artist or a writer. When can you expect to do your finest work?
Researchers find that when a creative activity is dependent on being totally original,
such as dancing or writing poetry, people tend to perform best in their thirties (see
Simonton, 2007). If the form of creativity depends just on crystallized experience, such
as writing nonfiction or, in my case, producing college textbooks (yes!), people perform
at their best in their early sixties (Simonton, 1997, 2002). But in tracing the lives of peo-
ple famous for their creative work, one researcher discovered that who we are as people,
or our enduring abilities, outweighs the changes that occur with age. As Figure 12.4 on
the next page shows, true geniuses outshine everyone else at any age (Simonton, 1997).
David Becker/Getty Images
AP Photo
As his passion demands speedy mental processing, this gaming guru may feel “old” in his thirties. But this 60-year-old professor will
probably see his teaching as better than ever today because his job depends almost exclusively on crystallized skills.
CHAPTER 12 Midlife 371
Genius-level talent
geniuses stand head and shoul-
Less talented
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Age Age
(in years) (in years)
From Sigmund Freud, who put forth masterpieces into his eighties, to Frank
Lloyd Wright, who designed world-class buildings into his ninth decade of life, history
is full of examples showing that creativity can burn bright well into old age.
Staying IQ Smart
Returning to normally creative people, such as you and me, what qualities help any
person stay cognitively sharp? What causes our intellectual capacities to decline at a
younger-than-normal age?
HEALTH MATTERS. As our mind and our body are “all connected,” the first key to
staying intelligent as we age lies in staying physically fit. Hundreds of studies show
that physical interventions, as varied as Taekwondo (van Dijk, Huijts, & Lodder,
2013) to resistance exercise (Chang and others, 2014), help keep intelligence
372 PART V Early and Middle Adulthood
The most powerful scientific evidence that our physical state affects our thinking
comes from a mammoth U.S. study tracking thousands of adults. After testing physi-
ological functions spanning heart rate to glucose metabolism, body mass index to
cortisol levels, and more, scientists devised an overall physical deterioration score they
labeled allostatic load (Karlamangla and others, 2014). As you can see in Figure 12.5,
this global index of body dysregulation was strongly related to performance on execu-
tive function tests. To put these findings concretely: As an adult with an allostatic load
score of 2.7 (the seventy-fifth percentile), you would rank almost three years older
in your ability to quickly process information than someone of the same age with a
ranking of 1 (the twenty-fifth percentile)!
Executive function score
Even more compelling (at least for me) is an eerie phenomenon gerontologists
call terminal drop. In the first longitudinal studies of cognition, researchers were
astonished to discover that they could predict which older people were more likely
to die within the next few years by “larger than expected” losses in their verbal IQ
(Cooney, Schaie, & Willis, 1988; Riegel & Riegel, 1972). If a person’s scores on tests
of vocabulary and other crystallized measures steeply declined, these changes were an
ominous early warning sign of a soon-to-be-diagnosed life-threatening disease.
These studies haunted me the summer when I noticed that my father had suddenly
aged mentally. My dad, who was always an intellectual whiz, had lost interest in the world.
allostatic load An overall He was disoriented and depressed. A few months later, my worst fears were confirmed: My
score of body deterioration, father was diagnosed with liver cancer, the illness that was to quickly end his life.
gained from summing how a
person functions on multiple MENTAL STIMULATION (WITH PEOPLE) MAY MATTER. Because, recall from Chapter 3,
physiological indexes. environmental stimulation promotes synaptogenesis, the second key to staying intelli-
Allostatic load predicts gent should be a no-brainer: Exercise your mind!
cognitive performance during
adult life. To begin our discussion, let’s return to the Big Five—this time to openness to
experience. As this trait measures our tendency to reach out and seek stimulating
terminal drop A research
phenomenon in which experiences, it comes as no surprise that adults who score high on openness are apt
a dramatic decline in an to grow most dramatically in crystallized IQ (von Stumm, 2013).
older person’s scores on Professional choices make a difference. People who work in complex, challeng-
vocabulary tests and other ing jobs tend to become more mentally flexible with age (Schooler, 1999, 2001;
measures of crystallized
intelligence predicts having Schooler, Mulatu, & Oates, 2004). Careers involving people—from hosting talk
a terminal disease. shows, to coaching teens—are especially likely to keep midlife people mentally on
CHAPTER 12 Midlife 373
their toes (Finkel and others, 2009). So, one good intellectual
insurance policy is to follow my advice in Chapters 10 and 11:
Find a challenging, compelling, flow- inducing career!
But wait a second! Aren’t adults with challenging jobs apt to
be intelligent and well educated to begin with, and also younger
health-wise than the average person their age? Couldn’t these other
forces account for why their crystallized abilities improve most with
life experience, we realize that most real-world problems do not have clear-cut
“right” answers. Postformal thinkers accept the validity of different perspectives.
They embrace the ambiguities of life. This awareness that the truth is relative does
not mean that postformal thinkers avoid making decisions or having strong beliefs.
As with C. Vann Woodward, people who reason postformally make better deci-
sions because they are open to changing their ideas when faced with competing
perspectives that make sense.
POSTFORMAL THOUGHT IS FEELING-ORIENTED. Teenagers in formal operations
feel that by using logic, they can make sense of the world. Postformal thinkers go
beyond rationality to reason in a different way. Because there is often no objec-
tively “right” answer to life’s dilemmas, thinking postformally means relying more
on one’s gut feelings as the basis for making decisions. As with Anthony Hecht,
people who reason postformally are less rigid, more open, fully in touch with their
inner lives.
POSTFORMAL THOUGHT IS QUESTION-DRIVEN. Adolescents want to get the correct
answers and finish or solve tasks. Postformal thinkers are less focused on solutions.
They thrive on developing new questions and reconsidering their opinions. As you
saw with both Anthony Hecht and Prof. Woodward, people who think postformally
enjoy coming up with new, interesting ways of looking at the world.
Clearly, we cannot measure this kind of intelligence by giving tests in which
questions have a single correct answer. We need to adopt the strategy that Lawrence
Kohlberg used with his moral dilemmas (recall Chapter 9): Present people with
real-world situations and examine the way they think. How
would you respond to this sample problem?
John is known to be a heavy drinker, especially when he goes to 2.2 Individual rankings shown in colored dots
parties. Mary, John’s wife, warns him that if he gets drunk one Lower 80%
more time, she will leave him and take the children. John goes Higher 20%
to an office party and comes home drunk. Does Mary leave him? 2.0
How sure are you of your answer?
Wisdom score
Now, returning to what we have learned so far, what lessons does this whole chap-
ter have for constructing a fulfilling life? Table 12.6 summarizes all of these insights
in a chart that offers tips for flourishing during adult life.
Until this point, I have been discussing issues that are relevant to people in their
twenties, their forties and fifties, and even adults aged 95. In the next section, I’ll
explore transitions unique to the middle years.
1. Develop a generative mission. If you feel that your life lacks purpose, try volunteering or helping
others—it’s addictive!
2. Try to view your failures and upsetting life experiences as learning lessons. Understand life’s
disappointments offer us our best opportunities to grow, provided we openly confront and
process these changes.
Now that she is 60, this woman 3. To keep your mind fine-tuned, take care of your physical health and be open to experience—
may qualify as truly wise, putting yourself in mentally stimulating situations involving people.
particularly if she has the
4. When you feel in role conflict—or that your life lacks balance—establish priorities, work hard in
qualities listed here.
your most important areas, and rely on external aids to help you perform.
5. Think postformally: Be open to different perspectives; question your established ideas and ways
of thinking; reflect on your feelings to help guide you in making wise life choices.
The (Lakota) grandparents always took . . . the first grandchild to raise. They think that
. . . they’re more mature . . . and they could teach the children a lot more than the young
parents. . . . I’m still trying to carry on that tradition because my grandmother raised me
most of the time up until I was nine years old.
(quoted in Weibel-Orlando, 1999, p. 187)
This comment from Mrs. Big Buffalo, a Native American grandmother, reminds us
that every adult role, from spouse, to parent, to worker, to grandparent, is shaped
by our society. Native American and Hawaiian grandparents are apt to see raising
grandchildren as “our custom” (Yancura, 2013). In Western cultures, where we put
a priority on the nuclear family, grandparents are more peripheral to family life. In
most societies, maternal grandparents (the daughter’s parents) are more involved
with the grandchildren. In China, it’s the moms and dads of sons (Xu, Silverstein, &
Chi, 2014).
Still, even in Western nations, where tradition dictates taking a hands-off stance,
in our era of single parents and full-time working mothers, grandparents must be more
involved than in the past (Dunifon, 2013). As I implied in Chapter 4, many women
today help care for an infant grandchild while their sons and daughters work (Hank
& Buber, 2009; McNally, Share, & Murray, 2014). Doesn’t this impulse to watch over
the youngest, most vulnerable family members suggest that there is a basic benefit
built into grandparenthood?
You may notice this complexity and flexibility in your own family. One grandpar-
ent might be a shadowy figure; another may qualify as a second mother or best friend.
378 PART V Early and Middle Adulthood
Grandparent Problems
Grandparents take pride in the fact that they are free to “be there” to lov-
ingly listen, and to leave the disciplining to mom and dad. But my discus-
sion implies grandparents are really not free. For one thing, it’s important
to hold your tongue and not criticize your child’s parenting, because your
© Purestock/Kablonk/Alamy
daughter-in-law decided to move across the country to be close to her own mother in
Seattle, rather than stay in New York City—transforming my friend into the distant
grandma she never wanted to be.
The allegiance to one’s family of origin can have devastating effects after a divorce.
When the wife gets custody, and especially if she remarries and has other children,
she can lock her ex-husband’s parents out of the family’s life (Sims & Rofail, 2013).
When people get locked out of seeing their grandchildren—whether due to a
divorce, being a disliked paternal grandma, or because of disputes with a biological
child—you would think that courts might grant these grandparents visitation rights.
You would be wrong. Some ethicists argue that simply being a grandparent doesn’t
give people any intrinsic legal rights (Draper, 2013). Yes, many states have legislation
allowing grandparent visitation depending on “the best interests of the child.” But
consider the situation in Florida (and Canada), where these statutes have been struck
down as unconstitutional, in favor of the idea that parents alone, except in cases of mal-
treatment, are perfectly free to decide who their child sees (Beiner and others, 2014).
Then there is the opposite situation—feeling compelled to “be there” more than
you want. Let’s spell out a typical scenario: Your daughter (or son) wants you to watch
the baby while she is at work. You don’t want to disappoint your child, but you want
your own life. The role conflict is especially intense when grandparents assume a more
demanding job—becoming full-time parents again.
Caregiving grandparents take full responsibility for raising their grandchildren. caregiving grandparents
In recent decades, the ranks of these grandparents have swelled. In the 2010 census, Grandparents who have
taken on full responsibility
7.5 million U.S. children lived with a grandparent. The number of grandparents
for raising their
having primary care for that grandchild doubled over the past 40 years (Rubin, 2013). grandchildren.
Although they span the socioeconomic spectrum, caregiving grandparents tend to be
poor. In extreme cases, these front-line caregivers must petition the court for custody
and formally adopt a granddaughter or grandson.
How does it feel to take this step? As you might expect, custodial grandparents are
typically deeply distressed, mourning the fact that their own son or daughter—often
because of incarceration, or drug or alcohol problems—is incapable of performing
this job (Rubin, 2013). They may feel angry at being forced into this “off-time” role.
But they often feel a generative, “watchdog” responsibility to protect their flesh and
blood (Hayslip & Patrick, 2003). Here is what one woman had to say to the police
after her drug-abusing daughter took off with a grandchild and stole her car:
[The police in a different state] said to me, “Ma’am, if you don’t get here in 72 hours,
then your grandson will be put in the [state protective services system] and you will have
to fight to get him.” I said, “I will fight from the moment I get there if my grandson is
not there for me.”
(quoted in Climo, Terry, & Lay, 2002, p. 25)
And another woman summed up the general feeling of the custodial grand-
mothers in this study when she blurted out: “Nobody is going to take [my grandson]
away from me. I have done everything except give birth to him” (quoted in Climo,
Terry, & Lay, 2002, p. 25).
These women, mainly in their late fifties, complained about feeling physically
drained: “Some days I feel really old, like I just can’t keep up with him” (quoted in
Climo, Terry, & Lay, 2002, p. 23). They had mixed emotions about their situation:
“Some days I feel real blessed by it, other days I want to sit and cry” (p. 25). They
sometimes described redemption sequences, too: “God has given me this wonderful
little boy to raise and I’m thinking, ‘How many people get the opportunity to do it a
second time?’” (p. 26).
Parent Care
Ask friends and family members and they will tell you that becoming a grandpar-
ent is one of the joys of being middle-aged. Words such as joy and fulfillment
380 PART V Early and Middle Adulthood
do not come to mind when we imagine that second classic midlife role: car-
parent care Adult children’s ing for elderly parents. Researchers who study parent care speak of this family
care for their disabled elderly job using phrases like “burden,” “hassles,” and “strain” (Hunt, 2003; Son and
others, 2007).
Caring for parents violates the basic principle in Western cultures that parents
give to their children, not the reverse (Belsky, 1999). So, it makes sense that while
older people may welcome help from siblings or a spouse, they prefer being the
“givers” (or help providers) with an adult child. Moreover, as you might expect from
the vow “in sickness and in health,” elderly spouses find caregiving far less burden-
some than daughters or sons do (Perrig-Chiello & Hutchison, 2010).
Actually, let me get personal and relate all of this to Chapter 11. When older
people are happily married, sacrificing for a chronically ill spouse is not a burden,
but a source of fulfillment. It’s definitely a “labor of love.”
Unfortunately, this is often not true with parent care. Because caring for an ill
parent is typically a woman’s job, it can produce role conflict, when a daughter or
daughter-in law must cut back her work hours, or leave her career. If, as is increas-
ingly true, a caregiving child is in her sixties or seventies, parent care may put a
damper in that child’s retirement plans or interfere with the need to care for her
frail, disabled spouse. More rarely, a woman is pulled between two intergenera-
tional commitments, caring for her elderly parent and watching the grandchildren
full time.
At this point, I need to set the record straight: The phenomenon called the
“sandwich generation”—women pulled between caring for their young children and
disabled elderly parents— is fairly rare. Since parent care typically occurs in the fifties,
that job usually occurs during empty nest, grandparent stage. Moreover, the classic
concept that people have a predictable “midlife crisis” is another myth. The research
facts show it doesn’t exist for most adults.
Finally, the belief that in Asian cultures or in U.S. groups with more collectiv-
ist values, children are “happy” to care for aging parents is also untrue (Freeman
and others, 2010; Hashizume, 2010). In Japan, for instance, with polls showing
one in two middle-aged people want to live apart from their children when they
get old, hands-on caring for elderly parents is
no longer a cultural norm (Qu, 2014). In one
U.S. study, if children reported that helping
their aged parent was “a family obligation,” they
felt under more stress when actually providing
care (Sayegh & Knight, 2011). How stressful,
generally, is parent care?
The answer—as developmental systems
theory predicts—is “it varies” (Merz, Schulze, &
Schuengel, 2010). If the older adult’s needs are
minimal, a daughter is not working, and/or she
© Dennis MacDonald/PhotoEdit
Still, caring for a disabled parent can have the opposite effect. It may offer its own
redemption sequence, giving children the chance to repay a beloved mother or father
for years of care (Kramer & Thompson, 2002). Moreover, as with other life stresses,
productively confronting this challenge can help midlife children grow emotionally
and become “wiser,” especially about planning for their lives when they become old
(Pope, 2013).
Balancing the need to respect a frail older parent’s autonomy and knowing when
to intervene (Funk, 2010); being generative with the grandchildren, but not intrusive,
while balancing your own and your family’s needs: These are the kinds of complex
relationship challenges that explain why, in Jung’s evocative words, the long “after-
noon of life” may teach us to be wise.
© Mark Savage/Corbis
they are particularly age-phobic (Slevec & Tiggemann, 2011),
many middle-aged women take a kind of middle position
with regard to Jung’s advice: rejecting body-altering measures,
such as facelifts, but wanting to age as beautifully as possible
by using creams and dyes (Muise & Desmarais, 2010). The
In her late-fifties, Sharon Stone
media presence of “mature” sex symbols such as Sharon Stone suggest that today is a glorious testament to the
we don’t have to give up our sexual selves until fairly far into life’s afternoon (Weitz, fact that youthful sex symbols
2010). What really happens sexually to both men and women as they age? can remain just as alluring (and
natural looking!) well into the
afternoon of life.
Exploring the Facts Relating to Physical Sexual Decline
The findings for middle-aged men are somewhat depressing. Older males need
more time to develop an erection. They are more likely to lose an erection before
ejaculation occurs. Their ejaculations become less intense. By their fifties, most
men are not able to have another erection for 12 to 24 hours after having had
sex (Masters & Johnson, 1966). This slower arousal to ejaculation tempo explains
the popularity of the billion-dollar market for erection-stimulating drugs. Desire
remains, but by late middle age, many men need extra help to implement their
Because their sexual apparatus does not critically depend on blood flow, older
women can be just as orgasmic at 80 as at age 20. Unfortunately, however, in middle
age, women are more apt to turn off to sex than men. The reason is environmental:
being without a partner (due to widowhood or divorce); having an older spouse with
a chronic disease; not having anyone respond to you as a sexual human being. Meno-
pause can indirectly affect sexuality, too.
Menopause typically occurs at about age 50, when estrogen production falls menopause The age-related
off dramatically and women stop ovulating. Specifically, the defining marker of process, occurring at about
age 50, in which ovulation
menopause is not having menstruated for a year. As estrogen production declines and menstruation stop due
and a woman approaches this milestone, her menstrual cycle becomes more to the decline of estrogen.
irregular. During this sexual winding-down period, called perimenopause, as the
stereotypes described in Table 12.7 on the next page suggest, many women have
other physical symptoms, such as night sweats and hot flashes (sudden sensations
of heat) (Lerner-Geva and others, 2010).
382 PART V Early and Middle Adulthood
1. The stereotype: Women have terrible physical symptoms while going through menopause.
The facts: Researchers find that an upsurge of minor physical complaints does occur during
the few years preceding menopause: lack of energy, backaches, and joint stiffness. Many
women experience hot flashes and some sleeplessness. Still, there is variability from person
to person, and complaints vary from culture to culture. In one study, while fewer than half the
women in a Scandinavian poll reported difficult symptoms, 2 out of 3 U.S. women did (Nappi &
Kokot-Kierepa, 2010).
2. The stereotype: Women are very moody while going through menopause.
The facts: Statistically speaking, women may show a minor rise in anxiety and depression as
they approach menopause, when estrogen levels are waning (Avis and others, 2004). However,
more recent research suggests menopause has no impact on mental health (Soares, 2013).
3. The stereotype: Women feel empty, “dried up,” old, and asexual after menopause.
The facts: Many women find menopause a relief. For instance, one-third of the women in Taiwan
and almost half of all Australian women in a cross-cultural study said that they were happy not
to have to deal with a period every month (Fu, Anderson, & Courtney, 2003). In another Danish
study, at menopause, most women felt that they were entering a new, freer (and sexier) stage of
life (Hvas, 2001).
This estrogen loss produces changes in the reproductive tract. After menopause,
the vaginal walls thin out and become more fragile. The vagina shortens, and its
opening narrows. The size of the clitoris and labia shrinks and blood flow tends
to decrease. It takes longer after arousal for lubrication to begin (Masters & Johnson,
1966; Saxon, Etten, & Perkins, 2010). Women don’t produce as much fluid as
before. These changes can make having intercourse so painful that some women
stop having sex.
For Men
Problem Solutions
Trouble maintaining or 1. Understand that some physiological slowing down is normal,
achieving an erection and do not be alarmed by problems performing. Sexual
relations need to occur more slowly; manual stimulation
may be necessary to achieve erection and orgasm. Also
understand that some of these very changes may make you
a more creative, sensitive lover as you grow old.
2. Stay healthy. Avoid sexually impairing conditions such as
heart disease. If possible, avoid medications that have
sexual side effects (such as antidepressants and blood
pressure pills).
3. If troubled by chronic problems performing, explore the
medicines that are available for treating these issues, as well
as devices such as the penile pump.
For Women
Problem Solutions
No sexual signals coming 1. Stay sexy, be conscious of your physical appearance.
from the outside world
2. Find a partner (there are many!) who appreciates you as a
sexual human being.
Decline in estrogen 1. Consider using lubricants, such as K-Y Jelly, when having
levels makes having sex.
sexual intercourse painful
2. Consider hormone replacement therapy (but discuss this
with your doctor).
Concluding advice for both sexes: Don’t accept the stereotype that sexuality declines with age.
Sex has the potential to become more emotionally gratifying (meaning affection-centered) as
people grow old.
384 PART V Early and Middle Adulthood
Although the boundaries of middle age span about age 40 to the productively—may produce emotional growth. Growing emo-
early sixties, many older adults describe themselves as middle tionally (and being highly generative) is most apt to occur when
aged. Personality, specifically neuroticism, predicts whether people are economically secure and live in “generative nations.”
midlife adults have an upbeat or gloomy view of the future. Early studies using the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS)
Research on the Big Five traits shows scores on neuroticism and found that people reach their intellectual peak in their twenties—
the other core dimensions of personality predict a variety of life although scores on the timed performance scale tests declined
outcomes. In particular, conscientiousness sets us up to age more rapidly than did scores on the verbal scale. The Seattle
healthier and be successful in work and love. Because genetic and Longitudinal Study—which controlled for the biases of this
environmental forces converge to promote consistency, our core research—showed the same change pattern, but it also indicated
personality probably doesn’t change much as we age. Still, peo- that we reach our intellectual peak in midlife.
ple grow in conscientiousness and other positive Big Five traits as Fluid intelligence, the capacity to master unfamiliar cognitive chal-
they assume adult roles. People also are more resilient, less self- lenges quickly, is at its height early in adulthood, and then it declines.
critical, and seem more altruistic at older ages. Dan McAdams’s Crystallized intelligence, our knowledge base, rises until well into
research exploring Erikson’s generativity shows that our priorities middle age. In professions that heavily depend on crystallized
shift to “other-centered concerns” during later midlife. Generativ- knowledge—versus fast information processing—people do well
ity, while not related to hedonic happiness, defines eudaimonic into their sixties. Creativity reaches its peak in midlife, although our
happiness—living a meaningful, fulfilling adult life. basic talents predict our real-world performance (at any age) best.
In their autobiographies, highly generative adults produce a com- Staying healthy, indexed by having a low allostatic load, and seek-
mitment script and describe redemption sequences—negative ing out stimulating interpersonal activities (and jobs) can prevent
events that turned out for the best. They also more often describe age-related cognitive decline. Terminal drop, a significant loss
defining life events involving caring family members or teach- in IQ, can indicate that a person is near death. Using selective
ers. The fact that African Americans may often be highly gen- optimization with compensation helps people successfully cope
erative suggests that adversity—in moderation and handled with age-related losses and live more successfully at any life stage.
Amos Morgan/Photodisc/Getty Images
CHAPTER 12 Midlife 385
Postformal thinkers are sensitive to diverse perspectives, inter- the grandchildren after a divorce, or due to having alienated the
ested in exploring questions, and attuned to their inner feelings parents. The opposite problem, being forced to be too involved,
in making life decisions. The specific aspect of wise thinking, at its extreme occurs with caregiving grandparents, especially
involving realistically reasoning about social conflicts in particu- people needing to take full legal custody of a child.
lar, may rise during later life. Parent care is another family role that some middle-aged daugh-
ters may assume. While often stressful, a variety of forces affect
Midlife Roles and Issues how women feel when caring for a disabled parent, and this life
Grandmotherhood may have evolved to help our species survive. role can sometimes promote emotional growth. Another midlife
In our society, grandparents act as family watchdogs, stepping in concern involves declining sexuality. For males, erectile capacity
when the younger family members need help. Gender, physical steadily declines. Although women show few (or no) physical sex-
proximity, the grandchildren’s ages, and especially people’s rela- ual changes, menopause has the side effect of making intercourse
tionship with the parent generation, determine people’s involve- more painful. The main reason, however, that older women may
ment in this joyous but constrained life role. Because women give up sex is social: being without a partner, not being viewed as
tend to be closer to their own mothers, paternal grandmothers sexual human beings. First-person accounts of old-age sexuality
are at risk of being less involved with the grandchildren than belie the standard gloom-and-doom decline message, suggesting
they want. At its extreme, people may be cut off from seeing that lovemaking can become more gratifying in later life.
Big Five, p. 358 Wechsler Adult Intelligence allostatic load, p. 372 family watchdogs, p. 377
generativity, p. 363 Scale (WAIS), p. 368 terminal drop, p. 372 caregiving grandparents,
hedonic happiness, p. 364 Seattle Longitudinal Study, selective optimization with p. 379
p. 368 compensation, p. 373 parent care, p. 380
eudaimonic happiness, p. 364
crystallized intelligence, p. 369 postformal thought, p. 374 menopause, p. 381
commitment script, p. 366
fluid intelligence, p. 369
redemption sequence, p. 366
Exploring Personality (and Well-Being) (2) work harder in his top-ranking areas, and (3) use external
1. a and b aids to help him cope.
2. a 4. a
3. The answers here are up to you, but it would be best to Midlife Roles and Issues
confront and process that event in a way that might promote 1. Karen may live closer to Emma. Most likely she is a maternal
personal growth. grandma. As Juanita gets older you would expect her to be
Exploring Intelligence (and Wisdom) less involved with her grandma.
1. Andres will reach his career peak far earlier than Mick because 2. Answers here will vary.
his job is heavily dependent on fluid skills. A historian’s job 3. c
depends almost exclusively on crystallized skills. 4. Males decline the most physiologically; female sexuality
2. Textbook writing is a crystallized skill, so I should be just as is most affected by social issues (such as the lack of a
good at my life passion during my sixties—provided I don’t partner).
get ill. Playing video games depends heavily on fluid skills, 5. Although the “physical sexual facts” show declining perfor-
so I will be far worse now than when I was young. mance is universal, especially for men, many people remain
3. The theory that applies to Rick’s problem—“too much on his sexually active into later life. Because sex is more centered
plate”—is Baltes’s selective optimization with compensation: on affection, many older adults say lovemaking is actually
He needs to (1) prioritize and shed less important jobs, better at their age.
Fuse/Getty Images
Later Life
This two-chapter book part, devoted to life’s last stage, highlights how we
develop and change as we move through senior citizenhood (the sixties and
beyond). Chapter 13 covers issues relevant to both the young-old and old-old
years. Chapter 14 emphasizes concerns that become pressing priorities in
advanced old age.
with an overview of the historic twenty-first-century age boom, then looks at
how memory changes as we age. During this discussion, you will not only learn
a wealth of information about memory and aging, but also get insights into
how to improve memory at any age. Then, we turn to the emotional side of life.
I’ll outline a creative theory and research spelling out why old age might be
the best life stage, and then offer tips for living meaningfully at this pinnacle
age. The second half of this chapter tackles those major later-life transitions:
retirement and widowhood.
Setting the Context
Ageism Through the Ages
Later-Life Transitions
SCIENCE: U.S. Retirement
Visiting a Widowed Person’s
Support Group
usan’s life changed dramatically confronts physical frailties of advanced
from the time she and Carl retired old age.
until her husband got sick and died. Susan’s life differs dramatically from
These two chapters capture the develop- most elderly widows around the globe—
mental shifts people experience as they in her lifestyle, in her open attitudes
travel through the young-old (sixties toward dating, in having the income to
and seventies) and old-old (over age 80) enjoy her older years. Still, in one way,
years. In the current chapter, I’ll focus on her experience is similar to millions of
cognition and the socioemotional side of other people her age. She is a foot soldier
later life. In Chapter 14, I’ll be following in a late-life army storming through the
Susan as she moves into her eighties and developed world.
390 PART VI Later Life
in Figure 13.1. In 2030 in Japan, where average life expectancy now tops age 81 and
fertility rates are low, the median age of the population will be roughly age 50. In
Italy, 1 out of every 2 people will be at least 52. And in that same year, roughly 1 in
every 5 Americans and 1 in 4 Europeans will be over age 65 (National Center for
Health Statistics, 2008).
How will you feel about living in a nation where the people with walkers may
Long life expectancies, declining be about to outnumber the babies in strollers on your streets? For hints, you might
fertility, the baby boomers reach- take a trip to a U.S. city where the age storm has struck. In Sarasota, Florida, where
ing old age—all of these forces the 65-plus population tops 30 percent, residents view age 70 as “young.” You aren’t
explain why the median age of
the population is increasing and defined as elderly until you make it to age 80 and above (Fishman, 2010). In Sarasota,
why, in the decades to come, people understand: Statistically speaking, there is a world of difference between being
more people will look closer in healthy and young-old and having physical frailties (or depending on those walkers)
age to this elderly woman than during the old-old years.
her 22-year-old granddaughter.
The health (and wealth) differences between the young-old and old-old may
explain our contradictory stereotypes about later life. We have the image of the vital,
energetic widow dating on-line, and the vision of the lonely, aged person languish-
ing in a nursing home; the portrait of an affluent, retired married couple traveling
the world, and picture of the depressed institutionalized elder with a dementing
United States
35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53
Median age
figure 13.1: Predicted median age of the population, selected countries, in 2015 and
2030: Now, the median age of the population—the point at which half the people are younger and
half are older—is 45-plus in Italy, Germany, and Japan. Also, notice how high the median ages in
these nations will be in 2030. How do you think living in these “most-aged nations” will affect
residents’ daily lives?
Data from: Kinsella & Velkoff, 2001.
CHAPTER 13 Later Life: Cognitive and Socioemotional Development 391
But amid this diversity lies consensus about the negative qualities related to being
old. Worldwide, people link old age with physical and mental decline. While people
in places like Sardinia, Italy, where the elderly have reputations for living healthy to
the end of life, have more upbeat attitudes (Bottiroli and others, 2013), if you ask most
older adults to forecast their futures, you are apt to hear gloomy comments such as, “I
won’t be as happy in five years as I am today” (Lang and others, 2013).
The bottom line is that everyone—young and old—is guilty of ageism, intensely ageism Stereotypic, intensely
negative attitudes about old age, although among emerging adults this aversion negative ideas about old
varies depending on personality traits such as openness to experience or whether a age.
young person is phobic about physical decline (Allan, Johnson, & Emerson, 2014).
Moreover, as the Experiencing the Lifespan box shows, in contrast to our stereotypes,
throughout history, old age has also been feared as a time of unremitting loss. Luckily,
we also gravitate to the elderly for classic positive traits.
In one U.S. poll, adults agreed that a 75-year-old would be superior to a 20-
something in calmly handling conflicts (Swift, Abrams, & Marques, 2013). When
undergraduates were asked to discuss the personalities of audio recordings of speak-
ers with “elderly” and “young” voices,” students did judge the old voices being less
powerful. But they said they would gravitate to the elderly speakers for being gifted
storytellers and being wise (Montepare, Kempler & McLaughlin-Volpe, 2014).
In these next two chapters, I’ll be giving you a wealth of scientific insights into
our negative old-age stereotypes—as I chart the ways thinking and physical abilities
decline in the older years. But as we enter the emotional lives of the elderly, I hope
to give you a more positive image of your late life future, too. Do older people really
have a mellower, more balanced, wise perspective on life? Before reading the research
facts relating to this topic and others, you might want to explore your personal old-age
stereotypes by taking the “Is It True About the Elderly” questionnaire (Table 13.1).
When we think of specific cognitive abilities, as we get older, we can look forward
to positive changes—expanding our crystallized skills, becoming wise (recall
Chapter 12). If you are like people in the poll I mentioned earlier, you would believe
that 75-year-olds are more talented at specific abilities such as solving crossword
puzzles than the young (Swift, Abrams, & Marques, 2013). These upbeat feelings do
not extend to memory. With memory, starting in midlife, we see only decline. (The
classic fifty-something phrase is, “Sorry, I’m having a senior moment!”) Once people
reach their late sixties and seventies, the wider world is on high alert for memory
problems, too.
In a classic study, psychologists demonstrated this mindset by filming actors
aged 20, 50, and 70 reading an identical speech. During the talk, each person made
CHAPTER 13 Later Life: Cognitive and Socioemotional Development 393
Table 13.2: Examples of the Differences Among Procedural, Semantic, episodic memory In
the memory-systems
and Episodic Memory perspective, the most fragile
type of memory, involving
Procedural Memory Semantic Memory Episodic Memory the recall of the ongoing
You get into your blue Toyota You know that you have a blue You memorize where you events of daily life.
and automatically know how to Toyota. left your blue Toyota in the
drive. parking lot of the amusement
You automatically find yourself You remember that “Jingle You remember the last time
singing the words to “Jingle Bells” is a song. you heard “Jingle Bells.”
Bells” when the melody comes
on the radio.
You begin to get excited as you You know that you are a You memorize the room
approach your college campus student at X University and that number of this class during
for the fall semester of your you are a psychology major. the first week of the new
senior year. semester.*
I unconsciously find the I know that I am writing a I remember that today
letters I am typing now on my book called Experiencing the I must go to the library and
computer. Lifespan. photocopy an article on
memory that I will need in
preparing this chapter.
*Now that it’s late in the semester, the location of this class has migrated into procedural memory; so, although you
automatically walk to the door, if a friend says, “I’ll meet you at class. Just tell me the room number,” you are apt to
draw a blank!
396 PART VI Later Life
George Washington is (semantic memory). You will recall how to get on the bike
and use the handlebars to pace your speed (procedural memory). However, even a
few days later, you are likely to forget what you had for dinner on a particular night.
Remembering isolated events—from what day we last went bike riding, to what we
ate last Tuesday, to the paragraph you are reading now—are especially vulnerable
to time.
The good news is that on tests of semantic memory older people may do as well
as the young (Dixon and others, 2007). Procedural memory is amazingly long-lasting,
as we know when we get on a bike after not having ridden for decades, and take off
down the road. The real age loss occurs in episodic memory—remembering the
details of daily life.
This decline in episodic memory is what people notice when they realize they
are having more trouble remembering the name of a person at a party or where they
parked the car. Our databank of semantic memories stays intact until well into later
life (Ofen & Shing, 2013)—explaining why we expect older people to outperform
the young at crystallized verbal challenges such as crossword puzzles. People with
Alzheimer’s disease can retain procedural memories after the other
memory systems are largely gone. They can walk, dress themselves,
and even remember (to the horror of caregivers) how to turn on the
ignition and drive after losing their ability to recall basic facts, such
as where they live.
The incredible resilience of procedural memory explains why
your 85-year-old aunt, who was a musician, can still play the piano
beautifully, even though she is now incapable of remembering family
members’ names. Why is this particular system the last to go? The rea-
Ralf Nau/Digital Vision/Getty Images
At this point, readers might be thinking: Why not just bypass those difficult
executive-function challenges (selecting and optimizing) and skip to compensa-
tion, by using your phone? The problem, experts point out, is that over-relying on
environmental supports can have a dark side (Lindenberger & Mayr, 2014). If an
older person—or any person—depends excessively on external cues, that person
is destined for problems when those supports malfunction. Put concretely, if your
phone goes on the fritz, without a backup, you have lost your whole life. Moreover,
no technology can eliminate our need to memorize everyday episodic facts, such as
linking names to faces, remembering when we took Dr. Belsky’s class, or recalling
where we might have misplaced our keys two days ago. So let’s turn to optimization
(Baltes’s step 2), by spelling out strategies for effortlessly sliding information into
our memory bins.
USE MNEMONIC TECHNIQUES. Have you ever noticed that some episodic events are
locked in memory (such as your wedding day or the time you and your significant
other had that terrible fight), while others fade? Emotional events embed themselves
solidly into memory because they activate wider regions of the brain (Dolcos &
Cabeza, 2002). Therefore, the key to memorizing isolated bits of information is to
make material stand out emotionally.
Mnemonic techniques are strategies to make information emotionally vivid. mnemonic technique
These approaches range from using the acronym OCEAN to help you recall the A strategy for aiding
memory, often by using
name of each Big Five trait in studying for the Chapter 12 test to, when introduced imagery or enhancing the
to the elderly woman in the photo below, thinking, “I’ll remember her name is emotional meaning of what
Mrs. Silver because of her hair.” needs to be learned.
The fact that we learn emotionally salient information without much effort may
explain why our memories vary in puzzling ways in real life. A history buff soaks up
every detail about the Civil War but remains clueless about where he left his socks.
Because your passion is developmental science, you do well with very little studying
in this course, but it takes you hours to memorize a single page in your biology text.
Actually, the principle that emotional events are locked more firmly in our brains
may partly account for our impression that the elderly remember past experiences
best. In fact, when researchers asked adults to remember self-defining events in their
personal autobiographies (“the day I got accepted into graduate
school”; “when I hit that car on Lakeshore drive in November of
l982”), the elderly did perform better than the young! (See Martinelli
and others, 2013.)
thought that standard laboratory memory tests are unfair to older
adults. These tests require remembering random bits of episodic
information. So they showcase the very memory skill that dramati-
cally declines with age. Wouldn’t the elderly do comparatively better
when asked to remember emotionally salient information they need Ronnie Kaufman/Getty Images
socioemotional selectivity Moreover, subjective memory complaints (“I’m having terrible trouble remem-
theory A theory of aging bering”) have a tenuous relationship to an older person’s actual scores on memory
(and the lifespan) put
forth by Laura Carstensen,
tests (Crumley, Stetler, & Horhota, 2014; Pearman, Hertzog, & Gerstorf, 2014).
describing how the time What does predict subsequent cognitive decline, one longitudinal study suggested,
we have left to live affects is depression—feeling chronically unhappy with one’s current life (Goveas and
our priorities and social others, 2014).
relationships. Specifically, in
later life people focus on the
So, to take a family example, when my 90-year-old mother complained, “I can’t
present and prioritize being remember anything,” we children were wrong to automatically assume that she was
with their closest attachment developing Alzheimer’s disease. And, in fact, after taking action to improve my mom’s
figures. emotional state by moving her to a continuing care community (described in the next
chapter), her memory greatly improved.
Actually, in contrast to the image of late-life memory loss as caused by an irrevers-
ible brain “condition,” teaching the elderly memory improvement techniques does
work (see, for instance, Borella and others, 2014). Today, these strategies have prolifer-
ated (Gajewski, 2013), with scientists training older adults on everything from video
games (designed to heighten selective attention) (Toril, Reales, & Ballesteros, 2014), to
mastering the demands of daily life (Burkard and others, 2014; Brom & Kliegel, 2014;
McDaniel and others, 2014). Still, we do run into the problem of motivation. People
tend to “get lazy” (meaning not follow through) because optimization strategies demand
serious mental work! (See Burkard and others, 2014; Ennis, Hess, & Smith, 2013.)
© Stockbroker/MBI/Alamy
works do shrink, and we center our lives more on family than
friends (Wrzus and others, 2013). Moreover, perhaps partly due
to years of experience managing complex social situations (see
the previous chapter), the elderly report more positive interper-
sonal encounters than the young (English & Carstensen, 2014).
Older people, Carstensen finds, carefully limit their social encounters, too. When Socioemotional selectivity
her research team asked elderly and young people, “Who would you rather spend theory, with its principle that, in
time with—a close family member, an acquaintance, or the author of a recent book?” old age, we focus on our closest
attachment figures, explains why
Young people’s choices were spread among the three possible partners. Older people simply spending time with each
chose overwhelmingly to be with the family member, their closest attachment figure other and their grandchildren
in life (Fung, Lai, & Ng, 2001). is this elderly couple’s passion
in life.
Making the Case for Old Age as the Best Time of Life
This passion to make the most of every moment may partly explain the paradox of paradox of well-being The
well-being—the puzzling research fact that, as I mentioned in Chapter 12, happi- fact that despite their
physical and mental losses,
ness improves well into later life (Gana and others, 2013). Here are two additional the elderly report being just
(related) causes: as happy or happier than the
positive experiences, alluded to earlier, has been so well documented by now that it
has its own label: the positivity effect. To take one example, imagine being at a casino positivity effect The tendency
and sitting next to an elderly adult. Carstensen’s research suggests the older person for older people to focus on
positive experiences and
will be just as happy as you when she expects to win. But she probably won’t be upset screen out negative events.
(or will get far less disturbed) when she loses (Nielsen, Knutson, & Carstensen, 2008).
People of every age, as I described in the previous section, remember emotional
stimuli best. However, the elderly perform better when asked to recall happy versus
sad images and faces (Simon and others, 2013).
400 PART VI Later Life
Older people also view their distressing life experiences in a less gloomy way.
When asked to describe an upsetting event in their past, older adults used fewer
negative emotions and described far less anxiety than did younger adults (Robertson &
Hopko, 2013). When Carstensen’s research team had different age groups listen to
stories about a 25-year-old and a 75-year-old, then asked these volunteers to retell the
stories from the perspective of each person, the elderly participants used more positive
statements when talking from the older person’s point of view. The younger adults
showed no signs of understanding that old people might think differently
than the young (Sullivan, Mikels, & Carstensen, 2010). So, not only are
older people adept at minimizing negativity, they have a secret knowledge
you only get from reaching later life. In old age, we can rise above the
storms of daily life.
If you need more evidence that age offers this serene bird’s-eye per-
spective, consider a remarkable poll charting the emotional states of over
40,000 Australian adults over age 40: While younger adults were more apt
to describe intense highs and lows, the elderly more often reported feel-
ing calm and peaceful than the middle-aged group (Windsor, Burns, &
Byles, 2013).
external reasons why old age should be a worry-free life stage: No lon-
ger having the hassles of raising children or the gut-churning pressures
to perform at work. Older people report fewer daily stresses than the
young (Charles & Almeida, 2007; Charles and others, 2010; von Hippel,
© KatarzynaBialasiewicz/iStock/Getty
Henry, & Matovic, 2008). An added bonus is that the outside world treats
you with special care (Luong, Charles, & Fingerman, 2010). In one study,
when researchers asked adults how they would react in a difficult interper-
sonal situation, people said they would be prone to hold off confronting
someone if that individual was old (Fingerman, Miller, & Charles, 2008).
An elderly speaker alerted my class to this interesting perk when he men-
Having help from young women tioned, “The best thing about being 88 is that everyone is incredibly nice!”
is likely to be a new life experi- If strangers opened doors for you, people forgave your foibles, and everyone made
ence for this man. How would a special effort to be kind, wouldn’t you feel better about life and the human race?
you feel about “the goodness
of humanity,” if people started
So knowing your life will end, and many years spent living, provide surprising
treating you in this unusually emotional bonuses. Moreover, in old age, people have more luxury to do just what
caring way? they want, and the outside world hassles them less!
decline, I’ve almost had enough. . . . Without (my wife) . . . I would be hard pressed
to find reasons to get up in the morning. Even with Kathe, I’ve begun to feel that I’ve
almost had enough living without the people and possessions that shaped my life”
(adapted from Crum, 2014, p. 6).
Still, let’s not stereotype all ninety-somethings as in a dismal holding pattern,
waiting for death. As my inspiring interview with Jules in the Experiencing the
Lifespan box shows, some people live exceptionally gratifying lives at the uppermost
limits of life.
According to Erikson, our task in later adulthood is to look back over our life to see if we
accomplished what we set out to do. Older people who know they have lived fully are not afraid to
die. But older adults who have serious regrets about their lives may be terrified of death and feel a
sense of despair.
integrity Erik Erikson’s eighth Erikson believed that, to reach integrity, older people must review their lives and
psychosocial stage, in which make peace with what they have previously done. But, happiness in old age does not
elderly people decide that
their life missions have
involve dwelling on the past. As with Jules, it involves finding purpose and meaning
been fulfilled and so accept in your present life (Burr, Santo, & Pushkar, 2011).
impending death. Moreover, younger readers might be interested to know
that, apart from everything else, having a sense of life purpose
also predicts living longer. In one mammoth longitudinal
study, adults of every age who agreed with questionnaire
items such as, “I wander aimlessly through life,” died at ear-
lier ages than their peers (Hill & Turiano, 2014).
By now you might be thinking that I am being far, far too
positive. Clearly, people who remain upbeat emotionally and
connected socially in advanced old age are rare. Not so fast! In
Tim Macpherson/The Image Bank/Getty Images
• Don’t stereotype older adults as having a “bad” memory. Remember that semantic
memory stays stable with age, and that teaching mnemonic strategies can work.
Help older people develop their memory skills by suggesting this chapter’s tips.
Also, however, be realistic. Tell the older person, “If you notice a decline in your
ability to attend to life’s details (episodic memory), that’s normal. It does NOT
mean you have Alzheimer’s disease” (Dixon and others, 2007).
• Encourage older loved ones—even those with disabilities—to maintain a personal
passion. Being “efficaciously” engaged not only helps slide information through
our memory bins, but makes for a happy life.
• Using the insights that socioemotional selectivity theory offers, don’t expect older
people to automatically want to socialize or make new friends. When an elderly
person says, “I don’t want to go to the senior citizen center. All I care about is my
family,” she may be making an age-appropriate response.
• Don’t imagine that older people are unhappy. Actually, assume the reverse is
true. However, be alert to depression in someone who is physically frail and
socially isolated. Again, the key to warding off depression in old age is the same as
at any age: being generative, feeling closely attached, having a sense of meaning
in life.
Later-Life Transitions
Now, let’s look at how people find meaning as they confront the life transitions of
retirement and widowhood.
When we imagine the U.S. retirement age, we immediately think of 65. But, you
might be surprised to know, the age for collecting full Social Security benefits is now
66 (and for people born after 1970, it will be 67); and for decades the “true” average
U.S. retirement age was under 62 (Munnell & Rutledge, 2013). When we think of
being retired, we imagine a short life stage before death. But if you leave work in your
early sixties—particularly if you are female—expect to be retired for about a quarter
of your total life! (See Adams & Rau, 2011.)
What caused retirement to take up such a huge chunk of the lifespan, and what
is happening to this life stage in the United States today? Stay tuned as I scan the
global economic retirement scene, and then offer a synopsis of current U.S. retire-
ment trends.
retirees; then, when it is their turn to retire, these adults get a lifelong stipend financed
by the current working population. However, with an average monthly check of
$1303 in late 2014, Social Security can barely support the basics of life for older adults
(Social Security Monthly Statistical Snapshot, 2014).
Private pensions (and personal savings) are supposed to take up the slack. private pensions The major
Workers put aside a portion of each paycheck, and these funds, often matched by source of nongovernmental
income support for U.S.
employer contributions, go into a tax-free account that accumulates equity. Then,
retirees, in which the
at retirement, the person gets regular payouts, or a lump sum, on which to live individual worker and
(Johnson, 2009). employer put a portion
The central role of private pensions in financing retirement reflects the priority of each paycheck into an
account to help finance
that the United States places on individual initiative. We are leery about the welfare-
state implications of a federal government plan, preferring to provide tax incentives
that encourage workers to plan for retirement on their own.
Heijden, 2013). It’s impossible to prove that “too old” is the reason for a given appli-
cant being consigned to the “won’t hire” pile (Neumark, 2009). However, studies
suggest that given hypothetical older and younger job seekers, employers routinely go
for the younger adult (Ekerdt, 2010; Rothenberg & Gardner, 2011).
on the dismal forces that affect retirement: Financial problems keep people in the
labor force unwillingly; health issues and age discrimination push people to retire.
I’ve been neglecting the fact that the decision to keep working or retire is also a posi-
tive choice. Many baby boomers say they want to keep working after age 65 because
they love their jobs (Adams & Rau, 2011; Galinsky, 2007). People may retire in order
to enter an exciting, new phase of life.
Who is passionate to stay in the labor force until their seventies or up to age 85?
As I implied earlier, these older adults are often healthy and highly educated workers,
like Jules in the Experiencing the Lifespan box on page 401, who feel tremendous
flow in their careers (Adams & Rau, 2011; Wang & Shi, 2014). What about adults
who permanently retire? Are they depressed or thrilled after taking this step?
Life as a Retiree
The answer is “it depends.” Retirement at age 65 typically has no effect on well-being
(Wang & Shi, 2014); but leaving work early and feeling forced out of the workforce
does negatively affect people’s emotional and physical health (Calvo, Sarkisian, &
Tamborini, 2013; Zantinge and others, 2014; Dingemans & Henkens, 2014).
Actually, the qualities that make for retirement happiness are identical to the
attributes that make for a satisfying life at any age: Be open to experience, generative
(Burr, Santo, & Pushkar, 2011), healthy, happily married, and have the economic
resources to enjoy life (Pinquart & Schindler, 2007).
Having a serious leisure passion, such as playing the flute or volunteering at
church, smooths the way to a satisfying retirement life (Heo and others, 2010). In
an uncanny parallel to the research described earlier relating to life purpose, one
research summary suggested that volunteering in later life significantly reduced a
person’s risk of death (Okun, Yeung, & Brown, 2013). In fact, you can predict whether
a just-retired relative will flourish by knowing two facts: Did this person retire on time
and voluntarily leave work? (Potocnik, Torera, & Peiro, 2013.) What is she like as a
human being? (See Table 13.4 for a summary of these forces.)
How can you expect your relative to spend these years? Because “personality
endures,” one key is to look to her passions now (Atchley, l989; Pushkar and others,
2010). So, a social activist joins the Peace Corps. A business executive volunteers at
SCORE (Senior Corps of Retired Executives), advising young people about setting
up small businesses. Others decide to take up new “bucket list” goals such as hiking
the Himalayas or getting a history Ph.D. Many people open to experience might retire
to pack in as much new learning as they possibly can.
Western nations receive even more lavish old-age aid, it’s easy for social critics to
argue that affluent societies are over-funding older people at the expense of the young
(as reported in Moulaert & Biggs, 2013). But, abandoning these programs leaves
people dependent on their families. That hurts everyone, young and old (Binstock,
2010). Suppose you had to choose between helping your children and supporting
your grandmother, and destitute older people roamed the streets? Again, we are in
this together. Life is not a zero-sum game.
Although we worry about its future, most of us associate retirement with joy. That
emotion does not apply to widowhood. In a classic study of life stress, researchers
ranked the death of a spouse as life’s most traumatic change (Holmes & Rahe, 1967).
What multiplies the pain is that today, widowhood still may strike a pre-baby boom
cohort who married in their early twenties and never lived alone.
Imagine losing your life partner after 50 or 60 years. You are unmoored and adrift,
cut off from your main attachment figure. Tasks that may have been foreign, such as
understanding the finances or fixing the food, fall on you alone. You must remake
an identity whose central focus has been “married person” for all of your adult life.
Decades ago, British psychiatrist Colin Parkes (1987) beautifully described how the
world tilts: “Even when words remain the same, their meaning changes. The family
is no longer the same as it was. Neither is home or a marriage” (p. 93).
How do people mourn this loss? Who has special trouble with this trauma, and
how can we help people cope? Let’s look at these questions one by one.
Exploring Mourning
During the first months after a loved one dies, one classic study showed, people
are often obsessed with the events surrounding the final event (Lindemann, 1944;
Parkes, 1972). Especially if the death was sudden, husbands and wives report repeatedly
going over a spouse’s final days or hours. They may feel the impulse to search for their
beloved, even though they know intellectually that they are being irrational. Notice
that these responses have similarities to those of a toddler who frantically searches for
a caregiver when she leaves the room. With widowhood—as the poignant comments
of the women in the Experiencing the Lifespan box show—John Bowlby’s clear-cut
attachment response reemerges at full force.
may allow you to more openly share your distress. For instance, in one study, Chinese
widows living in Canada felt it was inappropriate to discuss their grief with family
members (Martin-Matthews and others, 2013). This tendency to clam up (meaning
not embarrass people by discussing your pain) may explain why widows report feeling
lonely even when in a group (recall the Experiencing the Lifespan Box on page 409).
And, in specifically studying loneliness among the widowed, researchers found the
best cure for this common condition lay in making a new widowed friend (Utz and
others, 2014).
At this point, readers may be tempted to urge everyone who has lost a spouse to
join a widowed person’s group. This may be a mistake. An underlying message of my
discussion is that most widowed people are resilient. We are doing them a disservice by
assuming they are incompetent and totally in need of help. Actually, support groups
for widowed people, psychologists find, are use-
ful mainly for people who are having unusual
trouble coping with this life event (Bonanno &
Lilienfeld, 2008; Onrust and others, 2010). Who
has special trouble coping with widowhood?
© Chuck Franklin/Alamy
struct new lives. Imagine losing your only attach-
ment figure and you will understand why, for
elderly widowers living alone, suicide is a major
concern (Stroebe, Schut, & Stroebe, 2007).
Still, men have one great advantage over women in the reattachment odds—their Lost in loneliness, spending
far higher chance of finding a new mate. To give just one example, 9 out of 10 men your days staring out at sea,
this classic image of the elderly
in a study exploring dating after widowhood were actually in new relationships. But widower says it all. Men—when
only 1 of 9 women who said they were interested in dating was able to achieve this they haven’t found a new mate—
goal (Carr & Boerner, 2013). Attend any U.S. boomer event at your local church (or can be at high risk for suicide in
older adult institute) and, like me, you might be struck by this strange thought: Have the older years.
aliens swooped down and abducted all the men?
Another general risk factor, we might think, relates to whether the death was pre-
dicted or struck out of the blue (Schaan, 2013). Did your husband die unexpectedly
on the golf course or pass away after years of worsening health? On-time (expected)
deaths seem inherently less stressful because they give people a chance to prepare
emotionally for the event. Moreover, when you have cared for a beloved partner who
has suffered for years, there can be a sense of relief when the person dies.
Perhaps because males might be losing their only attachment figure, one study
exploring the widowhood mortality effect showed husbands whose wives died unex-
pectedly were at much higher risk of dying than other widowed adults (Sullivan &
Fenelon, 2014). In contrast, other researchers (Sasson & Umberson, 2014) found
losing a spouse hits women harder when that event happens at an off-time (young)
age—which makes sense because, as a 30- or 40-year-old widow, it’s hard to find
friends who share your experience and can understand your pain.
However, rather than making generalizations based on gender or age, again,
in predicting reactions to widowhood we need to adopt a developmental systems
approach—that is, consider a complex set of forces. How emotionally resilient is the
widowed person? Does that individual have other attachments or a life passion to
cushion the blow? (See Carr, 2004.) We also need to look at the person’s married
attachment style. People who are securely attached to their partner tend to have other
412 PART VI Later Life
secure attachments in the wider world. Men and women who are
insecurely attached, because they generally have more trouble relat-
ing, may have trouble forming new close relationships to make up
for their loss (Bonanno and others, 2002; Field, Gal-Oz, & Bonanno,
2002; Ha, 2008).
We also can’t neglect the role of the wider environment.
Widowhood can be a more devastating blow for working-class women
because they lack the financial resources to construct a new life
(Angel, Jimenez, & Angel, 2007; Sullivan & Fenelon, 2014). In one
study, researchers found that, if older adults were living in an area
with a high concentration of widowed people, their odds of dying after
being widowed were reduced (Subramanian, Elwert, & Christakis,
2008). So moving as a couple to a senior citizen community with all
those widows and widowers may have an unexpected survivor bonus
in later life!
Finally, we also need to look to the way a given culture treats
widowed people. To take an extreme case, let’s travel to a place where
being widowed (for women) can have nightmarish aspects that go
© Steve Hamblin/Alamy
Setting the Context Depression does become a more serious risk when people are
old-old and physically frail; but, many older adults preserve their
The median age of the population is rising due to declining fertil- happiness and social connections into advanced old age. Reach-
ity, longer life expectancies, and, of course, the baby boom. While ing integrity, feeling generative, and having a sense of purpose
ageism (negative stereotypes about the elderly) is universal, we in life are keys to being happy in old age.
also gravitate to the elderly for positive traits, and have contra-
dictory old age images partly because there are such dramatic
differences between being young-old and old-old. Later-Life Transitions
Until recently, most people retired in their early sixties and lived
The Evolving Self in that state for a large chunk of adult life. The reason was the
Everyone believes that as people get older, memory declines. explosion of government sponsored old-age programs offering
Elderly people do perform less well than the young on most developed-world older citizens income for life. Germany has his-
memory tasks. Memory challenges that are more difficult—such torically been a model of the ultimate in guaranteed, comfortable
as linking faces to specific situations, remembering bits of infor- government support.
mation quickly, and especially divided-attention tasks—produce In the United States, our main sources of retirement income are
the most severe deficits, and losses in these situations begin at Social Security, private pensions, and savings. However, unlike
a surprisingly young age. in Germany, Social Security only provides a meager guaranteed
Using the information-processing perspective, researchers find income. Today, because most U.S. baby boomers don’t have the
that as people age, working memory declines because fron- funds to fully float retirement, they are planning on working until
tal lobe executive functions are impaired. Using the memory- older ages. When they retire, many U.S. workers may be forced to
systems perspective, studies reveal few age-related losses in take post-retirement jobs. The Great Recession of 2008 and the
semantic memory or procedural memory but dramatic declines erosion of real wages have made U.S. retirement a more fragile
in episodic memory. To improve memory in old age (or at any life stage.
age), use selective optimization with compensation, employ Older workers mainly base their retirement decisions on financial
mnemonic techniques, and work on improving the person’s men- considerations, but poor health can also force people to leave
tal state. Also, understand that when tests are labeled as “for work. Age discrimination, although illegal, also propels older
memory,” older people may get too anxious to perform as well as people to retire. Even though most negative stereotypes about
they should, and that late life memory complaints may not relate older workers are false, employers are reluctant to hire older
to a person’s scores on objective memory tests. employees. Still, the decision to retire (or not to retire) can be a
Socioemotional selectivity theory suggests that in old age (or at positive choice. People who choose to keep working into their
any age), when people see their future as limited, they focus on seventies or eighties are typically healthy and well-educated,
maximizing the quality of their current life, and prefer to be with with flow-inducing jobs.
their closest attachment figures. This emphasis on enjoying the Retirees are happy when they have retired on time, freely cho-
present, plus the late life positivity effect and lower daily stress, sen to leave work, have few health- and money worries, are
offer compelling reasons for the paradox of well-being, the fact generative, open to experience, and have an enduring leisure
that, in surveys, older people report high levels of happiness. passion. People use these years to further their generativity, to
414 PART VI Later Life
pursue other “bucket list” goals, and to learn. Baby boomers’ room. Rather than being an unmitigated trauma, however, losing
inadequate pension and savings, looming cuts to Social Security a spouse evokes many different emotions and friends loom large
(partly due to the rising old-age dependency ratio), and age in how people cope. Still, widows’ comparatively higher rates of
discrimination in the workforce remain serious threats. Still, due depression and the widowhood mortality effect suggest that this
to work force shortages, when the massive baby boom cohort major life event can take an enduring toll.
all reaches their late sixties in the next decade, people may be While women who lose a spouse seem more cushioned by
more willing to hire older adults. Intergenerational equity issues their friend network, widowed men find it much easier to find
(especially over-benefiting the elderly) are a concern in nations new mates. For males being widowed suddenly (versus after a
where retirees have traditionally had many government and pen- spouse’s long illness) and for females losing a spouse at a too
sion perks. young, off-time age, widowhood seems particularly hard. Per-
Widowhood is a top-ranking life stress, especially when it strikes sonality resilience, socioeconomic status, the person’s overall
old-old people who have been married for their entire adult lives. life situation, and cultural forces shape the experience of widow-
The early symptoms of bereavement have much in common with hood, too. Children need to let widowed parents develop new
the separation response of an infant whose caregiver leaves the romantic attachments after their mother or father has died.
median age, p. 390 procedural memory, p. 395 paradox of well-being, p. 399 old-age dependency ratio,
young-old, p. 390 semantic memory, p. 395 positivity effect, p. 399 p. 408
old-old, p. 390 episodic memory, p. 395 integrity, p. 402 intergenerational equity,
p. 408
ageism, p. 391 mnemonic technique, Social Security, p. 404
p. 397 widowhood mortality effect,
divided-attention task, p. 393 private pensions, p. 405
p. 410
memory-systems socioemotional selectivity age discrimination, p. 406
perspective, p. 395 theory, p. 398
Amos Morgan/Photodisc/Getty Images
CHAPTER 13 Later Life: Cognitive and Socioemotional Development 415
Setting the Context 6. Older people (1) focus on enjoying the present, (2) selectively
1. Dwayne should present concepts more slowly (but not screen out negativity, and (3) live less-stressful lives.
talk down to his audience) and refrain from presenting a Later-Life Transitions
good deal of information in a single session. He should
1. d
tie the course content into older adults’ knowledge base
or crystallized skills and strive to make the material 2. meager/guaranteed
relevant personally. He might offer tips on using mnemonic 3. Pros: Raising the retirement age to 70 will keep Social
techniques. He should continually work on reducing memory Security solvent, encourage older people to be productive
fears: “With your life experience, learning this stuff should be for longer, and get society used to the fact that people can
a piece of cake!” function competently well into later life. Cons: Depriving
2. a. semantic memory b. episodic memory c. procedural people of this money will add to the pressure forcing older
memory people to unwillingly keep working—and for the millions
of workers who don’t have other retirement nest eggs and
3. 1) Bike riding, that automatic skill, is “in” procedural health problems—have the devastating consequence of
memory, so it can be maintained even into Alzheimer’s making people penniless in later life. Keeping older people
disease. 2) Remembering the material in this chapter, since in the labor force longer will make it more difficult for young
it is in the most fragile system (episodic memory), is apt to people to get jobs or advance at work.
decline at a relatively young age.
4. You can expect mixed feelings of intense loss and self-
4. The answers here are up to you efficacy. The quality of your aunt’s friendships will matter
5. b and c most.
Tracing Physical Aging
Can We Live to 1,000?
Socioeconomic Status, Aging,
and Disease
Gender, Aging, and Disease
Holistic Lifespan Disease-
Prevention Approach
Sensory-Motor Changes
Our Windows on the World:
INTERVENTIONS: Clarifying Sight
Our Bridge to Others: Hearing
Motor Performances
Motor Problems
SCIENCE: Driving in Old Age
Neurocognitive Disorders (NCDs)
An Insider Describes His
Unraveling Mind
The Dimensions of These
hat enemy is Susan battling? How does physi- he can barely take a step without stumbling—is sensi-
cal aging turn into disease, disability, and tively doing therapy and writing books.
sometimes the need for a nursing home? This Aging successfully means having Jules’s sense of life
chapter offers answers to these questions and many more. purpose and generative mission. But, successful aging also
In the following pages, I’ll be exploring problems that depends on whether the wider world offers older people
some gerontologists (for example, Rowe & Kahn, 1998) the support they need to function at their best. The issue in
have labeled as “unsuccessful aging,” describing what later life is not so much being ill, but living fully in the face
goes physically wrong during the old-old years. By now, of chronic disease. The way people function in later life
you should realize that equating “successful aging” with depends on their personal capacities (or nature) combined
walking miles at age 90 is wrong. Successful aging means with nurture—having the right person–environment fit.
drawing on what gives your life meaning to live fully, How can we engineer the right person–environment
no matter how your body behaves. It is epitomized by fit for older loved ones? Let’s begin our search for answers
94-year-old Jules, described on page 401, who—although by charting the aging process itself.
418 PART VI Later Life
Heart disease
Percentage 60
of people in Serious hearing problem
population with
chronic conditions 50
figure 14.1: Prevalence of selected chronic health conditions among U.S. adults in
middle and later life (percentages): As people travel into their seventies and eighties, the rates
of common age-related chronic diseases rise. Although every chronic illness can impair the ability
to fully enjoy life, many common chronic diseases don’t actually result in death.
Data from: CDC (2009); National Center for Health Statistics (2008).
CHAPTER 14 The Physical Challenges of Old Age 419
Stockbyte/Getty Images
supercentenarians. Due to scientific breakthroughs in extending the lifespan,
you may have read the world is poised for the arrival of the first 1,000-year-
old human being (As reported in Carnes, Olshansky, & Hayflick, 2013).
Basic Instrumental
figure 14.2: Percentages of people needing assistance with instrumental ADLs and
basic ADLs in the young-old years and over age 75: Although in the sixties and early seventies
the fraction of people with ADL difficulties is relatively small, the risk of having these problems
escalates dramatically over age 75. (Over age 85, roughly 1 in 6 people living in the community
have a basic ADL problem.)
Data from: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2009.
420 PART VI Later Life
These futuristic forecasts fall on fertile ground because one life-extension strat-
egy has been known for 75 years. By underfeeding rats, researchers can increase the
animals’ maximum lifespan by up to 60 percent. The key is what one biologist calls
“undernutrition without malnutrition.” The animals are restricted to less food but
given a nutritionally rich diet. They are allowed few empty calories (see Belsky, 1999,
for review).
Calorie restriction is actually an all-purpose anti-ager, enhancing
everything from glucose metabolism (Fok and others, 2013) to cardiac
function (Cisiszar and others, 2013). These research findings make
excellent sense because obesity, especially via its side-effect of diabetes
(impaired sugar metabolism), causes every organ—from our eyes, to our
heart, to our kidneys—to prematurely breakdown.
Without denying that it’s important to watch your diet, however,
restricting your intake just to live to 110 is a mistake. The calorie reduc-
tion research has typically been carried out with rats. The scientific
These snapshots show visually why babies born in the affluent kingdom of Monaco statistically out-survive South African
newborns by a remarkable 40 years.
8 Men
Women 7.0
3 2.7 2.8
1.9 1.9
1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.0
Sweden Italy EU in Poland Hungary Czech
general Republic
figure 14.3: Life-expectancy gaps between older people with high and low levels of
education in selected European countries in 2010: Notice that, while the size of the gap differs in
interesting ways from nation to nation, depending partly on the given country’s income inequalities, in
the European Union, being well-educated gives people—mainly men—a considerable longevity boost.
Data from: OECD, 2014, p. 19.
It makes sense that disability is the price of traveling to the lifespan train’s final
stops. However, the phrase “living sicker” applies to women throughout adult life.
During their twenties and thirties and forties, only women experience the physical ail-
ments related to pregnancy and menstruation. As they age, females have higher rates
of arthritis, vision impairments, and obesity—illnesses that produce ADL problems
but (except in the case of obesity) don’t lead to death (Whitson and others, 2010).
This male/ female disability distinction brings me to a statistic called healthy- healthy-life years The number
life years—the age at which we can expect to survive without ADL limitations. of years people can expect to
live without ADL problems.
Notice from Figure 14.4, in the European Union, healthy-life years are much
shorter than overall life expectancy for both sexes. But, if you look just at the
length of the blue bar, notice that elderly men live healthy comparatively longer
than women do. In fact, considering just healthy-life years, EU females’ average
six-year longevity advantage shrinks to a single year! (See OECD, 2014.)
Women Men
20.4 EU 16.8
19.2 15.7
figure 14.4: Life expectancy (blue plus magenta bars) and healthy life years (blue
bar) at 65, for women and men in a few European nations in 2012: Notice that in each E.U.
nation, overall life expectancy at age 65 is considerably longer than the years older people can
expect to live in health. However, the gap between the two measures is wider for women than men.
Bottom-line message: The statistical price of surviving into your older years is disability during the
final years of your life, particularly if you are a female.
Data from: OECD, 2014, p. 19.
living to the upper ends of the lifespan is frequently disease. Given that running for
miles at age 90 is unrealistic, and we are decades from tampering with our DNA, let’s
use our human ingenuity to make the world user-friendly for normally aging people
marching into later life. With this goal in mind, it’s time to confront the conditions
causing ADL problems in the flesh—sensory-motor declines and major neurocogni-
tive disorders, or dementia.
Sensory-Motor Changes
What happens to vision, hearing, and motor abilities as we grow old, and how can we
take action to minimize sensory-motor declines?
These signs of normal aging—presbyopia, problems seeing in the dark, and lens A transparent, disk-
increased sensitivity to glare—are mainly caused by changes in a structure toward shaped structure in the eye,
which bends to allow us to
the front of the eye called the lens (see Figure 14.6). The disk-shaped lens allows see close objects.
us to see close objects by curving outward. As people reach midlife, the transparent
lens thickens and develops impurities, and can no longer bend. This clouding and
thickening not only produces presbyopia, but
also limits vision in dimly lit places where
people need as much light as possible to see. Retina
These changes also make older adults
more sensitive to glare. Notice how, when
sunlight hits a dirty window, the rays scatter
and it becomes impossible for you to see out. Cornea
Vision problems are a prime cause of ADL impairments because they make
everything from working to walking a challenging task (Wahl and others, 2013). Poor
vision is a risk factor for falling which, as you will see later, is a frightening event in
later life (Ambrose, Paul, & Hausdorff, 2013; Kallstrand-Erikson and others, 2013).
This brings up the social consequences of seriously limited sight: not leaving the
house because you are afraid of falling; suffering the pain of depending on loved ones
for jobs you used to do: “I feel so embarrassed . . . ,” said one man; “. . . I can’t even
change a fuse, and it’s embarrassing, belittling” (quoted in Girdler, Packer, & Boldy,
2008, p. 113). People might experience the uncomfortable feeling of being “overpro-
tected” (meaning infantilized) by well-meaning friends and family.
These fears are well founded. When researchers polled older adults attending
a low-vision clinic, over time, more respondents agreed with comments such as,
“People don’t let me do what I could do for myself” (Cimarolli and others, 2013).
Given this danger, how can loved ones help? Encourage the person to visit a low-
vision center for rehabilitation, because these programs work (Smallfield, Clem, &
Myers, 2013). Consider Jim Vlock, a retired executive whose eyes were literally
opened when he (reluctantly) visited a center for the visually impaired. After an
evaluation, Mr. Vlock emerged laden with devices, from a talking watch, to special-
ized glasses for different tasks, to a computer with an enlarged screen that can “read
for him.” As one center director put it, “Too often we get patients who . . . have lost
their jobs, their wives, their home. . . . Our philosophy is to get patients to do things
for themselves so they can feel fulfilled.” (See Brody, 2010.)
Actually people with vision impairments adopt different creative coping tech-
niques on their own (Schilling and others, 2013)—from rearranging the wider world
(“I make contrasts everywhere”; “I just bought new white mugs so I can see where the
coffee is,” said one woman), to drawing on their positivity skills to see life with new eyes
(“Let me take pleasure in the many things I still can do”). These encouraging findings
explain why even serious vision disorders are not linked to depression in old age (Kiely,
Anstey, & Luszcz, 2013). This is not true of that other important sense—hearing.
Outer ear
Middle ear
(inner ear,
partially uncoiled)
Hair cells
(tympanic membrane)
figure 14.7: The human ear: Presbycusis is caused by the selective loss of the hearing
receptors in the inner ear—called hair cells—that allow us to hear high-pitched tones—so these
changes are permanent.
the neural declines discussed in the previous chapter, affect people’s ability to
quickly process speech as early as midlife (Clinard & Tremblay, 2013). The
receptors coding high-pitched tones are most vulnerable. So, older people have
special difficulties hearing consonants, for instance mistaking the word time
for dime, because these sounds are delivered at a higher pitch (Bainbridge &
Wallhagen, 2014).
Put yourself in the place of someone with presbycusis.
Because of your speech decoding difficulties, listening to
conversations feels like hearing a radio filled with static.
(That’s why older people complain: “I can hear you, but
I can’t understand you.”) Because your impairment has
2013). Worse yet, because they don’t completely compensate for the selective losses
I’ve described, they don’t make your hearing perfectly normal . . . which bothers me,
because I’m developing the hearing troubles discussed in this section as we speak.
So if any budding mechanical genius is listening: You’ll benefit humankind, make
Even though this aged woman billions, and most important, help your author, by inventing a perfect hearing aid!
may have spent her life as
a Shakespeare scholar or
a well-known scientist, her Motor Performances
emerging-adult granddaughter
will be tempted to talk to her
Poor hearing causes heartaches when we communicate with older people one-to-one.
frail, tiny grandma in elderspeak. What bothers us when we imagine the general category “old person” lies in the motor
How often have you used this realm. The elderly are so slow!
patronizing type of speech with Slowness puts older people out of sync with the physical world. It can make
a cognitively sharp person in her
eighties or nineties just because
driving or getting across the street a challenging feat. It causes missteps in relation-
she looked as if she might be ships, too. If you find yourself behind an elderly person at the supermarket checkout
impaired? counter or an older driver going 40 in a 65-mile-per-hour zone, notice that your
CHAPTER 14 The Physical Challenges of Old Age 429
© Stuart Monk/Alamy
reaction is to get annoyed. So, age-related slowing alone may help explain
why our fast-paced, time-oriented society has such negative prejudices
against the old.
The slowness that is emblematic of old age is mainly caused by the
loss in information-processing speed that starts decades earlier, in young
adulthood (again described in Chapters 12 and 13). This slowed reaction
time—or decline in the ability to respond quickly to sensory input—affects
every action, from accelerating when the traffic light turns green, to hearing
fast paced conversations, to performing well on a fluid IQ test.
Age changes in the skeletal structures propelling action compound the
slowness: With osteoarthritis, the joint cartilage wears away, making every-
thing from opening a jar to running for the bus an endurance test. With
osteoporosis, the bones become porous, brittle, and fragile, and break eas-
ily. Although men can also develop osteoporosis, women, as is well known,
are more susceptible to this disease. The main reason is that females—
© Ball Miwako/Alamy
particularly slender women—have frailer, smaller bones. With this illness,
the fragile bones break at the slightest pressure and cannot knit themselves
back together. Hip fractures are a special danger. They are a primary reason
for needing to enter a nursing home (Jette and others, 1998).
Actually, as roughly 1 in every 3 older people falls in any given year, hip fractures This British road sign perfectly
are not infrequent in old age. The cost of fall-related injuries in hospitalizations and symbolizes our image of “the
nursing home placement is enough to knock society off its feet—representing at least old”: ADL-impaired; needing
special care; most of all,
0.1 percent of health-care expenditures in the United States and the European Union impossibly slow.
(Ambrose, Paul, & Hausdorff, 2013).
gained when you got your license as a teen. Giving up driving might even force you
to abandon your home and enter a nursing home.
Actually, driving is a special concern for the elderly because it involves many
sensory and motor skills. In addition to demanding adequate vision, driving is affected
by hearing losses because we become alert to the location of other cars partly by
their sound (see Munro and others, 2010). To drive well demands having the muscle
strength to push down the pedals and the joint flexibility to turn the wheel. And, as
anyone behind an older driver when the light turns green knows, driving is especially
sensitive to slowed reaction time.
The good news is that older people—more often women than men (Sarkin and
others, 2013; Tuokko and others, 2013)—limit their driving, especially when they
reach the old-old years (Tuokko and others, 2013). Elderly drivers, one video study
showed, pay special attention to the road when they are in heavy traffic and make
left or right turns (Charlton and others, 2013). The bad news is that a small percent
of drivers (roughly 1 in 10 older people in one study) rank their skills as excellent,
even when on-road assessments by examiners show they are unsafe to drive (Wood,
Lacherez, & Anstey, 2013). This may explain why accident rates shoot upward during
the old-old years (Stamatiadis, 1996; see also Ross and others, 2009; see Figure 14.8).
figure 14.8: Accident
1.5 rates in U.S. urban areas,
by age and gender: Driving is
1.0 especially dangerous for drivers
age 75 and over. Notice that,
if we look at per person miles
0.5 driven, old-old drivers have
accident rates that outpace
0 those in the other highest-risk
<25 25–34 35–44 45–54 55–64 65–74 75+ group—teenagers and emerging
Driver’s age adults.
Data from: Stamatiadis, 1996.
older drivers? Would you have the courage to rob your uncle of his adult status by
taking away his keys?
None of these interventions speaks to the larger issue: “If I can’t drive, I may have
to leave my home.” We need to redesign the driving environment by putting adequate
lighting on road signs, streets, highways, and, especially, exit ramps. We need to
construct walkable communities, invest in mass transportation, and take other steps
to liberate people from cars. This mandate is mandatory to tackle our global energy
problems, ballooning obesity, and the looming ADL crisis as the baby boomers move
down the highway of later life.
On your way home tonight, think of how to change the driving environment
to provide a better person–environment fit for older adults (and yourself!). This
environmental engineering is crucial when dealing with the most feared condition
of old age: major neurocognitive disorders, or dementia.
1. Roy, who is 55, is having trouble seeing in the dark and in glare-filled environments.
Roy’s problem is caused by the clouding of his cornea/iris/lens. At age 80, when Roy’s
condition has progressed to the point where he can’t see much at all, he will have a
cataract/diabetic retinopathy/macular degeneration, a condition that can/cannot be
cured by surgery.
2. Dr. Jones has just given a 45-year-old a diagnosis of presbycusis. All of the following
predictions about this patient are accurate except (pick out the false statement):
a. The patient is likely to be a male.
b. The patient has probably been exposed to high levels of noise.
c. The patient is at risk for becoming isolated and depressed.
d. The patient will hear best in noisy environments.
3. Your 75-year-old grandmother asks for advice about how to remodel her home to make
it safer. Which modifications should you suggest?
a. Install low-pile carpeting and put grab bars in the bathroom.
b. Put fluorescent lights in the ceilings.
c. Buy appliances with larger numerals and nonreflective surfaces.
d. Put a skylight in the bathroom that allows direct sunlight to shine down on the
medicine cabinet.
e. Get rid of noisy air conditioners and fans.
4. Your state legislature is considering a law to require annual eye exams for drivers
over the age of 75. Explain to the lawmakers why this law may not be effective, and
offer some alternate strategies that could minimize the dangers of needing to drive in
old age.
Answers to the Tying It All Together questions can be found at the end of this chapter.
major neurocognitive
disorder (NCD) (also known
as dementia). The general
term for any illness involving
serious, progressive, usually Neurocognitive Disorders (NCDs)
irreversible cognitive Major neurocognitive disorder (commonly known as dementia) is the general label
decline, that interferes with
a person’s ability to live
for any illness that produces serious, progressive, and often irreversible cognitive prob-
independently. (A minor lems that compromise a person’s ability to function. (The framers of the current U.S.
neurocognitive disorder is diagnostic manual, DSM-5, distinguish between a major and minor form of NCD;
the label for a less severe with the minor form, the person has difficulties with memory and thinking that, while
impairment in memory,
reasoning, and thinking
significant, don’t prevent living independently.)
which does not compromise The devastating mental losses produce the total erosion of our personhood,
independent living.) the complete unraveling of the inner self. Younger people can also develop a
CHAPTER 14 The Physical Challenges of Old Age 433
this amyloid cascade before the damage has occurred and people show symptoms of senile plaques Thick, bullet-
the disease. like amyloid-laden structures
that replace normal neurons
This means early diagnosis is crucial. But since scientists cannot look into the and are characteristic of
brain to see the individual neurons, as of this writing there is no definitive medical Alzheimer’s disease.
test showing the person is getting ill. The current way of diagnosing Alzheimer’s is to:
(1) Look for a history of steady mental deterioration (rapid mental confusion signals
a state called delirium which, in the elderly, may be due to anything from medication
side effects to a heart attack); (2) rule out other physical and psychological causes; and
(3) explore the person’s performance on neuropsychological tests.
Older adults diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment are centrally important in
this research goal. These people show serious learning impairments but have yet to
cross the line to Alzheimer’s disease. Not everyone with mild cognitive impairment
makes the transition to Alzheimer’s. In fact some people—those open to experience,
with cognitively enriching lifestyles—can improve (Sachdev and others, 2013). How-
ever, a good fraction (roughly 1 in 2 people) develops the illness within a few years
(Theis & Bleiler, 2011).
The fact that the APOE-4 marker strongly predicts developing mild cognitive
impairment may explain its link to full blown Alzheimer’s (Brainerd and others,
2013). Other clues that a person is on the road to this illness are gait changes,
walking more slowly (Verghese and others, 2013; Hausdorff & Buchman, 2013),
and having difficulties with complex IADL activities, such as finding
your way in unfamiliar places (see Reppermund and others, 2013).
Once we have clear “biomarkers” of incipient Alzheimer’s, scientists
can work on developing medicines that might stop the disease in its
In the meantime, is there anything you and I can do? Adopting a
heart-healthy diet is an excellent policy because, as I’ve been suggesting,
cardiovascular problems are closely linked to cognitive loss. Although
Alzheimer’s is an equal-opportunity illness, affecting everyone from
scholars on down, being well educated offers people a cognitive reserve
to buffer the decline (Roberson, 2013; Crowe and others, 2013). (Another
reason to stay in college!) Because enriching maze running challenges
stimulate neurogenesis in elderly rats (Speisman and others, 2013), it’s
socks or the coffee pot by the cup, and verbally remind the person what to do.
A prime concern is safety. To prevent people from wandering off (or driving off!),
double-lock or put buzzers on doors. Deactivate dangerous appliances, such as
the stove, and put toxic substances, such as household cleaners, out of reach.
Many nursing homes feature specialized “memory units,” with living environ-
ments designed to promote cognitive capacities and staff skilled in dealing with
this disease. At every stage of the illness, the goals are to (1) protect people and
keep them functioning as well as possible for as long as possible and (2) be caring
and offer loving support.
So far, I have mainly discussed what others can do for these devastating
impairments—as if the diseases had magically evaporated a human being. This
assumption is wrong. The real profiles in courage are the people in the early stages
of Alzheimer’s who get together to problem-solve and offer each other support. What
does it feel like to be losing your inner self? We already got insights from Hal in the
Experiencing the Lifespan box on page 433. Now let’s read what other people with
early Alzheimer’s have to say:
Well, the first word that comes to my mouth is fear; becoming an infant, incon-
tinence, not knowing who you are . . . I can go on and on, with those kinds of
(quoted in MacRae, 2008, p. 400)
Outsiders can compound this terror when they develop their own memory
problem—centering on the label and forgetting the human being. A woman named
Bea vividly described this situation when she was first told her diagnosis:
The last person who interviewed me was the neurologist. He was very indifferent
and said it was just going to get worse. . . . Health-care professionals need to be
compassionate. . . . There but for the grace of God go I.
(quoted in Snyder, 1999, pp. 17–18)
Can people use their late-life positivity skills to act efficaciously in the face of their
disease? Read what a man named Ed had to say:
Life is a challenge . . . I am alive and I’m going to live life to the best I can. (If) people
want to (say) oh what’s the point in living? Well, they’ve stopped living. . . . you only get
one chance and this is it. Make the most of it.
(quoted in MacRae, 2008, p. 401)
Can older adults with Alzheimer’s give us other insights into what it means to
be wise? Judge for yourself, as you read what a loving dad named Booker said about
the cycle of life:
I’m blessed to have a wonderful daughter. I sent her to . . . school and college and
now she takes care of all of my business. . . . I’m in her hands. I’m in my baby phase
now, so to speak. So sometimes I call her “my mumma.” . . . Yes, she’s my mumma
now. [Booker smiled appreciatively.] . . . She’s my backbone. She’s such a blessing
to me.
(quoted in Snyder, 1999, p. 103)
beloved father or spouse has Alzheimer’s or another irreversible cognitive disorder.
You know that the illness is permanent. You helplessly witness your loved one deterio-
rate. As the disease progresses to its middle stage, you must deal with a human being
CHAPTER 14 The Physical Challenges of Old Age 437
who has turned alien, where the tools used in normal encounters no longer apply.
The person may be physically and verbally abusive, wake and wander in the night.
When the 24/7 symptoms produce total role overload (Infurna, Gerstorf, & Zarit,
2013), you face the guilt of putting your loved one in a nursing home (Graneheim,
Johansson, & Lindgren, 2014). Or, you decide to put your own life on hold for years
and care for the person every minute of the day.
What strategies do people use to cope? One study with African American care-
givers revealed that people rely on their faith for solace: “This is my mission from
God” (Dilworth-Anderson, Boswell, & Cohen, 2007). Others turn to the Alzheimer’s
caregiver support groups and Internet chat rooms for advice: “She seems to get worse
during the night.” “What works for you?” “My husband hit me the other day, and I
was devastated.” “Keep telling yourself it’s the illness. People with these illnesses can’t
help how they act.”
Another key lies in relishing the precious moments together you have left:
(Tom and Jane, married for 63 years, who were being interviewed about the illness)
sat close to one another on the couch . . . and shared a great deal of smiles and
giggles … and at times it felt they were the only people in the room . . . Although
the stories Jane told did not always make sense, her eyes lit up whenever a question
was asked about her marriage to Tom . . . What cannot be easily captured on paper
were the warm interactions . . . The investigators felt privileged to be part of such
a rich process in which one couple had the opportunity to share the story of their
relationship together.
(quoted in Daniels, Lamson, & Hodgson, 2007, p. 167)
Yes, dealing with a loved one with these disorders is embarrassing (Montoro-
Rodriguez and others, 2009). It’s stressful and depressing, too. But this life
experience offers its own redemption sequence. Caregivers often report having
a heightened sense of mastery after confronting this stress (Infurna, Gerstorf, &
Zarit, 2013). They get a firsthand lesson in what is really important in life. One
woman summed up her journey of self-awareness like this: “What it’s done
for me, Alzheimer’s, is . . . to give me a whole new life” (quoted in Peacock
and others, 2010, p. 648). (Table 14.2 summarizes these messages in a list of
caregiving tips.)
Until this point, I’ve been exploring how older people and their loved ones can
personally take action to promote the best person–environment fit when old-age frail-
ties strike. Now, let’s look at what society is doing to help.
had to deal with during your preteen years (Ayalon & Green,
2013; Schafer, 2013). (Unfortunately, human nature doesn’t
Most important, in the United States, older people only
have the option of moving to continuing care if they are
wealthy—not even middle class (see Coe & Boyle, 2013). Can’t
we devise innovative, low-cost frail-elder-care alternatives that
don’t involve moving and help people who have some ADL It’s tempting menus can make continuing care delicious
places for wealthy older adults to spend their last years
problems but don’t require that ultimate setting—the nursing of life—provided you can tolerate the social “risk” of not
home? being invited to sit at this dinner table.
440 PART VI Later Life
My discussion brings up the front-line nursing home caregivers—the certified certified nurse assistant or
nurse assistant or aide. Just as during life’s early years, caregiving at the upper end aide The main hands-on care
provider in a nursing home
of the lifespan is low-status work. Nursing home aides, like their counterparts in day- who helps elderly residents
care centers, make poverty-level wages. Facilities are chronically understaffed (Teeri with basic ADL problems.
and others, 2008). So, even when an aide loves what she does, the job conditions can
make it difficult to provide adequate care. Having worked in long-term care, I can
testify that residents are sometimes left lying in urine for hours. They wait inordinately
long for help getting fed. One reason is that it can take hours to feed the eight or so
people in your care when dinner arrives!
Still, even some highly experienced nurses gravitate to this “low status” work.
As one Swedish nurse explained: “Your relationship with the patients is completely
different when you see them for years. . . . As a new nurse, your focus is on medical
and technical skills. But, elderly care is so much more” (adapted from Carlson and
others, 2014, pp. 764–765). Read what Jayson, a mellow, 6-foot-tall, 200-pound giant
had to say about his job at a Philadelphia nursing home:
At first I was put off by the smells. . . . Then I got moved to the Alzheimer’s unit . . . and
I found this to be like . . . the best task I ever had. . . . If you just come in here and say,
“Okay, I got a job to do and I’m just doing my job,” . . . then you’re in the wrong field.
. . . When somebody here dies, we all talk, we say how much we miss the person. . . .
Some of them cry. . . . Some of them go to their funerals. . . . I actually spoke at some
of the funerals. . . . I say how much this person meant to me.
(quoted in Black & Rubinstein, 2005, pp. S-4–6)
For Jayson, who—after being shot and lingering near death—reported seeing
an angel visit him in the form of a little old man, his career is a calling from God.
He is flourishing in this consummately generative job. What about nursing-home
residents? Can people get it together within this most unlikely setting? For uplifting
answers, check out the Experiencing the Lifespan box.
Tracing Physical Aging older people must exercise and modify their homes to reduce
the risk of falls.
Normal aging changes progress into chronic disease and finally,
during the old-old years, may result in impairments in activi- Although the elderly drive less often, accident rates rise sharply
ties of daily living (ADL) problems, either less incapacitating among drivers over age 75. Solutions to the problem, such as
instrumental ADL problems or basic ADL problems—troubles mandatory vision tests over a certain age, may not work so well,
with basic self-care. as driving involves many sensory and motor skills. Modifying the
driving environment and especially developing a car-free society
Futuristic gurus predict that we are about to extend our maximum are critical challenges today.
human lifespan (about a century), especially because underfeed-
ing can extend the maximum life span of rats. But gerontolo-
gists believe this goal is unlikely, because the cascade of faults Neurocognitive Disorders (NCDs)
involved in human aging ensure that our bodies must give out at Major neurocognitive disorder (also known as dementia) is the
about the century mark. label for any illness involving serious irreversible declines in cog-
Socioeconomic status predicts how quickly we age and die, nitive functioning. The two illnesses causing these symptoms are
as shown by the wide life expectancy differences between the neurocognitive disorder due to Alzheimer’s disease, defined by
developed and developing worlds. The socioeconomic health neural atrophy accompanied by senile plaques and neurofibril-
gap refers to the fact that—within each nation—people who lary tangles, and vascular neurocognitive dementia, caused by
are affluent live healthier for a longer time. A variety of forces, small strokes. These diseases typically erupt during the old-old
starting in early childhood, make poverty a risk factor for early years and progress gradually, with the person losing all func-
disability and death. Education and close attachments enhance tions. The APOE-4 marker predicts developing Alzheimer’s dis-
longevity and health. ease at a relatively younger age.
Gender also affects aging, with males dying at younger ages To prevent the accumulation of the plaques, scientists are study-
of heart attacks and women surviving longer but being more ing people with mild cognitive impairment and looking for risk
disabled. While females are biologically primed to live longer, factors that foreshadow getting ill. Today, Alzheimer’s cannot be
considering healthy-life years, women only do slightly better prevented or cured, although physical exercise may help ward
than men. Although physical problems are the predictable price off its onset. The key is to make environmental modifications to
of living far into old age, improving children’s lives and construct- keep the person safe—and understand that older adults with
ing caring communities may have dramatic health payoffs during these problems are still people. Caregivers’ accounts and the
adult life. testaments of people in Alzheimer’s early stages offer profiles in
human courage.
Sensory-Motor Changes
The classic age-related vision problems—presbyopia (impair- Options and Services for the Frail
ments in near vision), difficulties seeing in dim light, and prob- Elderly
lems with glare—are caused by a rigid, cloudier lens. Modifying Although, traditionally, older people lived in multigenerational
lighting can help compensate for these losses. Cataracts, the households, with a built-in family support network for when
endpoint of a cloudy lens, can be easily treated, although the they became frail, even societies historically most committed to
other major age-related vision impairments can cause a more family care (such as China and Japan) now need Western options
permanent loss of sight. Don’t overprotect visually impaired for dealing with disabled older adults. In the United States,
loved ones. Encourage people to visit a low vision center for help. the major alternatives to institutionalization—continuing-care
The common old-age hearing impairment presbycusis may be retirement communities, assisted-living facilities, day-care
emotionally more troubling than vision problems because it lim- programs, and home health services—are typically fairly costly
its a person’s contact with the human world. As exposure to noise and not covered by Medicare. We need services to help people
promotes this selective loss for high-pitched tones, men are at with disabilities who are not wealthy and do not need the intense
higher risk of having hearing handicaps, especially at younger care of a nursing home.
ages. To help a hearing-impaired person, limit low-pitched back- Being female, very old, and not having loved ones to take the
ground noise and speak distinctly—but avoid elderspeak, the person in are the main risk factors for entering nursing homes,
impulse to talk to the older person like a baby. For your own or long-term-care facilities. While nursing homes vary in quality,
future hearing, protect yourself against excessive noise. Hearing and are improving, they still don’t typically provide high-quality
aids, unfortunately, are less user-friendly and effective than we care. Even though the certified nursing assistant or aide, the
might hope. main caregiver, is poorly paid, people can get tremendous grati-
“Slowness” in later life is due to age-related changes in reaction fications from nursing home work. Society needs to prepare for
time and skeletal conditions such as osteoarthritis and osteo- an onslaught of ADL problems as the baby boomers enter their
porosis (thin, fragile bones). Osteoporosis is a special concern old-old years. People can develop as human beings even in a
because falling and breaking a hip is a major reason for entering nursing home, and reach every Eriksonian milestone during their
a nursing home. As mobility is crucial to late-life independence, final years—or months—of life.
444 PART VI Later Life
normal aging changes, p. 418 healthy-life years, p. 423 vascular neurocognitive continuing-care retirement
chronic disease, p. 418 presbyopia, p. 424 disorder, p. 434 community, p. 439
ADL (activities of daily living) lens, p. 425 neurocognitive disorder due assisted-living facility,
problems, p. 418 to Alzheimer’s disease, p. 439
presbycusis, p. 426
p. 434 day-care program, p. 439
instrumental ADL problems, elderspeak, p. 428
p. 418 neurofibrillary tangles, p. 434 home health services, p. 439
reaction time, p. 429
basic ADL limitations, p. 418 senile plaques, p. 434 nursing home/long-term-care
osteoporosis, p. 429
socioeconomic health gap, Medicare, p. 439 facility, p. 440
major neurocognitive disorder
p. 420 alternatives to certified nurse assistant or
(NCD), p. 432
institutionalization, p. 439 aide, p. 441
Neurocognitive Disorders (NCDs) Options and Services for the Frail Elderly
1. The illnesses are neurocognitive disorder due to 1. a, 1; b, 3; c, 2; d, 4; e, 5
Alzheimer’s disease, involving the deterioration of the 2. a and c
neurons and their replacement with senile plaques and
3. Here, you can use your own creativity. My suggestions:
tangles, and vascular neurocognitive disorder, which
(1) Institute a program whereby people get cash incentives
involves small strokes. (Grandma—not infrequently—may
to care for frail elders in their homes. (2) Build small,
have both illnesses.)
intergenerational living communities, with a centrally located
2. a home option specifically for the frail elderly. Residents
3. The main problem scientists face is diagnosing cognitive who buy houses here would commit to taking care of the
problems before they progress to the disease stage—so that older adults in their midst. (3) Set up a Craigslist-type Web
we can develop treatments to ward off the illness. Tell the site, matching older people with a room to spare with area
worried senators that they should start a fitness regimen college students in need. Young people would live rent-free
now! While we don’t have definitive evidence, there are in exchange for helping the older person with cooking and
strong hints that exercise may help stave off Alzheimer’s shopping. (4) Establish a national scholarship program
disease. (perhaps called the “Belsky Grant”!) that would pay your
4. d tuition and living expenses if you commit to caring for frail
elders in the community.
© Image Source Plus/Alamy
Now that we have reached the end of our lifespan journey, it’s time to focus on
life’s final chapter (death) and reflect on what we’ve learned.
Chapter 15–Death and Dying is actually a perfect finale to this lifespan tour,
because, not only does this milestone end our personal lives, but death is the
one milestone that occurs at every life stage. How have death attitudes and
practices changed throughout history, and what do people (and their grieving
loved ones) feel as they deal with this final “act” of life? How has the health-
care system approached the terminally ill, and what can we do to make dying
more humane? These issues lead into that contemporary ethical issue: strate-
gies for taking control of when we die.
In Final Thoughts, I’ll take a very short step back to scan the high points of the
journey as a whole. After you read the top four trends that stood out for me in
surveying the research, take some time to think about what struck you most
forcefully in reading this book.
Setting the Context
Petrol/Westen61/Getty Images; PhotoAlto/Anne-Sophie Bost/Getty Images; © Corbis RF/Age Fotostock; Ryan McVay/Photodisc/Getty Images; PNC/Digital Vision/Getty Images; Rick Gomez/Radius Images/Getty Images;
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y father died in the “normal” life. The kind of death Stewart’s mother
late-twentieth-century way. Al- faced on September 11 was horrifying,
though we knew nothing about unexpected—totally outside the norm.
how people die, we had plenty of time How does death really happen today, com-
to plan for the event. Dad’s death came pared to dying in centuries past?
at the “right” time, at the end of a long
450 PART VII Epilogue
Middle Ages was horrid and “wild,” death was often “tame.” Famine, child-
birth, and infectious disease ensured that death was an expected presence
throughout the lifespan. People died, as they lived, in view of the community
and were buried in the churchyard in the center of town.
During the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, death began to move
off center stage when—because of fears about disease—villagers relocated
burial sites to cemeteries outside of town (Kastenbaum, 2004). Then, a more
dramatic change took place during the early twentieth century, when medi-
For most of human history, death was ever
cal science successfully waged war against disease. The conquest of many
present—“up close and personal”—and infectious illnesses moved dying toward the end of the lifespan, relocating it
occurred in the midst of normal life. Here to old age (Field, 2009). Today, with 3 out of 4 deaths in the United States
is an eighteenth-century painting entitled occurring among people over age 65 (and often happening in our eighties
“The Dying Request,” in which a dying
young woman is offering her final words to
and nineties), the actors in the death drama are often a marginal, atypical
her spouse. group—nothing like you or me.
As modern medicine took over, the scene of death shifted to hospitals and
nursing homes. So the act of dying was disconnected from life. Because hospitals
billed themselves as places of recovery, death became a symptom of scientific failure
CHAPTER 15 Death and Dying 451
(see Risse & Balboni, 2013). When people took their last breaths, embedded in the
recesses of intensive care, health-care workers quickly erased all signs of death’s pres-
ence, as they shrouded the body and shipped it to be spruced up in the funeral home
(Kastenbaum, 2004). According to one social critic, by the mid-twentieth century,
death had become the new “pornography”—disgusting, abnormal, never seen or
talked about (Gorer, 1965).
In recent decades, society has shifted course. First, doctors did a total turn-
around from the practice of concealing a devastating diagnosis—never mentioning, for
instance, the “C word”—in favor of telling people, “Yes, it’s cancer, and there is not
much we can do.” (Now that we can meticulously track each symptom on the Internet,
physicians foolish enough not to be upfront about a patient’s illness might be charged
with malpractice or worse!) During the last 15 years, our health-care system has fully
confronted the reality that “yes, people die,” by developing structures to ease our pas-
sage through the terminal phase of life (Risse & Balboni, 2013). We urge everyone
to do their part, by documenting in writing how they want their final act to proceed.
moment she returned to the hospital. She looked tired and somewhat exhausted and
before I could say hello, said, “Now don’t forget I have another son.”
(1969, p. 83)
Then, once reality sinks in, the person gets depressed and, ultimately, reaches
acceptance. By this time, the individual is quite weak and no longer feels upset, angry,
or depressed. She may even look forward to the end.
Kübler-Ross deserves enormous credit for alerting us to the fact that there is a
living, breathing person inside the diagnosis “terminal cancer” or “end-stage heart
disease.” The problem is that her original ideas were embraced in a rigid, simplistic
way. Here are three reasons why we cannot take this theory as the final word about
Although she never intended this message, many people read into Kübler-Ross’s
theory the idea that all patients want to talk about impending death. This is emphati-
cally not true (Baile, Aaron, & Parker, 2009; Carlander and others, 2011; Shih and
others, 2009). When researchers ask fatally ill patients about how they feel about
discussing death, they find that people broach this subject selectively and reluctantly.
As one woman said: “They’re scary subjects and . . . we don’t want to touch on it
too much. . . .” (quoted in McGrath, 2004, p. 836). Patients avoid these discussions
because they believe others won’t want to hear: “I try to be open but . . . many people
. . . can’t manage it. They withdraw” (quoted in Saeteren, Lindström, & Nåden, 2010,
p. 815). Sometimes, they shy away from these conversations
to protect loved ones and themselves: “My sister is good but
I couldn’t load off onto her, she would just break. . . . I’ve
got as much as I can cope with. So I can’t get her upset . . .
and then have . . . to calm her down” (quoted in McGrath,
2004, pp. 837, 839).
The bottom line is that people who are dying behave
just as when they are living (which they are!). They are
leery about bringing up painful subjects. People don’t shed
their sensitivity to others and feelings about what topics are
appropriate to discuss when they have a terminal disease.
Actually, as life is drawing to a close, preserving the quality
Asiaselects/Getty Images
of our attachment relationships is a paramount agenda—
and this, as you will see, is a message I will highlight
throughout this chapter.
OUT “THE FULL TRUTH.” As you saw earlier with the Having loved ones pray by a
bedside can offer solace and a
Hmong, the idea that we must inform terminally ill patients about their condition sense of connection during a
is also not universally accepted. Yes, in our individualistic society, people say they person’s final days. But to be
are interested in knowing the facts: “Information is important,” said one Swedish really sensitive, this woman’s
woman with cancer. “Even if you have a short time left, you have to plan this time” family would also need to
respect her privacy, taking their
(quoted in Saeteren, Lindström, & Nåden, 2010, p. 814). But they may not want cues from her as to whether
doctors to get specific when the prognosis is dire (Baile, Aaron, & Parker, 2009; she really wanted to discuss
Innes & Payne, 2009). Families go further: “Don’t tell my loved one anything at impending death.
all!” Here is how one social worker described how she reacted when she received
this plea from loving sons:
Hurting and sad (after learning their mom’s diagnosis of inoperable cancer), . . . The
older sons rushed to the clinic to make me privy to the decision. . . . “Our mother doesn’t
know anything and that’s how we want to keep it.” I could see their behavior as denial
and discuss the western ethic of patient responsibility. But . . . I knew their children
were protecting their mother from what they saw as worse than death: The expectation
of nearing death.
(quoted in Kannai, 2008, pp. 146–147)
454 PART VII Epilogue
As this sensitive woman realized, the approach that Kübler-Ross and our culture
spells out as caring can sometimes be unloving, insensitive, and rude.
Most important, Kübler-Ross’s theory is wrong! People facing death do not progress
emotionally in a stage-to-stage, cookie-cutter way. In fact, uncritically accepting
Kübler-Ross’s stages can be dangerous if it encourages us to distance ourselves from
dying loved ones (Kastenbaum, 2004). Instead of understanding that becoming
depressed is a reasonable reaction when facing a life-threatening illness, if friends
and family see this feeling as “a phase,” they might view this response as somehow
not real. It’s perfectly understandable for an ill person to get angry when others
respond insensitively or don’t call; but if we view this response through the lens of
stage theory, we might dismiss these natural feelings of hurt as “predictable” signs of
the anger stage.
Therefore, experts view Kübler-Ross’s contributions with mixed emotions. Yes,
she pioneered an important topic. But her theory encouraged its own insensitivity to
the terminally ill (Kastenbaum, 2004).
It started on a trip to Washington—David’s favorite city. can do.” We left the hospital that beautiful late spring after-
“Something is different with my body. I got out of breath noon to await death.
when I took a walk around the mall.” Then came the diag-
nosis: “You have congestive heart failure. Because your Those last few days turned into more than 9 months. With
heart muscle is enlarged, fluid is accumulating around your the help of just one pill to control his symptoms, David got
lungs and legs. But with our medicines, you can almost much better. He was able to spend that summer and most
certainly live—with restrictions—for some time.” of the fall walking around on his own. On the December day
we finally needed to order a hospital bed, I served chili and
During the next few years when my husband’s body became chocolate chip cookies for dinner. Then, David just closed
badly bloated, we periodically entered the hospital, to his eyes and died.
drain off the fluid and accumulate another cocktail of pills.
Then, in May 2012, due to a side effect of the medicine, My husband’s hope in hospice had been to live through the
my husband went into kidney failure, and we rushed to summer, enjoying nature and spending time sitting with
the hospital again. Just as the frantic staff was poised to me by the pool. He wanted to be alive to hold the third edi-
transfer David to endure another heroic intervention, our tion of this book, due in November, in his hands. He hated
cardiologist entered the room: “I’m referring your husband the idea of being bedridden during his final days. Hospice
to hospice,” he tersely stated. “There is nothing more we granted David all three of his final wishes.
When you think about dying, rank how important each of these criteria might be to you as: (1) of
utmost importance; (2) important, but not primary; or (3) relatively unimportant.
1. Not being a burden to my family.
2. Being at peace with death—that is, not being anxious about dying.
3. Not being in physical pain.
4. Having control over where I die—that is, being able to choose whether to die at
home or in the hospital.
5. Having control over how I die—that is, being able to choose whether to be kept alive
through medical interventions or to die naturally. Being able to end my life if I am
terminally ill and in great pain.
6. Feeling close to my loved ones.
7. Feeling close to God.
8. Feeling that I have fulfilled my mission on earth or made a difference in the world.
Do your top-ranking priorities for dying tell you anything about your priorities for living?
enduring regrets:
“I wish I had him back so that we could hug and kiss and say
goodby” (said one anguished mother). “We never said good-bye.
We faked the whole thing. . . . I just feel there was no ending, no fin-
ish . . . Yet he never took the lead . . . he never said, ‘Ma, I’m dying.’”
(quoted in Wells-di Gregorio, 2009, p. 252).
Actually, experts believe the key to recovering from terribly unfair deaths depends
on finding new meaning in one’s disrupted life story, and so restoring the idea that
the universe is predictable and fair (Neimeyer, Klass, & Dennis, 2014). Grieving
CHAPTER 15 Death and Dying 459
parents report they turned the corner when they used their tragedy as a redemption
sequence to help keep their child’s memory alive. Some families find solace in donat-
ing their sons’ or daughters’ organs to help others survive, or they may adopt a child’s
life passions, for instance by deciding to agitate for environmental change. As in the
example above, parents may devote their lives to counseling families with an ill child
(Vega, Rivera, & González, 2014). People transform bad deaths into love by working
at suicide hotlines, or establishing websites to crusade against drunk driving, agitating
for better fire safety laws, creating beautiful art-work, or simply marching in protest
against any death they view as unfair.
These examples have lessons for all of us in surviving bereavement. Give your
loved one a good life. Provide the best possible death. Draw on your loss to grow as a
person and enrich other people’s lives.
Table 15.2 expands on the topic of bad death by exploring another off-time
loss—children’s grief.
Tip 1: Look to the child’s developmental stage. While infants and toddlers cannot grasp the concept
of death, losing a primary caregiver at this age can affect the attachment response. Preoperational
preschoolers are also too young to grasp the concept that death is permanent, but their egocentric
thinking may produce guilt that they caused their loved one to die through their bad thoughts. Temper
tantrums, sleep disturbances, and regressing to more babyish behavior are common responses to
experiencing a caregiver’s death at this age. Finally, after reaching concrete operations—around age
9 or 10—children are capable of grasping the finality of death, and begin to mourn in the traditional
sense. At this age, and especially adolescence, complicated bereavement responses center around
acting-out behaviors and internalizing symptoms such as nonsuicidal self-injury and depression.
Tip 2: Look to the child’s life situation. Most children are resilient, coping with the death of a loved
one without showing any signs of prolonged grief. But symptoms of complicated bereavement are more
likely when the death is sudden or violent, the child is already emotionally fragile, and the person’s
family life is unstable. The risk of long-term problems also accelerates when the young person has
experienced multiple life losses. Moreover, because at this age upsetting feelings cannot be channeled
into a redemption sequence, especially after losing a parent during childhood, mourning may naturally
occur in extended fits and starts, with fresh waves of grief appearing during milestone events years
later, such as when the person graduates from college, gets married, or becomes a parent.
Tip 3: Interventions should involve a multifaceted, community-centered approach. In helping
children mourn in a healthy way, everyone—from teachers to siblings to peers—can play a vital role.
The keys are to listen sensitively, offer emotional support and, rather than “ignoring” the trauma,
allow the child to openly discuss and process the feelings of loss.
Information is from Barnard, Moreland, and Nagy, 1999; Christ, 2000; Baker & Sedney, 1996; Humphrey & Zimpfer, 2007,
and McCarthy & Jessop, 2005.
460 PART VII Epilogue
This next section explores how the health-care system is doing in providing
people for the best possible death.
created much concern among both family members and the hospital administrators. . . .
The doctor continually had to reassure both parties that the patient (who lived for six
weeks more) would soon die; that is, to try to change their expectations back to “certain
to die on time.”
(Glaser & Straus, 1968, pp. 11–12)
The bottom line is that deaths don’t occur according to a programmed timetable.
Hospitals are structured according to the assumption that they do. This incompatibility
makes for a messy dance of terminal care.
Unfortunately, since this research was conducted, the situation has not changed.
According to one review of hospital records spanning 1996 to 2010, the odds of
health-care workers accurately predicting the date of a patient’s dying were only fifty-
fifty (Phillips, Halcomb, and Davidson, 2011). So families still suffer the trauma of
being caught “off guard” when faced with that event (Wells-di Gregorio, 2009). When
dying proceeds according to schedule (or as expected), health-care personnel classify
the death as “good.” As one resident in a study reported: “I felt good that he died in
a comfortable way. . . . I guess I just knew it would happen in 24 hours so it doesn’t
come as a shock” (quoted in Good and others, 2004, p. 944). When trajectories are
mislabeled, the death is defined as “bad”: “She came in for a bone marrow trans-
plant to cure her [cancer] . . . and got pulmonary toxicity and died” (p. 945). Good
deaths happen when there is smooth communication between the medical team
and patients’ families. Bad deaths are rife with disagreements, anger, and hurt (see
Wells-di Gregorio, 2009). In fact, because of the potential for miscommunication, tra-
ditional hospital dying may be more turbulent in the twenty-first century than before.
One reason is that, today, patients do not spend weeks or months in a hospital.
They often enter this setting when they are within days of death. Therefore, the
health-care professionals on the death scene may not be emotionally
involved with the person (Good and others, 2004). They may have
little understanding of patients’ and families’ needs.
Disagreements between members of the health-care team add to
this problem. Physicians make the final decisions about treatments;
but nurses, the frontline caregivers, know the patient’s and family’s
© Mark Richard/PhotoEdit
wishes best. Nurses may want to advocate for dying patients but be
afraid of being disciplined if they speak up (Thacker, 2008; Yu &
Chan, 2010). Compounding these professional conflicts are issues
related to living in our multicultural society (Wells-di Gregorio,
2009). Suppose the attending doctor on the floor where your rela-
tive is dying is a recent immigrant from Beijing or Bangladesh, or your parents only How can doctors relate to
immigrant women anxiously
speak Spanish or Swahili. How can everyone really communicate at this intensely
awaiting news about their ill
emotional time? loved ones? Issues like these
What underlies these conflicts is our quantum leap death-defying technologies. loom large as hospital personnel
Physicians can offer nutrition to people through a tube into the stomach, bypassing struggle to do the right thing
for families of dying patients in
the body’s normal signal to stop eating in preparation for death. They put patients
our contemporary multicultural
on ventilators, machines that breathe for the person, after the lungs have given out. society.
Caring doctors may agonize about using these heroic measures (Liben, Papadatou, &
Wolfe, 2008). But their mission to cure can make it difficult to resist the lure of the
We were realizing that we were going to hurt him [a 40-year-old lung cancer patient who
had had multiple surgeries and several strokes] if we . . . kept trying to keep a body alive
that was not wanting to be alive. And everyone figured “what the heck, give it a shot.”
(quoted in Good and others, 2004, p. 945)
Today, medical workers are faced with agonizing ethical choices: How long
do you vigorously wage war against death, and when should you say, “enough is
enough”? Shifting from the cure-at-all-costs mode can be difficult. To paraphrase
one expert, it’s like “deciding to play baseball while the football game is in full swing”
462 PART VII Epilogue
palliative care Any (Chapple, 1999). Understanding that we can never take the mess out of dying, just as
intervention designed not to we can never take the mess out of living, let’s now look at how the traditional health-
cure illness but to promote
dignified dying.
care system is taking action to tame contemporary death.
end-of-life care instruction INTERVENTIONS: Providing Superior Palliative Care
Courses in medical and
nursing schools devoted to Palliative care refers to any strategy designed to promote dignified dying. Palliative
teaching health-care workers care includes educating health-care personnel about how to deal with dying patients;
how to provide the best modifying the hospital structure; or providing that well-known alternative to dying in
palliative care to the dying. a hospital, hospice care. Let’s scan these interventions one by one.
palliative-care service A
service or unit in a hospital Educating Health-Care Providers
that is devoted to end-of-life
In recent decades, end-of-life care instruction has become a frequent component of
medical and nursing training. Courses cover everything from the best drugs to control
pain without “knocking the person out” to the ethics of withdrawing
treatment. Instruction may involve hands-on experiences such as hav-
Rob Melnychuk/Stockbyte/Jupiter Images/Getty Images
beings who die each week worldwide, a large fraction spend their final days in
agony, without even over-the-counter medicines to control their pain (Clark, 2007).
State-of-the art, hospital-based palliative-care services are a welcome trend. But it
still seems unfair to ask health-care professionals to embrace the enemy. Physicians in
particular may shy away from dying patients because facing them means they failed
in their mission to cure. Therefore, the most humane way to promote dignified dying
might be to remove that act from the doctors with their cure-oriented focus and death-
defying machines.
1,500,000 1,450,000
Patients served by hospice
1,000,000 885,000
figure 15.2: Patients 540,000
served by hospice in the 450,000
United States, 1984–2009: 340,000
Notice that the number of 210,000
167,000 181,000
people enrolling in hospice grew 100,000
exponentially, especially during
the first decade of the twenty- 0
first century. 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2009
Data from: National Hospice and Year
Palliative Care Organization, 2011.
These worries are not unrealistic. In one survey, 2 out of 3 U.S. hos-
pice providers cited medication management as their most problematic
issue. One in three reported frequently encountering problems in this
area as they struggled to help families provide care (Joyce & Lau, 2013).
Photodisc/Getty Images
hospice care. People are not aware that patients can still receive curative
interventions after entering hospice, or that it’s possible to survive for
months in hospice with a fairly good quality of life (see the Experiencing
the Lifespan box on page 455). Particularly, minority groups may not
understand that in the United States, Medicare pays for hospice (Frey and others, 2013) Although this caregiving wife
or realize that hospice care occurs at home (Enguidanos, Yonashiro-Cho, & Cote, 2013). probably wouldn’t have it any
other way, deciding on home
African Americans may cling to aggressive cure-oriented treatments, out of a lifelong fear hospice care is apt to evoke
that traditional medicine has done them wrong (Johnson and others, 2013). Residents of scary feelings: Will I be able to
rural areas may not have access to hospice teams (Lynch, 2013). control my beloved husband’s
Even when patients are aware that their illness is fatal, they may be less than pain?
thrilled to have loved ones care for them during their final weeks of life. Imagine
being totally taken care of by your family when you have a terminal disease. You
don’t have any privacy. Loved ones must bathe you and dress you; they must care for
your every need. You may be embarrassed about being seen naked and incontinent;
you may want time alone to vent your anguish and pain. In a hospital (or inpatient
hospice), care is impersonal. At home, there is the humiliation of having to depend
on the people you love most for each intimate bodily act.
Most importantly, care by strangers equals care that is free from guilt. As I
described earlier in this chapter, when people are approaching death, they often want
to emotionally protect their loved ones—to shield them from pain. Witnessing the
toll that your disease is taking on your family may multiply the pain of dying itself.
This explains, why, in a rare interview study conducted with people receiving
inpatient hospice care in Australia, patients’ main worries centered around loved
ones. Yes, people said, moving to hospice signaled a depressing step closer to death.
But they were relieved to no longer be burdening their families: “My husband is very
quiet. . . . If he feels he cannot cope, I would rather be in here if that gives him a
chance to come here, spend some time and then go home and get his head together,”
reported one woman. A man appreciated the privacy involved in getting care from
strangers. “It’s going with a little bit of dignity . . . and not in a mess, . . . and not
being a frightening sight to those who are sitting there” (quoted in Broom & Kirby,
2013, p. 504).
This need to preserve dignity (or face) with one’s family, may explain why U.S.
hospice programs are rejected among the very cultural group historically most com-
mitted to family care. When researchers polled Chinese heritage elderly living in
San Francisco, people reacted with horror when they learned hospice involves care
at home. One woman summed up the general feelings when she said, “If I am dying
466 PART VII Epilogue
I become very grumpy; it’s a good idea to send me to a nursing home” (quoted in
Enguidanos, Yonashiro-Cho, & Cote, 2013, p. 996).
Table 15.3 summarizes these section points in “a pros and cons of home care”
chart. Now that I have surveyed the health-care options, it’s time to continue our
search for a “good” twenty-first-century death by returning to the dying person.
• A Do Not Hospitalize (DNH) order is specific to nursing homes. It specifies that, Do Not Resuscitate (DNR)
order A type of advance
during a medical crisis, a mentally impaired resident should not be transferred to directive filled out by
a hospital for emergency care. surrogates (usually a doctor
in consultation with family
Advance directives have an admirable goal. Ideally, they provide a road map so members) for impaired
that family members and doctors are not forced to guess what care the permanently individuals, specifying that
incapacitated person might want. However, there are issues with regard to these if they go into cardiac arrest,
efforts should not be made
documents too. to revive them.
One difficulty is that people are naturally reluctant to think about their death
Do Not Hospitalize (DNH)
(Ko & Lee, 2014). Do you or your parents have an advance directive? Even in the order A type of advance
Netherlands, where people can choose to take their lives, less than 1 in 10 people directive put into the charts
does (as reported in van Wijmen and others, 2014). of impaired nursing home
The good news is that most older adults in the United States now have advance residents, specifying that in
a medical crisis they should
directives, a quantum leap from the situation a decade ago (Silveira, Wiitala, & not be transferred to a
Piette, 2014). But minorities and low-income elderly are particularly leery of filling hospital for emergency care.
out these documents (Ko & Lee, 2014). Imagine, for instance, that you are an Afri-
can American and well aware of the sordid history of health discrimination against
your group. Would you want to write a document telling medical personnel what
not to do?
There are also serious problems with the most well-known advance directive,
the living will. Because living wills are vague, these documents are subject to misin-
terpretations (Cicirelli, 2007): Does “no aggressive treatments” mean not putting in
the feeding tube that has allowed my aunt to survive for 4 years after brain surgery?
When your grandma wrote she wanted “No heroic measures,” what exactly did she
While we might think the solution would be to come up with specific checklists
(“I don’t want to be on a ventilator, but I do want a feeding tube”), can we expect
people to make these detailed decisions? How many of you really know what being
on a ventilator or having a feeding tube entails? Moreover, while you might say “no
heroic measures” if you are healthy, your decisions are apt to be different when you
are battling a fatal disease. Therefore, the best strategy is to have a series of evolving
discussions with loved ones, and then choose a designated family member who, in
consultation with the physician, makes the final choice (see, McMahan and others,
2013; van Wijmen & others, 2014).
468 PART VII Epilogue
but making sure to sit down and discuss your wishes with
the family—can reduce the conflicts when you believe that
Mom’s suffering should not be prolonged, while your brother
insists that treatment continue at all costs. These sibling
disagreements are tailor-made to poison family relationships
for years (or life).
Experts advise this older woman By now, some readers may be getting uneasy, not about
to regularly have these frank keeping people alive too long, but about the opposite problem—letting them die too
conversations with her family as soon. Let’s ratchet up the anxiety as we move to the next step in the search for death
she prepares her durable power
of attorney for health care.
with dignity: helping people take their own lives.
How do you feel about this doctor’s decision, the reaction of his nurse, and the jury’s
judgment? If you were like many people in Great Britain, you would have been out-
raged, believing that Dr. Cox was a hero because he acted on his mission to relieve
human suffering rather than follow an unjust law (recall Kohlberg’s post-conventional
stage, in Chapter 9).
Let’s first make some distinctions. Passive euthanasia, withdrawing potentially
life-saving interventions, such as a feeding tube, is perfectly legal. (That’s what
advance directives specify.) But the step Dr. Cox took qualified as active euthanasia—
taking action to help a person die. Active euthanasia is illegal in every nation except
Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands. However, as of this writing (early 2015)
passive euthanasia a variation on active euthanasia called physician-assisted suicide is legal in Switzer-
Withholding potentially land, Oregon, Montana, Vermont, and Washington State. Under strict conditions, at
life-saving interventions that
a terminally ill patient’s request, physicians can prescribe a medication the individual
might keep a terminally ill
or permanently comatose can personally take to bring on death.
patient alive. As the judge in the above trial spelled out, the distinction between the two types
active euthanasia A deliberate of euthanasia lies in intentions (Dickens, Boyle, & Ganzini, 2008). When we with-
health-care intervention that draw some heroic measure, we don’t specifically wish for death. When doctors give a
helps a patient die. patient a lethal dose of a drug or, as in physician-assisted suicide, prescribe a lethal
physician-assisted suicide A substance for a terminally ill person, they want that individual to die.
type of active euthanasia in Although active euthanasia is almost universally against the law, surveys suggest
which a physician prescribes
practices that hasten death do routinely occur (Chambaere and others, 2011; Seale,
a lethal medication to a
terminally ill person who 2009). To take a classic example, doctors may sedate a dying patient beyond the point
wants to die. required for pain control, and so “accelerate” that person’s death (Cellarius, 2011).
CHAPTER 15 Death and Dying 469
AP Photo/Richard Sheinwald
nasia legislation to spare the expense of treating seriously
disabled citizens—offering another possible reason why resi-
dents living in more authoritarian, less democratic Eastern
European nations are more apt to oppose this idea (Cohen
and others, 2013).
Older people, unfortunately, are apt to be against physician-assisted dying, based During the 1990s, Dr. Jack
on personal encounters: “She (my niece) thought that I should be euthanized,” Kevorkian ignited a nationwide
controversy when he reported
reported one horrified woman. “And she actually said to me (when I was ill), ‘if you
having helped many termi-
were my dog I would shoot you to put you out of your misery’” (Malpas and others, nally ill patients die and made
2014, p. 356). numerous media appearances
Another issue relates to where to draw the line. Should we allow people to kill proudly showing off this “suicide
machine.” For reasons discussed
themselves when they have a painful chronic condition, but may not be fatally ill?
in the text, many people reacted
Suppose the person is simply chronically depressed. Can permitting suicide ever be with horror; Dr. Kevorkian was
an ethically acceptable choice (see Berghmans, Widdershoven, & Widdershoven- dubbed “Dr. Death,” and he
Heerding, 2013; Gillett & Chamberlain, 2013; Wittwer, 2013)? was sentenced to serve time
in prison for second-degree
There are excellent arguments on the other side. Should patients be forced to
unwillingly endure the pain and humiliation of dying when physicians have the
tools to mercifully end life? Knowing the agony that terminal disease can cause, is
it humane to stand by and let nature take its course? Do you believe that legalizing
active euthanasia or physician-assisted suicide is a true advance in caring for the
dying or its opposite, the beginning of a “slippery slope” that might end in sanction-
ing the killing of anyone whose quality of life is impaired?
this age has no value, but rather that when people reach their old-old years, death
in the near future is inevitable and this process cannot be vigorously defied.
2. The existence of medical technologies capable of extending the lives of elderly
persons who have lived out a natural lifespan creates no presumption that the
technologies must be used for that purpose. Callahan believes that the proper
goal of medicine is to stave off premature death. We should not become slaves
to our death-defying technology by blindly using each intervention on every
person, no matter what that individual’s age.
Age-based rationing of health care is poised to become an important developed
world issue as the baby boomers flood into later life, and governments grapple with
the astronomical health-care costs involved in keeping frail elderly people alive
for years. As I mentioned in Chapter 14, we cannot count on medical miracles to
cure the many physical problems that are the downside to living to our eighties and
Do you think Callahan is “telling it like it should be” from a logical, rational
point of view, or do his proposals give you chills? Should we rely on markers such as
life expectancy or quality of life to allocate who does or doesn’t deserve to get care?
Whatever your answer to these compelling questions, you might notice that this
chapter is devoted to one core lifespan concern. As we approach death, our life comes
full circle, and we care only about what mattered during our first year of life—being
connected to the people we most love. True, self-efficacy is important. But, when we
come right down to it, attachment trumps everything else!
In recent decades, Western attitudes have changed. Doctors leaves much to be desired. Communication problems among
now openly discuss potentially fatal diagnoses, and society has patients, families, and medical personnel, along with the fact
health-care alternatives devoted to easing people’s passage to that medical technologies can extend life beyond the time the
death. We also urge everyone to discuss their end-of-life prefer- body “wants” to die, increase the potential for undignified
ences, although talking about death is still forbidden in some hospital deaths. Interventions to provide better palliative care
cultural groups. include: (1) offering end-of-life care instruction to health-care
Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, in her stage theory of dying, proposed personnel; (2) establishing hospital-based palliative-care ser-
that people pass through denial, anger, bargaining, depres- vices; and (3) removing the scene of dying from hospitals to
sion, and acceptance when they learn they have a fatal disease. the hospice.
However, we cannot take this landmark theory as the final truth. The U.S. hospice movement offers backup services that allow
Not every person wants to talk about impending death. Some- families to let their loved ones spend their final months dying
times it may be best not to be totally honest about a loved one’s naturally, at home. Family caregivers can expect different trajec-
dire prognosis. Most important, terminally ill people feel many tories to death depending on the person’s illness. They confront
different emotions—especially hope. Rather than emotionally scary issues relating to pain control. Difficulties relating to label-
approaching death in “stages,” patients may experience a state ing patients as dying and simple lack of awareness are other
called middle knowledge, both knowing and not fully compre- hurdles to hospice care. Home deaths may not be the best choice
hending their fate. Even in the face of accepting death, dying if attachment-related issues such as not burdening loved ones
people still have life goals. matter most to people facing a fatal disease.
Biblical accounts showcase the defining qualities of good
deaths: It’s best to die at peace after a long life, surrounded by
our loved ones. Specifically, people want to die relatively free of
The Dying Person: Taking Control
pain and anxiety, feel in control of how they die, and end their of How We Die
lives feeling close to their attachment figures. Believing that we Advance directives—the living will and durable power of attor-
have fulfilled our purpose in living and appreciating that death ney for health care, filled out by the individual in health, and the
is part of the universal human cycle of life is also important in Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) and Do Not Hospitalize (DNH) orders,
accepting death. filled out by surrogates when the person is mentally impaired—
Our culture has clear conceptions about normal mourn- provide information about whether to use heroic measures when
ing. After an initial period spent absorbed with their loss, we individuals cannot make their treatment wishes known. The best
expect people to recover emotionally after about a year. When advance directive is the durable power of attorney, in which a
mourners still show intense symptoms after this time, they can person gives a specific family member decision-making power to
now be diagnosed with a controversial mental health condi- decide on end-of life care.
tion called persistent complex bereavement-related disorder, With active euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide, physi-
or prolonged grief. However, prolonged grief may be normal cians move beyond passive euthanasia (withdrawing treatments)
when parents face that off-time event, the death of a child. to actively promote the deaths of seriously ill people who want
In this worst-case example of a bad death, it helps to openly to end their lives. Paramount among the objections to legalizing
discuss dying (if that child knows he or she is terminally ill) and active euthanasia is the idea that we may open the door to killing
say goodbye to one’s son or daughter. Keeping the child alive people who don’t really want to die.
in spirit helps mute the pain. Transforming the death into a
A related issue is age-based rationing of care, whether to hold
redemption sequence allows grieving adults to restore a sense
off on using expensive death-defying technologies with people
of life as predictable and fair.
who are old-old. At this moment, age-based rationing of care is
poised to move center stage in Western nations, as the massive
The Health-Care System baby boom cohort enters their elderly years. The timeless mes-
A classic study of dying trajectories showed that because sage of this chapter—and the book—is that love (or, in devel-
dying doesn’t proceed according to a “schedule” but medical opmental science terminology, our attachments) is at the core
personnel assume it does, the way hospitals manage death of human life.
Kübler-Ross’s stage theory of dying trajectory, p. 460 living will, p. 467 passive euthanasia, p. 468
dying, p. 452 palliative care, p. 462 durable power of attorney for active euthanasia, p. 468
middle knowledge, p. 454 end-of-life care instruction, health care, p. 467 physician-assisted suicide,
persistent complex p. 462 Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) p. 468
bereavement-related palliative-care service, p. 462 order, p. 467 age-based rationing of care,
disorder, or prolonged Do Not Hospitalize (DNH) p. 469
hospice movement, p. 463
grief, p. 457 order, p. 467
advance directive, p. 467
472 PART VII Epilogue
Setting the Context 4. Your goal is to restore the person’s sense of meaning in life,
1. b ideally by helping that individual transform her loss into a
redemption sequence.
2. slowly and erratically; an age-related chronic disease
3. Amanda, because today we openly discuss death, and are The Health-Care System
making efforts to promote dignified dying.
1. Although medical personnel set up predictions about
how patients are likely to die, death doesn’t always go
The Dying Person according to schedule—so these prognostications are
1. c often wrong!
2. many different emotions; hope 2. b
3. b 3. d
Amos Morgan/Photodisc/Getty Images
CHAPTER 15 Death and Dying 473
4. Here’s what you might say to Melanie: Would you feel can’t decide when our lives should end. Plus, it’s cruel to
comfortable about burdening your family 24/7 with the torture fatally ill people, forcing them to suffer fruitless,
job of nursing you for months or having them manage the unwanted pain when we can easily provide a merciful death.
health crises that would occur? How would you feel having Latoya’s argument: I’m worried that greedy relatives might
loved ones see you naked and incontinent—would you pressure ill people into deciding to die “for the good of the
want that to be their last memory of you? Wouldn’t it be family” (that is, to save the family money). I believe that
better to be in a setting where trained professionals could legalizing physician-assisted suicide leaves the door open
competently manage your physical pain? to governments deciding to kill people when they think the
quality of their life is not good. Furthermore, only God can
The Dying Person: Taking Control of How We Die take a life!
1. b 3. Here your answers may vary in interesting ways. Enjoy the
2. Jamal’s case: We are free to make decisions about how discussion!
to live our lives, so it doesn’t make logical sense that we
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Final Thoughts
We are done!!!!! Revising this book has been thrilling. I’ve gotten a birds-eye view
of the research strides developmental scientists have made within just a few years.
In these past three years, I’ve witnessed human development mature into vigorous
midlife. So, bear with me as I take one last page to summarize four personal top
pick new research trends.
Trend Number Two: Developmental scientists are tracking the roots of later
development into very early life.
Another exciting advance relates to epigenetics—the elegant studies suggesting
events in utero and our earliest years may help program development well into old
age. Now, we know graphically that preschool poverty or stress may increase our
mid-life allostatic load. We understand that our obesity pathway may be partly set
in motion during the first year of life. At the same time, we realize more firmly that
development occurs at every life stage.
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A-not-B error: In Piaget’s framework,
such as growth of body hair, skin
changes, and sexual desire. Glossary
a classic mistake made by infants adult attachment styles: The different
in the sensorimotor stage, whereby ways in which adults relate to
babies approaching age 1 go back romantic partners, based on Mary
to the original hiding place to look Ainsworth’s infant attachment
for an object even though they have styles (Adult attachment styles are
seen it get hidden in different place. classified as secure, preoccupied/
accommodation: In Piaget’s theory,
ambivalent insecure, or avoidant/ amniocentesis: A second-trimester
enlarging our mental capacities to dismissive insecure). procedure that involves inserting
fit input from the wider world. adult development: The scientific a syringe into a woman’s uterus to
study of the adult part of life. extract a sample of amniotic fluid,
acculturation: Among immigrants,
which is tested for a variety of genetic
the tendency to become similar advance directive: Any written
in attitudes and practices to the and chromosomal conditions.
document spelling out instructions
mainstream culture after time spent amniotic sac: A bag-shaped, fluid-
with regard to life-prolonging
living in a new society. filled membrane that contains and
treatment if individuals become
insulates the fetus.
achievement tests: Measures that irretrievably ill and cannot
evaluate a child’s knowledge in communicate their wishes. analytic intelligence: In Robert
specific school-related areas. Sternberg’s framework on successful
age-based rationing of care: The
intelligence, the facet of intelligence
active euthanasia: A deliberate controversial idea that society should involving performing well on
health-care intervention that helps a not use expensive life-sustaining academic-type problems.
patient die. technologies on people in their old-
old years. animism: In Piaget’s theory, the
active forces: The nature-interacts-
preoperational child’s belief that
with-nurture principle that our age discrimination: Illegally laying off inanimate objects are alive.
genetic temperamental tendencies workers or failing to hire or promote
and predispositions cause us to anorexia nervosa: A potentially
them on the basis of age.
actively choose to put ourselves into life-threatening eating disorder
specific environments. ageism: Stereotypic, intensely characterized by pathological dieting
negative ideas about old age. (resulting in severe weight loss and,
ADL (activities of daily living) problems:
in females, loss of menstruation)
Difficulty in performing everyday age norms: Cultural ideas about the
and a distorted body image.
tasks that are required for living appropriate ages for engaging in
independently. ADLs are classified particular activities or life tasks. anxious-ambivalent attachment:
as either basic or instrumental. An insecure attachment style
age of viability: The earliest point at characterized by a child’s
adolescence-limited turmoil: Antisocial which a baby can survive outside intense distress when reunited with a
behavior that, for most teens, is the womb. primary caregiver after separation.
specific to adolescence and does not
persist into adult life. aggression: Any hostile or destructive Apgar scale: A quick test used to assess
act. a just-delivered baby’s condition by
adolescent egocentrism: David
measuring heart rate, muscle tone,
Elkind’s term for the tendency of allostatic load: An overall score of
respiration, reflex response, and color.
young teenagers to feel that their body deterioration gained from
actions are at the center of everyone summing how a person functions artificialism: In Piaget’s theory, the pre-
else’s consciousness. on multiple physiological indexes. operational child’s belief that human
Allostatic load predicts cognitive beings make everything in nature.
adoption study: Behavioral genetic
research strategy, designed to performance during adult life. assimilation: In Jean Piaget’s theory, the
determine the genetic contribution alternatives to institutionalization: first step promoting mental growth,
to a given trait, that involves Services and settings designed to involving fitting environmental input
comparing adopted children with keep older people, who do not to our existing mental capacities.
their biological and adoptive parents. merit intense 24-hour care and are assisted-living facility: A housing
adrenal androgens: Hormones experiencing age-related disabilities, option providing care for elderly
produced by the adrenal glands that from having to enter nursing people who have instrumental ADL
program various aspects of puberty, homes. impairments and can no longer live
G-2 Glossary
cephalocaudal sequence: The develop- clear-cut attachment: Critical human universal learning benchmarks
mental principle that growth occurs attachment phase, from 7 months and emphasizing teaching through
in a sequence from head to toe. through toddlerhood, defined by scaffolding, problem solving, and
separation anxiety, stranger anxiety, communication skills.
cerebral cortex: The outer, folded
and needing a primary caregiver
mantle of the brain, responsible for concrete operational thinking: In
thinking, reasoning, perceiving, and Piaget’s framework, the type of
all conscious responses. clique: A small peer group composed cognition characteristic of children
of roughly six teenagers who have aged 8 to 11, marked by the ability
certified nurse assistant or aide:
similar attitudes and who share to reason about the world in a more
The main hands-on care provider activities. logical, adult way.
in a nursing home who helps elderly
residents with basic ADL problems. co-sleeping: The standard custom, conservation tasks: Piagetian tasks
in collectivist cultures, of having a that involve changing the shape of
cervix: The neck, or narrow lower child and parent share a bed. a substance to determine whether
portion, of the uterus.
cognitive behaviorism (social learning children can go beyond the way
cesarean section (c-section): A method theory): A behavioral worldview that substance’s visually appearance
of delivering a baby surgically that emphasizes that people learn and understand that the volume is
by extracting the baby through by watching others and that our retained.
incisions in the woman’s abdominal thoughts about the reinforcers consummate love: In Robert
wall and the uterus. determine our behavior. Cognitive Sternberg’s triangular theory of
child development: The scientific
behaviorists focus on charting and love, the ideal form of love, in
study of development from birth modifying people’s thoughts.
which a couple’s relationship
through adolescence. cohabitation: Sharing a household involves all three of the major facets
in an unmarried romantic of love: passion, intimacy, and
childhood obesity: A body mass index
relationship. commitment.
at or above the 95th percentile com-
pared to the U.S. norms established cohort: The age group with whom contexts of development:
for children in the 1970s. we travel through life. Fundamental markers, including
cohort, socioeconomic status,
child maltreatment: Any act that colic: A baby’s frantic, continual
culture, and gender, that shape
seriously endangers a child’s crying during the first three months
how we develop throughout the
physical or emotional well-being. of life caused by an immature
nervous system. lifespan.
chorionic villus sampling (CVS):
continuing-care retirement community:
A relatively risky first-trimester collaborative pretend play: Fantasy
play in which children work A housing option characterized by
pregnancy test for fetal genetic
together to develop and act out the a series of levels of care for elderly
scenes. residents, ranging from independent
chromosome: A threadlike strand of apartments to assisted living to
DNA located in the nucleus of every collectivist cultures: Societies nursing home care. People enter
cell that carries the genes, which that prize social harmony, the community in relatively good
transmit hereditary information. obedience, and close family health and move to sections where
connectedness over individual they can get more care when they
chronic disease: Any long-term illness achievement. become disabled.
that requires ongoing management.
Most chronic diseases are age- commitment script: In Dan conventional level of morality: In
related and are the endpoint of McAdams’s research, a type of Lawrence Kohlberg’s theory,
normal aging changes. autobiography produced by highly the intermediate level of moral
generative adults that involves reasoning, in which people respond
circular reactions: In Piaget’s childhood memories of feeling to ethical issues by considering the
framework, repetitive action- special; being unusually sensitive need to uphold social norms.
oriented schemas (or habits) to others’ misfortunes; having a
characteristic of babies during the strong, enduring generative mission corporal punishment: The use
sensorimotor stage. from adolescence; and redemption of physical force to discipline a
sequences. child.
class inclusion: The understanding
that a general category can Common Core State Standards: correlational study: A research strategy
encompass several subordinate Transformative U.S. public that involves relating two or more
elements. school changes, spelling out variables.
G-4 Glossary
creative intelligence: In Robert developmental disorders: Learning dose–response effect: Term referring
Sternberg’s framework on successful impairments and behavioral problems to the fact that the amount (dose) of
intelligence, the facet of intelligence during infancy and childhood. a substance, in this case the depth
involved in producing novel ideas or and length of deprivation, determines
developmentalists: Researchers and
innovative work. its probable effect or impact on the
practitioners whose professional
person (In the orphanage studies, the
cross-sectional study: A interest lies in the study of the
“response” is subsequent emotional
developmental research strategy that human lifespan. and/or cognitive problems).
involves testing different age groups developmental systems perspective:
at the same time. Down syndrome: The most common
An all-encompassing outlook on
chromosomal abnormality, causing
crowd: A relatively large teenage peer development that stresses the need
intellectual disability, susceptibility
group. to embrace a variety of theories,
to heart disease, and other health
and the idea that all systems and
crystallized intelligence: A basic facet of
problems as well as distinctive
processes interrelate.
physical characteristics, such as
intelligence, consisting of a person’s
deviancy training: Socialization of a slanted eyes and stocky build.
knowledge base, or storehouse of
young teenager into delinquency
accumulated information. durable power of attorney for health
through conversations centered on care: A type of advance directive
cyberbullying: Systematic harassment performing antisocial acts. in which people designate a
conducted through electronic media. specific surrogate to make health-
disorganized attachment: An insecure
attachment style characterized by care decisions if they become
D responses such as freezing or fear incapacitated and are unable to
when a child is reunited with the make their wishes known.
day-care center: A day-care
primary caregiver in the Strange dying trajectory: The fact that
arrangement in which a large
Situation. hospital personnel make
number of children are cared for at
a licensed facility by paid providers. divided-attention task: A difficult
projections about the particular
pathway to death that a seriously ill
memory challenge involving
day-care program: A service for patient will take and organize their
memorizing material while
impaired older adults who live with care according to that assumption.
simultaneously monitoring
relatives, in which the older person
something else. dyslexia: A learning disorder that is
spends the day at a center offering characterized by reading difficulties,
various activities. DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid): The
lack of fluency, and poor word
material that makes up genes,
decentering: In Piaget’s conservation recognition that is often genetic in
which bear our hereditary
tasks, the concrete operational origin.
child’s ability to look at several
dimensions of an object or dominant disorder: An illness that a
substance. child gets by inheriting one copy of
the abnormal gene that causes the early childhood: The first phase
deinstitutionalization of marriage: disorder. of childhood, lasting from age 3
The decline in marriage and the through kindergarten, or about age 5.
emergence of alternate family forms Do Not Hospitalize (DNH) order: A
type of advance directive put into Early Head Start: A federal program
that occurred during the last third of
the charts of impaired nursing that provides counseling and other
the twentieth century.
home residents, specifying that, services to low-income parents and
dendrite: A branching fiber that in a medical crisis, they should children under age 3.
receives information and conducts not be transferred to a hospital for eating disorder: A pathological
impulses toward the cell body of a emergency care. obsession with getting and staying
neuron. thin. The two best-known eating
Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) order: A
depth perception: The ability to see type of advance directive filled out disorders are anorexia nervosa and
(and fear) heights. by surrogates (usually a doctor in bulimia nervosa.
consultation with family members) egocentrism: In Piaget’s theory, the
developed world: The most affluent
for impaired individuals, specifying preoperational child’s inability to
countries in the world.
that if they go into cardiac arrest, understand that other people have
developing world: The more efforts should not be made to revive different points of view from their
impoverished countries of the world. them. own.
Glossary G-5
elderspeak: A style of communication executive functions: Any frontal-lobe fertilization: The union of sperm and
used with an older person who ability that allows us to inhibit our egg.
seems to be physically impaired, responses and to plan and direct our
fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS): A
involving speaking loudly and with thinking.
slow, exaggerated pronunciation, as cluster of birth defects caused by
experience-sampling technique: the mother’s alcohol consumption
if talking to a baby.
A research procedure designed during pregnancy.
embryonic stage: The second stage of to capture moment-to-moment
prenatal development, lasting from experiences by having people fetal programming research: New
week 3 through week 8. carry pagers and take notes describing research discipline exploring the
their activities and emotions impact of traumatic pregnancy
emerging adulthood: The phase of life
whenever the signal sounds. events and intense stress on
that begins after high school, tapers
producing low birth weight,
off toward the late twenties, and is externalizing tendencies: A
devoted to constructing an adult life. obesity, and long-term physical
personality style that involves acting
on one’s immediate impulses problems.
emotion regulation: The capacity to
and behaving disruptively and fetal stage: The final period of
manage one’s emotional state.
aggressively. prenatal development, lasting
empathy: Feeling the exact emotion seven months, characterized by
extrinsic career rewards: Work that is
that another person is experiencing. physical refinements, massive
performed for external reinforcers,
end-of-life care instruction: Courses in such as pay. growth, and the development of the
medical and nursing schools devoted brain.
extrinsic motivation: The drive to take
to teaching health-care workers how
an action because that activity offers fine motor skills: Physical abilities
to provide the best palliative care to
external reinforcers such as praise, that involve small, coordinated
the dying.
money, or a good grade. movements, such as drawing and
epigenetics: Research field exploring writing one’s name.
how early life events alter the outer
cover of our DNA, producing lifelong
F flow: Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi’s
changes in health and behavior. face-perception studies: Research term for feeling total absorption
using preferential looking and in a challenging, goal-oriented
episodic memory: In the memory-
habituation to explore what very activity.
systems perspective, the most fragile
young babies know about faces.
type of memory, involving the recall fluid intelligence: A basic facet of
of the ongoing events of daily life. fallopian tube: One of a pair of slim, intelligence, consisting of the ability
pipelike structures that connect the to quickly master new intellectual
Erikson’s psychosocial tasks: In Erik
ovaries with the uterus. activities.
Erikson’s theory, each challenge
that we face as we travel through the family day care: A day-care Flynn Effect: Remarkable and steady
eight stages of the lifespan. arrangement in which a neighbor rise in overall performance on IQ
or relative cares for a small number tests that has been occurring around
ethnic identity: How people come to
of children in her home for a fee. the world over the past century.
terms with who they are as people
relating to their unique ethnic or family watchdogs: A basic role of
food insecurity: According to U.S.
racial heritage. grandparents involving monitoring
Department of Agriculture surveys,
younger family members’ well-being
eudaimonic happiness: Well-being the number of households that
and intervening to provide help in
defined as having a sense of report needing to serve unbalanced
cases of crisis.
meaning and life purpose. meals, worrying about not having
family–work conflict: A situation in enough food at the end of the
evocative forces: The nature-interacts-
which people—typically parents— month, or having to go hungry due
with-nurture principle that our
are torn between the demands of to lack of money (latter is severe food
genetic temperamental tendencies
family and work. insecurity).
and predispositions evoke, or
produce, certain responses from fantasy play: Play that involves formal operational stage: Jean Piaget’s
other people. making up and acting out a fourth and final stage of cognitive
scenario; also called pretend play. development, reached at around age
evolutionary psychology: Theory or
worldview highlighting the role that fertility rate: The average number 12, and characterized by teenagers’
inborn, species-specific behaviors of children a woman in a given ability to reason at an abstract,
play in human development and life. country has during her lifetime. scientific level.
G-6 Glossary
frontal lobes: The area at the germinal stage: The first 14 days preschoolers aged 3 to 5 from low-
uppermost front of the brain of prenatal development, from income families prepare for school.
responsible for reasoning and fertilization to full implantation.
healthy-life years: The number of
planning our actions. gerontology: The scientific study of years people can expect to live
the aging process and older adults. without ADL problems.
gestation: The period of pregnancy. hedonic happiness: Well-being
“g”: Charles Spearman’s term for defined as pure pleasure.
a general intelligence factor that gifted: The label for superior
intellectual functioning holophrase: First clear evidence of
he claimed underlies all cognitive
characterized by an IQ score of language, when babies use a single
130 or above, showing that a child word to communicate a sentence or
gang: A close-knit, delinquent peer ranks in the top 2 percent of his age complete thought.
group. Gangs form mainly under group. home health services: Nursing-
conditions of economic deprivation; oriented and housekeeping help
gonads: The sex organs—the ovaries
they offer their members protection provided in the home of an
in girls and the testes in boys.
from harm and engage in a variety impaired older adult (or any other
of criminal activities. goodness of fit: An ideal parenting impaired person).
strategy that involves arranging
gender-segregated play: Play in which children’s environments to suit their homogamy: The principle that
boys and girls associate only with temperaments, minimizing their we select a mate who is similar to
members of their own sex—typical vulnerabilities and accentuating us.
of childhood. their strengths. homophobia: Intense fear and dislike
gender schema theory: Explanation grammar: The rules and word- of gays and lesbians.
for gender-stereotyped behavior arranging systems that every human hormones: Chemical substances
that emphasizes the role of language employs to communicate released in the bloodstream that
cognitions; specifically, the idea meaning. target and change organs and
that once children know their own Great Recession of 2008: Dramatic tissues.
gender label (girl or boy), they loss of jobs (and consumer hospice movement: A movement,
selectively watch and model their spending) that began with the which became widespread in recent
own sex. bursting of the U.S. housing decades, focused on providing
gene: A segment of DNA that
bubble in late 2007. palliative care to dying patients
contains a chemical blueprint for gross motor skills: Physical outside of hospitals and especially on
manufacturing a particular protein. abilities that involve large muscle giving families the support they need
movements, such as running and to care for the terminally ill at home.
generativity: In Erikson’s theory, the
jumping. hostile attributional bias: The
seventh psychosocial task, in which
growth spurt: A dramatic increase
tendency of highly aggressive
people in midlife find meaning
in height and weight that occurs children to see motives and actions
from nurturing the next generation,
during puberty. as threatening when they are
caring for others, or enriching actually benign.
the lives of others through their guilt: Feeling upset about having
work. According to Erikson, when HPG axis: The main hormonal
caused harm to a person or about
midlife adults have not achieved having violated one’s internal system programming puberty; it
generativity, they feel stagnant and involves a triggering hypothalamic
standard of behavior.
without a sense of purpose in life. hormone that causes the pituitary
gland to secrete its hormones, which
genetic counselor: A professional who H in turn cause the ovaries and testes
counsels parents-to-be about their to develop and secrete the hormones
habituation: The predictable loss
own and/or their children’s risk of that produce major body changes.
of interest that develops once a
developing genetic disorders, as well stimulus becomes familiar; used to
as available treatments. explore infant sensory capacities and I
genetic testing: A blood test to
identity achievement: An identity
determine whether a person Head Start: A federal program status in which the person decides on
carries the gene for a given genetic offering high-quality day care at a a definite adult life path after
disorder. center and other services to help searching out various options.
Glossary G-7
identity constancy: In Piaget’s theory, industry versus inferiority: Erik intergenerational equity: Balancing
the preoperational child’s inability Erikson’s term for the psychosocial the needs of the young and old. It
to grasp that a person’s core “self ” task of middle childhood involving is often regarded to as the idea that
stays the same despite changes in managing our emotions and U.S. government entitlements, such
external appearance. realizing that real-world success as Medicare and Social Security,
involves hard work. “over-benefit” the elderly at the
identity diffusion: An identity status in
expense of other age groups.
which the person is aimless or feels infant-directed speech (IDS): The
totally blocked, without any adult simplified, exaggerated, high- internalizing tendencies: A personality
life path. pitched tones that adults and style that involves intense fear, social
children use to speak to infants that inhibition, and often depression.
identity foreclosure: An identity status
in which the person decides on an function to help teach language. intimacy: Erikson’s first adult task,
adult life path (often one spelled out infant mortality: Death during the involving connecting with a partner
by an authority figure) without any first year of life. in a mutually loving relationship.
thought or active search. intrinsic career rewards: Work that
infertility: The inability to conceive
identity: In Erikson’s theory, the life provides inner fulfillment and allows
after a year of unprotected sex.
task of deciding who to be as a person people to satisfy their needs for
(Includes the inability to carry a
in making the transition to adulthood. creativity, autonomy, and relatedness.
child to term.)
identity statuses: James Marcia’s four intrinsic motivation: The drive to act
information-processing approach:
categories of identity formation: based on the pleasure of taking that
A perspective on understanding
identity diffusion, identity action in itself, not for an external
cognition that divides thinking
foreclosure, moratorium, and reinforcer or reward.
into specific steps and component
identity achievement. in vitro fertilization: An infertility
processes, much like a computer.
imaginary audience: David Elkind’s treatment in which conception
initiative versus guilt: Erik Erikson’s occurs outside of the womb; the
term for the tendency of young
term for the preschool psychosocial developing cell mass is then inserted
teenagers to feel that everyone
task involving actively taking on life into the woman’s uterus so that
is watching their every action;
tasks. pregnancy can occur.
a component of adolescent
egocentrism. inner speech: In Vygotsky’s theory,
the way in by which human beings K
immigrant paradox: The fact that
despite living in poverty, going to learn to regulate their behavior and kangaroo care: Carrying a young baby
substandard schools, and not having master cognitive challenges, through in a sling close to the caregiver’s
parents who speak the language, silently repeating information or body. This technique is most useful
many immigrant children do far talking to themselves. for soothing an infant.
better than we might expect in school. insecure attachment: Deviation Kübler-Ross’s stage theory of dying:
implantation: The process in which a from the normally joyful response The landmark theory, developed by
blastocyst becomes embedded in the of being united with a primary psychiatrist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross,
uterine wall. caregiver, signaling problems in the that people who are terminally
caregiver–child relationship. ill progress through five stages in
income inequality: The gap between confronting their death: denial,
the rich and poor within a nation. instrumental ADL problems: Difficulty
anger, bargaining, depression, and
Specifically, when income in performing everyday household acceptance.
inequality is wide, a nation has a few tasks, such as cooking and cleaning.
very affluent residents and a mass of integrity: Erik Erikson’s eighth L
disadvantaged citizens. psychosocial stage, in which elderly language acquisition device (LAD):
individualistic cultures: Societies that people decide that their life missions Chomsky’s term for a hypothetical
prize independence, competition, have been fulfilled and so accept brain structure that enables our
and personal success. impending death. species to learn and produce
intellectual disability: The label for
induction: The ideal discipline style for
socializing prosocial behavior, involv- significantly impaired cognitive learned helplessness: A state that
ing getting a child who has behaved functioning, measured by deficits in develops when a person feels
hurtfully to empathize with the pain behavior accompanied by having an incapable of affecting the outcome of
he has caused the other person. IQ of 70 or below. events, and gives up without trying.
G-8 Glossary
lens: A transparent, disk-shaped maximum lifespan: The biological modeling: Learning by watching and
structure in the eye, which bends to limit of human life (about 105 imitating others.
allow us to see close objects. years).
moratorium: An identity status in
life-course difficulties: Antisocial mean length of utterance (MLU): The which the person actively seeks out
behavior that, for a fraction of average number of morphemes per various possibilities to find a truly
adolescents, persists into adult life. sentence. solid adult life path. A mature style
of constructing an identity.
lifespan development: The scientific means–end behavior: In Piaget’s
study of development through life. framework, performing a morpheme : The smallest unit of
different action to achieve a meaning in a particular language—
little-scientist phase: The time
goal—an ability that emerges in for example, boys contains two
around age 1 when babies use
the sensorimotor stage as babies morphemes: boy and the plural
tertiary circular reactions to actively
approach age 1. suffix s.
explore the properties of objects,
experimenting with them like median age: The age at which 50 multiple intelligences theory: In
“scientists.” percent of a population is older and Howard Gardner’s perspective on
50 percent is younger. intelligence, the principle that
living will: A type of advance
there are eight separate kinds of
directive in which people spell Medicare: The U.S. government’s
intelligence—verbal, mathematical,
out their wishes for life-sustaining program of health insurance for interpersonal, intrapersonal,
treatment in case they become elderly people. spatial, musical, kinesthetic, and
permanently incapacitated and
memory-systems perspective: A naturalist—plus a possible ninth
unable to communicate.
framework that divides memory into form, called spiritual intelligence.
longitudinal study: A developmental three types: procedural, semantic, myelination: Formation of a fatty
research strategy that involves testing and episodic memory. layer, encasing the axons of neurons.
an age group repeatedly over many
menarche: A girl’s first menstruation. This process, which speeds the
transmission of neural impulses,
low birth weight (LBW): A body menopause: The age-related process, continues from birth to early
weight at birth of less than occurring at about age 50, in which adulthood.
5 1/2 pounds. ovulation and menstruation stop due
to the decline of estrogen.
M micronutrient deficiency: Chronically
inadequate level of a specific natural childbirth: A general term for
major neurocognitive disorder (NCD)
nutrient important to development labor and birth without medical
(also known as dementia) The general
and disease prevention, such as interventions.
term for any illness involving
serious, progressive, usually Vitamin A, Zinc, and/or Iron. naturalistic observation: A
irreversible cognitive decline, that middle childhood: The second measurement strategy that involves
interferes with a person’s ability phase of childhood, covering the directly watching and coding
to live independently. (A minor elementary school years, from about behaviors.
neurocognitive disorder is the label age 6 to 11. nature: Biological or genetic causes
for a less severe impairment in
middle knowledge: The idea that
of development.
memory, reasoning, and thinking
which does not compromise terminally ill people can know that neonatal intensive care unit (NICU):
independent living.) they are dying yet, at the same time, A special hospital unit that treats
not completely grasp or come to at-risk newborns, such as low-birth-
marital equity: Fairness in the “work”
terms emotionally with that fact. weight and very-low-birth-weight
of a couple’s life together. If a
relationship lacks equity, with one miscarriage: The naturally occurring
partner doing significantly more loss of a pregnancy and death of the nest-leaving: Moving out of a
than the other, the outcome is fetus. childhood home and living
typically marital dissatisfaction. independently.
mnemonic technique: A strategy for
mass-to-specific sequence: The aiding memory, often by using neural tube: A cylindrical structure
developmental principle that large imagery or enhancing the emotional that forms along the back of the
structures (and movements) precede meaning of what needs to be embryo and develops into the brain
increasingly detailed refinements. learned. and spinal cord.
Glossary G-9
neurocognitive disorder due old-age dependency ratio: The fraction palliative-care service: A service or
to Alzheimer’s disease (or of people over age 60 compared to unit in a hospital that is devoted to
Alzheimer’s disease): A type of age- younger, working-age adults (ages 15 end-of-life care.
related neurocognitive disorder to 59). This ratio is rising dramatically paradox of well-being: The fact that
characterized by neural atrophy as the baby boomers retire. despite their physical and mental
and abnormal by-products of that old-old: People almost age 80 and losses, the elderly report being just
atrophy, such as senile plaques and older. as happy or happier than the young.
neurofibrillary tangles.
on time: Being on target in a parental alienation: The practice
neurofibrillary tangles: Long, wavy culture’s timetable for achieving among divorced parents of
filaments that replace normal adult life tasks. badmouthing a former spouse, with
neurons and are characteristic of the goal of turning a child against
Alzheimer’s disease. operant conditioning: According to the
that person.
traditional behavioral perspective,
neuron: A nerve cell. the law of learning that determines parent care: Adult children’s care for
non-normative transitions: Unpredict- any voluntary response. Specifically, their disabled elderly parents.
able or atypical life changes that we act the way we do because we parenting style: In Diana Baumrind’s
occur during development. are reinforced for acting in that way. framework, how parents align on
nonsuicidal self-injury: Cutting, osteoporosis: An age-related chronic two dimensions of child-rearing:
burning, or purposely injuring disease in which the bones become nurturance (or child-centeredness)
one’s body to cope with stress. porous, fragile, and more likely to and discipline (or structure and rules).
break. Osteoporosis is most common passive euthanasia: Withholding
normal aging changes: The universal,
in thin women and females of potentially life-saving interventions
often progressive signs, of physical
European and Asian descent. that might keep a terminally ill or
deterioration intrinsic to the aging
process. ovary: One of a pair of almond- permanently comatose patient alive.
shaped organs that contain a permissive parents: In the parenting-
normative transitions: Predictable
woman’s ova, or eggs. styles framework, a type of
life changes that occur during
development. overextension: An error in early child-rearing in which parents
language development in which provide few rules but rank high
nursing home/long-term-care facility: A on child-centeredness, being
young children apply verbal labels
residential institution that provides extremely loving but providing little
too broadly.
shelter and intensive caregiving, discipline.
primarily to older people who need overregularization: An error in early
language development, in which Persistent Complex Bereavement-
help with basic ADLs.
young children apply the rules Related Disorder, or prolonged grief:
nurture: Environmental causes of Controversial new diagnosis,
for plurals and past tenses even to
development. appearing in the most recent
exceptions, so irregular forms sound
nurturer father: Husband who actively like regular forms. versions of the Western psychiatric
participates in hands-on child care. disorder manuals, in which the
ovulation: The moment during a bereaved person shows intense
woman’s monthly cycle when an symptoms of mourning with no
ovum is expelled from the ovary. signs of abatement, or an increase in
ovum: An egg cell containing the
symptoms 6 months to a year after a
object permanence: In Piaget’s loved one’s death.
genetic material contributed by the
framework, the understanding
mother to the baby. personal fable: David Elkind’s term
that objects continue to exist even
for the tendency of young teenagers
when we can no longer see them, oxytocin: The hormone whose produc-
to believe that their lives are
which gradually emerges during the tion is centrally involved in bonding,
special and heroic; a component of
sensorimotor stage. nurturing, and caregiving behaviors in
adolescent egocentrism.
our species and other mammals.
occupational segregation: The
person–environment fit:The extent to
separation of men and women into
which the environment is tailored to
different kinds of jobs. P
our biological tendencies and talents.
off time: Being too late or too early in palliative care: Any intervention In developmental science, fostering
a culture’s timetable for achieving designed not to cure illness but to this fit between our talents and the
adult life tasks. promote dignified dying. wider world is an important goal.
G-10 Glossary
phoneme: The sound units that preattachment phase: The first phase private pensions: The major source
convey meaning in a given of John Bowlby’s developmental of nongovernmental income
language—for example, in English, attachment sequence, during the support for U.S. retirees, in which
the c sound of cat and the b sound first three months of life, when the individual worker and employer
of bat. infants show no visible signs of put a portion of each paycheck
attachment. into an account to help finance
physician-assisted suicide: A type
of active euthanasia in which preconventional level of morality: In retirement.
a physician prescribes a lethal Lawrence Kohlberg’s theory, the proactive aggression: A hostile or
medication to a terminally ill person lowest level of moral reasoning, destructive act initiated to achieve
who wants to die. in which people approach ethical a goal.
issues by considering the personal
Piaget’s cognitive developmental theory: procedural memory: In the memory-
punishments or rewards of taking a
Jean Piaget’s principle that from systems perspective, the most
particular action.
infancy to adolescence, children resilient (longest-lasting) type of
progress through four qualitatively preferential-looking paradigm: A
memory; refers to material, such
different stages of intellectual research technique to explore
as well-learned physical skills, that
growth. early infant sensory capacities and
we automatically recall without
cognition, drawing on the principle
placenta: The structure projecting conscious awareness.
that we are attracted to novelty and
from the wall of the uterus during prefer to look at new things. prosocial behavior: Sharing, helping,
pregnancy through which the
and caring actions.
developing baby absorbs nutrients. preoccupied/ambivalent insecure
attachment: An excessively clingy, proximity-seeking behavior: Acting to
plastic: Malleable, or capable of needy style of relating to loved ones. maintain physical contact or to be
being changed (used to refer to
preoperational thinking: In Piaget’s close to an attachment figure.
neural or cognitive development).
theory, the type of cognition proximodistal sequence: The
positivity effect: The tendency for characteristic of children aged developmental principle that growth
older people to focus on positive 2 to 7, marked by an inability to occurs from the most interior parts
experiences and screen out negative step back from one’s immediate of the body outward.
events. perceptions and think conceptually.
puberty rite: A “coming of age”
postconventional level of morality: In presbycusis: Age-related difficulty in ritual, usually beginning at some
Lawrence Kohlberg’s theory, the hearing, particularly high-pitched event such as first menstruation,
highest level of moral reasoning, tones, caused by the atrophy of the
in which people respond to ethical held in traditional cultures to
hearing receptors located in the
issues by applying their own moral celebrate children’s transition to
inner ear.
guidelines apart from society’s adulthood.
rules. presbyopia: Age-related midlife
puberty: The hormonal and physical
difficulty with near vision,
postformal thought: A uniquely changes by which children become
caused by the inability of the lens to
adult form of intelligence that sexually mature human beings and
involves being sensitive to different reach their adult height.
preschool: A teaching-oriented group
perspectives, making decisions
based on one’s inner feelings, and setting for children aged 3 to 5. Q
being interested in exploring new primary attachment figure: The qualitative research: Occasional
questions. closest person in a child’s or developmental science
adult’s life. data-collection strategy that
power assertion: An ineffective
socialization strategy that involves primary circular reactions: In Piaget’s involves interviewing people
yelling, screaming, or hitting out in framework, the first infant habits to obtain information which
frustration at a child. during the sensorimotor stage, cannot be quantified on a
centered on the body. numerical scale.
practical intelligence: In Robert
Sternberg’s framework on primary sexual characteristics: Physical quantitative research: Standard
successful intelligence, the facet of changes of puberty that directly developmental science data-
intelligence involved in knowing involve the organs of reproduction, collection strategy that involves
how to act competently in real- such as the growth of the penis and testing groups of people and
world situations. the onset of menstruation. using numerical scales and statistics.
Glossary G-11
quickening: A pregnant woman’s first resilient children: Children who one’s efforts to that person’s
feeling of the fetus moving inside rebound from serious early life trau- competence level.
her body. mas to construct successful adult lives.
school-to-work transition: The change
reversibility: In Piaget’s conservation from the schooling phase of life to
tasks, the concrete operational the work world.
reaction time: The speed at which a child’s knowledge that a specific
Seattle Longitudinal Study: The
person can respond to a stimulus. A change in the way a given substance
definitive study of the effect of
progressive increase in reaction time looks can be reversed.
aging on intelligence, led by
is universal to aging.
role: The characteristic behavior K. Warner Schaie, involving
reactive aggression: A hostile or that is expected of a person in a simultaneously conducting and
destructive act carried out in response particular social position, such as comparing the results of cross-
to being frustrated or hurt. student, parent, married person, sectional and longitudinal studies
worker, or retiree. carried out with a group of Seattle
recessive disorder: An illness caused
by inheriting two copies of the role conflict: A situation in which a
abnormal, disorder-causing gene. person is torn between two or more secondary circular reactions: In
major responsibilities—for instance, Piaget’s framework, habits of the
redemption sequence: In Dan
parent and worker—and cannot do sensorimotor stage lasting from
McAdams’s research, a characteristic
either job adequately. about 4 months of age to the baby’s
theme of highly generative adults’
autobiographies, in which they role confusion: Erikson’s term for a
first birthday, centered on exploring
describe tragic events that turned failure in identity formation, marked the external world.
out for the best. by the lack of any sense of a future secondary sexual characteristics:
adult path. Physical changes of puberty
reflex: A response or action that
is automatic and programmed by role overload: A job situation that that are not directly involved in
noncortical brain centers. places so many requirements reproduction.
or demands on workers that it secular trend in puberty: A century-
rehearsal: A learning strategy in
becomes impossible to do a good long decline in the average age at
which people repeat information to
job. which children reach puberty in the
embed it in to memory.
role phase: In Murstein’s theory, the developed world.
reinforcement: Behavioral term for
final mate-selection stage, in which secure attachment: Ideal attachment
committed partners work out their response when a child responds with
rejecting-neglecting parents: In future life together. joy at being united with a primary
the parenting-styles framework, caregiver; in adulthood, the genuine
rooting reflex: Newborns’
the worst child-rearing approach, intimacy that is ideal in love
automatic response to a touch
in which parents provide relationships.
on the cheek, involving turning
little discipline and little
toward that location and beginning secure (adult) attachment: The
nurturing or love.
to suck. genuine intimacy that is ideal in
relational aggression: A hostile or
rough-and-tumble play: Play that love relationships.
destructive act designed to cause
involves shoving, wrestling, and selective attention: A learning
harm to a person’s relationships.
hitting, but in which no actual harm strategy in which people
reliability: In measurement is intended; especially characteristic manage their awareness so as to
terminology, a basic criterion of a of boys. attend only to what is relevant
test’s accuracy wherein scores must
ruminative moratorium: When a young and to filter out unneeded
be fairly similar when a person
person is unable to decide between information.
re-takes a test.
different identities, becoming
selective optimization with
REM sleep: The phase of sleep emotionally paralyzed and highly
compensation: Paul Baltes’s three
involving rapid eye movements, when anxious.
principles for successful aging
the EEG looks almost like it does
(and living): (1) selectively
during waking. REM sleep decreases S focusing on what is most important,
as infants mature.
scaffolding: The process of (2) working harder to perform well
representative sample: A group that teaching new skills by entering in those top-ranking areas, and
reflects the characteristics of the a child’s zone of proximal (3) relying on external aids to cope
overall population. development and tailoring effectively.
G-12 Glossary
self-awareness: The ability to observe agenda is to pin down the basics of social referencing: A baby’s checking
our actions from an outside frame of physical reality. back and monitoring a caregiver
reference and to reflect on our inner for cues as to how to behave while
separation anxiety: Signal of clear-cut
state. exploring; linked to clear-cut
attachment when a baby gets upset
self-conscious emotions: Feelings of
as a primary caregiver departs.
pride, shame, or guilt, which first Social Security: The U.S.
serial cohabitation: Living
emerge around age 2 and show the government’s national retirement
capacity to reflect on the self. sequentially with different partners
support program.
outside of marriage.
self-efficacy: According to social smile: The first real smile,
cognitive behaviorism, an internal sex-linked single-gene disorder: An
occurring at about 2 months of age.
belief in our competence that illness, carried on the mother’s X
predicts whether we initiate chromosome, that typically leaves socioeconomic health gap: The
activities or persist in the face of the female offspring unaffected but disparity, found in nations around
failures, and predicts the goals that has a fifty-fifty chance of striking the world, between the health of the
we set. each male child. rich and poor.
self-esteem: Evaluating oneself as sexual double standard: A cultural socioeconomic status (SES): A basic
either “good” or “bad” as a result code that gives men greater sexual marker referring to status on the
of comparing the self to other freedom than women. Specifically, educational and—especially—
people. society expects males to want income rungs.
to have intercourse and expects
self-report strategy: A measurement Socioemotional Selectivity Theory:
females to remain virgins until they
having people report on their A theory of aging (and the
marry and be more interested in
feelings and activities through lifespan) put forth by Laura
relationships than having sex.
questionnaires. Carstensen, describing how the
shame: A feeling of being personally time we have left to live affects our
self-soothing: Children’s ability,
usually beginning at about 6 months humiliated. priorities and social relationships.
of age, to put themselves back to Specifically in later life, people
single-gene disorder: An illness
sleep when they wake up during focus on the present and prioritize
caused by a single gene.
the night. being with their closest attachment
social-interactionist perspective: An figures.
semantic memory: In the memory- approach to language development
systems perspective, a moderately specific learning disorder: The label
that emphasizes its social function,
resilient (long-lasting) type for any impairment in language
specifically that babies and
of memory; refers to our ability to or any deficit related to listening,
adults have a mutual passion to
recall basic facts. thinking, speaking, reading,
writing, spelling, or understanding
semantics: The meaning system of a
social clock: The concept suggesting mathematics.
language—that is, what the words
that we regulate our passage through
stand for. spermarche: A boy’s first ejaculation
adulthood by an inner timetable
senile plaques: Thick, bullet-like
of live sperm.
telling us which activities are
amyloid-laden structures that appropriate for certain ages. stimulus phase: In Murstein’s theory,
replace normal neurons and the initial mate-selection stage,
are characteristic of Alzheimer’s social cognition: Any skill related
in which we make judgments
disease. to understanding feelings
about a potential partner based
and negotiating interpersonal
sensitive period: The time when a on external characteristics such as
body structure is most vulnerable appearance.
to damage by a teratogen, socialization: The process by which
Stimulus-Value-Role Theory: Murstein’s
typically when that organ or children are taught to obey the
mate-selection theory suggest that
process is rapidly developing or norms of society and to behave in
similar people pair up and that our
coming “on line.” socially appropriate ways.
path to commitment progresses
sensorimotor stage: Piaget’s first stage social networking sites: Internet sites through three phases (called the
of cognitive development, lasting whose goal is to forge personal stimulus, value-comparison, and role
from birth to age 2, when babies’ connections between users. phases).
Glossary G-13
stranger anxiety: Beginning at about synchrony: The reciprocal aspect thin ideal: Media-driven cultural idea
7 months of age, when a baby grows of the attachment relationship, that females need to be abnormally
wary of people other than a primary with a caregiver and infant thin.
caregiver. responding emotionally to each
toddlerhood: The important
other in a sensitive, exquisitely
Strange Situation: Mary Ainsworth’s transitional stage after babyhood,
attuned way.
procedure to measure attachment from roughly 1 year to 2 1/2 years
at age 1, involving planned syntax: The system of grammatical of age; defined by an intense
separations and reunions with a rules in a particular language. attachment to caregivers and
caregiver. an urgent need to become
T independent.
stunting: Excessively short stature in
a child, caused by chronic lack of telegraphic speech: First stage of traditional behaviorism: The
adequate nutrition. combining words in infancy, in original behavioral worldview
which a baby pares down a sentence that focused on charting and
“storm and stress”: G. Stanley Hall’s to its essential words. modifying only “objective,”
phrase for the intense moodiness, visible behaviors.
temperament: A person’s
emotional sensitivity, and risk-taking
characteristic, inborn style of traditional stable career: A career
tendencies that characterize the life
dealing with the world. path in which people settle into
stage which he labeled adolescence.
their permanent life’s work in
teratogen: A substance, such as
successful intelligence: In Robert their twenties and often stay with
alcohol, that crosses the placenta
Sternberg’s framework, the optimal the same organization until they
and harms the fetus.
form of cognition involving having retire.
a good balance of analytic, creative, terminal drop: A research
Triangular Theory of Love: Robert
and practical intelligence. phenomenon in which a dramatic
Sternberg’s categorization of love
decline in an older person’s scores
sucking reflex: The automatic, relationships into three facets:
on vocabulary tests and other
spontaneous sucking movements passion, intimacy, and commitment.
measures of crystallized intelligence
newborns produce, especially when When arranged at the points of a
predicts having a terminal disease.
anything touches their lips. triangle, their combinations describe
tertiary circular reactions: In Piaget’s all of the different kinds of adult
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS):
framework, “little-scientist” love relationships.
The unexplained death of an activities of the sensorimotor stage,
apparently healthy infant, often trimester: One of the 3-month-long
beginning around age 1, involving
while sleeping, during the first year segments into which pregnancy is
flexibly exploring the properties of
of life. divided.
swaddling: The standard Western true experiment: The only research
testes: Male organs that
infant calming technique of strategy that can determine that
manufacture sperm.
wrapping a baby tightly in a blanket something causes something else;
or other garment. testosterone: The hormone involves randomly assigning people
responsible for the maturation of to different treatments and then
sympathy: A state necessary for reproductive organs in men as well looking at the outcome.
acting prosocially, involving feeling as hair and skin changes during
upset for a person who needs help. twentieth-century life expectancy
puberty and for sexual desire in both
revolution: The dramatic increase
synapse: The gap between the sexes.
in average life expectancy that
dendrites of one neuron and theory: Any perspective explaining occurred during the first half of the
the axon of another, over which why people act the way they twentieth century in the developed
impulses flow. do. Theories allow us to predict world.
synaptogenesis: Forming of
behavior and also suggest how to
twin/adoption study: Behavioral
connections between neurons at the intervene to improve behavior.
genetic research strategy that
synapses. This process, responsible theory of mind: Children’s first involves comparing the similarities
for all perceptions, actions, and cognitive understanding, which of identical twin pairs adopted into
thoughts, is most intense during appears at about age 4, that other different families, to determine
infancy and childhood but people have different beliefs and the genetic contribution to a given
continues throughout life. perspectives from their own. trait.
G-14 Glossary
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Note: Page numbers followed by f indicate figures; those followed by t indicate tables.
Bianchi, S. M., 332, 344f, 347, 350 Boykin, S., 421 Burns, R. A., 400 Central Intelligence Agency, 9,
Bibbo, J., 440 Boyle, D. E., 186 Burr, A., 402, 407 66, 340f, 420
Biggs, S., 409 Boyle, J. M., 468 Burt, K. B., 129 Chadwick, R., 62
Binstock, R. H., 408, 409 Boyle, M. A., 439 Burzette, R. G., 305 Chambaere, K., 468
Birch, H. G., 113, 129 Braam, A. W., 456 Bushnell, I. W. R., 89 Chamberlain, J., 469
Birren, B. A., 4 Bradbury, T. N., 332, 333 Bute, J. J., 57 Champagne, M. C., 303
Birren, J. E., 4 Bradley, R. H., 273 Butkovic, A., 359 Chan, A., 188
Bisconti, T. L., 410 Brainerd, C. J., 435 Buttelmann, D., 136 Chan, S., 461
Bishop, C. E., 440 Brame, R., 268 Buttenheim, A. M., 63 Chang, H. H., 64
Bissada, A., 208 Bramen, J. E., 275t Butterworth, P., 332 Chang, J. P., 202
Björk, S., 344, 345 Bramesfeld, K. D., 338 Byatt, N., 48 Chang, Y., 371
Bjorklund, D. F., 43, 77, 149, Brand, S., 278 Byles, J. E., 400 Chao, R. K., 282
152, 182, 183, 186 Brandtstädter, J., 400 Bynner, J. M., 302 Chapple. H. S., 462
Black, H. K., 441 Branje, S. J. T., 281, 314 Chapron, C., 57
Blacker, D., 434 Bratko, D., 359 C Charles, M., 351
Blake, W., 221 Braver, S. L., 210f, 211 Cabeza, R., 397 Charles, S., 400
Blakemore, S., 267 Breen, A. V., 271 Cacioppo, J. T., 312 Charles, S. T., 400
Blakemore, S.-J., 160, 275t Bregman, H. R., 313 Calhoun, L. G., 410 Chaudhuri, J., 202
Blanchard-Fields, F., 361, 361f Brendgen, M., 188 Call, J., 136 Chein, J., 275
Blank, R. H., 64 Breslow, L., 422 Callahan, D., 469 Chen, C., 273
Blatney, M., 194 Bretherton, I. ., 110, 115 Calvo, E., 407 Chen, E., 118
Blattman, A. J., 160 Bridenbaugh, S. A., 429 Campbell, B. C., 249 Chen, E. S. L., 187
Bleidorn, W., 360 Bridges, J. S., 358 Campbell, I. G., 278 Chen, H., 245
Bleiler, L., 433, 434, 435 Brière, F. N., 273 Campos, J. J., 92 Chen, P., 182
Bloch, L., 335 Briere, J., 208 Canavarro, M. C., 56 Chen, W., 209
Blomeyer, D., 268 Briley, D. A., 360 Canter, A. S., 214 Chen, X., 170, 172
Blood, R. O., 332 Brimhall, A. S., 338 Caplan, A. L., 64 Chen, Y., 159
Blum, D., 108 Brines, J., 352 Cappell, K. A., 394f Cheng, D., 49
Blyth, D. A., 241, 242 Britton, M. L., 298 Cappelli, P., 347 Cherlin, A. J., 328, 390
Boden, J. M., 181 Brkovic, I., 359 Carlander, I., 453 Chernyak, N., 177
Bodenmann, G., 337 Brock, R. L., 336 Carlson, A. G., 138, 210 Chertkow, H., 162
Boehm, S., 406 Brodhagen, A., 204 Carlson, E., 441 Chess, S., 113, 129
Boehmer, U., 63 Brody, G. H., 208 Carnes, B., 419, 420 Chi, I., 377
Boerner, K., 411, 412, 457 Brody, J. E., 426 Carnevale, A., 307, 307f Child Trends Data Bank, 283
Bohlin, G., 115 Brom, S. S., 398 Caron, S. L., 56, 58, 249 Chinsky, J. M., 152
Boisvert, J. A., 248 Bronfenbrenner, U., 22 Carr, D., 411, 412 Chiriboga, D. A., 439
Bokemeier, J., 405 Bronstein, P., 345 Carretti, B., 393 Chisolm, M. S., 49
Boldy, D., 426 Brooks-Gunn, J., 119, 232, 236, Carroll, J. S., 299 Chiu, C., 310
Bonanno, G., 411, 412, 457 240, 242, 243, 277, 286 Carstensen, L. L., 373, 398, 399, Cho, J., 406
Bonanno, R. A., 193 Broom, A., 465 400 Cho, S., 439
Bonebrake, D., 462 Brotman, L. M., 128 Carter, R., 241 Cho, Y., 282
Boone, M. S., 247 Brown, S., 407 Cartwright, C., 338 Choi, H., 422
Boonpleng, W., 139, 140 Brown, S. L., 330 Case, K., 219 Choi, K. H., 410
Booth-LaForce, C., 191 Brown, T. A., 246 Case, R., 151 Choi, Y., 202
Bopp, M., 139 Brown, W. B., 286 Casey, B. J., 267, 267f Chomsky, N., 99
Borella, E., 393, 398 Brownlee, J. ., 122 Cashmore, J., 211 Christ, G. H., 459t
Boris, N. W., 111, 112 Bruch, H., 406 Caskie, G. I. L., 368, 369 Christakis, N., 412
Borko, H., 220 Bruner, J. S., 149 Caspi, A., 24, 140, 142, 360 Christensen, J., 163
Bornehag, C.-G., 208 Bryan, D. M., 341, 345 Cassel, J. B., 462 Christensen, K. Y., 236
Bosmans, G., 159 Buber, I., 377 Castel, A. D., 154 Christopher, C., 128
Boswell, G., 437 Buchman, A. S., 435 Castellanos-Ryan, N., 241 Churchill, W., 203–204, 218
Bottiroli, S., 391 Buck, K. A., 272 Cattell, M. G., 412 Chua, A., 202
Botwinick, J., 368, 369f Bugental, D. B., 397 Caudle, K., 267, 267f Chuang, S., 125
Boulton, T., 63 Buhl, H. M., 295 Cauffman, E., 273, 276 Chung, J. M., 304, 305
Bouma, E. C., 271 Bukowski, W. M., 189 Caulfield, L., 79 Chung-Hall, J., 172
Bourke, A., 254 Bulik, C. M., 247 Ceausescu, N., 115 Ciarrochi, J., 284
Bowers, E. P., 277 Bundy, D. A., 217 Cecchini, M., 81 Cicchetti, D., 208
Bowker, J. C., 170 Burchinal, M., 206, 207 Ceci, S. J. Cicirelli, V. G., 467
Bowlby, J., 15–16, 84, 109, 113, Bureau, J.-F., 273 Cellarius, V., 468 Cillessen, A. H. N., 179, 266,
409 Burkam, D. T., 212, 212f, 213 Centers for Disease Control and 272
Bowler, D. M., 163 Burkard, C., 398 Prevention, 6, 139, 140, Cimarolli, V. R., 426
Bowman, P. J., 366 Burnett, S., 275t 154, 418, 418f, 419 Claes, M., 241
Name Index NI-3
Clark, D., 463 Craig, L., 345 De St. Aubin, E., 362, 363t Dixon, R. A., 393, 396, 403
Clark, E., 339 Craik, F. I. M., 393, 395 de Weerth, C., 78, 86t Dmitrieva, J., 273
Clark, M., 440 Craik, F. M., 393 De Wilde, K. S., 48, 49 Doane, L. D., 278
Clarke, D. D., 431 Cramer, P., 305 Dean, D., 297, 304 Dobbins, E. H., 462
Class, Q. A., 50, 50f Crawford, A. M., 192 Dean, D. C., 74, 101 Dodge, K. A., 179, 181, 208
Claxton, S. E., 314 Crick, N. R., 181 Dean, R. S., 49 Dolcos, F., 397
Clearfield, M. W., 119 Crisp, D. A., 439 Deardorff, J., 242 Donaghue, N., 79
Clem, K., 426 Crittenden, A., 343 Deary, I. J., 216 Donnellan, M. B., 305
Clerkin, S. M., 154 Crone, E. A., 275t Deater-Deckard, K., 179, 180, Doucet, S., 88
Climo, J. J., 379 Crosnoe, R., 120, 295 192, 204 Douglas, P. S., 84
Clinard, C. G., 427 Crouch, J. L., 208 DeCasper, A. J., 88 Douglas, S. J., 343
Coall, D. A., 377 Crouter, A. C., 273, 281, 297 Deci, E. L., 222 Douglass, R., 80
Coe, N. B., 439 Crowe, M., 435 Deeg, D. H., 426 Dovis, S., 154
Cohen, J., 469 Crum, M., 401 Deeg, D. J. H., 456 Dowling, E. M., 23, 277
Cohen, M. D., 437 Crumley, J. J., 398 DeFillippi, R. J., 347 Downey, L., 456
Cohen, O., 210 Csikszentmihalyi, M., 269, DeFries, J. C., 17 Dozeman, E., 400
Cohen, P., 296, 296f 270f, 279, 281, 304–305, DeGarmo, D. S., 211 Drago, F., 348
Cohen, P. N., 351 305–306, 306f, 371 Degnan, K. A., 127, 180, 191, Draper, H., 379
Cohen-Zion, M., 278 Culbert, K. M., 245 192
Draper, P., 239
Coie, J. D., 179 Cummins, R., 374 Del Giudice, M., 41
Driver, J., 335
Cole, B., 458 Curby, T. W., 138 Delevi, R., 318t
Drouin, M., 318t
Cole, E. R., 246 Cushen, P. J., 162 Deligiannidis, K. M., 48
Drum, M. L., 238
Cole-Lewis, H. J., 50 Cyr, C., 320 Deller, J., 406
Duberstein, P. R., 359
Coleman, S. J., 244, 254 DeMaris, A., 121
Dubois, R., 86
Coleman-Jenson, A., 80 D Dement, W. C., 83f
Duckworth, K., 308
Coley, R. L., 122 Daddis, C. ., 281 Dempster, F. N., 151
Duffy, D., 64
Collignon, O., 75 Dahl, M. S., 352 Den Dulk, L., 350
Duffy, R. D., 348
Collins, R. L., 187, 251 Dahl, R. E., 236, 268, 269, 275, Deng, Y., 284, 286
275t Dumas, L., 81
Collinson, C., 405, 406 Denham, S. A., 177, 189
Damaraju, E., 74 Dumontheil, I., 160
Colonius, H., 428 Deniz Can, D., 101, 101f
Danckert, S. L., 393 Duncan, G. J., 119
Colrain, I. M., 278 Dennis, C., 78
Duncan, L. E., 364
Colwell, M. J., 185 Daniel, B., 172, 174, 175 Dennis, M. R., 457, 458
Dunedin Multidisciplinary
Compian, L., 245 Daniels, K. J., 437 Dennis, N. A., 393
Health and Development
Conger, R. D., 305 Daniels, N., 365t Dennissen, J. J. A., 305 Research Unit, 28
Conner, T., 440 Danziger, S., 295 Deoni, S. L., 78 Dunfield, K. A., 175
Connolly, J., 298, 314 Darwiche, J., 57–58 DePalma, R., 254 Dunifon, R., 377
Connor, J. L., 50 Darwin, C., 4 Desmarais, S., 381 Dunifon, R. E., 140
Cook, C. R., 192 Dasen, P. R., 148 Devine, R. T., 160 Dunn, J., 183, 184
Cook, T. D., 284, 286, 308 David, P., 335 DeVos, J., 97f Dunn, M. G., 350
Cooney, T. M., 372 Davidson, A. L., 283 Dew, J., 328, 341 Dunphy, D. C., 283
Coontz, S., 328, 343 Davidson, P. M., 461 DeWall, C. N., 181 Duvander, A., 350, 351f
Cooper, H., 221, 222 Davies, A. R., 347 Diamanti, A., 246 Dwairy, M., 201
Cooper, M., 247 Davila, J., 320 Diamond, A., 24, 152 Dweck, C. S., 174–175, 221
Cooper, P., 113 Davis, A. M., 139 Diamond, M. C., 373 Dwyer, D. S., 251
Coplan, R. J., 170 Davis, A. S., 49 Diamond, M. O., 45, 59
Cornwell, T., 140 Dawes, M., 272 Díaz-Morales, J. F., 278 E
Corr, C. A., 456, 463 Dawson, J. D., 431 Dibble, J. L., 318t E., W., 154, 155
Corsaro, W. A., 183, 184, 185 De Beni, R., 393 Dickens, B. M., 468 Easterbrooks, M. A., 208
Coryn, R., 273 De Forrest, R. L., 397 Dickerson, B. J., 332 Eborall, H., 49
Costa, P., 358–359 De Goede, I. H. D., 281 Diederich, A., 428 Eccles, J. S., 242, 268, 359
Costos, D., 240 de Hollanda Souza, D., 162 Diego, M., 82 Economic Policy Institute, 9,
Côté, J. E., 295, 302 De La Rue, L., 193 Dietrich, J., 314 304
Cote, S., 455, 465, 466 De Marco, A. C., 298 Dietz, P. M., 48 Edin, K., 332
Cotterell, J., 283, 284, 285 de Mello, C. B., 154 Diez, V., 202 Edison, T., 191
Courtney, M., 382t de Mol, J., 297 Dijkstra, J. K., 272, 273 Edwards, J. N., 332
Cowan, C. P., 113, 341 De Preter, H., 406 Dilworth-Anderson, P., 437 Eidelman, A. I., 82
Cowan, P. A., 113, 206, 341 De Raedt, R., 455 Dinella, L. M., 187 Eisenberg, N., 176, 177
Cox, K. S., 359 De Ridder, S., 252 Dingemans, E., 406, 407 Eisner, E. W., 217, 219
Coy, K. C., 125 de Schipper, E. J., 122 DiRenzo, M. S., 347 Ekerdt, D. J., 406, 407, 408
Cozzarelli, C., 320 De Schipper, J. C., 122 DiRosa, M., 380 Elder, G. H., 24
Crade, M., 41 de Silva-Sanigorski, A. M., 139, Dishion, T. J., 179, 188, 285 Elder, G. R., 295
Craig, I. W., 17 140 Dix, T., 272 Elkind, D., 262, 265–266
NI-4 Name Index
Elliot, S., 243, 249, 254 Finer, L. B., 250 Furler, K., 316 Gilboa, S., 350
Ellis, B. J., 129 Fingerman, K. L., 204, 400 Furstenberg, F. F., 295, 296, Giletta, M., 271
Ellwood, M., 78 Finkel, D., 17, 373 306, 308 Gillett, G., 469
Elsaesser, C., 193 Finkelhor, D., 204 Fuwa, M., 347, 350 Gilligan, C., 265
Elwert, G., 412 Finkelstein, L. M., 349 Gilman, R., 270, 277
Emerson, S. D., 391 Fischer, D. H., 6, 391 G Ginsburg, H., 263
Fishman, T., 390 Gadoud, A., 462 Giordano, P. C., 251, 252, 331
Enck, G. E., 450
Fitzgerald, S. T., 405 Gagne, M. H., 206 Girdler, S., 426
Engle, S., 307
Fitzpatrick, C., 151 Gähler, M., 209 Glaser, B. G., 460, 461
English, T., 399
Fitzpatrick, M. J., 187 Gajewski, P. D., 398 Glass, L. A., 216
Englund, M. M., 268
Fivush, R., 159 Gajic-Veljanoski, O., 286 Glenn, C. R., 271
Enguidanos, S., 455, 465, 466
Fjell, A. M., 394 Gal-Oz, E., 412 Glenn, N., 332
Ennis, G. E., 398
Flanagan, C. A., 277 Gala, J., 312 Go, A. S., 422
Epstein, R., 278, 335
Flavell, J. H., 21, 94, 147, 152, Galinsky, E., 347, 407 Godinet, M. T., 208
Erber, J. T., 393
262, 263 Gana, K., 399 Godino, L., 56
Erikson, E. H., 20, 84, 124, 178,
300, 301, 311, 363, 364, Fleming, M., 248 Ganzini, L., 468 Godleski, S. A., 179
402, 402t, 456 Fletcher, G. O., 335 Gao, Y., 180 Goldberg, A., 340, 341
Erikson, J., 20 Flower, K. B., 78 García Coll, C., 202 Goldberg, W. A., 84, 86t
Erulkar, A., 286 Flynn, J. R., 19, 216 García-Pérez, L., 462 Golden, L., 347
Espelage, D. L., 189, 193 Fok, W., 420 Gardner, D. S., 406, 407 Golden, P., 405
Espeset, E. M. S., 246 Fonseca, A., 56 Gardner, H., 217 Goldman, J. G., 244, 254
Espinoza, P., 247 Fontaine, A. M., 295, 297 Gardner, M., 277 Goldman, N., 422
Etaugh, C. A., 358 Forbes, E. E., 273 Garey, A. I., 343 Goldner, J., 277
Etezadi, S., 401 Forbush, K. T., 247 Garriga, A., 209 Goldschmidt, A. B., 247
Etten, M., 382 Ford, D. H., 23 Gartstein, M. A., 125 Golombok, S., 345
Evans, A. D., 160 Forster, S., 155 Gasper, J., 272, 277 Gomez, V., 316
Evans, G. W., 118, 118f Fortnum, H., 427, 428 Gates, B., 307 González, R., 458, 459
Everette, T. D., 332 Foss, K. A., 78 Gath, A., 52 Gooch, D., 154, 215t
Evertsson, M., 350 Fossen, R. S., 348, 349 Gatrell, C. J., 350 Good, E., 245
Foster, D., 62 Gatz, M., 373 Good, M.-J. D., 461
F Foster, R. E., 207 Gau, S. S., 202 Goodlin-Jones, B., 83
Fabes, R. A., 177, 185, 187 Foster, T. L., 458 Gaultney, J. F., 278 Gooldin, S., 59
Fabian, J., 276 Fothergill, A., 121, 122 Gavin, J., 246 Gopnik, A., 97
Facio, A., 314 Fowler-Brown, A. G., 140 Gazelle, H., 193 Gordon-Larsen, P., 139
Faeh, D., 139 Fox, J., 317 Ge, X., 237, 271f Gordon-Messer, D., 318t
Fahs, B., 337 Fox, N. A., 127 Geary, D. C., 138 Gore, T., 86
Fairchild, H., 247 Fox, S. E., 74–75 Geers, A. L., 333 Gorer, G., 451
Families and Work Institute, 347 Foynes, M. M., 207 Geiser, C., 361, 361f Gothe, K., 393
Farber, N., 331 Fraley, R. C., 320 Genevie, L. E., 342, 343 Gottman, J., 335, 336
Farley, M., 339 Francis, D. A., 254 Gentile, K., 59 Gould, E., 118
Farmer, T. W., 243 Franklin, B., 5 Gentzler, A. L., 297 Gould, L. A., 206
Farroni, T., 89 Frans, E. M., 163 George, L. K., 365t Goveas, J. S., 398
Fauth, R. C., 286 Freeman, M. P., 48 Geraci, L., 397 Gowen, L. K., 245
Feeney, J. A., 318, 320, 336, 341 Freeman, S., 380 Gerber, E. B., 123 Graber, J. A., 232, 236, 242, 243
Feinberg, I., 278 French, D. C., 170 Gerdner, L. A., 451 Graber, M., 97f
Feinstein, L., 268 French, K. E., 138 Germo, G. R., 85 Graham, J., 156
Feixa, C., 233 Freud, S., 14–16, 77, 304, 371 Gershoff, E. T., 206 Graneheim, U. H., 437
Feldman, R., 82 Freund, A. M., 361, 361f Gerson, M.-J., 340 Gratwick-Sarll, K., 246
Fenelon, A., 410, 411, 412 Frey, K. S., 171 Gerstorf, D., 398, 437 Green, V., 439
Ferber, R., 85 Frey, R., 465 Gervain, J., 100 Greenberger, E., 273
Fereiro, D., 428 Friedman, D., 394, 396 Gest, S. D., 272, 284 Greene, D., 221
Ferguson, E. D., 202 Friedman, E. M., 422 Gestsdottir, S., 273 Greenfield, E. A., 204, 207
Ferland, P., 56, 58 Friedmann, N., 214 Gettler, L. T., 334 Greenfield, P. M., 148, 249, 282
Fernandez, M., 88 Frink, B. D., 347 Geurts, S. A. E. ., 122 Greenhaus, J. H., 347
Ferraro, K. F., 430 Frischen, A., 89 Ghassabian, A., 154 Gribble, K. E., 420
Field, M. J., 450 Frisén, A., 248 Gibb, B. E., 245 Griffin, B., 406
Field, N. P., 412 Frye, A. A., 299, 304, 305f Gibbins, S., 88 Griffith, K., 223
Field, T., 82 Fu, S.-Y., 382t Gibson, M. A., 377 Grigorenko, E. L., 213, 217,
Fifer, W. P., 88 Fuligni, A. J., 298 Gibson-Davis, C. M., 330, 331, 219
Fincham, F. D., 335 Fuller, B., 202 332 Grob, A., 316
Findler, L., 378 Fung, H. H., 399 Giedd, J. N., 75, 76t, 275t Groen, Y., 176
Finegood, D. T., 140 Funk, L. M., 381 Gilbert-Barness, E., 48 Groeneveld, M. G., 122
Name Index NI-5
Groopman, J. E., 454, 456 Hasselhorn, M., 151 Hirschfield, P. J., 272, 277 Ito, M., 36
Grossbaum, M. F., 364 Hausdorff, J. M., 426, 429, 435 Hodgson, J., 437 Ito, Y., 344
Grossmann, I., 375, 375f Hawes, C., 439 Hoff-Ginsberg, E., 100, 101 Ivy, L., 204
Grube, J. W., 251 Hawk, C. K., 162 Hoffman, M. L., 177 Iwanski, A., 305
Gschwind, Y. J., 429 Hawkins, A., 56 Hofstede, G., 10 Izumi-Taylor, S., 344
Guan, S. A., 282 Hawley, P. H., 191 Hohmann-Marriott, B., 338
Guardino, C. M., 44, 50 Hay, P., 246 Holland, L. A., 246 J
Guendelman, S., 78 Hayflick, L., 419, 420 Holman, E. A., 362 Jaccard, J., 241
Guerra, N. G., 180, 192, 193 Haynes, M., 337 Holmes, J. G., 316 Jackson, T., 245
Guerri, C., 275 Hayslip, B., Jr., 379, 458 Holmes, T. H., 409 Jacquet, S. E., 316, 317t
Gueta, G., 221 Hayward, C., 245 Holmqvist, K., 248 Jaffe, J., 45, 59
Gunderson, E. A., 175 Hazan, C., 318 Holt, A., 215 Jaffee, S. R., 209
Gunther Moor, B., 266 Healey, D. M., 154, 156 Hoogman, M., 154 James, S. L., 338
Gupta, R., 455 Healthychildren.org, 200 Hoover, E., 309 James, W., 88, 90
Gustafsson, P. A., 208 Healy, E., 64 Hopko, D. R., 400 Jamieson, R. D., 365t
Guttmacher Institute, 243, 250, Hearing Loop, 428 Hopper, J., 337 Jang, H., 222
250f, 251, 253, 253f Heatherton, T. F., 162t Horhota, M., 398 Janosz, M., 273
Heaven, P. C. L., 284 Hough, C. L., 462 Janson, S., 208
H Hecht, A., 371, 374, 375 Houghton, L. A., 50 Jaspers, E., 469
Ha, J.-H., 410, 412 Hehman, J. A., 397 House, A. N., 202 Jedd, K. E., 119
Haase, C. M., 335 Helfand, M., 250 House, B. R., 175 Jelinek, M., 194
Habermas, T., 159 Helson, R., 359, 362, 365t, 367 Houts, R. M., 239 Jenkins-Guarnieri, M. A., 313
Haddad, E., 273 Hemar-Nicolas, V., 141 Hoyer, W. J., 374 Jensen, A. R., 217
Hadden, B. W., 320 Henderson, R. C., 206 Hrdy, S. B., 5, 6 Jensen, C., 163f
Hagestad, G. O., 377 Hendriksen, J. G. M., 154 Hu, S., 295, 299, 310 Jensen, H., 48
Hahn, H. M., 85 Hendry, L. B., 295, 297 Huang, H., 48 Jensen, J. F., 335
Hahn-Holbrook, J., 78 Hengartner, M. P., 209 Huddleston, J., 237 Jenson, W. R., 181, 339
Hakoyama, M., 378 Henkens, K., 404, 406, 407 Hughes, C., 160, 184 Jernigan, T. L., 41, 74, 75, 76t
Hakvoort, R. M., 82 Henry, J., 370 Hughes, D. K., 316, 317t Jessop, J., 459t
Halcomb, E., J., 461 Henry, J. D., 400 Hughes, M. L., 397 Jette, A. M., 429
Hall, G. S., 4, 6, 260, 266 Henry, L. A., 215t Huijts, M., 371 Jimenez, M. A., 412
Hall, S., 208 Hensler, B. S., 215t Hulme, C., 154, 155 Johansson, A., 437
Halperin, J. M., 154, 156 Heo, J., 407 Hülsheger, U. R., 348 John, O. P., 359, 362, 367
Halpern-Meekin, S., 314 Hepach, R., 175, 176 Humaidan, P., 57 Johns, M. M., 314
Haltigan, J. D. ., 112 Herdt, G., 234, 249 Humer, Ž., 344
Johnson, B. D., 313
Hamlin, J. K., 98, 99 Hernandez-Reif, M., 82 Humphrey, G. M., 459t
Johnson, J., 307
Hampson, S. E., 360 Hernández–Martínez, C., 49 Hungerford, T. L., 404
Johnson, J. A., 391
Hamvas, L., 206 Herrenkohl, T. I., 208 Hunt, C. K., 380
Johnson, K. M., 59
Hank, K., 377 Herrera, D. E., 277 Hunt, T. K., 247
Johnson, K. S., 465
Hansson, R. O., 458 Herrera, F., 57 Hurks, P. P. M., 154
Johnson, M., 295
Harbourne, R. T., 92 Herrnstein, R. J., 217 Hurst, C., 348
Johnson, R. A., 440
Harden, K. P., 241 Hersh, R. H., 264, 264t Hurt, T. R., 335
Johnson, R. J., 394
Harkness, S., 171 Hershey, D. A., 404 Huston, T. L., 316
Johnson, R. W., 408
Harley, K., 159 Hertwig, R., 377 Hutchinson, D. M., 245
Johnson, V. E., 381, 382
Harlow, C. M., 109 Hertzog, C., 27, 398 Hutchison, S., 380
Harlow, H., 108 Johnston, L. D., 268, 269f
Hess, T. M., 370, 398 Hutteman, R., 360
Harraway, J. A., 49 Johri, M., 438
Hesse-Biber, S., 246 Huttenlocher, P. R., 41f, 47t
Harrell, W. A., 248 Joinson, C., 242
Hetherington, E. M., 337 Hvas, L., 382t
Harriger, J. A., 245 Jokhi, R. P., 55
Heuer, C. A., 140 Hwang, S.-L., 154
Harrington, R., 44 Jones, B. K., 366, 367
Hewitt, B., 337 Hwang, W., 312
Harris, J. R., 204, 282 Jonkmann, K., 361
Hickson, L., 427 Hyde, A., 243, 249
Harris, P., 450, 464 Jordan, A. H., 457
Higher Education Research Hyde, J. S., 242, 341
Harris, T. S., 209 Institute, 304 Hymel, S., 193 Jorgensen, B. S., 365t
Harrist, A. W., 122 Hill, E. A., 101 Hymowitz, K., 7 Joseph, R. M., 162
Hart, H. M., 364, 366 Hill, J. P., 281 Jowett, A., 313
Harter, S., 170, 171, 172, 173f, Hill, L. G., 190, 193 I Joyce, B. T., 465
175, 221, 244 Hill, P. L., 360, 362, 402 Infurna, F. J., 437 Jozwiak, N., 410
Hartup, W. W., 188 Hill, P. S., 84 Ingersoll-Dayton, B., 410 Juarascio, A. S., 246
Hasher, L., 394 Hinde, R. A. ., 109 Innes, S., 453, 454 Judge, T. A., 348
Hashimoto-Torii, K., 49 Hinduja, S., 193 Ip, E. H., 429 Julian, M. M., 116
Haskett, M. E., 209 Hinshaw, S. P., 154 Iqbal, Z., 44 Jung, C. G., 356, 381
Haslam, N., 282 Hipwell, A. E., 250 Israel, S., 28 Jurkowski, J. M., 141
NI-6 Name Index
K Kim, J., 180, 208 Kronenberg, M. E., 204 Lawrence, D. H., 251
Kagan, J., 113, 123, 127, 205 Kim, M., 282 Kronenfeld, J. J., 422 Lawrence, E., 320, 336
Kahn, R. L., 417 Kim, P., 118, 118f Krstev, S., 48 Lawson, G. W., 63
Kalil, A., 119, 140 Kim, S., 114, 128 Kübler-Ross, E., 452, 454 Lay, K., 379
Källstrand-Eriksson, J., 426 Kim, S. U., 420 Kuh, G. D., 310 Leavitt, J. W., 61
Kalmijn, M., 339 Kim, S. Y., 202 Kuhl, P. K., 101, 101f Lecanuet, J. P., 88
Kamble, S., 374 Kim, Y. B., 420 Kuhlmeier, V. A., 175 Lee, A., 406
Kamp Dush, C. M., 314, 340, King, M. L., 365, 366 Kuhn, B. R., 206 Lee, B., 208
341 Kinniburgh-White, R., 338 Kuhn, D., 263 Lee, C., 344
Kandler, C., 360 Kins, E., 297 Kulik, L., 377 Lee, E. A. E., 187, 191
Kane, R. A., 440 Kinsella, K., 390f Kuntz, K. J., 272 Lee, E. H., 202
Kanfer, R., 349 Kippersluis, H., 421 Kunze, F., 406 Lee, H. J., 420
Kannai, R., 453 Kirby, E., 465 Kurz, T., 79 Lee, J., 240, 467
Kapadia, S., 312 Kirkham, N., 152 Kushlev, K., 340, 342, 342t Lee, K., 160
Kaplan, A., 221 Kiselica, M. S., 45 Kushnir, T., 177 Lee, V. E., 212, 212f, 213
Karen, R., 15, 108 Kitahara, M., 84 Kusner, K. G., 335 Lee, Y., 233, 234, 236, 237,
Karimpour, R., 272 Kitzinger, S., 36, 61 238, 239
Karlamangla, A. S., 372, 372f Klass, D., 457, 458 L Lee Thoeny, A., 155
Karlsson, C., 456 Kleinplatz, P. J., 383 La Greca, A. M., 284, 285f Leeming, D., 78, 79
Karney, B. R., 332, 333, 350 Kliegel, M., 398 Labbok, M. H., 78 Leicht, K. T., 405
Karni, E., 55, 56 Kliegl, R., 393 Labouvie-Vief, G., 305, 374 Leichtentritt, R. D., 210
Karns, J. T., 78, 86 Klinkenberg, M., 456 Labs, K., 410 Lenroot, R. K., 275t
Kashy, D. A., 320, 340, 341 Kloep, M., 295, 297 Lacherez, P. F., 431 Lenz, A. S., 248
Kasper, J. D., 440 Klonsky, E. D., 271 Lachman, M. E., 7, 358 Leppänen, P. H. T., 215t
Kastenbaum, R., 450, 451, 452, Klusmann, D., 334 Lacourse, E., 241 Lepper, M. R., 221
454 Kluwer, E. S., 350 Ladd, G. W., 193 Lerner, R. M., 4, 23, 272, 273,
Kato, K., 17 Knaack, A., 126, 128 Ladis, K., 365t 274, 277
Katz, I., 221 Knaak, S., 78 LaFontana, K. M., 266, 272 Lerner-Geva, L., 381
Katz-Wise, S. L., 341 Knight, B. G., 380 Lagattuta, K., 160 Leshno, M., 55, 56
Kawachi, I., 365t Knitzer, J., 123 Lai, P., 59, 399 Lessard, G., S., 211
Kazdin, A. E., 206 Knox, M., 206 Laible, D. J., 150 Lester, B. M., 81
Keating, D. P., 181 Knutson, B., 399 Lainpelto, K., 209 Leung, A. K., 310
Keaton, S. A., 406 Ko, E., 467 Lamb, M., 122, 123 Leung, F., 273
Keefe, M. R., 81 Kochanska, G., 113, 114, 120, Lamb, M. E., 345 Leupp, K., 352
Keel, P. K., 246, 247 124, 125, 126, 128, 177, Lamson, A. L., 437 Leve, L. D., 128
Keen, C., 457 194 Landerl, K., 215t Levenson, R. W., 335
Kefalas, M., 332 Koenig, C. S., 456 Landor, A., 250 Leventhal, T., 119, 286
Keijsers, L., 281 Koenig, T. L., 439 Lane, J. D., 162 Levine, A., 297, 304
Keirse, M. C., 63 Koerner, S. S., 380 Lang, F. R., 391 Levine, C. G., 295
Keller, J. R., 347 Kogan, A., 335 Lang, M. E., 340 Levitt, P., 74–75
Keller, M. A., 86t Kohlberg, L., 187, 263, 265 Langer, E. J., 393 Lewin-Bizan, S., 270, 273
Kelley, M., 464 Kokot-Kierepa, M., 382t Langley, C., 345 Lewis, A. D., 273, 277
Kellman, P. J., 88 Komarraju, M., 309 Lansford, J. E., 181 Lewis, J. M., 200
Kelly, J., 337 Konner, M., 5, 6 Lanz, M., 295 Lewis, S. P., 271
Kelly, J. B., 337 Kooij, D. M., 349 Laplante-Levesque, A., 427 Li, F., 208
Kelly, T. B., 428 Koolschijn, P. C., 275t Larson, G. A., 138 Li, L., 348
Kelmanson, I., 81 Kopala-Sibley, D. C., 361, 361f Larson, R., 269, 270f, 279, 281 Li, W., 348
Kemper, S., 428 Kornhaber, M., 223 Larson, R. W., 274 Li, Y., 272, 313
Kempler, D., 392 Kornrich, S., 352 Larsson, H., 154, 156 Liben, S., 454, 461
Kennison, R. F., 370 Koster, E. W., 455 LaRusso, M. D., 277 Libnawi, A., 162
Kenyon, D. B., 380 Kot, F. C., 308 Larzelere, R. E., 206 Lickenbrock, D. M., 126
Keren, E., 314 Kozol, J. ., 119, 120 Latifah, Queen, 245, 246 Lieberman, A. F., 209
Kerpelman, J. L., 297 Krajewski, K., 151 Latner, J. D., 141 Liem, J. H., 299, 304, 305f
Kevorkian, J., 469 Kramer, B. J., 381 Latz, S., 84, 86 Liew, J., 176, 177
Keyes, K. M., 49 Kramer, S. E., 426 Lau, D. T., 465 Light, R. J., 310
Keys, C. L., 270 Krampe, R. T., 373 Laukkanen, J., 202 Lightfoot, C., 268
Kiang, L., 298, 303 Kreicbergs, U., 458 Lauritson, M. B., 163f Lilgendahl, J. P., 359, 362, 366,
Kidd, K. K., 213 Kreider, R. M., 200 Lavadera, A. L., 210 367
Kiely, K. M., 426 Kreppner, J., 116 Lavezzi, A. M., 86 Lilienfeld, S. O., 411
Kiiski, J., 209 Kressig, R. W., 429 Lavner, J. A., 332, 333 Lillard, A. S., 185
Killewald, A., 351 Kretsch, N., 241 Lawler, M., 244, 245 Lillie-Blanton, M., 119, 120
Kim, B., 84 Kroger, J., 263, 302 Lawn, J. E., 42 Lim, S. L., 282
Name Index NI-7
Lin, M., 273 Madsen, S. A., 57 McAnally, H. M., 159 Michaels, M. W., 343
Lin,Y., 59 Maggs, J. L., 268 McCabe, D. P., 394 Michalczyk, K., 151
Lincoln, A., 204 Magnuson, K., 120 McCann, R. M., 406 Miche, M., 358
Lindblad, F., 209 Magnusson, D., 241, 242 McCarthy, J. R., 459t Midei, A. J., 208
Lindenberger, U., 397 Mailick, M. R., 162 McCarthy, M. C., 458 Mikaeili, N., 207
Lindgren, B., 437 Malacrida, C., 63 McCarthy, M. M., 234 Mikels, J. A., 400
Lindsey, E. W., 185 Males, M., 270 McClintock, M. K., 234, 249 Mikkelsen, A. T., 57
Lindström, U. Å., 453, 454 Malin, H., 281 McCloskey, L. A., 208 Mikulincer, M., 320
Lindstrom-Forneri, W., 430 Mallard, S. R., 50 McCord, J., 285 Milkie, M. A., 332, 343, 345,
Linver, M. R., 277 MaloneBeach, E. E., 378 McCormack, A., 427, 428 347, 350
Lipton, R. B., 238 Malpas, P. J., 469 McCrae, R., 358–359 Miller, B. J., 140
Literte, P. E., 303 Manassis, K., 192 McCreight, B. S., 45 Miller, D., 172, 174, 175
Litz, B. T., 457 Mancini, A. D., 457 McDaniel, M. A., 398 Miller, D. A., 318t
Liu, Y. C., 462 Mandler, J. M., 98t McDonald, K. L., 188 Miller, E. A., 440
Locke, J., 6 Manfra, L., 157 McDonald, P., 330 Miller, G. E., 118
Lodder, J., 371 Manning, W. D., 251, 252, 330, McDonough, I. M., 395 Miller, L., 400
Loftus, J., 56 331, 332 McElderry, D., 243 Miller, P., 119
Logan, R. L., 362 Marcia, J. E., 300–301 McElwain, N. L., 115 Miller, P. H., 151, 153
Logis, H. A., 272 Margolies, E., 342, 343 McFarlane, T., 247 Miller, W. D., 119, 120
Lonardo, R. A., 284 Marieb, E. N., 37 McGeown, K. ., 116 Miller-Cribbs, J. E., 331
Longmore, M. A., 251, 252, Mark Welch, D. B., 420 McGill, B. S., 344, 345 Mills, K. L., 267
331 Markey, C. N., 315 McGrath, A., 48 Mills, R., 208
López-Guimerà, G., 245 Markey, P. M., 315 McGrath, P., 453 Miniño, A. M., 61
Lorber, M. F., 206 Marks, N. F., 422 McGuffin, P., 17 Minois, G., 391
Lorenz, K., 108 Marlier, L., 88 McHale, S. M., 273, 281, 297 Mintz, S., 5, 6, 260
Lou, V. Q., 378 Marmo, S., 465 McIntosh, H., 277 Miranda, R., 303
Loukas, A., 277 Marques, S., 392 McKay, A., 253, 253f Mirecki, R. M., 338
Lovestone, S., 434 Marsiglio, W., 339 McKenna, J., 86t Misigoj-Durakovic, M., 140
Lovett, S., 41 Martin, A. J., 277 McLaughlin, K. A., 116 Mistry, J., 202
Lowenstein, A. E., 120, 121 Martin, C. L., 185, 187 McLaughlin-Volpe, T., 392 Mitchell, E. M., 139
Lowenstein, L. F., 210 Martin, J. A., 62, 201 McLeskey, J., 220 Mitzner, T. L., 428
Lozoff, B., 84, 86 Martin, J. F., 365t McMahan, R. D., 467 Modell, J., 260
Lu, P. H., 394 Martin, K. A., 244, 250, 252, McNally, S., 377 Modin, B., 191
Lucas, R. E., 410 254 McNeely, C. A., 282 Moehler, E., 127
Luciana, M., 275t Martin, P., 122, 431 McNiel, M. E., 78 Moffitt, T. E., 140, 142, 274
Luhmann, M., 361, 361f Martin-Matthews, A., 411 McNulty, J. K., 320 Mohammad, J., 330
Lui, J. L., 155 Martinelli, P., 397 McPherson, B. J., 187 Moilanen, K. L., 250
Lui, P. R., 202 Martins, M. V., 57 McPherson, S., 335 Molden, D. C., 175
Lundgren, J. D., 140 Martinussen, M., 302 Mead, G. H.., 160 Moll, K., 215t
Lundy, B. L., 162 Maruna, S., 364 Mebert, C. J., 181f Molloy, L. E., 272, 284
Luo, L., 393 Marysko, M., 127 Meeus, W., 302 Monahan, K. C., 273
Luo, S., 318t Massaccesi, S., 89 Meeus, W. H. J., 281 Mond, J., 246
Luong, G., 400 Masten, A. S., 129, 204, 274t Mehler, J., 100 Mongrain, M., 361, 361f
Masters, W. H., 381, 382 Mehta, N., 113 Monroe, B., 463
Luszcz, M. A., 426
Masuda, A., 247 Meier, D. E., 462 Montemurro, B., 337
Luttikhuis, H. G. M. O., 141
Mather, C., 61 Melby-Lervåg, M., 155 Montepare, J. M., 392
Luyckx, K., 302, 308
Mathews, S., 221 Melendez, M. C., 297 Montoro-Rodriguez, J., 437
Lynch, S., 465
Matovic, D., 400 Melendez, N. B., 297 Mooney, A., 344
Lynne-Landsman, S. D., 242
Matthijs, K., 331, 331f Melinder, A., 159 Moore, C., 160, 176
Lynskey, M. T., 17
Matton, A., 141 Mellor, D., 244 Moore, M. K., 89
Lyubomirsky, S., 340, 342,
342t May, J. S., 273 Meltzoff, A. N., 89 Mor, V., 440
Mayberry, M. L., 189 Menard, J. L., 82 Morack, J., 402
M Mayer, F. B., 159 Mence, M., 128 Moradi, B., 245
Määttä, K., 209 Mayeux, L., 179 Mendle, J., 236 Moreland, I., 459t
Maccoby, E. E., 185, 186, 201, Maynard, A. E., 148 Mendonça, M., 295, 297 Morgan, E. M., 297, 313
205 Mayr, U., 397 Merrick, J. C., 64 Morgan, H. J., 320
Mace, R., 377 Mayseless, O., 314 Merrill, D. M., 380 Morgan, J. K., 273
Macek, P., 299 Mazzonna, F., 421 Merth, T. N., 140 Morgano, E., 284, 286
Mackinnon, S. P., 316 Mazzotti, D. R., 421 Merz, E. M., 380 Morris, A. M., 340
MacMillan, H. L., 207 McAdams, D. P., 302, 309, 362– Messer, D. J., 215t Morris, R., 214, 215t
MacRae, H., 436 363, 363t, 364, 366, 367 Metz, E., 277 Morrissey, T. W., 140
Madigan, S., 115 McAlister, A. R., 140, 161 Meuwly, N., 313t Morselli, D., 365
NI-8 Name Index
Mortelmans, D., 406 Nelson, S. K., 340, 342, Osofsky, J. D., 209 Peck, S. C., 268
Mortimer, J. T., 349 342t Ostrov, J. M., 179, 189 Pedersen, N., 373
Moskey, E. G., 249 Nepomnyaschy, L., 331 Ostrove, J. M., 364 Pedersen, N. L., 17
Mosko, S., 86t Neugarten, B., 298 Ott, J. C., 365t, 367 Peiro, J., 407
Moss, E., 113, 320 Neumark, D., 407, 408 Ott, M. A., 253 Pelham, W. E., Jr., 154, 155
Mother Theresa, 365 Neupert, S. D., 209 Otterman, G., 209 Pellegrini, A. D., 43, 77, 182,
Moulaert, T., 409 Newcomb, A. F., 188 Overall, N. C., 335 183, 184, 185, 186
Mowen, T. J., 202 Newman, K. L., 406 Owens, E. B., 154 Pelts, M D., 313
Muehlenkamp, J. J., 271 Newman, S., 119 Oxford, M. L., 191 Penelo, E., 247
Mueller, C. M., 175 Newton, E. K., 175 Peng, K., 303
Muise, A., 381 Newton, N., 364 P Penman, E. L., 457
Mullan, K., 345 Newton, N. J., 364, 365, 366 Pace, C. S., 113 Peper, J. S., 236
Müller-Oehring, E. M., 394 Ng, J., 247 Packer, T. L., 426 Pérez-Edgar, K., 127
Mulvaney, M. K., 181f Ng, R., 399 Paechter, C., 336 Perkins, E. A., 382
Munnell, A. H., 404 Ngige, L. W., 232 Paek, H.-J., 187 Perner, J., 160
Munro, C. A., 431 NICHD Early Child Care Pagani, L. S., 151 Perren, S., 193
Munroe, R. L., 43 Research Network. ., 122 Paikoff, R. L., 243 Perrig-Chiello, P., 380
Murphy, K. R., 155 Nichols, T. R., 242, 243 Palkovitz, R. J., 340 Perrone-McGovern, K. M., 347,
Nicolopoulou, A., 183 Palladino, G., 260 350
Murphy, S., 220
Nielsen, J., 352 Palley, E., 121 Perry, A. R., 345
Murray, A., 377
Nielsen, L., 359, 399 Pandit, M., 335 Perry, S. L., 312
Murray, A. L., 64
Nikulina, V., 208 Paolitto, D. P., 264, 264t Perry, W., 309
Murray, C., 332, 457
Nisbett, R. E., 221 Papadatou, D., 454, 461 Persike, M., 290, 290f, 308
Murray, C. A., 217
Nixon, E., 244, 245 Parackal, M. K., 49 Peskin, J., 160
Murray, K. T., 125
Noller, P., 336 Parackal, S. M., 49 Peterson, B. E., 364
Murray, L., 113
Nomaguchi, K., 202 Peterson, C. C., 160, 161
Murray, S. L., 316, 336 Paradis, L., 240
Petraglia, F., 57
Murstein, B. I., 315 Nomaguchi, K. M., 121 Parent, A.-S., 233, 234, 238
Petts, R. J., 274
Must, A., 242 Normand, S., 155 Parent, M. C., 245
Pezzin, L. E., 440
Musulkin, S., 309 Norris, D. J., 122 Parham-Payne, W., 332
Pfinder, M., 49
Muzik, M., 208 Norwood, S. J., 247 Paris, R., 206
Pharo, H., 273
Muzio, J. N., 83f Park, D. C., 395
O Phelan, P., 283
Myers, A., 426 Park, I. J. K., 282
Oas, P. T., 206 Philbin, J. M., 250
Myers, A. J., 422 Park, Y. S., 282
Oberauer, K., 393 Philibert, R. A. ., 113
Myers, L. L., 247 Parker, A. C., 112
Obradović, J., 129 Phillips, C. D., 439
Parker, K. J., 118
O’Brien, K. M., 350 Phillips, D. A., 120, 121, 121f
N Parker, P. A., 453
Oddo, S., 162t Phillips, J. L., 461
Nåden, D., 453, 454 Parkes, A., 251
O’Donovan, A., 421 Phinney, J. S., 303
Nagy, J., 459t Parkes, C. M., 409
OECD, 421, 422, 422f, 423, Piaget, J., 20, 21–22, 93, 94, 96,
Nakrem, S., 440 Parkinson, P., 211
423f 142–148, 151, 221, 261,
Nappi, R. E., 382t Pasco Fearon, R. M., 115, 239 262, 262f, 374
Nash, G., 215t Ofen, N., 394, 396 Pascual, M., 275 Piaget, L., 94, 96, 145
National Center for Children in Okado, Y., 209 Pascuzzo, K., 320 Pickett, K., 365t, 367
Poverty (NCCP), 118 Okun, M. A., 407 Patall, E. A., 221, 222 Pierce, L., 352
National Center for Health Oldehinkel, A. J., 271 Patchin, J. W., 193 Piette, J., 467
Statistics, 307, 390, 418 O’Leary, S. G., 206 Pate, M., 206 Pike, R., 171
National Center on Education Oliver, D. P., 464 Patrick, J. H., 379 Pinker, S., 196, 206, 209, 365t
Statistics, Fast Facts, 306, Olmsted, M. P., 247
307f Patrick, M. E., 268 Pinquart, M., 115, 122, 123,
Olshansky, S., 419, 420 Patterson, C. J., 341 202, 407
National Down Syndrome
Society, 51, 52 Olsson Möller, U., 429 Paul, A. M., 49, 50, 55 Pitzer, L. M., 204
National Health and Nutrition Olthof, T., 178 Paul, G., 426, 429 Plomin, R., 17, 18, 19
Examination Survey, 137 Olweus, D., 193 Paul, I. M., 141 Pluess, M., 51, 113, 123, 129
Natsuaki, M., 271f Olympia, D., 339 Paulus, M., 176 Pnevmatikos, D., 152
Natsuaki, M. N., 127 Omar, H., 243 Paulussen-Hoogeboom, M. C., Poirier, F. E., 136
Naughton, F., 49 Onadja, Y., 422 119 Polanco-Roman, L., 303
Nazaré, B., 56 Oncel, S., 57 Pavarini, G., 162 Poortman, A. R., 337
Neff, L. A., 333 Onrust, S., 411 Payne, K. K., 330 Pope, N. D., 381
Negele, A., 159 Ontai, L. L., 122 Payne, S., 453, 454, 457 Porfeli, E. J., 349
Negriff, S., 275t Opper, S., 263 Peach, H. D., 278 Porter, M., 332
Neimeyer, R. A., 457, 458 Orellana, M. F., 282 Peacock, S., 437 Posner, J.-A., 340
Nelson, C. A., 74–75 O’Rourke, N., 333 Peake, S. J., 267 Potocnik, K., 407
Nelson, K., 100, 159 Osborn, J. L., 317 Pearman, A., 398 Potter, D., 209
Nelson, L. J., 294 Osecka, T., 194 Pearson, D. A., 155 Potts, M., 63
Name Index NI-9
Poulin, F., 188, 281, 285 Reissman, C., 334 Roseth, C. J., 180 Santesso, D. L., 101
Poulin, M., 27, 27f Reppermund, S., 435 Ross, G., 149 Santo, J. B., 402, 407
Powers, S. M., 410 Resett, S., 314 Ross, L. A., 431 Sarkin, A., 431
Poyer, H., 246 Reskin, B., 351 Rosti, R. O., 163 Sarkisian, N., 407
Prager, I. G., 393 Reuter-Lorenz, P. A., 394, 394f, Roth, J. L., 277 Sasson, I., 410, 411
Prakash, K., 170 395 Roth, S. L., 23 Sattler, J. M., 214
Prata, N., 63 Rey-Casserly, C., 65 Rothenberg, J. Z., 406, 407 Saudino, K. J., 125
Pratt, A. K., 374 Reynolds, P., 64 Rothermund, K., 400 Sauer, P. J. J., 141
Preßler, A., 151 Reznick, J. S., 206, 207 Rothman, R., 223 Savage, C. L., 44
Pressler, K. A., 430 Rhodes, R. E., 430 Rousseau, J. J., 6 Savin-Williams, R. C., 312
Preston, S. H., 78 Rice, J. B., 440 Roussotte, F., 49 Savishinsky, J., 408
Preville, M., 410 Richard, C., 86t Rovine, M., 340, 341 Saxon, S. V., 382
Prevost, S. S., 455, 460 Richards, T., 101, 101f Rowe, D. C., 17 Sayegh, P., 380
Priess, A., 341 Ridgway, A., 155 Rowe, E., 138 Sayer, L. C., 344f
Prinstein, M. J., 284, 285f Riegel, K. F., 372 Rowe, G., 394 Sayfan, L., 160
Prinz, R. J., 126 Riegel, R. M., 372 Rowe, J. W., 417 Scales, P. C., 274
Pronk, M., 426 Riksen-Walraven, J. M., 78, 86t, Rowe, M. L., 75 Scarr, S., 19, 204
Pryor, J. H., 299, 304 122 Royal College of Obstetricians Schaal, B., 88
Pudrovska, T., 331 Rilling, J. K., 115 and Gynaecologists Schaan, B., 411
Puhl, R. M., 140, 141 Rinehart, M. S., 45 [RCOG]., 49 Schafer, K. J., 244
Pungello, E. P., 120 Rispoli, K. M., 115 Rubin, K. H., 188 Schafer, M. H., 439
Pushkar, D., 401, 402, 407 Risse, G. B., 451 Rubin, M., 379 Schaie, K. W., 368, 369, 369f,
Rivera, M. S., 458, 459 Rubinstein, R. L., 441 372
Q Rivers, J., 456 Ruble, D. N., 171, 185, 187 Schellinger, K., 124
Qu, Y., 380, 438 Roalson, L. A., 277 Rulison, K. L., 272, 284 Scheres, A., 155
Roberts, A., 245 Runions, K. C., 181, 193 Schetter, C. D., 44, 50
R Roberts, A. L., 163 Rusbult, C. E., 316 Schilling, O. K., 426
Rabin, J. S., 162t Robertson, S. C., 400 Rushton, J. P., 217 Schindler, I., 407
Rabins, P. V., 433, 435 Robinson, J. C., 221, 222 Russell, V. M., 320 Schirduan, V., 219
Rackin, H., 330, 332 Robinson, J. P., 344f Rutledge, M. S., 404 Schlegel, A., 232
Rahe, R. H., 409 Robinson, J. R., 343, 345 Rutter, H., 140 Schlinger, H. D., 217
Rahman, A., 44 Robles, T. F., 333 Ryan, J. J., 216 Schmid, G., 81
Raich, R. M., 247 Rochkind, J., 307 Ryan, R. M., 222 Schmidt, A. E., 438
Raj, A., 63 Rodham, K., 246 Ryan-Krause, P., 155 Schmidt, L. A., 101
Raja, R., 170 Rodin, J., 393 Rybash, J. M., 374 Schmied, V., 78
Rambaran, A. J., 273 Rodkin, P. C., 180, 189, 190t, Ryckewaert, R., 455 Schneider, B. L., 304–305
Ramsay, S. M., 64 191, 272 Ryeng, M. S., 302 Schneidman, E., 454
Ranta, M., 314 Rodrigues, R., 438 Schoen, A., 244
Rao, N., 187 Rodriguez, C. M., 206 S Scholte, R., 188, 193
Rapaport, S., 55, 56 Roehlkepartain, E. C., 274 Saarni, C., 177 Schomburg, A., 428
Rapee, R. M., 245 Roenker, D. L., 431 Sabey, A. K., 335 Schoon, I., 308
Rapport, M. D., 155 Roeser, R. W., 242 Sabik, N. J., 246 Schramm, D. G., 209
Ratner, D., 295 Rofail, M., 378, 379 Sachdev, P. S., 435 Schreiner, L. A., 309, 310
Ratner, N. B., 101 Roffwarg, H. P., 83f Sadegh-Nobari, T., 119, 120 Schroeder, R. D., 202
Rau, B., 390, 404, 407 Rogers, C., 401 Saenz, J., 186 Schueler, C. M., 126
Rauer, A. J., 314, 335 Rogoff, B., 149 Saeteren, B., 453, 454 Schuengel, C., 380
Raver, C. C., 119 Rohlfsen, L. S., 422 Saffran, J. R., 101 Schulz, M. S., 333
Ray, B., 296 Roisman, G. I., 189 Sagi, A., 113, 114, 114f Schulze, H. J., 380
Raz, S., 64 Rojas-Flores, L., 202 Sahin-Hodoglugil, N. N., 63 Schut, H., 411
Reales, J. M., 398 Rollock, D., 202 Saito, Y., 422 Schwartz, C. E., 127
Reczek, C., 331 Romano, E., 181 Sakuta, Y., 393 Schwartz, S. J., 302
Redd, L., 220 Romeo, R. D., 271 Salmela-Aro, K., 314 Schwartz-Mette, R. A., 179, 187
Reddy, V., 125 Romer, D., 277 Samimi, P., 318t Scrimgeour, M. B., 177
Reese, E., 159, 160 Roodin, P., 374 Samson, D., 160 Scrimsher, S., 149
Reeve, J., 222 Roosevelt, E., 191 Samson, R. D., 394 Seale, C., 468
Regan, P., 78–79 Roosevelt, F. D., 6, 404 Sánchez, B., 298 Sebastian, C., 266
Reif, J. A., 315 Rorie, M., 277, 285 Sánchez-Mora, C., 154 Sebastián-Enesco, C., 175
Reijneveld, S. A., 208 Rose, A. J., 179, 187, 188 Sánchez-Villegas, A., 141 Seery, M. D., 362
Reimer, J., 264, 264t Rose, J., 64 Sandberg, L., 382, 383 Seiffge-Krenke, I., 290, 290f,
Reimer, K., 265 Rosenblum, K. E., 149 Sandberg-Thoma, S. E., 314 297, 298, 308
Reiser, L. W., 237, 241 Rosenfield, R. L., 238 Sandler, I. N., 210f, 211, 410 Self-Brown, S. R., 221
Reiss, D., 359 Rosenthal, M., 162 Santella, R. M., 64 Seligman, M. P., 364
NI-10 Name Index
Selman, R. L., 277 Singg, S., 458 Spinath, F. M., 19 Sullivan, H. S., 188
Seltzer, J. A., 337 Sinnott, J. D., 374 Spronk, K., 455 Sullivan, S. J., 400
Sengupta, M., 464 Sjörs, G., 64 Sroufe, L. A. ., 113 Sun, S. S., 238
Sercombe, H., 278 Skinner, B. F., 12–13, 99–100 St. James-Roberts, I., 80, 81, 85 Sung-Chan, P., 141
Serman, N., 248 Skinner, D., 206, 207 Stafford, L., 335 Super, C. M., 171
Serour, G. I., 57 Skogli, E. W., 155 Staikova, E., 155 Super, D. E., 347
Settersten, R. A., 296 Skoog, T., 242, 242f Stamatakis, E. E., 139 Surra, C. A., 316, 317t
Seymour, F., 338 Skoranski, A. M., 141 Stamatiadis, N., 431, 431f Susser, E. E., 49
Shafer, E. F., 350 Slater, A., 89, 90 Standing, K., 350 Sussman, S., 284, 304
Shafer, K., 338 Slaughter, V., 160 Stange, J. P., 159 Sutherland, O., 271
Shager, H., 120 Slavin, R. E., 222 Stanley, S. M., 335 Sutin, A. R., 359, 360
Shahaeian, A., 161 Slevec, J., 381 Stark, R., 154 Sutton, S., 49
Shakespeare, W., 260, 266 Slobin, D. I., 158 Stark, T. H., 273 Švab, A., 344
Shalev, I., 28 Smallfield, S., 426 Stattin, H., 241, 242 Svaldi, J., 248
Shamay-Tsoory, S., 162t Smart, A., 155 Stebbins, H., 123 Svedin, C.-G., 208
Shanahan, M. J., 359 Smetana, J. G., 125, 284 Steele, S., 162 Svensson, B., 208
Shapero, B. G., 208 Smith, A. K., 127 Steger, M. F., 348 Swann, W. B., 174
Share, M., 377 Smith, A. R., 275 Steiger, A. E., 360 Swicegood, G., 331, 331f
Sharf, B. F., 439 Smith, B. T., 370, 398 Stein, A., 120, 121 Swift, H. J., 392
Shariff, M. J., 462 Smith, C. V., 320 Stein, J. A., 245 Swinburn, B. A., 139, 140
Sharts-Hopko, N. C., 36 Smith, E. O., 136 Stein, J. H., 237, 241 Syed, A., 302
Shaver, P., 318 Smith, G., 49 Steinberg, L., 239, 267, 268, Syme, M. L., 382
Shaver, P. R., 320 Smith, G. R., 380 275, 276, 281 Syracuse-Siewert, G., 315
Shaw, D. S., 273 Smith, J., 204, 340, 341, 369 Steinhausen, H., 163f
Shaw, G. B., 316 Smith, J. P., 78 Steinmayr, R., 221 T
Shaw, H., 247 Smith, L., 462 Sternberg, R. J., 213, 217, 218, Tadmor, C. T., 303
Shaywitz, B. A., 214, 215t Smith, M. E., 158 219, 306, 333, 333f, 368 Tager-Flusberg, H., 162
Shaywitz, S. E., 214, 215t Smith, P. K., 184 Stetler, C. A., 398 Talmi, A., 124
Shdaimah, C., 121 Smith, R. L., 179, 187 Stetsenko, A., 150 Tambalis, K. D., 139
Shearer, C. L., 281 Smith Slep, A. M., 206 Stevens, B., 88 Tamborini, C. R., 407
Sheehan, A., 78 Smock, P. J., 332 Stevens, N., 188 Tanner, J. L., 6, 294
Shelden, R. G., 286 Smolak, L., 245 Stewart, A., 206 Tanner, J. M., 233, 233f, 235f,
Sheldon, K. M., 374 Stewart, A. J., 364 236, 237f, 238f
Smolucha, F., 183
Sheridan, A., 84, 85 Stewart, D. E., 286 Tareque, M. I., 422
Smolucha, L., 183
Shi, J., 405, 406, 407 Sticca, F., 193 Tarrant, R. C., 78
Snarey, J. R., 264
Shih, F., 453, 455, 456 Stice, E., 247 Taumoepeau, M., 160
Snowling, M., 154
Shing, Y. L., 394, 396 Stiles, J., 41, 74, 75, 76t Taveras, E. M., 141
Snyder, L., 436
Shirai, Y., 380 Stipek, D. J., 221 Taylor, A., 245
Snyder, S., 465
Shoaib, A., 246 Stolk, R. P., 141 Taylor, C. A., 206
Soares, C., 382t
Shochat, T., 278 Stoltenborgh, M., 207 Taylor, J. L., 162
Social Security Monthly
Shonkoff, J. P., 121f Statistical Snapshot, 405 Stone, R., 440 Taylor, R., 248
Short, M. A., 278 Soderberg, L., 49 Stout, M., 277 Taylor, Z. E., 177
Shulman, E. P., 276 Soderlund, G., 155 Strand, B. H., 434 Tedeschi, R. G., 410
Shulman, S., 298, 314 Soenens, B., 178, 222 Strauss, A. L., 460, 461 Teeri, S., 441
Sibley, M. H., 272 Solmeyer, A. R., 273 Stremler, R., 84 Teitler, J., 331
Sieswerda-Hoogendoorn, T., Son, J., 380 Striegel-Moore, R. H., 247 Telzer, E. H., 90, 278
208 Sonuga-Barke, E. J. S., 154, Strier, R., 345 Terplan, M., 49
Sikstrom, S., 155 155, 156 Stringer, K. J., 297 Terry, P., 379
Silveira, M. J., 467 Soric, M., 140 Stroebe, M., 411 Teskereci, G., 57
Silventoinen, K., 238 Sossou, M.-A., 412 Stroebe, W., 411 Teti, D. M., 84, 85
Silver, R., 27, 27f Soto, C. J., 365t Strohl, J., 307, 307f Tetlock, P. E., 303
Silver, R. C., 362 Soussignan, R., 88 Strohmeier, D., 191 Thacker, K. S., 461, 462
Silverman, W. K., 241 Souza, J., 63 Stronach, E. P., 208 Thakar, M., 335
Silverstein, M., 339, 377 Sowell, E., 49 Stunkard, A. J., 139 Thaler, N. S., 151
Silvetti, M., 154 Spangler, G., 273 Sturaro, C., 191 Thapar, A., 154
Simion, F., 89 Spear, L. P., 269 Styne, D., 233, 234, 236, 237, The, N. S., 139
Simmons, R. G., 241, 242 Spearman, C., 216 238, 239 Theis, W., 433, 434, 435
Simon, T., 399 Specht, J., 360, 361, 361f Suanet, B., 339 Thiessen, E. D., 101
Simons, D. A., 206, 207 Speisman, R. B., 435 Suárez-Orozco, C., 282 Thomaes, S., 175, 178
Simonton, D. K., 370, 371f Spencer, S. V., 188, 189 Subrahmanyam, K., 249 Thoman, E. B., 82, 82f
Simpson, J. A., 115, 335 Spense, A., 294t Subramanian, S. V., 412 Thomas, A., 113, 129
Sims, M., 378, 379 Spinath, B., 221 Sullivan, A. R., 410, 411, 412 Thomas, J. R., 138
Name Index NI-11
Argentina, age of marriage in, autobiographical memories, natural childbirth and, 61, brain imaging
314 159–160 62t impulsivity and, 267
arranged marriages, 311–312, autonomy, 124 placental expulsion and, 60 late adulthood memory
330, 335 adolescent push for, 280–281 threats at, 61 deficits and, 394f,
arrests, of adolescents, 268, 270, intrinsic motivation and, birth defects, 46–56 394–395
271f 222, 223t chromosomal problems and, prenatal, 55
ART. See assisted reproductive loss of, in old age, 430–432, 51–52 breadwinner role, 344, 345
technology (ART) 431f genetic disorders and, 52–55, breast development, 236, 240
artificialism, 145–146 as psychosocial task, 20, 20t 53t breast-feeding, 78–79
artistic personality type, 349t autonomy versus shame and interventions for, 55–56 breech birth, 61
ASDs. See autism spectrum doubt stage, 20, 20t, 124t teratogens and, 46, 47t, Britain, emerging adulthood
disorders (ASDs) average life expectancy, 6–7, 7f 48–51 in, 297
Asian Americans timeline of, 56
avoidant attachment, 111, 112f, bulimia nervosa, 246, 247
dating of people of other 318 bisexual persons, sexual identity
ethnic groups by, 312 bullying, 192–194
avoidant/dismissive insecure of, 313
puberty timetable of, 238 prevention of, 193
attachment, 318, 319 Blacks. See African Americans
terminal illness and, 465–466 bully-victims, 192
axons, 74, 74f blastocyst, 39, 39f, 40
assimilation, in cognitive BMI. See body mass index
developmental theory, 21 C
assisted reproductive technology CACFP. See Child and Adult
babbling, 100, 100t body image, 244–248
(ART), 58f, 58–59 Care Food Program
babies. See infancy; newborns eating disorders and, (CACFP)
assisted-living facilities, 439 246–247, 247t
Babinski reflex, 77f calorie restriction, lifespan and,
atherosclerosis, 418 gender differences in 420
baby boom cohort, 5
attachment, 107, 108–117 concerns about, 244–246
“Decade of Protest” and, 7 Canada
child care and, 121 improving, 248
retirement and, 405, 407 child abuse in, 207
clear-cut, 110 body mass index (BMI), 139
baby talk, 101 infant feeding in, 78
context for, 108–109 early puberty and, 238–239
baby-proofing, 92 palliative care in, 462
early-childhood poverty and, body weight. See childhood
“Back to Sleep” campaign, 86 obesity; weight self-criticism in middle
“bad” crowds, 284–286 adulthood in, 361, 361f
later relationships and boundaryless careers, 347
bargaining, as stage of dying, cardiovascular disease, gender
mental health related to, boys. See males; entries
452–453 difference in, 422
115, 341 beginning with term
basic ADL problems, 418, 419, gender careers, 304–311. See also work
love relationships and,
318–320, 341 419f Bradley method, 62t boundaryless, 347
milestones of, 109–110 basic trust, as psychosocial task, brain changes in, 347
stability of, genetics of, 20, 20t ADHD and, 154 college education for,
115–116 basic trust versus mistrust stage, 308–310, 309t
adolescent, 278
styles of, 111, 111f, 112f, 20, 20t, 84t flow and, 305–306, 306f,
amygdala of, 89–90
318–320, 341, 411–412 Beacon Elementary School, 220 309–310
cerebral cortex of, 74, 136f,
synchrony of, 112–113 behavioral genetics, 16–18, 22t gender work roles and,
universality of, 113–114, 114f 350–352, 351f
behaviorism, 12–14, 22t development of. See brain
attachment in the making, 110 happiness and success in,
attachment and, 108–109 development
attachment response, 15–16 cognitive, 13–14 face perception in infancy
high goals for, 304
lack of, 116 reinforcement and, 12–13 and, 89–90
marriage and, 314, 350–352
attachment styles, 111, 111f, traditional, 12 frontal lobes of, 136f,
112f 136–137, 154, 394 matching to personality,
Belgium, emerging adulthood 348–349, 349t
adult, 318–320, 341 in, 297 neural pruning and, 74, 274,
275t optimal workplace and,
reactions to widowhood and, bidirectionality, 18
plasticity of, 75 349–350
of education, 149 in public health, 80
attachment theory, 15–16, 22t sensitivity to stress,
of relationships, 18, 202, 342 depression and, 271 school-to-work transition
attention, selective, 152, 152f,
Big Five traits, 358–362 sudden infant death and, 308
binge eating disorder, 246–247 syndrome (SIDS) and, 86 self-esteem and emotional
binge-drinking, 49 theory of mind and, 162t growth during college and
disorder (ADHD),
beyond and, 304–305, 305f
154–156 biracial identity, 303 brain development, 41, 41f
stable, 347
interventions for, 155–156 birth, 60–63 child maltreatment and, 208
stimulating, maintaining
audience, imaginary, 266 Bradley method for, 62t in childhood, 136f, 136–137
cognitive abilities and,
Australia breech, 61 during infancy, 74–76, 76t 372–373
fatherhood role in, 344 cesarean section and, 62t, language development tips for finding, 309t
positivity effect in, 400 62–63 related to, 101, 101f
without college degree,
resilience of personality in, dilation and effacement and, low birth weight and, 64 306–308, 307f
361, 361f 60, 60f neural pruning and, 74, 274, caregivers. See also fathers;
authoritarian parents, 201 Lamaze technique for, 61, 275t mother(s); parent(s)
authoritative parents, 201, 202 62t prenatal tests and, 55 for Alzheimer’s disease
autism spectrum disorders maternal death and, 61 social cognition and, 136 patients, interventions for,
(ASDs), 162–164, 163f medical interventions for, 62t teratogens and, 46, 48 436–437
Subject Index SI-3
for elderly parents, 379–381 mourning death of a child cognitive development. See also about puberty, 243
grandparents as, 379 and, 458–459 intelligence; language; about terminal illness,
obesity during. See language development; 453–454
other attachments of, 113,
childhood obesity memory(ies); thinking communities, caring, 423
physical development in adolescence, 258–279 companionate marriages, 334
synchrony in attachment
and, 112 during, 137–142 in childhood, 142–156 concrete operational stage, 21t,
caregiving grandparents, 379 preoperational stage during, in infancy, 93–99 93t, 142, 143t, 146–147,
caring communities, 423 21t, 93t, 142–146, 143t, Piaget’s stages of, 93–98, 147t
147–148 142–148, 143t self-awareness and, 171
cataracts, 425
social cognition during, 136 cognitive developmental theory, conditioning, operant, 12–14
categorization, in infancy, 98t
zone of proximal 21t, 21–22, 22t
cell phones, 9 conflict management,
development during, 149f, cognitive disorders. See friendships and, 189
centering, 143 149–150 neurocognitive disorders
conscientiousness, 359–360
central Europe. See also specific childhood obesity, 139–142 (NCDs)
countries as Big Five trait, 359
consequences of, 140–141 cohabitation
attitudes toward euthanasia education and, 359–360
epigenetics of, 140 rise in, 329t, 329–330
in, 469 growth of, during young
preventing, 141–142 serial, 329
cephalocaudal sequence, 41, 90, adulthood, 305
roots of, 140 in southern Europe, 295
91, 137 conservation tasks, 143, 148
size of epidemic, 139f, cohorts, 5–9
cerebral cortex, 74 consummate love, 334
139–140 baby boom, 5, 7, 407
development of, 136f, contexts of development, 5–11
136–137 children, favorite, of mothers, changing conceptions of
for adolescence, 260–261, 261t
342–343 adult life and, 7–8
certified midwives, 62t for attachment, 108–109
China changing conceptions of
certified nurse assistants (aides), childhood and, 5–6 cohort and, 5–9
441 elder care in, 438
changing conceptions culture and ethnicity and,
cervix, 36, 37f marriage in, 298–299 10, 10f
of later life and, 6–7, 7f
cesarean section, 62t, 62–63 parenting style in, 202 for death and dying, 450, 450f
cross-sectional studies and,
child abuse. See child chorionic villus sampling 27–28 for emerging adulthood,
maltreatment (CVS), 55 Great Recession of 2008 295–296
Child and Adult Care Food chromosomal disorders, 51–52 and, 9 gender and, 10–11, 11t
Program (CACFP), 81t chromosomes, 38, 38f on-line relationships and, for home, 200, 200f
child care, 120–123, 121f sex, 38, 38f, 51 8–9 for late adulthood, 390f,
attachment and, 121 telomeres of, 421 colic, 81 390–392, 392t
choosing, 123, 123t chronic disease collaborative pretend play, 183 for marriage, 328–332, 329f
development and, 121–122 death due to, 455 collectivist cultures, 10 for middle adulthood, 358
quality of, 122–123 fetal programming research adolescent-parent for parenthood, 340, 340f
child custody, divorce and, on, 51 relationships in, 280, 282 of pregnancy, 36
210–211 gender differences in, caring for elderly parents for puberty, 232–234
child development, 4 422–423 in, 380 for retirement, 404–405
child maltreatment, 207–209 in late adulthood, 418 family in, 294, 298
for school, 212f, 212–213
consequences of, 208–209 life expectancy and, 7 learning by observation in,
socioeconomic status and, 9
interventions against, 209 149
terminal drop and, 372 continuing-care retirement
risk factors for, 208 view of adulthood in, 294
chronic diseases communities, 439
childbed fever, 61 college education
HIV/AIDS as, 47t, 63 control intervention, 26
childbirth. See birth income and, 307
circular reactions, 93–94, 95t, conventional level of morality,
childhood, 132–167. See also 96, 110 inner growth during, 264, 264t
early childhood; middle 309–310
class inclusion, 143–144 conventional personality type,
childhood lack of, careers and, 306– 349t
classroom learning, 219–224. 308, 307f
abuse during. See child See also education; cooing, 100, 100t
maltreatment tips for succeeding in college
school(s) corporal punishment, 206. See
brain development during, and, 309t, 309–310
Common Core State also spanking
136f, 136–137 commitment
Standards and, correlational studies, 25, 26
changing conceptions of, 5–6 223–224 marital satisfaction and, 335,
cortisol, during pregnancy, 50
child care and, 120–123, 336, 337t
intrinsic and extrinsic co-sleeping, 85, 86t
121f motivation and, 221–222 of teachers, 220
counseling, genetic, 55
cognitive development lessons for teachers and, 223t in triangular theory of love,
333, 333f, 334 couvade, 43
during, 142–156 successful schools and, 220
commitment script, 366 crawling, 91, 92
concrete operational stage
clear-cut attachment, 110 creative intelligence, 218
during, 21t, 93t, 142, Common Core State Standards,
143t, 146–147, 147t, 171 cliques, 283 223–224 creativity, age and, 370–371,
context for, 136–137 cocaine, teratogenic effects of, communication. See also 371f
47t language; language creeping, 91
experience of dying during,
458 cognition. See also thinking development; speech crime(s)
information-processing gender schema theory and, in adolescence, 281 arrests of adolescents for,
perspective on, 151–156 187 with elderly people, 428 268, 270, 271f
motor abilities during, 138t, social. See social cognition marital happiness and, committed by adolescents,
138–139 cognitive behaviorism, 13–14 335–336 punishment for, 276
SI-4 Subject Index
crime(s) (cont.) death and dying, 448–473 despair, integrity versus, power-assertion. See power
delinquent groups and, advance directives and, 401–402, 402t assertion
284–286 467–468 developed-world nations. See spanking and, 181, 206–207
cross-sectional studies, 27–28 age-based rationing of care also specific countries disease. See also chronic
crowds, 283–286 and, 469–470 infertility in, 57 disease; health, physical;
“bad,” 284–286 of child, mourning, 458–459 socioeconomic status of, 9 infectious diseases; specific
gangs as, 286 child’s experience of, 458 developing-world nations. See
also specific countries age-related, deprivation in
kinds of, 284, 285f context for, 450, 450f
womb and, 51
purpose of, 283–284 cultural variations and, 451 basic values of, 10
disorganized attachment, 111,
crowning, 60 euthanasia and, 468–469 infertility in, 57
112f, 115
crying good death and, 455–456, malnutrition in, 79f,
divided-attention tasks, 393, 431
457t, 461 79–80, 81t
during infancy, 80–82, 87t divorce, 209–211, 211t,
grieving and, 457–458 socioeconomic status of, 9
soothing and, 81–82 337–338
history of, 450–452 stunting in, 79, 79f
crystallized intelligence, 369, custody and visitation and,
370, 371f hospice care for, 463–466, development. See also specific 210f, 210–211
464f types of development
terminal drop in, 372 emotional growth following,
infant mortality and, 65f, adult, 4 337–338
c-section, 62t, 62–63
65–66 of brain, 41, 41f impact on children,
cuddling, 82, 110
maternal mortality and, 61, 63 cephalocaudal sequence of, 209–210, 211t
culture(s). See also specific
middle knowledge and, 41, 90, 91, 137 in Iran, 330
groups and countries
454–455 child, 4 DNA. See deoxyribonucleic acid
relationships and, 280, palliative care for, 462–463 contexts of. See contexts of (DNA)
282 physician-assisted suicide development Do Not Hospitalize (DNH)
attitudes toward obesity and, and, 468, 469 lifespan, 4 orders, 467
141 as play theme, 184 mass-to-specific sequence of, Do Not Resuscitate (DNR)
child maltreatment and, risk of, widowhood and, 410 41, 91, 138 orders, 467
207 SIDS and, 86 proximodistal sequence of, doctors. See health-care
collectivist. See collectivist 40, 91 providers; physicians
of spouse, 409–412
cultures developmental disorders, dominant disorders, 52, 53t, 54
stage theory of, 452–454
death and dying and, 451 48–49. See also dopamine, ADHD and, 154
terminal drop and, 372 intellectual disability
fatherhood role and, 344, dose-response effect, 116
traditional hospital care for, ASDs as, 162–164, 163f
345 double standard, sexual,
fear of birth defects and, 46 developmental scientists. See 252–253
“Decade of Protest,” 7 developmentalists
formal operational thinking doubt, autonomy versus, 20,
decentering, 143 developmental systems
and, 267 20t, 124t
deinstitutionalization of approach, 22–24, 23f
individualist. See doulas, 61, 62t
marriage, 328–332, 329f to adult roles, 326
individualistic cultures Down syndrome, 51–52
delinquent groups, 284–286 to attachment, 113, 114f
“of connectivity,” 9 driving, in old age, 430–432,
delirium, in Alzheimer’s disease, to caring for elderly parents,
parenting styles and, 202 431f
435 380
puberty and, 232–233 drugs. See illicit drug use;
dementia. See Alzheimer’s to reactions to widowhood,
response to menarche and, medications
disease; neurocognitive 411–412
240 disorders (NCDs) Dunedin Multidisciplinary
retirement and, 408 to relationships, 341 Health, 28 and
dendrites, 74, 74f
risks linked with early to sleep during infancy, 84 Development Study
denial, as stage of dying, 452
maturing in girls and, developmentalists, 3 durable power of attorney for
242, 242f Denmark health care, 467, 468
lifespan development and, 4–5
scaffolding and, 149 elder care in, 438 dying. See death and dying
research strides made by, 475
spanking and, 206 emerging adulthood in, 295 dying trajectory, 460
deviancy training, 285
theory of mind and, 162t deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), 38 dyslexia, 214–215, 215t
diabetic retinopathy, 425
widowhood and, 412 epigenetics and. See ear(s). See hearing
dialectic behavior therapy,
custodial grandparents, 379 for eating disorders, 248 early childhood
dependent variables, 27f
custody, divorce and, diethylstilbestrol (DES), fantasy play during, 183–184
210–211 depression (economic). See teratogenic effects of, 48 information-processing
Great Depression
cutting, during adolescence, difficult babies, 113 guidelines for, 153t
270–271 depression (emotional)
dilation, 60 initiative versus guilt stage
CVS. See chorionic villus in adolescence, 242, 271 during, 20t, 171t, 171–172
sampling (CVS) cognitive decline associated poverty during, 117–120
intellectual. See intellectual
cyberbullying, 193 with, 398
disability psychosocial task of, 20t
cystic fibrosis (CF), 53t dying and, 453
in late adulthood, 400–401
cytomegalovirus, teratogenic in early-maturing girls, 242 E
learning, 214
effects of, 47t gender differences in, 271 Early Head Start, 120
discipline. See also parenting
widowhood and, 410 styles early puberty, 238–239
D depth perception, in infancy, authoritative, for adolescents, eastern Europe. See also specific
dating, 312 90, 90f 273 countries
day-care centers, 121 DES. See diethylstilbestrol (DES) harsh, temperament evoking, attitudes toward euthanasia
day-care programs, 439 desire, sexual. See sexual desire 180–181, 181f in, 469
Subject Index SI-5
easy babies, 113 teratogens during, 46 supports to aid memory and, adolescent-parent
eating. See also food; emerging adulthood, 294t, 396–397 relationships in, 280
malnutrition; 294–325 teratogenic effects of toxins fertility rates in, 340, 340f
undernutrition careers during. See careers; in, 47t maternal mortality in, 63
during infancy, 76–80, 87t, work timing of puberty and, 239 median age in, 390
141 context for, 295–296 environment-sensitive genes, retirement in, 404
eating disorders, 246–247, 247t end point of, 298–299 19–20 working hours in, 347
ecology, 22–24, 23f entry point for, 296–298 epidural anesthesia, for euthanasia, 468–469
economics. See financial issues; childbirth, 62t
generativity during, 364 evocative forces, 18
Great Recession of epigenetically programmed
2008; income; poverty; identity during, 300t, evocative process, parenting
pathways, 19–20
socioeconomic status 300–303 styles and, 202
epigenetics, 20
(SES) love during. See love; evolutionary psychology,
marriage of child maltreatment, 16, 22t
education. See also classroom 208
learning; school(s) mental health during, adolescent mind and, 275
304–305 of childhood obesity
bidirectionality of, 149 eating in infancy and, 77
epidemic, 140
college, 307, 308–310, 309t recognition of, as life stage, 6 social cognitive capacity and,
fetal programming research 136
conscientiousness and, emotion(s). See also and, 51
359–360 socioemotional executive functions, 151–156
development episiotomy, 62t
early-childhood poverty and, ADHD and, 154–156
fluctuating, widowhood and, episodic memory, 395f, 395–396
119 adolescent storms and, 273
410 equity
emerging adulthood and, allostatic load and, 372, 372f
295 in infancy, 106–131 intergenerational, 408–409
ASDs and, 162
about end of life, for health- intensity of, during marital, 341
conscientiousness and,
care workers, 462 adolescence, 269f, Erikson’s psychosocial stages, 359–360
Head Start and, 120 269–271, 271f 20, 20t, 22t, 84t
divided-attention tasks and,
in Iran, 330 management of, friendships in adolescence, 20, 20t, 300, 394
and, 189 300t
life expectancy and, emotion regulation and, 170
420–421, 422f related to pregnancy, 44 in early childhood, 20t, 171t,
growth of, during young
self-conscious, 125 171–172
mate finding and, 331–332 adulthood, 305
self-esteem and emotional in infancy, 20, 20t, 84t
national youth program inhibition and, 152–153
implemented during growth during college and in late adulthood, 20t,
in neurocognitive disorders,
Great Depression and, beyond and, 304–305, 401–402, 402t
260 305f in middle adulthood, 20, 20t,
rehearsal and, 152
preschools and, 120 emotion regulation, 170 363, 363t
selective attention and, 152
school-to-work transition problems with, at-risk teens in middle childhood, 171t,
172 exercise
and, 308 and, 272
in toddlerhood, 20, 20t, 124t for ADHD, 156
self-esteem and emotional emotional child abuse, 207
in young adulthood, 20t, lack of, childhood obesity
growth during college emotional support, friendship
311t and, 140
and, 304–305, 305f and, 188
erogenous zones, 15 to slow development of
sex, 243–244, 253–254 empathy, 176 Alzheimer’s disease, 435
socioeconomic status and. employment. See careers; work estrogens
staying cognitively smart and,
See socioeconomic status empty nest, marital satisfaction menopause and, 381–382 371, 373
(SES) and, 332 puberty and, 234 existential intelligence, 218
universal, 6 end-of-life care instruction, 462 ethics expectations, of mothers, 342
Efé people, attachment among, endometrium, 36, 37f care for the dying and,
114, 115 experience. See also life
entrepreneurial personality type, 461–462 experience
effacement, 60 moral judgment and, 263–
349t openness to, 359, 372
ego, 14–15 265, 264t
environment. See also nature experience-sampling technique,
egocentrism versus nurture issue in research, 27 269, 304
adolescent, 265–266 changing to increase healthy- ethnic identity, 302–303 experiments, true,
in Piaget’s theory, 146, 148 life years, 423–424 ethnicity. See also culture(s); 26–27, 27f
ejaculation, first, 241 epigenetics and. See specific groups externalizing tendencies, 170,
El Salvador, parenting style in, epigenetics attitudes toward obesity and, 172–173, 173t, 174t
202 IQ and, 216 141 in early-maturing girls,
elder care, 438–442 noise exposure and hearing dating and, 312 241–242
alternatives for, in United and, 426 face perception in infancy in highly aggressive children,
States, 439 parenting styles related to, and, 89–90 180–181
context for, 438 204–205 identity and, 302–303 in rejected children, 191
in nursing homes, person-environment fit and, transition to intercourse and, extinction, 12, 13
440–441 19 250 extraversion, 359
elderly people. See late pregnancy and, 46, 47t, in United States, 10, 10f extrinsic career rewards, 349
adulthood 48–51 ethology, attachment and, 108 extrinsic motivation, classroom
elderspeak, 428 puberty and, 234, 235f eudaimonic happiness, 364 learning and, 221–222
electronic fetal monitors, 62t reactions to widowhood and, Europe. See also specific exuberance
elopements, in India, 330 412 countries and regions of in highly aggressive children,
embryonic stage, 40, 40f school, puberty and, 243 Europe 180–181
SI-6 Subject Index
exuberance (cont.) fertilization, 36–39 gangs, adolescent, 286 DNA and, 38. See also
in toddlerhood, 126–127, genetics of, 38, 38f Gardner’s multiple intelligences epigenetics
128, 128t in vitro (IVF), 58 theory, 218 of eating disorders, 247
eyes. See vision process of, 36–38 gay males environment-sensitive genes
same-sex relationships and, and, 19–20
reproductive systems and,
F 36, 37f 312–314, 313t epigenetics and. See
face perception, in infancy, sexual identity of, 313 epigenetics
fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS), 49
88–90 gender. See also females; of fertilization, 38, 38f
fetal monitors, electronic, 62t
Facebook, 8, 9 males genes and, 19–20, 38, 38f
fetal programming research,
grandparents’ use of, 378 51, 421 impact of, 10–11, 11t parenting styles related to,
romance and, 317–318, 318t gender differences 204–205
fetal stage, 41f, 41–42, 42f
fall(s), avoiding, 429–430 in adolescent-parent puberty and, 234, 235f
financial issues. See also
fallopian tubes, 36, 37f income; poverty; relationships, 281 puberty timetables and, 238,
socioeconomic status in aggression, 179, 239
family(ies). See also fathers;
grandparent(s); (SES) 182, 189 resilient children and, 204
grandparenthood; divorce and, 337 in ASDs, 163 geriatric population. See late
mother(s); parent(s); during pregnancy, 44 in body image concerns, adulthood
parenting styles 244–246 German measles, teratogenic
retirement and, 404–406, 408
stereotypes about, 328t in chronic disease, 422–423 effects of, 46, 47t
fine motor skills, 138
work and, 347, 350–351 in depression, 271 Germany
Finland, age of marriage in, 314
family day care, 121 in disability, 423 apprentice programs in, 308
first trimester, 43
family watchdogs, 377 in eating disorders, 247 Hitler Youth and, 300
family-leave policies in grandparenthood, 378 resilience of personality in,
careers and, 305–306, 306f 361, 361f
fathers’ involvement in child in life expectancy, 422
care and, 345 in college, 309–310 retirement in, 404
love and, 334 in play, 185–187
working women and, 350 germinal stage, 39f, 39–40
marital satisfaction and, 334 in prosocial behavior,
family-work conflict, 350 176, 177 gerontology, 4
fantasy play, 183–184 fluid intelligence, 369–371, gestation, 42. See also
371f in puberty timetable,
FAS. See fetal alcohol syndrome 237, 238f pregnancy; prenatal
(FAS) in late adulthood, 393 development
in reactions to widowhood,
fathers, 344–345 Flynn effect, 216, 370 411–412 Ghana, grandmothers in, 377
actions of, 344–345 focused attachment, 110 sexual double standard and, gifted children, 214
breadwinner role of, 344, 345 food. See also eating; eating 252–253 girls. See females; entries
disorders; malnutrition; in sports-related activities, beginning with term
feelings about pregnancy of, 45 undernutrition 138 gender
involvement with children in ADHD, 155 in work and careers, glare, sensitivity to, 425
of, 345
inadequate. See malnutrition; 350–352, 351f glaucoma, 425
as nurturers, 344 undernutrition gender schema theory, 187 gonads, 234. See also ovaries;
parenting skills of, child food insecurity, 80, 119 gender-segregated play, 185–187 testes
mental health and, 210f,
210–211 Food Stamp Program, 81t gene(s), 38, 38f good death, 455–456, 457t, 461
reaction to miscarriage of, 45 formal operational stage, 21t, APOE-4, 434, 435 goodness of fit, 129
93t, 143t, 261–262, 262t, government-sponsored programs
favorite children of, 342–343 environment-sensitive, 19–20
266–267 (U.S.)
females. See also mother(s); generativity, 362–367
abstract reasoning in, Medicaid, 440
entries beginning with adult happiness and,
266–268 Medicare, 408, 439, 464, 465
term gender 364–365, 365t
egocentrism in, 265–266 nutritional, 81t
chances of remarriage for, age differences in, 364
338 moral judgment in, Social Security, 404–405,
263–265, 264t childhood memories and,
conception and birth of, 38 366–367 408
Freud’s psychosexual stages, 15 youth program implemented
early-maturing, 241–243 McAdams’s Generative
“friends with benefits,” 251 during Great Depression
infertility in, 57 Concern Scale and, 363t,
friendships, 188–189 363–364 and, 260
lesbian, 312–314, 313t
core qualities of, 188 as psychosocial task, 20, 20t grades, as external reinforcers,
menstruation and, 233f, 221
233–234, 236, 240, functions of, 188–189 redemption sequences and,
381–382, 382t widowhood and, 410–411 366 grammar, 99
physical changes of puberty frontal lobes generativity versus stagnation Grand Central Station, hearing
in, 235–236, 237f stage, 20, 20t, 363, 363t loop in, 429
ADHD and, 154
physiological hardiness of, 10 genetic counselors, 55 grandparent(s)
development of, 136f,
pregnancy and. See 136–137 genetic disorders, 52–55, 53t caregiving, 379
pregnancy late adulthood memory genetic testing, 55 custodial, 379
reproductive system of, 36, 37f deficits and, 394 genetics. See also gene(s); grandparenthood, 377–379
retirement of, 405 frustration-aggression heritability; nature versus grasping reflex, 77, 77f
sexuality in middle hypothesis, 179 nurture issue Great Depression
adulthood and, 381–383, of ADHD, 154, 155 national youth program
382t, 383t G of Alzheimer’s disease, 434, implemented during, 260
fertility, puberty and, 236, 237 g factor, 216–217 435 Social Security and, 404
fertility rates, 340, 340f gametes, 38 behavioral, 16–18, 22t Great Recession of 2008, 9
Subject Index SI-7
career goals and, 304 dying trajectory and, home health services, 439 immigrant paradox, 282
retirement and, 405 460–461 homogamy, 315, 317, 317t, implantation, 39, 39f
working hours and, 347 end-of-life care instruction 331–332, 360 impulsivity, in adolescence,
for, 462 homophobia, 313 267
Greece, emerging adulthood
in, 295 ethical choices faced by, homosexuality. See bisexual in vitro fertilization (IVF), 58
death and, 461–462 persons; gay males; income. See also financial issues;
grieving. See mourning
hospice care provided by, lesbians poverty; socioeconomic
gross motor skills, 138 463–466, 464f hormones, 36. See also status (SES)
groups, adolescent, 282–286 physician-assisted suicide estrogens; oxytocin; college education and, 307
cliques as, 283 and, 468, 469 testosterone gender differences in, 351
crowds as, 283–286 working in nursing homes, ovulation and, 36 during retirement, 404–405,
delinquent, 284–286 441 during pregnancy, 43 408
growth, emotional health-care system puberty and, 234 income inequality, 8–9
during college, 304–305, age-based rationing of care sexual desire and, 249 independent variables, 26, 27f
305f and, 469–470
hospice movement, 463–466, India, marriage in, 312,
following divorce, death and dying and. See 464f 330–331
337–338 death and dying
hospital care, for death and individual differences
growth, physical healthy-life years, 423, 423f dying, 460–462 in puberty timetables,
in adolescence, 235–236 hearing hostile attributional bias, 238–239
in childhood, 137 aging and, 426–428, 427f, 181–182 in theory of mind,
430t antisocial peer groups and,
in infancy, 90 160–162, 162t
in infancy, 88t 286
low birth weight and, 64 individualistic cultures, 10
hearing aids, 427, 428 HPG axis, puberty and, 234
growth spurt, 235 adolescent-parent
hearing loop, 428, 429 human chorionic gonadotropin relationships in, 280, 282
in boys, 236 (HCG), 43
heart attacks, gender difference view of adulthood in, 294, 295
in girls, 235–236 in, 422 Hunger Winter, 50 induction, 177
guilt hedonic happiness, 364 Huntington disease (HD), 53t, industry, as psychosocial task,
initiative versus, 20t, 171t, “Heinz dilemma,” 263–264, 54 20, 20t
171–172 264t
industry versus inferiority stage,
prosocial behavior and, 178 helplessness, learned, 172 I 171t, 172
hemophilia, 53t id, 14, 15 infancy, 72–124. See also
H Hereditary Disease Foundation, identity, 300t, 300–303 newborns
habituation, 88 54 ethnic, 302–303 attachment during. See
happiness heritability. See also genetics Marcia’s identity statuses entries beginning with
in career, 348–350 of IQ, 19 and, 300–302 term attachment
after divorce, 337–338 of personality, 360 as psychosocial task, 20, 20t basic trust versus mistrust
herpes, teratogenic effects of, sexual, 313 stage during, 20, 20t, 84t
eudiamonic, 364
47t identity achievement, 301 birth and. See birth
friendship and, 410–411
hip fractures, 429 identity confused people, brain development during,
hedonic, 364
Hispanic/Latino Americans 313–314 74–76, 76t
of marriage, 320, 332–333,
body image concerns among, identity constancy, 145 categorization during, 98t
335–336, 340–341
245–246 child care and, 120–123, 121f
in middle adulthood, identity diffusion, 300, 301
364–365, 365t conception of intelligence cognitive development
identity foreclosure, 301
among, 213 during, 93–99
in old age, keys to, identity statuses, 300–302
dating of people of other context for, 74–76
401–402, 402t identity versus role confusion
ethnic groups by, 312 crying during, 80–82, 87t
in retirement, 407 stage, 20, 20t, 300, 300t
longevity of, 422 Early Head Start during, 120
HCG. See human chorionic IDS. See infant-directed speech
gonadotropin (HCG) puberty timetable of, 238 (IDS) eating during, 76–80, 87t,
Hitler Youth, 300 141
HD. See Huntington disease illicit drug use
(HD) HIV/AIDS growth during, 90
in adolescence, 268, 269t
Head Start, 120 maternal mortality and, 63 language development
teratogenic effects of, 47t
teratogenic effects of, 47t during, 99–102
health, mental. See mental illness. See also chronic disease;
Hmong culture, death and malnutrition during, 79f,
health disease; health, physical;
dying and, 451 79–80, 81t
health, physical. See also infectious diseases; specific
Holland disorders memory during, 98t
chronic disease; disease;
infectious diseases; specific age of marriage in, 314 terminal, 453–454. See also motor development during,
disorders death and dying 91–92
Hunger Winter in, 50
malnutrition and, 79, 80 imaginary audience, 266 sensorimotor stage during,
Holland’s six types of 21t, 93t, 93–96, 95t, 143t
socioeconomic health gap personality, 348–349, 349t imitation, 13
and, 420–422, 422f sleeping during, 82f, 82–86,
holophrase stage, 100, 100t immigrant(s). See also specific
staying cognitively smart and, home, 200–212. See also fathers; immigrant groups
socioemotional development
371–372, 372f mother(s); parent(s); acculturation of, 205, 282
during, 106–131. See also
widowhood and, 410 parenting styles adolescent-parent entries beginning with
health-care providers context for, 200, 200f relationships among, 282 term attachment
advance directives and, leaving. See nest-leaving death and dying and, 451 sudden infant death
467–468 home deaths, 465–466, 466t parenting styles of, 202 syndrome during, 86
SI-8 Subject Index
infancy (cont.) mental stimulation and, median age in, 390 retirement and. See retirement
synchrony in attachment 372–373 working women in, 350 stereotypes about, 392t
and, 112–113 postformal thought and. See jobs. See careers; work as unhappiest time of life,
temperament during, postformal thought 400–401
112–113 practical, 218 K vision during, 424–426,
understanding of numbers staying cognitively smart and, kangaroo care, 81–82 425f, 430t
during, 98t 371–374 widowhood during,
kinesthetic intelligence, 219
vision during, 88–90 Sternberg’s views on, 409–412
Kohlberg’s stages of moral
infant massage, 82 217–218 young-old, 390
judgment, 263–265, 264t
infant mortality, 65f, 65–66 successful, 218 Latinos. See Hispanic/Latino
Kübler-Ross’s stage theory of
infant-directed speech (IDS), intelligence tests. See IQ tests dying, 452–454 Americans
101 intentions, infant social !Kung San people, infant care laws
infectious diseases cognition and, 98–99 among, 81 banning corporal
childbed fever, 61 intercourse, first, age of, 250f, kwashiorkor, 80 punishment, 206
HIV/AIDS, 47t, 63 250–251 on child custody, 210
labor, 60, 60f. See also birth
life expectancy and, 7 intergenerational equity, on child maltreatment
408–409 reporting, 209
teratogenic effects of, 46, 47t L
internalizing tendencies, 170, punishment for adolescent
inferiority, industry versus, 171t, 172–173, 173t LAD. See language acquisition
172 device (LAD) crimes and, 276
in rejected children, 191 lead, teratogenic effects of,
infertility, 56–59 Lamaze technique, 61, 62t
interpersonal intelligence, 218 47t
interventions for, 58f, 58–59 language
interracial dating, 312 learned helplessness, 172
information processing brain plasticity and, 75
intimacy, 311. See also love learning
ADHD and, 154–156 inner speech and, 157
in triangular theory of love, classroom. See classroom
driving and, 431 333, 333f, 334 language acquisition device learning
information-processing (LAD), 99
intimacy versus isolation stage, passion to learn and
approach 311t language development, language development
to cognitive development, 99–102, 157–158, 158t and, 99–100
intrapersonal intelligence, 218
97, 151–156 brain development related to,
intrinsic career rewards, 349 social, body image concerns
guidelines for, to early and 101, 101f and, 245–246
middle childhood, 153t intrinsic motivation
milestones of, 100t, learning disabilities, 214
on memory, 394f, 394–395 classroom learning and,
100–102, 101f lens, of eye, 425, 425f
prosocial behavior and, passion to learn and, 99–100
flow and, 306 leptin, puberty and, 234
176–177 late adulthood, 388–445
investigative personality type, lesbians
inhibition, 152–153 ageism and, 391
349t same-sex relationships and,
initiative versus guilt stage, 20t, as best time of life, 399–400
IQ tests, 213–214, 214f, 312–314, 313t
171t, 171–172
216–217. See also caring for elderly parents sexual identity of, 313
inner speech, 157
intelligence and, 379–381 libido, 15
insecure attachment, 115
changing scores with age, changing conceptions of, life expectancy
insecurely attached children, 368–369, 369f 6–7, 7f
111, 112f average, 6–7, 7f
Flynn effect and, 216, 370 changing personal priorities
institutionalization of Down syndrome babies,
reliability and validity of, during, 398–399 51–52
of babies, attachment and, 216–217 context for, 390f,
116 dying trajectory and, 460
self-doubt and, 397–398 390–392, 392t
for elders, alternatives to, 439 education and, 421, 422f
WAIS, 368, 369f, 369–370 driving during, 430–432,
instrumental ADL problems, emerging adulthood and,
WISC, 213–214, 214f 431f 295
418, 419, 419f
Iran elder care services for, lifespan limit and, 419–420
integrity, in old age, 401–402, 438–442
402t child abuse in, 207 marital status and, 333
infertility in, 57 happiness in, keys to,
integrity versus despair stage, median age and, 390
401–402, 402t
401–402, 402t marriage in, 330 socioeconomic health gap
hearing during, 426–428,
intellectual disability maternal mortality in, 63 and, 420–422, 422f
427f, 430t
in Down syndrome, 51 Ireland, infant feeding in, 78 twentieth-century revolution
integrity versus despair stage
IQ scores and, 214 isolation, intimacy versus, 311t in, 6–7, 7f
during, 20t, 401–402, 402t
low birth weight and, 64 Italy life experience
keys to happiness during,
intelligence, 368–374, 369f. See cohabitation in, 295 401–402, 402t genetic potential and, 19
also IQ tests emerging adulthood in, 295 living arrangements for, 439 Vygotsky’s and Piaget’s
age-related changes in, median age in, 390 perspectives on, 150t
memory during, 392–398,
370–371 IVF. See in vitro fertilization 402–403 life extension research, 420
analytic, 218 (IVF) motor performance during, life-course difficulties, 274
creative, 218 428–430, 430t lifespan
crystallized, 369, 370, 371f J neurocognitive disorders limit to, 419–420
fluid, 369–371, 371f, 393 Japan during, 432–438 maximum, 7
Gardner’s multiple caring for elderly parents old-old, 390 lifespan development, 4
intelligences and, 218 in, 380 physical aging during, context and. See contexts of
health and, 371–372, 372f co-sleeping in, 85 418f, 418–424, 419f development
heritability of, 19 fatherhood role in, 344 psychosocial task of, 20t little-scientist phase, 94, 110
Subject Index SI-9
divorce and, 337 physical changes preattachment phase, 109 protection, friendship and,
father’s skills at, child mental during adolescence, preconventional level of 188–189
health and, 210f, 210–211 235–237, 237f morality, 264, 264t proximity-seeking behavior, 109
shaping of, by children, 18 during childhood, 137–142 preferential-looking paradigm, proximodistal sequence, 40, 91
parenting styles, 200–203, 201f in late adulthood, 418f, 88 psychoanalysis, 15
cultural differences in, 202 418–424, 419f pregnancy, 42–45. See also psychoanalytic theory,
variation in, 201–202 physical child abuse, 207 prenatal development 14–15, 22t
passion physician(s). See health-care context of, 36 psychosexual stages, 15
aging and, 382–383, 383t providers emotions related to, 44 psychosocial stages. See Erikson’s
in triangular theory of love, physician-assisted suicide, 468, infertility and, 56–59 psychosocial stages
333f, 333–334 469 preventing childhood obesity psychosocial tasks, 20, 20t, 22t
passive euthanasia, 468 Piaget’s cognitive developmental and, 141 puberty, 232–244
theory, 93–98, 142–148, stress during, 45, 45t, 50, 50f
past-talk conversations, 159 celebration of, 233
143t timeline of, 57
PCBs, teratogenic effects of, 47t communication about, 243
placenta, 40 trimesters of, 42–44
peer(s). See also friendships context for, 232–234
expulsion of, 60 premature newborns, 64
adolescent groups and, declining age of, 233f,
plaques, in Alzheimer’s disease, prenatal development, 39–42,
282–286 233–234
434–435 46–56. See also pregnancy
age of first intercourse and, hormones and, 234, 235f
plasticity, of brain, 75 chromosomal disorders and,
250–251 minimizing distress due to,
play, 182–187 51–52
risk taking and, 267 243–244
fantasy, 183–184 embryonic stage of, 40, 40f
socialization and, 204–205 physical changes in,
fathers’ involvement in, 345 fetal stage of, 41f, 41–42, 42f 235–237, 237f
peer group socialization,
immigrant parent-child gender differences in, genetic disorders and, 52–55, reactions to, 240–243
relationships and, 282 185–187 53t timetable of, individual
pensions, private, 405 impact of, 185 genetic testing and, 55 differences in, 238–239
perception pretend, collaborative, 183 germinal stage of, 39f, 39–40 puberty rites, 232–233
of depth, in infancy, 90, 90f promotion of social cognition prenatal testing and, 55–56 pubic hair, in girls, 236
by, 139 principles of, 40–41
of faces, in infancy, 88–90 public health, career in, 80
rough-and-tumble, 182 teratogens and, 46, 47t,
perimenopause, 381 punishment. See also discipline;
social cognition and, 139 48–51 parenting styles
permissive parents, 201
popularity, 189–191, 190f, 190t timeline of, 56 for adolescent crimes, 276
persistent complex bereavement-
related disorder, or academic and personal costs prenatal tests, 55–56, 57 corporal, 206. See also
prolonged grief, 457–458 of, 272 preoccupied/ambivalent spanking
personal fable, 266 relational aggression and, insecure attachment,
189–190, 190f 318, 319 Q
personality, 170–182, 358–367
Portugal, emerging adulthood preoperational stage, 21t, 93t, qualitative research, 29
aggression and, 179–182, 180t
in, 295, 297 142–146, 143t, 147–148 quantitative research, 29
Big Five traits and, 358–362
positivity effect, 399–400 ideas about substances in, quickening, 43
career success and, 143–144, 144f
postconventional level of
348–349, 349t
morality, 264, 264t perceptions about people in, R
caring for elderly parents 146–146
postformal thought, 374–376 race. See culture(s); ethnicity;
and, 380
feeling orientation of, 375 presbycusis, 426–428, 427f specific groups
finding a mate and, 315–316
question-driven nature of, presbyopia, 424 radiation, teratogenic effects
generativity and, 362–367
375 preschools, 120 of, 47t
heritability of, 360
relativism of, 374–375 pretending, 183–184 random assignment, 26
Holland’s six types of,
poverty preterm newborns, 64 reaching, in infancy, 92
348–349, 349t
divorce and, 209 primary attachment figure, 109 reaction time, 429
maturity and, 360–362, 361f,
362t early childhood. See poverty, primary circular reactions, 94, reactive aggression, 179, 180t,
early-childhood 95t 191
mental health in emerging
adulthood and, 304–305 influence of, 24 primary sexual characteristics, reactive attachment disorder,
prosocial behavior and, among older adults, 408 235 116
175–178 poverty, early-childhood, private pensions, 405 reading, dyslexia and,
random life events shaping, 117–120 proactive aggression, 179, 180t 214–215, 215t
362 later development and, 118f, procedural memory, 395f, realistic personality type, 349t
self-awareness and, 171 118–120 395–396 recessions. See Great Recession
self-esteem and, 171–175, prevalence of, 118, 118f professors, 309–310 of 2008
173t, 174t power assertion progesterone, 43 recessive disorders, 52, 53f
stress handling and, 50 ADHD and, 154–155 prolonged grief, 457–458 reciprocity, marital happiness
personality problems, of parents, aggression and, 180–181, prosocial behavior, 175–178 and, 336
child abuse and, 208 181f basis of, 176–177 recreational drugs
person-environment fit, 19 limiting, 205 individual and gender adolescent use of, 268, 268t
phallic stage, 15 timing of puberty and, 239 variations in, 176 teratogenic effects of, 47t
phonemes, 157, 158t toddler temperament and, shame versus guilt and, 178 redemption sequences, 366,
physical aging, 418f, 418–424, 128, 128t socialization and, 177, 178, 381, 437
419f practical intelligence, 218 178t reflexes, 77, 77f
SI-12 Subject Index
rehearsal, 152 true experiments as, 26–27, scaffolding, 149–150 divorce and, 337–338
reinforcement, 12–13 27f Common Core State enhancing, 174–175
reinforcers resilience Standards and, 223–224 improving, for eating
external, grades as, 221 in childhood, 203–204 of study skills, 153 disorders, 248
intrinsic and extrinsic career in middle adulthood, 361, Scandinavia. See also specific low, eating disorders and, 247
rewards as, 349 361f countries self-esteem, 171–175
rejected children, 189–191, of widowed people, 411 elder care in, 438 assessment of, 172, 173f
190f, 190t resilient children, 203–204 retirement in, 404 career success and, 348
aggression in, 181–182 retirement, 404–409 unmarried motherhood in, distortions of, 172–174, 173t,
help for, 193–194 age discrimination and, 331 174t
rejecting-neglecting parents, 406–407, 408 schemas, 21, 143 love and, 305
201 context for, 404–405 school(s), 212–224 of mother, child’s
relational aggression, 179, delay of, 405–406 classroom learning and. temperament and, 342
180t desire for, 407 See classroom learning psychosocial tasks and, 171t,
parental alienation as, 210 in Germany, 404 context for, 212f, 212–213 171–172
popularity and, 189–190, happiness in, 407 early-maturing girls and, realistic, promoting, 174–175
190f income during, 404–405, 242–243 self-injury, nonsuicidal, 270–271
relationships, 182–194 408 intelligence and IQ tests and, self-report strategy, 25, 26t
adolescent. See adolescent life during, 407t, 407–408 213–219 self-soothing, 83, 84t, 84–85
relationships marital satisfaction and, 332 multiple intelligences theory semantic memory, 395f, 395–396
adult theory of mind and, and, 219 semantics, 158, 158t
in United States, 404–406
370 nurturing, for adolescents, Senegal, age of menarche in, 234
retirement age, 404
bidirectionality of, 18, 202, 277–278
retirement communities, senile plaques, 434
342 sex education in, 243–244,
continuing-care, 439 seniors. See late adulthood
bullying and, 192–194 253–254
reversibility, 143 sensitive periods, 46
evaluating, 337t size of, adolescent crowds
risk taking, adolescent, and, 284 sensorimotor stage, 21t, 93t,
friendships and, 188–189 267–269, 268t, 269f 93–96, 95t, 143t
successful, 220
infant attachment and, 115, by at-risk teens, 273 circular reactions in, 93–94,
341 school-to-work transition, 308
peers and, 267 95t
life expectancy and, 422 scientific reasoning, 262f,
role(s), adult, 294 early thinking in, 94–95
nutrition and, 139 role conflict, 350 object permanence in, 95–96
Seattle Longitudinal Study,
parent-child. See parent-child caregiving grandparents and, sensory development. See also
368–369, 369f
relationships 379 hearing; vision
second marriages, 338–339
play and. See play role confusion, identity versus, in infancy, 88t, 88–90
second trimester, 43
popularity and, 189–191 20, 20t, 300, 300t separation anxiety, 110
secondary circular reactions, 94,
romantic. See love; marriage role overload, 350 serial cohabitation, 329
95t, 96, 110
same-sex, 312–314, 313t role phase, in Murstein’s mate- secondary sexual characteristics, service-learning classes, 277
reliability, of IQ tests, 216 selection theory, 315 235 SES. See socioeconomic status
religion, dating and, 312 Romanian orphanages, secular trend in puberty, 233f, (SES)
REM sleep, 83, 83f attachment and, 116 233–234 severe food insecurity, 80
remarriage, 338–339 romantic love, 334 secure attachment, 115 sex chromosomes, 38, 38f
representative samples, 25 rooting reflex, 77, 77f securely attached adults, abnormal number of, 51
repression, 159 rough-and-tumble play, 182 319–320 sex-linked single-gene
rubella, teratogenic effects of, securely attached children, 111, disorders and, 52, 53t, 54
reproductive systems, 36, 37f
46, 47t 112f, 318 sex education
ruminative moratorium, 302 seeing. See vision need for, 243–244
adoption studies in, 17
Russia, fertility rate in, selective attention, 152, 152f relevant to adolescents,
critiquing, 29 340, 340f ADHD and, 154 253–254
emerging trends in, 29 Russian orphanages, attachment selective optimization with sex-linked single-gene disorders,
ethics in, 27 and, 116 52, 53t, 54
fetal programming, 51 sexual arousal, 234
to aid information
qualitative, 29 S processing, 373–374, 374t ovulation triggered by, 37
quantitative, 29 sacrificing to aid memory, 396–397 in triangular theory of love,
strides made by generativity and, 364 self-conscious emotions, 125 333f, 333–334
developmentalists, 475 marital happiness and, 336 sexual child abuse, 207
self-consciousness, adolescent,
twin studies in, 17 safety, for infants, 92 266 sexual desire
twin/adoption studies in, 17, same-sex relationships, self-criticism, in middle in adolescence, 249
18, 19 312–314, 313t adulthood, 361, 361f aging and, 382–383, 383t
research methods, 25–30 fathers’ caregiving in, 345 self-development, friendship sexual double standard, 252–253
correlational, 25, 26 marriage, 313 and, 189 sexual identity, 313–314
cross-sectional, 27–28 parenthood and, 340, 341 self-doubt, IQ tests and, sexual intercourse, first, age of,
longitudinal, 28–29 samples, representative, 25 397–398 250f, 250–251
naturalistic observation as, “sandwich generation,” 380 self-efficacy sexuality
25, 26t satisfaction, in marriage, career success and, 348 adolescent. See adolescent
self-reports as, 25, 26t 332–333, 335, 336, 337t cognitive behaviorism and, 14 sexuality
Subject Index SI-13
divorce and, 337–338 Social Security, 404–405, 408 sperm, 37, 38 risks linked with early
in middle adulthood, social skills, low birth weight spermarche, 233, 241 maturing in girls and,
381–383, 382t, 383t and, 64 242, 242f
spiritual intelligence, 218
shame social smile, 109 working women in, 350
spouses. See love; marriage
autonomy versus, 20, 20t, social-interactionist perspective, stage theory of dying, 452–454 Swedish Twin/Adoption Study
124t on language development, of Aging, 17, 18, 19
stagnation, generativity versus,
prosocial behavior and, 178 100 swimming reflex, 77f
20, 20t, 363, 363t
shyness socialization, 125f, 125–126 Switzerland, altruism in middle
stepchildren, 338–339
social rejection and, 191 cultural differences in, 149 adulthood in, 361, 361f
stepping reflex, 77f
in toddlerhood, 126–127 into delinquency, 285 sympathy, 176
sickle cell anemia, 53t enhancing self-efficacy and, synapses, 74
about adolescence, 261t
175 synaptic loss, in elderly brain,
SIDS. See sudden infant death about families, 328t
syndrome (SIDS) gender-segregated play and, 394
187 about late adulthood, 392t
sight. See vision synaptogenesis, 74, 136
inhibition as goal of, 153 about work, 328t
similarity, friendship and, 188 synchrony, in attachment,
peers and, 204–205 Sternberg’s successful 112–113
single mothers, 329–330, 331 intelligence, 217–218
prosocial behavior and, 177, syntax, 157–158
poverty and, 209 stimulus phase, in Murstein’s
178, 178t
single-gene disorders, 52–55, 53t mate-selection theory, 315
socioeconomic health gap, T
Skype, grandparents’ use of, 378 420–422, 422f stimulus-value-role theory,
tabula rasa, 6
sleep 315–317
socioeconomic status (SES), taste sense, in infancy, 88t
during infancy, 82f, 82–86, 8–9. See also education; “storm and stress,” 6, 260, 273.
See also adolescence Tay-Sachs disease, 53t, 54
87t financial issues; income;
poverty Strange Situation, 111, 111f teachers, successful, 220
REM, 83, 83f
birth problems related to, 66 stranger anxiety, 110 teenagers. See adolescence
teens’ need for, school day
and, 278 emerging adulthood and, 296 stress telegraphic speech, 100, 100t
Slovakia IQ scores and, 216 brain sensitivity to, telomeres, 421
fatherhood role in, 344 longevity and, 420–421, 422f depression and, 271 temperament
risks linked with early obesity and, 421 caring for elderly parents of child, mother’s self-esteem
maturing in girls and, and, 380–381 and, 342
pregnancy and, 44, 66
242, 242f child abuse and, 208 childrearing to suit, 128–129
reading readiness and, 212,
slow to warm up babies, 113 212f family, timing of puberty evoking harsh discipline,
and, 239 180–181, 181f
smell sense, in infancy, 88t transition to intercourse and,
250 of motherhood, 343–344, in infancy, 112–113
smile, social, 109
344f teratogens, 46, 47t, 48–51
smoking, teratogenic effects of, socioemotional development,
30, 169–197. See also during pregnancy, 45, 45t, basic principles of, 46, 48
personality; relationships 50, 50f
SNAP. See Supplemental measurement issues and,
reduction in, in late 49–50, 50f
Nutrition Assistance emotion regulation and, 170
adulthood, 400
Program (SNAP) in infancy, 106–131. See also medicines and recreational
resilient children and, 204 drugs as, 48–49
social anxiety attachment
“storm and stress” and, pregnancy as programmer of
prevention of, 193–194 socioemotional selectivity
6, 260, 273. See also old age and, 50–51
in rejected children, 191 theory, 398–399
social clock, 298–299 Socratic techniques, 224 terminal drop, 372
stunting, 79, 79f
social cognition South Africa terminal illness. See also death
substance abuse
life expectancy in, 420 and dying
attachment and, 110 in adolescence, 268, 268t,
puberty rites in, 233 discussing, 453–454
autism spectrum disorders 269t
and, 162–164, 163f southern Europe. See also tertiary circular reactions, 94,
fetal alcohol syndrome due
specific countries 95t
autobiographical memories to, 49
and, 159–160 emerging adulthood in, 295 test(s)
teratogenic effects of,
brain development and, 136 fertility rates in, 340, 340f 47t, 49 achievement, 213
in childhood, 159–164 Spain success, in career, 348–350 genetic, 55
in infancy, 98–99, 110 cohabitation in, 295 successful intelligence, 218 IQ, 213–214, 214f, 216–217
play and, 139 emerging adulthood in, 295 sucking, operant conditioning neuropsychological, in
spanking, 181, 206–207 of, 77 Alzheimer’s disease, 435
theory of mind and,
160–162, 161f spatial intelligence, 218 sucking reflex, 77, 77f prenatal, 55–56, 57
social exclusion, 189–191, 190f, Special Supplemental Nutrition sudden infant death syndrome testes, 37, 234, 236
190t Program for Women, (SIDS), 86 testosterone
aggression in, 181–182 Infants, and Children superego, 15 gender-segregated play and,
social learning, body image (WIC), 81t Supplemental Nutrition 186–187
concerns and, 245–246 specific learning disorders, 214 Assistance Program marital status and, 334
social learning theory. See speech. See also language; (SNAP), 81t puberty and, 234
cognitive behaviorism language development; swaddling, 81 texting, 9
social networking sites, 8–9. See elderspeak as, 428 Sweden Thailand, maternal mortality
also Facebook; Twitter infant-directed, 101 elder care in, 438 in, 63
social personality type, 349t inner, 157 emerging adulthood in, 295 thalidomide, teratogenic effects
social referencing, 110 telegraphic, 100, 100t fatherhood role in, 344 of, 46, 47t
SI-14 Subject Index
theories, 12–24. See also specific traditional behaviorism, 12 unmarried motherhood in, WIC. See Special Supplemental
theories traditional stable careers, 347 331 Nutrition Program for
age-linked, 20–22 transition(s) universal education, 6 Women, Infants, and
attachment, 15–16, 22t to intercourse, 250f, 250–251 unmarried parenthood, 209, Children (WIC)
behavioral genetic, 16–18, non-normative, 4 329–330, 331
22t widowhood, 409–412
normative, 4 U-shaped curve of marital
behaviorist, 12–14, 22t satisfaction, 332–333 grieving and, 457
to parenthood, 340–341
developmental systems uterus, 36, 37f mourning and, 409–411
school-to-work, 308
perspective and, 22–24,
23f triangular theory of love, 333f, vulnerability to problems
evolutionary psychological, 333–334 and, 411–412, 412t
validity, of IQ tests, 216–217
16, 22t trimesters, 42–45 widowhood mortality effect, 410
value-comparison phase, in
nature versus nurture true experiments, 26–27, 27f Murstein’s mate-selection WISC. See Wechsler
question and, 12–20 trust theory, 315 Intelligence Scale for
psychoanalytic, 14–15, 22t basic, as psychosocial task, variable(s), 25 Children (WISC)
theory of mind, 160–162, 161f 20, 20t dependent, 27f
of adults, 370 friendship and, 188 wisdom, 218, 375, 375f
independent, 26
autism spectrum disorders twentieth-century life variable reinforcement women. See females; entries
and, 162 expectancy revolution, schedules, 13 beginning with term
collaborative pretend play 6–7
vascular neurocognitive gender
and, 183 twin studies, 17
disorders, 434
consequences and roots of, twin/adoption studies, 17, 18, 19 work, 347–352. See also careers
very low birth weight, 64
160 Twitter, 8 context for, 347–348
viability, age of, 42
individual differences in, 2-year-old food caution, 77
victims, of bullying, 192 family and, 347
160–162, 162t
thin ideal, 244, 247 vision job changes and, 347
thinking aging and, 424–426, 425f, 430t job insecurity and, 347
ultrasound, prenatal, 55
adolescent, 261–266, 262t aids for, 425–426
umbilical cord, 42, 42f stereotypes about, 328t
concrete operational, 21t, brain plasticity and, 75
underextensions, 158, 158t transition from school to, 308
93t, 142, 143t, 146–147, visitation, divorce and, 210–211
undernutrition, 139
147t, 171 Vista School, 220 working hours and, 347
in young children, 79
formal operational, 21t, 93t, visual cliff, 90, 90f working memory,
143t, 261–262, 262t, United States
visual cortex, 74, 75 151, 394
266–267 adolescent-parent
relationships in, 280 vitamin deficiencies, teratogenic ADHD and, 154
in infancy, 94–95
effects of, 47t
in neurocognitive disorders, age of marriage in, 314 working models, 110
433 voice change, in puberty, 237
altruism in middle adulthood
vulnerabilities, child abuse and, workplace, optimal,
postformal. See postformal in, 361, 361f
thought 208 349–350
child care in, 120–123
preoperational, 21t, 93t, elder care in, 439–441 X
142–146, 143t, 147–148 W
emerging adulthood in, 295, X chromosome, 38, 38f
scientific reasoning and, wages. See income
296, 296f, 297
262f, 262–263 WAIS. See Wechsler Adult sex-linked single-gene
ethnicity in, 10, 10f
sensorimotor, 21t, 93t, Intelligence Scale (WAIS) disorders and,
fatherhood role in, 344
93–96, 95t, 143t walking, development of, 52, 53t, 54
food insecurity in, 80 90–91
third marriages, 338–339
government-sponsored Wechsler Adult Intelligence
third trimester, 44 Y
programs in. See Scale (WAIS), 368, 369f,
thought. See thinking government-sponsored Y chromosome, 38, 38f
tobacco use, teratogenic effects programs (U.S.) young adulthood
of, 48–49 Wechsler Intelligence Scale
infant mortality in, 65f, for Children (WISC),
toddlerhood, 107, 124–129 65–66 intimacy versus isolation
213–214, 214f
autonomy versus shame and life expectancy in, 6–7, 7f stage during, 311t
weight. See also childhood
doubt stage during, 20, life expectancy of Down marriage during, 328–339
20t, 124t syndrome babies in, birth, low, 64–65, 421 parenthood during, 340–346
child care and, 120–123, 51–52
121f early puberty and, 238–239 psychosocial task of, 20t
maternal mortality in, 61
Early Head Start during, 120 of parents, children’s weight
median age in, 390 work during, 347–352
and, 140
exuberance during, 126–127, nutrition programs in, 81t well-being. See also happiness young-old, 7, 390
128, 128t
poverty in, impact of, paradox of, 399–400 youth development programs,
shyness during, 126–127 117–120, 118f
socialization during, 125f, western Europe. See also specific 277
puberty timetable of, 238 countries
recommendations for alcohol attitudes toward euthanasia
temperamentally friendly
during pregnancy in, 49
childrearing during, in, 469
remarriage in, 338 zone of proximal development
128–129 Western societies. See
retirement in, 404–405, 408 (ZPD), 149f, 149–150
toxoplasmosis, teratogenic individualistic cultures;
effects of, 47t spanking in, 206 specific countries zygote, 39, 39f