Autonomous Vehicle

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Enhancing Autonomous Vehicle Perception in Adverse Weather through

Image Augmentation during Semantic Segmentation Training

Ethan Kou1,2 Noah Curran3#
1 Henry M. Gunn High School, Palo Alto, California
2 Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, UC Berkeley
3 Computer Science and Engineering, University of Michigan, #Advisor

Abstract. Robust perception is crucial in autonomous vehicle navigation and localization. Visual processing tasks, like
semantic segmentation, should work in varying weather conditions and during different times of day. Semantic
segmentation is where each pixel is assigned a class, which is useful for locating overall features (1). Training a
segmentation model requires large amounts of data, and the labeling process for segmentation data is especially tedious.
Additionally, many large datasets include only images taken in clear weather. This is a problem because training a
model exclusively on clear weather data hinders performance in adverse weather conditions like fog or rain. We
hypothesize that given a dataset of only clear days images, applying image augmentation (such as random rain, fog,
and brightness) during training allows for domain adaptation to diverse weather conditions. We used CARLA, a 3D
realistic autonomous vehicle simulator, to collect 1200 images in clear weather composed of 29 classes from 10
different towns (2). We also collected 1200 images of random weather effects. We trained encoder-decoder UNet
models to perform semantic segmentation. Applying augmentations significantly improved segmentation under
weathered night conditions (p < 0.001). However, models trained on weather data have significantly lower losses than
those trained on augmented data in all conditions except for clear days. This shows there is room for improvement in
the domain adaptation approach. Future work should test more types of augmentations and also use real-life images
instead of CARLA. Ideally, the augmented model meets or exceeds the performance of the weather model.

Keywords: autonomous vehicles, semantic segmentation, machine learning, domain adaptation, image augmentation

Detection and perception are crucial tasks for autonomous vehicles because they allow for accurate driving in a
complex environment. Semantic segmentation is one example of a perception task. In semantic segmentation, each
pixel in the image is given a class label (1). For example, cars are all given an ID, and roads are given a separate ID
(Figure 1). Using this segmented image, autonomous vehicles can locate important landmarks to perform autonomous

Figure 1: Semantic segmentation example. RGB image on the left and semantic segmentation mask on the right, taken from our
To train a robust segmentation model, large amounts of images and labels need to be collected. Labels are especially
tedious to create for image segmentation because each pixel’s class needs to be hand-labeled. Furthermore, most large
datasets, such as CityScapes, are composed of images collected in clear weather conditions (3). This results in lower
segmentation accuracy when the model is tested on images in adverse weather conditions. For example, rain can
obstruct parts of the image, and fog can cause blurring.
Figure 2: Training vs validation loss for M1, M2, and M3. M1 was trained for 50 epochs on clear-day images (D1). M2 was
trained for 50 epochs on augmented clear-day images (D1). M3 was trained for 50 epochs on weather images.
There have been many approaches to the challenge of performing detection in various weather conditions. DFR-TSD
improved traffic sign detection by training models to reverse weather effects on images (4). DGSS generated
adversarial styles to improve nighttime segmentation (5). Some papers have also introduced tests for the robustness
of models using various image transformations (6). Few papers discuss autonomous vehicle semantic segmentation
domain adaptation across both time and weather when only given clear weather data. Our hypothesis is that
augmenting clear weather data in training improves semantic segmentation in adverse weather conditions. We believe
the augmented data can train the model to extract features invariant to the domain.

We trained three semantic segmentation models with the UNet architecture. The first model, M1, was trained on clear
weather images. M2 was trained on augmented clear weather images, and M3 was trained on weather images. The
training and validation loss of the three models are shown in (Figure 2). The loss value measures how much the
prediction differs from the actual, so a lower loss is better. We used the TensorFlow SparseCategorialCrossentropy
loss. The performance of each model in varying weathers and times of day is in Tables 1 and 2.


M1 0.1423 0.525 0.2171 1.3228 1.4114 1.0673 0.5045

M2 0.1535 0.4368 0.2252 0.991 1.2082 0.846 0.4369

M3 0.1919 0.2588 0.195 0.4341 0.5546 0.4455 0.2846

Table 1: Loss of models in various test sets. The dataset name follows the convention of {D/N}{C/R/W}, where D = day, N =
night, C = clear, R = rainy, and W = random weather and time.
With augmentation, the accuracy for random weather conditions improved from 0.8600 to 0.8822, and the loss
decreased from 0.5045 to 0.4369 (Table 1, 2). This indicates that image augmentation may generally improve model
performance. To show more concrete statistical evidence, we conducted a 2-sample t-test which showed that models
trained on augmented data had significantly lower loss than models trained on clear data when tested on rainy night
data and random weather night data. (p < 0.001, 2-sample t-test, Table 3).


M1 0.9588 0.8606 0.9381 0.6332 0.6338 0.7145 0.8600

M2 0.955 0.8831 0.937 0.715 0.7046 0.7754 0.8822

M3 0.9455 0.9279 0.9435 0.8844 0.8601 0.8829 0.9231

Table 2: Accuracy of models in various test sets. The dataset name follows the convention of {D/N}{C/R/W}, where D = day, N
= night, C = clear, R = rainy, and W = random weather and time.

Clear Mean 0.1878 0.5270 0.2522 0.9467 1.2077 0.8832 0.4600

Clear Stdev 0.0064 0.0811 0.0131 0.0877 0.2240 0.1002 0.0403

Augmented Mean 0.2337 0.4752 0.3052 0.9393 0.8710 0.7312 0.4299

Augmented Stdev 0.0085 0.0863 0.0098 0.1131 0.1035 0.0530 0.0228

Weather Mean 0.2319 0.2882 0.2396 0.4222 0.5112 0.4318 0.3008

Weather Stdev 0.0076 0.0080 0.0068 0.0119 0.0149 0.0165 0.0078
Augmented lower loss than
1.00000 0.09175 1.00000 0.43614 0.00021 0.00025 0.02742
clear, p-value
Weather lower loss than
0.31303 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001
augmented, p-value
Table 3: Loss and single-tailed 2-sample t-test p-values of 10-fold models in various test sets. The table stores the mean and
standard deviation of the loss of the 10-fold models for the clear, augmented, and weather datasets. The p-value for the
augmented dataset models having lower loss than the clear dataset models and the p-value for the weather dataset models having
lower loss than the augmented dataset models are written. The dataset name follows the convention of {D/N}{C/R/W}, where D
= day, N = night, C = clear, R = rainy, and W = random weather and time.
The randomness and diversity of augmentations could explain this trend, allowing the model to adapt better to adverse
lighting conditions during the night. There is also less “noise” in the augmented model prediction than in the clear
weather prediction (Figure 3). The loss of the weather data models is significantly lower than that of the augmented
data models on all 7 test sets except DC (p < 0.001, 2-sample t-test, Table 3). Therefore, there is room for improvement
in the domain adaptation approach. The optimal domain adaptation approach would meet or exceed the performance
of a model trained on weather data when only given ground truth clear data.

Figure 3: Example predictions on 3 images. M1, M2, and M3 were tested on various images in our dataset.
The results show evidence that when only training on clear-day images, applying image augmentation improves model
performance during adverse weather conditions. There is also statistically significant evidence that augmentations
decrease test loss in night-time rain or night-time random weather conditions.
Despite the positive results, there are many limitations and possible improvements. First, custom augmentations
outside of the Albumentation library should also be used. Albumentations is a library we used that has image
augmentation capabilities (7). Currently, augmentations we use include random rain, random fog, and some others.
We review each augmentation in more detail in the Materials and Methods section. Although these augmentations
apply weather variation to the image, they are weather-specific augmentations. Weather-specific models are less
effective because the model might have a weaker result when tested in unseen weather like snow. As future work, the
augmentations should be non-weather-specific and still introduce realistic weather variation. For example, it’s possible
that a combination of blur, noise, and other image filters could span the possible image transformations caused by
weather. This could improve the detection in a wider range of weathers instead of the specific weathers that the
augmentations tailor.
The significance testing method could also be improved. Since we used 10-fold cross-validation for training, some
models will share data, making the loss of the models not completely independent from each other. This can cause
problems with the accuracy of the significance test because the t-test assumes that all samples are independent. Future
work would ensure every sample is independent. This can be done by acquiring a dataset large enough so that the 10
models that are trained have no shared data.
A simulation limitation is that CARLA, the autonomous vehicle simulation we used, does not include weather
options such as snow (2). Future work can be to use a dataset of more diverse weather conditions. This can be done
in simulation, but simulations still have drawbacks. For our data collection in CARLA, the car always spawns perfectly
aligned on the road, and many factors of random noise are reduced. This level of perfection is absent in real life, so
extrapolating our approach to real-life datasets is an important next step. This paper serves as a stepping point for the
end goal of training a model to effectively perform segmentation in real-life adverse weather when only given data in
clear day weather.


Data Collection
We collected data using CARLA, a widely used 3D autonomous vehicle simulator. CARLA has numerous towns,
each with its own architecture and location. Some towns are urban cities with skyscrapers, while others are rural
farmlands with barns and crops.
CARLA sensors can be used to capture a scene in RGB and semantic segmentation. We attach both cameras to the
front of the vehicle, so all images are captured on the road. The semantic segmentation is split into 29 different classes.
View CARLA documentation for details on each class. We collected 2 training datasets of 1200 images each. The D1
dataset includes only images taken in clear weather using the weather ClearNoon preset. The D2 dataset includes
randomly generated times of day and weather from the CARLA presets.
The procedure for generating each dataset is first setting the world to Town 1 and teleporting the vehicle to a random
location on the road. Then, the weather will be adjusted according to the desired dataset, and the current snapshot will
be recorded from the RGB and semantic segmentation camera. Repeat this until 150 data points are recorded for Town
1. Then, repeat everything for Towns 2-7 and 10. In total, each dataset has 1200 images because 150 data points are
recorded for each of the 8 towns.
We generated seven test sets of 400 images, each under various weather conditions. We followed the same data
collection procedure as the training set but only collected 50 images per town, for a total of 400 images per training
set. The seven datasets are collected on clear days (DC), rainy days (DR), random weather days (DW), clear nights
(NC), rainy nights (NR), random weather nights (NW), and random everything (W).

Image Augmentation
The goal of image augmentations is to teach the model to extract features invariant to the domain. To do this, we
applied a series of weather augmentations to each image. We used the Albumentations library to make applying
various types of image augmentations easier. We used the Albumentations library to generate random rain, random
sun flare, random fog, random RGB shift, and random gamma. Each of the 5 augmentations has a 0.5 probability of
being applied to an image. When these augmentations are compounded, they produce a diverse range of images that
are then inputted into the model for training (Figure 4).

Figure 4: Augmentation Examples. Fog adds random blurring. RGB shift randomly shifts all pixel values. Random rain adds rain
streaks. Random sun flare adds bright spots. Random gamma adjusts overall image brightness.

Overall Model Training and Evaluation

We first trained 3 models. The first model is trained on D1, which has all clear weather images. The second model is
trained on D1 after applying image augmentations. The third model is trained on D2, which has images in random
weather and during different times of day.
We utilized a UNet architecture with a MobileNetV2 backbone pre-trained on ImageNet. The UNet is an encoder-
decoder convolutional neural network that can be used for semantic segmentation. The encoder (contracting path)
detects all complexities of image features using convolutional and max pooling layers, and the decoder (expansive
path) upscales these detected features to segmentation masks using convolutional and unpooling layers (8). There are
skip connections between layers of the encoder and decoder to allow for reliable segmentation across both high-level
features, like the location of an edge, and low-level features, like the class of an object. The input images are resized
to 224x224. For all models, we trained for 50 epochs. We randomly selected 1000 train samples and 200 validation

Significance Testing
To determine if image augmentations during training create a statistically significant decrease in the loss value, we
trained 10 models each on D1, augmented D1, and D2 for 30 models total. We used 10-fold cross-validation for each
dataset. For example, the first model is trained on all 1200 images except the first 120. The second model is trained
on all 1200 images except the second 120, and so on. Each model was trained for 20 epochs because that number
reduces total training time and is still high enough to prevent underfitting. We evaluated the loss of each of the 20
models on all 7 test sets.
For every test set, we have 10 loss values for each of the 3 datasets. To determine the p-value, we run a single-tailed
2-sample t-test on corresponding sets of 10 loss values for each test set.
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[2] Dosovitskiy, Alexey, et al. "CARLA: An open urban driving simulator." Conference on robot learning
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[3] Cordts, Marius, et al. "The cityscapes dataset for semantic urban scene understanding." Proceedings of the
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Jun 2016.
[4] Ahmed, Sabbir, et al. "DFR-TSD: A deep learning based framework for robust traffic sign detection under
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[5] Shyam, Pranjay, et al. "Dgss: Domain generalized semantic segmentation using iterative style mining and
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[6] Pezzementi, Zachary, et al. “Putting image manipulations in context: Robustness testing for safe
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[7] Buslaev, Alexander, et al. "Albumentations: fast and flexible image augmentations." Information, vol. 11,
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[8] Ronneberger, Olaf, et al. "U-Net: Convolutional Networks for Biomedical Image Segmentation." Medical
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Thanks to my mentor Noah Curran for the guidance.

You can find the source code for this project at

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