20BS201 - Physical Sciences - Chemistry Internal Test - 1 QP

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[Educational Service: SNR Sons Charitable Trust]

[Autonomous Institution, Reaccredited by NAAC with ‘A+’ Grade]
[Approved by AICTE and Permanently Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai]
[ISO 9001:2015 Certified and all eligible programmes Accredited by NBA]

Department of Chemistry
Internal Test – I
Date 06.11.2023 Department Chemistry
Semester I Class/section CSE (A,B & C), IT (A & B),
AI&DS & M.Tech CSE
Duration 2:00 Hours Maximum marks
Physical Sciences (50):
Course Outcomes Addressed:
CO1: Apply the principles of electrochemistry to various electrochemical devices.

Questions Cognitive
PART – A (Answer All Questions) (5*1 =5 Marks) Level/CO
1. An electrochemical cell generally consists of a cathode and an anode. Which of
R/ CO1
the following statements is correct with respect to the cathode?
a) Oxidation b) Electrons move c) Generally d) Reduction
occurs at cathode to anode denoted by occurs at cathode
negative sign
2. The standard reduction potentials of X, Y, Z metals are 0.52V, -3.03V, -1.18V
respectively. The order of reducing power of the corresponding metals is: U/ CO1
a) Y > Z > X b) X > Y > Z c) Z > Y > X d) Z > X > Y

3. The electrode that is used to measure pH of a solution is ______.

R/ CO1
a) Quinhydrone b) Glass electrode c) Platinum d) Copper
electrode electrode electrode
4. Which of the following is formed at the anode during the charging process of a
battery when the lithium-ion move through the separator?

a) Lithium carbide b) Water c) Graphite d) Lithium


5. ______ battery is used in hearing aids. R/CO1

PART-B (Answer All Questions) (3 x 2 = 6)

6. Cite the applications of EMF Series. U/CO1

7. Compute the E° cell of the following cells Zn/Zn2+//Cu2+/Cu, Zn/Zn2+//Ag+/Ag and
Cu/Cu2+//Ag+/Ag in the increasing order.
Given: Standard reduction potentials of Zn2+/ Zn, Cu2+/ Cu and Ag+/Ag are -0.76V,
0.34 and 0.8 respectively.
8. Compare primary and secondary batteries with examples. U/ CO1

PART-C (Compulsory Question) (1 x 7 = 7)

Compulsory Question:
9. Explain the construction and working of the following batteries
a) Torpedo b) Nickel metal hydride
(Answer any one Question) (1 x 7 = 7)
10. Calculate the potential of the cell in which the following reactions takes place
at 25°C. Ap/ CO1
Zn(s)+Cu2+ (0.02M) 🡪 Cu(s)+Zn2+(0.4M)
Given: E°(Zn2+/Zn)= -0.76V ; E°(Cu2+/Cu)= 0.34V
11. Make use of methanol and air to construct a flow battery using a proton exchange
Ap/ CO1

S.No. Cognitive Level addressed Marks Percentage

1. Remember (R) 4 8
2. Understand (U) 12 24
3. Apply (Ap) 9 18
4. Analyze (An) - -
Course 5. Evaluate (E) - - Instructor
Programme 6. Create (C) - - Assessment
Committee Total 25 50
IQAC-Director HOD/Chemistry
(Dr.S.Hariganesh) (Dr.J.Sheeja) (Dr.K.Srinivasan)
AP(O.G)/Chemistry AP(Sl.G)/Chemistry

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