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Factors that determine blood pressure
Know the rationale for asking questions during health assessments
What are the components of subjective and objective data? In therapeutic communication, know how to convey empathy for your patient Know the sequence of assessment technique Know what to include in documentation for issues with different systems Know how often each individual patient should plan provider visits Know the principles of good hand hygiene Understand prioritization of patient’s symptoms Know computer use when you are admitting a new patient Know the difference between different types of health histories including emergency, interval, episodic, and complete Know what standard precautions are and who we use them for Understand when it is legal to share confidential patient information What are the guidelines for obtaining daily weights on a patient with HF Assessment information needed for an elderly patient you suspect of being abused Understand how the stethoscope works Orthostatic vital signs How the aging process affects respirations in the older adult Know what the different sides of stethoscope are used for Four areas of the general survey Reason for abuse in intimate partner violence Signs and symptoms of child abuse such as bruising and behaviors Technique used in palpation, inspection, auscultation, and percussion Know the role of the nurse when using the health promotion model in the setting of the community health clinic What are the components emphasized in evidence-based-practice Focused or problem-centered history and the types of patients you would perform this on Therapeutic communication for patient dealing with stress Best way to find out where a patient is having pain Types of information to include in a family history of your patient Types of information to include in the health history of a patient who has immigrated into the US Know the questions to ask regarding a patient’s pain Purpose of the functional assessment Strategy to use with a patient who cannot remember information you taught them about their medications Identify health promotion activities Know difference between signs and symptoms What senses does each of the assessment techniques incorporate: ie Auscultation involves sound Best method of obtaining accurate assessment data on your patient related to positioning of the patient What type of assessment would you perform on a patient who complained of the sudden onset of a potentially severe symptom? Best way to assess a pulse if you are unable to palpate it Most important action to take to prevent the spreading of germs When you would use bimanual palpation Method you would use for confirming assessment findings of your patient’s examination the reason you use the Abuse Assessment Screen what to do if you suspect elder abuse steps to take if you suspect child abuse Definitive signs that a child is experiencing physical abuse How would you perform indirect percussion Difference between normal and abnormal BMI Characteristics of the gait of an older adult
Propaedeutics of intеrnаl medicine as аn introduction to the clinic of internal medicine. Questioning and physical examination of the patient. Еthical and deontological aspects