Proof of Bulk-Edge Correspondence For Band Topology by Toeplitz Algebra
Proof of Bulk-Edge Correspondence For Band Topology by Toeplitz Algebra
Proof of Bulk-Edge Correspondence For Band Topology by Toeplitz Algebra
We rigorously yet concisely prove the bulk-edge correspondence for general d-dimensional (dD)
topological insulators in complex Altland-Zirnbauer classes, which states that the bulk topological
number equals to the edge-mode index. Specifically, an essential formula is discovered that links
the quantity expressed by Toeplitz algebra, i.e., hopping terms on the lattice with an edge, to the
arXiv:2410.19539v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall] 25 Oct 2024
Fourier series on the bulk Brillouin zone. We then apply it to chiral models and utilize exterior
differential calculations, instead of the sophisticated K -theory, to show that the winding number of
bulk system equals to the Fredholm index of 1D edge Hamiltonian, or to the sum of edge winding
numbers for higher odd dimensions. Moreover, this result is inherited to the even-dimensional Chern
insulators as each of them can be mapped to an odd-dimensional chiral model. It is revealed that
the Chern number of bulk system is identical to the spectral flow of 2D edge Hamiltonian, or to the
negative sum of edge Chern numbers for higher even dimensions. Our methods and conclusions are
friendly to physicists and could be easily extended to other physical scenarios.
Topology plays an increasingly important role in characterizing states of matter, especially the lattice band sys-
tems. Apart from the well known fermionic topological insulators and superconductors in Altland-Zirnbauer (AZ)
classification [1–3], topological bands are also found and classified in quadratic-bosonic [4–6] and even non-Hermitian
systems [7, 8]. In all these systems, there is an iconic phenomenon called bulk-edge correspondence (BEC) [9, 10],
that is, when the lattice has an edge, edge states would occur within the band gap of the bulk system and exhibit a
topological behavior related to the bulk topology but irrespective to other physical details. This striking phenomenon
not only implicates a profound index theorem in mathematical physics, but also associates with many practical ef-
fects like quantized Hall conductivity [11] and fractional statistics of Majorana edge modes [12]. Therefore, a clear
understanding of BEC becomes a fundamental problem.
Although the BEC in free-fermion systems has been studied by twisted equivariant K -theory [13, 14], it is too
sophisticated for physicists and hard to extend to other physical systems. Besides, physical community has also paid
many efforts to achieve concise proofs to various degrees of rigor and generality. The physical approaches include
Green’s functions [15], Levinson’s theorem in scattering theory [16] and Atiyah-Singer index theorem [17]. Nevertheless,
all these prior works have made approximations and have somewhat limitations. For instance, the approach of Green’s
function discards higher order expansion terms which are not infinitesimal; the approach of long-wave limit reduces
the lattice Hamiltonian to a differential operator on a continuum system, which alters the essence of lattice. Thus,
the key problem still exists: Is there a rigorous yet concise approach to prove the BEC for fermionic band systems,
which can be easily transferred to other physical scenarios like bosonic and non-Hermitian systems?
This work answers yes to the problem. We use Toeplitz algebra and exterior differentiation instead of the sophis-
ticated K -theory to rigorously yet concisely prove the BEC for general dimensional topological insulators in classes
A and AIII according to the AZ classification [3]. Specifically, the tight-binding models on the lattice with an edge
are described by a polynomial of Toeplitz matrix that represents the hopping term of particles on the half infinite
lattice. Via replacing the Toeplitz matrices by plane wave functions, the edge Hamiltonian (i.e., the Hamiltonian on
the lattice with an edge) simply reduces to the Bloch Hamiltonian of the bulk. This is known as a homomorphism
between the Toeplitz algebra generated by Toeplitz matrices and Fourier series. Neither the K -theory approach uti-
lizing exact sequences nor the former physical approaches avoiding Toeplitz algebra, here we discover a simple and
powerful formula telling that the trace of commutator of Toeplitz algebra equals to an integral of Fourier series. This
implies that a proper quantity formulated by edge Hamiltonian can be converted to that by bulk one. Therefore,
our strategy seeks to define edge-mode indices explicitly by edge Hamiltonians and also write the bulk topological
numbers by bulk Hamiltonians. With this task done, the equivalence of bulk and edge topological quantities can be
easily proved by algebraic and calculus computations. In this way, a clear understanding of the BEC is provided for
fermionic insulators, which is transferable to other physical systems.
Based on the above strategy, we firstly investigate the odd dimensional chiral models in class AIII, for their bulk
topology is characterized by a winding number which already has an explicit expression by bulk Hamiltonian. Besides,
the topology of edge modes is characterized by a Fredholm index in one dimension which is equivalent to the partition
function of (square) edge Hamiltonian in zero temperature. In higher odd dimensions, we successfully define an edge
winding number which can still be formulated by the edge Hamiltonian. Thus, our strategy is implemented. By
applying our formula, we are able to prove that the bulk winding number equals to the edge-mode index, that is, to
prove the BEC.
Next, we turn to prove the BEC for the even dimensional Chern insulators in class A whose bulk topology is
characterized by a Chern number formulated by Berry curvature rather than Hamiltonian itself. Fortunately, each
d-dimensional (dD) Chern insulator can be mapped to a (d + 1)D chiral model by a simple construction. It turns out
that the Chern number of the Chern insulator is identical to the winding number of the constructed chiral model up
to a sign. The edge-mode index of the Chern insulator is also induced by that of the chiral model. Therefore, the
BEC of Chern insulators is inherited from the former result of chiral models. We thus concisely prove the BEC for
all the complex AZ classes in any dimension.
Our article is organized as follows. In Sec. II, the edge and bulk Hamiltonians are given. In Sec. III, the properties
of Toeplitz algebra and the formula are revealed. In Sec. IV, the BEC for odd dimensional chiral models is proved.
Subsequently, in Sec. V, the BEC for even dimensional Chern insulators is proved. In Sec. VI, conclusions are made.
We study the dD fermionic insulator described by a tight-binding model on an infinite crystal lattice with N internal
degrees of freedom (e.g., spins) in each unit cell. By denoting ĉr = (ĉr1 , · · · , ĉrN ) the column vector of fermionic
annihilation operators at lattice site r = (r1 , . . . , rd ), we write down the many-body Hamiltonian
Ĥ = ĉ†r hr−r′ ĉr′ , (1)
r,r ′
where hr−r′ ∈ MN (C) is an N × N matrix and describes the hopping of particle from site r ′ to r. These hopping
terms are finite in physical models.
We firstly consider the half infinite lattice structured by N × Zd−1 which has an edge (r1 ∈ N) along the r1 -direction
andhas noP boundaries along the remaining dimensions (r̃ = (r2 , · · · , rd ) ∈ Zd−1 ). After the Fourier transformations
ĉr1 k̃ = r̃ ĉr e−ik̃·r̃ with crystal momenta k̃ = (k2 , . . . , kd ) ∈ T d−1 (ki ∈ [0, 2π)), the degrees of freedom k̃ are
decoupled in the Hamiltonian
dk2 · · · dkd X †
Ĥ = d−1
ĉ r k̃ hr−r ′ k̃ ĉr′ k̃ (2)
(2π) r,r ′ ∈N
. Here the associated Brillouin zone (BZ) is a (d − 1)D torus T d−1 . Now the trans-
with hr1 k̃ = r̃ hr e
formed Hamiltonian matrix Hrr′ = hr−r′ k̃ describes an effective 1D tight-binding Hamiltonian model on lattice
N, parameterized by k̃. With the help of Toeplitz matrix
1 0
T = 1 0 , Ti,j = δi−1,j , (3)
.. ..
. .
Here T and T † describe the nearest-neighbor hopping of particles towards the infinity and the edge side, respectively.
They satisfy identity
T †T = I (5)
with identity operator I but T T † ̸= I. In the follows, we are interested in the bound eigenstates of H k̃ which
are known as the edge modes. Hence we restrict H k̃ to the Hilbert space CN ⊗ ℓ2 (N) with the scattering states
excluded. Then H k̃ becomes an effective Hamiltonian for the edge degrees of freedom, dubbed as edge Hamiltonian.
Since the hopping terms are finite, H k̃ is a bounded self-adjoint operator and is smooth regarding with k̃.
We next consider the lattice structured by Zd without boundaries, which is equivalent to the periodic boundary
condition with infinite crystal volume. In this case, full-dimension Fourier transformations ĉ (k) = r ĉr e−ik·r can
be made with k = (k1 , . . . , kd ) ∈ T d (ki ∈ [0, 2π)), and all the degrees of freedom are decoupled in the Hamiltonian
dk1 · · · dkd †
Ĥ = d
ĉ (k) h (k) ĉ (k) , (6)
The Hermiticity of h (k) stems from the many-body Hamiltonian Ĥ. Here we assume that the bands are gapped at
zero energy, i.e., det h (k) ̸= 0 for all k. This restriction is natural for the fermionic insulators and paves the road to
define topological invariants for bulk Hamiltonians.
The tight-binding model on the half infinite lattice, represented by Toeplitz matrices, does not have the complete
crystal translation symmetry. As a result, these degrees of freedom cannot be decoupled by Fourier transformation,
and many quantities like eigen-energies are difficult to compute. Nevertheless, there is still a homomorphism relation
between Toeplitz matrices and Fourier series. Through this relation, some special quantities like topological invariant
can be cleverly computed.
To be specific, T generates a C ∗ -algebra (by addition, multiplication, C-number multiplication, and Hermitian
conjugation) called Toeplitz algebra T [18]. Each element X ∈ T, as an operator on the Hilbert space ℓ2 (N), is
required to be bounded. Due to the identity Eq. (5), each X ∈ T can be uniquely expanded as
X n
X= xmn T m T † , xmn ∈ C. (8)
On the other hand, the bounded functions on the 1D BZ S 1 also form a C ∗ -algebra L∞ S 1 = −ink
1 ∗ ∞
fn e in
which {fn } ∈ ℓ (Z) are Fourier coefficients. There is a C -algebra homomorphism φ : T → L S given by the
replacement T 7→ e−ik , i.e.,
X n X
xmn T m T † = xmn e−imk eink .
φ (9)
m,n∈N m,n∈N
One can readily check the following homomorphism axioms (for X, Y ∈ T and µ, ν ∈ C)
φ (µX + νY ) = µφ (X) + νφ (Y ) , (10)
φ (XY ) = φ (X) φ (Y ) , (11)
φ X † = [φ (X)] ,
and see [φ (T )] φ (T ) = 1 consistent with the identity Eq. (5). After extending the algebraic homomorphism to
φ : MN (C) ⊗ T → MN (C) ⊗ L∞ S 1 and let k = k1 , one immediately finds that φ maps the edge Hamiltonian Eq.
(4) to the bulk one Eq. (7), i.e.,
φ H k̃ = h (k) . (13)
Based on this homomorphism, we put forward an important formula that links the quantity expressed by Toeplitz
matrices to that by Fourier series: For X, Y ∈ MN (C) ⊗ T, there is
Tr [X, Y ] = tr φ (X) dφ (Y ) , (14)
2π S1
Now let us consider the (2n + 1)D (n ≥ 0) chiral model which belongs to class AIII in the AZ classification [3]. In
this case, the bulk topology is characterized by a winding number with an explicit expression. After defining the edge-
mode index by the edge Hamiltonian, we will prove the equivalence of these two integers without any approximation.
The bulk Hamiltonian with chiral symmetry respects a constraint
Due to finite hopping terms, q (k) is a smooth matrix-valued function. The gapped condition requires det q (k) ̸= 0
such that q is a smooth mapping from T 2n+1 to the general linear group GLN/2 (C) ≃ U (N/2) (≃ denoting the
homotopy equivalence). One can define the degree of mapping as follows
deg = Cn tr q −1 dq ∈ Z, (19)
T 2n+1
Here d is the exterior differentiation and the power of q −1 dq refers to the power of exterior product. The degree of
mapping is also called as the winding number.
Like the bulk Hamiltonian, the edge Hamiltonian also takes the off-diagonal form
Q k̃
H k̃ = , (21)
Q† k̃
with homomorphism φ Q k̃ = q (k). Despite the invertible bulk Hamiltonian, the edge Hamiltonian H k̃ could
be singular and thus have zero modes that are nontrivial bound states ψ satisfying Hψ = 0. These zero modes would
exhibit a topological property reflected by an edge-mode index. This index has distinct definitions in one and higher
dimensions, and hence we discuss them separately and prove the BEC respectively.
A. 1D case
Due to the chirality, the zero-mode space is decomposed to a negative-chirality subspace and a positive-chirality
one, i.e., ker H = ker Q ⊕ ker Q† (ker denotes the kernel). And due to invertible φ (Q) = q, Q is a Fredholm operator
with finite dimensional ker Q and ker Q† [19]. Therefore, the following Fredholm index is well defined
and it serves as the edge-mode index for 1D chiral models. In a physical sense, its explicit expression is given by a
couple of partition functions in zero temperature [20]
† †
ind = Tr lim e−βQ Q
− e−βQQ . (23)
The strict deduction resorts to the fact that Fredholm operator Q restricted to (ker Q) (⊥ the orthogonal complement)
has a lower bound such that e−βQ Q → 0, and the same for Q† .
Now we prove the BEC that says the bulk winding number equaling to the Fredholm index, i.e., deg = ind. This
result is known as the Toeplitz index theorem [21]. Firstly, we recast the edge-mode index Eq. (23) as a trace of
" ∞ #
X (−β)m m−1 †
ind = Tr lim Q Q Q ,Q . (24)
According to the formula Eq. (14) and properties Eqs. (10–12), it reduces to
ˆ ∞ m
i X (−β) m−1 †
ind = lim tr q† q q dq (25)
2π β→+∞ S 1 m=1 m!
ˆ †
i e−βq q − IN/2 †
= lim tr q dq, (26)
2π β→+∞ S 1 q† q
where φ (Q) = q (k) has been used in the above. The gapped condition det q ̸= 0 guarantees the positive definiteness
of q † q such that limβ→+∞ e−βq q = 0. Therefore, we arrive at
ind = trq −1 dq = deg . (27)
2πi S 1
Thus, the BEC for the 1D case has been quickly proved.
The occurrence of zero modes in higher dimensions becomes a complicated issue. First of all, we exclude a trivial
case that H(k̃) has zero mode in the entire BZ T 2n . In this trivial case, the unique topological index is the Fredholm
† 1 ∂q
trq −1
dim (ker Q) − dim ker Q = dk1 , (28)
2πi S 1 ∂k1
and the BEC simply reduces to the 1D case. In fact, the Fredholm index preserves as k̃ varies, for the right-handed
side of the above equation is a homotopy invariant under the gap condition det q ̸= 0. Hence, a nonzero Fredholm
index necessarily results in a global zero mode. In the nontrivial case that we investigate, there
is no global zero mode
such that the Fredholm index must be vanishing, which indicates dim (ker Q) = dim ker Q† for all k̃.
Since H(k̃) is smooth regarding with k̃, each of its zero mode forms a smooth vector field ψ(k̃) whose domain is
a smooth submanifold or a single point in BZ T 2n . The smooth submanifold should not have an edge and is hence
closed. Moreover, the dimensions of these closed submanifolds must be lower than 2n, for a (2n)D submanifold in
T 2n (but not equaling T 2n ) necessarily has a boundary and is not closed. Due to probable essential degeneracy,
some zero modes may share the same domain Di . Different zero-mode domains may overlap with each other and
cause accidental degeneracy,S nevertheless, we can treat them separately. Eventually, the entire domain of zero modes
D = {p̃| ker H (p̃) ̸= 0} = i Di consists of several lower-dimensional closed submanifolds (or discrete points) Di (see
Fig. 1), with each Di corresponding to a fixed degree of degeneracy.
Now we adopt a non-singular hypothesis: the derivative of zero-mode spectra along the normal directions of Di
is always nonzero. This implies the edge-mode spectra crossing zero energy directly along normal directions such
that the zero mode is substantial. In physical language, the zero mode has a linear dispersion with finite group
velocity. Physical systems (i.e., topological insulators) usually meet with this condition. Evidently, this hypothesis
automatically ensures the absence of global zero mode and hence a vanishing Fredholm index.
Then, we are able to define the edge-mode
S index for (2n + 1)D chiral models (n ≥ 1). To be specific, we construct
a (2n)D neighborhood B (Di ; ρ) = p̃∈Di B (p̃; ρ) for each Di , in which B (p̃; ρ) denotes the ball with center p̃ and
radius ρ → 0 (see Fig. 1). On the boundary ∂B (Di ; ρ), we define a finite-size matrix
gi k̃ = Ψ†+ Q k̃ Ψ− , (29)
in which Ψ+ = (ψ1 , . . . , ψs ) and Ψ− = (ψs+1 , . . . , ψ2s ) is the orthonormal basis of ker Q† (p̃) and ker Q (p̃) (their
identical dimensions stemmed from the vanishing Fredholm index), respectively. Here p̃ ∈ Di is the nearest zero-
mode point to k̃. According to the perturbation theory, the derivative of zero-mode spectra along the normal direction
Figure 1. Zero-mode domain of the edge Hamiltonian for (2n + 1)D chiral models (n ≥ 1). The domain of zero modes (red) in
BZ T 2n consists of smooth closed submanifolds (or discrete points) Di contained in a neighborhood B (Di ; ρ) (blue), with ρ the
distance between the boundary of neighborhood ∂B (Di ; ρ) (green) and Di . Here ∂B (Di ; ρ) is a (2n − 1)D closed manifold.
Note that degi is invariant under gauge transformations Ψ± 7→ Ψ± U± (U± ∈ U (s)). We call degi as the edge winding
number. Finally, the overall edge-mode index is defined as a sum
ind = degi . (32)
With the edge-mode index defined, we would like to express it explicitly by the edge Hamiltonian. For simplicity,
we suppose no overlap between those Di . In Appendix B we show
Ψ− lim gi−1 k̃ Ψ†+ = lim ρQ−1 k̃ , (33)
ρ→0 ρ→0
It is worthy to emphasize that Tr and lim cannot interchange, for only the limit of operator is finite-rank and hence
trace-class. Then we apply Stokes’ formula and achieve
ind = −Cn−1 Tr lim d Q−1 dQ . (35)
T 2n \ B(Di ;ρ)
ˆ i
= Cn−1 Tr Q−1 dQ , (36)
T 2n \D
Here Q−1 (k̃) exists for k̃ ∈ T 2n \D, where H(k̃) has no zero mode, for ker Q = 0 means Q injective and ker Q† = 0
means Q surjective. Actually, more careful analysis shows that Eq. (36) holds even if those Di overlap with each
other (see Fig. 2). Remarkably, the integrand belongs to MN (C) ⊗ T.
´ 2n
Figure 2. Treatment of Eq. (36) for overlapping Di . In this case, the Stokes’ formula gives Cn−1 Tr T 2n \D Q−1 dQ =
P ´ −1
2n−1 −1
2n−1 −1
i Cn−1 Tr Xi Q dQ . Due to Eq. (33), Tr Q dQ = tr gi dgi for the most area of Xi . Besides, Xi
P ´ −1
covers the most area of ∂B (Di ; ρ). Therefore, under the limit ρ → 0, i Cn−1 Tr Xi Q dQ could be replaced by
P ´ −1
2n−1 P
i C n−1 ∂B(D ;ρ)
tr gi dg i = i deg i = ind, which means that Eq. (36) still holds.
Now we are ready to prove the BEC that states deg = ind. We still recast the index Eq. (36) as a trace of
commutator (commutator of Toeplitz algebra is trace-class) and apply the formula Eq. (14), yielding
ˆ 2n+1
X 1 h −1 2n−1 −1 i
ind = Cn−1 Tr Q dQ , Q ∂i Q ∧ dki (37)
T 2n \D i=2 2
ˆ ˆ
i h 2n−1 i
trφ Q−1 dQ ∧ ∂1 φ Q−1 dQ .
= Cn−1 dk1 (38)
4π S1 T 2n \D
Then we apply properties Eqs. (10–12) and Eq. (16), reducing the above equation to
i 2n−1
dk1 ∧ tr q −1 dq ∧ ∂1 q −1 dq ,
ind = Cn−1 (39)
4π T 2n+1
where φ (Q) = q has been substituted into the equation. Here the integration area S 1 × T 2n \D has been replaced
by S 1 × T 2n = T 2n+1 because D has a vanishing (2n)D volume and q −1 (k) no longer has singularity in the whole BZ
T 2n+1 (due to gapped condition det q (k) ̸= 0).
To see the final result, we continue the calculation and obtain
i 2n−1
dk1 ∧ tr q −1 dq ∧ −q −1 ∂1 q · q −1 dq
ind = Cn−1
4π T 2n+1
h 2n−1 −1 i
+d dk1 ∧ tr q −1 dq q · ∂1 q . (40)
h 2n−1 −1 i
Here identity d q −1 dq q = 0 has been used. The second term is vanishing since it integrates an exact form
over a closed manifold. Finally, the edge-mode index reduces to
i 2n
ind = Cn−1 trq −1 dk1 ∂1 q ∧ q −1 dq (41)
T 2n+1
i 1 2n+1
= Cn−1 tr q −1 dq (42)
4π 2n + 1 T 2n+1
= Cn tr q −1 dq = deg . (43)
T 2n+1
It is seen that the BEC for (2n + 1)D cases has been proved. It is worthy to mention that the conclusion still holds
if parameter k̃ belongs to other closed manifold.
At last, we completely state our conclusions as follows.
Proposition 1: Suppose a (2n + 1)D chiral model h (k) = with a smooth q (k) satisfying the gapped
condition det q (k) ̸= 0. And its corresponding edge Hamiltonian H(k̃) = satisfies the non-singular
hypothesis (the normal derivative of zero-mode spectra at the zero-mode domain is always nonzero) if n ≥ 1. Then
trq −1 dq = dim (ker Q) − dim ker Q† , n = 0,
2πi S 1
n+1 ˆ
n! i 2n+1 X
− tr q −1 dq = degi , n ≥ 1, (45)
(2n + 1)! 2π T 2n+1 i
In this section we consider the (2n)D (n ≥ 1) Chern insulators without any internal symmetry, thus belonging
to class A in the AZ classification. In this case, the bulk topology of Hamiltonians is characterized by the Chern
number of the valence (negative-energy) bands which is formulated by Berry curvature (see Appendix C). To apply
our formula, we need to explicitly write the Chern number by bulk Hamiltonian. This could be done by a simple
Actually, every (2n)D Chern insulator Hamiltonian h (k) can be mapped to a (2n + 1)D chiral model in form of
Eq. (18) via construction
with ω ∈ R ∪ {∞} ≃ S 1 . The positive definiteness of q † q guarantees the gapped condition det q (k, ω) ̸= 0 such that
the degree of mapping q is well defined, i.e.,
deg = Cn tr q −1 dq . (47)
T 2n ×S 1
In Appendix C, we show that the Chern number Ch of the original Hamiltonian is given by
Ch = (−1) deg . (48)
and the definition of the edge-mode index for the Chern insulator can be induced by that of the chiral model. Like the
previous treatment, we still adopt the non-singular hypothesis that the spectra crosses zero energy substantially, which
automatically ensures the absence of global zero mode. Then the zero-mode domain D = {p̃| ker H (p̃) ̸= 0} ⊂ T 2n−1
consists of several lower-dimensional closed manifolds (or discrete points) Di , with each Di corresponding to a fixed
degree of degeneracy dim (ker H).
Correspondingly, the zero-mode domain of Q(k̃, ω) consists of Di′ = (Di ,0) (abbreviation of {(p̃, 0) |p̃ ∈ Di }).
Each Di′ has a (2n)D neighborhood B ′ (Di′ ; ρ) = (B (Di ; ρ cos θ) , ρ sin θ) |θ ∈ − π2 , π2
(see Fig. 3). Each point on
∂B ′ (Di′ ; ρ) can be expressed as (p̃ + (k̃ − p̃) cos θ, ρ sin θ) with a certain k̃ ∈ ∂B (Di ; ρ) and the nearest zero-mode
point p̃ ∈ Di . Then the finite-size matrix gi defined by Eq. (29) reads (up to the main order of ρ)
1 † h i
gi = Ψ k̃ − p̃ cos θ · ∇H (p̃) Ψ − iIs sin θ (50)
= Ψ† H k̃ Ψ cos θ − iIs sin θ, (51)
Figure 3. Zero-mode domains of the edge Hamiltonian for (2n)D Chern insulators and the constructed (2n + 1)D chiral
models. The zero-mode domain of H(k̃) in BZ T 2n−1 consists of smooth closed manifolds Di (red) contained in a (2n − 1)D
neighborhood B (Di ; ρ) (dark blue). Correspondingly the zero-mode domain of Q(k̃, ω) = H(k̃) − iωI in T 2n−1 × S 1 consists of
Di′ = (Di , 0) contained in a (2n)D neighborhood B ′ (Di′ ; ρ) (light blue). Here ∂B (Di ; ρ) and ∂B ′ (Di ; ρ) are a (2n − 2)D and
a (2n − 1)D closed manifold, respectively.
in which Ψ = (ψ1 , · · · , ψs ) is the orthonormal basis of ker H (p̃). Therefore, the degree of mapping g : ∂B ′ (Di′ ; ρ) →
GLs (C) ≃ U (s) is given by
degi = Cn−1 tr gi−1 dgi (52)
∂B ′ (Di′ ;ρ)
ˆ 2n−1
= Cn−1 tr d (Gi − iνIs ) , (53)
∂B(Di ;ρ)×R Gi − iνIs
The non-singular hypothesis implies det Gi (k̃) ̸= 0, i.e., the reduced Hamiltonian is still gapped.
Now the edge-mode index of the Chern insulator can be induced. For n ≥ 2, we compare Eq. (53) with Eqs.
(47–48) and conclude that
degi = (−1) Chi , n ≥ 2,
in which Chi is the Chern number for the “valence bands” of reduced Hamiltonian Gi (k̃) over (2n − 2)D closed
manifold ∂B (Di ; ρ), dubbed as edge Chern number. For n = 1, the parameter k̃ is 1D and the zero-mode domain Di
must be a single point p̃. Then ∂B (Di ; ρ) = {p̃ + ρ} − {p̃ − ρ} ≃ S 0 ({p̃ + ρ} and − {p̃ − ρ} refer to 0-chain whose
coefficients reflect the orientations) such that degi reduces to
1 −idν
degi = tr (55)
2πi −∞ Gi k̃ − iνI
= −tr sgn [Gi (p̃ + ρ) − Gi (p̃ − ρ)] (56)
= −tr sgnG′i (p̃) . (57)
Here tr sgnG′i (p̃) (the prime denotes the derivative) is the spectral flow of H (k2 ) at k2 = p̃, which counts
P the sign
flipping of edge-mode spectra when k 2 passes through p̃. The negative sum of edge Chern number − i Chi or the
total spectral flow i tr sgnG′i serves as the edge-mode index.
Finally, we recall the BEC for the chiral models and achieve
(−1) Ch = degi , (58)
These two equations reflect the BEC of Chern insulator. Remarkably, the last equation reproduces the well known
conclusion of the 2D Chern insulator, that its Chern number counts the overall sign flipping of the edge-mode energy.
The complete conclusions are stated as follows.
Proposition 2: Suppose a (2n)D Chern insulator described by a smooth Hamiltonian h (k) that satisfies gapped
condition det h (k) ̸= 0. And its corresponding edge Hamiltonian H(k̃) satisfies the non-singular hypothesis. Then
one can define several (2n − 2)D gapped Hamiltonians Gi (k̃) near the zero-mode domains according to Eq. (54) such
Ch = tr sgnG′i , n = 1, (61)
Ch = − Chi , n ≥ 2, (62)
in which Ch and Chi is the Chern number of the valence bands for h (k) and Gi (k̃), respectively.
In conclusion, the BEC for the complex AZ classes in any dimension has been completely proved. The key step of
the proof is the formula of Toeplitz algebra that links the quantity expressed by edge Hamiltonian to that by bulk one.
It enables us to rigorously prove the BEC by calculus computations after the bulk and edge topological quantities are
explicitly expressed by Hamiltonians.
For odd-dimensional chiral models, the bulk winding number already has an explicit expression. In the 1D case,
the edge-mode index is the Fredholm index of the edge Hamiltonian. With the help of our formula, the BEC, that the
winding number equals to the Fredhom index, has been quickly proved. In higher dimensional cases, the edge-mode
index has been defined as the sum of edge winding numbers, and it has also been proved to be identical to the bulk
winding number.
For even-dimensional Chern insulators, after they are mapped to the odd-dimensional chiral models, the bulk Chern
number and edge-mode index are both induced by the topological quantities of the constructed chiral model. Hence,
the BEC of the Chern insulators are inherited from that of the chiral models. It turns out that the bulk Chern number
equals to the spectral flow (for 2D case) or the negative sum of edge Chern numbers (for higher-even dimensions).
Our work provides a clear understanding to the BEC without the sophisticated K -theory and can probably be
extended to other physical scenarios like the BEC for Z2 topological insulators in real AZ classes or the BEC for
topological Bogoliubov excitation of bosons.
We thank Prof. Zhi-Fang Xu for his helpful discussions. This work is supported by the Natural Science Foundation of
Top Talent of SZTU (GDRC202202, GDRC202312), Guangdong Provincial Quantum Science Strategic Initiative (No.
GDZX2305006), and Characteristic Innovation Project of Guangdong Provincial Universities (No. 2024KTSCX053).
Here we prove X −1 ∈ MN (C) ⊗ T if X ∈ MN (C) ⊗ T and φ (X) ∈ MN (C) are both invertible. (Actually, an
invertible X necessarily leads to an invertible φ (X), however, it costs additional proof and we do not need such strong
conclusion here.) n
T † with xmn ∈ MN (C), can be
Firstly, any element in MN (C) ⊗ T, expressed by X = m,n∈N xmn ⊗ T
decomposed as X = Tφ(X) + K. Here the Toeplitz operator Tf with continuous symbol f (k) = l∈Z fl e−ilk (fl ∈
MN (C)) is defined as
X X l
Tf = fl T l + f−l T † (A1)
l≥0 l>0
which implies XO being compact. On the other hand, since X is a bounded invertible operator, its inverse X −1 is
also bounded. It turns out that O is compact due to the fact that a bounded operator multiplying a compact operator
produces a compact one, i.e., X −1 · XO = O.
In general, the compact operator O can be expanded by finite-rank matrices, i.e.,
O= omn ⊗ Jmn , omn ∈ MN (C) , (A5)
where Jmn ∈ M∞ (C) is the matrix whose entry at row m and column n is 1, with all the other entries vanishing.
Each Jmn can be expressed by Toeplitz algebra, i.e.,
m−1 m
Jmm = T m−1 T † − Tm T† ∈ T, m ∈ N+ , (A6)
Jm,m+l = Jmm T † ∈ T, l ∈ N+ ,
Jm+l,m = T l Jmm ∈ T, l ∈ N+ . (A8)
Therefore, O ∈ MN (C) ⊗ T.
Eventually, the bounded operator X −1 = T[φ(X)]−1 + O has been expressed by MN (C) ⊗ T, i.e., X −1 ∈ MN (C) ⊗ T.
v0 = −g −1 k̃ Ψ†+ Q k̃ ξ0 ∈ Cs (B2)
such that ϕ1 ∈ ker Q† (p̃) = imQ (p̃), i.e.,
Ψ†+ ϕ1 = − Ψ†+ Q k̃ (ξ0 + Ψ− v0 ) = 0. (B3)
Here ρ1 Ψ†+ Q k̃ Ψ− = g k̃ has been used (the subscript of g has been omitted). All the operators above are bounded,
therefore, there exists a bound M0 such that ∥Ψ− v0 ∥ < M0 ∥ξ0 ∥ and a bound M1 such that ∥ϕ1 ∥ < M1 ∥ξ0 ∥.
Now we recast Eq. (B1) as
Q−1 k̃ ϕ0 = (ξ0 + Ψ− v0 ) + ρQ−1 k̃ ϕ1 , (B4)
and find
Due to ϕ1 ∈ imQ (p̃) again, we can continuously repeat the above treatment and obtain the expansion
Q−1 k̃ ϕ0 = (ξ0 + Ψ− v0 ) + ρ (ψ1 + Ψ− v1 ) + · · · , (B7)
Q−1 k̃ ϕ0 < L−1 (1 + M0 ) ∥ϕ0 ∥ + L−1 (1 + M0 ) · ρL−1 M1 ∥ϕ0 ∥ + · · · (B8)
L (1 + M0 )
= ∥ϕ0 ∥ . (B9)
1 − ρL−1 M1
Thus Q−1 k̃ restricted to imQ (p̃) is bounded, which indicates
lim ρQ−1 k̃ ϕ0 = 0, ∀ϕ0 ∈ imQ (p̃) . (B10)
⊥ ⊥
We next calculate Q−1 k̃ restricted to [imQ (p̃)] . A vector ϕ ∈ [imQ (p̃)] = ker Q† (p̃) can always be expanded
as ϕ = Ψ+ v with v ∈ Cs . And we construct
ϕ0 = ϕ − Q k̃ Ψ− g −1 k̃ v (B11)
which satisfies Ψ†+ ϕ0 = 0, i.e., ϕ0 ∈ imQ (p̃). From the previous result, we know limρ→0 ρQ−1 k̃ ϕ0 = 0. Therefore,
we obtain
lim ρQ−1 k̃ ϕ = lim ρQ−1 k̃ ϕ0 + lim Ψ− g −1 k̃ v (B12)
ρ→0 ρ→0 ρ→0
= Ψ− lim g −1 k̃ Ψ†+ ϕ. (B13)
The Chern number of a (2n)D Chern insulator is defined as follows. Firstly, we make local unitary diagonalization
for the bulk Hamiltonian
U † (k) h (k) U (k) = E (k) , (C1)
where E (k) is the diagonal matrix of eigen-energies and U (k) is unitary. Let E = E+ ⊕ E− in which E± corresponds
to the conductive (positive) and valence (negative) band energies, respectively. Simultaneously, the unitary matrix
takes the form of U = (u+ , u− ) in which u± (k) is the orthonormal basis of conductive and valence bands, respectively.
Next, we consider the valence bands as a vector bundle and define its Berry connection (generally non-Abelian) as
A (k) = u†− (k) du− (k) . (C2)
It induces the Berry curvature 2-form
F = dA + A2 = −u†− du+ ∧ u†+ du− , (C3)
in which identity d U −1 dU = − U −1 dU has been used. Finally, the Chern number is defined by
ˆ n
1 i
Ch = tr F (C4)
n! T 2n 2π
n ˆ n
1 i
= tr −du+ · u†+ ∧ du− · u†− . (C5)
n! 2π T 2n
Now we show that the Chern number is related to the winding number of the constructed chiral model given by Eq.
(47). We note that the winding number is invariant under homotopy qt (k) (t ∈ [0, 1]) that keeps the gap condition
det qt (k) ̸= 0, for
δ δ −1 2n
deg = (2n + 1) Cn tr qt dqt ∧ qt−1 dqt (C6)
δt 2n+1 δt
δ 2n
= (2n + 1) Cn dtr qt−1 qt · qt−1 dqt (C7)
T 2n+1 δt
= 0, (C8)
where identity d qt−1 dqt = 0 has been used. This allows us to utilize the flattened Hamiltonian h1 = U (sgnE) U †
obtained from the homotopy
− t
ht (k) = h2 (k) 2 h (k) , t ∈ [0, 1]
to calculate Eq. (47), leading to
1 −1 −idω
deg = (2n + 1) Cn tr U dU, sgnE ∧ . (C10)
T 2n+1 sgnE − iωIN sgnE − iωIN
By substituting U = (u+ , u− ) into it, we reduce it to
ˆ ˆ n n 1
4 † †
deg = −iCn (2n + 1) dω tr u + du − ∧ u− du+
T 2n 1 + ω2 1 − iω
4 n 1
+ tr u†− du+ ∧ u†+ du− . (C11)
1 + ω2 −1 − iω
After integrating over ω, we finally achieve
n ˆ n
1 i
deg = tr du+ · u†+ ∧ du− · u†− (C12)
n! 2π T 2n
= (−1) Ch. (C13)
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