Learning Episode 8
Learning Episode 8
Learning Episode 8
Formal education begins in school. Schools are institutions established to
design total learning activities appropriate for each learner in each grade level.
Thus schools have recommended curriculum which is the enhanced K to 12
curriculum. The recommended curriculum was translated into written
curriculum like books, modules, teachers’ guides and lesson plans which are
the basis of the taught curriculum. A teacher who implements the curricula
needs support materials (support curriculum) to enhance teaching and
learning so that the written and the taught curricula can be assessed (assessed
curriculum) in order to determine if learning took place learned curriculum).
However, there are so many activities that happen in schools but are not
deliberately planned. This refers to the hidden curriculum.
A classroom teacher plans, implements and evaluates school learning
activities by preparing a miniscule curriculum called a lesson plan or a learning
plan. The teacher then puts life to a lesson plan by using it as a guide in the
teaching-learning process where different strategies can be used to achieve the
learning objectives or outcomes. There are many styles of writing a lesson plan,
but the necessary parts or elements such as a) Learning Outcomes b) Subject
Matter C) Teaching-Learning Strategies, and d) Evaluation or Assessment should
always be included.
All of these elements should be aligned so that at the end of the teaching-
learning episode, learning will be achieved with the classroom teacher as guide.
At the end of this episode, you must be able to:
1. Identify the different curricula that prevail in the school setting;
2. Describe how the teacher manages the school curriculum by planning,
implementing lessons through different strategies and assessment of
learning outcomes; and
3. Analyze if the teacher aligns the objectives to subject matter, to teaching
strategies and assessment.
Locate where you can find the following curriculum in the school setting.
Secure a copy,(if possible), make observations of the process and record your
information in the matrix below. Describe your observations.
1. Which of the seven types of curriculum in the school setting is easy to
find? Why?
2. Which is difficult to observe? Why?
3. Are these all found in the school setting? How do curricula relate to one
4. Draw a diagram to show the relationship of one curriculum to the other.
Make a reflection on the diagram that you have drawn. (Individual work).
Activity 8.2.
This activity requires a full lesson observation from Motivation to Assessment.
1. Secure permit to observe one complete lesson in a particular subject, in a
particular grade level.
2. Keep a close watch on the different components of the miniscule
curriculum: the lesson
3. Follow the three major components of a curriculum (Planning,
Implementing, and Assessing). Observe and record your observation.
Major Curriculum Key Guide for Observation (Carefully look for the
Components indicators/behavior of the teacher along the key
points. Write your observation and description in
your notebook).
A. Planning 1.Borrow the teacher’s lesson plan for the day.
What major parts do you see? Request a copy for
your use.
Answer the following questions:
a. What are the lesson objectives/learning
b. What are included in the subject matter?
c. What procedure or method will the
teacher use to implement the plan?
d. Will the teacher assess or evaluate the
lesson? How will this be done?
B. Implementing Now, it’s time to observe how the teacher
implements the prepared lesson plan. Observe
closely the procedure.
a. How did the teacher begin the lesson?
b. What procedure or steps were followed?
c. How did the teacher engage the learners?
d. Was the teacher a guide at the side?
e. Were the learners on task? Or were they
participating in the class activity?
f. Was the lesson finished within the class
C. Assessing Did learning occur in the lesson taught? Here you
make observations to find evidence of learning.
a. Were the objectives as learned outcomes
b. How did the teacher assess/evaluate it?
c. What evidence was shown? Get pieces of
Write a paragraph based on the data you gathered using these key
1. How does the teacher whom you observed compare to the ideal
characteristics or competencies of global quality teachers?
2. Was the lesson implemented as planned? Describe.
3. Can you describe the disposition of the teacher after the lesson was
taught? Happy and eager? Contented? No reactions at all.
4. Can you describe the majority of students’ reactions after the lesson
was taught? Confused? Happy and eager? Contented? No reactions at
Based on your observations and tasks in Activity 2, how will you
prepare your lesson plan? Make a short paragraph on the topic.
Activity 8.3. Constructive Alignment of the Components of a
Lesson Plan
Using the diagram below, fill up the component parts of a lesson
I. Title of the Lesson
II. Subject Area
III. Grade Level