Neurology Consultation 09-22-2021
Neurology Consultation 09-22-2021
Neurology Consultation 09-22-2021
Consult Note
Patient: DOB: Mar 25, 1960
Cranial Nerves
- grossly normal visual field testing
- normal eye movement range
- normal facial sensation to light touch
- face symmetric, normal facial muscle movement, eyebrow raise intact
- normal hearing to finger rub
- normal speech, no dysarthria, no uvular deviation
- normal neck ROM, trapezius intact/symmetric
- normal tongue movement
- normal tone throughout
- normal bulk throughout
- no pronator drift
- no spasticity noted
- no tremor/other involuntary movement
- no bradykinesia/dyskinesia
Shoulder ABduction R 5/5 L 5/5
Shoulder ADduction R 5/5 L 5/5
Elbow flexion R 5/5 L 5/5
Elbow extension R 5/5 L 5/5
Wrist flexion R 5/5 L 5/5
Wrist extension R 5/5 L 5/5
- normal B/l finger-to-nose
- normal B/l rapid alternating movements
- intact to light touch and symmetric throughout dermatomes
Gait and Station
- deferred (Per FM clinic note: - inability to walk, abnormal Romberg, swaying
1. No acute intracranial hemorrhage, extra-axial fluid
collection, hydrocephalus or acute infarction. No enhancing
mass in the internal auditory canals or cerebral pontine angles.
- MRI lumbar spine w + w/o contrast
- Consider nerve conduction studies if indicated based on MRI results
- Heavy metal screening labs: lead, arsenic, mercury
- Peripheral neuropathy labs: B12, (homocysteine, MMA), TSH, SPEP/UPEP,
- PT eval
[1] MRI IAC w/ + w/o Contrast; Ceglar, Sarah Russell 08/24/2021 14:43 PDT
The pt was visited in the morning and again during neurology rounds. She denies any urinary or bowel
incontinence,some times has urinary accidents due to not being able to ambulate to the bathroom, but she can feel
her urine and BM.
On exam CN II-XII intact. Motor and sensory exam on bilateral UEs WNL. On lower extremity , she has limited range
of motion on active and passive dorsiflexion of BL feet. No spasticity was noted on other muscle groups. Muscle bulk
is normal throughout. Sensation was intact on BL LEs. DTR 2+ symmetrical on upper extremities, 1+ bilateral patellar
and absent BL Achillis. No Hoffman, no Babinski
Attestation: The pt was discussed with the attending physician Dr. Chang.
Niki Maki, MD
Neurology PGY2
Addendum by Chang, Edward on September 22, 2021 09:13:45 PDT
Patient and plan discussed with the Neurology Consult team.
61F who was referred from clinic to the ED for approximately 6 months of progressive leg weakness. On exam, her
main symptoms were inability to dorsiflex either foot as well as limitation on passive range of motion. Patient noted
recent incontinence, but this was due to inability to get to the bathroom on time due to difficulty walking. Reflexes not
obtainable at ankles due to limited PROM. Needs MRI L-spine to determine whether there is a structural reason for
her bilateral foot drop; consider EMG/NCS if MRI unrevealing.