Bpharm Sem III IV

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Second B.Pharmacy Prospectus No.

Semester-III Examination - Winter-2013,
Semester-IV Examination - Summer-2014 Published by
Dineshkumar Joshi
Sant Gadge Baba
Amravati University
Amravati - 444 602

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2013 xÉɽþÒ.”
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Visit us at www.sgbau.ac.in specific permission of Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University.”

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Second B.Pharmacy (Semester-III & IV)
(Prospectus No.2014145)

Sr. Subject Page Nos.

1. Special Note 1-2
2. Direction No.11 of 2013 3-18

3. Physical Pharmaceutics-I 19-21
4. Pharmaceutical Microbiology 21-22
5. Pharmaceutical Organic chemistry-I 23-24
6. Hospital and Community Pharmacy 25-27
7. Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry 27-30
8. Pathophysiology 30-31
8. Physical Pharmaceutics-II 32-33
9. Pharmaceutical Organic chemistry-II 34-36
10. Pharmaceutical Analysis-I 36-39
11. Pharmaceutical Biotechnology 39-40
12. Pharmacology-I 41-44
13. Basic Computer Applications 44-45

19 20
Syllabus prescribed for B.Pharm. Semester-III three component systems, dielectric constant and solubility, solubility
(Implemented from the Academic Session 2011-12) of solids in liquids, solubility of salts in water-solubility of slightly
soluble and weak electrolytes, calculating solubility of weak
SEMESTER-III electrolytes as influenced by pH. Influence of co-solvents on the
Subject Subject Maximum Marks Total Marks solubility of drugs, combined effect of pH and solvents, distribution
Code of solutes between immiscible solvents, effect of ionic dissociation
Theory Practical and molecular association on partition extraction, preservation action
of weak acids in emulsion, distribution co-efficient.
.3.1. Physical I 80 80 160
Pharmaceutics- SECTION-B
3.2. Pharmaceutical 80 80 160
4. Coarse Dispersions. Interfacial properties of suspended particles,
settling in suspensions, theory of sedimentation, effect of Brownian
3.3. Pharmaceutical 80 80 160
movement, sedimentation of flocculated particles, sedimentation
Organic chemistry-I
parameters, wetting of particles, controlled flocculation, emulsions-
3.4. Hospital and 80 80 160
types-theories-physical stability, preservation of emulsions,
Community Pharmacy
rheological properties of emulsions, phase equilibria and emulsion
3.5. Pharmaceutical 80 80 160
formulation. Semisolid dispersions.
Inorganic chemistry
3.6. Pathophysiology 80 — 80 5. Kinetics and drug stability: Rates and orders of reaction influence of
Total 880 temperature and other factors, on reaction rates. Decomposition and
stabilization of medicinal agents. Accelerated stability analysis.
Subject code: T- 3.1 6. Colloids: Introduction, types of colloidal system, optical properties,
Subject : Physical Pharmaceutics –I kinetic properties, Electric properties of colloids, stabilization of
THEORY 45 Hours (3 hrs. /week) colloids and application in Pharmacy.
Subject code: P- 3.1
1. States of Matter, Properties of Matter: Binding forces between
Subject : Physical Pharmaceutics –I
molecules: States of matter, gaseous, liquid and solid state, amorphous
PRACTICAL 45 Hours (3 hrs. /week)
and crystalline states of solids; polymorphism; latent heat and vapor
1. Studies on polymorphs, their identification and properties.
pressure, phase equilibria and phase rule.
2. Thermodynamics : Laws of thermodynamics and their applications 2. Studies of different types of colloids and their properties
in Pharmacy. 3. Preparation of various types of suspensions and determination of
3. Solubility and distribution phenomena: Solubility definitions, their Sedimentation parameters.
expressions, solvent solute interactions, polar solvents-non polar 4. Stability studies of emulsions.
solvents-semipolar solvents, solubility of gases in liquids, effect of
5. Determination of half-life, rate constant and order of reaction.
pressure- temperature-salting out-chemical reactions of solubility
6. Accelerated stability testing, shelf-life determination and expiration
calculations, solubility of liquids in liquids, ideal and real solutions,
dating of pharmaceuticals.
complete and partial miscibility, influence of foreign substances-
7. Experiments involving tonicity adjustments.
21 22
Recommended Books: designing of aseptic area, laminar flow equipment, their services and
1) Remington’s Pharmaceutical Sciences. maintenance.
2) Elements of Physical Chemistry - Glasstone & Lewis 6. Immunology and Immunological Preparations: Principles, antigens
3) Theory & Practice of Industrial Pharmacy - Lachman, Libermann & and haptens, immune system, cellular humoral immunity,
Kanig. Immunological tolerance, bacterial resistance, immunogenetics,
4) Physical Pharmacy by Martin - Swarbrick & A.Cammarata antigen-antibody reactions and their applications. Hypersensitivity,
5) Bentley’s Text Book of Pharmaceutics by Rewilins. active and passive immunization; Vaccines-their preparation,
6) Tutorial Pharmacy - Cooper & Gunn Standardization and storage.
7) Physical Pharmaceutics by Milo Gibaldi.
8) Practical Physical Pharmacy by Dr.U.B.Hadkar, T.N.Vasudevan, Subject code: P- 3.2
K.S.Laddha, Subject : Pharmaceutical Microbiology
9) Practical Pharmaceutical Technology by - Engene PRACTICAL 45 Hours (3 hrs. /week)
10) Practicals in Physical Pharmacy by CVS Subramaniam. 1. Preparation of various types of culture media
11) Practicals in Physical Pharmacy by Dr. D. V. Derle. 2. Sub culturing of different microorganism by different methods like
Slants, Stabs, Culture plates and isolation of pure culture by streak
Subject code: T-3.2 plate techniques, simple and multiple streaking techniques.
Subject : Pharmaceutical Microbiology 3. Isolation of pure culture of micro-organism from soil sample.
THEORY 45 Hours (3 hrs. /week) 4. Preservation of bacterial strain.
SECTION-A 5. Various staining methods.

1. Introduction to microbiology; Classification of microbes and their Recommended Books:

taxonomy, bacteria, viruses (DNA, RNA and retroviruses), fungi, 1) Microbiology, Pelzar & Reid
actinomycetes, rickettasia and spirochaetes. 2) Industrial Microbiology, Prescott & Duner
2. Nutrition, cultivation, isolation and identification of bacteria, viruses, 3) Pharmaceutical Microbiology, Malcolm and Harris
protozoa and fungi. 4) R.Anathanarayan and C. K.J. Panikar, Textbook of microbiology.
5) S.S. Kori and M. A. Halkai, Pharmaceutical microbiology
3. Microbial spoilage and preservation of pharmaceutical products:
6) Tutorial Pharmacy - Cooper & Gunn
Types of spoilage, factors affecting microbial spoilage of
7) Applied Microbiology for Pharmacy Biosciences by Vinita Kale and
pharmaceutical products, sources and types of microbial
Kishore Bhusari, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai.
contaminants, assessment of microbial contamination and spoilage,
8) Bergey’s Manual of Determinative bacteriology.
preservation of pharmaceutical products, preservatives, evaluation
9) Brock T D, Madigen M T Biology of Microorganism. Prentice Hall,
of microbial stability of formulations.
New Jersey USA. Davis, Dulbetco, Eisen Microbiology.
SECTION-B 10) Hugo and Russel, Pharmaceutical Microbiology; Blackwell Scienctific
4. Infection: Modes of microbial infection, transmission and control/ Publication, Oxford.
prevention of bacterial, fungal, protozoal and viral diseases (and 11) Salle A J, Fundamental Principles of bacteriology
AIDS) 12) Practical Microbiology by R. S. Gaud and G. D. Gupta. 2nd Edition,
5. Sterilization: Different methods, evaluation of sterilization methods, Nirali Prakashan, Pune
sterility testing of pharmaceutical products as per I.P. and B.P.
requirements. Sources of contamination and methods of prevention,
23 24
Subject code: T- 3.3 9. Benzene & Aromaticity: Huckel rule, Resonance Benzene and
Subject : Pharmaceutical Organic chemistry-I derivatives. Mechanism of Electrophilic aromatic Substitution:
THEORY 45 Hours (3 hrs. /week) Halogenation, Nitration, Sulphonation and Friedel Craft’s reaction,
SECTION- A Orientation and reactivity in Electrophilic aromatic substitution.
Topic Mechanism of nucleophilic aromatic substitution. Addition-
1. Introduction to Organic Chemistry: Importance & Properties of Elimination and Elimination-addition (reaction involving benzyne
Carbon. Quantam Mechanics, Atomic Orbitals, Molecular Orbitals, intermediate)
Pauli’s Exclusion principle, Types of Bonds, Hybridization, Hybrid
Orbitals, Intermolecular forces & related properties, Intramolecular Subject code: P- 3.3
Forces, Acids & Bases, Significance of Solubility, Conjugation, Bond Subject : Pharmaceutical Organic chemistry-I
Length & Bond Energies. Fundamentals of Molecular Formula, PRACTICAL 45 Hours (3 hrs. /week)
Molecular Weight, Empirical Formula, Factor affecting electron 1. Preparation, transfer & Storage of Chromic acid mixture.
availability. Reaction Mechanism, energy of activation, transition
2. Determination of Physical constants of few organic compounds
(both solid & liquid) & calibration of thermometer.
2. IUPAC Nomenclature of organic compounds.
3. Qualitative Analysis single organic compounds.
3. Brief Description of methods of formation of Alkyl Halides and
4. Synthesis of some organic compound.
Nucleophilic Substitution at saturated carbon. SN 1 & SN 2 reaction:
Mechanism & stereochemistry ( examples of compounds containing 5. Resolution of Racemic Mixtures.
one asymmetric carbon atom only) Reference Books :-
Factors affecting Substitution: Substrate structure, Nature of 1. Stereochemistry of Carbon Compounds by E.L.Eliel, 32 reprint 2005,
Nucleophile, Nature of Leaving Group and Solvent. Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co.Ltd.New Delhi.
4. Alkanes : Common and IUPAC name, properties and reactions of 2. Stereochemistry of organic Compound Principles and applications
alkanes, mechanism and kinetics of chlorination and halogenation, by Nasipuri, Revised Eddition, New age international Publishers.
molecular and empirical formula.
3. Organic Chemistry: Morrison & Boyd.
4. A Guidebook of reaction mechanism in organic chemistry: Peter Skyes.
5. Alkenes: Preparations & Reactions. E 1 & E 2 Substitution v/s
5. Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry : I.L.Finar ( vol.I &II)
Elimination. Addition Reaction of Alkenes: mechanism ,
Regioselectivity (Markonikov & anti-Markonikov) in addition of 6. Principles of Organic Chemistry: T.A.Geissman.
Hydrogen, Halogen, Hydrogen Halide, Halohydrin Formation, 7. Basic principles of Organic Chemistry: John D.Roberts & Majorie
Oxymercuration – Demercuration Hydroboration- Oxidation, C.Skyes.
Hydroxylation, Allylic substitution (using NBS) and Ozonolysis . 8. Organic Chemistry: Stanley H. Pine.
6. Conjugated Dienes: Structure, Electrophilic addition to dienes : 1,2 9. Advanced Organic Chemistry: Reaction, Mechanism & Structure. By
& 1,4- addition, Diels Alder Reaction : ( Mechanism only) Jerry March
7. Alkynes: General methods of preparation and reaction. 10. A Textbook of Organic Chemistry: Arun Bahl, B.S.Bahl.
8. Alcohols & Ethers: General methods of preparation including
Grignard reaction. All general reactions including Lucas test. Ethers:
General methods of preparation & reaction.
25 26
Subject code: T- 3.4 9. Hospital Manufacturing: Economical considerations and estimation
Subject : Hospital and Community Pharmacy of demand, lay out, raw materials, production planning, requirements,
THEORY 45 Hours (3 hrs. /week) manpower requirements and quality assurance, manufacturing of –
SECTION-A Sterile products and non-sterile products. Total parenteral nutrition.
1. Community pharmacy management: Introduction to community 10. Drug distribution Systems: Outpatient and Inpatient services, unit
Pharmacy, Organization and structure of retail and wholesale dose drug distribution systems, floor ward stock systems, satellite
pharmacy, factors to be considered for location of retail pharmacy, pharmacy services, central sterile services, bed side pharmacy. Role
finance, personnel, legal and infrastructure requirements for of hospital pharmacist in isotope and non isotope pharmacy.
establishing retail pharmacy, maintenance of records of retail and 11. Controlled drugs dispensing (narcotic Drugs): Procedures for
wholesale pharmacy. dispensing and maintenance of records.
2. Community pharmacies in primary health care services: Family 12. Sterilization: Techniques, application of sterilization of surgical
planning, first aid, communicable diseases, non communicable dressings, OT and other equipment used in hospital (Cotton,
diseases. In population control, first aid and prevention of bandage, adhesive tapes, IV sets, B.G.set, ryles tubes, catheters and
communicable diseases like AIDS, sexual transmitted diseases. syringes).
3. Application of computers in pharmacy: Drug information centre,
disease information services, Records and Reports: Prescription Subject code: P- 3.4
filling, drug profile, patient medication profile, cases on drug Subject : Hospital and Community Pharmacy
interaction and adverse drug reactions, idiosyncratic cases, etc. PRACTICAL 45 Hours (3 hrs. /week)
1. Preparation of patient medication information for glyceryl trinitrate,
4. Patient counseling: General considerations, importance and steps
captopril, digitalis and warfarin.
and procedure involved. Concept of Polypharmacy and its
2. Identification and uses of surgical dressings, instruments, glasswares
implications. Over-the-counter (OTC) drugs sales, the concept of
and Other hospital equipments.
essential drugs and rational drug use.
3. Manufacture and testing of non-sterile products used in hospital
5. Introduction to hospitals and hospital pharmacy: Historical Normal saline, Dextrose (5% and 20%), Dextrose and Normal Saline
(DNS), Ringer Lactate Solution.
6. Hospital Pharmacy: Objectives and functions, organization, planning 4. Identification test for important raw materials used in the manufacture
and administration of moderrn hospital pharmacy services, location, of sterile and non sterile products.
layout, personnel, qualifications, requirements, and evaluation of 5. Sterilization of various types of surgical instruments and glasswares.
hospital pharmacist, Work load and remuneration of hospital 6. Identification of incompatibilities and irrationality in prescription.
pharmacist. 7. Demonstration of self-monitoring medical instruments like glucometer,
SECTION-B BP apparatus, inhalers, sprays and diagnostic indicators.
7. Hospital formulary: Organization, formulary content, preparation 8. Project report on availability and use of essential drugs in General
and Distribution. Pharmacy Procedure manual preparation and hospital.
publication. 9. Visit to two-community pharmacy for schedule N compliance.
10. Report on OTC and controlled drugs sales over a period of one week
8. Hospital committees’ constitution and function: Pharmacy and
in a local community pharmacy.
therapeutic committee, Infection control committee, Antibiotic policy,
11. Project report on visit to nearby community on the rational use of
committee, Research and ethics committee.
27 28
12. Exercises on patient counseling in respect of some of selected diseases 6. Important In organic gases used in pharmacy:-Oxygen, Nitrogen,
like tuberculosis, malaria, diabetes, cerebro vascular disease, asthma, Nitrous Oxide, Carbon dioxide, Helium, Ammonia and their compounds
diarrhoea, hepatitis. as per I.P.
13. Preparation of patient medication information for glyceryl trinitrate,
7. Dental products :-
captopril, digitalis and warfarin.
· Anticaries agents:-fluoride containing compounds, sodium fluoride,
Reference stannous fluoride, Phosphate containing compounds.
1. Text Book of Drug Store and Business Management by R.M. Mehata
· Dentifrices:-Dentifrices containing fluorides, Dentifrices containing
2. Hospital Pharmacy - by W.Hassan
polishing agents, Pumice, Dentifrices containing Desensitizing agents,
3. Text Book of Hospital Pharmacy - by Merchant & Qadry
Zinc chloride, and zinc-Eugenol cement.
4. Text book of hospital and clinical pharmacy by Chunawala and
Paradakar SECTION-B
5. Text book of hospital and clinical pharmacy by Nand & Khar. 8. Respiratory stimulants:-Ammonium carbonate, Aromatic ammonia
Subject code: T- 3.5 Expectorants and emetics:-Ammonium chloride, Potassium iodide,
Subject : Pharmaceutical Inorganic chemistry Antimony potassium tartarate. Mode of action of all compounds.
THEORY 45 Hours (3 hrs. /week) 9. Poisons and antidote:-Classification, Sodium thiosulphate,
10. Topical agents:-
- Protectives:-Talc, Zinc oxide, Calamine, Zinc state, Titanium
1. Pharmacopoeia and Monograph:- Different pharmacopoeia and
dioxide, aluminum compound,Silicone polymer.
contents of official monograph.
- Antimicrobial And Astringent:-Hydrogen peroxide solution,
2. Purity of pharmaceuticals and factors affecting purity of
Sodium perborate, Zinc peroxide, Potassium permanganate,
pharmaceuticals. Sources of impurities/contamination and methods
Sodium hypochloride solution, Iodine solution and Silver nitrate,
to control them,, Limit test for chlorides, sulphates, arsenic, iron,
Mercuric oxide, mercuric chloride and sulphate, boric acid, Selinium
lead, heavy metals as per IP.
sulphide, Zinc sulphate.
3. Pharmaceutical Aids and Necessities:- Acids,bases, buffers,
11. Complexing and chelatig agents used in therapy.
antioxidants, preservatives, adsorbants, diluents, excipients,
suspending agents, colorants etc. 12. Gastrointestinal agents:-

4. Hardness of water, methods to remove hardness of water, different Acidifying agents:-dil Hcl
official waters and official quality control tests for water. Antacids:- Sodium bicarbonate, aluminium hydroxide, aluminium
5. Major intra and extra cellular electrolytes:-Physiological ions, phosphate, Basic aluminium carbonate Calcium phosphate,
Electrolytes used in replacement therapy, Physiological acid base Magnesium carbonate, Milk of magnesia.
balance, Electrolytes used in acid base theraoy, Electrolyte Protectives and adsorbants:-Bismuth compounds, Bismuth sub
combination therapy, In organic diuretics. carbonate, Bismuth subgallate, Bismuth sodium tartarate, Kaoline,
Sodium chloride inj, Ringer solution lactated, Ringer injections, Activated charcoal, Pectin.
Sodium acetate, and potassium bi carbonate, sodium citrate, sodium Saline cathartics:-Sodium phosphate, Sodium potassium tartarate,
lactate, ammonium chloride. Magnesium carbonate, Magnesium oxide.
29 30
13. Essential and Trace ions:-Absorption, distribution, physiological 6) Remington the Science and practice of pharmacy by Remington, 20th
role. Official compounds of Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn, I, chromium, molybdenum, edition, Lipincott, William and Wilkins.
selenium. 7) Advanced Inorganic Chemistry, 18th Edition, Cotton & Wilkinson
Fe-ferrous sulphate. Iron sorbite injection, ferric ammonium citrate, (Willy Eastern Ltd.,Delhi).
ferric chloride, Cu-Copper sulphate,14-Iodine, Potassium iodide, 8) Vogel’s Text Book of Quantative Inorganic Analysis.
Sodium iodide, Zn-Zinc sulphate. 9) Vogels Text Book of Quantative Analysis, 5th edition.
10) Wilson & Gisvold’s Principles of Organic and Medicinal Chemistry.
14. In-organic radio pharmaceutical:-Fundamental concepts of
Harkishan Sing & A.K.Kapoor-Principal of Inorganic Chemistry.
radioactivity, radiation dosimetry, biological effects of radiation,
11) Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry by Dhake & Tipnis, 2nd edition.
medicinal application of radioisotopes (therapeutic & diagnostic),
12) Inorganic Pharmaceutical Chemistry (Practical), 2nd edition, Dhake &
radio pharmaceutical preparations, quality control of radio
pharmaceutical, radio opaque contrast media.
13) Harkishan Sing & A.K.Kapoor - Principles of Inorganic Chemistry.
Note:- For official compounds, general properties assays, storage &
uses should be discussed. Subject code: T- 3.6
Subject : Pathophysiology
Subject code: P-3.5 THEORY 45 Hours (3 hrs. /week)
Subject : Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry SECTION-A
PRACTICAL 45 Hours (3 hrs. /week) 1. Cardiovascular System: Pathophysiology of Hypertension,
1. Preparation of some inorganic pharmaceutical compounds Ischemic Heart Disease (Angina and Infarction), Congestive Cardiac
(minium 5). Failure, Cardiac arrhythmias and Shock.
2. Semi micro-identification tests of mixtures of cations and anions (not 2. Disorders of Respiratory tracts: Pathophysiology of Bronchial
mor than 4) as used in pharmaceuticals. Asthma and Pneumonia, tuberculosis, chronic Obstructive Airway
3. Limit tests for Chloride, Sulphate, Iron, Lead. Disease
4. Prepare and test purified water of Pharmacopoeial standard (I.P.). 3. Disorders of Gastrointestinal tracts: Disorders of oesophagus-
5. Test for purity of following. Achalasia, gastro-oesophagial reflux and reflux oesophagitis, causes,
A) Swelling power in bentonite. consequences and management.
B) Acid neutralizing capacity in aluminium hydroxide gel. Disorder of stomach, small intestine and large intestine - Peptic ulcer
C) Ammonium salt in potassium alum. disease-acute ulcer, chronic peptic ulcer, tuberculosis of intestine,
D) Adsorption property in heavy kaolin. Acute intestinal obstruction. Constipation, diarrhea, vomiting
E) Presence of iodates in potassium iodide. Nausea, Flatus etc. Ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease and typhoid
Reference Books :-
1) Inorganic Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry-J.H.Block,
4. Nervous disorders: Pathophysiology of Epilepsy, Parkinson’s and
E.B.Roche & I.O.Sonie, Co.Wilson (Varghese Pub.)
Alzheimer’s Disease, Psychosis, Schizophrenia and Depression
2) Bentleys and Driver’s textbook of Pharmaceutical Chemistry revised
5. Disorders of Urinary tracts: Pathophysiology of Urinary Tract
by L.M.Atherden, 8th edition. Oxford University press, London.
Infections, Acute and Chronic Renal Failure.
3) Indian Pharmacopoeia, Latest edition.
6. Endocrine disorders: Pathophysiology of disorders of pituitary
4) Modern Inorganic Pharmaceutical Chemistry by C.A.Dicher.
gland- growth hormone- Dwarfism, Gigantism. Adrenal gland-
5) Concise Inorganic Chemistry-J.D.Lee. Addison’s disease. Thyroid gland-Hypo and Hyperthyroidism. Sex
31 32
hormones- Hirsuitism, Gynecomastia, virility, impotence etc. Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati
7. Pain and inflammation: Pathophysiology of Headache e.g. migraine, SEMESTER-IV
cluster headache, muscle contraction, (tension headaches), Subject Subject Maximum Total Marks
headaches affecting elderly. Pathophysiology of joint pain like Code Marks
osteoarthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis and gout. Theory Practical
Recommended Books 4.1 Physical 80 80 160
1. Robbins Pathologic. Basis of Disease Harcourt Asia Pte.ltd. New Delhi Pharmaceutics-II
4.2 Pharmaceutical 80 80 160
2. Harsh Mohan: Textbook of Pathology, Jaypee Brothers, Medical
Organic chemistry-II
Publishers, New Delhi.
4.3 Pharmaceutical 80 80 160
3. Harisons Internal Medicine, Tata Mc-Graw Hill Publications, Analysis-I
Singapore. 4.4 Pharmaceutical 80 80 160
4. Davidsons: Textbook of Medicine. Tata Mc-Graw Hill Publications, Biotechnology
Singapore. 4.5 Pharmacology-I 80 80 160
5. Stahl S. M.. Essential Psychopharmacology Cambridge University 4.6 Basic Computer 80 —- 80
Press New Delhi. Applications
Total 880
6. Dipiro J.L. Pharmacotherapy Handbook. Tata McGraw Hill New
Syllabus Prescribed for
B. Pharm. Semester – IV
Subject code: T- 4.1
***** Subject : Physical Pharmaceutics – II
THEORY 45 Hours (3 hrs. /week)

1. Surface and interfacial phenomenon : Surface and interfacial

tensions, surface free energy, measurement of surface and interfacial
tensions, spreading coefficient, complex films, adsorption at solid
liquid-interfaces, surface activity, surface active agents, HLB
classification, solubilization-micelle formation, determination of
critical micelle concentration, detergency, and wetting agents.
Contact angle, flocculating agents, deflocculating agents, foaming
agents, anti-foaming agents. Medicinal and pharmaceutical
2. Micrometerics : Introduction and pharmaceutical importance,
particle size and distribution, particle shape, particle volume, particle
number, surface area, methods for determining particle size, particle
volume measurement, specific surface, methods for determining
33 34
surface area, Derived properties of powders-porosity packing- 1) Remington’s Pharmaceutical Sciences.
arrangement-densities, bulkiness-flow properties of powders, angle 2) Elements of Physical Chemistry - Glasstone & Lewis
of repose, factors affecting flow of powders. 3) Theory & Practice of Industrial Pharmacy - Lachman, Libermann &
4) Physical Pharmacy by Martin - Swarbrick & A.Cammarata
3. Diffusion and dissolution: Steady state of diffusion, procedures
5) Bentley’s Text Book of Pharmaceutics by Rewilins.
and apparatus used, diffusion and drug release, diffusion principles
6) Tutorial Pharmacy - Cooper & Gunn
in biological systems, vapor sorption and Transmission.
7) Physical Pharmaceutics by Milo Gibaldi.
Thermodynamics of diffusion.
8) Practical Physical Pharmacy by Dr.U.B.Hadkar, T.N.Vasudevan,
4. Rheology : Fundamentals of rheology, type of flow, quantitative
measurement of flow, mechanical models to illustrate flow on
9) Practical Pharmaceutical Technology by – Engene
viscoelasticity, thixotrophy, measurement of thixotrophy, thixotrophy
10) Practicals in Physical Pharmacy by CVS Subramaniam.
in formulation, rheology of disperse system, pharmaceutical
11) Practicals in Physical Pharmacy by Dr. D. V. Derle.
application of rheology. Methods of viscosity measurements.
5. Complexation and protein binding: Classifications, methods of Subject code: T-4.2
preparation and analysis, crystalling structure of complexes, Subject : Pharmaceutical Organic chemistry – II
thermodynamic treatment of stability constants, protein binding. THEORY 45 Hours (3 hrs. /week)
Subject code: P- 4.1 1. Stereochemistry: Isomerism, Stereoisomerism, Geometric Isomerism,
Subject : Physical Pharmaceutics – II Saw-Horse Projection of Molecules, Optical activity, Specific
Rotation, Enatiomers, Diastereomers, Racemic modification & its
PRACTICAL 45 Hours (3 hrs. /week)
resolution, Conformational isomerism, Meso-Compounds, elements
1. Determination of particle size, particle size distribution and surface
of Symmetry, Chirality, Chiral Centeres, Nomenclature in
area using various methods of particle size analysis.
Stereoisomerism (Configuration: R & S, Z & E, D & L), Sequence
2. Determination of derived properties of powders like density, porosity,
Rule. Synthesis & reaction of Chiral Molecules, Stereo selective &
compressibility, angle of repose etc.
Stereo specific Reaction.
3. Determination of surface/interfacial tension, HLB value and critical
micelle concentration of surfactants. 2. Free Radicals: Structure & stereochemistry, stability, Generation of
4. Study of rheological properties of various types of systems using free radicals (Thermal decomposition, photochemical, oxidation,
different viscometers. reduction and electrolysis), Radical anions & cations (definitions &
5. Studies on different types of complexes and determination of their some organic reactions involving them as intermediates), free radical
stability constants. reactions (Kolbe electrolysis, Hunsdiecker reaction, Sandmeyer
reaction, Gomberg reaction).
Recommended Books:
3. β- Keto esters: Mechanism of Claisen and Dieckamnn reactions, Use
of aceto-acetic ester and malonic ester in Synthesis.
Unsaturated Compounds: Michael Addition and addition of Grignard
35 36
4. Polycyclic Compounds: Structure, synthesis and reactions of 4. Heterocyclic Chemistry by Joule and Mill, 4/Ed., Blackwell Publishing
naphthalene, anthracene and phenanthrene involving substituents, Oxford.
carcinogenic hydrocarbons. 5. Organic Chemistry by Fieser & Fieser, Vol. I-X, 1/Ed. Asia Publishing
6. Modern Hetrocylic Chemistry By Leao Payrettee.
Aldehydes and Ketones: General methods of preparation, mechanism 7. Organic Synthesis- The disconnection approach by Stuart Warren,
of nucleophilic addition and condensation reactions: Acetal, amine, John Wiley & Sons.
oximes, hydrazones, smicarbazones, enamine preparation & use. 8. Vogel’s Textbook of Practical Organic Chemistry by A. I. Vogel, 5/Ed.,
Addition of Grignard reagent and Hydrides, MPV reduction, Oppenaur Pearson Education.
9. Handbook of Organic Analysis (Qualitative and Quantitative) by H.
oxidation, Aldol condensation, Cannizro’s reaction, Reformatsky
T. Clarke, 1/Ed. Arnold-Heinemann.
reaction, Perkin reaction, Knoevenagel reaction, Haloform Reaction
10. Textbook of Practical Heterocyclic Chemistry by Fitten and Smalley.
& Mannich reaction.
11. Synthesis of Drugs-Synthone approach Vol. 1, by Radhakrishnan
Carboxylic acids (aromatic & aliphatic): Methods of preparation Ayer, J. R. Rao,
and reaction. Functional derivatives of carboxylic acids: Acid halides, 12. M. S. Degani, S. A. Ghone, K. Mohanraj, 2/Ed, 2008, Sevak Publication
Anhydrides, Esters and Amides- General Methods of preparation Pvt. Ltd.
and Mechanism of esterification, transesterification and ester 13. Quantitative organic Analysis by Siggsa & Honna, 4/Ed., A Wiley
hydrolysis. Interscience Publication. John Wiley & Sons.
14. Organic Synthesis, Vol. I to X, John Wiley & Sons Ins. New York.
Phenols: Prepation and reaction.
Sulphonic Acids : Prepation and reactions
Subject code: T-4.3
Subject : Pharmaceutical Analysis – I
Subject code: P- 4.2
THEORY 45 Hours (3 hrs. /week)
Subject : Pharmaceutical Organic chemistry – II
PRACTICAL 45 Hours (3 hrs. /week)
1. Introduction : Significance of quantitative analysis in quality control,
1. Qualitative Analysis of Binary Mixtures
different techniques of analysis, preliminaries and definition. Concept
a. Solid-Solid mixtures (minimum 10)
of error, classification of errors and means to minimize errors, precision
b. High vacuum (fractional) distillation of liquid-liquid mixtures
and accuracy, Defination of terms mean, mode, median, SD, percent
(minimum 2)
CV, statistical tests of significance, t-test, F-test, Q-test and
2. Synthesis of some compounds having importance as intermediates
application of all above tests to chemical data. Fundamentals of
in medicinal organic chemistry involving single step reactions.
volumetric analysis, methods of expressing concentrations, primary
3. Study and use of stereo models to improve the understanding of
the concepts studied in theory. and secondary standards, calculation of equivalent weight &
Recommended Books
Official methods of control:-Standardization of pharmaceutical
1. Advanced Organic Chemistry by E.S. Gould, 4/Ed. Wiley Eastern
chemicals, Raw material analysis RMA and finished product analysis
FPA, a brief introduction to manufacturing variations, storage
2. Principles of Organic Synthesis by Norman, 3/Ed., Nelson Thorns conditions & shelf life of different dosage forms.
2. Aqueous Acid – Base Titrations: Acid base concept, law of mass
3. Organic Chemistry by Morrison & Boyd, 7/Ed, Pearson Education.
action, Neutralization curves, end point detection. Theory of
37 38
indicators, choice of indicators, mixed indicators. Application to I.P. 2. Preparation and standardization of secondary standard reagents and
products: assay of Aspirin power, Benzoic acid powder. assay of drugs official in I.P. of following categories.
3. Complexometric Titrations:- Concept of complexation and chelation, 3. Acid – Base titration : Preparation and standardization of acids and
formation of complex, its stability & factors affecting stability, some bases. Assay involving Direct and Back titration some official
Warner ’s co-ordination number. Titration curves, types of assay procedures eg., Boric acid, Benzoic acid, Aspirin.
complexometric titration, method of end point detection, 4. Complexometric titration : Preparation and standardization of EDTA
metallochrome indicators (no structure). solution. Assay of magnesium sulphate, lead nitrate, calcium
Application to I.P. products: Assay of zinc sulphate powder, Calcium gluconate.
gluconate powder, Calcium gluconate Injection. 5. Precipitation titration : Preparation and standardization of titrants
SECTION-B like silver nitrate and ammonium thiocynate. Titration according to
4. Oxidation Reduction Titrations : Theory of redox titrations, strength Mohr’s, Volhard’ sand Fajan’s method.
and equivalent weight of oxidizing and reducing agents. Oxidation – 6. Oxidation-Reduction titration : Preparation and standardization of
reduction curves, Redox indicators. Titration involving potassium redox titrants such as Potassium permanganate, potassium
permanganate, Potassium dichromate, potassiumbromate, potassium dichromate, Iodine, Sodium thiosulphate, cerric ammonium sulphate.
iodate cerium (IV) sulphate, Iodine (iodimetry and iodometry), Assay of Ferrous sulphate powder, oxalic acid, strong and weak iodine
titanious chloride. solution, Lugol’s solution, titanous chloride.
Application to I.P. products: Ferrous sulphate, Ascorbic acid, 7. Non-aqueous titration : Preparation and standardization of perchloric
Methylene blue, Isoniazide, Hydrogen peroxide. acid, sodium/potassium/lithium methoxide. Assay of Norfloxacin
5. Nonaqueous titrations : Types of solvents, end point detection Karl- powder/tablet, Mebendazole powder/tablet, and atenolol powder/
fischer method. Application to I.P. products: Mebendazole powder, tablet.
Atenolol powder, Norfloxacin powder. 8. Assay of sulpha drugs by Dizotization
6. Precipitation Titration:- Precipitation reactions, factor affecting Recommended Books
solubility of precipitate. Principal of precipitation titration. Titration 1. Vogel’s Text Book of Quantitative Chemical Analysis, 6/Ed., Pearson
involving mercuric nitrate, ammonium or potassium thiocynate. Education.
Argentometric titration: Theory (Mohar’s, Volhard’s, Guy lussac & 2. Quantitative analysis by V.Alexyev, Student Edition, CBS Publisher
Fajan’s Method Adsorption indicator). Application to I.P. products: & Distributor.
Assay of sodium chloride & potassium chloride, injection. 3. Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry by skoog, West, Holler,
7. Sodium nitrite titration : Theory, Application to I.P. product: Assay Harvest, 8/ED., Thomson Brookslcole.
of sulphanilamide. 4. Pharmaceutical Analysis by Higuchi, Reprint 2004, CBS Publisher &
Subject code: P- 4.3 5. The Quantitative analysis of drugs by Garrat D C, 3/Ed., CBS Publisher
Subject : Pharmaceutical Analysis – I & Distributors.
6. Quantitative analysis by Day RA & Underwood AL, 5/Ed., Prentice
PRACTICAL 45 Hours (3 hrs. /week)
Hall of India Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.
1. Standardization of analytical weights and calibration of volumetric 7. Analytical Chemistry by Christian GD, 6/ED., John Wiley & sons.
apparatus. 8. A Textbook of Pharmaceutical Analysis by Connors KA, 4/Ed., John
Wiley & Sons.
39 40
9. Practical Pharmaceutical Chemistry Part-I by Beckett AH & Stanlake 6. Microbial Transformation: Introduction, types of reactions mediated
JB, 4/Ed., CBS Publisher & Distributors. by micro organisms, design of biotransformation processes, selection
10. Handbook of Instrumental Techniques for Analytical Chemistry by on organisms, biotransformation process and its improvements with
Frank Settle, First Indian Reprint 2004, Pearson Education. special reference to steroids.
11. Pharmaceutical Analysis Vol.II, K.R.Mahadik, S.G.Wadodkar, 7. Bacterial Enzyme: Enzyme immobilization, Techniques of
H.N.More, Nirali Prakashan. immobilization of enzymes, factors affecting enzyme kinetics.
Immobilization of bacteria and plant cells.
Subject code: T-4.4
Subject : Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Subject code: P-4.4
THEORY 45 Hours (3 hrs. /week) Subject : Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
PRACTICAL 45 Hours (3 hrs. /week)
SECTION-A 1. Microbial limit test as per I.P. specifications.
1. Cell culture methods: Comprehensive study of cell and organ culture 2. Sterility testing of pharmaceutical products.
methods. 3. Microbial assay of antibiotics/vitamins/amino acids.
2. Replication of DNA: Semi conservative replication, Meselson & 4. Bacteriological examinations of water, milk & food products.
stahl’s Experiments, replication initiation, elongation and termination, 5. Demonstration of an experiment to illustrate the production of an
enzymes and proteins involved in prokaryotic and eukaryotic antibiotic by fermentation.
replication. 6. Immobilization of enzymes and study of it’s activity.
7. Experiments to illustrate microbial bio-transformation (Demonstration).
3. Protein synthesis: Genetic code and its significance, Transcription
and Translation; Initiation, elongation and termination, structure and Recommended Books:
role of RNA Polymerase in eukaryotes and prokaryotes. role of RNA 1) Kielslich K, Ed Biotechnology Vol 6a, Verleg Chemie, Switzerland.
and proteins involved in the process. 2) Lewin Benjamin, Gene V Microbiology.
4. Genetic Recombination: Introduction to genes and gene therapy. 3) Peppler, Microbial Technology, Vol II & I.
Transformation, conjugation, tansduction, protoplast fusion and 4) Prescott L M, Jarely G P, Klein D A, Microbiology, WmC Borown
genecloning and their applications. Development drugs produced Publishers, Oxford.
by biotechnology such as Humatrope, HB erythroprotine. 5) Prescott and Dunn, Industrial Microbiology, McGraw Hill Book
Company Inc.Inc. NY.
6) Salle A. J., Fundamental Principles of bacteriology.
SECTION-B 7) Shotton E and Ridgaway K., Physical Pharmaceutics Oxford
5. Antibiotics & other fermented products: Historical development of University Press, London.
antibiotics Antimicrobial spectrum and methods used for their 8) Stanier R. Y., Ingraham, General Microbiology, Wheellis and Painter.
standardization. Screening of soil for organisms producing 9) Ward O.P. Fermentation Technology, Principles, Processes & Products
antibiotics, fermenter its design, control of different parameters. Open University Press, Milton Keynes, UK.
Isolation of mutant’s factors influencing rate of mutation. Design of 10) Microbiology, Pelzar & Reid
fermentation process. Isolation of fermentation products with special 11) R.Anathanarayan and C. K. J. Panikar, Textbook of microbiology.
reference to penicillin, streptomycin, tetracycline and vitamin B 12. 12) Practical Microbiology by R. S. Gaud and G. D. Gupta. 2nd Edition,
Nirali Prakashan, Pune
41 42
Subject code: T-4.5 Subject code: P- 4.5
Subject : Pharmacology-I Subject : Pharmacology-I
THEORY 45 Hours (3 hrs. /week) PRACTICAL 45 Hours (3 hrs. /week)

SECTION-A 1. Care and handling of common laboratory animals.

1 Introduction of Pharmacology: Definitions, scope and general 2. Introduction to animal physiology with their biochemical reference
principles of pharmacology, various branches of pharmacology, value in various animal species.
Nature and sources of drugs, routes of drug administration. 3. Study of different parameters of animals e.g. body weight, life
2 Bioassays: Types, principles and applications, merits and demerits span, B.P, temperature etc.
of bioassays. Official bioassay of drugs as per IP. 4. Study of laboratory animals and various preparations of them used
3 Adverse drug effects: Introduction to adverse drug effects. in animal experimentation.
Mechanism and types of allergic reactions. Predictable and 5. Study of laboratory appliances used in experimental pharmacology.
unpredictable adverse drug reactions e.g. side effects, secondary 6. Study of various physiological salt solutions used in experimental
effects, toxic effects, intolerance, idiosyncrasy, drug allergy, pharmacology.
photosensitivity, drug dependence, drug withdrawal reactions, 7. Study of various anesthetics employed to anesthetize the laboratory
teratogenicity. animal.
4 Pharmacokinetics: Biological membranes- structure, types, properties 8. Study of various routes of administration in animals
and functions of biological membranes, Physicochemical factors and 9. To study the blood sample collection from experimental animals.
processes in transfer of drugs across the biological membranes, Drug 10. To study the influence of various route of administrations on
absorption, Bio-availability, factors affecting drug absorption and
sleeping time by using suitable drugs.
11. To study the absorption of suitable drugs from intestine preparation
Distribution, Metabolism (Biotransformation) and Excretion
from rat, mice, or goat.
(Elimination) of drugs and factors affecting all these processes.
12. To study the effects of autonomic drugs on the rabbit eye with special
SECTION-B reference to physostigmine sulphate and atropine.
5 Pharmacodynamics: Introduction to pharmacodynamics. Principles 13. To study the Hypnotic property of drug/drugs using mice/rats as
and mechanism of drug action. Factors modifying drug action. experimental animals.
Concept of drug summation, drug synergism, drug antagonism and
its types.
- Suitable animal preparation- Any experiment suitable to
Drug Receptors- Basic discussion about receptors, classification and demonstrate the concept- It could be either in-vivo or in-vitro,
families of receptors, receptors theory, drug effects and regulation of The animal selected may be mice, rat, rabbit, guinea pig as
receptors. Quantitation of drug receptor interactions and their effects, admissible as per prevailing Government/CPCSEA guidelines. In
dose response relationships and therapeutic index. case of in-vitro preparations- any tissue preparation from above
6 Pharmacology of drugs acting on autonomic nervous system: animals or various tissues from goat may be obtained from
Organisation and function of autonomic nervous system, autonomic slaughter house/ abattoir /butcher shop.
transmission and cotransmission. - Agonist- Any agonist that can exhibit activity using the given
Cholinergic system and Drugs, Anticholinergic drugs. Adrenergic preparation as reported in standard books/journals may be selected
system and drugs, Antiadrenergic drugs. e.g.-Adrenaline and other catecholamines, Acetyl Choline,
Histamine, Serotonin, oxytocin etc.
43 44
- Antagonist- Any antagonist that can exhibit blocking activity of 18. Perry W. L. M. Pharmacological Experiments on Isolated preparations.
above mentioned agonists in the given preparation as reported in E.&S.Livingstone, London.
standard books/journals may be selected. 19. Kasture S.B.Text book of Experimental Pharmacology, Career
Recommended Books Publication Nashik.
1. Goodman Gilman, The Pharmacological basis of therapeutics. Mc- 20. Official books - Indian Pharmacopoeia, British Pharmacopoeia, and
graw Hill New Delhi. United States Pharmacopoeia.
2. Foster R.W. Basic Pharmacology, Arnold, New Delhi. 21. Related research papers from various journals.
3. Stahl S. M.. Essential Psychopharmacology Cambridge University
Press New Delhi. Subject code: T-4.6
Subject : Basic Computer Applications
4. Dipiro J.L. Pharmacotherapy Handbook. Tata McGraw Hill New
THEORY 45 Hours (3 hrs. /week)
5. Official books - Indian Pharmacopoeia, British Pharmacopoeia,
1. Introduction to computers and Operating Systems
United States Pharmacopoeia.
Introduction: Definition of Electronic Digital Computers and their
6. Tripathi K.D. Essentials of medical Pharmacology Jaypee New
characteristics like speed, Storage, Accuracy, Diligence, Automation
and versatility. Classification and types of computers, Structure of
7. Barar F.S.K. Essentials of Pharmacotherapeutics, S. Chand & Computer (Block diagram of computer), Function of different units of
Company Ltd. New Delhi.
computer, memory, RAM, ROM, Input and Output devices, Secondary
8. Rang H.P., Dale M.M. et. al. Pharmacology. Churchill L Ivingstone, Storage Devices, Concept of Operating Systems, Definition, Elements
New Delhi. of MS-DOS, Unix and Windows.
9. Katzung B.G .Basic & Clinical Pharmacology Mc-graw Hill, New 2. Electronic Communication and computer networks
Software: Types of Communication, Data Transmission, Networks,
10. Lewis’s Pharmacology. Churchill Livingstone London. Types of Networks, Internet, electronic mail, e-commerce.
11. Harvey R.A., Champe P.C. Lippincott’s Illustrated Reviews- SECTION-B
Pharmacology. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Pennsylvania. 3. Computer Languages and basic application software
12. Ghosh M.N. Fundamentals of Experimental pharmacology. Hilton & Software: Computer Languages - Machine language, Assembly
Company Kolkata. Language, High Level Languages and their comparison. Introduction
13. Vogel G.H. Drug discovery and evaluation. Springer Germany. to Compilers and Interpreters (Definition and Comparison). Types of
14. Goyal R.K. Practicals in pharmacology. B.S. Shah Prakashan Software, Word Processor - MS-Word, Features, application.
Ahmedabad. Spreadsheet - MS-Excel, Features, application. Data Base

15. Kulkarni S.K. Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology. Vallabh Management System MS-Access, Features, application Presentation
Prakashan. New Delhi. Graphics - Microsoft Power Point, Features, application.

16. Pillai, K. K. Experimental Pharmacology. CBS Publishers New Delhi. 4. Computer applications

17. Grover, J.K. Experiments in Pharmacy and Pharmacology Vol-II. CBS Applications: In general, Scientific and research, Role of computer in
publishers New Delhi. Pharmaceutical and Clinical studies, In Drug Information Storage,
Pharmacokinetics, Drug Design and Pharmaceutical Analysis.

1. Computer and Commonsense (4th Edition) – Roger Hunt, John Shelly
2. Computer Today (3rd Edition) – Donald Landers.
3. Computer Medicine – S.Rose
4. Computer Applications in Pharmacy – William and fassett
5. MS-CIT – Computing Essentials – Timothy J.O’Leary, Linda I O’Leary.
6. Introduction to Biostatastics & Computer Science – Y.I.Shah,
Dr.A.R.Paradkar, M.G.Dhayagure

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