Bpharm Sem III IV
Bpharm Sem III IV
Bpharm Sem III IV
Semester-III Examination - Winter-2013,
Semester-IV Examination - Summer-2014 Published by
Dineshkumar Joshi
Sant Gadge Baba
Amravati University
Amravati - 444 602
3. Physical Pharmaceutics-I 19-21
4. Pharmaceutical Microbiology 21-22
5. Pharmaceutical Organic chemistry-I 23-24
6. Hospital and Community Pharmacy 25-27
7. Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry 27-30
8. Pathophysiology 30-31
8. Physical Pharmaceutics-II 32-33
9. Pharmaceutical Organic chemistry-II 34-36
10. Pharmaceutical Analysis-I 36-39
11. Pharmaceutical Biotechnology 39-40
12. Pharmacology-I 41-44
13. Basic Computer Applications 44-45
19 20
Syllabus prescribed for B.Pharm. Semester-III three component systems, dielectric constant and solubility, solubility
(Implemented from the Academic Session 2011-12) of solids in liquids, solubility of salts in water-solubility of slightly
soluble and weak electrolytes, calculating solubility of weak
SEMESTER-III electrolytes as influenced by pH. Influence of co-solvents on the
Subject Subject Maximum Marks Total Marks solubility of drugs, combined effect of pH and solvents, distribution
Code of solutes between immiscible solvents, effect of ionic dissociation
Theory Practical and molecular association on partition extraction, preservation action
of weak acids in emulsion, distribution co-efficient.
.3.1. Physical I 80 80 160
Pharmaceutics- SECTION-B
3.2. Pharmaceutical 80 80 160
4. Coarse Dispersions. Interfacial properties of suspended particles,
settling in suspensions, theory of sedimentation, effect of Brownian
3.3. Pharmaceutical 80 80 160
movement, sedimentation of flocculated particles, sedimentation
Organic chemistry-I
parameters, wetting of particles, controlled flocculation, emulsions-
3.4. Hospital and 80 80 160
types-theories-physical stability, preservation of emulsions,
Community Pharmacy
rheological properties of emulsions, phase equilibria and emulsion
3.5. Pharmaceutical 80 80 160
formulation. Semisolid dispersions.
Inorganic chemistry
3.6. Pathophysiology 80 — 80 5. Kinetics and drug stability: Rates and orders of reaction influence of
Total 880 temperature and other factors, on reaction rates. Decomposition and
stabilization of medicinal agents. Accelerated stability analysis.
Subject code: T- 3.1 6. Colloids: Introduction, types of colloidal system, optical properties,
Subject : Physical Pharmaceutics –I kinetic properties, Electric properties of colloids, stabilization of
THEORY 45 Hours (3 hrs. /week) colloids and application in Pharmacy.
Subject code: P- 3.1
1. States of Matter, Properties of Matter: Binding forces between
Subject : Physical Pharmaceutics –I
molecules: States of matter, gaseous, liquid and solid state, amorphous
PRACTICAL 45 Hours (3 hrs. /week)
and crystalline states of solids; polymorphism; latent heat and vapor
1. Studies on polymorphs, their identification and properties.
pressure, phase equilibria and phase rule.
2. Thermodynamics : Laws of thermodynamics and their applications 2. Studies of different types of colloids and their properties
in Pharmacy. 3. Preparation of various types of suspensions and determination of
3. Solubility and distribution phenomena: Solubility definitions, their Sedimentation parameters.
expressions, solvent solute interactions, polar solvents-non polar 4. Stability studies of emulsions.
solvents-semipolar solvents, solubility of gases in liquids, effect of
5. Determination of half-life, rate constant and order of reaction.
pressure- temperature-salting out-chemical reactions of solubility
6. Accelerated stability testing, shelf-life determination and expiration
calculations, solubility of liquids in liquids, ideal and real solutions,
dating of pharmaceuticals.
complete and partial miscibility, influence of foreign substances-
7. Experiments involving tonicity adjustments.
21 22
Recommended Books: designing of aseptic area, laminar flow equipment, their services and
1) Remington’s Pharmaceutical Sciences. maintenance.
2) Elements of Physical Chemistry - Glasstone & Lewis 6. Immunology and Immunological Preparations: Principles, antigens
3) Theory & Practice of Industrial Pharmacy - Lachman, Libermann & and haptens, immune system, cellular humoral immunity,
Kanig. Immunological tolerance, bacterial resistance, immunogenetics,
4) Physical Pharmacy by Martin - Swarbrick & A.Cammarata antigen-antibody reactions and their applications. Hypersensitivity,
5) Bentley’s Text Book of Pharmaceutics by Rewilins. active and passive immunization; Vaccines-their preparation,
6) Tutorial Pharmacy - Cooper & Gunn Standardization and storage.
7) Physical Pharmaceutics by Milo Gibaldi.
8) Practical Physical Pharmacy by Dr.U.B.Hadkar, T.N.Vasudevan, Subject code: P- 3.2
K.S.Laddha, Subject : Pharmaceutical Microbiology
9) Practical Pharmaceutical Technology by - Engene PRACTICAL 45 Hours (3 hrs. /week)
10) Practicals in Physical Pharmacy by CVS Subramaniam. 1. Preparation of various types of culture media
11) Practicals in Physical Pharmacy by Dr. D. V. Derle. 2. Sub culturing of different microorganism by different methods like
Slants, Stabs, Culture plates and isolation of pure culture by streak
Subject code: T-3.2 plate techniques, simple and multiple streaking techniques.
Subject : Pharmaceutical Microbiology 3. Isolation of pure culture of micro-organism from soil sample.
THEORY 45 Hours (3 hrs. /week) 4. Preservation of bacterial strain.
SECTION-A 5. Various staining methods.
4. Hardness of water, methods to remove hardness of water, different Acidifying agents:-dil Hcl
official waters and official quality control tests for water. Antacids:- Sodium bicarbonate, aluminium hydroxide, aluminium
5. Major intra and extra cellular electrolytes:-Physiological ions, phosphate, Basic aluminium carbonate Calcium phosphate,
Electrolytes used in replacement therapy, Physiological acid base Magnesium carbonate, Milk of magnesia.
balance, Electrolytes used in acid base theraoy, Electrolyte Protectives and adsorbants:-Bismuth compounds, Bismuth sub
combination therapy, In organic diuretics. carbonate, Bismuth subgallate, Bismuth sodium tartarate, Kaoline,
Sodium chloride inj, Ringer solution lactated, Ringer injections, Activated charcoal, Pectin.
Sodium acetate, and potassium bi carbonate, sodium citrate, sodium Saline cathartics:-Sodium phosphate, Sodium potassium tartarate,
lactate, ammonium chloride. Magnesium carbonate, Magnesium oxide.
29 30
13. Essential and Trace ions:-Absorption, distribution, physiological 6) Remington the Science and practice of pharmacy by Remington, 20th
role. Official compounds of Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn, I, chromium, molybdenum, edition, Lipincott, William and Wilkins.
selenium. 7) Advanced Inorganic Chemistry, 18th Edition, Cotton & Wilkinson
Fe-ferrous sulphate. Iron sorbite injection, ferric ammonium citrate, (Willy Eastern Ltd.,Delhi).
ferric chloride, Cu-Copper sulphate,14-Iodine, Potassium iodide, 8) Vogel’s Text Book of Quantative Inorganic Analysis.
Sodium iodide, Zn-Zinc sulphate. 9) Vogels Text Book of Quantative Analysis, 5th edition.
10) Wilson & Gisvold’s Principles of Organic and Medicinal Chemistry.
14. In-organic radio pharmaceutical:-Fundamental concepts of
Harkishan Sing & A.K.Kapoor-Principal of Inorganic Chemistry.
radioactivity, radiation dosimetry, biological effects of radiation,
11) Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry by Dhake & Tipnis, 2nd edition.
medicinal application of radioisotopes (therapeutic & diagnostic),
12) Inorganic Pharmaceutical Chemistry (Practical), 2nd edition, Dhake &
radio pharmaceutical preparations, quality control of radio
pharmaceutical, radio opaque contrast media.
13) Harkishan Sing & A.K.Kapoor - Principles of Inorganic Chemistry.
Note:- For official compounds, general properties assays, storage &
uses should be discussed. Subject code: T- 3.6
Subject : Pathophysiology
Subject code: P-3.5 THEORY 45 Hours (3 hrs. /week)
Subject : Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry SECTION-A
PRACTICAL 45 Hours (3 hrs. /week) 1. Cardiovascular System: Pathophysiology of Hypertension,
1. Preparation of some inorganic pharmaceutical compounds Ischemic Heart Disease (Angina and Infarction), Congestive Cardiac
(minium 5). Failure, Cardiac arrhythmias and Shock.
2. Semi micro-identification tests of mixtures of cations and anions (not 2. Disorders of Respiratory tracts: Pathophysiology of Bronchial
mor than 4) as used in pharmaceuticals. Asthma and Pneumonia, tuberculosis, chronic Obstructive Airway
3. Limit tests for Chloride, Sulphate, Iron, Lead. Disease
4. Prepare and test purified water of Pharmacopoeial standard (I.P.). 3. Disorders of Gastrointestinal tracts: Disorders of oesophagus-
5. Test for purity of following. Achalasia, gastro-oesophagial reflux and reflux oesophagitis, causes,
A) Swelling power in bentonite. consequences and management.
B) Acid neutralizing capacity in aluminium hydroxide gel. Disorder of stomach, small intestine and large intestine - Peptic ulcer
C) Ammonium salt in potassium alum. disease-acute ulcer, chronic peptic ulcer, tuberculosis of intestine,
D) Adsorption property in heavy kaolin. Acute intestinal obstruction. Constipation, diarrhea, vomiting
E) Presence of iodates in potassium iodide. Nausea, Flatus etc. Ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease and typhoid
Reference Books :-
1) Inorganic Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry-J.H.Block,
4. Nervous disorders: Pathophysiology of Epilepsy, Parkinson’s and
E.B.Roche & I.O.Sonie, Co.Wilson (Varghese Pub.)
Alzheimer’s Disease, Psychosis, Schizophrenia and Depression
2) Bentleys and Driver’s textbook of Pharmaceutical Chemistry revised
5. Disorders of Urinary tracts: Pathophysiology of Urinary Tract
by L.M.Atherden, 8th edition. Oxford University press, London.
Infections, Acute and Chronic Renal Failure.
3) Indian Pharmacopoeia, Latest edition.
6. Endocrine disorders: Pathophysiology of disorders of pituitary
4) Modern Inorganic Pharmaceutical Chemistry by C.A.Dicher.
gland- growth hormone- Dwarfism, Gigantism. Adrenal gland-
5) Concise Inorganic Chemistry-J.D.Lee. Addison’s disease. Thyroid gland-Hypo and Hyperthyroidism. Sex
31 32
hormones- Hirsuitism, Gynecomastia, virility, impotence etc. Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati
7. Pain and inflammation: Pathophysiology of Headache e.g. migraine, SEMESTER-IV
cluster headache, muscle contraction, (tension headaches), Subject Subject Maximum Total Marks
headaches affecting elderly. Pathophysiology of joint pain like Code Marks
osteoarthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis and gout. Theory Practical
Recommended Books 4.1 Physical 80 80 160
1. Robbins Pathologic. Basis of Disease Harcourt Asia Pte.ltd. New Delhi Pharmaceutics-II
4.2 Pharmaceutical 80 80 160
2. Harsh Mohan: Textbook of Pathology, Jaypee Brothers, Medical
Organic chemistry-II
Publishers, New Delhi.
4.3 Pharmaceutical 80 80 160
3. Harisons Internal Medicine, Tata Mc-Graw Hill Publications, Analysis-I
Singapore. 4.4 Pharmaceutical 80 80 160
4. Davidsons: Textbook of Medicine. Tata Mc-Graw Hill Publications, Biotechnology
Singapore. 4.5 Pharmacology-I 80 80 160
5. Stahl S. M.. Essential Psychopharmacology Cambridge University 4.6 Basic Computer 80 —- 80
Press New Delhi. Applications
Total 880
6. Dipiro J.L. Pharmacotherapy Handbook. Tata McGraw Hill New
Syllabus Prescribed for
B. Pharm. Semester – IV
Subject code: T- 4.1
***** Subject : Physical Pharmaceutics – II
THEORY 45 Hours (3 hrs. /week)
15. Kulkarni S.K. Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology. Vallabh Management System MS-Access, Features, application Presentation
Prakashan. New Delhi. Graphics - Microsoft Power Point, Features, application.
16. Pillai, K. K. Experimental Pharmacology. CBS Publishers New Delhi. 4. Computer applications
17. Grover, J.K. Experiments in Pharmacy and Pharmacology Vol-II. CBS Applications: In general, Scientific and research, Role of computer in
publishers New Delhi. Pharmaceutical and Clinical studies, In Drug Information Storage,
Pharmacokinetics, Drug Design and Pharmaceutical Analysis.
1. Computer and Commonsense (4th Edition) – Roger Hunt, John Shelly
2. Computer Today (3rd Edition) – Donald Landers.
3. Computer Medicine – S.Rose
4. Computer Applications in Pharmacy – William and fassett
5. MS-CIT – Computing Essentials – Timothy J.O’Leary, Linda I O’Leary.
6. Introduction to Biostatastics & Computer Science – Y.I.Shah,
Dr.A.R.Paradkar, M.G.Dhayagure