Brijesh KR
Brijesh KR
Brijesh KR
Test Name Result Unit Bio. Ref. Range Method
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Patient Name : Mr. BRIJESH KR Specimen Drawn ON : 12/Sep/2024 09:00AM
Age/Gender : 54 YRS /M Specimen Received ON : 12/Sep/2024 02:32PM
UHID/MR No : ADEL.0001025747 Report Date : 12/Sep/2024 03:36PM
Visit ID : MDEL1026246 Client Code : DL852
Ref Doctor : Dr.SELF Barcode No : B8180268
Client Name : N D DIAGNOSTICS Ref Customer : SELF
Test Name Result Unit Bio. Ref. Range Method
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Patient Name : Mr. BRIJESH KR Specimen Drawn ON : 12/Sep/2024 09:00AM
Age/Gender : 54 YRS /M Specimen Received ON : 12/Sep/2024 02:44PM
UHID/MR No : ADEL.0001025747 Report Date : 12/Sep/2024 03:29PM
Visit ID : MDEL1026246 Client Code : DL852
Ref Doctor : Dr.SELF Barcode No : B8180266
Client Name : N D DIAGNOSTICS Ref Customer : SELF
Test Name Result Unit Bio. Ref. Range Method
COMMENT-The Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) guideline defines CKD by the presence of glomerular
filtration rate (GFR) <60 mL/min/1.73m2 for >3 months and/or evidence of kidney damage (eg, structural abnormalities, histologic
abnormalities, albuminuria, urinary sediment abnormalities, renal tubular disorders, and/or history of kidney transplantation) for
>3months.2 Thus, monitoring should include tests for GFR, albuminuria, and urine sediment.
• Detect chronic kidney disease (CKD) in adults.
• Monitor CKD therapy and/or progression in adults.
Interpretation of eGFR Values
eGFR (mL/min/1.73m2 ) Interpretation
90 Normal
60-89 Mild decrease
45-59 Mild to moderate decrease
30-44 Moderate to severe decrease
15-29 Severe decrease
<15 Kidney failure
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Patient Name : Mr. BRIJESH KR Specimen Drawn ON : 12/Sep/2024 09:00AM
Age/Gender : 54 YRS /M Specimen Received ON : 12/Sep/2024 02:44PM
UHID/MR No : ADEL.0001025747 Report Date : 12/Sep/2024 03:29PM
Visit ID : MDEL1026246 Client Code : DL852
Ref Doctor : Dr.SELF Barcode No : B8180266
Client Name : N D DIAGNOSTICS Ref Customer : SELF
Test Name Result Unit Bio. Ref. Range Method
Interpretation:- Liver blood tests, or liver function tests, are used to detect and diagnose disease or inflammation of the liver.
Elevated aminotransferase (ALT, AST) levels are measured as well as alkaline phosphatase, albumin, and bilirubin. Some
diseases that cause abnormal levels of ALT and AST include hepatitis A, B, and C, cirrhosis, iron overload, and Tylenol liver
damage. Medications also cause elevated liver enzymes. There are less common conditions and diseases that also cause elevated
liver enzyme levels.: Liver blood tests, or liver function tests, are used to detect and diagnose disease or inflammation of the liver.
Elevated aminotransferase (ALT, AST) levels are measured as well as alkaline phosphatase, albumin, and bilirubin. Some
diseases that cause abnormal levels of ALT and AST include hepatitis A, B, and C, cirrhosis, iron overload, and Tylenol liver
damage. Medications also cause elevated liver enzymes.There are less common conditions and diseases that also cause elevated
liver enzyme levels.
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Patient Name : Mr. BRIJESH KR Specimen Drawn ON : 12/Sep/2024 09:00AM
Age/Gender : 54 YRS /M Specimen Received ON : 12/Sep/2024 02:44PM
UHID/MR No : ADEL.0001025747 Report Date : 12/Sep/2024 03:29PM
Visit ID : MDEL1026246 Client Code : DL852
Ref Doctor : Dr.SELF Barcode No : B8180266
Client Name : N D DIAGNOSTICS Ref Customer : SELF
Test Name Result Unit Bio. Ref. Range Method
Total Cholesterol (mg/dL) <200 – Desirable 200-239 -Borderline high <240 – High
HDL Cholesterol (mg/dL), <40 – Low >60 – High
LDL Cholesterol (mg/dL) <100 Optimal
[Primary Target of Therapy] 100-129 Near optimal /above optimal, 130-159 Borderline high,160-189 High,>190 Very high.Serum Triglycerides (mg/dL) <150 Normal,150-199 Borderline high,200-499 High,>500 Very high
NCEP recommends lowering of LDL Cholesterol as the primary therapeutic target with lipid lowering agents, however, if triglycerides remain >200 mg/dL after LDL goal is Reached, seti secondary goal for non-HDL cholesterol (total
minus HDL) 30 mg/dL higher than LDL goal.
Risk Category LDL Goal (mg/dL) Non-HDL Goal (mg/dL)
CHD and CHD Risk Equivalent <100 <130
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Patient Name : Mr. BRIJESH KR Specimen Drawn ON : 12/Sep/2024 09:00AM
Age/Gender : 54 YRS /M Specimen Received ON : 12/Sep/2024 02:44PM
UHID/MR No : ADEL.0001025747 Report Date : 12/Sep/2024 03:29PM
Visit ID : MDEL1026246 Client Code : DL852
Ref Doctor : Dr.SELF Barcode No : B8180266
Client Name : N D DIAGNOSTICS Ref Customer : SELF
Test Name Result Unit Bio. Ref. Range Method
Interpretation:- Kidney blood tests, or Kidney function tests, are used to detect and diagnose disease of the Kidney.
The higher the blood levels of urea and creatinine, the less well the kidneys are working.
The level of creatinine is usually used as a marker as to the severity of kidney failure. (Creatinine in itself is not harmful, but a high
level indicates that the kidneys are not working properly. So, many other waste products will not be cleared out of the
bloodstream.) You normally need treatment with dialysis if the level of creatinine goes higher than a certain value.
Dehydration can also be a come for increases in urea level.
Before and after starting treatment with certain medicines. Some medicines occasionally cause kidney damage (Nephrotoxic Drug)
as a side-effect. Therefore, kidney function is often checked before and after starting treatment with certain medicines.
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Patient Name : Mr. BRIJESH KR Specimen Drawn ON : 12/Sep/2024 09:00AM
Age/Gender : 54 YRS /M Specimen Received ON : 12/Sep/2024 02:44PM
UHID/MR No : ADEL.0001025747 Report Date : 12/Sep/2024 03:22PM
Visit ID : MDEL1026246 Client Code : DL852
Ref Doctor : Dr.SELF Barcode No : B8180266
Client Name : N D DIAGNOSTICS Ref Customer : SELF
Test Name Result Unit Bio. Ref. Range Method
Sample Type : SERUM
Triiodothyronine Total (T3) 1.06 ng/mL 0.81-1.81 Chemiluminescence
Immunoassay (CLIA)
Thyroxine Total (T4) 5.67 ug/dL 4.6-10.5 Chemiluminescence
Immunoassay (CLIA)
TSH (4th Generation) 6.904 uIU/mL 0.40-4.20 Chemiluminescence
Immunoassay (CLIA)
PREGNANCY REFERENCE RANGE for TSH IN uIU/mL (As per American Thyroid Association.)
1st Trimester 0.10-2.50 uIU/mL
2nd Trimester 0.20-3.00 uIU/mL
3rd Trimester 0.30-3.00 uIU/mL
1. Primary hyperthyroidism is accompanied by elevated serum T3 & T4 values along with depressed TSH level.
2 .Primary hypothyroidism is accompanied by depressed serum T3 and T4 values & elevated serum TSH levels.
3. Normal T4 levels accompanied by high T3 levels and low TSH are seen in patients with T3 thyrotoxicosis.
4. Normal or low T3 & high T4 levels indicate T4 thyrotoxicosis ( problem is conversion of T4 to T3)
5. Normal T3 & T4 along with low TSH indicate mild / subclinical HYPERTHYROIDISM .
6. Normal T3 & low T4 along with high TSH is seen in HYPOTHYROIDISM .
7. Normal T3 & T4 levels with high TSH indicate Mild / Subclinical HYPOTHYROIDISM .
8. Slightly elevated T3 levels may be found in pregnancy and in estrogen therapy while depressed levels may be
encountered in severe illness , malnutrition , renal failure and during therapy with drugs like propanolol.
9. Although elevated TSH levels are nearly always indicative of primary hypothroidism . rarely they can result from TSH
secreting pituitary tumours ( seconday hyperthyroidism )
Assay results should be interpreted in context to the clinical condition and associated results of other investigations.
Previous treatment with corticosteroid therapy may result in lower TSH levels while thyroid hormone levels are normal.
Results are invalidated if the client has undergone a radionuclide scan within 7-14 days before the test. Abnormal thyroid
test findings often found in critically ill clients should be repeated after the critical nature of the condition is resolved.The
production, circulation, and disintegration of thyroid hormones are altered throughout the stages of pregnancy.
NOTE-TSH levels are subject to circardian variation,reaching peak levels between 2-4AM and ninimum between 6-10 PM. The variation is the order of 50% hence time of the day has influence on the
measures serum TSH concentration.Dose and time of drug intake also influence the test result. Reference ranges are from Teitz fundamental of clinical chemistry 7th ed.
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