Project 2nd Sem
Project 2nd Sem
Project 2nd Sem
Codification, originating from the medieval concept of arranging laws into books, has evolved
into a pivotal aspect of legal systems worldwide. This project provides a comprehensive
exploration of codification, tracing its historical development, theoretical foundations, practical
applications, and challenges. Key figures such as Jeremy Bentham and Thomas Macaulay
emerge as central advocates for codification, each contributing unique insights and initiatives
to the process. Bentham's utilitarian principles and Macaulay's efforts in British India
exemplify the relentless pursuit of legal reform through structured frameworks.
The process of codification, tracing its origins to the concept of arranging laws into
comprehensive books, has long been a subject of scholarly and practical interest, particularly
in the field of law. Stemming from the Latin word 'codex,' meaning a book of laws, codification
has evolved over centuries, reflecting shifts in legal philosophy, social norms, and governance
This comprehensive project delves into the multifaceted realm of codification, encompassing
its historical context, theoretical underpinnings, practical applications, and challenges, with a
particular focus on its manifestations in both Western Europe and British India. Beginning with
an exploration of the original meaning and historical development of codification, the project
navigates through the divergent perspectives and debates surrounding its definition and
implementation in legal systems.
Key figures such as Jeremy Bentham and Thomas Macaulay emerge as pivotal advocates for
codification, each contributing unique insights and initiatives to the codification process.
Bentham's utilitarian principles and relentless pursuit of legal reform laid the groundwork for
a systematic approach to codifying laws, while Macaulay's efforts in British India aimed at
introducing a structured legal framework to address the complexities of colonial governance.
Furthermore, the project examines the enduring impact of codification, not only on the legal
systems of Western Europe and British India but also on legal theory and practice globally.
While codification brought about a sense of order and uniformity, it also sparked debates about
rigidity, inflexibility, and the perpetuation of colonial hierarchies.
complexities, implications, and enduring relevance of codification in shaping the contours of
legal systems across different epochs and jurisdictions.
The original meaning of the term 'code' was a 'book of laws' which has its roots traced back to
13th-century Western Europe. It comes from the noun 'codex' and the verb 'facis-facere,'
forming the term 'codification.' The term 'codification' was first used in a letter written by
Jeremy Bentham to the Russian Tsar in June 1815.
In the field of law, codification is defined by Black's Law Dictionary as the process of
arranging, compiling, and systematizing the laws of a particular jurisdiction or branch of law
into an ordered code. Salmond defines codification as the reduction of the entire corpus juris
to enacted law as much as possible.
T.B. Macaulay, in a letter to Lord Auckland, the then governor-general of British India,
describes the essence of codes, stating that a legislator should always keep two things in mind
while framing laws. Firstly, the laws should be as precise as possible, and secondly, they should
be easily understood. It is a disadvantage for a law, particularly a penal law, to be written in
language that is incomprehensible to those who must obey it. On the other hand, a loosely
worded law is not a law, and to the degree that a legislature employs vague expressions, it
abdicates its responsibilities and relinquishes the authority to make laws to the courts of
reddy, Veerbhadra. “Codification: A Brief Understanding.” Legal Service India - Ejournal,
Nokes, G. D. “Codification of the Law of Evidence in Common Law Jurisdictions.” The International and
Comparative Law Quarterly, vol. 5, no. 3, 1956, pp. 347–63. JSTOR,
Accessed 7 Apr. 2024.
The scope of codification is vast and has been a topic of public discourse for over a
century, encompassing numerous facets. Thus, it would be imprudent to attempt an exhaustive
exploration of its implications within this paper. Instead, the focus will primarily be on
reviewing past endeavors in codifying the law of evidence and proposing tentative strategies
for future initiatives.
The historical context of codification of law can be traced back to the late 18th and early 19th
centuries, when various European countries began to codify their civil laws. The German Civil
Code, for instance, was enacted in 1900, while the French Civil Code was established in 1804.
These codes aimed to prov2ide a comprehensive and systematic framework for the
administration of justice, and they were based on the principles of natural reason and equity.
Holdsworth William Searle et al. A History of English Law. Methuen 19031972.
Gahan, Frank. “The Codification of Law.” Transactions of the Grotius Society, vol. 8, 1922, pp. 107–16. JSTOR, Accessed 8 Apr. 2024.
However, the idea of codification can be traced back even further, to the Roman law
tradition, which sought to provide a rule for every possible combination of circumstances. This
approach, which Gahan calls the "formal" type of codification, can be contrasted with the
"substantive" type, which aims to provide a complete logical system of ideal law.
While codification can be beneficial in terms of providing clarity and certainty, it can
also be dangerous if it seeks to provide a rule for every possible case, as this can lead to rigidity
and a failure to provide for equity. He cites the example of the French Code, which, despite its
initial success, failed to adapt to changing social and economic conditions, particularly with
regard to the status of women and the importance of personal property.
The challenge of codifying International Law is even greater than that of municipal law,
due to the international suspicion that arises from the impartial administration of law by judges
of a foreign nationality. He argues that International Law cannot in its code leave a wide
discretion to its Judges, and other methods of doing equity must be found.3
The legal landscape in both England and British India was influenced by broader socio-
political movements and constitutional developments. In England, the gradual expansion of
individual rights and liberties, coupled with the emergence of new legal theories such as legal
realism, challenged traditional legal paradigms and paved the way for greater judicial activism.
Similarly, in British India, the demand for political autonomy and self-determination,
exemplified by the rise of the Indian National Congress and the Muslim League, precipitated
constitutional negotiations and ultimately led to the partition and independence of India in
Overall, the historical context of codification of law is marked by a tension between the
demand for certainty in law and the need for equity, which often finds no place in Chancery
law. This tension is particularly acute in the context of International Law, where the challenge
is to provide a code that is both impartial and flexible enough to adapt to changing
supra Gahan, Frank. “The Codification of Law.” Transactions of the Grotius Society, vol. 8, 1922, pp. 107–16.
JSTOR, Accessed 8 Apr. 2024.
It is important to note that the Law Commission was created with the specific task of codifying
some areas of the common law. The first Commissioners appointed in 1965 were clear that
codification was to be a major function of the Commission. To achieve this, they drew up the
First Programme of work, which included 17 items, most of which were to be undertaken by
the Commission. These items included codification of the law of contract, and of the law of
landlord and tenant. In the Commission's Second Programme, the work undertaken in the First
Programme was expanded to include criminal law and family law, with the ultimate objective
of codifying those two areas of law. Finally, in its Third Programme, the Commission assumed
responsibility for much of private international law. While there is no specific duty on the
Commission to proceed towards codification, it could be argued that when the Commission
assumes responsibility for a large area of the law, it is almost inevitable that it will move
towards codification.
The predominant body of contract law operates under common law principles, with
statute law playing a subsidiary role. An initiative was conceived wherein the Law Commission
and the Scottish Law Commission would collaborate to codify contract law, aiming to establish
a unified set of principles and regulations. This initiative seemed logical due to Scotland's
distinct legal system. Nonetheless, certain legal domains, such as taxation legislation and
substantial portions of employment law, are uniformly applicable throughout the United
Kingdom. In the realm of commercial law, the Sale of Goods Act 1893 (now consolidated as
the Sale of Goods Act 1979) was codified in the late 19th century, applying to both Scotland
and England. Although this legislation was occasionally met with disfavor in Scotland due to
its imposition of common law concepts on Scottish contract and property law, there was
consensus that maintaining a legal divide between the two countries in commercial law was
unwarranted, provided agreement could be reached on a new contract code.
systems. Professor L.C.B. Gower, a founding Law Commissioner, underscored the
complexities arising from this aspect. The challenge of harmonization heightened the
difficulty of the codification task, as matters deemed contractual in one legal system might be
categorized as proprietary in another. Additionally, while one system might rely on broad
judicial discretion, the other might not, and a problem might be resolved by referencing
underlying principles in one system but not in the other.
Despite being a primary focus for the Scottish Law Commission and the Law
Commission of England and Wales in their early days, the attempt to codify contract law proved
immensely challenging. The project aimed to restate, reform, and reconcile contract law,
presenting a contract code to Parliament as a conventional Bill. After six or seven years, an
initial draft code comprising over 500 articles or sections was produced, striving to fulfill all
three objectives. However, the project encountered numerous obstacles, exacerbating resource
demands, particularly for the smaller Scottish Law Commission. The imperative to harmonize
the two legal systems meant that much of the effort focused on reform rather than mere
restatement, complicating consensus on reform policies across this vast and intricate domain.
Furthermore, there was minimal enthusiasm for the project outside the Commissions, with the
legal profession questioning the value of restating well-established principles. Practitioners
were hesitant to relinquish the flexibility afforded by common law, favoring a rigid statute that
would be challenging to amend due to constraints on Parliamentary time.
Consequently, the Scottish Law Commission withdrew from the project in the early
1970s, followed by the Law Commission suspending work on the contract code about a year
later. Both Commissions opted to continue work in the contract field but to focus on areas in
clear need of reform rather than mere restatement. This led to a fragmented approach with
limited prospects for eventual codification. Although the Law Commission has not officially
abandoned contract law codification, the project appears stagnant. Nonetheless, there remains
an awareness of the importance of adopting similar approaches to commercial law reform north
and south of the border, achieved through joint projects on specific topics or through
cooperation and consultation, rather than a formally unified approach.
Ultimately, the endeavor to codify contract law will likely result in a series of separate
statutes reforming and partially restating those areas most in need of reform, while the
Supra North, Peter M. “Problems of Codification in a Common Law System.” Rabels Zeitschrift Für
Ausländisches Und Internationales Privatrecht / The Rabel Journal of Comparative and International Private
Law, vol. 46, no. 3, 1982, pp. 490–508. JSTOR, Accessed 8 Apr. 2024
remainder will remain under the purview of common law. The failure of English and Scottish
legal entities to reach agreement on harmonizing contract law does not bode well for current
proposals to harmonize the commercial laws of European Economic Community countries,
suggesting limited likelihood of success.
During the 18th , there was a lack of legal development and reform, with the law failing
to keep pace with societal changes. The prevailing satisfaction with the law led to its stagnation,
complicated rules of procedure, burdensome law taxes, and obsolete rules of evidence. The
legal system was criticized for its archaic features, excessive fees, and the use of legal fictions
to address new and complex cases. This context of legal inadequacies and inefficiencies
prompted Bentham to advocate for the reform and codification of laws based on the principle
of utility. Bentham believed that a comprehensive legal code, guided by the principle of utility,
would bring about justice, order, certainty, and simplicity in legal procedures. His work aimed
to challenge the complacency towards English law, promote legal reform, and establish a
system where laws were designed to maximize the greatest happiness for the greatest number.
Bentham's efforts were driven by a desire to address the disorder and shortcomings of the
existing legal system through systematic reform and the establishment of a utilitarian legal
Jeremy Bentham's work on the codification of law differed from previous approaches
to law in several ways. Bentham was highly critical of the existing legal system, particularly
the English legal system, which he believed was stagnant, inefficient, and in need of reform.
He was particularly opposed to the archaic features of English law, the excessive fees charged
by lawyers, and the lack of legal reform. This differed from previous approaches to law, which
often accepted the existing legal system as it was, without challenging its underlying principles
or structure.
Jeremy Bentham's work on the codification of law brought several key ideas to the
table. Bentham was a strong critic of the existing legal system, particularly the English legal
Alfange, Dean . “JEREMY BENTHAM and the CODIFICATION of LAW.” Cornell Law Review,
system, which he believed was stagnant, inefficient, and in need of reform. He was particularly
opposed to the archaic features of English law, the excessive fees charged by lawyers, and the
lack of legal reform. Bentham's recognition of the unsatisfactory nature of existing law had
come at an early age, and he was particularly repelled by the rapturous praise with which
Blackstone depicted English law and by Blackstone's almost total unwillingness to notice any
defect in the English legal system.
Bentham's work on the codification of law was driven by his belief that justice, order,
certainty, and simple procedure could be implanted permanently into any legal system through
the adoption of a comprehensive but concise legal code. He recognized the acute state of
disorder in the legal system and sought to shatter the smug satisfaction with which English law
was then viewed before a demand could be created for the adoption of such a code. Bentham
took for himself the role of censor rather than expositor of the law and undertook to observe
what the law "ought to be" rather than merely to observe what it is.
Bentham's theory came into direct conflict with the traditions of the English common
law, and he was especially anxious to gain the attention and approval of monarchs in Europe
for his utilitarian code. He was particularly interested in impressing upon them the wisdom of
adherence to the principle of utility in their formulation. Bentham's one overpowering desire
was "to secure the drawing up and the promulgation of his entire Code, everywhere,
somewhere, no matter where."
Bentham's views on the codification of law were shaped by his disdain for the legal
profession and his belief that the existing legal system was inefficient and resistant to reform.
He advocated for the codification of laws based on the principle of utility, which he believed
would enhance legal certainty, accessibility, and promote the greatest happiness for the greatest
Supra Alfange, Dean . “JEREMY BENTHAM and the CODIFICATION of LAW.” Cornell Law Review,
number. Bentham's opposition to the archaic features of English law and his belief in the need
for a comprehensive legal code to bring about justice and order were central to his work
In British India, Bentham's utilitarian principles and emphasis on legal certainty and
simplicity likely influenced later legal reforms and the eventual codification of laws in the
region. The Indian Penal Code, which was enacted in 1860, was influenced by Bentham's ideas
on codification and his emphasis on legal certainty and simplicity. The Indian Penal Code was
designed to provide a comprehensive and systematic code of criminal law that would be
accessible and understandable to all.
While Bentham's work on the codification of law was not directly implemented in
British India, his utilitarian principles and emphasis on legal certainty and simplicity likely
influenced later legal reforms and the eventual codification of laws in the region. Bentham's
legacy in legal philosophy and his advocacy for systematic legal reform have had a broad and
enduring influence on legal systems globally, including in British India.
Thomas Macaulay played a significant role in codifying the laws in British India.
Before coming to India, Macaulay was an advocate of legal uniformity and the codification of
Indian law. He introduced a bill in the Legislative Council on February 1, 1836, aimed at
extending local jurisdiction in civil matters by divesting Europeans in the mofussil of their
exclusive appeal to the Supreme Court. This bill, known as the first of the "Black Acts," sought
to abolish the privilege of European British subjects in civil matters, giving them an appeal to
the Sadr Dewani Adalat, the Company's chief civil court, similar to other subjects in the
mofussil. Macaulay's efforts faced controversy and protest, particularly in Calcutta, where there
was strong opposition due to a sense of racial entitlement and privilege.8
Macaulay's vision of codification and legal reform was rooted in the belief that a code
of laws was essential for the transformation of Indian society. He believed that India was in
Kolsky, Elizabeth. “Codification and the Rule of Colonial Difference: Criminal Procedure in British India.” Law
and History Review, vol. 23, no. 3, 2005, pp. 631–83. JSTOR, Accessed 8
Apr. 2024.
great need of a comprehensive legal framework. Macaulay's approach reflected an enlightened
and paternalistic view of the British Empire's role in reforming Indian society. Despite facing
challenges and resistance, Macaulay's advocacy for legal uniformity and the codification of
laws in British India marked a significant step towards establishing a more structured and
impartial legal system in the colonial context.
Thomas Macaulay played a pivotal role in the codification of laws in British India. He
was a strong advocate for legal uniformity and the codification of Indian law. Macaulay
introduced a bill in the Legislative Council in 1836 that aimed to extend local jurisdiction in
civil matters by removing the exclusive appeal to the Supreme Court held by Europeans in the
mofussil. This bill, known as the first of the "Black Acts," sought to abolish the privilege of
European British subjects in civil matters, granting them an appeal to the Sadr Dewani Adalat,
the Company's chief civil court, similar to other subjects in the mofussil. Macaulay's efforts
faced significant controversy and opposition, particularly in Calcutta, where there was strong
resistance due to a sense of racial entitlement and privilege.
Macaulay's vision of codification and legal reform was rooted in the belief that India
required a comprehensive legal framework. He believed that a code of laws was essential for
the transformation of Indian society. Macaulay's advocacy for legal uniformity and the
codification of laws in British India marked a significant step towards establishing a more
structured and impartial legal system in the colonial context. His ideas about codification were
influenced by Jeremy Bentham and reflected a desire to create a symmetrical and
comprehensive legal framework in India.
During the codification of laws in British India, various challenges were faced. Some of these
challenges include:
1. Diverse legal sources: The East India Company administered a plurality of legal sources,
including regional regulations, Acts of Parliament, Hindu and Muslim personal law, Islamic
criminal law, and the interpreted Roman principle of "justice, equity and good conscience."9
2. Plurality of laws and law courts: The East India Company established parallel sets of laws
and law courts in the Presidencies and in the mofussil (the country's interior), which was often
far from the Company's coastal centers. The King's courts in the Presidencies were tribunals of
English law presided over by English judges and barristers, while the Company's courts in the
mofussil administered Hindu and Muslim personal law, Islamic criminal law, and Company
3. Arrival of non-official Europeans: The abolition of the East India Company's trade monopoly
in 1813 led to a significant increase in the number of Europeans in the mofussil who were
neither Company men nor "natives." These non-official Europeans were not subject to the
Company's laws and regulations, creating a situation where they could not be tried in local
courts in either civil or criminal matters, leading to a lack of accountability and potential
Supra Kolsky, Elizabeth. “Codification and the Rule of Colonial Difference: Criminal Procedure in British India.”
Law and History Review, vol. 23, no. 3, 2005, pp. 631–83. JSTOR,
Accessed 8 Apr. 2024.
J. Duncan M. Derrett. The International and Comparative Law Quarterly, vol. 10, no. 1, 1961, pp. 206–09.
JSTOR, Accessed 8 Apr. 2024.
jurisdiction in particular, formed the ground upon which distinctions between colonial subjects
were challenged and debated.
The codification of laws in British India had a significant impact on the Indian legal system in
the long term. It introduced a uniform and comprehensive legal framework, which brought
order to the previously unwieldy and confusing plurality of legal sources[1]. The codification
process was not just a local endeavor but also an international one, with lawmakers in distant
geographical locations routinely citing each other's work[1].
The codification of laws in British India had implications beyond the colony, with English
lawmakers hoping that the codification of law in the colonies would have an impact on legal
change at home[1]. The Indian Penal Code, for instance, was seen as a model for the English
criminal law[1]. The process of codification in British India also influenced the development
of legal codes in other British colonies, such as East and Central Africa.
However, the codification of laws in British India also had unintended consequences. It led to
the creation of a legal system that was perceived as rigid and inflexible, which sometimes
struggled to adapt to changing social and cultural contexts[1]. The codification process also
reinforced the idea of colonial difference, with the legal system reflecting and reinforcing the
distinction between the colonizer and the colonized[1].
In summary, the codification of laws in British India had a profound impact on the Indian legal
system, introducing a uniform and comprehensive legal framework while also having
implications for legal systems beyond the colony. However, the codification process also had
unintended consequences, reinforcing the idea of colonial difference and creating a legal
system that was sometimes perceived as rigid and inflexible.11
supra J. Duncan M. Derrett. The International and Comparative Law Quarterly, vol. 10, no. 1, 1961, pp.
206–09. JSTOR, Accessed 8 Apr. 2024.
Codification is a process that involves the systematic arrangement and simplification of the
laws of a particular area. This process has played a significant role in shaping legal systems
across the globe. England and British India are two examples that offer insight into the
complexities, challenges and impacts of codification. This comparative analysis aims to
explore the process of codification in these two areas, including their objectives, challenges
and the ultimate impact on legal systems.
1. Objectives of Codification
In both England and British India, codification had multifaceted objectives. In England, the
Law Commission was established with the specific task of codifying areas of the common
law. The objectives were to restate, reform, and reconcile divergent legal systems. This was
particularly evident in the attempt to codify contract law. The aim was to create a unified set
of principles and regulations. This would address the predominance of common law
principles with a subsidiary role for statute law.
Similarly, in British India, Thomas Macaulay advocated for legal uniformity and the
codification of Indian law. His vision was rooted in the belief that a comprehensive legal
framework was essential for transforming Indian society. The objectives of codification
included establishing a structured and impartial legal system, simplifying the plurality of
legal sources, and promoting legal reform and modernization.12
2. Challenges Faced
Both England and British India encountered significant challenges during the codification
• Diverse Legal Sources: England faced the challenge of reconciling common law
principles with statutory law, while British India grappled with a plurality of legal
Samuel, Sigmund. “The Codification of Law.” The University of Toronto Law Journal, vol. 5, no. 1, 1943, pp.
148–60. JSTOR, Accessed 8 Apr. 2024.
sources, including Hindu and Muslim personal law, Islamic criminal law, and
Company Regulations.
• Plurality of Laws and Law Courts: England navigated the complexities of multiple
legal systems within the UK, while British India dealt with parallel sets of laws and
law courts established by the East India Company in different regions.
3 Impact of Codification
Despite challenges, codification had significant impacts in both England and British India.
Codification brought a uniform and comprehensive legal framework in both contexts, which
helped to simplify the previously disparate legal sources. This was particularly crucial in
British India, where it provided order to the complex legal landscape. The impact of
codification extended beyond national boundaries, as English lawmakers hoped that
codification in the colonies would influence legal change at home. Legal codes developed in
British India also served as models for other British colonies, such as those in East and Central
However, codification also had unintended consequences. In both contexts, it sometimes led to
rigidity and inflexibility in the legal system, struggling to adapt to changing social and cultural
contexts. Additionally, codification reinforced colonial differences, reflecting and perpetuating
distinctions between colonizers and the colonized.
4 Comparative Perspective:
• Legal Tradition: Legal Tradition: England's codification process was rooted in its
common law tradition, with efforts to reconcile common law principles with statutory
Supra Samuel, Sigmund. “The Codification of Law.” The University of Toronto Law Journal, vol. 5, no. 1, 1943,
pp. 148–60. JSTOR, Accessed 8 Apr. 2024.
law. In contrast, British India faced the challenge of codifying diverse legal sources,
including customary laws and Islamic jurisprudence.
• Colonial Dynamics: The process of codification in British India was deeply intertwined
with colonial dynamics, reflecting power imbalances and tensions between colonizers
and the colonized. In contrast, England's codification process mainly focused on
internal legal reforms.14
• Legacy and Continuity: Both England and India have a legal system that has been
shaped by a legacy of codification, despite the differences between the two. English
statutes, such as the Sale of Goods Act 1979, are examples of codified principles that
have influenced their legal system. On the other hand, in India, legal codes that were
introduced during colonial rule continue to have an impact on the legal framework of
the country.
The codification processes in England and British India provide valuable insights into the
complexities and dynamics of legal reform. Despite facing distinct challenges and operating
within different legal traditions, both contexts dealt with the task of organizing and simplifying
legal systems to promote order, uniformity, and justice. Although the outcomes were mixed
and there were unintended consequences, the legacy of codification continues to shape legal
discourse and practice in both England and India. This highlights the enduring impact of these
historical processes on contemporary legal systems.
supra Samuel, Sigmund. “The Codification of Law.” The University of Toronto Law Journal, vol. 5, no. 1, 1943,
pp. 148–60. JSTOR, Accessed 8 Apr. 2024.
The codification of laws, whether in England or British India, has been a monumental endeavor
aimed at bringing order, clarity, and justice to legal systems grappling with complexity and
ambiguity. From the early aspirations of Jeremy Bentham to the practical initiatives of Thomas
Macaulay and beyond, the process of codification has shaped legal landscapes, both
domestically and internationally.
In England, the efforts of the Law Commission underscored a commitment to codifying areas
of common law, seeking to restate, reform, and reconcile divergent legal principles. However,
challenges emerged, particularly evident in the attempt to codify contract law, where the
complexities of harmonizing separate legal systems posed significant hurdles. Despite
setbacks, the legacy of codification remains evident in various statutes and legal reforms that
have contributed to a more structured legal framework.
Similarly, in British India, the vision of Thomas Macaulay for legal uniformity and codification
aimed to transform the complex legal landscape into a cohesive and impartial system. Yet,
faced with diverse legal sources and resistance to change, the process encountered obstacles.
While the codification efforts brought about a more ordered legal framework, they also
highlighted the tensions inherent in colonial dynamics and the challenges of adapting legal
systems to changing societal norms.
Ultimately, the comparative analysis of codification in England and British India reveals both
the universal aspirations and unique challenges inherent in legal reform. Despite the
complexities and unintended consequences, the legacy of codification endures, shaping
contemporary legal discourse and practice. As legal systems continue to evolve, the lessons
learned from past codification efforts serve as valuable insights into the ongoing pursuit of
justice, equity, and the rule of law.