ACI - An Investigation On The Seismic Behaviour of Deep Reinforced Concrete Coupling Beams
ACI - An Investigation On The Seismic Behaviour of Deep Reinforced Concrete Coupling Beams
ACI - An Investigation On The Seismic Behaviour of Deep Reinforced Concrete Coupling Beams
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The ACI 318-14 design procedure for a diagonally reinforced beams are subjected to very large displacement reversals
coupling beam is questioned because it proportions the amount and high force demands, especially for deep coupling beams
of diagonal reinforcement to meet shear demands by completely (ℓn/h < 2.0), the ACI 318-14 seismic design requires the use
neglecting the participation of concrete and failing to recognize of diagonal reinforcements. The ACI 318-14 design equa-
any flexural strength that may be developed. This ACI 318-14
tion for a diagonally reinforced coupling beam is based on
design procedure might introduce unnecessary additional forces
the recommendation from pioneering research2 and relies
to the entire coupled wall system. This study proposes that the
amount of diagonal reinforcement should be determined using solely on the shear strength provided by diagonal reinforce-
beam flexural theory to satisfy the design moment at the Design ment bars, as shown by Eq. (1)
Based Earthquake level. Test results of diagonally reinforced deep
coupling beam specimens showed that they can preserve ductile Vu
Vn _ ACI = 2 Avd f y sin α ≥ (1)
flexural behavior up to the Maximum Considered Earthquake level, φ
and part of the shear strength was contributed from concrete in
addition to diagonal bars. Finally, a strut-and-tie model to illus-
trate the involved mechanism is also proposed. where Avd is the total area of one group of diagonal bars; fy
represents the yielding strength of steel, α denotes the incli-
Keywords: design procedure; diagonally reinforced deep coupling beam; nation angle of the diagonal bars with respect to the longi-
seismic behavior; shear strength. tudinal axis of the beam; Vu represents the shear demand
at the DBE level; and ϕ is the shear reduction factor for a
INTRODUCTION diagonally reinforced coupling beam. By neglecting the
The ACI 318-141 design procedure determines the concrete contribution, previous research2-5 showed satisfac-
amount of longitudinal flexural reinforcement of a beam in a tory seismic performance, as sufficient shear strength at the
moment-resisting frame based on the code bending moment MCE level was ensured. However, no check on its flexural
at the Design Based Earthquake (DBE) level. According moment strength was performed.6 This design check on
to the capacity design approach, the shear strength is then flexure is important because the role of diagonal bars as the
increased accordingly by neglecting the concrete shear shear reinforcement is coupled with its role as the flexural
contribution to satisfy the plastic shear demand at the reinforcement. Hence, an overdesign of diagonal reinforce-
Maximum Considered Earthquake (MCE) level. However, ment may cause an increase in the flexural strength as well.
the design procedure for a diagonally reinforced coupling This study proposes that the amount of diagonal reinforce-
beam requires engineers to proportion the amount of diag- ment should be determined using beam flexural theory to
onal reinforcement according to the beam shear demand at satisfy the code moment at the DBE level. Four deep-beam
the DBE level and neglects the check of flexural strength. coupling beam specimens with clear span-depth ratios of 1.0
This different design approach for diagonally reinforced (ℓn/h = 1.0) and 2.0 (ℓn/h = 2.0) were tested. For each clear
coupling beams is questionable and requires evaluation. span-depth ratio, one specimen was reinforced traditionally
In the traditional ductile frame beam design, engineers while the other specimen was diagonally reinforced. Test
proportion a sufficient amount of longitudinal flexural results showed that the beam flexural theory, which assumes
reinforcement to satisfy the bending moment calculated at compatibility between concrete and steel (both longitudinal
the DBE level. Using the capacity design, adequate shear and diagonal) bars, gives good estimations of the flexural
strength must be provided at the MCE level. At beam ends strength. In addition, due to the strict confinement regulation
where plastic hinges and concrete degradation might occur, of ACI 318-14 for a coupling beam, the presence of stirrups
the plastic shear corresponding to the probable plastic and crossties assisted in maintaining the integrity of concrete
moment Mpr is assigned solely to the stirrups by neglecting under large displacement reversals. This research also shows
the concrete shear contribution. Because the roles of longi- that the shear strength can be estimated by properly consid-
tudinal flexural reinforcement bars and stirrups are clearly ering the shear resistance contributed by diagonal concrete
distinguished and independent of each other, the overdesign struts and diagonal reinforcement.
of shear reinforcement (in this case, stirrups) is acceptable
and does not affect the flexural strength of the beam. ACI Structural Journal, V. 113, No. 2, March-April 2016.
MS No. S-2014-274.R3, doi: 10.14359/51687939, was received April 22, 2015, and
In a coupled wall system, the yielding of coupling beams reviewed under Institute publication policies. Copyright © 2016, American Concrete
along the building height is also expected and becomes the Institute. All rights reserved, including the making of copies unless permission is
obtained from the copyright proprietors. Pertinent discussion including author’s
“fuse” to limit the input earthquake force. Because coupling closure, if any, will be published ten months from this journal’s date if the discussion
is received within four months of the paper’s print publication.
CB10 series
In Specimen CB10-1, which was detailed using a diag-
onal reinforcement layout, no major diagonal cracks were
observed at early drift ratios (DR < 2.1%), as indicated
in Fig. 4(a). At a DR of 2.1%, the shear crack width was
measured to be 0.35 mm (0.01 in.). The formation of a mature
Fig. 2—Test arrangement. diagonal strut was observed at a DR of 5.8%, where a peak
lateral strength Vmax of 1443.8 kN (324.6 kip) was reached,
in such a manner that the resulting force passed through the
as shown in Fig. 3(a). At this drift level, although the width
midheight of the beam. Two actuators were also used in the
of the shear crack widened up to 1.3 mm (0.05 in.), no signif-
vertical direction. The first actuator was force-controlled
icant concrete crushing was apparent. The inclination angle
to ensure that no axial load was exerted on the specimens.
of the major cracks was approximately coincident with the
Meanwhile, the second one was set as a displacement-
inclination of the diagonal bars. The specimen began to lose
controlled actuator to ensure that double-curvature bending
its strength at the second cycle and the test was terminated at
with no rotation at the top concrete block was produced.
the third cycle when the drift level reached 7.2%. At the final
Strain gauges were also attached at the main reinforcement
stage, crushing of concrete occurred near the end of the strut
(both diagonal and longitudinal bars) and stirrups. Details of
and buckling of the diagonal reinforcement was observed.
the measurement can be found elsewhere.7,8
The failure mode for this specimen (CB10-1) was flexural-
shear failure. Figure 3(a) also shows that, at a DR of 2%, the
lateral load corresponding to the first yielding strength of the
Material properties
diagonal bar (that is, 1308 kN [294.1 kip]) can be preserved
The concrete and steel material properties for all four
up to a DR of 5.8%, where Vmax was reached. This force level
specimens are presented in Table 1. The concrete strength
can be reached because the shear capacity is contributed by
fc′ of each specimen was obtained from the average value of
concrete in addition to the diagonal bars.
three concrete cylinders tested on the same day as the test
The shear failure of CB10-2 was clearly observed through
of the coupling beam specimens. Meanwhile, for the steel
its load-deflection curve in Fig. 3(b). At an early DR of
properties, because these four specimens were constructed
0.8%, the width of the diagonal shear crack was 0.55 mm
and tested at two different time periods, for the same rein-
(0.02 in.). The crack then continued to widen up to 2.50 mm
forcing sizes there were two different values of steel yielding
(0.1 in.) as its peak lateral strength Vmax of 873.6 kN (196.4 kip)
strength. For each reinforcing bar size, three samples of rein-
at a DR of 1.7% was reached. At that corresponding DR, the
forcing bar were tested under a tensile strength test and the
crack pattern in Fig. 4(b) indicates the occurrence of major
average yielding strengths were reported.
diagonal cracks. Crushing of the concrete, which was also
observed, caused a drastic drop of the lateral load to less than
Hysteretic behaviors and crack patterns
50% of the peak lateral strength at the third cycle. At the next
The load-deflection curves for all specimens are presented
DR of 3.6%, even more concrete crushing and spalling of the
in Fig. 3, where the drift ratio (DR) is defined as the lateral
concrete cover were obvious.
deflection of a specimen measured from the linear variable
Fig. 4—Crack patterns at different drift ratios (DR). (Note: 1 mm = 0.0394 in.)
Pinching mechanism
The presence of diagonal bars also contributed signifi-
cantly to the energy dissipation capacity of a coupling beam, Fig. 7—Illustration of pinching behavior.
generally indicated by the absence of pinching. Specimens
CB10-2 and CB20-2 displayed severe pinching in their shear element of Fig. 7(b). In the principle directions, the
hysteretic loops, while Specimens CB10-1 and CB20-1 resistance from these steel bars did not cancel one another,
showed a well-rounded shape (Fig. 3). This pinching resulting in the absence of pinching.
behavior was explained well by Mansour et al.11 and is
briefly discussed and illustrated in Fig. 7. Figures 7(a) and DISCUSSION
7(b) plot the load-deflection curve of the first cycle at a DR In general, the test results of this study reconfirm the supe-
of 3.3% for Specimens CB20-2 and CB20-1, respectively. riority of coupling beams with a diagonal reinforcement
As more displacement was imposed on Specimen CB20-2, layout. The presence of diagonal bars ensures a good defor-
the cracks continued to grow and open up. During reversed mation capacity and energy absorption through its robust
loading, the cracks that had opened, closed up, but were not hysteretic loop.
necessarily perfectly in contact and left gaps. Due to these
gaps, little resistance was expected from concrete under the Evaluation of ACI 318-14 shear design equation
reloading (from Point B to C). Examination of a small shear The shear strengths of CB10-1 and CB20-1 calculated
element in its principal direction also indicated a small resis- using Eq. (1) are presented in Column (4) of Table 3. It
tance contribution from the orthogonally placed steel bars. shows that there is a large discrepancy between the shear
Due to the principal compression stress, the orthogonally strength predicted using Eq. (1) and the maximum attained
placed steel bars were subjected to compression; mean- lateral force Vmax. In other words, if Eq. (1) is used as a design
while, in the perpendicular principal direction, the steel bars tool to proportion the required amount of diagonal reinforce-
were subjected to tensile stress and, therefore, cancelled ment, overstrength factors of 1.67 and 1.61 for CB10-1 and
one another (Fig. 7(a)). Because neither the steel bars nor CB20-1 can be expected, respectively. The main reason
concrete provided shear resistance, severe pinching was for this overstrength is due to the fact that Eq. (1) neglects
observed near the origin. the concrete and leaves out the examination of any flexural
When a coupling beam with diagonal bars (CB20-1) strength that may have developed at the DBE level. Because
was reloaded (point B to C), although little resistance was the roles of diagonal bars as flexural and shear reinforce-
contributed by the concrete due to the gap, the diagonally ment are coupled, this overly provided shear strength would
placed steel bars did provide resistance, as illustrated in the further increase the flexural strength, which might cause the
yielding mechanisms of the coupling beam to occur at a much reinforced section. Based on previous experimental studies,2-5
higher force level. This overstrength would later contribute engineers need not worry about the shear strength at the
as a larger axial load to the wall and, ultimately, increase the MCE level if a diagonal layout is adopted. Moreover, this
wall flexural capacity and its corresponding shear demand. study also shows that, although the acting shear of the two
This phenomenon needs further investigation. diagonally reinforced specimens (CB10-1 and CB20-1) far
The maximum lateral load Vmax attained by the test spec- exceeded the ACI 318-14 maximum shear limitation (that is,
imens can be more reasonably estimated using flexural 0.83 f c′ (MPa)bd [10 f c′ (psi)bd ]), these two specimens
strength. Column (5) of Table 3 shows the shear corre- still possessed good deformation behavior. Column (4) of
sponding to the nominal flexural strength of a beam (Vmn), Table 2 indicates that, although the acting shear of CB10-1 was
which is given by 2.6 f c′ (MPa)bd ( 31.8 f c′ (psi)bd ), it still could maintain a
good deformation capacity up to a DR of 6%. Meanwhile,
2 × Mn CB20-1 could develop its flexural behavior up to a DR of 7%
Vmn = (2)
n despite its acting shear reaching as high as 1.3 f c′ (MPa)bd
(16.2 f c′ (psi)bd ).
where Mn denotes the flexural moment strength defined when
the extreme compression fiber of concrete reaches 0.003. Shear strength at MCE level
The strength ratios Vmax/Vmn were 1.02 and 0.99 for CB10-1 As discussed in the previous sections, a large difference
and CB20-1, respectively. A similar analysis can also be was observed when comparing the shear strengths calculated
easily carried out for conventionally reinforced coupling based solely on the contribution of diagonal bars using Eq. (1)
beams that failed from flexural shear (CB20-2). This result and Vmax (862.7 kN [193.9 kip] compared to 1443.8 kN
implies that a conventional bending analysis that considers [324.6 kip] for CB10-1, and 664.8 kN [149.4 kip] compared
the strain compatibility between concrete and flexural (both to –1073.0 kN [–241.2 kip] for CB20-1). However, the
diagonal and longitudinal) reinforcement bars provides a hysteretic loops of CB10-1 and CB20-1 (Fig. 3(a) and 3(c))
good strength estimation for flexure. indicated that they can preserve those force levels up to a
Based on the aforementioned discussion and test results, very large displacement level. This observation suggests that
this study recommends that the design procedure of a diago- the shear capacity was not only contributed by the diagonal bars.
nally reinforced coupling beam should adopt the traditional In addition, CB10-2 and CB20-2 also showed that a certain
beam seismic design approach. The required amount of amount of shear capacity is reserved at a high displacement
diagonal reinforcement should be proportioned based on the level in the absence of diagonal bars (Fig. 3(b) and 3(d)). It
flexural analysis to satisfy the design moment at the DBE implies that the shear strength is contributed from both the
level. It should be noted that because the bars are in a diag- diagonal bars and concrete. In the following section, a shear
onal layout, only the horizontal component of the diagonal strength model at a high displacement level is developed.
bars contributes to the flexural strength. For example, as an
illustration purpose, the flexural design equation for a singly ANALYTICAL FORMULATION FOR
reinforced section is given by Eq. (3) as follows SHEAR STRENGTH
The previous discussion addressed that the total shear
a M strength of a coupling beam is contributed by both concrete
M n = Avd f y cos α d − ≥ u (3)
2 φ and diagonal bars (Fig. 8(a)). A close examination of the
failure conditions of each specimen suggested that the
major distress arises from the compressive failure of a diag-
where d represents the effective beam depth; a denotes the
onal concrete strut. Hence, the concrete shear resistance is
depth of plastic compression zone calculated using Whitney’s
assumed to be contributed by the diagonal concrete strut.
stress block of a singly reinforced beam section; Mu is the
This study proposes a strut-and-tie model as a tool to esti-
moment demand at the DBE level; and ϕ denotes the strength
mate the compressive strength of a diagonal concrete strut
reduction factor for flexure. In the design practice, the amount
of a coupling beam. Under an elastic shear reinforcement
of diagonal reinforcement can be determined using a doubly
VSTM = Cdsinθ + (1.0 + 1.1)Avd fysinα (4) where h denotes the depth of a coupling beam.
The SST model assumes that the contribution of a concrete
where Cd and θ represent the compressive strength of a strut arises not only from the main diagonal strut, but also
diagonal concrete strut and the inclination angle of the from the concrete sub-struts. These additional sub-struts are
main diagonal strut at the MCE level calculated from the provided by the presence of vertical and horizontal shear
simplified SST algorithm,12 respectively, by considering the reinforcement, represented as the vertical and horizontal ties
nonlinearity of concrete behavior. (Fig. 8(b)). Hence, the compressive strength of a diagonal
Because it is assumed that the main diagonal strut is concrete strut at the high ductility demand Cd is estimated as
formed from one end of the beam to the other end, the
inclination angle of the concrete strut and diagonal bars Cd = Kζ fc′Astr (6)
would not highly deviate. Hence, based on the argument
from ACI 318-14, compression reinforcement bars that are where K represents the strut-and-tie index; ζ indicates the
properly anchored, parallel to and located within a diagonal softening coefficient of cracked reinforced concrete taken
strut, and enclosed in ties shall be permitted to increase the as 3.35/ f c′ (MPa) ≤ 0.52 , and fc′ denotes the compressive