Scrolal Condition - 240918 - 193043-1
Scrolal Condition - 240918 - 193043-1
Scrolal Condition - 240918 - 193043-1
Dr Gamini Abeysinghe
Consultant Surgeon
• Scrotal swelling
• Benign conditions
• Tumors
• Undecending testis
• Testicular tumor
Divided into congenital & acquired (further divided into primary and
patent connection with peritoneal cavity via
patent processus vaginalis
Acquired Primary: -Idiopathic -Can reach very large size with no pain
• Reactionary haemorrhage
• Hematocele
• Infection
• Pyocele
• Sinus formation
• Recurrent hydrocel
• Hydrocele of the canal of Nuck
is a condition in females.
90% on the left because Lt testicular vein drain into high pressure renal
vein where the Rt testicular vein drains directly into IVC
• Aspiration is useless
• Excision- partial/ total epididymectomy- risk
• Spermatococele- unilocular , retention cyst, epididymis , contains sperms- barley water
Chronic epididymo-orchitis
Acute epidydymo- orchitis
Primarily an infection of the epididymis but then
spread into testis
Blood-borne infection
Surgical procedure on the lower urinary tract,e.g. TUR
FBC: leucocytosis
Bed rest,
scrotal elevation
Cause: testicular maldescent wherein the testis is inadequately affixed to the scrotum allowing it to
move freely on its axis and susceptible to induced twisting of the cord and its vessels.
Scrotal skin become red, hot and edematous in later stage
Palpation may feel the twisted cord
Transversely placed testis
Pain is increase or no improvement by raising the testis
Surgical emergency
Maybe possible to de-rotate the testis.
Failure of non-operative reduction require emergency
The testis is de-rotated and fixed
• Proximal to the external inguinal ring(undescended)
• Truly absent
• Retractile-the cremaster muscle reflexly pulls the organ up towards
the inguinal canal
• Ectopic (mal Descended)
• Infertility: inevitable in bilateral and
common in unilateral undescent
• Torsion
• Trauma
• Inguinal hernia
• Malignant disease
Target is to bring the testicle with its blood supply
into the scrotum as early as possible
3. Is it cystic or solid?
Separate and cystic - epididymal cyst or spermatocele
Separate and solid - epididymitis (may also orchitis)
Testicular and cystic – hydrocele
Testicular and solid – tumour, orchiti
Penile benign and malignant conditions
• Prepuce is adhered to glans at birth, disappear at 2 years, may be till
6 y (physiological)
• Boys- due to scarring, Balooning, balanoposthitis, narrow aperture
• Adults- scarring- balanitis, posthitis , BXO (lichen sclerosis atrophicus)
Penile pearl
Peyronie’s disease
• Idiopathic penile deformity
• penile plaques, pain on erection , prevent
• (25%) associated with Dupuytren’s
• Surgery
• Collagenase injection
• Genital warts/ condylomata accuminata – STD, HIV associated , HPV
6,11- podophyllin LA, Imidaquod, Cryosurgery, laser, electrosurgery,
Thank you