MR Notes 6

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An atude is how we feel abou somehing based on our experiences and beliefs. I shapes how wereac o hings in our surroundings. When we have an atude abou somehing, i makes us likely orespond in a cerain way.
Simple Explanaton:
Wha i is
: Atudes are feelings we have abou hings, like producs or brands. They come fromwha we've learned or experienced.
How i works
: If we have a posive atude owards somehing, we end o like i and suppori. If we have a negave atude, we migh avoid i or dislike i.
Example Relaed o Consumers:
Imagine a person who has a posive atude owards a cerain brand of sneakers because hey had agrea experience wih hem in he pas. They nd hem comforable, sylish, and durable. Because ofhis posive atude, when i's me o buy new shoes, hey are more likely o choose ha brand againand recommend i o friends.On he oher hand, if someone had a bad experience wih a specic resauran—maybe he food wascold or he service was slow—hey migh develop a negave atude owards ha resauran. As aresul, hey would be less likely o go back, even if someone invies hem or if he resauran has newmenu iems.In boh cases, atudes inuence consumer choices and behaviors.Atudes consis of hree main componens: cognive, aecve, and behavioral. Here’s a simplebreakdown of each componen along wih heir imporance in undersanding atudes, especially in aconsumer conex.
1. Cognitve Componen
Wha i is
: This refers o he beliefs and houghs we have abou an objec or issue.
: A consumer believes ha a parcular smarphone brand is high-qualiy and reliablebased on reviews and research. Their undersanding of he produc inuences heir atudeowards i.
2. Afectve Componen
Wha i is
: This is abou he feelings or emoons we have owards an objec or issue.
: A person feels excied and happy abou a new video game release because hey haveenjoyed he previous games from ha franchise. This emoonal response shapes heir atudeowards buying he game.
3. Behavioral Componen
Wha i is
: This relaes o he way we ac or behave owards an objec or issue.
: If someone has a posive atude owards a brand of organic food, hey are morelikely o purchase hose producs regularly and promoe hem o friends and family.
Componen Consisency
Wha i means
: This refers o how he hree componens (cognive, aecve, and behavioral)align wih one anoher. Consisency means ha if someone has posive beliefs (cognive) andposive feelings (aecve) aboua brand, hey are likely o behave posively owards i(behavioral) as well.
Example o Consisency
: If a consumer believes ha eco-friendly producs are beer for heenvironmen (cognive) and feels good abou using hem (aecve), hey are likely o buy eco-friendly producs regularly (behavioral). Inconsisen atudes migh occur if someone believes abrand is high-qualiy (cognive) bu has negave feelings owards i (aecve), leading ohesiaon in making a purchase (behavioral).The
cognitve componen
 of atudes is crucial in shaping consumer behavior. I involves he beliefs andknowledge haa consumer has abou a parcular brand, produc, or oule. Here’s a simpleexplanaon, along wih deails on beliefs, evaluaons of aribues, and he mul-aribue model.
Cognitve Componen Explained
Belies and Knowledge
This componen includes everyhing a consumer hinks hey know abou a produc orbrand. I can be based on personal experiences, adversemens, reviews, and word-of-mouh.
: A consumer may believe ha Brand X sneakers are more durable han Brand Ybased on reviews hey’ve read.2.
Evaluaton o Aribues
Consumers evaluae various aribues (feaures or characeriscs) of a produc whenforming beliefs. These aribues can include price, qualiy, design, and performance.
: When looking a a smarphone, a consumer migh consider baery life,camera qualiy, and sorage capaciy. Their evaluaons of hese aribues conribue oheir overall belief abou he smarphone.3.
Summaton o Evaluatons
The cognive componen reecs he oaliy of hese evaluaons. Consumers mayweigh he imporance of each aribue dierenly based on heir needs andpreferences.
: If a consumer priorizes camera qualiy over price when considering asmarphone, heir belief abou he brand will largely depend on how hey evaluae hecamera feaure.
Mult-Aribue Model
The mul-aribue model is a framework ha helps undersand how consumers form atudesbased on heir evaluaons of mulple aribues. I assumes ha consumers consider variousaribues of a produc, each weighed according o is imporance.
How I Works:
Lis Aribues
: Idenfy key aribues relevan o he produc.2.
Evaluae Each Aribue
: Rae how well each brand or produc performs on hese aribues.3.
Weigh Imporance
: Assign imporance weighs o each aribue based on personal preference.4.
Calculae Overall Aude
: The overall atude owards a brand can be calculaed using aformula ha combines he evaluaons and heir respecve weighs.
For a lapop purchase:
Aribues Considered
: Baery life, price, weigh, brand repuaon.
Brand A: Baery life (4/5), Price (3/5), Weigh (5/5), Repuaon (4/5)
Brand B: Baery life (5/5), Price (4/5), Weigh (3/5), Repuaon (3/5)
Imporance Weighs
Baery life: 40%
Price: 30%
Weigh: 20%
Repuaon: 10%Using he mul-aribue model, he consumer calculaes an overall score for each brand based on heirevaluaons and he imporance weighs, helping hem make an informed decision.This cognive evaluaon process inuences atudes and ulmaely drives purchasing behavior, makingi a crical area for markeers o undersand and leverage.The
afectve componen
 of atudes is all abou he feelings and emoons ha consumers associaewih a produc or brand. Here’s a simple breakdown of is key aspecs, including how i relaes oexperience, cognion, individual siuaons, and culural inuences.
Afectve Componen Explained
Feelings and Emotonal Reactons
The aecve componen reecs how consumers feel abou a produc, which can rangefrom posive feelings (like love, exciemen, or rus) o negave feelings (like dislike,anger, or fear).
: A consumer may feel joy and exciemen when hinking abou a brand of icecream hey loved as a child.2.
Based on Experience or Cognitve Inormaton
Emoons can arise from direc experiences (like using a produc) or from cogniveinformaon (such as adversemens or reviews).
: If a consumer has a grea experience wih a parcular brand of car, hey maydevelop a posive emoonal reacon oward ha brand. Conversely, if hey hearnegave reviews, hey migh feel apprehensive or fearful abou buying ha brand.3.
Person-Siuaton Specic
Emoonal responses can vary depending on he individual and he siuaon. Dierenconsumers may reacdierenly o he same producbased on heir personalexperiences and conexs.
: One person migh feel nosalgic abou a classic oy because i reminds hem ofheir childhood, while anoher migh have no emoonal aachmen o i a all.4.
Culural Inuence
Culural background can signicanly shape emoonal reacons o producs. Dierenculures may have varying values, radions, and symbols ha inuence how consumersfeel abou cerain brands or producs.
: In some culures, luxury brands may evoke feelings of presge and saus,while in ohers, hey migh be viewed wih skepcism or as unnecessary. For insance, abrand promong environmenal susainabiliy migh resonae posively wih consumersin culures ha priorize eco-friendliness.
Imporance o he Afectve Componen
The aecve componen plays a vial role in consumer decision-making. Posive feelings owards abrand can lead o brand loyaly, while negave feelings can deer purchases. Markeers oen ap inoemoons in heir adversing o creae srong connecons wih consumers, enhancing he overall brandexperience.
The aecve componen highlighs he emoonal side of consumer behavior, showing how feelings,experiences, and culural inuences conribue o atudes oward producs. Undersanding hiscomponen helps markeers design campaigns ha resonae emoonally wih heir arge audience,ulmaely driving consumer engagemen and loyaly.

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