4 - Patent+of+Nativity-original Template
4 - Patent+of+Nativity-original Template
4 - Patent+of+Nativity-original Template
For the nativity of: First Middle of the family Birth Last Name
Record of Genealogy:
Olivia McGee Emily Marguerite Chavier Lola Mae Cunningham Esther Shearer
(Great Grandmother) (Great Grandmother) (Great Grandmother) (Great Grandmother)
State born Republic State born Republic State born Republic State born Republic
birth - death years birth - death years birth – death years birth – death years
--------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------
Jules Doe, Sr. Armand Picard, Sr. William Nary Edwards Charles Hindall
(Great Great Grandfather) (Great Great Grandfather) (Great Great Grandfather) (Great Great Grandfather)
State born Republic State born Republic State born Republic State born Republic
birth - death years birth - death years birth – death years birth – death years
First MiddleName
of the family Birth Last Name
Date of nativity:
1 Day of Birth Month