Securing Pakistans Cyberspace Cyber Counter Intelligence Strengths Weaknessesand Strategies
Securing Pakistans Cyberspace Cyber Counter Intelligence Strengths Weaknessesand Strategies
Securing Pakistans Cyberspace Cyber Counter Intelligence Strengths Weaknessesand Strategies
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3 authors, including:
All content following this page was uploaded by Syed Muhammad Ali Uddin Hafee on 23 October 2024.
C yberspace is fundamental in the contemporary world for economies, societies and politics.
It has many advantages with plenty of disadvantages. The evolution of digital technology
in Pakistan has given advancement and improved investment in information technology
but it has also instigated numerous cyber threats to national security, economic grounds and
infrastructure. These threats are not straightforward and as a result, a strong and more
importantly integrated strategy for Critical Cyber Infrastructure (CCI) is necessary. Before
embarking on the recommendations, this research aims to describe the current state of CCI in
Pakistan and the key involved. They take into consideration weak points in essential
infrastructures, the problems of data security and other matters of concern in the growing threat
domain. One of the key findings of the study relates to the need to integrate other governments,
companies and intelligence organizations to deal with these cyber threats. CCI has been
developed in Pakistan to some extent; however, there are significantly vulnerable areas.
Terminated businesses like electricity, finance and telecom face this problem because their
technology is old and security is inadequate. While Pakistan has recently adopted legislation on
the protection of personal data, the country is not very efficient when it comes to implementing
such legislation. Therefore, eradicating these problems from the roots, Pakistan requires a
comprehensive and multiple-faceted strategy that requires changes in policies, people,
technology and international cooperation. The essence of the present paper is the proposition
that if Pakistan has a CCI plan that is progressive synchronistic and comprehensive, it can
safeguard its strategic assets and serve the safety of its economy and the nation’s security from
the threats posed by the Information Age.
Keywords. CCI, Cyber Security, Cyber Space, Pakistan, Cyber risks, vulnerable.