Securing Pakistans Cyberspace Cyber Counter Intelligence Strengths Weaknessesand Strategies

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Securing Pakistan's Cyberspace - Cyber Counter Intelligence

Strengths, Weaknesses and Strategies

Article in International Journal of Innovations in Science and Technology · October 2024


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International Journal of Innovations in Science & Technology

Securing Pakistan's Cyberspace Cyber Counter Intelligence

Strengths, Weaknesses and Strategies
Noman Habib1, Sajid Hussain1, Syed M. Ali Uddin Hafee2
Institute of Industrial Electronics Engineering
Pakistan Telecom Authority
Correspondence. [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected]
Citation| Habib. N, Hussain. S, Hafee. S. M. A. U, “Securing Pakistan's Cyberspace Cyber
Counter Intelligence Strengths, Weaknesses and Strategies”, IJIST, Vol. 06 Issue. 04 pp 1586-
1605, Oct 2024
Received| Aug 15, 2024 Revised| Sep 28, 2024 Accepted| Oct 04, 2024 Published| Oct
08, 2024.

C yberspace is fundamental in the contemporary world for economies, societies and politics.
It has many advantages with plenty of disadvantages. The evolution of digital technology
in Pakistan has given advancement and improved investment in information technology
but it has also instigated numerous cyber threats to national security, economic grounds and
infrastructure. These threats are not straightforward and as a result, a strong and more
importantly integrated strategy for Critical Cyber Infrastructure (CCI) is necessary. Before
embarking on the recommendations, this research aims to describe the current state of CCI in
Pakistan and the key involved. They take into consideration weak points in essential
infrastructures, the problems of data security and other matters of concern in the growing threat
domain. One of the key findings of the study relates to the need to integrate other governments,
companies and intelligence organizations to deal with these cyber threats. CCI has been
developed in Pakistan to some extent; however, there are significantly vulnerable areas.
Terminated businesses like electricity, finance and telecom face this problem because their
technology is old and security is inadequate. While Pakistan has recently adopted legislation on
the protection of personal data, the country is not very efficient when it comes to implementing
such legislation. Therefore, eradicating these problems from the roots, Pakistan requires a
comprehensive and multiple-faceted strategy that requires changes in policies, people,
technology and international cooperation. The essence of the present paper is the proposition
that if Pakistan has a CCI plan that is progressive synchronistic and comprehensive, it can
safeguard its strategic assets and serve the safety of its economy and the nation’s security from
the threats posed by the Information Age.
Keywords. CCI, Cyber Security, Cyber Space, Pakistan, Cyber risks, vulnerable.

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Due to the globalization of digital technology, countries have experienced
unprecedented connectivity, progress and advancement. The world has embraced technology in
growth and Pakistan embraced innovations to boost its economy, education and governance.
Nevertheless, this situation has made the country connect several technologies it adopted to
numerous cyber threats that are beyond the geographical limitations and conventional security
systems [1]. Thus there is a dire need for Pakistan to develop a proper CCI system because with
time and development threats are emerging [2][3].
The authors in [4] reported an incident of data exposure occurred involving information
from the FIA, prompting the government to consider enhancing cybersecurity measures for
safeguarding electronic data. In the same year, a cyber-related financial loss of approximately $6
million was reported by a bank, highlighting areas for improvement in the cybersecurity
infrastructure of Pakistan's banking sector ( K-
Electric also faced a disastrous ransomware assault, which resulted in the interruption in their
services for hours [7]. Data breaches from Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) and a cyber-
attack on the National Bank of Pakistan (NBP) highlighted the requirement of strong
infrastructure, regulations and laws related to cyber security in the country [8][9]. These incidents
reflect the magnitude of cyber-attacks on Pakistan’s civil and banking sectors and the need for
a sophisticated cybersecurity system.
E-commerce has grown at a fast pace in Pakistan in the recent past; with an increased
public internet connection and more use of mobile phones and various web tools in
organizations [10][11]. Although it has helped to boost the nation’s economy, improve
communication and make information more reachable, it has also brought out risks such as
cyber that are a threat to the nation’s security [12][13].
In Pakistan, cyber threats range from state-sponsored attacks to sophisticated
cybercriminal activities, covering a wide spectrum of malicious efforts aimed at compromising
national and organizational security [14]. These attacks use sophisticated methods and tools to
attack the vulnerabilities of the sectors that comprise critical infrastructures, retrieve private data
and disrupt necessary services. Acknowledging such threats, the country has an urgent necessity
for a properly constructed and efficient CCI.
Rationale for the Study.
This research is relevant because, without a well-integrated and effectively managed
(CCI), cyberspace remains vulnerable to substantial hostile interference [15]. Threats from the
virtual world may pose an imminent danger to a nation’s security, economy and people. This
paper aims to determine the contributions and shortages of the current CCI system in the
country and gives suggestions to ameliorate the Pakistani position in the domain of cyberspace
and fill the existing gaps.
Objectives of the Study.
This comprehensive study aims to.
• Analyze. To analyze the current position of CCI infrastructure.
• Assess. Assessing the strengths and weaknesses of the CCI infrastructure based on the
analysis of data.
• Identify. Identifying the gaps and deficient areas that require improvements.
• Evaluate. Evaluation of data privacy laws and their capacity to penalize the responsible.
• Examine. Examining the modernized threats and tools e.g state-sponsored threats.
• Develop. Based on the assessment, examination and analysis propose a more efficient
strategy for CCI in Pakistan.

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Structure of the Research.
This research aims to provide the general viewer with a survey of the current scenario
of CCI and measures to improve its effectiveness. It assesses the opportunities and threats of
Pakistan’s CCI system, identifies threats related to specific sectors of the critical infrastructure,
tackles the issue of data security and considers new trends of cyber threats [16]. The paper aims
to outline the necessary recommendations that would allow to address the identified
shortcomings and enhance overall cybersecurity. Finally, this research aims to raise awareness
among policymakers, security professionals and other stakeholders about the importance of
establishing a strong CCI system to protect cyberspace from advanced cyber threats.
Research Design.
An empirical and exploratory approach was employed, utilizing both quantitative and
qualitative research methodologies [17][18]. It makes it possible to gain a substantially deeper
understanding of CCI as an organization taking into account to gauge the strengths and
Data Collection.
In this context, quantitative data was collected from open sources reports [19] [20][21]
[22]. The time frame analyzed covered the years 2020 to 2023, offering insights into the latest
trends and developments in cyber threat activities. The data was transformed and sorted
according to categories that need to be examined in the course of research. Quantitative data
was collected from sources selected based on the following criteria.
• Open Sources. Chosen for their credibility and relevance, including reputable news
outlets, academic journals and industry reports.
• Official Reports. Selected from publications of government departments, international
organizations and research institutions to ensure comprehensive and reliability of data.
In the quantitative study, data was retrieved from public dossiers and datasets. We
ensured that data was acquired from official reports on all categories of cyber incidents that were
publicly available.
Data Analysis.
Quantitative information was analyzed using statistical measures to obtain significant
findings about the level of cybersecurity threats [23]. Quantization was performed by using
frequencies, averages and percentages to present the number and the impact of different cyber
briefs. The comparisons of collected data for various industries, different organizations, or at
different time intervals exhibit the trends and patterns.
• Frequencies. Counting the instances of various cyberattacks to find prevalent dangers.
• Averages (Mean). To identify patterns and to figure out the average annual number of
cyber incidents.
• Percentages. Illustrating the proportionate frequency of attacks against particular
industries (banking, government, etc.).
Trend Evaluation.
The data was smoothed down to emphasize long-term trends. Correlation analysis and
comparative analysis are methods were used to evaluate the links between variables, such as
attack frequency and cybersecurity investment.
Deductive Statistics.
Information Visualization.
Data linkages, distributions and trends were visualized using charts and graphs.
Comparative analysis. Comparing performance to industry benchmarks is known as
"comparing against standards." These steps support data analysis to spot trends, evaluate
security flaws and develop cybersecurity plans.
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Qualitative Data Analysis.
The themes were grouped to afford an idea of the pros, cons as well as shortcomings in
the current state of affairs of the CCI [24]. This analysis sharpens our awareness of factors
influencing CCI applicability and efficiency on the human and situational levels. The following
methodical procedure was used to identify and classify themes in the qualitative data analysis.
• Data Familiarization. To comprehend the entire content and spot reoccurring themes
or patterns, the data were carefully examined through different research studies.
• First coding. The data was divided into segments and particular codes or labels were
applied to each segment to represent its main idea such as "challenges," "strengths," or
"areas needing improvement."
• Subject Identification. These codes pertain to "training needs" and "resource
limitations" that could be combined under a subject such as "Challenges in CCI."
Research Studies Criteria.
The research area has been selected based on the following criteria;
• Specially focused on cyber security and cyber counterintelligence.
• Strategic or system formulation related to cyber security and cyber counterintelligence.
• Must be related to some more vulnerable areas like the banking sector, law enforcement
agencies and state institutions.
Framework for Analysis.
The study of CCI in Pakistan was organized into three main categories.
• Strengths and Weaknesses. A breakout of the current status of CCI in general, specific
entities, educational awareness and technological milieu.
• Vulnerabilities and Gaps. This includes such factors as the identification of vulnerable
or lacking sections in critical areas such as power, money, or medication. Hypotheses
consist of incidence rates, the seriousness of the incidents and the absence of
• Data Protection. Exploring the current data protection policies, breach reports,
companies and individuals affected and response time.
Ethical Considerations.
The study involves the typical consideration to improve the overall cyber threat
landscape of Pakistan specifically in a public sector.
The data has been retrieved from public resources therefore their exists probability
threat the exact no of cases, may not accurately represent the exact number of incidents. Thus,
the data is rather dynamic, as the nature of cyber threats is dynamic and changes all the time.
The incidents considered in the research are limited to those that have been covered by the
media [25].
Results and Discussion.
Strengths of CCI in Pakistan.
The level of understanding of the risks related to cybersecurity is increasing at the
governmental and business levels. Expenditures on awareness programs indicate that it is not
passive that organisms understand the new tendencies of the cyber threat and the importance
of not being reactive regarding them.
The threatening advancements in Pakistan’s cybersecurity technologies and
infrastructure have been striking lately [26]. The country has made significant investments in
cybersecurity, allowing it to effectively detect and mitigate potential threats. By leveraging modern
technologies, the protection of critical infrastructure has been strengthened. These enhancements
signify a positive step towards the relative development of a coherent framework of cyber

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counterintelligence capabilities. However, it should be noted that these strengths should be used
to correct the weaknesses and risks that have been pointed out, resulting in the formation of a
stronger and more efficient cybersecurity shield.
The nation's capacity to identify and address cyber threats has improved as a result of
modern advancements, as well as the use of AI-driven threat detection systems, expanded
cybersecurity awareness initiatives and international partnerships. These initiatives are significant
advances in Pakistan's direction of developing a stronger cybersecurity infrastructure.
Weaknesses of CCI.
Despite its strengths, several issues hinder the effectiveness of CCI [27].
• Limited Resources. Lack of funds and the use of old technologies limit the
organizations in their capability to fight new threats. It also insists upon the massive
investment in modernizing technology and providing appropriate financial assistance.
• Lack of Collaboration. This has the effect of hindering systematic assessment of
threats and an integrated approach in the assessment and combating of threats among
the CCI stakeholders. Meeting this then calls for a more coordinated and integrated
• Weak Legal Framework. Basically, the existing legal approach to cybercrime is wholly
unsuitable having regard to the present legal regimes for dealing with particular
cybercrime offenses. It is thus necessary to enhance the legal system for combating the
problem of cybercrime.
• Public Awareness Regarding Cyber Security. Lack of awareness of threats and
general preventive measures makes the general public vulnerable to threats including
phishing and social engineering, hence its vulnerability to cyber threats.
Vulnerabilities and Gaps in CCI:
Aspirations are being made by security experts over the flaws and vulnerabilities relating
to important infrastructural zones. These are crucial sectors of society and encompass energy,
finance and healthcare among others.
Energy Sector.
Thus, the number of cyberattacks is high; they lead to power outages and affect the
stability of the energy supply. This sector is at a high risk of being attacked due to the embrace
of advancement in technology and poor protection.
Finance Sector.
Sagas arising from the leakage of data have been associated with massive losses. To avoid
such incidents, data protection must be improved.
Healthcare Sector.
Medical care has been impersonated and patient information has been hacked causing
its impact to be enormous. There is no doubt that upgrading the settings of cybersecurity is the
key to healthcare facilities’ protection. Thus, weak identities of incident response plans and
communication procedures in some areas make them susceptible to cyber threats. This
unpreparedness aggravates the effects of attacks and therefore, there should be more focus in
efforts aimed at enhancing responsiveness.
Data Protection Challenges.
Pakistan’s system for managing personal data has significant weaknesses, leading to
violations of privacy and a lack of accountability. These flaws expose individuals' personal
information to risks such as hacking, misuse and breaches, making sensitive data highly
vulnerable. The lack of rules that provide for notification of data breaches contributes to the
situation where timely responses and remedial action cannot be initiated, thus increasing the
effects of breaches. Explorations from the official organizations show the extent of the issue.
Fifteen data breaches occurred in the year 2022 affecting two million clients. Already in the year
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2023, 10 breaches have occurred and the number of resulting incidences is 1.5 million people.
The following numbers depict how important it is to enhance data protection to ensure it shields
critical data [28] [29].
Response Times.
The FIA's National Response Centre for Cyber Crime (NR3C) typically responds to
critical cyber incidents within 48 hours, though response times depend on the case's severity and
complexity. The NCSC primarily provides advisory and coordination support for cybersecurity
efforts, with no publicly defined response time metrics, focusing on prevention and
collaboration with other national agencies. [29].
Targeted Sectors.
The NCSC focused on finance, energy and government sectors, while the FIA
prioritized telecom, healthcare and education. It also indicates how rampant cyber-attacks are
and how different concentrated organizations act based on these patterns. In other words, for
the situation to be more effective and to call further for cooperation between various
organizations needed to fight cyber threats, the reporting and evaluation also have to be
standardized. International criteria, such as those set by NIST and ENISA, recommend
responding to high-severity incidents more quickly—ideally within a few hours. Targeted
industries, which are found through incident reports and threat information, frequently include
energy, healthcare and finance. These industries are important worldwide targets that are
frequently targeted. Pakistan should strive to improve in these crucial areas by reducing reaction
times and strengthening security measures in line with global norms for increased cybersecurity
Results & Analysis.
Here's a comparison of cyber-attack types in Pakistan (2020-2023) across various
sectors, including the number of attacks and official sources.
Table 1. Comparison of cyber-attack types in Pakistan (2020-2023) across various sectors
Sector Year Type of Attacks No. of Attacks Source (2020)
Government 2020 Phishing, Malware 45 FIA, Dawn
Financial 2020 Banking Trojans, Phishing 50 FIA, Express Tribune
Healthcare 2020 Ransomware, Phishing 30 FIA, Dawn
Education 2020 Phishing, DDoS 20 FIA, Express Tribune
Telecom 2020 Phishing, Malware 25 NSC, Dawn
E-commerce 2020 Phishing, DDoS 35 FIA, Business Recorder
Energy 2020 Phishing, Malware 15 NSC, Dawn
Government 2021 Ransomware, DDoS 60 FIA, Tribune
Financial 2021 Ransomware, Phishing 75 FIA, Dawn
Healthcare 2021 Data Breach, Ransomware 50 NSC, Geo News
Education 2021 Data Breach, Ransomware 35 FIA, Dawn
Telecom 2021 DDoS, Ransomware 45 NSC, Express Tribune
E-commerce 2021 Data Breach, Phishing 50 FIA, Dawn
Energy 2021 Ransomware, DDoS 30 FIA, Express Tribune
Government 2022 Ransomware, Data Breach 70 NSC, Dawn
Financial 2022 Data Breach, Phishing 80 FIA, Business Recorder
Healthcare 2022 Ransomware, Data Breach 65 NSC, Express Tribune
Education 2022 Ransomware, Phishing 40 FIA, Geo News
Telecom 2022 Phishing, Data Breach 55 NSC, Geo News
E-commerce 2022 Phishing, Malware 60 FIA, Express Tribune
Energy 2022 Phishing, Data Breach 40 NSC, Business Recorder
Government 2023 Phishing, APTs 85 NSC, Geo News
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Financial 2023 Phishing, Ransomware 90 FIA, Express Tribune
Healthcare 2023 Phishing, Ransomware 70 NSC, Business Recorder
Education 2023 Data Breach, Phishing 55 FIA, Dawn
Telecom 2023 DDoS, Ransomware 65 NSC, Business Recorder
E-commerce 2023 Ransomware, Phishing 75 FIA, Geo News
Energy 2023 APTs, Ransomware 50 NSC, Dawn

Figure 1. Comparison of cyber-attack types in Pakistan (2020-2023) across various sectors

Key Observations.
• Government Sector. They are consistent and diverse threats and the attack scale grows
from 45 attacks in 2020 to 85 in 2023. [Sources. Daily FIA, Dawn, Tribune, NSC, Geo
• Financial Sector. A high propensity of attacks; the number of attacks progressively
increases from 50 in 2020 to 90 in 2023, underlining the sector’s openness. [Sources.
The following dailies were used in this study. Financial Information Agency, Express
Tribune, Dawn and Business Recorder.
• Healthcare Sector. Rising strikes such as ransomware and data breaches; from 30 in
the year 2020 to 70 in the year 2023. Sources. FIA, Dawn, NSC, Geo News, Express
Tribune and Business Recorder.
• Education Sector. An attack number that increases over time from 20 cases in 2020 to
55 in 203 with a focus on greater exposure or risk. Sources. There are five sources namely
FIA, Express Tribune, Dawn and Geo News.
• Telecom Sector. An increase in the constant attack from 25 in 2020 to 65 in 2023,
including various kinds and types of attacks, of which 54% were DDoS attacks and 27%
of ransomware attacks. Sources. Source selection was based on their circulations in
Pakistan [Newspaper. NSC, Dawn, Express Tribune, Geo News, Business Recorder
• E-Commerce Sector. From 35 in 2020 to 75 by the end of 2023 using phishing, DDoS
and malware types of attack. [Sources. An analysis of the specified news sources will,
therefore, include FIA, Business Recorder, Dawn, Express Tribune and Geo News.
• Energy Sector. Sustained or increased rates of attacks from 15 in the year 2020 to 50
of attack in the year 2023 portraying a growing interest of the adversaries in the cyber
domain. Sources. Newspaper sources included NSC, Dawn, Express Tribune and
Business Recorder.
Table 1 provides a comprehensive overview of how specific vulnerabilities in different
sectors correlate with the types of cyberattacks they experience. The increasing ratio of incidents
highlights the growing threat landscape, with varying degrees of social, economic and financial
impact across sectors. Each sector's unique vulnerabilities and attack types underscore the need
for tailored cybersecurity strategies.

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Figure 2. Comparison of cyber-attack types in Pakistan (2020-2023) across various sectors

Figure 3: Increasing Ratio of Reported Incidents (2020-2023) by Sector

Key Factor Analysis.
Government Sector.
Attack Types. Phishing, Ransomware, Data Breach.
Correlation. Outdated systems and insufficient funding make the government sector highly
vulnerable to these attack types. Phishing and ransomware are particularly prevalent, leading to
significant social and economic disruptions.
Impact. Financial losses stem from increased cybersecurity expenses and the interruption of
public services.
Financial Sector.
Attack Types. Phishing, Banking Trojans, Ransomware.
Correlation. The complexity of IT infrastructure and the sensitivity of financial data make this
sector a prime target for phishing and ransomware attacks, resulting in increasing incidents.
Impact. Economic instability and significant financial losses due to breaches and recovery

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Table 2. Sector-wise Reported Incidents v/s Resolved Incidents (2020-2023)
Sector Incidents Incidents Incidents Incidents Incidents Incidents Incidents Incidents
Reported Solved Reported Solved Reported Solved Reported Solved
(2020) (2020) (2021) (2021) (2022) (2022) (2023) (2023)
Healthcare 30 10 27 12 32 14 26 16
Government 15 5 22 6 28 8 32 10
Education 25 8 35 10 42 12 50 15
Financial Services 215 50 268 60 320 70 375 80
Telecom 15 5 21 6 28 8 35 10
IT Services 12 4 17 5 23 6 30 8
Retail 30 10 45 12 55 14 65 16
Critical Infrastructure 10 3 18 4 22 5 27 6
This table presents a detailed year-by-year comparison of reported and solved incidents for various cyberattack types and their impact on different sectors
in Pakistan from 2020 to 2023.
Table 3. Sector Vulnerabilities, Attack Types and Correlation with Reported Incidents (2020-2023)
Sector Vulnerabilities Attack Types Reported Incidents Increasing Social Impact Economic Impact Financial Impact Sources
(2020-2023) Ratio (%)
Government Outdated Phishing, 45 (2020) to 85 89% Disruption in Delays in government Financial losses due to FIA, Dawn,
systems, Ransomware, (2023) public services, projects, increased interrupted services and NSC, Geo
Insufficient Data Breach loss of trust spending on cyber increased cybersecurity News
funding defenses expenses
Financial High data Phishing, 50 (2020) to 90 80% Loss of Economic instability Huge financial losses FIA, Express
sensitivity, Banking (2023) customer trust, due to large-scale from theft, ransomware Tribune,
Complex IT Trojans, potential financial breaches payments and recovery Dawn,
infrastructure Ransomware personal costs Business
financial losses Recorder
Healthcare Lack of Ransomware, 30 (2020) to 70 133% Compromised Increased healthcare Financial burdens due FIA, NSC,
cybersecurity Data Breach, (2023) patient data, costs, delays in to ransomware Geo News,
awareness, Phishing disruptions in medical procedures payments, data recovery Express
Critical nature critical care and potential lawsuits Tribune,
of services Business
Education Low-security Phishing, Data 20 (2020) to 55 175% Loss of Increased costs for Financial losses due to FIA, Dawn,
awareness, Breach, DDoS (2023) personal data, improving data breaches and Geo News,
High user disruption of cybersecurity, loss of necessary security Express
turnover reputation upgrades Tribune
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Telecom Critical DDoS, 25 (2020) to 65 160% Disruptions in Economic impact due Financial losses from NSC, Dawn,
infrastructure Phishing, (2023) communicatio to downtime in DDoS attacks, ransom Express
dependency, Ransomware n services, loss communication payments and repair Tribune, Geo
Complex of customer services costs News,
network trust Business
systems Recorder
E-commerce The high Phishing, 35 (2020) to 75 114% Loss of Reduced economic Financial losses from FIA, Business
volume of DDoS, (2023) customer trust, activity in the online theft, fraud and Recorder,
transactions, Malware identity theft, market, loss of increased cybersecurity Dawn, Express
Customer data disruption of consumer confidence investments Tribune, Geo
sensitivity online services News
Energy Critical Phishing, 15 (2020) to 50 233% Disruptions in Widespread economic Financial losses from NSC, Dawn,
infrastructure, Ransomware, (2023) energy supply, impact due to energy operational disruptions, Express
Outdated APTs potential outages, increased potential ransom Tribune,
technology public safety costs for upgrading payments and increased Business
risks security security costs Recorder
Healthcare Sector
• Attack Types. Ransomware, Data Breach, Phishing.
• Correlation. The lack of cybersecurity awareness in critical services correlates with a sharp rise in incidents, particularly ransomware and data
• Impact. The sector faces increasing financial burdens due to recovery costs and potential lawsuits, with severe social impacts on patient care.
Education Sector.
• Attack Types. Phishing, Data Breach, DDoS.
• Correlation. Low-security awareness and frequent user turnover contribute to a steep rise in
• incidents, with phishing and DDoS attacks being particularly common.
• Impact. Financial losses result from the need for security upgrades and handling data breaches, with significant social impacts on educational
Telecom Sector.
• Attack Types. DDoS, Phishing, Ransomware.
• Correlation. The telecom sector's dependency on complex network systems makes it vulnerable to DDoS and ransomware attacks, leading to a
substantial increase in incidents.
• Impact. Economic and financial losses are incurred due to downtime and the costs of mitigating attacks.

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E-Commerce Sector.
• Attack Types. Phishing, DDoS, Malware.
• Correlation. High transaction volumes and sensitive customer data make this sector
susceptible to phishing and DDoS attacks, resulting in a significant increase in incidents.
• Impact. Financial losses arise from theft, fraud and the costs of enhancing cybersecurity
measures, with social impacts on consumer trust.
Energy Sector.
• Attack Types. Phishing, Ransomware, APTs (Advanced Persistent Threats).
• Correlation. The critical nature of energy infrastructure and outdated technology
correlate with a dramatic rise in incidents, particularly APTs and ransomware.
• Impact. The sector experiences severe financial losses from operational disruptions and
• payments, with widespread social and economic consequences due to energy outages.
Table 4. Provides a clear and organized summary of the key terms and metrics used
throughout the research, helping to maintain consistency and clarity.
Term/Metric Description
Reported Incidents The total number of cyberattacks officially recorded in various
sectors from 2020 to 2023.
Resolved Incidents The number of incidents successfully addressed by cybersecurity
authorities indicates response effectiveness.
Attack Types Categories of cyber threats such as Phishing, Ransomware, DDoS
and Data Breaches, classifying the nature of the attacks.
Response Time The time taken by organizations to respond to reported incidents.
Vulnerabilities Specific weaknesses within sectors that make them prone to cyber
threats are correlated with the frequency of attacks.
Years (2020-2023) The time frame of the study was used to track trends and patterns in
cyber incidents.
Economic Impact The effect of cyberattacks on the economic stability of affected
sectors, particularly Finance and Healthcare.
Social Impact The broader societal implications of cyberattacks include loss of
public trust and disruption of essential services.
Financial Impact The direct financial losses incurred due to cyberattacks, especially in
sectors like Finance and E-commerce.
Sectors The different industries analyzed in the study, such as Government,
Finance, Healthcare and Energy.
Quantitative Data Numerical data (e.g., number of attacks, statistics) used for statistical
analysis and trend identification.
Qualitative Data Insights gathered from research studies, media related to cyber-
attacks, counter cyber intelligence and others.
Sources References to data origins, such as FIA, NSC and major news outlets,
ensure credibility and traceability.

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Table 5. Detailed Comparative Analysis of Sector-Specific Vulnerabilities and Response Effectiveness
Reported Resolved Reported Resolved Reported Resolved Reported Resolved Increase in Increase in Resolution Resolution
Sector Incidents Incidents Incidents Incidents Incidents Incidents Incidents Incidents Incidents Resolved Incidents Ratio Ratio
(2020) (2020) (2021) (2021) (2022) (2022) (2023) (2023) (2020-2023) (2020-2023) (2020) (2023)
Healthcare 30 10 27 12 32 14 26 16 +21% +60% 33.3% 61.5%
Government 15 5 22 6 28 8 32 10 +113% +100% 33.3% 31.3%
Education 25 8 35 10 42 12 50 15 +100% +87.5% 32.0% 30.0%
Financial Services 215 50 268 60 320 70 375 80 +74.4% +60.0% 23.3% 21.3%
Telecom 15 5 21 6 28 8 35 10 +133% +100% 33.3% 28.6%
IT Services 12 4 17 5 23 6 30 8 +150% +100% 33.3% 26.7%
Retail 30 10 45 12 55 14 65 16 +116% +60.0% 33.3% 24.6%
Critical Infrastructure 10 3 18 4 22 5 27 6 +170% +100% 30.0% 22.2%
This detailed analysis provides a comprehensive view of sector-specific vulnerabilities and the effectiveness of response measures over the years, highlighting trends
and areas for improvement.
Healthcare Sector.
The sector's resolution ratio improved dramatically from 33.3% to 61.5%, with a 21% increase in reported events and a 60% increase in cases that were resolved.
The increase in attacks emphasizes the necessity of continuous cybersecurity improvements to safeguard patient data.
Government Sector.
The number of reported events in the government sector increased by 113%, while the number of cases resolved increased by 100%. However, the resolution ratio
fell marginally from 33.3% to 31.3%. This shows that there are increasing weaknesses that need to be fixed to protect national security.
Education Sector. An increase of 87.5% was seen in resolved events, while reported occurrences doubled. The resolution ratio decreased from 32.0% to 30.0%, indicating
that stronger security protocols are required to protect educational data.
Financial Services industry.
The number of reported events and resolved cases in the financial industry increased by 74.4% and 60%, respectively. The resolution ratio decreased from 23.3%
to 21.3%, indicating the necessity of more robust protection against cyberattacks related to finance.
Telecom Sector.
The reported events in the telecom sector increased by 133%, while the number of handled cases increased by 100%. The resolution ratio decreased from 33.3% to
28.6%, suggesting that more protection is required to preserve network integrity.
IT Services Sector.
There was a 150% increase in reported events and a 100% increase in resolved incidents. The resolution ratio fell from 33.3% to 26.7%, highlighting the necessity
of better incident handling.
Critical Infrastructure Sector.
The resolution ratio decreased from 30.0% to 22.2% due to a 170% increase in reported events and a 100% increase in cases that were resolved. The surge in attacks
targeting vital infrastructure underscores the pressing requirement for strengthened security.

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Figure 4: Comprehensive and Discusses the Implications of Increasing Attack Ratios

To enhance Pakistan's Cyber Counter Intelligence capabilities, the following
recommendations are proposed.
Standardized Reporting.
It is suggested that the cyber security departments should collectively prescribe a
standard reporting & analysis mode to measure and report cybersecurity breaches. This will help
to create awareness regarding Pakistan’s cyber threats, which can be followed by designing
proper countermeasures. Standardizing reporting and assessment procedures amongst cyber
security department is essential to strengthen Pakistan's cybersecurity posture. By putting in
place a uniform reporting system, you can guarantee reliable data gathering and make accurate
cyber threat analysis for reaction plans. Standardization will improve cooperation, give more
precise insights into threat patterns and simplify countermeasure coordination. Pakistan may
enhance its cybersecurity framework and effectively tackle new threats by implementing a
unified reporting and evaluation strategy.
Enhanced Coordination.
It is crucial to emphasize the ability to work close-knit among the stakeholders dealing
with Cyber counterintelligence. Establishing well-defined channels for interaction will help in
extensive threat analysis and co-ordinate with cyber threats.
Legal Framework Enhancements.
Review and strengthen the cybercrime laws to put in check the new emerging threats.
Equip the police forces with latest tools to fight hackers and prosecute them. It is imperative to
have a strong legal framework to secure confidential data, guarantee corporate responsibility and
foster customer confidence. Robust regulations enforce stringent security protocols, expedite
timely reaction to breaches and discourage cybercrime, ultimately augmenting cybersecurity and
cultivating a safe and secure digital landscape.
Public Cybersecurity Education.
There should be advocacy for the critical steps in cyber security. Post all the educational
resources to make people less vulnerable to social engineering and phishing attacks. Public
awareness initiate statewide campaigns across media platforms, arrange educational seminars
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and workshops, collaborate with tech businesses to provide resources, develop interactive online
tools and include cybersecurity education into the curriculum to increase public knowledge of
cybersecurity concerns.
International Collaboration.
It is necessary to become member of international cybersecurity organizations and
reflect on the issues of the country’s cybersecurity situation in forums to obtain technical
assistance and develop cooperation in joint cyber operations.
Cybersecurity Awareness.
Pakistanis have limited awareness of basic cyber threats and protection techniques,
making them vulnerable to theft or fraud. The absence of information security education and
adequate learning resources contributes to this issue.
International Cooperation.
Pakistan is endeavoring to establish strong linkages global cybersecurity partners to
access to critical data, and to set support and collaborative opportunities. Pakistan needs to
actively engage in international collaborative initiatives in the domain of cybersecurity. Joining
forums, sharing information and working with other nations will improve the understanding of
global threats, new technologies and various aspects of CCI.
Evolving Cyber Threat Landscape.
Pakistan’s cybersecurity environment is dynamic requiring prompt and proactive
attention at all times. The actors and non-governmental organizations use sophisticated methods
to interfere, infiltrate, or attack important structures..
Understanding Threats.
• State-Sponsored Attacks. Cyber warfare sponsored by other countries are possible
threat to Pakistan’s core infrastructures similar to energy facilities and government
networks. These attacks can be from nearby countries or groups with strategic world
• Non-State Actors. Terrorists, criminals and their groups also present a major threat in
cyberspace. Some of them may attack websites to write messages on their web pages or
post virus links, stealing information, or stop services from running to meet their
parochial goals.
• Insider Threats. Disgruntled employees or contractors are likely to hold a negative
attitude toward their organization and may decide to act negatively with the intent to
harm that organization. Even these internal threats should also be looked at and
prevented as they are part of internal and extensive security threats.
Counter-Cyber Intelligence Strategies.
• Implement Advanced Detection Systems. The public sector should focus on AI and
ML implementation to detect irregularities in the network traffic at the moment
accordingly rules & regulations and policies should be implemented as per regulatory
authorities’ directives.
• Foster Collaboration. Pakistan should provide inputs about threats to friendly
countries and world cyber organizations so that they get a snapshot of future threats.
• Enhance Cyber Defenses. Industries such as defense, finance and energy cannot
afford to have their databases and computer systems breached as prone to having their
security checked, updated security software and complex encryptions among others.
• Fostering Cybersecurity Professionals. Organizations should ensure the presence of
well-trained and certified personnel in cybersecurity to set up a competent workforce
for counterintelligence. They should be proficient in the processes of putting in place
and managing strong security features.

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• Legal Framework for Cybersecurity. Legal frameworks should be developed as
measures to reduce cybersecurity risks. These policies should incorporate the
cybersecurity standards as well as should prescribe the severe consequences in case of
• Public Cyber Literacy. One approach is to educate the general population about
various cyber threats and provide guidance on how individuals can protect themselves
from becoming easy targets for attacks. To enhance the level of knowledge among users,
awareness campaigns should be based on phishing, social engineering and other
frequently used forms of exploitation.
To sum up, Pakistan needs to advance the respective plans to enhance the general
capabilities in the cyberspace of a nation to react and prevent the negative impacts of cyber
incidents. These should contain specific details on what communication, containment and
corrective action plans are. Thus, increased development of cyber intelligence is required to
preserve the security of Pakistan as a result of new cyber threats. The nation needs to protect
itself from hostile governments and even outcome individuals by embracing the newest
technologies, developing international relationships and creating efficient cybersecurity
legislation. In this case, through training the personnel and sensitizing the public, much can be
done to provide Pakistan with the right defense against cyber criminals hence creating room for
a secure cyberspace in the country.
Correlation between Vulnerabilities and Attack Types.
Healthcare Industry.
• Vulnerabilities. Outdated security procedures and insufficient encryption lead to data
• Attack Types that target patient records include ransomware and data theft.
• Cybersecurity Strategies. Put in place strong encryption, frequent security updates and
phishing and social engineering awareness training for staff members.
Sector of Government.
• Vulnerabilities include antiquated legacy systems and inadequate security for sensitive
• Attack Types. Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs) and state-sponsored cyber
• Cybersecurity Strategies include regular penetration testing, improving Multi-Factor
Authentication (MFA)and upgrading legacy systems.
Education Sector.
• Vulnerabilities. Inadequate student data protection and weak network security.
• Attack Types. Ransomware and phishing attempts directed at educational
• Cybersecurity Strategies. Boost network security, put in place thorough access
controls and give staff and students cybersecurity training.
Financial Services.
• Vulnerabilities include weak fraud detection systems and vulnerable financial
• Attack Types. Ransomware and financial fraud are targeted against private financial
• Cybersecurity Techniques. Install sophisticated fraud detection systems, make sure all
transactions are encrypted and update security procedures regularly.
Telecom Industry. Weak network architecture and insufficient communication channel
protection are examples of vulnerabilities.
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• Attack Types. Data breaches and Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks directed against
communication networks.
• Cybersecurity Strategies. Use DDoS prevention techniques, strengthen network
resilience and encrypt communication channels.
IT Sector.
• Vulnerabilities include insufficient patch management and insecure software.
• Attack Types include malware and zero-day exploits that make use of software flaws.
• Cybersecurity Techniques. Use cutting-edge threat detection tools, enforce strict
patch management and carry out frequent security assessments.
Retail Industry.
• Vulnerabilities include inadequate security measures for online transactions and
inadequate protection of client payment information.
• Attack Types. Cybersecurity breaches and credit card fraud.
• Cybersecurity Techniques. For transactions, use robust encryption, improve payment
security protocols and conduct frequent vulnerability assessments.
Critical Infrastructure Sector.
• Vulnerabilities. Outdated security measures and inadequate protection of critical
• Assault types that target critical infrastructure include sabotage and disruptive attacks.
• Cybersecurity Strategies. Put in place strong security procedures, evaluate risks
frequently and make sure backup and redundancy mechanisms are in place.
Developing successful cybersecurity strategies requires an understanding of the
relationship between attack types and vulnerabilities particular to a certain industry. Adapting
defenses to these weaknesses lowers risks and improves security posture generally across several
Increasing Sophistication of Cyberattacks.
Currently, Pakistan, along with many nations worldwide, is witnessing a consistent rise
in complex cybercrimes. These complex threats are affecting nations and core institutions of a
country’s social structure, as well as the commercial enterprises in the private sector. It strongly
threatens national security, economic development and people’s trust. The aforementioned
intricate cyber threats need to be recognized and dealt to have an efficient cybersecurity
Attributes of some of the advanced cyberattacks are as follows.
• APTs which are intricate and time-consuming cyber threats intended to procure
confidential data, including privileged information and jeopardize business operations.
The governmental and infrastructural entities of Pakistan are frequently in the crosshairs
of APTs that aim to steal relevant information or perform selective sabotage.
• Zero-day exploits are types of cyberattacks that involve vulnerabilities which have been
recently discovered and have not yet been fixed. Presently, Pakistan depends heavily on
digital technologies and hence is exposed to what is referred to as zero-day
vulnerabilities, which can result in large-scale privacy intrusions before the release of the
corresponding security fix.
• Ransomware Evolution. Hacker have started using ransomware to encrypt data and
ask for a ransom. Two forms of pressure are applied to the victim. 1) it proves that the
attacker is capable of extorting money from the victim and 2) it is that the attacker is
capable of attacking the victim’s clients.

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• Fileless Malware. This makes it hard to detect by standard means. - Advanced malware
that counteracts the antivirus companies and does not alert the owner upon entering a
business house.
• AI and Machine Learning. This results in pinning AI and machine learning-aided
phishing and critical evading frontier that brings challenges to Pakistani cybersecurity.
Impact of Cyber Attack.
• Financial Consequences. It makes the computers and other related properties
vulnerable to theft and may disrupt business operations and tendencies, besides the costs
associated with attacks incidences across private and public firms.
• National Security Threats. Targeting such important systems as the power supply,
communication and defense most definitely is a potential threat to the security of any
given nation. They can result in acts such as spying, destruction of facilities and products
and general harming of organizational plans and initiatives.
• Reputation Erosion. There is a possibility that external threats pose a risk to Pakistani
businesses since cyber breaches may cause Pakistani businesses to lose of reputation
inclusive of loss of customer trust not to mention the legal obligations.
• Intellectual Property Theft. Pakistani companies may be vulnerable to such cyber
attackers that seek to steal intellectual property from the companies and place such
organizations in a disadvantaged position making the economy suffer.
Economic Impacts.
• Financial Losses. Some of the financial impacts witnessed in the Bank Islami cyber
heist that happened in 2018 and the National Bank of Pakistan (NBP) hack in 2022.
These episodes revealed a vulnerability in Pakistan’s financial sector, disrupted the
operations of banks and corroded the client’s trust. Apart from indications of shrinking
short-term revenues, long-term damage to branding hampers the attraction of foreign
investments and economic growth.
• Disturbance of Essential Services. Cyber threats are also capable of making the
critical infrastructure company completely non-operational, or unusable, as was
evidenced in the ransomware attack by K-Electric in the year 2020. Many more millions
of customers were affected by the extensive dislocations in electronic operations as well
as in billing by the attack. Besides posing economic losses in the short run, these
disruptions also bring out the risks of future attacks on essential services leading to un-
specified economic.
• Data Breaches and Intellectual Property Theft. The Data breach at Careem, for
example, saw the details of more than 14 million consumers’ information leaked to the
public in 2018 thus eroding consumer trust in digital services. Additionally, the economic
competitiveness of Pakistan is under threat from cyber espionage against the country’s
government and business establishments; putting the possibility of getting hold of
intellectual assets and discrete trade secrets at risk.
National Security Impacts.
• Government and diplomatic communications are compromised. It can be recalled
that in April 2019, Pakistan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs was hacked as a reminder of
the possibility of cyberespionage targeting government institutions. To put the country’s
foreign policy in danger and compromise relations with other nations, the attackers
wanted to gather sensitive information and wiretap diplomatic communications.
• Potential for Cyber Warfare. The frequency of incidents and increased complexity of
the cyber threats are revealed by daily attempts of hacker. Cyber vulnerabilities can be
exploited by trusted actors for regime change, disrupt national defense systems, or even

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for a long-synchronized attack on strategic facilities, thus threatening the security of
Pakistan has no other option but to build a robust CCI that would serve the best interest
of the nation and its security by enhancing the institutions capability to detect, prevent and
counter cyber threats. In today’s world where everything is gradually getting connected the
future requires establishing strong, well-equipped and trained cybersecurity mechanisms and
global cooperation.
Strategies for Combating Sophisticated Cyber Attacks:
• AI and ML are applied to improve cybersecurity for Pakistani businesses because they
analyze and neutralize different complicated threats in real-time mode.
• Supervisory control of operating network traffic and system performance will identify
the behavior that resembles advanced threats. This prevents the admittance of problems
that may be dangerous to students, staff and faculty members.
• Some of the benefits accruing from the successful adoption of patch management
include timely updates, deployment of security patches and protection of areas that are
in the awareness of the hackers hence minimizing the probability of breaches.
• As described by the participants, effective incident response plans help Pakistani
companies to quickly mitigate cyber threats causing little disruption in business.
• Stress on cyber threats and best practices in line with “check and balance” training
procedures for the staff helps to avoid instances of phishing or social engineering
• Additional countermeasures and threat recognition can be achieved through cooperation
with institutions from around the world, regional counterparts, as well as cybersecurity
specialists. One of the benefits of information sharing is the sending of early warning
signals and coordinated action against cyber assailants.
Analyzing the anti-CCI scenario Pakistan has been steadily progressing for establishing
institutions, increasing awareness and research on cyber defense technologies. Nevertheless,
there are many drawbacks, critical security vulnerabilities and desires to preserve data
confidentiality. Nonetheless, it is noteworthy that a comprehensive, well-funded and legally
mandatory CCI framework is needed to meet these hurdles effectively. This study suggests some
measures that can be employed to strengthen.
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