Captulo21 Phytoremediation - ManagementofEnvironmentalContaminantsVolume7 Springer2023
Captulo21 Phytoremediation - ManagementofEnvironmentalContaminantsVolume7 Springer2023
Captulo21 Phytoremediation - ManagementofEnvironmentalContaminantsVolume7 Springer2023
Melina Borges Teixeira Zanatta and Maycon Lucas de Oliveira contributed equally with all other
M. B. T. Zanatta
Environmental Studies Center (CEA), São Paulo State University, UNESP,
Rio Claro, SP, Brazil
M. L. de Oliveira · L. R. R. Souza (*)
Department of Chemistry, FFCLRP-USP, University of São Paulo - USP,
Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil
e-mail: [email protected]
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 443
L. Newman et al. (eds.), Phytoremediation,
444 M. B. T. Zanatta et al.
21.1 Introduction
Fig. 21.1 Methods for environmental remediation (Souza et al. 2020; Song et al. 2017)
21 Nano-phytoremediation: The Successful Combination of Nanotechnology… 445
particles increase the bioavailability and degrading of pollutants into more bioreme-
diate species assisting the biotic degradation (Marcon et al. 2021).
For each category of contaminant, there will be some specific material for its
remediation. For example, remediation of heavy metals is basically done by adsorp-
tion on the surface of metal oxide NPs. On the other hand, redox-active inorganic
anions or chlorinated compounds require reducing conditions, so nZVI (or other
zero-valent metal NPs—Cu, Ni, and Co) should be applied. Polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons (PAHs) exhibit a higher redox potential and can be degraded follow-
ing oxidation reactions induced by metal oxide NPs such as CeO2 and MnO2. In this
case, nanoremediation can be integrated with others established PAHs remediation
approaches to enhance remedial efficiency (Marcon et al. 2021; Kuppusamy
et al. 2017).
21.2.1 Inorganic Materials
21.2.2 Carbon-Based Nanomaterials
Carbon-based nanomaterials have unique properties such as small size, high poros-
ity, high reactivity, high thermal and chemical stability, and an active surface. They
are receiving much attention in the field of environmental remediation because their
large surface area creates more active sites for effective interaction of the material
with different chemical species from water or wastewater (Madima et al. 2020;
Madhura et al. 2019). Carbon-based nanomaterials have a structural composition of
elemental carbon with mutable hybridization states, which gives them different
structural configurations such as graphite, diamond, fullerenes, carbon nanotubes,
graphene, etc. (Guerra et al. 2018).
Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are an allotropic form of carbon composed of cylin-
drical shapes rolled up in a tube-like structure. They are divided into two types:
multi-walled (MWCNTs) and single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs), depend-
ing on the number of carbon layers (Guerra et al. 2018; Madima et al. 2020). The
presence of impurities that occurs during CNTs preparation as well as the oxygen
content are factors that can affect the adsorption capacity of these materials. Changes
in the surface properties of these nanomaterials can be prevented by functionalizing
carbon nanotubes in the presence of acid and alkali solutions. The new functional
group added to the material surface in this process can be very interesting in
448 M. B. T. Zanatta et al.
environmental remediation, enabling the use of CNTs in the removal of toxic metals
and organic pollutants (Madima et al. 2020).
An allotrope of carbon that has gained significant attention as nanomaterials for
environmental application is graphene. They have unique properties such as high
specific surface area and high thermal conductivity and can be classified into gra-
phene (G), graphene oxide (GO), and reduced graphene oxide (RGO) (Madima
et al. 2020). Compared to carbon nanotubes, graphene-based materials may also
need surface modification, however, they act as a promising adsorbent for environ-
mental application in terms of production costs (Madhura et al. 2019).
Graphitic carbon nitrate (g-C3N4) is the most stable allotrope of carbon nitrides
at ambient conditions and had been reported as a new sorbent for the removal of
metals and organic compounds due to their attractive properties, including high
photocatalytic activity, high thermal and chemical stability, good biocompatibility,
and various available methods for surface modification (Sun et al. 2016).
21.2.3 Polymer-Based Nanomaterials
Polymers are commonly used as a host material to enhance the stability of nanoscale
materials serving as a matrix or support to other types of materials. Despite having
poor mechanical and thermal stability, numerous synthetic and natural polymers are
used due to characteristics such as low weight, the incredible variety of chemical
structures, and the possibility of their recyclability (Bushra 2018). They are used for
the detection and removal of chemical compounds, organic pollutants, gases, and a
wide array of biologics (Guerra et al. 2018).
Polymeric-nanocomposites (PNCs) are another class of adsorbent in environ-
mental remediation and consist of a polymer or copolymer filled with inorganic
compounds. The polymer is called matrix and the filler, when in the nanometer
range, including CNTs, NPs, nanofiber, inorganic filler, and clay (Singh 2018). In
this case, the nanocomposites have their properties improved to the high surface
area and unique microstructures characteristics of nanofillers (Bushra 2018). In
remediation, the polymer is used as a host material and the other constituents of the
composite are responsible for the pollutant removal (Guerra et al. 2018).
Graphene oxides are highly compatible with polymers in the formation of PNC
due to their unique properties. Because they have amphiphilic nature, they can bond
with polar and nonpolar polymers to improve the mechanical properties of the com-
posite. With respect to CNTs, their surface can be modified depending on the desired
application, and it is already recognized that the structural features of MWCNTs
can be improved when used as polymer composite (Bushra 2018).
21 Nano-phytoremediation: The Successful Combination of Nanotechnology… 449
The use of nanoparticles for environmental remediation is a technique that has been
increasingly efficient with a large number of benefits. Although NPs can degrade
pollutants, the same mechanisms can be toxic to biota, so their use in the environ-
ment is not free from risks. Once inside a matrix, nanomaterials can undergo differ-
ent transformations, which are divided into chemical (reduction/oxidation,
dissolution), physical (aggregation), and biotic (redox reactions in bacteria) (Marcon
et al. 2021). Aggregation is one of the most prominent modifications and when NPs
agglomerate, they form clusters losing their effectiveness as a nanoparticle. Because
of their small size and higher mobility, NPs can easily disperse in the environment
and cause ecotoxicity when spread over larger distances (Das 2018).
Since nanoparticles are highly persistent in the environment, potential human
and ecotoxicological risks are associated with the dispersal, ecotoxicity, bioaccu-
mulation, and reversibility of NPs (Ganie et al. 2021). In the case of nZVI nanopar-
ticles, some sulphate-reducing bacteria are able to oxide them. When at a high
concentration of nZVI, this oxidation leads to the formation of reactive oxygen
species (ROS), which can cause oxidative stress, damaging the cell membrane and
possibly leading to death (Diao and Yao 2009). Another report suggests that nZVI
nanoparticles are toxic to plants when present in high concentrations because they
reduce the transpiration rate and translocation to the shoots, which may result in
stunted growth of some plants and depending on the exposure time, can also lead to
death (Das 2018; Ma et al. 2013). In humans, a study showed the toxicity of
SWCNTs assessed in keratinocytes cells. When keratinocytes were treated with
SWCNP particles, the oxidative stress and inhibition of cell proliferation increased
(Manna et al. 2005).
Due to the problems reported above, the disadvantages of employing nZVI
nanoparticles can be overcome by using emulsified zero-valent iron. In this case, the
material is prepared by encapsulating iron nanoparticles in a biodegradable oil
membrane. This surface coating protects the zero-valent iron from other inorganic
compounds or pollutants, preventing the reduction of iron capacity (Hara et al.
2006). The use of greener and more sustainable approaches for the synthesis of
nanomaterials, such as the use of nanoparticles synthesized from plants or plants’
part, reduces ecological toxicity by reducing the release of toxic by-products into
the environment (Machado et al. 2013; Hoag et al. 2009). These approaches are
alternatives that can be used effectively against the disadvantages and risks arising
from the use of nanoparticles in environmental remediation.
21.3 Nano-phytoremediation
and has excellent potential. As mentioned before, nanomaterials are widely used in
the remediation field and when combined with the phytoremediation technique,
increases their efficiency (Srivastav et al. 2018).
The advantages of using plants to remove contaminants from the environment
include cost-effectiveness, ecologically sound, long-term applicability, and the pos-
sibility of being directly applied at polluted sites, replacing other expensive treat-
ment methods (Romeh and Ibrahim Saber 2020). Some factors can affect chemical
uptake and distribution in living plants: (i) physical and chemical properties of the
compounds; (ii) environmental characteristics such as pH, temperature, and organic
matter; (iii) plant characteristics (Srivastav et al. 2018).
For effective nano-phytoremediation, plants and nanoparticles should possess
some specific characteristics. The plants must have fast growth and well-developed
root systems for greater remediation efficiency. In addition, they should be able to
tolerate or accumulate contaminants. The technique is facilitated when the plants
are easy to harvest, in addition to the need to be nonconsumable for humans and
animals since they can be fatal. Finally, plants susceptible to genetic modification
are generally preferred in this technique. Regarding the selection of nanoparticles,
they should be nontoxic for plants and increase germination, seedling growth, plant
height, and biomass. They must increase significantly phytoenzymes production in
plants and enhance plant growth hormones. These nanoparticles should be capable
to bind contaminants and increase bioavailability for plants. Remediation efficiency
can be dramatically improved when all these factors are considered (Verma et al.
2021; Srivastav et al. 2018).
extended roots system, and high biomass production (Zand et al. 2020). However,
this application for the toxic elements’ neutralization can take years depending on
the climatic condition, physicochemical properties, and the phytotoxicity of the pol-
lutant. For this reason, many strategies are employed to improve the phyto and envi-
ronmental efficiency as agronomic management, chemical additives, and
nanomaterials application (Song et al. 2019). The association between nanoparticles
and environmental phytoremediation is identified as nano-phytoremediation. Nano-
phytoremediation consists of a green and ecological technology that involves the
application of nanomaterials with chemical properties that stand out when associ-
ated with plant metabolism. Recent studies show these materials through adsorption
processes or redox reactions lead to the bioavailability of contaminants in plants
stimulating healthy growth and removal of heavy metals in soil and water (Alka
et al. 2021; Rai et al. 2020).
Arsenic is a toxically metalloid that combines with other elements to form organic
and inorganic compounds. Inorganic arsenic is a worldwide problem as it is the
most prevalent form in soil and the most toxic when compared to organic forms
found in living organisms (Shrivastava et al. 2015) (Fig. 21.3).
The remediation of contaminated soils with arsenic has been studied for decades
and several technologies have developed (Alka et al. 2021). The phytoremediation
of arsenic inorganic consists of the hyperaccumulation of the metalloid in the plant
tissue (phytoextraction) or the phytostabilization through redox reactions in the
roots. The fern Pteris vittata (brake fern) is the most popular plant for removing As.
Fig. 21.4 A conceptual model for dehalogenation of Endosulfan by nZVIs with Mg0 (sub-products
in green) and nZVIs in anoxic or aerobic conditions (the process in red). (Adapted from Abbas
et al. (2019), Schrick et al. (2002), Singh and Bose (2017))
plant. The high surface area of nZVIs and concentration of Fe2+ are the properties
responsible for the dichlorination of Endosulfan by Alpinia calcarata (the
Endosulfan hyperaccumulator) (Pillai and Kottekottil 2011). As shown in Fig. 21.4,
the degradation process of Endosulfan by reductive reaction with iron is well known
and described in the literature. However, Romeh and Ibrahim Saber (2020) observed
that the combination of nZVIs with compounds that allowed the pesticide to be solu-
bilized in the soil was essential for plants to absorb dehalogenation residues through
the incorporation of these substances into the biomass of the phytoremediator.
Potentially toxic metals (PTMs) are metals often found in rocks and potentially
toxic to the human body after mobilizing these elements to the biosphere through
anthropogenic activities (Chojnacka and Mikulewicz 2014). Due to the similarity of
the physical and chemical properties of these elements with the micronutrients
essential to human development, PTM can be related to several diseases and short-
and long-term problems in human health.
However, just as for humans the chemical similarity of these metals is a problem
for the organism’s absorption, a similar process is observed in plants. In this aspect,
the nano-phytoremediation processes stand out in terms of reducing the toxicity of
this contaminant to people as well as reducing the toxicity to the plant.
Chromium (Cr), for example, is a metal widely used in industry (mainly textile)
and is considered an essential trace element for humans due to its insulin
456 M. B. T. Zanatta et al.
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stress caused by iron ions. In this figure: SOD superoxide dismutase; POD guaiacol peroxidase;
CAT catalase; GSH reduced glutathione; GSSG oxidized glutathione. (Adapted from Gong
et al. (2017))
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