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Application Form

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bikesh shahi
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Application Form

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bikesh shahi
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• This application form is for international students applying to study onshore in Australia. Agent’s stamp (in English; including address, phone, email)
I declare that the information and documents provided are true and
• International students applying to study outside Australia should complete the relevant correct as provided by the student.
undergraduate or postgraduate Application for Admission form available from
• Students applying to study doctoral and master degrees by research or doctoral degrees
by coursework should refer to research.curtin.edu.au
• To complete an online application, visit international.curtin.edu.au/apply Counsellor’s name ......................................................................
• Please consult the academic and English language requirements concerning the course you Email address ..............................................................................
wish to apply for. Date ............................... / ............................/...............................

Curtin student ID Country of application
(if previously issued another offer or previously a Curtin student) submission
On all official documentation, your name will appear as given name/s, family name. If this is not how your name appears in your passport or birth certificate,
please print your name as it appears on these documents

Title Given names Family name/surname

Email Telephone +

Date of birth D D / M M / Y Y Y Y Male Female Indeterminate/intersex/unspecified

Country of birth Citizenship

Number and street

Suburb/town/city State

Postcode/zip code Country


Number and street

Suburb/town/city State

Postcode/zip code Country

Preference Course title (e.g. Bachelor of Commerce, Major area of study and/or stream if Course CRICOS code
Master of Public Health) relevant (e.g. accounting) (refer to prospectus, e.g. 042143D)
1st preference

2nd preference

When do you wish to commence studies? Year Study period (e.g. Semester 1, Trimester 1)

Would you like to be considered for credit for recognised learning (CRL)? No Yes
Have you ever been or are you facing
termination from an Australian institution? No Yes If yes please attach details of your termination to this form.
Do you have Overseas Student Provider Membership Number
Health Cover (OSHC)? No Yes
Are you in the process of applying for
Australian permanent residency? No Yes
Have you or any family member planning to If yes please provide details below
travel with you to Australia ever been refused No Yes
a visa for any country including Australia?

Have you ever been deported, removed or If yes please provide details below
otherwise required to leave any country, No Yes
including Australia?
Is English your first language? No Yes

Have you taken an English test? No Yes Please indicate which test/s you have taken, and attach certified documentary evidence of results.
IELTS TOEFL Pearson (PTE) (please specify)

Would you like to apply for the Curtin English Pathway program? No Yes
Refer to: english.curtin.edu.au/courses/index.cfm

Please provide details of all formal studies you have completed and those you are currently undertaking.
You are required to supply an original or certified* copy of your academic award/s and transcript/s for all tertiary studies except those undertaken at
Curtin/WAIT. Academic records must contain an explanation of grading system descriptions.
Name of qualifications Institution/school/university/country Completed? Start date End date
(e.g. GCE O/A level, HSC, degree) (e.g. Temasek Junior College) (yes/no/ (month/year) (month/year) or
completing) Expected Date of


The course I am applying for is directly related to my previous studies or work experience. No Yes

The course I am applying for is linked to my career plans and will provide me with greater opportunities in my home country. No Yes

(i) If yes, what are your future plans? (ii) If no, why are you planning to study this course?

Have you had a gap in your studies or work experience of six (6) months or longer? No Yes

If yes, please explain why you had the break and how long the break was below.


If yes, name of organisation
Will your tuition fees be paid by an organisation/government? No Yes


Supplementary documentation may be required depending on the course you apply for. Please go to courses.curtin.edu.au/course_overview/admission-
requirements/application-requirements.cfm to check the requirements. If required, please ensure certified copies of work experience statements from your
employers and professional registration papers are provided.

I have attached the relevant supplementary documentation for the course applied/preferred course.

The information below is used to assist the University in monitoring, supporting and improving services to students with medical/disability requirements.
Disclosing this information will not affect your admission to the University.

Do you have a disability, impairment or long-term medical condition which may affect your studies? No Yes

Hearing Vision Learning Medical Mobility Other

If you have a disability, would you like to receive information on support services, equipment and facilities available that may assist you? No Yes

I declare: 4. The University reserves the right to exclude me from the admissions process if it is not
1. All of the information and supporting documents provided with this form are true and satisfied that I meet the DIBP’s GTE and GS requirements; and
correct. 5. The University reserves the right to exclude me from the admissions process or cancel
2. I will inform the University immediately if any of the information provided changes; my enrolment if I am or become personally prohibited under any Federal legislation or
3. I understand the structure and content of the course I am applying for; regulation from commencing or enrolling in any part of the course I am applying for;
4. I have access to sufficient funds to meet the tuition, travel and living costs of living in 6. The personal information collected on this form and during my enrolment at Curtin
Australia (for myself and any dependents) for the duration of my studies. University may be disclosed to:
5. I have not previously had an Australian visa cancelled or an Australian visa application • the Australian Government and designated authorities where required for compliance
rejected; and with the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 (Cth) and its associated
6. That I have personally signed this form. legislation;
I understand: • the University’s preferred Overseas Student Health Cover provider for the purposes of
1. That the University may obtain official records from any institution or organisation I setting up an insurance policy;
have claimed a previous association with, for the purposes of verifying my academic or • Curtin overseas representatives for the purposes of assisting me with my application;
employment history; and
2. That in order to be admitted to the University I must meet both: • Qualsearch for the purposes of verifying my qualifications, where I am applying for a
The University’s academic and English language requirements for my chosen course; and postgraduate course.
The Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) and Genuine Student (GS) criteria set by the 7. In the event that I do not meet the University’s academic or English language entry
Department of Immigration & Border Protection (DIBP). For information about the GTE and requirements, the University may forward my full application to a partner institution for
GS criteria please visit border.gov.au/Trav/Stud/More/Genuine-Temporary-Entrant consideration for a place in an appropriate preparatory program the successful completion
3. I authorise the University to access the Australian Immigration Visa Entitlements of which qualify me for admissions into specified courses at Curtin University.
Verification Online (VEVO) system at anytime to obtain information regarding my visa 8. I have the right to access and amend personal information about me held by the
status. University, subject to legislation, by contacting the Freedom of Information Coordinator at

Applicant signature Date D D / M M / Y Y Y Y

Parent/guardian signature Date D D / M M / Y Y Y Y

(if applicant is under 18)


Please submit your application to Curtin International or a
At Curtin University, the privacy of our students, staff and the people we deal with is very
Curtin University overseas representative. important to us. Much of the information the University collects in order to provide the services
To complete an online application, visit international.curtin.edu.au/apply that it does is personal information. For details of how the University will use, disclose and
Curtin International Tel: +61 8 9266 2431 protect your personal information, visit global.curtin.edu.au/legal/privacy.cfm
GPO Box S1512 *Certified means witnessed by a Curtin representative, a notary public, Commissioner for
Perth WA 6845 Declarations, Justice of the Peace or the academic registrar of the institution that issued the
Email: transcript. For further information, refer to the guidelines on certification at international.
2 ci-apply@curtin.edu.au curtin.edu.au/apply
CRICOS Provider Code 00301J

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