Lesson Plan 9423 Kindergarten
Lesson Plan 9423 Kindergarten
Lesson Plan 9423 Kindergarten
Ms. Lumpkin Grade: Kindergarten Week of 9/4/23 Write-on/wipe-off boards, crayons, scissors,
pastel chalk, Read aloud books: The Very
9:00-9:30 : (Breakfast, attendance, classroom jobs, pledge, morning Busy Spider, What do Families Do Together?
message. Brush teeth.) Bear’s Busy Family, Baa, Baa Black Sheep
Number Corner: Month, date, days of the week. Choral count Numbers 1-10, forward/back. (poem). Student Pre-decodables: I see, My
Family, See My Day.
Review, identify shapes; triangle, rectangle, circle, square. Play the Shape-Hunter Game.
Standard Focus: 1. With prompting and support, retell familiar stories, using key details.
2. Ask and answer questions about unknown words in a text.
3. Follow agreed- upon rules for discussions (listening to others and taking turns speaking about topics and text under discussion.
4. Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds (phonemes)
Learning Objective: 1. Students will demonstrate understanding of classroom rules & procedures
2. Students will use vocabulary words in speaking
3. Students will listen to and discuss a rhyme
4. Students will recognize and produce rhyming words
*Phonemic Awareness *Phonemic Awareness *Phonemic Awareness *Phonemic Awareness *Phonemic Awareness
routine/phonics cards. routine/phonics cards. routine/phonics cards. routine/phonics cards. routine/phonics cards.
Academic Vocabulary: Review Academic Practice: 3-D Review Academic Read Aloud: Poem, Baa, Baa,
Key Words: Together, Vocabulary: interactive- Who is in Vocabulary: Black Sheep.
Family, Mother, Father, Together, Family, Together, Family, (Children practice color
your family? Children recognition and choral reading.)
Sister, Brother, Mother, Father, Sister, take turns choosing Mother, Father, Sister,
*Children take turns adding a new
Noun/Proper Noun. Brother, Noun/Proper Brother, Noun/Proper color to the poem. Choral reading
family members and
Introduce 3-D Noun. Noun. the poem.
using academic
interactive- Who is in Key Words: belong I Do: Introduce nouns in Reader’s Theatre Craft:
Read Aloud: On vocabulary in speaking. Children cut and glue colored
your family? Children speaking. Read My sheep to large popsicle sticks.
take turns singing along. Mother’s Lap Family Multi-Recess 10:30-10:50
Read Aloud: The Very We Do: Discuss family
Movement Break Writing: Children draw Busy Spider. Tuesday & Friday
Read Aloud: What Do a picture of who is in members using the Choral Reading: In Groups of four:
Families Do Together? their family. Color and Craft: Children make the sentence frame: A Children practice reciting the poem
_____ is a noun. and inserting a new color of sheep
Writing: Children draw Label. Ask children to Busy spider: color with
to complete the poem.
a picture of something share and discuss their pastel, cut, glue. Display (mother, father, sister, *Ask for Volunteer Groups to Read
their family does drawing with an elbow on black construction brother, grandmother, aloud using sheep prompts.
paper. grandfather, uncle,
together. Using the buddy. Movement Break aunt). Phonics: Letter Ss
sentence frame: My Phonics: Review Phonics: Letters Ss and You Do: Read pre-
Family ______ together. Letter Ss Mm review. I Do: picture cards for the
Phonics: Letter Ss Review Frequency decodable book My initial sound Ss.
I Do: picture cards for
I Do: picture cards for Words: my Family. Color, highlight We Do: Circle pictures that
the initial sound Ss.
the initial sound Ss. Seat Work: Picture the word my. begin with /s/
We Do: Give examples
We Do: Circle pictures of words that begin Sort- Ss and Mm initial You Do: Identify and color the
that begin with /s/ sounds. pictures that begin with /s/.
with /s/. Write the letter Handwriting:
You Do: Color the Ss on the white board- Handwriting: Trace
Trace and write the letter upper/lower-case Ss.
pictures that begin Vertical. Ss.
with /s/. You Do: Color the *Assign Pre-decodable: See My
Handwriting: Trace pictures that begin Day
upper/lower-case Ss. with /s/ and write the Ss.
Skills & Concepts: Count to 10 by 1s. Classify objects into categories. Count objects one by one, saying the number in the standard order and pairing
each object with only one number name.
Standard Focus: Students are introduced to and practice several classroom routines that will serve as important structures throughout the school
year. Think-pair-share, choral counting, and the craft stick routine.
Daily Assessment: Daily Assessment: Daily Assessment: Daily Assessment: Daily Assessment:
Formative-through Formative-through Formative-through Formative-through Formative-through monitoring and
monitoring and observation. monitoring and monitoring and observation monitoring and observation. Student participation
Student participation observation. Oral language observation. Oral language and discussion
and discussion use and writing frame. use and writing frame.
12:10-12:30 Lunch
12:30-12:45 Recess
Math Block Math Block Math Block Math Block Math Block
1:30-2:15 1:30-2;15 12:45-1:15 1:30-2:15 1:30-2:00
Review number 1- 5.
Showing number to 5 Problems& Investigations: Problems& Investigations: Unit 1, Session Four: Ten Unit 1, Session Five: All Shoes:
“Today we are going to make Unit 1, Session Two: Two Unit 1, Session Three: Five Shoes: This session The students determine a way in
dots on the five-frame to Shoes. Children create Shoes. Children make extends the work in the which they will sort the entire class
match our finger patterns. categories of shoe attributes observations about a set of previous session by having by shoe attributes, compare the
Then we will trace the and organize themselves by five shoes and classify them students make observations groups, and decide which collection
numbers that show how these attributes, then into categories. Together, the about a set of ten shoes and has the most.
many!” compare which group has teacher and children make a classify them into Children spend the rest of the
Problems& Investigations: more and which has less. physical graph of shoes categories. session in workplaces.
Unit 1, Session One: One Children spend the rest of arranged into groups, then Children spend the rest of Work Places: 1A, 1B, 1C, !D.
Shoe. Children begin the session in workplaces. compare the groups and the session in workplaces. Students explore materials in an
engaging in routines-think- Work Places: 1A, 1B, 1C, ! decide which collection has Work Places: 1A, 1B, 1C, ! open-ended way.
pair-share, and choral D. the most. D.
counting as they count the Students explore materials Students explore materials
number of students in an in an open-ended way. Student of the Month in an open-ended way. Monitor and Observe
attribute group and identify Assembly 1:30
how many students are in that
group. **2:00-2:20 Extra Recess
Work Places: 1A, 1B, 1C, !D.
Students explore materials in
an open-ended way.
Play Centers
Standard Focus: Students are introduced to and practice several classroom routines that will serve as important structures throughout the school
year. Think-pair-share, choral counting, and the craft stick routine.
Kitchen: food/cooking Kitchen: food/cooking Early release Kitchen: food/cooking Kitchen: food/cooking
Art: painting/drawing Art: painting/drawing 1:30-1:50 Art: painting/drawing Art: painting/drawing
Blocks/ Trains: Blocks/ Trains: Coats/Dismiss for bus Blocks/ Trains: Blocks/ Trains:
Building/teamwork/Gross Building/teamwork/Gross Building/teamwork/Gross Building/teamwork/Gross Motor
Motor Motor Motor Play Dough: Fine Motor
Play Dough: Fine Motor Play Dough: Fine Motor Play Dough: Fine Motor Dolls/Doll House: Social
Dolls/Doll House: Social Dolls/Doll House: Social Dolls/Doll House: Social Emotional
Emotional Emotional Emotional