Red ants or fire ants are a genus of stinging ants, with more than two hundred and eighty species in the world. Not all are colored. In addition, there are some unrelated ants that also bear this common name.
Its scientific name is Solenopsis.
The 3 vital functions Reproduction of the red ant.
Ant reproduction is a complex
phenomenon that involves successfully finding, selecting, and fertilizing females to ensure that the eggs laid can survive and moult through the successive stages of the ant's life cycle: larvae, pupae, and adults. Interaction Scientists have known for decades that ants use a variety of tiny chemicals known as pheromones to communicate. Perhaps the most classic example is the pheromone trail that insects leave when walking. Those behind them follow this trail, which leads to long lines of ants marching one by one. Nutrition
In nature they feed on the milk of aphids and
other small Hemiptera, insects and small invertebrates, alive or dead, as well as the sap of plants and various fruits. They also eat insect eggs. When they enter our homes, ants add a wide range of sweets, meats, animal foods and fats to their menu. If they weren`t in the What do they Why are they on world what would do? the earth? happen? The queen or queens have There are 15,700 known ant Ants scavenge on tiny organisms only one job - to lay eggs. All species and subspecies. These and prey on insects larger than them other female ants are workers; six-legged creatures serve vital – this behavior helps create an they feed the larvae, take out roles in the ecosystem, as they ecological balance. Additionally, ants the colony's trash, forage for help spread plant seeds, are the foundation of the food food and supplies, or defend accelerate decomposition and pyramid. If ants went extinct, the the nest. Male ants' only job is support the food chain as both food chain would collapse, and it predator and prey. would affect every organism. to mate with the queen. Now a video of they. Fun facts about ants ● Ants have superhuman strength! ● Ants don't have lungs. ● Ants don't have ears. ● There are a lot of ants in the world. ● Some ant species are asexual. Thanks for watching!!!!