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Cancers 14 00060
Cancers 14 00060
Peritoneal Metastasis: Current Status and Treatment Options
Lilian Roth 1 , Linda Russo 1 , Sima Ulugoel 1 , Rafael Freire dos Santos 1 , Eva Breuer 1 , Anurag Gupta 1
and Kuno Lehmann 1,2, *
1 Surgical Oncology Research Laboratory, Department of Surgery & Transplantation,
University Hospital of Zurich, Raemistrasse 100, 8091 Zurich, Switzerland; [email protected] (L.R.);
[email protected] (L.R.); [email protected] (S.U.); [email protected] (R.F.d.S.);
[email protected] (E.B.); [email protected] (A.G.)
2 University of Zurich, 8006 Zurich, Switzerland
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +41-44-255-11-11
Simple Summary: Surgical and locoregional treatments of peritoneal metastasis, e.g., from colorectal
cancer, has gained increasing acceptance after the publication of excellent patient outcomes from
many groups around the world. Apart from systemic chemotherapy and surgical removal of the
tumor, locoregional therapies such as HIPEC or PIPAC may improve tumor control. Understanding
the molecular characteristics of peritoneal metastasis is crucial to evolve future therapeutic strategies
for peritoneal metastasis. This includes the genetic background of PM, which is often different
from other sites of metastasis, and promotes peritoneal dissemination and the growth of tumor cells.
Growing knowledge and insight into the physiology of the peritoneal tumor microenvironment and
the specific role of the immune system in this compartment may provide a critical step to move
locoregional therapy to the next level. This review summarizes the current knowledge and highlights
the molecular characteristics of peritoneal metastasis.
Abstract: Peritoneal metastasis (PM) originating from gastrointestinal cancer was considered a
terminal disease until recently. The advent of better systemic treatment, a better understanding of
Citation: Roth, L.; Russo, L.; Ulugoel, prognostic factors, and finally, the advent of novel loco-regional therapies, has opened the door
S.; Freire dos Santos, R.; Breuer, E.; for the multimodal treatment of PM. These strategies, including radical surgery and hyperthermic
Gupta, A.; Lehmann, K. Peritoneal intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) showed surprisingly good results, leading to the prolonged
Metastasis: Current Status and survival of patients with peritoneal metastasis. This has triggered a significant body of research,
Treatment Options. Cancers 2022, 14, leading to the molecular characterization of PM, which may further help in the development of novel
60. treatments. This review summarizes current evidence on peritoneal metastasis and explores potential
novel mechanisms and therapeutic approaches to treat patients with peritoneal metastasis.
Academic Editor: David Wong
Keywords: peritoneal metastasis; colorectal cancer (CRC); cytoreductive surgery; hyperthermic
Received: 25 October 2021
intraperitoneal chemotherapy; tumor biology
Accepted: 20 December 2021
Published: 23 December 2021
a benefit of up to 51 months median overall survival of patients with PM from CRC after
CRS and HIPEC [4]. This dramatic difference in overall survival is the result of treatment
evolution and a better patient selection.
An important study from the United States compared outcomes of patients with
different sites of metastasis under palliative treatment [5]. This study, including a large
number of patients, showed an inferior outcome of patients with PM compared with
hematogenous metastatic sites. However, this study lacked adequate intraoperative staging
and visual assessment of the PCI. This drawback has been addressed in a recent study
which compared the outcomes of patients after radical systemic and local treatment for
PM, according to sites of recurrent disease [4]. This multicenter study was able to demon-
strate an impaired outcome in patients with peritoneal recurrence when compared with
hematogenous recurrence. In addition, the authors also observed a different molecular
background for peritoneal lesions, which might be a driver for both the site of recurrence
and worse outcomes.
concentrations in serum seems to be associated with worse prognosis [25,26]. After suc-
cessful dissemination in metastatic sites, cancer cells stimulate sustained proliferation via
the secretion of growth factors in the surrounding tumor-associated stroma. For example,
insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) was found to be overexpressed in PM from CRC [26].
Additionally, increased plasma levels of IGF-binding protein 3 (IGFBP3), an endogenous
antagonist of IGF-1, was found to correlate with lower progression and an improved
treatment response [27]. Furthermore, cancer cells release HIF-1α, which regulates the
production of VEGF, to access nutrients and oxygen. A study performed by Varghese
et al. on 20 metastatic tumors from patient with colorectal adenocarcinoma indicated
that peritoneal metastases overexpressed HIF-1α, TIMP-2 and IGF-1 compared with other
metastatic sites [26].
Taken together, the induction of peritoneal metastasis involves a complex cascade,
starting with tumor cells exfoliation, epithelial-to-mesenchyme transition, attachment, and
invasion towards deeper layers by a transmesothelial or translymphatic route; thus, it can
be summarized as peritoneal metastatic cascade [14]. The above-mentioned mechanisms
are driven mainly by the biology of the tumor cells; however, there is another major player
controlling malignant disease: the immune system.
The contemporary staging of PM is performed with the peritoneal cancer index (PCI), a
staging system ranging from 0 to 39 points, which adequately describes the distribution
and the size of PM in a patient [55]. The comparison of PM with other metastatic sites is
often problematic. Imaging modalities (e.g., computed tomography or magnetic resonance
imaging) are more sensitive for metastasis in the lung or liver. Nevertheless, a review
article on imaging diagnoses of PM from gastrointestinal and ovarian cancer showed an
adequate pooled sensitivity and specificity of 80% and 90%, respectively, for PET-CT, and
92% and 85% for MRI. The authors claim that MRI could become the imaging modality
of choice in staging PM, because MRI is already widely available [56]. In a clinical trial
(NCT03314649), the role of mutated DNA of cancer cells in the abdominal cavity of gastric
cancer patients is assessed, with the goal of increasing sensitivity in the diagnosis of mi-
crometastasis. Another interesting approach is the detection of peritoneal implants from
CRC with near-infrared fluorescence imaging after the i.v. administration of indocyane
green (ICG) (NCT02032485). Even though many new strategies in the diagnostic procedure
are currently being investigated, current clinical practice still relies on the surgical staging
of PM by either laparoscopy or laparotomy [57].
Although the surgical concepts for cytoreduction are standardized, no standardization
has been established thus far for HIPEC protocols with regard to temperature, treatment
duration or the type of drug. Current HIPEC protocols for patients with colorectal PM
therefore lack consistency and differ among countries and hospitals. For example, one
proposed treatment protocol is the use of heated Oxaliplatin (Oxa), a third-generation
platinum forming intra- and interstrand crosslinks in the DNA, for 30 min at 43 ◦ C [58].
This protocol was also used in a prospective multicenter trial, PRODIGE-7. Patients
(n = 265) with stage IV colorectal cancer with isolated peritoneal metastases and a PCI < 25
were randomly assigned to CRS or CRS with an oxaliplatin-based HIPEC for 30 min. No
significant benefit regarding median overall survival could be shown by the addition
of HIPEC (median OS 41.7 versus 41.2 months). Despite this result, the subgroup of
patients with a PCI > 11 ≤ 15 demonstrated a significantly higher overall survival after
CRS/HIPEC compared with CRS only [59]. The efficacy of HIPEC in general, with other
drug combination, or at other concentrations cannot be answered by this study. Based
on the results from both treatment groups, the main message of PRODIGE7 is that CRS,
performed in expert centers, provides superior outcomes in patients with PM from CRC.
The optimal regimen for HIPEC and the added benefit remains elusive [59].
This result goes well with the observation from a previously completed, small (n = 105)
randomized trial comparing systemic chemotherapy with CRS/HIPEC [60]. Despite a weak
control arm, where patients received only 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU)-based systemic therapy,
the authors were able to show that CRS/HIPEC improved disease-specific survival from
12.6 months in the control arm to 22.2 months in the CRS/HIPEC [61]. In both trials,
patients who profited had a high peritoneal disease load.
In 2013, the American Society of Peritoneal Surface Malignancies recommended a
regimen with Mitomycin C (MMC) for 90 min at 42 ◦ C, which is now used widely [62,63].
MMC is an antitumor antibiotic, isolated from Streptomyces caespitosus, classified as an
alkylating agent causing cross-linking in the DNA. These crosslinks prevent the separation
of complementary DNA strands, inhibiting DNA replication [64]. The American random-
ized phase II study ICARuS with HIPEC using MMC is currently ongoing (NCT01815359),
and the adjuvant HIPECT 4 trial is enrolling patients to investigate the role of adjuvant
chemotherapy with MMC in order to prevent PM recurrence [65]. Apart from mono
regimens with oxaliplatin or mitomycin C, some groups use combination therapies with
mitomycinC/doxorubicin or irinotecan (IRI)/doxorubicin [63], although clinical trials with
combination therapies are still lacking.
As mentioned above, patient selection for CRS/HIPEC is key. Negative predictive
factors after CRS/HIPEC are the extent of the disease (PCI), nodal stage, tumor biology,
response systemic therapy or major complications after CRS/HIPEC. Some of these prog-
nostic factors can be summarized by clinical scores (e.g., PDSS or BIOSCOPE). For example,
Cancers 2022, 14, 60 7 of 14
BIOSCOPE includes the PCI, the nodal stage, tumor grading and the RAS/RAF mutational
status, and helps to discriminate prognostic groups [66]. In clinical practice, these scores
are usually not exclusive, but may help in the clinical decision process. After CRS/HIPEC,
a major complication (Clavien-Dindo classification IIIB or higher) rate of 8.3% to 24% has
been published in recent series [67,68].
HIPEC can also be performed as an adjuvant treatment to prevent peritoneal spread.
In their trial, Virzi et al. demonstrated the feasibility and safety of HIPEC in an adjuvant
setting, even though 16% of patients experienced major complications [69]. The COLOPEC
trial could not prove any benefit in peritoneal-free survival after adjuvant HIPEC compared
with the control arm [70].
Table 1. Current data on the treatment of PM from CRC by either systemic therapy alone or in
combination with locoregional treatment. It is critical to highlight that the amount of disease in
the peritoneum or the chemotherapy regimen differed among the studies. (amount of disease: +++
extensive load of PM, ++ moderate load, + limited load, NA: not available).
Figure 1. Schematic view of mechanisms of locoregional treatment in the peritoneum: the current
Figure 1. Schematic view of mechanisms of locoregional treatment in the peritoneum: the current
interpretation of how HIPEC or PIPAC act on tumor cells is to induce cell death via direct cytotoxicity.
interpretation of how HIPEC or PIPAC act on tumor cells is to induce cell death via direct cytotoxi-
Growing evidence
city. Growing on immunogenic
evidence on immunogeniccell death suggests
cell death that the
suggests thatactivation of a patient’s
the activation immune
of a patient’s im-
mune might
systemmediate better long-term
might mediate disease disease
better long-term control control
the induction of T cells.
the induction of TThis process
cells. This
might bemight
process boosted in next-generation
be boosted treatment
in next-generation approaches
treatment and induce
approaches a profound
and induce and sustained
a profound and sus-
immune reactionreaction
tained immune against metastatic lesions.lesions.
against metastatic CreatedCreated with
Conclusionsand andOutlook
Understanding the the molecular
molecular characteristics
characteristics of of peritoneal
peritoneal metastasis
metastasis isis crucial
crucial to
evolve future therapeutic strategies for peritoneal metastasis. This includes
evolve future therapeutic strategies for peritoneal metastasis. This includes the genetic the genetic
backgroundof ofPM,
often different
different from
from other
other sites
sites of
of metastasis,
metastasis, andand promotes
peritoneal dissemination and the growth of tumor cells. Growing knowledge
peritoneal dissemination and the growth of tumor cells. Growing knowledge and insight and insight
physiologyof ofthe
peritoneal tumor
tumor microenvironment
microenvironment and and the
the specific
specific role
immune system in this compartment may provide a critical step
immune system in this compartment may provide a critical step to move locoregional to move locoregional
therapytotothe thenext
likely thatprogress
that progressmade
response rates for peritoneal metastasis and enable radical treatment
ter response rates for peritoneal metastasis and enable radical treatment in more patients. in more patients.
knowledge on on selection
criteria will
will helphelp to identify
to identify patients
patients who arewho are to
likely likely to
profit from aggressive surgical treatment, whereas patients with an
from aggressive surgical treatment, whereas patients with an adverse risk profile may adverse risk profile
may undergo
undergo additional
additional locoregional
locoregional treatment,
treatment, e.g., PIPAC.
e.g., with with PIPAC. Finally,
Finally, optimal optimal drug
drug regi-
regimens for the locoregional treatment of PM remain unclear,
mens for the locoregional treatment of PM remain unclear, and the identification ofand the identification of
molecular mechanisms involved in long-term tumor control beyond cytotoxicity is critical.
Therefore, experimental, and translational research is critical in the next years.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, L.R. (Lilian Roth), L.R. (Linda Russo), A.G., K.L; data
curation, L.R. (Lilian Roth), L.R. (Linda Russo)., S.U., R.F.d.S., E.B.; writing—original draft prepa-
ration, L.R. (Lilian Roth), L.R. (Linda Russo)., S.U., R.F.d.S., E.B.; writing—review and editing,
L.R. (Lilian Roth), L.R. (Linda Russo)., S.U., R.F.d.S., A.G., K.L., visualization, L.R.; funding ac-
quisition, A.G., K.L. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Cancers 2022, 14, 60 10 of 14
Funding: This work was supported by a research grant from the Swiss National Science Foundation
(310030_185029) to K.L.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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