Wipro Selection Procedure

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Wipro Selection Procedure In written test 3 sections 1 2 3 Quantitative /analytical reasoning (20 questions) Verbal ability (20 questions)

Technical section (10questions)

No of questions-50 Time limit -60 Minutes Sectional cut-off Some Technical Questions previously asked

Predict the output or error(s) for the following: 1. main() { char string[]="Hello World"; display (string); } void display (char *string) { printf("%s",string); } Ans: Compiler Error : Type mismatch in redeclaration of function display 2. What are the values printed by the following program? #define dprint(expr) printf(#expr "=%d\n",expr)

main() { int x=7; int y=3; dprintf(x/y); } a) #2 = 2 Ans: c 2) Parameterization generally involves a. b. c. d. e. Data table Random number Environment Both A & B Both A, B & C b) expr=2 c) x/y=2 d) none

Ans: e

3) The file which is used for recovering from the run time errors known as

A. QRS B. C. D. Ans: A 4) Among the following recording modes, which method uses both the objects and mouse coordinates TSR PNG DAT

a. b. c. d.

Normal Low level Analog All of the above

Ans: b 5) Where do you set the action iterations for a specified action?

a. b. c. d.

Action Settings Action Properties Action Run Properties Action Call Properties

Ans: d

6) Where do you mark an action as reusable?

a. b. c. d. Ans: b

Action Settings Action Properties Action Run Properties Action Call Properties

7) After running a test that contains both input and output parameters, where can the results of an output parameter be found?


Local Data Sheet

b. c. d.

Global Data Sheet Run-time Data Table Design-time Data Table

Ans: c

8) If you have a Virtual Object Collection stored on your machine, and you dont want to use it what you must do?

a. b. c. d. Ans: c

Disable Virtual Objects in Test Settings Remove the Collection from your machine Disable Virtual Objects in General Options Remove the Collections from the Resources list

9. For a 25MHz processor , what is the time taken by the instruction which needs 3 clock cycles, (a)120 nano secs (b)120 micro secs (c)75 nano secs (d)75 micro secs Ans: a 10. For 1 MB memory, the number of address lines required, ( a)11 (b)16 (c)20(d) 24 Ans. (c) 11. Semaphore is used for (a) synchronization (b) dead-lock avoidance (c) box (d) none Ans. (a) 12. OLE is used in a) inter connection in unix b) interconnection in WINDOWS

c) interconnection in WINDOWS NT d) None Ans. c 13. Preprocessor does not do which one of the following (a) macro (b) conditional compliclation (c) in type checking (d) including load file Ans. (c) 14. Piggy backing is a technique for a) Flow control b) Sequence Ans. (c) 15. In signed magnitude notation what is the minimum value that can be represented with 8 bits (a) -128 Ans: a (b) -255 (c) -127 (d) 0 c) Acknowledgement d) retransmission

17. When an array is passed as parameter to a function, which of the following statement is correct a) The function can change values in the original array b) In C parameters are passed by value. The function cannot change the original value in the array c) It results in compilation error when the function tries to access the elements in the array d) Results in a run time error when the function tries to access the elements in the array Ans: a 18. The type of the controlling statement of a switch statement cannot be of the type a) int b) char c) short d)float e) none Ans : d 19. What is the value of the statement (3^6) + (a^a)? a) 3 Ans : b 20. consider the following program: b) 5 c) 6 d) a+18 e) None

# include class x { public: int a; x(); }; x::x() { a=10; cout< class b:public x { public: b(); }; b::b() { a=20; cout< main () { b temp; } what will be the output of this program? a) 10 Ans: b b) 20 c) 2010 d) 1020

1. What sorting algos have their best and worst case times equal ? Ans. O(nlogn) for mergesort and heap sort 2. What page replacement algorithm has minimum number of page faults ? Ans. Optimality algorithm 3. What is the use of virtual base class in c++ Ans. Multiple lines between derived classes. 4. Assignment operator targets to _____ Ans. l-value 5. A byte addressable computer has memory capacity of 2 power m Kbytes and can perform 2 power n operations an instruction involving three operands and one operator needs maximum of___________ bits Ans. 3m + n 6. In round robin scheduling, if time quantum is too large then it degenerates to

Ans. FCFS 7. What data structures you should use for dictionary searching and it should be capable of doing spell check also ? Ans: Hashing 8. What is the value of 121 base 4 + 84 base 16 ? Ans : 2130 9. When the fn. is called where the return address is stored? Ans. stack 10. C program code

int zap (int n) { if (n<=1)then zap=1; else zap=zap(n-3)+zap(n-1); } then the call zap(6) gives the values of zap [a] 8 [b] 9 [c] 6 [d] 12 [e] 15 Ans: b 11. Virtual memory size depends on [a] address lines [c] disc space Ans : a 12. Critical section is Ans: statements which are accessing shared resources [b] data bus [d] a & c [e] none

13. In which layer ROUTING is performed ? Ans. Network Layer 14. What is the output of the following code snippet main() { printf(5+Fascimile); } Ans. mile 15. Which one has no L-Value A a[i] Ans . C 16. Which is true for binary search ? B. Greedy algorithm D. none of these B. i C. 2 D. *(a+i)

A Traversal scheme C. Divide and conquer algorithm Ans. C

17. What is the protocol used for getting the physical address by supplying IP address of a node ? A. ARP Ans. A 18. Which is not an OS? a) c) Win 3.1 Win 98 b) d) Win 95 Win 2000 B. RARP C. BOOTP D. DHCP

Ans. a 19. Tcp/ip is

a) connectionless Ans: b

b) connection oriented

c) both a & b

d) none

20. A sorting algorithm which can prove to be a best time algorithm in one case and a worst time algorithm in worst case is (a) Quick Sort Ans. (a) 1. If the time quantum is too large, Round Robin scheduling degenerates to (a) Shortest Job First Scheduling (b) Multilevel Queue Scheduling (c) FCFS (d) None of the above Ans. (c) 2. Transponders are used for which of the following purposes (a) Uplinking (b) Downlinking (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of the above Ans. (c) 3. The format specifier "-%d" is used for which purpose in C (a) Left justifying a string (b) Right justifying a string (c) Removing a string from the console (d) Used for the scope specification of a char[] variable Ans. (a) 4. A sorting algorithm which can prove to be a best time algorithm in one case and a worst time algorithm in worst case is (a) Quick Sort (b) Heap Sort (c) Merge Sort (d) Insert Sort Ans. (a) (b) Heap Sort (c) Merge Sort (d) Insert Sort

5. What details should never be found in the top level of a top-down design? (a) Details (b) Coding (c) Decisions (d) None of the above Ans. (c) 6. In an absolute loading scheme, which loader function is accomplished by assembler (a) Reallocation (b) Allocation (c) Linking (d) Both (a) and (b) Ans. (d) 7. Banker's algorithm for resource allocation deals with (a) Deadlock prevention (b) Deadlock avoidance (c) Deadlock recovery (d) None of these Ans. (b) 8. Thrashing can be avoided if (a) The pages, belonging to the working set of the programs, are in main memory (b) The speed of CPU is increased (c) The speed of I/O processor are increased (d) All of the above Ans. (a) 9. Which of the following communications lines is best suited to interactive processing applications? (a) Narrowband channels (b) Simplex channels (c) Full-duplex channels (d) Mixed band channels Ans. (b)

10. A feasibility document should contain all of the following except (a) Project name (b) Problem descriptions (c) Feasible alternative (d) Data flow diagrams Ans. (d) 11. What is the main function of a data link content monitor? (a) To detect problems in protocols (b) To determine the type of transmission used in a data link (c) To determine the type of switching used in a data link (d) To determine the flow of data Ans. (a) 12. Which of the following is a broadband communications channel? (a) Coaxial cable (b) Fiber optic cable (c) Microwave circuits (d) All of the above Ans. (d) 13. Which of the following memories has the shortest access time? (a) Cache memory (b) Magnetic bubble memory (c) Magnetic core memory (d) RAM Ans. (a) 14. A shift register can be used for (a) Parallel to serial conversion (b) Serial to parallel conversion (c) Digital delay line (d) All the above Ans. (d) 15. In which of the following page replacement policies, Balady's anomaly occurs?

(a) FIFO (b) LRU (c) LFU (d) NRU Ans. (a) 16. Subschema can be used to (a) Create very different, personalised views of the same data (b) Present information in different formats (c) Hide sensitive information by omitting fields from the sub-schema's description (d) All of the above Ans. (d) 17. A 12 address lines maps to the memory of a. 1k bytes Ans: b 18. In a processor these are 120 instructions . Bits needed to implement [a] 6 [b] 7 [c] 10 [d] none Ans: b 19. In a compiler there is 36 bit for a word and to store a character 8bits are needed. IN this to store a character two words are appended .Then for storing a K characters string, How many words are needed. [a] 2k/9 Ans: a 20. Virtual memory size depends on [a] address lines [c] disc space Ans : a [b] data bus [d] a & c [e] none [b] (2k+8)/9 [c] (k+8)/9 [d] 2*(k+8)/9 [e] none this instructions b. 0.5k bytes c. 2k bytes d. none

1. An electron moving in an electromagnetic field moves in a (a) In a straight path (b) Along the same plane in the direction of its propagation (c) Opposite to the original direction of propagation (d) In a sine wave Ans. (b) 2. The total work done on the particle is equal to the change in its kinetic energy (a) Always (b) Only if the forces acting on the body are conservative. (c) Only if the forces acting on the body are gravitational. (d) Only if the forces acting on the body are elastic. Ans. (a) 3. The following unit measure energy: (a) Kilo-watt hour. (b) Volt*volt/sec*ohm. (c) Pascal*foot*foot (d) (Coulomb*coulomb)*farad Ans. (a) 4. Astronauts in stable orbits around the earth are in a state of weightlessness because (a) There is no gravitational force acting on them. (b) The satellite and the air inside it have an acceleration equal to that of gravitational acceleration there. (c) The gravitational force of the earth and the sun balance giving null resultant. (d) There is no atmosphere at the height at which the satellites move. Ans. (b) 5. An organ pipe, open at both ends and another organ pipe closed at one end, will resonate with each other, if their lengths are in the ratio of (a) 1:1 (b) 1:4 (c) 2:1 (d) 1:2 Ans. (c) 6. During an isothermal expansion of an ideal gas (a) Its internal energy increases. (b) Its internal energy decreases. (c) Its internal energy does not change. (d) The work done by the gas is not equal to the quantity of heat absorbed by it. Ans. (c) 7. A parallel plate capacitor is charged and the charging battery is then disconnected. If the plates of the capacitor are moved further apart by means of insulating handles (a) The charge on the capacitor increases. (b) The voltage across the plates increases. (c) The capacitance increases. (d) The electrostatic energy stored in the capacitor decreases.

Ans. (b) 8. Two equal negative charges q are fixed at point (0,a) and (0,-a) on the y-axis. A positive charge Q is released from rest at the point (2a,0) on the x-axis. The charge Q will (a) Execute simple harmonic motion about the origin (b) Move to the origin and remain at rest (c) Move to infinity (d) Execute oscillatory but not simple harmonic motion Ans. (d) 9. A square conducting loop of length Lon a side carries a current I. The magnetic field at the center of the loop is (a) Independant of L (b) Proportional to L*L (c) Inversely proportoinal to L (d) Directly proportional to L Ans. (c) 10. The focal length of a convex lens when placed in air and then in water will (a) Increase in water with respect to air (b) Increase in air with respect to water (c) Decrease in water with respect to. air (d) Remain the same Ans. (a) 11. The maximum kinetic energy of the photoelectron emitted from the surface is dependant on (a) The intensity of incident radiation (b) The potential of the collector electrode (c) The frequency of incident radiation (d) The angle of incidence of radiation of the surface Ans. (c) 12. An electron orbiting in a circular orbit around the nucleus of the atom (a) Has a magnetic dipole moment (b) Exerts an electric force on the nucleus equal to that on it by the nucleus (c) Does not produce a magnetic induction at the nucleus (d) All of the above Ans. (d) 13. The X-rays beam coming from an X-ray tube will be: (a) Monochromatic (b) Having all wavelengths smaller than a certain minimum wavelength (c) Having all wavelengths larger than a certain minimum wavelength (d) Having all wavelengths lying between a minimum and a maximum wavelength Ans. (c) 14. The mass number of a nucleus is (a) Always less than its atomic number (b) Always more than its atomic number (c) Always equal to its atomic number (d) Sometimes more and sometimes equal to its atomic number Ans. (d) 15. Two successive elements belonging to the first transition series have the same number

of electrons partially filling orbital. They are (a) V and Cr (b) Ti and V (c) Mn and Cr (d) Fe and Co Ans. (c) 16. When n+l has the same value for two or more orbitals, the new electron enters the orbital where (a) n is maximum (b) n is minimum (c) l is maximum (d) l is minimum Ans. (b) 17. A balloon filled with ethylene is pricked with a sharp pointed needle and quickly placed in a tank full of hydrogen at the same pressure. After a while the balloon would have (a) Shrunk (b) Enlarged (c) Completely collapsed (d) Remain unchanged in size Ans. (b) 18. Which of the following statements is not true? (a) The ratio of the mean speed to the rms speed is independent of temperature (b) Tthe square of the mean speed of the molecules is equal to the mean squared speed at a certain temperature (c) Mean kinetic energy of the gas molecules at any given temperature is independent of the mean speed (d) None Ans. (b) 19. Which of the following statements represent Raoults Law (a) Mole fraction of solvent = ratio of vapour pressure of the solution to vapour pressure of the solvent (b) Mole fraction of solute = ratio of vapour pressure of the solution to vapour pressure of the solvent (c) Mole fraction of solute = lowering of vapour pressure of the solution (d) Mole fraction of solvent = lowering of vapour pressure of the solution Ans. (a) 20. Elements having the same atomic number and the same atomic mass are known as (a) Isotopes (b) Isotones (c) Isomers (d) None of the above 21.Which is the most acidic amongst (a) Nitrophenol (b) O-toulene (c) Phenol (d) Cresol

22. Pure water does not conduct electricity because it is (a) Almost not ionised (b) Low boiling (c) Neutral (d) Readily decomposed Ans. (a) 23. In a salt bridge, KCl is used because (a) It is an electrolyte (b) The transference number of K+ and Cl is nearly the same (c) It is a good conductor of electricity (d) All of the above Ans. (d) 24. A depolarizer used in the dry cell batteries is (a) KCl (b) MnO2 (c) KOH (d) None of the above Ans. (b) 25. The hydrolysis of alkyl halides by aqueous NaOH is best termed as (a) Electrophylic substitution reaction (b) Electrophylic addition reaction (c) Nnucleophylic addition reaction (d) Nucleophylic substitution reaction Ans. (d) 26. The hydrocarbon that gives a red precipitate with ammoniacal cuprous chloride is (where means a triple bond) (a) CH3-CH2-CH2-CH3 (b) CH3-CC-CH3 (c) CH2=CH-CH=CH2 (d) CH3-CH2-CCH Ans. (d) 27. Which of the following reagents is neither neutral nor basic (a) Lucas reagent (b) Tollens reagent (c) Bayers reagent (d) Fehlings solution Ans. (a) 28. The substance which is most easily nitrated (a) Toluene (b) Bbenzene (c) Nitrobenzene (d) Chlorobenzene Ans. (a) 29. Carbylamine reaction is a test for (a) Primary amine (b) Secondary amine

(c) Tertiary amine (d) Quarternary ammonium salt Ans. (a) 30. Which of the following oxides cannot be reduced by carbon to obtain metal (a) ZnO (b) Al2O3 (c) Fe2O3 (d) PbO Ans. (b) 31. Which of the following is not an oxide ore? (a) Cassiterite (b) Siderite (c) Pyrolusite (d) Bauxite Ans. (b) 32. Which among the following is called philosophers wool (a) Cellulose (b) Calamine (c) Stellite (d) Cerussite Ans. (c) 33. Out of 10 white, 9 black and 7 red balls, in how many ways can we select one or more balls (a) 234 (b) 52 (c) 630 (d) 879 Ans. (d) 34. A and B throw a dice. The probability that As throw is not greater than Bs is (a) 5/12 (b) 7/12 (c) 11/12 (d) 5/36 Ans. (b) 35. Given two numbers a and b. Let A denote the single AM between these and S denote the sum of n AMs between them. Then S/A depends upon (a) n (b) n,a (c) n,b (d) n,a,b Ans. (a) 36. If the sum of the roots of the equation ax+bx+c=0 is equal to the sum of the squares of their reciprocals, then, a/c, b/a, c/b are in (a) AP (b) GP (c) HP (d) None of the these

Ans. (c) In the following questions ~ represents the integral sign-for eg. 1~2[f(x)] means integration of the function f(x) over the interval 1 to2. 37. Value of -1~2[|2-x|]dx, ie integration of the function |2-x| over the interval -1 to 2. (a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) None of the above Ans. (d) 38. If 0~P[log sinx]dx=k,then the value of 0~P/4[log(1 + tan x)]dx ,where P stands for pi,is (a) -k/4 (b) k/4 (c) -k/8 (d) k/8 Ans. (c) 39. If a,b,c be in GP and p,q be respectively AM between a, b and b, c then (a) 2/b=1/p+1/q (b) 2/b=1/p-1/q (c) 2=a/p-c/q (d) None of the above Ans. (a) 40. A solution of KMnO4 is reduced to MnO2 .The normality of solution is 0.6.The molarity is (a) 1.8M (b) 0.6M (c) 0.1M (d) 0.2M Ans. (d) The questions 41-46 are based on the following pattern. The problems below contain a question and two statements giving certain data. You have to decide whether the data given in the statements are sufficient for answering the questions. The correct answer is (A) If statement (I) alone is sufficient but statement (II) alone is not sufficient. (B) If statement (II) alone is sufficient but statement (I) alone is not sufficient. (C) If both statements together are sufficient but neither of statements alone is sufficient. (D) If both together are not sufficient. 41. What is Johns age? (I) In 15 years John will be twice as old as Dias would be (II) Dias was born 5 years ago Ans. (C) 42. What is the distance from city A to city C in kms? (I) City A is 90 kms from City B (II) City B is 30 kms from City C Ans. (D) 43.Is A=C ? A,B,C are real numbers (I) A-B=B-C (II) A-2C = C-2B Ans. (C)

44. What is the 30th term of a given sequence ? (I) The first two terms of the sequence are 1,1/2 (II) The common difference is -1/2 Ans. (A) 45.Was Avinash early, on time or late for work? (I) He thought his watch was 10 minutes fast (II) Actually his watch was 5 minutes slow Ans. (D) 46. What is the value of A if A is an integer? (I) A4 = 1 (II) A3 + 1 = 0 Ans. (B) 47. A person travels 12 km in the southward direction and then travels 5km to the right and then travels 15km toward the right and finally travels 5km towards the east, how far is he from his starting place? (a) 5.5 kms (b) 3 km (c) 13 km (d) 6.4 km Ans. (b) 48. Xs fathers wifes fathers granddaughter uncle will be related to X as (a) Son (b) Nephew (c) Uncle (d) Grandfather Ans. (c) 49. Find the next number in the series 1, 3 ,7 ,13 ,21 ,31 (a) 43 (b) 33 (c) 41 (d) 45 Ans. (a) 50. If in a certain code RANGE is coded as 12345 and RANDOM is coded as 123678. Then the code for the word MANGO would be (a) 82357 (b) 89343 (c) 84629 (d) 82347 Ans. (d) 51. If PROMPT is coded as QSPLOS ,then PLAYER should be (a) QMBZFS (b) QWMFDW (c) QUREXM (d) URESTI Ans. (a) The questions 52-53 are based on the following data 6 people A, B, C, D, E and F sit around a

table for dinner. Since A does not like C, he doesnt sit either opposite or beside C.B and F always like to sit opposite each other. 52. If A is beside F then who is are the two neighbors of B? (a) D and C (b) E and C (c) D and E (d) Either (a) or (b) Ans. (c) 53. If D is adjacent to F then who is adjacent to C? (a) E and B (b) D and A (c) D and B (d) either (a) or (c) Ans. (d) 54. Complete the sequence A, E ,I ,M ,Q ,U , _ , _ (a) B, F (b) Y, C (c) G, I (d) K, O Ans. (b) 55. A person travels 6km towards west, then travels 5km towards north ,then finally travels 6km towards west. Where is he with respect to his starting position? (a) 13km east (b) 13km northeast (c) 13km northwest (d) 13km west Ans. (c) 56. If A speaks the truth 80% of the times, B speaks the truth 60% of the times. What is the probability that they tell the truth at the same time (a) 0.8 (b) 0.48 (c) 0.6 (d) 0.14 Ans.(b) 57. If the time quantum is too large, Round Robin scheduling degenerates to (a) Shortest Job First Scheduling (b) Multilevel Queue Scheduling (c) FCFS (d) None of the above Ans. (c) 58. Transponders are used for which of the following purposes (a) Uplinking (b) Downlinking (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of the above Ans. (c)

59. The format specifier -%d is used for which purpose in C (a) Left justifying a string (b) Right justifying a string (c) Removing a string from the console (d) Used for the scope specification of a char[] variable Ans. (a) 60. Virtual functions allow you to (a) Create an array of type pointer-to-base-class that can hold pointers to derived classes (b) Create functions that have no body (c) Group objects of different classes so they can all be accessed by the same function code (d) Use the same function call to execute member functions to objects from different classes 62. A sorting algorithm which can prove to be a best time algorithm in one case and a worst time algorithm in worst case is (a) Quick Sort (b) Heap Sort (c) Merge Sort (d) Insert Sort Ans. (a) 63. What details should never be found in the top level of a top-down design? (a) Details (b) Coding (c) Decisions (d) None of the above Ans. (c) 64. In an absolute loading scheme, which loader function is accomplished by assembler (a) Reallocation (b) Allocation (c) Linking (d) Both (a) and (b) Ans. (d) 65. Bankers algorithm for resource allocation deals with (a) Deadlock prevention (b) Deadlock avoidance (c) Deadlock recovery (d) None of these Ans. (b) 66. Thrashing can be avoided if (a) The pages, belonging to the working set of the programs, are in main memory (b) The speed of CPU is increased (c) The speed of I/O processor are increased (d) All of the above Ans. (a) 67. Which of the following communications lines is best suited to interactive processing applications? (a) Narrowband channels (b) Simplex channels

(c) Full-duplex channels (d) Mixedband channels Ans. (b) 68. A feasibility document should contain all of the following except (a) Project name (b) Problem descriptions (c) Feasible alternative (d) Data flow diagrams Ans. (d) 69. What is the main function of a data link content monitor? (a) To detect problems in protocols (b) To determine the type of transmission used in a data link (c) To determine the type of switching used in a data link (d) To determine the flow of data Ans. (a) 70. Which of the following is a broadband communications channel? (a) Coaxial cable (b) Fiber optic cable (c) Microwave circuits (d) All of the above Ans. (d) 71. Which of the following memories has the shortest access time? (a) Cache memory (b) Magnetic bubble memory (c) Magnetic core memory (d) RAM Ans. (a) 72. A shift register can be used for (a) Parallel to serial conversion (b) Serial to parallel conversion (c) Digital delay line (d) All the above Ans. (d) 73. In which of the following page replacement policies, Baladys anomaly occurs? (a) FIFO (b) LRU (c) LFU (d) NRU Ans. (a) 74. Subschema can be used to (a) Create very different, personalized views of the same data (b) Present information in different formats (c) Hide sensitive information by omitting fields from the sub-schemas description (d) All of the above Ans. (d)

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What are the different models of SDLC? Differentiate between Spiral and Incremental model? What is the disadvantage of Incremental model? Give an example to explain. What do you mean by the Design phase? What are the tools that can be used in this phase? Coming to C, what is hashing? Why do we use hashing and not arrays? How do we implement a Hash table? What are function pointers? Give the syntax for the same. Why do we use pointers in C at all? You know about structures and union. Why is Union used? Give a real life example in which you&apos;ll use union? What is SSL? What is the difference between HTTP and HTTPS? Explain two of your projects (one should be FYP). This round took around 20 minutes What is a process and what is thread What are the advantages of thread,how does the multithreading look like What is MultiProcessing and Multitasking What is a stack and Queue and its applications Which one out of (stack , Queue) do u use for Infix and Postfix What is indexing,what are the advantages and Disadvantages of it. What is DeNormalization,where does it have it&apos;s application What are the Different Objects in DBMS. Give a Sql Query which uses Outer Join.(she gave me 2 tables and question on it)
Wipro Whole Test Paper Wipro Selection Procedure In written test 3 sections 1. Quantitative /analytical reasoning (20 questions) 2. Verbal ability (20 questions) 3. Technical section (10questions) No of questions-50 Time limit -60 Minutes Sectional cut-off Practice Wipro On lineMock Tests
Fully solved sample placement papers of Wipro

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Main topics to concentrate is Quantitative /analytical reasoning Average, Time and work, Time and distance, Train, Number series Clocks and Calendars Blood Relationship Logical deductions, Seating arrangement Partnership Theme detection Coding and decoding Probability Data interpretation Learn and Practice from Quantitative Aptitude
Tips and Tricks, Concepts and Exercise questions

Verbal ability Sentence correction Synonym

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Antonym Choosing correct alternative Idiomatic expression Odd man out Choosing correct phrase One word substitute Arranging a word Punctuation marks Fill in the blanks Learn more from Verbal Ability
Verbal ability Exercise Questions and Practice Test

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Technical Questions C,C++ UNIX,DBMS<CN,JAVA,LINUX Optical fibre OS,Data structures.SQL Micro processors etc., Some Practice Questions Some Practice Questions 1. 33% OF 450 = ? Ans. 148.5 2. 3427 / 16.53 = ? Ans. 202 3.525.0/47.8 = ? Ans. 11 4. 43+557-247 =? Ans. 353 5. 3107*3.082= ? Ans. 9591 6. 48.7 + 24.9 8.7 = ? Ans. 64.90 7. 10995 /95 = ? Ans.115.7365 8. (135-30-14)*7 6 +2 = ? Ans. 3 9. 3/8 * 5.04=? Ans. 1.89 10. 697 /219 = ? Ans. 3.18 11. 0.33 *1496 /13 = ? Ans. 37.98 12. 298 * 312 / 208 = ? Ans. 453.54 13. 420% OF 7.79 = ? Ans. 32.718 14.0.26 + 1/8 = ? Ans. 0.385 15.8/64 +64/16 =? Ans. 4.14 16. 2.84+1/4= ? Ans. 3.09 17. 66.17+1/3= ? Ans. 67.03 18. 907.54 / 0,3073= ? Ans.3002 19.There are two categories of persons in ratio A:B = 2:3. A type earns 2.5 dollars/hr and B type 1 dollar/hr total money earned by both is 24dollars. Then what is the total number of persons Ans. 15 20.Which of the following are prime numbers (a) 119 (b) 115 (c) 127 (d) none Ans. (c) 21. If A = C, B = 2D what should be done to make the ratio same. i.e.a/b = c/d Ans. Multiply A by 2 22. If P=Total number of components, Q = number of defective components .What is the % of non defective components? Ans. (p-q) / p*100 23. If the cost of an article is x , first discount given is y% of cost, second discount given is z% of cost . The selling price of x is Ans. x (1-y / 100) (1- z / 100)

VERBAL SECTION Directions: Give the synonyms for the following words 1. Depreciation: deflation, depression, devaluation, fall, slump 2. Deprecate : feel and express disapproval, 3. Incentive : thing one encourages one to do (stimulus) 4. Echelon : level of authority or responsibility 5. Innovation : make changes or introduce new things 6. Intermittent : externally stopping and then starting 7. Detrimental: harmful 8. Conciliation : make less angry or more friendly 9. Orthodox: conventional or traditional, superstitious 10. Fallible : liable to error 11. Volatile : ever changing 12. Manifest: clear and obvious 13. Connotation : suggest or implied meaning of expression Freshersworld.com 14. Reciprocal: reverse or opposite 15. Agrarian : related to agriculture 16. Vacillate : undecided or dilemma 17. Expedient : fitting proper, desirable 18. Simulate : produce artificially resembling an existing one. 19. Access : to approach 20. Compensation: salary 21. Truncate : shorten by cutting 22. Adherence : stick 23. Heterogeneous: non similar things 24. Surplus : excessive 25. Assess : determine the amount or value 26. Cognizance : knowledge 27. Retrospective : review 28. Naive : innocent, rustic 29. Equivocate : tallying on both sides, lie, mislead Freshersworld.com 30. Postulate : frame a theory 31. Latent : dormant, secret 32. Fluctuation : wavering, 33. Eliminate : to reduce 34. Affinity : strong liking 35. Expedite : hasten 36. Console : to show sympathy 37. Adversary : opposition 38. Affable : lovable or approachable 39. Decomposition : rotten 40. Agregious : apart from the crowd, especially bad 41. Conglomeration: group, collection 42. Aberration: deviation 43. Augury : prediction 44. Creditability : ability to common belief, quality of being credible 45. Coincident: incidentally 46. Constituent : accompanying 47. Differential : having or showing or making use of 48. Litigation : engaging in a law suit 49. Moratorium: legally or officially determined period of delay before fulfillment of the agreement of paying of debts. 50. Negotiate : discuss or bargain 51. Preparation : act of preparing 52. Preponderant : superiority of power or quality 53. Relevance : quality of being relevant 54. Apparatus : appliances 55. Ignorance : blindness, in experience 56. Obsession: complex enthusiasm 57. precipitate : speed, active

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SERIES SECTION: Directions: In the following questions complete the series NOTE: This section is quite tough and consists of 26 questions to be done in 10 minutes. Please keep track of time.

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1. A C B D E F G I I H K J L Ans. H 2. A I Z B E Y C I X D I G E N J W Ans. W 3. A D G J M P R W T S Ans. S 4. A B C E F G I J K M L O N P Ans. M 5. A B F G K L P Q T S V U W Ans. U 6. J W X U V S T Q P S E T Ans. Q 7. A R H X Y T D T W S T N P T K R Ans. P 8. F M B I P Z V I E V I R Y O U 9. N Z I Y C X KW F J F V M Y Ans. V 10. A A S A S P A S P K A R Q T S U Ans. S 11. A E C P S T R U E Ans. U 12. B B P R D D L N F F I K H Q J I K Ans. H 13 A Z E X I V M T R Q N S O Ans. Q 14. A B D G K P L I W U X Ans. U 15. B C D A E G H I F J L M N L K N M O Ans. K 16. X W E F G V U H I J K P N S R T Ans. T 17. O D J T O P Q N O E R T Q O U V W Ans. O 18. P R N U U P E J R B B H V U N E Ans. E 19.L U L M G M N F N P S O N Q P S Ans. P 24. Total balls are z, the number of red balls is n and the remaining are blak balls,then the % of black balls equal to ? Ans. (z n) / z*100 25. 10995 + 95 = ? Ans. 11090 26. A / B = C; C > D then (a) A is always greater than D (b) C is always greater than D (c) B is always less than D (d) None of these Ans. (a) 27. If for H hours of work the salary is S and the employee gets x hours of medical leave, then what is the salary/hr ? Ans. s/H-x 28. ( 1/6 of 596) / (0.695) = ? Ans. 142 29. 35-30 + 4/7 5 + 1 = ? Ans. 3 30. If B>C and A<C which of the following is larger than A+B+C Ans. ( A + B )C 31. If on a salary of Rs.S per month,one has to pay one tax of x Rs. and a second type of tax of y Rs then % of salary taken home is? Ans. s-(x+y)/s * 100 32. B>A then which expression will be highest value (a) A-B (b) AB (c) A+B (d) Cant Say Ans. (b) 33. K, L are men who take home a salary of x, y. The total amount taken home is Ans. Kx + Ly 34. If out of X bulbs y bulbs are broken, the % of non broken bulbs Ans. (x-y) / x*100 35. If on a salary s per month, a tax of x% of the salary and another of r% of the salary is deducted what is the income. Ans. s*(1-(x+r)/100 36. 0.512 * 18902358 =? Ans. 9678007.296 37. If c = a/b; a-1 = c, what is the relation between a and b? Ans. b = a/a-1 38. 6.29% of 2.8 =? Ans. 0.18 39. 0.398 * 456= ? Ans. 181.49 40. 0 < x < 1 which is greater (a) 1/x2 (b) 1/x (c) x (d) x2 Ans. (a) 41. What is the sum of 7 consecutive odd numbers with 27 as the fourth number Ans.189

42. If the % of defective balls is 10% balls,and the number of defective balls is 5.The number of balls is Ans.50 WIPRO

Direction for questions 1 7: Read the following passage and answer the questions given below. PASSAGE To remake the world (including Nature), Fourier mobilized: an intolerance (for Civilization), a form (classification), a standard (pleasure), an imagination (the scene), a discourse (his book), all of which pretty well defines the action of the signifier or the signifier in action. This action continually makes visible on the page a glaring lack, that of science and politics, that is, of the signified. What Fourier lacks (for that matter voluntarily) points in return to what we ourselves lack when we reject Fourier : to be ironic about Fourier is always even from the scientific point of view to censure this signifier. Political and Domestic (the name of Fouriers system), science and Utopia, Marxism and Fourieris , are like two nets whose meshes are of different sizes. On the one hand, Fourier allows to pass through all the science that Marx collects and develops; from the political point of view (and above all since Marxism has given an indelible name to its shortcomings), Fourier is completely off to one side, unrealistic and immoral. However, the other facing net allows pleasure, which Fourier collects, to pass through. Desire and Need pass through, as though the two nets were alternatively superimposed, playing at topping hands. However, the relationship of Desire and Need is not complementary (were they fitted one into the other, everything would be perfect), but supplementary: each is the excess of the other. The excess: what does not pass through. For example, seen from today (i.e., after Marx), politics is a necessary purge; Fourier is the child who avoids the purge, who vomits it up. The vomiting of politics is what Fourier calls Invention. Fourierist invention (For me, I am an inventor, and not an orator) address the absolutely new, that about which nothing has yet been said. The rule of invention is a rule of refusal: to doubt absolutely (more than did Descartes, who Fourier thought, never made more than a partial and misplaced use of doubt), to be in opposition with everything being done, to treat only what has not been treated, to stand apart from literary agitator Book People, to preach what opinion holds to be impossible. It is in sum for this purely structural reason (old/new) and through a simple constraint of the discourse (to speak only where there has not yet been speech) that Fourier is understood in the modem sense. Fourier repudiates the writer, the certified manager of good writing, of literature, he who guarantees decorative union and thus the fundamental separation of substance and form. In calling himself an inventor (I am not a writer, but an inventor), he places himself at the limit of meaning, what we today call Text. Perhaps, following Fourier, we should henceforth call inventor (and not writer or philosopher) he who proposes new formulae and thereby invests, by fragments, immensely and in detail, the space of the signifier. 1. According to the author (1) Fourier does not say anything about modern politics (2) Fourier speaks volumes about modern politics (3) The author makes a good commentary on modern politics (4) The author is silent about modern politics

2. Which is the most appropriate title for the passage? (1) Philosopher and writer (2) Inventor, not writer (3) Writer, not inventor (4) Inventor and writer

3. Which of the following is the author of the statement, For me, I am an inventor, and not an orator. (1) The author of the passage (2) Karl Marx

(3) Fourier (4) Descartes

4. According to the passage, (1) Political and domestic belong to the same category (2) Science and utopia belong to the same category (3) Marxism and Fourierism belong to the same category (4) Science and utopia belong to different categories

5. According to Fourier, (1) One who creates a text is a writer (2) One who creates a text is an inventor (3) A writer calls himself an inventor (4) A philosopher calls himself an inventor

6. According to the author of the passage, (1) Desire and need perfectly fit into each other (2) Desire and need do not fit into each other (3) Desire is a necessary purge (4) Fourier is the child of the purge

7. According to the passage, (1) Fourier thought that Descartes made only a partial use of doubt (2) Descartes thought the Fourier made only a partial use of doubt (3) The author of the passage made only a partial use of doubt (4) Descartes made full use of the doubt

Directions for questions 8 10: Each of the following questions consists of a word printed in capital letters, followed by four words or phrases. Choose the word or phrase that is most nearly similar in meaning to the word in capital letters. 8. KITSCH: (1) uproariously funny (2) tasteless (3) trendsetting (4) offensive

9. OEUVRE: (1) an artists first work (2) masterpiece (3) latest work (4) entire body of work 10. BARBITURATE: (1) tonic (2) sedative (3) cleaning agent (4) sharp object

Direction for questions 11 12: In each of the following questions, a related pair of words are linked by a colon, followed by four pairs of words. Choose the pair, which is most like the relationship expressed in the original pair in capital letters. 11. CAPTAIN : SHOAL:: (1) lawyer : litigation (2) pilot : radar (3) doctor : hospital (4) solider : ambush

12. MENDACITY : HONESTY :: (1) truth : beauty (2) courage : fortitude (3) courage : cravenness (4) turpitude : depravity

Directions for questions 13 15: Each question consists of sentences, which has one or two blanks, each blank indicating that something has been omitted. Beneath each sentence are four sets of words, labelled (1) through (4). Choose the word or set of words that when inserted in the sentence, best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole. 13. Perhaps because something in us instinctively distrusts such displays of natural fluency, some readers approach John Updikes fiction with _________. (1) bewilderment (2) suspicion (3) veneration 4) recklessness

14. We were amazed that a man who had been heretofore the most _________ of public speakers could, in a single speech, electrify an audience and bring them cheering to their feet. (1) masterful (2) auspicious (3) pedestrian (4) accomplished

15. Despite the mixtures _________ nature, we found that by lowering its temperature in the laboratory we could dramatically reduce its tendency to vaporize. (1) volatile (2) resilient (3) insipid (4) acerbic

Directions for Questions 16-20: Read the passage and answer the questions that follow on the basis of the information provided in the passage.

The Mayan Indians lived in Mexico for thousands of years before the Spanish arrived in the 1500s. The Mayan were an intelligent, culturally rich people whose achievements were many. They had farms, beautiful palaces, and cities with many buildings. The Mayan people knew a lot about nature and the world around them. This knowledge helped them to live a better life than most people of that time, because they could use it to make their lives more comfortable and rewarding. Knowledge about tools and farming, for instance, made their work easier and more productive. In ancient Mexico there were many small clearings in the forest. In each clearing was a village with fields of corn, beans, and other crops around it. To clear the land for farms, the Mayan cut down trees with stone axes. They planted seeds by digging holes in the ground with pointed sticks. A farmer was able to grow crops that produced food for several people. But not every Mayan had to be a farmer. Some were cloth makers, builders, or priests. The Mayan believed in many gods, including rain gods, sun gods, and corn gods. The people built large temples to honor the Mayan gods. Skillful workers built cities around these temples. It was difficult for them to construct these cities, because they had no horses to carry the heavy stone they used to build with. Workers had to carry all of the building materials themselves. Today, many of these ancient Mayan cities and temples are still standing. Although the cities that the Mayan built were beautiful, and the people worked hard to build them, very few of the people lived in them. Usually, only the priests lived in the cities.The other people lived in small villages in the forests. Their houses were much simpler than the elaborate structures in the cities. They lived in small huts with no windows. The walls were made of poles covered with dried mud, and the roof was made of grass or leaves. Most Maya lived a simple life close to nature. Measuring time was important to the Maya, so they developed a system for measuring it accurately. Farmers needed to know when to plant and harvest their crops. Mayan priests made a system to keep track of time. They wrote numbers as dots (...) and bars (-). A dot was one and a bar was five. The Mayan priests studied the Sun, Moon, stars, and planets. They made a calendar from what they learned. The year was divided into 18 months of 20 days each with five days left over. The Mayan calendar was far more accurate than the European calendars of the time. Around the year 800, the Maya left their villages and beautiful cities, never to return. No one knows why this happened. They may have died from an infectious disease. They may have left because the soil could no longer grow crops. Archaeologists are still trying to find the lost secrets of the Maya. They are still one of our greatest mysteries.

16. Read this sentence from the story. The Maya were an intelligent, culturally rich people whose achievements were many. What is a synonym for the word achievements? A) mistakes B) successes C) skills D) roads

17. The Maya lived in Mexico A) only after the Spanish arrived B) at the same time as the Spanish

C) only for a few years D) thousands of years before the Spanish.

18. Many Mayan cities and temples are still standing today because A) they were so well built. B) they are not very old. C) they have been rebuilt. D) there is never any bad weather in Mexico.

19. What is the main idea of this article? A) The Mayan calendar was more accurate than the European calendar. B) The Maya were excellent farmers. C) The Maya were a culturally rich, advanced society. D) The Mayan cities were difficult to build.

20. MOST Mayan lived A) in beautiful cities. B) in huts made of poles, mud, and leaves. C) in caves. D) in stone temples.


Direction for questions 1 2: Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given below. A person had left his home at the age of about 14 years. He remembers that the day was Monday. Since then he has been fasting on every Tuesday. Today he is celebrating his 60th birth anniversary in a fivestar hotel with his friends. As today is Tuesday, he is not taking anything except wine. At the end of the party he discloses that it is his 2400th Tuesday of fasting.

1. Today is 9th Oct 2001. On which date had he left his home? (1) 10th Oct 1955 (2) 9th Oct 1955 (3) 8th Oct 1955 (4) None of these

2. He was born on (1) Wednesday (2) Tuesday (3) Monday (4) Thursday

3. If the ratio between the roots of the equation lx2 + nx + n = 0 is p : q, then the value of n is: (1) 4 (2) 3 (3) 0 (4) 1

3. The area of the largest circle that can be drawn inside a rectangle with sides 7 m by 6 m, is: (1) 28 m2 (2) 64 m2 (3) 59 m2 (4) None of these

4. For a sphere of radius 10 cm, what percent of the numerical value of its volume would be the numerical value of the surface area?

(1) 26.5% (2) 24% (3) 30% (4) 45%

5. A consignment of 20 picture tubes contains 5 defectives. Two tubes are selected one after the other at random. The probability that both are defective assuming that the first tube is not replaced before drawing the second, would be: (1) (2) (3) (4) None of the above

6. A service complaint centre receives, on an average 2 telephone calls every 15 minutes. The change that 3 calls be received in a 30 minute interval, would be around (1) 19% (2) 1.9% (3) 2.5% (4) None of the above

7. If z = and x, y both are increased in value by 10% then the value of z: (1) Remains unchanged (2) Increases by 10% (3) Increases by 11% (4) Increases by 20%

8. If the areas of three adjacent faces of a cuboid are x, y, z respectively, then volume of the cuboid is: (1) xyz (2) 2xyz (3)

(4) 3

9. One of Mr. Horton,his wife,their son,and Mr. Horton's mother is a doctor and another is a lawyer. a)If the doctor is younger than the lawyer, then the doctor and the lawyer are not blood relatives. b)If the doctor is a woman, then the doctor and the lawyer are blood relatives. c)If the lawyer is a man, then the doctor is a man. Whose occupation you know?

Ans: Mr. Horton:

10. A person wants to buy 3 paise and 5 paise stamps costing exactly one rupee. If he buys which of the following number of stamps he won't able to buy 3 paise stamps. Ans: 9

11. Mr. and Mrs. Aye and Mr. and Mrs. Bee competed in a chess tournament.Of the three games played: a)In only the first game werethe two players married to each other. b)The men won two games and the women won one game. c)The Ayes won more games than the Bees. d)Anyone who lost game did not play the subsequent game. Who did not lose a game?


12. Two cars are 15 kms apart. One is turning at a speed of 50kmph and the other at 40kmph . How much time will it take for the two cars to meet?

Ans: 3/2 hours

13. Three piles of chips--pile I consists one chip, pile II consists of chips, and pile III consists of three chips--are to be used in game played by Anita and Brinda.The game requires: a)That each player in turn take only one chip or all chips from just one pile. b)That the player who has to take the last chip loses. c)That Anita now have her turn. From which pile should Anita draw in order to win?

Ans:Pile II

14. In a class composed of x girls and y boys what part of the class is composed of girls A. y/(x + y) B. x/xy C. x/(x + y) D. y/xy Ans:C

15. (38 x 142) (4096) =? 1) 337.25 2) 269.8 3) 490 4) 84.3125 5) None of these Ans:1

16. There are two candles of equal lengths and of different thickness. The thicker one lasts of six hours. The thinner 2 hours less than the thicker one. Ramesh lights the two candles at the same time. When he went to bed he saw the thicker one is twice the length of the thinner one. How long ago did Ramesh light the two candles . Ans: 3 hours.

17. (17.52)2 =? 1) 280.9504 2) 290.5904 3) 306.9504 4) 280.5904 5) None of these Ans:3

18. (37% of 2370) (41% of 2105) =? 1) 13.85 2) 12.56 3) 13.10 4) 12.15 5) None of these Ans:1

19. In a group of 15,7 have studied Latin, 8 have studied Greek, and 3 have not studied either. How many of these studied both Latin and Greek A.0 Ans.B B.3 C.4 D.5

20. If 13 = 13w/(1-w) ,then (2w)2 = A.1/4 B.1/2 C.1 D.2 Ans:C


1) What is the output of the program given below ? #include<stdio.h> int main() { enum status { pass, fail, atkt}; enum status stud1, stud2, stud3; stud1 = pass; stud2 = atkt; stud3 = fail; printf("%d, %d, %d\n", stud1, stud2, stud3); return 0; }

2) Point out the error in the following program. #include<stdio.h> int main() { display(); return 0; } void display() { printf("vibin.com");

3) A long double can be used if range of a double is not enough to accommodate a real number.

4) How will you free the memory allocated by the following program? #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #define MAXROW 3 #define MAXCOL 4

int main() { int **p, i, j; p = (int **) malloc(MAXROW * sizeof(int*)); return 0; }

5) What does fp point to in the program ? #include<stdio.h>

int main() { FILE *fp; fp=fopen("trial", "r"); return 0; }

6) What will be the output of the program? #include<stdio.h> #include<stdarg.h> void fun(char *msg, ...);

int main() { fun("freshersworld", 1, 4, 7, 11, 0); return 0; } void fun(char *msg, ...) { va_list ptr; int num; va_start(ptr, msg); num = va_arg(ptr, int); num = va_arg(ptr, int); printf("%d", num); }

7) Point out the error in the following program. #include<stdio.h> #include<stdarg.h> fun(...);

int main() { fun(3, 7, -11.2, 0.66); return 0; } fun(...) { va_list ptr; int num; va_start(ptr, n); num = va_arg(ptr, int); printf("%d", num); }

8) Point out the error if any in the following program (Turbo C). #include<stdio.h> #include<stdarg.h> void display(int num, ...);

int main() { display(4, 'A', 'a', 'b', 'c'); return 0; } void display(int num, ...) { char c; int j;

va_list ptr; va_start(ptr, num); for(j=1; j<=num; j++) { c = va_arg(ptr, char); printf("%c", c); } }

9) What does the following declaration mean? int (*ptr)[10];

10) Input/output function prototypes and macros are defined in which header file? WIPRO


Direction 1-5 : In each of the following questions, find out which part of the sentence has an error. if there is no mistake the answer is no error 1. Twice twelve / makes / twenty four / No error A Ans: B B C D

2. The flight purser took control / of the plane after / the pilot had had / a heart attack / No error A Ans: C B C D E

3. My friend did not see me / for many years / when I met him last week / No error A Ans : A B C D

4. We grieve our loss and cry helplessly / while we should be fighting for our rights / and die a noble death / No error A Ans : B B C D

5. Work hard / lest you will / fail / No error A B C D

Ans : D

Directions 6-10: The following questions, consist of two words each that have a certain relationship to each other, followed by four lettered pairs of words. Select the lettered pair that has the same relationship as the original pair of words. 6. Kangaroo : Australia A) Whale : River B) Elephant : Russia C) Penguin : Antarctica D) India : Peacock Ans: C

7. Coronation : Reign A) Vaccination : Immunity B) Sculptor : Statue C) Degree : Graduate D) Summer : Rain Ans: D

8. Grain : Salt A) Chip : Glass B) Blades : Grass C) Shred : Wood D) Shard : Pottery Ans : A

9. Scythe ; Reaping A) Light ; Shining B) Shears : Cutting C) Saws : Gluing D) Screws : Turning Ans : B

10. Dislike : Repulsion A) Dream : Sleep B) Steal : Crime C) Reputation : Behaviour D) Intelligence : Wit Ans: D

Directions 11-12 : In each of the following questions, a sentence has been given in Active (or passive) voice. Out of the four alternatives suggested select the one which best express the same sentence in Passive (or Active) Voice. 11. His pocket has been picked. A) They have his pocket picked B) Picking has been done to his pocket

C) Picked has been his pocket D) Someone has picked his pocket. Ans : D

12. Someone gave her a bull dog. A) She was given a bull dog. B) a bull dog was given to her C) She has been given a bull dog D) She is being given a bull dog by someone Ans : B

Directions 13-15 : Pick out the most effective word from the given words to fill in the blank to make the sentence meaningfully complete 13. He succeeded in getting possession..his land after a long court case A) for B) to C) of D) with E) against Ans: C

14. Now a days Rajani is .busy to take care of her health. A) very B) too C) so D) extremely Ans: B

15. Had the police not reached there in time the banditshim A) did have killed B) will have killed C) would kill D) would have killed Ans: D

ANALYTICAL ABILITY The questions 1-2 are based on the following data 6 people A,B,C,D,E and F sit around a table for dinner. Since A does not like C, he doesn't sit either opposite or beside C.B and F always like to sit opposite each other.

1. If A is beside F then who is are the two neighbours of B? (a) D and C (b) E and C (c) D and E (d) Either (a) or (b) Ans. (c)

2. If D is adjacent to F then who is adjacent to C? (a) E and B (b) D and A (c) D and B (d) either (a) or (c) Ans.(d)

3. Complete the sequence A, E ,I ,M ,Q ,U , _ , _ (a) B, F (b) Y, C (c) G, I (d) K, O Ans.(b)

4. If the letters of the word "rachit" are arranged in all possible ways and these words are written out as in a dictionary, what is the rank of the word "rachit". (a) 485 (b) 480 (c) 478 (d) 481 Ans. (d)

5. Ravi's salary was reduced by 25%.Percentage increase to be effected to bring the salary to the original level is (a) 20% (b) 25% (c) 33 1/3% (d) 30% Ans. (c)

6. A and B can finish a piece of work in 20 days .B and C in 30 days and C and A in 40 days. In how many days will A alone finish the job (a) 48 (b) 34 2/7

(c) 44 (d) 45 Ans. (a)

7. How long will a train 100m long travelling at 72kmph take to overtake another train 200m long travelling at 54kmph ? (a) 70sec (b) 1min (c) 1 min 15 sec (d) 55 sec Ans. (b)

8. What is the product of the irrational roots of the equation (2x-1)(2x-3)(2x-5)(2x-7)=9? (a) 3/2 (b) 4 (c) 3 (d) 3/4 Ans. (a)

9. The total population of a village is 5000. The number of males and females increases by 10% and 15% respectively and consequently the population of the village becomes 5600. what was the number of males in the village ? A) 2000 B) 2500 C) 3000 D) 4000 Ans : C

10. Fresh fruit contains 68% water and dry fruit contains 20% water. How much dry fruit can be obtained from 100 kg of fresh fruits ?

A) 32 kg B) 40 kg C) 52 kg D) 80 kg Ans : B

11. If "segment" is coded as rffndou, then "ritual" is coded as (a) shutbm (b) qjutbk (c) qhutbk (d) qhubtk Ans. (c)

12. If "football" is "cricket" ,"cricket" is "basketball" ,"basketball" is "volleyball","volleyball" is "khokho" and "khokho" is cricket, which is not a ball game? (a) cricket (b) football (c) khokho (d) basketball Ans. (a)

13. Which of the following is a recursive set of production (a) S --> a|A, A --> S (b) S --> a|A, A --> b (c) S -->aA, A-->S (d) None of these Ans. (c)

14. A sum 's' is divided into 4 parts. second person gets Rs 10 more than first.3rd person is Rs 10 more than second, 4th is 10 more than 3rd.how much amount do 1st person get. Ans: (s-60)/4

15. One ship goes along the stream direction 28 km and in opposite velocity of stream? Ans: 1.5 kmph

direction 13 km in 5 hrs for each direction. What is the


1. Predict the output or error(s) for the following: main() { char string[]="Hello World"; display (string); } void display (char *string) { printf("%s",string); } Ans: Compiler Error

2. What are the values printed by the following program? #define dprint(expr) printf(#expr "=%d\n",expr) main() { int x=7; int y=3;

dprintf(x/y); } a) #2 = 2 b) expr=2 c) x/y=2 d) none Ans: c

2) Parameterization generally involves a .Data table b. Random number c. Environment d. Both A & B e. Both A, B & C Ans: e

3) The file which is used for recovering from the run time errors known as


4) Among the following recording modes, which method uses both the objects and mouse coordinates

a. Normal b. Low level c. Analog d. All of the above Ans: b

5) Where do you set the action iterations for a specified action? a. Action Settings b. Action Properties c. Action Run Properties d. Action Call Properties Ans: d

6) Where do you mark an action as reusable? a. Action Settings b. Action Properties c. Action Run Properties d. Action Call Properties Ans: b

7) After running a test that contains both input and output parameters, where can the results of an output parameter be found? a. Local Data Sheet b. Global Data Sheet c. Run-time Data Table d. Design-time Data Table Ans: c

8) If you have a Virtual Object Collection stored on your machine, and you dont want to use it what you must do? a. Disable Virtual Objects in Test Settings b. Remove the Collection from your machine c. Disable Virtual Objects in General Options d. Remove the Collections from the Resources list Ans: c

9. For a 25MHz processor , what is the time taken by the instruction which needs 3 clock cycles, (a)120 nano secs (b)120 micro secs (c)75 nano secs (d)75 micro secs Ans: a

10. For 1 MB memory, the number of address lines required, ( a)11 (b)16 (c)20 (d) 24 Ans. (c) WIPRO

15-verbal,15-apti,20-technical time 50 minutes.

Section-A verbal ability(15 questions)

1. Select the pair which has the same relationship.

TEN:DECIMAL A. B. C. D. Ans-C seven:septet four:quartet two:binary five:quince

2. Select the pair which has the same relationship. FILTER:WATER A. B. C. D. Ans-D curtail:activity expunge:book edit:text censor:play

3. Pick out the best one which can complete incomplete stem correctly and meaningfully. Even if it rains I shall come means ...... A. B. C. D. E. Ans-C if I come it will not rain if it rains I shall not come I will certainly come whether it rains or not whenever there is rain I shall come I am less likely to come if it rains

4. Pick out the best one which can complete incomplete stem correctly and meaningfully. With great efforts his son succeeded in convincing him not to donate his entire wealth to an orphanage ...... A. and lead the life of a wealthy merchant

B. C. D. Ans-C

but to a home for the forsaken children and make an orphan of himself as the orphanage needed a lot of donations

5. Pick out the best one which can complete incomplete stem correctly and meaningfully. It was an extremely pleasant surprise for the hutment-dweller when the Government officials told him that ...... A. B. C. D. E. Ans-B he had to vacate hutment which he had been unauthorisedly occupying he had been gifted with a furnished apartment in a multi-storeyed building he would be arrested for wrongfully encroaching on the pavement outside his dwelling they would not accede to his request they had received the orders from the court to take possession of all his belongings

6. Choose the word which best expresses the meaning of the given word. CANNY A. B. C. D. Ans-C Obstinate Handsome Clever Stout

7. Choose the word which is the exact OPPOSITE of the given words. RELINQUISH A. B. C. Abdicate Renounce Posses

D. Ans-C


8. Choose the one which best expresses the given sentence in Indirect/Direct speech. She said that her brother was getting married. A. B. C. D. Ans-C She said, "Her brother is getting married." She told, "Her brother is getting married." She said, "My brother is getting married." She said, "My brother was getting married."

9. From the given alternatives, choose the one which best expresses the given sentence in Passive/Active voice. Child could not have done this mischief. A. B. C. D. Ans-C This mischief could not be done by a child. This mischief could not been done by a child. This mischief could not have been done by a child. This mischief a child could not have been done.

10. In question below, the passage consist of six sentences. The first and sixth sentence is given in the beginning. The middle four sentences in each have been removed and jumbled up. These are labeled as P, Q, R and S. Find out the proper order for the four sentences. S1: P: Q: R: S: S6: Calcutta unlike other cities kepts its trams. As a result there horrendous congestion. It was going to be the first in South Asia. They run down the centre of the road To ease in the city decided to build an underground railway line. The foundation stone was laid in 1972.

The Proper sequence should be:

A. B. C. D. Ans-D


11.In question given below, there is a sentence of which some parts have been jumbled up. Rearrange these parts which are labeled P, Q, R and S to produce the correct sentence. Choose the proper sequence. It has been established that P: Q: R: S: Einstein was although a great scientist weak in arithmetic right from his school days

The Proper sequence should be: A. B. C. D. Ans-B SRPQ QPRS QPSR RQPS

12. Rearrange the following five sentences in proper sequence so as to for a meaningful paragraph, then answer the questions given below them. 1. But by then it was too late to correct things. 2. It is impossible to steer such a large project to success without planning. 3. He had to standby and watch helplessly. 4. The whole scheme was destined, to fail from the beginning. 5. Bhaskar started realising this only towards the end. 1. Which sentence should come fifth in the paragraph ? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4


2. Which sentence should come second in the paragraph ? A. 1 Ans-B B. 2 C. 3 D. 4

3. Which sentence should come third in the paragraph ? A. 5 Ans-A B. 2 C. 3 D. 4

13. Which of phrases given below the sentence should replace the phrase printed in bold type to make the grammatically correct? There are not many men who are so famous that they are frequently referred to by their short names only A. B. C. D. E. Ans-A initials signatures pictures middle names No correction required

14. In the question below a sentence broken into five or six parts. Join these parts to make a meaningful sentence. The correct order of parts is the answer. 1. of A. B. C. D. E. Ans-E 42351 52341 25341 25431 25314 2. We 3. Heard 4. him 5. had

15. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow The casual horrors and real disasters are thrown at newspaper reader without discrimination. In the contemporary arrangements for circulating the news, an important element, evaluation is always weak and often wanting entirely. There is no point anywhere along the line somewhere someone put his foot down for certain and says, "This is important and that does not amount to row of beans; deserves no ones attention, and should travel the wires no farther". The junk is dressed up to look as meaningful as the real news.

1. The writer of the above passage A. B. C. D. Ans-C seems to be happy with the contemporary arrangements for circulating news is shocked by the casual stories about horrors and disasters reported in the newspapers wants better evaluation of news before publication wants to put his foot down on news stories

2. In the above passage, the phrase "amounts to a row of beans" means that the news A. B. C. D. Ans-B is weak and often wanting entirely deserves no one's attention should travel the wires is junk dressed up as real news

3. The passage implies that A. B. C. D. Ans-C there has to be censorship on newspapers there is no point in having censorship newspapers always dress up junk to look meaningful one has to be strict in selecting news items

4. Newspapers lack a sense of discrimination because

A. B. C. D. Ans-A

they do not separate the real news from mere sensationalism they have to accept whatever is received on the wires limited manpower makes serious evolution impossible people don't see the difference between 'junk' and 'real' news

5.Evaluation of news would imply A. B. C. D. Ans-B less dependence on modern systems of communication more careful analysis of each news story and its value separating beans from junk discriminating horrors from disasters

Section B aptitude (20 questions)

1. The product of the ages of Shalaka and Renilda is 240. If twice the age of Renilda is more than Shalaka's age by 4 years, what is Renilda's age? Ans-12 years

2. Water flows into a tank 200 m x 160 m through a rectangular pipe of 1.5m x 1.25 m @ 20 kmph . In what time (in minutes) will the water rise by 2 meters? Ans-96 minutes

3. Find the cost of carpeting a room 13 m long and 9 m broad with a carpet 75 cm wide at the rate of Rs. 12.40 per square meter Ans-Rs 1934.40

4. Nine persons went to a hotel for taking their meals 8 of them spent Rs.12 each on their meals and the ninth spent Rs.8 more than the average expenditure of all the nine. What was the total money spent by them? Ans-Rs 117

5. The present worth of a bill due sometime hence is Rs. 1100 and the true discount on the bill is Rs. 110. Find the banker's discount and the banker's gain. AnsBankers Gain-Rs 11 Bankers discount- Rs 121

6. In a stream running at 2kmph,a motor boat goes 6km upstream and back again to the starting point in 33 minutes. Find the speed of the motorboat in still water. Ans-22kmph

7. On 8th march, 2005, Wednesday falls what day of the week was it on 8th march,2004? A. Monday B. Tuesday C. Wednesday D. Friday Ans-A

8. A clock is started at noon. By 10 minutes past 5, the hour hand has turned through A. 145 B. 150 C. 155 D. 160 Ans-C

9. Simple interest on a certain sum of money for 3 years at 8% per annum is half the compound interest on Rs. 4000 for 2 years at 10% per annum. The sum placed on simple interest is A. Rs. 1550 B. Rs. 1650 C. Rs. 1750

D. Rs. 2000 Ans-C

10. Two trains 137 meters and 163 meters in length are running towards each other on parallel lines, one at the rate of 42 kmph and another at 48 kmpb. In what time will they be clear of each other from the moment they meet? Ans-12 sec

11. Worker A takes 8 hours to do a job. Worker B takes 10 hours to do the same Job. How long should it take both A and B, working together but independently, to do the same job? Ans-40/9 days

12. How many minutes does Hridya take to cover a distance of 400 m, if he runs at a speed of 20 km/hr?

13. Ajosh can cover a certain distance in 1 hr. 24 min. by covering two-third of the distance at 4 kmph and the rest at 5 kmph. Find the total distance. Ans-6

14. In a 100 m race, Gunaseelan runs at 8km/hr. If Gunaseelan gives Lucknow a start of 4 m and still him by 15 seconds, what is the speed of Lucknow? Ans-5.76 km/hr

15. A person incurs loss for by selling a watch for rs1140.at what price should the watch be sold to earn a 5% profit ?

16. Three times the first of three consecutive odd integers is 3 more than twice the third. The third integer is A. 9 B. 11 C. 13 D. 15 Ans-D

17. A number consists of 3 digits whose sum is 10. The middle digit is equal to the sum of the other two and the number will be increased by 99 if its digits are reserved. The number is A. 145 B. 253 C. 370 D. 352 Ans-B

18. ickets numbered 1 to 20 are mixed up and then a ticket is drawn at random. What is the probability taht the ticket drawn has a number which is a multiple of 3 or 5? A. 1/2 B. 2/5 C. 8/15 D. 9/20 Ans-D

19. In a lottery, there are 10 prizes and 25 blanks. A lottery is drawn at random. What is the probability of getting a prize? A. 1/10 B. 2/5 C. 2/7 D. 5/7 Ans-C

20. Sam purchased 20 dozens of toys at the rate of Rs. 375 per dozen. He sold each one of them at the rate of Rs. 33. What was his percentage profit? A. 3.5 B. 4.5 C. 5.6 D. 6.5


Section C-Technical 20 questions

1. 'OS' computer abbreviation usually means ? A. B. C. D. Ans-C Order of Significance Open Software Operating System Optical Sensor

2. A system has two IDE hard drives that are each divided into primary and extended partitions, which drive letter is assigned to the primary partition of the second drive? A. B. C. D. E. Ans-B C D E F None of the above

3. While working with MS-DOS, which command will you use to transfer a specific file from one disk to another? A. B. C. D. E. Ans-A COPY DISKCOPY TIME RENAME None of the above

4. What type of commands are individual programs kept, as separate files on the hard disk (DOS diskette)? A. B. C. D. E. Ans-A External Internal Change File None of the above

5. When installing PCI NICS you can check the IRQ availability by looking at A. B. C. D. E. Ans-D dip switches CONFIG.SYS jumper settings motherboard BIOS None of the above

6. Voltage4s measured: A. B. C. D. E. Ans-A in parallel in series after breaking the circuit after checking resistance after checking current

7. Pick the correct choice for the 80386SXCPU. A. B. 16 bit word size, 16 bit data path 32 bit word size, 16 bit data path

C. D. E. Ans-B

8 bit word size, 32 bit data path 32 bit word size, 8 bit data path 32 bit word size, 32 bit data path

8. Which one of the following is not an input device? A. Keyboard B. Joystick C. Printer D. Optical Character Reader Ans-C

9. The Input device that is closely related to a touch screen is the A. Keyboard B. Light pen C. Scanned D. Joystick Ans-B

10. A mouse is connected to A. LPT1 port B. LPT2 port C. the serial port D. none of these Ans-C


A computer virus that actively attacks an anti-virus program or programs in an effort to prevent detection is

A. Worm B. Retrovirus C. Trojan D. Ghost virus Ans-B

12. Which network protocol is used to send e-mail? A. FTP B. SSH C. POP3 D. SMTP Ans-D


________ needs a compiler to compile the source code? A. Basic B. C/C++ C. D base D. Oracle Ans-B


The computer is a machine and all other equipment associated with it, are termed as A. Hardware B. Software C. Firmware D. Humanware Ans-A

15. The component of a computer system with the circuitry to control interpretation and execution of an instruction is known as A. ALU B. Memory C. Control D. CPU Ans-B

16. _____ help prevent power surges. A. B. C. D. E. Ans-A Surge suppressor Spike protector UPS system High-grade multi-meter None of the above

17. Which DOS driver is used to emulate expanded memory? A. B. C. D. E. Ans-B Himem.sys EMM386.exe Mem386.sys Ramdrive.sys None of the above

18. For a Macintosh to print successfully, the System Folder must contain: A. B. C. File sharing software A printer enabler The apple Garamond font set

D. E. Ans-D

A printer driver None of the above

19. window's settings are recorded in A. WINDOWS.INI B. WIN.INI C. SYSTEM.INI D. GROUP.INI Ans-B

20. Servers are computers that provide resources to other computers connected to a A. Client B. Network C. Super Computer D. Mainframe Ans-B WIPRO

15-verbal, 15-aptitude, 20-technical

Section-A verbal ability-15 questions

1. Select the pair which has the same relationship. LEVEE: FLOOD

A. dam: lake B. armor: helmet C. helmet: injury D. water: tide

2. Select the pair which has the same relationship. HOPE:ASPIRES A. B. C. D. Ans-C love:elevates film:flam fib:lie fake:ordinary

3. Choose the one which best expresses the given sentence in Indirect/Direct speech. She said to her friend, "I know where is everyone" A. B. C. D. Ans-B She told that she knew where was everyone. She told her friend that she knew where was everyone. She told her friend that she knew where is everyone. She told her friend that she knows where was everyone.

4. Choose the one which best expresses the given sentence in Passive/Active voice. After driving Dr Rakesh to the hospital she dropped him at his room. A. B. C. D. After being driven to the hospital, Dr Rakesh was dropped at his room. Dr Rakesh was being driven dropped at his room. After she had driven Dr Rakesh to the hospital she had dropped him at his room. After she was driven Dr Rakesh to the hospital she had dropped him at his room.


5. Choose the correct meaning of proverb/idiom To have an axe to grind A. B. C. D. E. Ans-A A private end to serve To fail to arouse interest To have no result To work for both sides None of these

6. Four alternatives are given for the idiom/phrase italicised and underlined in the sentence. Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of idiom/phrase. n the armed forces, it is considered a great privilege to die in harness. A. B. C. D. Ans-C die on a horse back die in the battlefield die while still working die with honour

7. Choose the one which can be substituted for the given word/sentence. A person of good understanding knowledge and reasoning power A. B. C. D. Ans-B Expert Intellectual Snob Literate

8. Rearrange the following five sentences in proper sequence so as to for a meaningful paragraph, then answer the questions given below them. 1. In his literacy work he spoke of that province of human life which mere intellect does not 2. He has also given innocent joy to many children by his stories like 'Kabuliwalah' 3. These songs are sung not only in bengal but all over the country. 4. Rabindranath's great works sprang from intensity of vision and feelings. 5. He sang of beauty and heroism, nobility and charm. I. Which sentence should come third in the paragraph? A. B. C. D. Ans-B 1 2 3 4 speak.

II. Which sentence should come second in the paragraph? A. B. C. D. Ans-A 1 2 3 4

III. Which sentence should come fifth in the paragraph? A. B. C. D. Ans-C 1 2 3 4

9. The passage consists of six sentences. The first and sixth sentence is given in the beginning. The middle four sentences in each have been removed and jumbled up. These are labeled as P, Q, R and S. Find out the proper order for the four sentences. S1: P: Q: R: S: S6: For some time in his youth Abraham Lincoln was manager for a shop. Then a chance Customer would come. Young Lincoln way of keeping shop was entirely unlike anyone else's Lincoln would jump up and attend to his needs and then revert to his reading. He used to lie full length on the counter of the shop eagerly reading a book. Never before had Lincoln had so much time for reading as had then.

The Proper sequence should be: A. B. C. D. Ans-B SRQP QSPR SQRP QPSR

10. Pick out the best one which can complete incomplete stem correctly and meaningfully. His appearance is unsmiling but ...... A. B. C. D. E. Ans-A his heart is full of compassion for others he looks very serious on most occasions people are afraid of him he is uncompromising on matters of task performance he is full of jealousy towards his colleagues

11. In question given below, a part of the sentence is italicised and underlined. Below are given alternatives to the italicized part which may improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative If the room had been brighter, I would have been able to read for a while before bed time. A. If the room was brighter

B. C. D. Ans-C

If the room are brighter Had the room been brighter No improvement

12. Read the each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error in it. The error, if any will be in one part of the sentence. The letter of that part is the answer A. B. C. D. Ans-A I could not put up in a hotel because the boarding and lodging charges were exorbitant No error.

13. In the Sentence given below a word is printed in bold. Below it four choices are given. Pick up the one which is most nearly the same in meaning as the word printer in bold and can replaces it without altering the meaning of the sentence. The great artist life was full of vicissitudes. A. B. C. D. Ans-C sorrows misfortunes changes surprises

14. In the sentences below consist of a word or a phrase which is bold. It is followed by four words or phrases. Select the word or phrase which is closes to the OPPOSITE in meaning of the bold word or phrase. Crestfallen he returned as he had never faced such humiliation in the whole of his life. A. B. C. D. vainglorious indignant triumphant disturbed


15. Pick out the most effective word(s) from the given words to fill in the blank to make the sentence meaningfully complete. Man does not live by ...... alone. A. B. C. D. Ans-B food bread meals diet

Section-B-Aptitude-15 questions

1. Anita had to do a multiplication. Instead of taking 35 as one of the multipliers, she took 53. As a result, the product went up by 540. What is the new product? (1) 1050 (2) 540 (3) 1440 (4) 1590 Ans-(4)

2. If the letters of the word CHASM are rearranged to form 5 letter words such that none of the word repeat and the results arranged in ascending order as in a dictionary what is the rank of the word CHASM? (1) 24 (2) 31 (3) 32 (4) 30 Ans-(3)

3. An anti-aircraft gun can fire four shots at a time. If the probabilities of the first, second, third and the last shot hitting the enemy aircraft are 0.7, 0.6, 0.5 and 0.4, what is the probability that four shots aimed at an enemy aircraft will bring the aircraft down? (1) (2) (3) (4) Ans-(4) 0.084 0.916 0.036 0.964

4. Find the range of real values of x satisfying the inequalities 3x - 2 > 7 and 4x - 13 > 15. (1) x > 3 (2) x > 7 (3) x < 7 (4) x < 3 Ans-(2)

5. A stairway 10ft high is such that each step accounts for half a foot upward and one-foot forward. What distance will an ant travel if it starts from ground level to reach the top of the stairway? (1) (2) (3) (4) Ans-(4) 30 ft 33 ft 10 ft 29 ft

6. Four horses are tethered at 4 corners of a square field of side 70 meters so that they just cannot reach one another. The area left ungrazed by the horses is: (1) (2) (3) (4) 1050 sq.m 3850 sq.m 950 sq.m 1075 sq.m


7. The set S of numbers has the following properties: I) If x is in S, then 1/x is in S. II) If both x and y are in S, then so is x + y. Is 3 in S? (1) 1/3 is in S. (2) 1 is in S. (1) Mark 1 If the question can be answered by using one of the statements alone, but cannot be answered by using the other statement alone. (2) Mark 2 If the question can be answered by using either statement alone.

(3) Mark 3 If the question can be answered by using both statements together, but cannot be answered by using either statement alone. (4) Ans-(2) Mark 4 If the question cannot be answered even by using both the statements together.

8. A shepherd has 1 million sheep at the beginning of Year 2000. The numbers grow by x% (x > 0) during the year. A famine hits his village in the next year and many of his sheep die. The sheep population decreases by y% during 2001 and at the beginning of 2002 the shepherd finds that he is left with 1 million sheep. Which of the following is correct? 1. x > y 2. y > x 3. x = y 4. Cannot be determined Ans-1

9. Two merchants sell, each an article for Rs.1000. If Merchant A computes his profit on cost price, while Merchant B computes his profit on selling price, they end up making profits of 25% respectively. By how much is the profit made by Merchant B greater than that of Merchant A? 1. Rs.66.67 2. Rs.50 3. Rs.125 4. Rs.200 Ans-2

10. The proportion of milk and water in 3 samples is 2:1, 3:2 and 5:3. A mixture comprising of equal quantities of all 3 samples is made. The proportion of milk and water in the mixture is

(1) (2) (3) (4) Ans-(4)

2:1 5:1 99:61 227:133

11. Two boys begin together to write out a booklet containing 535 lines. The first boy starts with the first line, writing at the rate of 100 lines an hour; and the second starts with the last line then writes line 534 and so on, backward proceeding at the rate of 50 lines an hour. At what line will they meet? 1. 356 2. 277 3. 357 4. 267 Ans-3

12. A tank is fitted with 8 pipes, some of them that fill the tank and others that are waste pipe meant to empty the tank. Each of the pipes that fill the tank can fill it in 8 hours, while each of those that empty the tank can empty it in 6 hours. If all the pipes are kept open when the tank is full, it will take exactly 6 hours for the tank to empty. How many of these are fill pipes? (1) (2) (3) (4) Ans-(2) 2 4 6 5

13. A predator is chasing its prey. The predator takes 4 leaps for every 6 leaps of the prey and the predator covers as much distance in 2 leaps as 3 leaps of the prey. Will the predator succeed in getting its food? (1) (2) (3) (4) Yes In the 6th leap Never Cannot determine


14. Of the 200 candidates who were interviewed for a position at a call center, 100 had a two-wheeler, 70 had a credit card and 140 had a mobile phone. 40 of them had both, a two-wheeler and a credit card, 30 had both, a credit card and a mobile phone and 60 had both, a two wheeler and mobile phone and 10 had all three. How many candidates had none of the three? (1) 0 (2) 20 (3) 10 (4) 18 Ans-(3)

15. At how many points between 10 O'clock and 11 O'clock are the minute hand and hour hand of a clock at an angle of 30 degrees to each other? (1) 2 (2) 4 (3) 1 (4) 3 Ans-(3)

Section-C-C Technical-20 questions

1. A computer assisted method for the recording and analyzing of existing or hypothetical systems is A. B. C. D. E. Ans-B Data transmission Data flow Data capture Data processing None of the above

2. Which programming language is much in vogue among users of microcomputers A. B. C. D. E. Ans-D ALGOL APL LOGO FORTH None of the above

3. The ability of a computer system to remain operational despite various failures is A. B. C. D. E. Ans-C Relation Schema Resilience Versatility None of the above

4. Serial access memories are useful in applications where A. B. C. D. E. Ans-D data consists of numbers short access time is required each stored word is processed differently data naturally needs to flow in and out in serial form None of the above

5. which of the following is directly controlled from a keyboard. A. B. Card punch Punched paper tape

C. D. E. Ans-A

Magnetic disk Magnetic tape None of the above

6. The 7-bit ASCII code widely used A. B. C. D. E. Ans-A For data communication work In IBM mainframe models For coding external memory In large machines produced by non-IBM vendors None of the above

7. A section of code that may only be executed by one process at any one time is A. B. C. D. E. Ans-C CPM Critical resource Critical region Gray code None of the above

8.The microprocessor of a computer cannot operate on any information if that information is not in its. A. B. C. D. E. secondary storage main storage ALU logic unit None of the above


9. A computer-controlled device for training exercises that duplicates the work environment is a: A. B. C. D. E. Ans-A simulator duplicator trainer COM device None of the above

10. ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator) had huge advantage over Mark I because it used electronic valves in place of the electromagnetic switches. In the beginning, ENIAC was used for calculating the path of artillery shells. For which other was weapon design was it utilized? A. B. C. D. E. Ans-A hydrogen bomb atom bomb agnimissile fighter aircraft None of the above

11.What is meant by quad-density (QD) diskette? A. B. C. D. E. Ans-D It is double-sided disk It is double density disk It has double the number of tracks per inch All of the above None of the above

12. First generation computers are characterised by

A. B. C. D. E. Ans-A

Vaccum tubes and magnetic drum Minicomputers Magnetic tape and transistors All of the above None of the above

13. A file containing relatively permanent data is A. B. C. D. E. Ans-C Random file Transaction file Master file Sequential file None of the above

14. The Fdisk command in DOS _____ . A. B. C. D. E. Ans-A Partitions the hard drive for use Fixes erroneous hard drive Formats data sectors on a hard drive Checks hard drive for lost clusters None of the above

15. DOS uses letters of the alphabet to designate disk drives. How many disk drives can DOS address (recognize)? A. B. C. 4 26 1

D. E. ANs-B

16 None of the above

16.With respect to a network interface card, the term 10/100 refers to A. B. C. D. E. ANs-C protocol speed a fiber speed megabits per seconds minimum and maximum server speed None of the above

17. IDE cables have how many pins? A. B. C. D. E. Ans-D 25 50 100 40 65

18. Which best describes a fragmented hard drive: A. B. C. D. E. ANs-D The platters are bad Data files are corrupted Clusters of data are damaged Files are not stored in consecutive clusters None of the above

19. The ESD wrist strap is designed to protect PC Components or Service Technicians ? A. B. C. D. ANs-C PC Components Service Technicians All of the above None of the above

20. The ATAPI compliance is stands for? A. B. C. D. E. Ans-C CDROM Bus mastering Mass storage device All of the above None of the above

VERBAL 1.In the following sentence one important punctuation-mark is missing select the suitable signs from the given alternatives. what a pity a)"" b)? c)! d):

2.Select the option that gives the correct meaning of the given idiomatic expression or phase.To put up with a)to stay with c)to deal with people b)to tolerate d)to keep things up

3.For the following sentence,choose the most suitable word from the given options.In England an Indian _____ does not actually enjoy the same rights as an Englishman.





4.Select the word among the given choices that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word RABID a)Decent b)fair c)rational d)pure

5.Given below are words three of which belong to the same category.Find the word which does not belong to that category a)danger b)peril c)jeopardy d)innocuous

6.Select among the given choices the word or phrase for each blank that best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole though business is in a ______ Indian corporates see it as a "learn and innovate" period a) Slump b)low c)lean d)soup

7.Select the word or phrase among the given choices that is most nearly similar in meaning to the word MINION a)power b)wing c)small measure d)Hanger-on

8)Choose the lettered pair that expresses a relationship most similar to the relationship expressed in the capitalized pair CONTINENT: ISLAND a) ocean:lake b)isthmus: peninsula c)cape: cove d) river:canal

9) In the following sentence one important puntuation-mark is missing.Select the suitable signs from the given alternatives Having been disappointed in love he took to alcohol. a), b). c); d)!

10) For the following sentence ,choose the most suitable word from the given options.In the____ of the quarrel,the cabuliwallah had struck him. a) coarse b) curse c) course d) cause

In the following passage some of the words have been left out ..First read the passage over and try to understand what it is about.Then fill in the blanks with the help of the alternatives given. Successful______(1)is about understanding people and setting them to share the_______(2)of the organization.The manager must________(3)what is going on at all times and the ________(4)must know what is_________(5)of them. 11. First blank is A) leaders B)emotion C) management D) managers

12. Second blank is A)rewards 13. Third blank is A)demand 14. Fourth blank is A)employees 15. Fifth blank is A)expected B)nice C)wanting D)credible B)laborers C)workers D) boss B)ink C)manage D)know B)vision C) spoils D)profit

16.which one number will complete the series? 7,9,12,14,17,19,? a) 20 b)21 c)22 d)24

17."the theoritical principal of democracy is majority rule,but at least in presidential politics,majority rule has never triumphed.in every presidential election,more people of voting

age failed to vote than voted for the eventual winner."none of the above" is evidently the perennially favorite candidate of most citizens." the conclusion of the passege is based on which of the following assumptions? A) Non-presidential elections are less worthy of study than are presidential elections.

b) people of voting age who fail to vote in presidential elections do so to express their dissatisfaction with the candidates.

c) a presidential candidate need not receive votes from a majority of those who actually vote in order to win an election.

d) the principal of majority rule has never been correctly defined 18. Pallavi doesn't feel she is really a child anymore.ten years ago,her mother was five times her age.now she is three sevenths of her mothers age,and in five years she will be half her mother's age .how old will she be when sheis half her mother's age. a)18 b)20 c)22 d)28

19. A university acting classes is presenting a series of five skits use six performers, m,n,o,p,q,r

1.each performer must perform in exactly three of the skit

2.only o and p will perform in the first skit

3.r and three others will perform in the second skit

4.only n will perform in the third skit

5.more people will perform in the 4th skit than in the fifth skit for which of the follwing pairs of performers is true that if one appears in a skit,the other must also appear? a) m and n b)m and r c)p and o d)p and r

20. In a garden there are 10 rows and 12 columns of mango trees. the distance btween each tree is 2 metres and a distance of one meter is left from all sides of the boundary of the garden . the length of the garden is a)20 m b)22m c)24m d)26m

21.in a row of boys anand is eleventh from the left and deepak isfifteenth from the right.when anand and deepak interchange their positions, anand will be fifth from the left,which of the follwing will be deepak's position from the right? a)seventh b)seventeenth c)eighth d)ninth

22.a watch ,which gains uniformly is 2min.show at noon on monday,and is 4min.48 seconds fast at 2pm.on the follwing monday.when was it correct?

a)2 days 6hrs

b)2 days 2 hrs

c)3days 1hr

d)3days 6hrs

23.on the occasion of a certain meeting each member gave shake hand to the remaining number.if the total shake were 1176,how many members were present for the meeting. a)48 b)58 c)49 d)59

24.a multiple phtostat copier can create 120 copies in 30 seconds.how much time would it take to from 2000 copies on two such machines working simultaneously.

a)4min 08sec

b)4min 10sec

c)4min 25sec

d)4min 30sec

25 raj kumar started walking towards south and after walking 15 m turn to his right and walked another 15m,turned to his left and stopped.which direction is he from the starting point? a)south b)south-west c)south-east d)west

26 some boys are standing in a row ,sunil is 10 th from right and anant is seventh from left .if there are five boys in between sunil and ananth, how many boys are there in the row? a)20 b)22 c)21 d)23

27.as a COUNSEL is to BITIRAK,so also GUIDENCE is to

a)FDHZZKAB b)HOHYBJBA c)EOHYZKBB d)FOHYZJBB 28.The number of bacteria in a test tube doubles every 3 mins.if at the end of 1 hour there are N bacteria in the test tube,at the end of how many minutes were

there exactly N/4 bacteria? a)51 b)54 c)56 d)58

29.In a chess tournament 16 members played in tournament x and 20 played in tournament y and 12 in both the tournaments,if each player played atleast one of these tournaments,what is the total number of players?





30)"In a swampy area of south America, the highly poisonous coral snake and a much less venomous kind of snake both bear red, black and white bands . Only 100 miles away on drier ground, the local type of coral snake lacks the red bands. And there, the less poisonous species of snake lacks the red bands too. The explanation is that in both habitants, close imitation of the coral snake affords the less poisonous species a measure of protection it would not otherwise have." Which of the following is most likely to be a major assumption underlying the explanation in the passage above? A) Coral snakes claim individual territories for themselves, which they defend against other snakes. B) Red coloration is effective camouflage primarily in dry habitants, where natural reds are much more common than elsewhere C) D) The sight of a coral snake has a strange paralyzing effect on certain of its prey animals. Predators whose diets include snakes tend to avoid those most poisonous and thus most



what is the output?

Main() { int i=0; switch(i) { case 0: i++; printf("%d..",i); case 1: printf("%d..",i); case 1: printf("%d..",i); } } A)..1..1..0 B) 0..1..1 C) 1..1..1 D) None of These

32) What will be the O/P?

Main() {

struct xyz { int i; }; struct xyz *p; struct xyz a; p=&a; p->i=10; printf("%d",(*p).i);

A) 0

B) 10

C) Garbage Value

D) Compile Time Error

33)What is the storage required for the name "George"? A) Six bits of storage C) Six Pixels of Storage B) Six Bytes of Storage D) One Kilo Byte of Storage

34) What is the part of compiler that keeps track of names and their attributes? A) Compile Table B) Symbol Table C)Table D) Logical Table

35) Which of the following operators cannot be overloaded in C++? A) ?: B)[] C) - D) None of These

36) Which constructor is invalid for class cat? A) void cat :: cat() { feet=4;} B) cat::cat(int f){feet=f;}

C) cat::cat(void){feet=8;}

D) cat::cat(int f){this->feet=f;}

37) Typical user defined signal handler functions perform actions such as A) B) C) D) abort process immediately without further ado Perform minor house keeping prior to resumption Roll back process state to last checkpoint Tidy up to process abortion

A) 1&2

B) 2 & 4

C) 3

D) 4

38) What is the name given to the process initizlizing a microcomputer with its OS? A) Cold Booting B) Booting C) Warm Booting D) None of these

39) Desirable attributes for memory management include A) Protection- such memory should be protected against being written on by other processes B) Encryption- ability to encrypt data with a randomly selected key that is discarded after use without being disclosed so that data can never read again. C) Uniform access rates-ability to retard faster data fetch rates so that all data fetches are uniformly performed at the least fast data fetch rate D)none of these 40) Major expressions used with find command to select file is it has been accessed in more than 375 days,is A)-a time +365 B) -m time +365 C)-a time -365 D) -m time -365

41) Which of the following is not a basic computer network topology?

A) Train topology

B) Bus topology

C)star topology

D)ring topology

42) Which file contains all permanent information and is updated during processing by transactions of data? A) Master File B) Local File C) Parent File D) Primary File

43) Which set option is used with vi editor to display line numbers on screen? A) nm B) nu C)ic D)li

44) Assuming you have the environment variable ENV=.kshrc set, what is the entry in ur .kshrc or .profile that will save up to ur last 200 commands in a history list? A) HISTSIZE=200 C) HISTORY=200 B) set history 200 D) setenv history 200

45) You have 1MB of memory left on the HDD and when booting the system crashes. What is the reason?

A) Not enough synchronous buffer

B) Not enough contiguous memory in virtual memory

C) Not enough space on the hard drive for the swap file.

D) Not enough space on the hard drive for working memory.

46) How do I remove a file with the name '-something' ? A) use the "--" flag to rm C) Use the "-" flag to rm B) Use "##" flag to rm D) Use the "!" flag to rm.

47) The customer is an internet search engine with hits from global customers exceeding 10 million per day. You identify Knowledge Management as the driving business issue. Which feature is most imp to this customer solution? A) Single system image B) Speed and performance

C) Very large memory, very large database D) H/W Partitioning

48) Unlike function templates, when instantiating a class template, you must explicitly instantiate the class by giving? A) The parameters for the class templates C) The variables for the class templates B) The arguments for the class templates D) None

49) In private inheritance derived class members can access base class members that are Public 2) Private 3) Protected A) 1 & 2 B) 1 & 3 C) 2 & 3 D) 1,2 & 3


50) The output of an OR Gate is LOW when A) All inputs are LOW C)Any input is high D) All inputs are HIGH B) Any Input is LOW


Questions = 50 ; time limit = 50 minutes. no negative marking. Offline (paper & pen) test There was individual cut off for all the sections Section1- English, 15 questions Direction 1-5 : In each of the following questions, find out which part of the sentence has an error. if there is no mistake the answer is 'no error' 1. Neither the plans / suits him and therefore / he decided not to / go out yesterday / No error Ans: B 2. The Cabinet Ministers and the Prime Minister / was at the airport / to receive the foreign dignitary / No error Ans : B 3. While proceeding on leave / he had orally committed that / he will resume after two days/ No error Ans : C 4. The number of people / applying were so large / that the college had to / stop issuing application forms / No error Ans: B 5. a series of lectures / of Indian philosophy / are arranged by the University / No error Ans: C Directions 6-10: The following questions, consist of two words each that have a certain relationship to each other, followed by four lettered pairs of words. Select the lettered pair that has the same relationship as the original pair of words. 6. Illiterate : Uneducated A) Country : State B) City : Village Ans ; D 7. Money : Transaction A) Life : Death B) Water : Drink C) Ideas : Exchange D) Language : Conversation C) Palace : Hut D) Vision : Sight

Ans: D 8. Overlook : Aberration A) Mitigate : Penitence Criminal Ans: B 9. Utopia : English A) Odyssey : Greek Ans: A 10. Sailor : Pirate A) Police : Robbers Ans : C Directions 11-12 : In each of the following questions, a sentence has been given in Active (or passive) voice. Out of the four alternatives suggested select the one which best express the same sentence in Passive (or Active) Voice. 11. I know him. A) He is known by me B) He was known to me C) He has been known by me D) He is known to me Ans : D 12. The residents celebrated the Independence Day A) The Independence Day celebrated by the residents B) The Independence Day was celebrated by the residents C) The Independence Day has been celebrated by the residents D) Celebration of Independence Day was done by the residents B) Lion : Lamb C) Plant : Fungus D) Major : Sepoy B) Tulsidas : Sanskrit C) Monalisa : English D) Dante : Latin B) Condone : Offence C) Error : Omission D) Conviction :

Ans: B Directions 13-15 : Pick out the most effective word from the given words to fill in the blank to make the sentence meaningfully complete 13. Even if rains all day I will not be able to .........................my journey A) put by B) put out Ans: C 14. Help yourself....................whatever you can use without wasting A) with Ans: B 15. There is an exception............................every rule. A) on B) to Ans: B Section2-apptitude 15 questions The questions 1-7 are based on the following pattern. The problems below contain a question and two statements giving certain data. You have to decide whether the data given in the statements are sufficient for answering the questions. The correct answer is (A) If statement (I) alone is sufficient but statement (II) alone is not sufficient. (B) If statement (II) alone is sufficient but statement(I) alone is not sufficient. (C) If both statements together are sufficient but neither of statements alone is sufficient. (D) If both together are not sufficient. (E) If statements (I) and (II) are not sufficient C) in D) for B) to C) in D) for C) put off D) put away

1. What is the volume of a cubical box in cubic centimetres? (I) One face of the box has an area of 49 sq.cms. (II) The longest diagonal of the box is 20 cms. Ans. D 2. Is z positive? (I) y+z is positive (II) y-z is positive

Ans. E 3. Is x>y ? x, y are real numbers? (I) 8x = 6y (II) x = y + 4 Ans. B 4. If a ground is rectangular, what is its width? (I) The ratio of its length to its breadth is 7:2 (II) Perimeter of the playground is 396 mts. Ans. C 5. If the present age of my father is 39 yrs and my present age is x yrs, what is x? (I) Next year my mother will be four times as old as i would be. (II) My brother is 2 years older than I and my father is 4 years older than my mother. Ans. C 6. How many brothers and sisters are there in the family of seven children? (I) Each boy in the family has as many sisters as brothers (II) Each of the girl in the family has twice as many brothers as sisters Ans. D 7. x is not equal to 0, is x + y = 0? (I) x is the reciprocal of y (II) x is not equal to 1 Ans. A 8. Find sum of 3 + 5/(1+22) + 7/(1 + 22 + 32) + ...... Ans. 3n/(1 + n) 9. Out of 55 eggs 5 are defective. what is % of defective eggs Ans:9/11% 10. 1/8 is divided by 's' , if 's' is increased by 2 times, what is the result. Ans: increases two times 11. For each hour an watch is going slow by 30 seconds. Now time is

8a.m.What will be the actual time at 8p.m. Ans: 7:54. 12. If a person walks at 4/5th of his usual spee he reaches 40min late. If he walks at his usual speed how much time does he travels. Ans:160min or 2hr 40min 13. In a class 80% have passed english,70% passed Hindi 10% did not passed either. If 144 students passed both. What is the total strength of the class. Ans: 240. 14. Find the least number when divided by 7 gives the reminder 6, when divided by 6 gives reminder 5, when divided by 5 gives reminder 4 and so on.... Ans: 419 15. If a man stands in front of sun what is the first letter of the direction which is left to him: Ans: North(N)

Section3-technical ,20 questions 1. After execution of CMP, a instruction in Intel 8085 microprocessor (a) ZF is set and CY is reset. (b) ZF is set CY is unchanged (c) ZF is reset, CY is set (d) ZF is reset , CY is unchanged . Ans. A 2. Convert the infix to postfix for A-(B+C)*(D/E) Ans. ABC+DE/*3. Picard's method uses _______?

Ans. Successive Differentiation. Predict the output or error(s) for the following:
4. void main() { int const * p=5; printf("%d",++(*p)); }

Ans: Compiler error: Cannot modify a constant value.

5. main() { char s[ ]="man"; int i; for(i=0;s[ i ];i++) printf("\n%c%c%c%c",s[ i ],*(s+i),*(i+s),i[s]); }


mmmm aaaa nnnn

6. A) C)

Identify the recording mode, by which you can record the non-standard object in QTP Standard recording Low level recording B By default, how many no of tables would be there in a script? One B b) Two c) Three d) Four B) D) Analog recording None

Ans: 7. a) Ans:

8. The file extension of Shared object repository file is A .MTR B. .TSR C. .QRS D. None

Ans: B 9. To invoke the function which does not return any value, we can use a. call function name b. function name


Both A & B Ans: A



10. How many bits are needed within a machine code instruction to select a single register in a machine with 16 general registers? a. 2 Ans: C b. 3 c. 4 d. 5

11. which key in any windows screen is used to invoke file menu Ans :alt+f 12. Object which is used for calling the win32 api functions in QTP, we use A extern B. description C. environment D. None


13. What is the result of adding the binary numbers 01000001 and 11111111 on an 8 bit machine? A. 11111111 Ans: D 14. Which of the following does POP stand for? A. Post Office Protocol C. Private Office Protocol Ans: A B. Peer over peer D. Post Optical Protocol B. 00000000 C. 01111111 D. Overflow

15. Which of the following stages of compilation produces a syntax tree? A. Parsing B. Code generation C. Lexical analysis Ans: A D. Semantic analysis

16. Which of the following is not contained in a system description? A. Internal data flows B. Flows leaving and entering the system

C. Relationship between external entities Ans: C

D. Internal components or processes

17. What is the result of adding the binary numbers 01000011 and 10010000 on an 8 bit machine? A. 11010011 B. 11110011 C. 11001011 D. 11010101 Ans: A 18. How is the decimal value for 30 represented in binary? A. 00001111 B. 00011010 C. 00011110 D. 00011111 Ans: C 19. A memory chip has 8 data lines and 9 address lines. How many bytes can be stored on it? A. 511 B. 512 C. 500 D. 256 Ans: B 20. Which of the following devices requires the highest input data transferrate? A. mouse B. Keyboard C. Floppy disk D. CD Ans: D The results were declared at 12.30 a.m. Out of 93 short listed candidates 32 were finally selected.. I was more satisfied than surprised to hear my name among the selected candidates.. So friends Just believe in yourself If you think you can, you can.. Hope my experience will help you to some extent..

See you at Wipro.. 1)APTITUDE TEST: Questions = 50 ; time limit = 50 minutes. no negative marking. Offline (paper & pen) test There was individual cut off for all the sections Section1- English, 15 questions Direction 1-5 : In each of the following questions, find out which part of the sentence has an error. if there is no mistake the answer is 'no error'

1. Unless you stop to make noise at once,/ I will have no option but to / bring the matter to the attention of the police / No error A C Ans: A 2.The Minister along with his / party colleagues have / been invited to the party / No error A Ans: B 3. A group of friends / want to visit/ the new plant as early as possible / No error A Ans: B 4. It is rude / for the young / making fun of their elders/ No error A Ans : C 5. Meerabai was sent away from her home/ because she spend most of the time/ in the company of holy men/ No error A C Ans : B Directions 6-10 : Pick out the most effective word from the given words to fill in the blank to make the sentence meaningfully complete. 6. Madan...............the first prize in this competition A) bore up B) bore with Ans: A 7. In large cities people are cut..................from nature. A) down B) out C) off D) away C) bore out D) bore away D B B C D B C D B C D D B

Ans: C 8. Your friend died...............over work A) of Ans: A 9. It is not easy to beat..................a swarm of wasps if they attack you A) out Ans: D 10. What a sensation it would cause if it........................now discovered that such a man had left behind a diary. A) is Ans: D Directions 11-12: In each of the following questions, a sentence has been given in Active (or passive) voice. Out of the four alternatives suggested select the one which best express the same sentence in Passive (or Active) Voice. 11. Mona was writing a letter to her father. A) A letter was written to her father by Mona B) A letter has been written to her father by Mona C) A letter was being written by Mona to her father D) a letter was written by Mona to her father Ans: C 12. He teaches us grammar A) Grammar is taught to us by him B) We are being taught Grammar by him C) Grammar is being taught us by him D) We are taught Grammar by him B) be C) was were B) up C) down D) off B) from C) due to D) with

Ans: D Directions 13-15: The following questions, consist of two words each that have a certain relationship to each other, followed by four lettered pairs of words. Select the lettered pair that has the same relationship as the original pair of words. 13. Basement : Attic A) Nadir : Zenith Ans : A 14. Sip : Gulp A) Touch : Push B) Cup : Glass Ans : A 15. Parsing : Grammar A) Running : Health Ans : C Section 2-apptitude 15 questions The questions 1-6 are based on the following pattern. The problems below contain a question and two statements giving certain data. You have to decide whether the data given in the statements are sufficient for answering the questions. The correct answer is: (A) If statement (I) alone is sufficient but statement (II) alone is not sufficient. (B) If statement (II) alone is sufficient but statement (I) alone is not sufficient. (C) If both statements together are sufficient but neither of statements alone is sufficient. (D) If both together are not sufficient. 1. What is John's age? (I) In 15 years John will be twice as old as Dias would be (II) Dias was born 5 years ago Ans. (C) 2. What is the distance from city A to city C in kms? B) Praying : God C) Para trooping : Air force D) Cleaning : House C) Tent : Hut D) Soap : Water B) Zenith : Apex C) Zenith : Root D) Apex : Pinnacle

(I) City A is 90 kms from City B (II) City B is 30 kms from City C Ans. (D) 3.Is A=C ? A, B ,C are real numbers (I) A-B=B-C (II) A-2C = C-2B Ans. (C) 4. What is the 30th term of a given sequence ? (I) The first two terms of the sequence are 1,1/2 (II) The common difference is -1/2 Ans. (A) 5.Was Avinash early, on time or late for work? (I) He thought his watch was 10 minutes fast (II) Actually his watch was 5 minutes slow Ans. (D) 6. What is the value of A if A is an integer? (I) A4 = 1 (II) A3 + 1 = 0 Ans. (B) 7. A person travels 12 km in the southward direction and then travels 5km to the right and then travels 15km toward the right and finally travels 5km towards the east, how far is he from his starting place? (a) 5.5 kms (b) 3 km (c) 13 km (d) 6.4 km Ans. (b) 8. X's father's wife's father's granddaughter uncle will be related to X as

(a) Son (b) Nephew (c) Uncle (d) Grandfather Ans. (c) 9. Find the next number in the series 1, 3 ,7 ,13 ,21 ,31 (a) 43 (b) 33 (c) 41 (d) 45 Ans. (a) 10. If in a certain code "RANGE" is coded as 12345 and "RANDOM" is coded as 123678. Then the code for the word "MANGO" would be (a) 82357 (b) 89343 (c) 84629 (d) 82347 Ans. (d) 11. If "PROMPT" is coded as QSPLOS ,then "PLAYER" should be (a) QMBZFS (b) QWMFDW (c) QUREXM (d) URESTI Ans. (a) 12. A person travels 6km towards west, then travels 5km towards north ,then finally travels 6km towards west. Where is he with respect to his starting position? (a) 13km east (b) 13km northeast (c) 13km northwest (d) 13km west Ans. (c)

13. If A speaks the truth 80% of the times, B speaks the truth 60% of the times. What is the probability that they tell the truth at the same time (a) 0.8 (b) 0.48 (c) 0.6 (d) 0.14 Ans.(b) 14. Susan can type 10 pages in 5 minutes. Mary can type 5 pages in 10 minutes. Working together, how many pages can they type in 30 minutes? A. B. C. D. E. 15 20 25 65 75

Ans: E 15. Six bells commence tolling together and toll at intervals 2,4,6,8,10 and 12 seconds respectively. In 30 minutes how many times they toll together. a) 4 b) 10 c) 15 d) 16 Ans: d) Section3-technical ,20 questions 1. If the time quantum is too large, Round Robin scheduling degenerates to (a) Shortest Job First Scheduling (b) Multilevel Queue Scheduling (c) FCFS (d) None of the above

Ans. (c) 2. Transponders are used for which of the following purposes (a) Uplinking (b) Downlinking (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of the above Ans. (c) 3. The format specifier "-%d" is used for which purpose in C (a) Left justifying a string (b) Right justifying a string (c) Removing a string from the console (d) Used for the scope specification of a char[] variable Ans. (a) 4. A sorting algorithm which can prove to be a best time algorithm in one case and a worst time algorithm in worst case is (a) Quick Sort (b) Heap Sort (c) Merge Sort (d) Insert Sort Ans. (a) 5. What details should never be found in the top level of a top-down design? (a) Details (b) Coding (c) Decisions (d) None of the above Ans. (c) 6. In an absolute loading scheme, which loader function is accomplished by assembler (a) Reallocation (b) Allocation (c) Linking (d) Both (a) and (b) Ans. (d)

7. Banker's algorithm for resource allocation deals with (a) Deadlock prevention (b) Deadlock avoidance (c) Deadlock recovery (d) None of these Ans. (b) 8. Thrashing can be avoided if (a) The pages, belonging to the working set of the programs, are in main memory (b) The speed of CPU is increased (c) The speed of I/O processor are increased (d) All of the above Ans. (a) 9. Which of the following communications lines is best suited to interactive processing applications? (a) Narrowband channels (b) Simplex channels (c) Full-duplex channels (d) Mixed band channels Ans. (b) 10. A feasibility document should contain all of the following except (a) Project name (b) Problem descriptions (c) Feasible alternative (d) Data flow diagrams Ans. (d) 11. What is the main function of a data link content monitor? (a) To detect problems in protocols (b) To determine the type of transmission used in a data link (c) To determine the type of switching used in a data link (d) To determine the flow of data Ans. (a)

12. Which of the following is a broadband communications channel? (a) Coaxial cable (b) Fiber optic cable (c) Microwave circuits (d) All of the above Ans. (d) 13. Which of the following memories has the shortest access time? (a) Cache memory (b) Magnetic bubble memory (c) Magnetic core memory (d) RAM Ans. (a) 14. A shift register can be used for (a) Parallel to serial conversion (b) Serial to parallel conversion (c) Digital delay line (d) All the above Ans. (d) 15. In which of the following page replacement policies, Balady's anomaly occurs? (a) FIFO (b) LRU (c) LFU (d) NRU Ans. (a) 16. Subschema can be used to (a) Create very different, personalised views of the same data (b) Present information in different formats (c) Hide sensitive information by omitting fields from the sub-schema's description (d) All of the above Ans. (d) 17. A 12 address lines maps to the memory of

a. 1k bytes Ans: b

b. 0.5k bytes

c. 2k bytes

d. none

18. In a processor these are 120 instructions . Bits needed to implement [a] 6 [b] 7 [c] 10 [d] none Ans: b

this instructions

19. In a compiler there is 36 bit for a word and to store a character 8bits are needed. IN this to store a character two words are appended .Then for storing a K characters string, How many words are needed. [a] 2k/9 Ans: a 20. Virtual memory size depends on [a] address lines [c] disc space Ans : a Latest Test Pattern Quantitative /analytical reasoning (20 questions) Verbal ability (20 questions) Technical section (10questions) No of questions-50 Time limit -60 Minutes Sectional cut-off Technical section (10questions) some sample technical questions Programs [b] data bus [d] a & c [e] none [b] (2k+8)/9 [c] (k+8)/9 [d] 2*(k+8)/9 [e] none

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Prime and Odd number? Sorting an array?? Fibonacci series? Perfect number? Armstrong number?

Technical Questions 1. What is networks? 2. Difference between calloc and malloc? 3. What are the advantages of using pointers 4. What is the difference between White box testing and Black box testing? 5. What is Ip address? 6. Difference between Arrays and Linked List? 7. What are pointers in c? 8. What is data warehousing? 9. What is Recursion Function? 10. What is TDM? 11. What are the types of Networks? 12. Difference beyween callby value and callby reference? 13. What is the difference between Ram and Rom? 14. What is polymorphism? 15. What are the layers of OSI Model? 16. Difference between TCP and UDP? 17. What is Function Overloading? 18. What is Inheritance? 19. What is the difference between C and C++? 20. What is the difference between array and pointer? 21. What is normalisation?and their types? 22. What is the difference between Char and Varchar in DBMS? 23. What is OS? 24. What is a tree? 25. What is a linked list? 26. What is a struct? Predict the output or error(s) for the following: 1. main() { char string[]=Hello World; display (string); }

void display (char *string) { printf(%s,string); } Ans: Compiler Error: Type mismatch in redeclaration of function display 2. What are the values printed by the following program? #define dprint(expr) printf(#expr =%d\n,expr) main() { int x=7; int y=3; dprintf(x/y); } a) #2 = 2 b) expr=2 c) x/y=2 d) none Ans: c 3) Parameterization generally involves a. Data table b. Random number c. Environment d. Both A & B e. Both A, B & C Ans: e 4) The file which is used for recovering from the run time errors known as A. QRS B. TSR C. PNG D. DAT Ans: A

5) Among the following recording modes, which method uses both the objects and mouse coordinates a. Normal b. Low level c. Analog d. All of the above Ans: b 6) Where do you set the action iterations for a specified action? a. Action Settings b. Action Properties c. Action Run Properties d. Action Call Properties Ans: d 6) Where do you mark an action as reusable? a. Action Settings b. Action Properties c. Action Run Properties d. Action Call Properties Ans: b 7) After running a test that contains both input and output parameters, where can the results of an output parameter be found? a. Local Data Sheet b. Global Data Sheet c. Run-time Data Table d. Design-time Data Table Ans: c If you have a Virtual Object Collection stored on your machine, and you dont want to use it what you must do?

a. Disable Virtual Objects in Test Settings b. Remove the Collection from your machine c. Disable Virtual Objects in General Options d. Remove the Collections from the Resources list Ans: c 9. For a 25MHz processor, what is the time taken by the instruction which needs 3 clock cycles, (a) 120 nano secs (b) 120 micro secs (c) 75 nano secs (d) 75 micro secs Ans: a 10. For 1 MB memory, the number of address lines required, (a) 11 (b) 16 (c) 20(d) 24 Ans. (c) 11. Semaphore is used for (a) synchronization (b) dead-lock avoidance (c) box (d) none Ans. (a) 12. OLE is used in a) Inter connection in UNIX b) Interconnection in WINDOWS c) Interconnection in WINDOWS NT d)None Ans: c 13. Preprocessor does not do which one of the following (a) macro (b) conditional compliclation (c) in type checking (d) including load file Ans. (c)

14. Piggy backing is a technique for a) Flow control b) Sequence c) Acknowledgement d) retransmission Ans. (c) 15. In signed magnitude notation what is the minimum value that can be represented with 8 bits (a) -128 (b) -255 (c) -127 (d) 0 Ans: a 17. When an array is passed as parameter to a function, which of the following statement is correct a) The function can change values in the original array b) In C parameters are passed by value. The function cannot change the original value in the array c) It results in compilation error when the function tries to access the elements in the array d) Results in a run time error when the function tries to access the elements in the array Ans: a 18. The type of the controlling statement of a switch statement cannot be of the type a) int b) char c) short d) float e) none Ans: d 19. What is the value of the statement (3^6) + (a^a)? a) 3 b) 5 c) 6 d) a+18 e) None Ans: b 20. Consider the following program: # include class x { public: int a; x(); }; x::x() { a=10; cout< class b:public x { public: b(); }; b::b() { a=20; cout< main ()

{ b temp; } 21. What will be the output of this program? a) 10 b) 20 c) 2010 d) 1020 Ans: b Quantitative /analytical reasoning (20 questions) Verbal ability (20 questions) Technical section (10questions) No of questions-50 Time limit -60 Minutes Sectional cut-off Main topics to concentrate Quantitative /analytical reasoning Average, Time and work, Time and Distance, Train, Number series Clocks and Calendars Blood Relationship Logical deductions, Seating arrangement, Partnership, Theme detection,

Coding and decoding, Probability, Data interpretation

Verbal ability Sentence correction Synonym Antonym, Choosing correct alternative, Idiomatic expression Odd man out, Choosing correct phrase, One word substitute, Arranging a word-,Punctuation marks Fill in the blanks

Technical Questions C,C++,UNIX,DBMS<CN,JAVA,LINUX,Opticalfibre,OS,Data structures.SQL,Micro processors etc.,

Wipro previous questions Aptitude Test:The correct answer is: (A) If statement (I) alone is sufficient but statement (II) alone is not sufficient.

(B) If statement (II) alone is sufficient but statement (I) alone is not sufficient. (C) If both statements together are sufficient but neither of statements alone is sufficient. (D) If both together are not sufficient. 1. What is John's age? (I) In 15 years John will be twice as old as Dias would be (II) Dias was born 5 years ago Ans. (C) 2. What is the distance from city A to city C in kms? (I) City A is 90 kms from City B (II) City B is 30 kms from City C Ans. (D) 3.Is A=C ? A, B ,C are real numbers (I) A-B=B-C (II) A-2C = C-2B Ans. (C) 4. What is the 30th term of a given sequence ? (I) The first two terms of the sequence are 1,1/2 (II) The common difference is -1/2 Ans. (A) 5.Was Avinash early, on time or late for work? (I) He thought his watch was 10 minutes fast (II) Actually his watch was 5 minutes slow Ans. (D) 6. What is the value of A if A is an integer? (I) A4 = 1 (II) A3 + 1 = 0 Ans. (B) 7. A person travels 12 km in the southward direction and then travels 5km to the right and then travels 15km toward the right and finally travels 5km towards the east, how far is he from his starting place? (a) 5.5 kms (b) 3 km (c) 13 km (d) 6.4 km Ans. (b) 8. X's father's wife's father's granddaughter uncle will be related to X as (a) Son

(b) Nephew (c) Uncle (d) Grandfather Ans. (c) 9. Find the next number in the series 1, 3 ,7 ,13 ,21 ,31 (a) 43 (b) 33 (c) 41 (d) 45 Ans. (a) 10. If in a certain code "RANGE" is coded as 12345 and "RANDOM" is coded as 123678. Then the code for the word"MANGO" would be (a) 82357 (b) 89343 (c) 84629 (d) 82347 Ans. (d) 11. If "PROMPT" is coded as QSPLOS ,then "PLAYER" should be (a) QMBZFS (b) QWMFDW (c) QUREXM (d) URESTI Ans. (a) 12. A person travels 6km towards west, then travels 5km towards north ,then finally travels 6km towards west. Where is he with respect to his starting position? (a) 13km east (b) 13km northeast (c) 13km northwest (d) 13km west Ans. (c) 13. If A speaks the truth 80% of the times, B speaks the truth 60% of the times. What is the probability that they tell the truth at the same time (a) 0.8 (b) 0.48 (c) 0.6 (d) 0.14 Ans.(b) 14. Susan can type 10 pages in 5 minutes. Mary can type 5 pages in 10 minutes. Working together, how many pages canthey type in 30 minutes? A. 15

B. 20 C. 25 D. 65 E. 75 Ans: E 15. Six bells commence tolling together and toll at intervals 2,4,6,8,10 and 12 seconds respectively. In 30 minutes how many times they toll together. a) 4 b) 10 c) 15 d) 16 Ans: d)

Technical , 20 Questions: 16. If the time quantum is too large, Round Robin scheduling degenerates to (a) Shortest Job First Scheduling (b) Multilevel Queue Scheduling (c) FCFS (d) None of the above Ans. (c) 17. Transponders are used for which of the following purposes (a) Uplinking (b) Downlinking (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of the above Ans. (c) 18. The format specifier "-%d" is used for which purpose in C (a) Left justifying a string (b) Right justifying a string (c) Removing a string from the console (d) Used for the scope specification of a char[] variable Ans. (a) 19. A sorting algorithm which can prove to be a best time algorithm in one case and a worst time algorithm in worst case is (a) Quick Sort (b) Heap Sort (c) Merge Sort (d) Insert Sort Ans. (a)

5. What details should never be found in the top level of a top-down design? (a) Details (b) Coding (c) Decisions (d) None of the above Ans. (c) 20. In an absolute loading scheme, which loader function is accomplished by assembler (a) Reallocation (b) Allocation (c) Linking (d) Both (a) and (b) Ans. (d) 21. Banker's algorithm for resource allocation deals with (a) Deadlock prevention (b) Deadlock avoidance (c) Deadlock recovery (d) None of these Ans. (b) 8. Thrashing can be avoided if (a) The pages, belonging to the working set of the programs, are in main memory (b) The speed of CPU is increased (c) The speed of I/O processor are increased (d) All of the above Ans. (a) 22.. Which of the following communications lines is best suited to interactive processing applications? (a) Narrowband channels (b) Simplex channels (c) Full-duplex channels (d) Mixed band channels Ans. (b) 23. A feasibility document should contain all of the following except (a) Project name (b) Problem descriptions (c) Feasible alternative (d) Data flow diagrams Ans. (d) 24. What is the main function of a data link content monitor?

(a) To detect problems in protocols (b) To determine the type of transmission used in a data link (c) To determine the type of switching used in a data link (d) To determine the flow of data Ans. (a) 25. Which of the following memories has the shortest access time? (a) Cache memory (b) Magnetic bubble memory (c) Magnetic core memory (d) RAM Ans. (a) 26. A shift register can be used for (a) Parallel to serial conversion (b) Serial to parallel conversion (c) Digital delay line (d) All the above Ans. (d) 27. In which of the following page replacement policies, Balady's anomaly occurs? (a) FIFO (b) LRU (c) LFU (d) NRU Ans. (a) 28. Subschema can be used to (a) Create very different, personalised views of the same data (b) Present information in different formats (c) Hide sensitive information by omitting fields from the sub-schema's description (d) All of the above Ans. (d) 29. A 12 address lines maps to the memory of a. 1k bytes b. 0.5k bytes c. 2k bytes d. none Ans: b 30. In a processor these are 120 instructions . Bits needed to implement this instructions [a] 6 [b] 7 [c] 10 [d] none ans: b 31. In a compiler there is 36 bit for a word and to store a character 8bits are needed. IN this to store a character two words are appended .Then for storing a K characters string, How many words are needed.

[a] 2k/9 [b] (2k+8/9 [c] (k+8/9 [d] 2*(k+8/9 [e] none Ans: a 32. Virtual memory size depends on [a] address lines [b] data bus[c] disc space [d] a & c [e] none Ans : a Section1- English, 15 questions Direction 1-5 : In each of the following questions, find out which part of the sentence has an error. If there is no mistake the answer is 'no error' 33. The house with all its / furniture and exotic plants / were sold for Rs. 50,000 / No error Ans : C 34 The teacher asked the students / if everyone of them were interested in / going on an excursion / No error Ans : B 35. a physiologist in the last century demonstrated / that puppies will die / if kept awake for more than five days / No error Ans : B 36. It is unfortunate that / many youngsters get / addicted to gamble / No error Ans : C 37. I have seen / that film last year / but I do not remember its story / No error Ans: A Directions 6-10: The following questions, consist of two words each that have a certain relationship to each other, followed by four lettered pairs of words. Select the lettered pair that has the same relationship as the original pair of words. 38. Plants : Coal A) Crops : Manure B) Animals : Oil C) Cow : Milk D) Fire : Smoke Ans : B 39. Rectangle : Cylinder A) Square : Sphere B) Circle : Dosc C) Triangle : Cone D) Wall : Room Ans : C 40. Expend : Replenish

A) Exhort : Encourage B) Formant : Rebellion C) Defect : Rejoin D) Encroachment : Occupy Ans : C :1.Consider the following expressions indicating the step or impulse response of an initially relaxed control system1. (5 4e-2+) u(t) 2. (e-2t +5) (u(t)) 3 .V(t) + 8e-2t u(t) 4 . V(t) + 4e-2t 4(t) 2.Which is the following relate to rational transfer function of a system1. Ratio of Fourier transform of output to input with zero initial conditions. 2. Ratio of Laplace transform of output to input with zero initial conditions. 3. Laplace transform of system impulse response. 3. Laplace transform of system unit step response select the correct answer using the codes given below. Codes a.) 1 and 4 b.) 2 and 3 c.) 1 and 3 d.) 2 and 4 4.For the signal g (t) 10 cos (50 pt) cos2 (150at) The Nyquist sampling state in t seconds is a.) 150 samples per second b.) 200 samples per second c.) 300 samples per second d.) 350 samples per second 5.In the case of a 70 MHz 1F carries for a transponder band width of 36 MHz; energy must lie between MHz. a.) 34 and 106 b.) 52. And 88 c.) 106 and 142 d.) 34 and 142 6.Radar used to eliminate clutter in navigational application is a.) Pulse radar b.) Tracking radar c.) MTI radar d.) Mono pulse radar

7.The 1.55 mm windows is not yet in use with fiber optic systems because a.) The attenuation is higher than at 0.85 mm b) The attenuation is higher than at 1.3mm c.) Suitable laser devices have not yet been developed d.) It does not lend itself to wavelength multiplexing 8.Pre-emphasis in FM systems involvesa.) Compression of the modulating signal b.) Expansion of the modulating signal c.) Amplification of lower frequency components of the modulating signal. d.) Amplification of higher frequency components of the modulating signal. 9.In a terrestrial microwave system transmission of signals is achieved througha.) reflection from the ionosphere b.) line of sight mode c) reflection from the ground d.) diffraction from the stratosphere. 10.Casse grain feed is used with a parabolic reflector to a.) increase the gain of the system b). increase the bandwidth of the system c.) reduce the size of the main reflector d.) allow the feed to be placed at a convenient point. 11.In most microwave communication link rain drop attenuation is caused due toa.) scattering of microwaves by water drops of specific size. b) scattering of microwaves by a collection of droplets acing as a single body. c.) absorption of microwaves by water and consequent heating of the liquid d.) absorption of the microwaves by water vapor in the atmosphere. 12.When a (75 j40)W load is connected to a coaxial line of Z0 = 75 W at 6MHz then the load matching on the line can be accomplished by connectinga.) A short circuited stub at the load b.)An inductance at the load c. )A short circuited stub at a specific distance from the load d.)none of the above 13.As compared to analog multimeters, digital Multimeters's are a.) less accurate b.) more accurate c.) equally accurate

d.) none. 14.When a signal of 10 mV at 75 MHz is to be measured then which of the following instruments can be used a.) VTVM b.) Cathode ray oscilloscope c.) Moving iron voltmeter d.) Digital multimeter 15.Amplifier of class B has high theoretical efficiency of 78.5 percent becausea.) It is biased almost to saturation b.)Its quiescent current is low c.)Its output is an exact replica of its input d.)It is biased well below cut off 16.The coupling that produces minimum interference with frequency response isa.) Direct coupling b.)Impedance coupling c.) R C coupling d.)Transformer coupling 17.A superconductor is a a.) A material showing perfect conductivity and Meissner effect below a critical temperature b.) A conductor having zero resistance c.) A perfect conductor with highest di-magnetic susceptibility d.) A perfect conductor which becomes resistance when the current density through it exceeds a critical value 18.When an inductor tunes at 200 KHz with 624 pF capacitor and at 600 KHz with 60.4 pF capacitor then the self capacitance of the inductor would be a) 8.05 pF b) 10.05pF c.) 16.01pF d.) 20.01pF 19.The Q of a radio coil a.) is independent of frequency b.) increases monotonically as frequency increases c.) decreases monotonically as frequency increases d.) increases upto a certain frequency and then decreases beyond that frequency 20.When a generator of internal impedance and operating at 1GHz feeds a load via a coaxial line

of characteristic impedance 50 ohm then the voltage wave ratio on the feed line is a.) 0.5 b.) 1.5 c.) 2.5 d.) 1.75 21) X varies inversely as square of y. Given that y = 2 for x = 1. The value of x for y = 6 will be equal to A) 3 B) 9 C) 1/3 D) 1/9 Ans : D 22) If 10% of x = 20% of y, then x : y is equal to A) 1 : 2 B) 2 : 1 C) 5 : 1 D) 10 : 1 Ans : B 23) A starts business with Rs.3500 and after 5 months, B joins with A as his partner. After a year, the profit is divided in the ratio 2 : 3. What is B's contribution in the Capital ? A) Rs. 7500 B) Rs. 8000 C) Rs. 8500 D) Rs. 9000 Ans : D 24) Ronald and Elan are working on an assignment. Ronald takes 6 hours to type 32 pages on a computer, while Elan takes 5 hours to type 40 pages. How much time will they take, working together on two different computers to type an assignment of 110 pages ? A) 7 hours 30 minutes B) 8 hours C) 8 hours 15 minutes D) 8 hours 25 minutes Ans : C 25) A and B can do a piece of work in 72 days; B and C can do it in 120 days; A dn C can do it in 4 days. Who among these will take the least time if put to do it alone? A) 80 days B) 100 days C) 120 days D) 150 days Ans : C 26) A cistern can be filled by a tap in 4 hours while it can be emptied by another tap in 9 hours. If both taps are openedsimultaneously, then after how much time will the cistern get filled ? A) 4.5 hours B)5 hours C) 6.5 hours D) 7.2 hours Ans : D 27) Pipe a can fill a tank in 5 hours, pipe B in 10 hours and pipe C in 30 hours. If all the pipes are open, in how many hours will the tank completely ? A) 6 min. to empty B) 6 min to fill C) 9 min. to empty D) 9 min. to fill Ans : C 28) A thief steals a car at 2.30 p.m and drives it at 60 kmph. The theft is discovered at 3 p.m and

the owner sets off in anothercar at 75 kmph. When will be overtake the thief. A) 4.30 p.m B) 4.45 p.m C) 5 p.m D) 5.15 p.m Ans : E 29) Two trains starting at the same time from two stations 200 km apart, and going in opposite directions cross each other at a distance of 110 km from one of the stations. What is the ratio of their speeds A) 9 : 20 B) 11 : 9 C) 11 : 20 D) None of these Ans : B 30). Two trains each 100 m long, moving in opposite directions, cross each other in 8 seconds. If one is moving twice as fast the other, then the speed of the faster train is A) 30 km /hr B) 45 km / hr C) 60 km/hr D) 75 km/hr Ans : C Exam/Interview Date: 8, January 2011. Section 1: English, 15 questions Direction 1-5: In each of the following questions, find out which part of the sentence has an error. If there is no mistake the answer is no error Twice twelve / makes / twenty four / No error ABCD Ans: B 2. The flight purser took control / of the plane after / the pilot had had / a heart attack / No error ABCDE Ans: C 3. My friend did not see me / for many years / when I met him last week / No error ABCD Ans: A 4. We grieve our loss and cry helplessly / while we should be fighting for our rights / and die a noble death / No error ABCD Ans: B

5. Work hard / lest you will / fail / No error ABCD Ans: D Directions 6-10: The following questions consist of two words each that have a certain relationship to each other, followed by four lettered pairs of words. Select the lettered pair that has the same relationship as the original pair of words. 6. Kangaroo: Australia A) Whale: River B) Elephant: Russia C) Penguin: Antarctica D) India: Peacock Ans: C 7. Coronation: Reign A) Vaccination: Immunity B) Sculptor: Statue C) Degree : Graduate D) Summer: Rain Ans: D 8. Grain: Salt A) Chip: Glass B) Blades: Grass C) Shred: Wood D) Shard: Pottery Ans: A 9. Scythe; Reaping A) Light: Shining B) Shears: Cutting C) Saws: Gluing D) Screws: Turning Ans: B 10. Dislike: Repulsion A) Dream: Sleep B) Steal: Crime C) Reputation: Behavior D) Intelligence: Wit Ans: D Directions 11-12: In each of the following questions, a sentence has been given in Active (or passive) voice. Out of the four alternatives suggested select the one which best express the same sentence in Passive (or Active) Voice. 11. His pocket has been picked.

A) They have his pocket picked B) Picking has been done to his pocket C) Picked has been his pocket D) Someone has picked his pocket. Ans: D 12. Someone gave her a bull dog. A) She was given a bull dog. B) a bull dog was given to her C) She has been given a bull dog D) She is being given a bull dog by someone Ans: B Directions 13-15: Pick out the most effective word from the given words to fill in the blank to make the sentence meaningfully complete 13. He succeeded in getting possession..his land after a long court case A) For B) to C) of D) with E) against Ans: C 14. Now a day Rajani is .busy to take care of her health. A) Very B) too C) so D) extremely Ans: B 15. Had the police not reached there in time the bandits him A) Did have killed B) will have killed C) would kill D) would have killed Ans: D

Section 2: Aptitude 15 questions

The questions 1-5 are based on the following data six knights P, Q, R, S, T and U assemble for a long journey in two traveling parties. For security, each traveling party consists of at least two knights. The two parties travel by separate routes, northern and southern. After one month, the routes of the northern and southern groups converge for a brief time and at that point the knights can, if they wish, rearrange their traveling. Parties before continuing, again in two parties along separate northern and southern routes. Throughout the entire trip, the composition of traveling parties must be in accord with the following conditions P and R are deadly enemies and, although they may meet briefly, can never travel together. P must travel in the same party with S Q cant travel by the southern route U cant change routes 1. If one of the two parties of knights consists of P and U and two other knights and travels by the southern route, the other members of this party besides P and U must be a) Q and S b) Q and T c) R and S d) R and T e) S and T Ans: e 2) If each of the two parties of knights consists of exactly three members, which of the following is not a possible traveling party and route? a) P,S,U by the northern route b) P,S,T by the northern route c) P,S,T by the southern route d) P,S,U by the southern route e) Q,R,T by the southern route Ans: a 3) If one of the two parties of knights consists of U and two other knights and travels by the northern route, the other members of this party >besides U must be a) P and S b) P and T c) Q and R d) Q and T e) R and T

Ans: c 4) If each of the two parties of knights consists of exactly three members of different parties, and R travels by the Northern route, then T must travel by the a) southern route with P and S b) southern route with Q and R c) southern route with R and U d) northern route with Q and R e) northern route with R and U Ans: a 5) If, when the two parties of knights encounter one another after a month, exactly one knight changes from one traveling party to the other traveling party, that knight must be a) P b) Q c) R d) S e) T Ans: e 6. X varies inversely as square of y. Given that y = 2 for x = 1. The value of x for y = 6 will be equal to A) 3 B) 9 C) 1/3 D) 1/9 Ans: D 7. If 10% of x = 20% of y, then x: y is equal to A) 1: 2 B) 2: 1 C) 5: 1 D) 10: 1 Ans: B 8. A starts business with Rs.3500 and after 5 months, B joins with A as his partner. After a year, the profit is divided in the ratio 2 : 3. What is Bs contribution in the Capital? A) Rs. 7500 B) Rs. 8000 C) Rs. 8500 D) Rs. 9000 Ans: D 9. Ronald and Elan are working on an assignment. Ronald takes 6 hours to type 32 pages on a computer, while Elan takes 5 hours to type 40 pages. How much time will they take, working together on two different computers to type an assignment of 110 pages? A) 7 hours 30 minutes B) 8 hours C) 8 hours 15 minutes D) 8 hours 25 minutes Ans: C

10. A and B can do a piece of work in 72 days; B and C can do it in 120 days; A dn C can do it in 4 days. Who among these will take the least time if put to do it alone? A) 80 days B) 100 days C) 120 days D) 150 days Ans: C 11. A cistern can be filled by a tap in 4 hours while it can be emptied by another tap in 9 hours. If both taps are opened simultaneously, then after how much time will the cistern get filled? A) 4.5 hours B) 5 hours C) 6.5 hours D) 7.2 hours Ans: D 12. Pipe a can fill a tank in 5 hours, pipe B in 10 hours and pipe C in 30 hours. If all the pipes are open, in how many hours will the tank completely? A) 6 min. to empty B) 6 min to fill C) 9 min. to empty D) 9 min. to fill Ans: C 13. A thief steals a car at 2.30 p.m and drives it at 60 kmph. The theft is discovered at 3 p.m and the owner sets off in another car at 75 kmph. When will be overtake the thief. A) 4.30 p.m B) 4.45 p.m C) 5 p.m D) 5.15 p.m Ans: E 14. Two trains starting at the same time from two stations 200 km apart, and going in opposite directions cross each other at a distance of 110 km from one of the stations. What is the ratio of their speeds? A) 9: 20 B) 11: 9 C) 11: 20 D) None of these Ans: B 15. Two trains each 100 m long, moving in opposite directions, cross each other in 8 seconds. If one is moving twice as fast the other, then the speed of the faster train is A) 30 km /hr B) 45 km / hr C) 60 km/hr D) 75 km/hr Ans: C Section 3: Technical, 20 questions Predict the output or error(s) for the following:

1. main() { char string[]=Hello World; display (string); } void display (char *string) { printf(%s,string); } Ans: Compiler Error: Type mismatch in redeclaration of function display 2. What are the values printed by the following program? #define dprint(expr) printf(#expr =%d\n,expr) main() { int x=7; int y=3; dprintf(x/y); } a) #2 = 2 b) expr=2 c) x/y=2 d) none Ans: c 3) Parameterization generally involves a. Data table b. Random number c. Environment d. Both A & B e. Both A, B & C

Ans: e 4) The file which is used for recovering from the run time errors known as A. QRS B. TSR C. PNG D. DAT Ans: A 5) Among the following recording modes, which method uses both the objects and mouse coordinates a. Normal b. Low level c. Analog d. All of the above Ans: b 6) Where do you set the action iterations for a specified action? a. Action Settings b. Action Properties c. Action Run Properties d. Action Call Properties Ans: d 6) Where do you mark an action as reusable? a. Action Settings b. Action Properties c. Action Run Properties d. Action Call Properties Ans: b 7) After running a test that contains both input and output parameters, where can the results of an output parameter be found? a. Local Data Sheet b. Global Data Sheet

c. Run-time Data Table d. Design-time Data Table Ans: c If you have a Virtual Object Collection stored on your machine, and you dont want to use it what you must do? a. Disable Virtual Objects in Test Settings b. Remove the Collection from your machine c. Disable Virtual Objects in General Options d. Remove the Collections from the Resources list Ans: c 9. For a 25MHz processor, what is the time taken by the instruction which needs 3 clock cycles, (a) 120 nano secs (b) 120 micro secs (c) 75 nano secs (d) 75 micro secs Ans: a 10. For 1 MB memory, the number of address lines required, (a) 11 (b) 16 (c) 20(d) 24 Ans. (c) 11. Semaphore is used for (a) synchronization (b) dead-lock avoidance (c) box (d) none Ans. (a) 12. OLE is used in a) Inter connection in UNIX b) Interconnection in WINDOWS c) Interconnection in WINDOWS NT

d)None Ans: c 13. Preprocessor does not do which one of the following (a) macro (b) conditional compliclation (c) in type checking (d) including load file Ans. (c) 14. Piggy backing is a technique for a) Flow control b) Sequence c) Acknowledgement d) retransmission Ans. (c) 15. In signed magnitude notation what is the minimum value that can be represented with 8 bits (a) -128 (b) -255 (c) -127 (d) 0 Ans: a 17. When an array is passed as parameter to a function, which of the following statement is correct a) The function can change values in the original array b) In C parameters are passed by value. The function cannot change the original value in the array c) It results in compilation error when the function tries to access the elements in the array d) Results in a run time error when the function tries to access the elements in the array Ans: a 18. The type of the controlling statement of a switch statement cannot be of the type a) int b) char c) short d) float e) none Ans: d 19. What is the value of the statement (3^6) + (a^a)? a) 3 b) 5 c) 6 d) a+18 e) None Ans: b 20. Consider the following program: # include class x { public: int a; x(); };

x::x() { a=10; cout< class b:public x { public: b(); }; b::b() { a=20; cout< main () { b temp; } 21. What will be the output of this program? a) 10 b) 20 c) 2010 d) 1020 Ans: b Predict the output or error(s) for the following: 1. main() { char string[]="Hello World"; display (string); } void display (char *string) { printf("%s",string); } Ans: Compiler Error : Type mismatch in redeclaration of function display

2. What are the values printed by the following program? #define dprint(expr) printf(#expr "=%d\n",expr) main() { int x=7; int y=3;

dprintf(x/y); } a) #2 = 2 Ans: c 2) Parameterization generally involves a. b. c. d. e. Data table Random number Environment Both A & B Both A, B & C b) expr=2 c) x/y=2 d) none

Ans: e

3) The file which is used for recovering from the run time errors known as

A. QRS B. C. D. Ans: A 4) Among the following recording modes, which method uses both the objects and mouse coordinates a. b. Normal Low level TSR PNG DAT

c. d.

Analog All of the above

Ans: b 5) Where do you set the action iterations for a specified action?

a. b. c. d.

Action Settings Action Properties Action Run Properties Action Call Properties

Ans: d

6) Where do you mark an action as reusable?

a. b. c. d. Ans: b

Action Settings Action Properties Action Run Properties Action Call Properties

7) After running a test that contains both input and output parameters, where can the results of an output parameter be found?

a. b. c.

Local Data Sheet Global Data Sheet Run-time Data Table


Design-time Data Table

Ans: c

8) If you have a Virtual Object Collection stored on your machine, and you dont want to use it what you must do?

a. b. c. d. Ans: c

Disable Virtual Objects in Test Settings Remove the Collection from your machine Disable Virtual Objects in General Options Remove the Collections from the Resources list

9. For a 25MHz processor , what is the time taken by the instruction which needs 3 clock cycles, (a)120 nano secs (b)120 micro secs (c)75 nano secs (d)75 micro secs Ans: a 10. For 1 MB memory, the number of address lines required, ( a)11 (b)16 (c)20(d) 24 Ans. (c) 11. Semaphore is used for (a) synchronization (b) dead-lock avoidance (c) box (d) none Ans. (a) 12. OLE is used in a) inter connection in unix b) interconnection in WINDOWS c) interconnection in WINDOWS NT d) None Ans. c

13. Preprocessor does not do which one of the following (a) macro (b) conditional compliclation (c) in type checking (d) including load file Ans. (c) 14. Piggy backing is a technique for a) Flow control b) Sequence Ans. (c) 15. In signed magnitude notation what is the minimum value that can be represented with 8 bits (a) -128 Ans: a (b) -255 (c) -127 (d) 0

c) Acknowledgement

d) retransmission

17. When an array is passed as parameter to a function, which of the following statement is correct a) The function can change values in the original array b) In C parameters are passed by value. The function cannot change the original value in the array c) It results in compilation error when the function tries to access the elements in the array d) Results in a run time error when the function tries to access the elements in the array Ans: a 18. The type of the controlling statement of a switch statement cannot be of the type a) int b) char c) short d)float e) none Ans : d 19. What is the value of the statement (3^6) + (a^a)? a) 3 Ans : b 20. consider the following program: # include class x { public: int a; x(); b) 5 c) 6 d) a+18 e) None

}; x::x() { a=10; cout< class b:public x { public: b(); }; b::b() { a=20; cout< main () { b temp; } what will be the output of this program? a) 10 Ans: b b) 20 c) 2010 d) 1020

1. What sorting algos have their best and worst case times equal ? Ans. O(nlogn) for mergesort and heap sort 2. What page replacement algorithm has minimum number of page faults ? Ans. Optimality algorithm 3. What is the use of virtual base class in c++ Ans. Multiple lines between derived classes. 4. Assignment operator targets to _____ Ans. l-value 5. A byte addressable computer has memory capacity of 2 power m Kbytes and can perform 2 power n operations an instruction involving three operands and one operator needs maximum of___________ bits Ans. 3m + n 6. In round robin scheduling, if time quantum is too large then it degenerates to Ans. FCFS 7. What data structures you should use for dictionary searching and it should be capable of doing spell check also ? Ans: Hashing

8. What is the value of 121 base 4 + 84 base 16 ? Ans : 2130 9. When the fn. is called where the return address is stored? Ans. stack 10. C program code int zap (int n) { if (n<=1)then zap=1; else zap=zap(n-3)+zap(n-1); } then the call zap(6) gives the values of zap [a] 8 [b] 9 [c] 6 [d] 12 [e] 15 Ans: b 11. Virtual memory size depends on [a] address lines [c] disc space Ans : a 12. Critical section is Ans: statements which are accessing shared resources 13. In which layer ROUTING is performed ? Ans. Network Layer 14. What is the output of the following code snippet main() [b] data bus [d] a & c [e] none

{ printf(5+Fascimile); } Ans. mile 15. Which one has no L-Value A a[i] Ans . C 16. Which is true for binary search ? B. Greedy algorithm D. none of these B. i C. 2 D. *(a+i)

A Traversal scheme C. Divide and conquer algorithm Ans. C

17. What is the protocol used for getting the physical address by supplying IP address of a node ? A. ARP Ans. A 18. Which is not an OS? a) c) Win 3.1 Win 98 b) d) Win 95 Win 2000 B. RARP C. BOOTP D. DHCP

Ans. a 19. Tcp/ip is a) connectionless Ans: b 20. A sorting algorithm which can prove to be a best time algorithm in one case and a worst time algorithm in worst case is b) connection oriented c) both a & b d) none

(a) Quick Sort Ans. (a)

(b) Heap Sort

(c) Merge Sort

(d) Insert Sort

1. If the time quantum is too large, Round Robin scheduling degenerates to (a) Shortest Job First Scheduling (b) Multilevel Queue Scheduling (c) FCFS (d) None of the above Ans. (c) 2. Transponders are used for which of the following purposes (a) Uplinking (b) Downlinking (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of the above Ans. (c) 3. The format specifier "-%d" is used for which purpose in C (a) Left justifying a string (b) Right justifying a string (c) Removing a string from the console (d) Used for the scope specification of a char[] variable Ans. (a) 4. A sorting algorithm which can prove to be a best time algorithm in one case and a worst time algorithm in worst case is (a) Quick Sort (b) Heap Sort (c) Merge Sort (d) Insert Sort Ans. (a) 5. What details should never be found in the top level of a top-down design? (a) Details (b) Coding (c) Decisions (d) None of the above

Ans. (c) 6. In an absolute loading scheme, which loader function is accomplished by assembler (a) Reallocation (b) Allocation (c) Linking (d) Both (a) and (b) Ans. (d) 7. Banker's algorithm for resource allocation deals with (a) Deadlock prevention (b) Deadlock avoidance (c) Deadlock recovery (d) None of these Ans. (b) 8. Thrashing can be avoided if (a) The pages, belonging to the working set of the programs, are in main memory (b) The speed of CPU is increased (c) The speed of I/O processor are increased (d) All of the above Ans. (a) 9. Which of the following communications lines is best suited to interactive processing applications? (a) Narrowband channels (b) Simplex channels (c) Full-duplex channels (d) Mixed band channels Ans. (b) 10. A feasibility document should contain all of the following except (a) Project name (b) Problem descriptions (c) Feasible alternative (d) Data flow diagrams

Ans. (d) 11. What is the main function of a data link content monitor? (a) To detect problems in protocols (b) To determine the type of transmission used in a data link (c) To determine the type of switching used in a data link (d) To determine the flow of data Ans. (a) 12. Which of the following is a broadband communications channel? (a) Coaxial cable (b) Fiber optic cable (c) Microwave circuits (d) All of the above Ans. (d) 13. Which of the following memories has the shortest access time? (a) Cache memory (b) Magnetic bubble memory (c) Magnetic core memory (d) RAM Ans. (a) 14. A shift register can be used for (a) Parallel to serial conversion (b) Serial to parallel conversion (c) Digital delay line (d) All the above Ans. (d) 15. In which of the following page replacement policies, Balady's anomaly occurs? (a) FIFO (b) LRU (c) LFU (d) NRU Ans. (a)

16. Subschema can be used to (a) Create very different, personalised views of the same data (b) Present information in different formats (c) Hide sensitive information by omitting fields from the sub-schema's description (d) All of the above Ans. (d) 17. A 12 address lines maps to the memory of a. 1k bytes Ans: b 18. In a processor these are 120 instructions . Bits needed to implement [a] 6 [b] 7 [c] 10 [d] none Ans: b 19. In a compiler there is 36 bit for a word and to store a character 8bits are needed. IN this to store a character two words are appended .Then for storing a K characters string, How many words are needed. [a] 2k/9 Ans: a 20. Virtual memory size depends on [a] address lines [c] disc space Ans : a [b] data bus [d] a & c [e] none [b] (2k+8)/9 [c] (k+8)/9 [d] 2*(k+8)/9 [e] none this instructions b. 0.5k bytes c. 2k bytes d. none

Ist Round (There is Sectional Cut off, no negative marking) 1. Verbal (20Q) 2. Analytical (20Q) 3. Technical (10Q from c, c++)

1. Verbal 1. Parties before continuing, again in two parties along separate northern and southern routes. Throughout the entire trip, the composition of traveling parties must be in accord with the following conditions P and R are deadly enemies and, although they may meet briefly, can never travel together. (this type 2 Questions) P must travel in the same party with S Q can't travel by the southern route U can't change routes 2 If one of the two parties of knights consists of P and U and two other knights and travels by the southern route, the other members of this party besides P and U must be a) Q and S b) Q and T c) R and S d) R and T e) S and T Ans. (e) 2. Six people A, B, C, D, E and F sit around a table for dinner. Since A does not like C, he doesn't sit either opposite or beside C.B and F always like to sit opposite each other. If A is beside F then who is are the two neighbours of B? (a) D and C (b) E and C (c) D and E (d) Either (a) or (b) Ans. (c) 3. If D is adjacent to F then who is adjacent to C? (a) E and B (b) D and A (c) D and B (d) either (a) or (c) Ans. (d) 2. Coding and decoding (2Questions)

3. If some number is divided by something then what is original number I remember this much only

2. Analytical 1. Kangaroo: Australia A) Whale: River Ans: C 2. Coronation: Reign A) Vaccination: Immunity B) Sculptor: Statue Ans: D 3. Some quote is given you are asked to find out correct meaning of it Ex: what do you mean by this sentence? Turn over a new leaf 4. Jumbled paragraphs 5. Paragraph are given find the answer 3. Technical( 10Questions) 1. prepare pointers, syntax in C ,C++ language well 2. How to use new I.e. int *p=new *int[]; C) Degree: Graduate D) Summer: Rain B) Elephant: Russia C) Penguin: Antarctica D) India: Peacock

I Got experience in Wipro Test at Ramakrishna Engineering college, Trichy, On 05/02/2011

1)APTITUDE TEST: Questions = 50 ; time limit = 50 minutes. no negative marking. Offline (paper & pen) test

There was individual cut off for all the sections Section1- English, 15 questions Directions 1-5 : Pick out the most effective word from the given words to fill in the blank to make the sentence meaningfully complete 1. While facts are ________ and data hard to come by, even scientists occasionally throw side the professional pretense of ______ and tear into each other with shameless appeals to authority and arguments that shameless appeals to authority and arguments that are unabashedly ad hominid. a. elusive...objectivity b. establish...courtesy c. demonstrate .. neutrality d. ineluctable...cooperation ANS: (A) 2. While the disease is in ______ state it is almost impossible to determine its existence by_____ . a. a dormant ..postulate b. a critical...examination c. an acute ...analysis d. a latent...observation ANS: (d) 3. The storehouse was infested.........................rats. A) by B) of C) with Ans: C 4. Please distribute these sweets........................the children A) in Ans: D 5. This custom seems to have originated .....................and East European country A) in Ans: A B) from C) by D) with B) between C) amid D) among D) in

Directions 6-10: The following questions, consist of two words each that have a certain relationship to each other, followed by four lettered pairs of words. Select the lettered pair that has the same relationship as the original pair of words. 6. OFFHAND : PREMEDITATION : : a. upright : integrity direction ANS: (b) b. aboveboard : guile c. cutthroat : competition d. backward :

7. POLTERGEIST : APPARATION:: a. dwarf : stature ANS: (c) b. witch : familiar c. ogre : monster d. sorcerer : spell

8.AVER : AFFIRMATION : : a. proclaim: objection ANS. (d) 9. Duralumin : Aircraft A) Brass : Alloy Ans: D 10. Cool : Frigid A) Livid :Lurid Ans : C Direction 11-13 : In each of the following questions, find out which part of the sentence has an error. if there is no mistake the answer is 'no error' 11. If I was you / I would have / terminated his services then and there / No error A Ans : A 12. as soon as I will reach Bombay / I will send / you the books / you have asked for / No error A Ans: A B C D E B C D B) Pool : Placid C) Tepid : Torried D) Lack : Abundant B) Stone : Sculptor C) Iron : Steel D) Bronze : Statue b. denounce : defiance c. refuse : distress d. demur : protest

13. Our conception of / what should a science of mental life be / has changed considerably since James' time / No error A B C D Ans : B Directions 14-15 : In each of the following questions, a sentence has been given in Active (or passive) voice. Out of the four alternatives suggested select the one which best express the same sentence in Passive (or Active) Voice. 14. Do you imitate others ? A) Are others imitated by you ? B) Are others being imitated by you ? C) Were others being imitated by you ? D) Have others been imitated by you ? Ans : A 15. I saw him conducting the rehearsal. A) He was seen conducting the rehearsal B) I saw the rehearsal to be conducted by him C) He was seen by me to conduct the rehearsal D) I saw the rehearsal being conducted by him Ans : D Section2-apptitude 15 questions The questions 1-2 are based on the following data 6 people A,B,C,D,E and F sit around a table for dinner. Since A does not like C, he doesn't sit either opposite or beside C.B and F always like to sit opposite each other. 1. If A is beside F then who is are the two neighbours of B?

(a) D and C (b) E and C (c) D and E (d) Either (a) or (b) Ans. (c) 2. If D is adjacent to F then who is adjacent to C? (a) E and B (b) D and A (c) D and B (d) either (a) or (c) Ans.(d) 3. Complete the sequence A, E ,I ,M ,Q ,U , _ , _ (a) B, F (b) Y, C (c) G, I (d) K, O Ans.(b) 4. If the letters of the word "rachit" are arranged in all possible ways and these words are written out as in a dictionary, what is the rank of the word "rachit". (a) 485 (b) 480 (c) 478 (d) 481 Ans. (d) 5. Ravi's salary was reduced by 25%.Percentage increase to be effected to bring the salary to the original level is (a) 20% (b) 25% (c) 33 1/3% (d) 30% Ans. (c)

6. A and B can finish a piece of work in 20 days .B and C in 30 days and C and A in 40 days. In how many days will A alone finish the job (a) 48 (b) 34 2/7 (c) 44 (d) 45 Ans. (a) 7. How long will a train 100m long travelling at 72kmph take to overtake another train 200m long travelling at 54kmph ? (a) 70sec (b) 1min (c) 1 min 15 sec (d) 55 sec Ans. (b) 8. What is the product of the irrational roots of the equation (2x-1)(2x-3)(2x-5)(2x-7)=9? (a) 3/2 (b) 4 (c) 3 (d) 3/4 Ans. (a)

9. The total population of a village is 5000. The number of males and females increases by 10% and 15% respectively and consequently the population of the village becomes 5600. what was the number of males in the village ? A) 2000 B) 2500 C) 3000 Ans : C 10. Fresh fruit contains 68% water and dry fruit contains 20% water. How much dry fruit can be obtained from 100 kg of fresh fruits ? A) 32 kg B) 40 kg C) 52 kg D) 80 kg D) 4000

Ans : B 11. If "segment" is coded as rffndou, then "ritual" is coded as (a) shutbm (b) qjutbk (c) qhutbk (d) qhubtk Ans. (c) 12. If "football" is "cricket" ,"cricket" is "basketball" ,"basketball" is "volleyball","volleyball" is "khokho" and "khokho" is cricket, which is not a ball game? (a) cricket (b) football (c) khokho (d) basketball Ans. (a) 13. Which of the following is a recursive set of production (a) S --> a|A, A --> S (b) S --> a|A, A --> b (c) S -->aA, A-->S (d) None of these Ans. (c) 14. A sum 's' is divided into 4 parts. second person gets Rs 10 more than first.3rd person is Rs 10 more than second, 4th is 10 more than 3rd.how much amount do 1st person get. Ans: (s-60)/4 15. One ship goes along the stream direction 28 km and in opposite each direction. What is the velocity of stream? Ans: 1.5 kmph Section3-technical ,20 questions 1. What sorting algos have their best and worst case times equal ? direction 13 km in 5 hrs for

Ans. O(nlogn) for mergesort and heap sort 2. What page replacement algorithm has minimum number of page faults ? Ans. Optimality algorithm 3. What is the use of virtual base class in c++ Ans. Multiple lines between derived classes. 4. Assignment operator targets to _____ Ans. l-value 5. A byte addressable computer has memory capacity of 2 power m Kbytes and can perform 2 power n operations an instruction involving three operands and one operator needs maximum of___________ bits Ans. 3m + n 6. In round robin scheduling, if time quantum is too large then it degenerates to Ans. FCFS 7. What data structures you should use for dictionary searching and it should be capable of doing spell check also ? Ans: Hashing 8. What is the value of 121 base 4 + 84 base 16 ? Ans : 2130 9. When the fn. is called where the return address is stored? Ans. stack 10. C program code int zap (int n) { if (n<=1)then zap=1; else zap=zap(n-3)+zap(n-1);

} then the call zap(6) gives the values of zap [a] 8 [b] 9 [c] 6 [d] 12 [e] 15 Ans: b 11. Virtual memory size depends on [a] address lines [c] disc space Ans : a 12. Critical section is Ans: statements which are accessing shared resources 13. In which layer ROUTING is performed ? Ans. Network Layer 14. What is the output of the following code snippet main() { printf(5+Fascimile); } Ans. mile 15. Which one has no L-Value A a[i] Ans . C 16. Which is true for binary search ? B. Greedy algorithm B. i C. 2 D. *(a+i) [b] data bus [d] a & c [e] none

A Traversal scheme

C. Divide and conquer algorithm Ans. C

D. none of these

17. What is the protocol used for getting the physical address by supplying IP address of a node ? A. ARP Ans. A 18. Which is not an OS? a) c) Win 3.1 Win 98 b) d) Win 95 Win 2000 B. RARP C. BOOTP D. DHCP

Ans. a 19. Tcp/ip is a) connectionless Ans: b 20. A sorting algorithm which can prove to be a best time algorithm in one case and a worst time algorithm in worst case is (a) Quick Sort Ans. (a) (b) Heap Sort (c) Merge Sort (d) Insert Sort b) connection oriented c) both a & b d) none

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