When Paul Popenoe
When Paul Popenoe
When Paul Popenoe
the decline of the Eugenics Movement in the United States and around the world, he said without hesitation that it was undoubtedly Hitlerism. (letter of February 20, 1962 to Donald K. Pickens, in Pickens 1968: 99) In fact, if you mention eugenics today, the first thought most people have is Hitler. Hitler, however, was neither the first- nor will he be the last- person to seek to create a Master Race. Just what inspired Hitler? While revisionists- often who claim to be historians- and antiChristian detractors like to attempt to make a Hitler-Catholic connection; and while some anti-Jewish people try to make a Hitler-Jewish connection; the fact is that Hitlers inspiration was grounded, at least spiritually speaking, in the occult. Several writers and philosophers inspired Hitler, from Helena Blavatsky, to Dietrich Eckart, founder of the Thule Society, of which Hitler was a member. Alongside the spiritualities which influenced Hitler were social ideologies and psuedoscience. The concept of creating a Master Race couldnt be realized unless two things took place. These would involve implementing both positive and negative Eugenics. For those unfamiliar with the term, eugenics is the field of science which deals with breeding a better species. In the case of positive eugenics, this means mating two animals with superior characteristics so as to limit potential imperfections in their offspring. In the case of negative eugenics, it means preventing those animals with inferior characteristics from mating either with one another or with superior animals. Sir Francis Galton, cousin to Charles Darwin and an amateur scientist himself, is credited as being the father of the modern eugenics movement. In fact, he coined the term eugenics. In his 1869 book, HEREDITY GENIUS, Galton followed the lives of six successful men and in doing so, promoted the notion that these men would have better offspring due to their superior stock. If this were true, he concluded- and he believed it was- then the opposite must likewise be true: discourage the breeding of inferior people and thus clear up the societal ills. For the next few years there was an active campaign, both in America and Europe, to encourage positive eugenics. However, it would be America from which Hitler would get most of his ideas. And most of those ideas would revolve around negative eugenics rather than positive eugenics. Hitlers eugenics movement practically copied the American one. It began with targeting those who were weakest or had the least resources at their disposal. In the case of early Nazi Germany, this meant people with disabilities. Hitler wasnt terribly concerned with whether or not these people were Jewish. If they had a disability which was believed to be inherited (and back then, most conditions were considered inherited), then the person was a candidate for the sterilization program. In fact, it was through the early Rockefeller Foundation, a supporter of American
eugenics, that Josef Mengele received his funding for the first German eugenics program prior to his work in Auschwitz. The German sterilization program was touted by THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH in its March 1934 issue remarking that Germany expected to sterilize some 400,000 of its disabled and diseased citizenry in a short period of time. Both adults and children were required to be sterilized. A small review board consisting of three doctors were given the information on literally thousands of people. This information could come from a wide range of sources, including family members, midwives, teachers, ministers, even family physicians, all of whom (with the exception of family members) were required by law to report offspring with defects. This review board would then look at the paperwork and decide if the person was to be sterilized. This was not done by a physical exam. The physicians on the board never met the people slated for sterilization. Courtesy of IBM corporation, punch cards were used to track those who were to be sterilized. At a specified time, the person would be brought in (or forced in) for sterilization. There was a chance to appeal, however, the review board of physicians seldom reversed a decision. Ironically, there were those persons who willingly went in for sterilization. Parents with children who had birth defects, or those with parents or siblings with birth defects, would sometimes volunteer to help achieve the national goal of a master race by volunteering for sterilization. Too bad they didnt see what was coming next. Sterilization proved to be ineffective in terms of curbing the populations of those deemed inferior. It was expensive (for the times) as most were treated either with radiation, tubaligation, or vasectomy. For a struggling economy- such as Germany had at the timethis was not a satisfactory and swift enough solution. Instead, it would be easier to rid German society of these people in another manner: forced euthanasia. Hitler didnt just pull the idea of euthanizing the disabled out of his hat. His inspiration for this came from the writings of two men: Alfred Hoche- a noted psychiatrist; and Karl Binding, a criminal law scholar. Binding and Hoche argued that there was economic benefit to ridding society of those who sapped up its resources. Of special target were those deemed idiots or what we refer to today as the mentally challenged. Hitler was familiar with the work of Hoche and Binding, and had stated as far back as 1935 that, in the event of war, he would implement euthanasia. Operation T-4- or Tiergartenstrauss- was never a formalized program. Instead, it was handled informally and quite under the radar. Again, people of all ages, races, religions and nationalities living within Germany were targeted. There were essentially two
approaches, one for acquiring access to the children and the other for handling the adults. In the case of children, pediatricians, teachers and midwives were again pressed to turn in names of children with, or suspected to have, a defect. Parents were told that their children were to be turned over to the state for rearing in special facilities which would help the child learn life skills and where the child- if the incapacity involved chronic illness- would receive helpful, around the clock medical care. Some parents refused to take their children to the facilities. Those parents were told that refusal would result in a lack of visitation privileges. What parents didnt realize is that, in most cases- especially that of infants- the day they took their child in would be the last visit. Newborns and young infants were put to death either by injection or oral poison shortly after arrival. Parents would be dolled out fake death certificates, attributing the death to some associated condition. In the case of older children, so as to avoid arousing suspicion, doctors and nurses would slowly administer doses of phenobarbitol to the children which, over a period of time, and with the help of food deprivation, would result in the child acquiring pneumonia and eventually dieing. This approach, however, would become too lengthy and expensive. Eventually starvation would become the method of choice. As for adults, most adults with disabilities were usually in a facility of some sort or another. It was common practice back then to place ones disabled family memberparticularly those with severe retardation, epilepsy, cerebral palsy, or mental illness- into institutional care. Family members would be informed that their loved one was being moved to a newer, better facility where they would be given better care. These notices, however, came after the move had occurred. Former psychiatric facilities, a former prison, and even an old castle, were where these unfortunates were sent. Hartheim, Sonnenstein, Grafeneck, Bernburg, Hadamar, and Brandenburg were actually killing centers. Carbon monoxide killings first took place in the old Brandenburg prison in 1939. Gas chambers- disguised as showers- were used to trick the infirmed into cooperating with the least amount of resistance. After a person was killed- again to cover up their heinous activity- officials would send a death notice to the families, usually attributing the death to contagious disease so that the need for cremation of the body wouldnt be seen with suspicion. This notice also included a bill for services rendered while the loved one was being cared for in the new, improved facility. Even though that care only lasted long enough for the person to disrobe, be measured and photographed (for allegedly scientific reasons) and killed. Someone may wonder: why did Hitler move from the disabled to the Jews? This is where the spiritual meets with psuedo-science.
Hitlers indoctrination into the Thule Society is well documented. In fact, on his deathbed, Deitrich Eckart said: "Follow Hitler. He will dance, but it is I who have called the tune! I have initiated him into the 'Secret Doctrine;' opened his centres in vision and given him the means to communicate with the Powers. Do not mourn for me: I shall have influenced history more than any German." For Hitler, having heard the anti-Jewish rhetoric from both a spiritual as well as a psuedoscientific angle. The flaw of eugenics is that genetics isnt quite as simple as its proponents had people believing. Eugenics didnt take into consideration random birth defects or rare defects (such as San Fillipo, Tourettes and other syndromes). What pseudo-science didnt cover, the pseudo-spirituality of the Thule Society and Hitlers Reich church would. Today we see an offshoot of Hitlerism in Iran. It shouldnt be too surprising that Ahmedinajad, president of Iran, is drawn to an Aryan philosophy which specifically attacks Jews. The term ARYAN as used by Hitler reflects Hitlers own view as posited by people like Helena Blavatsky. The word ARYAN has more than Germanic origin. Its origin goes back to Persia. According to the Encyclopedia Iranica, the word IRAN is a cognate of ARYAN and means land of the Aryans. Today there is a concerted effort to rewrite history in such a way as to deny that Jews were the victims of a holocaust, or at least, to minimize the severity of the holocaust. Blaming The Zionists- codeword for Jews- people like David Duke deny certain aspects of the holocaust, including the use of gas chambers. Groups like Aryan Nations are now where the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem was back in WWII. Leading the international community in anti-Jewish; anti-holocaust efforts is no longer the domain of the Germanic groups. Rather, it falls to people like Ahmedinijad. The seconds are Aryan Nations and the like. From the Aryan Nations website we read this on their message board for Muslims: I think we can all agree that no one is more dangerous than the jew. Either they convert from Judaism to something else or they should recieve DEATH! http://www.aryan-nations.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2025 Welcome to the new final solution. Welcome to the new Reich. Welcome to Terrorism 101. To quote Heinrich Himmler: The best political weapon is the weapon of terror. Cruelty commands respect. Men may hate us. But, we don't ask for their love; only for their fear.