Music 10 q2 ML1 L5

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Quarter 2 – Module 1:
Afro-Latin American and Popular Music

Laboratory High School


1 African Music

What I Need to Know

In this lesson, you are expected to:

Describe the historical and cultural background of Afro-Latin American and popular music:

What I Know
Read the Statement Carefully!

Select your best answer in the box below and write the letter in your activity
notebook. (2pts. Each)

A. Music of Africa F. Kwassa-kwassa

B. African traditional music G. Reggae
C. Apala H. Marabi
D. Salsa I. Axe
E. Soca J. Jit
K. Zouk

1. It is a rich and diverse cultural heritage that exists in hundreds of different languages.

2. It is described as the fusion of West African and Black American music.

3. It is used to wake up the worshipper after fasting during the Muslim holy feast of Ramadan.

4. It is a popular musical genre from Salvador, Bahia, and Brazil.

5. It is a hard and fast percussive Zimbabwean dance music played on drums with guitar

6. This dance style began in Zaire in the late 1980s and was popularized by Kanda Bongo Man.

7. This refers to the South African three-chord township music of the 1930s-1960s which evolved
into African jazz.

8. It is a Jaimacan musical style that was strongly influenced by the island’s traditional mento music.

9. It comprises various musical genres including the Cuban son montuno, guaracha, chachacha,
mambo, and bolero.

10. It is known as the “Soul of Calypso”.

What is African music?

African music has rich and diverse cultural heritage that exist in hundreds of different languages.
The music in Africa always has the technique of “Call and Response” in which a person leads by singing
a phrase and followed and answered by a group of singers.

They usually perform by singing and using percussion instruments played either by hands or
with sticks, drums, and others. This type of music is also used for communication to convey news, for
teaching, for telling a story, and for religious purposes including the Maracatu.

African music is a collective result of the cultural and musical diversity of the more than 50 ethnic
divisions of the continent. The organization of this vast continent is a colonial legacy from European
rule of the different nations up to the end of the 19th century, enabling it to incorporate its music with
language, environment, political developments, immigration and cultural diversity.

Music has always been an important part of the daily life of the African people, whether for work,
religion, ceremonies, or even communication. Singing, dancing, hand clapping and the beating of
drums are essential to many African ceremonies, including those for birth, death, initiation, marriage,
and funerals. Music and dance are also important to religious expressions and political events.

However, because of the wide influence of African music on global music having permeated
contemporary American, Latin American, and European styles there has been a growing interest in its
own cultural heritage and musical sources. Particular subjects of research are its rhythmic structures
and spiritual characteristics that have led to the birth of jazz forms.

What’s In

True or False

Direction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and if it is FALSE change the underlined word. Write
your answers in your activity notebook.(2pts. Each).

1. Music has always been an important part of the daily life of the African people.

2. Latin America is comprised of different cities such as the Caribbean Islands, Mexico, and
Central and South Americas.

3. African music has rich and diverse cultural heritage that exist in hundreds of
different languages.

4.The history of London music can be traced during the European colonization
and slave trade in Africa.

5. African music is a collective result of the cultural and musical diversity of the

more than 50 ethnic divisions of the continent.

What’s New

African traditional music is largely functional in nature, used primarily in ceremonial rites, such as
birth, death, marriage, succession, worship, and spirit invocations. Others are work related or social in
nature, while many traditional societies view their music as entertainment.
African music has a basically interlocking structural. Format due mainly to its overlapping and dense
texture as well as its rhythmic complexity. Its many sources of influence have produced such varied
styles and genres as the following:

Afrobeat is a term used to describe the fusion of West African with black American music.
Apala ( Akpala )
Apala is a musical genre from Nigeria in the Yoruba tribal style, used to wake up the worshippers
after fasting during the Muslim holy feast of Ramadan. Percussion instrumentation includes the rattle
(sekere), thumb piano (agidigbo), bell (agogo), and two or three talking drums.

Axe is a popular musical genre from Salvador, Bahia, and Brazil. It fuses the Afro-Caribbean
styles of the marcha, reggae, and calypso, and is played by carnival bands


Jit is a hard and fast percussive Zimbabwean dance music played on drums with guitar
accompaniment, influenced by mbira-based guitar styles.

Jive is a popular form of South African music featuring a lively and uninhibited variation of the
jitterbug, a form of swing dance.

Juju is a popular music style from Nigeria that relies on the traditional Yoruba rhythms, where the
instruments are more Western in origin. A drum kit, keyboard, pedal steel guitar, and accordion are
used along with the traditional dun-dun (talking drum or squeeze drum).

Kwassa Kwassa

Kwassa Kwassa is a dance style begun in Zaire. In the late 1980s, it was
popularized by Kanda Bongo Man. In this dance style, the hips move back and
forth while the arms follow the hip movements.

Marabi is a South African three-chord township music of the 1930s-1960s which evolved into
African jazz.It makes use of a keyboard style that combines American jazz, ragtime, and blues with
African roots. It is characterized by simple chords in varying vamping patterns and repetitive
harmony over an extended period of time to allow the dancers more time on the dance floor.

What is It

Let us listen to the traditional music of Africa by clicking the link below.

Afro-Latin American Music (Click the Link to Listen)

Apala (Akpala)
Kwassa kwassa


What’s More

Activity 1: Multiple Choice (2pts. Each)

Direction: Choose the letter of your best answer and write it in your activity notebook.

1. It is described as the fusion of West African and Black American music.

A.Apala C.Afrobeat
B.Axe D. Jit
2. This refers to the musical genre from Nigeria in the Yoruba tribal style which is used to wake
up the worshippers.
A.Apala C.Afrobeat
B.Axe D. Jit
3. This is a popular musical genre from Salvador, Bahia, and Brazil.
A.Apala C.Afrobeat
B.Axe D. Jit
4. The popular music style from Nigeria that relies on the traditional Yoruba rhythms.
A.Juju C.Afrobeat
B.Axe D.Jit
5. This genre features a lively and uninhibited variation of the jitterbug.
A.Juju C.Afrobeat
B.Axe D. Jive
6. It makes use of a keyboard style that combines American jazz, ragtime, and blues with
African roots.
A.Juju C.Afrobeat
B.Axe D. Marabi
7. It is a dance style which began in Zaire, in the late 1980s and popularized by Kanda Bongo
A.Juju C. Kwassa Kwassa
B.Axe D.Marabi
8. It is largely functional in nature, used primarily in ceremonial rites, such as birth, death,
marriage, succession, worship, and spirit invocations.
A.African traditional music C.China traditional music
B.American traditional music D.Taiwan traditional music

9. It is a collective result of the cultural and musical diversity of the more than 50 ethnic
divisions of the continent.
A..African music C. London music
B.American music D. Israel music
10.The music in Africa always has the technique of “__________” in which a
person leads by singing a phrase and followed and answered by a group
of singers.
A.“Call and Response” C.“Call and Act”
B.“ Call and chant” D. “ Response and Call”
11. The drum kit, keyboard, pedal steel guitar, and accordion are used
along with the traditional _______ (talking drum or squeeze drum).
A.din-din C.dan-dan
B. dun-dun D.don-don
12. It is a popular form of South African music featuring a lively and uninhibited
variation of the jitterbug, a form of swing dance.
A. Samba C. Cha cha cha
B. Jive D.Rumba
13. The hard and fast percussive Zimbabwean dance music played on drums with
guitar accompaniment, influenced by mbira-based guitar styles is called_____.
A. Samba C. Cha cha cha
B. Jive D. Jit
14. Music and dance are also important to ________expression and political events.
A.humanity C. religious
B.loyalty D.humble
15. African music has_________ and diverse cultural heritage that exist in hundreds
of different languages.
A. rich C. courage
B. love D. poor

What I Have Learned

1. The history of Afro-Latin American music can be traced during the European colonization
and slave trade in Africa.
2. Latin America is comprised of different regions such as the Caribbean Islands, Mexico, and
Central and South Americas which are of diversified cultures of the European, Moors,
Mexicans, and other tribes of Africa
3. African music has a rich and diverse cultural heritage that exist in hundreds of different
languages. The music in Africa always has the technique of “Call and Response” in which a
person leads by singing a phrase and followed and answered by a group of singers.
4. African traditional music is largely functional in nature, used primarily in ceremonial rites,
such as birth, death, marriage, succession, worship, and spirit invocations. Others are work
related or social in nature, while many traditional societies view their music as entertainment.
5. Jive is a popular form of South African music featuring a lively and uninhibited variation of
the jitterbug, a form of swing dance.

What I Can Do

Activity: Music Play!

Listen to the selected Traditional music of Africa.You may click on this link.As you
listen, carefully observe, and write your answer in your activity notebook.(2pts.each)

Afro-Latin American (Click the Link to Listen)













Multiple Choice: Complete the statement below and choose the letter of your best
answer.Write it in your activity notebook. (2pts. each).

1. The history of __________ music can be traced during the European

colonization and slave trade in Africa.
A. Afro-Latin American C. Africa
B.Latin Music D.Asia
2. It is a collective result of the cultural and musical diversity of more than 50 ethnic divisions of
the continent.
A. Afro-Latin American C. African music
B.Latin Music D.Asia
3. The South African three-chord township music of the 1930s-1960s is ______.
A.Kwassa-kwassa C. Jive
B.Marabi D.Jit
4. It is the dance stylethat began in Zaire in the late 1980s.
A.Kwassa-kwassa C.Jive
B.Marabi D.Jit
5. It is the popular music in Nigeria?
A.Kwassa-kwassa C. Jive
B.Juju D.Jit
6. It is described as the fusion of West African and Black American music.
a. Apala c. Afrobeat
b. Axe d. Jit
7. The musical genre from Nigeria in the Yoruba tribal style used to wake up the worshippers.
A.Apala C. Afrobeat
B.Axe D.Jit
8. It is the popular musical genre from Salvador, Bahia, and Brazil.
A.Apala C. Afrobeat
B.Axe D.Jit
9. This refers to a popular music style from Nigeria that relies on the traditional Yoruba rhythms.
A.Apala C. Afrobeat
B.Axe D.Jit
10. They feature a lively and uninhibited variation of the jitterbug.
A.Juju C. Afrobeat
B.Axe D. Jive
11. The drum kit, keyboard, pedal steel guitar, and accordion are used
along with the traditional _______ (talking drum or squeeze drum).
A.. din-din C.dan-dan
B.dun-dun D.don-don
12. It is a popular form of South African music featuring a lively and uninhibited
variation of the jitterbug, a form of swing dance.
A. Samba C.Cha cha cha
B. Jive D. Rumba
13. The hard and fast percussive Zimbabwean dance music played on drums with guitar
accompaniment, influenced by mbira-based guitar styles is called______.
A. Samba C.Cha cha cha
B.. Jive D. Jit
14. Music and dance are also important to ________expression and political events.
A. humanity C. religious
B. loyalty D.humble
15. African music has_________ and diverse cultural heritage that exist in hundreds of different
A. rich C. courage
B. love D. poor

Additional Activity

Activity 3: Differentiate the following. (5pts. each)

Write your answers in your activity notebook.

1. Kwassa-kwassa and Marabi

2. Juju and Jive

Influences of Africa to Latin
2 American music

What I Need to Know

Latin America music influenced by African music

The rhythm and styles of Latin-American music are influenced by the United States and other
countries in Europe like Spain and Portugal. Latin music is the combination of four musical elements.
Its musical styles are tango, bossanova, merengue, salsa, and other genres such as reggae, jazz, rock,
and latin pop.

What I Know

It should come as no surprise that Latin music has become so popular over the decades and
even more so in recent years. The musical style appeals to people of all ages and backgrounds
because of its rhythmic beats and catchy upbeat vibe.

The music of Latin America refers to music originating from Latin America, namely the Romance-
speaking countries and territories of the Americas and the Caribbean South of the United States.

Latin America music also incorporates African music from slaves who were transported to the
Americas by European settlers as well as music from the indigenous peoples of the America.

What’s In

Reggae is a Jamaican musical styles that was strongly influenced by the island’s
traditional mento music, as well as by calypso, African music, American jazz, and
rhythm and blues. One of reggae’s most distinctive qualities is its offbeat rhythm and staccato

Salsa music is Cuban, Puerto Rican,and Colombian dance music. It comprises various
musical genres including the Cuban son montuno, guaracha, chachacha, mambo, and bolero.

Samba is a Brazilian musical genre and dance style. Its roots can be traced to Africa via the
West African slave trade and African religious traditions particularly in Angola and the Congo.
Samba is the basic underlying rhythm that typifies most Brazilian music. It has a lively and
rhythmical beat with three steps to every bar, making the samba feel like a timed dance. There is
a set of dances – rather than a single dance – that define the samba dancing scene in Brazil. Thus,
no dance can be claimed with certainty as the“original” samba style.

Soca is also known as the “soul of calypso.” It originated as a fusion of calypso with Indian
rhythms, thus combining the musical traditions of the two major ethnic groups of Trinidad and
Tobago. It is a modern Trinidadian and Tobagonian pop music combining soul and calypso music.

Were is a Muslim music often performed as a wake-up call for early breakfast and players
during Ramadan celebrations. Relying on pre-arranged music, it fuses the African and European
music styles.

Zouk is fast, carnival –like rhythmic music, from the Creole slang word for “party”. It originated
in the Carribbean Islands of Guadaloupe and Martinique and was popularized in the 1980s. It has
a pulsating beat supplied by the gwo ka and tambour bele drums, a tibwa rhythmic pattern played
on the rim of the snare drums, a rhythm guitar,a horn sections, and keyboard synthesize.

What’s New

As we already learned, music from Africa and Latin America have greatly influenced the music
of the world. Afro-Latin American music is a result of the many years of evolution and influences
due to contacts, as well as colonization.
African music has been an avenue for expressing experiences in work, religion, ceremonies,
communication, and interactions of the African ethnic tribes.Some traditional African music include
the Afrobeat, Axe from Salvador, Bahia and Brazil, Jit of Zimbabwe, Kwassa kwassa from Zaire,
the Apala by the Yoruba tribe in Nigeria, and the Jive of South Africa.

It is said that Latin American music is also influenced by American music, although the latter is
the product of three (3) major influences: indigenous, Spanish-Portuguese, and African
music.Reggae, salsa and samba are examples of Latin American music. Moreover,Latin American
music adopted for dance and vocal arts include Cumbia, Tango, Cha cha cha, Rumba, Reggae,
Foxtrot, Bossa Nova and Paso Doble.

What is It

The Characteristics of Afro-Latin American Music.

1. Conversation: “Call and Response”
The performance of voice interaction as an answer to the first chant.

2. Improvisation – Non-scripted ways of singing that allow sincere conversations. It is a framework

where the artist has freedom in creating musical mood.

3. The voice as an instrument – It is the manipulation of a freely controlled piece where they can
change the tone of voice, its tempo, the creation of moods, and even changing the range and
voice power.

4. The instrument as a voice – the instrument serves as a “singer” along with the performer.

The music is identified by their rhythms, which they adapted from the elements of Moorish music
and other African and Caribbean music in the slave trade 1550 to 1880.This developed a unique
musical culture inCaribbean countries and its influences include Latin rhythms and Samba and bossa
nova in Brazil and Tango in Argentina.

What’s More

Activity: Music is everywhere!

Let us listen to the Latin America music influenced by African music by clicking the link below.
Write your observation on the different music in your activity notebook. (2pts. Each).

Afro-Latin American Music (Click the Link to Listen)







What I Have Learned

1. The rhythm and styles of Latin-American music are influenced by the United States and other
countries in Europe like Spain and Portugal. Latin music is the combination of four musical
elements; musical styles are tango, bossanova, merengue, salsa, and other genres such as
reggae, jazz, rock, and latin pop.

2. It should come as no surprise that Latin music has become so popular over the decades and
even more so in recent years. The musical style appeals to people of all ages and backgrounds
because of its rhythmic beats and catchy upbeat vibe.

3. Reggae is a Jamaican musical styles that was strongly influenced by the island’s traditional
mento music, as well as by calypso, African music, American jazz, and rhythm and blues. One
of reggae’s most distinctive qualities is its offbeat rhythm and staccato chords.

4. Salsa music is Cuban, Puerto Rican,and Colombian dance music. It comprises various musical
genres including the Cuban son montuno, guaracha, chachacha, mambo, and bolero.

The Characteristics of Afro-Latin American Music.

1. Conversation: “Call and Response”

The performance of voice interaction as an answer to the first chant.

2. Improvisation – Non-scripted ways of singing that allow sincere conversations. It is a framework

where the artist has freedom in creating musical mood.

3. The voice as an instrument – It is the manipulation of a freely controlled piece where they can
change the tone of voice, its tempo, the creation of moods, and even changing the range and
voice power.

4. The instrument as a voice – the instrument serves as a “singer” along with the performer.

What I Can Do

Activity: Sing a song!

Direction: Select one (1) Reggae song with lyrics that is easy for you to memorize.
1. Study and memorize the lyrics.
2. When you are ready, capture through a video your performance singing the song.
3. Review your video and rate your performance using the rubrics:
Scoring Scale: 5- Very Good 2- Poor
4- Good 1- Needs Follow-up
3- Fair

I was able to: Highest My Personal
Possible Score
• sing the lines correctly

• sing at pace with the music


• coordinate the song with dance


• display the proper facial

expression 5

Total 20


Read the Statement Carefully!

Multiple Choice: Choose the correct answer and write it in your activity notebook. (2pts.

1. It comprises various musical genres including the Cuban son montuno, guaracha,
chachacha, mambo, and bolero.
A.salsa C.reggae
B.samba D.were
2. It refers to the Carnaval-like rhythmic music from the Creole slang word for “party”.
A.salsa C.reggae
B.samba D.Zouk
3. It is a Muslim music often performed as wake-up call for early breakfast and prayers during
A.salsa C.reggae
B.samba D.were
4. This is a Brazilian musical genre and dance style.
A.salsa C.reggae
B.samba D.were
5. It is known as “ Soul of Calypso”.
A.salsa C.soca
B.samba D.were
6. It refers to the performance of voice interaction as an answer to the first chant.
A.melody C.rhythm
B.conversation D.were
7. It is a non-scripted way of singing that allows for sincere conversations. It is also framework
where the artist has the freedom in creating musical mood.
A.salsa C.instrument as a voice
B.samba D.Improvisation
8. It is a type of music in which the instrument serves as a “singer” along with the
A.African music C..Thailand music
B.Latin music D.China music
9.It is an avenue for expressing experiences in work, religion, ceremonies,
communication, and interactions of the African ethnic tribes.
A..African American music C.Latin America music
B.Latin music D.China music
10. It is known as a Jamaican musical styles that was strongly influenced by
the island traditional mento music.
A.salsa C.reggae
B.samba D.were

11. Latin American music adopted for dance and vocal arts include Cumbia,Tango,
Cha cha cha, Rumba, Reggae, Fostrot, Bossa Nova a___________.
A.salsa C.European
B.samba D.Paso Doble
12. Latin America music also incorporates African music from slaves who were transported to the
Americas by _________settlers as well as music from the indigenous peoples of the America.
A.salsa C.European
B.samba D.Paso Doble
13. The musical style appeals to people of all ages and backgrounds because of its
_____________and catchy upbeat vibe.
A.salsa C.European
B.rhythmic beats D.Paso Doble
14.The rhythm and styles of Latin-American music are influenced by the United
States and other countries in Europe like Spain and _________.
A.America C. European
B.Portugal D. Paso Doble
15. It is the manipulation of a freely controlled piece where they can change the tone of voice,
its tempo, the creation of moods, and even changing the range and voice power.
A.Instrument as a voice C. European
B.rhythmic beats D. Paso Doble

Additional Activity

Activity: Give at least five Latin American music influenced by African music.
Write your answers in your activity notebook. ( 2pts. Each)






Latin American Music
What I Need to Know

The music of Latin America is a product of three major influences-indigenous, Spanish-

Portuguese, and African. It is also referred to as Latin music because of the impact on the countries
colonized by Spain and Portugal, spanning the following areas:

a. Andean region (a mountain system of western South America along the coast from
Venezuela to Tierra del Fuego) – Argentina,Bolivia,Chile, Ecuador,
Peru, and Venezuela;
b. Central America – Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala,
Honduras,and Panama;
c. Carribean – Cuba, Dominican Republic, Guadeloupe, Haiti, Martinique,
Puerto Rico; and
d. Brazil.

At the same time, because of the inter-racial cross breeding and migration, the above named
countries were also somewhat commonly populated by five major ancestral groups as follows:

a. Indian descendants of the original native Americans who were the inhabitants of the region
before the arrival of Christopher Columbus;
b. African descendants from Western and Central Africa;
c. European descendants mainly from Spain and Portugal but also including the French,
Dutch, Italian, and British.
d. Asian descendants from China, Japan, India, and Indonesia/Java.
e. Mixed descendants from the above-named groups.

What I Know

Influences on Latin American Music

Indigenous Latin-American Music

Before the arrival of the Spanish, Portuguese, and other European colonizers, the natives were
found to be using local drum and percussion instruments such as the guiro (open-ended,
hollow gourd with parallel notches cut in one side), maracas (gourd or a gourd-shaped rattle filled
with seeds or pebbles and used, often in a pair, as a fhythm instrument), and turtle shells. Wind
instruments like the zampona (pan pipe) and quena (notched-end flute) were traditionally made out
of aquatic canes.

Materials for making indigenous instruments ranged from hollow tree trunks, animal skins, fruit
shells, dry seeds,cane,clay,and hardwood trees, to jaguar claws, animal and human bones, and
specially-treated inflated eyes of tigers.
The indigenous music of Latin America was largely functional in nature, being used for religious
worship and ceremonies. The use of instruments, as well as singing and dancing, served to implore
the gods for a good harvest or victory in battle, to guard against sickness and natural disasters
and of course to provide recreation.

What’s In

Afro-Latin American Music

The African influence on the Latin American music is most pronounced in its rich and varied
rhythmic patterns produced by drums and various percussion instruments. Complex layering of
rhythmic patterns was a favorite device, where fast-paced tempos add to the rhythmic density.
Vocal music was often deep-chested while instrumental music greatly relied on drums and buzzers
to produce rich sounds and occasional loud volume levels for added intensity.

Euro-Latin American Music

The different regions of Latin America adopted various characteristics from their European
colonizers. Melodies of the Renaissance period were used in Southern Chile and the Colombian
Pacific coasts, while step-wise melodies were preferred in the heavily Hispanic and Moorish -
influenced areas of Venezuela and Colombia. Alternating dual meters such as 6/8 and 4/4, known
as “sesquialtera” found in Chile and adopted in Cuba and Puerto Rico, were immortalized in
the song I Wanna be in America from Leonard Bernstein’s Broadway hit West Side Story. Other
European influences were seen in the texture of Euro-Latin American music, from unaccompanied
vocal solos to those accompanied by stringed instruments.

Mixed American Music

The diversity of races and cultures from the Native Americans, Afro-Latin Americans, and Euro-
Latin Americans account for the rich combinations of musical elements. This musical fusion,
combining native instruments with European counterparts and musical theories, was further
enriched by the instruments brought by the African slaves. The massive infusion of African culture
also led to the introduction of other music and dance forms such as the Afro-Cuban rumba, the
Jaimacan reggae, the Colombian cumbia, and the Brazilian samba.

What’s New

Popular Latin American Music

Latin America has produced a number of musical genres and forms that had been influenced by
European folk music, and native sources. Much of its popular music has in turn found its way to
America, Europe, and eventually the rest of the world. Its danceable rhythms, passionate melodies,
and exotic harmonies continue to enthrall music and dance enthusiasts worldwide. Some of these Latin
American popular music forms are the tango, bossa nova,samba,son,and salsa.

Samba a dance form of African origin which evolved into an African-Brazilian favorite in the working
class and slum districts of Rio de Janeiro. Its lively rhythm consists of a 2/4 meter that is danced as
three steps per measure, thus creating a feeling of a 3/4 meter instead. It was meant to be executed
for singing, dancing, and parading in the Rio carnival. Samba has several variations, that is why there
is no clear-cut definition of a single samba form. Its most adventurous kind is known as the batucada,
referring to a large percussion ensemble of up to a hundred players or an intensely polyrhythmic style
of drumming.

What is It

Son is a fusion of the popular music or canciones (songs) of Spain and the African rumba
rhythms of Bantu origin. Originating in Cuba, it is usually played with the tres (guitar), contrabass,
bongos maracas, and claves (two wooden sticks that are hit together). Although the son is
seldom heard today, it continues to influence present-day Latin American music, particularly as the fore
runner of the salsa.

Salsa is a social dance with marked influences from Cuba and Puerto Rico that started in New
York in the mid-1970s. Its style contains elements from the swing dance and hustle as well as the
complex Afro-Cuban and Afro-Caribbean dance forms of pachanga and gua guanco.

What’s More

Read the Statement Carefully!

Multiple Choice: Choose the correct answer and write it in your activity notebook. (2pts. each)

1.It is belong to Central America the Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras,
and_______ .
A.Carribean C.Puerto Rico
B.Panama D.Africa
2. It is belong to Carribean ,Cuba,Dominican Republic, Guadeloupe,Haiti, _________, and Puerto
A. Martinique C.Puerto Rican
B. Central America D.Africa
3.It is a mountain system of Western South America.
A.Carribean C.Puerto Rico
B. Central America D.Africa
4.This refers to the inter-racial cross breeding and migration.
A.Carribean C.Puerto Rico
B. Central America D.Africa
5.This is a social dance with marked influences from Cuba and Puerto Rico that
Cuba and Puerto Rico that started in New York in the mid-1970s.
A.rumba C.reggae
B. Salsa D.pop
6.What kind of American music account to a rich combinations of musical
A.Guiro C.Puerto Rico
B. Central America D.mixed American music
7.It is includes the different regions of Latin America adopted characteristics from their
European colonizer.
A.Carribean C.Euro American Music
B. Central America D.Africa
8.It is a fusion of the popular music or canciones (songs) of Spain and the African
rumba rhythms of Bantu origin.
A.rumba C.son
B. Salsa D.pop
9.This type of music is pronounced in its rich and varied rhythmic patterns produced by drums
and various percussion instruments.
A.Afro-Latin American Music C. Euro American Music
B. Central America Music D.American Music
10. It is a dance form of African origin which evolved into an African-Brazilian
favorite in the working class and slum districts of Rio de Janeiro.
A.rumba C.reggae
B. Salsa D.samba
11.What type of time signature used by Native Americans in their music?
A. 2/4 C.1/4
B. 4/4 D.3/4
12.These are the descendants who were mainly from Spain and Portugal but
also including the French, Dutch, Italian, and British.
A. Afro-Latin American Music C. Euro American Music
B. Central America descendant D.European descendant
13.Open-ended, hollow gourd with parallel notches cut in one side are the basic steps
A.rumba C.reggae
B.Guiro D.pop
14.It is a gourd-shaped rattle filled with seeds or pebbles.
A.violin C.guitar
B. piano D.maracas
15.It is lively rhythm consist of a __that is danced as three steps per measure.
A. 2/4 meter C.1/4 meter
B. 4/4 meter D.3/4 meter

What I Have Learned

The music of Latin America is a product of three major influences-indigenous, Spanish-

Portuguese, and African. It is also referred to as Latin music because of the impact on the countries
colonized by Spain and Portugal,spanning the following areas:

a. Andean region (a mountain system of western South America along the

Pacific coast from Venezuela to Tierra del Fuego) – Argentina, Bolivia,Chile,
Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela;

b. Central America – Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala,

Honduras,and Panama;

c. Carribean – Cuba, Dominican Republic, Guadeloupe, Haiti, Martinique, and

Puerto Rico; and


At the same time, because of the inter-racial cross breeding and migration, the above named
countries were also commonly populated by five major ancestral groups as follows:

a. Indian descendants of the original native Americans who were the inhabitants of the region
before the arrival of Christopher Columbus;
b. African descendants from Western and Central Africa;
c. European descendants mainly from Spain and Portugal but also including the French,
Dutch, Italian, and British;

d. Asian descendants from China, Japan, India, and Indonesia/Java;and
e. Mixed descendants from the above-named groups.

Afro-Latin American Music

The African influence on the Latin American music is most pronounced in its rich and varied
rhythmic patterns produced by drums and various percussion instruments. Complex layering of
rhythmic patterns was a favorite device, where fast-paced tempos add to the rhythmic density.Vocal
music was often deep-chested while instrumental music greatly relied on drums and buzzers to
produce rich sounds and occasional loud volume levels for added intensity.

Euro-Latin American Music

The different regions of Latin America adopted various characteristics from their European
colonizers. Melodies of the Renaissance period were used in Southern Chile and the Colombian
Pacific coasts, while step-wise melodies were preferred in the heavily Hispanic and Moorish-
influenced areas of Venezuela and Colombia. Alternating dual meters such as 6/8 and
4/4, known as “sesquialtera” found in Chile and adopted in Cuba and Puerto Rico, were
immortalized in the song I Wanna be in America from Leonard Bernstein’s Broadway hit West
Side Story. Other European.

What I Can Do

Activity: Sing a song!

Direction: Select one (1) song of Latin America with lyrics that is easy for you to

1. Study and memorize the lyrics.

2. When you’re ready, capture through a video your performance while
singing the song.
3.Review your video and score your performance using the rubrics:
Scoring Scale: 5- Very Good 2- Poor
4- Good 1- Needs Follow-up
3- Fair

Highest My
I was able to: Possible Personal
Score Score

• sing the lines correctly 5

• sing at pace with the music 5

• coordinate the song with dance 5

• display the proper facial 5


Total 20


Read the statement carefully!

Select your best answer in the box below and write the letter in your activity notebook.(2pts.
1. It is lively rhythm consist of a ____that is danced as three steps per measure.
A. 1/3 meter C. 3/4 meter
B. 2/4 meter D. 4/4 meter
2. It is belong to Carribean ,Cuba,Dominican Republic, Guadeloupe,Haiti, _______,
and Puerto Rico.
A. Carribean C Thailand
B. Brazil D. Central America
3. It is belong to Carribean ,Cuba,Dominican Republic, Guadeloupe,Haiti, _________,
and Puerto Rico.
A. Carribean C. Thailand
B. Brazil D. Central America
4. Open-ended, hollow gourd with parallel notches cut in one side.
A. quena C. pan pipe
B. guiro D. maracas
5. It is a gourd-shaped rattle filled with seeds or pebbles.
A. quena C.pan pipe
B. guiro D.maracas
6. It refers to the mountain system of western South America along the Pacific coast
from Venezuela to Tierra del Fuego.
A. Andean region C. East region
B. West region D. South region
7. The following are percussion instruments in Latin America except_______.
A. quena C. pan pipe
B. guiro D. guitar
8. It is a social dance with marked influences from Cuba and Puerto Rico that started in
New York in the mid-1970s.
A.salsa C. cha cha cha
B.rumba D. swing
9. It is a result of diversity of races and cultures from the Native Americans,
Afro-Latin Americans, and Euro-Latin Americans account for the rich combinations of
musical elements.
A. dual American Music C. Euro-latin American Music
B. Mixed American Music D. Afro- American Music
10. This type of music is a result from different regions of Latin America adopted various
characteristics from their European colonizer.
A. dual American Music C. Euro-Latin American Music
B. Mixed American Music D. Afro- American Music

11.It is the Fusion of the popular music or canciones (songs) of Spain and the African
rumba rhythms of Bantu origin.
A.salsa C. cha cha cha
B.son D. swing
12. This type of music is pronounced in its rich and varied rhythmic pattern produced by
drums and various percussion.
A. dual American Music C. Euro-Latin American Music
B. Mixed American Music D. Afro- American Music
13.It is a dance form of African origin which evolved into an African-Brazilian favorite in the
working class and slum districts of Rio de Janeiro
A.salsa C. cha cha cha
B.rumba D. samba
14.These are the descendants who were mainly from Spain and Portugal but also including
the French, Dutch, Italian, and British traders.
A. European C. Indian
B. American D. China
15. It refers to a large percussion ensemble up to a hundred players intensely
polyrhythmic style of drumming.
A. quena C. pan pipe
B. batucada D. guitar

Additional Activity

Activity: Enumeration
Read the question carefully! Write your answer in your activity notebook. (2pts.Each)

A. What are the three popular Latin American Music?

1._______________________________ 3._______________________________


B. Give at least five Indigenous instruments from Latin-American music.

1._______________________________ 4._______________________________

2._______________________________ 5._______________________________



Popular Music
What I Need to Know

Popular Music

Popular music literally means “music of the populace,” similar traditional folk music of the past.
As it developed in the 20th century, pop music (as it has come to be called) generally consisted of
music for entertainment of large numbers of people, whether on radio or in live performances. From
the standard songs and ballads of the legendary Cole Porter, George Gershwin, and Frank Sinatra to
the rock and roll craze of Elvis Presley and the Beatles and the present day idols in the alternative
music and disco modes, popular music is now shared by the entire world.

What’s In

True or False

Direction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and if it is FALSE change the
underlined word. Write your answer in your activity notebook. (2pts. Each)

1. Popular music literally means “music of the populace”.

2. Ballads were a hugely popular song form in the United States during the late
1940’s to the 1960’s.

3. The disco style has a soaring and reverberating sound rhythmically controlled by a
steady beat for ease of dancing.

4. The 1970s saw the rise of another form of pop music known as “budots”.

5. In music, the term “standard” is used to denote the most popular and enduring songs
from a particular genre or style

What’s New
Pop and Rock Ballads
A pop and rock ballad is an emotional love song with suggestions of folk music,
as in the Beatles’ composition “The Ballad of John and Yoko”and Billy Joel’s “The
Ballad of Billy.” This style is sometimes applied to strophic story songs, such as Don
McLean’s“American Pie.”

In music, the term “standard” is used to denote the most popular and enduring songs from a
particular genre or style, such as those by Irving Berlin,Cole Porter, and Rodgers and Hart. Its style is
mostly in a slow or moderate tempo with a relaxed mood. It also features highly singable melodies
within the range and technical capacity of the amateur singer.

Frank Sinatra,also known as “Ol’ Blue Eyes,”“Chairman of the Board,” or “the Voice.” his genre was
categorized as traditional pop and jazz. He was a successful singer, actor, producer,director, and
conductor. His hit single include My Way and Strangers hit single include My Way and Strangers.

Nat King Cole. Although an accomplished pianist, he owes most of his popular musical fame to his
soothing baritone voice,which he used to perform in big band, vocal jazz, swing traditional pop, and
jump blues genres. He was the first black American to host his own television show and maintained
worldwide popularity over 40 years past his death. He is widely considered “one of the most
important musical personalities in United States history.”His hit songs include unforgettable,
Mona Lisa, and Too Young.

Matt Monroe was an English singer who became one of the most popular
entertainers in the international music scene during the 1960s. Throughout his 30-year career, he filled
cabarets,nightclubs, music halls,and stadia around the world.Among his hit singles were Portrait of My
Love, Softly as I Leave You, the James bond theme From Russia with Love, Born Free, which became
his signature song, and Walk Away.

Other popular singers of standards were Perry Como, Bing Crosby,Andy Williams, Sammy Davis Jr.,
Doris Day, Patti Page, Barbra Streisand,and Paul Anka.


Rock and roll was a hugely popular song form in the United States during the late 1940s to the
1950s. It combined Afro-American forms such as the blues, jump blues, jazz, and gospel music with
the Western swing and country music. The lead instruments were the piano and saxophone, but these
were eventually replaced by modern instruments.
In its classic form, rock and roll employed one or two electric guitars (lead, rhythm), a string bass
or bass guitar, and a set of drums that provided the rhythmic pattern. This form came during the age of
technological change when electric guitars were supplemented by amplifiers and microphones to raise
the volume. The style derived its name from the motion of a ship on the ocean, “rock and roll.”

Among the original rock and roll greats were guitarist-composer Chuck Berry who wrote such hits
as Johnny B. Goode and Roll Over Beethoven; and piano-pounding Little Richard, who combined
the passion of gospel music with rhythm and blues.

The greatest exponent of the rock and roll style was the legendary Elvis Presley.Hishit songs
such as Heartbreak Hotel and Blue Suede Shoes were complementedby his good looks and
elaborate movements that included hugging the microphoneashe sang.Presley’s style was the
precursor of the British band known as The Beatles, whose compositions further boosted rock and
roll as the favorite genre of the times. Examples of The Beatles’ songs in this genre are I Saw Her
Standing There, Get Back, While My Guitar Gently Weeps, Rock and Roll Music, and Ticket to

What is It

The Beatles’ John Lenon and Paul McCartney as Composers/Songwriters

John Lennon (1940-1980) was an English musician, singer, performer, song writer and co-
songwriter.He was born and raised in Liverpool, England. He rose to world wide fame as a founder
member of the rock band The Beatles,which was considered as “the most commercially successful
band in the history of popular music.”Lennon formed a song writing partnership with Paul McCartney,
which is considered as “one of the most celebrated songwriting partnerships of the 20th
century.”Lennon’s hit compositions for the Beatles include Strawberry Fields Forever, Help!, In My Life,
Tomorrow Never Knows, Rain, Norwegian Road, I am the Walrus, Come Together, You’ve Got to Hide
Your Love Away, and Happiness is a Warm Gun.

Sir James Paul McCartney (born1942) is an English singer, songwriter, multi- instrumentalist, co-
writer, and composer. Paul gained worldwide popularity and fame as a member of The Beatles, which
included John Lennon,George Harrison, and Ringo Starr. Beatles was one of the most influential groups
in the history of pop music.

The song writing partnership with Lennon for the Beatles is one of the most celebrated of the 20th
century. McCartney has been “recognized as one of the most successful composers and performers of
all time, with 60 gold discs and sales of over 100 million albums and 100 million singles of his work with
the Beatles and as a solo artist”.It has been known that more than 2,200 artists have covered his
Beatles song Yesterday,which is more than any other copyrighted song in history.

McCartney was a two-time inductee into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame as a Grammy Award
winner having won both individually and with The Beatles.He has written or co-written 32 songs that
have reached number one on the Billboard Hot 100.As of 2014, McCartney had sold more than 15.5
million RIAA-certified units in the United States. He was knighted in England for his services to music.
His top hit compositions for The Beatles include Hey Jude; Fool on the Hill; I’ll Follow the Sun; I Will; I
Saw Her Standing There; All My Loving; Paperback Writer; Michelle; Eleanor Rigby; We Can Work It
Out; And I Love Her; Here, There, and Everywhere; Penny Lane; and others.


The 1970s saw the rise of another form of pop music known as “disco.” Disco music pertained to
rock music that was more danceable, thus leading to the establishment of venues for public dancing
also called discos.The term originated from the French word “discotheque” which means a library for
phonograph records.

The disco style had a soaring and reverberating sound rhythmically controlled by a steady beat for
ease of dancing and accompanied by strings, horns,electric guitars,and electric pianos or
synthesizers.Superstars of the disco genre include.The BeeGees; ABBA, Donna Summer (“The Queen
of Disco”), The Bee Gees; Earth, Wind, and Fire; KC and the Sunshine Band;The Village People; and
Gloria Gaynor, bringing us such hits as Dancing Queen, Stayin’ Alive, Boogie Wonderland, and Hot

What’s More

Activity 1: Enumeration (2pts. Each)

Directions: Enumerate two persons in each genre. Write your answer in your activity

1. Name some well-known artist from these different genres:

a. OPM
b. Folk
c. Pop
d. Jazz
e. Rock
f. Rap
g. hip hop
h. classical

What I Have Learned

Popular music literally means “music of the populace,” similar to the traditional folk music of
the past. As it developed in the 20th century, pop music (as it has come to be called) generally consisted
of music for entertainment of large numbers of people, whether on radio or in live performances. From
the standard songs and ballads of the legendary Cole Porter, George Gershwin, and Frank Sinatra to
the rock and roll craze of Elvis Presley and the Beatles and the present day idols in the alternative
music and disco modes, popular music is now shared by the entire world.

Rock and roll was a hugely popular song form in the United States during the late 1940s to the
1950s. It combined Afro-American forms such as the blues, jump blues, jazz, and gospel music with
the Western swing and country music. The lead instruments were the piano and saxophone, but these
were eventually replaced by modern instruments.

The 1970s saw the rise of another form of pop music known as “disco.” Disco music pertained to rock
music that was more danceable, thus leading to the establishment of venues for public dancing also
called discos. The term originated from the French word “discotheque” which means a library for
phonograph records.

a. The disco style had a soaring and reverberating sound rhythmically controlled by a steady
beat (usually meter) for ease of dancing, and accompanied by strings, horns, electric guitars, and
electric pianos or synthesizers.

What I Can Do

Activity : Sing a song!

Direction: Select one (1) song of the Popular music with lyrics that is easy for you
to memorize.
1.Study and memorize the lyrics.
2.When you’re ready, capture through a video your performance while singing the song.
3.Review your video and score your performance using the rubrics:
Scoring Scale: 5- Very Good 2- Poor
4- Good 1- Needs Follow-up
3- Fair

Highest My
I was able to: Possible Personal
Score Score

sing the lines correctly 5

sing at pace with the music 5
coordinate the song with dance 5
display the proper facial expression 5

Total 20


Multiple Choice: Complete the statement below and choose the letter of your
best answer and write it in your activity notebook. (2pts.each).

1.This term used in the 1940’s when the earlier term “hillbilly music” was felt to
be degrading.
A.standard road music D. country dance
2. This is a blues style built from a single verse of 16 bars ending the dominant of half-
cadence, followed by a refrain or chorus part of 16 or 32 bars in ABAA form.
A.Country and Western Music C.Western Music
B.Country Music D.Country Men
3.It is a blend of popular musical forms originally found in the Southern United

A.Standard C.Pop Standard and Jazz Ballads
B.Pop Standard and Blues Ballads D.Jazz Ballads

4.This term is used to denote the most popular and enduring songs from a
particular genre or style.
A.standard C. western
B. ballad D. free style
5.She was one of the musician who sang and wrote heartfelt lyrics accompanied by a guitar,
to protest against war, alienation, hunger injustice destruction of nature and the like.
A.Kenny Roger C. Matt Monroe
B.Nat King Cole D. Joan Baez
6.He was an English singer who became one of the most popular entertainers in the
international music scene during the 1960’s.
A.Kenny Roger C. Matt Monroe
B.Nat King Cole D. Joan Baez
7. It is an emotional love-song with suggestions of folk music and this style is sometimes
applied to strophic (repeating-verse) story-songs.
A.Folk Music C. Pop Standard and Jazz Ballads
B.Pop and Rock Ballads D. Blues Ballads
8.It refers to melodies and songs of the common people that are handed down from
one generation to the next.
A.Folk Music C. Pop Standard and Jazz Ballads
B.Pop and Rock Ballads D. Blues Ballads
9.This is a fusion of Anglo-American styles from the 19th century that often deals with anti-
heroes resisting authority.
A.Folk Music C. Pop Standard and Jazz Ballads
B.Pop and Rock Ballads D. Blues Ballads
10.He has a unique voice with a storyteller style and known as the “country crossover”,
as he also recorded ballads and rock materials.
A.Kenny Roger C. Matt Monroe
B.Nat King Cole D. Joan Baez
11.It is literally means “ Music of the Populace”
A.Popular music C. Folk music
B.Rap music D. Dance music
12.The word is derived both from the medieval French ______ and “ballade” which refers
to a dancing song.
A.Popular music C. chant
B.Rap music D. chanson ballade
13.Rock and roll was hugely popular song form in the United States during the late
A.1960s-1970s C. 1940s-1960s
B.1940s-1930s D. 1980s-1990s
14.The greatest exponent of the rock and roll style.
A. Kenny Roger C. Matt Monroe
B.Nat King Cole D. Elvis Presley
15.Presley’s style was the precursor to that of the British band known as ____.
A.Popular music C. The Beatles
B.Rap music D. chanson ballade

Additional Activity

Activity: Differentiate the following. (5pts. each) Write your answer in your
activity notebook.

A. Blues Ballads and Jazz Ballads


B.Pop Ballads and Pop Standard


Musical Instruments of Latin
5 America

What I Need to Know

Varied cultures that developed in Latin America gave rise to the different types of wind and
percussion instruments. As with the African continent, Latin America’s rich history, dating back
thousand of years to the Aztec, Maya, and other ancient cultural groups, understandably generated
diverse creative approaches in making music.

Well known Latin American percussion instruments include the conga and claves. Conga are
large hand drums which the musicians has to stand to play. Claves are short wooden stick which have
a surprisingly clear sound, even in large ensemble and play many of the central rhythms used in Latin
American music.Cow bells and timbales also feature along side other instruments in the salsa band.

What’s In

Aztec and Mayan Instruments

In Central America, the ancient civilizations of Aztec and Maya people used various instruments mainly
for religious functions and these were usually played by professional musicians. Some instruments
were considered holy and it was further believed that music was supposed to glorify the gods. Mistakes
in playing these instruments were considered offensive and insulting to them. Among these ancient
instruments are the following:

1. Tlapitzalli - is a flute variety from the Aztec culture made of clay with decorations of abstract
designs or images of their deities.

2. Teponaztli - is a Mexican slit drum hollowed out and carved from a piece of hardwood.

3. Concha - a wind instrument usually made from the shell of a large sea snail.

4. Rasp - a hand percussion instrument whose sound is produced by scraping a stick(or similar object
)that has a series of indentations or notches with another stick, creating rattling effects.

5. Huehueti -is an upright tubular drum used by the Aztecs and other ancient civilizations. It is made
of wood opened at the bottom and standing on three legs cut from the base.

What’s New

Incan Musical Instruments

Among the Incas of South America, two instrumental varieties were most common:

1. Ocarina - is an ancient vessel flute made of clay or ceramic with four or 12 finger holes and a
mouthpiece that projects from the body.
2. Zampoñas - or panpipes are ancient instruments from the Andes Mountains of South America.
They typically feature bamboo tubes of different lengths tied together either in pairs or more to produce
graduated pitches of sound. They are played by blowing over the top of the tubes in the same
way one might blow over an empty soda bottle to create a musical note.

What is It

Andean Musical Instruments

The Andean highlands also had their own varieties of flutes and string instruments that include the

Siku - (panpipe) is originally from the Aymaras of Peru and Bolivia.It is traditionally found all across
the Andes, and is the main instrument used in a musical genre known as sikuri.The pipes are made
from bamboo tubes, but have also been made from condor feathers,bone, and many other
materials.Siku is a split across two rows of pipes. The player must alternate rows with every note in
order to play a complete scale.

Songo, or shallow-walled bamboo, gives louder, more resonant sound than a regular deep-
walled bamboo,but is less common due to its fragility.

1.Wooden Tarka - is a vertical duct flute with a mouthpiece similar to that of a recorder. It is used
during the rainy season and in tribal ceremonies to mimic bird sounds.It sounds very primitive, soft, and
mellow with a rasp in the low range.

2.Quena - is a vertical cane flute made from fragile bamboo.It is used duringdry season and has six
finger holes and one thumb hole, open on both ends or the bottom is half-closed.

3.Charango - is a ten-stringed Andean guitar from Bolivia. It is the size of a ukulele and is a smaller
version of the mandolin, imitating the early guitar and lute brought by the Spaniards.It produces bright
sounds and used in serenades in Southern Peru.
What’s More

Mariachi is an extremely popular band in Mexico whose original ensemble is consisted of violins,
guitar,harp, and enormous guitar on(acoustic bass guitar)Trumpets later replaced the harp.Mariachi
music is extremely passionate and romantic with its blended harmonies and catchy rhythms.Its
musicians are distinctly dressed in wide-brimmed hats, jackets, and pants adorned with silver buttons.

What I Have Learned

Latin American percussion instruments include the conga and claves.Conga are large hand
drums which the musicians has to stand to play.Claves are short wooden stick which have a
surprisingly clear sound, even in a large ensemble and play many of the central rhythms used in
Latin American music.Cow bells and timbales also feature along side other instruments in the salsa
Aztec and Mayan Instruments

In Central America, the ancient civilizations of Aztec and Maya people used various instruments
mainly for religious functions and these were usually played by professional musicians. Some
instruments were considered holy and it was further believed that music was supposed to glorify
the gods, mistakes in playing these instruments were considered offensive and insulting to them.

1.Tlapitzalli - is a flute variety from the Aztec culture made of clay with decorations
of abstract designs or images of their deities.
2. Teponaztli - is a Mexican slit drum hollowed out and carve from a piece of hardwood.
3. Concha - a wind instrument usually made from the shell of a large sea snail.
4. Rasp - a hand percussion instrument whose sound is produced by scraping a
stick ( or similar object )that has a series of indentations or notches with
another stick, creating rattling effects.
5.Huehueti -is an upright tubular drum used by the Aztecs and other ancient
civilizations.It is made of wood opened at the bottom and standing on three legs
cut from the base.

What I Can Do

Activity : Sing with me!

Direction: Select one (1) song of the current Popular music with lyrics that are easy for you to
memorize. Use any available instruments as an accompaniment

Example: Bamboo, bottle, etc.

1.Study and memorize the lyrics.

2.When you’re ready, capture through a video your performance while singing the song and
playing instrument.
3.Review your video and rate your performance using the rubrics:

Scoring Scale: 5- Very Good 2- Poor
4- Good 1- Needs Follow-up
3- Fair
Highest My
I was able to: Possible Personal
Score Score
sing the lines correctly 5
sing at pace with the music 5
coordinate the song with instruments 5

display the proper facial expression 5

Total 20


Read the statement carefully!

Multiple Choice: Select your best answer in the box below and write the letter in
your activity notebook. (2pts. Each)

1.The varied cultures that developed in _______ gave rise to different types of
wind and percussion instruments.
A.Latin America C.USA
B.Africa D.Philippines
2.The ancient civilizations of the Aztec and Maya peoples used various
instruments mainly for religious functions and these were usually played by_______.
A.Dancers C.singers
B.drummer D.Professional musicians
3.It is a flute variety from the Aztec culture made of clay with decorations of abstract
designs or image of their deities.
A.concha C.Tlapitzalli
B.Rasp D.Teponaztli

4.It is a Mexican slit drum hollowed out and carved from a piece of hardwood.
A.concha C.Tlapitzalli
B.Rasp D.Teponaztli
5.It is a wind instrument usually made from the shell of a large sea snail.
A.concha C.Tlapitzalli
B.Rasp D.Teponaztli
6.It is a hand percussion instrument whose sound is produced by scraping a stick that has
a series of indentations or notched with another stick, creating rattling effects.
A.concha C.Tlapitzalli
B.Rasp D.Teponaztli
7.It is a tubular drum used by the Aztecs and other ancient civilizations.
A.huehueti C.ocarina
B.whistles D.Teponaztli
8.This is an eagle-bone whistle produces a series of high-pitched notes which
are similar to the cry of an eagle.
A.huehueti C.ocarina

B.whistles D.Teponaztli
9. It is ancient vessel flute made of clay or ceramic with four to 12 finger holes and a
mouthpiece that projects from the body.
A.huehueti C.ocarina
B.whistles D.panpipes
10.This is ancient instruments from the Andes Mountain of South America.
A.huehueti C.ocarina
B.whistles D.panpipes
11. This refers to the musical genre that uses the instrument siku.
A.huehueti C.ocarina
B.sikuri D.panpipes
12.It is a vertical duct flute with a mouthpiece similar to a recorder.
A.Quena C.Wooden tarka
B.charango D.siku
13.It is a vertical cane flute made from fragile bamboo.
A.Quena C.Wooden tarka
B.charango D.siku
14.It has ten-stringed Andean guitar from Bolivia.
A.Quena C.Wooden tarka
B.charango D.siku
15.It is extremely popular band in Mexico whose original ensemble consisted of
violins, guitar,harp and enormous guitarron (acoustic bass guitar).

A.Mariachi C.ocarina
B.whistles D.panpipes

Additional Activity

Activity 3: Differentiate the following.Write your answers in your activity

notebook. (5pts. each)

1. Aztec and Mayan Instruments


2. Philippine Instrument and Latin American instrument


3.Incan musical instrument and Andean musical instrument



Horizons : Music and Arts Appreciation for young Filipinos

Learner’s Material:G10
Characteristics of Afro-Latin American Music
Image: African music.badtguides
Image:African. Dance
Image: www.
Image: www.
Native Apala Musicians
Kwassa kwassa


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