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BCD Midterms

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Jesus 2. Baptism and Transfiguration of

in Hebrew: means “God saves” Christ, designates Jesus as “Beloved
given by angel Gabriel at annunciation Son”, ”Only Son of God”
as his proper name, expressing both 3. Centurion’s Exclamation - “truly this
his identity and mission man was the Son of God”
signifies that the very name of God is > only in paschal Mystery can believer
present in the person of his Son give the title “Son of God” its full
divine name that brings salvation meaning
all can invoke his name, for he united 4. After his resurrection - divine
himself to all men through incarnation sonship manifest in the power of his
at the heart of Christian Prayers; glorified humanity
“through our Lord, Jesus Christ” Lord
Christ greek translation of old testament,
greek translation of Hebrew the ineffable hebrew name: YHWH,
“Messiah”– “Anointed” by which God revealed himself to
proper name as he accomplished Moses
perfectly the divine mission that rendered as Kyrios, “Lord” indicates
“Christ” signifies Divinity of Israel's God
fulfilled messianic hope of Israel in his Testifies respect and trust
threefold office – PRIEST, PROPHET, Expresses recognition of the divine
KING mystery of Jesus
Bible story: Man should not submit his personal
1. to Shepherds - angels announces birth freedom in absolute manner to any
of Jesus as Messiah earthly power but only to God the
2. Peter’s Confession - accepted Peter’s Father, and Lord Jesus Christ
confession which acknowledged him as Christian Prayer is characterized by
Messiah the title “Lord” in the invitation to
Peter could recognize the transcendent prayer
character of the Messiah’s divine sonship Isaiah 42:8 – “I am the Lord; that is my
because Jesus had clearly allowed it to be name!”
understood Article 3
The Only Son of God 3 Parts:
acknowledgement of divine sonship 1. The 4 Marian Dogmas
will be the center of Apostolic Church, 2. Jesus’ Early Life
first professed by Peter as the church's 3. Jesus’ Public Ministry
Bible story: Prophet Isaiah – prophesized, “Behold,
1. Conversion of St. Paul - On his way to a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son,
Damascus, God proclaimed his son. and shall call his name Immanuel.”
“He is the Son of God” (Isaiah 7:14)

Why the Word became Flesh: 2. THE PERPETUAL VIRGINITY

to save us by reconciling us with God - solemnly defined by the Council of
that we might know God’s love Nicea (325 AD),
be our model of holiness - states that she remained virgin for her
make us partakers of the Divine Nature whole life.
Aeiparthenos - “Ever Virgin”
She provided Jesus with true Human “brothers and sisters” mentioned in
Nature and called blessed among women the Gospel are not children of Mary, but
Marian Dogmas her relatives.
Dogma – a doctrine of faith officially
adelphoi - “brothers” or “relatives,” or
declared by the church, which every
“community members.”
Catholic must have
If Jesus had real brothers and
The Annunciation to Mary - inaugurates
sisters, from the cross he should
“fullness of time”
have entrusted Mary to them, and
- the time of fulfillment of God’s promises
not to St. John.
and preparation
- Mary was called to conceive him; would 3. THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION
dwell bodily “Holy Spirit will come upon Mary – ‘Full of Grace’ and ‘most
you” excellent fruit of redemption’
Holy Spirit – “Lord Giver of life” is sent to - was conceived without the Original
sanctify the womb of Virgin Mary Sin, and remained pure from all
1. MARY, MOTHER OF GOD (First Marian personal sin for her whole life.
Dogma) - cooperated through free faith and
- defined by the Council of Ephesus (431 obedience in human salvation
AD) declared by Pope Pius IX on
- declares that the Virgin Mary is the Mother December 8, 1854, with the bull
of God – Theotokos. Ineffabilis Deus.
- The solemnity is celebrated on January 1. Immaculate: from the Latin words
Mary is the Mother of Jesus; Jesus is God: ‘in’ and ‘macula’, meaning “without
therefore, Mary is the Mother of God. To be stain.”
precise, Mary is the Mother of the Incarnate We celebrate on December 8,
Son of God exactly nine months before the
What are the biblical proofs of the First Nativity of Mary (September 8).
Marian Dogma?
biblical proofs:
1. The Annunciation: Gabriel said to Mary:
1. Genesis 3:15: “I will put enmity
“You will conceive … the Son of the Most
between you and the woman.” This
High” (Luke 1:31-32).
affirms the incompatibility to sin
2. The Visitation: “… the mother of my Lord
and Mary.
should come to me?”
- “Lord”, or Kyrios in Greek, is applied only
for God.

Luke 1:28: “Hail Mary, full of grace, the Did the Virgin Mary actually die?
Lord is with you”. 1. Ephesus Tradition: didn’t die but
- immune from any stain of sin simply fell asleep at Ephesus. This is
history of the Dogma of the Immaculate known as the Dormitio Mariae
Conception: 2. Jerusalem Tradition: died and was
In the Middle Ages, there was a buried. Assumed 3 days later
theological debate, between the JESUS’ EARLY LIFE:
Dominicans and the Franciscans, life is Jesus is divided into 3 parts:
whether Mary was conceived 1. EARLY LIFE: from birth to age 30;
2. PUBLIC MINISTRY: from baptism till
In 1476, Sixtus IV established the
Palm Sunday excluded;
liturgical feast
in 1854, Pius IX officially proclaimed the
Sunday to Ascension.
The Annunciation: (March 25) Gabriel
4 years later, on February 1858, during
announced to be the mother of the
the apparitions in Lourdes, Mary said to
St. Bernadette Soubirous: “I am the Messiah
Immaculate Conception.” The Visitation: (May 3) Mary visited her
4. THE ASSUMPTION cousin Elizabeth and proclaimed the
“The Virgin Mary, having completed the Magnificat
course of her earthly life, was assumed The Nativity: (December 25) gave birth
body and soul into heavenly glory.” and laid him in a manger
It was declared by Pius XII on November The Circumcision and Naming of Jesus:
1, 1950; and the solemnity is on August (January 1) 8 days after the Nativity,
15. was circumcised and named Jesus
Assumption of Mary - she was taken up into The Presentation of Jesus to the
Heaven by God Temple: (February 2) 40 days after
Ascension of Jesus - Christ ascended by his Christmas, presented to the Temple of
own power. Jerusalem
biblical proof: The Finding of Jesus in the Temple: 12
1. Revelation 12:1: “A great sign appeared years old, lost, after 3 days he was
in the sky: a woman clothed with the found him in the Temple
sun, with the moon under her feet, and The Baptism at the Jordan: (Sunday
on her head a crown of twelve stars.”
after Epiphany) At 30, Jesus was
12 stars = 12 apostles, because she is the
baptized by John in the Jordan
Mother of the Church.
- Start of Public Ministry
clothed with the sun - the Holy Spirit.
The Temptations of Christ: After his
moon under her feet - reflects he love of
Baptism, tempted for 40 days by the
Devil. Commemorate those 40 days
during Lent.

The Calling of the Apostles: 12 disciples Who is responsible for the death of
corresponds to 12 tribes of Israel. Jesus?
Divinity - apostles followed him without Jesus died because of the sins of
doubt men. All of us sinners are
The Wedding at Cana: The 1st miracle. Jesus responsible for his death.
attended the wedding (humanness), St. Francis said: “Nor did demons
transform water into wine (divinity), crucify him; it is you who have
through the intercession of Mary crucified him and crucify him still,
The Transfiguration: (August 6) transfigured when you delight in your vices and
on Mount Tabor, in Galilee, at the presence
of Peter, James and John
The Beatitudes: The summary of Jesus’
The Entry into Jerusalem
preaching are the 8 Beatitudes, which
The passion of the Christ begun with
define the true Christians
the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem,
riding a humble donkey. “Hosanna
divided into two parts:
1. Mystery of Redemption to the Son of David!
- It is the divine plan to save mankind from The Cleansing of the Temple
the slavery of sin and death. Drove out all who were buying and
price for our redemption was Jesus’ life. selling at the Temple. He overturned
“for many” rather than “for all” means the tables of the money changers
that salvation requires the personal through divine anger
acceptance of faith. The Last Supper
redemption: Latin word redimere, meaning celebrated the Last Supper at the
“to buy back,” by paying the ransom. Cenacle. Jesus instituted the
Why is Jesus the Lamb of God? sacraments of the Eucharist and of
1. Old Testament- sins were forgiven by Ordination
sacrificing an unblemished lamb. The Agony in Gethsemane
2. New Testament - the unblemished lamb went to the Garden of Gethsemane,
is Jesus, whose death paid all the debts on the Mount of Olives, to pray,
due to sin. “Look, the Lamb of God, who along with his apostles.
takes away the sin of the world” Jesus experienced a deep agony
Jesus chose to suffer and die for three (humanness), and his sweat was like
drops of blood (divinity).
1. That we may love God.
Soldiers came, Judas betrayed him
2. That we may hate sin.
with a kiss
3. That we may learn how to suffer.
Jesus Before Pilate
was brought before the Sanhedrin,
presided by Caiaphas the high
priest, then to King Herod, and
finally to the Roman governor.

Pontius Pilate washed his hands and had Article 5

him crucified when Jesus was innocent 1. Descent into the Dead
The soldiers made Jesus wear a crown of The body of Jesus was reposed into the
thorns, and scourged him tomb; while human soul, united to his
(Flagrum/flagellum – short whip) divine person,
The Way of the Cross Jesus descended in the netherworld to
On the way to Calvary, women of liberate the souls of the just from the
Jerusalem wept for him “Daughters of power of death, and to open for them
Jerusalem, do not weep for me; weep for the gate of Paradise.
yourselves and for your children”
Why did the souls of the just had to
Simon the Cyrenian carried his cross
wait for the resurrection of Christ?
met his mother Mary and Veronica, who
They had to wait in the netherworld
wiped his face with a linen, that retained
because the gates of Heaven were
the image of his face
closed after the Original Sin. Souls go, in
The Crucifixion
accordance to their merits, either to
at Golgotha, the soldiers crucified
Jesus, and placed the sign: “This is Hell, Purgatory, or Paradise.
Jesus, the King of the Jews.” Netherworld is the place where the
One of the criminals insulted him; souls of the just awaited for Christ’s
“Today you will be with me in Paradise” resurrection.
Jesus entrusted his mother to John, - also called Sheol in Hebrew, Hades in
saying: “Woman, behold your son;” and Greek, and Inferi in Latin
to John, “Behold your mother” Hell is the place of eternal damnation
The Death of Jesus for the demons and the wicked souls.
3 pm, Jesus cried out in a loud voice - also called Gehenna in Hebrew,
(humanness): “My God, my God, why Tartarus in Greek, and Infernum in Latin
have you forsaken me?” Then he gave up Limbo the alleged place where the souls
his spirit. of the unbaptized waited for the
And behold, the veil of the sanctuary Redeemer, was never defined as a
was torn in two from top to bottom and dogma.
the earth quaked. (divinity) Did Jesus descend into the
The centurion said: “Truly, this was the Netherworld or into Hell?
Son of God!” Since the Greek text of the Apostles’
The Burial of Jesus
Creed uses the word katotata
Joseph of Arimathea, with Virgin Mary,
(“those below”), and the Latin
pious women, took the body of Jesus,
inferos (“the spirits of the
wrapped it in a clean linen shroud
underworld”), the literal translation
(Shroud of Turin), and laid him in his new
should be: “He descended into the
tomb that he had hewn in the rock

2. Resurrection of Christ The Disciples of Emmaus

Jesus rose from the death on Sunday 2 disciples were to Emmaus, Jesus
morning, 3 days after his death. appeared and walked with them, but
As the angels announced unto the women : they did not recognize him.
“He is not here, but he has been As they approached Emmaus, the
raised” two disciples invited the Lord to
crowning truth of our faith, as St. Paul dine with them, and they recognized
proclaimed: “If Christ has not been him at the breaking of bread
raised, our faith is useless” The Doubting Thomas
Resuscitation is the reunion of the soul with
called the Doubting Apostle because
the mortal body, like the rising of Lazarus
he did not believe Jesus had risen
Resurrection is the reunion of the souls with
from the death.
the glorified body, like the case of Jesus,
1 week later, asked Thomas to probe
whose body was so transfigured that
his fingers into his wounded hands
Magdalene did not recognize him
and side. My Lord and my God!”
Shroud of Turin - It is the linen cloth that
wrapped the dead body of Jesus, and it is Do you love me?
now preserved at the Cathedral of Turin, Before the ascension, Jesus asked
Italy. Peter 3 times, “Do you love me?” In
The image of Christ is impressed like a reparation for his 3 denials.
picture on a film, Then, here confirmed Peter as the
Resurrection was a burst of unknown Head of his Church
energy that impressed the features of
his body on the shroud.
3. The sequence of events after the
The Resurrection of Christ
rose from the death early on Sunday
Mary Magdalene and Mary saw the
empty tomb and reported to the
Peter and John arrived at the tomb,
they found the empty tomb, but Mary
Magdalene remained behind
Noli me Tangere
Mary Magdalene did not recognize him,
thinking he was the gardener.
Then Jesus said: “Touch me not [in
Latin: Noli me Tangere , for I have not
yet ascended the Father. But to my
brothers and announce unto them”

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