BCD Midterms
BCD Midterms
BCD Midterms
Luke 1:28: “Hail Mary, full of grace, the Did the Virgin Mary actually die?
Lord is with you”. 1. Ephesus Tradition: didn’t die but
- immune from any stain of sin simply fell asleep at Ephesus. This is
history of the Dogma of the Immaculate known as the Dormitio Mariae
Conception: 2. Jerusalem Tradition: died and was
In the Middle Ages, there was a buried. Assumed 3 days later
theological debate, between the JESUS’ EARLY LIFE:
Dominicans and the Franciscans, life is Jesus is divided into 3 parts:
whether Mary was conceived 1. EARLY LIFE: from birth to age 30;
2. PUBLIC MINISTRY: from baptism till
In 1476, Sixtus IV established the
Palm Sunday excluded;
liturgical feast
in 1854, Pius IX officially proclaimed the
Sunday to Ascension.
The Annunciation: (March 25) Gabriel
4 years later, on February 1858, during
announced to be the mother of the
the apparitions in Lourdes, Mary said to
St. Bernadette Soubirous: “I am the Messiah
Immaculate Conception.” The Visitation: (May 3) Mary visited her
4. THE ASSUMPTION cousin Elizabeth and proclaimed the
“The Virgin Mary, having completed the Magnificat
course of her earthly life, was assumed The Nativity: (December 25) gave birth
body and soul into heavenly glory.” and laid him in a manger
It was declared by Pius XII on November The Circumcision and Naming of Jesus:
1, 1950; and the solemnity is on August (January 1) 8 days after the Nativity,
15. was circumcised and named Jesus
Assumption of Mary - she was taken up into The Presentation of Jesus to the
Heaven by God Temple: (February 2) 40 days after
Ascension of Jesus - Christ ascended by his Christmas, presented to the Temple of
own power. Jerusalem
biblical proof: The Finding of Jesus in the Temple: 12
1. Revelation 12:1: “A great sign appeared years old, lost, after 3 days he was
in the sky: a woman clothed with the found him in the Temple
sun, with the moon under her feet, and The Baptism at the Jordan: (Sunday
on her head a crown of twelve stars.”
after Epiphany) At 30, Jesus was
12 stars = 12 apostles, because she is the
baptized by John in the Jordan
Mother of the Church.
- Start of Public Ministry
clothed with the sun - the Holy Spirit.
The Temptations of Christ: After his
moon under her feet - reflects he love of
Baptism, tempted for 40 days by the
Devil. Commemorate those 40 days
during Lent.
The Calling of the Apostles: 12 disciples Who is responsible for the death of
corresponds to 12 tribes of Israel. Jesus?
Divinity - apostles followed him without Jesus died because of the sins of
doubt men. All of us sinners are
The Wedding at Cana: The 1st miracle. Jesus responsible for his death.
attended the wedding (humanness), St. Francis said: “Nor did demons
transform water into wine (divinity), crucify him; it is you who have
through the intercession of Mary crucified him and crucify him still,
The Transfiguration: (August 6) transfigured when you delight in your vices and
on Mount Tabor, in Galilee, at the presence
of Peter, James and John
The Beatitudes: The summary of Jesus’
The Entry into Jerusalem
preaching are the 8 Beatitudes, which
The passion of the Christ begun with
define the true Christians
the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem,
riding a humble donkey. “Hosanna
divided into two parts:
1. Mystery of Redemption to the Son of David!
- It is the divine plan to save mankind from The Cleansing of the Temple
the slavery of sin and death. Drove out all who were buying and
price for our redemption was Jesus’ life. selling at the Temple. He overturned
“for many” rather than “for all” means the tables of the money changers
that salvation requires the personal through divine anger
acceptance of faith. The Last Supper
redemption: Latin word redimere, meaning celebrated the Last Supper at the
“to buy back,” by paying the ransom. Cenacle. Jesus instituted the
Why is Jesus the Lamb of God? sacraments of the Eucharist and of
1. Old Testament- sins were forgiven by Ordination
sacrificing an unblemished lamb. The Agony in Gethsemane
2. New Testament - the unblemished lamb went to the Garden of Gethsemane,
is Jesus, whose death paid all the debts on the Mount of Olives, to pray,
due to sin. “Look, the Lamb of God, who along with his apostles.
takes away the sin of the world” Jesus experienced a deep agony
Jesus chose to suffer and die for three (humanness), and his sweat was like
drops of blood (divinity).
1. That we may love God.
Soldiers came, Judas betrayed him
2. That we may hate sin.
with a kiss
3. That we may learn how to suffer.
Jesus Before Pilate
was brought before the Sanhedrin,
presided by Caiaphas the high
priest, then to King Herod, and
finally to the Roman governor.