179 72 Imâm An
179 72 Imâm An
179 72 Imâm An
Hadîth Explanation
Ibn Daqîq al-'îd's explanation of the famous
40 hadith collected by Imâm an-Nawawî.
To proceed :
Explanation of Hadeeth 1
This is a saheeh hadeeth that has been agreed upon by
the scholars, and is collected in both the collections of
al-Bukhaaree (Hadeeth No. 1) and Muslim (Hadeeth
No. 1907). This hadeeth is great in its benefit and
importance, and it has been said that the religion of al-
Islaam revolves around it. Some of the scholars have
said that it is 1/3rd of Knowledge, because the actions
of man involve his heart, his tongue and his limbs, and
hence the intention in the heart is 1/3rd of that. Other
scholars have said that the whole religion is
encompassed in three hadeeth - this one, the hadeeth
"The Halaal is clear, the Haraam is clear and between
them are doubtful matters...", and the hadeeth
"Whoever innovates in this religion that which is not
from it will have his actions rejected [by Allaah]".
[Note: These other hadeeth will be covered later in
shaa' Allaah]
Everything we do has to be intended to be for Allaah,
i.e., for anything we do we want to make sure that it
will be acceptable to Him and will not in any way
interfere with the upholding of His Deen. A good
action with the wrong intention will not get us any
reward in the Hereafter.
Explanation of Hadeeth 2
This is no doubt a great hadeeth, in that it includes
within it all the outwardly apparent and inwardly
actions, and all the Sciences of the Sharee'ah return
back towards it due to its encompassing all the
Knowledge of the Sunnah. Hence some of the scholars
have termed this hadeeth the Mother/Core of the
Sunnah (Umm as-Sunnah), just as soorah al-Faatihah
has been termed the Mother/Core of the Qur'aan (Umm
al-Qur'aan), due to its succintly containing all of the
Message of the Qur'aan.
The fact that the 'man' had no sign of travel upon him,
and yet no one had ever seen him before surprised the
Sahaabah, as if he did not live amongst them then how
did he just appear from 'nowhere'. In this way, Jibreel
(alayhi as-salaam) was able to attract their attention to
what he was to say next. His statement 'O Muhammad'
rather than the respectful 'O Messenger of Allaah' that
was obligatory upon the Sahaabah, also helped to attain
the full attention of the Sahaabah.
And the way of the Salaf and the Imaams of the later
times has been that whomsoever attests to and believes
in these matters with a firm conviction having no doubt
in them, then he will be counted amongst true
Believers, whether he arrived at these beliefs through
detailed study of the intellectual proofs or not.
That the Angel Jibreel himself came to
teach the fundamentals of the Faith
to the Companions by asking
questions to the Messenger
(sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam).
That one can teach others by asking
about that which he already knows.
That if someone wants to know about
Islaam generally, then he should be
made aware of the pillars which
constitute it.
That Islaam is built on the five pillars
which have to be acted upon with
eemaan and ihsaan. Denying any one
of these pillars and not wishing to
fulfill any one of them makes one a
That belief in what Allaah has
destined for us, whether it is
perceived to be good, or bad, is part
of eemaan, and without believing in
it, our eemaan is incomplete and
That one must accept the Messengers
sent by Allaah.
That one must develop ihsaan in all
that he does so that he is as much
aware as he can be that Allaah is
indeed watching every move that he
That as part of the Islaamic manner
the teacher should be ready to accept
and say that he does not know the
answer or that he does not know it
better than the enquirer.
That the signs of the Last Hour are
real and cocern how we live and
That although the Companions were
the best of the people and were the
most knowledgeable, they did not
interrupt with their own answers, nor
did they show impatience at the
questioner. Therefore as part of the
Islaamic manners, if someone asks a
question to the teacher in a group,
then the others in the group should
keep quiet until one of them is asked
for help.
It is not permissible to say that there
is a certain length of time left before
the end of the world, for none knows
but Allaah, not even the Messenger
(sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam).
Hadeeth 4: Deeds are by their
Final Actions
by Imâm an-Nawawî (d. 676 AH / 1299 CE)
Explanation of Hadeeth 4
The statement of ibn Mas'ood that the Prophet
sallAllaahu alayhi wa salaam was "the Truthful, the
Believed" means that he was Truthful in his speech and
that he was Believed in whatever he came with of the
the Wahee (inspiration).
That the angel of life blows the soul
into the foetus after it is 120 days old,
so without doubt, terminating the life
of a foetus when it is over 4 months
old is definitely murder.
That each child which is born has its
sustenance, how long it will live, what
it will do and how it will fare, recorded
before birth since Allaah knows the
past and the future and allows the
child to be what it will be.
That since life, sustenance, ability and
existence is in the Hands of Allaah
and taken care of by Him, one who
knows this will not become deceitful
or desperate about these things, but
worship Allaah constantly and
That the results are in the Hands of
Allaah and one must do what one
knows is best according to His Deen.
That one never knows how a person
will change, either for the good or the
bad, so one should not give up trying.
It is permissible to say "By Allaah" to
emphasise something.
One should seek refuge with Allaah
from lapsing into evil.
That anything new introduced in the
matter of worship, which has not
already been given sanction from the
Qur'aan and the Sunnah will not be
accepted by Allaah.
That anything new incorporated into
the Deen must be thrown away and
rejected by the Muslims.
Explanation of Hadeeth 6
This hadeeth is a great Principle from the
Principles of the Sharee'ah, such that the
well known Muhaddith Aboo Dawood as-
Sijistaanee said, "al-Islaam revolves around
four ahaadeeth" , and he then mentioned
this hadeeth amongst them. And there is
consensus amongst the People of
Knowledge upon the great status of this
hadeeth and its immense benefits.
That those things which are Haraam
are clear and need clear evidence.
That one who does doubtful things
may well be doing what is Haraam.
That it is difficult to live honorably
when doing the doubtful.
That Allaah is the King; The King of
That it is understandable that Allaah
should have things prohibited for us.
That the sanctuary of Allaah which we
must not enter is all those things
which He has made Haraam for us.
Thus we must know what is Haraam
and definitely avoid them.
That doing the doubtful or what is
forbidden adversely affects the heart.
That it is important to make and keep
the heart pure, since it affects the
rest of us. Thus we should look for
ways to purify and preserve our
hearts from being stained.
Explanation of Hadeeth 7
This is the only hadeeth narrated by
Tameem ad-Daaree (radi Allaahu 'anhu).
And 'Naseehah' is a comprehensive word,
whose meaning implies the desire for all
possible good for the one being advised.
And this word 'an-naseehah' is most concise
in speech, and there is no other single word
in the Arabic language that completetly and
precisely explains its meaning, just as it is
said that regarding the word 'al-Falaah' (the
success) that there is no other word in the
Arabic language that more precisely and
succinctly describes the good of both this
world and the next.
That one cannot worship Allah sincerely
without being sincere to what He has
revealed, and to the people according to
their station in life. Also one has to respect
and honour His Messenger (sallAllaahu
alayhi wa sallam), which is to respect and
honour what he said, did, approved of or
recommended, and to love him for who he
was and what he was.
Hadeeth 8: Sanctity of a Muslim
by Imâm an-Nawawî (d. 676 AH / 1299 CE)
Explanation of Hadeeth 8
This is a Great Hadeeth and a Principle from amongst
the Principles of the Religion. It has also been narrated
by Anas (radi Allaahu 'anhu) whose version mentions:
"Until they testify that there is none worthy of
worship except Allaah and that Muhammad is His
slave and Messenger, and accept our Qiblah, and
eat from what we slaughter, and and pray our
Salaah. And if they do all that, then their blood
and wealth is Protected except from the Rights of
Islaam. And for them is what is for the Muslims
and upon them is what is upon the Muslims."
That the disbelieving people are
fought until Islaam triumphs.
That it is an order from Allaah and
thus waajib.
That the Ameer of the Muslims
enforces protection of the lives and
the properties of the Muslims.
That if a Muslim does something
which deserves a punishment
according to the Rulings of Islaam,
then the Ameer of the Muslims must
enforce that too.
That the punishments must be given,
regardless of what Allaah will Judge
for them (i.e. Allaah may punish them
or forgive them).
Explanation of Hadeeth 9
The wording of this hadeeth in Saheeh Muslim, from
Abu Hurairah radiAllaah 'anhu, states: The Messenger
of Allaah sallAllaahu alayi wa sallam addressed us and
"O People! Hajj has been made obligatory upon
you, so perform the Hajj." So a man asked: "Is
that every year, O Messenger of Allaah?" So the
Prophet sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam remained
silent until the man repeated his question three
times. Then he said: "If I had said 'yes' then it
would have become obligatory upon you [i.e.
every year], and you would not have been able to
do so. Do not ask me about that which I have left
[unspecified], for verily the nations before you
were destroyed by their excessive questioning and
their disagreeing with their Prophets. So if I order
you with something then do as much of it as you
are able, and if I forbid you from something then
keep away from it."
That what is Haraam must be avoided
That one must make sure that one
has a satisfactory plea to present to
Allaah for not doing what the
Messenger sallAllaahu alayhi wa
sallam has ordered
That one must not ask too many
questions. Ideally, one only wants to
know what Islaam says [about a
thing] and do that
That asking too many questions and
disagreeing with the Messenger
sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam can
cause our destruction. If it happened
to the people before us it can happen
to us too
Explanation of Hadeeth 10
And this is one of those ahaadeeth upon
which the Principles and Rulings of Islaam
are built. And in it is encouragement
towards spending upon that which is Halaal,
and forbiddance from spending upon that
which is other than that. And that what is
eaten, and what is drunk and what is worn,
and all such similar things should be purely
Halaal, without any doubt in them. And that
whosoever wishes to supplicate to Allaah
should humble and submit himself before
his Lord with that which is Halaal. And from
the hadeeth we also understand that when
the slave spends upon the good, Halaal
things then these things purify him and
bring him prosperity. And that delicious and
tasty food which is not permissible to eat
will instead be a source of evil and
punishment, and the actions of the slave
will then not be acceptable by Allaah.
That Allaah accepts only that which is
That every believer is obliged to do
that which the Messengers were
obliged to do (except what is
specifically exempted)
That every Muslim must eat only
Halaal and must take great care that
he has avoided eating whatever he
knew to be Haraam or suspicious
That performing righteous deeds is
waajib for every one of us
That frequently we turn to Allaah for
help while we do not try to eat, drink,
maintain ourselves and earn in a pure
That if we do not take care of the
above then our prayers will not be
That it is correct to raise ones hands
while asking Allaah for something
Explanation of Hadeeth 11
Its meaning returns back to what has
already been said regarding the meaning of
Hadeeth 6, that is "The Halaal is Clear, and
the Haraam is Clear, and between them are
Doubtful matters". And it has been narrated in
another hadeeth that the Messenger sallAllaahu alayhi
wa sallam said:
"The slave will never be able to attain the ranks of
the Muttaqoon (pious ones) until he leaves those
things which do not seem to have any harm in
them, fearing that they may indeed be
That it is essential to leave the
doubtful things
That one cannot continue doing the
doubtful when one knows of an
alternative with certainty
Explanation of Hadeeth 12
And this hadeeth has also been narrated by Qurrah bin
'Abd-ir-Rahmaan from [the great Muhaddith] az-
Zuhree, from Abee Salamah from Abee Hurairah, and
he considered its chains of narration Saheeh
(Authentic), and then he said regarding the hadeeth that
it is from the Comprehensive speech that contains
many significant meanings, and all this in very few
words. And similar to this [hadeeth] is the statement of
Abu Dharr (radiAllaahu anhu) in some of his narrations
from the Prophet (sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam) that he
"And whoever accounts his speech by his actions,
then his speech will be very little except in that
which concerns him".
That prying and interfering in others affairs
is a sign of not being a good Muslim
Summary :
The hadeeth negates the
perfection/completeness of Faith
(eemaan) for someone who does not
wish for his Muslim brother that which
he likes for himself
That a believer will not want
something to happen to another
Muslim which he would not like for
Summary :
That a Muslim can be killed legally
only for three crimes : a) adultery b)
murder and c) apostacy
Summary :
That one should only speak what is
good and true
That one must not under any
circumstances speak evil or use filthy
That one should be kind and generous
to ones neighbour
That one should treat ones guest well
That if one is a true Muslim then one
would do the above, else ones [true]
belief in Allaah and the Last Day is in
Summary :
That it is obligatory on one doing
something to do it in the best possible
That even killing must be done
efficiently and well
That the knife must be sharpened
before using it for slaughtering an
That sparing unnecessary suffering to
the animal to be slaughtered is part of
fulfilling the Deen
That one must try to do everything in
life in the best and most efficient
manner possible
Hadeeth 18 : Good Character
by Imâm an-Nawawî (d. 676 AH / 1299 CE)
Summary :
That one must remember Allaah with
Fear no matter where he may be
That one must do a good act to cover
up each bad act that he commits
That a Muslim must behave well
towards others
Summary :
That it is allowed for two people to be
seated on a mount if it does not over-
burden the animal
That if one takes care about Allaah's
Rights, then He takes care of him
That if one takes care of Allaah's
Rights, then He helps him
That one must ask of Allaah only, and
seek His help only
That we cannot be harmed or
benefitted by anything or anyone, no
matter how large they are in number
or strong they appear, except by that
which Allaah allows
That what Allaah has allowed in our
destiny will definitely occur
That one should remember and take
care of Allaah's Rights in times of
ease, and Allaah will take care of him
in times of difficulty
That Victory comes with Patience
That relief comes after suffering
That ease comes after hardship
Hadeeth 20 : Modesty is from
by Imâm an-Nawawî (d. 676 AH / 1299 CE)
Summary :
Summary :
Summary :
Summary :
And in His statement "if the first of you and the last of
you, and the humans of you and the jinn of you" until
the end, is an indication that the taqwaa (piety) of the
pious is a Mercy granted to them, and that it does not
affect or increase the Kingdom of Allaah in the least.
And as for His statement "... were all to stand together
in one place" then in it is an exhortation to the creation
to lay importance upon asking Allaah and to seek from
Him in all affairs, and not to feel shy or decrease in
asking Him, for verily that which is with Allaah does
not decrease and His treasures are inexhaustible, so let
not anyone think that what is with Allaah will diminish
by His giving, as the Prophet sallAllaahu alayhi wa
sallam has explained in another hadeeth : "Allaah's
Hand is Full; it is not diminished by His giving all of
the day and the night. Have you not seen that your
Lord has been giving ever since He created the
Heavens and the Earth, and all that has not diminished
what is in His Right Hand by the least". And what is
hidden in this is that His Qudrah (Power, Ability) is
always ready for bestowing favours upon His creation,
and it is not possible that He lose the ability to do so, or
that He decrease in doing so, or that what He is able to
do becomes restricted.
Summary :
Summary :
Summary :
And He said :
Summary :
He said :
Summary :
Summary :
Summary :
Summary :
Summary :
Summary :
Summary :
Summary :
Summary :
And all of this [that has been narrated from Imaam at-
Tabaree] is the statement of Ibn Khalf, who is better
known as Ibn Buttaal. And the author of al-Ifsaah,
Yahyaa bin Muhammad al-Hanbalee [d. 560 H], said in
some of his writings : When this Ummah had its life
spans reduced [as compared to the people of the
previous Nations who had much longer life spans], it
was compensated for this reduction with a
multiplication of the reward of its actions. [ie. Since the
life span of our Ummah is shorter, we have less time to
do good deeds; so Allaah multiplied the reward for our
good deeds to compensate for this.] So whoever
intends to peform a good action, it will be counted for
him as a complete good deed. And Allaah has declared
it as being a 'complete' deed so that none may think
that since it is only an intention [and not a complete
action] it is somehow deficient. And thus, Allaah has
raised the intention to the level of being included
amongst the complete actions. So He wrote down the
intention as a complete good deed and then multiplied
that according the degree of sincerity of the performer,
and according to the appropriateness of the action to
the time and place.
Summary :
Summary :
Summary :
"The Dunyaa has set out from the rear, while the
Aakhirah has set out from the front, and for each
of them are its sons : so be from amongst the sons
of the Aakhirah, and do not be from amongst the
sons of the Dunyaa. For verily, today is the time
for deeds without any accounting, while
tomorrow is the time for accounting without any
Summary :
That one can hold another's shoulder
to say something to him
That one should not seek name and
fame in this world
That one should not seek permanence
in this world
That a Muslim must always be aware
of death
That a Muslim should know that he
may not live to see the night or the
next day, thus making him more
careful of his actions since he may
not have time to repent
That a Muslim should take advantage
of his health to do good deeds
That a Muslim knows that he has only
this life to either make it to eternal
happiness or eternal punishment
Summary :
Summary :
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