Seminar Paper AshimF
Seminar Paper AshimF
Seminar Paper AshimF
SUMMER, 2018
MS Student
Organic farming (OF) is one such technology that can reduce the detrimental impacts of agro-
chemicals, and is considered by many scientists to be the best form of agriculture 1960 s (Hossain,
2001). The people all over the world are expressing great concern over the indiscriminate use of
chemicals. Therefore, importance is now focused on the use of organic and other by products of
agriculture and industries (Mishra, 2005). Scientific researchers have showed that the reduction or
non-use of synthetic chemicals can lessen environmental hazards and possible adverse effects. In
contrast to synthetic fertilizers, organic fertilizers could develop the physical, chemical and
biological properties of soil, and its use is important in sustaining soil productivity in the long term
(Rahman H., 2007). Organic farming may be a good choice as economical method that can trim
down rural poverty and curb pollution. It is also the need in the present day perspective of serious
threat to our ecology and environment (Patil et al., 2010). The farming method is the best means
to make sure air, water and soil uncontaminated leaving the environment safe for the present and
future generations (Peter, 2004). For a sound future, organic farming offers a dynamic interaction
between soils, plants, humans, ecosystem and environment (IFOAM, 1996). Organic farming is
the best approach in terms of maximizing cost-effectiveness and minimizing pollution (Christian
et al., 2005).
According to Veeress (2004), organic farming is both a philosophy and a system of agriculture
which contains all agricultural systems that promotes the environmentally, socially and
economically sound production of food and fiber. Organic production combines best
environmental practices, preservation of natural resources, animal welfare standards while
confirming no use of genetic engineering, pesticides, additives, or fertilizers; each stage of the
organic food production being controlled and certified (Chryssohoidis and Krystallis, 2005).
Before the primer of chemicals, Bangladesh agriculture was fully reliant on on the organic sources
of fertilizers (animal manure, crop residues and domestic wastes) to fertile the land.
For climatic adversities and the change from subsistence to commercialization, farmers are now
heavily reliant on input oriented agriculture. Many researchers also suggested that organic
agriculture is effective in poorer countries and it can provide socio-economic and ecologically
sustainable development. It can overcome the harmful impacts of the green revolution (IFOAM,
However, the outcome of this research, it would be possible to find out what Bangladeshi farmers
are practicing, what are their obstacles, how to transform their land into organic. A number of
undesirable costs of modern agriculture, in terms of loss of' soil fertility, loss of biodiversity,
increasing health hazards, environmental pollution and other socioeconomic problems have been
identified and described by Rahman (2001). The review study was presented based on following
objectives -
This seminar paper is exclusively a review paper. It has been prepared by reviewing the
various articles published in different Books, Proceedings, Abstracts, Review papers,
Journals, Online Resources, MS thesis and PhD Dissertations etc. available in the library
of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University, Gazipur, Bangladesh.
Valuable suggestions from honorable major professor and other resource personnel were
taken into account to enrich the paper. After collecting necessary information, it was
compiled and arranged chronologically for the fulfillment of the objectives.
According to the latest FiBL/IFOAM survey (2006) on certified organic agriculture, there are 32.3
million hectares of organic agricultural land (including in-conversion areas) in 160 countries. In
terms of area, Oceania (12.1 million hectares) covers the top amount of land, followed by, Europe
(7.8 million hectares), and Latin America (6.4 million hectares). Development of the organic
industries in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands has been strongly influenced by quick
growing overseas demand. On the other hand, Australia, Argentina, and the United States have the
most organic land area. At present, 0.9 percent of the world’s agricultural land is organic. Growth
is strongest in Europe, where the area increased by almost one million hectares. The countries with
the largest increases are Argentina, Turkey, and Spain (Willer and Kilcher, 2011). The land under
organic management in the world has been shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Land under organic management by region . (Source: FiBL / IFOAM 2006)
Among all producers in the world, forty percent of them live in Asia followed by Africa, and Latin
America. The countries with the most producers are India (677,257), Uganda (187,893), and
Mexico (128,862). Most of this grouping of land is used for cereals including rice, followed by
green fodder from arable land and vegetables. Stable crops make up approximately six percent
(2.4 million hectares) of the organic agricultural land. The most important crops are coffee after
that olives, cocoa, nuts and grapes (Willer and Kilcher, 2011).
Table 1: Continent wise area, no. of producers and leading countries of organic farming (Source:
Willer and Kilcher, 2011)
Latin 6.4 million hectares 280,000 producers Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay
“The idea of organic farming is critical in Bangladesh because when we raise the issue, the word
`certification´ always comes to the next. Ecological farming varies place to place. Ecology includes
surroundings, crops, animals, biosphere etc. Eco has very easy meaning. If I use fewer amount of
fertilizer, less pesticide, compost and these are eco-friendly farming – that means to help the
ecology and I am assisting the ecology, it is eco-friendly. So, eco farming differs from man to man.
But, truly organic farming maintains strict rules and regulations” (Source: Hoque, 2012).
items instead of synthetic fertilizers and pesticide in their field. Some farmers of Kaunia are
producing vermi-compost (contains high quantities of nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium) by
cultivating earthworm at their home (Nazrul Islam, The Daily Star, 16th May, 2008). In a recent
research showed that Integrated Pest Management (IPM) rice farming is more commercial than
conventional mechanized rice farming. Farmers of Bangladesh use huge chemical inputs for
getting the more production. Therefore, government and 14 NGOs have been inspiring and training
farmers to introduce organic farming. About 440,000 farmers were given season long and practical
training in IPM during that period. With the joint effort of government and NGOs, Bangladesh
became the 2nd country in Asia under organic management (177,700 hectares – 2% of total area)
(IFOAM, 2006). In Bangladesh, NGOs are helping more than govt. to adopt organic farming in
Bangladesh. Proshika and Nayakrishi farmers adapted their land into organic from 12 to 15 years
while BARI contact farmers from 7 years, Kazi tea – 5 years. DAE farmers are using less quantity
of chemicals from 4 to 7 years (Dasgupta et al., 2008).
Recently, Sahbazpur Tea Company was joined the organic club. Organic shrimp now a days is the
leading and growing part in Bangladesh and WAB Trading Int. (Asia) exporting organic shrimp
to global market especially Europe. The progress of organic agriculture in Bangladesh is very slow.
Yet we have been able to converted only 1,162 ha of area so far, which is a mere 0.01 percent of
the cultivated area (Paul and Henning, 2011).
Though government policy is always to promote “grow more food”, several eco-friendly projects
have been executed through the Department of Agricultural Extension (DAE) with support from
different aid agencies since 1980’s. But still there is no standard assessment and certification
system exists in the country. Organic growers, organizers and sellers are working scattered. Due
to lack of standards, organic products cannot compete or enter into the world market and also failed
to get confidence of internal consumers. However, in Bangladesh, eco-friendly agriculture is adept
from three different levels: NGO, private and government showed in fig. 2 (Source: Hoque, 2012).
Figure 2: Organizational structure of eco-friendly farming in Bangladesh. (Source: Hoque., 2012)
3.3 Effort of GO, NGOs and private sectors towards organic farming
Many of government, non-government and private organizations are working to introduce organic
farming from different level. For this, in 2006, Bangladesh was ranked second in Asia in terms of
total hectares of land under organic management. The total land under organic cultivation was
estimated to be about 177,700 hectares, almost 2% of the total agricultural area. In 2002, 100
organic farms were operating in Bangladesh (IFOAM and FiBL, 2006).
3.3.1 PROSHIKA: They were stared in 1975 with uniting some farmer’s association. Farmers
were organized for the awareness regime, leadership development; and social, economic, political
- overall development. In the beginning, farmers told that they were using more and more fertilizers
day by day, insects’ attacks and persisted though insecticide was used, as a result production cost
increased but amount of production decreased (PROSHIKA, 2005).
3.3.2 UBINIG’s principles and Nayakrishi farmers’ practice:
After severe flood in 1988, farmers of Tangail District started a new agricultural drive with the
help of UBINIG. Through this agricultural practice, farmers do not rely on modern inputs, they
use organic and bio-inputs for their cultivation (Mondal et al., 2010).
Figure 3: Main crop production practices of PROSHIKA and UBINIG (Source: Mondal et al.,
3.3.3 Kazi and Kazi tea farm, only certified organic farm in Bangladesh
The farm was started in 1986 in such unfertile and sandy land that tea board was doubting whether
it would be possible to produce tea here or not?. At the very beginning, emphasis was given on
soil improvement by relay cropping and covers cropping. Relay crops were mainly leguminous
crops those were nurtured for Nitrogen fixation. Cover crops (i.e. dhaincha, pulses, and bean) were
cultivated to keep soil fertility. The soil was also enclosed by mulching materials besides growing
cover crops. Good quality straw was used as fodder for cow and bad quality was used for mulching.
Till then, the farm is performing the same practices. The farm has dairy unit in each production
area. Totally 1200 cows are reared to produce compost for organic tea farm. Herbal drugs, fresh
water, organically grown and purchased foods are given to livestock to produce biogas and
compost. As the farm has got certificate from SGS and USDA, form their agreement, compost
house is must in organic farm (Hossain, 2007)
Where NGOs and private farms are involved entire organic or eco-friendly approach, govt. has
given emphasis on pest management. Some researchers of different government research
organization are trying to implement other production practices, for instance, BARI researchers.
They are working separately from their own motivation. There are some researchers who are
motivating the nearby farmers to accept organic practices and farmers have also implemented.
Being a national research organization, Bangladesh agriculture research institute (BARI) has
started research and development activities since 2006 following the IFOAM rules (Nazim Uddin
et al., 2007).
Table 2: Comparison of different local standards of organic practices (Source: Hoque, 2012)
Organic products Vegetable and cereals Vegetable, fruits, oil Tea and medicinal plants
crops, aquaculture, crops, cereals.
Fertilizer management Apply compost; follow Apply compost; follow Kitchen residuals, cow
crop rotation, green crop rotation, green dung, tree leaf.
manuring, mulching. manuring, mulching
Pest, disease, growth, Farmers select Farmers don’t use any plantation of medicinal
weed management appropriate species type of pesticide plants.
and varieties. (organic or inorganic)
3.4 Organic farming through different farming practices in Bangladesh:
The farming method is the main component of organic farming, but the major trusty sector is crop
which comprising crop rotation, maintenance and enhancement of soil fertility through biological
nitrogen fixation, addition of organic manure and use of soil microorganisms, crop residues, bio-
pesticide, biogas slurry, waste etc. The numerous components of organic farming have been
discussed in details below. (Musa et al.,2015)
3.4.1 Insect Management through resistant variety: Brinjal shoot and fruit borer is a public
insect in Bangladesh but now BSFB resistan variety is available. In case of shoot infestation, the
varieties/lines Katabegun WS, and Marich begun were found to be tolerant while the
varieties/lines Amjuri, Borka, Dharola, Kajla, and Uttara were found to be moderately tolerant.
Table 3: Shoot and Fruit borer resistance brinjal varieties in Bangladesh (Source: Ahmad et al.,
In case of fruit infestation, the varieties/lines Thamba and Katabegun WS were found to be tolerant
while the varieties/lines Amjuri and ISD 006 were found to be moderately tolerant.
3.4.2 Mechanical control: In this method, no insecticides are used during the life cycle of the
crops. Leaf eating caterpillars in Cabbage is the major pests in Bangladesh. Two pests like
Diamond back moth and armyworm are involved for damaging the Cabbage. Farmers
indiscriminately use insecticides without knowing the nature of damage. However, only 4-5
handpicking during head formation stage can reduce the infestation (Figure 3). Results shown that
through handpicking it was possible to keep the infestation 5.6 % whereas using frequent
insecticide application the infestation percentage raised up to 20.4%. Handpicking make sure high
yield (67.5 t/ha) of cabbage compared to control with 25 % increased income.
Figure 4: Combined results of hand picking and Farmers practice to control leaf-eating caterpillar
during 2011-2012. (Source: Uddin et al., 2013)
3.4.3 Pheromone trap: Afield study was conducted at Sher-e-Bangla Agriculture University farm
to find out result of different traps on the incidence and management of cucurbit fruit fly,
Bactrocera cucurbitae during November 2012 to April 2013. The treatments of the experiment
were Pheromone trap (Plastic pot), Sticky trap, Bait trap, Funnel Pheromone trap, Light trap, Bait
trap + Pheromone trap (Plastic pot) and Untreated control. The highest number of healthy
fruits/plot (6.33) was documented from Bait trap + Pheromone trap (plastic pot) treated plot
followed by 5.67 in Funnel Pheromone trap with no significant difference between them. The
transitional number of healthy fruits/plot (4.33 - 4.67) was recorded from Pheromone trap (Plastic
pot), Bait trap having no significant difference among them. Sticky trap, Light trap and Untreated
control plot which was significantly lower than other treatments. Similarly, in case of percent
increase of number of fruits over control, Bait trap + Pheromone trap (plastic pot) provided the
best result (111.1%) having no significant variation from that of Funnel Pheromone trap (88.89%)
(Table 3) but significantly differed from others. On the other hand, no increase occurred in Sticky
trap and Light trap. The lowest number of infested fruits/plot (1.00) was noted from Funnel
Pheromone trap which was statistically identical to that of Bait trap + Pheromone trap (plastic pot),
Bait trap and Pheromone trap. The highest number of infested fruit/plot (3.33) was recorded from
untreated control plot (Source: Islam et al., 2013).
Table 4: Effect of different traps on the production of healthy and infested fruit caused by cucurbit
fruit fly during total cropping season
Brinjal fruit and shoot borer, Leucinodes orbonalis Guenee (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) is a vicious
and first ranked insect pest constraint of eggplant production in almost eggplant growing areas of
the world (Mainali et al., 2013). In table 3, showed that Trichogramma had 11 species, Bracon
had 3 species and others had 2 species. Bollworm is controlled by Trichogramma, Bracon,
Chelonus, and Chrysoperla. Pod borer can be controlled by Trichogramma, Bracon, Chelonus and
Table 5: Some Species and number of bio-control agent (Source: Asre et al., 2014).
Neochetina 2 Weed
Olericulture Division of Horticulture Research Center, BARI, Gazipur has established an organic
fertilizer namely, biologically active organic fertilizer (BAOFER) is constituted of rice bran,
mustard oil cake, fish debris, poultry refuge, ash, water, agricultural soil and half composted cow
dung (Source: Musa et al., 2015).
Food secured means the quantity and quality of food available globally, nationally and locally,
access to food for people at all time, and prepared the food safely. It was found that organic farming
has the biggest potential to rise yields in marginal lands or lands under traditional agriculture
(IFAD, 2003; IFAD 2005b). A nation is considered food secure based on four measurements that
includes food availability, food access, food stability and food utilization. A household is assumed
as food secured when it can produce or able to buy sufficient food to meet all of its members’
nutrition needs (Scialabba, 2007). Not only the producers, but the poor consumers can also attain
food security. If farmers don’t use chemicals, their costs of production will decrease. They can sell
their products at lower prices and clients also would pay lower price. With involved organic
management, it would be possible to keep the price of rice within Tk. 20 whereas consumers are
now paying Tk. 40-50 (Source: Hoque, 2012).
Figure 5: A way to food security through organic farming (Farm family will get all necessary items
whole of the year). (Source: Hoque, 2012)
Organic farming has been proved as environmentally sustainable, but can it also be economically
sustainable?. Many studies around the world have revealed that organic farming can be a
financially viable substitute to conventional farming practices. But most of cases it is appropriate
for developed countries. So, what about developing or least developed countries like Bangladesh,
where funding is distributed to conventional agriculture (Nieberg and Offermann, 2003).
Table 6: An example of two brothers (one of them is practicing Nayakrishi/Organic farming and
another practicing conventional farming)
Rice, jute, pulses, different Produced crops rice, wheat – cereal crops
leguminous crops and
I use seed from my reserve, Dependency on purchased I have to buy seed with high
prepare compost and other inputs price, and all the year I need
fertilizers, very rarely I need to buy fertilizers and
to think for pesticide pesticides
3.7 Repondence level of consumers of buying organic foods: While acknowledging the low
sample size, it appears that poor people are much less likely to buy organic foods than are middle
and higher class people. In addition to total factors, this may also be related to their lower concern
for health and environment. Based on annual income in thousands of taka (taka is the Bangladeshi
currency; 1000 BDT= US$14.61), most of the consumers who usually buy organic foods (92%)
belong to either middle or rich class, whereas 8% were poor in table 7 (Source: Sarkar and Itohara,
Table 7: Social status of the respondent consumers of organic food in Dhaka City in 2006 (Source:
Sarkar and Itohara, 2008).
Poor 8
Middle-class 42
Rich 50
The main question of this chapter is: why farmers cannot endorse organic farming in Bangladesh.
What are the difficulties that farmers are facing? Though we have very little number of true organic
farms, there are some non-certified organic or eco-friendly farms. The basic information has been
collected from the key informants, who are trying to promote eco-friendly or organic practices.
After evaluating those information, the problems will be identified that will guide us to advancing
recommendations. However, the major barriers have been presented in Figure 6 (Source: Islam et
al., 2013).
Political decisions highly adjust the agricultural sector in Bangladesh. In 1965, the Government
launched a 'Grow More Food' campaign, introduced HYV rice (i.e. IR5 & IR8) and provided
fertilizers and low lift pump (LLP) at a highly subsidized rate with pesticide at free of cost to
popularize these inputs among the farmers and meet the country's food shortage. Since 1980 s,
Bangladesh has received more than doubled the production of cereal grains, despite a continuous
decline in arable land. Our policy level think that without this notable growth in the production of
cereals, poverty and food insecurity would have been much worse than it is today. The political
government often declares ‘we are now self-sufficient’ or ‘our food security has been achieved’
and they make it a weapon to win the elections. In policy level, importance is given on fulfil of
stomach, not considering disease and health hazard. Nutrition and health development are not
given importance for policy makers (Baten, 2010).
In Farmers of Bangladesh mainly use three types of seeds: imported hybrid, high yielding variety
(HYV) and indigenous local varieties. The local varieties, farmers can produce without using
chemicals by following crop rotation and maintaining proper management. Farmers can conserve
the seeds for the next season. As farmers own the seed, they can produce how many crops as they
want. But, there is problem with imported HYV and cross breeds that adaptability power is very
less. In Bangladesh, hybrid seeds are imported from the countries where the weather is not similar
as Bangladesh. So, it is very difficult to adapt in local environment. HYV seeds are produced in
laboratory and cross breeds are in commercial farms. Both of them are produced in artificial
environment with using high chemical inputs. Their characters change due to applying high dose
of chemicals and become highly dependent on hybrid seed package which include chemical
fertilizers, pesticides and irrigation water. As a result, organic/ bio fertilizer doesn’t work at the
time of production (Informants U1 and P2). Now the question arises, why the farmers don’t use
local variety, and why again and again, they are being compelled to go for cultivation dependent
on fertilizer-pesticide-irrigation?. The answer could be the govt policy to promote hybrid seed
backed by multinational companies with the help of some NGOs and international research
institutions. UBINIG feels that government is patronizing HYV and hybrid seed and taking the
opportunity in the name of natural disasters and to feed the nation (UBINIG, 2008).
Figure 7: Influence of govt. policy on farmers’ decision to use hybrid seed. (Source: Hoque, 2012).
Fertilizer becomes a very sensitive and political issue in Bangladesh agriculture. Sometimes, the
ruling political party loose popularity, if it failed to meet the demand of fertilizer timely. From the
green revolution period, govt. promoted fertilizers and now farmers have adopted in a way that
they think, ‘We are farmers and fertilizer is our life. Which party can ensure us to make fertilizers
available in the market, we will cast vote in favor of that and help them to come to the power’.
Therefore, ministry of agriculture tirelessly work to meet the demand of fertilizer. But it is not
possible to get supply of all kinds of fertilizers.
We know that there are 46 micro and macro nutrients. Farmers of Bangladesh are familiar with
mainly three fertilizers, urea, triple super phosphate and murate of potash. Farmers try to use these
three but their use depends on the price and the availability of fertilizers in the market. As the price
of Nitrogen fertilizer is lower than other fertilizers and availability is also more, therefore mostly
they use urea, not balanced fertilizer. Due to excessive and unbalanced use of fertilizers, soil
becomes unfertile. As a result, production decreases; and next year, farmers apply more fertilizers.
One statistics show that fertilizer consumption has increase from 313 thousand tones in 1970-75
to 3,223 thousand tones in 2000-04 (Shah, et al., 2008).
Figure 8: Vicious circle of imbalanced fertilizer application and decrease in production (Shah, et
al., 2008).
Farmers spray the crops with harmful chemicals as they cannot get organic pesticides and the
components of biological pest control. It was found that farmers in some areas of Jessore district
were producing vegetables at lesser costs while protecting the environment. It could be noted that
Jessore is an intensive vegetable growing area and one fifth of the total amount of aubergine in
Bangladesh is produced in Jessore. The frequency of spraying insecticides in brinjal was 84 times
in 1994, at least twice in a week. But in 2001 and 2004, the frequency increased to 140 and 160
times respectively, they had to spray at least once every day.
It means the pests were becoming drug-resistant, but the scene was started to change in 2008.
Though farmers produce organically, but our consumers always look for good looking, glessy and
big products. Organic products are not always good looking. If we bring these to Dhaka city, we
cannot sell without consumers’ awareness. If consumers are not aware, we cannot expand the
market. Consumers don’t know, what is organic and those who know, they don’t believe the
products as organic, since these are not looking very fresh than chemical used products. Even some
people are studying on organic farming, they don’t want to buy organic products; they don’t think
about its future impact on their child. We have to develop consumer’s awareness. Consumers
should know the harmful effect of chemicals (Source: Hoque, 2012).
3.8.5 Problems of marketing of organic products
There are many constraints to the use of organic fertilizers at farm level. The major problems could
be identified as: use of biomass, crop residues, animal dung, etc. as fuel or fodder; unavailability
of green manuring seeds due to mono cropping. Lack of farmers’ knowledge, how on soil organic
matter management; lack of proper extension service; necessity of more labour and hard work to
produce organic fertilizer etc. (Source: Hoque, 2012).
Organic farming has the potential to expand in Bangladesh by identifying the suitable
niches in different locations. Research and development activities need to strengthened
along with government should take effective initiative through institutional approach to
introduce organic farming in Bangladesh.
Organic farming in Bangladesh has four core problems: poor farmers, poor farmer
knowledge of organic farming and its benefits, insufficiency of organic inputs, and poor
marketing of organic foods.
Asian countries like as India, China, Korea and Sri Lanka, are active producers and
exporters of organic foods compare to other developing countries like Bangladesh. But
Bangladesh has the capacity to realize a significant share of the global organic market. This
offers an opportunity to increase farmers‟ incomes, thereby making a significant
contribution towards reducing poverty for among poor farmers.