Grade6 Math Number Systems Section

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Grade 6 Math Practice Workbook: Section 1 - Number Systems

Number Systems

Objective: Understand and operate with whole numbers, integers, fractions, and decimals.


Page 1-2: Whole Numbers

Concept: Definition, place value, reading and writing whole numbers.


- Write 5,678 in words: Five thousand, six hundred seventy-eight.

- Round 6,459 to the nearest hundred: 6,500.

Practice Questions:

1. Write 12,345 in words.

2. Round 78,912 to the nearest thousand.


- Correct answers (2 points each)

- Clear steps in rounding (1 point each)


Page 3-6: Integers

Concept: Positive and negative integers, number line, absolute value.


- Place -4, 2, and -7 on a number line.

- Find the absolute value of -5: 5

Practice Questions:

1. Arrange in order: -8, 3, -2, 7, 0.

2. What is the absolute value of -15?


- Accurate ordering (2 points), correct absolute values (1 point each)


Page 7-12: Fractions

Concept: Types of fractions, equivalent fractions, simplification.


- Simplify 8/12: 2/3.

- Convert 3/4 to a decimal: 0.75

Practice Questions:

1. Simplify 15/45.

2. Convert 7/8 to a decimal.


- Simplification (2 points), accuracy in decimal conversion (2 points)


Page 13-17: Decimals

Concept: Reading, writing, comparing, and rounding decimals.


- Write 0.567 in words: Five hundred sixty-seven thousandths.

- Round 3.145 to the nearest hundredth: 3.15

Practice Questions:

1. Write 4.321 in words.

2. Round 6.789 to the nearest tenth.


- Correct decimal readings (1 point), rounding accuracy (2 points)


Page 18-20: Mixed Practice and Mini-Test

Concepts: Review and apply skills from the Number Systems section.

Practice Test:

1. Order these numbers from least to greatest: -3, 7, 0, -1.

2. Round 9.876 to the nearest hundredth.

3. Simplify 12/20.

4. Write 2,345 in words.


- Completeness and accuracy for each question (2 points each), correct rounding and simplifications

(2 points each)

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