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Syllabus Research and Statistical Methods in Business-Odd Semester 2024 - 25

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ODD SEMESTER 2024/2025

No. Name E-mail
1 Arviansyah, S.E., M.Sc., Ph.D. [email protected]
2 Maria Ulpah, S.E., M.Sc., Ph.D. [email protected]
3 Permata Wulandari, S.E., M.Si., Ph.D. [email protected]
4 Daniel Tumpal H. Aruan, S.Si., M.M., Ph.D [email protected]
5 Prof. Dr. Rizal Edy Halim, S.E., M.E. [email protected]
6. Triza Mudita, S.E., M.S.M, Ph.D. [email protected]
7. Rezzy Eko Caraka, M.Sc., Ph.D. [email protected]
8. Prof. Dr. Drs. Nachrowi, M.Phil., M.Sc. [email protected]
9. Prof. Dra. Omas Bulan Samosir, Ph.D. [email protected]

Subject Code ECMM808854

Subject Title Research and Statistical Methods in Business
(Metode Riset dan Statistika dalam Bisnis)
Credit Value 3 Credits
Year/Semester I/First
Subject Type Compulsory
Pre-requisite/ -
Role and This course exposes participants to research methods and applied statistics.
Purposes It covers various research methods and statistical analyses. The course
discusses stages in conducting research, ranging from identification of
research problems, formulation of research design, conducting data
gathering, processing data, analyzing data, and formulation of research
conclusions. The preparation of a good research design will direct the
researcher to answer research questions and achieve research objectives that
are the reasons to do. Moreover, some of the research methods and purposes
of each method will be discussed so that researchers can adjust the methods to
research objectives and sound scientific principles.

This course aims to make students able to understand and carry out research
with a variety of methods that are proper to standards of scientific papers,
either in the form of a thesis, independent study, or another research.

Subject Participants of this unit are expected to obtain these competencies:

Learning 1. Critically discuss the strength and weaknesses of various research
Outcomes designs
2. Develop a research proposal using appropriate research designs to
answer research questions related to research problem
3. Critically discuss the strengths and weaknesses of a statistical
approach and the practical implications of statistical analysis.
4. Apply appropriate statistical analysis to business and managementdata
to support business decision-making.
5. Interpret and professionally communicate statistical analysis
findings to non-specialists within a business.
6. Make critical judgments on business cases and provide suggestions and
advice to the business based on their statistical analysis & findings.

Subject Reading Additional

Week Topics and Activities
Synopsis/ Materials Reading
Indicative 1 Introduction to Research Methods, S Ch. 1-3 SB Ch. 1-3
Syllabus Research Process,Research
Proposal, and Research Ethics
• Thinking like a
- The language ofresearch
- The Scientific method
• Overview of researchprocess
• All about research ethics:what it
is, why it is needed and how it
shouldbe delivered

CITI Training (Certificate should be

uploaded through EMAS2 at the
latest in midterm).


2 The research process and S Ch. 4 SB Ch. 4-6
Introduction to Research Designs
• The research processes
• Clarifying the research
questions through secondary
data and exploration
• Overview of research design
Proposal research review
• Background
• Research
• Proposed research
• Proposed data analysis

(Lecture, PCL/assignment)

3 Qualitative Research Designs 1: S Ch. 6 SB Ch. 7

• Qualitative research MHS Ch.3-4
• Qualitative research process
• Qualitative research NBD20
methodologies KSS14
• Combining qualitative
• Merging qualitative and
quantitative methodologies

(Lecture, exercise browsing for

qualitative papers, PCL/assignment)

4 Qualitative Research Designs 2: S Ch. 7 SB Ch. 8, 16

MHS Ch.5-9
Observation studies
• Evaluation of observationmethod
• What to observe? LJB17
• The observer-participant
• Conducting an
observation study
• Unobtrusive measures

• Selecting the best qualitative
design for aresearch problem

(Lecture, PCL/assignment)

5 Quantitative Research Designs: S Ch. 5, 8, SB Ch. 9,

Sampling, Experiments & 9 10, 13
Survey. MAL Ch. 19
• Steps in sampling design
• Overview of sampling techniques
(probabilityand non-probability FL16
• What is experimentation and its
• Steps in conducting an
• How to establish validity in
• Experimental researchdesigns
• Selecting the most appropriate
experimentaldesign for a
research problem
• Choosing a communication
• Errors in communication approach
• Types of surveys/
communication approach: self-
administered, telephone,
personal interview
• Selecting optimal surveymethod

(Lecture, exercise browsing for

quantitative papers, optional

6 Measurement, Measurement Scales S Ch. 10- SB Ch. 11-
& Questionnaires, and Instruments 12 12
• What is measurementand
types of measurement scales
• Sources of error in HL07
• Characteristics of good
• Issues in selecting a
measurement scale
• Several types of scales inresearch
• Three phases/steps in designing
questionnaireand instruments

(Lecture, PCL/assignment)

7 Mixed method CC Ch. 10 VBB

• Components of mixed DWA18
methods procedures
• Types of mixed methods designs
• A procedure for
embedding core designs into
complex designs
• Factors important inchoosing a
mixed methods design

(Guest lecture: parallel via Zoom)

MIDTERM: Individual Quantitative Research Proposal, Quiz,

CITI Test result collection
8 Statistical Inference: LSS Ch. 8-9 LMW Ch. 9-
• Confidence IntervalEstimation 10
• Testing Hypothesis: Mean, Two
Difference Mean, Proportion, and
Two Difference Proportions WW19

Pitching research matters:

(Certificate should be uploaded
through EMAS2 at the latest in
Week 14).
(Lecture, PCL/assignment)

9 • Experimental design: t-test, LSS Ch. 10- LMW Ch.
ANOVA GLM 11 11-12
• Analysis of Variance: One-Way HABB Ch14
and Two-Way Variance

(Lecture, PCL/assignment)

10 Correlational design: LSS Ch. 13 LMW Ch. 13

• Regression: Single, Multiple,
Linear, Test of Slope, Test F, R
Square, and Adjusted R Square. KP06
(Lecture, PCL/assignment)

11 • Multiple linear regression with HABB LSS Ch. 14-

dummy variable, outlier test, and Ch 4 15
forecasting.\ LMW Ch. 14
• Multicollinearity analysis,
heteroscedasticity analysis,and
serial autocorrelation YMB18

(Lecture, PCL/assignment)

12 Multivariate: HABB LSS Ch. 11

• Cluster, and Exploratory Factor Ch. 3 & 8 RBS18
Analysis CAR

(Lecture, PCL/assignment)

13 Chi-Square & Non- Parametric LSS Ch. 12 LMW Ch. 15

Statistics: & 16
• SignTest, Runs Test, Mann (MS Excel
Whitney U Test, Kruskal Wallis
Test, Rank Correlation Test, and
Kolmogorov Smirnov Test

(Lecture, PCL/assignment)


• CB & PLS Ch. 11-13 JI14

(Guest lecture: parallel via Zoom)

FINAL: Individual Quantitative Research Proposal

Teaching/ Reading the references before attending each session is compulsory for
Learning every participant. Each session is delivered with Participant-Centered Learning
Methodology method. Before the mid-term, basics of research and various research designs
are discussed, and after the mid-term, statistical analyses are discussed.

Recommended software/applications:
Qualitative: NVivo, Leximancer, ATLAS.ti, QDA Miner Quantitative:
Microsoft Excel (and add-ins), IBM SPSS (and) Amos,STATA, LISREL,
AMOS, and SmartPLS

Assessment Description Percentage of LO1* LO2*

Method in Evaluation
Alignment with (%)
Intended Before Mid:
Learning PCL + Assignment 15
Quiz (midterm replacement) 15
Midterm assignment: 20 100%
Individual Qualitative
Research Design
Max: 5 pages (excluding
references and appendices)
After Mid:
PCL + Assignment 15
Final assignment: 100%
Individual Quantitative 35
Research Proposal.
Max: 10 pages (excluding
references and appendices)
Total 100

Details of The specific learning methods used every session on this subject are:
learning 1. Class discussion/participation-centered learning (PCL) + assignment
methods • Objective: Understand and present key takeaways from the
additional reading materials through group collaboration.
• Suggested Steps:
1. Form Groups: 4-5 members per group.
2. Review Materials: Read and discuss assigned articles and
additional reading.
3. Discuss & Analyze: Explore key concepts, analyze them, and
discover the key takeaways.
4. Assignment: Prepare a report or presentation summarizing key
takeaways and applications of the concepts.
5. Present: Each group will first comment on the previous group's
presentation, then proceed to present their own content.
2. Lecture

Student Study Class Contacts:
Effort Quiz, PCL + Assignment 6 Hours
Expected Lecture 35 Hours
Other student study effort:
Preparation for project/assignment/tests 40 Hours

Reading List Reading Material:

and • Schindler, Pamela S. (2022). Business Research Methods. 14th Edition.
References New York, N.Y.: McGraw- Hill/Irwin. (S)
• Creswell, J. W., & Creswell, J. D. (2017). Research design: Qualitative,
quantitative, and mixed methods approaches. Sage publications. (CC).
• Hair, J. F., Black, W. C., Babin, B. J., & Anderson, R. E. (2014).
Multivariate data analysis. 7th Edition. Pearson. (HABB).
• Levine, David M., David F. Stephan, and Kathryn A. Szabat. (2017).
Statistics for Managers Using Microsoft Excel. 8th Edition. Pearson. (LSS)

Additional readings:
• Sekaran, Uma, and Roger Bougie. Research Methods for Business: A
Skill-Building Approach. 7th Edition. Chichester, West Sussex, United
Kingdom: John Wiley & Sons, 2016 (SB)
• Saunders, Mark, Philip Lewis, and Adrian Thornhill. Research Methods
for Business Students. 7th Edition. Harlow [etc.]: Pearson Education
Limited, 2016 (SLT)
• Huberman, A. Michael, Mathew Miles, and Johnny Saldana. Qualitative
data analysis: A methods sourcebook. The united states of America: SAGE
publications, 2014 (MHS).
• Lind, D. A., Marchal, W. G., & Wathen, S. A. (2018). Statisticaltechniques
in business & economics (Seventeenth Edition). McGraw-Hill Education.
• Malhotra, N. K., & Birks, D. F. (2007). Marketing research: An applied
approach. Pearson education.
• Utts, J. M. (2015). Seeing through statistics (Fourth edition). Cengage

• Carpenter, S. (2018). Ten steps in scale development and reporting: A
guide for researchers. Communication Methods andMeasures, 12(1), 25–
44. (CAR)
• Dewasiri, N.J., Weerakoon, Y.K.B., and Azeez, A.A. (2018). “Mixed
Methods in Finance Research: The Rationale and Research Designs.”
International Journal of Qualitative Method,
17, 1-13. (DWA18)

• Floyd, E. and List, J.A. (2016). “Using Field Experiments in Accounting
and Finance.” Journal of Accounting Research, 54(2), 437-475. (FL16)
• Hair Jr, J. F., Matthews, L. M., Matthews, R. L., & Sarstedt, M. (2017).
PLS-SEM or CB-SEM: updated guidelines on which method to use.
International Journal of Multivariate Data Analysis, 1(2), 107-123.
• Henseler, J. (2017). Bridging design and behavioral research with
variance-based structural equation modeling. Journal of advertising,
46(1), 178-192. (HEN)
• Ho, C. I., & Lee, Y. L. (2007). The development of an e-travel service
quality scale. Tourism management, 28(6), 1434-1449. (HL07)
• James, T. L., Wallace, L., & Deane, J. K. (2019). Using Organismic
Integration Theory to Explore the Associations Between Users’ Exercise
Motivations and Fitness Technology Feature Set Use. MIS Quarterly,
43(1), 287-312. (JWD)
• Jenatabadi, H.S. & Ismail, N.A. (2014). “Application of structural
equation modelling for estimating airline performance.” Journal of Air
Transport Management, 40, 25-33.(JI14)
• Kaczynski, D., Salmona, M., and Smith, T. (2013) “Qualitative research
in finance.” Australian Journal of Management, 39(1), 127-135.
• Kumar, Sameer, and Palo Petersen. (2006) "Impact of e‐ commerce in
lowering operational costs and raising customer satisfaction." Journal of
Manufacturing TechnologyManagement. (KP06)
• Li, L. P., Juric, B., & Brodie, R. J. (2017). Dynamic multi-actor
engagement in networks: the case of United Breaks Guitars. Journal of
Service Theory and Practice. (LJB17)
• Mortimer, G., Fazal-e-Hasan, S. M., Grimmer, M., & Grimmer,
L. (2020). Explaining the impact of consumer religiosity, perceived risk
and moral potency on purchase intentions. Journal of Retailing and
Consumer Services, 55, 102115. (MFGG20)
• Mussol, S., Aurier, P., & de Lanauze, G. S. (2019). Developing in-store
brand strategies and relational expression through sales promotions.
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 47, 241-250. (MAL19)
• Neale, N. R., Butterfield, K. D., Goodstein, J., & Tripp, T. M. (2020).
Managers’ restorative versus punitive responses to employee
wrongdoing: A qualitative investigation. Journal of
Business Ethics. (NBD20)
• Ramires, A., Brandao, F., & Sousa, A. C. (2018). Motivation- based
cluster analysis of international tourists visiting a World Heritage City:
The case of Porto, Portugal. Journal of Destination Marketing &
Management, 8, 49-60. (RBS18)

• Rath, S., Tripathy, A., & Tripathy, A. R. (2020). Prediction of new active
cases of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic using multiple
linear regression model. Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical
Research & Reviews (RTT20)
• Shah, R., & Goldstein, S. M. (2006). Use of structural equation modeling
in operations management research: Looking back andforward. Journal
of Operations management, 24(2), 148-169. (SG06)
• Venkatesh, V., Brown, S. A., & Bala, H. (2013). Bridging the
qualitative-quantitative divide: Guidelines for conducting mixed
methods research in information systems. MIS Quarterly, 21-54.(VBB)
• Wall, J. D., & Warkentin, M. (2019). Perceived argument quality's effect
on threat and coping appraisals in fear appeals: An experiment and
exploration of realism check heuristics. Information & Management.
• Yildirim, R., Masih, M., and Bacha, O.I. (2018). “Determinants of
capital structure: evidence from Shari'ah compliant and non- compliant
firms.” Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 51, 198-219.

Plagiarism Plagiarism is defined as inserting words/sentences/ideas belonging to other

author(s) in part or whole without referring to the sources. Students must
indicate the source of any words/sentences from other author(s) in his/her
Plagiarism also refers to the copying in part or whole other students’
assignments or copying from books, journals, web, magazines, newspapers,
Plagiarism also includes the act of auto-plagiarism defined as the useof one’s
own words/sentences/ideas taken from other assignments/papers that have
been submitted for grading in different or the same courses without any
reference to its/their source(s).
In accordance with the disciplinary rules and code of ethics for students as
indicated on the Guidebook of FEBUI, students are prohibited from
conducting plagiarism and will be sanctioned/punished accordingly.
The sanctions/punishment are as follows:
• For the first-time offense, the minimum sanction is a zero (0)grade
for the assignment or maximum an F
• The second-time offense, the grade for the course will be an F.
• The third-time offense, the student will be expelled from the
Department of Management, FEB UI.

Statement of It is mandatory that a Statement of Authorship must be included and posted
Authorship on the front page of the assigned paper.

Statement of Authorship

I/We, the undersigned, declare to the best of my/our ability that the
paper/assignment herewith is an authentic writing carried out by
myself/ourselves. No other authors or work of other authors have been
used without any reference to its sources, including the output from
Generative Artificial Intelligence tools (such as Chat GPT, Gemini, and
Microsoft Copilot), unless used in accordance with the applicable rules.

This paper/assignment has never been presented or used as paper’

assignment for other courses except if I/we clearly stated otherwise.

I/We fully understand that this assignment can be reproduced and/or

communicated for the purpose of detecting plagiarism.

Name :
Student’s ID Number :
Signature :
Course Paper/Assignment Title :
Date :
Lecturer :

(signed by all and every single student if it is a group assignment)


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