Estimation of Leak Rate
Estimation of Leak Rate
Estimation of Leak Rate
Original Article
Department of Safety Engineering, Chungbuk National University, Cheongju, Chungbuk 362-763, South Korea
Mechanical and Material Assessment Department, Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety, Daejeon 305-338, South Korea
Article history: The leak before break (LBB) concept is widely used in designing pipe lines in nuclear power
Received 5 June 2014 plants. According to the concept, the amount of leaking liquid from a pipe should be more
Received in revised form than the minimum detectable leak rate of a leak detection system before catastrophic
18 November 2014 failure occurs. Therefore, accurate estimation of the leak rate is important to evaluate the
Accepted 18 November 2014 validity of the LBB concept in pipe line design. In this paper, a program was developed to
Available online 22 January 2015 estimate the leak rate through circumferential cracks in pipes in nuclear power plants
using the HenryeFauske flow model and modified HenryeFauske flow model. By using the
Keywords: developed program, the leak rate was calculated for a circumferential crack in a sample
Circumferential Crack pipe, and the effect of the flow model on the leak rate was examined. Treating the crack
HenryeFauske Flow Model morphology parameters as random variables, the statistical behavior of the leak rate was
Leak Rate also examined. As a result, it was found that the crack morphology parameters have a
Pipe strong effect on the leak rate and the statistical behavior of the leak rate can be simulated
Probabilistic Analysis using normally distributed crack morphology parameters.
Copyright © 2015, Published by Elsevier Korea LLC on behalf of Korean Nuclear Society.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (J.H. Park).
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http:// which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any me-
dium, provided the original work is properly cited.
1738-5733/Copyright © 2015, Published by Elsevier Korea LLC on behalf of Korean Nuclear Society.
N u c l E n g T e c h n o l 4 7 ( 2 0 1 5 ) 3 3 2 e3 3 9 333
C1 ¼ 3:39; C2 ¼ 0:86 for 27:74 mG mL d d
2m m ¼ mL þ 0:1 for 0:1 < 10: (18)
(12) 9:9 mG mG
C1 ¼ 2:0; C2 ¼ 1:74 for > 27:74
2m d
m ¼ mG for 10 < ;
The pressure loss due to bends and protrusions in the crack mG
path, pk, is given by: where mL and mG are the local and global surface roughness,
respectively, and d is COD at the crack center.
G The number of 90 turns in the flow path is also assumed to
pk ¼ ðev Þ 1 X yL þ Xyg (13)
2 be a function of das follows [2]:
where ev is the total loss coefficient over the crack flow path
length. The variable ev can be determined experimentally by nt ¼ ntL for 0 < 0:1
ev ¼ e½L; (14) ntL d d
nt ¼ ntL 0:1 for 0:1 < 10 (19)
11 mG mG
where e is the number of velocity heads lost per unit flow path
length for a given type of crack. The experimental data from a
fatigue crack in a girth weld suggests a value of e ¼ 6 velocity nt ¼ 0:1ntL for 10 < ;
heads per mm of crack flow path. For SCC crack growth, a
value of e ¼ 3 velocity heads per mm of flow path is appro- where ntL is the local number of turns in the flow path.
priate. G is the mean value of mass flux given by: Because one 90 turn corresponds to one velocity head loss, nt
has the same meaning as e in Eq. (14).
Ao Go þ Ac Gc As the flow path is not perpendicular to the pipe surface
G¼ : (15)
Ao þ Ac and not straight, the real flow path length is longer than the
The pressure loss due to phase change acceleration, pa, is wall thickness. The real path length, La, can be obtained by
given by: multiplying the wall thickness, t, by a correction factor K as
pa ¼ GT ð1 Xc ÞyLc þ Xc ygc yLc (16)
La ¼ Kt: (20)
where GT is the mean value of mass flux in the two-phase
The correction factor K is also given as a function of d as
region of the flow path.
The pressure loss due to area change acceleration, paa, is
given as follows [6]: d
K ¼ KGL for 0 < 0:1
" 2 # mG
G2 yLo Ac Ac
paa ¼ c þ c ð1 XÞyLc þ Xygc
2 Ai Ao 2 KGL KG d d
" 2 # (17) K ¼ KGL 0:1 for 0:1 < 10 (21)
Ac 9:9 mG mG
1 ;
where Ai is the cross-sectional area at the plane where the K ¼ KG for 10 < :
two-phase flow starts, i.e., where L/DH¼12.
In the program it is assumed that the cross-sectional area
is constant along the flow path. Then Go¼Gc and paa becomes 0. If the pipe wall thickness to hydraulic-diameter ratio, L/DH,
Considering Eqs. (7), (10), (13), and (16), it can be noticed that is larger than 30, the HenryeFauske two-phase flow model can
the pressure losses, pe, pf, pk, and pa, can be expressed as a be used. Here the surface roughness, number of turns, and
function of Gc. Then from Eq. (2), pc can be expressed as a actual length of the flow path are assumed to be functions of
function of Gc. Substituting the relation into Eq. (1), we can COD. When (L/DH)<30, the model needs to be modified. The
get an equation with only one unknown variable, Gc. PRO-LOCA program uses the following modified Hen-
ryeFauske flow model [13]. If (L/DH) 30, the HenryeFauske
two-phase model is used to calculate the mass flux Gc,
2.2. Modified HenryeFauske flow model calculate pc/po and the mass flux for L/DH¼30, and let the
values be (pc/po)1 and (Gc)1 respectively. When 4.6(L/DH)<30,
Rahman et al. [2] introduced a model modifying the pc/po is assumed to be (pc/po)1 in the region (L/DH) < 4.6, pc/po
HenryeFauske flow model. In their model the surface is assumed to increase linearly with L/DH from 0 to (pc/
roughness is assumed to be a function of COD at the crack po)1, when 12 (L/DH)<30, the mass flux is assumed to be
center. The number of turns and actual length of the flow (Gc)1. When (L/DH) 4.6, the leak rate is obtained using an
path are also assumed to be a function of COD. orifice-type flow equation where the fluid properties are
The surface roughness is assumed to be a function of COD evaluated at the average pressure, (poþpc)/2. In the region
as follows [2]: 4.6 (L/DH) < 12, the mass flux is assumed to increase
d linearly with L/DH from the mass flux at L/DH ¼ 4.6 to the
m ¼ mL for 0 < 0:1
mG mass flux at L/DH ¼ 12.
N u c l E n g T e c h n o l 4 7 ( 2 0 1 5 ) 3 3 2 e3 3 9 335
2.3. COA and COD equations RambergeOsgood stressestrain relationship is given by the
following equation:
To obtain the leak rate through cracks, a solution for the crack n
opening area (COA) is necessary. In the PRAISE program the e s s
¼ þa ; (25)
e0 s0 s0
following COA solution was used [10]:
where e0¼s0/E and s0 is the reference stress, which usually has
4 the same value as yield strength. Other COD solutions when
A¼ JðxÞdx; (22)
s bending moment is applied with or without axial load can be
found in [14].
where J(x) is the applied J integral expressed as a function of If the cross-sectional shape of the flow path is assumed to
the half crack length x, s is applied stress, and b is the half be elliptical, COA can be calculated from COD using the
crack length at which COA is obtained. following equation:
COA can be obtained using the elastic plastic crack opening
displacement (COD) solutions. For a circumferential through- A¼ db; (26)
wall crack under axial tension load, COD is expressed by the
following Eq. (23) [14]: where b is the half crack length.
d ¼ f2 þ ae0 pR$H2 $ ; (23)
tE P0 3. Program development
A program was developed to estimate the leak rate through a
" ( 1:5 3 )#
qe qe qe circumferential crack in a pipe using the HenryeFauske flow
f2 ¼ 2 $ 1 þ A 4:55 þ 47:0
p p p model and modified HenryeFauske flow model. In order to
solve Eqs. (1) and (2), the thermodynamic properties of water
2 2 3 should be known. For this purpose, the program developed by
6 $ n1
$ ss0t 7 Riemer et al. [15] was used.
6 b
qe ¼ q61 þ 2 7 In order to obtain the probabilistic distribution characteris-
4 5
1 þ P0 P
tics of the leak rate, the Monte Carlo simulation method was
used. In this method, the crack morphology parameters given in
" 1:5 4:24 # Table 1 were treated as normally distributed random variables
q q
Ft ¼ 1 þ A 5:3303 þ 18:773 (24) and new values of parameters were generated in each leak
p p
rate calculation. The cumulative distribution function was
0:25 obtained using the simulated leak rate values for the given
R R crack length. In the program, the normally distributed
A ¼ 0:125 0:25 for 5 10
t t parameters were generated using the algorithm proposed by
Box and Muller [16]. The program was written in Cþþ.
R R After developing the program, the obtained leak rate was
A ¼ 0:4 3:0 for 10 20
t t compared with the leak rate from the PRAISE program in order
to check its accuracy. In this case, the HenryeFauske flow
P model and the COA solution of Eq. (22) were used. It was found
st ¼
2pRt that the difference between the two leak rate results was < 1%.
Table 2 e Geometry and material data used in the Modified Henry–Fauske model
analysis. 6
Henry–Fauske model
with PRAISE COA equation
Geometries and material properties Input data
Yield strength (MPa) 201.1
a 12.22
n 4.84 40
Outer diameter of pipe (mm) 878.8
Thickness of pipe (mm) 71.1
pressure is assumed to be 15.51 MPa. The applied axial Half crack length (mm)
stress from deadweight is 14.34 MPa and the stress from
Fig. 2 e Comparison of leak rates obtained from
deadweight and restraint of thermal expansion is 59.2 MPa.
HenryeFauske flow model and modified HenryeFauske
Fig. 1 shows two COA solutions for a through-wall
flow model.
circumferential obtained using Eqs. (22) and (26). When the
half crack length, b, is small, the two equations give similar
COA values. As b increases, however, the COA from Eq. (26)
becomes larger than that from Eq. (22).
Fig. 3 shows variation of normalized pressure loss terms as
the half crack length increases for the HenryeFauske model.
4.2. Comparison of two flow models The pressure loss terms are normalized with the crack
entrance pressure, po. In the Fig. 3, pt is the total pressure
Mass flux cGc was calculated for a through-wall circumferential loss. The pressure loss due to entrance effects, pe, was
crack with crack length 2b using the HenryeFauske model excluded because the term was too small in comparison to
described in earlier. Multiplying the obtained mass flux by COA, the other terms. When the half crack length is small, pf is
the leak rate was obtained as a function of half crack length. Eq. the dominant pressure loss. As the half crack length
(22) was used for COA calculation in order to get a similar leak increases, however, pf decreases rapidly to a small value.
rate as the PRAISE program. The leak rate was also obtained However, pk increases rapidly and becomes the dominant
using the modified HenryeFauske model described earlier pressure loss term.
and the handbook COA solution of Eq. (26) was used as an Fig. 4 shows variation of normalized pressure loss terms for
improved COA solution. The two leak rate results were the modified HenryeFauske model. The model shows a
plotted in Fig. 2 as a function of the half crack length. It can similar variation trend in each pressure loss term compared
be noted that both results show a similar leak rate when the with the previous result of Fig. 3. When the half crack length
half crack length, b, is small. However, the leak rate from the is short, pf is the dominant pressure loss. However, pk
modified HenryeFauske model becomes much larger than becomes the dominant pressure loss term as the half crack
that from the original HenryeFauske model as b increases. length increases. It can be noted that the total pressure loss
HB equation 1.0
PRAISE equation
Normalized pressure loss
COA (mm )
0.6 pf/po
500 0.4
0 100 200 300
Half crack length (mm) 0 40 80 120 160
Half crack length (mm)
Fig. 1 e Comparison of COA solutions obtained from
PRAISE equation and handbook solution. COA, crack Fig. 3 e Variation of normalized pressure loss terms in
opening area. HenryeFauske flow model.
N u c l E n g T e c h n o l 4 7 ( 2 0 1 5 ) 3 3 2 e3 3 9 337
Normalized pressure loss
0.4 pk/po
0 50 100 150 200
Half crack length (mm)
Fig. 5 e Probability density function of leak rate for crack
Fig. 4 e Variation of normalized pressure loss terms in morphology variables of corrosion fatigue when the half
modified HenryeFauske flow model. crack length is 50.8 mm.
Conflicts of interest
Fig. 8 e Leak rates for normally distributed crack
morphology variables of corrosion fatigue. All authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
N u c l E n g T e c h n o l 4 7 ( 2 0 1 5 ) 3 3 2 e3 3 9 339
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