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LO GR 9 November 2022

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NAME: _______________________________________ Grade: __________

LO TEACHER: _________________________________________

TOTAL MARKS: 70 Marks TIME: 1 Hour


Instructions to learners:

• Read all questions carefully and all questions are compulsory.

• This is a WRITE ON paper!
• Answer each question in full sentences.
• Write neatly and legibly.
• Use a black or blue pen.

Sec A Sec B Q4 (10) Sec C Q6 (15)

Q1/Q2 Q3 (10) Q5 (10)


Section A
Question 1 – Choose the best option for the following multiple-choice
1.1 How many fundamental subjects are there in the FET phase?
A. four
B. five
C. six
D. seven
1.2 Which of the following will benefit a teen dealing with the death of a
loved one?
A. Consuming drugs
B. Eating a lot of food
C. Isolating oneself
D. Talking to a counsellor
1.3 NGO stands for…
A. No Government Organisation
B. Non-Governmental Organisation
C. Government Education and Training
D. Further Education and Training
1.4 Which of the following is an example of problem-solving skills?
A. Ignoring
B. Procrastination
C. Collaboration
D. Shouting
1.5 Counterproductive coping techniques can be…
A. constructive to the grieving process
B. beneficial to a person's work ethic
C. useful to one’s mental state
D. damaging to a person's health (5)

1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5

1.6 Complete the following sentences by filling in the missing word(s).
Write only the word(s) next to the question number (1.6.1 to 1.6.5) in the
answer book.
anger; denial; trauma; happiness; bargaining;
ease; increase; dangers; benefits
1.6.1__________________ is the stage of grief where someone may feel
aggression and rage.

1.6.2 __________________ can be described as a deeply distressing or

disturbing experience.

1.6.3 __________________ is the stage of grief where one negotiates to

try and change what happened, or even try to replace the pain with
something else.

1.6.4 Having help in times of crisis can __________________ the

consequences of trauma.

1.6.5 Actively seeking psychological help has many immediate and long-
term __________________.
Question 2
2.1 Choose a description from COLUMN B that matches an item in

Column A Column B

2.1.1 Passion A. not being good at achieving something

2.1.2 Weakness B. a natural ability to do something

2.1.3 Strength C. the process of receiving instruction

2.1.4 Education D. acquiring knowledge or skills

2.1.5 Aptitude E. a beneficial quality or attribute of a person

F. a great love for something

G. an inability to do a task
2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.1.4 2.1.5

2.2 Provide the definition for the following terms/words:
2.2.1. Bursary -
________________________________________________________ (1)
2.2.2 Maltreatment -
________________________________________________________ (1)
2.2.3 Intimate -
________________________________________________________ (1)
2.2.4 Assaults -
________________________________________________________ (1)
2.2.5 compromise -
________________________________________________________ (1)

2.3 Subject choices are usually difficult to make at the end of grade 9.
2.3.1 List the four compulsory subjects you would have to take in grade
10 to 12.
________________________________________________________ (4)
2.3.2 Which subject that you listed above, does not count for points in
________________________________________________________ (1)

Section B - Question 3 - Read the extract below and answer the
questions that follow:

Does Social Media Use Cause Depression?

How heavy Instagram and Facebook use may be affecting kids negatively

Is using social media making us happy? Evidence is mounting that there is a link between social media
and depression. In several studies, teenage and young adult users who spend the most time on
Instagram, Facebook and other platforms were shown to have a substantially (from 13 to 66 percent)
higher rate of reported depression than those who spent the least time.

Does that mean that Instagram and Facebook are causing depression?

(Adapted from https://childmind.org/article/is-social-media-use-causing-depression/

Accessed 30 June 2022)

3.1 Provide TWO physical symptoms of depression.

________________________________________________________ (2)

3.2 Discuss TWO reasons why the use of social media may cause
depression among teens.
______________________________________________________ (2x2)

3.3 Suggest TWO practical ways how teens can manage their social media
usage to decrease the risk of depression.

_______________________________________________ (2x2) (10)

Question 4 - Read the extract below and answer the questions that follow.

CAREER OPTION: VETERINARIAN Get the Required Qualifications

Veterinary Surgeons, or vets as they are To become a veterinarian in South Africa, you
commonly known, diagnose and treat diseases
will typically need the following qualifications:
and injuries in animals. They perform surgery
on animals and inoculate against infectious
diseases. The type of work performed 1.Certificate (National Senior Certificate with a
depends on the area in which they have Bachelor’s Degree pass)
specialised. 2.Bachelor’s Degree (Bachelor of Veterinary
There are plenty of employment opportunities
for veterinarians in South Africa who often You will be required to demonstrate
work in the following places: private practice, competency in the following subjects:
veterinary research institutes, zoos, wildlife
centres, colleges and universities, government • English
agencies and diagnostic laboratories. • Mathematics
• Physical Sciences
• Life Sciences

Veterinarians in South Africa typically study for

a minimum of 6 years. This includes pursuing a
Bachelor of Veterinary Science programme that
involves four and a half years of studying the
core veterinary curriculum followed by one and
a half years of work integrated training and a
research project.
[adapted from Veterinarian - HW Careers SA (hw-
Accessed 30 September 2022]

4.1. Name TWO elective subjects that a learner would have to choose at the
end of grade 9 in order to study veterinary science.

___________________________________________________ (2)

4.2 Name TWO strengths and/or abilities that a person would need to have in
order to do well in this career. Explain why these strengths/abilities are
necessary for this career.


4.3 If a learner were interested in pursuing a career as a veterinarian, explain

two reasons why volunteering at his/her local SPCA or Animal Anti-Cruelty
Organisation would be of great benefit to him/her.


4.4 Describe two volunteer activities or tasks that a volunteer at the SPCA
might perform.

_____ (2)


Section C
Question 5 -Read the extract below and answer the questions that

About CANSA Shavathon

CANSA Shavathon is one of South Africa’s best-loved events in support of a very

worthy cause that shows solidarity with those affected by cancer. Losing one’s hair is a
common side-effect of cancer therapy – so shaving your head has become a symbolic
gesture of support for cancer survivors.

CANSA is committed to connecting people facing cancer with information, day-to-day

help as well as the emotional support they need in the community. Our aim is to
ensure that cancer survivors and their loved ones don’t have to face cancer alone.

Volunteers and donations help to continue the fight against cancer in South Africa and
brings South Africa closer to the challenge of a cancer-free society within our

(Adapted from https://shavathon.org.za/about-cansa-shavathon/

Accessed on 10 September 2022)

5.1 Define the term terminal illness.

______________________________________________________ (1)

5.2 Discuss two ways the youth can assist NGOs that support those
suffering from terminal illnesses within their community.

5.3 Recommend ONE way schools can assist their learners in dealing with
grief after the death of a family/friend due to a terminal illness.

5.4 People with terminal illnesses usually require palliative care. Explain
this term.

5.5 Define the term hospice.

________________________________________________________ (1)

Question 6 – Essay
An anti-bullying campaign has been launched at your school which aims
to educate learners on how to resolve conflict without resorting to
violence, understanding the underlying causes of violent outbursts, the
consequences of bullying on a victim, as well as offering advice for
learners who experence or witness bullying at school.
Study the posters and answer the questions that follow.

Your answer on violence and bullying should be in an essay format, with a new
paragraph for each of the answers to the questions below.

Use the following as a guideline:

● Explain the difference between conflict and violence. (2)

● Discuss any TWO possible causes of violence in teenagers. (2)
● Recommend TWO ways teenagers can handle feelings of aggression or
manage a situation of conflict to avoid violence or abusive behaviour.
● Discuss the impact that violence and bullying can have on a victim. (2x2)
● What advice could you give a learner who is experiencing verbal or
physical bullying at school? (2x1)
● Flow of essay/paragraphs (1)





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