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Emotional Intelligence and Academic Achievement of

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IARJSET ISSN (O) 2393-8021, ISSN (P) 2394-1588

International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology

Vol. 8, Issue 8, August 2021
DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2021.88103

Emotional Intelligence and Academic

Achievement of Adolescents
Dr.Lopamudra Dash1, Chinmay Bairiganjan2
Lecturer in Education,2Research scholar, NKC CTE ANGUL,Odisha

ABSTRACT: This paper is an endeavor to examine relationship between Emotional intelligence and academic
achievement of adolescents.It also studies Emotional intelligence and academic achievement levels of boys and
girls.Sample for the study includes 80 students (40 boys and 40 girls) of class 9 in Puri district of Odisha.The data were
analyzed with the help of product moment correlation.The results revealed that there is positive correlation between
Emotional intelligence and academic achievement.
Keywords—Emotional intelligence, Academic Achievement, Adolescent

“EQ helps achieve a sense of mission and ensure true development.”
-Narendra Modi

Emotion can make us richer by knowing, educating and giving them „intelligence.‟ Emotional intelligence is the
capacity for recognizing our own feelings and of others, for motivating and for managing emotions well in us and in
our relationships. We are gradually moving towards a knowledge based society which believe on the strength of
information. Emotional Intelligence allows us to think more creatively and use our emotions to solve day-to-day
problems. The effect of growing stress on student‟s life and achievement caused by physiological, psychological and
environmental demands requires serious attention. The primary objective of this research was to study Emotional
Intelligence and academic achievement of Adolescent students of Puri district.
In the modern world, education is getting widened and there is a huge competition among students to
excel. Students feel difficult to control their emotions in order to face different situations in school life. It is imperative
to manage the stress and strain to keep pace with the demands of the modern world. The way of managing emotions is
vital for better performance. Even after they got into their desired field, their academic achievement is not at all
adequate. Success in academics can be forecasted more by emotional measures. Parent and teachers focus always on
academic performance through nurturing intelligence and they give less importance to their emotions. Emotions of a
student can affect him in many ways. Emotional intelligence can enrich their learning proficiency and make them
efficient achievers.The study will be significant enough in development of teaching strategies for developing
emotional intelligence, in curriculum development, preparing instructional material for teacher education programme,
especially at the secondary stage of education in the state.
It is observed from the reviewed studies on emotional intelligence that most of the researcher‟s
findings on emotional intelligence have contradiction. However, emotional intelligence is considered as an important

© IARJSET This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License 628
IARJSET ISSN (O) 2393-8021, ISSN (P) 2394-1588

International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology

Vol. 8, Issue 8, August 2021
DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2021.88103
construct to understand human behaviour and future success in life. A substantial number of studies are found
concentrating on the relationship between EI and Academic achievement. To study the level of emotional intelligence
and academic achievement of the adolescent students and to know the relations of emotional intelligence with academic
achievement constitute the base of the present investigation.
Ana Costa, Luísa Faria(2020) conducted study on "Implicit theories of emotional intelligence, ability and trait-
emotional intelligence and academic achievement".The results confirmed the direct effect of EI (ability and trait EI) on
students‟ Academic achievement.Suleman Q, Hussain I, Syed MA, Parveen R, Lodhi IS, Mahmood Z (2019)
Studied association between emotional intelligence and academic success among undergraduates.The findings revealed
that there was a strong positive relationship between emotional intelligence and academic
success.SathyamurthiKaribeeran,Shefali Mohanty(2019) studied Emotional intelligence among adolescents and
results revealed that all factors including family,school and media help to improve EI among
adolescents..GiuliaBallarotto, Barbara Volpi, Eleonora Marzilli, Renata Tambelli(2018) conducted a study on
adolescents internet Abuse and found that girls had used more internet than boys.Rajkrishna Ravikumar, O P
Rajoura and Manjeet S Bhatia(2017) studied Emotional intelligence among postgraduate Medical students in Delhi
and found that EI increase with Age and experience. Unnikrishnan et al (2015) designed a study to assess the
association of emotional intelligence (EI) with academic performance among medical students.They found a significant
association between EI and academic performance and concluded that efforts must be made to include the concept of
EI into the medical curriculum.Chamundeshwar (2013) investigated the emotional intelligence and academic
achievement of students at the higher secondary level. Results revealed a positive and significant correlation between
emotional intelligence and academic achievement among the students. Singh and Praveen (2010) studied the
relationship between social maturity and academic achievement of high school students The results indicated that there
were no significant differences between the academic achievement of boys and girls.
The statement under the present study is stated as:
“Emotional Intelligence and Academic Achievement of Adolescents”
The study was conducted keeping in the view the following objectives:
★ To study the Emotional Intelligence of adolescents of class IX students in Puri district.
★ To study the Academic achievement of adolescents of class IX students in Puri district.
★ To compare Emotional Intelligence of adolescents in relation to gender (Boys and Girls).
★ To compare Academic achievement of adolescents in relation to gender (Boys and Girls).
★ To compare the relationship between Emotional intelligence and academic achievement of Adolescents.
H01 There is no significant difference between boys and girls of class-IX adolescents with respect to Emotional
H02 There is no significant difference between boys and girls of class-IX adolescents with respect to Academic
H03 There is no significant relationship between Emotion intelligence and Academic achievement of class-IX

© IARJSET This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License 629
IARJSET ISSN (O) 2393-8021, ISSN (P) 2394-1588

International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology

Vol. 8, Issue 8, August 2021
DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2021.88103


As it was required to complete the study within a short period of time, so the study had following
★ The study was limited to adolescents of Kanas block of Puri district only.
★ The study was limited to class IX adolescents only.
★ The study was limited to 80 adolescents of 4 Govt. secondary schools only.
Emotional Intelligence-It is an ability, capacity or skill to perceive, assess and manage the emotions of one‟s self, of
others and of groups. Here 4 areas of EI were measured: Intra personal awareness(Knowing about one‟s own
emotions),Inter personal awareness(Knowing about others emotions),Intra personal Management(Managing own
emotions),Inter personal Management(Managing others emotions).
Academic Achievements: Class-VIII annual Test scores of class-IX students.
Adolescents-class Ix students.
Secondary school- The school which includes the students of class-IX and X.
Researcher followed the "Correlational research design" for the study.
All the adolescent students studying in class ix of Kanas block in Puri district constitute as population for the present
study.Though,it is not possible to study the entire population.By considering this fact, twenty (20) students both boys
and girls from each selected schools was selected.Finally in the present study,a sample of eighty (80) students was
selected from four Govt. secondary schools i.e. 40 boys and 40 girls on the basis of cluster through random sampling.
Tools Used
A standardized tool "Emotional Intelligence Inventory" developed by Dr. S.K. Mangal and Mrs.
SubhraMangal and academic achievement score card were used for collection of data.
The investigator himself moved from school to school met the Headmaster and students gave the
inventory for response.
In the present study the investigator has used simple statistics devices like mean and standard deviation. Data are
represented in tabular form. To know the significance level of boys and girls 't' test was used. Calculated value has
found less than table value. Hence the null hypotheses are accepted. The investigator has calculated 'r' value to know
relationship between EI and AA by using product moment correlation.
1-Comparison of EI scores of each category of Boys and Girls

Category A B C D E Total

No.of boys
2.5 5 35 52.5 5 100%

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IARJSET ISSN (O) 2393-8021, ISSN (P) 2394-1588

International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology

Vol. 8, Issue 8, August 2021
DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2021.88103

No.of girls
Nil 5 57.5 27.5 10 100%

From the above it is clear that boys and girls have average level of Emotional Intelligence.
2-Comparison of Academic Achievement of each Grades of Boys and Girls
Grades A1 A2 B1 B2 C D E Total

7.5 22.5 17.5 20 22.5 2.5 7.5 100%

Nil 12.5 22.5 37.5 17.5 7.5 2.5 100%

From the above it is clear that most of the boys have excellent and above average scores .Most of the girls have good

3-Significant difference between Boys and Girls With respect to Emotional Intelligence

Gender N Mean SD SED Significance

Boys 40 63.775 9.35

Not Significant At
2.01 1.07
0.05 Level
Girls 40 61.625 8.72

Since the calculated "t" value is less than the table value at 5 % level of significance, so the null hypothesis is
accepted.No significant gender differences were found in Emotional intelligence.The above findings draws support
from the findings of Farheen Nasir and Seema Munaf(2011). However Mahmood A. Khan and Nisar A. Bhat (2013)
found higher level of Emotional intelligence of boys than girls.

4-Significant difference between boys and girlsWith respect to academic achievement

Gender N Meanscore SD SED Significance

Boys 40 67.55 16.0 Not

3.13 0.80
Girls 40 65.025 11.7 at 0.05level

Since the calculated "t" value is less than the table value at 5% level of significance, so the null hypothesis is
accepted.No significant difference was found between boys and girls so far as their academic achievements are
concerned.The above findings draws support from the findings of Shabir Ahmad Bhat and Yashpal
Netragaonkar(2014). However Amit Abuja(2016) found higher academic scores of girls than boys.

© IARJSET This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License 631
IARJSET ISSN (O) 2393-8021, ISSN (P) 2394-1588

International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology

Vol. 8, Issue 8, August 2021
DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2021.88103

5-Significant relationship between Emotional Intelligence and academic achievement

Variable N Correlation

Emotional Intelligence 80
AcademicAchievement 80

From the above it is observed that the correlation value (r) obtained through product moment correlation method was
0.306.It shows positive correlation between Emotional Intelligence and academic achievement. Here the null
hypothesis is rejected.The above findings draws support from the findings of Nicolas,Maria and Natalie(2020),Mac
Cann et al (2019),Svetlana(2007) and Abisamra(2000). However F LotfiKashani, A LotfiAzimi and ShVaziri(2012)
found no significant relation between emotional intelligence and academic achievement in a correlation study.


Results of the present study indicated that students in secondary school in Puri portray average level of
emotional intelligence.They are less affected by negative affects such as anxiety,anger and frustration in performing
academic tasks.This may also explains their average academic performance.Gender difference in relation to Emotional
intelligence and academic achievement indicated that there is no significant difference between boys and girls.Both are
equally aware of Emotional state.Students who have the ability to regulate their negative affect associated with school
tasks often perceive more academically competent and vice versa.It is also revealed that Emotional intelligence had a
significant correlation with academic achievement.This means a student who is adept in emotional intelligence could
use such skill to manage stress and anxiety associated with examination.Further ability to show interpersonal skills may
help students to seek academic help from teachers,peers and resource persons.
The following main findings have emerged as an outcome of the present investigation:
1. It is found that most of the adolescents have average level of Emotional intelligence.
2. It is also found that most of the adolescents have Good academic performance.
3. There is no significant difference in Emotional intelligence of adolescent girls and boys.
4. There is no significant difference in academic achievement of adolescent boys and girls.
5. There is positive relationship between Emotional Intelligence and academic achievement of adolescents.

Realizing the reality of emotional intelligence, the curriculum of education right from primary to
tertiary education should be reviewed by considering the role of emotional intelligence. A paradigm shift in the system
of education together with professionalism of teacher education is the need of the hour. The policy-maker of education
should arrange the liberty and an approach as well to firmly support, to ensure the balance of national education system
from the aspect of emotional and cognitive intelligence.

© IARJSET This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License 632
IARJSET ISSN (O) 2393-8021, ISSN (P) 2394-1588

International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology

Vol. 8, Issue 8, August 2021
DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2021.88103
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