03-Living From A Place of Surrender
03-Living From A Place of Surrender
03-Living From A Place of Surrender
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So far in the course, we have stressed the fact that you are in there experiencing what passes before you. We
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saved to the journal discovered that the moment unfolding in front of you took 13.8 billion years to get here, and it is not personal. You
tab did not create the moment—it was given to you and you alone. Each moment is a unique gift.
Now we will begin to explore another thing you are aware of: the mind. As we’ve learned, you are not the mind; you
are simply aware of the mind. The human mind is truly amazing—it is brilliant and creative, and yet at the same time
it can be the source of great personal su ering and pain. To be free of this pain, we must understand the mind. In
this session we will learn what the mind is, where it came from, and why it creates the thoughts it does.
In this session, we began to explore the mind. We learned that the pure mind is a eld of energy that creates
thoughts that you, the consciousness, are aware of. The mind also receives and renders the world that comes in
through the senses. It allows you to experience the outside world and to learn and grow from that experience. The
problem is that the mind creates an alternate reality out of thoughts. It is built of the impressions you stored from
past experiences you either liked and tried to keep, or could not handle and pushed away. These stored impressions
create what Michael calls the personal mind.
Based on your stored impressions, you created a speci c directive as to how the world in front of you needs to
unfold in order for you to feel good. This alternate, mental reality prevents you from experiencing true reality, and it
ultimately causes you extreme su ering throughout your life.
Caught in this fabricated world of thoughts, you are no longer able to see the truth of life because your past
personal experiences are prejudicing your mind. Your past likes and dislikes are distorting your perception of the
present moment unfolding before you. This further contributes to the building of the personal mind.
Does it have to be this way? Ideally, the moment comes in, and you learn from it—both comfortable and
uncomfortable. You let the moment pass through you. Letting moments pass through you is the act of surrender.
Surrender is the highest path because it says, “I want to experience who I truly am, not who I think I am.” The whole
of spiritual growth is getting comfortable with all moments—the good and the bad. When you are able to do this, you
will begin to become free.
In this session, we explored how the personal mind is built. After watching this session, are you able to distinguish the
di erence between personal thoughts and impersonal thoughts? Describe what you understand to be the di erence.
How does the world in front of you need to unfold in order for you to feel good? Can you see that you have modeled it all
within your mind? Can you see that this limits what will make you happy to the things you have decided you want? What would
it be like to expand your comfort zone to include more of life?
In this session, we talked about “mind-blowing experiences.” We have mind-blowing experiences when we are able to center
our consciousness on the experience we are having in front of us. Are you able to describe a recent experience where your mind
was blown?
While hiking, the experience of spotting a coiled rattlesnake with a ickering rattle on your path is very di erent from the
experience of a monarch butter y landing on your arm during the same hike. As we learned in this session, every single thing
that comes in is supporting your evolution, even a rattlesnake. Looking back, is there an experience in your own life that at the
time upset you, but now on re ection, supported you in becoming a better version of yourself today?
What are two experiences that you’ve had in your life that you feel left an impression on you, and now run your life? For
example, you were bitten by a dog at the park when you were eight years old, and since then have avoided dogs your entire
life. Or, you grew up in a beautiful town with redwoods and rivers, and now only dream of returning and settling down in a
similar place like the beautiful town in which you once lived.