Art App Humanities
Art App Humanities
Art App Humanities
Art Appreciation
1. Why did the Justice advise the boy to forget about his technical preparation for
the law?
The Justice was trying to tell the boy that taking up Law isn’t always about the
technical skills of a person. It also have its other aspects and other abilities that
is needed to be cultivated not just for the degree or the job itself but for the
overall being of the person. Like the ability to have empathy, understanding and
heart to get to the bottom of everything.
2. What is meant by “cultivation of imaginative faculties”?
It meant participating or doing some activities that could cultivate their
imagination. Something that will give them the enlightenment about things. Like
what the letter suggested, reading poetries, listening to music and so on.
Although the mentioned activities are trivial matters, It can influence the
perception of a person. These activities will help them have a wide and amazing
imagination. By this they’ll have a creative mind.
3. Although you may not be going into law school, do you think you still need to
stock your mind with the deposit of much good reading? Why or why not?
Yes, by reading you’ll gain new knowledge, learn new words, and have a glimpse
of the perception of others especially the author of the book you’re reading.
These newly found information will update your mind, it will make you more
aware of your surroundings. You’ll become a much better person. A good read
will also help you relax and be happy. Reading is very important.
4. What is achieved by reading poetry, seeing great paintings, and listening to great
You’ll enhance your imaginative faculties and have a creative mind.
5. What then is a “cultivated man” based on the letter of Justice Felix Frankfurter?
A cultivated man is well-versed. They have a good temperament, knows various
kinds of information and have a creative mind.