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Methods For Determination of Oil and Gre

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V ol. 10, N o. 4, 2016 Chemical Technology

Ilma Cirne1, Jaime Boaventura1, Yuri Guedes2 and Elizabete Lucas2


Federal University of Bahia, Institute of Chemistry,
R. Barao Jeremoabo, 147, Ondina 40170-115, Salvador, Brazil
2 Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Institute of M acromolecules,

Av. Horacio Macedo 2030 - Ilha do Fundao, 21941598 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Received: September 04, 2015 / Revised: October 09, 2015 / Accepted: January 29, 2016

© Cirne I., Boaventura J., Guedes Y., Lucas E., 2016

Abstract. Infrared spectrometry and spectrofluorimetry Protection Agency (EPA), involve liquid-liquid extraction
methods were correlated in the measurement of oil (LLE) from oily water samples using 1,1,2-trichloro-
concentration in produced water. Furthermore, we 1,2,2-trifluoroethane (CFC-113), a compound that
compared colorimetry and gravimetry techniques. severely depletes ozone in the atmosphere.
Adsorption experiments were performed in synthetic oily A new gravimetric procedure, Method 1664, which
wastewaters by polymer compounds based on poly(hydro- uses hexane as an alternative extraction solvent, has been
xyethyl acrylamide and polypropylene. The residual oil developed by the EPA specifically to measure the oil,
content was used in the techniques correlation. grease and total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) in
aqueous samples. The idea behind this development was
Keywords: oil, grease, produced water, petroleum, infra- to provide a low-cost and less environmentally harmful
red spectroscopy, spectrofluorimetry, gravimetry method than LLE to determine the oil, grease and TPH in
technique. wastewater samples. This method is performance-based,
thus permitting the use of different solvent concentrations
1. I ntroduction and extraction techniques, such as solid-phase extraction
(SPE). The SPE procedure enables faster analysis, even
The production of oily water during extraction of though additional steps are necessary to prevent the
oil and gas is a serious problem in the petroleum industry clogging of SPE cartridges when used on aqueous
due to the high volume generated and the chemical nature samples containing high levels of particles. Therefore,
(toxicity and solubility) of the contaminants contained in successful application of Method 1664 depends on
this water [1]. Large quantities of contaminated water are
satisfying many quality control parameters, which are
also generated during oil refining [2]. The oil present in
these wastewaters can be classified as free, dispersed, hard to achieve.
emulsified or dissolved [3]. In untreated wastewater, the The method for measurement of TOG by infrared
total oil and grease (TOG) concentration can vary between spectrometry typically uses a Horiba OCMA-350
100 to 2,000 ppm [4]. In Brazil, the rules issued by the analyzer, which is designed to measure contamination by
National Environmental Council (CONAMA) limit the hydrocarbons in samples of fresh and salt water as well as
TOG level in discharged wastewater to 20 ppm [5]. The soil [8]. This instrument operates on the technique of
problem of monitoring the pollution caused by wastewater energy absorption in the infrared spectrum, with a
containing oily contaminants is not only measurement of wavelength range from 3.4 to 3.5 micrometers. According
their concentration, but also analyzing the chemical to the operating principle of this device, the quantity of
transformations of petroleum hydrocarbons in the energy absorbed is correlated with the concentration of
environment. The methods generally employed to hydrocarbons present in the sample, that is, it only
measure the TOG in the oil industry are gravimetry and measures C-H bonds. Since water also absorbs energy in
infrared spectrometry [6, 7]. the range from 3.4 to 3.5 micrometers, it is necessary to
Gravimetric methods, such as Method 413.1 and extract the hydrocarbons present in the sample with a
Standard Method 5520B from the U.S. Environmental solvent that is insoluble in water and that also does not

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438 Ilma Cirne et al.

absorb energy in this wavelength range. Horiba absorption spectrum. On the other hand, photometers have
recommended the S-316 solvent (an oligomer based on the advantage of simplicity, robustness and low cost. The
poly(trifluoroethylene)), which has the drawback of being majority of spectrophotometers cover the UV-visible
very expensive. Carbon tetrachloride, which is much less region, while photometers are almost exclusively used in
expensive, can be used in place of S-316 in these analyses, the visible region. Photometers are widely used as
but it is highly toxic and its use is no longer allowed in detectors for chromatography, electrophoresis, immu-
Brazil. Also, the device must be calibrated to assure noassays or continuous flow analysis. Both photometers
reliable results. For this, it is necessary to prepare a and spectrophotometers can be found as single-beam or
calibration solution with the standard formulation supplied dual-beam variety.
by the manufacturer and to define the calibration range The spectrofluorimetry technique is based on the
(0–50 or 0–200 mg/l). Therefore, it is worthwhile eva- quantification of fluorescent compounds in oil, such as
luating other techniques to determine TOG concentration. aromatics and alkyl-aromatics, through the incidence of a
Due to the wide range of chemical and physico- light beam with a determined wavelength, causing certain
chemical components of crude oil, there are several other components to become excited and emit this energy in
techniques that can be used to determine TOG levels in another wavelength range, which is detected by the device
water, such as colorimetry, spectrofluorimetry, gas [10, 11]. The fluorometer is relatively easy to use,
chromatography combined with mass spectrometry and provided an appropriate wavelength range is selected for
high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) [9]. the intended analysis. The instrument excites the
Each of these techniques can detect all or some of the molecules between wavelengths of 360 ± 30 nm, and its
constituents of the wastewater produced by the petroleum
florescence filter observes this phenomenon in a
wavelength range of 360 to 900 nm, enabling quanti-
Gas chromatography is an instrumental chemical
analysis method that permits the separation, identification fication of aromatic and polyaromatic compounds.
and measurement of the concentration of chemical In this study we used four methods to measure the
components in complex mixtures. The separation is based concentration of oily contaminants in water and compared
on the differences in the speed with which these the results: gravimetry, infrared spectrometry, spectrofluo-
components are carried in the fixed phase by the flow of a rimetry and colorimetry, pointing out the advantages and
mobile liquid or gas phase. The stationary phase is limitations of each method. Besides this, we performed
immobilized in a column with the function of separating experiments of adsorption of oil in synthetic oily
different components, causing each of them to leave the wastewaters by a polymer compound based on post-
column at different time (retention time). A detector is consumed poly(hydroxyethyl acrylamide) (PHMAA) and
used to monitor the outflow from the column. At the polypropylene (PP) [12]. These experiments were
moment that each chemical compound leaves the column, conducted using a batch method (liquid-solid extraction),
it is detected and identified electronically, and the quantity varying the contact time. They were used to determine the
can also be determined. Generally the substances are correlation of the adsorption percentage between the
identified (qualitatively) by the order in which they infrared and spectrofluorimetry techniques.
emerge (elute) from the column and by the retention time
of the column.
The colorimetry, or visible spectrophotometry,
2. Experimental
technique measures the absorption of electromagnetic
radiation in the Uv-visible region by a solution. 2.1. M aterials
Therefore, it is possible to obtain information about a Three types of crude oil with different
sample or measures the concentration of chemical species
compositions (Table 1) were supplied by Petrobras
contained in the sample. A spectrophotometer is a
Research Center (CENPES, Rio de Janeiro). The solvent
spectroscopic device that uses a monochromator or
S-316 (oligomer based on chlorotrifluoroethylene) and
polychromator together with a transducer to convert
radiant intensities into electrical signals, enabling standard calibration solution were supplied by Horiba
measuring the ratio between the intensity of two light (São Paulo). Hexane P.A., sodium chloride P.A. and
beams by calculating the absorbance (A = log(P0/P), calcium chloride P.A. were supplied by Vetec Química
where P0 = Psolvent and P = Psolution). Photometers employ a Fina Ltda. (Duque de Caxias). The adsorbent P01,
filter, together with a transducer, to select the wavelength composed of post-consumed poly(hydroxyethyl
with a suitable radiation. Spectrophotometers have a acrylamide) and polypropylene in mass proportion of
considerable advantage because the wavelength can be 35:65, was synthesized as described in a previous work.
continuously altered, making it possible to record an All the materials were used as received [12].

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M ethods for Determination of Oil and Grease Contents in Wastewater from the Petroleum Industry 439

Table 1
Composition and characteristics of crude oil samples*
Properties Oil A Oil B Oil C
Asphaltenes, % m/m 1.6 2.45 6.2
Paraffin, % m/m 3.86 4.17 0.83
ºAPI 22.5 19.7 13.0
Density, g/cm3 0.9150 - 0.9759

Note: *as informed by Petrobras

2.2. Preparation of the Synthetic Oily TOG = 1,000,000·(final mass –

– initial mass)/sample volume (1)
W ater where final mass is mass of the flask and its content after
We first prepared a saline solution of 55,000 ppm extraction; initial mass is mass of the empty flask; and
with distilled and deionized water containing NaCl and sample volume is volume of the sample analyzed.
CaCl2 (10:1). The selected crude oil sample was added to
2.3.2. I nfrared spectrometry
400 ml of this synthetic brine, using an IKA Ultra-Turrax
homogenizer (model T-25) operating at 13,000 rpm. The For this process, the oil must first be extracted from
oil was added with a micro-syringe with a long tip to assure the aqueous phase by an organic solvent, here S-316. For
good homogenization of the oily water. After adding the this step, three portions of S-316 were used: 40, 30 and
oil, the homogenizer’s rotation was increased to 15,000 rpm 20 ml for extraction from 70 ml of oily water. The organic
for 15 min, and then another 600 ml of brine was added, phase was drained through a funnel containing filter paper
with rotation of 11,000 rpm for 1 min more [13]. and 10 g of anhydrous sodium sulfate moistened with
S-316 and was collected in 100 ml round-bottom beaker.
2.3. M eausurement of the Total Oil After the extraction step, the oil and grease content
present in the sample was calculated using the value
and Grease (TOG) Concentration indicated by the device (Horiba OCMA-350 content
by Four Techniques analyzer) and the dilution factors were used during the
extraction step, according to Eq. (2):
Csolution = (reading·Vflask·Rdilution)/Vsample (2)
2.3.1. Gravimetry by adsorption in silica where Csolution is the concentration of the sample analyzed,
This technique involves the extraction by solvents mg/l; Vsample is the original volume of the sample,
of the organic phase from the aqueous phase using measured in a graduated cylinder, ml; Vflask is the volume
n-hexane (EPA method 1664). In this step, the following of the flask (100 ml); and Rdilution is the dilution ratio used.
quantities of n-hexane were used: three portions of 30 ml
2.3.3. Colorimetry
for the extraction of 400 ml of oily water, and one of
20 ml for final rinsing. The organic phase was drained The colorimetry technique consists of extraction by
through an analytic funnel containing filter paper and 10 g solvents of the organic phase from the aqueous phase
of anhydrous sodium moistened with n-hexane and using chloroform (Petrobras Manual, 2000). This involves
collected in an Erlenmeyer flask. The flask with the the use of three portions of chloroform: one of 20 ml and
extract was then placed over a stirrer plate and its color two of 30 ml for extraction of oil and grease from 400 ml
was observed. The extract had a light yellowish hue, so of oily water. The organic phase was drained through a
procedure A was used for the gravimetric analysis. This funnel containing filter paper and 10 g of anhydrous
procedure as applied here consisted of the following steps: sodium sulfate and collected in 100 ml round-bottom
(1) The Erlenmeyer flask was placed under magnetic flask. The colorimeter was set to zero with a portion of
stirring for 5 min with silica gel (3.0 g). (2) The extract clean chloroform. The sample was placed in a cuvette and
was then filtered and collected in a previously weighed the concentration was read in a CELM model E225D
round-bottom distillation flask. (3) This flask was placed spectrophotometer with a calibration curve already
in an IKA RV 05 Basic 1-B rotary evaporator to eliminate inserted (concentrations were 5, 25, 50, 100 and 200 ppm)
the solvent, after which the remaining sample was left for at a wavelength of 400 nm. The TOG value was
1 h under nitrogen flow. After this period, the flask was calculated by Eq. (3):
weighed again. (4) At the end of the extraction, the total TOG = (reading·sample volume in the flask)/
oil and grease content was calculated by Eq. (1): /sample volume from the separation funnel (3)

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440 Ilma Cirne et al.

2.3.4. Spectrofluorimetry varying the known concentration from 5 to 200 ppm and
using two wavelengths (402 and 440 nm). Fig. 1 presents
This analysis presents a quick result for the the curves obtained.
synthetic oily water samples, by extraction with n-hexane At both these wavelengths, the fluorescence
(Turner Designs Manual, 1997). The measurements were intensity showed the significant linear correlation with the
initially obtained with a Turner Designs TD-360 concentration over the wavelength range tested. However,
fluorometer using microcuvettes previously rinsed with n- we selected the wavelength of 440 nm because it
hexane and then filled with the organic phase. Each presented the highest linear correlation (R = 1.000). The
cuvette containing the organic solution was placed in the equation obtained was y = 11.437x + 4.230 and the
instrument compartment and the concentration in ppm
equation used to infer the concentrations was
was readily obtained. The calibration curve has two
C = (i – 4.230)/11.437, where C is the concentration and i
critical points, one referring to the pure n-hexane solvent
is the emission intensity read from the instrument at
(blank) and the other referring to the curve’s maximum
440 nm.
concentration (225 ppm). Subsequent measurements were
carried out with a Varian Carry Eclipse fluorescence 2.4. Analysis of the Adsorbent Performance:
spectrophotometer and the values read from the
Comparison of Spectroscopic Techniques
instrument were converted into TOG with the use of
another calibration curve, obtained for dispersions with The polymer composite was evaluated for its oil
different oil concentrations. All the experiments were adsorption capacity by the infrared and fluorescence
carried out in duplicate and the results presented are the techniques, to obtain a correlation between the
average of the readings. measurement methods.
The wavelength used to excite the sample was The infrared and fluorescence methods used to
350 nm and the range of the emission spectrum was measure the quantity of oil adsorbed to the composite, by
360–750 nm. The wavelengths for the oily water were batch liquid-solid extraction, were both preceded by
402.0 and 440.0 nm. placing the mass of the composite in an Erlenmeyer flask
For use of this spectrophotometer, we constructed a and then adding 50 ml of the recently prepared stock
standard curve for the purpose of correlating the emission solution at known concentration. The flasks were then
intensity of the samples with their oil concentration,
placed in a thermostatically controlled IKA shaker bath,
obtained by testing solutions with various known
designed for dynamic adsorption studies, with adjustment
concentrations. These solutions were prepared with the
same Ultra Turrax T-25 homogenizer. of speed and temperature.
The oil samples extracted by n-hexane were placed To choose the best method for determining TOG,
in cuvettes and the corresponding emission values were we varied the contact time between the adsorbent and oily
read. The analytic curve was constructed by plotting the water (2, 5, 10, 16, 20 and 24 h), while maintaining the
concentrations of the prepared oily water (TOG) versus the same sorbent mass (0.3 g) and temperature (298 K). In
intensity of the signal produced by the instrument, as these procedures, the quantity of oil adsorbed by the
presented in Fig. 1. The curve was composed of six points composite is calculated by comparing the oil concent-
and deviated from linearity at high concentrations, which is ration in the solution before and after adsorption. The ext-
associated with the deviation from the L’Ambert Beer law. raction solvents used were S-316 and hexane, respectively
We first obtained standard curves of absorption for the infrared analyzer (Horiba OCMA-350) and
intensity in function of oil concentration in the oily water, fluorescence spectrophotometer (Varian Carry Eclipse).

C ur va Padr Curve
Calibration ão Óle o A oil
for (402Anm ) nm)
(402 CCalibration
ur va Padr ão Óle o for
Curve A (440 nm)
oil B (440 nm)
800 800
700 700
In tensid ade (U.A.)

Intensidade (U.A.)

600 600
500 500
400 400
300 300
y = 15,473x + 66,436
200 200 y = 11,437x + 4,23 0
R2 = 0,948
100 100 R2 = 1,000
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Conce ntra tion
C once (ppm) (pp m)
ntr ação Concentration (ppm)(ppm)
C once ntr ação

Fig. 1. Calibration curve of intensity vs. concentration obtained by spectrofluorometer at 402 and 440 nm

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M ethods for Determination of Oil and Grease Contents in Wastewater from the Petroleum Industry 441

The methods differed to obtain the aliquots for synthetic oily water. In both investigations theoretical
analysis of the oil quantity after adsorption. For the concentrations of 40 and 120 ppm were used.
fluorescence method, after the contact time between the Comparison between the results obtained by
adsorbent composite and oily water solution, 45 ml of the analyzing the dispersions of oil in the solvent (Table 2)
latter was removed from each Erlenmeyer flask and and in the salt water (Table 3), it can be seen that in
transferred to 50 ml graduated test tube, to which 5 ml of general the TOG values obtained were lower for the
the solvent n-hexane was added. This mixture was shaken synthetic oily waters. This can be explained by the
vigorously for five minutes for extraction of the oil by possible occurrence of losses during the solvent extraction
n-hexane. The organic phase extracted in each tube was of the oil contained in the oily water.
placed in a quartz cuvette with the capacity of 3.0 ml. The techniques that provided the mutually closest
Each cuvette was then placed in the appropriate concentration values and the ones nearest to the
compartment of the instrument for analysis of the oil. The theoretical concentration were infrared spectrometry and
values read were transformed into TOG with the use of a colorimetry, though the latter, in general, produced values
calibration curve. slightly farther from the theoretical values. These
When using infrared spectrophotometry, the oil differences can be explained by the differences in the
was extracted from the oily solution by the organic detection principles of these two techniques and the
solvent S-316 and by filtration after the samples were diverse composition of the petroleum samples. The
shaken in the Erlenmeyer flask. Then the organic phase Horiba OCMA-350 instrument analyzes compounds that
was placed in cuvettes in the spectrometer compartment absorb energy in a limited range of 3.4–3.5 µm, i.e.,
for analysis of oil. To obtain the total oil and grease compounds that present C–H bonds, so it is expected that
(TOG) values, Eq. (2) was used. this device analyzes all the compounds in crude oil. Hence
this technique supplies concentration results very near to
the theoretical values. In the case of colorimetry, the only
3. Results and Discussion compounds detected are those that absorb energy
necessary to excite the electrons to more excited states
This study was carried out in two steps. The first one (n → π∗) and (π → π∗), in a given wavelength, which can
involved preparing three types of synthetic oily water, from fail to analyze some components of the oil dispersed in the
three types of dispersed crude oil (A, B or C), which TOG solvent or oily water.
values were determined by gravimetry, infrared spectromet- The TOG values obtained by fluorometry were
ry, colorimetry and fluorescence spectrometry. The results significantly lower than the theoretical concentrations, and
were mutually compared and the advantages and disadvan- in general were also significantly lower than those
tages of each technique were noted. In the second step, oily obtained by infrared spectrometry and colorimetry. This
water prepared from petroleum sample A was treated with a result is due to the principle behind the fluorescence
polymeric adsorbent and the removal efficiency was spectrometry technique, which mainly detects aromatic
monitored by infrared spectrometry and fluorometry. and polyaromatic compounds in the composition of
petroleum. With the exception of the concentration
3.1. Analysis of TOG for Oil Dispersions obtained for the oil in the solvent at the theoretical
in Solvent and in Synthetic Oily W ater concentration of 120 ppm, the other results presented
higher TOG values for petroleum C than A and B. These
using Four Techniques results are in accordance with the composition of these oil
Table 2 reports the TOG values for the dispersions samples (Table 1): petroleum C contains the highest
prepared directly in the pure solvent obtained by different content of asphaltenes (polyaromatic compounds) and the
techniques. Table 3 reports the TOG values for the lowest content of paraffinic compounds.
Table 2
Content of oil and grease (TOG) determined by each of the techniques
for different types of oil dissolved in the analysis solvent at different concentrations
Theoretical Content of oil and grease (TOG), ppm
Oil type
concentration, ppm Infrared (I) Colorimetry (C) Fluorimetry (F)
40 64 (0.6) 88 (0.4) 11 (3.6)
Crude oil A
120 123 (1.0) 168 (0.7) 18 (6.7)
40 50 (0.8) 87 (0.5) 12 (3.3)
Crude oil B
120 100 (1.2) 154 (0.8) 22 (5.4)
40 62 (0.6) 56 (0.7) 17 (2.4)
Crude oil C
120 63 (1.9) 125 (1.0) 18 (6.7)
Note: values in brackets refer to the ratio between the theoretical and measured values

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442 Ilma Cirne et al.

Table 3
Content of oil and grease (ppm) determined by each of the techniques
for synthetic water prepared with different types of crude oil at different concentrations
Theoretical Content of oil and grease (TOG), ppm
Oil type
concentration, ppm Infrared (I) Colorimetry (C) Fluorimetry (F) Gravimetry (G)
40 50 (0.8) 53 (0.8) 16 (2.5) 53 (0.8)
Crude oil A
120 107 (1.1) 175 (0.7) 37 (3.2) 159 (0.8)
40 35 (1.1) 67 (0.6) 12 (3.3) 15 (2.7)
Crude oil B
120 110 (1.1) 98 (1.2) 37 (3.2) 71 (1.7)
40 60 (0.7) 15 (2.7) 23 (1.7) 17 (2.4)
Crude oil C
120 115 (1.0) 110 (1.1) 56 (2.1) 149 (0.8)
Note: values in brackets refer to the ratio between the theoretical and measured values

The gravimetry technique was the most laborious 3.2. Comparison between Spectroscopic
one, requiring great care in material preparation and final
sample analysis, as well as taking longer. This method Techniques: I nfrared Spectrometry
does not characterize the composition of the oil and also versus Fluorometry
fails to quantify the volatile hydrocarbon species, which
As observed in the first part the study, there was
are lost during extraction from the solvent by a rotary
reasonable linearity between the results obtained by
evaporation. infrared spectrometry and spectrofluorometry. However,
The infrared spectrometry technique, using the the correlation factor can vary in function of the
Horiba OCMA-350 instrument, is highly reliable in compositional characteristics of the crude oil present in
measuring the TOG level, but is laborious regarding the aqueous phase. To compare these two techniques for
preparation of the calibration solutions (which has to be assessing the performance of oil adsorbents, we
done daily) and expensive due to the high cost of the conducted tests varying the contact time between the
solvent (S-316) used to extract the oil and grease from the adsorbent polymer and oily water, measuring the
oily water. It is not possible to substitute S-316 with adsorption efficiency. The assays applying both
carbon tetrachloride because the latter is highly toxic. techniques were conducted with 0.3 g oily water prepared
Therefore, it is desirable to establish a method that can be with petroleum A (adsorbent P01), at the theoretical
used in place of infrared spectrometry. Between infrared concentration of 40 ppm and temperature of 298 K, with
spectrometry and fluorometry, although the results varied contact time of 2, 5, 7, 10, 16, 20 and 24 h.
in function of the petroleum sample, the differences were The results obtained by two methods are shown in
Fig. 2. It can be seen that for contact time of 2 h, the
not substantial at the two concentrations analyzed: The
efficiencies were around 50 and 60 % when using
TOG ratios obtained by infrared spectrometry and
infrared spectrometry and spectrofluorometry, respec-
fluorometry (I/F) were 5.7, 4.0 and 3.6 for the systems tively. After 5 h, there was an increase in both efficien-
prepared with crude oils A, B and C at the theoretical cies, reaching 87 % in the case of spectrofluorometry and
concentration of 40 ppm, and 6.7, 4.5 and 3.5 when using 70 % when measured by infrared spectrometry. In the
the theoretical concentration of 120 ppm. The period between 5 and 7 h, the efficiency remained
spectrofluorometry technique uses a relatively constant in the case of infrared spectrometry and
inexpensive solvent (n-hexane) and requires a much increased very slightly when measured by spectrofluo-
shorter time, with simple calibration. Besides this, the rometry. From 7 to 16 h, the measured efficiency levels
technique uses a portable instrument of easy operation. basically remained the same, while from 16 h onward
Nevertheless, for studies to compare the TOG of systems they diminished steadily with time until 24 h [14].
containing crude oils of different origins, it is necessary The increase in efficiency with longer contact time
to establish previously a standard for correlation between is attributed to the time necessary for the oil to be
the infrared spectrometry and fluorometry techniques. adsorbed from all the surface area of 0.3 g mass of the
Therefore, the second part of the study involved polymer. The reason for approximately constant efficien-
evaluation of a polymeric composite with adsorbent cies at some time intervals is due to the saturation of the
properties using infrared spectrometry (Horiba OCMA- polymer surface area. After 16 h the adsorption efficiency
350 analyzer) and fluorometry (Varian Cary Eclipse declines due to the possible desorption, attributed to the
fluorescence spectrophotometer). adsorption of the solvent at specific sites [14].

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M ethods for Determination of Oil and Grease Contents in Wastewater from the Petroleum Industry 443

Based on the above results, it can be stated that the results and uses a relatively inexpensive solvent,
adsorption efficiency curves behaved similarly between n-hexane. We therefore sought to correlate the TOG
the infrared spectrometry and spectrofluorometry values obtained from two devices.
techniques, despite a slight shift between them. This shift For this purpose, we tested two techniques for an
is related to the difference in the operational principle of adsorption equilibrium time of five hours. This interval,
each technique, but both are fully reliable for the besides enabling the TOG reading on the same day, is
purposes in question. also the time necessary to obtain an efficiency value near
the maximum, i.e. the equilibrium time where the
3.3. Correlation between Two M ethods polymer adsorption is maximum. The TOG measurement
The infrared spectrometry technique, using the should be carried out, whenever possible, within a single
Horiba OCMA-350 instrument, was highly effective in day to avoid evaporation of the solvent, and consequently
measuring the TOG level. However, it has restrictions errors in reading the concentration.
regarding preparation of the calibration solutions (which The data obtained are presented in Table 4 and
has to be done daily) and regarding the solvent employed correlated in Fig. 3. There was satisfactory linear
to extract the oil and grease from the oily water sample. correlation between the efficiency values obtained by
Since two possible solvents indicated are CCl4, which is infrared spectrometry and spectrofluorometry (linear
prohibited by international rules, and S-316, which is correlation coefficient R = 0.9578), although there was an
very expensive, we sought to validate the use of average difference of 18.93 ± 5.77 in the efficiency
spectrofluorometry (Varian Cary Eclipse device), because measurement. Therefore, these results validate the use of
this instrument is simpler to operate, provides faster TOG spectrofluorometry in the tests carried out in this work.






0 5 10 15 20 25
Time (hour)
Tempo (h) fluorescence

Fig. 2. Adsorption efficiency vs. time using OCMA-350 Fig. 3. Linear correlation between the results obtained
and spectrofluorometer: –◊– fluorescence; –■– infrared. by infrared spectrometry and spectrofluorometry:
Polymer P01, 0.3 g, 298 K, oily water concentration y = 0.685x + 10.430; R2 = 0.9174; Polymer P01, 0.3 g, 298 K,
is 40 ppm, oil A oily water concentration is 40 ppm [15]

Table 4
Correlation between readings in the IR methods (OCMA-350)
and spectrofluorimetry
Adsorption, %
Time, h Difference between measurements
Spectrofluorimetry OCMA-350
2.00 61.10 48.42 12.68
5.00 87.57 67.52 20.05
7.00 90.35 68.63 27.72
10.00 94.16 70.23 23.93
16.00 92.23 71.56 20.67
20.00 81.44 68.15 13.29
24.00 76.75 62.58 14.17

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444 Ilma Cirne et al.

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The fluorescence method has advantages over operation manual using SR-300,28 solvent. Procedure, Rio de
infrared spectrometry (OCMA-350), because it uses a Janeiro 1999.
relatively inexpensive and less toxic solvent and the [14] Cirne I., Lucas E. and Clarisse M.: Macro 2006 – 41st Int.
Symp. on Macromolecules, Brazil, Rio de Janeiro 2006.
analysis time is shorter. [15] Cirne I.: Thesis, Universidade Federal da Bahia, Salvador,
Brazil 2008.
The authors thank the Brazilian funding agencies, МЕТОДИ ВИЗНАЧЕННЯ ВМІСТУ НАФТИ І

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