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130 323(EE) 2019 arnice eer ama: ae ee is frre | { we: 100 ate: wren & 15 fare wih? eh rere UGA fo Frifea & Note: First 15 minutes are allotted for the candidates to read the ‘question paper. free: i) Witwer afr bh ii) We dam 1 4 10 76 wgfemra t ii) WEL tem 11 8 20 aH af bat wade &, Fra a Wes 10 FET (qm ar) FT 'v99062 (Turn ove, sa3(88} 2 wy) 7 Hom 21H 26 F5 a Tate, wer & 8 Pe 7 Tie ame some aia hs oy We Hon 27 #30 78 ay ae ver & & few I ee ame 1002 125 mR Fore, vi) OF Won 31 we 32 tht wie f fear ame mri FET 250 mal rh vi) wi ret & fries sie a a aifea Instructions : . |} Attquestons are compulsory. fi) Question Nos, 0 10 are of Multiple Choice type. iti) Question Nos. 11 to 20 are of Very Short Answer type. Their answers are to be given in about 10 words (one ‘Sentence } each. 4) Question Nos. 21 t0 26 are of 3062 a ‘“L_ From Question Nos. 27 0 94 of Short Answer ~ Il ye. Their answers are to be given each in about 100 to 125 words, WI) Question Nos, 31 and 32 are of Long Answer ype. Their answers are to be given each in about 250 words. vi) Allowed marks of all the ‘questions are given against them. (aftentem) ( Multiple Choice Type Questions ) ate: Prafefen 10 mrad acts & are free feg ne Ei re a ad fees Gee wet sergio & fafa : 1, Bren efeae fed weer eet? mS oo ws » 2 1 Serre aH A act FRE? ap 9 oe a) Frwy ao §). Ferrer att 1 {Tum over v99062 or) ‘ 3. aden era & arene 9 He rg, t 2» 6m a ea © osm 27 707%) 44, sree sour a es Tai oD i ® wrt 2 whasr) | 8 Fea 8 ahr at ew dia eH al oy ‘Fate t 2 3) fafaa ear > aera at reheat 1) wadafrer & erie at afta 2 we qeewm afer . RT & daw 3) art wR at Ory %) fade: 1 7. fesfeign # a eh waa ar afer am ED *) Riera) rae D wen 2 dart v99062 5 323(6E) 8. fetter § Sth pin eee wea i 8 2 ” 2 ate » a 2 wie 9, froin fear #8 arm fram em, ara scr fen a & 2 ®) ingen a fer 2) shinies 3) wafag wake fears 2) aie eaten a fear 1 10. “afi 38 a eT TT aT ee BN" wer frat 2 a) dequeih 3) RR B) Wo to amet &) TH 1 of Note; Four alternatives are given for each the following ten questions. Choose the correct alternative and write it in your answer-book 1, How many non-permanent members are there in Security Council? a5 y 10 q 15 4 2 1 (Tum over 99062 en) 6 2. Who has the right to summ, scsionaf Ligne aeena™ a) Chif Minister 8) Governor @) Speaker of the Legistaing Assembly 4) Secretary of the Legistatng Assembly. 1 3. Retirement age ofthe judges of Supreme Court is 4) 6Oyears —b) 62 years 6Syears —d) 7Oyear, 4. The Guardian of the Constitution of Indias a) the President by the Pariament ) the Prime Minister @)_ the Supreme Courtof India, 1 5. Which one of the fllowing, isthe main feature of the Parliamentary form of Government ? wary 4) Written Constitution 2) Supremacy of Judiciary ©) Uncertain tenure of executive 4) Theory of separation of powers. | v99062 7 aaah, 6. The author ofthe book Mansi» a) Panini b)Dayanand Saraswats J Manu 4) Vivekananda, : 7. Which one of the folowing is. met the ‘essential element of state? ®} Population b) Temtory ©} Government d) Constnsion 1 8, Who amongst the following is not associated with Non-aligned movement a) Nehru) Nasser gq Tio 4) Stain, : 9, Which one amongst. the following en oe Deen propounded BY Montesquieu ? 1) Theory of separation of powers bb) Theory of cass struggle ¢) Theory of social contract <4) Theory of centralization of power. 1 ot force isthe basis of state." The wat, 9 i ro ptement hasbeen gen fs) T.H.Green ) Aristotle gy ed. Lash €) Care. 1 ‘i (Tum over 329(R8) 4 Cf ore oF) (Very Short Answer Type 11 Sr mam armrests k AL Who ve hefirwtcusenoftnda >| 12, afew GM © ES fee ee ‘wena & fever ma b> 12. From the consutution of which cs than the theory of judicial review tees a taken ? 2 13, fet fas we Fare WEF Gaetan Ser wk? 2 13. In which house of parliament 1s the Money Bill introduced ? 2 14, ea fewdh amet a wafers ah dace ‘fied i am Re 2 14 Give the names of two parliamentary committees relating to the legislauve ‘matters in India 2 18, sree Tea oa ee ar me abr wri 2 Mention the main objectives of politcal Parties in Indian politics, 2 ‘v99062 have unitary form of government > 17. Wee aE & ou Ea ae Ahm; 2 17. Give two arguments in favour of adult franchise, 2 16. waa gem fear wr hime a? 2 18. Who was the propounder of the theory of General Will 2 19. aaa thes sega aaa wes ew T= frag art E> 2 19. In which state of India do. maximum ‘number of scheduled tibes reside? 2 20, Tele ai dye eet 2 20. Give any rue merits ofmaionalty. 2 (aurea) yer ~ 1 Type Questions } (eee om Moe ibe the achievements of Non- 21. Descent cement s 4 Movement a: Lae 2. arte aise! functions of Mention briefly te main, Bots ' 22. ‘public Service COM Union [Tum over v99062 329} to 23, Toe Fer a a ay ae 23. Mention the legislauve Mehta of wy, Governor 3 24 seamed eh a aly ey fea 5 2% Write briely the functions of » wells state 5 38. WEN Fore Ti eae wie) 25. Mention the main merits of sciaiam. 26. wht rit & tne ste a aay fr 5 26. Mention the Political rights of Indian citizens, 5 Cy atemT a) {Store Anewer- 11 Type Questions ) Fes Re aon 27 30 a8 kon w om el 100.125 ra fe, Hoe: Question Nos. 27 ty 20 re answered in about | or ach 00-125 words 27, set Fe 8 hee sg re . v99062 u sayee) 7 Mention the main characeniies. of Indian foreign poi. “ 28. WA in sigs ey ee oo Sie 6 28. Describe the main problems of rura ie in India, ‘ 29, SRURS CE REIS Br fat Re wi 6 28. Esplain the ference betwen ngane and positive liber _ 30, aT & fan ret at ve was Fae ‘ais ae are ? 303 230. Explain the varios finds of ea, Which amongst them are 3.3 imporant? (eee) Type Questions (Leng Answer 7) weet : dan ahh FE FT ai. age ee a8 we favor ofan) aa a ade e ee wera 8 ge OHH AT 8 vie? 2 ‘ . e908: 31. 32, 32. 12 Define cold war and discuss its: main causes. 345 OR What measures should be adopted ig strengthen the national in egrity of India ? 8 Blea 3 aertig cal ar nee area a awa Fis seamen wer at finer at ae aia 8 Discuss the importance of political parties in a democracy. 8 OR Describe the characteristics of a welfare state. 8 323(EE) - 1,05,000

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