Test Facility For Research On Advanced Green Prope

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Test Facility for Research on Advanced Green Propellants under High-Altitude


Conference Paper · May 2018


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5 authors, including:

Marius Wilhelm Christian Hendrich

German Aerospace Center (DLR) German Aerospace Center (DLR)


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Test Facility for Research on Advanced Green Propellants under High-Altitude


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Marius Wilhelm , Christian Hendrich , Herbert Zimmermann , Helmut Ciezki ,
Stefan Schlechtriem
Institute of Space Propulsion, German Aerospace Center (DLR), 74239 Hardthausen, Germany,
Email: [email protected]

KEYWORDS: to segregation effects thereby affecting propellant

feeding, injection, ignition and combustion
Subatmospheric Testing, Test Complex M11,
processes [4]. For multicomponent propellants
Propellant Research, Hydrazine Replacements,
containing dissolved solid substances (e.g.
Green Advanced Propellants
energetic salts) segregation can also cause
clogging of the feed system and at worst to the
loss of the whole propulsion system. [4, 5, 6]
A test facility for research on green advanced
propellants under subatmospheric conditions has DLR's Institute of Space Propulsion realized the
been designed and built at test complex M11. The need to investigate these phenomena in engines
facility is capable of testing various green running on advanced green propellants. Moreover,
advanced propellants for satellite and orbital the propellant behaviors themselves are
propulsion applications with focus on research investigated at relevant conditions for orbital
requirements. High flexibility in using different propulsion applications. For that reason the test
propellants and propellant combinations, in control facility M11.2 was planned, designed and set up
and measurement equipment and in test for research on green propellants under high-
conduction are key aspects for operation of the altitude conditions.
test facility. An overview of the test facility itself and
the conducted tests are given. 2. General Information on High-Altitude Test
Facility M11.2
1. Introduction
The key aspect during the definition phase of the
Restrictive laws like the EU REACH regulation, test facility M11.2 was its ability to conduct tests on
tightened safety standards during handling and a broad variety of propellants and propellant
fueling of launcher and satellite propulsion systems combinations without the need for major
as well as environmental concerns lead to modifications and time consuming backfittings.
increasing research into propellants to replace This ability is necessary because space for test
hydrazine and its derivatives. To date a multitude facilities is limited at test complex M11. A single
of so called "green" propellants, i.e. propellants facility for a multitude of propellants seems more
with comparable properties to hydrazine but less complicated compared to several separate test
toxicity and reduced environmental impacts, have positions and thereby more expensive. However, in
been designed and investigated. Advanced liquid total it is even more cost efficient. Infrastructure
monopropellant candidates are based on and installations like pressure regulators or
concentrated hydrogen peroxide, mixtures of actuators are only required once and just need to
oxidizers and fuels (e.g. nitrous oxide and be extended. Complexity is additionally reduced by
ethylene), solutions of energetic compounds of the converging requirements for orbital propulsion
ammonium dinitramide (ADN; e.g. LMP-103S) or systems, e.g. thrust classes, electrical supplies or
hydroxylammonium nitrate (HAN; e.g. AF-M315E) feeding system concepts. In addition operational
or energetic ionic liquids. [1, 2, 3] costs are reduced given that the facility runs at a
higher capacity. Besides the variety in use of
Depending on the hydrazine substitute propellants enables scientific research possibilities
unconventional phenomena can occur and need to and supplements the research areas at test
be analyzed for orbital propulsion applications. In complex M11.
particular, liquid premixed monopropellants tend to
cavitate when high negative pressure gradients A second focus in the definition phase was laid on
occur like in orifice flows or when injecting research possibilities and adaptability. Research,
propellants into near-vacuum environments. especially at low Technology Readiness
Contrary to single substance propellants cavitation Levels (TRL), is a highly dynamic process during
or flashing of multicomponent propellants can lead which a lot of parameters are varied, ranging from

physical parameters, geometrical designs, utilized chamber, mechanical and fluidic vacuum pumps,
materials and construction methods, priming and an inserted exhaust gas diffusor and a vacuum
ignition methods to startup and shutdown slide
procedures. This aspect should be included and
best possible conditions should be created at the 3.2.1. Vacuum Chamber
test facility. In fact, M11.2 offers excellent
The vacuum chamber is a two-sectioned stainless
possibilities for cold flow spray testing, ignition
steel chamber with a total volume of 4.2 m³ and a
investigations and steady-state thruster hot-firings.
rail-mount moveable chamber lid (Figure 2). The
Experiments can be conducted under
first compartment includes about one third of the
subatmospheric environment below 3 mbar as well
total volume and can be seen in Figure 4. The
as at atmospheric pressure levels. Theoretically,
compartments are divided by a separator element
testing under special gas atmospheres would be
that enables the installation of an exhaust gas
feasible as well.
diffusor and an auxiliary nitrogen nozzle. The
smaller compartment houses the injector,
Another aspect of M11 is ignition research of
experimental combustor or thruster when the
advanced green propellants. Hence M11.2 is
chamber is closed. For installation, modification or
equipped with different systems and installations
storage the chamber lid can be opened and rolled
for the realization of ignition investigation of
inside the building where it is additionally protected
monopropellants, bipropellants and hypergols.
from environmental effects. The second section
Possible system options include electrical ignitions
includes spray nozzles to cool down the exhaust
via high currents, or high voltages, or ignition via
gases before it is sucked off by the pumps. At the
pilot flame igniters driven by e.g. gaseous
bottom of the second compartment condensate
hydrogen and oxygen at variable mixture ratios
collectors are installed. Two connections in the
and output powers. Hypergolic and catalytic
second part are reserved for the vacuum pumps
ignition systems can be supported for example by
and the ejector-diffusor unit. At the connection of
regulating valves or heaters.
the latter one a full flow vacuum slide is installed.
3. M11.2 Infrastructure
This section gives a detailed description of the test
facility and its components. Focus is laid on the
vacuum generating equipment, the test facility’s
supplies as well as on the measurement and
control system.

Figure 2. Opened vacuum chamber lid with base frame

for thruster installation
Figure 1. View on the vacuum chamber and the ejector-
diffusor system of test facility M11.2 Moreover, the vacuum chamber is the interface of
every connection to or from the research thruster.
3.2. Vacuum Generation System All interfaces need to be vacuum sealed. The main
The vacuum generation system is one of the main interface is located at the center of the chamber lid,
systems of the high-altitude test facility M11.2. seen in Figure 5. Both fluid lines and most
Nevertheless it enables atmospheric testing as electrical connections pass there. For high-current
well. The vacuum system consists of a vacuum or high-voltage connections separate flanged
connectors are used to not interfere with control or
measurement signals. Video recordings test or Not to mention the unavoidable and complicated
diagnostic recordings can be realized through cooling systems for hot-gas ejector-diffusors.
optical accesses around the vacuum chamber. Otherwise safety precautions need to be increased
Four of these windows with 250 mm in diameter when modifications of the experimental thruster are
are located around the first chamber section, five made or the feeding system is refueled.
others around the second section. Additionally
smaller flanges around the chamber can be used 3.2.3. Mechanical Vacuum Pumps
for other measurement equipment, pressure
Aside the ejector-diffusor system mechanical
transducers, further piping, venting or as special
vacuum pumps are used to achieve
interfaces (Figure 1 and Figure 4).
subatmospheric test environments at test facility
M11.2. Especially for pre-evacuation of the
3.2.2. 2-Staged GN2 Ejector-Diffusor System
chamber and maintaining subatmospheric
With the ejector-diffusor system it is possible to environment during thruster preheating and
achieve subatmospheric pressures during thruster cooldown phases two oil-sealed rotary pumps with
hot-firings. The system consists of two stages and volumetric flowrates of 300 m³/h each can be used.
is driven by gaseous nitrogen (GN2) with supply For smaller thrusters, like the tests with a 1 N H2O2
pressures up to 45 bar, shown in Figure 3Figure 1. monopropellant thruster presented in section 4.3,
This system ensures high-altitude conditions by sole operation of both vacuum pumps can suffice
effectively sucking off the thruster’s exhaust gases. to keep the chamber evacuated below 3 mbar.
With both stages running more than 11 m³/s can Evacuation of fluid and propellant lines can be
be sucked off, correlating to approximately 250 N realized by oil-free vacuum pumps or for larger
of thrust and a vacuum pressure below 30 mbar volumes with the help of a Scrollvac pump
can be maintained solely with the ejector-diffusor discarding 78 m³/h.
unit. To drive both stages 3.5 kg/s of gaseous
nitrogen are needed. For that reason a direct 3.2.4. Exhaust Gas Diffusor Insert
supply line to M11’s central nitrogen storage
Different exhaust gas diffusors can be installed into
containing 5.2 m³ at 200 bar is installed.
the vacuum chamber separator, shown in Figure 4
wall to use the thruster exhaust gases to
additionally evacuate the thruster compartment. In
principle this insert serves as another (half) ejector-
diffusor stage running on thruster exhaust gases
as blowing gas. It lowers the pressure inside the
first chamber section during the thruster firing. This
can be extended by equipping the M11.2 exhaust
gas diffusor insert with an auxiliary nitrogen nozzle.
This special element functions as complete ejector-
diffusor stage evacuating the chamber when the
thruster is not firing and emitting exhaust gases.

Figure 3. 2-stages GN2 ejector-diffusor system; 1 stage
horizontal, 2 stage vertical

Alternatively, in cases where only reduced

atmospheric pressures are needed, there is the
possibility to run solely the second stage of the
ejector diffusor system thereby resulting in
pressures around 125 mbar. Compared to ejector-
diffusor systems running on hot steam as driving
fluid, the cold gas nitrogen system used at test
facility M11.2 is larger in dimension and blowing
gas consume. One stage of a steam-driven
ejector-diffusor unit would suffice for the herein
considered applications. Advantageous with the
cold gas ejector-diffusor is the very short startup
transient, especially when considering ignition tests
or fundamental combustion tests where test
duration is most often below 10 seconds. In
addition with the use of pressurized nitrogen as
blowing gas, there is no hazard with additional fuel
Figure 4. Vacuum chamber with thruster compartment
or oxidizer from the vacuum generation system.
and separation wall without exhaust gas diffusor insert
The inserts are adapted to the tested thrusters in
respect of nozzle expansion ratio as well as used
propellants and research purpose. For longer test
durations the inserts should contain a cooling
system. Different exhaust gas diffusor types with
auxiliary blowing gas supply are possible and can
be developed and tested at test facility M11.2, too.

3.2.5. Vacuum Slide

At the junction of the vacuum chamber and the
ejector-diffusor system a fast-closing, full-flow slide
is installed. The nominal diameter of the slide is
250 mm and opening and closing times are below
1 s. Primary purpose of this slide is to avoid
mechanical loads mainly onto thruster nozzles.
When the ejector diffusor blowing gas is cut off, the
supersonic flow inside the system collapses and
repressurization shocks are initiated. Without
closing the slide and sealing off the vacuum
chamber these occurring shocks could damage the
expansion nozzles. Especially when no exhaust
gas diffusor insert is installed. Furthermore the
vacuum valve is used to pre-evacuate the chamber
by mechanical vacuum pumps or to keep the Figure 5. Closed rail-based vacuum chamber lid with
chamber evacuated during heat-up or cool-down electrical interfaces and fluid lines and valves

3.4. Propellant Systems

3.3. Fluids and Gas Supply Systems The feeding system is a relevant part for the
M11.2 infrastructure provides several gases and conduction of thruster and combustion tests. A
liquids to conduct the experiments. Taking into special feature with M11.2 is the high flexibility with
account the design philosophy of the facility the propellant systems. Usually a test bench is
without provision of propellant systems, these are specially designed for one propellant or propellant
described in a separate section. combination. In contrast, M11.2 is designed in a
way that a multitude of propellants and feeding
The test facility is connected to the central gas systems can be tested.
storage of test complex M11 and is provided with
gaseous H2, O2, N2 and pressurized air up to 200 Conventional orbital or satellite propulsion systems
bar. Adjustment or regulation of the pressures is operate in blow down or pressure regulated
done directly at the test position. While hydrogen modes. Therefore, M11.2 provides two separate
and oxygen are mainly used to run torch igniters, pressure regulated ports at which the thruster
nitrogen is used for multiple purposes. First it is feeding system or research propellant tanks can be
used to operate servo-actuated valves and slides attached. Both ports are completely PID controlled.
at the test facility, seen for example in Figure 5. Constant feeding pressures, blow-down modes or
Second, it is used for flushing or cooling of pressure ramps can be realized and adjusted
experimental combustion chambers. Third, it is during test campaigns. For most of the conducted
used to vent or regulate the pressure inside the tests using nitrogen as pressurizing gas is
vacuum chamber when air cannot be used and sufficient. If required, switching to helium is
fourth, it is used as pressuring gas for cooling and possible as well.
tap water as well as for the propellant systems in
most of the cases. This system design allows an excellent adaption of
the feeding systems to the selected propellants
Aside the propellants temperature regulated water and mass flows, ranging from 1 N blow-down
is used for exhaust gas cooling inside the vacuum monopropellant system to a 200 N hypergolic
chamber. Furthermore deionized water can be pressure-regulated system.
used as well as tap water; for flushing operations
or cooling of research combustion chambers. 3.5. Electrical Supply System
The electrical supply system is important to
operate valves, actuators, regulators and to
activate heaters of the test bench, the feeding
system and the thruster. The major part of the test
bench, especially all valves and regulators operate test facility M11.2. The thermal ignition
on 24 V DC. Moreover, 220 V AC are used for development was done for a 200 N (Figure 6)
some power demanding operations like the high thruster while catalytic ignition was carried out for a
voltage supply for spark plugs. Additionally, a 12 V 20 N thruster (Figure 7) by project partners. The
or a 5 V DC are supplied and can be used. Other propellant system for the ignition tests was kept
voltages can be realized by DC power-supply relatively simple for monopropellants. The system
units. Some of these units can either be manually consisted of a 2 l stainless steel tank and stainless
adjusted, e.g. 28 V for flight-like FCV, or software steel tubing including a flow measurement turbine,
controlled, e.g. for heater units or glow plugs. pressure transducers and thermocouples. The
ignition demonstrator also equipped with pressure
3.6. Measurement and Control System transducers and thermocouples and a rail-based
thrust balance was used. Besides the propellant
The measurement and control system is another
line, connections for nitrogen and water flushing of
key part of the test facility. Main component is a
the combustion chamber were installed and
Jäger real-time measurement and control system.
operated via 24 V DC valves.
The control system includes 48 transistor output
channels to operate valves and actuators. 25 of
them are reserved for fixed test facility hardware,
whilst the rest can be unrestrictedly used for
propellant feeding system, triggering or other
mobile setups. Aside the transistor outputs there
are 8 analog voltage outputs ranging from -10 to
10 V as well. These can for example be used to
regulate PID controllers or DC power-supply units.

The measurement equipment incorporates 64

analog input channels, of which 32 are connected
to Dewetron amplifiers. Additionally, 32
thermocouple channels are recorded. To preserve
flexibility thermocouples and analog channels can
be used both inside as well as outside the vacuum Figure 6. Thermal ignition demonstrator used in the
chamber depending on the requirements of the RHEFORM project [8]
experimental setup.
The experimental catalytic thruster was higher in
While the main control actuators, e.g. main valves, TRL and the FCV was operated on 28 V while the
are permanently installed and programmed in the catalyst heater was supplied with variable voltage
software, the experimental setup consisting of to regulate preheating temperatures. Furthermore,
propellant systems and experimental combustion it was installed in a water-cooled thrust balance
chamber is mounted, plugged and then included in using a piezoelectric force sensor. Due to the lower
the software. Besides the real-time system a thrust class propellant mass flows were smaller
Labview-based program is used to control and and the propellant system was modified with a
visualize the parameters. Test sequences and scale to measure the consumed propellant mass
emergency redlines can then be chosen from during pulse-mode firings.
predefined ones, newly programmed or modified
depending on the requirements and research

4. Research Activities
In this section an overview of conducted tests at
M11.2 shall be given and the flexibility of the test
facility shall be shown.

4.1. ADN-based Propellants

DLR participated in the RHEFORM project [7, 8]
that was conducted from 2015 till the end of 2017. Figure 7. Experimental 20 N thruster from ECAPS used
One of the main goals was to enhance hydrazine during catalyst development in the RHEFORM project
replacements based on aqueous ADN-containing
monopropellants in terms ignitability. All thermal 4.2. Flashing of Multicomponent Mixtures [4]
ignition pretests and tests as well as the final Furthermore, research is conducted on flashing
catalytic thruster tests were conducted at DLR’s and de-mixing phenomena of multicomponent
liquid mixtures [9]. This is an important topic for V DC. The thruster installed on the baseframe at
hydrazine replacements based on ADN. Cavitation M11.2 is shown in Figure 10. The corresponding
and segregation inside a satellite’s feeding system propellant system, as can be seen in Figure 9, was
or injector can influence the propulsion system set up of a passivated propellant tank and tubings
performance or lead to clogged feeding lines, including a Coriolis mass flow meter and control
valves or injectors and influences spray and valves for fueling, defueling and venting.
ignition behaviour as well. Additionally, high purity water was provided for
flushing operations and nitrogen inside the vacuum
The test setup for a laser-based determination of chamber to temper the thruster after hot firings.
segregation effects is shown in Figure 8. Instead of
the M11.2 vacuum chamber as separate vacuum
tank was used for these tests. The vacuum
generation was done using the mechanical pumps
of the facility. The propellant system consisted of a
5 l stainless steel tank that was connected to the
PID-controlled nitrogen pressurization system.
Valves for propellant, water flushing, a circulation
pump and camera triggers from the mobile setup
were implemented at M11.2. Furthermore, a tank
temperature regulation system as well as a laser
control setup was programmed into the M11.2
control software. Measurement equipment included
thermocouples, pressure sensors, a coriolis mass
flow meter and high speed cameras.

Figure 9. Propellant system used for high concentrated

H2O2 monopropellant tests
Figure 8. Setup for laser-based quantification of
segregation effects with salt based propellant mixtures Auxiliary to the coriolis a weight scale was installed
to measure the integrated propellant consume,
especially during pulse mode operations. Vacuum
4.3. H2O2-Based Propellants Fundamental generation in during pulse and steady-state firings
Research [10] was realized by operation of the mechanical
vacuum pumps.
At test complex M11 H2O2-based propellants are
investigated as green hydrazine replacements for
Measurement equipment used during these tests
launcher and orbital propulsion systems. Test
consisted of pressure transducers and
facility M11.2 was used for an investigation of
thermocouples, mass flow and mass
catalytic H2O2-monopropellants in cooperation with
measurements as well as video recordings.
Ariane Group.

The setup consisted of a flight like 1 N thruster with

a cartridge heater and a flight valve both using 28

Segregation Effects For ADN-Based Liquid
Monopropellants due to Internal Flow Phenomena,
Space Propulsion Conference, Sevilla, Spain,

[5] Friedhoff P, Hawkins A, Carrico J, Dyer J, Anflo

K., On-Orbit Operation and Performance of
Ammonium Dinitramide (ADN) Based High
Performance Green Propulsion (HPGP) Systems.
53rd AIAASAEASEE Jt. Propuls. Conf., American
Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics; 2017.

[6] Dinardi A., Anflo K., Friedhoff P., On-Orbit

Figure 10. Experimental 1 N H2O2 thruster test-ready Commissioning of High Performance Green
mounted on the vacuum chamber lid Propulsion (HPGP) in the SkySat Constellation

5. Future Activities [7]. Negri, M. et al., New technologies for

ammonium dinitramide based monopropellant
Research on hydrazine replacements for satellite
thrusters - The project RHEFORM, Acta
and orbital propulsion systems will continue at test
Astronautica, Volume 143, Pages 105-117, 2018
facility M11.2. Propellants based on ADN and H2O2
will be further investigated with regard to ignition
[8] Hendrich, C., Ignition of ADN-based
behavior and performance. Moreover, research will
Monopropellants - Results of the European Project
be extended to bipropellants and hypergols based
Rheform, 68th International Astonautical Congress,
on both components and as well on energetic ionic
Adeleide, Australia, 2017
liquids. In addition, first subatmospheric testing of a
HyNOx-thruster is planned. The experimental
HyNOx-thruster combusts nitrous oxide and
[9] Hendrich C., Schlechtriem S., Flashing
Behavior of Ionic Liquid Propellants under Vacuum
Conditions. 51st AIAASAEASEE Jt. Propuls. Conf.,
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
(AIAA); 2015. doi:10.2514/6.2015-4124.
The authors would like to thank the M11 team, Mr.
L. Werling, Mr. I. Dörr, Mr. H. Friedrich and Mr. [10] Lauck, F., Test Bench Preparation and Hot
J. Buddenberg, for their outstanding support during Firing of a 1 N Hydrogen Peroxide Monopropellant
construction, installation and initial operation of the Thruster, Space Propulsion Conference, Sevilla,
test facility M11.2. Furthermore we would like to Spain, 2018
express our gratitude to the Engineering
Department of the Institute of Space Propulsion for
designing the vacuum generation system.

[1] Gotzig, U., Space Propulsion in Europe. State
of the Art, Trends and Missing Technologies,
presented at the conference "Development Trends
in Space ropulsion", Warsaw, 2017

[2] Ciezki, H. & Negri, M. & Kirchberger, C. &

Werling, L., Research and Technology
Development Activities for Advanced Propellants,

[3] Larsson A, Wingborg N., Green Propellants

Based on Ammonium Dinitramide (ADN). In: Hall
DJ, editor. Adv. Spacecr. Technol., InTech; 2011.

[4] Hendrich, C., Müller, P., Wilhelm, M., Haßler,

M., Schlechtriem, S., Quantitive Determination of

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