IELTS Task 2 Essay Tips by Imran Sir

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Prepared by Imran Sir

Writing Task Two
In IELTS Writing Task 2, you are required to write an essay with at least 250 words
and recommend you spend no more than 40 minutes. However, the time is yours to
manage as you wish.

These are some of the types of IELT essay we will look at:
 Argument essays (Agree/ Disagree)
 Opinion (Discussion)
 Advantages & disadvantages
 Problems & solutions
 Other “direct question” / “narrative” essay questions

Assessment: your writing will be assessed depend on following points.

 Task Achievement ( TA)- 25 %
 Coherence & Cohesion (CC)- 25 %
 Grammatical / Vocabulary Range & Accuracy (GRA) – 25 %

In writing task two, it is important to note the following points.

 Select type of topic ( Question Analysis )
 Create an idea list according to topic.
 Provide the required number of examples and information for each argument.
 Provide the possible solution to the given problems.
 Define your opinion firmly and logically.
 Exclude maximum four paras.

Basically “Writing Task Two” has the following three levels

when to write an essay.
1. Select type of topic/ Question Analysis.
2. Create an idea list/ Idea Generation.
3. Vocabulary & Structure
4 Ways to Improve your Score in IELTS Writing Task 2

Many people know they need to improve their writing skills, but they have no
idea how to do it. Here are 4 ways you can boost your score in Writing Task 2:

1. Understand the exam.

You must first understand what IELTS Writing Task 2 is, what you are expected to do
and how to give the examiners what they want. This is the first stage and one that is often

2. Identify your weak areas.

If your car breaks down, you would try and identify which part caused the problem. If
you get sick, your doctor will run tests to find out the exact cause of your symptoms.

IELTS Writing Task 2 is exactly the same. We must first identify WHY you are not
getting the score you need before we can help you improve.

3. Fix the problems.

Now that we know what the problems are, we must fix them.

If your grammar needs work, fix those issues. If your vocabulary is lacking, work on
fixing this issue.

4. Practice and get feedback.

Practice alone will not help you. It is an essential part of your preparation, but you must
also get feedback on your work if you are really going to improve.

You wouldn‟t try to teach yourself how to drive without an instructor, would you?

Find someone who will give you accurate and helpful feedback on your work. Otherwise,
you will not be able to move to the last stage.

Now that you have understood what you need to do, you’ve identified the exact
areas you need to work on, you’ve improved those areas and received feedback on
your work, you are now ready to get the IELTS Writing Task 2 score you deserve.
How to write a good IELTS Task 2 Essay
Here are several tips that will help you write a band 7 IELTS Task 2 Essay. To do better than this, you
generally need to be more natural and more accurate with your language use.

1. Answer the question directly.

Address each part of the question in your essay. Make sure that your conclusion clearly answers each one.

2. Have a clear and simple organisation that follows the question.

Write one paragraph for each part of the essay question. For example, if there are two smaller individual
questions, write one paragraph about each one.

3. Use simple and direct topic sentences.

Write very clear and fairly simple topic sentences for each paragraph. Make sure you use a different
sentence structure for each one. For example, you could write two different topic sentences as follows:

1. Working hard can lead to many health problems.

2. There are several monetary benefits of hard work.

4. Develop your ideas logically and clearly.

Don‟t worry about being original or especially clever Cleverness is not important. Having relevant and
developed ideas is. Therefore, generally focus on having two or three main ideas in each paragraph. Then,
for each idea, develop and extend it by:
a. explaining it further. E.g. by writing additional detail
b. giving an example
c. giving a reason why this is useful, important etc.
d. explaining the likely result of doing (or not doing) something, and explain why this supports your main

5. Don’t worry about being complicated. Focus on including a mix of simple and
complicated sentences.

Although you need to have some complex sentences get a 7 or better, you also need accuracy. The best way
to do this is to have a large number of 100% correct simple sentences, and a number of easily formed
complex sentences that are also correct. Having short, 100% correct topic sentences helps with this.

6. Have a short direct introduction and a short conclusion that summaries your main
ideas AND answers the question directly.
Don‟t waste time on a lengthy introduction. Get straight to the point, and make sure that your last
introduction sentence directly links to what you will write about.
Topic Type One
Argument Topic: In this topic there are two different sides or opinions, Or two opinions
are given in favor and against one subject. Finally, the learners are asked about their own


You should spend about 40 minutes on this task .

Present a written argument or case to an educated reader with no spcia lized knowledge of
following topic.

Some people tink that cities are the best place to live.Others prefer to live in a rural area
.Compare the advantages of living in the city to living in the country .

where would you prefer to live ? Give reason for your choice .

Give reason for your answer and include any relevant example from your exper ience , you
should write at lest 250 words .

# Way to know argumentative Topic.

 Two sides or their opinions on a particular subject, such as the likes or dislikes will be mentioned.
 Finally, students will be asked their own opinions about this two sides and want to know which one
they support.

Note: The question mention that two sides and their views on the leaving are referred. Finally
learners are asked their own opinion regarding it. This type of topic is called “Argument Topic
or Argumentative Topic” because in this case students have to explain both sides of arguments
and give their own opinion at the end of it.

Problems: I have read many of these kinds of essays from students, and have noticed that
many get mixed up they try to talk about the advantages and disadvantages instead or opinion
essay. This confusing because if you do this, you are often writing erroneous way having a
particular point of view.

Instead, you need to focus on the reasons for each argument. To help you with this, focus on
starting sentences with words that talk about the views of the people on each side.
For example:

• Some believe that

• Others argue that
• It is argued that
• It can be argued that
• It is often / sometimes said that
• They say this because
• This is because
• They reason that

When you read the example essays, you will notice that ideas are often supported by talking
about the consequences.

For example:

• If this were done, x would happen

• They argue that this is a terrible idea because it would result in noun / something happening.

To help you with this try to follow the following steps:

1. Read the question carefully! Underline the key positions to discuss.
2. When you brainstorm, make notes on why each side is likely to believe their position.
Add examples, and consequences (the impacts) of doing it or not doing it.
3. When you re-read your essay, look through all the ways you referred to the people. Can
you replace any of the references with phrases above?
“Argument Essay” Structure.

# Introduction
 General Statement
 Background Statement ( question paraphrase)
 Thesis Statement
# Body paragraph – 1
 Topic Sentence – 1 (Your supporting side)
 Supporting sentence (Discuss compare of other side)
 Example (to support your comparison)
 Outline
# Body paragraph – 2
 Topic Sentence - 2 ( Another side)
 Supporting sentence (Discuss compare of other side)
 Example (to support your comparison)
 Out line
# Conclusion
 Your Statement (give reason why you support it)
 Summaries your supporting side strongly and logically
Topic Type Tow

Opinion Topic:- In this question a statement or an opinion is given and learners

are asked they support this statement or not. Learners have to select any of it and
explain it logically with reliable example. Whereas learners are to explain other‟s
statement through their own opinion that‟s why, it is called “Opinion Topic”.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task .

Present a written argument or case to an educated reader with no spcia lized knowledge of
following topic.
Wild animals have no use in the 21st century and trying to preserve animals now it just wastage of money.

To what extend do you agree on disagree with the above statement?

Give reason for your answer and include any relevant example from your exper ience , you
should write at lest 250 words .

# Way to identify opinion topic

 A particular statement or an opinion will be mentioned.

 Student will be asked that they support or not that statement.

Problems:- One of the common problems with opinion essays is the idea of balanced or
a one-sided essay. Most of the time you are expected to write a “balanced” essay. However,
when you have a firm point of view on a topic, you do not need to do this.
The other problem is that many students misunderstand what a “thesis” or “opinion-led” essay
actually is, and whether or not you need to write one.
Always remember that there is no one way to answer and essay. You do not need to start with a
“this” or “opinion” with an opinion essay if you do not want to do. It is totally acceptable to
discuss different aspects of the question and then reach a decision in your conclusion.

To help you with this try to follow the following steps:

1. Read the question carefully! People often misunderstand exactly what the question is about
2. Brainstorm ideas around the question. Do you have enough ideas to talk about one point of view? Or are
you better off discussing it in more than one way?
3. Decide how you will tackle the problem as you plan out your answer. Make brief notes for your topic
sentences, as well as examples and reasons.

4. When you write your introduction, make sure you start in a simple and direct way that fits your plan. For
example, your last introduction sentence could be: “This essay will explain why smoking should be banned.”
Or, it could be “This essay will discuss whether or not this is a good idea.”

5. Stick to your plan! helps you focus on using the language and connecting your ideas in the best way that you

6. Read over your essay again at the end and check that the introduction, topic sentences, and conclusion all
directly related to the question

“IELTS Opinion Essay” Structure.

# Introduction
 General Statement
 Background Statement
 Thesis Statement
# Body paragraph – 1
 Topic Sentence
 Supporting sentence (explain in details)
 Example (to support your opinion)
 Outline
# Body paragraph – 2
 Topic Sentence - 2 ( reason why you support it)
 Supporting sentence (explain in details)
 Example (to support your reason)
 Out line
# Conclusion
 Your Statement
 Summaries your main points briefly
Topic Type Three

Advantages & Disadvantages:- IELTS advantages and disadvantages

questions normally give you a statement and ask you to comment on the advantages
and disadvantages of that statement.

The problem is that there are 3 different types of advantages and disadvantages
essay and they each require a different approach. If you answer them in a different
way then you risk losing lots of easy marks.

Question 1

In some countries, young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year
between finishing high school and starting university studies.

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for young people who decided to do this.

Question 2

Some experts believe that it is better for children to begin learning a foreign
language at primary schools rather than secondary school.

Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?

Question 3

Computers are becoming an essential part of school lessons.

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages and give your own opinion.

# Way to identify Advantages & Disadvantages topic

 Question 1 simply asks us to discuss the advantages and disadvantages. It

does not ask for our opinion or say which side is better or worse, so we should
not include this information in our answer.

This requires a simple structure in which the student will look at the
advantages in one paragraph and the disadvantages in the other.
 Question 2 is different because we have to say if the advantages are stronger
than the disadvantages. Notice I didn‟t say „if there are more advantages than
disadvantages‟. The question is not asking you to talk about numbers but
comment on the overall weight of the advantages or disadvantages. For
example, there are a huge number of advantages to travelling by private jet,
but there is one huge disadvantage (the cost) that stops most people from
flying that way and therefore the disadvantages outweigh the advantages.

In this example, we will have to decide which side (advantages or

disadvantages) is stronger and this will affect our structure. If you choose
advantages then you will have to say why these are much stronger than the
disadvantages and why the disadvantages don‟t hold much weight. You would
also have to make this clear in your thesis statement.

 Question 3 is different again because it is more like an opinion essay and a

discussion essay at the same time. Your structure will reflect this by having a
paragraph for advantages and disadvantages but also having a clear position
on the statement.

“Advantages & Disadvantage Essay” Structure-1

# Introduction
 General Statement
 Background Statement ( question paraphrase)
 Thesis Statement / Outline
# Body paragraph – 1
 Topic Sentence – 1 (Advantages)
 Supporting sentence (Explain how this is an advantage)
 Example (to support this advantage)
 Outline
# Body paragraph – 2
 Topic Sentence - 2 (Disadvantage)
 Supporting sentence (Explain how this is a disadvantage)
 Example (to support this disadvantage )
 Out line
# Conclusion
 Your Statement ( give an overall statement)
 Summaries your main points

“Advantages & Disadvantage Essay” Structure-2

# Introduction
 General Statement
 Background Statement ( question paraphrase & state which one outweighs the other)
 Thesis Statement ( state which one outweighs the other)
 Outline
# Body paragraph – 1
 Topic Sentence – more than one (Stronger Side)
 Supporting sentence (Explain why it is strong)
 Example (to support this statement)
 Outline
# Body paragraph – 2
 Topic Sentence - 2 (Weaker Side)
 Supporting sentence (Explain why it is weak)
 Example (to support this statement)
 Out line
# Conclusion
 Your Statement ( give an overall statement)
 Summaries your main points and restate position

“Advantages & Disadvantage Essay” Structure- 3

# Introduction
 General Statement
 Background Statement ( question paraphrase )
 Thesis Statement ( your opinion)
 Outline
# Body paragraph – 1
 Topic Sentence
 Explanation
 Example
 Outline
# Body paragraph – 2
 Topic Sentence
 Explanation
 Example
 Outline
# Conclusion
 Your Statement
 Summaries your main point

Topic Type Four

Problems & Solutions:- Problem solution essays are a type of essay question
sometimes given to you in the test. In this type of essay you need to discuss the problems with
regards to a particular topic and then suggest possible solutions to these problems. One of the
first things you want to make sure that you are able to do is identify one of these questions
when it arises.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task .

Present a written argument or case to an educated reader with no spcia lized knowledge of
following topic.

Global warming is one of the biggest threats humans face in the 21st Century and sea
levels are continuing to rise at alarming rates.

What problems are associated with this and what are some possible solutions.

Give reason for your answer and include any relevant example from your exper ience , you
should write at lest 250 words .

# Way to identify Problems & Solutions topic

 One or two problems will be given
 Candidate will be asked the reasons and some possible solutions
One of the first things an IELTS student does when they see something that looks like a problem solution essay,
is they immediately start writing in a certain way. Don‟t do this!

Instead, you need to carefully look at exactly what you have to write about. This is because there are many
different ways these kinds of questions can work.

They often mix different kinds of questions. For example, you might have to:

A. Discuss at least two solutions and choose one

B. Describe problems e.g. talk about the negative effects to these problems
C. Evaluate a solution that the question already gives you
D. Explain the causes of something e.g. explain the things that cause a problem
E. Or any combination of the above

This means that the first thing you need to do is look at the question carefully!

To help you with this try to follow the following steps

I use “problem-solution essays” to refer to all the combinations above.

1. Read the question carefully! Decide how many paragraphs you need to write, and
whether you need to write about problems, explain causes, or offer solutions.
2. When you brainstorm, make sure you use appropriate language to that paragraph:
a) Problems:- Explain why it is a problem. Give examples, and use some effect
b) Causes:- explain the underlying causes and immediate causes. Use cause language
e.g. this leads to …, this causes….
c) Solutions:-
i. Suggest options. E.g. One possibility is …
ii. Explain this in more detail and/or offer an example
iii. Explain how this solution will solve the problem. E.g. Doing this would ….
iv. Point out the obstacles involved with this solution. E.g. is it expensive, would
it take a long time to work?
3. When you re-read your essay, make sure you have written about each section of the
question, and check that you answered the final question (if any)
“IELTS Problem & solution essay” Structure.
# Introduction
 General Statement
 Background Statement(question paraphrase)
 Thesis Statement/ outline statement
# Body paragraph – 1
 Topic Sentence (State problem)
 Supporting sentence(explain what problem is & What is the result of this problem)
 Example (to support it)
 Outline
# Body paragraph – 2
 Topic Sentence (State solution)
 Supporting sentence (Explain how the solution will solve the problem)
 Example (to support it)
 Out line
# Conclusion
 Your Statement
 Summary of main points in paragraphs 1 and 2

Topic Type Five

Narrative Topic:- In question, learners are asked one or more different kind of
question on an specific topic. Learners are told to write a narrative essay by their
own logic and knowledge.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task .

Present a written argument or case to an educated reader with no spcia lized knowledge of
following topic.
Different countries of the world have different cultures. But today these cultures are
being mixed up and it curves people to loss their own culture of the society or race.

What do you think the reason for people to lose their own culture?
How can it be preserve?

# Way to identify narrative topic

 A particular subject wil be mentioned.

 You will be asked one or more questions regarding it

Direct essay questions often look a little like other question types. They could include aspects of
solutions, problems, opinions, advantages, and what people think.

When you are confronted with this kind of essay, the best thing to do is to focus on the
questions. Let these be your guide! Plan a topic sentence and a paragraph that clearly addresses
each question. Look at the example below to see what I mean. I‟ve added the numbers to the
question to make it clearer.


The mass production of cars has revolutionised the way people live and work.

1. What alternatives might there be?

2. How will these changes in transport effect our working and private lives?
3. Will cars still be vital in the near future?

An essay has been written to demonstrate below

Some people think that cities are the best place to live. Others prefer to live in a rural area Where would you
prefer to live? Give reason for your choice.
Compare the advantages of living in the city to living in the country.

Step -1 Now you should read the question carefully and understand as possible as you can. Than analysis the
question and select key word within 3 minutes because time management is very important.
Question Analysis:- According to the question the main key word is “Living” so we have to write
about living and there are two subjects here.

1. A group of people believe cities is the best place to live

2. Other things village is appropriate place for living

# Task

1. Compare the advantages of village and city

2. Select which one you like and explain why you like it

To analysis the question we can understand question is an “Argument (Agree Two points of view /
Disagree/ /Both sides) essays” because there are two different object and three different tasks in
this question. So you have to write the essay according to argument essay structure.

Step -2 Create an idea list according above analysis within 5 minutes. Remember never spend more than 8
minutes for analysis and idea list even you can write it very short form or in Bangla too, because time is very
important. So finish all this as early as possible and start writing main easy.


City Village
Proper educational opportunity. Hygienic environment
Modern treatment facility Fresh Food
Up to date communication and transportation Low living cost
More space
Typical social security system
Job facilities.
Personal relationship among people
Scope of various entertainment.
Close to nature

Note:- Now mark those points you want to write first. First of all you have to write most important and
supportive point.
How to Write Introduction
 To began the introduction you have to write a general statement depend on main topic point, in this
essay the main topic is Living, so write an overall sentence about living. Remember your general
sentence is not any quotation.

General Statement
In this era of globalization, the world has witnessed a paradigm shift in migrating and these days more rural
inhabitants are becoming city dwellers, but choosing a place of living has been a matter of great concern from
the time of antiquity.


The places where people live affects greatly in their lifestyles and the living place is one of the very basic needs
for people, but People opine differently while choosing the living places.


Living place is an inseparable part of human life. Every man wants to live in place of his choice. But in cars of
choosing living place people are quite divided in their opinion


Everyone wants to live a happier life. To do so, people choose their own living place according to personal

Background Statement
In background statement we can paraphrase the question like

A group of people prefer to live in city rather other believe village is the best.


Certain people like to live in the country area while others choose to stay in the city centre.


Some people opinion county site on the hand some people want to live in urban area.
Thesis Statement

Basically thesis statement is your overall statement whatever you are going to write while this easy, so
you have to give a short statement, but remember it will not be your supporting point or opinion.

In my perception both sides have different argument in discussion

Both sides have strong arguments
Both of sides have merits and demerits
Its is a matter of discussion whether city
In this essay I am going to write/ explain/ discuss etc ………..

In this era of globalization, the world has witnessed a paradigm shift in migrating and these
days more rural inhabitants are becoming city dwellers, but choosing a place of living has been
a matter of great concern from the time of antiquity. Certain people like to live in the country
area while others choose to stay in the city centre. In my perception both sides have different
argument in discussion.

Writing Body Paragraph- 1

On the one hand, one a group of people prefer to live in the city centre and believe that there are numerous
benefits living in the area. It is a fact that the city offers various kinds of facilities, such as sound security
system, education, communication and transport facilities of the city are very well organized. One can get these
crucial opportunities effortlessly around his neighborhood, which are certainly absent in villages. Furthermore,
available job opportunity is another factor that furnishes people to live in cities. Almost all of the government
and non government offices, corporate office of all industries, most bank and insurance companies are in the
city. So people can easily manage a suitable job at anytime, rather village cannot provide such facility at all.
Thinking all those, some people opine to live in cities.
Writing Body Paragraph- 2
One the other hand, villagers are benefited with many invaluable assets those are completely absent in cities
such as fresh air and water. There is no intense pollution with smoke, Carbon-DI-oxide. City can provide
security against visible foes but not such silent enemies namely toxic air and water. Besides, rate of commodity
as like food, education, treatment, living and so on are generally higher in a city than that in a village. Likewise,
we can‟t eliminate the density of population that all most absent in village. Presume that a group of people
prefer to live in village.

In my case, I prefer to live in the city. I feel relaxed and comfortable staying in my own city. There are lots of
facilities I can't deny are presented in my city and those are the invaluable part of my lifestyle. Moreover, I like
to lead a busy and challenging life and want to be connected with the world which is truly impossible in the

List of essay questions

“Argument essays” (Agree /Disagree/ Two points of view/ Both sides)

1. Some people tink that cities are the best place to live.Others prefer to live in a rural area .Compar e the
advantages of living in the city to living in the country . where would you prefer to live ? Give reason
for your choice.
2. Some people say that the best way to improve public health is by increasing the number of sports
facilities. Others, however, say that this would have little effect on public health and that other measures
are required. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
3. Some people believe teachers should have the final say about children‟s education, while others believe
parents should make these decisions. What extend do you agree or disagree with the above statement?
4. Some people believe that the death penalty is necessary for certain crimes, while others argue that it
should never be used. What do you prefer?
5. Some say that unhealthy habits should be banned. However, others believe that everyone should be free
to make their own decisions about what they do. Discuss both points of view and give your own opinion.
6. It is argued by some that university education should be free for all who want it. However, others
believe that people should pay for their own education. What extend do you agree or disagree with the
above statement?
7. Global competition often leads to changes in employment patterns. Some people believe that the
government should protect local workers from these changes. However, others argue that this
competition benefits the local economy. Discuss both points of view.
“Opinion essay” / “Thesis essay“ essay questions or ask your
1. Many People are using a lot of online language translation apps. Do the benefits of this outweigh the
2. Some people believe that technology has made man more social. To what extent do you agree or
disagree with this opinion?
3. In the fight against crime, police forces and governments are increasingly using security cameras in
public places. Some people are opposed to this, saying that it invades our privacy. What do you think?
4. New technologies and ways of buying and selling are transforming the lives of consumers. To what
extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
5. Tourism is one of the fastest growing industries and contributes a great deal to economies around the
world. However, the damage tourism can cause to local cultures and the environment is often ignored.
To what do you thing about?
6. The Internet allows us to stay connected with each other no matter where we are. On the other hand, it
also isolates us and encourages people not to socialise. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
7. Space exploration is much too expensive and the money should be spent on more important things. Do
you agree?
8. Some people think that school children need to learn practical skills such as car maintenance or bank
account management along with the academic subjects at school. Do support this statement?

“Advantages & disadvantages”

1. Some people prefer to live in a house, while others feel that there are more advantages to living in an
apartment. Are there more advantages than disadvantages with living in house compared with living in
an apartment?
2. It is common for larger companies to require their staff to wear uniforms at all times. What are the
benefits for a company of having a uniform? How can a uniform benefit the staff?
3. Every year many countries seek to host international sporting competitions, such as the Olympics. What
benefit does hosting an international sports competition bring to the host country? Do you think the
advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
4. Online shopping is growing in popularity. What are the advantages and disadvantages of shopping
online for both individuals and companies?
5. It has become increasingly popular for people to eat pre-prepared food either out or at home. What are
the advantages of eating in this way? What problems can it cause?
6. Renewable energy, such as solar and wind power, have shown great promise. However, they have often
disappointed in practice. What are the advantages and disadvantages of these forms of power generation
compared to fossil fuels?
“Problem - solution” / “Cause - effect” essay questions

1. Fossil fuels have been the main driver of economic growth for the last 100 hundred years. Explain how
fossil fuels have achieved this, outline the main problems their use causes, and suggest alternative
2. Around the world mega cities are now home to an ever larger share of the world‟s population. What
problems are caused by this shift? What measures can governments take to deal with these issues?
3. Throughout the developing world more and more adults are less active and as a result less healthy.
Discuss the causes of inactivity and outline some solutions to this problem.
4. As large shopping chains expand, many local stores are unable to compete and close. What are the
reasons for this? What actions can be taken to solve this problem?
5. In developing countries, people in cities and rural areas suffer from a lack of fresh water. Discuss the
main causes of this problem and suggest several courses of action.
6. In many developed countries the population is ageing rapidly. What are the reasons for this change?
What problems can this lead to? How can societies manage this shift?

Other “direct question” essay questions

1. As most people spend a major part of their adult life at work, job satisfaction is an important element of
individual wellbeing. What factors contribute to job satisfaction? How realistic is the expectation of job
satisfaction of all workers?
2. The mass production of cars has revolutionised the way people live and work. What alternatives might
there be? How will these changes in transport effect our working and private lives? Will cars still be
vital in the near future?
3. For many years, handwriting has been a vital part of a person‟s primary schooling. However, recently
there has been a shift to typing. Should schools still require handwriting in school? How necessary is it
to write by hand in today‟s society?
4. World travel was revolutionised in the 20th century to the extent that the world has now become a global
village. What factors will influence travel this century? Will travel continue to grow or will it become
less popular?
5. Some believe that wealth is the best measure of a persons‟ success. Do you agree with this idea? In your
view, what makes a person successful?
6. Increasingly, news organisations are including social media and Internet media stars as news sources
and commentators. Why are news organisations doing this? How important is it for the news to be
produced by professional journalists? What will the news situation look like in the future?

Prepared By: Imran (Sir)


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