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International Journal of Social and Education (INJOSEDU) e-ISSN: 3047-6151

Vol. 1 No. 4 July 2024, hal., 989-1001


Agus Hidayat *1
UIN Raden Intan Lampung
[email protected]

Novianto Puji Raharjo

UII Dalwa
[email protected]

Olivia Tahalele
Universitas Pattimura
[email protected]

Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia
[email protected]

Effective language teaching methods are teaching approaches that integrate the
acquisition of grammar and vocabulary with real-life contexts and practical tasks,
to improve students' fluency and communication skills. Context-based and task-
based approaches are significant examples, where language learning is linked to
everyday situations and specific tasks that motivate students to use language
actively and meaningfully. These methods also involve adaptation and flexibility
according to students' individual needs, resulting in more relevant and effective
learning. The research method conducted in this study used literature research
method. The results of the literature review show that context-based and task-
based approaches are highly effective methods in developing students'
communication skills. The context-based approach connects learning to real-life
situations, providing deep meaning and relevance, while the task-based approach
encourages active language use and improves problem-solving skills. However,
research has also found that each method has its own challenges, such as the need
for thorough preparation in context-based approaches and potential pressure on
students in task-based approaches. Therefore, a combination of different
methods and adaptation according to the students' context is recommended to
achieve optimal learning outcomes. This research provides valuable insights for
educators in designing effective language teaching strategies that are responsive
to students' needs.
Keywords: Skills, Communication, Language Education.

Correspondence author

Communication is one of the basic skills that is very important in human life.
Good communication skills are not only needed in personal life, but also in the
educational, professional, and social worlds. Communication skills allow individuals to
convey ideas, information, and emotions effectively (Sudarmo et al., 2021). In the
context of globalisation, the ability to communicate in various languages is increasingly
becoming a demand that cannot be ignored (Anggarista & Wahyudin, 2022).
This is particularly important in social settings, where effective communication
can build and strengthen interpersonal relationships. For example, in family, friend and
co-worker relationships, good communication can reduce misunderstandings, resolve
conflicts and create a harmonious environment. In addition, good communication skills
also play an important role in opportunities and self-development, such as in job
interviews, public presentations, and business negotiations (Berns, 2021).
In the world of work, communication skills are one of the key competencies
sought by many companies. In a professional environment, the ability to communicate
clearly and precisely can improve productivity, efficiency and teamwork. For example,
through meetings, written reports and emails, effective communication can ensure
important information is conveyed correctly and necessary actions can be taken
immediately (Chen et al., 2022). In addition, good communication skills also help in
building strong professional networks, expanding career opportunities, and enhancing
personal and organisational reputation. Therefore, good communication skills not only
improve the quality of life of individuals but also contribute to success and advancement
in professional careers (Irkinovich, 2022).
However, various studies show that many individuals, including learners, still
have limited communication skills. This lack of ability is often due to ineffective language
learning and a lack of emphasis on communication aspects in the education curriculum.
Many education systems still focus on the theoretical aspects of language, such as
grammar and vocabulary, without giving enough portion to the use of language in real
communication contexts (Rustamov & Mamaziyayev, 2022); (Febriantini et al., 2021).
Language education has a very significant role in improving communication
skills. Through effective language education, students not only learn about the structure
of language, but also how to use the language to interact with others (Parmaxi, 2023).
According to various educational theories, interactive and communicative teaching
methods have been proven to be more effective in improving students' communication
skills than conventional, passive methods (Fryer et al., 2020).
In addition, the development of information and communication technology also
demands an update in language teaching methods. The use of digital media in language
learning can open up new opportunities to improve communication skills more
effectively and interestingly for students (Elbes & Oktaviani, 2022).

Therefore, this research seeks to further explore how language education can
improve communication skills. It also aims to identify effective language teaching
methods and provide best practice recommendations that can be applied in the
Indonesian educational context.
Through this literature review, it is hoped that a significant relationship between
language education and communication skills can be found as well as learning methods
that can be practically applied to improve the quality of language education at various

Research Methods
The study conducted in this research uses the literature research method. The
literature research method is a type of research conducted by reviewing and analysing
various sources of information or literature relevant to the research topic. The sources
used can be books, journals, scientific articles, research reports, dissertations, theses,
and other digital sources. The aim is to gain an in-depth understanding of the topic being
researched through a review of pre-existing findings and theories. (Iryana, 2019);
(Jelahut, 2022); (junaid, 2018).

Results and Discussion

Theory on Communication Skills
Communication skills are an individual's ability to effectively and efficiently
convey information, ideas, and emotions to others through various forms of media,
both verbal and non-verbal. They involve the ability to listen, speak, read, and write
clearly and precisely, as well as the ability to interpret and respond to messages in
appropriate ways. Good communication skills not only help in conveying messages
clearly, but also in building positive relationships, solving problems, and achieving goals
together (Onishchuk et al., 2020).
Communication skills consist of several key components that are interrelated
and support the effectiveness of the communication process. First, the verbal
component includes word choice, sentence structure, and clarity in delivering messages
orally and in writing (Huang et al., 2022). Proper word choice and clear language use are
key to avoiding misunderstandings. In addition, non-verbal components such as body
language, facial expressions, and eye contact are also very important. Gestures,
posture, and voice intonation often convey a stronger message than the words
themselves, thus being able to reinforce or even change the meaning of a verbally
conveyed message (Kohnke et al., 2023).
In addition, the listening skills component plays a crucial role in effective
communication. Active listening involves deep understanding and empathy towards the
speaker, rather than simply hearing the words spoken. This component includes the
ability to give constructive feedback and show that we value what the other person is

saying (Shayakhmetova et al., 2020). Finally, the emotion management component is
also important, as the ability to control one's own emotions as well as understand and
respond to the emotions of others helps to create a positive and effective
communication environment. By understanding and mastering these components,
individuals can improve their overall communication skills (Mukhiddinova et al., 2021).

Language Education
Language education refers to the process of teaching and learning a language
whether it is a mother tongue, second language, or foreign language, which aims to
improve learners' language skills in various aspects. These aspects include listening,
speaking, reading and writing skills integrated with an understanding of grammar,
vocabulary and phonetics (Amanov, 2023). Language education does not only focus on
linguistic skills but also includes an understanding of the culture and social context in
which the language is used. Through language education, learners are expected to have
the ability to communicate effectively and appropriately in various situations and
contexts (Baresh, 2022).
The main purpose of language education is to prepare individuals to be able to
interact and communicate with others efficiently and effectively. This includes the
development of critical thinking skills, the ability to understand and express ideas, and
the ability to adapt to different environments and cultures (Tomlinson, 2023). In
addition, other objectives are to help learners understand and appreciate cultural
diversity, improve literacy, and open access to wider knowledge resources. In the
context of globalisation, language education also aims to equip individuals with the
language skills necessary to compete and collaborate at the international level
(Turgunova & Abdurahimovna, 2023).
Language education and communication skills have a very close relationship and
support each other. Language education acts as a foundation in building effective
communication skills. Through language education, individuals learn not only the
structure and rules of language, but also how to use the language appropriately in
various communication contexts (Rustamov & ogli, 2023). Good language skills,
acquired through language education, enable an individual to convey messages clearly
and understand received messages accurately. This includes the ability to listen well,
speak fluently and confidently, read with deep understanding, and write with clarity and
accuracy (Isnaini & Aminatun, 2021).
On the other hand, strong communication skills allow one to practice and
deepen understanding of the language learnt. Effective communication requires more
than just linguistic knowledge; it also requires the ability to interpret non-verbal cues,
regulate emotions, and respond to feedback in a constructive way (Aladini & Jalambo,
2021). Comprehensive language education helps in developing these skills through
various activities such as group discussions, presentations, debates, and essay writing.

Thus, language education and communication skills complement each other, where
language education hones basic linguistic abilities and communication skills apply them
in real situations, thus creating more effective and meaningful communication (Rogers
& Dawson, 2020).

Language Teaching Methods

The direct method in language learning is an approach that emphasises the use
of the language being learnt as an active means of communication from an early stage.
In this method, teaching is done exclusively in the target language without the use of
translation from the students' mother tongue. The main focus of the direct method is
on speaking and listening skills, with little emphasis on grammar and formal writing in
the early stages (Yeh et al., 2021). Students are taught through practical conversation,
question and answer, oral practice, and role-play. The advantage of this method is that
it provides intensive exposure to the target language and helps students develop
confidence and fluency in the use of the language (Wale & Bishaw, 2020).
Furthermore, the audio-lingual method is an approach to language teaching that
emphasises learning through repetition and listening and speaking practice, without
much explicit attention to grammar in the early stages. Developed based on the
principles of behaviourism, this method uses techniques such as drills, prepared
dialogues, and intensive practice to form language habits (Riadil, 2020). Audio sources
such as recordings and language labs are often used to reinforce listening skills. With a
focus on listening and speaking proficiency, this method aims to form automatic
responses and accelerate the achievement of fluency in the target language (Hiver et
al., 2024).
Furthermore, Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) is a language teaching
method that emphasises the ability to use language to communicate effectively in real
situations. The main focus of this approach is on the function of language and the
meaning to be conveyed, not just on the perfection of grammar or linguistic structure
(Zein et al., 2020). Learning techniques in the communicative approach include student-
centred activities such as simulations, role-plays, group discussions, and collaborative
tasks that mimic real-life situations. Through this approach, students are encouraged to
interact actively and creatively in the target language, so that they can develop holistic
and realistic communicative skills in various social contexts (Nazarov, 2023).

Relationship between Language Education and Communication Skills

Language education and communication skills have a very close relationship and
support each other. Language education plays an important role in forming the
linguistic foundations necessary to communicate effectively. Through learning
grammar, vocabulary and sentence structure, students learn how to compose clear and
precise messages (Farrell & Jacobs, 2020). This includes reading and writing skills, which

underlie many forms of written communication such as emails, reports and essays. In
addition, a good language education teaches strategies for analysing and
understanding various texts, which helps in effectively conveying and receiving
information (Ariastuti & Wahyudin, 2022).
On the other hand, communication skills complement the fundamentals
acquired through language education by emphasising practical application in everyday
interactions. Good listening skills, for example, are essential for understanding and
responding appropriately to messages in live conversations and group discussions
(Richards, 2022). Effective speaking skills, which involve clear pronunciation and
appropriate word choice, are developed through authentic communication exercises
such as debates, presentations and role plays. Non-verbal skills such as facial
expressions and body language are also an important part of successful
communication. Thus, language education provides a foundation of theory and
structure, while communication skills enable the application of that knowledge in real
contexts, creating more meaningful and efficient communication (Hava, 2021).

Strengths and Weaknesses of Methods for Teaching Language and Communication

Language teaching methods, such as the audio-lingual method, have unique
strengths and weaknesses. One of the main strengths of the audio-lingual method is its
focus on repetition and practice, which can help students form strong and automatic
language habits. Through drills and structured dialogues, students can internalise
language patterns and improve their fluency (Sam, 2024). In addition, the use of audio
resources helps develop critical listening skills, which are essential in communication.
This method can also be very effective in situations where the main goal is the rapid and
accurate acquisition of specific language forms (Bailey et al., 2021).
However, the audio-lingual method also has some significant drawbacks. One
disadvantage is the lack of focus on understanding the meaning and function of
language in real contexts. Students may become highly skilled at repeating learnt
patterns, but less able to apply the language in authentic and spontaneous interactions
(Turan & Akdag-Cimen, 2020). Moreover, the monotonous repetitive approach may lead
to boredom and demotivation among students, reducing the effectiveness of long-term
learning. The lack of attention to the more explicit aspects of grammar can also be an
obstacle when students are faced with more complex texts or communication
situations (Agustina & Setiawan, 2020).
On the other hand, the communicative approach (Communicative Language
Teaching) offers significant strengths in language learning and communication skills.
The main strength of this approach is its focus on the functional use of language in real-
world situations (Shortt et al., 2023). Through student-centred activities such as
simulations and role plays, students are encouraged to communicate authentically and

creatively. This not only improves speaking and listening skills but also encourages
active engagement and motivation to learn. It also emphasises social and non-verbal
interaction skills, which are essential for effective and holistic communication (Rose et
al., 2021).
However, the communicative approach also faces some challenges. One of the
main drawbacks is the difficulty in providing a fully authentic and realistic environment
within the classroom. Simulations and role plays may not always reflect the complexity
of real-world communication (Budiman, 2020). In addition, the success of this approach
often depends on the skill and creativity of the teacher in designing engaging and
relevant activities. Without careful planning, communicative approaches can be less
structured, which might lead to a lack of emphasis on important aspects such as
grammar and fundamental vocabulary. Thus, although effective in building practical
communication skills, it requires balance and integration with other methods to ensure
comprehensive language learning (Lan, 2020).
Context-based learning is another method that offers advantages in teaching
language and communication skills. One of its advantages is that it links language
learning to real-life situations or specific contexts (Brodin & Renblad, 2020). For
example, language learning can be linked to historical materials, culture, or specific
professional situations, which not only makes learning more meaningful but also helps
students understand how language is used in various contexts. This can improve
students' analytical skills when interacting with complex texts or conversations. In
addition, this approach enables interdisciplinary learning, giving students a holistic view
of language applications (Mandasari & Aminatun, 2020).
However, the context-based approach also has its drawbacks. One of the main
challenges is the need for very thorough planning and preparation on the part of the
teacher. Relating language learning to relevant and meaningful contexts often requires
creativity as well as extra time to design appropriate materials and activities. In addition,
this approach can be less effective if the chosen context is not relevant or interesting to
students. This can reduce students' motivation and engagement in the learning process.
In addition, due to the strong focus on a particular context, there may be weaknesses
in the coverage or depth of learning universal language aspects that are not directly
related to that context (Syafiq et al., 2021).
Task-based language teaching is another recognised method of teaching
language and communication skills. One of its main strengths is the provision of
practical tasks that encourage students to use language in achieving clear goals. This
means that learning becomes highly result-orientated and directly relevant to students'
communication needs (Winaldo & Oktaviani, 2022). This approach encourages active
participation, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills, which are essential in effective
communication. In addition, by encountering various task situations, students can
develop language flexibility and adaptation in various contexts (Chen et al., 2022).

However, there are some drawbacks to consider in the task-based approach.
One of the main issues is that not all students or learning situations are suitable for
intensive task formats. Some students may feel pressurised or struggle to identify and
achieve the goals set by the task (Amanov, 2023). In addition, the success of task-based
teaching relies heavily on the teacher's ability to design challenging, relevant and
engaging tasks, which can be very time and resource intensive. This approach may also
place less explicit emphasis on learning grammar formations and language structures,
meaning that students may require additional instruction to build solid linguistic
foundations (Khan & Mansoor, 2020).
Overall, there is no perfect and universal method of teaching language or
communication skills. A combination of several methods, taking into account the
strengths and addressing the weaknesses of each, may be the best approach to achieve
optimal learning outcomes. For example, the integration of communicative approaches
with explicit grammar and real contexts can provide a holistic and immersive learning
environment (Wahyuni et al., 2021). Thus, adaptability and flexibility in teaching
methods are essential in meeting students' language learning needs and
communication skills.
In conclusion, while no method of teaching language and communication skills
is perfect and applicable to all situations, each approach has its own strengths and
weaknesses. The context-based approach connects learning to real-life situations
making it more meaningful and interdisciplinary, but requires careful preparation and
relevance of the context for students. Meanwhile, task-based approaches encourage
active language use to achieve specific goals, improve problem-solving skills and
language flexibility, but can be stressful for some students and may require additional
instruction in linguistic fundamentals.
A combination of methods, which integrates different approaches while
minimising the weaknesses of each, can be the most effective strategy in teaching
language and communication skills. Flexibility and adaptation of teaching methods
based on students' specific needs and contexts will help achieve optimal learning
outcomes (Wright, 2020); (Agustin & Ayu, 2021).
Thus, an adaptive and flexible approach is essential to fulfil students' language
learning needs and communication skills.

The relationship between language education and communication skills is very
close and mutually influential. Effective language education involves not only mastery
of grammar and vocabulary, but also the ability to use the language in real
communication contexts. Approaches such as context-based and task-based can
provide a strong foundation by linking language learning to real-life situations or
practical communication tasks. This encourages students to understand and practise

how language is used in various situations, thus improving their overall communication
However, each approach in language education has its own strengths and
weaknesses. Context-based approaches, while providing meaningful and relevant
learning, require careful preparation and contexts that are relevant to students. In
contrast, task-based approaches emphasise active language use and problem-solving
skills, but can be stressful for some students and require additional instruction for
fundamental linguistic aspects. Therefore, a combination and adaptation of different
teaching methods that considers the strengths and addresses the weaknesses of each
can result in more holistic and effective language learning and communication skills.
Effective language teaching methods involve approaches that focus on the
interrelationship between language and real communication contexts. Context- and
task-based approaches are an example; they not only teach formal aspects of language
such as grammar and vocabulary, but also integrate real-life situations and practical
tasks that motivate students to use the language in various contexts. This helps to
improve fluency and cultural understanding, and encourages problem-solving and
critical thinking skills. To achieve optimal results, the method should also be flexible to
suit students' individual needs and learning styles, and be complemented by
constructive feedback and ongoing support.

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