Biomechanics Is The Science Concerned With The Analysis of The Mechanics of Human Movement
Biomechanics Is The Science Concerned With The Analysis of The Mechanics of Human Movement
Biomechanics Is The Science Concerned With The Analysis of The Mechanics of Human Movement
concerned with the analysis of the gives the understanding to analyze different
mechanics of human movement. It safety movements
explains how and why the human
body moves. Helps in research work: It helps to
impart scientific teaching and learning
It is the study of the function and processes.
motion of the mechanical aspects of
biological systems. Creates confidence in players: Players
come to know the correct techniques
Biomechanics tells us how our to execute the movement. Thus it
muscles, bones, tendons, and improves the confidence of the
ligaments work together to produce player.
Newton’s Law of Motion & Its Application in
It gives us a detailed analysis of any Sports
sports movements, which helps to
The laws of motion were formulated by Sir
minimize the risk of injury and
Isaac Newton in 1687. He explained and
improve sports performance.
investigated that every motion is under the
Importance Of Biomechanics In Sports impact of following laws of motion:
Improvement in technique:
Biomechanics helps to improve new
techniques, which helps us to get
more results
A Volleyball player pushes the ball If the fulcrum is positioned closer to the load,
slowly for a drop, whereas hits the less effort is needed to move the load over a
ball hard for a smash. shorter distance. Conversely, if the fulcrum is
closer to the effort, more effort is required to
Thus drop is slow because there is less move the load over a greater distance.
force applied, whereas smash is very Examples of first-class levers include a teeter-
fast as there is a great force applied. totter, a seesaw, and a chisel. First-class levers
are effective for lifting large loads with
In the shot put event, a player who
minimal effort.
exerts more force and tosses the shot
put at the correct angle has greater Second-class lever:
Load positioned between the effort and the is positioned closer to the effort, more force is
fulcrum. needed but the load moves a greater
distance. Examples of third-class levers are a
pair of tweezers, a baseball bat, and your arm
when lifting something. Third-class levers are
useful for moving loads over greater distances
with more effort.
Applications in Sports
First-class levers:
When no force is acting to make a body move 2. Lower the center of gravity, higher the
in a line the body is in translational stability: For an accelerated start, we need to
equilibrium, when no force is acting to make keep the center of gravity as low as possible
and as near as possible to the edge of the
the body turn the body is in rotational
equilibrium. However, a state of equilibrium base nearest to the direction of intended
motion. This is the reason racers crouch at the
does not mean that no forces act on the body
but only that the forces are balanced. start of the race and the racing cars have very
low floors.
Types of Equilibrium
Dynamic Equilibrium
3. When the body is free in the air, if the head
Static Equilibrium and feet move down, then the hips move up
and vice versa: While performing a high jump,
Dynamic Equilibrium: Dynamic equilibrium is this principle comes into play.
the balance of the body during movement
4. Ensure that the center of gravity is over the An athlete’s center of gravity is the exact
center of the base of support. Like, while middle of the body and can rotate freely in
performing a handstand, the hips need to any direction and where weight is balanced
remain towards the center of the base which on all opposite sides.
is formed by the hands.
It exists at a point along the midline of the
5. Stability improves when we lower the body at about 55% of the athlete’s height.
center of gravity. This is the reason why Core stability enables athletes to control their
during shot-put, the follow-through involves body position, generate optimum power, and
bending the knees. transfer force along the kinetic chain.
6. The greater the friction between the The human body is made up of individual
supporting surface and the athlete’s body, the body parts with their own weight. So, our
greater the ability to maintain balance. This is total body weight is the sum of individual
the reason why sports persons wear weights of organs such as our arms, legs, etc.
specialized shoes that prevent excessive
sliding on a playing surface. The point, about which the distribution of
these individual weights is symmetrical, is the
7. Shifting the center of gravity towards an center of gravity of the body. Thus, if a body
approaching force increases an athlete’s has more mass distributed in its upper part,
ability to maintain balance. This explains why
the center of gravity will be at the top of the When an object is projected through space,
body. three forces influence the course of the flight
Friction & Sports Stop the moving object: It helps to stop the
moving object through friction
Friction is a force resisting the relative motion
of solid surfaces, fluid layers, and material Hold or grip object: With the help of friction,
elements sliding against each other. It our fingers and palms enable us to grasp and
generally creates an obstruction to moving hold objects.
objects. Keep the objects at their position: Friction can
hold the object at its position.
It is created whenever two surfaces move or
try to move across each other. It opposes the Disadvantages of friction
motion of one surface across another surface.
Makes movement difficult: Friction can make
Friction depends on the texture of both the movement difficult. For example, excess
surfaces and on the amount of contact force friction can make a box difficult to slide on the
pushing the two surfaces together. floor.
Types of Friction Waste of energy: Excess friction means extra
There are two types of friction energy, so extra energy is wasted because of