IIIT Nagpur Adv
IIIT Nagpur Adv
IIIT Nagpur Adv
Ministry of Education
Department of Higher Education
Technical Section - I
Invitation of applications for the post of Director at IIIT (PPP) Nagpur, Maharashtra
Applications are invited, for appointment to the post of Director of Indian Institute
of Information Technology in Public- Private Partnership mode (IIIT-PPP), Nagpur.
4. Interested individuals may apply giving detailed resume in the format attached
herewith. The application along with enclosures may be sent by Registered/Speed Post to
Under Secretary, Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Room
No.203, ‘C’ Wing, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi – 110001 so as to reach the Ministry on
or before 02.01.2023.
Format of Application for the post of Director of IIIT (PPP) Nagpur
(Applicant is requested to type the information in the following format, and can add more lines in the
format wherever required.)
(In Capital Letters)
Date of Birth
Correspondence Addres
Mobile No. :
Phone No.
Landline No. :
2. Present Position
a. Designation
b. Organization
c. Pay Scale
d. Date of appointment
to the present post
e. Total Experience
(In Years and Mont
6. (a) Academic/Teaching Experience & responsibilities (In chronological order from latest
to oldest)
8. Scholarly achievements:
C.I National
C.II International
Plenary Lectures/Invited Talks International
Congresses attended International
Examinership etc. International
Others (Specify) International
9. Research Projects:
S. No. Name of the Referee Post Held by Refe Email Phone No. Mobile
I, hereby, declare that all the statements/ particulars made/furnished in this application are true, complete
and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I also declare and fully understand that in the event of
any information furnished being found false or incorrect at any stage, my application/candidature is liable
to be summarily rejected at any stage and if I am already appointed, my services are liable to be terminated
without any notice from the post of Director as per Act/ Statutes etc. and other applicable rules.
Note: Total No. of pages (A-4 size) of the application should not exceed 10 pages.