Chapter 3 Section 4 Exploring Four Empires of Mesopotamia Fill in Notes

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Name:________________________ Date:_____________________

Exploring four empires of Mesopotamia

Chapter 3
Big Idea: After the Sumerians, many cultures ruled parts of the Fertile Crescent.
Setting the Scene:
Since the city states of _____________ were fairly small, they were often fighting over _____________ & ______________.

Their _______________ left them open to attacks by ___________________.

The _________________, _________________, & ___________________________ were empires because they were a
_____________________ by a _________________ or government, unlike the Sumerians.

The Akkadian Empire

The Akkadians were the ______________________ after Sumer.

They were led by a great powerful king, ________________________.

Sargon was a strong king and a ____________________ & _______________________.

Sargon used his ________________________ to conquer the land and take over Sumer.

Life under Akkadian rule

Sargon had created the ___________________________, this was the
During Sargon’s _______________ he built up his capital city of _______________ in Northern Mesopotamia,
with ______________________ from the _______________________.
The Akkadians used ___________________ to record ______________________ with three dimensional
sculptures, such as a __________________.
Hammurabi & the Babylon Empire
After the Akkadians ______________, Sumer once again ____________________.
The next ruler King _________________from _____________ united all of Mesopotamia once again.
_____________ made the capital ________ and is best remembered for his code of 282 laws the ____________.
He based his laws not only on his own authority but on the ______________.
This code was the 1st set of laws to _________________.
This is the first legal system to treat ___________________, which was advanced at that
Life during the Babylonian Empire
With the Babylonian location on the banks of the Euphrates River, it became an important _______________.

Trade in the Babylonian empire helped the economy by trading grain and __________________ for wood, gold,
silver, precious ____________&_____________.
Name:________________________ Date:_____________________

Assyrian Empire
After the _______________ fell apart a number of groups controlled what had been Babylonia, until the
__________________ of the __________________ took over the Mesopotamian region.
Assyrians had _____________________ there was pressure for them to ________________ their territory.
But whenever they tried to push back their borders, they were resisted by neighbors, such as the ___________
and ________________.

Assyrians become a _________________ to survive, and _____________ were _______________ into the army.
The Assyrian Empire
The Assyrians were known for their military might and their _______________. Their greatest achievements
were new weapons and ______________________.

They used war techniques such as siege techniques, __________________, & _____________________.
Life under Assyrian Rule
The Assyrians believed that their kings were _______________ and to honor them they built “The great Palace”
in the __________________.
Assyrians had a great _________________ for the cultures of the conquered. They preserved _______________
and scribes ___________________ the information they found there into their language.
The library of _____________________ at Nineveh
Like other societies in Mesopotamia the Assyrians had a system of canals to irrigate their land, but they also built
the __________________.
Aqueducts ________________ used to carry water throughout the __________________ and up to 30 miles
The Neo-Babylonian Empire
With the death of __________________, Civil war, and eventual ___________________ by the Babylonians.
They once again took over the Mesopotamia area.
Their new empire was known a ________________.
The empire’s new famous King was ____________________, who was a _________________.
______________________ conquered the land of the _______________ took many of them captive back to
Babylon after they tried to rebel.
Nebuchadnezzar built two walls, some towers, bridges, and a moat around his ___________to protect his city
from attacks.
Nebuchadnezzar rebuilt the city of Babylon and built the ____________________ of Babylon along the rooftops
and terraces high on the _______________.
The Neo-Babylonian Empire only lasted _______years because controlling such a _____________ was
The __________________ conquered Mesopotamia and controlled it for _______________, until
__________________ came along from Greece.

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