CT Soal Sas 1 Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4
CT Soal Sas 1 Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4
CT Soal Sas 1 Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4
1. Berdoalah sebelum mengerjakan soal!
2. Tulislah nama dan nomor absen pada lembar jawaban yang tersedia!
3. Bacalah setiap soal yang akan kamu kerjakan dengan teliti!
4. Kerjakanlah lebih dahulu soal yang kamu anggap mudah!
5. Periksa kembali hasil pekerjaanmu sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas ruang!
20. Look! you can sleep on this thing in the bedroom. How do you spell it?
A. O-S-A-F
B. D-E-B
C. L-A-B-K-E-N-T
D. A-L-M-P
21. Look! you can cook on this thing in the kitchen. How do you spell it?
A. S-O-P-O-N
B. T-O-S-E-V
C. O-F-K-R
D. P-L-E-A-T
26. Look at the picture! Kimi plays the ball in the yard.
A. Yes, it doesn’t.
B. Yes, he doesn’t.
C. Yes, it does.
D. Yes, he does.
27. Look at the picture! Cici and her mother cook in the
bedroom. L2
A. No, they don’t.
B. No, they do.
C. No, she does
D. No, she doesn’t
II. Isilah titik pada saol perikut ini dengan jawaban yang tepat!
It is number ….
39. Look at the picture!
The result of the following addition is ….
1. fifty eight K
2. sixty two L
3. seventy five M
4. ninety eight N
46. E-T-E-L-O-V-I-N-I-S
The correct order is …
48. Made and his family go to their grandparent’s house in the village by car. In
the middle of their trip, the rain falls very hard. They stop in an empty house.
Made opens the door and see mice and cockroaches. The mice shocked me.
Made : Does the house is clean?
Mom : No, ….