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1 Introduction
Mega mergers and acquisitions, increasing global competition, exploding e- business opportunities and disappearing national borders- with all these changes the business environment is becoming unpredictable. However, it is certain that all organizations will be confronting a totally new world and they will expect a human resource strategy to be ready for it. Human resource management is now center stage and a key strategy issue that must be addressed at highest level of every organization. The study will disclose the present scenario of Human Resource Management Concept and Practices regarding recruitment and selection procedure at BPL. Human resource management is the part of the organization that is concerned with the people dimension. HRM can be viewed in one of two ways. First, HRM is a staff, or support, in the organization. Its role is to provide assistance in HRM matters to line employees, or those directly involved in producing organizations goods and services. HRM is a function of every managers job. Whether or not one works in a formal HRM department, the facts remain that to effectively manage employees requires all managers to handle the activities.

1.2 Statement of the report:

The study will disclose present strategies of Human Resource Management Concept and Practices regarding recruitment and selection at BPL. The topic Present HR strategies of Recruitment and Selection at BPL gave us an opportunity to have an exposure to the working environment and on the job experience in HRD division of BPL. So, we selected this study.

1.3 Background of the Organization:

Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Beximco Pharmaceuticals Limited was incorporated in Bangladesh as a public company with limited liability, on 17th March 1976 and commenced commercial operation on 1st October 1980. The company went for public issue of shares in 1985, and its shares are listed in the stock exchanges in Bangladesh. And it is the leading pharmaceutical manufacture in Bangladesh. BPL started its operations in 1980 with product made under license of Bayer AG Germany; products made under license of Upjohn Inc. USA followed. Beximco Groups of companies as the name reveals not only produce drugs are also producing many other items like Textile, Holding, Marinated food etc. They are growing @ 15% (approx.) per year. Growth of any industry more than 10% is considered high growth industry all over the world. This rapid growth rate is the second highest growth rate compared to the garment industries of our country. Principal Activities and Nature of operations; the company owns and operates a modern Pharmaceuticals drugs and medicines and sells them in the local and foreign markets. The company also owns operates a modern Basic Chemical Factory, produces basic chemical products and sells them in the local and foreign markets. While Pharmaceutical Companies in many developed countries have lost their luster; the business is still highly attractive in Bangladesh. Beximco pharmaceuticals are an industry leader in Bangladesh Pharmaceutical Industry. Many of its products are brand leaders in their respective fields. The current status of BPL is that it is one of the largest producers of quality medicines both at home and abroad. It is engaged in manufacturing, marketing and export of pharmaceuticals finished products and raw materials. BPL products are sold more than 16 countries across 3 continents (Asia, Europe, and Africa). The company continuously investing in the latest technology and manufacturing facility to meet the growing demand for its product and it is constantly expanding its already diversified product portfolio to better serve the community. History and Mission of BPL: The trendsetter in industry Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd. (BPL), since its inception in 1979 has continued with its relentless strives to maintain leadership position in the Bangladesh Pharmaceutical Industry even in the millennium. The company with aggressive and innovative marketing of its range of pharmaceutical specialties achieved a net turnover of TK. 2.45 billion during 2000. The talent, expertise and hard work of our employees drive the achievements of Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd. As a large but closely- knit team, Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Focuses its goals and satisfaction of the customers and shareholders. Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd. is committed to provide an environment that natures personal growth of its employees. People have to go through a series of unique, well-designed test and interviews to become part of the BPL team. This assures the recruitment of professionals who take the challenge of can bring revolution in the industry.

1.4 About BPLs Mission:

Each of our activities must benefit and add value to the common wealth of our society. We firmly believe that, in the final analysis we are accountable to each of the constituents with whom we interact; namely: our employees, our customers, our associates, our fellow citizens and our shareholders.

1.5 Company profile of Beximco Chemical Division / Pharmaceuticals Ltd:

Corporate Headquarters: Operational Headquarters: Factory: Year of Establishment: Commercial Production: Status: Business Lines: 17 Dhanmondi R/A, Road No. 2 Dhaka 1205, Bangladesh. 19 Dhanmondi R/A, Road No. 7 Dhaka 1205, Bangladesh. 126 Kathaldia, Tongi, Gazipur 1976 1980 Public Limited Company Manufacturing and Marketing of Pharmaceutical Finished Products and Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) 1,000 million 509.9 million 2183.8 million Dhaka, Chittagong. 1,328 UK, USA, Pakistan, Myanmar, Singapore, Kenya, Yemen, Nepal, Cezch Republic. Bhutan, Cambodia, Germany, Hong Kong, Iran, Iraq, Malaysia, Russia, South Korea, Srilanka, Thailand, Ukraine, Vietnam.

Authorized Capital in Taka: Paid-up Capital in Taka: Net Turnover 2003 in Taka: Stock Exchange Listing: Number of Employees: Overseas Offices & Associates: Export Markets:

1.6 Objective of the report:

This study has been conducted to focus on the following key objectives and their relevant facts: 1. To analyze Human Resource Practices and explain the recruitment and selection strategies of BPL. 2. To assess and evaluate the existing recruitment and selection strategies and identify and strengths and weaknesses of existing recruitment and selection strategies of BPL. 3. To find out the shortcomings of existing recruitment and selection strategies of BPL. 4. To summarize, recommendations of existing recruitment and selection strategies of HRD at BPL.

1.7 Scope of the report:

Human Resource Management means that the field of management which has to do with planning, organizing, and controlling various operative, activities of procuring, developing, marketing and utilizing a labor force in order that the objectives and the interests of labor itself are served to the highest degree. Human resources are the greatest resource of organization but it is the only true if their knowledge and skills are developed and used. An organization large or small, profit or service oriented, whatever it is, the ultimate aim is to achieve organizational goal. This achievement can only be possible through skillful and effective management of manpower, usually after successful completion of recruitment, selection and induction process the new employee must be developed to better fit the job and the organization.

BPL has definite and systematic strategies for recruitment and selection procedure which allows them in achieving its ultimate goal.

2.1 Methodology of the research:

The objective of research is to portray accurately the characteristics of a particular individual, situation or a group. Research refers to the systematic method consisting of enunciating the problem, formulating a hypothesis, and collecting the facts or data, analyzing the facts and reaching certain conclusions either in the form of solutions towards the concerned problem or in certain generalizations for some theoretical formulation. Research is the process of gathering, recording and analyzing critical and relevant facts about any problem in any branch of human activity. It refers to a critical and searches into study and investigation of problem, a proposed course of action a hypothesis or a theory. Research refers to a search for knowledge. In fact research is an art of scientific investigation. The research methodology comprises of all activity that carried on in connection with marketing management. The purpose of research is to discover answer to question through the application of scientific procedures. The main aim of research is to fins out the truth which is hidden and which has not been discovered as yet. In brief, the research process consists of five steps: Defining the problem and research objectives. Developing the research plan. Collecting the information. Analyzing the information. Presenting the findings.

The scientific method, methodologies, model building and cost benefit measures of value of information can create a good research.

2.2 Sources of Information:

Collection of facts (raw facts) is known as data. There are two types of data are available based on source. These are: 1. Primary Sources of Data. 2. Secondary Sources of Data.

PRIMARY DATA: The data collected for a purpose or when the researcher investigates a particular problem at hand is known as primary data. Sources of primary data: Primary data for this study collected through direct conversation with the HR manager of BPL. SECONDARY DATA: When an investigator uses data, which have already been collected by others for another purpose, such data is called secondary data. This type of data is primary data for the agency that collected them for the first time, and become secondary data for someone else who uses these data for his own purpose. Sources of Secondary Data: The major data have been used in this study are basically are of primary data. Secondary data for this study was collected from the organization and several reports.

2.3 Research approach assumptions:

There is no project, which is free from assumptions. For every research some assumptions will have to be made before starting a project. The assumptions are made about the study with respect to the organization prevailing concepts and practices in the present environment. In some cases assumptions will be correct which lead to the achievements of goal. But in certain other cases it may be limited by many some situations, thus not obtaining the objectives. 1. It has been assumed that direct conversation with the HR manager would be the easy way for data collection on strategies of recruitment and selection of BPL. 2. It has been assumed that the research methodology, which has been adopted for the study, is appropriate. 3. It has also been assumed that the respondents have been given the proper (correct and genuine) information.

2.4 Research instruments:

Direct observation and personal conversation is the main instrument to collect the data. Both primary and secondary data have been used for the purpose of the study. The primary data have been collected on the basis of conversation. Some secondary data and information have also been collected from the organization and several reports.

2.5 Contract Method:

We needed to contact with the Human Resource Manager of Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd., for which at first we needed a telephone conversation to make appointment and ask for their permission to visit the organization. Then after getting permission we went to their office at their given time and date and made face to face conversation and took personal interviews with the HR manager of BPL.

2.6 Organizational activities of Human Resource Department of BPL:

Human Resource Department: There are two major types of activities have HRD. These are: (a) Administrative functions(maintenance and protocol services) (b) Human resource related functions The objectives of Human Resource Department are Recruitment policy and procedure Conformation policy and procedure Placement of employees Human Resource Development Organizational structure review and modification Career planning Hiring and firing Job description preparation Conducting appraisal at the end of each year Induction, Attendance and leave Maintaining and developing employees personal files General services Safety-security

Welfare activities for employees.

3.1 BPLs HR Strategies of Staffing:

Staffing is the process of recruiting applicants and selecting prospective employees. It is known as the key strategic area for Human Resource Management. Stated that an organizations performance is a direct result of the individuals it employs. The specific strategies used and decisions made in the staffing process will directly impact an organizations success or lack thereof. Decisions made as part of the staffing process can have a significant impact on an organizations bottom line. The activities performed as part of recruiting and selection offer an organization numerous choices for finding and screening new employees. These options can have a significant impact on an organizations efficiency because some are much more extensive, costly and time-consuming than others. Organizations have great latitude to select from a variety of staffing techniques, each of which offers various degrees of sophistication and selectivity; however, such benefits come at a price. So now we can summarize the term staffing as it is the combination of well defined and structurally effective recruiting and selection process. So;

Staffing = Recruiting Process + Selection Process

3.2 BPLs HR Strategies of Recruiting & Selection:

According to BPL the process and methods applied by them are the strategies of recruiting and selection process. The techniques of recruiting and selection followed by BPL are given bellow; Temporary and Permanent employees: BPL does not prefer to employ temporary employees. Because it causes increase is cost. BPL prefers employees to be permanent if they find prospective outcome from the employee. Because permanent employees are very much committed towards the organization. But in the case of unfortunate happenings, only then BPL employs temporary employees. But most of the temporary employees works are taken by the students arrive to BPL for internships. So; temporary employees Work are carried out by the internee students of BPL.

Internal and External Recruiting: For recruiting new employees BPL uses internal sources of employees. Because it is less time consuming, costs are little in this process and other information required for the organization is already known because the employee is already working at BPL. BPL prefers internal source because it creates promotion opportunities for other employees. This increases the motivation level among the employees. But when they recruit internally then they also require external source. Because internal source gives the promotion to an employee and that employees vacancy then would be filled up by the immediate sub-ordinate. So there still remains vacant job position. To fill that position then BPL goes for external recruitment. Again, when there is not enough qualified employee to give a promotion to a higher position at that time BPL goes for external recruiting. BPL does not prefer to post add on the newspapers of the country and also online recruiting. They contacts with the employment agency for the desired candidate. BPL does not prefer external recruitment, because it is time consuming and costly. When there is a vacancy at BPL, BPL tries to fill it up as soon as possible. So thats why they do not prefer external recruitment as it requires huge time to screen huge number of applicant from the response of external recruitment advertisement. BPL decides that, for external recruitment they will post recruitment notice to the countries top universities from where BPL can attract and get qualified candidate for the organization. In-house and Outsource: BPL is number one pharmaceutical producer of Bangladesh with dynamic fields of expertise in every department and technologically advanced than to others. They are well equipped with advanced equipments. So, BPL uses their own resources and capital for completion of any projects or products package. BPL does not require outsource for backup support. BPL has backward and forward linkage inside of the organization. Thats why outsourcing is not used by BPL. Methods of Recruiting & Selection Process of BPL: The recruiting methods followed by BPL are running very successfully and effectively. They are not having any problem in the methods applied by BPL for recruitment and selection. Thats why they dont feel to change the process. If there any problem occurs, then they figures out the solution of the problem and implement the solution in the process. Otherwise they do not bring any changes in the whole process of recruitment and selection. New strategies and processes are implemented when it is approved by the board of directors and department heads. Through brain storming ideas are generated and approved the idea if the idea is acceptable towards the organization.


4.1 Recruitment Process for Mid Level Positions: (Asst. Officers to Sr. Officers)
The recruitment protocol is enforced as per following procedure: Requisition: For the vacant positions of officers, job description and employee specification is prepared by the concerned department and get noted by HRD. Advertisement: Advertisement is prepared by HRD for publication in the National Daily newspaper. HRD use pre-approved format for the advertisement. Issuance of Interview Card: After receiving the application HRD prepares necessary database of the candidates and after screening the applications they issue invitation card by normal mail but in case of emergency courier service used, or interview schedule should be known to the candidates over telephone. On the basis of resume evaluation, ratings are made as per the weightage chart. Written Test: MCQ type questions are used to evaluate the candidates on the following areas: 1. Basic Science 2. General Knowledge 3. Logical & Analytical Ability 4. Creative Ability 5. Academic Specialty After the test, bio-data questionnaire is filled up by the candidates; result of the written test is published in the Company Notice Board. Audio Visual Test: Selected candidates are called for an Audio Visual Test where a selected documentary film is shown to the candidates and a MCQ type test is taken. The purpose of this test is to judge the candidates ability to comprehended instructions/ideas. Result of the Audio Visual Test is published in the Company Notice Board.


Extempore Performance: Short listed candidates after the Audio Visual Test are called for Extempore Performance. In this step, candidates will be given a variety of current general topics to choose from. After selecting a topic by the candidates, they will have to give a speech for 3 minutes on the topic. Their performance is evaluated and documented in Form-bed/rec-2. Result of this test is published in the Company Notice Board. Interview-1: Short listed candidates after extempore performance are called for Interview-1. In this step, a panel of concerned managers and experts will interview the incumbent. Result of the interview-1 is published in the Company Notice Board. Leadership Test: Short listed candidates after Interview-1 are called for a Leadership Test. The purpose of this test is to judge the candidates; Ability to gain a groups acceptance of his/her own ideas. Natural ability to establish command over a group. The candidates are divided in several groups of five and are given a topic to discuss in group and to submit a report after their discussion. Final Interview: All the candidates who approved for the leadership testis called for the Final Interview. Placement: HRD prepares necessary documents and sends the selected candidates to his/her respective department for placement.

4.2 Recruitment Process for Unionized Associates (Computer Section)

The recruitment protocol is enforced as per following procedure: Requisition: For the vacant positions of Computer Operators, Job Description and Employee Specification are prepared by the concerned department and get noted by HRD.


Advertisement: Advertisement is published in the national daily newspapers by HRD within one week of receiving the required applications. Issuance of Interview Card: After receiving the applications, HRD prepares necessary database of candidates and after screening the applications they issue invitation card. At least ten days is allowed for reaching the interview cards to the candidates by mail. On the basis resume evaluation, ratings should be done per the Weightage Chart. Recruitment Test: Recruitment test includes the following sections: 1. Word Possessing 2. Spread Sheet Analysis 3. Database Management 4. Typing Speed All the answers are saved in separate directories for each candidate and evaluated by concerned personnel of EDP and HRD. After the test, bio-data questionnaire is filled up by the candidates. Result of the test is published in the Company Notice Board. Interview: Short listed candidates after the test are called for an interview. In this step, a panel of concerned managers and experts will interview the incumbent. Result of the interview is published in the Company Notice Board. Training: Selected candidates are invited to join in month long training program on Hardware and customized Software. Successful trainees will be appointed after completion of the training program.


4.3 Recruitment Process of Workers:

Requisition: For the vacant positions of workers, Job Description and Employee Specification is prepared by the concerned department and noted by HRD. Advertisement: Advertisement is prepared by HRD for publication in the National daily newspaper. HRD should use pre-approved format for the advertisement. Issuance of Interview Card: After receiving the application HRD prepares necessary database of the candidates and after screening the applications they will issue invitation card by normal mail but in case of emergency courier service may be used. Interview: Interview Board consists of senior officers of the concerned departments and personnel from HRD. Selections are made on the basis of the incumbents performance in the interview. Placement: HRD prepares necessary documents and send the selected candidates to his/her respective department for placement.

4.4 Present Position/Conditions about Recruitment Procedure of BPL:

In BPL chemical-division, People are recruited on the basis of some relevant strategicplanning and formalities such as: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Position analysis and justification. Define academic preparation skill and knowledge for the position. Job description for the position. Approval of Organogram by the COO/CEO. Recruitment proposal defining recruited skill and proposed salary. Approval of recruitment proposal by COO/CEO. Search pending bio-data file. If qualified candidates are found from the pending bio-data then they never go to second step but if they (Top-Management) think to recruit people from out-side because that personnel are not in the pending bio-data, what they are looking for. 14

Then they give the advertisement at least in 3 Dailies. Specially, in most of the cases (immediately) they call people from the pending Bio-Data .And in some special cases, they try to contact with prospective graduating students through the help of university teachers. In many special cases, they recruit people who are well known by them. Again in many cases, they think its better to transfer personnel from one Department to another Department because people who are working with them rather they are quite effective and well-known about BPLs cultures.

4.5 Present Condition about Selection Procedure of BPL:

The company selects qualified Personnel/Specialized Officer/ Medical Representatives/ Junior Executives on the basis of some relevant tests. Such as: 1. Written-Test. (Mainly English and Mathematics, General-Knowledge) 2. Announce Results of Written-Test. 3. Scoring of Written-Test. (To sort of qualified candidates on the basis of their WrittenTest scores) 4. Fill in company Bio-Data Sheet before interview. 5. Verbal Interview by 4 Members Committee. 6. Compilation of Recruitment Proposal with Proposed Salary. 7. Approval of COO/CEO. 8. Issuing of Appointment Letter. 9. Joining Report. 10. Information Sheet for new Employee. 11. Orientation.

In the case of MR/Junior Executives selection, they specially select a pool of candidates on the basis of Written and Viva Tests. Written-Test especially on: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. English( Free-Hand Writing, composition ) Analytical-Ability Test. Math. General-knowledge. Background must be science. Viva-Test especially on subject-related topics.


5.1 Conclusions:
An organization can only be successful and reach its strategic objectives by employing individuals who have the capacity and desire to contribute to its mission. The staffing (recruitment and selection) function, therefore, plays an important role in facilitating an organizations success. When unemployment is low, organizations face even greater challenges in staffing as the forces of supply and demand drive wages up and provide greater career opportunities with other organizations. An effective staffing strategy requires in-depth planning for the recruiting process to ensure efficiency and generation of a qualified applicant pool. How selection will proceed relative to process and the kinds of applicant information needed must also be determined. Staffing is the key or core component that forms the backbone of an integrated, strategic system of human resource management by ensuring that there is an optimal fit between employees and the strategic needs of the organization. If an organizations staffing is deficient, the effectiveness of its HR programs and policies will be impaired. As one HR professional commented, Good training will not fix bad selection. Todays organization demands that the HR function delivers value-added services. This requires a sharp business focus from HR professionals and the delivery of high quality HR systems that are integrated into the organizations strategy and operations. The study Present HR strategies of Recruitment and Selection at BPL under HRD revealed that people are most valuable resources for the progress of the organization. For the development of these valuable resources there are many factors involved. Recruitment and selection procedures and their strategies play an important role. To increase the productivity of an organization effective, dynamic recruitment and selection procedure and its active strategies are essential. BPL practices a progressive recruitment and selection procedures and they believe that these are the best suited strategies for them. HR officers of Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd. are now expected to work beyond the boundaries of contracts and policies to contribute directly to the operation and success of the business.


5.2 Recommendation:
A tough economy and tight job market are putting extra pressure on HR professionals to plan recruiting strategies. Recruitment planning is one of the HRs most important functions, HR professionals today have to take part in the strategic planning of their companies and plan for the coming recruitment year by looking at the needs of their hiring managers, top candidates, recruiting trends and what has and hasnt worked in the past. At the heart of BPLS mission is adding value to the common wealth of our society. They firmly believe that, in the final analysis they are accountable to each of the constituents with whom they interact; namely: their employees, customers, associates, fellow citizens and their shareholders. Similarly, BPL, as an employer, must identify and develop people who have the talents and imagination that it needs to compete in a changing, complex, and competitive environment. Importantly, it must also have a product that prospective employees find appealing. Employment recruiting is simply selling the product to potential employees, and without a quality product available to the workforce, any recruitment efforts are diminished. Thus, the Department of Human Resources (HR) is committed to making BPL a more attractive employer to prospective employees. This recruitment strategy for employment at BPL serves as the blueprint for achieving this goal. For example, HR has taken on several initiatives in meeting this goal by developing a more comprehensive Performance Management System (i.e., classification, compensation, and performance and rewards), revising personnel policies and procedures, developing and revamping orientation programs, and expanding training and development programs. However, during our visit and talking with HR heads of BPL, we found many lacking in their HR strategies for recruiting and selection process. As HR department is also responsible for the activities of administration, they cant give enough time for making a best strategy, especially for recruiting and selection process. Here is some recommendation, which we feel, will be helpful for making strategic decisions for BPL.

1. Be part of the corporate culture:

HR professional should be part of the business team and have a good understanding of what is coming for the company in the next 12 to 24 months to complement the business strategy. If they think, they might be going into a position where you maybe laying people off, they have to take that into consideration. The most important thing for an HR professional is to make sure theyre aligned with the business strategy.


2. Doing the math:

The first thing they have to analyze is their current hiring/recruitment process. An audit should taken of current program, If they dont measure, they are not going to be taken seriously in the corporate environment, The entire concept of metrics in the field of human resources has taken on a much more important role because HR people need to be able to justify and measure their effectiveness.

3. Passive, partially active and active candidate breakdowns:

Any organization should break down that process into three areas, including recruiting for active candidates (those looking for a job); partially active candidates (people with reasons to look occasionally); and passive candidates, who may be interested but have to be found and approached proactively. Businesses, especially in pharmacy and biotech, are under pressure to employ top people in order to successfully develop their products from concept to market. This requires taking a multi-pronged approach to hiring, where they are using different targeted methods, including niche job boards and targeted networking, to get the people they want. Its important to look at these three broad categories of candidates to determine from where candidates are coming from and whether recruiting channels work properly.

4. Hiring the best in each category:

They need to know what the best people in each category want. The reason this is so important is that there are fundamental differences in how the top 10% to 20% of candidates decide on jobs. For example, top passive candidates tend to be more discriminating because they have more opportunities and they are relatively satisfied right where they are. They look at both short and long-term objectives when they look at the job offer. They not only look at salary, but also growth opportunities and challenges. They are much more concerned with how the companys vision and strategy tie to the job. They tend to decide with other people because they already have a job or competing offer. They look at the first day on the job as a start of a new career, rather than the end of a job search. To capture these people, BPL has to design a hiring strategy that will meet their needs. The strategy is built around knowing how these top employees make their decisions. Within each of these broad channels, they have to design every one of their hiring systems [ads, employee referral program, networking, etc.] to take into account the needs of the best.


5. Shouldnt forget about the existing employees:

More organizations today are paying attention to succession planning and retention. Succession planning is putting people in place and training them to take over a position at the next level, so that as openings come up, they have the opportunity to move people up, as well as hit the ground running. In reality, what it does for recruiting is that it enables the company to recruit at a less skilled level, which means the position, will be easier to fill. Consequently, the skill requirements could be less. This may apply to pharmaceutical more than other industries. Their need for talent is acute. Therefore, these organizations need to pay more attention to keeping their best people and preparing them to assume additional responsibilities.

6. Trends that capture candidates:

Better candidates will not allow themselves to be bogged down in the system. The trend in corporate recruiting strategies is toward improving technology to better identify the best and get them in touch with a very professional recruiter. That seamless transition from of high-tech to high-touch is the key.

7. Scenario Planning:
BPL is very much concerned about their present recruitment and selection procedures. They treat these procedures as the best strategies for them regarding recruitment and selection. The reason behind this is that the process they are following is running successfully for them. So, they describes that these procedures of recruitment and selection as their present and valid strategies for recruitment and selection on BPL. The HR department of BPL is also looking the works of administrative level of BPL. As they mentioned us that they are now satisfied with their recruitment and selection strategies those are following by them at present. According to BPLs HRD they dont even plan for long-term strategies regarding staffing (recruitment and selection). According to them s there is any problem then they discussed with the problem with the board of the directors and finds any possible solution for the problem they faced. But this is not the way of doing a good HR planning. They should have long term HR strategies in the concentration of recruitment and selection in BPL. Because, the markets are getting very competitive day-by-day. And new prospective competitive organizations are coming with hi-tech organizational approach. So, if BPL wants to be the market leader in and out side of the country they should plan for long term strategies for HR, especially in the sector of recruitment and selection. To do so, BPL can apply Scenario Planning. Scenario Planning is the long term planning for HR strategies for an organization. This allows an organization to predict about the future. That means what will happen if one event occurs and what to do if that event occurs. So by the scenario planning BPL can predict easily how much and what expertise employees they will require in future to achieve their desired goal. So, our recommendation is that BPL should perform scenario planning to avoid any probable misfortune. 19

8. Attracting the fresh Graduate:

BPL can also take the initiative to give scholarships to the prospective, bright and qualified students who are studying at different universities. BPL can choose top 5 universities to screening out the best of the best students by offering them scholarships and giving them opportunities to be a part of the reputed number one organization and that is BPL. This step will reduce the cost of advertising, interviewing and screening time. In the formal recruiting and selection procedure, there involves a huge time, very much costly and also it is a matter of stress to the personnel who takes the interview of large number of applicants to screening out the best candidate they are looking for the post. So, if BPL provides scholarships to the top universities best students then BPL will not have to spend huge cost of advertising and interviewing the huge applications.

These are shortly some recommendation from us to BPL, following which we think it will be easy for BPL to maintain a good recruiting and selection process. Solving the problem, when it arises or taking the decision immediately is not appropriate for any organization to be sustain in the long run or getting the best result from the system and resources. We strongly recommend BPL HR department to focus strategically in this very serious matter of recruiting and selection.



1. De Cenzo, David A. and Robbins Stephen P. Human Resource Management: Replica Press Pvt. Ltd. Seventh Edition. 2. Lloyd L. Byars, Leslie W. Rue Human Resource Management: Irwin McGraw-Hill; Seventh Edition. 3. Jeffery A. Mello, PH.D. Strategic Human Resource Management: South-Western, Thompson Learning; Low Price Edition And other HR books from the AIUB library.


1. Annual Reports of BPL.


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