U4 IP & Feature Extraction
U4 IP & Feature Extraction
U4 IP & Feature Extraction
Images as Functions
Image Processing
There are two main types of image processing: image filtering
and image warping. Image filtering changes the range (i.e. the pixel
values) of an image, so the colors of the image are altered without
changing the pixel positions, while image warping changes the domain
(i.e. the pixel positions) of an image, where points are mapped to other
points without changing the colors.
Fundamentals of Image Processing and Feature Extraction
We will examine more closely image filtering. The goal of using filters
is to modify or enhance image properties and/or to extract valuable
information from the pictures such as edges, corners, and blobs. Here
are some examples of what applying filters can do to make images
more visually appealing.
Fundamentals of Image Processing and Feature Extraction
Two commonly implemented filters are the moving average filter and
the image segmentation filter.
The moving average filter replaces each pixel with the average pixel
value of it and a neighbourhood window of adjacent pixels. The effect is
a more smooth image with sharp features removed.
Fundamentals of Image Processing and Feature Extraction
*Often times, applying these filters, as seen with the moving average,
blurring, and sharpening filters, will produce unwanted artifacts along the
edges of the images. To rid of these artifacts, zero padding, edge value
replication, mirror extension, or other methods can be used.
Fundamentals of Image Processing and Feature Extraction
Image segmentation is the partitioning of an image into regions where
the pixels have similar attributes, so the image is represented in a more
simplified manner, and so we can then identify objects and boundaries
more easily.
There are multiple ways, to perform segmentation. Here, we
will look at one simple way it can be implemented based on
thresholding. In this example, all pixels with an intensity greater than
100 are replaced with a white pixel (intensity 255) and all others are
replaced with a black pixel (intensity 0).
Fundamentals of Image Processing and Feature Extraction
2D Convolution
The Canny edge detector is arguably the most commonly used edge
detector in the field. It detects edges by:
Final result:
Fundamentals of Image Processing and Feature Extraction
Edge Detection