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JPII 12 (3) (2023) 329-342

Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia




D. Nurdin*1, M. Marnita2, M. F. B. A. Ghani3

Education Administration, Pascasarjana FIP, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia


Education Admisnistration, Pascasarjana FIP, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia,
& FKIP Universitas Almuslim, Indonesia
Departemen of Educational Management, Planning and Policy, Faculty of Education,
Universiti Malaya, Malaysia

DOI: 10.15294/jpii.v12i3.44253

Accepted: May 19th, 2023. Approved: September 29th, 2023. Published: September 30th, 2023


This study aims to describe the quality of teachers’ learning management based on digital transformation and
improving students’ science life skills. Paradigm change shifts in the context of learning based on textbooks to
switching to learning accompanied by digital technology that has forced better teacher competence so that they
can surf well in class. The sample in this study was 270 eighth-grade students in junior high and eight science
study field teachers on the concept of the human circulatory system. This research used a mixed method with a
sequential exploratory design, combining qualitative and quantitative data analysis. The study results show that
digital transformation strategies can create teachers’ learning management that is fun, meaningful, full of creativ-
ity, and effective in terms of time and cost. The findings in this study are (1) Digital transformation is one of the
teachers’ strategies to create better quality, fun, meaningful, creative, and effective learning management in class;
(2) The implementation of digital transformation-based teachers’ learning management can explore students’
science life skills on the circulatory system. This research concludes that the application of digital transformation
can improve the quality of teachers’ learning management and students’ science life skills in the Bireuen District.

© 2023 Science Education Study Program FMIPA UNNES Semarang

Keywords: digital transformation; science life skill; teachers’ learning management

INTRODUCTION phenomenon requires teachers’ high innovation

in learning, especially in science subjects. Scien-
Increasingly dynamic technological advan- ce teachers’ readiness can be called an urgency
ces bring about various changes in human life, in- to develop teachers’ skills in the 21st century. It
cluding education. According to Chaiyama and cannot be denied that science teachers play a sig-
Kaewpila (2022), changes in education require a nificant role in global developments that demand
holistic development process so that students are science learning to be well-packaged through di-
reliable and skilled through teaching transforma- gital-based learning so that it will support global
tion that can facilitate the birth of students’ active competition through the attainment of students’
problem-solving, creative thinking, and commu- high-level thinking skills, problem-solving, cha-
nication skills in daily life. The demand for tho- racter-building, and social skills. Aspects of 21st-
se skills in daily life is one indicator of students century skills, according to Paiwithayasiritham
who are skilled at facing future challenges. This and Yanprechaset (2023), consist of creativity,
critical thinking, problem-solving and metacog-
*Correspondence Address
E-mail: didingnurdin@upi.edu
nition, communication, collaboration, informati-
330 D. Nurdin, M. Marnita, M. F. B. A. Ghani / JPII 12 (3) (2023) 329-342

on, and technological literacy. This 21st-century tion with various digital touches, such as using
skill is an aspect that needs to be developed in scrapbooks, e-learning, and other applications.
students. Besides competency in the knowledge Digital literacy is also part of digital trans-
dimension, these aspects will also shape students’ formation, which can facilitate information deli-
activities after graduation. Therefore, science very, finding something, assessing it, and using
subjects, which in context have much difficult data in the learning process (Syefrinando et al.,
material, need high innovation to synergize with 2022). Park et al. (2021) define digital literacy as
students’ 21st-century skills. a multidisciplinary field covering literacy, ICT,
Therefore, teacher’s competency or inno- internet, computer skills proficiency, science,
vational ability in implementing digital-based nursing, health, and education. Digital literacy
learning management is one of the urgency in practitioners range from elementary school stu-
this research to produce graduates relevant to dents to professionals, and the writing clusters
21st-century competencies and demands in the related to digital literacy vary according to each
world of work and industry. The innovational country. Marnita et al. (2020) and Syefrinando et
ability per technological developments is one of al. (2022) argue that digital media provides op-
the characteristics of teachers who transformed portunities to transfer information and data to
into digital developments in learning. El-Sofany be accessed more quickly with a broader range.
and El-Haggar (2020) mention technology as an Students with good digital literacy skills are belie-
effective way to improve students’ skills, such as ved to be able to search, find, apply, and evaluate
positive thinking, collaboration, and communica- various information or knowledge to support the
tion. It is considered a major part of innovations implementation of learning (Albena et al., 2020;
in many areas of e-learning research. The chan- Liesa-Orús et al., 2020). It shows that digital lite-
ge of order to digital technology is called digital racy has a good impact on students. What about
transformation, a phenomenon of change in all teachers? Teachers are a profession whose com-
lifelines, including education. Rahiem (2020) petencies must constantly be developed and alig-
states that the COVID-19 outbreak seems to be ned with teaching and learning styles in the 21st
a significant change in education, where, in a re- century, which are based on digital literacy.
latively short time, all elements within the body The teaching profession requires the abili-
of Indonesian education are forced to change ty with all the teacher competencies. Competent
and switch to digitalization. There are various teachers usually carry out all their duties in a pro-
challenges in the world of work in the present, fessional manner. Teacher competence general-
and the future will also demand the ability to use ly consists of pedagogical, personal, social, and
technology for school and higher education gra- professional competence (Muspawi et al., 2020;
duates. Masry-Herzalah & Dor-Haim, 2022). Teacher
According to Amhag et al. (2019), Evens pedagogical competence is the teacher’s ability to
et al. (2017), and Rizal et al. (2020), teachers and carry out learning management in the classroom
students will enjoy various advantages of using well to have a good impact on students’ learning
technology in learning, including (a) Digital com- outcomes (Muspawi et al., 2020). It makes teach-
petence of teachers and students can be increased ers’ learning management the most crucial thing
through the use of technology; (b) The time and in the learning process because it is related to
place of implementation of learning can be more achieving indicators and learning objectives (Sa-
flexible; (c) The effectiveness of using techno- putra, 2020). Teachers’ learning management can
logy can be in saving time and costs; (d) Using be defined as the skill to plan, lead, implement,
technology in learning follows the characteristics and evaluate a meaningful and effective learning
of 21st-century learning for Generation Z so that process for students. Thus, so that classroom
it is likely to facilitate learning for students, es- learning can follow the demands of 21st-century
pecially in science. Because science learning has skills and activate and delight students, a teach-
a strong composition between knowledge and er must have relevant pedagogical competencies
skills, it is very much in line with the nature of to act as a professional teacher. According to
knowledge, which is a process of thinking, inves- García-Ruiz et al. (2023) and Garzón-Artacho et
tigating, and interacting between technology and al. (2021), one of the challenges in teachers’ pro-
its environment (Haviz et al., 2018). Furthermo- fessionalism is the ability to teach teachers based
re, Syefrinando et al. (2022) state that technology on digital competence, which must be met by te-
is a form of digital transformation that makes it aching staff and must incorporate these skills into
easy for teachers to line up and transfer informa- practice their profession.
D. Nurdin, M. Marnita, M. F. B. A. Ghani / JPII 12 (3) (2023) 329-342

The teacher’s ability to innovate with di- learning animations, and learning videos, inde-
gital competence will give birth to 21st-century pendent learning media such as LMS (Learning
skills in students, including constructing know- System Management) or e-learning (Chorosova
ledge, solving real-world problems, and having et al., 2020; Junindra et al., 2021; Saputro et al.,
the skills to communicate, collaborate, and use 2021). Junindra et al. (2021) state that students
information technology (Stehle & Peters-Burton, can obtain fun, creative, and innovative learning
2019). Lavi et al. (2021) and Liesa-Orús et al. experiences through teachers’ learning manage-
(2020) mention that 21st-century skills for scien- ment based on ICT Literacy (Information and
ce, technology, engineering, and mathematics Communication Technology). Teachers must de-
students are challenging for teachers to adapt. sign learning concepts based on digital media be-
Teacher pedagogic competence, one of the levels cause this is the lifestyle of Generation Z students
of teacher professionalism, is hoped that students in their current daily lives (Istiyowati et al., 2021;
will understand, design, carry out, and evaluate Saputro et al., 2021). Teachers should use techno-
learning and develop students to actualize their logy in their teaching in a way that is conducive
various potentials or master learning manage- to achieving meaningful pedagogical goals (Frail-
ment in class competently (Yazon et al., 2019; lon et al., 2020; Guggemos & Seufert, 2021). On
Tejedor et al., 2020; Audrin & Audrin, 2022). the other hand, teachers must also integrate new
However, changes in the world of education and content into learning by changing teaching focus
changes in the character of students who have based on digital transformation.
been digitally transformed have provided the This design can be packaged as a teacher’s
broadest possible opportunity for students to get learning approach or class strategy, especially for
all kinds of information or abundant knowledge junior high school science subjects. According
quickly by surfing Google or Chrome or others. to Wael et al. (2018), a strategy or approach is
This is undoubtedly the biggest challenge for a learning design designed by the teacher, begin-
teachers, especially those who cannot adapt to ning with planning, implementing, and evalua-
change. The degradation of teacher competence ting to achieve goals. The digital transformation
in 21st-century competency-based learning has strategy is used by teachers in the teaching and
become a trending topic, with various opinions learning process, which starts with planning and
developing among education experts. Therefore, ends with evaluation (plan, do, see) to create a
it is broadly the responsibility of all parties to up- fun, creative, and effective learning process and
grade teacher pedagogical competencies in the achieve science learning goals. Ben-Atar and
21st-century learning era. The consensus results Ben-Asher (2023) state that digitalization in lear-
show that teachers are vital in integrating techno- ning is one of the characteristics of 21st-century
logy into learning (Kirschner, 2015; Guggemos & learning, so digital-based media literacy must be
Seufert, 2021). integrated into professional development. Integ-
Teachers can abandon old habits in teach- rating digital literacy into science teaching ma-
ing, which are only based on teacher notes or terials is very useful for students in real life in
textbooks, and switch to digitalization or digital the future (Techataweewan & Prasertsin, 2018;
transformation. Teachers’ learning management Chaiyama & Kaewpila, 2022). Some of the re-
and the teacher’s ability to switch to digital trans- sults of previous research show that integrating
formation will change simultaneously. Choroso- digitalization into learning can develop students
va et al. (2020), García-Ruiz et al. (2023), Iivari more than just mastering concepts but practicing
et al. (2020), and Yazon et al. (2019) explain that various 21st-century skills. One of the expected
the application of ICT in Education systems can 21st-century skills for students is life skills. Life
facilitate and expand access to educational net- skills are vital (Saddiq, 2020; Chaiyama & Ka-
works, increase educational equity and learning ewpila, 2022). They will help students develop
quality, increase teacher professionalism, and cre- attitudes towards the subject, negotiate a better
ate more effective and efficient learning manage- life, have a high level of productivity, and allow a
ment and governance (Bond et al., 2018; Profit, person to manage interactions with other people
2019). Thus, digital transformation can be a stra- and the environment. Rais et al. (2023) explain
tegy to improve teachers’ learning management. ten students’ life skills in the 21st century that can
The concept of digital literacy, or more narrowly be developed: creative thinking, critical thinking,
called the use of ICT in learning, essentially has a metacognitive thinking, communication, colla-
role as learning media such as PowerPoint slides, boration, information literacy, digital literacy,
332 D. Nurdin, M. Marnita, M. F. B. A. Ghani / JPII 12 (3) (2023) 329-342

nationalism, work and career, and individual and vin equation, which is used for taking the number
social responsibility skills. Life skills will train of samples that must be representative so that the
students to have mental capital for life in the fu- research results can be generalized and the calcu-
ture through the ability to open new horizons for lation does not require a table of the number of
work, manage life management, adapt to modern samples (Bertsche & Dazer, 2022). In this rese-
changes and life needs, solve life problems, and arch, the researcher determines the sources of in-
practice different thinking skills. Paiwithayasirit- formation related to the qualitative data needed.
ham and Yanprechaset (2023) define life skills as At the same time, sources of information related
a personal ability consisting of adaptability, flexi- to quantitative data are designed based on the fol-
bility, self-direction, leadership, good interpretati- lowing Slovin formula equation.
on, and responsibility.
Thus, in this study, it is hoped that the with α of 10%
digital transformation strategy can help teach-
ers implement classroom learning management Information:
more interestingly and effectively and impact n = Sample size/number of respondents
students’ life skills by being trained as one of the N= Population size
21st-century skills they should master. This study e = percentage of accuracy of sampling errors
has two novelties: (1) The digital transformati- that can still be tolerated is 10% or e = 0.1.
on is designed as a strategy in teachers’ learning
management in science subjects that will explore Before setting the subject, the researchers
students’ skills, such as constructing new know- observed the initial data results through the distri-
ledge, solving problems, developing communi- bution of questionnaires with 100 respondents
cation skills, collaborating, and training to use who were taken randomly from junior high school
information technology as needed; (2) Bringing teachers in the Peusangan sub-district of the Bi-
up indicators of students’ life skills as a result reuen district. As for the preliminary observati-
of implementing digital transformation in high on data of four questions submitted to teachers
school students. This digital transformation is through interview techniques: (1) Do you master
expected to solve research problems and answer technology (IT) in learning? (2) Have you ever
the research objectives to describe the quality of used laptops, InFocus, and other types of techno-
teachers’ learning management based on digi- logy when teaching? (3) Do you use the internet
tal transformation and improve the science life as a learning resource in class? (4) Do you use
skills of junior high school students. The quality PowerPoint or other digital media in the teaching
of teacher learning management in this research and learning process? Furthermore, the research
looks at teacher innovation in learning planning, method in this study is to use a mixed method
implementation, and assessing learning evalu- with a research design using sequential explora-
ation aspects, especially student life skills about tory (Åkerblad et al., 2021b). According to Cress-
21st-century competence. Therefore, the research well (2009), mixed research methods combine
question is, ”How is the application of digital qualitative and quantitative research. The mixed
transformation to the quality of teachers’ lear- method with a Sequential Exploratory design is
ning management and students’ science life skills appropriate because this research found empirical
in Bireuen District?” facts and descriptions of teachers’ learning mana-
gement problems in the classroom and evaluated
METHODS the implementation of digital transformation in
three junior high schools. According to Åkerblad
This research was conducted in three ju- et al. (2021a), the design of this research in the
nior high schools (SMP N 1 Peusangan Siblah first stage was data collection and data analysis
Krueng, SMP N 2 Peusangan Siblah Krueng, qualitatively, followed by a second stage of data
and SMP N 3 Peusangan Siblah Krueng, Bi- collection and data analysis quantitatively to st-
reuen Regency) in human circulatory system rengthen the quantitative results in the first stage.
material with a total of 270 students and eight The stages of carrying out this mixed method re-
science teachers involved. Determination of the search follow the mixed method with sequential
research sample is determined by using the Slo- exploratory design stages, as shown in Figure 1.
D. Nurdin, M. Marnita, M. F. B. A. Ghani / JPII 12 (3) (2023) 329-342

Figure 1. The Stages of Mixed Method with Sequential Exploratory

Based on Figure 1, the researchers col- learning process?; (6) Do you use the internet as
lected qualitative and quantitative data. The a learning resource in class? Furthermore, from
validity of this qualitative data developed trust the observations, documentation studies, and in-
through four criteria: credibility, transferability, terviews, the researchers assisted teachers in pre-
dependability, and confirmability (Diaz-Bazo, paring technology-based learning tools and 21st-
2019). Data triangulation is carried out to get ac- century learning.
curate and credible findings and interpretations. (2) Quantitative Data Analysis. The second
Triangulation is a technique in data collection stage is the quantitative stage. The researchers
to get more accurate and credible data findings collected data through tests of students’ learning
and interpretations (McCreery et al., 2022). This outcomes in the form of students’ natural science
qualitative data was obtained through observati- life skills. Implementing the teaching and learning
on, documentation studies, and interviews in the process in the classroom using technology-based
first stage. Interviews were conducted at different learning tools and oriented towards 21st-century
places and times at each respondent’s school. learning was carried out by teachers in the field
During the documentation study and interviews of science studies on the circulatory system in
with 100 junior high school teacher respondents, humans in three face-to-face meetings. A life
some of the researchers’ questions were: (1) Are skills test was carried out at the end of the third
you familiar with technology (IT) in learning?; meeting to obtain quantitative data from evalua-
(2) Do you prepare technology-based lesson plans tion results of integrating digital transformation
and worksheets such as TPACK, AR, or VR?; (3) in teachers’ learning management in the form of
Have you ever used laptops, InFocus, and other students’ life skills. The test items given to stu-
types of technology when teaching?; (4) Do you dents measure students’ natural science life skills:
use PowerPoint, electronic media (Scrapbook), or creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving, tea-
other digital media in the teaching and learning mwork, negotiation, and decision-making. These
process?; (5) Do you use Canva, Kinemaster, or items have previously been tested for validity and
video learning applications in the teaching and reliability. The reliability test was conducted with
334 D. Nurdin, M. Marnita, M. F. B. A. Ghani / JPII 12 (3) (2023) 329-342

SPSS version 25 and the Alpha Cronbach formu- Table 2. Percentage of Completeness of Stu-
la. A good reliability test is suggested to have a dents’ Science Life Skills
Cronbach alpha value of more or equal to 0.6. Completeness Mastery Learning
According to Taherdoost (2018), the instrument’s No
Percentage Outcomes
reliability can be seen from the Cronbach alpha
1 81% ≤ x ≤ 100% Good
value. Value <0.5 has low reliability), 0.5-0.7 has
moderate reliability, 0.7-0.9 has high reliability, 2 61 % ≤ x ≤ 80% Enough
and >0.9 has very good reliability. The assess- 3 41% ≤ x ≤ 60 % Not enough
ment instrument for creative thinking skills, cri- 4 21 % ≤ x ≤ 40 % Low
tical thinking, problem-solving, teamwork, nego-
tiation, and decision-making consists of 25 items 5 0 ≤ x ≤ 20 % Very low
tested by two experts to measure validity and reli- X = Students’ science life skills
ability. The content validity test analysis obtained
a very high category of 1,00, and based on the RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
validity test of the items obtained r count > r tab-
le, all items were declared valid. Furthermore, the The results of initial observations of 100
analysis results of instrument reliability tests for respondents consisting of teachers from three (3)
the ability to think creatively, think critically, sol- junior high schools (SMP N 1 Peusangan Siblah
ve problems, work in teams, negotiate, and make Krueng, SMP N 2 Peusangan Siblah Krueng, and
decisions show very-high reliability criteria, equal SMP N 3 Peusangan Siblah Krueng, Bireuen Re-
to 0,96. gency) show that the teacher’s learning strategy
The percentage of completeness of stu- averagely has not used the digitalization approa-
dents’ learning outcomes through teachers’ lear- ch in a good and structured way. It is irrelevant to
ning management using a digital transformation the urgency of the characteristics of 21st-century
strategy on the circulatory system material in learning for Generation Z, which should be pre-
humans was calculated using the formula for the pared as a generation with adequate life skills.
percentage of completeness of student learning Even though, from a regulatory standpoint, the
outcomes, according to Sudijono (2018) by ad- government has proclaimed teachers as innovati-
ding up the students’ acquisition score, dividing ve learning leaders, the results of documentation
it by the maximum score, then multiplying it with and survey studies show that there are still teach-
100. Analysis of students’ natural science life ers who are not good at operating laptops.
skills was carried out by calculating the average On the other hand, students who are used
class score. Then, the results were qualified using to using gadgets to surf in their daily lives are
the following guidelines in Table 1. not interested in following the learning process
without the touch of digital technology. The fol-
Table 1. Class Average Qualifications lowing are preliminary observation data of four
questions submitted to teachers through inter-
No Grade Point Average Qualification view techniques: (1) Do you master technology
1 81 ≤ x ≤ 100 Good (IT) in learning?; (2) Have you ever used laptops,
2 61 ≤ x ≤ 80 Enough InFocus, and other types of technology when te-
aching?; (3) Do you use the internet as a learning
3 41 ≤ x ≤ 60 Not enough
resource in class?; (4) Do you use PowerPoint or
4 21 ≤ x ≤ 40 Low other digital media in the teaching and learning
5 0 ≤ x ≤ 20 Very low process?
Items 1-4 from Figure 2 are (1) Are you
The qualification percentage of complete- good at IT in learning?; (2) Have you ever used
ness is done by calculating the number of students laptops, InFocus, and other types of technology
who obtain learning outcomes above the passing when teaching?; (3) Do you use the internet as
grade of 65. The percentage of completeness was a learning resource in class?; (4) Do you use Po-
calculated by comparing the number of students werPoint or digital media in learning? The results
who passed the passing grade to the total number of this figure show the average gain, as presented
of students. Then, it is qualified by using the fol- in Figure 2.
lowing guidelines in Table 2.
D. Nurdin, M. Marnita, M. F. B. A. Ghani / JPII 12 (3) (2023) 329-342

Figure 2. The Average Percentage of Respondents’ Answers in the Preliminary Survey

Figure 3 shows that 86.45% of the inter- program for teachers to change the management
view answers state ‘no,’ which means that the of teacher learning to strengthen the findings re-
teacher is not used to using technology in te- garding quality through observation, documen-
aching and learning due to their limited ability tation, and interviews. It begins with preparing
to master IT. Furthermore, the observations and learning tools, worksheets, and teaching media
documentation studies also show that the per- relevant to digital transformation in education. A
centage of teachers who master IT but are still team of teachers compiled learning tools through
not used to using various digital-based teaching lesson plans and worksheets based on TPACK
strategies is still relatively low. Only four teach- and HOTS. Furthermore, the teacher also prepa-
ers out of a total of 24 teachers were observed res visual media in the form of learning videos
and interviewed. Thus, the results of this quali- on the circulatory system in humans. When the
tative data will become the basis for researchers learning process occurs based on learning tools
regarding problems related to teachers’ learning and learning video media that have been prepa-
management that are still conventional in natural red, the teachers accompany students to resume
science subjects on the circulatory system in hu- all important notes in the form of an interesting
mans. The next step is to carry out a mentoring and creative scrapbook.

Figure 3. The Average Percentage of Respondents’ Answers in the Preliminary Survey

This scrapbook media is very interesting Students look very enthusiastic collaboratively in
for students. Students seem enthusiastic about fin- their groups, observe the teacher’s explanation
ding various colorful pictures related to the circu- through the PowerPoint, listen to learning videos
latory system material in humans, which are then about the human circulatory system, and actively
created as student scrapbooks. It can potentially collect all the information from the teacher’s exp-
train students’ high-level skills and creativity to lanations and learning videos into an interesting
work while exploring the concept of the human scrapbook. Compiling electronic notes in scrap-
circulatory system so that students can master book media can build active interaction or com-
this concept well. The learning process applied munication between students and teachers, create
by the teacher with a digital transformation orien- good student collaboration within the group, and
tation shows a tremendous impact on students. provoke students’ creative ideas.
336 D. Nurdin, M. Marnita, M. F. B. A. Ghani / JPII 12 (3) (2023) 329-342

The digital transformation practiced in this TPACK, as a digital-based learning model, can
study follows teachers’ learning management, explore the critical and creative thinking skills
starting from planning, implementing, and evalu- needed in science learning designed so that stu-
ating success. Science teachers prepared the plans dents will more easily absorb all science concepts.
in three junior high schools (SMP N 1 Peusan- The teachers’ learning management imple-
gan Siblah Krueng, SMP N 2 Peusangan Siblah mentation was obtained based on teacher inter-
Krueng, and SMP N 3 Peusangan Siblah Krueng, views. Teachers’ learning management is measu-
Bireuen Regency) where they prepared learning red through observation, documentation study,
tools in the form of lesson plans and worksheets and interviews. The interview contains questions
as well as evaluation tools which are oriented related to the readiness of teachers to carry out
towards TPACK and HOTS. In learning, the learning management in the classroom with all
teachers used PowerPoint slides and video lear- digital transformations and whether teachers
ning materials on the human circulatory system, feel at ease in implementing digital-based lear-
and students designed electronic notes in digital ning. The interview results state that the teacher
scrapbooks. The teacher distributed a digital sc- is accommodating in motivating students to be
rapbook, designed using the Canva application, active in their learning with management based
and asked students to perfect the contents of their on digital transformation strategies. To complete
scrapbook according to student creations related the researchers’ measurement of teachers’ lear-
to the material conveyed through PowerPoint ning management in class, the researchers also
slides and learning videos on the circulatory sys- interviewed students regarding the teaching and
tem in humans. Teachers design learning mana- learning process they had gone through. The fol-
gement based on 21st-century skills and a touch lowing is the conclusion of the results of student
of technology in each learning session. One is opinions regarding the ease and enjoyment of
using TPACK (Technological Pedagogical Con- students towards the learning process carried out
tent Knowledge) in learning. According to Akyuz by teachers on a digital basis.
(2018), Juanda et al. (2021), and Tanak (2020),

Figure 4. The Percentage of Students Who Liked Digital-Based Teachers' Learning Management

The results of interviews with teachers learning management works effectively through
and students and researchers’ documentation digital-based learning processes. It is caused by
show that the teacher has carried out all learning the phenomenon of learning with digital media,
management activities, starting from planning, which has high satisfaction for students who are
implementing, and evaluating based on digital familiar with various applications on cellphones
transformation. The teacher stated that students or gadgets, which have become standard techno-
were more enthusiastic about participating in logy in students’ lives. This finding is in line with
learning, so the teacher became more enthusias- Rizal et al. (2020) concerning the use of LMS as a
tic. The teacher stated that students’ independent form of digital transformation in learning, which
and group activity was evident when they were shows that the level of satisfaction in using LMS
teaching, so the learning process in the class was reaches a high level with an average of 76.03%.
student-centered. Thus, the teacher can carry out At a significance level of 0.01, the adjusted R2
learning management in class very well, and lear- value of the four predictor variables is 0.393.
ning is more student-centered. It means teachers’
D. Nurdin, M. Marnita, M. F. B. A. Ghani / JPII 12 (3) (2023) 329-342

Furthermore, the results of data analysis tificial intelligence, LMS, and others. Marnita et
in this study indicate that teacher management al. (2023) also state that digital literacy competen-
is good with the teacher’s digital competen- cies are effective and efficient at improving teach-
ce, which is also quite satisfying. It can be seen ers’ learning management and can help students
from the students’ enthusiasm to participate in build their understanding, especially in science.
the entire learning process, starting with teacher Teachers and students have unlimited free time
activities motivating students and instilling a na- to study; students go through the learning process
tionalist character through singing the Indonesia with enthusiasm. It aligns with Oddone (2022),
Raya song accompanied by a music video instru- stating that digital or online-based learning can
ment for the Indonesia Raya song. The teacher be done without being limited by time and place.
also shows PowerPoint slides and learning vide- Appropriate teachers’ learning manage-
os about the human circulatory system material. ment competencies impact students’ life skills in
Students look very enthusiastic in following the human circulatory system material. Life skills can
lesson. The students also distribute electronic be interpreted as psychological skills that involve
handouts called scrapbooks. This scrapbook is a new experiences in one’s life. Student life skills
part of the teacher’s digital transformation and can be seen in students’ social-emotional intelli-
can also be a medium to train student skills. This gence when dealing with digital technology in the
is in line with Wusqo et al. (2021), who find that learning process, for example, in teaching video
participants can increase their level of visual lite- presentations and the Canva application. When
racy quickly, and it can be concluded that digital organizing electronic scrapbook notes, students
science scrapbooks are effective for training stu- can be seen training themselves to analyze infor-
dents’ visual literacy and life skills. mation, consider information, make the right de-
Furthermore, the researchers also distri- cisions, and then communicate it effectively with
buted student response questionnaires to the friends and teachers. It aligns with Chaiyama and
learning process. This response questionnaire Kaewpila (2022), who state that life skills are used
is intended to see student responses to changes to develop children and youth in a global society,
in teacher teaching patterns. Student response including Thailand, to help them think critically,
questionnaires show that 92% of students like the adapt, make decisions, communicate emotions,
teacher’s teaching style using digital transforma- and manage stress. The following is an excerpt
tion. Analysis of teachers’ learning management from the results of student scrapbooks adopted by
shows that digital transformation can improve students from the teacher’s presentation of lear-
teachers’ learning management, which means ning videos via YouTube. Each group designed
that teacher pedagogic competence can increase this scrapbook, formed in class when the teacher
as teachers can properly involve digitalization in carried out the learning. These student activities
learning. This finding is in line with Esteve-Mon were accompanied by teachers in their respecti-
et al. (2020), stating that digital competence is a ve fields of study after students had watched the
fundamental ability in the 21st century, which is learning videos and PowerPoints presented by the
a new challenge for teachers to master various di- teacher. Figure 5 shows an example of a student’s
gitalization trends in education, for example, ar- scrapbook about the human circulatory system.

Figure 5. The Example of Student’s Scrapbook about Human Circulatory System

338 D. Nurdin, M. Marnita, M. F. B. A. Ghani / JPII 12 (3) (2023) 329-342

Furthermore, the observations on activity show an average of 87.65% with a good category.
indicators for students’ life skills consisting of Figure 6 presents the percentage of students’ life
creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving, tea- skills indicators.
mwork, negotiation skills, and decision-making

Figure 6. Percentage of Students' Life Skills Indicators

The percentages in Figure 6 are obtained the ability to collaborate, work together in teams,
based on the percentage analysis of achievement negotiate, and think critically and effectively wit-
indicators of students’ life skills, which observers hin a team is an important skill that will become
can observe during students’ independent and a living capital.
group activities. This finding aligns with Chaiya- Furthermore, the researchers evaluated
ma and Kaewpila (2022), that life skills are 21st- the impact of digital transformation strategies
century skills that can be used as a guideline for on teachers’ learning management practices and
planning educational programs effectively and students’ life skills. They looked at the complete-
productively based on the level of student life and ness of the overall learning outcomes. The quan-
career skills. Conradty and Bogner (2020) find titative data analysis results in the percentage of
that combining technology and science has a po- completeness of the learning outcomes obtained
sitive impact that can increase students’ creativity after the teaching and learning process on the cir-
and self-efficacy so that students are motivated to culatory system material in humans using a di-
collaborate and solve problems together. These gital transformation strategy. Figure 7 shows the
findings support one of the indicators of student results of the analysis of learning completeness at
life skills in this study: creativity, problem-solving, meeting 1, meeting 2, and meeting 3.
and teamwork. According to Rohm et al. (2021),

Figure 7. The Percentage of Complete Student Learning Outcomes

From Figure 7, the percentage of students’ achers’ learning management based on the digi-
science life skills reached the good category, with tal transformation of human circulatory system
an average percentage of completeness of 82% material. The human circulatory system is one of
after going through the learning process with te- the natural science materials that are difficult for
D. Nurdin, M. Marnita, M. F. B. A. Ghani / JPII 12 (3) (2023) 329-342

teachers to explain using direct media or concre- teness of student learning that reached the good
te media, causing the circulatory system material category at meetings 1 to 3. The percentage of
in humans to reach the mastery level of student completeness achieved by students is above 81%
learning often not. Sadagheyani et al. (2021) find (good category), which means that students al-
that digital multimedia-based learning can arouse ready understand the material content of the
student learning motivation and control student circulatory system in humans. The advantage
emotional management. Yulianci et al. (2021) obtained in the results of this study is that digi-
reveal that interactive multimedia in learning vi- tal transformation can take one form of teacher
deo presentations affects students’ creative thin- learning strategies in the 21st century that must
king skills. Departing from the success of other be mastered by millennial teachers to deal with
studies, in this study, the presentation of various students who are also millennials. The advanta-
learning video animations and the involvement ges obtained from these findings have become a
of students in assembling electronic scrapbooks novelty value in this study: digital transforma-
prepared by the teacher can be a significant lear- tion as a strategy to improve teachers’ learning
ning experience for students. It makes students management in the classroom. The next novelty
enthusiastic about learning and able to explore all is that ”this research facilitates the emergence of
indicators of student life skills so that their lear- life skills in middle school students and not stu-
ning mastery results improve. This is in line with dents of a higher education,” where these skills
Fernández-Gutiérrez et al. (2020), who find that are a part of the 21st-century skills that are ap-
using technology positively improves students’ propriated to appear from the current educational
science learning outcomes but has no significant output. Thus, in a broader scope, the results of
effect on mathematics and reading subjects. this study recommend the development of teach-
Students’ teaching and learning process er human resources in the form of teacher digital
includes experiencing, living, communicating, competency development training in order to be
exploring, creating, and concluding. The process able to prepare student competencies better and
experienced by these students is a learning pro- to be able to compete in the world of work and
cess that involves all students’ mental activities industry in the future.
in total, which is called higher-order thinking
skills (Marnita et al., 2020). This process benefits CONCLUSION
students in the real world, especially in student
decision-making. Science subject requires stu- Based on the results of research in three
dents’ higher-order thinking skills. The teaching junior high schools (SMP N 1 Peusangan Siblah
media, learning situations, or learning environ- Krueng, SMP N 2 Peusangan Siblah Krueng, and
ment will greatly determine students’ decision- SMP N 3 Peusangan Siblah Krueng Bireuen Re-
making skills, especially in science material. This gency), the findings in this study are (1) Digital
is in line with Tong et al. (2022), who stated that transformation can be one of the teachers’ strate-
the learning environment dramatically influences gies to create better quality, fun, meaningful, full
students’ decision-making skills in the learning of creativity, and effective learning management
process. in class; (2) The implementation of digital trans-
Based on all the data analysis that has been formation-based teachers’ learning management
carried out, the digital transformation strategy can explore students’ science life skills in the ma-
can create teachers’ learning management that terial on the circulatory system. The percentage
is fun, meaningful, full of creativity, and very ef- of completeness of students’ science life skills at
fective in terms of time and cost. Better learning the first meeting is 82%, 85% at the second mee-
management also positively impacts the comple- ting, 91% at the third meeting, and the average
teness of student learning outcomes. This aligns students’ science life skills is 86%. Thus, it can
with Masry-Herzalah and Dor-Haim (2022), who be concluded that applying digital transformati-
find that resistance to change among teachers on can improve the quality of teachers’ learning
plays a crucial role in teaching success, thereby management and science life skills of students in
moderating the relationship between technolo- the Bireuen District. While this study’s novelty
gical competency and teaching success. Further- shows (1) Digital transformation as a teachers’
more, it was found that good teachers’ learning learning management strategy; (2) This strategy
management can improve student learning out- can explore some of the students’ 21st-century
comes, as seen from the percentage of comple- skills, such as science life skills.
340 D. Nurdin, M. Marnita, M. F. B. A. Ghani / JPII 12 (3) (2023) 329-342

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