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salem bar association versus uoi – justice jaganaddha rao
2. winterbottom versus wright – privity of contract 3. Indian medical association versus VP Santha – Qualitative changes in the attitude of medical service. 4. Shankari Prasad versus union of India – FR amendment under Article 368. 5. state of Kerala versus NM Thomas - equality of opportunity admits discrimination with reasons. 6. Frost versus knight - anticipatory breach of contract Section 34 of Indian contract Act. 7. MC Mehta versus kamal Nath - pollution is a civil wrong by its very nature it is a taught committed against the community as a whole. 8. Avinash Kumar versus state – court held that statement record in under 161 can be used at enquiry as per provision 162(1). 9. state of Himachal Pradesh versus tara Dutta - if an accused is charged of a major office but is not found guilty he can be convicted of a minor offence. 10. Thomas Bonham versus college of physicians (Dr. Bonham’s case) – Nemo judex in causa sua that is no man shall be judge in his own cause was decided by Sir Edward Coke in the Court of common pleas in England. 11. Bhatia international versus bulk trading S A - part I of the arbitration and constellation act would equally apply to international commercial arbitration held outside India. 12. DK Basu versus state of West Bengal – Custodial death, insertion of S. 41B. 13. Bank of India versus TS kelawala – whether an employer has the right to deduct wages unilaterally without holding an enquiry with employees during the period of strike. 14. Gloucstershire Grammar School case – Damnum sine injuria 15. state of Madras versus g Krishnan – chargesheet submitted under 173 is not public document. 16. Blair versus Western mutual benefit association - a corporate resolution is not an offer unless efforts are made to communicate it. 17. Quinn versus leathern – doctrine of civil conspiracy ( House of Lords). 18. church of God (full gospel) in India versus KKR majestic colony welfare association - noise pollution beyond permissible limit cannot be tolerated even if such noise was a direct result of religious activities. 19. MC Mehta versus union of India - when an enterprise is engaged in hazardous or inherently dangerous activity and harms results to anyone on account of an accident in the operation of such hazardous or inherently dangerous activity. 20. Sunil Batra versus Delhi administration - deprivation of comradrie amongst co-prisoners. 21. state of Karnataka versus union of India - appointment of a commission by union government under section 3(1) of the commission of enquiry act to look into the charges of corruption etc. , it was held that federal structure is not jeopardized. 22. EP Royappa versus state of Tamil Nadu - equality is a dynamic concept with many aspects and dimensions and it cannot be cribbed, cabined and confined within traditional and doctrinaire and limits. 23. SN Mukherjee versus union of India - the requirement to give reasons in administrative decisions which affect right and liabilities. 24. Vinay Chandra Mishra, in re - whether the advocate had committed a professional misconduct and guilty of the offence of criminal contempt of the court for having interfered with and obstructed the Court of justice. 25. Bar Council of Maharashtra versus M V Dahbolkar - misconduct would cover any activity which his professional breathren of good repute and competency would reasonably regard as disgraceful or dishonourable. 26. prahlad saran Gupta versus bar Council of India - retention of money deposited with advocate for the decree holder even after execution proceeding. 27. N G dastane versus Srikanth s Shinde - advocate of one of the parties was asking for continuous adjournments for postponing the examination of witness amounting to professional misconduct. n g c versus saw pipes limited - crafted by model law and enshrined in section 34 between finally of arbitral awards on one hand and permissible judicia review on the other. 28. Bhatia international versus bulk trading - irrespective of where the central management and control is exercised by a company, companies incorporated in India cannot choose foreign law as the governing law of their arbitration. 29. Gujarat Steel tubes versus Gujarat Steel tubes mazdoor sabha - mere illegality of the strike does not per se spell unjustifiability. 30. Central machine tools institute versus DY registrar of trade unions – solicitor’s case. 31. ONGC workmen’s association versus state of West Bengal - the need for promotion and preservation of internal democracy within trade unions. 32. VC rangadurai versus D Gopalan - he possesses the good character necessary to guarantee uprightness and honour in his professional dealings. 33. Sunderam finance limited versus N E P C limited - the provisions of the arbitration and conciliation act, 1996 have to be interpreted being uninfluenced by the principles underlying in the 1940 Act. 34. Kashmira Singh versus state of MP - the evidentiary value of confession of a CO accused affecting himself and others. 35. Bhau ram vs Baij nath - pre-emption on the ground of Shafie - i – jar. 36. anandan versus chief secretary, air 1966 - action of president to summon , prorogue and dissolve either of the house of parliament shall be unconstitutional if acted without advise of Council of ministers. 37. Reg versus Govinda - distinction between section 299 and 300. 38. Joginder Kumar versus state of UP - bail is the surety and jail is an exception. 39. Noratanmal Chaurasia versus M. R. Murti – misconduct envisages breach of discipline. 40. professor KrishnaRaj Goswami versus Vishwanath d mukashikar - deliberate delay in filing of the suit resulting in huge losses to the complainant. 41. M/s ram Narayan private ltd versus trading corporation ltd, air 1983 - unless a right of appeal is clearly given by statute it doesn't exist. 42. Nair Service Society versus UGC, WP(C) No. 513 of 2016 (W) - University grant commission criterion which allowed certain relaxation in marks to reserve categories as violation of article 16 (1) of the constitution. 43. Krishna Gopal versus state of MP - noise and air pollution. 44. Rupa Bajaj versus KPS gill - outrage of modesty of women. 45. ADM, Jabalpur versus shivkant Shukla - habeas Corpus petition was filed during emergency. 46. Dr Mary vs Dr Vincent - the family courts have concurrent jurisdiction to pass a decree for dissolution of marriage under the Indian divorce act. 47. DK Basu versus state of West Bengal – custodial death is perhaps the most worst crimes in a civilize society governed by the rule of law. 48. Gaurav Jain versus union of India, Air 1997 - prevention of women in various forms of prostitution and to rehabilitate their children to various welfare measures. 49. Priestley versus Fowler - principle of common employment. 50. Ashby versus white - injuria sine damnum. 51. Rylands versus Fletcher – strict liability. 52. re delhi laws act case - delegated legislation was declared constitutional. 53. Bellamy versus sabine – lis pendens. 54. M H hoskot versus state of Maharashtra - right to fare legal aid was recognised as a fundamental right under article 21 of the Indian constitution. 55. sunderambal vs government of Goa - supreme Court held whether teachers are not workman. 56. Parmanand Katara versus union of India - it is permanent obligation of every member of medical profession either government of private to give medical aid to every injured person brought for treatment immediately without waiting for procedural formalities. 57. Rupa Ashok hura versus Ashok hura - curative petition was introduced by supreme Court of India. 58. Union of India versus East coast boat builders and engineers limited - the UNCITRAL model law and rules do not become part of the arbitration act so as to become an aid to construe the provisions of the act. 59. RAJ SINGH VERSUS STATE - THE STATUTORY POWER OF POLICE TO INVESTIGATE UNDER THE CODE IS NOT IN ANYWAY CONTROLLED OR CIRCUMSCRIBED BY SECTION 195 CRPC. 60. navtej Singh Johar versus union of India - transformative constitutionalism. 61. D C wadhwa versus state of Bihar - a professor of political science challenged the practice followed by the state of Bihar in repromulgating a number of ordinances without getting the approval of the legislature; the court held that the petitioner as a member of public has sufficient interest to maintain a petition under article 32. 62. SP Gupta versus union of India - any person or determinate class of persons whose fundamental right is violated and he cannot approach the court because of poverty, helplessness or disability any person can maintain an application for an appropriate direction, order or writ in the high court under article 226 in case of violation of fundamental rights of such determinate class of persons or such persons. 63. common cause versus union of India - the supreme Court has legalised living wills and passive euthanasia subject to certain conditions. 64. state of Karnataka versus Yarappa Reddy - investigating officer should be allowed to refer to the records of investigation. 65. Suresh Kaushal versus naz foundation - constitutional validity of section 377 Indian Penal Code was reversed by supreme Court. 66. OP Sharma versus High Court of Punjab and Haryana – an advocate is under an obligation to upload the rule of law and ensure that the public justice system is enabled to function at its full potential; any violation of the principle of professional ethics by an advocate is unfortunate and unacceptable. 67. the rural litigation and entitlement Kendra versus state of Uttar Pradesh - the SC first of all made and attempt to look into the question regarding the extension of the right of life to the right to health and other hygienic condition. 68. Davies versus Manh – Rule of last opportunity. 69. Sesi Ammal versus Thaiyu Ammal – the rights conferred under section 25 of Hindu adoption and maintenance act 1956 supersedes any contract to the contrary as the date of decree makes no difference. 70. Subhash Kumar versus state of Bihar - it was observed that public interest litigation contemplates legal proceeding for vindication or enforcement of fundamental rights of a group of persons or community which are not able to enforce their fundamental rights on account of their incapacity, poverty or ignorance of law. 71. Hussainara Khatoon versus State of Bihar – right to Speedy justice. (First PIL). 72. Pratap Narain versus Y P Raheja – advocate held guilty of professional misconduct. 73. state of Bihar versus kameshwar Singh - colourable legislation. 74. Chakradhar Paswan versus state of Bihar - there could be no reservation on single post in the cadre. 75. Anvar P V versus P K Basheer - supreme Court of India clarified the admissibility of electronic record as evidence. 76. A K kraipak versus union of India - principals of natural justice were applicable not only to judicial and quasi-judicial functions but also to administrative functions. 77. L Chandra Kumar versus union of India - supreme Court had comprehensively considered S P Sampath Kumar versus union of India. 78. Vellore citizens’ welfare forum versus union of India – SC explained precautionary principle in details.