AJES Vol.8 No.1 January March 2019 Pp.1 6
AJES Vol.8 No.1 January March 2019 Pp.1 6
AJES Vol.8 No.1 January March 2019 Pp.1 6
Abstract - Arduino and GSM based smart energy meters for Watt hour meter or energy meter is the most common
advanced metering and billing system is able to read and send instrument which is used to measure the amount of
data via wireless protocol using GSM technology through electrical energy used by the consumers. Utilities install
GSM modem, capable of managing the meters as well as the these instruments at every place like homes, industries,
line connections. For GSM module uses the network coverage
organizations to charge the electricity consumption by loads
of the SIM. Smart Energy Meter uses SMS or/and Wi-Fi to
send the power/unit data to cloud, so that user can access the such as lights, fans and other appliances. Most interesting
data room module Apps and websites. Using cutting edge type is used as prepaid electricity meters.
technology smart energy meters will save money, labour,
efforts and time and at the same time it will effectively monitor Basic unit of power is watts. One thousand watts is one
the electricity consumption, usage and fraud. It is safe and easy kilowatt. If we use one kilowatt in one hour, it is considered
to use and user friendly. The metering system uses cheap as one unit of energy consumed.
components which will decrease the overall cost of the
equipment increasing its affordability and penetration in non-
metered areas. (1)
Keywords: Smart Meter, GSM, IOT, Tariff Based Metering,
Wii-Fi Data Logging
( )
by the use of counter mechanism and gear trains. This 3. Makes it possible to use power resources more
type of meter is simple in construction and accuracy is efficiently
somewhat less due to creeping and other external fields. 4. Provides real-time data that is useful for balancing
A major problem with these types of meters is that they electric loads while reducing power outages (i.e.,
are prone to tampering and theft. These are very blackouts)
commonly used in domestic and industrial applications. 5. Enables dynamic pricing, which raises or lowers the
2. Electronic Energy meters are fairly accurate and cost of electricity based on demand
reliable types of measuring instruments as compared to 6. Avoids the capital expense of building new power
conventional mechanical meters. It consumes less plants
power and starts measuring instantaneously when 7. Helps to optimize income with existing resources
connected to load. These meters might be analog or
digital. In analog meters, power is converted to Usually the present Smart meters available in the market
proportional frequency or pulse rate and it is integrated have the following features:
by counters placed inside it. In digital electric meter 1. The have a built in LCD for displaying the real-time
power is directly measured by high end processor. The data.
power is integrated by logic circuits to get the energy 2. They are based around a micro-controller
and also for testing and calibration purpose. It is then (ATMEGA328/AT89S51)
converted to frequency or pulse rate. 3. They use GSM for communicating the billing and
3. Smart Energy Metering system is an advanced metering unit’s information to user and Power Company.
technology involving placing intelligent meters to read, 4. Displays real time units used/left, power consumed and
process and feedback the data to customers. It measures bill data.
energy consumption, remotely switches the supply to 5. CT and Voltage transformer interface for energy
customers and thus remotely controls the maximum calculations.
electricity consumption. Smart metering system uses 6. The operating frequency is 50Hz.
the advanced metering infrastructure system technology 7. The operating voltage is 250V.
for better performance. These are capable of 8. The pulse rate of smart meter is 3200/kwh.
communicating in both directions. They can transmit 9. GSM modem: tri band GSM modem.
the data to the utilities like energy consumption,
parameter values, alarms, etc. and also can receive Addition features:
information from utilities such as automatic meter 1. IOT based monitoring on Think Speak Cloud using
reading system, reconnect/disconnect instructions, website and app.
upgrading of meter software and other important 2. Integration to the Smart Home.
messages. These meters reduce the need to visit while 3. One to many monitoring.
taking or reading monthly bill. Modems are used in
these smart meters to facilitate communication systems III. EXISTING SYSTEM
such as telephone, wireless, fiber cable, power line
communications. Another advantage of smart metering Some of the recently published works on smart meters have
is complete avoidance of tampering of energy meter been reviewed as under:
where there is scope of using power in an illegal way.
This paper proposed and demonstrated Smart Energy Meter
II. SMART METERS that the users will be able to monitor their current power
consumptions (bill) anytime, anywhere by using their
A Smart meter is the improved version of a conventional mobile phone via Short Message Services (SMS). Arduino
analog electricity meters being used in 95% of the places UNO, main controller, was the interface between energy
throughout the world. They come with an in-home display meter and Global System for Mobile communication (GSM)
screen that shows you exactly how much energy one is module. GSM module connects the energy meter to users’
using in pounds and pence, in near real time and will bring mobile phone. Real Time Clock (RTC) DS1307 was used to
an end to estimated bills. Smart meters measure how much get the real time to count and store the usage into the
gas and electricity one is using, as well as at what cost and EEPROM. The program developed in C language with the
display this in on a handy in-home display. With a smart Arduino syntax in the Arduino IDE. The proposed system
meter, the complicated meter readings will have to go. The demonstrated its capability to check the current usage (bill),
smart meter shows a digital meter reading and automatically notify when reaching the limit, reset the usage (bill)
sends the reading to the energy supplier at least once a successfully, only via accessing GSM-based mobile phone.
month, so consumer will receive accurate, non-estimated [1]
The present system of energy metering as well as billing in
Advantages to Electric Companies: India uses electromechanical and somewhere digital energy
1. Eliminates manual monthly meter readings meter. It consume more time and labor. One of the prime
2. Monitors the electric system much more quickly reasons is the tradition billing system which is incorrect.
Many times slow, costly and lack in flexibility as well as This paper describes PIC18F46k22 Microcontroller based
reliability. Today accuracy in electrical billing is highly design and implementation of energy meter using IoT
recommended. The smart energy meter gives real time concept. The proposed system design eliminates the human
consumption as well as accurate billing. A possible solution involvement in Electricity maintenance. The Buyer needs to
is a Wireless Energy Meter which is able to send its data via pay for the usage of electricity on schedule, in case that he
wireless communication to PC or a remote device where couldn’t pay, the electricity transmission can be turned off
monitoring and analysis of the data will be easily made. In autonomously from the distant server. The user can monitor
smart metering there is a different technique in the energy consumption in units from a web page by
communication system like AMI, WIMAX, and Zig-bee providing device IP address. Theft detection unit connected
etc. This paper presents a brief literature review of the work to energy meter will notify company side when meter
carried out by the various researchers in this field by using tampering occurs in energy meter and it will send theft
AMI techniques. And also, the various communication detect information through PLC modem and theft detected
system used in smart metering technology. [2] will be displayed on the terminal window of the company
side. Wi-Fi unit performs the IoT operation by sending
Automatic meter reading (AMR) system give the energy meter data to web page which can be accessed
information of meter reading, power cut, total load used, through IP address. The Hardware interface circuit consists
power disconnect and tempering on request or regularly in of PIC18F46k22 Microcontroller, MAX232, LCD display,
particular interval through SMS. This is aim to measure and theft detection unit, Triac switch circuit, DB18B20
monitor the electricity consumed by consumers in a locality temperature sensor, PIR sensor, PLC modem, and ESP8266
and transmitting the consumed power to the station as well Wi-Fi module. Wi-Fi unit performs the IoT operation by
as issuing the bill of consumed power automatically and sending energy meter data to web page which can be
online payment is also possible. It is also aims to find the accessed through IP address. [6]
malpractices in the meter. Provider Company with the help
of Global system for mobile communication (GSM) The main objective of the project is to develop an IOT
network access prepaid energy metering system to control based electricity meter reading displayed for units
electricity theft. Server station is also served by a GSM consumed and cost there upon over the internet. A digital
module for transmission and reception of data as energy meter whose blinking LED signal is interfaced to
auditing. Constraints are accurate metering, energy theft and microcontroller through LDR the blinking LED flashes
implementation of proper tariff as well as billing system. 3200 times for 1 unit the LDR sensor gives an interrupt each
This can be achieved by using Smart Meters. This paper time the meter LED flashes to the programmed micro
makes the consumer an active part of Energy Management. controller that takes this reading and displays it on an LCD
[3] duly interfaced to the microcontroller. The reading of the
energy meter is also sent to Ethernet shield module being
In this system, smart energy meter is designed to get fed from the micro controller via level shifter IC and RS
telemetering, tampering detection and supplier can 232 link which transmit data directly to a dedicated web
disconnect service to the consumer in the event of meter page for display anywhere in the world. The power supply
tampering or unauthorized use of energy. It makes the consists of a step down transformer 230/12V which steps
relation between utility and user more transparent and down the voltage to 12V AC. This is converted to DC using
reliable. Power saving is possible which contributes towards a bridge rectifier and it is then regulated to 5V using a
the minimization of the problem of energy crisis. [4] voltage regulator 7805 which is required for the operation of
the microcontroller and other components.
In this paper, we focus mainly on IoT's energy monitoring.
The proposed design is to implement a very low cost Electricity is an important invention without which life on
wireless sensor network and protocol for smart energy and Earth is impossible. So obviously there is a need for
web application capable of automatically reading the unit measuring the consumed electricity. It is accomplished by
and sending the data automatically for the power users to the wattmeter, but a person from TNEB has to visit each
view their current energy meter reading. By using this house for measuring the power consumption and for
system, the users will be aware of the electricity usage in calculating the bill amount. So it requires much of manual
his/her home to reduce the power wastage and cost of work and consumes time. In order to avoid all these
consumption. The system consists of a digital energy meter, drawbacks we have intended to construct an IoT based
ESP8266 Wi-Fi module and web applications for energy meter. So the proposed energy meter measures the
management system. The ESP8266 Wi-Fi module will be amount of power consumed and uploads it to cloud, from
embedded into the meter and implement the TCP/IP which the concerned person can view the reading. The
protocol for the communications between the meter and power reading is sent to cloud using ESP 8266, a Wi-Fi
web application. The experimental results show that the module. The power reading from digital wattmeter is read
proposed system works very well with efficiency, and it is using the Opto-coupler and transmitted digitally to the
feasible to implement in practical applications for very low Arduino. So it automates the process of measuring the
cost-build automatic energy meter reading. [5] power consumption at homes using IoT and thereby
enabling remote access and digitalization. [8]
Smart meter is a next generation meter which is highly IV. PROPOSED SYSTEM
efficient and user friendly, which provides a great way to
save and control the usage of energy. The smart meter is The proposed smart energy meter with advanced prepaid
wirelessly connected to users by the means of IoT. This billing system is a device to make electricity billing user
means user can easily have control on the meter as per his friendly and much more readable to the common man. The
needs. The advantage of smart meter is it can be used by Smart Energy meter contains an energy meter, a GSM
utilities to communicate information to bill customers and modem, a microcontroller (Arduino) and a relay circuit,
operating their electric system. Earlier the system utilized which is connected between the energy meter and the load.
one way communication to collect meter data and was The proposed smart energy meter is able to provide all the
referred as AMR. But now due to sophisticated technology, metering and billing services like counting the consumed
AMI the system can communicate in two ways for both data energy, sending the generated bill by the SMS (short
collection, billing and to control the device. message service) over the GSM network as well as the
security services like tempering etc. Factually at present, the
In conventional method of electricity billing, the metering and billing system of our country is totally
responsibility of billing for each consumer is a time conventional and it is very much slowed, faulty and
consuming job for the distribution grid. Despite this, the corrupted so our proposed smart energy meter is highly
consumer can consciously consume extra amount of power deserved for national implementation.
than required and still cease from paying the bill. So,
nothing can be done to strict the electric power supply. This
paper spotlights the design of Smart Energy Meter (SEM) A Smart meter works by communicating directly with
using GSM Technology for domestic consumers. This SEM wireless data protocol with your energy supplier, so the
would insist consumers to consume power during off-peak company will always have an accurate meter reading and
hours by providing incentives and thereby help to achieve a there is no need for us to take a meter reading by ourselves.
uniform load curve. This is implemented by time-of-day Smart meters can work in a variety of different ways,
billing also known as variable billing scheme in which including using wireless mobile phone type technology to
consumers would be charged a higher tariff for power send data.
consumption during peak hours. For these reasons it uses
Wireless Peak-Hour Timing Update (WPTU) and Wireless
Tariff Update (WTU) schemes.
Our proposed system is also having some unique features available credit is exhausted then the electricity supply is
like cut off by a relay. Readings made by human operators are
1. Operating frequency 50hz prone to errors. This project addresses the above mentioned
2. Operating voltage 250v problems. The development of GSM infrastructure in past
3. Pulse rate 3200/kwh two decades made meter reading system wireless. The GSM
4. GSM modem: tri band GSM modem infrastructure, which has national wide coverage, can be
5. Memory: non-volatile used to request and retrieve power consumption notification
over individual houses and flats. Apart from making
A. Advantages of Proposed System over Existing System readings using GSM communication, billing system is
needed to be made prepaid to avoid unnecessary usage of
The present power usage reading is made manually by power. The use of Prepaid Energy Meter is still
moving to the consumer locations. This requires large controversial. On the one hand, those that support the
number of labor operators and long working hours to diffusion of prepaid meters claim that they benefit both
accomplish the task. Manual billing is sometimes restricted consumers and utilities because they help users to consume
and delayed by bad weather conditions. The printed billing more efficiently and to improve the management of their
also has the tendency of getting lost. Over the last few budget, while allowing firms to reduce financial costs. On
years, Smart (Prepaid) Energy Meter has been proposed as the other hand, those that are against prepaid meters argue
an innovative solution aimed at facilitating affordability and that their adoption is expensive for firms and risky for low
reducing the cost of utilities. This mechanism, essentially, income consumers, as the insecurity and volatility of their
requires the users to pay for the electricity before its income may force them to make little use of the service, or
consumption. In this way, consumers hold credit and then ultimately, bring about involuntary self-disconnection.
use the electricity until the credit is exhausted. If the
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