Chapter One

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Chapter One: Introduction: The Phases of Feminism

This chapter will discuss - Feminism as a social movement. - The different phases of feminism from its beginning till its present status in the society. Feminism in various forms and places has grappled with the question of gender, that is, of the power relationships among men and women. It not only exposes the existence of male domination but also challenges it. It is a social enterprise, a moral and political framework which is concerned with readdressing the social wrongs. It is an ethnical stance which is centrally concerned with the question of value, of good and evil, right and wrong, of what is worthwhile and significant and what is not. Denise Thompson described feminism as a moral and political struggle of opposition to the social relations of male domination structured around the principle that only men count as human, and as a struggle for a genuine human status for women outside male definition and control. (Thompson: 4). Barbara Bergs in the text The Remembered Gate: Origin of American Feminism defines feminism as a broad movement embracing the numerous phases of womens emancipation. She adds It is the freedom to decide her own destiny; freedom from xdetermined role; freedom from societys oppressive restrictions; freedom to express her thoughts fully and to covert them freely into action. Feminism demands the acceptance of womans right to individual conscience and judgment. It postulates that womans essential worth stems from her common humanity and does not depend on the other relationship of her life (qtd. in Hooks: 25). Feminism is a struggle to end the sexist oppression. Its aim is not to benefit solely any specific group of women,or any particular race or class of women. It does not privilege woman over man but it talks about equality among male and female. And for this purpose it comprises various social, cultural and political movements. All these movements are concerned with the eradication of gender inequalities and fight for equal rights for women. As Nancy Cott has said Feminism asks for sexual equality that includes sexual difference. It aims for individual freedom by mobilizing sex solidarity. It posits that women recognize their unity while it stands for diversity among women. It requires gender consciousness for its basis yet calls for the elimination of prescribed gender roles (qtd. in Becker: 103). It is difficult to define the concept of feminism. There are various debates over when and where it was first used. The term feminism is originated from the French word feminisme, which was originally used by the utopian socialist Charles Fourier and the term feminist first came in English during the 1880s, indicating support for womens equal legal and political rights with men (Bryson: 1). But according to Jane Freedman, the term feminist seems to have been first used in 1871 in a French medical text to describe a cessation in the development of the sexual organs and characteristics in male patients who were perceived as thus suffering from feminization of their bodies. Then the term was picked up by Alexandre Dumas Fils, a french writer, who used it as a pamphlet published in 1872 entitled Ihomme- femme, on the subject of adultery, to describe women

behaving in a supposedly masculine way. But in the modern society, the term feminism is modified and is perceived as challenging differences between men and women (Freedman: 2). Feminism emerged as an organized movement for women's rights and interests, and the political, economic and social equality of sexes in the maledominated society. It stands for not only an awareness of womens plight but also a determination to change the situation. Thus feminism is both intellectual commitment and a political movement that seeks justice for women and the end of sexism in all forms (Ukagba 66). Generally feminism highlights womens inferior position in society and Bryson says that the problem which women face is not discrimination or capitalism but male power in the society. Wheeler and Thompson say Whatever system of labourwhatever system of governmentunder every vicissitude of MANs condition he has always retained woman his slave (qtd. in Bryson: 26). It is interesting to note that right from the beginning of creation, women have been subject to insults and abuses. According to Deshpande, there is a sharp division between womens world and mens world, "even today, youll notice, to insult a man, you say, go wear bangles. Bangles mean identification totally, and absolutely, with a woman"(Phom: 1). Actually women have been subjected to oppression for centuries in the patriarchal society. Aristotle distinguishes women on account of "a certain lack of qualities." St Thomas Aquinas calls woman an imperfect man. Philosophers like St Thomas Aquinas, Rousseau, Hegel, Nietzsche, and Sartre have also considered women morally inferior. As a matter of fact, a woman is charged with so many drawbacks. It is said that she is temptation symbolized; she is more a fury than a fairy; her charms are so irresistible that it spells rain and disaster. History is replete with various such examples where various kinds of wars were fought because of the beauty of a lady. But one should not forget that most of the charges laid down against women are concocted and deliberately made by the powerful male dominated society. A woman is generally more emotional, sensitive and kind than a man. She is also endowed with a great power of endurance and patience. One can see her in the role of a mother, a wife, a beloved and a friend. She forms the pivot and nucleus of family life. Without the presence of a woman, a home is just like a flower without fragrance. So, a woman must be given a high pedestal in society (Prasad: 6). Thats why feminists call for changes in the social, economic, political or cultural order to make an honourable place for women. Feminists raise questions about womens place in social institutions. Issues of womens status, as well as the sexual division of labour, and the issues of family structure and responsibilities for child care are highlighted by feminists. They focus on the institutional change and reform, appealing to the notion of justice, freedom and rights. Any person who demands for social equality can label himself/herself as a feminist. According to J.A. Onimhawo Feminists are those, who, in principle and practice, clamour for the liberation of women from the shackles of a male-dominated society (qtd. in Ukagba: 66). He says that feminists believe that women should have the right and freedom to choose what happen to their bodies. They should have equal rights like men in the society. And their beliefs, arguments are rooted in the notion of feminism. Thus one can say that feminist struggle takes place anytime anywhere when any female or male resists sexism, sexist exploitation and oppression.

The history of Feminism has talked about the historical appearance of strong feminist movements as a series of waves. Thats why the origin of feminism can be distinguished in the three waves: 1. First Wave Movement 2. Second Wave Movement/Womens Liberation Movement 3. Third Wave Movement. The First-wave of feminism refers to a period of feminist activity during the nineteenth and early twentieth century which dealt mainly with the suffrage movement. It also focused on the equal legal rights of contract and property. 19th century feminism evolved very much as a response to the specific difficulties which individual women encountered in their lives. During this time, the novel A Vindication of the Rights of Women, written by Mary Wollstonecrsft in 1742, is considered as the first work of feminism. Wollstonecraft was to be foremost of the women whose contribution to the development of feminism is discussed. She protested against the stereotyping of women in the domestic roles and she also raised her voice to provide education to girls (Wollstonecraft: 72). Because she thinks that education is more significant in the life of woman than in man. It is education which trains the mind of women to fight against enslavement and other tortures. Actually her emphasis was on the need to make women rational. Far from portraying women as superior to men, Wollstonecraft wanted to raise their moral and intellectual stature to make them rational citizens. She said that I do not wish them to have power over men, but over themselves (Wollstonecraft: 134). According to Sarah Gamble the best known feminist text of this time was William ThompsonsAppeal of One-Half of the Human Race, Women, against the Pretensions of the Other Half, Men (1825). His work emphasizes on the different, conflicting needs of men and women, husbands and wives, fathers and daughters. Thompson said that even women, whom society treated as fortunate, were also suffering from unacknowledged needs and repressive treatment from their husbands (Gamble:18). In 1839 Caroline Norton raised a voice against the injustices faced by the ladies in their unhappy marriages. William Blackstone said in Commentary on the laws of England (1765) that By marriage, the husband and wife are one person in law that is the very being or legal existence of a woman is suspended, or at least it is incorporated or consolidated into that of the husband, under whose wing, protection and, cover, she performs everything (qtd. in Mays: 91). In 19th century, ladies after having divorce had no right to keep their children with themselves but with the combined effort of Caroline Norton and William Blackstone, the Infant Custody act was passed in 1839(Doepke: 6). According to this act separated wives with good character have the right to get the custody of their children under the age of seven and access to their older children. And moreover there were to be more eighteen acts which were concerned with the married womens property, of which the most significant was the act of 1870. This act stated that married women can keep their earnings and also can inherit the personal property, with everything else going to their husband.

Then the voice rose for the economic independence because the census of 1851 declared that about 30% women between twenty and forty were unmarried and therefore likely to be facing economic hardship. One great corresponding cry rises from the suffering multitude of women saying, We want work. (Gamble: 23). Harriet Martineau in an article Female Industry and Barbara Bodichon in the article Women and Work said that more professions, more opportunities should be opened up for the women of middle class so that they can become economically independent. Then as a result of these efforts, women got various new opportunities in the public and clerical work. Clerical work was the area of major expansion in 1860, especially in the government departments such as the post office; while the access of women also became possible in the local government positions in the same period. On the other hand, in America, Feminist movement started with the Seneca Fall Movement of 1848. The demand of this convention was to end the discrimination which is based on sex. At this time the issue of womens right also emerged for the rights of black women. Then at the end of the nineteenth century, according to Legates, activism focused primarily on gaining political power and women's suffrage. In Britain, the suffragettes campaigned for the right of women's vote. And then in 1918, the Representation of the People Act 1918 was passed, which granted women the right to vote over the age of 30. But in 1928 this was extended to all women over eighteen. This can be considered as the best achievement of the First Wave Movement. There is no relevant data which defines that who first used the term Womens Liberation. But, from charting the history of contemporary feminist movement, it becomes clear that since a long time, women have been rebelling against sexism all over the world. So when those women began to meet and talk together, that collective rebellion came to be known as womens liberation and would later evolve into feminist movement (Hooks: x). This womens liberation movement aims to make women the social equals of men. The second-wave movement or Womens Liberation Movement refers to the resurgence of feminist activity beginning in the early 1960s and lasting through the late 1980s which dealt with the inequality of laws, as well as cultural inequalities. It was a continuation of the earlier phase of feminism which sought the legal and political rights of women (Beaulieu: 62). This movement encouraged women to understand various aspects of their own personal lives as deeply politicized, and reflective of a gender-based structure of power. The second-wave feminism was mainly related with the issues of equality, such as the end to gender discrimination in society, in education and in the workplace. It fought against specific injustices such as denying reproductive freedom, equal pay for equal work and women's inability to receive equal access to jobs and education. This wave attempted to highlight ways, as to how society legally and professionally subjugated women, and then turned women's personal struggle into political action (Alexander: 7). In a speech given at Free University in New York in February 1968, Anne Koedt in the article Women and the Radical Movement (1968) says that, Within the last year many radical womens groups have sprung up throughout the country. This was caused by the fact that the movement women found themselves playing secondary roles on every level be it in terms of leadership, or simply in

terms of being listened to. They found themselves (and others) afraid to speak up because of self-doubts when in the presence of men. Their roles ended up concentrating on foodmaking, typing, mimeographing, general assistance work and as a sexual supply for their male comrades.And the deeper we analyzed the problem and realized that all women suffer from this kind of oppression; the more we realized that the problem was not just confined to movement women (Keetley:18). On the other hand, in America, the black women became very active in the formation of first radical feminist group. For this reason black women were considered to be the greatest inspiration to the growth of Womens Liberation. During this time various groups were organized by the social workers who wanted equality between male and female. In 1966, Betty Friedan had herself founded National Organization for women (Friedan: 370). It represented one of largest coalitions that sprang from the second wave because the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission had failed to root out sexism in the workplace, instead focusing on racial discrimination. When the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission refused to ban gender-specific job advertisements, Betty Friedan and other leading feminist formed National Organization for Women. The main issues on which this organization focused are reproductive freedom, gender equality in the workplace and the passage of the Equal Rights Amendment. Various other groups such as the New York Radical Women, Redstockings and Women's International Terrorist Conspiracy from Hell aimed to eradicate sexism by reforming the relationships between men and women. The Redstockings groups of women encouraged to gather for consciousness-raising discussions, which involved sharing their personal experiences in the feminist struggle. And with the help of these types of discussions, issues of rape, conjugal brutality, abortion and access to childcare came to the front position of the feminist platforms. This time the protest was mainly done to achieve the equal rights of women in the areas of family, sexuality and work. In Britain, the first national conference was held in 1970 and the main demands of this conference were: equal pay for equal work, equal education and equal opportunities, free contraception and abortion on demand and free 24 hour nurseries (Fairbairns: 7). Because this time the protest was mainly done to achieve the equal rights of women in the areas of family, sexuality and work. Moreover, on the literary aspect, the year of 1970 marks the outburst of theoretical writings which are based on feminism, for example, Shulamith Firestones The Dialectic of Sex, kate Milletts Sexual Politics, Robin Morgans Sisterhood is Powerful, Eva FigesPatriarchal Attitudes, Germaine Greers The Female Eunuch etc. All these writings depict the situation of females in different societies (Thornham: 34). The movement of Second-wave feminism was largely successful. Its effects can still be seen in the lives of everyday women. As a result of this movement, women have begun to attain equality in all aspects of society, including education, employment, health, and many more. Today, more

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women get their bachelor's degrees than men, many women became the president of different countries, the numbers of women in government sectors have dramatically increased, and today there is a 33% reservation in Parliament and State Assemblies for Woman (Thornham:79). However, inequality still exists, and so the efforts of the Second Wave of Feminism will continue to be relevant as long as women are not equal to men. The third-wave of Feminism was exploded in early 1990s and this movement is seen as both a continuation of and a response to the perceived failures of the second-wave. It focused on the circumstances of lower-class women, minorities and women living in other cultures. This wave often challenges the paradigm of second wave as to what is, or what is not, well for females (Bjrok: 3). Third wave feminism typified a feminism mediated by the terrains of race and multicultural alliances, rather than age. This movement addressed domestic violence, sexual harassment, access to safe and legal abortions as well as ensuring equal status of women in education, work, and social environments. The first two waves of feminism had largely come from white, middle class perspective. In the third movement, activists attempted to broaden the scope of freedom by including perspectives of coloured women and different social classes. Third wave feminist also looked at all aspects of society, art and science through a feminist lens. This perspective provided great insight into where in equality persists and how women often contribute to supporting the status quo instead of actively fighting for change. The third wave has also focused on the practical ways to help women achieve equality, such as by promoting flexible work scheduling, demanding the availability of child care, and making time-off available for maternity leave and caring for sick family members (Alexander: 7). Thus one can conclude that because of the influences of these movements, women came into existence; they recognized their own self, their own identity. In India, the feministic movement was initiated by some of the most influential persons. Initially it was hard to openly criticize the most cherished traditional beliefs of people. Uneducated, traditional minded people were still parochial in their attitudes and they revolted against the new western concepts and ideas. In such a scenario, writers like Dr. Babasaheb Ambedker, Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar, Keshav Chandra Sen, Gopal Ganesh Agarkar, Malabari Phule, Mahadev Govind Ranade, Dhondo Keshav Karve emerged and the efforts of these persons resulted in abolishing sati pratha, custom of child marriage, banning the marriage of widows, promoting womens education, obtaining legal rights for women to own property, and necessity of the law to acknowledge the status of women by granting them basic rights in various matters such as adoption, marriage by their own choice etc. The recent Indian women novelists also have reflected on the issues through their powerful portrayal of man-woman relationships their writings to improve the status of women in society. For example

Markandayas Two Virgins (1973) Anita Desais Fasting, Feasting (1999), Nayantara Sahgals The Day in Shadow (1971), Shashi Deshpandes That

Long Silence (1988), The Binding Vine (1993), A Matter of Time (1996), Moving On (2004), Githa Hariharans The Thousand Faces of Night (1992), When Dreams Travel (1999), Jai Nimbkars Temporary Answers (1974), A Joint Venture (1988), Bharathi Mukherjees Jasmine (1989), Desirable Daughters(2003), Arundhati Roys The God of Small Things (1997), Namita Gokhales Paro: Dreams of Passions (1984), Indu K. Mallahs Shadows in Dream-Time (1990), Manju Kapoors Difficult Daughters (1998) etc. Protagonists in these novels raise questions, analyze and try to depict the power of males in the society. They try to portray women with a voice of their own, a voice that had been suppressed for centuries. They throw deep insights into the female psyche and present a full range of feminine experience. An effort to re-define the man-woman relationships can be seen in the novels of Bharati Mukherjee, Nayantara Sahgal, Uma Vasudev, Arundhati Roy, Githa Hariharan, Shashi Deshpande, Shobha De and others. On the other hand, the western writers like Mary Wollstonecraft in her novel A Vindication of the Rights of Women (1792), J. S. Mill in The Subjection of Women (1869) and Friedrich Engels in The Origin of the Family (1884), Virginia Woolf in A Room of Ones Own (1929), Three Guineas (1938), Simone de Beauvoir in The Second Sex (1949) etc. wrote of the need to rethink the role of women in society. No one can bind the emergence of feminism in the levels of waves only. So the basic classification of feminism can also be divided into three categories: 1. Liberal Feminism 2. Radical Feminism 3. Socialist/ Marxist Feminism Liberal feminism developed between 1960s and 1970s. It would appear to be the earliest form of feminism. Feminism has a particular relationship to liberalism and it has been said that all feminism is liberal at root (Hoffman: 326). It has been called the mainstream form of feminism. It is said that liberal feminism is a personal, idiosyncratic, individualistic form, which focused on women, having the capability to sustain their equality through being responsible for their own actions and choices (Brookes: 1). The principle of the liberal feminist is that women will transform society through their own personal relations with the opposite sex. The liberal feminists believe that All women are capable of asserting their ability to achieve equality; therefore it is possible for change to happen without altering the structure of society (qtd. in Ukagba: 76). The liberal feminists also believe that the equality of men and women can only be attained by making some changes which can be brought through political and lawful reform. They wish for the abolition of institutional partiality and they want that fairer laws should put into practice towards women. This form of feminism helped a lot of women to achieve more fairness in pay and access to a broader range of careers. According to Lucy Brooks some of the foremost issues with which liberal feminism deals are marriage equality, family reproductive and abortion rights, sexual harassment, voting rights, education, reasonably priced adolescent childcare and reasonably priced health care. Liberal feminists are likely to take a laissez faire attitude to the issues of pornography, prostitution, lesbians because

they constructed these practices as personal choices and committed to protect womens choice and autonomy. Liberal feminists insist on the equal access to the symbolic order, and they also focus on the prevalent way of imaging women in media. Thats why they urge media to contribute to transform the image of female by portraying female and male in nonconventional and nontraditional roles and by using nonsexist words in verbal communication (Enriques: 1). For example, both women and men should be presented in positions of power and authority, in equal measure, such as heads of corporations, presidents of countries, etc. In other words, Liberal feminists believe that women must be considered equal with men. They should not surrender to patriarchys values, norms and ways of being. Liberal Feminists think that by changing the legal system, social change can be brought. All those events and persons are included in the liberal feminism who campaign for the equal rights for women within the framework of liberal state. They argue that the rights built by a state must be extended to women because these rights give them equal citizenship with men. Liberals think that the state should confine itself to protect civil liberties for example property rights, voting rights, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of association etc. State should simply provide everyone with an equal opportunity to determine his or her choice. The goal of liberal feminists is to create a just and compassionate society where freedom flourishes (Tong: 13). Only in such a society women and men thrive equally. Radical Feminism describes patriarchy as a social system in which all men are assumed to have the naturally evil inclination to dominate and oppress all women (Enriques: 1). The domination of woman is the result of patriarchy. Jone Johnson Lewis in the article Radical Feminism says that Radical feminism is a philosophy emphasizing the patriarchal roots of inequality between men and women, or, more specifically, social dominance of women by men (Lewis:1). The group of radical feminists, formed in Newyork in October 1968, said in their manifesto: Women, or females, were the first class to be separated out from humanity and thus denied their humanity. The Newyork Redstocking said in 1970: Male supremacy is the oldest, the most basic form of domination. All other forms of exploitation and oppression (racism, capitalism, imperialism etc.) are extensions of male supremacy: men dominate women: a few men dominate the rest. All power structures throughout history have been maledominated and male oriented (Thompson: 133). Radical feminism believes that humanity has begun to outgrow nature and therefore one cannot justify the maintenance of discriminating class system. It analyses the relationship between social inequality and social indifference. The dominance of women by men is seen to provide the foundation of social inequality, and the social oppression of women is seen to underlie the economic, cultural and social subordination of women. The Newyork Radical Feminist Manifesto claims

Radical feminism recognizes the oppression of women as a fundamental political oppression wherein women are categorized as an inferior class based on their sex. It is the aim of radical feminism to organize politically to destroy this sexclass system (qtd. in Madsen: 153). Radical feminists writing has not on the whole tended to engage in explicit theory- making in the sense of building on, extending and engaging to say what feminism is (Thompson: 3). It has meant that radical feminism has remained tied to the issues of real concern to women, rather than to prepare the principles of theory. They challenge the prevailing notion of power as domination and attempted to transform it. Cellestine Ware said Radical Feminism is working for the eradication of domination and elitism in all human relationships. This would make selfdetermination. The ultimate good and require the downfall of society as we know it today (qtd. in Hooks: 20). They emphasis on the womens oppression in the patriarchal world. The oppression of women includes the objectification of both mind and body. This oppression, however, centers fundamentally on woman as body. Womans body is treated not as for- itself but as for male. She as a body performs many services for man. Womans body is arranged, mutilated and modified for the purpose of satisfying mans lust. This can be defined as eroticism. The eroticism of a woman is a form of rape in its own right. It involves the violation of ones body for the sexual pleasuring of another. Woman is not seen as the living being but as the collection of parts that exist to place and serve the male. Radical feminists view patriarchy as dividing rights, privileges and power primarily by gender, and as a result oppressing women and privileging men. The oppression of women by men created a world where no one could be free. According to Ti- Grace Atkinson A human being is not born from the womb; it must create itself. It must be free, self-generative. A human being must feel that it can grow in a world where injustice, inequality, hatred, sadism are not directed at it. No person can grow into a life within these conditions; it is enough of a miracle to survive as a functioning organism (qtd. inThompson: 135). They deal with the question of male power, issues of equal job opportunities and equal pay for women. They believe that men, collectively and as individually have an interest in maintaining womans oppression. Radical Feminism contains within it a call to action to change the world. They say that all human beings have equal rights in the society. In 1970, they also supported the rights of lesbians. They encouraged them to join their groups and supported their demands for legal and social equality without encountering damaging repercussions (Carden: 53). It explores gender-role stereotyping, womens oppressed position in the family and work place, the political significance of lesbianism and critiques of male violence in terms of power (rape, battery, pornography etc.) (Carden: 12). For the most part, radical feminism has focused on exposing the social system of male supremacy. It has, from the beginning, been concerned with the domination of man against woman which affects the dignity of a woman. It

talks about the lives and experiences of women. This thing shows that this radical movement posits an integral link between practice and theory. Marxist/Socialist Feminism was a powerful strand during the late 1960s and 70s. It focuses upon power relationships, especially the intersection of capitalism, racism and patriarchy, and the production of a politicized personal (subjective) life. Socialist Feminism is concerned with the roles allocated to women that are independent of class status (mother, sister, housewife, mistress, consumer and reproducer). Feminism within the socialist framework offers the analysis of the ideological construction of femininity under the patriarchal capitalism. It analyzes how womens domestic labour is constructed by and reproduces the sexual division of labour. The primary task of Marxist feminists was to see the complex relationship between gender and economy (Selden: 135). They mainly consider capitalism rather than patriarchy as the fundamental cause of womens oppression. They associate womens oppression with the capitalist system. They say that women are subordinated to men because of this capitalist system of private property rather than sex or gender system. According to Marxist Feminism sexism, like racism, has its roots in the private property system (Mclaren: 9). They talk about the gender inequality and oppression of women at the levels of production and division of labour consistent with the capitalist system. Apart from capitalism, they also question the patriarchal system of marriage that views woman as males property and nothing else. They focus on the material base of social relations and the ways that it creates and maintains patriarchy. Like radical feminists, socialist feminists are concerned with issue of sexuality and the body, such as reproductive issues and regarding violence against women. But they see these issues, and patriarchy itself, related with economic issues. The power relationships between men and women within the family reproduce the power relationship that exist in society; so women find job opportunities primarily in the caring professions like teaching and nursing and the clerical posts that require the same kind of organizational skills that a woman needs to run a household. Consequently, Socialist feminists claim that the labour of women in the domestic realm serves not only the interests of specific families but also the interests of capitalism in that the family reproduces the attitudes and capabilities needed to enter into the wage labour force (Madsen: 184). Socialist feminists also claim that womens liberation is an unrealizable goal in a capitalist society because capitalism is structured around maintaining specific sex-roles, a traditional definition of family and the womens unpaid domestic and reproductive labour. They think that social and economic institutions need to be transformed, for example the family and capitalist economic system. In fact, socialist feminists view the sexual division of labour as helping to create and maintain gender, by perpetuating a gender division of labour. As Hartman says, The strict division of labour by sex, a social invention common to all known societies, creates two very separate genders and a need for men and women to get together for economic relations (Mclaren: 10). The sexual division of labour takes place both within the home and in the public sector. In the domestic sphere, the sexual division of labour includes

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reproductive works such as bearing and rearing children and other household tasks such as shopping, cooking and cleaning etc. In the public sphere, the sexual division of labour includes divisions along traditional gender lines. This sexual division of labour creates and reinforces gender differences. These gender differences are perpetuated through various reasons like traditional family arrangements, including women as primary care-taker of children, and womens economic dependence on men etc. Collectivity of oppression is the fundamental assumption of socialist feminism. The social class structure is seen to be inseparable from gender divisions: just as the rich oppress the poor, so men oppress women and this is not something that can easily be blamed on the individual man who oppresses the individual woman. This collective oppression of all women by men is the effect of culture or the social relations which define the existence of human beings as gendered individuals. According to socialists the social changes could come only by changing the economic system of society because they pointed out that woman workers are being exploited because they often earn very little compared to male. So they have to be dependent on the male in the society. Thats why, a change in socio-economic is necessary before any significant change in gender relations can be brought about. As Nancy Hartsock claims Since we do not act to produce and reproduce our lives in a vacuum, changed consciousness and changed definition of the self can only occur in conjunction with a restructuring of the social (both societal and personal) relations in which each of us is involved (Madsen: 185). Socialist feminists represent not only female oppression but also the entire oppressive patriarchal power structure by exposing the male domination, especially in relation to capitalist mode of production. They see a close relationship between capitalism and patriarchy to create sexual difference and they believe that both capitalism and patriarchy are the sources of womens oppression. Therefore according to Marxist/Socialist feminists, the way to end womens oppression is to kill the two headed beast of capitalist patriarchy or patriarchal system (Tong: 5). Actually they seem to be engaged in a double assault on both capitalism and patriarchy. In the text Womens Estate, Mitchell claimed that womens condition is determined not only by the structures of production (as Marxist Feminist think), by the structures of reproduction and sexuality (as Radical Feminist believe), and by the changing legal structure (as Liberal Feminists argue), she stressed that womans status and function must change in all of these structures if woman want to achieve full liberation (Tong: 5). Shashi Deshpande, Toni Morrison are those feminists who honoured but parochial traditional ideas which did not permit equal various strata of society. They depict the alienation of women in their world. In most of the cases, their women characters suffer submission and helplessness in rigid patriarchal system. In this dissertation, various themes and techniques employed Deshpande and Morrison have been discussed in detail and women central in almost all themes. 2nd and 3rd chapters deal with the situation women in the middle and lower classes of society, deal with the condition of women in traditional patriarchal system where they

are the and through Morrison and of depicts

helpless creatures who spend their lives in making compromises adjustments. In such a suffocating ambience, their only escape is reverie. The fourth chapter deals with the artistry of Deshpande and as applied in their novels. This chapter, on one hand, deals with the style techniques used by both writers - their use of symbols, imagery; their art narration and other structural aspects of novels and on other hand, it conclusion.

Works Cited
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