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Lakshya JEE Advanced (2025) : Abhedya

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Lakshya JEE Advanced (2025)

Chemistry P-Block
7. XeF6 dissolves in anydrous HF to give a good conducting
Exercise-1 solution which contains:
(b) HF–2 and XeF+5 ions
1. Which of the following statements is correct for the oxides
of nitrogen? (c) HXeF6+ and F– ions
(a) Dinitrogen trioxide dissolves in potassium hydroxide (d) none of these
forming potassium nitrate.
(b) Aqueous solution of nitrogen dioxide behaves both as MULTIPLE CORRECT TYPE QUESTIONS
a reducing agent and as an oxidising agent.
8. As, Sb and Bi show lesser tendency to form negative ions
(c) Nitrous oxide is fairly soluble in cold water and turns
blue litmus red. of the type M3–. This is because:
(d) Nitrogen dioxide is not an acidic oxide. (a) These elements are less electronegative.
2. In which of the following option product gas X and Y (other (b) Metallic character increases down the group.
than water vapour) are same? (c) They are unable to hold the added electrons due to inert
(a) Mg2C3 + H2O → X; Al4C3 + H2O → Y pair effect.
(b) NH4NO3  ∆
→ X; (NH 4)2Cr2O7 

→Y (d) They do not possess half filled np subshells.
(c) NH4Cl → X;
NaOH (aq.) NaNO3 → Y
Al / NaOH (aq.)
9. Select the correct statement:
(d) Zn + dil.HNO3 → X; Ag + dil HNO3 → Y (a) Ostwald’s method of preparation of HNO3 is based upon
3. XeF6 on partial hydrolysis with water produces a compound catalytic oxidation of NH3 by atmospheric oxygen.
‘X’. The same compound ‘X’ is formed when XeF6 reacts (b) HNO2 can act as both oxidising and reducing agent.
with silica. The compound ‘X’ is:
(c) NO2 reacts with O3 to form N2O5.
(a) XeO3 (b) XeF4
(d) HNO3 can be used both as oxidising and reducing agent.
(c) XeOF4 (d) XeF2
10. The correct statement(s) is/are:
4. The pair in which phosphorus atoms have a formal oxidation
state of +3 is: (a) The PF6– ion exists.
(a) pyrophosphorous and pyrophosphoric acids (b) The NF6– ion does not exist.
(b) orthophosphorous and pyrophosphorus acids (c) N can form pπ-pπ bonds with itself and with other
(c) pyrophosphorous and hypophosphoric acids elements having small size and high E.N. .
(d) orthophosphorous and hypophosphoric acids (d) The catenation tendency is weaker in N than P.
5. Cl2(g) + Ba(OH)2 → X(aq.) + BaCl2 + H2O 11. Cl2 + NH3(excess) → A + B which of the following
X + H2SO4 → Y + BaSO4 statement is/are correct about product (A) and (B):

Y 
∆ > 365 K
→Z+H O+O (a) One of the product is also obtained by decomposition
2 2
Y and Z are respectively: of (NH4)2Cr2O7.
(a) HClO4, ClO2 (b) HClO3, ClO2 (b) Bond order in one of the product is 3.
(c) HClO3, ClO6 (d) HClO4, Cl2O7 (c) Both products contain chlorine.
6. The correct statement regarding ClOn–, molecular ion is: (d) If Br2 is used instead of Cl2, one of product remain same.
(a) On decreasing value of ‘n’, ‘Cl-O’ bond order increases 12. Ammonium dichromate on heating liberates a gas. The same
(b) On increasing value of ‘n’, ‘Cl-O’ bond length increases gas will be obtained by:
(c) On increasing value of n, oxidation number of central (a) Heating NaNO2 and NH4Cl.
atom increases (b) Treating H2O2 with NaNO2.
(d) On increasing value of n, no. of hybrid orbitals on central (c) Passing ammonia gas over red hot CuO.
atom increase (d) Treating ammonia with KMnO4 in neutral medium.

13. Which of the following ions dissolve in excess of aq. NH3? 21. How is H2S prepared in laboratory?
(a) Al3+ (b) Cu2+ (c) Ag+ (d) Zn2+ (a) FeS + H2SO4(dil.)
14. Which of the following is/are incorrect statement(s) for (b) FeSO4 + H2SO4
phosphine? (c) FeS + HCl
(a) It is less basic than NH3.
(d) Elemental H2 + elemental S8
(b) It is less poisonous than NH3.
22. The correct statements(s) regarding hydrides (H2E) of
(c) The solution of copper sulphate gives no precipitate
group-16 is/are :
with PH3.
(a) The acidic character increases from H2O to H2Te.
(d) Phosphine burns in air forming predominantly H3PO4.
(b) The bond (H-E) dissociation enthalpy decreases down
15. In which of the following case disproportionation reaction the group.
take place? (c) The thermal stability of hydrides decreases down the
(a) F2 + Hot water → products group.
(b) Cl2 + Cold and dilute NaOH → products (d) The reducing character of hydrides increases down the
(c) Cl2 + Hot and conc. NaOH → products group.
(d) Cl2 + NH3(excess) → products 23. Select the correct statement(s) regarding reaction of SO2
16. Consider the following reactions (molar ratio given in with PCl5:
brackets): (a) It is a redox reaction.
Xe + F2 → A (b) One of the product is sulphuryl chloride.
2:1 (c) Both the products on addition of water produce strongly
Xe + F2 → B acidic solutions.
1 : 20 (d) Both the products have same hybridisation of central
Xe + F2 → C
1:5 24. Which among the following is/are peroxo acid(s)?
Select incorrect statements: (a) H2S2O3 (b) H2SO5
(a) A, B and C all are non-polar and planar molecules.
(c) H2 S2 O7 (d) H2S2O8
(b) B has no lone pair of electrons.
(c) The order of Xe-F bond length is A > C > B. COMPREHENSION BASED QUESTIONS
(d) A, B and C can behave as F– donors.
Comprehension–1 (Q. No. 25 to 26): An inorganic iodide (A)
17. Which of the following salts will evolve halogen on treatment on heating gives gases (B) and (C). (B) is neutral towards litmus
with conc. H2SO4? while (C) is acidic.(B) gives back dense white fumes of (A) when
(a) NaCl (b) KI cooled with (C). (A) functions as a strong acid in water. (C) is also
(c) NaBr (d) None of these obtained by action of (D) on water. (D) can be obtained when (B)
reacts with I2 in presence of anhydrous CaCl2. (B) is poisonous,
18. Which of the following statement are true regarding has smell of rotten fish and it is sparingly soluble in water.
25. The compound (A):
(a) Thermal stability order IF > BrF > ClF.
(b) Hydrolysis of IF7 produces H5IO6 and HF as products. (a) Turns moist red litmus blue.
(c) Interhalogen compounds are diamagnetic in nature. (b) Reacts completely with water.
(d) IF7 have pentagonal bipyramidal structure. (c) Is used as a dehydrating agent.
19. Which of the following inert gas(es) form(s) clathrate (d) All of these.
compound(s) with quinol? 26. What is true about compound (D)?
(a) Helium (b) Xenon
(a) The oxidation number of central atom of (D) is + IV.
(c) Krypton (d) Neon
(b) Compound (D) produces a yellow precipitate with silver
20. Which of the following statements(s) is /are true for XeF6? nitrate solution.
(a) Its partial hydrolysis gives XeOF4.
(c) Compound (D) dissolves in water forming an acid which
(b) Its reaction with silica gives XeOF4 with sodium hydroxide forms three series of salts.
(c) It is prepared by the reaction of XeF4 and O2F2.
(d) Both (b) and (c).
(d) Its reaction with XeO3 gives XeOF4.

Comprehension–2 (Q. No. 27 to 28): Oxygen differs from the 30. Match the oxy-acids of phosphorus listed in Column-I with
other elements of the group. Compounds of oxygen with metals type of bond(s) listed in Column-II:
are more ionic in nature. Oxygen is normally divalent because
Column-I Column-II
when it has formed two covalent bonds, there are no low energy
orbitals which can be used to form further bonds. However, the (Oxy acids of (Characteristic bonds)
elements S, Se, Te and Po have empty d-orbitals which may phosphorus)
be used for bonding, and they can form four or six bonds by A. H4P2O7 p. P—P bond (s)
unpairing electrons. The higher oxidation states become less B. H4P2O5 q. P—O—P bond (s)
stable on descending the group.
C. H3P3O9 r. P—H bond (s)
The bond between S and O, or Se and O, are much shorter than
might be expected for a single bond owing to pπ – dπ interaction D. H4P2O6 s. Three or four P—OH bonds
between the p–orbital of oxygen and d - orbital of S or Se. (a) A → q, r; B → p, s; C → q, s; D → p
27. Which of the following statement is incorrect? (b) A → q; B → p, r; C → q, s; D → q, s
(a) Oxo-anions of sulphur have little tendency to polymerise (c) A → q, s; B → q, r; C → q, s; D → p, s
compared with the phosphates and silicates. (d) A → q, s; B → q; C → q, s; D → p, r
31. All the compounds listed in Column-I react with water.
(b) In pyrosulphurous acid (H2S2O5), the oxidation states of Match the result of the respective reactions with the
both the sulphur atoms are not same, they are +5 and +3. appropriate options listed in Column-II:
(c) Concentrated HNO3 oxidises both sulphur and selenium Column-I Column-II
to H2SO4 (+6) and H2SeO4 (+6) respectively.
A. (CH3)2SiCl2 p. Hydrogen halide formation
(d) Most metal oxides are ionic and basic in nature while non-
metallic oxides are usually covalent and acidic in nature. B. XeF4 q. Redox reaction
C. Cl2 r. Reacts with glass
28. Which one of the following orders represents the correct
order for the properties indicated against them? D. VCl5 s. Polymerization
(a) H2O < H2S < H2Se < H2Te – acidic character. t. O2 formation
(b) H2O < H2S < H2Se < H2Te – thermal stability. (a) A → p, s; B → p, q, r, t; C → p, q; D → p
(c) H2S > H2Se < H2Te < H2O – reducing character. (b) A → p; B → p, q, r, t; C → p, q; D → p, s
(d) H2S < H2Se < H2O < H2Te – boiling point. (c) A → p, q, r, t; B → p, s; C → p, q; D → p
(d) A → p, q; B → p, q, r, t; C → p, s; D → p
32. Match the compounds listed in column-I with characteristic(s)
type of reaction(s) listed in column-II:
29. Match the reactions listed in column-I with characteristic(s)/
Column-I Column-II
type of reactions listed in column-II:
A. XeF2 p. Undergoes hydrolysis with water.
Column-I Column-II
B. XeF4 q. Acts as oxidising agent.
A. PCl 
→ p. Hydrolysis C. XeF6 r. Undergoes addition reaction.
D. XeO3 s. Has lone pair(s) of electrons.
B. P4 + NaOH (conc.) + q. At least one of the t. Gives disproportionation reaction
H2O Warm
→ products has sp3 with H2O or OH–.
(a) A → p, q, r, s, t; B → p, q, r, s; C → p, q, r, s; D → q, s, t
C. H PO 
200ºC r. Disproportionation (b) A → p, q, r, s; B → q, r, s; C → p, q, r, s; D → p, q, r, s, t
3 3 →
(c) A → p, q, r, s; B → p, q, r, s; C → p, q, r, s, t; D → q, s, t
D. P O + H O
→ s. At least one of the (d) A → p, q, r, s; B → p, q, r, s, t; C → p, q, r, s; D → q, s, t
4 6 2
products has pπ–dπ
33. Below reaction sequence illustrates the various stages of
(a) A → p, q, s; B → p, q, s; C → q, r; D → p, q, r, s reduction of nitric acid where x, y, z, t are the number of
electrons involved in the reduction of 1 mole N-atoms.
(b) A → p, q, s; B → p, q, r, s; C → q, r, s; D → p, q, r, s
HNO3  –
→ NO2  −
→ NO  −

xe ye ze
(c) A → p, s; B → p, q, r, s; C → q, r, s; D → p, q, s
N2O → NH3
(d) A → p, r, s; B → p, q, r, s; C → q, r, s; D → p, q, r, s − te

Find the value of (2x + y + 3z – t).

34. A gas (P) is obtained at anode during the electrolysis of 40. Find the total no. of oxoacids containing S–S linkage.
brine. The gas (P) when treated with excess of NH3 released
H2S2O3, H2S2O4, H2S2O5, H2S2O6, H2S4O6, H2S2O7, H2S2O8
a diatomic gas (Q). Find the value of (x – y) where x & y
are the molar mass of (P) and (Q). 41. Sulphur can form dihalide, tetrahalide and hexahalide with
35. Find number of moles of NaOH required for complete fluorine. One mole of each of these three compounds is
mixed with water. The total number of moles of product
neutralisation of H + in solution which is formed by
molecules obtained is____. If no reaction occurs, count zero.
hydrolysis of 1 mole of PCl5.
36. In phosphorus acid, if X is number of non-bonding electron 42. NH3, N2H4, HN3, PH3, H2S, AsH3, SbH3, H2Se, H2Te
pairs, Y is number of σ-bonds and Z is number of π-bonds. Find number of molecules in which lone pair of electrons
Then calculate value of ‘‘Y × Z – X’’ . on the central atom is present in pure s-orbital.
43. Aqueous solution of how many of the following species turn
37. The general formula of polythionate ion is Sn + 2O62–. If
blue litmus red?
average oxidation state of ‘S’ atom in any polythionate ion is
equal to bond order of ‘S–O’ bond, then calculate the value (i) SF4 (ii) PCl3
of ‘n’ for the corresponding polythionate ion. (iii) N2O (iv) NO2Cl
(v) SF6 (vi) TeF6
38. Consider the following molecule: (vii) AsCl3 (viii) POCl3
(ix) SO2 (x) SO2Cl2
S S (xi) SOCl2 (xii) COCl2
(xiii) CCl4
44. Xe + O2F2 (A) + (B)
Calculate value of p ÷ q, here p and q are total number of (B) + (C) + Xe
dπ – pπ bonds and total number of sp3–hybridised atoms
Find the summation of total no. of lone pairs and σ bonds
respectively in given molecule. in in species (A, B and C).
39. When the compound (X) is treated with sodium iodate
and hydrochloric acid, a violet coloured substance (Z) is
produced. The violet colour of (Z) disappears when treated
with the compound (A), producing (X) and (X'). (A) is
produced by reaction between sulphur and sodium sulphite.
Find the maximum number of bonds between identical atoms
having equal bond length in the compound (X').

1. The order of the oxidation state of the phosphorus 8. Select correct statement(s) about:
atom in H3PO2, H3PO4, H3PO3 and H4P2O6 is
(a) H3PO4 > H3PO2 > H3PO3 > H4P2O6
(b) H3PO4 > H4P2O6 > H3PO3 > H3PO2
(c) H3PO2 > H3PO3 > H4P2O6 > H3PO4
(d) PO3 > H3PO2 > H3PO4 > H4P2O6
(a) All the boron atoms are in sp2 hybridisation
2. The product formed in the reaction of SOCl2 with (b) It is planar
white phosphorus is (c) It is trimetaborate ion
(a) PCl3 (b) SO2Cl2 (d) It is isostructural with Si3O96– type silicate
(c) SCl2 (d) POCl3
9. On addition of cis 1-2 diol in the aq. solution of boric
3. Which one of the following represents correct order acid:
of ionization energy? (a) H+ ion concentration increases
(b) H+ ion concentration decreases
(a) B > Al ≈ Ga < In > Tl
(b) B > Al ≈ Ga > In > Tl
(c) B < Al > Ga < In > Tl (c)
(d) B < Al > Ga < In < Tl
(d) BO33− is formed
4. B3N3H6 solution of hydrochloric acid ⟶?
Select correct about above reaction. 10. Which of the following property of lead is due to the
(a) No reaction consequence of inert pair effect?
(b) B3N3H6 shows substitution reaction and (a) Higher stability of Pb4+ as compared to Pb2+
produces B3N3Cl6 (b) Higher stability of Pb2+ as compared to Sn2+
(c) B3N3H6 shows addition reaction and produces (c) Size of Pb2+ is 133pm but size of Pb4+ is 84pm
B3N3H9Cl3 in which Cl is bonded to boron (d) Pb4+ has oxidizing property
(d) B3N3H6 shows addition reaction and produces
B3N3H9Cl3 in which Cl is bonded to nitrogen 11. Which of the following statement is/are incorrect
regarding the compounds of carbon family elements?
5. Which is not hydrolysed? (a) Maximum coordination number of carbon in
commonly occurring compounds is 4, whereas
(a) PbCl4
that of silicon is 6.
(b) SiCl4
(b) The stability order of group 14 dihalides is SiX2
(c) SnCl4
< GeX2 < SnX2 < PbX2.
(d) CCl4 (c) The order of boiling point of hydrides of group
14 element is CH4 < SiH4 < GeH4 < SnH4.
6. Lead pipes are readily corroded by (d) MeSiCl3 on hydrolysis and subsequent
(a) dil. H2SO4 condensation will produce (Me)Si(OH)3
(b) conc. H2SO4
(c) acetic acid 12. Carbon differs from the rest of the family members
(d) water because of
(a) number of unpaired electrons in the valence
7. Identify the correct statement with respect to CO. shell
(a) It combines with water to give carbonic acid (b) small size
(c) non-availability of vacant orbitals in valence
(b) It reacts with haemoglobin in red blood cells
(c) It is a powerful oxidising agent
(d) non-availability of d-orbital in valence shell
(d) It is used to prepare aerated drinks

INTEGER VALUE TYPE QUESTION 15. Total number of oxygen atom(s) which act(s) as
13. Total number of substances which contains bridge between any two silicon atoms in a mineral
hexagonal planar rings in their structures graphite, with composition MM' Si3Ox (M= divalent metal ion
(BN)x, B3N3H6, C6H6, B2H6, H3P3O9: and M' = tetravalent metal ion).

14. Find the number of properties which is/are correctly 16. What is the percentage of lead in lead pencil?
related to graphite.
(i) Thermodynamically most stable allotropes of 17. In the compound Na2[B4O5(OH)4]⋅8H2O, if the
carbon. (i) number of B-O-B bonds is 'x'
(ii) Highest thermal conductivity among all (ii) number of B-B bonds is 'y'
allotropes of carbon. (iii) number of sp2 hybridized B atoms is ‘z’
(iii) Lowest electrical resistance among all Calculate the value of x + y + z.
allotropes of carbon.
(iv) C-C covalent bond length is higher as compared
to diamond.
(v) Hexagonal rings in structure.
(vi) Football like molecule.

Exercise-3 (Advanced/Olympiad) 4. How long (in days) does it take in order to lower the initial
radioactivity to 10–3 times of the initial value? (Divide final
PASSAGE-I answer by 2) (Integer Type)
Upon heating of a mixture of A and fluorine (molar ratio 1:9, 5. Data: For H3PO4: pK1 = 2.2; pK2 = 7.2; pK3 = 12.4
pressure approximately 1 MPa) to 900°C three compounds (B, Solubility product of Mg(NH4)PO4: pKsp = 12.6
C and D) are formed. All three products are crystalline solids
at ambient temperature with melting points below 150°C. The Equilibrium concentration of NH+4 = 0.1 mol dm-3
fluorine content of C is found to be 36.7% and that of D 46.5% Calculate the solubility (in terms of 10 –6 mol/dm3) for
(by weight). When B is treated with anhydrous HOSO2F at –75°C Mg(NH4)PO4 at pH equal to 10 under idealized conditions
a compound E is formed: (activity coefficients can be neglected). (Integer Type)
B + HOSO2F → E + HF
E is a solid which is stable for weeks at 0°C, but decomposes in PASSAGE-III
days at room temperature. Element A belongs to noble gas family. Sulphur dioxide is removed from waste gases of coal power stations
1. When 450.0 mg of C was treated with an excess of mercury, by washing with aqueous suspensions of calcium carbonate or
53.25 ml of A was liberated at a pressure of 101.0 kPa and calcium hydroxide. The residue formed is recovered.
a temperature of 25 °C. Calculate the relative atomic mass 6. How many kilograms of calcium carbonate are daily
(in g/mol) of A. (Integer Type) consumed to remove 95 % of the sulphur dioxide if
2. Identify A, B, C, D and E. 10000 m3/h of waste gas (corrected to 0 °C and standard
pressure) containing 0.15 % sulphur dioxide by volume are
3. The original mixture was hydrolysed in water. B reacts to
processed? (Upto one decimal place)
A di-oxygen and producing aqueous hydrogen fluoride.
Hydrolysis of C leads to A and oxygen (in molar ratio of 7. How many kilograms of gypsum are recovered thereby?
4 : 3) and yields an aqueous solution of AO3 and hydrogen  (Upto one decimal place)
fluoride. D hydrolyses to an aqueous solution of AO3 and 8. Assuming that the sulphur dioxide is not being removed and
hydrogen fluoride. equally spread in an atmospheric liquid water pool of 5000 m3
Quantitative hydrolysis of a mixture of B, C and D gives and fully returned on earth as rain, what is the expected pH
60.2 ml of gas (measured at 290 K and 100 kPa). The oxygen of the condensed water? (ka , H2SO3 = 10–2.25)
content of this gas is 40.0% (by volume). The amount of  (Integer Type)
AO3 dissolved in water is titrated with an aqueous 0.1 molar
FeSO4 solution and 36.0 ml used thereby. During the titration PASSAGE-IV
Fe2+ is oxidized to Fe3+ and AO3 is reduced to A. Calculate The yellow binary compound X1 was completely dissolved in
the composition (% by moles) of the original mixture concentrated nitric acid by heating, the gas evolved is 1.586 times
of B, C and D as a, b, g respectively. Find the value of denser than air. Upon adding an excess of barium chloride to the
104(a + b + g) (Integer Type) solution formed a white solid X2 precipitates. It was filtered. The
filtrate reacts with an excess of silver sulfate solution forming
PASSAGE-II a precipitate of two solids X2 and X3, also separated from
32P labelled phosphorus pentachloride (half-life t
1/2 = 14.3 days) is
solution by filtration. To the new filtrate the solution of sodium
used to study the electrophilic attack of a PCl4+cation on nitrogen hydroxide was being added drop-wise until the solution became
or on oxygen nearly neutral (about pH 7). At this time a yellow powder X4
O O Cl O (77.31 wt.% of Ag) crystallized from the solution. The mass of
Cl Cl Cl Cl
P P + PCl5 P P + POCl3 + HCl X4 is nearly 2.4 times larger than that the mass of the first portion
Cl N Cl Cl N Cl of X2.
9. Determine the chemical formulae of X1 – X4.
The reaction is carried out in CCl4 and the solvent and product IV
10. Predict the products of X1 interaction with:
distilled off. Samples of III (remaining in the distillation flask),
(a) excess oxygen;
of IV (in the distillate) and samples of the starting material II are
hydrolyzed by heating with a strong sodium hydroxide solution. (b) excess of hot concentrated sulfuric acid;
The phosphate ions formed are precipitated as ammonium (c) solid KClO3 with grinding.
magnesium phosphate. Purified samples of the three precipitates Write down the equations of the reactions.
are then dissolved by known volumes of water and the radioactivity

Exercise-4 (PYQ's) 11. A pale blue liquid obtained by reacting equimolar mixture of two
gases at –30oC is (IIT JEE 2005)
GROUP-15, 16 (NITROGEN AND (a) N2O (b) N2O3 (c) N2O4 (d) N2O5

OXYGEN FAMILY) 12. Which of the following isomers of phosphorus is thermodynamically

most stable? (IIT JEE 2005)
Single Correct (a) Red (b) White (c) Black (d) Yellow
1. The order of the oxidation state of the phosphorus atom in H3PO2, 13. Which of the following has –O – O – linkage? (IIT JEE 2004)
H3PO4, H3PO3 and H4P2O6 is (a) H2S2O6 (b) H2S2O8
 C-76.58 W-16.77 UA-6.66 (JEE Adv. 2017)
(c) H2S2O3 (d) H2S4O6
(a) H3PO4 > H3PO2 > H3PO3 > H4P2O6
14. For H3PO3 and H3PO4 , the correct choice is (IIT JEE 2003)
(b) H3PO4 > H4P2O6 > H3PO3 > H3PO2
(a) H3PO3 is dibasic and reducing
(c) H3PO2 > H3PO3 > H4P2O6 > H3PO4
(b) H3PO3 is dibasic and non–reducing
(d) H3PO3 > H3PO2 > H3PO4 > H4P2O6 (c) H3PO4 is tribasic and reducing
2. The product formed in the reaction of SOCl2 with white phosphorus (d) H3PO3 is tribasic and non–reducing
is  C-35.57 W- 42.81 UA-21.62 (JEE Adv. 2014) 15. Polyphosphates are used as water softening agents because they
(a) PCl3 (b) SO2Cl2 (c) SCl2 (d) POCl3  (IIT JEE 2002)
3. The reaction of white phosphorus with aqueous NaOH gives (a) form soluble complexes with anionic species
phosphine along with another phosphorus containing compound. (b) precipitate anionic species
The reaction type, the oxidation states of phosphorus in phosphine (c) form soluble complexes with cationic species
and the other product respectively are
(d) precipitate cationic species
 C-0 W-0 UA-0 (IIT JEE 2012)
(a) redox reaction, –3 and –5 16. The number of S – S bonds in sulphur trioxide trimer, (S3O9) is
 (IIT JEE 2001)
(b) redox reaction, +3 and +5
(c) disproportionation reaction, –3 and +5 (a) three (b) two (c) one (d) zero
(d) disproportionation reaction, –3 and +3 17. Ammonia can be dried by (IIT JEE 2000)
4. Which ordering of compounds is according to the decreasing order (a) conc. H2SO4 (b) P4O10
of the oxidation state of nitrogen?  (c) CaO (d) anhydrous CaCl2
 C-48.31 W-38.15 UA-13.54 (IIT JEE 2012) 18. Amongst H2O, H2S, H2Se and H2Te, the one with the highest
(a) HNO3, NO, NH4Cl, N2 (b) HNO3, NO, N2, NH4Cl boiling point is (IIT JEE 2000)
(c) HNO3, NH4Cl, NO, N2 (d) NO, HNO3, NH4Cl, N2 (a) H2O because of hydrogen bonding
5. Extra pure N2 can be obtained by heating (IIT JEE 2011) (b) H2 Te because of higher molecular weight
(a) NH3 with CuO (b) NH4NO3 (c) H2S because of hydrogen bonding
(c) (NH4)2Cr2O7 (d) Ba(N3)2 (d) H2Se because of lower molecular weight
19. The number of P – O – P bonds in cyclic metaphosphoric acid is
6. The reaction of P4 with X leads selectively to P4O6. The X, is
(IIT JEE 2000)
(IIT JEE 2009)
(a) zero (b) two (c) three (d) four
(a) dry O2
20. One mole of calcium phosphide on reaction with excess water gives
(b) a mixture of O2 and N2
(a) one mole of phosphine (IIT JEE 1999)
(c) moist O2
(b) two moles of phosphoric acid
(d) O2 in the presence of aqueous NaOH
(c) two moles of phosphine
7. White phosphorus on reaction with NaOH gives PH3 as one of the (d) one mole of phosphorus pentoxide
products. This is a (IIT JEE 2008) 21. Sodium thiosulphate is prepared by (IIT JEE 1996)
(a) Dimerisation reaction (b) Disproportionation reaction (a) reducing Na2SO4 solution with H2S
(c) condensation reaction (d) Precipitation reaction (b) boiling Na2SO3 solution with S in alkaline medium
8. The percentage of p–character in the orbitals forming P–P bonds (c) neutralising H2S2O3 solution with NaOH
in P4 is  (IIT JEE 2007) (d) boiling Na2SO3 solution with S in acidic medium
(a) 25 (b) 33 (c) 75 (d) 50 22. There is no S—S bond in (IIT JEE 1991)
9. Which of the following is not oxidized by O3? (IIT JEE 2005) (a) S2O2–4 (b) S O
2 5
2– (c) S O
2 3
2– (d) S2O72–
(a) KI (b) FeSO4 23. Which one of the following is the strongest base?(IIT JEE 1989)
(c) KMnO4 (d) K2MnO4 (a) AsH3 (b) NH3 (c) PH3 (d) SbH3
24. Amongst the trihalides of nitrogen, which one is least basic?
10. Which gas is evolved when PbO2 is treated with concentrated
(IIT JEE 1987)
HNO3? (IIT JEE 2005)
(a) NF3 (b) NCl3 (c) NBr3 (d) NI3
(a) NO2 (b) O2 (c) N2 (d) N2O

25. Which of the following oxides of nitrogen is a coloured gas? 36. Nitrogen (I) oxide is produced by (IIT JEE 1989)
(IIT JEE 1987) (a) thermal decomposition of NH4NO3
(a) N2O (b) NO (c) N2O4 (d) NO2 (b) disproportionation of N2O4
26. The bonds present in N2O5 are (IIT JEE 1986) (c) thermal decomposition of NH4NO2
(a) only ionic (b) covalent and coordinate (d) interaction of hydroxylamine and nitrous acid
(c) only covalent (d) covalent and ionic Assertion Reason/Statement Based
27. A gas that cannot be collected over water is (IIT JEE 1985)
Read the following questions and answer as per the direction given below:
(a) N2 (b) O2 (c) SO2 (d) PH3
(a) Statement-I is correct; Statement-II is correct Statement-II is the
28. Which of the following is incorrect statement? (IIT JEE 1978) correct explanation of Statement-I
(a) NO is heavier than O2 (b) Statement-I is correct; Statement-II is correct Statement-II is not
(b) The formula of heavy water is D2O the correct explanation of Statement-I
(c) N2 diffuses faster than oxygen through an orifice (c) Statement-I is correct; Statement-II is incorrect
(d) NH3 can be used as a refrigerant (d) Statement-I is incorrect; Statement-II is correct
Multiple Correct 37. Statement-I: Nitrogen and oxygen are the main components in
29. The correct statement(s) related to oxoacids of phosphorous is(are): the atmosphere but these do not react to form oxides of nitrogen.
 Statement-II: The reaction between nitrogen and oxygen requires
 C-14.29 W-27.82 UA- 14.88 PC-43.0 (JEE Adv. 2021) high temperature. (IIT JEE 1998)
(a) Upon heating, H3PO3 undergoes a disproportionation reaction 38. Statement-I: The electronic structure of O3 is
to produce H3PO4 and PH3. ⊕
(b) While H3PO3 can act as a reducing agent, H3PO4 cannot. O
(c) H3PO3 is a monobasic acid. O O
(d) The H atom of the P–H bond in H3PO3 is not ionizable in
water. Statement-II: The following structure is not allowed because octet
around O cannot be expanded. (IIT JEE 1998)
30. The compound(s) which generate(s) N 2 gas upon thermal
decomposition below 300°C is (are) O
 C-22.33 W-51.81 UA-12.69 PC-13.17 (JEE Adv. 2018)
(a) NH4NO3 (b) (NH4)2Cr2O7 O O
(c) Ba(N3)2 (d) Mg3N2 39. Statement-I: HNO3 is a stronger acid than HNO2.
31. Based on the compounds of group 15 elements, the correct Statement-II: In HNO3, there are two nitrogen to oxygen bonds
statement(s) is (are) whereas in HNO2 there is only one. (IIT JEE 1998)
 C-15.58 W-34.55 UA-7.03 PC-42.84 (JEE Adv. 2018) 40. Statement-I: Although PF 5, PC1 5 and PBr 5 arc known, the
(a) Bi2O5 is more basic thin N2O5 pentahalides of nitrogen have not been observed.
(b) NF3 is more covalent than BiF3 Statement-II: Phosphorus has lower electronegativity than
(c) PH3 boils at lower temperature than NH3 nitrogen. (IIT JEE 1994)
(d) The N—N single bond is stronger than the P—P single bond
Comprehension/Passage Based
32. The nitrogen containing compound produced in the reaction of Passage-I
HNO3 with P4O10

Upon heating KClO3 in presence of catalytic amount of MnO2,
 C-7.39 W-29.88 UA-49.05 PC-13.69 (JEE Adv. 2016)
a gas W is formed. Excess amount of W reacts with white
(a) can also be prepared by reaction of P4 and HNO3 phosphorus to give X. The reaction of X with pure HNO3 gives
(b) is diamagnetic Y and Z.
(c) contains one N—N bond
41. Y and Z are, respectively
(d) reacts with Na metal producing a brown gas
 C-38.28 W-60.13 UA-1.59 (JEE Adv. 2017)
33. The correct statement(s) about O3 is/are
(a) N2O4 and HPO3 (b) N2O4 and H3PO3
 C-21.07 W-66.11 UA-12.83 (JEE Adv. 2013)
(c) N2O3 and H3PO4 (d) N2O5 and HPO3
(a) O—O bond lengths are equal
(b) thermal decomposition of O3 is endothermic 42. W and X are, respectively
(c) O3 is diamagnetic in nature  C-58.39 W-40.44 UA-1.16 (JEE Adv. 2017)
(d) O3 has a bent structure (a) O2 and P4O10 (b) O2 and P4O6
34. Ammonia, on reaction with hypochlorite anion, can form (c) O3 and P4O6 (d) O3 and P4O10
 (IIT JEE 1999) Passage-II
(a) NO (b) NH4Cl (c) N2H4 (d) HNO2 There are some deposits of nitrates and phosphates in earth’s
35. White phosphorus (P4) has (IIT JEE 1998) crust. Nitrates are more soluble in water. Nitrates are difficult to
(a) six P—P single bonds reduce under the laboratory conditions but microbes do it easily.
Ammonia forms large number of complexes with transition metal
(b) four P—P single bonds
ions. Hybridisation easily explains the ease of sigma donation
(c) four lone pairs of electrons capability of NH3 and PH3. Phosphine is a flammable gas and is
(d) P—P—P angle of 60° prepared from white phosphorus.

43. Among the following, the correct statement is (IIT JEE 2008) Numerical/Integer Types
(a) Phosphates have no biological significance in humans 48. Among B2H6, B3N3H6, N2O, N2O4, H2S2O3 and H2S2O8, the total
(b) Between nitrates and phosphates, phosphates are less abundant number of molecules containing covalent bond between two atoms
in earth’s crust of the same kind is .......... C-32 W-60 UA-8 (JEE Adv. 2019)
(c) Between nitrates and phosphates, nitrates arc less abundant
49. The amount of water produced (in g) in the oxidation of 1 mole of
tn earth’s crust
rhombic sulphur by cone. HNO3 to a compound with the highest
(d) Oxidation of nitrates is possible in soil
oxidation state of sulphur is .......
44. Among the following, the correct statement is (IIT JEE 2008) (Given data : Molar mass of water = 18 g mol–1)
(a) Between NH3 and PH3, NH3 is a better electron donor because  C-5.1 W-73.72 UA-21.18 (JEE Adv. 2019)
the lone pair of electrons occupies spherical ‘s’ orbital and is
50. The total number of compounds having at least one bridging oxo
less directional
group among the molecules given below is
(b) Between NH3 and PH3, PH3 is a better electron donor because
the lone pair of electrons occupies sp3-orbital and is more N2O3, N2O5, P4O6, P4O7, H4P2O5, H5P3O10, H2S2O3, H2S2O5
directional C-50.65 W-42.99 UA-6.37 (JEE Adv. 2018)
(c) Between NH3 and PH3, NH3 is a better electron donor because 51. The total number of lone pair of electrons in N2O3 is
the lone pair of electrons occupies sp3-orbital and is more (JEE Adv. 2015)
directional 52. Among the following, the number of compounds that can react
(d) Between NH3 and PH3, PH3 is a better electron donor because with PCl5 to give POCl3 is O2, CO2, SO2, H2O, H2SO4, P4O10.
the lone pair of electrons occupies spherical ‘s’ orbital and is
(IIT JEE 2011)
less directional
53. The total number of diprotic acids among the following is
45. White phosphorus on reaction with NaOH gives PH3 as one of the
H3PO4, H2SO4, H3PO3, H2CO3, H2S2O7, H3BO3, H3PO2, H2CrO4,
products. This is a (IIT JEE 2008)
H2SO3 (IIT JEE 2010)
(a) dimerisation reaction (b) disproportionation reaction
(c) condensation reaction (d) precipitation reaction Fill in the Blanks
54. The lead chamber process involves oxidation of SO2 by atomic
Match the Column oxygen under the influence of _____ as catalyst.(IIT JEE 1992)
46. Match the reactions (in the given stoichiometry of the reactants) 55. In P4O10, the number of oxygen atoms bonded to each phosphorus
in List-I with one of their products given in List-II and choose the atom is_____ (IIT JEE 1992)
correct option. C-47.74 W-35.38 UA-16.88 (JEE Adv. 2023)
56. The basicity of phosphorus acid (H3PO3) is _____.
List-I List-II  (IIT JEE 1990)
A. P2O3 + 3H2O → I. P ( O ) ( O C H 3) 57. ____ phosphorus is reactive because of its highly strained
Cl2 tetrahedral structure. (IIT JEE 1987)
B. P4 + 3NaOH + 3H2O → II. H3PO3
C. PCl5 + CH3COOH → III. PH3
58. Nitric oxide, though an odd electron molecule, is diamagnetic in
D. H3PO2 + 2H2O + 4AgNO3 → IV. POCl3 liquid state. (IIT JEE 1991)
V. H3PO4 59. The H – N – H bond angle in NH3 is greater than the H – As – H
bond angle in AsH3. (IIT JEE 1984)
(a) A-II; B-III; C-I; D-V (b) A-III; B-V; C-IV; D-II
(c) A-V; B-II; C-I; D-III (d) A-II; B-III; C-IV; D-V 60. In aqueous solution, chlorine is a stronger oxidizing agent than
fluorine. (IIT JEE 1984)
47. The unbalanced chemical reactions given in Column-I show missing
reagent or condition (?) which are provided in Column-II. Match 61. Dilute HCl oxidizes metallic Fe to Fe2+. (IIT JEE 1983)
Column-I with Column-II and select the correct answer using the Subjective
codes given below the Columns. 62. Draw the structure of P4O10.  (IIT JEE 2005)
 C-21.85 W-61.36 UA-16.79 (JEE Adv. 2013)
63. Arrange the following oxides in the increasing order of Bronsted
Column-I Column-II basicity.
Cl2O7, BaO, SO3, CO2, B2O3 (IIT JEE 2004)
P. ? 1. NO
PbO 2 + H 2SO 4  → PbSO 4 + O 2 64. Identify the compounds A, B, C, D
+ Other product Na2CO3 
2 2SO
→ A 3
→ B 
Elemental 'S'
→ C 
→ D

Q. ? 2. I2 and give oxidation state of sulphur in each compound.

NaS2O3 + H 2O  → NaHSO 4
(IIT JEE 2003)
+ Other product
65. Write the balanced equations for the reactions of the following
R. ? 3. Warm compounds with water:
N 2 H 4  → N 2 + Other product
S. ? 4. Cl2 (i)Al4C3 (ii) CaNCN (iii) BF3 (iv) NCl3 (v) XeF4(IIT JEE 2002)
XeF2  → Xe + Other product
66. Give reason(s), why elemental nitrogen exists as a diatomic
(a) P – 4; Q – 2; R – 3; S – 1 (b) P – 3; Q – 2; R – 1; S – 4 molecule whereas elemental phosphorus is a tetra atomic molecule?
(c) P – 1; Q – 4; R – 2; S – 3 (d) P – 3; Q – 4; R – 2; S – 1 (IIT JEE 2002)

67. The Solvay process can be represented by the following scheme. 75. Complete and balance the following reactions.
CaCO3 Ca5(PO4)3F + H2SO4 + H2O → Heat ...+ 5CaSO4 . 2H2O + ...
(IIT JEE 1994)
CaO + CO2 76. In the following reaction, identify the compounds A and B
H2O NH3H2O PCl5 + SO2 → A + B (IIT JEE 1994)
B 77. Complete and balance the following reaction. Red phosphorus is
NaHCO3 + D NaCl reacted with iodine in the presence of water. P + I2 + H2O → ...
+ ... (IIT JEE 1992)
C + H2O 78. Give reasons in two or three sentences only. Sulphur dioxide is a
NH3 + H2O + E more powerful reducing agent in the alkaline medium than in acidic
medium. (IIT JEE 1992)

Identify A, B, C, D and E. (IIT JEE 1999) 79. Draw the two resonance structures of ozone which satisfy the octet
rule. (IIT JEE 1991)
68. (a) In the following equation
   A + 2B + H2O → C + 2D(A = HNO2, B = H2SO3, C = 80. Give reasons in one or two sentences. Ammonium chloride is acidic
NH2OH). in liquid ammonia solvent. (IIT JEE 1991)
   Identify D. Draw the structures of A, B, C and D. 81. Write the balanced chemical equations for the following.
(b) In the contact process for industrial manufacture of sulphuric (i) Sodium nitrite is produced by absorbing the oxides of nitrogen
acid, some amount of sulphuric acid is used as a starting in aqueous solution of washing soda.
material. Explain briefly. What is the catalyst used in the (ii) Nitrogen is obtained in the reaction of aqueous ammonia with
oxidation of SO2? (IIT JEE 1999) potassium permanganate
69. Complete and balance the following chemical equations. (iii) Elemental phosphorus reacts with concentrated HNO3 to give
(i) P4O10 + PCl5 → (ii) SnCl4 + C2H5Cl + Na → phosphoric acid.
(IIT JEE 1998) (iv) Sulphur is precipitated in the reaction of hydrogen sulphide
with sodium bisulphite solution.
70. (a) Thionyl chloride can be synthesized by chlorinating SO2 using
PCl5. Thionyl chloride is used to prepare anhydrous ferric (v) Carbon dioxide is passed through a suspension of limestone
chloride starting from its hexahydrated salt. Alternatively, in water. (IIT JEE 1991)
the anhydrous ferric chloride can also be prepared from its 82. Write the balanced chemical equation for the following reactions.
hexahydrated salt by treating with 2,2 –dimethoxypropane. (i) Aqueous solution of sodium nitrate is heated with zinc dust
Discuss all this using balanced chemical equations. and caustic soda solution.
(b)  Reaction of phosphoric acid with Ca3(PO4)2 yields a fertilizer (ii) Sodium iodate is added to a solution of sodium bisulphite.
“triple superphosphate” that represents the same through a  (IIT JEE 1990)
balanced chemical equation. (IIT JEE 1998)
83. Write the two resonance structures of N2O that satisfy the octet
71. A soluble compound of a poisonous element M, when heated with rule. (IIT JEE 1990)
Zn/H2SO4, gives a colorless and extremely poisonous gaseous
compound N, which on passing through a heated tube gives a 84. Draw balanced equations for
silvery mirror of element M. Identify M and N. (IIT JEE 1997) (i) the preparation of phosphine from CaO and white phosphorus.
72. Write balanced equations for the following. (ii) the preparation of ammonium sulphate from gypsum,
(i) Phosphorus is treated with concentrated nitric acid. ammonia and carbon dioxide. (IIT JEE 1990)
(ii) Oxidation of hydrogen peroxide with potassium permanganate 85. Explain the following
in acidic medium. (i) H3PO3 is a dibasic acid
(iii) Manufacture of phosphoric acid from phosphorus. (ii) Phosphine has a lower boiling point than ammonia.
(iv) Reaction of aluminum with aqueous sodium hydroxide  (IIT JEE 1989)
(IIT JEE 1997) 86. Write the balanced chemical equations for the following.
73. Draw the structure of P4O10 and identify the number of single and (i) Hypophosphorous acid is heated.
double P – O bonds. (IIT JEE 1996) (ii) Sodium chlorate reacts with sulphur dioxide in dilute
74. Account for the following. Write the answers in four or five sulphuric acid medium. (IIT JEE 1989)
sentences only. 87. Arrange the following as indicated. CO2, N2O5, SiO2, SO3 in the
(i) The experimentally determined N – F bond lengths in NF3 order of increasing acidic character.
is greater than the sum of the single bond covalent radii of
88. Give balanced equations for the following.
N and F.
(i) Phosphorus reacts with nitric acid to give an equimolar ratio
(ii) Mg3N2 when reacted with water gives of NH3 but HCl is
of nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide.
not obtained from MgCl2 on reaction with water at room
(ii) Carbon dioxide is passed through a concentrated aqueous
solution of sodium chloride saturated with ammonia.
(iii) (SiH3)3N is a weaker base than (CH3)3N. (IIT JEE 1995)  (IIT JEE 1988)

89. Give reason for “valency of oxygen is generally two, whereas sulfur 101. Explain the following in not more than two sentences.
shows valency of two, four and six.” (IIT JEE 1987) Conc. HNO3 turns yellow in sunlight. (IIT JEE 1980)
90. Explain the following in one or two sentences.
(i) Magnesium oxide is used for the lining of steel making GROUP-17,18 (HALOGENS
furnaces. AND NOBLE GASES)
(ii) The mixture of hydrazine and hydrogen peroxide with a Single Correct
copper (II) catalyst is used as a rocket fuel.
102. The reaction of HClO3 with HCl gives a paramagnetic gas, which
(iii) Orthophosphorous acid is not tribasic acid.
upon reaction with O3 produces:
(iv) The molecule of magnesium chloride is linear, whereas that
 C-23.07 W-40.8 UA-36.14 (JEE Adv. 2022)
of stannous chloride is angular. (IIT JEE 1987)
(a) Cl2O (b) ClO2
91. Write balanced equations for the following.
(c) Cl2O6 (d) Cl2O7
(i) Phosphorus is reacted with boiling aqueous solution of sodium
hydroxide in an inert atmosphere 103. Under ambient conditions, the total number of gases released as products
(ii) Dilute nitric acid is slowly reacted with metallic tin. in the final step of the reaction scheme shown below is
 C-18.11 W-21.87 UA-60.03 (JEE Adv. 2014)
(IIT JEE 1986)
92. Complete and balance the following reactions.
XeF6 
Complete hydrolysis
→ P + Other product
(i) S + OH − → S2 − + S2O32 − + ……
(ii) ClO3− + I − + H 2SO 4 → Cl − + HSO 4− + …… + ……
Slow disproportionation
(IIT JEE 1986) in HO–/H2O
93. Write down the balanced equation for the reactions when Products
(i) calcium phosphate is heated with a mixture of sand and (a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 3
104. Aqueous solution of Na2S2O3 on reaction with Cl2 gives
(ii) ammonium sulphate is heated with a mixture of nitric oxide
 (IIT JEE 2008)
and nitrogen dioxide. (IIT JEE 1985)
(a) Na2S4O6 (b) NaHSO4 (c) NaCl (d) NaOH
94. Draw the resonance structures of nitrous oxide  (IIT JEE 1985)
105. When I– is oxidized by KMnO4 in alkaline medium, I– converts
95. Show with a balanced chemical reaction what happens when the
into (IIT JEE 2004)
following are mixed?
Aqueous solution of ferric sulfate and potassium iodide. (a) IO3– (b) I2
 (IIT JEE 1984) (c) IO–4 (d) IO–
96. Write the matched set (of three) for each entry in Column A 106. The set with correct order of acidic strength is (IIT JEE 2001)
(a) HClO < HClO2 < HClO3 < HClO4
(b) HClO4 < HClO3 < HClO2 < HClO
Asbestos Paramagnetic Air pollutant (c) HClO < HClO4 < HClO3 < HClO2
Lithium metal Silicates of Ca and Mg Electron donor (d) HClO4 < HClO2 < HClO3 < HClO

Nitric oxide Reducing agent 107. The correct order of acidic strength is (IIT JEE 2000)
(a) Cl2O7 > SO3 > P4O10 (b) CO2 > N2O5 > SO3
(IIT JEE 1984)
(c) CO2 > N2O5 > SO3 (d) K2O > CaO > MgO
97. Complete and balance the following reactions.
108. Which one of the following species is not a pseudo halide?
(i) HNO3 + HCl → NO + Cl2  (IIT JEE 1997)
(ii) Ce3+ + S2O28– → SO24– + Ce4+ (a) CNO– (b) RCOO– (c) OCN– (d) NNN–
(iii) Cl2 + OH– → Cl– + ClO– (IIT JEE 1983) 109. The following acids have been arranged in the order of decreasing
98. Explain, “orthophosphoric acid, H3PO4 is tribasic but phosphorous acid strength. Identify the correct order. (IIT JEE 1996)
acid, H3PO3 is dibasic”. (IIT JEE 1982) ClOH (I), BrOH (II), IOH (III)
(a) I > II > III (b) II > I > III
99. Give structural formula for the following.
(c) III > II > I (d) I > III > II
(i) Phosphorous acid, H3PO3
(ii) Pyrophosphoric acid, H4P2O7  (IIT JEE 1981) 110. KF combines with HF to form KHF2. The compound contains the
species (IIT JEE 1996)
100. Sulphur melts to a clear mobile liquid at 119oC, but on further
(a) K+, F– and H+ (b) K+, F– and HF
heating above 160oC, it becomes viscous, explain. (IIT JEE 1981)
(c) K+ and [HF2]– (d) [KHF]+ and F–

111. Bromine can be liberated from potassium bromide solution by the Comprehension/Passage Based
action of (IIT JEE 1987)
(a) iodine solution (b) chlorine water
The reactions of Cl2 gas with cold–dilute and hot–concentrated NaOH
(c) sodium chloride (d) potassium iodide in water give sodium salts of two (different) oxoacids of chlorine, P
112. Chlorine acts as a bleaching agent only in the presence of and Q, respectively.
(IIT JEE 1983) The Cl2 gas reacts with SO2 gas in the presence of charcoal, to give
(a) dry air (b) moisture a product RR reacts with white phosphorus to give a compound S.
On hydrolysis, S gives an oxoacid of phosphorus T.
(c) sunlight (d) pure oxygen
119. P and Q respectively, are the sodium salts of
113. HBr and HI reduce sulphuric acid, HCl can reduce KMnO4 and
 C-37.75 W-29.82 UA-32.43 (JEE Adv. 2013)
HF can reduce  (IIT JEE 1981)
(a) hypochlorous and chloric acids
(a) H2SO4 (b) KMnO4
(b) hypochlorous and chlorous acids
(c) K2Cr2O7 (d) None of these
(c) chloric and perchloric acids
Multiple Correct (d) chloric and hypochlorous acids
114. With respect to hypochlorite, chlorate and perchlorate ions, choose 120. R, S and T, respectively, are
the correct statement(s).  C-24.89 W-47.64 UA-27.47 (JEE Adv. 2013)
 C-2.73 W-16.56 UA-49.21 PC-31.5 (JEE Adv. 2020) (a) SO2Cl2, PCl5 and H3PO4 (b) SO2Cl2, PCl3 and H3PO3
(a) The hypochlorite ion is the strongest conjugate base. (c) SOCl2, PCl3 and H3PO2 (d) SOCl2, PCl5 and H3PO4
(b) The molecular shape of only chlorate ion is influenced by the Passage-II
lone pair of electrons of Cl.
The noble gases have closed–shell electronic configuration and are
(c) The hypochlorite and chlorate ions disproportionate to give
monoatomic gases under normal conditions. The low boiling points
rise to identical set of ions.
of the lighter noble gases are due to weak dispersion forces between
(d) The hypochlorite ion oxidizes the sulphite ion.
the atoms and the absence of other interatomic interactions.
115. The correct statement(s) about the oxoacids, HClO4 and HClO, is
The direct reaction of xenon with fluorine leads to a series of
(are) C-17.21 W-10.3 UA-16.9 PC-55.59 (JEE Adv. 2017)
compounds with oxidation numbers +2, +4 and +6.XeF4 reacts
(a) The central atom in both HClO4 and HClO is sp3 –hybridized violently with water to give XeO3. The compounds of xenon
(b) HClO4 is formed in the reaction between Cl2 and H2O exhibit rich stereochemistry and their geometries can be deduced
(c) The conjugate base of HClO4 is weaker base than H2O considering the total number of electron pairs in the valence shell.
(d) HClO4 is more acidic than HClO because of the resonance 121. Argon is used in arc welding because of its (IIT JEE 2007)
stabilization of its anion (a) low reactivity with metal
116. The color of the X2 molecules of group 17 elements change (b) ability to lower the melting point of metal
gradually from yellow to violet down the group. This is due to (c) flammability
 C-4.91 W-41.11 UA-42.09 PC-11.89 (JEE Adv. 2017) (d) high calorific value
(a) decrease in p* – σ* gap down the group 122. The structure of XeO3 is (IIT JEE 2007)
(b) decrease in ionization energy down the group (a) linear (b) planar
(c) the physical state of X2 at room temperature changes from (c) pyramidal (d) T–shaped
gas to solid down the group 123. XeF4 and XeF6 are expected to be (IIT JEE 2007)
(d) decreases in HOMO–LUMO gap down the group (a) oxidizing (b) reducing
(c) unreactive (d) strongly basic
117. The compound(s) with two lone pairs of electrons on the central
atom is (are) Match the Column
 C-67.98 W-15.83 UA-5.32 PC-10.86 (JEE Adv. 2016)
(a) BrF5 (b) ClF3 (c) XeF4 (d) SF4 124. All the compounds listed in Column-I react with water. Match the
result of the respective reactions with the appropriate options listed
118. The correct statement(s) regarding, in Column-II. (IIT JEE 2010)
(i) HClO, (ii) HClO2, (iii) HClO3 and (iv) HClO4 is (are)
Column-I Column-II
(JEE Adv. 2015)
(a) The number of Cl = O bonds in (ii) and (iii) together is two A. (CH3)2 SiCl2 p. Hydrogen halide formation
(b) the number of lone pair of electrons on Cl in (ii) and (iii) B. XeF4 q. Redox reaction
together is three C. Cl2 r. Reacts with glass
(c) the hybridisation of Cl in (iv) is sp3
D. VCl5 s. Polymerisation
(d) amongst (i) to (iv), the strongest acid is (i)
t. O2 formation

Numerical/Integer Types 136. Write the balanced chemical equation for the following:
Sodium bromate reacts with fluorine in the presence of alkali.
125. The reaction of Xe and O2F2 gives a Xe compound P. The number
 (IIT JEE 1989)
of moles of HF produced by the complete hydrolysis of 1 mol of
P is _______. C-42.06 W-6.6 UA-51.34 (JEE Adv. 2022) 137. Arrange the following as indicated. HOCl, HOClO2, HOClO3,
126. Ozonolysis of ClO2 produces oxide of chlorine. The average HOClO in increasing order of thermal stability. (IIT JEE 1988)
oxidation state of chlorine in this oxide is ____. 138. Give balanced equation for the following: (IIT JEE 1988)
 C-12.06 W-79.32 UA-8.62 (JEE Adv. 2021) Iodate ions reacts with bisulfite ion to liberate iodine. 
127. At 143 K, the reaction of XeF4 with O2F2 produces a xenon 139. Mention the products formed in the following  (IIT JEE 1986)
compound Y. The total number of lone pair(s) of electrons present “Chlorine gas is bubbled through a solution of ferrous bromide.
on the whole molecule of Y is ......... 140. Complete and balance the following reaction:
 C-9 W-82 UA-9 (JEE Adv. 2019)
ClO–3 + I + H2SO4 → Cl– + HSO4– + ....... + ....... (IIT JEE 1986)
Fill in the Blanks 141. Arrange the following in the order of
128. The increase in solubility of iodine in aqueous solution of KI is (i) increasing bond strength HCl, HBr, HF, HI
due to the formation of ____  (IIT JEE 1982, 94) (ii) increasing oxidation number of iodine: I2, HI, HIO4, ICl
True/False (IIT JEE 1986)
142. Give reason in one or two sentences.
129. HBr is a stronger acid than HI because of hydrogen bonding.
Fluorine cannot be prepared from fluorides by chemical reduction
(IIT JEE 1993) method.  (IIT JEE 1985)
143. Complete and balance the following reaction.
130. Write the balanced equation for the reaction of the following Cl2 + OH– → Cl– + ClO– (IIT JEE 1983)
compound with water. XeF4  (IIT JEE 2002)
144. Explain the following in not more than two sentences. Bleaching
131. Draw molecular structures of XeF2, XeF4 and XeO2F2, indicating powder loses its bleaching properties when it is kept in an open
the locations of lone pair(s) of electrons. (IIT JEE 2000)
bottle for a long time.  (IIT JEE 1980)
132. Give an example of oxidation of one halide by another halogen.
Explain the feasibility of the reaction.  (IIT JEE 2000) 145. Give reasons for the following in one or two sentences.
(i) Hydrogen bromide cannot be prepared by the action of conc.
133. Work out the following using chemical equations “Chlorination of
sulphuric acid on sodium bromide.
calcium hydroxide produces bleaching powder.”(IIT JEE 1998)
(ii) When a blue litmus paper is dipped into a solution of
134. Complete the following chemical equations: hypochlorous acid, it first turns red and then later gets
(i) KI + Cl2 → (ii) KClO3 + I2 → decolourised.  (IIT JEE 1979)
(IIT JEE 1996) 146. Write the balanced equations involved in the preparation of
135. Give reasons in two or three sentences only for : (i) bleaching powder from slaked lime
(i) Bond dissociation energy of F2 is less than that of Cl2. (ii) nitric oxide from nitric acid
(ii) Sulphur dioxide is a more powerful reducing agent in the (iii) chlorine from sodium chloride
alkaline medium than in acidic medium. (IIT JEE 1992) (iv) anhydrous aluminum chloride from alumina
(IIT JEE 1979)

Answer Key (Abhedya)

1. (b) 2. (c) 3. (c) 4. (b) 5. (b) 6. (c) 7. (b) 8. (a,b) 9. (a,b,c) 10. (a,b,c,d)
11. (a,b,d) 12. (a,c,d) 13. (b,c,d) 14. (b,c) 15. (b,c) 16. (a,b) 17. (b,c) 18. (a,b,c,d) 19. (b,c) 20. (a,b,c,d)
21. (a,c) 22. (a,b,c,d) 23. (c,d) 24. (b,d) 25. (b) 26. (b) 27. (c) 28. (a) 29. (b) 30. (c)
31. (a) 32. (d) 33. [3] 34. [43] 35. [8] 36. [0] 37. [4] 38. [1] 39. [2] 40. [5]
41. [8] 42. [6] 43. [10] 44. [20]

1. (a) 2. (a) 3. (a) 4. (c) 5. (d) 6. (c) 7. (b) 8. (a, b, c) 9. (a, c) 10. (b, d)
11. (d) 12. (b, d) 13. (4) 14. (3) 15. (3) 16. (0) 17. (7)

Exercise-3 (Advanced/Olympiad)
1. [131] 3. [21] 4. [71] 5. [25] 6. [1.5] 7. [2.6] 8. [4]

Exercise-4 (PYQ's)
1. (b) 2. (a) 3. (c) 4. (b) 5. (d) 6. (b) 7. (b) 8. (c) 9. (c) 10. (b)
11. (b) 12. (c) 13. (b) 14. (a) 15. (c) 16. (d) 17. (c) 18. (a) 19. (c) 20. (c)
21. (b) 22. (d) 23. (b) 24. (a) 25. (d) 26. (b) 27. (c) 28. (a) 29. (a,b,d) 30. (b,c)
31. (a, b, c) 32. (b, d) 33. (a,c,d) 34. (c) 35. (a,c,d) 36. (a,d) 37. (a) 38. (a) 39. (a) 40. (b)
41. (d) 42. (a) 43. (c) 44. (c) 45. (b) 46. (d) 47. (d) 48. [4] 49. [288] 50. [6]
51. [8] 52. [4] 53. [6] 54. NO2 55. 4 56. 2 57. White 58. TRUE 59. TRUE 60. FALSE
61. TRUE 102. (c) 103. (c) 104. (b) 105. (a) 106. (a) 107. (a) 108. (b) 109. (a) 110. (c)
111. (b) 112. (b) 113. (d) 114. (a, b, d) 115. (a, c, d)116. (a, d) 117. (b, c) 118. (b, c) 119. (a) 120. (a)
121. (a) 122. (c) 123. (a) 124. (A → p, s; B → p, q, r, t; C → p, q; D → p) 125. [2] 126. [6] 127. [19]
128. KI3 129. FALSE


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