Parliamentary Election - 2026/11/14 aan
Polling Division Result ee
Electoral Distict: 21 -Ratnapura Poling Division: A-Ehelyagoda
# Name of the Party! Independent Group Party Abbreviation Votes Obtained Percentage
1 New independent Front NF n ont %
2 Arunalu Peoples Aliance APP 20 0.12%
3 United National Freedom Front UNFF 60 0.08%
4 United National Aliance UNA 14 0.18%
5 People's Struggle Alliance PSA 137 0.21%
6 Jana Setha Peramuna JSP 2 0.13%
7 Jathika Jana Balawegaya NPP 42,186 85.39%
8 National Peoples Party NPPT 85 0.13%
& National Democratic Front JPF 148 0.23%
10 Patriotic People's Power PPP 30 0.05%
11 New Democratic Front NDF 3612 5.60%
42 Democratic NationelAliance DNA 80 012%
13 Democratic Lett Front OL 786 1.22%
14 Liberal Democratic Perty Lop 56 0.09%
48 SriLanka Podujana Peramuna SLPP 2049 3.18%
16 Socialist Party of Si Lanka susp 110 0.17%
17 Samagi Jana Balawegaya SB 1248 19.13%
18 Sarvajene Balaya s8 4,230 1.91%
18 Independent Group 1 InDot-21 a 0.08 %
20. Independent Group 2 IND02-21 433 067%
21 Independent Group 3 1ND08-21 118 0.18%
22 Independent Group 4 INDo#.21 a 043%
23 Independent Group 5 1N005-21 95 0.15%
24 Independent Group 6 iND08-21 63 0.10%
25 Independent Group 7 IND07-21 232 0.38%
2006027298 Page 12# Name of the Party / Independent Group Party Abbreviation Votes Obtained Percentage
“Total Number of Vali Votes 64.517 95.19%
Number of Rejected Votes 3,262 481%
‘Number of Votes Polled 67,779 65.61%
Number of Registered Electors 103,310 -
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202 Aw. (on behalf of Election Commission)
issued to media byne
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